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klonoadreams · 3 months ago
I was thinking
(something really dangerous because this is what happen)
We know the beastman specie is the result of the evolution by the talking animals (Lion king), we dont know how the human specie was created, or the fae specie, but we know how Yuu specie (canon Yuu, not your Yuu) was created because they are humans of our world, but, that not significate our type of human is a type of beastman?
I mean, our human specie is a evolutioned monkey. What do you think?
ohoho, that sounds interesting enough.
Humans are a bit weird in particular, but the Yuu humans are even stranger so...OWO
Yuu (ewe) is definitely her own thing too, since she's...I guess, ghostly??? toeing the line of life and death, and also just nyooming around, collecting blessings from many fae like its nothing lmao.
sorry for the late response, haven't really had much time to tumblr, it's beeen a busy week at work, just had the most miserable time on a line due to issues with a casepacker, so I was just SUFFERING ahahhaa
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klonoadreams · 1 year ago
and those shoes are just as pretty too and EXACTLY the type of thing that Brie would wear before yeeting them to the side.
and for Mako's type of clothing, she likes loose and flowy, especially in regards to her gills so exposed or loose is the way to go. (not to say that she can't wear tight clothing, it'd just feel off on her, but she'll get over it owo). basically, sporty and tomboyish at times, to light and girly.
sorry sorry for the late response, but again, THANK YOU SO MUCH SOB SOB
Brie Sygna suit (Fanart Also-ran)
How do you say when you make a specific fanart again?
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I'm sure that there must at least be a Galarian on the costume design team, or a person who more or less knows the personality of the coaches, so that the style is not so contrary to what they are.
Unfortunately they didn't think about how Brie would take off her shoes the first chance she got (Galar have a uniform, she use the shoe always??)
And all with glasses that she can use due to her light sensitivity and that at the same time are similar to the eyes of a Hatterene without being the ones she normally uses (would they be from the same company??)
The inner skirt is like this for a best mobility(???
And of course the design of the abandoned shoes.
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After I had already advanced quite a bit in the drawing I remembered that they had given reference images, sorry
Mako has a specific style of clothing? I know she has gills on the sides of her abdomen, does she cover them?
Anyway, here's an offering @klonoadreams
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witchreflection · 1 year ago
my fic? got fanart? the fic i wrote? fanart that someone drew ? for my fic?
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it is by @mmyrve at deviant art
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klonoadreams · 1 year ago
In fact, I think the only non-poly relationships you have are Sawyer and Yuu(sheep), and I don't think I'm sure about that.
I have never done one of those questionnaires, mostly because I always go to something else and forget it.
I must ask, will Kaburamaru be together with Andou in the nest? Either because it's warm or because they're there for, idk, safety? I know that canonically Uzui's wives will have children, but will it be before or after Andou? I feel like it would be chaos if they were the first children after everything that happened.
Actually, only Sawyer in this mess is currenty monogamous (for now) cuz Floof has her flock (what we call her polycule).
Yuu (ewe) is a very busy beast tamer with so much love to give. while unintentionally stringing along so many others to her flock because she is a very charming individual. :V
Meanwhile Sawyer is a very traumatized kid who literally woke up with no memory of what happened and dealing with the fallout of her body's emotions while dealing with the fact that Pokemon all seem to hate her, and Team Plasma constantly trying to take her back.
N is so stunted, that he manages to approach Sawyer on even ground, allowing the two to start healing and becoming more aware of where they stand on the situation. While N also is the one who reveals to Sawyer that despite the hostility her Pokemon show towards her, they are still rather protective of her and will extend that hostility towards anyone that tries to take them away from her.
The big reveal being her starter, Sewaddle, evolving into Leavanny despite being the most hostile towards her. She never once truly hated Sawyer, the repulse was through a dissonance in Sawyer's soul effectively being so hurt and distressed that most Pokemon can't help but react negatively towards it in their confusion. The more hostile and violent, the more that Pokemon understands her pain.
And in turn, so too does N at some point when he starts to understand more about Sawyer. Because he starts off neutral, to amicable, to distant/semi hostile, to eventually, "I like you."
And i think it's funny and sweet two see these two fucking bozos just latch onto each other when their first ferris wheel date was like that lmao.
Such is life
Lmao Uzui and his wives tho. It'd be chaos. I like to think theirs are first,but anything can happen and when it does, it'll just lead to Zenitsu whining about it while holding a baby in his arms because he still loves that babu :V
Obviously, Suma is the first baby mama and she won't let anyone forget it lmao.
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klonoadreams · 1 year ago
If someone try to hurt the baby for, idk, revenge for all arceus and pokemon thing?
How much Akari, and family, going to damage the poor soul?
Akari tearing out their throat with her mouth while Mama Miyuki goes for the gut and Papa Tetsuya goes for the spine. they're BRUTAL.
and just when you think you have someone civilized with Volo, he just gets all evil-eyed and goes in for the kill.
That baby is protected. Even Kamado will do his best to help as he still wants to make amends for his fuck up from when he casted out Rei and Akari from the village. SO OOPS.
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klonoadreams · 1 year ago
Nanami wouldn't be the "other"??
Or maybe the "official lover"?
At this point, jujutsu society would see him as a kind of concubine for this powerful marriage, or not?
Yes, he would. While Getou lives the seemingly glamorous single father of two. Also don't be surprise of JJK bullshit where because of association with Gojo's baby and how weird Nana is, that baby of his is ALSO gonna be weird.
Thinks he'll have a normal child.
The child sneezes and straight up kills a small curse, idk. Nanami, Gojo, and Nana are just weird that way. Getou already got smacked by Nanami to not even think about it, cuz their weird mystic eyes of death perception baby is already causing them enough troubles, especially if that baby manages to be a twin. Lmao oops.
Nana just flipping off Naoya for the umpteenth time because she's still not interested in him. Also Toji is more her type lmao, just to piss him off so much. But also I saw so much Toji thirst posts on tweeter that I feel I have been corrupted to an extent. :V
Also he's voiced by Takehito Koyasu. I h ve a bias for that voice.
Anyways thirsting aside, twins would be cool, especially with Nanami constantly getting flustered about it while Nana has since just accepted her fate. This is her life. There is no coming back from this because hoo boy, what are the stuffy old dudes gonna say about her THIS time??
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klonoadreams · 6 months ago
I just read that tumblr ate some of your questions.
Well at least I think I know what happened with that, there was a time where I asked a lot of questions, maybe they took them as spam(?), although I don't remember what I asked anymore ),:
Anyway, I have a question, does Yuu(ewe) have any inspiration from the MC of Obey me! ???
Some of them got eaten up, but not all, anyways the funny thing about that is that Yuu (ewe) actually came in first before I got into Obey Me. So it was by complete accident that there were any sheepy similarities lmaoooo.
That's what makes the Obey Me MC I have, Takanashi Kureha, all the funnier cuz she's the demon tired sheepy ram who goes through a late demon puberty growth spurt for her horns cuz her dumbass kept eating demon food and due to her nephilim esque heritage (that got her ass disowned by family that were descendants of angels).
I haven't touched Kureha in a while due to the constang Obey Me events and my phone not having enough space for it, Twisted Wonderland, and FGO, so it had to go but it's connected to my Google account :V
Anyways Floof is just coincidentally like the MC of Obey Me in terms of being a sheep. Otherwise, she's a beast tamer, which is just another way of saying Disney Princess cuz her vibes do call upon the birdies and other animals to help her. :V
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klonoadreams · 1 year ago
I was reading all the posts about Mako and, damn, now I have a taste(? for the couple that won't be a couple, Dellinger x Mako.
It's impossible but that has never stopped the ships. (And then I remember the age difference they have, it would be more or less the difference between Pudding and Sanji, right?)
Would there be about 4 Fishman/human hybrids? Big Mom's twins, Mako and Dellinger?
Who would be your actress in mind for a live action? I dominate Anya Taylor Joy or Isabella Gomez.
Lmao the NOTP of interest, like nope for reasons but also owo 👀
I getchu tho, its the concept, the parallels, but also, without Dellinger, we wouldn't have had Mako in the first place.
It's an interesting concept. Also yee, those actresses seem cool, Jenna Ortega or Xochitl Gomez are also some I'd have in mind too. So fun :V
Idk about the hybrids, yes maybe??? Idk lmaoo
Also gather round for my tirades. Its gonna get looong lmao and also at some point I went fuck it because nuance but also I don't have the brain cells to even go anything further than what I just blurbed lmao.
Like, sometimes I forget that Pudding is 16, but like that's why I had to make One Piece the exception to a lot of shenanigans, given the complexity of the fact that you got 17 and 19 year olds drinking so much, which even by the standards of Japan's drinking age, its still under it (which is 20).
So at soem point I was just fuck it, we ball. It's like with my Naruto fics, where you just set apart the civilians from our ninjas. Do that with pirates and whatever.
But remember, civilians are exempt from this. Thats why you got Mei flirting (albeit, playfully) with Chouko and how Killer B said she wasn't his type do to marriage custom shenanigans. And of course pre official genin Haku considered a civilian when he got engaged to Chouko, even tho he's older than her lmaooo.
It's honestly easier this way, but always keep in mind there is a line to be drawn. And that's why you got Law, Robin, Mako, and so many others that are resentful of the World Government.
Because they didn't even have a choice when they were all forced to grow up so soon, which is why so many of them are stunted to a degree. Even Mako has her own suffering, with how she kept suppressing her own emotions, to the point it made her sick because her body could not handle the strain at all.
Zoro probably has the most "normal" ish upbringing like he went through a lot, but no abuse, no neglect, no world government bs, but something along the lines of what I call Bridge to Terebithia, where you lose your childhood friend so suddenly like that. Because life is random sometimes and it sucks (also the writer's son's friend irl died via lightning strike, but it was tweaked to what happened in the book because it wasn't as realistic so yeah), and it will forever stay with you. So live on.
Probs the most stable as a result, he is a rock. Love him. :V
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klonoadreams · 8 months ago
I'm just coming to see if you're okay?
It's been a while since you appeared here.
Oh im okay, I've just been too busy to get 9n my laptop and i barely trust tumblr on mobile, hence my silence. I just got back home after an outing for some ramen
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Was a good day with.
But yeah I'm doing good, just busy!! Have quiet a few asks to answer but i gotta remember them so wathc out!!!
Thanks for asking!!
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klonoadreams · 1 year ago
You're telling use the Satona's baby is like Gojo Shiki of Zenith of the stars????
If you didn't know her, I say it outright, she is an oc who is the personification of a cat to a human, complete with bloody gifts.
Also, when I read about twins, knowing that Shiki has a polycule, I thought about how it is possible to have twins from different fathers, why? because that's my brain
Mako won't have a baby? Or is it because all that biology of terror is very difficult? Like, it has the parts but they don't work as well in procreation
JA, Brie may not be as wild as Akari is, but all I can think about is the family's welcome to the fact that she's pregnant and then to the baby itself
Along with Satona's baby, that is also one of the most protected babies
Mako will have her own kid eventually, just not any time soon since shit is getting real like holy crap, it's a bad time to be a parent right now in the world of One Piece. Her baby with Law tho owo.
Also yes, the twins with different fathers is how Shiki ended up with twins.
Oh no, Nana polycule twins lmaooo. ALSO I KNOW WHAT YOU'RE GETTING AT.
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I was gonna jokingly say like Kara no Kyoukai/Garden of Sinners Ryogi Shiki (who Andou has an aesthetic based off in terms of kimono, stabbing, and fashion), BUT THEN I REMEMBERED ZENITH OF THE STARS EXISTED AD I THOUGHT THAT WOULD BE THE FUNNIEST LITTLE THING. (I have yet to read Zenith of the stars cuz my dumbass keeps forgor, but I've been following XxZuiliu for yearssss, so Imma binge that shit and EAT)
This is what happens when you get a baby between Gojo and Nana. You get the weirdest OP little baby that just has Mystic Eyes of Death perception.
Gojo gonna make that kid haaate the elders, literally anyone who doesn't learn now, will learn from the next head rippppp.
Nana will stab if you try anything funny with her baby.
Also my dumbass forgor, but Andou will also have her own little baby as well. :V
Chouko also has a set of twins in her future, but that's far off future.
Brie might end up with the polycule twins cuz Raihan runs that polycule and between him, Leon, and Brie, lmao woops. Gordie is just glad he's not the dad because he's not strong enough to make his Mama a Grandma yet.
As if she didn't take ages to join the polycule lmao.
Also Satona is such a good name for Gojo and Nana lmaoo. Also Nanami legit is horrified at how weird baby is, but loves the child anyways. Is also like "what kinda baby would we make?"
And then immediately pushes it out of his head and slaps Getou for even trying to say that thought out loud.
Fushiguro Toji being that cryptid stray around the house, somehow is chill with the baby. Knows better than to steal the baby though, but he will for sure poke fun at Gojo and Nana for making such a weirdo baby as if he isn't at all jealous that the two have it all together with a seemingly functional family. (You may find him often sleeping with the baby on his chest, cuz he sneaks into the house a lot after they're born. Absolute weirdo, with a weirdo baby lmao. Cue Megumi just poking him with a stick)
Weird ass family, with Yuuji just happy to be a big bro :V
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klonoadreams · 1 year ago
Checking chrome bookmarks (which is where I marked the pages of the stories I read when it hadn't occurred to me to create accounts)
I found one interesting and started reading it, only to realize that it's one of the ones you wrote, so can we please talk about Aburame Shiki??
Omgggg I miss Shiki so much ahhh, my little asthmatic bug gorl ahhhhhh
I'm still going through the existing chapters to fix and expand, but at the moment, One Piece has me by the throat lmao.
Anyways Shiki with her future polycule, being taller than most of her friends (she's hitting 5'5" in the future, but thanks to her and her Papa's meddling, Kakashi and Obito are gonna grow like weeds lmao)
Still proud of Shiki and her family.
The Aburame clan that adopts so many kids, with a tendency to schedule their biological children's births so that each and every one of them doesn't grow up alone sob sob
Fun fact, you can find Shino's mom if you look closely and do some of the matg, and by that, I mean keep track of the female Aburame that have popped up. :V
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klonoadreams · 2 years ago
I'll be honest, you have so many characters that I forgot about Mako.
Which makes me feel bad because I even remember Brie, though it may as well be because I adore the little fairy troll, or Akari, the spooky feral.
Even Andou, the demonic cat.
Damn, I met your fanfic because of Choko, and i can remember her!
I don't blame you tbh, since Mako's been the one I've talked about the least compared to everyone else.
I've neglected my sharky daughter, but no more. One Piece Live Action grabbed me by the throat, with the way it went.
But also the music is SO good, that it effectively gave me more ideas.
Especially in regard's to Mako's mama, since she was always meant to be from Amazon Lily, but more to it, she was part of the Kuja Pirates - more specifically, their navigator. She was part of Boa Hancock's group when they got sold and stuff.
Currently going through stuff and I made a big mistake of sorts and by that, i did the math wrong. Mako is actually 15 going on 16 by the start of the main story, shortly after Luffy leaves since he leaves as soon as he is 17, and his birthday is in May. Mako is a June baby, so what up, theres a year difference in actuality so i gotta change stuff up lmaooo.
Anyways expect me to start going through Gone Fishing as soon as i catch up to one piece, I last left off at the start of Wano lmaooo.
Anyways glad you know my other si ocs!! Let's give it up again for Mako woooo
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klonoadreams · 1 year ago
In defense of the approach, perhaps too close, to the omegaverse. Most of the ocs that have been asked about so far are feral, so it is more animal than fantasy, these semi-nests (would Brie make one or is she not that wild?)
nah I was just making a joke because omegaverse memes (also fyi, me and my friends did the omegaverse quiz all the popular vtubers were taking on twt and posting their results and I got the most submissive omega, it is so fucking funny like yeah that sounds about right but also FUCK YOU)
Brie would get dragged into one by her family, and even Mami would just help her get comfy cuz Mami wants to make sure that Brie is safe and comfy.
got Whimsicott fluff and quite a bunch of gremlin fae Pokemon just surrounding her. comfyyy :V
also hey, I just finally got home from work, IM FREE> I almost got slapped with overtime again, but they didn't need me and now I'm on my days off, so woooo!! FREEDOM!!
inbox is open y'all :V
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klonoadreams · 1 year ago
I can already imagine Andou looking for a good place, easy to defend and a little hidden, to give birth like cats do.
Meanwhile, Rengoku is watching to see that nothing happens to his very pregnant wife, with caution of course, the bites are no joke.
Lmao straight up makes a comfy little space, cuz she doesn't want people staring at her. She still has those issues. And she picks a closet or something and just, her little space full of pillows and whatnot djekkfjjc
Getting dangerously close to omegaverse shenanigans here I'm losing it 🤣 🤣
Rengoku is proud of those bites. Of course he is most proud of the ones that are hidden under his clothes
Andou giving Himejima his first grandchild, and the baby is so small in his haaannds. My man is cryingggg
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klonoadreams · 1 year ago
Galar work with sponsor, multimedia and all of that things.
If Brie, a elite trainer, have a baby, and is for all people information the polycule of Raihan.
That going to be a chaos?? With theories, fight for who is the father, possible names, the gender, and all of that???
How was for Melony?? Gordie going to survive the visit of his mom before the notice? Brie going to fight with all of the overprotective people of Spikemuth?
They all are important people, famous people.
LMAOOOO, if the people of Spikemuth are worried about their place, I'm like just yeet her off there, with Piers, and it's like, boom, tourists, time for more peeps to pop in.
But yeah, Galar puts such a focus on battling like the sport it actually is, so Brie having to deal with attention and of course Melony still accepts that she is GRANDMA, even if it's not Gordie's kid like "YOU"RE PART OF THAT POLYCULE, THAT'S GOOD ENOUGH FOR ME"
Opal just enjoying her tea with a baby in one arm. She is great-grandma and she is happy. :V
So much chaos around lmaooo, and just trying to see who the Baby Daddy is, when they're all "Idk man". Sonia out here just going "Oh damn, I'm glad that wasn't me" thinking she's free from it all.
Meanwhile the forest family in the Glimwood Tangle keep that place nice and quiet, so if anyone needs to escape the press, then that's a good place as any. so Brie has her quiet spot, but lmaooo.
RIP Gordie, cuz the idea of him being a father makes him even MORE popular with his fans. :V
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klonoadreams · 1 year ago
Between having rare twins and the only child with a deadly sneeze, I say, and triplets?? or Irish twins?? I don't think they ever talked about triplets, imagining it makes me laugh, the first registered triplets are from this pair, JA
Naoya, and the other clans, must be so upset, and scared, not only is someone without a clan the "other", but here is this child(ren) who changes everything in jujutsu society.
just woke up since I passed out as soon as I got home from work and vhjrekhvejkfbvfeb
TRIPLETS CAN HAVE MULTIPLE DADS. And the case with them, is you sometimes get a pair of twins and a singlet. also hi, yes, I looked this shit up ages ago cuz I was curious vhefjkhbefkjf
anyways it would be so fucking funny if it went to triplets too like I"M DYING.
but also "NANA WHAT THE FUCK." "EXCUSE ME, IT TAKES MORE THAN ONE TO TANGO!!!" as she slaps the shit out of the dads.
Naoya and the others are so fucking pissed its so funny.
Like, the most insulting thing you can do now is try to ask if Nana can surrogate like "HELL NO, I DON'T TRUST YOU."
but also she won't surrogate for powerful babies, she's not a dog. These are her flesh and blood that she'll love like her other kids who aren't her flesh and blood. Kid Mahito can and will kill on sight if anyone tries to hurt her or the babies.
Jujutsu Kaisen society is in shambles. Absolutely at the whims of a traumatized girl who lost her family and has since rebuilt it by surrounding herself with people who care about her and who she cares about them back. :V
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