#we don't get to see them as much as when they were littler and i see them even less bc i'm hashtag unwell a lot
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mieczyhale · 2 years ago
josh's nieces are in town for the next week and they came over yesterday. i wasn't super up for it but it was actually a great time (not thrilled about the mess i get to clean up tho. they love to play dress up with my closet and i don't mind but nothing gets put away fjdjdj)
one of them told me about her boyfriend (which was like ??!! for me) and the way she went about it was:
"(something something) my boyfriend Liam. we're having problems right now but we're working on it"
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woso-dreamzzz · 1 year ago
Sam Kerr x Hardersson!Reader
Millie Bright x Hardersson!Reader
Part of The Big Adventures Universe
Summary: Sam redeems herself
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Magda opens the door on a random Saturday afternoon.
"Can y/n come out to play?"
Sam's standing outside the door and Millie, Guro and Erin are waiting by the brick wall.
Magda has to smother her laughter. It does look like a bunch of naughty kids trying to get their friend's mother to let their friend go out and cause mischief with them.
Sam's holding a helmet.
Magda looks at her suspiciously. "Why? What are you planning?"
Sam looks back at the others helplessly. The three of them whisper to each other before Millie approaches the front gate with a little bike.
"You didn't," Magda groans," Tell me you didn't."
"It was Sam!" Guro yells.
"Is it your life mission to injure my child?" Magda asks dryly," Because you're doing very well."
"Kristie picked it out!" Sam says quickly," I called her in the store! And, I picked up a helmet and same pads. I promise we'll be careful."
"She doesn't know how to ride a bike. You'll have to teach her."
"We will!"
"Hmm." Magda looks over them all suspiciously. "If she comes back with even a little scrape then all of your playdates have to be supervised. Agreed?"
"Princesse! Your friends are here to see you!"
In a matter of minutes, you're ready to go. You take Millie's hand and she and the others take you to the park that you train with Zećira at.
"Okay," Millie says," Safety first."
She helps you into the helmet, tightening it nice and tight and then pulling on your elbow and knee pads.
Sam stands a little bit further away. She'd called Kristie the day after she accidentally poisoned you with kiwi and was warned to keep a little distance from you if Jessie wasn't around to keep you safe.
"Right," Erin says," Now get on."
You look at the bike. Guro's holding it upright and you inspect it.
It's two tones of red. One is a more orangey style of red while the other is a kind of maroon red. It looks pretty cool but you're still a little worried so you grip Millie's hand nice and tight.
She leads you over and you poke at a few things before getting on. Momma and Morsa have been promising to get you a bike for a while now but said that it's an after-winter thing so you don't fall on the ice or something.
You think it's kind of cool that Millie, Guro, Erin and Sam have gotten you one early.
You get on.
Erin points at a few things. "There are the brakes. You have to do them gently or you'll go flying off the bike. And these are the pedals. You have to pump your legs very fast, okay?"
You nod. "Okay."
Millie moves behind you to grasp the back. "I'm not going to let go. You just need to pedal, alright?"
You let Guro show you where the hold the handles and then how to get the pedals moving. You go slowly at first because Momma always warns you that you need to start slow on new things.
Millie remains behind you like she said she would and she's gently tell you when to start breaking and when to pedal a bit harder. Guro and Erin jog next to you while Sam stays at the very back.
"Very good!"
You give a Guro a high five as you dismount.
You like your new bike. It's very fun but the seat is a little weird but that's just something you'll have to get used to. Momma and Morsa can both ride bikes and when you were much littler, Momma told you that she used to strap you to her chest so you could ride with them.
You think that's cool but you're much too big for that now so it'll be nice to ride one by yourself.
Guro helps you back on and teasingly taps your helmet. "Working!" She confirms as you giggle," Got to keep that genius brain of yours intact!"
You don't recognise one of those words and furrow your brow. "What's genius mean?"
"Someone who's very smart," Millie says as she tucks your feet under the little straps over the pedals," Like you."
You think for a moment. "But I'm not smart."
"You are," Guro insists, bobbing her head up and down like you see the seagulls do at the beach," Because you can speak so many languages."
You don't really understand that. Languages are easy and Morsa once told you smart people are people that can learn and do lots of hard things. Languages are easy though so you're not that smart because what you can do isn't difficult.
"You're like a sponge," Erin says.
"I'm not a sponge!"
"It's a good thing," Millie promises you," It means you suck up all the information we give you and it stays in your head."
You fall silent to think again. Maybe you are like a sponge. Momma says you have a very good memory and having a good memory is exactly what Millie's just described.
"Hmm," You say, not agreeing or denying because you don't know which response is correct. You don't like being wrong so sometimes it's better to just say nothing when grown-ups are being confusing.
"Should we have another go?" Guro asks," I'll stay at the back!"
"No fair!" Erin complains," I wanted to help!"
Guro sticks her tongue out at Erin and you giggle as she takes the spot that Millie used to be in.
Millie hangs back with Sam as Guro and Erin start pushing you along. Your feet are pumping furiously to get up to speed.
"It's was awful," Sam laments as she jogs lightly with Millie at the very back," The look on Kristie's face when she found out!" She buries her face in her hands. "She's never going to trust me with kids again. She told me if anything ever happens to y/n because of me again, she'll kill me! They've not even met in person!"
"Mate," Millie snickers," She'll have to get here quick if she's planning to beat out Magda."
Sam groans again. "It was awkward knocking on there door. She made me feel like I was a kid again."
"It's the Mum stare." Millie shivers at the thought. "It's terrifying and Magda had all that time before y/n and Pernille even moved in. I hate to think about how well Pernille's perfected it."
Sam shivers now too. It's one thing to see Magda angry, that's expected but she rues the day that someone gets Pernille angry enough to explode.
She looks over to where you and the others are and then freezes.
There's a long patch of ice on the path that you swerve into uncontrollably and you lose control of your new bike. That wouldn't be a problem on its own but Erin and Guro both get totally wiped out by the ice and tumble into each other.
"Oh, shit."
Sam barely hears Millie's words as she takes off into a sprint, making sure to stay on the grass borders rather than the stone path. You've got a good distance on her (and you're also going down a slight incline) but you're still only little so it's not too far to catch up.
In your blind panic, you've forgotten about your brakes and, honestly, Sam's kind of glad. If you slammed them on now, you'd probably go headfirst over your handlebars and land painfully on the ground.
Sam manages to get in front (barely) and grabs onto the front of your bike. You're still going pretty fast, a combination of the little hill and the ice, so the bike slams into her groin.
It's painful but Sam can't really feel it as she's focused on you.
Millie's further away, helping Guro and Erin to their feet as Sam wheels the bike onto the grass and helps you off.
You're panting a little bit but not crying so she counts it as a win. You look back at where you lost control of it all, your shoulders falling and rising quickly.
You move into Sam's arms, burying your head into her neck like you would do with Momma and Morsa if they were here.
"Hey," Sam says softly, drawing you in and rubbing your back," It's okay. It's okay."
You nod. It's a barely noticeable movement but you're pressed up so close to Sam that it almost feels like you want to hide away under her skin.
"It's alright. Hey, you did so well for your first try. So well. I know it got scary pretty fast but that's okay. Next time, we'll go somewhere with no ice. Does that sound good?"
You nod again.
"Let's get you home."
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nebula-chao-agere · 2 months ago
Regressuary 2025: Day 5
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(Very brief but,
!!Diaper/Pull-up mention!!)
Just Wanted to Play
Trey was currently working on his history homework, Riddle currently playing with Ace and Deuce in the garden, Cater watching them. Riddle didn't often give Trey much time to himself after the overblot incident with Heartslaybul. The poor thing had been practically clinging to him ever since actually. He'd started regressing alongside Ace and Deuce, finding better ways to cope with his childhood rather than just locking himself away to work every night. The poor thing was still getting used it, and didn't often separate from Trey and Cater, being very very shy when he felt little.
Surprsingly though, Riddle was actually running around with the other two, his favorite cat stuffie in hand. They were playing hide and seek, Riddle currently one of the hiders, Ace the seeker. Ace may be one of the few people ever who enjoys being the seeker when it comes to hide and seek. Deuce had helped Riddle find a spot before he went to his own spot close by. Riddle regressed pretty young and needed alot of help when it came to... well, most anything. Cater had tried to explain to the two older (when it came to headspaces) boys that they should try to be nicer to Riddle and give him more second chances in games or in this case, help him hide, and pretend you don't know where he is even if you found him as the seeker. And maybe don't hide anywhere too difficult when he was the seeker. Deuce seemed more than understanding, having siblings of his own, but Ace was a bit confused.
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"That's not how the game works!" He tried to argue. Cater laughed softly, pulling him up into his lap. "I know bud... But Riddle is littler than you two are, but he still wants to play with you! So, I want you both to try and play with Riddle in a way that will make him happy too, okay?" Ace still seemed really confused, not understanding how that would make any sense! Deuce then stepped in, helping Mama Cater explain in a way that Ace may understand better. "Like the episode of Bluey where they play charades with Muffin!" He looked up to Cater as though for approval, hoping that was a good parallel. Cater smiled at his helpful little boy, giving a nod. "Just like that! Thank you, Deuce!" He then turned back to Ace who seemed to be piecing things together. "Remember when Bluey pretends to not know that Muffin is a ballerina to make her happy? And they let her break some of the rules?" When Ace gave a small nod, Cater continued. "It's just like that! It doesn't hurt anyone, and it made Muffin and Socks so so happy!" Cater encouraged.
"We have'ta take care of the litt-lies!" Ace quoted, smiling up at both of them as he understood what to do now. Cater gave Ace a kiss on the forehead before giving Deuce a silent "thank you" pat on the head, Deuce looking very proud of himself. Trey then started to get the boys ready to go pick up Riddle from his room.
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Riddle sat behind one of the benches, giggling a little as he saw Ace walk by, Ace trying to pretend he hadn't seen Riddle, looking for Deuce fist so Riddle could 'win' this round.
Trey had decided to join the four outside now that he was done with homework, seeing the boys playing hide and seek. He sat down on the bench next to Cater, setting the diaper bag on the ground beside the bench. His heart swelled as he saw his Little hiding behind a bench on the walk over, Ace looking around. "Riddle's playing?" Trey asked Cater with a hardly contained smile of surprise. "They've been at it for hours." Cater laughed with a fondness. "First it was Deuce teaching him "Pat-a-Cake" during our picnic, then they invented a whole new kind of tag. Ace and Deuce were just playing freeze tag with each other, and they were only unfrozen if Riddle could get to them. But I talked to them both about playing extra nice with baby Riddle, and got them unfrozen every time. And now Riddle's worked all the way up to playing just the same as the other two... I've never heard him laugh or seen him smile so much. I think they've been playing for almost three hours now. I was playing with them at the start, but Riddle told me he wanted to try and hide on his own, so I've just been supervising." Cater then pulled out his phone, opening his gallery and handing it over to Trey. "Pick which ones you want and I'll send 'em to ya later."
Trey began swiping through the gallery, a hand over his mouth as he felt an odd sense of pride, looking at the pictures of his 'Little Riddle.' "Oh these are precious..."
Trey started scrolling before looking up after he heard an excited squeal of a giggle from Riddle. He handed the phone back over, feeling he needed to watch Riddle. This went on for about twenty minutes, before the moment was finally broken, when a distressed Riddle ran over to Trey, crying into his chest almost instantly. "DADA!"
"Riddle! Baby! What happened?! What's wrong baby boy?!" Trey immediately worried, pulled him up into his lap. He was so happy and laughing just a few moments ago, now he was sobbing his eyes out, silently begging Trey for help. Trey looked over to Cater who looked just as confused. Ace and Deuce ran out of the rose bushes after Riddle, looking just as confused and lost. The little rosebud was shaking like a leaf, trying to find his words but he managed to choke out. "Chi-Chi!" He wept frantically, seeming to further confuse everyone but Trey.
"Oh buddy, did you lose Chi-Chi?" Trey asked worriedly, already standing, holding Riddle in his arms to go start looking for the beloved cat plushie. Riddle's comfort plushie, Chi-Chi, was a purple cat gifted to him by Che'nya. It was his favorite toy, and he hated to separated from it. "Oh baby... Shh shhh shhhh... We'll find him sweet prince! I'm sure he's around her somewhere! There's no way he could've gone far, yeah?" Cater understood now. "Ohhhhh, you're kitty!" Cater said aloud, turning to Deuce and Ace as he said this to make sure they understood.
Almost instantly everyone began searching for the cat plushie in the bushes, anywhere they'd helped Riddle hide before. The poor thing couldn't give Trey a straight answer when asked if he knew where he'd left it. He continued to cling to his Dada, just wanting his kitty back. And promising he'd get a new one was not an option. Che'nya had picked it out and gave it to him the first time he ever cared for little Riddle. Even when he wasn't regressed, Riddle never ever slept without it, and it would throw off their entire nightly routine when they had to wash and dry Chi-Chi.
"CHI-CHI-IIII!" Riddle yelled into Trey's shoulder, not even caring how silly he sounded yelling out for a toy. "I know little prince, I know, I hear ya..." Trey tried to soothe him as he tried to search while also holding the little one. He wanted to find the stuffed animal as quickly as possible, but Trey knew setting Riddle down wasn't an option either. That would most definitely result in an even worse meltdown.
"Trey, why don't you go sit on the picnic blanket with him, me and the kiddos will find his toy." Cater offered, seeing the pained look on Trey's face, unable to calm his baby. Trey didn't seem too sure, but before he could say anything, Cater once again insisted, ushering Trey out of the small maze. Deuce didn't stick with Cater and Ace though, following Trey and Riddle like worried puppy. After grabbing the diaper bag he'd brought down with him, Trey walked over to the blanket, sitting with Riddle in his lap. "Easy sweet boy... Easy... You're okay. Shhhh..." Trey started to take a sippy cup out of the bag, now noticing Deuce sitting down next to them. Riddle took his sippy cup, immediately sipping on the iced tea.
"Promise we'll get Chi-Chi back for you Riddle..." Deuce started, sounding almost guilty, even though he'd done nothing wrong. He just hated seeing Riddle cry. "Chi-Chi just wanted to play hide and seek too!" He said this in such a way that he seemed to believe this idea himself. Trey couldn't help the small smile as Deuce tried to comfort Riddle. "Yeah... That's all it is baby. Chi-Chi wanted to play hide and seek with you guys. He's just a REALLY good hider!" Trey assured, looking down at the teary eyed little one who was now looking up at him, sippy still occupying his mouth.
"FOUND IT!" They all suddenly heard Ace shout from the little maze, holding up a purple cat plushie over the hedges. Cater looked up when he heard the shout and let out a sigh of relief. He made his way over to Ace who was a bit too excited, and now holding his own hand, looking up at Cater as he came around the hedges. His hand was a bit scratched up, Ace not being cautious of the thorns, having just swiped the plush up the moment he found it. It didn't hurt that much. He was biting his lip a bit, not wanting to cry over such a little scratch, and Cater could tell.
"Good job buddy! Oh Mama's so proud of you!" Cater hoisted Ace onto his hip giving his cheek and then his hand a few kisses on the scratch. He then began walking back to the blanket, Ace still on his hip, walking over to Riddle and setting Ace down so he could go give Riddle his plushie himself.
Riddle instantly took the kitty into his arms, pressing the familiar plushie against his face, while Trey helped Cater get a pack of bandaids out of the bag. He then turned back around, seeing Riddle with his stuffie while Cater began to look over Ace's hand, Deuce joining in, wanting Ace to feel better. After Cater put a few Bluey bandaids on his hand, Deuce gave it a few kisses as well.
"What do we say to Ace little prince?"
Riddle looked up at Ace with the sweetest little expression before practically tackling him with a hug. "Thank you bubby..." He whispered as he nuzzled his neck. Ace looked over at Cater with the goofiest little smile before returning the hug. That was the first time he'd ever been called "Bubby." Cater was Mama, and Riddle referred to Deuce as "Bubba." He didn't know why, but he almost started crying after being called that...
"You're welcome Riddle..."
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enby-jellyfish · 1 year ago
Appreciating the Little Things
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Loki x GN!Reader (POC friendly)
Pronouns: You/Your, They/Them
Summary: In an easier time, decades before his brother was cast out to Midgard, Loki was in love. The subject of his affection has an eye for the littler things, like bugs. The adolescent prince does not understand their fascination.
Warnings: Bugs, fluff, Loki and Reader being cringey teenagers, bad writing (I am cringe but I am free)
Word Count: 656
A/N: This is my first fic ever! Loki was the first character I ever read a fanfiction about, so I felt it only right that he be the first I write about. English is not my first language, so please be kind.
It is a beautiful spring morning. You can feel the sun softly caressing your skin, hear the birds singing their songs of love to each other, and admire all the beautiful blooming flowers of the palace gardens.
The perfect day to go bug hunting.
Your life has been very busy as of late. This has mainly been due to your betrothal to the infamous second born prince. The choosing of fabrics, foods and flowers has been very draining. Planning a royal wedding is a lot more work than you were anticipating, so you could really use a small break before getting back to your duties.
As you sit in the grass, amongst the wildflowers, looking for the small subjects of your interest, your brooding betrothed, who usually spends his time somewhere dark and quiet with a book in hand, has also made the decision to come outside.
Loki enters the palace gardens. He looks around and sees you sitting hunched over in the grass.
"Did they drop something? Are they hurt?" He thought whilst walking over.
"What are you doing?" He asks, making you jump.
"Oh, Loki!" You exclaim, trying to compose yourself. "You startled me!"
He suppresses a smile. "My deepest apologies, darling." He says, putting his hand up in mock surrender.
You roll your eyes at him, redirecting your attention back to the beetle you've been attempting to identify.
"What are you doing?" He asks again.
"I'm looking at bugs." You say, not taking your eyes off the task at hand.
"Well, why would you do that?" He puts his hands on his hips.
"Because I like it, it calms my currently restless mind. They're such fascinating little creatures, don't you think?" You say softly, your mind occupied by the insect crawling over your hand.
"Not particularly."
You shoot him an annoyed look and playfully hit his leg.
"Be nice! Here, just look." You gesture to the insect you're cradling in your palm.
"I am!" He attempts to defend himself.
You roll your eyes again, a motion you seem to be doing more and more, the more time you spend with Loki. You pull him down to sit next to you.
You hold your beetle up again, continuing to rant about the intricacies of insects and their importance.
Loki hums noncommittally, looking at you instead of the beetle, admiring the way your eyes light up when you talk.
"A rose chafer."
Confused you stop your ranting and look at him. "What?"
"The beetle you were trying to identify, it is a rose chafer."
You sit up and look at him in disbelief. "Now, how do you know that? A few moments ago you didn't care for bugs."
He sighs, fighting back a smile. He starts picking at the skin of the palm laying in his lap.
"I... I might have found an entomology book in the library. I started studying it after our courtship started."
You grin at him. "Careful my dear prince, if you're not careful I might start thinking my affections for you are reciprocated."
He blushes as you grab his hand and kiss his cheek.
You smile lovingly at each other, a feeling of mutual love and understanding washing over the both of you.
He gently brushes his hand over your cheekbone. "As much as I would love to spend the whole day in the dirt with you darling, we really should get back to the palace." He says, attempting to sound teasingly but not quite succeeding.
You decide not to comment on his sudden softness this time and sigh. "Yes, we probably should. I love your mother, but she would kill the both of us if we were late to the preparations for our own wedding." You say getting up, brushing off your clothes.
Loki smiles at the mention of his mother and gets up as well, offering you his arm.
"I don't doubt that for a second, my love."
Thank you for reading <3
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savi-of-ithaca · 5 months ago
Figured I should ask, what are some fond or interesting memories you have?
oooh do i get an ask in return each time? how delightful of you
welllllll, i guess i'll go youngest to oldest? in the order of memories that come to me
-> in the third grade i was feeding ponies with my classmates and this one pony mistook me for a blade of grass. bit some flesh off my elbow. ow. my teacher was a little more ruffled than me i think, i was fine after it stopped hurting?? had to get 4 shots though
-> it was my aunt's wedding in finland and i had not yet developed inhibition....i fed everyone fresh GRASS on their plates,,,i was laughed at and discovered embarrassment that day. my aunt's cousin's mother tried to comfort me and we couldn't communicate at all due to the language barrier but i don't think i've laughed so hard ever again. we also picked berries in the forest!! such fun.
-> at the same wedding, i think i cried because i thought my aunt looked just like cinderella in her wedding dress and obviously wanted to stand next to her...but the groom got that honour. much to my dismay. now a version of the wedding photo where im really fucking grumpy exists and is framed on my grandparents' wall 😭
-> disneyland, paris. i thought the mickey mouse actor was actually mickey mouse. skipped the whole line in joy. best moment of my baby life
-> when i was summering with my relatives in delhi, there was this little litter of puppies that lived near one of the stalls in the marketplace with their mother. i'd drag my own mother along to see them every single day and somehow wore her down into letting me get my own little pup!! i love bruno
-> i wanted a pomeranian but my dad told me it was far too small and would get hurt in our house because i am rather clumsy, a trait i get from my mother, but amplified. i hesitantly still asked if they had a pomeranian, but the man had said they had pugs. which he claimed were basically the same thing. (not. but im glad.) so then they drove the first little pug here on a fucking SCOOTER and immediately i was in love. the boy was bald. he had NO HAIR on his head and he was still so happy to be here. immediately took him home. tried to name him crystal, dad said that was a stupid name. my friend had told me NOT to name my dog bruno and...well i saw only one thing to do ajshaushs
-> actually we had two guinea pigs, and before that two lovebirds. we didn't want to keep them caged, the birds, so we let them go, but jojo couldn't fly, i think he'd never learnt to iirc? so we had to return him and it was so heartbreaking. but honey was so happy soaring away
-> once when i was littler i liked collecting the dust chalk made. i'd pretend i was brewing concoctions with a little kitchenset and my mom did NOT like cleanup. she was upset and i couldn't for the life of me understand why so i started hiding chalk powder and stressing when i thought she'd find it 😭😭😭😭
-> i adored sudha murthy. i mean loved. i still have stories i remember and that i will tell anyone that hints just the slightest bit of interest in hearing
-> once, my mom told me not to talk to this girl because she thought she was a bad influence on me. i told that straight to the girl's face....to this day barely grasp why my mom didn't tell me not to tell her. how was i supposed to know???
-> i once danced while hula hooping to waka waka for a traditional indian religious festival *shudders in what were me and my friend thinking*
-> i used to love holi. loved loved loved it!! colour, water, music, friends, too bone deep tired for it now though i think
-> there was this one guy who made me and my ex very uncomfortable with weird comments so we just decided to make him uncomfortable back. ended up slighlty stealing his identity
-> more recent, i love making gifts for people. love it so much, my last gifts have been these neat potion bottle things i could show you if you'd like, photos edited to look like polaroids of favourite moments, coupons for hugs and stuff, my favourite memories come from seeing the looks on their faces as they received them. i live for personalised gifts.
-> in the second grade i wrote a story, i just wrote, no plot or really anything to interest you but my english teacher read it each time and gave me notes on the grammar and always encouraged me, which was a very sweet thing to do for a child. definitely encouraged me to write more
-> i used scribble on used paper, literally scribble lines, because that's how adults' handwriting looked to me. then my mom would pretend to grade it. i really do have good childhood memories if i look hard enough
i spoke way too much but i have so many memories to share and if you really are interested, i could always tell you more, and/or you can ask me any multitude of questions <3
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mrs-kodzuken · 1 year ago
Ice cream & volleyball ♡
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Pairing: Tōru Oikawa x fem!reader
WC: 2k
Genre: fluff
CW: fem!reader, oikawa’s girlfriend, fluff, cursing, oikawa’s nephew takeru
˖⁺‧₊˚♡˚₊‧⁺˖ ˖⁺‧₊˚♡˚₊‧⁺˖ ˖⁺‧₊˚♡˚₊‧⁺˖ ˖⁺‧₊˚♡˚₊‧⁺˖ ˖⁺‧₊˚♡˚₊‧⁺˖ ˖⁺‧₊˚♡˚₊‧⁺˖
"Uncle Tōru, I'm bored!" I hear a small child shout from across the park.
"Shh, not so loud Takeru, it's rude." A extremely familiar voice spoke up, hushing the child softly.
I look over to see my boyfriend, Tōru Oikawa, with his nephew. A smile forms on my lips as I walk towards them.
"Hey Tōru, this is how you spend your monday afternoons?" I asked with a sly smile.
His shocked face was priceless, but he quickly replaced it with a smirk. Classic.
"Why of course, (Y/n)-chan. We were just heading to Takeru's volleyball class." Not surprising, Kawa loves his little nephew.
I look down at the small kid, who looked right back up at me.
"Hi, I'm (Y/n). Your uncle Tōru's girlfriend, say, you do wanna go get some ice-cream after your class?" I crouched down on my legs and smile sweetly at him.
Takeru's eyes practically had stars in them from what I had suggested.
"Can we, please!" He begged, looking up to Tōru, while I gave a smirk, looking up at him as well still in my crouched position by Takeru.
"Yeah, can we?" I ask my boyfriend with a little pout on my lips, the thing I know he can't say no to.
"Anything for you, (Y/n)-chan." He says happily.
I rolled my eyes at the insensitive words, "Takeru is here too."
"I'm here too, meanie!" I heard Takaru say at the same time as me.
I grab Takaru's littler hand so we all could walk over to his class. He started talking about how much he loves volleyball. Tōru taking him means the world to him and I just know it.
Sometimes it makes me want to have kids of my own.
The topic had changed from Takeru learning volleyball - to me not ever playing it. It just wasn't something I thought about.
"What do you mean you don't know how to play?!" The small child shouted as I giggled hushing him down a bit.
"I don't know, I've never given sports much thought." I shrugged smiling down at the kid. Things get busy when you get older, unless you're Tōru and it's your hobby and future career.
It was as if an idea had sparked in the child's head as soon as those words left my mouth.
"I could teach you! We're almost there!" Suddenly, I was being dragged by a small child into his volleyball class.
I heard Tōru's voice shout out to us, "Hey! Takeru slow down!"
Once he caught up he immediately pulled Takeru's hand from mine.
"Uh huh, I see you buddy. (Y/n) is mine." He glared at his nephew.
I scoffed, "Tōru puh-lease," I scolded, "He's just excited, let him be." I give a warning look towards him and grab Takeru's hand, heading into the gym.
It was slightly filled with kids all practicing volleyball.
"I need to go put my backpack up. Then i'll teach you." I watch Takeru walk to put his blue bag into his personal cubby for the day.
I gave a small but sweet "Mhm" and kept my eye on him as he walked to the cubby.
"Why are you going to learn from that girlfriend stealer when you can learn from the Captain of Aoba Johsai." He smirked proudly, his hands on his hips.
He's way too full of himself sometimes. But then again I'm the one who's with him.
"No thank you, I'll go with Takeru." I smile sickenly sweet as I watched him come back to where we are.
I could basically feel the pressure of Kawa's sulking eyes from behind me.
"Alright little buddy, what we gonna work on first?" I clasped my hands looking a bin full of balls. I knew volleyball but I didn't exactly know volleyball if you know what I mean.
"Well I want to practice my serving. Maybe you should try receiving, it's over there." He pointed across the gym where I saw more kids bouncing a ball. They were doing it with friends, against the walls, and even by lonesome.
"Okay, that'll do. Practice some good serves for me please." I smiled at him and started my walk across the gym.
I was almost over there when a hand pulled my wrist , spinning me around.
"(Y/n), are you really going to do some recieving?" I saw Tōru look at me with a skeptical expression.
"Well.. yeah? I just told Takeru that I was." I answer.
He looked over to the receiving corner and glared. I turned around so quick to see a male teacher helping the kids.
"No I'll teach you." He grumbled and took my hand, pulling me the opposite way than where I was supposed to go.
"Tōru calm down, I'm pretty sure that man-dude has a wife." I rolled my eyes as he muttered something I couldn't understand.
We walked over to an empty net and he said he'll serve.
"Wait a minute, aren't your serves like really strong? Are you trying to break my arm or something?" I asked genuinely concerned about my arms.
"I'll go easy, but first you have to know how to recieve." He said and placed me in front of the net.
"First, you are going to throw the ball up and place your arms out. Then put them together and let it hit right here." He motioned making sure I was following his every move.
And I definitely was, even know he can be a bit much, I still love him.. and his glorious arms.
I nodded as he placed his right hand over his left one, receiving the ball. He looked at me and threw the ball up. As I went to recieve it like he taught me, it hit my arms then bounced to my face.
My hands immediately flew up to my face, holding the hurt, I mumbled a few 'ow's' here and there.
"Are you okay?" Tōru's shaky voice spoke up, he was trying to not laugh.
That little bitch. Just when I was complementing him and thought he was actually concerned about me.
Where's Iwaizumi when you need him to spike a damn ball on Tōru's head.
I glared at him, "I'm fine." I muttered picking up the ball.
"Hey! I didn't do anything wrong!" He defended himself, hands raised up.
"But you do want to make sure your hips move with your arms. Like you're returning the ball where it came from." He noted and then set a couple of balls.
After many, many, tries I finally was able to recieve half decently.
"Great! I've been itching to see how you'll handle my serve." He smiled mischievously at me.
"Tōru, you know what the doctor said, okay? Don't do a harsh one and over work yourself." I spoke with a serious tone, making my point know.
"I know, I know." He muttered, seemingly annoyed but thankful.
I glanced over to Takeru, making sure no one stole Tōru's nephew. No matter if it was a gym, people can't be trusted.
"Are you ready?" He spoke from the other side of the net.
I nodded, bracing myself for this. I watched him throw the ball and get a run and jump start.
I saw the ball heading towards the left side of the court. As if I had gotten over there in two seconds flat, I immediately got into a recieving position.
However, when the ball hit my hands I flew back and the ball went out of bounds, hitting the wall.
The stinging on my arms was noted as I picked myself up.
"Ah! (Y/n)! I'm sorry, did I kill you?!" I heard Tōro rushing over to me.
"Damn Tōru! That was amazing!" I shouted, despite the painful thumping I could feel in my arms.
"Language! Kids are here!" He scolded me, nonetheless he smiled happily with my praise.
"Right, sorry, but that was awesome." I praised him, fully knowing that I was increasing his ego even more than it already was.
Especially since he got complimented from his loved one.
"I kmow, right? I'm so amazing." He smirked.
"But are your arms okay? We can stop?" He accessed my arms, seeing the red tint on them from how powerful the force of the ball was.
"No, it's okay, I like this." I realized how my words could've been taken out of context.
Almost immediately, his eyebrows raised. As soon as he opened his mouth to say something, I threatened him.
"If you say something dirty Tōru, I swear I'll make Iwaizumi shove volleyball's up your ass tomorrow." I whispered the last part since kids were here.
He instantly straightened up, "Y-Yes ma'am." He saluted and dove under the net to the other side.
Tōru had sent seven of his monstrous serves to me before I finally decided that I was done.
My arms were going to literally break off, if not, then they were most likely going to bruise. I hadn't even received any of them either.
"Woah, your arms are so red!" Takeru exclaimed as he examined my arms.
"Yeah, they still hurt too. I wonder why?" I sent a pointed look at Oikawa with a 'see what the fuck you did' expression.
"Hey! You said you wanted to practice!"
"I wasn't expecting to receive your serve. My arms could have broken off!"
"It's not m-" I cut him off, turning my attention to Takeru to make him mad.
"Do you want to go get that icecream now?" I ask, knowing he will say yes.
I held my hand out to Takeru and he shook his head in a 'yes' motion whilst taking my hand.
"Don't ignore me!" Oikawa whined from behind us.
I focused my attention on the small child as we walked and entered the icecream parlor after leaving the gym.
"What kind do you want?" I asked Takeru, as I saw his face pressed against the cold glass. He was very closely and carefully examining the icecream flavors.
"This one please!" I laughed and motioned for him to get off the glass. Who knows what dirty germs are on it?
"Two scoops of strawberry icecream on one cone, one scoop of rocky road on another, and one scoop of cherry bourbon on the last cone please." I pull out a few bucks from my pocket to pay.
I peered behind me and saw Tōru still sulking far behind us.
I gave the strawberry cone to Takeru who graciously gave me a tight side hug as a thank you.
"Tōru? I got rocky road for you." I handed him the cone and smiled, knowing it was his favorite kind.
"Hmph, thank you." He muttered although his eyes shone in delight.
"The second scoop is for you right?" He mumbled examining the flavor of my cherry bourbon.
I nodded at him, "I'll leave the cone for you, it has chocolate at the bottom of it." I smiled, just how he likes it.
"Thank you, (Y/n)." He started licking the ice-cream.
"Can (Y/n) come again next week?" I heard Takeru yell beside us.
Tōru's eyes followed me, as if he was mentally asking me too.
"Sure! I don't think I'll have any plans next monday."
"Well, I don't want to let it be a hassle to you." Tōru said almost done with his icecream already.
"No it's alright." I snatched his cone out of his hands before he could eat mine like he usually does.
My phone buzzed in my pocket and my mom said I had to get home sooner rather than later.
"Awe, I have to go now. See you next Monday Takeru, see you tomorrow Tōru." I gave Tōru a small kiss on his cheek and Takeru one on his forehead.
When I was a couple feet away I heard Tōru complain about me taking his cone.
"Uncle Tōru, am I allowed to marry (Y/n)?"
I almost laughed out loud as I slowed my steps, wanting to hear Kawa's answer.
"Of course not! She's my girlfriend so I'm gonna make her my wife!" He argued with the child.
I rolled my eyes at his answer but that didn't stop the flush color coming onto my cheeks as I walked faster.
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a/n: this is from my “Haikyuu x Reader One Shots” on Wattpad! I hope you enjoyed and let me know if you want more!
the header is from sh-alnark on Tumblr
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matrixxsystem · 9 months ago
Luck Runs Out Part 12
Once everyone was ready to go they all headed out down the street towards where the festival was going to be, it was still being set up for the most part but some booths and stalls had already been put together and a few people were lingering around looking at whatever was already there. Leo reached his hand over interlocking his hand with Usagi's as they walked, the plan they had before had now changed to finding the lioness yokai and seeing what they could do for her if anything then if there was nothing they would go to dinner and call it a night, but if there was they would help her first then take her to dinner with them so they could all be in a public space and get to know each other cause Mikey knew it would be weird to try and invite her to be somewhere alone with them after only having met him once before.
They walked for a good bit before they came to a stop at the garden park they'd been too when they all first met. Usagi's house wasn't too far from here.. It was interesting how the hidden city was laid out, though to be fair Usagi's house was pretty nice compared to some they had seen so it did make sense that he would live closer to the more expensive district. As far as he knew the festival went down about a block into each of the four main districts and connected all in the center of the city. It was apparently a huge party that lasted all night and well into the morning, sometimes even lasting two days if things got really crazy which has only happened a handful of times. Since it had been canceled the year before because of the invasion and all of the crazy things going on then Leo had a feeling that a lot of people were going to show up and be very excited to celebrate this year. Usagi had the same feeling but he wasn't worried about it as much, he knew that even when the yokai got rowdy or partied too hard it never got so out of hand that bad things happened. If anything there would just be and extra bit of people sleeping on the streets passed out drunk or a bit more littler left behind. Even if fights did break out it was rare to see them on holidays and even more rare that the HCPD didn't get involved and resolve the issues in a flash. That was honestly the only good thing about the HCPD, they were everywhere for these kinds of events.
They came to the center of the city where a huge fountain was placed, the water, or whatever it was flowing in it was a pinkish color. Leo took out his phone with a smile and went up to a random person passing by and asked them to take a photo of their group, thankfully most of the normal locals here were all very nice and the beetle yokai didn't hesitate to agree. Leo had everyone gather together and get into frame. The yokai called out to them, "Alright, say nǎilào!" Everyone hesitated for a second before awkwardly trying to repeat the phrase as the picture was taken, when the phone was handed back to Leo the photo thankfully looked stunning. He sent it to everyone and pocketed the phone. Usagi stepped out of their little huddle and pulled little red packets out from his sleeve, "If I may redirect your attention to me for a moment. I have one last gift for you for tonight. I will try to make this short but I wanted to thank all of you, besides my teacher, I grew up vary isolated. I did not have time for friends, for family, for love.. To have it all now feels like some kind of miracle. I know you don't expect things from me, or are around me because of the things I'm able to do which is a comfort, but I believe in repaying every bit of kindness you've given me." He handed everyone a small packet, "I don't have much else to offer, and it felt rude and out of place to do this anywhere else. So please, use it for the games and food here, explore and have fun to your hearts content." Everyone opened and peeked into the packets, mostly with wildly surprised expressions as they each found a whole ass wad of cash.
"Usagi- I-I can't- We can't accept this after you already paid for our outfits-" Usagi raised his hand to silence Raph, "For these kinds of festivals it is tradition to gift money to loved ones, since I learned this years festival would not be canceled I have been planning this for a long while. And I am also aware you didn't bring much and every game and booth here is out for money. Now you have more than enough to get some prizes and snacks, and do all the fun things without fear of spending too much wasting it." Raph hesitated for another moment, giving in after a second and letting out a little sigh, "Alright, since it's what you're supposed to do at one of these things, I'll use it, but you don't have to do anything to be one of us y'know? As long as you and Leo are on good terms you're as good as family." Usagi nodded a little, "I appreciate that, part of my love language is through gifts and gestures, I wasn't taught how to do more than fight or throw money at problems most of the time so it tends to be what I resort to when I'm uncertain, please don't take this as me attempting to buy your favor. I know you don't think that, but still good to admit that was not the intent" Leo rolled his eyes with a little smile, wrapping his arm around Usagi and kissing his cheek, "For someone who doesn't do the whole 'words of affirmation' thing you're pretty damn good at it. Now c'mon, I can already smell the takoyaki from here-"
Leo took Usagi's hand in his and started to head off down one of four main streets of the festival after buying a little snack from the first food stall they passed, all the stalls were lit up and full of life, as they walked more and more yokai started to flood the paths and booths. A lot of kids were running around, some carrying food or small toys they'd won. It was sweet to finally see the Hidden City's people so excited and unified for something. Usagi glanced to Leo, giving his hand a little squeeze. Fuck he was cute.. It'd been a while since he was able to relax and enjoy something like this, where they didn't have to be the lookouts, or have to weave their way through a sea of people to find some criminal they'd been hunting. It was finally just, peace. Even the small speck of sauce on Leos cheek wasn't a concern to him. "Sagi?" Leo tilted his head a little, "You look a little lost? What? I-Is there something on my face?" Usagi chuckled and tugged Leos arm to pull him in closer, "Hold still love." He said, rolling his eyes with a little chuckle as he used his thumb to wipe the sauce away and licked it off his finger, "You were busy watching the crowed I wasn't sure if you'd noticed."
"Ah- Thanks babe, yeah I- I was just.." He looked back to a patch of grass where a few kids were playing with sparklers, one of them was a little albino slider, in a baby blue yukata, twirling his sparkler around with a ringtail raccoon in a pastel purple yukata. Usagi watched for a moment before looking back to Leo, "A bit early to be thinking about kids isn't it~" He joked, laughing when Leo turned dark red and started walking a bit faster, "That's not-! I-I wasn't-! I just-" He rested his head on Usagi's shoulder as Sagi caught up to him, just laughing at his reaction, "I'm only teasing love, though your reaction was much better than I anticipated." Leo took a moment to collect himself and glanced up to Usagi, "N-Not that I'm opposed to it.. I wouldn't suggest it, yet, but… Do you think? Y'know, that.. That you and me could ever…" Usagi blushed a little, he never took Leo for the fatherly type, though it wasn't impossible to envision that kind of with him someday, he could see Leo being the kind to boast about his kids to any open ear. He pulled Leo into a hug, kissing his head, "One day love. If you want to, we'll make it happen. Though I don't suppose the guy who mutated you would be interested in seeing what he could make with two volunteers instead of one? Might be easier then the alternatives." Leo laughed a little trying to imagine how Barry would react to them at his doorstep asking for a child, and what he'd possibly want in exchange? "Yeah.. I can't imagine what weird sort of payment he'd want in exchange though-" They continued walking, coming up with various random ideas about what sort of things he'd take a payment, all of which was nothing serious like 'a dozen rubber chicken's' or 'a suitcase full of cooked beans' and similar things.
While walking around they'd played a few games, mostly just to play, if they did win something they ended up just handing it off to some kid who hadn't won. They really didn't need the armful of trinkets and toys to bring back to Leos already pretty cluttered room. And it felt pretty nice seeing how happy random people got when they were handed a prize after however many failed attempts they'd just had. Even to the one's who knew Leo and Usagi having seen them around before, knowing the kinds of things they did as their job they weren't scared of them.. That might've been the best part, having people know the kind of work they did and feeling safer with them around rather then fearing what they could do. "Oh hey, we should go find a good spot to watch the fireworks" Leo added as he glanced around, not seeing many open spots to sit between loud and crowded stalls. Usagi nodded, "I think I have a spot, back near my house in that garden, there's a pretty big hill that should give us a nice view. Should we get everyone back together?" Leo shook his head, "Nah we can just text them and tell em where to meet us if they haven't found a spot already, that way if we get there first we could.. Y'know, hold hands and stuff"
"And stuff~?" Usagi repeated with a little chuckle, "Interesting, I'll bite~" Usagi led Leo over to the garden area and sat on the hill with him, Leo pulled out his phone and texted everyone to let them know there was a good viewing spot. April replied saying her and Sunita had found their own spot with Sunita's family and figured it'd be rude to leave. Casey responded saying him and Donnie had found who was setting the fireworks off and were going to stay to help, seeing that it was a snail yokai who looked like he was one strong gust of wind away from keeling over- No one else had responded yet so Leo put his phone away, a little happy that everyone seemed to have their own things going on, and that they were all enjoying themselves as much as Leo and Usagi had been. They sat there for a bit as a few smaller test fireworks were shot off, they leaned against each other with their hands interlocked. It wasn't until the show was nearing its end that one poorly placed pink explosion caught Leos eye. He tensed and froze, Usagi turned to ask what was wrong when he saw the look in Leos eyes. It was clear that he was having another vision, shit- Was it the sight? The sound of them going off? He could cover Leos eyes but he couldn't do much about the sound. "..Leo?" He said softly, giving his hand a little squeeze for an attempt at comfort. Leo just slowly turned to Usagi, his eyes darting across his face like he was looking for something that wasn't there? Or looking between versions of him that didn't quite line up?
Usagi took a breath and stood up pulling Leo up with him, "Leo..? We're go to my house okay? We can get you away from the loud and bright lights." Leo didn't say anything back, but Usagi could tell by how slow he was walking and how confused he looked that he had no idea what was going on. He walked a bit faster towards his house..
Once inside he took Leo up to his room, Hyo was out at the festival as well, and would most likely be out all night if he drank enough. "Alright, its more quite here, lets see what we can do about those visions.." He let go of Leos hand and headed downstairs, coming back a moment later with a cup of water, he had it in a plastic up after the time Leo threw his glass mug across the room and shattered it during another one of his vision episodes- He wasn't going to take the chance this time. When he got back he saw Leo knelt down on the floor against his bed, his hands wrapped around himself as if that was any sort of protection from this mind. He set the cup down and went over to Leo hoping it hadn't gotten worse- Usagi knelt down beside him, wrapping his arm around Leon's back, trying to give him a sense of comfort. He could hear the slider muttering under his breath but couldn't quite make out the context. Just the bit and ends of his words. "It's all fake its all fucking fake… I can't believe that I-- I can't believe- I can't… You're just like the fucking rest- Just- Just like the rest of them.."
"Leo, please.. I-I don't understand-" He moved to be in front of Leo, a hand gently cupping his cheek, Leo smacked the hand away, looking up at Usagi with such a pained expression, tears welling in his eyes as his face tried so hard to fight it. "You-!" He cried, his tone full of anger, and so much pain, "Why are you here? W-Why do you have to keep showing up with your big sad eyes-! And- And act like everything's gonna be okay?? Its not! I'm not! We're not okay! I-I can't keep doing this!"
"D-Doing what? Leo please- I-I don't know how to help you please what can I do?"
"You act like you love me and you come here and- and get so- affectionate when were alone and you tell me I'm the only thing you care about- Then you just… You toss me to the side and leave for days at a time you don't tell anyone you never call or visit till I think you're dead or worse!! Then you just stroll back in here like nothing happened expecting me to just- Wait for you? Not to love you like you're the only thing I want? The only thing I have left here? You tell me I feel like home to you, like I'm the only one you can be yourself around, but you don't act like it-! You don't defend me or give me the time of day when were in public- I-I can't- There's too much at stake here- This war were in, the Kraang- I can't be battling my feelings for you on top of battling actual monsters- Love me or don't but make up your mind-!"
"You-!" Usagi said a bit louder than he intended, Leo perked up, a little shocked at the volume of the interruption. Usagi put his hands on either side of Leos head and pulled him into a deep kiss, "You- Every time, I choose you." He said a bit softer before kissing him again, "You mean everything to me.." He whispered between kisses "Anywhere you go, I'll follow, anything you say, I'll listen, anything you do, I'll allow.. I love you Leonardo- No matter how I act, or where I go, you are the only thing that is ever on my mind. And if there were a crowd around us I'd kiss you anyway, I love you so fucking much it's like torture seeing you live in a future where I'm not able to care about you like I want to. I love you." Leo slowly raised his good hand to wipe his eyes, "..s-say that again." Usagi smiled a little, his hands moving to Leos shoulders, "I love you."
Usagi rolled his eyes with a smile, kissing Leos head, then his cheek, quietly repeating the phrase after each kiss while his hands started to move a little lower. Making sure to give him lots of time to back away if he wanted to or to say no if he wasn't in the mood for this sort of thing. But he seemed to be, into this whole thing that is, I guess the future Usagi was much less emotional or caring. After a few minutes of trailing kisses and letting his hands wander under the fabric of his yukata he figured Leo wasn't going to protest the idea of them going at it tonight, since they were alone in their room after all it wasn't like they had to worry about privacy. He shifted a little as he scooped Leo off the ground and into his arms. "I love you." He said again, a bit louder, and more confidently to make sure Leo had no doubt that he meant it. Leo wrapped his arm around Usagi to make sure he wouldn't fall backwards as he was carried. It only lasted for a moment as Leo was dropped onto the bed, he looked up at Usagi a bit surprised at how serious he looked. Usagi hand a hand on Leo's thigh pushing up the fabric of his yukata, leaning down and kissing Leo again, "I love you." He said under his breath, his other hand untying the band around Leos waist, "And I'm not going to stop loving you till the moment I stop breathing. Even then I don't think I'd be able to help it~" Leo blushed listening to Sagi talk like that, in his future he never heard him say anything as sweet.. "Ah- Sagi-" Usagi undid his own yukata, letting it practically slide off as he inched closer. "If you don't wait to go further tonight tell me now because once I start I won't hold back~ I've been trying to hold back since we've been busy and haven't had much alone time together, but it's been that much harder not being able to have you to myself.. And then seeing you like this… I won't push you if you don't want to-"
"I want to- I just- Promise me something…" He put his hand to Usagi's cheek as he leaned up to get a little closer, "Promise me that you'll be there when I wake up after this, okay..?" Usagi nodded and kissed him again, "On my life, Leonardo. I will never leave you. Tonight or any after, weather you remember this or not, weather we fight or isolate, nothing you do could ever make me leave you. You're stuck with me I'm afraid~" Leo smiled a little and kissed him, leaning back again to invite Usagi to continue.
Part 1 Part 13 LRO Master Post
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spacejellycreates · 11 months ago
I'd love to read a oneshot in which the Winchesters have an older sister who watched over them when they were kids. After Sam went to Stanford, she and Dean teamed up as hunters. She's really buff, tall (just as tall as Sammy), tattooed , lesbian and proud. She and her brothers are really tight. Johnny- the sister- is quite the calm one but loves to goof around. Maybe you could write about a scene in which she and Bobby (who is like a dad to her) bicker about what whiskey is the best and Dean and Sam just be like "can't believe we're even related"- or something like that but you can of course come up with something completely different :D
I've never requested a fic or anything really and I just hope, my request is okay for you :D
Hi there! Thank you for the request :D
I'm going to post the fic here for you, below the cut, but with your permission I would like to post it to ao3 too! lmk if thats ok
I hope you enjoy it and that I did your idea justice :)
Dean hissed as the needle entered his skin. He was sitting on Bobby's kitchen table, having a wound in his shoulder stitched up by his older sister.
"Come on, Deano," said Johnny, gently, "you got this. You've had worse."
"Yeah, sure, I've had much worse," grumbled Dean, "Doesn't mean you gotta be so rough with it."
Johnny pulled the needle through. "I'm not being rough, quit whining."
Bobby barked out a laugh. "I'm getting a drink. You three in?"
"Yeah, I'll take one," said Dean, immediately.
"Sure, thanks, Bobby," said Sam, from the couch.
"What about you, princess?"
"That depends, what you got?"
"Bourbon." Bobby holds up the bottle.
Johnny wrinkled her nose. "No scotch?"
Bobby gave her a look. Sam and Dean shook their heads.
"What?" she asked, innocently.
"I can't believe we're even related to you," muttered Dean.
"Well, tough," she teased, "Can't argue with genetics, kid."
Bobby handed Dean his glass.
"Thanks." He took a large sip.
Johnny finished stitching Dean's wound and cut the thread.
"There, all done." She smiled down at him. "Want me to kiss it better, too?"
"No thanks," he shoved her away, standing up, "I'm good."
"Aw, shame. You used to love that when you were little." She grinned. "I mean, littler than you are now."
Dean rolled his eyes. "You always gotta rub that in my face, huh?"
"Sorry, what was that?" She cupped a hand to her ear. "I can't hear you from all the way down there, little bro."
"Yeah, yeah. Laugh it up." Dean lowered himself onto the couch, groaning a little. "Jerk."
"Asshole," Johnny countered.
"Cut it out, both of you," Bobby warned.
"Yeah, guys," Sam jumped in, "cut it out. You heard the man."
"Don't be such a suck-up, Sammy," said Johnny.
She settled on the couch in between her brothers, though it was a bit of a squeeze since they were all quite large individuals. Johnny laughed.
"Hey, remember when we all used to fit on this couch with room to spare?"
"Go sit somewhere else, Rambo," Dean complained. "We were here first."
Johnny sighed. "Fine." She got up and sat in one of the armchairs instead.
Bobby handed Sam his drink and sat down in the chair across from her, whisky in hand.
"How're things going with that girl you're seeing? What was her name, Lily?" he asked.
"Oh, right." Johnny grimaced. "Yeah, it didn't work out. Turns out she wasn't over her ex."
"I'm sorry to hear that, kid."
"Nah, it's fine. The job doesn't exactly allow for long-term relationships anyway, does it?"
"I guess not."
"You'll find someone else." Dean took another sip of his drink. "Any girl would be lucky to have you."
"Yeah," agreed Sam, "Lily doesn't know what she's missing."
"Thanks, boys." She smiled. "I guess we'll see."
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that-one-girl-idk · 1 year ago
(rant, and be aware that there are some words and topics talked about which may make you uncomfortable)
I hate hazbin hotel fandom so much bro (in general).
(Note i am a valentino fan but i genuienally don't care if you people don't love him but here are some things i want to get out of my chest or else i am gonna lose my anger next time. And i am not someone who is active in tumblr but i mostly see this things going on at apps like pinterest and tiktok, and maybe youtube so i don't really know how tumblr fanbase acts at all)
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I hate the way hazbin fandom treats valentino so much that it's not even funny anymore. I am myself a valentino fan but i am gonna honest with you all in normally i don't really afraid of saying my opinions at all but i am actually scared of saying i love valentino thanks to this stupid fandom, i am not joking i am really scared because like... hazbin fandom does nothing but harasses valentino fans many times and immediately thinks valentino fans supports valentino's actions which are about abusing his workers and s/a and i genuienally really hated this fandom with my entire hearth because if i tell i am scared to get harassed because in the past i was bullied over harassment and i cried about it like weeks and i actually considered to HURT MYSELF because of the bullying i faced with, so i don't want to face with this anymore cus i was really in pain, it really hurted me and i don't want it to happen to me again... especially for over a fictional character, it's really pathetic and i am really tired of people saying valentino fans loves val's abuse things and defends him stereotype, i can tell you that not every single val fans do this like... weren't you guys the same ones who were saying we can like characters without supporting their actions thing for like two years? What happened to it now, why do you guys automatically think every val fan loves s/a and supports it? I have moots/friends who are s/a victims and yet they love val and they also hate when people treat val fans like this.
And continuation of it i've seen many many people who makes val space goat but brush off others' disgusting actions and i never saw many people actually talked about them while they're also messed up like val, hazbin hotel characters are littlerally everytime are sinners who ended up in hell for their bad actions and funny thing they still continue to their disgusting actions and/or does much worse things too like manipulation, pyshological abuse, cannibalism, lying, gambling, alcohol usage, unvalidating their workers or abusing their workers (in a pyshological way), harassment/death threatening, sexual harassment, drug usage, premarital sex, cheating, bad parenting (?), trespassing on private property without permission, mafia stuff, cult-ic (ig) things and many more things going on in show yet i never saw people talking about other characters' (except val) this points (littlerally everytime) and brush them off or ignores them because they find the characters nice, silly or hot :/. I personally don't understand why people in this fandom acts like this meanwhile littlerally no other character are saint or good people either, now don't come at me and say "They're in main cast so people tend to like them more" excuse, okay people can like them i don't really care but i don't understand people genuienally ignoring their bad actions and act like they're amazing people (honestly many of them would do smt bad to us once they saw us tbh 💀). Like suprisingly i saw two people in tiktok talked about alastor's pyshological abuse towards husk and told they hated him (which is valid in my opinion cus people can hate/dislike characters because of their actions too), it is true that husk faces with abuse by alastor with being treated like a stupid pet (alastor said husk is nothing but his pet), not being respected to his boundries, facing with death threats, being silenced over many things since alastor doesn't like husk to talk about some specific things at all, and i am kinda sure that alastor never actually cared about charlie but want to be seen like that so he can take her soul (it is a theory but it is a theory which has an aspect to be senseful than many other theories tbh) etc. stuff but then i see some people really defends alastor's actions and someone really said "husk deserved what he got cus he annoyed alastor" (well if it is like that then angel also deserved what he got since he also annoyed valentino but it's not how it works according to you all, btwif we ignore the jokes both of them doesn't deserve it) and stuff cus they are either find him cool or his simps (as i see) :/ and it made me really sad to see it happening because i am also someone who suffers from pyshological abuse yet i rarely saw people talked about it in this fandom yet they keep talk about angel's abuse (those people ignores this abuses but only talks about angel cus "he went through a lot :((" thing, and no you can't just go and compare traumas to each other because you think one is "worse" meanwhile it is not since traumas are traumas and gives people different type of pains and comparing them always makes one seem "better" or "normal" or shadowed than other, stop comparing traumas people please, but please don't stop talking about this topic too just because i made this rant, my point i try to make is we shouldn't only focus on one and ignore/shadow others) i even know people defend adam who has sexist/mysogynistic actions because he is either their fav or he is hot :| (make it make sense you all).
(also i am not saying there are people who doesn't defend val's actions, actually it is pretty normal to see any character's fans defending the character's bad actions tbh but i am not trying to say we should ignore val's actions but can we also put light to others too please?)
And i also don't love val haters who keeps makes jokes about val which are nothing but the ones which changes his character; Like i am sorry but him being all over pedo or his entire character being abusive jokes are not funny at all guys, you guys probably do this jokes just because you people hate him and it is getting annoying. Please at least don't change his character dude. Valentino's entire character neither only being abusive nor being a pedo, he is not even mentioned as pedo as i clearly remember, he targets some specific people like his workers (who are adults) and only abuses them, for example angel, angel is his worker and someone who sold his soul to valentino. But valentino doesn't care about angel (which is honestly normal to the lore due to him being an overlord in hell since none of the overlords in hell cares about their victims, like alastor) so he treats him like a trash BUT his character actually showed well in my opinion and that's what made me love him, he acts like an horrible person in hell in hazbin who never tried to be seen goofy in show but just bad [but his entire character is not only being bad either, he also cares for his work, has a sassy (but likeable evil way) personality imo, his type of attitudes towards others like velvette and vox and being one of the strongest overlords in the vees (according to alastor) etc. made me love him too] so that's why i love him but i always find the way fandom treats his fans or character as stupid or pathetic ngl, people can hate valentino for being bad if they want, i respect at their opinions but can you guys please stop acting like this please? (Also not the mention harassing people count as a crime too 💀)
And uhhm i ran out of what to say at this point so here is the end of my rant, bye!
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silversiren1101 · 2 years ago
My Dearest Mino,
Today we arrived in Carpenden to pay a surprise visit to the Vaenics, and it turns out the real surprise was your and Regill’s happy news, delivered inadvertently by Trever when we dropped into his atelier to find him lovingly carving the Hellknight sigil into the headboard of a crib!
Everyone’s waiting on me for supper but I’m too excited to do anything but write and get this out with the evening’s post.
We’re absolutely thrilled for the both of you, or should I say all three of you! I have tears of joy in my eyes imagining the patter of little armored boot tread racing around the fortress. (I mean, even littler.)
Aivu has already volunteered to give rides and Woljif and I would offer to babysit but something tells me Regill may veto that. Consider it an open invitation in any case.
I’m enclosing some candied pistachios I suspect you may start craving soon.
Congratulations. Wishing you and the whole family all the best 🌟
PS Speaking of surprises I think I’ve probably spoiled one concerning the crib. Please don’t tell Trever.
[shadhsadaslka I'm crying this is SO CUTE. Trever WOULD I can see it so easily!!! thank you so much]
My kind friend,
I'm happy to report the candied nuts are already gone, and with some guilt... I ate them before I had even fully read this letter, to which you have all of our gratitude. I thought being a demigod of sorts would make this easier, and yet that was the first bit of food I've been able to really keep down for weeks. I'm afraid I was beginning to look like a ghost, and Regill says to ask you to send more "or he will" himself.
So, yes, the 'secret' is out. We were going to make an announcement closer to, what with the health concerns and the fact that we shouldn't even be compatible in this way, but I suppose what can you do when paradox itself runs in your veins. This is happening. We're going to be parents! If all goes right, at least. I never thought it would in my wildest dreams and neither of us ever planned for this but, now that the chance is here neither of us could bear saying no.
We don't know what the little one is, so if Sosiel told you don't tell me! I can't resist telling you one thing, though. Regill told me he'd like to see me holding a little girl! I never imagined him having any sort of preference in his mind about this sort of thing, but then again I don't think anyone ever expected him to be a father in any way in the first place.
Of course I want everyone to visit when they can, before and after. If you are still in Andoran when the time comes, we actually plan to have them there. I'm not sure what exactly Thrune's hold over the country entails but neither of us will risk our child's soul in such a way. The Vaenics have happily offered their home and Sosiel wants to oversee things personally, so... you know where to find us later.
I won't spoil Trever's surprise, but the thought put a huge smile on my face. He was... I dare say even more surprised and flustered than I was the day I teleported to their home and demanded Sosiel 'diagnose' me. He and Woljif may have to fight for the favorite uncle role, I have a feeling, based on how his eyes lit up at the news.
As for babysitting, I think that offer will be more likely than you think. It will be more a matter of 'who' gets the honor at any specific time.
-May stars keep you, Mino'
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jentlemahae · 11 months ago
Ok I have some thoughts about ttpd.
The thing with albums this long is that it's hard to recall songs after listening to the album once bcs they are so many and Taylor lover her cohesive albums so they kind of blend together for me. I'll have to listen again to pick my faves and make a playliat but if I'm being honest finishing the whole album felt like a drag to me. It's not bcs of the genre or anything, folklore and evermore were kind of long albums too but I feel like they had stronger melodies which kept me engaged and I could hum them after the first listen. Melodies in ttpd were lacking a littler for me, actually taylor does a lot of talk singing now which personally isn't my favorite thing😅
Also I'm kinds bummed bcs I had ordered the albatross version of the album but now ik they it is already on streaming and there is a double album.
What are your thoughts on ttpd, if I remember you were a writer right for a music magazine or something like that??
(i was a writer! unfortunately we had a bit of a situation with my former boss cause he wasn’t paying me :p also im unfortunately very busy this year 😞)
okay so first of all, i absolutely love the album! though i do see what you mean because the songs blended for me too on that first listen! i mean, there were several standout songs i immediately clicked with and got stuck in my head, but the album (both versions included) is a LOT of tracks so i think that's bound to happen (i also listened freshly after waking up really early, so that didn't help fssjbkjsf). and personally i enjoy the vocal delivery! she uses her lower register a lot which i love, and i actually found it to be pretty varied throughout the album
also, i think overall this record is more focused on the lyrics and the storytelling, rather than on melodies! not saying there aren't catchy tracks but i don't think catchiness was a primary concern - she wanted to paint a picture and tell a story (which i think is very much highlighted by the overall concept of the record of investigating / uncovering the truth). i think the album is very very strong lyrically and i love the honesty and rawness of every song (loooooooove when she gets messy)! she didn't sugarcoat things and left herself space to be wrong, which i really really liked
and obviously i loved the double album twist! not only for the amazing surprise, but i think side 2 adds so mcuh depth to the album sonically, lyrically, and conceptually!! i think it’s truly an amazing record
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casspurrjoybell-29 · 1 year ago
Forgotten Ties - Chapter 18 - Part 3
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*Warning Adult Content*
"You're not alone?"
"He's not," Nim said as he stepped out from behind a tree to their side.
He'd crept around there without Skye even noticing.
Impressive, especially considering his size.
Noel startled and pressed a hand to his chest.
"You made me jump. Hello."
Nim gave him a nod of acknowledgement.
He walked over to Skye and handed him back his jacket and gloves.
"I've been listening but I'm not sure I understand your situation, Noel. You're a human travelling with a hybrid?"
Noel inclined his head.
"If that's what you want to call him, though the more I see, the more I start to think that term's a bit too narrow for all the things the Fae are capable of. What do you think I am?"
"Human," Nim said. "I can smell you."
"Right. Feels like the best word for it. I don't think that's all I am anymore, though. Not sure when I changed or even exactly how but this world's sunk into my bones. I live in peace with it."
"Hmm," Nim said. "Maybe my nose doesn't know everything."
"I don't think it really matters what I am," Noel said. "I think it matters who I am and that's what it feels like I've been becoming. Just... myself. Maybe that makes no sense."
"No, I think it makes sense," Skye said.
He had spent most of his life not being himself.
Not even being present in his own mind.
Even the other times he had been aware hadn't felt like this.
He'd never really felt like a person in the way he did now.
"Glad to hear that," Noel said. "Rodney's a good travelling companion but he's not much of a conversationalist. Never quite know what he's thinking. Sometimes it's hard to know if I'm having a deep spiritual awakening or just losing my mind." "
"I should go back and get the others," Nim said. "We want to be across the mountains and well away from here before dark."
"Don't blame you," Noel said. "Every night's been colder than the last. I'm not sure how many more I'm good for myself."
"I'll stay here," Skye said. "I need fire warmth."
Nim eyed Noel critically for a moment, and then nodded.
"I'll be back in a few minutes."
Skye watched Nim leave and then turned back to Noel.
"He normally kisses me, you know. We're in love."
Noel smiled at Skye over the fire that burned between them.
"I could tell that from the way he looks at you. Very protective."
"Yeah. He's also very handsome."
"I'm glad he makes you happy. We need more love in the world right now."
"Yes. In this time of mountains," Skye said as he stared up at the mountain range that loomed up behind Noel.
Skye didn't know much about mountains but leading a troop of children across them seemed like an ambitious task.
Maybe it would be okay, though.
They weren't human children, after all and most of them had benefited from that in some way on their journey so far.
Even Miya, who was one of the littler kids, had excellent balance and endurance.
She probably wouldn't fall off a mountain.
Skye heard a noise behind him and turned to see Nim leading the others towards them through the woods.
"Oh," Noel said when he saw the kids. "You do have your hands full, don't you?"
"Yeah, a little bit," Nim said. "You want to adopt a kid or two? I'd be lying if I said they were well behaved but they're mostly healthy. I think..."
"Where did they come from?"
"Foster care," Nim said. "And before that, well. You know how it goes."
"You know, the sad thing is, I don't think I do," Noel said. "It was only near the end that I started realising how much I didn't know, how much I'd been lied to. I genuinely don't know what you might have been through."
"Sometimes knowing that you don't know is the biggest and most important step."
Marigold walked over to Noel and offered him her hand.
"I'm Marigold."
Noel shook it.
"Noel. Why don't you all sit down for a few minutes and warm up by the fire? If you're going over those mountains, you'll want to start out as warm as possible."
"I'll admit, the mountains taller than when I last saw them," Aris said as she found a spot on the ground in front of the fire.
"We can't turn around now, though. On the other side there's food, shelter, people. A bunch of kids aren't going to survive in the woods on their own. Not long term."
"Sometimes there are no easy answers," Noel said. "Sometimes all the options in front of you are harder than you feel like you can manage, but you have to make a decision anyway."
Without warning, one of the kids let out a scream and as Skye turned to follow her gaze, the rest of the children joined in.
A grey, hairless creature was lumbering towards them out of the woods on all fours.
It looked somewhat human in shape in a very unsettling way.
It had no eyes, nose, or ears.
A fat, algae-green frog sat on top of its head.
"It's all right," Noel shouted over the screaming children. "That's Rodney. He's my friend."
The children mostly quietened down but the closest two still shrieked and ran to the other side of the fire when the creature got close.
"He's not much to look at but... Well, I was going to say that he wouldn't hurt a fly but that's not true," Noel said. "I've seen him catch them and share them with that frog of his. He's a gentle soul, though, really. He doesn't even have teeth."
Rodney flopped down next to the fire like an old dog and stretched out.
Despite his appearance, he wasn't really scary.
Skye prodded him again.
It still felt gross.
"You shoved me in the tunnel, didn't you?"
"You've run into Rodney before?" Noel asked.
"Yes," Skye said. "He made me crawl through a spooky tunnel."
"Oh," Noel said. "Do you know why? Maybe he was trying to help."
"Well, he probably was because there were useful things on the other side of the tunnel but it was dark and I couldn't see him, so I still didn't like it."
"I never would have thought not being able to see Rodney would make him scarier," Noel said.
"No. He's like... hmm," Skye said, pressing his lips together in thought. "You know when you see someone and they have a deformity or something and maybe they would be scary if they were trying to be scary but they're just... a person being a person. I think a person being a person just isn't scary no matter what they look like, and neither is a Rodney being a Rodney."
"I've never thought about it like that before,but I think you're right," Noel said. "I feel sad for him, more than anything but I don't even know if he feels sad for himself. He seems content, honestly."
"Why is there a frog on his head?" Marigold asked.
"Couldn't tell you," Noel said. "It's his pet, I guess. He picked it up the day we started travelling together and he's had it ever since."
"Won't it freeze?" Marigold asked. "I know some frogs can survive being frozen but I'm not sure the frogs around here are built for that."
"I stopped worrying about it weeks ago," Noel said. "It always just seems fine, no matter what. I'm sure it shouldn't be exposed to the sun and other elements as much as it is just sitting on top of Rodney's head like that but it never seems to come to any harm."
"Some magic is subtle," Aris said. "Some things, some people, they're just a little strange."
Rodney stretched out again, hauled himself up and started strolling off in the direction of the mountains.
He paused, turned his head back towards them and made a chittering sound.
"Oh," Noel said. "Well, seems like Rodney's decided we're crossing these mountains with you and it's time to head out. You mind a bit of extra company out there?"
"We'll gladly take the help of another adult and... well, Rodney is strange but there is a certain intelligence about him," Marigold said. "Kids, come on. It's time to go."
They snuffed the fire, picked up their bags and then Rodney led the way towards the icy mountains.
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demon-country · 3 months ago
To be fair, Stolas has only spent a couple of minutes on screen with them at all, and none of those cases made a lot of sense for him to say their names. His "you littler ones" comment was condescending as all fuck, but there's no one who'd have said their names in that scene as opposed to something like "you guys", since he was taking to them not about them. With Moxxie in Seeing Stars, I think a lot of people would just say "what's his phone number" when they could point to the person in question, so that's not really indicative of anything?
Also, that's patently untrue that Blitz is the only imp that Stolas cares, or more accurately has cared about (since it seems at this point that the only two people he cares about at all on a personal level are Blitz and Octavia). He seemed to have had a great relationship with his butler as a child, and there's no way a kid as lonely and desperate for love and validation as he was wouldn't have tried to seek it from his staff, who were his caretakers and literally the only people he was around for the most part. How close they'd actually be willing to let him get is unknown, but he still undoubtedly would have wanted to have relationships with them. It didn't stop him from having the racism/classism get drilled into him later on, of course, but it likely is the reason that Stolas thinks of them as real people who have lives worth just as much as his own, as opposed to most other royals we've seen.
Plus, he doesn't actually need to care about them to know their names. Blitz himself said that Stolas called him to ask about his day and interacted on social media often enough for it to be noteworthy, and it can't have usually led to something sexual or else Blitz would have said so, since he was talking about how Stolas only wants him for sex. The only way Stolas could have gone approximately a year and a half without learning any of their names is if he deliberately ignored and forgot them every single time Blitz mentioned them in their conversations or when Blitz posted about them on his social media account, which there's no way Blitz wouldn't do that often, seeing as they're a huge part of his everyday life and literally the only other people in his social circle. Stolas also wants to be in a relationship with Blitz and has for a long time now, so it'd be extremely strange for him to not even know the names of the people who would come with that, because there's no way he doesn't know by this point that they're Blitz's found family.
Idk, those just seem like pretty bad faith readings of those scenarios, which I'm sure wasn't your intent, but it really doesn't make a ton of sense to assume that when we only have a very, very tiny sample size of his interactions with anyone - including Blitz and Octavia, despite it now being close to two years since Blitz and Stolas first reconnected - and there's enough evidence to the contrary to make it implausible.
(Also, hopefully this doesn't come off as antagonistic in any way, because that's really not my intent. I'm mostly just confused because this is a take I really don't understand at all, and am extremely long-winded pretty much all the time.)
Does Stolas deserve to lose everything?
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The answer is a simple: No! Of course not!
What happened to Stolas in Mastermind was horrible, he essentially lost everything he ever knew in a very cruel and unusual way, and the real kicker is the fact that the punishment is rather light in comparison to the punishment Blitz would have gotten if he hadn't stepped in.
But why did it happen? Simple.
It happened for the sake of Stolas' future character development.
It didn't happen to "punish" Stolas when the man really only has the best of intentions.
Surprise! Surprise!
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I want to highlight this specific statement Apology Tour's description states: Stolas still not being quite self aware enough at times.
Stolas genuinely does not know what is wrong between them, he genuinely can not understand the issues
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If there is one thing Stolas has always wanted to know, it's the why...
Why is Blitz so guarded with me? Why does Blitz accuse me of looking down on him? Why does Blitz always mention my Princely status when talking about our relationship?
And here's the thing, even if Blitz were to sit Stolas down calmly and explain the why, Stolas will never get it. He will never understand it.
Stolas will never understand the struggles Blitz went through and still goes through just by living as an imp.
Blitz is an asshole, but you can't say he isn't determined.
When Blitz wants something so fucking bad, he'll get it, it doesn't matter who he needs to steal from, who he needs to fuck, who he needs to kill, lie, and cheat with... He's going to get it.
Blitz wants to be his own boss, he doesn't want to be like any other imp who works for someone else, so he'll do whatever it takes to make that dream a reality.
And the thing is Stolas wants to do better and understand Blitz's point of view... he states it time and time again.
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Unless it's me And no matter what in this world I could give It's not enough To get through the walls you've conjured up to live
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But maybe it's all on me For missin' every sign and every glance And every turn
Maybe there's somethin' here for us to glean For you to teach, and me to try to learn
The sad part is that Stolas is just going to have to learn it the hard way because where's the fun in just giving Stolas a book to read...
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I was reading that story in Eleutherophobia where the Berenson extended family all gather and I'm wondering, do you have any thoughts/headcanons about the Berenson brothers' relationship? No, not Tom and Jake, but the generation before them: Steve, Dan, and George.
I do.  So much.
We don't know a ton about George (Saddler's dad) but the contrast between Dan (Rachel's dad) and Steve (Jake's dad) has always been striking to me.
Steve seems like this incredibly balanced guy: "Always nice. Always gentle. Joking with the kids and reassuring the moms and dads. Staying calm while the littler kids screamed bloody murder and vibrated the very walls" (#31). And it's not just sick kids he's that nice toward; when there's some guy screaming in his face and threatening to hit him over a parking spot, Steve remains level-headed and even comforts the dude when he gets upset over getting attacked by a cockroach (AKA Jake). Sure, Steve can be a clueless at times, tolerating some Weird Shit from Tom especially without showing any sign of worry that his kids are acting so erratic, but he's this responsible and steady dude.
Dan, on the other hand, is... flaky. Rachel says "My dad does these little outings where we all get together every second weekend. Sometimes it's just me and my dad... I don't get to see him as much as I wish I could" because "he cancels sometimes” (#7). We also find out that he talks openly about Rachel being his favorite child, which suggests the reason he doesn't always bring Jordan and Sara on his twice-a-month visits. Dan will buy Rachel room service (#12), but when she calls to say she's "not doing good", Dan responds "Have you talked to your mom? She's pretty good with this kind of stuff" (#32). He'll take her to the circus, but he expects her to cater to his emotional needs ("No, it wasn't pity or guilt... my dad was feeling lonely") without considering hers (#7). He puts the hard conversations on Naomi, letting her be the one to tell their kids about the divorce (#2), give them The Talk (#32), and announce that he's moving away (#7). Frankly, no wonder Naomi dumped him.
Also, look at their jobs. Steve's in a career that requires 12+ years of post-secondary education, and highly active in the lives of his own kids. Dan apparently spent years pursuing a gymnastics career that went nowhere ("almost made the Olympic team," #7) before pivoting to become a "hotshot" reporter, and still can only carve out two afternoons a month for his girls. Reporters are heckin useful to society, but it's also not a career that requires the same selfless consistency of effort as being a pediatrician.
Anyway, my headcanon to explain all that: their parents have traditional ideas about traditional roles. I'm thinking these are upper-class Yugoslavians who immigrated as teens, then were caught up in the assimilationist zeitgeist once in the U.S. The ‘rents emphasize the traditional role for the oldest child, AKA Steve. He's to provide for them in their old age, and therefore they need him to go the doctor-or-lawyer route. Steve is (like Jake) a rule-follower and a people-leader, never rebellious unless he has a good cause. Steve's also a nurturer who loves kids, so he goes along with his parents' plans... until it comes time to choose a specialization, at which point he quietly shunts from surgery into pediatrics. He fails to mention this fact to his parents until it's already been a done deal for a few years and there's nothing they can do about it.
Dan, meanwhile, has Steve and George sheltering him from the slings and arrows of his parents' good intentions. The first two sons turned out okay (I headcanon George being a marketing manager) and so the parental units will let their baby indulge his dreams in a non-lucrative sport for a while. And then pay for him to get a degree in media studies. And then still approve of him, since he brought them grandchildren, even if he supports them less than Steve.
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aslitheryprinx · 3 years ago
Man, it's been so long since I've written for the Shipwrecked au... I've actually had this oneshot in my drafts for a while, and only remembered it today.
This story is sort of a prequel to Familiar Faces! You've seen Eret's perspective on Foolish's adoption, what it looked like to a young human. Now we see what happened from a mer's eyes!
TW: safe, platonic vore
A New Safety
Foolish wiggled his tail in excitement, accidentally sending a few waves onto the beach. He kept his eyes shut, hiding them behind his hands for good measure.
"Free, four, five, seven, two, four-" he counted.
Really, he was just guessing at this point. He didn't know how to count very high in mer, let alone English, which he barely knew. It was ok, though. Eret didn't mind if he counted wrong, as long as he counted long enough so she could hide.
Foolish heard a tiny giggle, and instantly pinpointed his friend's location, even with his back turned. Of course, he would pretend not to know like he always did. It was no fun for Eret if he found them right away. Not that they knew he only pretended to look, of course.
He counted a few more numbers, ending on infinity, the biggest number he knew. Instead of looking behind the rock he knew Eret was behind, he drifted farther down the beach.
"Eret!" he called, drawing on his limited human vocabulary. "Eret where?"
He was about to start making his way towards Eret's hiding place, when he heard a noise that he hadn't heard in over a year. It was the questioning trill of another mer.
"Hello?" He called in mer, forgetting his game.
"Hello, little one," the mer said, rising to the surface from where she'd been hidden. "What are you doing by the shore?"
She was much bigger than Foolish, almost as big as his parent had been! Her hair was poofy, kind of like Eret's, and her scales were a shimmering rainbow of pink blue and purple. She was smiling at him, and he decided he liked her.
"I live here!" Foolish said proudly.
"All alone?" The mer asked, her voice ringing with concern. "Where is your parent?"
"I don't have one," Foolish admitted, his fins drooping. Then he perked up. "But I'm not alone! My friend comes to play all the time. His name is Eret. Eret?"
Foolish switched back to English to call his friend's name, but they didn't come out. For a minute, he thought they were still playing the game, but then he heard a little whimper. He remembered how scared Eret had been when they first met.
"She's shy," he told the grown up mer. "But she's a human, and her name is Eret! They're even littler than me."
"Even littler than you?" The older mer teased. "That's hard to do."
"Hey!" Foolish protested. "I'm not that little! Just wait, I bet I'll get even bigger than you!"
"Maybe you will," the colorful mer agreed with a gentle smile. "What's your name?"
"My name is Puffy," she said. "It must be hard taking care of yourself. Do you want to live with me?"
Foolish thought for a few moments. He missed having a parent. There was nobody to cuddle with except for Eret, who was too small to hold him. He was always hungry because he wasn't very good at hunting yet, and his scales got itchy because his gills weren't grown yet and he had to sleep with his head on the sand.
"Can I still play with Eret?" He asked. "I don't want to leave him."
"Hmm," Puffy trilled. "I live a little far from this beach. Is it ok if you only visit every few days?"
"Yuh-huh," said Foolish. Eret could only come to play on the 'week ends' anyways.
"Ok," she said, reaching out a hand. Foolish swam into it right away, chirping with happiness as he was held. He was almost too big to fit in one hand- he didn't realize how much he'd grown!
"Do you want to go home now?" Puffy asked.
"Yes!" Foolish said, in between excited hums. "Oh, after I say goodbye to Eret."
He looked back down to the shore, but Eret was still hiding behind the rock. Hm. Maybe they were too nervous to meet Puffy. He could tell them he had a new parent the next time he visited- as well as he could with his limited English skills.
He told Puffy this, and she agreed, saying she didn't want to scare his friend. He held up his arms, and she began to raise him towards her face.
It was a little embarrassing, but 'hold' slipped out of his mouth in baby talk. He was too old to be chirping like a newborn hatchling, but Puffy didn't laugh. She just pressed her nose against him and purred.
The second she opened her mouth, Foolish launched himself forward. This time she did laugh a little, but Foolish couldn't bring himself to care. It had been so long since he'd been in a nesting pouch, safe and cozy.
Puffy kept up a steady purr as she cleaned him with her tongue. He leaned into the touches, already feeling fuzzy from the comfort after so long without. Once she deemed him clean and injury free, her tongue began to nudge him towards her throat.
Foolish let out another hum of excitement as she swallowed, sending him towards her pouch. The walls squeezed him as he slipped down, and he'd joined in with Puffy's purring by the time he landed in the pouch.
He instantly curled up against the pouch wall, fighting back the urge to cry as he felt complete safety for the first time in over a year. A rocking motion gently shook the pouch as Puffy began to swim, taking him to his new home.
Foolish yawned, his eyes falling shut. After so long away from other mers, being held was beyond relaxing. He let out a quiet chirp of contentment before he drifted off to sleep.
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dannystheone · 3 years ago
Hi hi are you taking hc requests? If you are can we pleease have lee and ler diluc?
Hi hi hi thank you for your question!
This is super cute I love Diluc I used to main him lol
Ler Diluc -
Typical Dad tickles, of course, a big teddy bear making the littler ones smile and squeal out. Not even the smaller ones sometimes, just anyone in real need of a pick-me-up. Best in-game father figure B)
His tickling style is very predictable when they're pick-me-up tickles, his hands are always visible and usually, just light pokes and scribbles. Maybe some light humming and "Oh, right here? Interesting." Very cute and light-hearted to draw some out smiles.
When he's feeling vengeful though (coughcoughkaeyarevengecough) he can be particularly ruthless. He'll claw and target your worst spots, and he's good at finding them too. (Interrogation Diluc when he set that Ice Mage on fire lives in my brain to this day) He knows exactly what methods and techniques to use against you, even if he's never tickled you before. You DON'T want to see that particular side of the DarkKnight Hero.
Lee Diluc -
If I could see anyone from the game be tickled, like a thorough session, Diluc would be one of them. Ugh imagine breaking him down from his tough exterior into a giggly twitching puddle UUUGH
Anyway yes you know the drill if you're a follower of me HOT MEN ALWAYS HAVE TICKLISH HIPS it's a cardinal rule I don't make them I just follow them.
And Diluc is no exception, his hips are so ticklish they're practically warm to the touch with their nerve endings. Diluc is one of those people where if they are tickled they can feel everything but they can keep it inside extremely well. No tells or anything. But if you catch him off-guard in a super good spot, then suddenly he's ticklish all over his body, even in places that weren't ticklish before.
He's not much of a fighter, tickles paralyze him and he hates it. That's why he avoids getting tickles as much as he can because he knows that he can't do much to stop it AND he needs a lot of recovery time afterward. Not to mention his laugh is so light and bubbly for someone with such a dark exterior. What a horrible blow to his reputation this would be if it were to get out~
Also if you could see that I adore the trope where characters have the exact opposite ticklish personality than their regular personality, no you didn't <3
I hope you like this! :)
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