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magpie-trove · 1 month ago
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fly-chicken · 4 months ago
A Pragmatic and surprisingly comforting perspective about the Trump 2nd Presidency from the ACLU
***Apologies if this is how you found out the 2024 election results***
Blacked out part is my name.
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I’m not going to let this make me give up. It’s disheartening, and today I will wallow, probably tomorrow too
I will continue to do my part in my community to spread the activism and promote change for the world I want to live in. I want to change the world AND help with the dishes.
And I won’t let an orange pit stain be what stops me from trying to be better.
A link to donate to the ACLU if able and inclined. I know I am
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fanfoolishness · 9 days ago
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stillwaterinc · 5 months ago
i have nowhere to put my batman thoughts so they’re going here
jason comes back as the red hood, planning to take out his little replacement or at least hurt him bad enough that he drops the suit and lets robin die but suddenly, a month before his plan is to start, robin disappears. and so does the joker.
what? jason looks, he scours security cameras and internet forums, even weasels his was into the gcpd’s files and…
nothing. there’s nothing.
no bodies reported, joker’s not in arkham or black gate or any other prison, he hasn’t finally been given the death penalty he just. disappeared.
he can’t find anything on robin either, or tim drake, for months until he stumbles upon a nearly perfect patient file in some hospital records.
nearly. it’d be perfect to anyone else but jason, even years later, can recognize bruce and barbara’s finger prints all over it. it’s a cover. a cover for what though? he reads through the file, tim drake’s file, presumably and finds… well.
someone clearly tortured the kid, and with the meds he was being prescribed it got to him. it would’ve gotten to anyone.
jason shudders reading the initial injury report. electric burns, lots of them, are what catches his eye the most but there’s all kinds of stuff. what catches his eye the most though is the lacerations that had to be stitched either side of the kid’s mouth. shit.
he doesn’t get the full picture, not yet, but pieces are starting to come together. the joker has been missing for a while, just a little longer than jason’s replacement has been in the hospital for some violent injuries.
the joker is missing.
tim drake is in the hospital.
something happened, clearly. the joker did something to tim, something awful, something bad enough that the joker disappeared and the kid’s been in the hospital for weeks.
bruce didn’t make it in time, only this time robin wasn’t dead, he’d been broken.
someone had gotten to robin, to tim drake, before jason could, had gotten to him so badly that even after he was released he wasn’t robin anymore.
not because he didn’t want to be, a few bugs here and there in the manor let him know that much, but because bruce wouldn’t let him.
it comes out, in one of these arguments, that time killed the joker. shot him dead. and jason almost wants to congratulate the kid for it, or wants to strangle bruce and ask him how the hell he let robin, who’s just a kid, tim, who’s just a fucking kid, get anywhere near a position where he had the means and desire to fatally shoot the joker.
because that’s it, isn’t it? the reason jason’s like this, doing this, is because of the joker. jason knows how to use guns because of the joker. he’ll never go to college like a normal kid because of the joker. and now tim.
tim wants to be robin, asks for it, begs bruce to let him back out in the suit and jason nearly finds himself agreeing with bruce. the joker’s gone sure but what if someone else tries the same thing? what if someone tries worse? being in the suit’s already gotten tim this much pain, why risk more?
it hits jason, one night, that he stopped being angry at tim a while ago. a long while. he can’t be angry at bruce either, because the joker is dead. there’s no one to enact vengeance for his death on anymore.
anyways most of my posts are about incest please don’t follow me for batman content
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rouge-fauna · 2 months ago
Normally, I wouldn't really say anything about the drama and stuff, because that's not what I'm here for and honestly I feel like a lot of it is just none of my business. But, it just feels so close to home for me that I can't help but say something. Because here's the thing people aren't going to talk about and probably don't even realize, but I think so much of this drama actually has to do with Dream being autistic.
Just notice the themes of what Tubbo said about Dream being weird, inappropriate, not considering the social boundaries, not communicating, coming across wrong… etc these are all things that can be attributed to Dream literally not knowing better because of neurodivergence. That’s not an excuse but an explanation to know the difference between Dream texting Tommy’s mom out of being manipulative versus not understanding how that breaks a social boundary. That’s not to say Dream should get a free pass to do whatever but I think in the same way we take into consideration other people’s ages and their naivety and obliviousness and inexperience into consideration, Dream’s neurodivergence should be considered too. It is valid. It makes a difference between manipulative and malicious intent versus simply not seeing it the same way.
And really the sad thing is, that I think people will always dislike Dream. At the end of the day, I think that will never change, because even if he was the most perfect person people would still dislike him because of an underlying subconscious response to him not being like the rest. I don’t think it’s a coincidence that he is made the villain in real life and in the dsmp, because it is simply a psychological fact that people inherently dislike autistic people. It’s not because they are ableist it’s just we don’t act like they do so that makes us weird and therefore unlikeable. And it’s hard to understand us because our brains our literally different and as has been said throughout history what we don’t understand we hate, we fear, we see as evil, we attack. Why does Dream get canceled and attacked over and over again? Not because they are true and it proves a pattern that he’s shitty, but because society is so desperate to find a more tangible reason to hate him other than the fact that they just do. Because his behavior breaks social rules he didn’t realize existed. Because he’s easy pickings. Because in my opinion it all comes down to autism and honestly until that piece is actually taken into consideration nothing will probably resolve.
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hobgoblinns · 1 year ago
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willowbirds · 8 months ago
What I love most about this concept of everyone playing gods is that while everyone else is playing a pretty well known dnd god, the Everlight is Ashley’s.
I know Serenrae is from Pathfinder, but she was brought into dnd for Pike. For Ashley.
The Everlight has so few followers that even Father Milo made a comment about her still having any. The character of the Everlight doesn’t have a dnd counterpart, meaning that Ashley has full control over who the Everlight is.
The other gods have lore. They have personalities that are already pretty well known, but not the Everlight. She is an anomaly in this lore, and if I recall correctly, the only character we know that has a connection to the Everlight is Pike.
(I know that all of these versions of the gods are going to be much more multidimensional and complex, I mean look at Taliesin’s Wildmother)
I’m kinda rambling in circles, but this version of a god who loves its creations so much that she fully embraced the fact that she was turned mortal, that she fell in love with a mortal and had kids with him, that she had a dog, had friends that weren’t her fellow gods.
I feel like if Ayden, the Dawnfather, wasn’t there, the Everlight would have stayed with her family and stayed mortal.
But then again we still have two more episodes with these characters and anything can happen!
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inukag · 1 year ago
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Kagome and Inuyasha’s story is HISTORY being told in class in Urusei Yatsura’s animated universe, as it should be! 💞
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theloveinc · 2 months ago
I do think it pisses people off how … good… your relationship with Togame is
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silkjade · 29 days ago
okay i got self conscious earlier LOL but tonight’s outfit yayz feels like i haven’t dressed up in a while ♡
missed it </3
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reginarubie · 9 months ago
Cregan Stark said “you, at least, had the mercy” what he meant was “you, at least, had the decency” .
It smacks me of “of course you’ll be in vanguard, my brother Robb always is, and he’s only a pretender”
C’mon, it’s the same energy.
I love my clever Starks.
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steve-brules-rules · 4 months ago
I feel like we as the w101 community don’t get freaky enough with these characters. There are so many amazing ones to choose from and we sleepin on em cause we just default to the same three every time
Give me more of The Old One making out with his hundreds and hundreds of boyfriends. Shadow Palace Morganthe desperately needs some ship art. YW x Aethyr Titan when?? Billy Brute deserves so much love. Where my freaks at!!
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lady-tortilla-chip · 1 year ago
I think it’s crazy actually that people think it’s impossible for Chuuya to trick Fyodor without Fyodor having to be dumber for it. Especially when a popular theory was that after the drowning Chuuya had begun faking it, why is it so hard to believe he’d just been faking it the entire time?
This doesn’t even touch on how it’s been SUCH a LOUD point throughout mersault that Fyodor has hugely underestimated Soukoku. So, by obvious extension that would include Chuuya too if not more so than Dazai seeing as he insinuated multiple times that Chuuya was Dazai’s tool rather than equal partner.
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atopvisenyashill · 3 months ago
i mean the number one issue with an rr adaption from hbo is they’re gonna make robert and rhaegar main viewpoint characters when that defeats the whole goddamn conceit of the narrative choices in the books and we know i love robert but robert should ONLY be viewed thru the lenses of those that knew him!!
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dykedvonte · 8 months ago
Fallout 4 update that fixes your companions affinity reactions cause I canning catch a break with MacCready’s greedy fucking ass.
“MacCready disliked th-” SHUT THE FUCK UP MacGREEDY!!! I am not keeping this life saving cure from this sick little vault boy for caps like your son is literally going through the same shit. Like this specific thing to me was 100% a mistake on some devs part but at the same time I he lives by “Not my kid why the hell should I care” so I’m smacking him upside the head with this pool stick until he acts right.
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candyspider · 7 months ago
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omg reposting cuz I noticed a fatal error whoops
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