#we cannot be silenced
reasoncourt · 2 years
i hope he dies
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rythyme · 10 months
is anyone gonna tell f1 tumblr that the first ever live action omegaverse show is a sports drama about gay racecar drivers. because that feels like something they'd want to know.
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introspectivememories · 4 months
cannot stop thinking about loguetown shuggy and im not talking post-execution shuggy. loguetown shuggy as in the two-year gap between reaching raftel and roger's execution. like that was it!!! that was the universe giving their chance to be together!!! to get it right!!!! except they were what? 14? 15? so of course they got it wrong!!!! of course they fucked it up, and now they've spent decades apart and buggy's got a good thing going with crocodile and mihawk and shanks is finally ready to claim the one piece or whatever and the last time they properly talked was at their captain's son's execution. funny how the only thing that seems to bring them together is death
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pastelsketches64 · 6 months
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🐇 Happy late Easter Fools!!! 🐇
Hello Twisted Wonderland fandom, please humbly accept this chibi sized peace offering in return for me joining you all 🙏🙏🙏
I do have some more Twst art in the works as well, so be on the look out for that sometime soon 👀
⬇️ Prefect and Grim ver. under the cut! ⬇️
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olivegardenhunter · 5 months
one thing that I find really really interesting is that in practically every scene where it's just jiraiya and tsunade alone, kishimoto very deliberately draws at least a panel of the two of them being completely silent in each other's companies, even refusing to look at each other.
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when jiraiya got drinks with tsunade in og
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when he got drinks with her before he left. notice that neither of them are making any eye contact, refusing to look at each other.
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the iconic bench scene ofc
why this is important to me is cause I think it's an excellent way on kishi's part to show the dynamic and history between the two of them (and the sannin as a whole too). ((note this isn't a jiratsu post))
the few scenes we get of the two of them talking alone, you always get the impression that there's a secondary, entirely silent conversation going on in the background that only the two of them even know about. a conversation about all the things they cannot say. and he conveys that so well in these deliberate panels. you can SEE in their expressions, in the things that they do say when they choose to break the silence. there's so much between them, so much they yearn to say. and the weight of all of that, the depth of those feelings and emotions, is ultimately what makes them not say anything at all.
because you've known each other since you were SIX years old, you fought WARS together, this is a person you'd put your life on the line for without a second of hesitation. yet. there is a 20 year gap. you haven't spoken with each other for as long as you grew up together too. they've lived an entire lifetime together, but then an entire equally as long lifetime apart. they're the same person they've always been but yet... you can't really recognise the person in front of you. they both can see that they've become shells of the people they used to be. you both have gone through so much, and you know the the other person knows this. you know it so intimately, what things you can say, what things you can't. youre being so careful yet you both know there's this pretense going on.
there's so much left, yet so little. after all of that, what is there even left to be said? what CAN be said? they're already so intimately aware of what the other is thinking, there's nothing new, yet somehow, there's this gap. there's this emptiness that both know they can't really do anything about.
in the end, the sannin are a tragic trio. and kishi does an excellent job of showing this through their stories and histories, sure. but he does an even better job at showing it through their small interactions together. the way they always end up talking about the past, the attempt to bring up happier times (like tsunade trying to reminisce about their genin days as team hiruzen), yet how they ALWAYS come back to ultimately how they fell apart, and the world kept spinning, and all they can do is try to make sure the future doesn't make the same mistakes they did.
what can you even say to someone like that? it must've been so freeing, to have someone that understands them to such an extent. that would know them more than anyone else in the world ever could imagine. and yet. so suffocating. because they're a reminder. a reminder of what you used to be, a reminder of what could've been, a reminder of how everything went wrong, every single mistake you ever made. and so despite the person in front of you being the only person in the world that likely knows exactly how you're feeling, what you're going through, all your experiences, they're also somehow the last person you can ever speak to about any of it. because it becomes like a trap almost. they're constantly reminded of their pasts when they look at each other. how can you ever begin to move on with someone like that right in front of you?
once upon a time, they were the hope of konoha. they were the young shinobi, meant to bring in a new era of peace, meant to be the change. and they wholeheartedly believed this too. and then, to make it to 50, after everything they went through, and realising they were no better off than the generation before them. that everything they ever stood for, ever fought for, were all practically in vain. and how suddenly the people meant to be the change for the future can only hope to make sure there is still even a chance for change for the next generation.
really, what else are they meant to do around each other than continue their little dance or chess game and let the unspoken remain unspoken?
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3-aem · 5 months
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puppychase · 1 year
Everyone writing mirage as cool and seductive is so wrong. He calls his bf “bro” and “dude” and he’s always unserious. One earnest moment and he’s turning into a Porsche and driving away out of embarrassment
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somecunttookmyurl · 2 years
all the while society conflates "being an adult" with "having a proper job" and "having money to make arbitrary Adult Purchases" disabled people who can't work - or can only work part time or can only do entry level baby jobs - will never be 'allowed' to be adults
you can say "being an adult is looking after yourself you don't have to have a job!!!" all you want but most people who say that will still assume anybody who doesn't either can't or won't 'look after themselves' actually. and every 'marker' of 'adulthood' that's observable and thus actually counts or whatever loops back around to... having a job and 'contributing' something
#yeah i have netflix on all day#i am quite literally signed off of work for the -rest of my life-#what the fuck else would you like me to do with my time when most people are in fact at work#or did you think i can't have the tv on and put laundry away at the same time or something#must i work on commissions on silence in a dour room to be perceived as an adult#anyway 'looking after yourself/your home/your pet' is not observable#to anybody who doesn't like ACTUALLY live in your house#unless you are extremely obviously NOT doing it#if a tree falls in a forest etc#owning a house? job. like not even 'in this economy? lol'#disabled people LITERALLY can't because we aren't allowed to have enough savings for a deposit#car? would you honestly trust me with a vehicle lol but also: job#you mostly cannot buy a car without one it's a requirement for the lease#otherwise you aren't 'trusted' to pay it on time#incidentally most landlords will also - perfectly legally - refuse to rent to you because you are going to be unreliable with the rent#which is being paid directly by the gov anyway like take your trust issues up with them bro#a family? if i get married or cohabit with a partner my income gets sliced in half#so to support even myself let alone a child would require. drumroll please. employment#savings? adults have savings right? yeah but unlike you i have a gov enforced cap on mine#'good furniture not shit from ikea' (someone has remarked that ikea furniture is 'college dorm-y' it's going here)#i mean do i have to say it
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liaisun · 14 days
omg... if riko is younger than kevin... and they were raised as 'brothers' to a certain extent... considering riko's family issues it adds even more layers to their relationship........... i wonder if kevin ever realized
NO LITERALLY... did kev ever put together how much riko wanted family and real connections? i think kevin is the only person who ever can realize that. but even he can't articulate the full depth of it. i doubt he knew abt the older brother parallels, because all riko talked about was eventually meeting his father— how would kevin know how riko felt abt ichirou? maybe riko didn't even know abt ichirou until later 🥹..... kevin definitely noticed riko's desire for family when they were both young, i imagine riko was more open since kids will say things they aren't 'supposed' to say/haven't been told to hide yet.
if riko ever realized, he repressed that deep in the psyche lmfao and never allowed himself to engage with the idea. coped by putting all his focus into exy in order to prove himself and block out anything else that could distract him. sounds kinda familiar.... cough... anyway. HOW DID HE FEEL WHEN KEV FOUND OUT ABT WYMACK? omfg i need to include this in the fic right now lmfao. maybe that's really when their relationship fractured beyond repair but neither of them realized it then
kevin is slightly older— does riko resent that? does riko want ichirou in his life or does he want to be him? he'll never know and it eats him alive!!!! so he doesn't think abt it. does he punish kevin for not being ichirou? does he love and obsess and possess more about kevin than ichirou bc he knows kevin is the only person who actually cares but he can't stand the thought of his vulnerability, the power kevin has over him in turn, so he has to make sure kevin never learns of it and uses it against him?
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captainsigge · 2 months
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A Merc's Rose
Do you like rough northern bastards, with the emotional range of a teaspoon?
Then look no further than the wonderful fic The Vigilant Heart written by @lizziemajestic. Her way of writing Aradin is perfection, I cannot believe she actually made me feel sorry for that bastard. But he is MY bastard now.❤️
This artwork is inspired by the two adorable idiots Aradin and Adrielle who have been dancing around their feelings for each other. But I think we finally made some progress in the latest chapter.😏🔥
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comradekarin · 1 year
That last ask you got here, just reminds me of the fact that while TS fandom claims to be all about feminism and women supporting women, it surely lacks intersectionality and it SHOWS and this is in great part because that’s the kind of advocacy they get from the celeb they worship, that’s why is dangerous to just pander to one kind of feminism as if everyone had an universal experience, when it couldn’t be further from the reality, we need to have those conversations we need to learn from one another and whoever has a privilege, should make good use of it to uplift those who can’t at the moment
Yup!! That’s basically the point I’m trying to hone to be honest. Again, I absolutely believe we should support female artists in the music industry, especially when they will be held to higher standards than other male artists (even in that area we can have a conversation about the dynamic race plays between male artists, too). However, it’s imperative we discuss how Taylor and her fans only use feminism to tell other people they can’t be mean to her, or critique her. Are these group of people the minority in the fan base? Maybe, sure. But should we sweep it under the rug and let it fester just because it’s the minority? No.
Do I believe the average Taylor Swift stan is normal and doesn’t hate black women? Yes. I believe there’s a lot of them who just enjoy her music and don’t feel the need to bash other black female artists in order to prove how much better Taylor is. Nonetheless, there’s still a large group of her fans who claim to support all women but will not hesitate to degrade and shut out the voices of woc making valid criticisms against Taylor. Just look at the Matty Healy situation. A white woman’s partner is exposed for making disgusting racist comments about black women, and the responses are not “this powerful rich white woman is continuing to date this man and is being complicit through her silence, which is enabling his repulsive behavior and she needs to be held accountable” but instead “we need her to stay away from this bad man!”. Yes, because the image and reputation of this white woman is more important than the dangerous rhetoric her partner is spreading about the same women she claims to support! Yes, because this white woman can have a collab with the same woman (ice spice) her boyfriend was making racist remarks about and everything is ok! Yes, because it is the white woman who is the victim here, and if you can’t see that you’re a misogynist!
Taylor’s silence during the wave of transphobia, the criminalization and banning of drag shows, the uptick of hate against black women, and so much more just makes sense when you look at the company she keeps. Didn’t her team try to sue a journalist for stating Taylor constantly toes the line with conservatives and white supremacists a few years back? Just look at the CO2 emissions drama where everyone was like “man I hate privileged white millionaires” and then she dropped an album and everyone forgot? Any critique for Taylor is met with these responses: A) Taylor isn’t the worst apple out of the bunch so why is she getting attacked like this B) Y’all would never do this to male celebrities so just say y’all hate women C) Why is Taylor blamed for the actions of other men or D) [justifying anything Taylor has done].
So, what you’re saying is correct anon. We can not talk about feminism and supporting “all women” while also trying to lump the struggles of all women into a single category. The initial Feminist movement itself excluded other women of color, it was something only meant for white women. White women have a level of privilege over other women of color, and we can’t pretend they don’t because they’re just “women, too”. White women and their fake white tears have done so much harm to marginalized communities, especially my own black community. I want this conversation to actually mean something, for it to be a moment of self reflection, for it to actually be about supporting, advocating for, and uplifting the voices of all women. I don’t want this talk of “support all women” to only be brought up when someone attacks your white fav.
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todayisafridaynight · 2 months
Holy fuck I thought Jo was in a speedo for a second 🥵🥵🥵
crying at the thought of jo in a speedo cause i know he's miserable 24/7 and speedos are for people who love life. like adachi.
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spacepunksupreme · 5 months
cannot stop thinking those insane concept sketches for Lecter’s escape scene in Silence of The Lambs. That’s already the goriest/ most violent scene in the movie and those sketches are like 10x more nasty and violent … we really could have had more huh
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pan-gya · 1 year
link click huh
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mssboo · 11 months
the kiss scene reminded to ‘you are in love’ 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 im never gonna recover from that it’s so sweet and pure and ahdiwnskajj
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cheese-rat29 · 7 months
mads mikkelson has such a talent for quiet menacing, and it adds a lot to his iteration of hannibal lecter. this choice, in both acting and casting, honors some of the canon attributes of dr. lecter in thomas harris’s original books as well as sets him apart from sir anthony hopkin’s (very book accurate) portrayal. the way he can change the tone of the scene with a subtle shift in body language, and how he never once yells in the show but is always very threatening. it’s part of what makes this show so engaging and suspenseful.
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