#we can see thors voice changing
theres just smthg abt them bro
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vbecker10 · 2 months
Language (Part 5)
Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 3 / Part 4 / Part 6
Pairing: Loki x female reader (Y/N)
Summary: Captain Rogers thinks you curse far too much at work so he came up with a way for each word to cost you fifty cents no matter where you are in the Tower. You are desperate for it to stop and go to Loki to see if he has a spell or trick that can help you outsmart J.A.R.V.I.S.
Warnings: swearing lol... obviously?
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You groan and open your eyes to the sound of your phone alarm. The sun has just started to rise, but you need to go home and get ready for work.
"Please turn that off," Loki mumbles against your back.
"I'm sorry," you whisper and let go of his hand, freeing yourself from his embrace. You turn off your alarm and sit up, yawning.
"It's too early," he says, still half asleep. Eyes closed, his hand finds your waist and he gently pulls you back towards his body.
"I have to go home," you tell him but make you no attempt to pull away again.
"No," he says simply, his arm holding you in place.
"No?" you giggle at his unwillingness to let go of you. "I need to shower and get changed. I'm still wearing my clothes from yesterday."
"I have a fully functioning shower," Loki mumbles and you can hear the sarcasm in his voice despite him being so close to falling asleep. His legs intertwine with your legs and his hand holds yours as you both easily settle into the comfortable position he held you in all night. The God of Mischief adds, "And I am perfectly capable of conjuring clothing for you."
"I don't have a toothbrush or anything," you tell him, enjoying the feeling of Loki trying to keep you from leaving.
"Y/N, I can summon anything you need," he reminds you gently.
"I guess that's a good point," you say, having already made up your mind that you aren't going home before work.
"Please stay," he whispers close to your ear.
You smile and squeeze his hand, "Okay."
"Go back to sleep," Loki says softly and you nod, closing your eyes.
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You take a sip of your coffee as you sit on Loki's couch, your eyes follow him as he paces and talks excitedly. You can't help but smile at how confident he looks compared to last night.
"That might actually work," you say when Loki finished explaining his plan.
He chuckles and sits next to you, "Of course it will work. Why do you seem so surprised?"
"If I say it's because your other ideas didn't go so well, are you going to turn me into a frog?" you joke as he drinks his coffee
"You are utterly obsessed with the idea of being turned into a frog," he rolls his eyes but his smile remains.
"No, I'm concerned that it's a very real possibility," you explain. "I've never been friends with anyone who could do that."
"Ah, I see you are assuming we are friends now," he says a bit sarcastically.
"We're not?" you ask him, unsure what you and Loki are to each other after last night.
"Do you want to be friends?" he wonders, setting his mug on the coffee table.
"What are my other options? " you shrug, hoping he will give you some hint as to what answer he is looking for.
Before he can respond, there is a loud knock on his door. He sighs deeply and rubs his temples then looks at you, "That will be Thor." He notices the confused look on your face and smiles, "There are only two people who have ever bothered me when I am in my apartment and one of them is already in here."
You giggle nervously, "That's fair. Guess the plan starts now?"
He smirks and nods, "Are you ready? I promise I won't turn you into a frog."
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Steve and Natasha sit at the far end of the table reviewing the agenda for the morning briefing. Tony, Bruce and Clint stand near the window placing bets on how much money you will be fined today for your swearing. The discussions are suddenly silenced when Thor slams open the door to the conference room. Everyone quickly turns to face him in surprise.
"Woah! Calm down point break, no need to break down the door. There are plenty of donuts for everyone," Tony gestures to the box on the table.
"I don't think that's the issue," Bruce says when Thor takes a step to the side to reveal that Loki and you are behind him. You look down at the ground and fidget with your fingers while Loki glares at his brother.
"What's going on?" Steve asks, standing with his hands resting on the table.
"Thor is overreacting to a simple deal I have made with Y/N," Loki says calmly and you nod.
"She made a deal with you?" Tony asks. "What, was the devil busy?"
"That almost hurt Stark," Loki smirks.
"What did you do to her?" Clint asks, obviously very concerned for your wellbeing.
"Y/N came to me last night after the Captain enforced his new policy regarding her swearing," he explains.
"Seriously Y/N, you thought Loki would help you?" Clint asks you.
You nod.
"I did help her," Loki answers for you. "There is no need for this concern you all share. Y/N is fine."
"Why doesn't she tell us she's fine herself?" Natasha crosses her arms over her chest.
Loki looks at you then back at the team as they gather closer around you both, "She cannot."
"Why not?" Natasha uncrosses her arms slowly and looks at you with growing concern.
Thor answers before Loki can, "He took her voice."
"What?!" Clint, Tony and Steve all shout at once.
Loki smiles, "Don't worry, I'm keeping it somewhere safe." He holds out his hand and a small glass vial appears, a light gray cloud swirls around inside of it. The God of Mischief places it on the conference table in front of you as you rub your throat slowly.
"Absolutely not! Give Y/N her voice back, Ursula," Tony orders.
"How dare you. I am not some common sea witch," Loki glares at him, clearly offended.
"You understood that reference?" Steve asks.
"I read," Loki rolls his eyes. "Besides, I cannot do that. We made a deal, Y/N and I made a perfectly reasonable trade."
"What could you possibly trade for your voice?" Clint asks you but you can only shrug in response.
"That is between Y/N and myself," Loki answers for you.
"I can't believe this is happening," Bruce takes off his glasses and rubs the bridge of his nose.
Loki sighs, "There is no need to worry. If Y/N asks, I will be more than happy to reverse the deal."
"How is she supposed to ask? You took her damn voice," Natasha points out.
"She can write," Loki says as if the answer was obvious.
You smile at everyone and give them two thumbs up as enthusiastically as you can.
"You must certainly are not fine," Steve insists. "I can't believe you would do this to get around J.A.R.V.I.S."
"This has gone on long enough," Thor says as he takes a few steps forward and picks up the glass vial.
"Be careful with that brother," Loki warns him and takes a step forward. You shake your head and bite your lip nervously. "This is not like the magic of Stark's fairy tale. If you break that, Y/N's voice will not be released to her, it will simply cease to exist."
"You have got to be kidding me," Tony says, rubbing his temples.
"Give it back to me," Loki says sternly, holding his hand out towards Thor.
"Don't mess with that big guy," Bruce says, his eyes on the vial in Thor's hand.
You watch anxiously when Thor pulls away from his younger brother. "Remove the spell from Y/N," the God of Thunder demands.
"To do that I will need the vial," Loki counters and takes another step forward, closing the distance between them. Loki reaches for it but Thor pulls his hand away, holding it just out of reach.
If you weren't so concerned about the safety of the vial, you might be able to appreciate how much they simply look like bickering brothers and not two Gods arguing over your voice.
Tony steps in, "Thor, give it back to the sea witch."
Loki glares at Tony, "I do not have the patience for you today tin man."
He looks back at Thor and without a word, he flicks his wrist, sending his seidr towards his brother. The green cloud surrounds his hand in an attempt to pull the vial free but Thor clenches his hand and pulls violently against Loki's magic.
"Stop!" Natasha yells.
Your eyes go wide and you cover your mouth with both hands as the vial slips free from Thor's grasp. Loki's seidr doesn't react fast enough and the small glass vial falls to the floor at the older Asgardian's feet, shattering into pieces.
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I hope you liked this!! Please like, share and comment if you did 💚💚 Please let me know if you want to be added to my taglist!
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imtryingbuck · 5 months
Old As A Dinosaur
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~ gif not mine credit to owner ~
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x fem!Reader
Summary: reader learns something about her boyfriend
Word count: 842
Warnings: fluff. short and sweet.
A/N: this idea came from the wonderful @buckys-wintersoldier❤️
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The giggles coming from the living room greeted you the moment you stepped foot into the house, as you walked in to the room you saw your son Sebastian sitting on the couch tucked in to the side of your boyfriend Bucky.
Bucky didn’t bat an eye when you told him that you had a three year old son. When he met Seb for the first time it seemed that both your son and boyfriend forgot that you were even there. The first night Bucky stayed over Seb asked if Bucky could put him to bed, then when a nightmare involving monkeys that were trying to eat his toes woke him up he begged for Bucky to come and save him.
Six months after Bucky had met Sebastian the rest of the Avengers met him too. His squeals of pure joy had everyone laughing other than Bucky as Sam had Seb in his arms and flew the two around. Your boyfriend actually threatened Sam that he would end him if he dropped the three year old. Said three year old who tried to lift up Thor’s hammer, then was using Captain Americas shield as a sled.
You had actually been pulled aside by Seb’s teacher and was told that Seb had been lying all day by telling everyone he knew the Avengers, you just raised your eyebrow and laughed informing her that he was not lying at all.
“Hi pretty mama” Bucky greeted when he noticed you standing there.
“Hi pwetty mama” Seb repeated making the pair of you laugh.
“Hi my handsome men, what are you two doing?”
“Dinos” pointing at the tv Sebastian sighed happily at seeing his favourite movie for what felt like the thousandth time.
“How was work babe?”
“It was alright, nothing exciting today. I’m going to get dinner started”
“No need pretty girl, me and little man here did it we was just waiting on you. Go and get changed and then we can eat” Bucky says before telling Seb that it was dinner time and promising the three year old that they could carry on watching as soon as they had finished eating. Doing as he says you head upstairs changing into comfier clothes.
“Follow me pwetty mama, dinner time” laughing you take your sons waiting hand letting him lead you into the dinning room as Bucky served the food.
Halfway through the meal Sebastian was trying to whisper to Bucky who kept responding with “I told you it’s a secret”
“But pwease it’s mama”
“Do you think we can trust her?” Bucky’s eyes squinted looking at you suspiciously.
“Yes! Its mama she not tell”
“Okay, but she has to do the secret pinky swear before we tell her” Your eyes moved between the pair with your eyebrow pinched together. “Pretty mama what we’re about to tell you is top secret, you have to pinky swear that you can never tell anyone what you’re about to hear”
“Pwomise mama”
“I promise” both of them hold up their pinky fingers up waiting for you to wrap yours around theirs you waited patiently to hear this top secret news.
“Okay little man, you-you can tell her” Bucky says with a nervous tone lacing his voice.
“Mama… Buck met dinos” Sebastian tells you in the most serious voice the three year old could muster.
“Yep. He was fwends with them and-and had pet T-Rex’s”
Looking at Bucky with your eyebrow raised he nodded solemnly keeping his face void of emotion.
“I-I didn’t know that”
“Top secret mama uncle Stevie don’t know so no telling no one!”
“Buck your secret is safe with me, don’t worry” you tell him earnestly.
“Thank you pretty girl, it honestly feels like a weight has been lifted off my shoulders now that I’ve been able to tell my family the truth” he takes yours and Sebs hands in his and squeezes.
Honestly he deserves an Oscar for his performance.
Seb giggles and promises that he will never ever tell anyone then carries on eating his dinner as if he hadn’t just told you some life changing news about your partner. Bucky looks at you and smiles before doing the same as Seb.
Finishing your dinner, you tell Bucky that you’ll wash up - he did try and argue that he would do it but Seb begged him to watch the dinos. Walking into the living room once again, your eyebrow rosed for the umpteenth time that night as you watch Bucky with his arms pulled close to his chest, Seb coping him and both bouncing around.
“Look mama we’re dinos!” Seb giggled before roaring like a dinosaur.
“Come on pretty mama, be dinos with us” Bucky winked then roaring and chirping like Sebastian was doing.
If anyone had looked in your front windows that night they would have thought there was something wrong with all three of you.
The three of you were roaring and acting as dinosaurs. And honestly, it was the best way to end a stressful day at work.
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Tags: @imcinnamoons | @pigeonmama | @capsbestgirl77
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cleabellanov · 8 months
"But Lokius isn't even canon! Stop making everything gay!"
The Loki series isn't just about romantic relationships and shouldn't be seen as so. However, there is a lot of subtext. Maybe this ship is not canon, but it was intended to be seen as so by the fans.
If Lokius isn't canon, then why were the last two shots of the series showing Mobius and Loki?
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If Lokius isn't canon, why would there be so much touching and scenes so physically close to one another? (believe me I know they're friends. that just offers a solid base for something more)
If Lokius isn't canon, why is there an OFFICIAL track named like that?
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Why is said track played or incorporated in different scenes of the series? like
-the first McDonalds meeting with Sylvie,
-the back-in-time conversation with Kang
- the ASCENSION to the throne?
Why is the Sylvie and Loki kiss never mentioned, by the producers, in the series per se, or even in the season 1 recap?
Why is Mobius the only one looking at Loki when he leaves down to the temporal loom?
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And the other way around, why did Loki only make eye contact with Mobius in that scene?
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Why is Mobius the only one to notice there is something wrong when Loki is still trying to fix the Loom?
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Why did Mobius/Don on the original timeline, mention he's single, trust a complete stranger, invite him for a drink, AND offer to sell him a quite personal jet-ski?
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Why did Loki, the LITERAL GOD OF MISCHIEF stutter and fix his hair and coat for no one else but Mobius (who by the way is just a jetski salesman on that timeline)?
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Why is the timeslipping Loki had to go through directed to Mobius twice, him being the the only one he doesn't need a TemPad to "recruit"?
Why would Loki bring up Thor and Jane if it wasn't to mirror him and Mobius? (because, as he already was talking to Sylvie, he certainly wasn't implying it's about her. They were arguing, AND Mobius was implied in the conversation. Loki defended him in front of Sylvie, in case you forgot.)
Why would Mobius's voice be the one to echo back to Loki on his throne? let time pass time pass time pass
Why the RAINBOW?
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WHY DID LOKI LOOK AT MOBIUS RIGHT BEFORE THE FAMOUS LINE "IT'S ABOUT WHO"? (important mention: Sylvie was behind him when he said that. why didn't he just turn around when saying it? nope, they know what they're doing)
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Why is the shot cut to Mobi after Loki's "it was more about what I wanted" line?
Why the shot where 7 characters could've been showed (Mobius, Loki, Sylvie, B-15, Casey, O.B., Victor Timely) there are only 2: Mobius and Loki?
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Why is Mobius the only one to tell Loki he can be someone good, and the first one Loki actually believes despite his tendency to do the other way around in the past?
Why does Mobius finally find insight, and reinvent his whole life at the TVA because Loki helped him do so? (they're not even the first Loki variant he faced, but something clicked this time)
Why does the bloody sleeve, representing Loki being hurt by Sylvie just because he "wore his heart on his sleeve" disappear on episode 2? (because he finally understands who he needs to be next to)
Why did Mobius risk his life on the first episode?
Why did Loki go to past Mobius for the final advice, not to the present one, not to Sylvie?
Why did Loki ultimately sacrifice his life for the ones he loves?
And why is Mobius left alone, with the door locked, after Loki leaves in the Loom's radiation?
Why would there be so much endearing looks, and smiles at each other, if not for a conscious acting choice?
Why why why why why if it isn't canon?
Nothing is for nothing. Especially in television, where everything counts from the light to the angles and the way the lines are spoken.
We don't need to see two characters kiss to know they are made for one another. In fact, I think implied canon is so much better for now, because it leaves free interpretation for the fans, and nothing to strike on for the haters.
Of course, that doesn't change the fact that the ending is still tragic, although it holds its sweet from bittersweet. But remember: there aren't tragedies without love.
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lokigodofmyheart · 2 months
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Pairing: Loki x Stark!Reader.
Words: 9.281.
Summary: After the attack, Y/N offers Loki a deal for some short of freedom. A lot can happen when two people live together.
Warning/Content: small angst, smut.
A/N: Song: Like Real People Do - Hozier.
After the attack, they had locked Loki on a short of cell in the tower. After a couple of hours of being locked, Y/N went down to where he was. She walked in the room, nodding at the guards and stopping in front of his cell. She was a new face, one Loki didn’t recognize from the fight. Loki eyed her and raising a brow in slight confusion. He stood up and looked her up and down. 
“I don’t think we’ve met yet.” Y/N says, with a gentle tone. 
Loki smirked a tad, crossing his arms as he looked at her, tilting his head a little as he did “I suppose we haven’t, I would have remembered you if we had. And who are you?” 
She gave him a polite smile “You can call me Y/N.” 
He smiled a little at her.  “Y/N, it’s a pretty name.  Do you have a last name?” 
“I do.” 
“And what exactly would that be?” Loki leaned against the wall behind him. 
“You don’t need to know. For now.” 
Loki chuckled a little bit, finding her attitude rather amusing and entertaining “That’s not very nice. I want to know it though” 
“So...” she starts “big attack with aliens and all, huh?” 
He shrugged, crossing his arms behind his back as his gaze turned to the cell door for a moment before back to her “Yes, yes. My plan didn’t quite work out as I hoped for” 
“I can see that.” Y/N gave a small chuckle. 
Loki couldn’t deny that he found her chuckle endearing. He hummed a bit in slight annoyance as he moved slightly “You’re quite enjoying my current situation, aren’t you?” 
“I little, yes. I do recall you throwing Tony out of his own tower.” 
“And I recall him annoying me” Loki said, a slight tone of annoyance in his voice. 
“It’s his specialty. Annoy people.” Y/N shakes her head. 
Loki chuckled a small bit, finding that statement to be very true “Worried with your boyfriend?” 
“He’s not my boyfriend.” 
He nodded a little, taking that information and processing it. It made his smirk shift slightly “Right. And what is he to you?” 
Y/N smiled a little “Someone close. That’s all you’re getting from me.” 
“That doesn’t say much. How close?” Loki moved a bit, now walking around the cell slowly as he looked at her, his tone was rather casual, and it also held a slight hint of curiosity. 
“Close. And that that will never happen between me and him. It’s actually disgusting to think.” 
Loki chuckled at her statement, finding it quite interesting that she was grossed out by the idea. He smirked a little as he spoke “Oh? You’re grossed out by the thought? Why’s that?” 
Y/N chuckles, changing the subject “Aren’t you curious about what’s gonna happen with you now?” 
He hummed “I am curious. I figure I’m not gonna get a good future though” 
“Your lovely brother says he wants to take you back to Asgard, something about answering for your crimes, a trial and a cell...” 
Loki rolled his eyes as she told what his fate was gonna be, crossing his arms as he spoke “A cell in the dungeons of Asgard… of course. It was to be expected I suppose” 
“It didn’t have to be like that.” Y/N spoke, looking at him.  
That got his attention. He raised a eyebrow at her as she spoke, tilting his head slightly “What do you mean it didn’t have to be?” 
Y/N grins “What if I could offer something a little different. Not a cell...” 
He shifted a little bit on his feet as he spoke “What exactly are you planning on offering me?” 
“A bedroom.” 
Loki was surprised by that answer, to say the least  “A bedroom? That’s what you’re offering?” 
“I’m not offering you freedom, if that’s what you’re wondering. I’m just offering you something better than a cell in the dungeons of Asgard. Better food. Comfort.” 
That definitely made Loki quite curious. A cell in the dungeons of Asgard and going back to Thor and dealing with the rest of Asgard… or whatever she was offering. He weighed his options in his mind, before speaking  “So I get a bedroom. What’s the catch though?” 
“Well, the bedroom is in this tower. And you would have to live with the rest of the team.” Y/N spoke. 
He chuckled, not liking the sound of having to live with the rest of the team, but it was better then going back to Asgard “I’ll be staying in the same place as the rest of your precious avengers?” 
Y/N also chuckles “I guess I could get you a room in my floor, if you promise not to kill me in my sleep.” 
There was a grin on his face as well as he spoke, his eyes flickering over her  “I see. I won’t kill you in your sleep. You have my word” 
She nods “That way you won’t need to interact with the team if you don’t want to. Oh, also you cannot leave the tower alone.” 
Loki nodded in response, listening to her as she laid down some basic rules for him. It sounded like a pretty sweet deal actually. A private room and no interaction with the team often, that sounded like a great deal. He smirked a little “No big interactions with the team and I can’t leave the tower without any of you. I can do that” 
“And not kill me. Or anyone else.” She smiles, having a litte of fun in this. 
He waved his hand in a ‘pft’ motion “No killing you or anyone else. I’m a man of my word” 
Y/N nods “I’m trusting you on this.” 
Loki gave her a small smile in response, finding it interesting that she was trusting him on it.  “I’m curious. Why exactly are you offering me something like this? It doesn’t make much sense” 
“The team might need your...how can I put this...your expertise sometime in the future.” Y/N says as she signals for one of the guards to come to them. 
He nodded “You expect you’ll need my magic at some point?”  
“Exactly.” Another nod. 
Loki chuckled at that, feeling a sense of pride knowing that she saw his magic as useful, and that he could be a powerful asset “So let me get this straight. I get my own room, you need my magic for the future, I can’t leave the tower by myself and I’m not allowed to kill anyone.”  
 “Oh, and no pranks. Thor said you used to do a lot of those in Asgard.” She chuckles. 
Loki smirked. Of course the thunder-brained oaf would say that. He huffed in annoyance at the fact Thor had mentioned them, rolling his eyes as he responded “Oh of course he mentioned the pranks. Well I suppose I can promise no pranks.” 
“So, do we have a deal?” Her tone was more serious now. 
He took in everything she had given him, making sure he remembered everything. He then gave a slight smirk, nodding his head “We have a deal.” 
“Great.” she smiles at him and nod to the guard to open his cell. Loki pushed himself off the wall as he watched the guards open the cell. He stretched once before walking out of the cell and standing in front of her, giving a small smirk as he looked down at her. It was a bit intimidating considering he had quite the height advantage over her. 
Y/N pulled an ancient bracelet out of her pocket, looking at it “They said I should put this on you...but I think I can give you the benefit of the doubt.” 
Loki looked at the bracelet in her hands, raising a brow slightly. He glanced at a guard that was near them before looking back at her  “What does it do?” 
She looks back at him “It blocks your magic.” 
He crosses his arms over his chest as he spoke  “A magic blocking bracelet. I see. Very nice.” 
“Can you blame people for not trusting you that easily?” Y/N asks but Loki just rolls his eyes. “Should I put this on you? Or can I really trust you?” 
Loki tilted his head as he looked at the bracelet and then back at her. He looked at her for a few seconds before sighing and hodl his hands out to her “Fine. Put the bracelet on me.” 
Loki looked at her for a second before rolling his eyes. The sooner she put the bracelet on, the sooner they would be out of here “Are you really going to question why I’m letting you put a bracelet on that clearly blocks my magic?” 
“Yes. I was expecting you would put more of a  fight, saying ‘yeah, you can trust me’ or something like that.” Y/N was clearly surprised. 
He rolled his eyes again, sighing in slight annoyance, before looking at her and speaking again, in a slightly exasperated tone  “Can we just put the stupid bracelet on? We’re wasting time.” 
Y/N nods and closed the piece around his wrist carefully to not hurt him and immediately Loki felt the effect of the bracelet blocking his magic. He tried to make something with his seidr but when he tried to he felt the magic hit an invisible wall. 
"Come.” Y/N says walking to the elevator and Loki followed behind her. She looks at him for a few seconds after the elevator started moving. “Does it hurt?” 
Loki looked down at the bracelet again, feeling it’s slightly cold metal against his skin as he walked. “No, it doesn’t hurt. It’s just...limiting” 
Y/N gave a small nod, before she starts speaking again “My floor is one of the most privates one in the tower. I have my own kitchen, living room, two bedrooms with private bathrooms, one if mine, of course...”  Loki nodded as he listened to her explain the floor she was leading him to. He found he was quite okay with the sound of all of it. He’d have his own room, access to a kitchen and a living room. It sounded good actually. “Oh, and there’s a small library too, if you’re interested in reading.” 
His interest was peaked as she said there was a library too. A library? That sounded good. “There’s a library too?” 
She chuckles “Like I said, a small one.” 
Loki let out a small chuckle as well, the image of a small library was already in his mind “I must say, your floor does sound rather nice” 
“Well, you’ll see.” 
He nodded in response to that. “How often do the rest of the Avengers use your floor?” 
“Not much. We usually hang together in the common one, where there’s the meeting room, gym, a short of cinema room...” She explains as the elevator was almost stopping. 
Loki leaned his back against the elevator wall, continuing to look at her. He watched her silently for a moment, taking her in as he spoke  “A floor all to yourself too. Quite a luxury if I’m being honest. Stark must be really trying to conquer you.” 
Y/N chuckles “He isn’t.” 
Loki chuckled at that, finding it hard to believe that the great, egotistical and cocky Tony Stark, didn’t have at least some sort of crush or interest in her “You expect me to believe that Stark doesn’t have some sort of interest in you?” 
“Yes.” Oh, if only Loki knew. 
“You can expect me to believe that a man like him hasn’t at least attempted something with you?” He says studying her. 
Y/N laughs a little “Maybe one day I’ll explain why.” 
Loki looked at her as she spoke, curious to find out the answer to his question. He shook his head a little as he shrugged slightly “And why don’t you tell me now?” 
“It’s a conversation for the future.” Y/N knew that if she told him in the cell or now that she was Tony’s litte sister, Loki would never agree to this, he would think they would have a hiding agenda or something, since he clearly couldn’t stand her brother. Just in time to save her from this conversation, the elevator dings and open the door for them in her floor. “Come on, I’ll show you around.” 
Y/N showed him the whole floor as he followed her, looking around and seeing everything. She showed him the kitchen, living room, the small library until they stopped at the door of his new room. When she opened the door to his new room, he looked in and saw it. A large bedroom area, with a king size bed, a night stand and a dresser. A walk in closet and a private bathroom too. It all looked rather nice and comfortable “This will do nicely” 
She nods, looking around until she looks back at him in his Asgardian armor, groaning a little “I’m so stupid.” 
Loki tilted his head as he noticed the look on her face. There was a look a realization. “You look like you realized something. What’s that?” 
“I forgot you don’t have any clothes...or anything.” 
“Don’t worry about that.” Loki says, a hint of sincerity in his tone. 
“You still need clothes to live here, and product and everything. You can’t possibly be comfortable in that.” She points at his leather clothes. 
Loki huffed “Well I suppose you’re right. Do I have to go out? Or can I just order things to be brought in?” 
Y/N was already typing in her phone “No need to, I’ll ask someone to go buy it...Any color preferences?” 
He thought about it for a moment. He had always been a fan of the color green. It had become almost his signature color. “Green. My favorite color is green. Also some dark colors. And no leather.” 
“Why not?” She smirks “You're using a leather armor.” 
Loki chuckled at that “Exactly, it’s a armor. Is not really comfortable as clothes.”  
“Okay. Dark colors, no leather.” she keeps typing “T-shirts, jeans, jumpsuits...suit, shoes...shocks...boxers?” At this last one she looks at him to confirm. 
Loki raises a brow slightly as he listens to her list off what he needed. All of it sounded fine to him. “Boxer briefs will be fine, yes” 
“Okay, I sent the list. Probably will be here in a few hours.” Y/N says, looking back at him. 
He nodded in response and turned and looked around the room he’d be occupying I suppose I have time to just lounge around here until they get here then.” Loki looked away from the room and back at over her “I do quite like the room actually. And the whole floor really. 
“Thanks.” She smiles. 
He smiled back at her for a second “What now?” 
Y/N looked at the time, noticing it was almost dinner time and she was already hungry “What do you like to eat?” 
Loki raised a brow slightly, not quite sure why she was asking this. Nevertheless, he answered the question “I eat mostly anything. Why do you ask?” 
“I was just wondering if you have any preferences.” 
He shook his head. He didn’t really have any preferences when it came to food. He chuckled a bit before speaking again “Well, I suppose there is one food I do have a strong disliking for” 
“Let me guess, prison food?” She chuckles. 
Loki chuckled softly at that, his mind going to the food he’d been fed while in that cell. It had been absolutely revolting “Yes. Prison food is terrible.” 
Y/N laughs a little at this. “I’m guessing Asgard doesn’t have pizza...?” 
Loki raised a brow, looking at her a bit confused. He’d never heard that word before in his life “What in the nine realms is pizza?” 
“Just the best food you’ll ever eat. I’ll order for us tonight.” Y/N says excitedly. 
He chuckled slightly in response to her excitement, but mainly due to the fact he still had no idea what it was. Nevertheless, he nodded he head “I suppose I can try this pizza you speak of.” 
She smiles, getting her phone and ordering the pizza “You’re gonna love it.” 
“We shall see.” Loki chuckles again. 
“I’ll go finish doing my...stuff. In the meantime, feel free to do whatever you want. There’re books, a TV in your room and one in the living room too...” 
Loki nodded in response to her telling him to do as he pleases “TV?” 
She noticed the confused look on his face “You don’t have television in Asgard?” He shook his head, still confused as he looks at the TV on the wall for a second, trying to figure out what it does. “Okay. Here.” She got the remote and started to explain to him what it was and how it worked, how he could watch movies and shows, and everything. She even taught him how to use Netflix. 
He listened intently to everything she said, trying to understand what the hell it all ment. After a few minutes he spoke again “So you can just watch movies and shows on here all day?” Y/N nods at him. Loki looked back up at the TV on the wall, imagining himself just lounging in the bed watching whatever movie or show he wanted, anytime he wanted “I could get used to that.” 
“I think you will also need a phone, I’ll ask to my- uh, Tony, to get one for you.” Y/N says.  
Loki raised a brow, confused again “A phone? What in the nine realms is a phone?” 
Y/N showed him her phone, and briefly explained what it was. “I’ll teach you later how to use it when I get you one.” 
He nodded after she was done, looking at her “I see. So, I’ll be getting one of these as well then?” 
She nods “I’ll go meet the team, feel free here...” she smiles “and if you need me, you just have to say it to JARVIS, the AI, and he’ll let me know.” 
“Alright. I’ll call if I need you” He nodded his acknowledgment to what she said 
“I already ordered the pizza, it must be here in an hour or so.” She says. 
“Alright. Have fun with the others in the meantime” 
“You too. I mean, have fun here.” Y/N smiles before she left him. 
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After more or less of an hour, Y/N got back to her floor and went to his room. She found him on his new bed, with a book in hand. When he heard the door open, he glanced up from the book and at her “You’re back” 
 She entered his new bedroom with a lot of bags in her hands “I am. And here are your new everything.” 
Loki marked where he was currently at in the book and set it to the side as he sat up. He looked at all the bags that she had come in with, his interest peaked at how much there was “All that just for clothes?” 
She chuckles softly. Probably a prince of Asgard had never gone shopping in his life “Clothes, shoes, undergarments, hygiene products...everything is here.” 
He was a little surprise at the sheer amount of stuff she had brought in. He watched as she set the bags down “I didn’t realize I needed so much stuff.” 
“And this.” She handles him a cellphone. 
Loki took the phone from her. He studied it, looking at it up and down. He’d never held one of these before “And what am I supposed to do with this?” 
“I’ll teach you.” She sat by his side on the bed and turned the phone on. There was a cat picture on it. 
“Interesting choice of a lock screen picture” Loki raised a brow as he looked at the lock screen. 
“You can change it.” 
Loki chuckled a bit. He looked back down at the phone, his finger tapping around on the screen, trying to figure out how to change the lock screen “Alright. How do I do that?” 
Y/N then explained and teached him how to use a cellphone, how to make calls and how to text and use emojis. Her contact was already saved as “Y/N S.” Loki listened very carefully to the explanation of how to use the phone. His fingers tapping and moving around the screen as he followed along, exploring the apps and what they did.   
“Okay. Any doubts?” 
He hummed, thinking for a moment before speaking “No. I think I’ve got the basics of this down now...But what about that pizza you said you ordered?” 
“It must be arriving.” She says. 
Loki nodded when she said it would be here soon. He set the phone down, his mind going back to all the clothes she had brought in earlier “Oh and…where am I suppose to put all of that?”  
 “In your...closet?” Y/N was holding a chuckle, like it was so obvious. 
Loki mentally face palmed himself. That much should have been obvious. He had completely forgotten about the dresser that was in the room. He chuckled softly “Right. Of course.” 
“You should try them. See if everything fits.” 
He paused a moment as considered it. It would probably be a good idea to find out now if these clothes were too big or not after all “Fine. I guess I’ll try some of it on” 
“I’ll call you when the pizza’s here.” She says before leaving him alone to try the clothes. 
After almost 15 minutes, Y/N called him from the kitchen “Loki!! Pizza’s here!” 
Loki was still looking around the mirror at himself when he heard her call his name and call that the pizza had arrived. He had found that they were pretty good fits so far. “Coming!”  
 “Ready to try the best thing you’ll ever taste?” She says as she offers him a slice. 
Loki took the slice, still smiling as he held the pizza in his hand. He looked at it for a moment before bringing it up to his mouth. He took a bite and let the flavors and texture swirl in his mouth for a moment as he chewed. Once he had swallow that bite, his mind started processing the taste. It was actually quite good. Not at all what he was expecting. He looked to her, a smile back on his face “Well, I suppose this pizza actually is quite good” 
“Oh, come on. You can say it’s your favorite food from now on.” She smiles back at him. 
As they both continued to eat the pizza, Loki started thinking. He was enjoying this, the pizza and company both. The casualness of it all. It was nice. He took another bite before breaking the silence “Is this what it’s like for you all the time? Being able to eat pizza and chat and laugh like this?” 
“Mostly, yeah.” She nods. 
Loki hummed as he took another bite out the pizza. He swallowed, his mind still working as his gaze fell on her. He was just so curious about it all, this regular normal life. “This casualness. This normal day to day life…it’s so different to what we do and deal with all the time” 
“What was it like on Asgard?” 
Loki thought for a moment, trying to think how exactly to describe life in Asgard to a Midgardian “Not casual like this. There were no pizza for one. Life was much more formal. Always some kind of event happening or some sort of thing that we had to attend to” 
“Well, if you live with Tony, you always have some party invitation. He’s quite...popular around here.” Y/N chuckles. 
He chuckled at that “I suppose that’s unavoidable when you live with Stark” 
After a few more minutes of silence, Y/N spoke. “You know, for what they said, I was imagining your different.” 
Loki raised an eyebrow at that “Different how?” 
“More arrogant and difficult to deal. But you’re actually quite...nice.” 
Loki hummed in response.  “Maybe I’m just being nice out of politeness? Who’s to say I’m not actually like my past reputation?” 
“You’ve known me barely a day and have already made such definitive statements on my personality hm?” He says with a small smirk on his lips. 
Y/N chuckles “I’m good at seeing through people...I’m gonna sleep, I have to wake up early. Try not to destroy my floor. Good night...” 
He nodded slightly in response to her good night. He watched her as she walked away and then returned to his slice of pizza. Chewing it, his thoughts again going down the rabbit hole of everything that had happened in the last 24 hours. 
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Loki really started to grow quite close to Y/N over the months that passed as he was living with her. He quickly realized that he had grown quite affectionate for her, feelings of care and protective coming over him every time he saw her. Y/N had offered to him to take off the bracelet, but he still refused all the time. In this time, never left her floor and had little encounters with the others, mostly Thor and Tony. And he hated Tony. 
“Pizza’s here!!” Y/N called from her kitchen. 
Loki's ears perked up at the call. He had been in the living room, watching a movie, but as soon as she called out to him, he snapped himself out of it and got up. Making his way into the kitchen "That was fast.” 
“Right?” She chuckles. He moved up to the counter, his gaze drifting over to her a moment before he picked up a slice and Y/N did the same. “You know...I just realized you never told me when it’s your birthday.” 
“You never told me your last name either.” He says with a smirk as he eats the pizza. 
"So it's a tie" Loki chuckled, finding her response to be quite amusing. 
Y/N nods at him. Her phone buzzed and she already knew what it was. It was friday night, which means movie night for the team. Loki never wanted to go and that means she didn’t go either, because she didn’t want to leave him alone.  Still, they always texted her to invite. As Y/N checked her phone, Loki's ears perked up at the sound of it, curious as to what the message was. "Everything alright over there?" 
“Yeah...Nat’s asking if were going to watch the movie with them...” 
Loki found the others to be tiring, and the thought of sitting through a whole movie with them was almost unbearable "And are you going?" 
“Are you?” She looks at him. 
"No. I don't want to go to movie night" 
“So neither am I.” Y/N texted Nat before speaking again “You can’t avoid the team forever.” 
He leaned back against the counter, still holding a half eaten slice of pizza in his hands as he looked to her "I know… it's just that Stark…” 
“You really don’t like him, huh?” She chuckles. 
If Loki was being honest, Stark was possibly the single person he disliked the most "That man…I can hardly stand him. Everything about him annoys me. I don’t understand how you deal with him every day.” 
“My relationship with him is different...” Loki barely opened his mouth to say something, and she already cut him “and no, he’s not into me and no, I won’t explain.” 
Loki couldn't help but roll his eyes "I know you told me you won't explain. But it's strange. Especially with how annoying he is in general.” 
“Believe me, I know how annoying he can get sometimes.” She smiles a little. 
Loki's almost constant frown was replaced by a soft smile when she smiled. She was the only thing that could almost always get him to smile "Then how on earth do you handle him?" 
“Let’s just say I know him for a looong time.” 
He nodded slightly at her answer "That's fair. You still have my respect for being able to tolerate him for so long" 
Y/N looks at Loki for a few seconds... “You really hate him...” 
Loki's face and voice expressed how annoyed he was by the mention of Stark.  "I absolutely HATE that man. He truly is the most self-centered, cocky and arrogant person I've ever met. I bet his whole family is like that.” 
“Aren’t you exaggerating a little?” Y/N says. This would certenly complicate things between them. 
To him he was not exaggerating at all, and this was shown on his face "No. I am 100% serious. That man is insufferable, annoying, and cocky." 
“I mean what you said about his family.” 
Loki hummed, his expression still one of annoyance and dislike towards Stark "His whole family is bound to be like that. Look at Stark, his arrogance and cockiness, it must run in the family.” There was a pause for a moment, but he started speaking again, his tone going from mockingly confident to curious "Speaking of families… what's yours like? You haven’t told me about them.” 
“I have an older brother...” She speaks. 
Loki hummed, his head tilting slightly as his eyes stayed on her. He took another bite of the pizza slice he was holding "An older brother? What’s he like?" 
Y/N nods “Yeah...he always took care of me, especially after our parents die. I know he would do anything for me. He’s smart, caring…he always put me first, even if sometimes he’s a little overprotective.”  
A small part of Loki got a pang in his chest when she mentioned her parents being dead “Your brother sounds like a good guy. I’m sure I’d like him more than Stark.” Y/N just looks at him, not knowing what to say. He noticed how she seemed to pause after that last comment "You haven't told me his name, your brother's that is" 
She took a deep breath before answering “It’s...Anthony.” 
Loki couldn't help but chuckle softly at the coincidence "Are you joking? Your brother's name is Anthony?" Y/N just nodded. Loki had to hold back laughing as he processed the knowledge. The irony was almost too much to bear, but he was able to hold it in. His smirk growing as his voice came out, mocking and cheeky “How strange. That’s the name of our beloved friend Ironman...” She nodded again. 
He smirked again, thoroughly amused by this information "Your brother shares a name with that egotistical, arrogant, loudmouth… oh that is just…ironic, and hysterical.” Y/N just looked at him. He sure has realized...right? 
Loki chuckled, enjoying the irony and coincidence of her brother "Your brother seems like a much more decent fellow than Stark...”  
Y/N was still silent, just looking at him as she realizes he didn’t get it “Huh...Loki?” 
Looking at her, his gaze softened slightly “Yes?” 
“You didn’t get it, do you?” She says carefully. 
Loki looked at her for a moment, noticing the look on her face. He had been rather distracted that he had completely missed something that was rather obvious. He thought for a moment before his eyes widened and he suddenly realized “You’re kidding, right? Right?” His expression was one of absolute disbelief as it sank in “No. No, you’re joking. You have to be joking right now. Tell me you’re joking.” 
“I’m not...” 
There was a pause where Loki felt almost as though the room was spinning. He was trying to process this information, that his...friend, was sister of the man he hated the most, his mind in complete disbelief. He just stared at her, a dumbfounded look on his face. Eventually he managed to get words out “You mean to tell me, that your brother…the brother you were just talking about…is Tony Stark?” Loki wasn’t sure at this point whether he wanted to laugh, cry, or pull his hair out and scream “Oh this is…this is just brilliant…no…brilliant actually doesn’t even begin to describe this…this is…this is unbelievable” 
Y/N was confused. Sure, Loki hated her brother, but...why was he overreacting that way? “I think I lost something here...what’s the problem? Besides you not liking him?” 
Loki grumbled in irritation, trying to formulate his thoughts. He pushed back from the counter, turning to face her fully “The problem? Well, how about the fact that the man I hate is your brother. That definitely complicates the fact that I consider you my closest and favorite Midgardian” 
“So being his sister make us not friends anymore? Is that it?” 
He crossed his arms and let out an annoyed huff “That’s not the point. I’m not saying we’re not friends anymore…it just complicates things. It changes things… because you have a relation to him. I have very mixed feelings about this new information.” 
“You know what, I’ll leave you to think about it then since it’s so awful.” Y/N turned her back to him, walking to the elevator. 
He watched her walk towards the elevator, a pang in his chest as she got in and the doors closed. He was left alone in the kitchen now, still in disbelief at everything that just happened. Y/N decided to spend the night with the team, watching the movie Clint chose. They were happy that finally she was back with them. But of course, she didn’t tell anyone what happened. 
While she was with the team, Loki stayed in her apartment. He just sat on the couch, still in disbelief and thought. He was tempted to ask JARVIS where she was, but he didn’t want to seem needy. Ater the movie ended, she left them saying she was a little tired and went back to her floor. Loki was still sat on the couch when she came back. He heard the elevator ding and his head shot up. He sat up a little straighter as the door to the elevator opened. For a second, he just looked at her, unsure what to do or say. 
Y/N didn’t say anything. In fact, she didn’t even look at him as she walks past him on the couch and went straight to her room. Loki watched silently as she walked past, his stomach twisting itself into knots. He had never wanted to speak more than he did right now, but for once he was speechless. Watching her walk to her room, he waited for a second before deciding to follow her.  
He stood up, walking swiftly towards her room. He almost hesitated when he reached her doorway, he stood there for a moment as his mind went through what he wanted to say before he spoke in a soft and somewhat quiet voice “Y/N…” 
“What?” She replied without even looking at him. 
Loki entered the room slowly, a part of him feeling almost nervous “Can I talk to you for a moment?” 
Y/N kept her back to him as she was taking her necklace off “About what? That we can’t be friends anymore? That you can’t stand me because of my brother?’ 
His heart practically shattered upon hearing her speak like that. He hated how she thought that. He shook his head softly, his voice quiet and sincere “That’s not it. I never stopped being your friend, and I never will. And it doesn’t matter to me that Stark’s your brother, despite me despising him.” 
This made her finally turn to look at him. Seeing her gaze shift to meet his made his heart twist a little again. He took a few steps forward, now fully in front of her. He let out a shaky breath before he continued to speak “You’re still my friend. You always will be. Nothing will change that.” He looked down slightly, a pang of guilt hitting him “I…I didn’t mean it earlies. Not really. I was just…I was just in shock when I realized you were Stark’s sister. That’s all” 
He dared to look back up at her, his heart going as soft as his gaze. He took a step forward and was now standing right in front of her, his voice quiet and soft as he continued to speak “You being his sister doesn’t change anything. You’re still my friend. My favorite and closest friend.” 
Y/N sighs, her voice now gentler “I guess I should have expected that kind of reaction from you...”  
A small pang of guilt hit him when he heard her say that “I…” he paused for a moment, biting his lip as he looked at her “I’m sorry. For how I reacted. I should’ve handled it better…but I was just a little…shocked” 
“A little?” She chuckles. 
Loki chuckled too, a slight smile coming to his face now. He held her hand delicately, his thumb gently stroking the top of her hand as they spoke “Maybe more than a little.” 
They were looking at each other, holding hands, when JARVIS started to play a soft music and that made Y/N a little confused “JARVIS, stop.” But it didn’t.  
Loki’s head snaps to look at the ceiling when the music started. A small smirk came upon his face as he looked up for a moment “JARVIS is quite the wingman” 
Y/N shakes her head as the music kept playing. 
I had a thought, dear 
However scary 
About that night 
The bugs and the dirt 
Why were you digging? 
What did you bury 
Before those hands pulled me 
From the earth?
Loki couldn’t help feeling amused by JARVIS playing that particular song. He chuckled softly and looked at her, a smirk on his face “I wonder if JARVIS’S trying to hint at something…” 
I will not ask you where you came from 
I will not ask you, neither should you
 Y/N rolls her eyes “I don’t think he’s trying to make a hint exactly.” 
Loki chuckles again, still holding her hand, his slender and smooth fingers rubbing slow and gentle circles over the back of it “Then what would you call it?” 
Honey just put your sweet lips on my lips 
We should just kiss like real people do
 “I call it being direct.” Y/N chuckles softly. 
He chuckled under his breath again and smirked, his voice almost having a teasing tone to it as he spoke “I know one way to shut him up...” Before she can say another word, Loki does exactly what the music had suggested. In one quick movement he brought his free hand up to cup the side of her face. Within a blink, he had closed the small distance between them and connected his lips with hers. 
Y/N closed her eyes, kissing him back. He moves his lips slowly, softly over hers, feeling pure bliss. His fingers against her cheek were gentle while his other hand still held hers delicately. Y/N’s hand cupped his face as they kissed, making Loki smile faintly against her lips while he felt her hands against his cheeks. He parted his lips very gently, his tongue slowly and delicately caressing hers. He moved his hand from her face, up to her hair and her hands moved to the back of his neck. 
Loki let out a faint gasp, the action sent shivers down his spine. As he continued to kiss her, his tongue intertwined with hers and all his thoughts went out the window. The only thing that mattered to him in that moment was her. They kept kissing in a slow pace. Slow, soft, and gentle were exactly what Loki wanted. He was being gentle with her as always, yet there was a sense of passion and hunger in his kiss as well. He tilted his head and continued to kiss her for another moment, completely in bliss. After a moment he slowly pulled back, his breath coming out in a soft and shallow pant against her lips. 
He leaned his forehead against hers, his eyes half-lidded and a light, almost drunken-like look in them.  He was silent, his mind was still hazy from the kiss they just shared, leaving him speechless.  
Y/N smiles a little before kissing him again. A small moan escaped Loki's lips and he kissed her back slowly. He moved one hand and placed it on her waist, pulling her closer against him and bringing her body flush against his. Loki smiled faintly against her lips as he felt her hands start to move down his shirt. His muscles tensed faintly underneath his shirt, the feeling of her hands sending a pleasant sensation through his body. Y/N slowly pulls up his shirt until she took it off his body. He stopped kissing her for a moment to allow her to pull the shirt over his head, leaving his upper body bare. His heart was thumping fast in his chest as he felt his body exposed, her hands against his bare skin. He took a second to adjust before he quickly returned to kissing her again. He tilted his head and re-connected their lips in a gentle kiss, his hands going to the hem of her shirt, tugging on it a little. Just like him, she broke the kiss shortly to help him to get rid of it. 
He quickly pulled off her shirt as well, discarding it somewhere on the floor before returning his lips back to hers. He let out a small, quiet moan against her mouth as he felt their chests just barely touch. 
Y/N’s hand went down his chest until it stopped at his belt, slowly undoing it.  A soft, shaky breath escaped his mouth as his hips subconsciously bucked forwards a little as she started to undo his belt, making her smirks into the kiss. He was practically aching for her to touch him without the obstruction of clothes in the way. She slowly opens his pants, pushing it down, and Loki let out a quiet gasp. He was wearing thin, black boxer briefs, which didn’t leave much up to the imagination. 
Loki moved his lips from hers and started kissing slowly down her neck. His hand once again went to her hair, gently pushing it to the side to allow himself more access to her skin. He moved his lips to a sensitive spot on her neck and gently started sucking and biting on it and that made Y/N let out a soft moan. 
He smiled faintly against her neck, the sound of her moan was making him feel drunk. Loki continued to gently kiss down her neck until his hands started working on her pants too and slowly push them down. He pulled her even closer to him, his hands roaming up and down her body, touching her anywhere he could reach.  
Their joined their lips again, the kiss was slower now, but hungrier than before. The feeling of their underwear-clad bodies pressed up against one another was already driving him crazy with desire to be even closer to her. One of his hands started to move up her back, unclasping her bra and gently moving the strap of the bra off her shoulder until her upper body was more exposed. 
Loki broke the kiss for a moment, panting faint against her lips as he took the sight of her in. He stared, taking in every bit of her exposed skin, his mind practically blank, completely focused on her as he brought his hand up to her breast, gently but firmly cupping it with his hand, his thumb gently caressing it. That made her let out a small gasp, and it only made Loki want to hear more of it. He started to massage her slowly, his touch gentle against her sensitive skin, and his lips returning to her neck, gently kissing it. 
Y/N let her hand goes down to his boxers, slowly rubbing his bulge. A quiet moan escaped his mouth as he felt her touch, his boxer briefs now definitely more tight than they were earlier. He let out a deep, shaky breath, trying his hardest to hold back any louder sounds. 
She slowly pushed his underwear down. Loki shifted his legs to allow them to be easier to remove, the black piece of fabric soon being pooled with his pants on the floor left him completely on display for her. With his boxer briefs gone, he pressed his body against hers again. With his lower body pushed up against hers, he gasped again as he felt her against his sensitive member now. He began kissing down her neck again, his hands slowly moving to her hips and started to push down her panties. He was desperate to feel more of her skin against his, completely wanting all barriers between them to be gone. 
Loki slowly pulled down her panties, leaving them both bare against each other. He didn’t hesitate to bring her even closer to him. The press of her bare body against his sent a wave of pleasure down his spine, leaving all coherent thought lost in his mind. All that he could think about in that moment was her. Loki let out a shaky breath as he felt himself rubbing against her wet folds. His thoughts were a mixture of pure lust and want, mixed in with a strange sense of love. He continued to kiss her slowly, his hands gently caressing the bare skin of her back. 
Y/N broke the kiss, grabbing his hand and slowly leading them to her bed. She laid down first. Loki followed her and hovered above her for a moment, taking a slow, shaky breath before speaking again “You’re so beautiful…so perfect…” 
“So are you...” She says almost in a whisper. 
He slowly closed the small distance between them until their bodies were pressed together again, gently caressing her side and moved his head down and started kissing her neck again. His lips went further down until he gently started kissing her collarbone while his hand slowly started to travel further down her body. Another moan escaped her lips while she helped him fit better between her legs. 
Loki started to kiss down her chest, moving his lips to her breast and then to her nipple and gently started sucking on it while his hand continued to roam down her body, trying to touch her as much as possible. Y/N moaned again. After a moment, his mouth started to move over to her other breast and started giving it the same treatment. The sounds she made went straight to his ear and almost set him on fire, the hunger for her growing with every sound escaping her mouth. 
His lips were on a mission to continue kissing every single part of her skin, his tongue sometimes darting out to taste her. While his mouth started moving down her chest and towards her stomach, his fingers gently started to caress her inner thighs. His mouth continued to move down her stomach until he was in between her legs. There, he slowly started to kiss her just above her clit, his hands gripping her thighs very gently to keep her legs apart. Loki slowly started to move his tongue across her wet folds and her clit, trying to be careful and not to overstimulate her. The taste of her sent a shiver down his spine and he let out a shaky breath, having to keep himself from pressing his own hips against the sheets to get some kind of release. Each time he moved his tongue on her, she moaned.  
The sound of her moan was heavenly to Loki. His tongue continued licking her and his hands stayed gripping her thighs to keep her legs open. His own hips were pushing against the bed as his member was throbbing and begging for more, desperate for some friction.  He let out a soft, almost drunken sounding moan, his voice vibrating against her core. 
Y/N’s moans started to get a little louder, especially when he slowly pushed one slender finger into her. Loki watched as she closed her eyes and could feel her tightening around his finger. He carefully pushed another slender and long finger into her, wanting to give her as much pleasure as he could.  
He knew she was getting close by her moans and the way she was responding to his every movement. He felt her tighten around his fingers and a few moments later, she came. She pulled him back to her, kissing him again.  
Loki smiled faintly against her lips, returning her kiss immediately. His body was on top of hers, his hips in between her legs, pressing up against her but being careful to not actually push into her yet. As he continued to kiss her, he slowly started to move his hips against hers until he could feel his cock rubbing up against her, the feeling immediately making him gasp against her mouth. He broke the kiss for a moment to speak “Y/N...” His voice was a little shaky, the feeling of being that close to her yet not being inside her was almost driving him mad with need.  
“Yes...please...” Her voice was full of lust and desire, and she wanted nothing more than him inside of her. 
The sound of her asking him to continue made him feel almost dizzy with desire for her. He slowly lifted one of her legs a little more up and used his free hand to line the tip of his member up with her before slowly, and carefully pushing inside, making her moan. 
Hearing her moan as he pushed inside her slowly made him gasp, his mouth next to her ear. She nods at him for him to move. He slowly started to move his hips, being careful to be gentle and not go too fast or hard. His own breath was coming out a little in soft pants next to her ear, but he tried his best to keep them as controlled as possible to not be too loud and he kissed her again.  
The kiss was a lot sloppier than before, both of them breathing heavily against each other’s mouths as he kept moving. He moved his tongue into her mouth and tangled it with hers, desperate for as much physical contact possible. He picked up the pace slightly, the feeling of being inside her making his thoughts foggy. Y/N moans into the kiss while he kept moving in and out of her. 
The sound of her moans gave him all the motivation he needed to keep moving. His hips started to move a little faster, but still trying his best to be careful and not to move too forcefully or hard. He broke the kiss and instead started to slowly kiss and suck on her neck. She wrapped both her legs around his waist. He groaned quietly against her skin as he felt her legs wrap around his waist, practically forcing him to go a bit deeper. He let his head rest against her shoulder as he continued to move, the pleasure growing more intense by the moment. 
The new angle made Loki hit just the right spot. When he hit the right spot, he heard her gasp and felt her getting tighter around him, so he repeated the same movement again, the feeling making him bite down on the skin of her shoulder to try and muffle the moan from escaping him. 
He slowly picked up the pace again, now moving a bit faster. At this new rhythm and position, a few more thrusts of his hips and Y/N orgasmed again. He let out a shaky breath as he felt her climax around him again, her legs tightening around him and his name leaving her mouth like heaven. The feeling was sending him over the edge, it was too much, he couldn’t hold back anymore. Without stopping he let himself go, a deep, quiet moan escaping his mouth as he came inside of her. 
 His hips continued to move but much slower, riding out the last bits of pleasure. He slowly came down from his high, his body coming to a slow still as he tried to catch his breath. He slowly picked his head up from her shoulder to look at her. Her face was a little flushed from the pleasure and he smiled faintly at the sight. After a moment of catching his breath, he gently leaned down and kissed her forehead, a gesture that almost felt a little tender. 
Loki laid down next to her, gently pulling out of her and letting one of her legs still rest across his lower stomach as he laid down. He let his body rest a moment, still breathing a little heavily, before turning his head to look at her and spoke “That was...heavenly...” 
Y/N nods, agreeing but still weak from everything. She laid her head on his chest and Loki gently draped his arm across her back, pulling her closer to him so their bodies were even closer together. They both laid there quietly for a moment, just enjoying the feeling of the other so close and listening to each other breathes. 
He continued to hold her close, now gently caressing her back while he looked down at her. He was quiet for a moment, before he spoke “I didn’t plan on this happening when I came to your room, you know.” 
She chuckles a little “I guess we have to thank JARVIS for this.” 
“Indeed.” He chuckled faintly and continued to gently caress her back, letting his hand slide up and down her bare skin. 
“Are we okay? About the whole thing of me being Tony’s sister?” She had to ask it. 
Loki lifted his head up a little bit to look at her, a soft smile on his face “Yes, we are good. You being Tony’s sister isn’t going to change anything. I can promise you that.  If Tony has a problem with what we do in the bedroom, he can always take that up with me.” 
“Oh, so we’re doing more of this?” She smiled. 
He raised an eyebrow at her question, that faint smile still on his face ‘Of course we’ll do more. You think I’m going to let you get away from me now, when I finally have you in my arms?” 
Y/N chuckles a little “I guess I should tell you that unlike my brother, I don’t fool around.” 
Loki lifts his other hand to gently brush her hair away from her face, his fingers tracing down her cheek. He still smiled at her faintly as he spoke “Don’t worry, I have no plans of just fooling around with you. That’s not my style either.” He held her close and gently resumed caressing her back. He was enjoying the feeling of her bare skin against his and how she was laying in his arms.  
“What’s on your mind?” 
He didn’t answer at first, his hand still gently stroking her back. After a moment of silence he spoke, his voice a little quieter than before “Your brother is not going to be happy if he finds out that we’re together, you know…” 
“He won’t...” 
Loki stayed silent again for a moment, before he spoke in a quiet, slightly mischievous tone “Just so you’re aware, I have absolutely no intention of being quiet and discreet with you.” 
“Good.” Y/N smiles “Me nether. I don’t care about anything. I want you.” 
He felt that strange and pleasant sensation fill his chest again, hearing her say that. He gently pulled her even closer to him, her body practically flush against his and his hand sliding down from her back to rest on her lower back, nearly above her ass. His fingers gently traced her skin, his other hand still gently caressing her hair “Then you’ll have me.” 
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michelleleewise · 1 year
So I have a prompt if you're willing.
So like a bunch I've seen in the past, what if Loki has a crush on the reader and doesn't know how to process his feelings. So he picks on her, pulls pranks on her, and just being kind of mean to her. But of course Loki doesn't see it that way. Instead of the reader standing up for herself or trying to beat him at his own game, she gets really down on herself. Being picked on reminds her of her bullies from highschool and all the bad feelings come back. She starts to isolate herself, grows quiet, and starts skipping things if she finds out Loki's going to be there. It isn't until Nat (or whoever) sets him right, that he realizes what he's been doing to her. Is it too late to save this could be relationship?
I would like a happy ending but plenty of angst. Feel free to say no if you don't want to. 💙🖤💚💜
Hiiiiiiiiii!!!! Sorry this took 500 years for me to get to!!!! But I'm here now and let's set this angstfest on its way!!!! Hehehe. Thank you so much for sending this to me!! I hope you enjoy!! 💚💚💚💚
The Angel and the Fool
Pairing: Avenger Loki x female reader
Warnings: teasing, bullying, crying, depression, self deprecating thoughts, self esteem issues, body insecurities, loki being an idiot, nat being a good friend.
Summary: you and Loki had been friends for awhile, but recently his behavior towards you changed dramatically....
A/n: aaahhhh!!! This absolutely got away from me!! Lol sooooo it's a super long read, not sure how many words lol and a very very special Thank you to @mochie85 for all of your support and being my beta with this and and all your amazing thoughts!!!! Thank you!!!!! 💚💚💚 aaaand a new pic!!! 😁💚
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You stood at the kitchen counter waiting for the world's slowest coffee machine to finish "all that money and stark can't even get a fast machine." You sighed leaning your elbow on the counter when you heard voices coming from the hallway "I told you brother, I was the one who broke up with her" Thor's voice boomed through the room like the thunder he was known for "whatever you say thor." Loki's smooth voice followed after. Looking up seeing the bane of your existence patting his brother on the shoulder as they walked into the kitchen. "Ah lady y/n, how are you?" Thor asked smiling as he reached into the cupboard grabbing a box of his pop tarts "I'm fine, how are you?" You asked as the coffee machine finally beeped signaling it was done.
"I am quite well thank you, we are headed to the training room." He said setting the box down next to you when you finally took stock of what they were wearing. Thor in his red shirt and black joggers when your eyes met Loki's, the smile on his face sending a shiver through you as your eyes traveled down seeing his tight black tank hugging every muscle he had. Biting you lip seeing his exposed arms, tracing the veins down to his long yet delicate fingers "your staring again darling." He purred snapping you out of your trance "sorry." You whispered grabbing the sugar bowl you began sweetening your coffee "I would be careful with that if I were you." Loki said making you look up at him "why is that?" You asked holding the spoon over your cup. "Well its just you mortals and sugar, i have heard it adds to the waistline does it not?" He asked smiling as his eyes traveled down your body.
"What..." you started when he raised his hand "I know it is not your fault, your weak mortal form cannot handle what we can." He said smiling again flexing his large pectoral muscles. Dropping the spoon you looked down at yourself, you knew you had put on a few pounds...being Pepper's assistant left Iittle time to make home cooked meals so a lot of your food was take out or on the run. You adjusted your belt feeling your eyes burn "you can always join us in the gym, i would be happy to...assist you." loki purred again. Looking up seeing he was still focused on your body "t..thanks but I..." you trailed off putting your cup in the sink
"I need to go, maybe I'll see you guys later." You said quickly leaving the room before he could say anything else. You made it to your office, flopping in your chair with a huff. "Does he think im fat?" You asked yourself straightening your back you looked down at your soft middle, poking it with your finger sighing. "Maybe a diet wouldn't be a bad idea." You said to yourself turning on your computer trying to get to work but Loki's words kept echoing in your head. You leaned back in your chair feeling a tear stream down your cheek. You had admittedly had a crush on the god practically since you were hired, and through your work with them you had grown closer to him, you could say you were friends. But the last few weeks he's seemed to go out of his way to point out every imperfection you had. You sighed closing your eyes deciding to go shopping after work to buy new clothes and a variety of green leafy things.
A few days later you once again stood in the kitchen placing various fruits and vegetables in a blender. Nat had told you about a smoothie that could help you lose weight when you saw Loki walking into the kitchen looking like be just rolled out of bed. His hair was a disheveled mess, the muscles of his bare chest flexing as he ran a hand through it "Hello little mortal, what are you up to now?" He asked walking to the fridge grabbing two bottles of water making your heart plummet "nothing." You said quietly continuing your work. "Mmm, and the change of wardrobe?" He asked gently tugging on the end of your overly large blouse "stop it." You snapped swatting his hand away hearing him laugh. "Did we wake up in a mood darling?" He asked taking a seat on the stool in front of you. "Dont you have a guest to get back to?" You sneered pointing at his second water bottle "She will be fine, this is much more entertaining." He smiled grabbing a strawberry from your pile taking a bite as he stared into your eyes.
You felt your heart sink at the confirmation, the familiar burning in your eyes returning "I'm not here to entertain you Loki." You growled when his bright emerald eyes met yours "but you do it oh so well." He purred biting into another strawberry. You sighed, closing your eyes fighting back the tears that were threatening to expose you when you heard a pair of heels clicking against the tile floor "there you are, you just left me alone." A woman's voice sounded through the room making your eyes shoot open, a tall thin redhead sauntered up to the counter placing a perfectly manicured hand on Loki's bicep "apologies, I became distracted." He said not taking his eyes off of you. "Oh, is she making us smoothies?" The woman asked excitedly as she took the seat next to him. "I do not know, are you y/n?" He asked, a smirk spreading across his face as you placed the last of the ingredients in the blender
"well she's your assistant isn't she? Why else would she be here with you?" The woman laughed as you turned on the blender hoping to drown her out when you saw the lid of the blender begin to glow "what the..." you were cut off as the lid flew off and the entire contents of the blender shot out and all over your shirt, gasping as the cold liquid seeped through to your skin "oh dear...it seems you will need to change that hideous shirt." Loki's voice entered your consciousness as your eyes shot to his seeing him laughing with his "date". you grabbed a towel trying to get as much of the green concoction off you as you could, tears welling in your eyes "green really is your color darling" Loki purred making you sigh.
You threw the towel in the sink seeing the redhead pressed against his arm laughing when you looked at him, his eyes roaming your now drenched shirt "i...I need to go." You said quickly heading towards the hall when Nat walked in "y/n, what happened?" She asked seeing your ruined shirt "nothing, just..." you said looking over your shoulder seeing loki had turned still watching you "just a blender mishap, I'm fine." You said stepping around her when she grabbed your arm "y/n, are you ok?" She asked, her eyes boring into you. "Of course. Why wouldn't I be?" You asked as nat glanced back into the kitchen seeing loki and the redhead "y/n.." She started when you pulled your arm free "I said im fine nat, i...I have to go pepper is waiting." You said quickly turning to the elevator before she could say anything else.
You stepped in pushing the button, as the doors closed you finally allowed the tears to fall. Any inkling of a hope you had for you and Loki had just been crushed under the reality of your life you would never be good enough. Your mind went back to the woman he was with, she could have been a model, an actress. You had to admit she was beautiful when your mind went back over the last few weeks with Loki, his constant comments about your weight, your clothes, the time you tried to add a little makeup to your routine hoping he would notice, but his reaction crushed you "aren't clowns supposed to be in the circus?" He had asked shaking his head. Every off handed comment, every slight against your appearance drudging memories long buried..."if you lost a few pounds maybe a guy would be interested"..."is face transplant surgery a thing? Because you need one."..."what guy in their right mind would go out with you." You made it to your office, thankful you kept an extra shirt in your desk for just in case situations you quickly changed, tossing the soiled shirt into your bag as you flopped down into your chair. "I thought we were atleast friends." You said to yourself wiping the tears from your cheeks when you heard a knock on your door
"Hey y/n, we have a meeting with the team, we gotta go." Pepper said smiling "is...is Loki going to be there?" You asked grabbing your pen and a pad of paper "yeah, it's an all hands meeting about the new protocols for missions." She said "umm, I'm really not feeling very well...can I skip this one?" You asked as she stepped in closing the door "what's wrong y/n?" She asked sitting across from you "nothing, I'm fine." You said looking down at your desk "I Just don't feel well, that's all." You said looking back up seeing her eyeing you "well ok, why don't you take the rest of the day off and I'll see you in the morning." She said standing back up. "Thank you Pepper, I really appreciate it." You said quickly gathering your things "you know you can talk to me right, if you need to?" She asked opening your door "yes, thank you but I'm fine." You said seeing her nod "ok, I'll see you tomorrow." She said walking out closing the door behind her.
You grabbed your bag, turning your lights off you locked the door to your office before heading downstairs hoping you could slip out undetected. You made it to the common room when a familiar voice sounded behind you "where are you off to little mortal? We have a meeting" Loki asked making you freeze "i...I'm not feeling well so I'm going home." You said not turning around "well do try to eat some vegetables, not that chocolate you like so much." He said hearing him take a step closer to you "you know what they say, it's goes straight to your thighs." He purred next to your ear making you look down "I have to go Loki." You said quickly walking to the nearest exit when you heard Thor "come brother, everyone is waiting." You turned to see Loki still looking at you as Thor patted his shoulder. Putting your head down you pushed the door open and headed for the car park. Throwing everything in the back you climbed in turning the key you looked down at yourself, sighing you put your car into gear and headed home, and away from Loki.
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Loki's pov-
Loki quickly closed the door to his room and headed for the kitchen. Looking at his watch, smiling at the memory of when you gave it to him "there, now you won't be late anymore." You had said as you handed him the green velvet box, a large smile spread across your beautiful face as he opened it seeing the green iridescent face and gold hands ticking away, the black leather strap surrounding a tiny green pillow. He knew right then that his feelings for you went beyond comrodery, surpassing friendship into....something else, something he hadn't ever felt before. He quickened his pace knowing right now you would he in the kitchen messing with that odd machine that makes your coffee every morning. It had been two weeks since the incident with the smoothie and his conscience had been eating at him ever since.
He wanted more, he longed to hold you in his arms and never let you go but you always kept him at arms length, shying away when he attempted his usual method of flirting, but he couldn't resist the pull you had on him so he kept at it...kept pushing. But he knew that day in the kitchen he had gone too far, as much as he loved seeing you flustered and the things your drenched shirt did to him as it clung to your breasts he also saw the sadness in your eyes, the tears threatening to spill over as you stormed towards the hall. He was about to go after when he saw you talking to the widow, who shot him a glare that sent ice up his spine before you were gone again. He had hoped to catch you in the meeting, pull you aside and finally confess but you had fallen ill, leaving again before he had a chance.
Glancing at his watch again he began to jog down the hall, he had tried to catch you everyday since but you always evaded him, never staying in the kitchen too long and he wasn't allowed on the upper floors where your office was, some nonsense about his probation and secured areas when he made it to the kitchen, sighing seeing you standing there with Thor. He furrowed his eyebrows taking in your appearance, your clothes were baggier on your small frame then normal, your long beautiful hair that framed your face so perfectly was pulled back into a messy bun, dark circles encompassed your once bright eyes that now seemed distant, the sparkle that was there now dimmed. "This truly is an odd contraption." Thor's voice pulled him from his trance as he saw you smile but it didn't reach your eyes.
He took a small step in when your eyes shot up to his, your body going rigid as you stared at him "ah brother, lady y/n was showing me how she makes coffee." Thor said taking a sip from his cup "I must say it is quite good, you should try some." He said walking around to the other side of the island sitting on a stool "i...I have to go, you can show him Thor." You said quickly grabbing your cup you began walking to the elevator "y/n, may I..." he was silenced as you turned, the look in your eyes sending a shiver through him "I can't talk Loki, i...I have to get to work." You said, all emotion gone from your voice "but I...I just wanted to..." loki trailed off looking to his feet "I am sorry for the day in the kitchen, with the blender." He said fidgeting with his fingers "it's fine, don't worry about it." You said, the same coldness in your tone as he looked up at you "it's not the first time, and it won't be the last." You said taking a step back towards the elevator "but y/n..." he started when you held your hand up "I need to go." You said quickly turning and before he could say anything else you were gone.
He returned to the kitchen to see Thor staring at him "what was all that about?" He asked sipping his coffee "I need to speak with her but she had to go." Loki said setting the kettle on the stove. "Mm, well there is the party stark is throwing tonight, I'm sure the lady will be there, she goes to all of them." Thor said matter of factly "Thor, I never thought I would say this but you are a genuis." Loki said turning the stove off heading towards his room. The party, how could he forget the party! He thought as he walked in heading to his closet he pulled his black suit out, laying it on the bed going to his dresser he pulled out his black silk shirt and vest laying them next to his suit. "I will ask her to dance with me and then tell her." Loki said to himself grabbing a towel heading into the bathroom "tonight y/n, you will finally be mine." He said, smiling to himself as he turned the water on and began to prepare for tonight.
Straightening his suit he walked into the large overcrowded room. The music booming through the speakers made his head throb as he skirted his way through the throngs of people, looking around hoping to catch a glimpse of you as he made it to the bar. He looked up and down but saw no sign of you at all "what'll you have?" The bartender asked snapping him back "oh, um whiskey please." Loki said looking back out to the large crowd "maybe she isn't here yet?" He said to himself as the bartender set a glass of amber liquid in front of him. "Ah Loki, I wasn't sure you would be here." He heard next to him, turning his head to see none other then the widow taking a seat on one of the stools "yes well, I am here looking for someone." He said glancing back out "oh I'm sure you have no shortage of "dates." She airquoted making him raise an eyebrow at her. "What does that mean?" He asked leaning on the bar.
"Nothing, just rumors of your conquests have definitely traveled through the tower." She laughed making him sigh "Hmm yes, I have heard." He said looking out to the crowd again "do you think y/n is running late?" He asked making her raise her eyebrow this time "why so interested?" She asked crossing her arms "no reason, I was only curious." He shrugged sipping his drink "Mm, if i didnt know better i would say you were more then curious." Nat said as she turned ordering her drink "and what pray tell makes you think that?" He asked seeing her smile "I am going to tell you something I probably shouldn't, but needs to be said." Nat said grabbing her drink
"I know you and y/n are friends, well were until as of recently." She said sipping her drink "but I know a person in love when I see them, reading people is what I do." She said seeing Loki's eyes widen "see, what you need to try to understand about our y/n is she has a very large heart, she cares alot." Nat continued seeing loki nod "but shes been through alot, people have not treated her with the same kindness she gives. And what you said to her....and before you ask yes i know about all of it." She said quickly before he could interupt "honestly, it devastated her. The last two weeks she hasnt been herself, she wont talk to anyone, she refuses to go to meetings." She sighed shaking her head "all im saying is, if you dont feel the same about her just tell her, but stop messing with her, she doesn't deserve it." Nat snapped standing from her stool. "Have a nice evening Loki." She said making her way back into the crowd.
Loki mulled her words over in his head what have i done? He thought as he downed his drink and began heading to the exit when the same redheaded woman from that day found him "Hey handsome, care for a dance?" She purred rubbing his arm "no thank you, I must be going." He said walking around her "I thought maybe we could have another sleep over, get to know eachother better." She said grabbing his bicep "apologies but I'm afraid the answer is still no, I...I have met someone." He said seeing her nod "lucky girl." She smiled removing her hand "I'll see you around." She smiled walking back into the crowd as Loki let out the breath he was holding. Now he just had to find a way to get to you and talk to you, tell you everything once and for all and he knew exactly how he was going to do it.
He continued walking through the crowd when he heard a familiar laugh, looking up seeing Thor on the balcony of the vip section, rolling his eyes seeing him swinging his precious hammer around when his eyes landed on you. "Y/n..." he sighed taking you in. Your hair was gently curled cascading down to your shoulders, the floor length powder blue dress hugged your beautiful body perfectly, the long slit landing at the middle of your thigh made his heart race as you shifted, exposing your supple skin. His hands clenching into fists thinking about how badly he wanted to run his hands up and down those beautiful legs as they were wrapped around him, squeezing him as he gave you everything he had...worshipping you exaclty how you deserved.
Shaking his head he adjusted his slacks that had suddenly become very tight as he pulled his phone out, dialing the number he wanted he looked up watching Thor set his hammer down before pulling out his own device "ah brother, where are you?" Thor asked looking around the room "Thor, may I have a word?" Loki asked as their eyes met "meet me at the bar." Loki said hanging up quickly heading back to the bar when a large hand landed on his shoulder "loki, is everything alright?" Thor asked leaning on the bar. "Brother, I have a favor to ask." Loki said looking back to the balcony, Thor following his gaze nodding "tell me what you need." Thor said seeing Loki smile.
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You stood off to the side, wondering how you let nat talk you into coming tonight. You pulled at the dress that she had loaned you. It was too tight, the neckline definately too low as it traveled down between your breasts, the only thing holding it in place was the thin strip of material traveling behind your neck, and the slit was definitely too high. You felt exposed as you shifted on your feet trying to hold your breath. You watched Thor bow before walking down towards the bar. Looking around you bit your lip, the only reason you had agreed to come was because you knew Loki wouldn't be up here. "The vip section." You laughed to yourself seeing nat had rejoined wanda, Steve was laughing with bucky, the other agents you had seen on your floor mingling...they deserved to be here, they were heroes... they were beautiful and here you were, the ugly duckling among the swans. You looked down sucking in your stomach trying not to stretch the dress when a voice next to you made you jump.
"Well hello gorgeous, can I buy you a drink?" You turned your head seeing Matt, the agent who had the office next to yours smiling at you. "Oh...I have one, but thank you." You whispered watching his eyes travel down your body. "Hmm, well we could get out of here, I don't live too far." He winked smiling "um, no...thank you though." You offered a smile sipping your drink. "Women don't usually turn down a night with me, you sure you won't reconsider?" He asked again stepping into your space "t..thank you for the offer but yes I'm sure." You said taking a step back. Yes he was attractive, very much so but you barely knew him and there was no way you were gonna let him see you naked. You cleared your throat looking back out into the crowd when you heard him laugh "Ya know you clean up pretty nice, I was honestly surprised to see you had brushed your hair." He laughed sipping his drink. "I...um thanks?" You said looking down.
"you actually look kind of decent." He laughed again eyeing you. "Mm...it's like those movies where the ugly girl puts on a dress and makeup and suddenly she isn't AS ugly....that's what you remind me of." He said. You felt the familiar burning in your eyes, closing them as he went on "but you know what they say, put lipstick on a pig and it's still a pig." He laughed louder when a loud thump made your eyes shoot open, looking over seeing Matt pinned against the wall, Thor holding him by the throat "you will not to speak to her that way." Thor said sternly leaning down coming face to face with him "apologize...now." Thor growled as Matt's eyes widened. "I...I'm s...sorry." he choked out, his eyes not leaving the massive blonde "Thor...stop." you said grabbing his arm but there was no way you could make him budge when his eyes met yours, the anger that was there softening as he looked back at Matt
"you will never speak to her again, am I understood?" Thor said growled into Matt's face as he nodded "go, before I change my mind." Thor said tossing him to the floor watching him scurry away. "Thor?" You whispered when he turned back to you. "Are you alright my lady?" He asked stepping closer "yes, i...im ok. Thank you but you didn't have to do that." You said looking down. "He had no right to say those....horrible things to you y/n." He said as you shook your head "no he's...he was right, I don't belong here." You breathed looking up seeing Thor's eyes wide "what ever would make you think that?" He asked crossing his arms "don't play dumb Thor, you know as well as everyone else." You sighed looking out to everyone having fun
"they're strong, beautiful, they could take anyone in the room home with them." You said fidgeting with your glass "i...I'm not any of those things." You said feeling a tear slide down your cheek "i never will be, because no matter what I do I always be me...fat, ugly me." You sighed setting your drink down "I think im gonna head home for the night." You said looking to the floor as you walked around him "y/n, wait." He said grabbing your wrist "do you truly see yourself as such?" He asked making you laugh "it's what I've always been told. Even your brother has made it abundantly clear that I am...how did he put it...oh yes a clown that needed to join the circus." You said feeling a lump form in your throat "and you know the pathetic thing?" You asked finally looking up into his eyes "i...I love him...and I will never be good enough for him." You huffed a laugh remembering the day in the kitchen.
"Y/n, my brother is an idiot...a fool." Thor said taking a step closer to you. "You have to understand, when we were younger...on Asgard he had no shortage of attention, men and women would happily bend to his will, do anything he asked of them to be his...to be in his favor." Thor said looking down "and those who didn't he would break them down, make them feel less then to get what he wanted...regardless of how selfish it was." Thor continued, his hand sliding down to yours "and here...on Midgard it has been much the same, I was never lacking attention and i...I let it go to me head." Thor said looking up into your eyes "i?...what do you mean i?" You asked furrowing your eyebrows watching Thor shake his head "are you feeling ok Thor? Do you need to sit down?" You asked squeezing his hand "no! I'm not...i have wronged you, and how i treated you...." he snapped, trailing off looking around.
"Come with me." He said pulling you along behind him. Running to keep up with his long strides "Thor, where are we going?" You asked as he pulled you into a secluded corner away from everyone "if I didn't know better I'd think you were going to kill me." You laughed as he pressed your back against the wall "umm...Thor?" You stuttered when you saw him close his eyes, a green light washing over him when suddenly Loki was in his place "Loki!? What..." you were cut off by his hand gently covering your mouth "shh...I cannot be up here." He said lifting a finger to his lips. "I needed to speak with you and this was the only way." He whispered lowering his hand from your mouth
"what...why?" You whispered back as he placed his hands on your shoulders "y/n, is that truly where your feelings lie?" He asked, his hands slowly sliding down your bare arms "i...you...i know..." you trailed off, closing your eyes remembering what you just confessed to "thor" "Loki i..." He cut you off again by his finger pressed to your lips, his deep green eyes boring so deep into yours you were afraid they would consume you. You lifted your hand gently grabbing his wrist moving his hand "yes Loki...it was the truth." You whispered seeing tears well in his eyes. "I know you don't feel the same, I'm sorry I ruined our friendship its just...."
you were cut off again, all coherent thought leaving you as his lips pressing to yours, the hand you were holding reaching up to cup your cheek as the other slid around your side to your back pulling you closer to him. Gasping feeling his fingers touch the bare skin of your back when you felt his tongue slip between your parted lips, moaning into his mouth tasting the whiskey on lips as you returned the kiss, tilting your head as his hand slid to your hair holding you to him. The kiss was everything you had ever imagined and more. It was dominating and all consuming, and you never wanted it to end. Wrapping your arm around his middle you pressed yourself as close to him as you could, your nails digging into the back of his suit jacket when he pulled back slightly, nibbling your bottom lip as he pressed his forehead to yours, your breath mixing together as you tried to regain your composure.
"I...I owe you an apology y/n." He panted tightening his grip around your waist "I owe you so much more then that." He said lifting his head looking into your eyes "i...I don't understand Loki." You said searching his eyes for an answer. "Y/n, my sweet, beautiful little mortal i..." He trailed off looking down "I have never been the best at expressing my emotions, and in truth as a prince of Asgard i...i never took into account others feelings, i was selfish and took what i wanted however i wanted" He said looking back up at you "I know it is no excuse for how I have treated you, but after hearing that pathetic boy say those things to you." He growled "I see what I have done to you, how I've made you feel and I....I am ashamed of myself for everything I put you through." He said, a tear streaming down his cheek as he looked down again.
"The truth y/n is...that I love you, I have loved you for so long." He whispered "and I was afraid you would never feel the same for the would be invader of your realm, but I simply couldn't get enough of you...of your bright smile, your kindess, of your attentions, i craved it...so in my selfishness I teased and mocked, as I had done so many times before hoping to get even the slightest reaction...a smile, a snide remark...but I watched you slowly pull away from me, hiding yourself away in your office, the spark inside you slowly dying and i...y/n I can never apologize enough for my behavior." He said looking up, your heart breaking seeing the tears steaming down his cheeks. "D...do you think you could ever forgive me?" He asked, his voice shaking as his lip quivered. You lifted your hands, cupping his cheeks seeing his eyes close "Loki.." you whispered, your thumbs wiping the tears from his cheeks as he slowly opened his eyes.
"Please y/n, let me take you out...allow me to treat you as you deserve...to worship you as the goddess that you are." He whispered wrapping his fingers around your wrists. You smiled looking deeply into his eyes "all you had to do was ask." You said seeing him return the smile "oh my perfect, sweet y/n." He sighed gently placing a kiss on your lips before wrapping his arms around you pulling you to his chest, his large hand holding the back of your head as he rocked you back and forth. "I'm sorry...so so sorry." He whispered into your hair. "It's ok Loki, I forgive you." You said into his chest, squeezing his middle tightly. "What did I do to deserve you?" He asked kissing the top of your head.
"You made a mistake, but you learned from it." You said pulling back to look at him "and you apologized...who am I to hold a grudge?" You asked seeing him smile "you are truly an angel sent from the heavens." He said cupping your cheek "come, allow me to take you to dinner, where we can talk more privately." He said stepping back "ok, let me get my coat." You said as he wrapped his arm around your waist you walked through the room towards the exit, glancing over seeing nat you waved as she winked lifting her glass when you caught Loki mouthing something to her. "What did you say?" You asked as he smiled down at you "oh, I was thanking her." He said squeezing you tighter "for pointing out how much of an idiot I had been." He said grabbing the door holding it open for you "after you my angel." He said, making you blush as you walked past him, feeling his fingers twine with yours you squeezed, smiling to yourself and for the first time in a long time you had hope.....
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@lokistoriesblog @hyperlokilover @iamlokisgloriouspurpose @simplyholl @lokidokieokie @mjsthrillernp @violethaze @dryyoursaltyoceantears @loz-3 @commanding-officer @stupidthoughtsinwriting @high-functioning-lokipath @jaidenhawke @lokiandbuckysdoll @littlespaceyelf @lastlovesong17 @ladyofthestayingpower @homesickloki @glitterylokislut @avoliax @yelkmelk @mayjaysthots @buttercupcookies-blog @differenttyphoonwerewolf @her-glorious-purpose @nate-ate-hate @chantsdemarins @ladymischief11 @usagishira @princess-asgard @honeyg19 @goblingirlsarah @cabingrlandrandomcrap @silverfire475 @smolvenger @loki-laufeyson-1054-deactivated @marygoddessofmischief @animnerd @texmexdarling @fictive-sl0th @jin0x0 @vbecker10 @eleniblue @lady-rose-moon @pics-and-fanfics @kittiowolf210 @kats72 @asgardianprincess1050 @crimson25
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spread4marvel · 3 months
I couldn’t decide between Bucky or Loki on this one but I ended up going with Loki so hope yall like it. (i’m also in a huge writing block so if u wanna send me a request feel free🤗)
You and Loki have been together for a few decades now in Asgard, which is still fairly new, but the two of you are far more comfortable with each other. Therefore, Loki had always been one to tease and edge you in public, and tonight, you were determined to make things different.
TW: Heavy smut, slight spelling errors, Breeding kink, dirty talk, and edging in a public area
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”You’re not wearing green.”
Loki stated as you walked out of the closet to reveal your outfit to him. You stifled a smirk as his eyes got slightly low and dark, he could see right through your mischief. He was the god of if, after all.
“You don’t like it?”
“That’s not what I said.”
You bat your eyelashes at him, trying to act innocent, as if you didn’t plan this out. He furrows his brow before a wolfish grin plays on his face, he hums. With a snap of his fingers your dress begins to fade into a beautiful emerald shade of green. You sarcastically huff as his smirk grows wider, coming closer to entangle his arm with yours.
“You can’t just turn all of my gowns green.” You state, he can’t help but chuckle lowly as a response. “Ahh, i’m aware, My dear. Unfortunately for you, I can’t seem to help myself.” He replies playfully, smiling down at you. Your height difference is obscene, even in heels. A silence falls over the two of you for a moment, then you decide to break it. “I believe we should start walking now.” You said, cocky and teasing at the fact that he had been staring at you for the last few minutes of silence. He didn’t respond for a moment, finally, you realized what he was staring at.
“You are breathtaking, am I not allowed to bathe in My Wife’s beauty?” He asks, more rhetorically as he fiddles with your golden necklace. The initial ‘L’ on it shining brightly in the light. “You’ll be rewarded for this darling.” He says, dropping the necklace as it retreats back to your collar. His voice lower and brooding. You can feel your pussy practically soar with excitement as you tried to ignore the new found wake in between your thighs. “I-I believe your father will be displeased if we wait a second later.” You remind, trying to distract yourself from your newfound arousal. He smirks, reading your body so well as he notices your change in demeanor, but he doesn’t dare say another word as the two of you begin to walk, arms entangled together.
So far, your plan had been going extremely well. You hadn’t been avoiding Loki all night, naturally you could never stray too far from your husband, but you had been coming up to him to subtly brush your body against his and then whisper filth in his ear before retreating to go mingle with other guests of the palace. He was, naturally, amused and sexually frustrated by your successful attempts of teasing.
Unfortunately for you, it was time to be seated for the speech that Thor had prepared. Since you were apart of the royal family, you and Loki sat alone at one table together. Naturally, Odin and Frigga followed suit, also sitting at their own table alone. Which meant, Loki could finally get his payback, now you felt a hand slowly creeping up your thigh. You look over at him before turning your attention back to the speech.
“L-Loki… what if someone sees you?” You whisper lowly to him, a dark chuckle graces your ear as a response, his fingers are hooked onto your inner thigh, so close to where you need him. “I think that would do wonders for my imagine, don’t you? Loving husband attentively tending to his needy wife, sounds quite heroic of me.” He replies, as cocky as ever. You roll your eyes at him, a slight scoff fleeing from your lips lowly. He can’t help but smirk.
“Besides, My dear, what if someone saw what you’ve done to me.” He continues, his voice is low and velvet smooth. A deep timber rumbling through his tone as he mumbles in your ear. You look at him, innocent confusion playing on your features. Still, it’s a great enough effect to remind you of the pool forming eagerly between your thighs.
“I have no clue what you mean.” You try innocently, he sees right through you and you know it.
“Liar. If you wish to be a tease, let me show you what all your teasing has wrought.”
His words seems to fall gracefully from his lips. You turn your head slightly before redirecting yourself back to the speech no one seemed to be listening to. Loki gently grabbed your hand, guiding it in between his thighs until you reached his rock-hard erection through his pants. You gasp slightly, quiet enough for no one to hear besides your husband. “Gods Loki…” You grip the girth of his cock deliciously, causing his breathing to spike for a moment. Fighting the groan that threatens to fall from his lips. He straightens his back, composing himself once more as he doesn’t seem to push your hand away.
“You feel that? That is the consequences of your actions, my dear. I hope you know how to finish what you’ve started.” He reminds you, your smirk grows wider. You remove your hand from his aching cock, which reminds you of the hand of his that is currently pressing against your soaked panties. “I wouldn’t be too smug darling, it seems your greedy cunt is no better.” He whispers darkly, you blush at the mentions of your dampness, your smirk quickly turning to a playful scowl as Thor finally seemed to finish.
It was now time for one of Asgards many traditions, the ballroom dance. You partnered yourself with Loki as he swayed you to the rhythms of the music. He twirled you gracefully before pulling you back into his arms. You took your opportunity and slightly rubbed your ass against his crotch subtly. Loki groaned in your ear before spinning you around and dipping you. “Naughty girl.” He growled to you, you couldn’t help but giggle before he pulled you back up and the two of you swayed more.
“Oh, you liked that hmm?”
You tease him in his ear as he brings you close before twirling you away once more. He’s glaring at you with his dark bedroom eyes as he brings you close once more. “You’re playing a deadly game, little girl. It would be a shame if I bent you over right now and made you moan for me in front of everyone.” He muses back, you can’t help but feel a new wave of arousal crash over you due to his manipulation, he can tell by the way you struggle to retort a reply. The ache between your thighs is only growing more unbearable as the two of you danced.
“Oh I think that would do wonders for my image.” You remark breathlessly, teasingly quoting his exact words. You can tell he’s about to make you regret your fierceness and just as he’s about to have his way with you, the song ends. You smile as he pulls you close one final time. “You don’t know what you’re doing.” He whispers darkly, before you both pull away and resume the party. Starting to rethink your decisions but you can’t help but be thrilled by what’s to come.
The night had finally unwinded so the two of you gave your remarks to family and then begin the walk to your shared chambers. Lokis hand is rest possessively on your lower back as the two of you walk. Suddenly, you hear Thors booming voice calling after Loki, you huff knowingly. “Wait Loki!” He tries, Loki rolls his eyes and groans. “Wait in the room for me darling, spread with nothing on.” He commands, you nod as he sends you off, leaving himself behind to negotiate with Thor.
You hum as you pull your clothes off, just as he had requested. You know Loki was gonna be even more pent-up, but so were you. You thought about touching yourself, making yourself cum instead of waiting. Your aching cunt was practically begging you too, but you wanted to be good for him. Loki doesn’t take fairly long to return to you, in fact, he’s back in mere minutes. As soon as he shuts the door he’s onto you. With just three long strides across the vast palace chambers he has made it over to your body in a haste.
He lays you down on your back as he throws one of your legs onto his shoulder putting your bare arousal on display for him. “Oh darling I can practically smell your wet cunt, did you touch yourself while I was away?” He asked as his breath ghosts on your eager cunt. He already knows the answer, but he’s prone to making you say what he wants to hear. “N-No Loki I didn’t…” You answer truthfully, to which Loki replies “Good girl.” Loki hums lowly as he licks one long stripe through your ripe pussy. Groaning as he eagerly began to eat out your cunt with practiced precision.
You moaned as you felt his lips latch onto your arousal, whimpering slightly as you threw your head back into the pillow in pleasure. You simply adored the feeling of Loki’s silver-tongue on you, and he was smugly aware of that. “Mm you make such pretty noises for me darling, I intend to make you scream until that pretty voice is hoarse.” He explained as he lifted his head from between your thighs to tease you, you whine slightly at the missed connection, he smirked at that little noise as he found himself returning back to your pussy eagerly.
One orgasm leads to the next and you find your mind hazy and dumbfucked by Loki who had yet to stop eating your cunt. “Do you even know how much you’ve came for me?” He asked rhetorically as he lifted his head from yet another orgasm, his hair was ruffled and your cum was smeared around his lips as he gave you those low eyes. It was the most remarkable sight you could’ve thought of and the sight alone made you whimper longingly. He didn’t need a response, he let silence flow for a moment as he planted hickeys and kisses to your inner thighs silently. Either way, he was quite sure you couldn’t even fathom a response. But he knew you loved to hear his voice brewing your arousal and so he continued with his torture.
“I figured you didn’t, Love. I made sure of it. You know dearest, an Asgardian prince is too not pleasure their lover with their tongue? I always found the rule silly, like many others, don’t you dear?” He asked with a smug grin, clearly enjoying his affect on you, he doesn’t plan to stop yet. He intends to continue to pull orgasms until he feels as if ‘you’re ready’ for him. You whine in agreement, panting heavily. “y-yes my prince, I-I do…” You manage to get out, the ache between your legs seemingly missing Loki’s tongue.
“I would hope so, wife.”
He purrs knowingly as he returns his tongue back to your clit, beginning his beautiful torture again. Attentively, you buck your hips on his face eagerly. He groans in pleasure, loving the feeling of your evident desperate state. He buries his tongue in your pussy as he licks a clean stripe up your clit deliciously causing you another orgasm. He smirks at the quickness of this one, he knows you’re ready now. Eagerly, he licks up your remaining cum before pulling himself from your pussy to undress.
He takes his time with this one, peeling his clothes piece by piece in a teasing fashion. You know if he wanted to, he could make it all disappear with a flick of his hand, but instead he intends to tease you. “Don’t be a tease Loki, it’s not a good color on you.” You remind, he quirks an eyebrow at you with a smirk as he finishes with his final article of clothing before climbing on top of your writhing body.
“Oh, truly love you wound me. Plus, we’re both aware of the dishonesty that leave your lips. But please my dear, Dic mihi satis mendacium.” (Tell me more pretty lies) He purrs deliciously in your ear, you groan as his Latin graces its way to your ears. He could be saying anything in the world to you, but when he speaks it with that accent in that tone you simply can’t resist the feeling of being wet. You direct your hand to his hard cock, giving him two strokes as you bore into his eyes before removing you hand.
“P-please Loki… n-need you too fill me…” You plead, the ache between your thighs growing harder to resist as you fall back to begging him. He smirks as he lines himself up with your entrance. Beginning to push his thick cock into your wet pussy. The two of you seem to groan together in sync as he allows you to adjust yourself. Finally, he pulls his cock fully out before slamming it back into your cunt. He continues his ruthless pace as he pounds into you deliciously. You moan loudly in pleasure, shamelessly. He continues his pace as you feel his cock slightly stutter before pushing all the way back into you as you feel his cock graze your G-spot.
Instantly, you cum all over his cock. He smirks as he doesn’t seem to stop pounding into you. “That was awfully quick, Wife.” He teases you, you couldn’t care enough as you moan again, you can feel his cock hardening in your cunt. You’re sure he’s bound to cum soon, but he wants to make you cum another time before he spills his seed. “Think I could pull another one from you? Come on love let me feel you.” He encourages, you whimper slightly, with a few more thrusts you find yourself close again, you moan as you try to communicate. “F-fuck im so close!! D-don’t stop Loki.” You convey as you find yourself cumming once more.
His cock is practically soaked with your juices as he finally begins to drawl close. He grunts and groans breathlessly. “I’m so close amare (Love) I’m gonna cum all i-inside you… would you like that? mmmphh… g-gonna let me plant my heir in you? You would look even more beautiful with my seed growing inside of you.” He rumbles, his timber voice affecting you heavily as he talks about breeding you. You moan at the thought. “Y-yes please!” You practically shout, your voice hoarse just as he had promised as he finally releases. Spilling his hot semen inside of you with a groan.
The two of you pant together and lie intertwined for a couple of moments. Embracing each other warmly. He pulls out lovingly, planting kisses to your collarbone as he does. He grabs you a warm rag as he cleans you both up and plants kisses to your skin. A snap of his fingers and the sheets are clean and warm for the two of you.
“Goodnight, My love.” He whispers to you one last time as he presses his final kiss to your forehead before joining you in the bed together, interlinked.
Sorry if I missed with this one😓, It’s my first time writing smut so I hoped you enjoyed and maybe drop me a request!!
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mrs-elsie-barnes · 1 year
The Old Gods and The New - Chapter 3
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Infinitely More | Loki x Reader
Loki makes his first contact with you, much to the Avengers disappointment, there's a natural connection between you both. Maybe Loki can help answer some of your questions.
Warnings: 18+ for sexual content. Avengers being rude, Loki being himself, thigh riding/masturbating.
Credits: divider by @firefly-graphics
Series Masterlist | Loki Masterlist | Masterlist
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Loki used his magic to hide among the shadows and return to the guest room unseen.
Lying on the large bed in the guest suite that the Avengers had provided for him, Loki whiled away a few hours contemplating the cocktail of magic that had shimmered around the mysterious woman in the hospital room, dipping into his own knowledge and scratching down some ideas for further reading, if he could be permitted access to some of Asgard’s now limited libraries. He allowed the image of you arching from the bed to permeate into his subconscious. In response his body felt taut, ready, and he imagined how you’d feel arching into his touch like that. 
A sharp, familiar, knock broke him from his thoughts, followed by a boisterous voice. 
“Brother? They want you there when they try to speak to her again,” Thor thundered through the door, his enthusiasm at having his brother with him overwhelming. Loki had agreed only because he was so bored and Thor had seemed to keen to show of Midgard as Loki’s own personal tour guide. 
Loki rolled his eyes, the pen and notepad he’d been using to jot down ideas, vanished back into the air, and he prepared to follow Thor back through the compound and into the secret room next to yours. 
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After surveying the array of heroes in front of him, he settled against the back wall, trying to look dispassionate as you examined a strand of your hair in the two way mirror, watching as it got changed beneath your fingers. You behaved as if there was no one else watching, with an air of resigned melancholy mingled with curiosity. 
“I’ll go and talk to her,” Tony said, “see if she’ll tell us anything we, or you,” he pointed at Loki “can use.”
A soft whooshing sound accompanied Tony’s exit from the room as the sealed door slid open and then closed behind him.
As soon as the door had closed, you backed away from the mirror, your hands out behind you to feel your way towards the hospital bed. Bruce fiddled with a few dials in front of him, turning the comms down so only those at the front of the room could hear, deliberately tuning Loki out. The god could’ve heard if he wanted to, but he preferred to look down at his nails dispassionately. 
It didn’t look good even from where Loki was standing, nor did he require audio to know that you were furious. In fact, you looked both frightened and angry, as you pointed at the door while Tony stood stoic and shaking his head. After a few more minutes of silent arguing Tony appeared through the sealed door again, frustrated and defeated. 
“I can still feel it, she’s controlling the air in there, it was so unbearably hot. Bruce what happened?” He groused, bumping his friend out of the way with his hip so they could look at the control panel together. 
Bruce confirmed all the controls and vitals were normal inside of the room, but Tony’s heart rate had been elevated the entire time, his dopamine and oxytocin skyrocketing and then crashing, full of adrenaline.
“I’ll try next,” Steve offered, but Loki cut him off, raising his hand to silence the soldier’s presumably brave attempt at protecting his friends. 
“I don’t think so. Let me,” Loki insisted, ignoring the indignant look of the Captain’s face. 
“That’s not a good idea, whatever her magic is, it’s is very powerful.” 
“I would be insulted, Captain, if I believed you put any thought into your argument apart from your own desire to be alone with her. It radiates off you and makes you vulnerable. Let me.” Loki placed a hand on his chest, smiling serenely in the face of Steve’s increasingly flustered demeanour. 
Steve flushed. “That’s not…” 
Loki held his hand up again and silence fell over the room. 
“I believe I know what your problem is, why she’s making you have these dreams.” Loki straightened his collar and rolled the sleeves on his shirt, “spent her whole life in that flat and now she’s here with you. Apparently you’re superior human specimens,” he shrugged his shoulders, a hand on the door, “she’s aroused, and as soon as that arousal spilled out into her magic you locked her away. But, you’re in luck, because I can help,” Loki gave a cheeky grin and turned away from the blushing Captain. 
Loki pushed the door open and locked it behind him in a smooth movement. In the split second before the lock clicked into place there was a squeak of rubber soles on the vinyl floor as the entire time rush to stop him - and then silence descended. 
“Hello, little one,” Loki cooed, side stepping the breakfast tray that you unceremoniously hurled at him as he entered, the cereal and coffee splashed on the pristine wall behind. He simply tapped his foot and the milk that had been soaking into his trousers vanished, along with the once dripping food on the wall. 
“Fuck off. I’m not talking to any more of you, especially not if you’re going to patronise me,” you turned away, bare legs dangling from the medical bed.
“No, of course not. My apologies.” Loki lifted his hand, green magic moving over the floor and picking up the breakfast tray, a cloud of gold and green carried it carefully back to you before landing softly on the bed. The once plain breakfast had been replaced by a carafe of coffee and an array of artfully arranged fruit and pastries. 
You looked down at the tray and smiled, the first smile you’d allowed yourself in a long while, and Loki took the opportunity to move closer. The god positioned himself on your other side and took the largest strawberry from the plate before inspecting it closely, keeping his eye on you in his peripheral vision. 
You eyed him too. You knew who he was, you’d been the news and read the articles about the Avengers and their fight with the norse god of mischief, Loki. Yet here he was, dressed in simple black slacks and a white shirt, inspecting a strawberry that he’d made with his own magic. In profile he was just as handsome as the media photos you’d seen. His cheekbones were sharp and angular, his eyes clear and piercing, yet there was a softness to his cheeks and lips, especially when he smiled a little, rolling the red fruit between his thumb and forefinger, pressing until juice pooled on the surface of the soft flesh. 
Then he spoke, and his voice wasn’t cutting and violent like the videos of New York, no, it still held a deep timbre, but there was no panicked undertone or manic speed to his words. 
“I know you’re not to be played with, not like those fools.” He whispered, carefully, almost gently, keeping his volume low so you had to lean in. “I should call you little fae?” He took a bite of the strawberry and turned to look at your perplexed expression, “little nymph?” The sugary juice coated his lips and you leaned closer, watching his lips turn pinker, “no, no, I saw your power this morning, and you’re still doing it now, though I wager you don’t know it. How about Little Goddess?” And he popped the last bite of the strawberry into your open mouth tilting his head, amused, at your surprised eyes. 
Loki watched the silver flecks in your iris spark and fizzle, the subtle change of your hair colour as you breathed out.
“And who are you to label me?” You kept eye contact with him, eating the fruit slowly while he observed you. It took every ounce of Loki’s control not to grin at the haughty tilt of your chin or
“My name is Loki,” for once he decided to forgo his full title, he assumed you must know it anyway and, besides, he had a game to play with the Avengers. Making you feel small was not part of that game. “I am not-” He looked at the mirror, choosing his words carefully,“they treat me like this too. With fear. But they should be treating you with admiration.” He touched your check with the tips of his fingers, “worshipping you.” 
You lent into the touch, your skin alight, lips parting slightly. But he pulled away casually, leaving you leaning into nothing and struggling to catch yourself before falling. 
“Well, I don’t think so, Loki, I irritate them now. I just told the truth, they like each other. I just wanted to help,” you looked at your lap, twisting your fingers together and digging your nails into your palms. “I just wanted some friends, and it’s their fault anyway, they brought me here, I didn’t ask to come.”
With a warm hand, Loki tilted your chin up and raised each finger away from your palm until they lay flat in his, “don’t hurt yourself, Little Goddess.”
At his touch you could feel the spark of energy that had everyone on edge, the light outside glowed and your eyes flashed as you stared back, holding him in your gaze. 
“Can you see what power you wield?” Loki ran his hand down your cheek, “they want to subdue you again.” Your eyes glazed, the silver now prominent. “Do not take their concoctions.” Loki turned subtly towards the countertop that lined one wall of the medical room, it currently held a kidney dish with a vial of sedative and prepackaged needles. 
“I don’t want to take those tablets again, I just want to be able to control this. I want to be free, they said it’ll help me.”
“They’re drugging you, if you want help, I can help you, will you let me help you, Little ásynja?” You nodded, eager for anything that would let you out of this boring room and out into the world you longed to explore. “Tell me what you want?”
Over your shoulder Loki watched as the door handle began to jiggle, squeaking in the lock from the ferocity of the attack on the other side.
“I don’t want to wear this stupid hospital gown any more.” You plucked at the hem, “it’s humiliating, I feel like a - a - patient or something.”
Loki grinned, a smile of deep satisfaction that he allowed to spread over his face. That wasn’t what he was expecting, not with the way your body had lit under his touch, your heartbeat hammering and the delicate scent of you shifting into something deeper and muskier. But it was something he could take care of while you warred with whatever feeling you were trying to tamp down that had you squirming in your seat and squeezing your thighs together. 
“Of course, I can use my magic to change it for you? What would you like?” With his hands under your elbows, Loki encouraged you to stand up in front of him. A shimmer of magic and you were taller, heels tipping you forwards onto your tiptoes, emerald silk clung to you, a short corset tight at your waist, glinting with gold, your hair piled on top of your head under a crown and intricate gold and emerald jewellery circling your wrists. 
You reached up, your fingers dancing over the crown, smiling and let out a laugh of shock. You hadn’t even felt anything, one minute you were in that awful hospital gown and now you were dressed like a queen. 
The banging on the door grew louder and your eyes flicked over to where the metal vibrated on its hinges, but Loki put his hand on your cheek, turning your attention back to his piercing gaze.
“Don’t look at the door, just look at me.” He gently touched a hand to your temple, a rude act, perhaps, normally he would ask before trying to pry into anyone’s memories. But with the sparse information that the others had been able to glean he really didn’t expect to find anything at all. 
Your mind opened and Loki was overwhelmed, oh this was better than he could have dreamed. You were there behind the wall, the real you, not this cowed mortal, but something infinitely more that faded into the back of your memories like the darkening night. He couldn’t see it all and he didn’t want to risk hurting you by freeing it all at once. Your eyes glazed and then squinted, as if staving off a headache and Loki pulled himself away from your memory. 
“Maybe a bit too elegant for the medical bay,” his magic shimmered again as Loki tried to regain his composure. He wasn’t entirely sure what he’d been expecting to see behind the steel wall of your mind, but it certainly wasn’t that, and he hadn’t expected flashed of his own memories to come flooding back to him either, no images yet, but the feel of a soft hand in his, moss and crowns of flowers, Asgardian summers that had once felt endless. 
Loki was decidedly distracted, images of you arching on your bed, miles away, aeons ago, filled his mind. Your desires, your lust was overwhelming, just the scent of you, so close to him, was making his fingers itch to touch you and he stepped closer, hands circling the corset at your waist, eager to feel the heat of your body flush against his own. 
You gasped, looking down at the once elegant dress, now gone, but the corset, heels and crown remained. Silky shorts sitting high on your thighs, lace dancing across your skin and goosebumps rising where Loki’s cool hands met your bare skin. 
“My sincere apologies, darling.” He stepped back abruptly and you looked directly at him at the pet name, hand still on the crown, “too soon,” he smiled, but you didn’t cover yourself. Somewhere deep inside this felt entirely right and natural, even the crown was a welcome weight, and Loki’s gaze was familiar too. Then he flicked his hand and his magic wrapped around you, replacing your scant lingerie. 
You knew these clothes, though they weren’t nearly as regal or provocative as Loki’s outfits. They had been lost during your supposed rescue from London to the compound, when all the problems had started and life had become scary and upside down. Soft, worn, light blue jeans, a white shirt and your trainers, he had pulled them from your memories, all except the bracelet that circled your wrist.
“Oh - this didn’t change,” you inspected it, watching the tiny emeralds glinting in the morning sun.
“You can keep the bracelet, consider it a gift. From one God to another,” Loki closed the bracelet under his hand, holding your wrist gently.
From one god to another, it vibrated through you, this is truly how he saw the confusion of your powers? Some sort of admission that you were a celestial, godly being? 
You swallowed down the sick, nervous feeling building inside of you and touched the bracelet again instead.
“I don’t have a gift for you,” you whispered.
“I will allow this indiscretion,” Loki smiled, “I am sure there will be an opportunity in the future.”
His smile was filled with suggestion and you longed for him to act upon it.
Behind you the door continued to rattle, Loki’s magic keeping the lock in place even as your captors tried to open it, though he could hear nothing from the outside. He flicked a hand and out of the corner of his eye he saw the camera and microphone melt into a puddle of black plastic and wiring.
“Tell me, darling, do you feel unwell. You are warm, I can hear your heartbeat.” Loki moved closer again, pulling you in with a strong but gentle hand on your wrist, his fingers touching the intricate bracelet he’d created for you. 
“You can hear that?” You asked, quietly, and somehow as you blinked your eyelashes felt longer and thicker, becoming a flirtatious flutter. 
“I believe you may require some assistance.” Loki’s lips hovered above your own, the light outside as blinding as his gaze, “you’re aware they can see you through that mirror?”
You started and looked round, skin as hot as coals and heart beating like a drum at the thought of all they’d seen you do in this room. Loki could remember too, your fingers dipping below the waistband of your underwear, the little moans you’d allowed yourself, and he felt his trousers become tight for the second time in your presence. 
It was becoming increasingly difficult not to act upon the burning lust that had been kindled inside. Tony was right, as soon as he’d walked into the room he’d felt hot and bothered, needing to touch and tease to release some of the tension. 
“Do not worry, my darling,” he waved and plush curtains fell across the mirror in heavy ripples of moss green velvet and gold brocade, the luxurious fabric so at odds with the clinical room you’d been left in. 
The door handle stopped moving and Loki turned his attention back to you. The rise and fall of your chest as you panted, confused, as if all of the air had left the room. The way you tipped your head forwards to try and regain some composure. 
The handle started to move again and a dull thump reverberated through the room. You turned to him, suddenly aware that he was a stranger in your rooms, eyes wild before you fluttered them closed. Loki pulled you forwards, the rhythm of the thuds against the door speeding up his own heart beat. His lips met yours, one hand around your waist pulling you closer, the other encouraging your legs up onto the bed until you were situated in his lap, clinging to the feeling of his body around yours, his lips slanted against your mouth and his hands cradling you. 
Moaning, your fingertips glowed, light sparking in the room, silver and navy. But your eyes stayed closed, ignorant of the light show you were putting on for the God. 
“That’s it Little ásynja, let me take care of you. They have been neglecting you, have they not?” Loki cooed, soft and low and soothing, you nodded against his chest, something deep inside calling to the God as he peppered you with kisses.
“And at home, you had a consort, to satisfy you?” He didn’t really care if he was stepping on anyone’s toes, but it was good to plan ahead for these things.
You shook your head, “no I, well….” 
Loki let his fingers ghost over your forehead, he could see you in that far away bed, a little Midgardian toy in your hand as moans filled your thoughts, electricity and light. Loki’s grin was wolfish. Not quite the innocent little shut away they all thought. 
Your hips seemed to be moving entirely independently of your own thoughts, dragged into the deep sense memories that Loki had stirred, a muscle memory of pleasure and satisfaction that your body was chasing. Your hands slid into Loki’s hair while you ground down against the bulge in his own trousers, eager for more. 
“That’s okay darling, I understand. I could visit you, if you liked. We could talk, I can…help you. With your magic of course.” Loki continued to place featherlight kisses across your nose, cheeks, forehead, now beaded with sweat. The calmness in his voice made your harsh panting sound even louder in your head. Loki’s hands lay gently on your hips, helping you to move and grind against him. “That’s right, darling, you take what you need from me, I’ll take care of you.” He promised, as you came with a cry, your arousal soaking into the leg of his trousers. 
Immediately you were filled with shame and embarrassment, attempting to squirm from his lap, but he held you down firmly, the length of him still pressed between your legs, and in your post orgasmic sensitive state you could feel him pulsing against you. 
Loki looked into your eyes, impossibly black now with a silver ring separating your pupil from the colour, not black, no, rich, dark blue, like the night sky circled by stars. His heart beat wildly, he needed more of you, he felt insatiable, obsessed. Were you doing this? Were you making him feel this way? Like he couldn’t breathe. Or because this feeling was genuine? What memory was it that itched at the back of his mind that he couldn’t realise? 
He fought the urge to lift his hips and chase his own release with you, taking a deep breath and promising himself a hasty retreat to his own rooms, he managed to calm himself. 
"I promise I’ll come back, but I think they would like me to leave now.” He cupped your cheeks in his hands, holding you back from kissing him again but you shook your head keeping him close. 
A shrill clang of metal on metal reverberated through the room, setting Loki’s teeth on edge. The door was at least partially broken, he assumed, the hinges now hanging from the frame. Fool, Loki berated himself, he had allowed his magic to slip and as sure as he could hear shouting and voices outside of the room, they must have been able to hear you cry out. 
You leant into his embrace and pressed a kiss to his lips, sweet and slow as the door fell into the room, framing Steve on the other side, panting and frustrated, his cheeks flushed.
“Alright let’s go!” He pointed at Loki.
“So I can see you again?” You asked with a small voice, fingers clinging to his shirt, lips against his neck.
“Yes, darling, I’ll see you tomorrow, but if you need me, I am a god,” he leaned into your ear, “you can always pray to me.” Loki placed a kiss on your forehead and felt a frizzle of something escape again while Steve, and now Sam too, stood in the door frame shuffling, uncomfortable.
Such power, he chuckled to himself, such power and yet they are frightened of their prisoner.
It was definitely worth having to listen to the mortals complaining to irritate them this much and he had got their not so stoic prisoner to talk a little, even open up to him, he had brought you release when they could barely bring you comfort and he felt settled in the knowledge that they had no idea what they were playing with. 
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Loki was lost in his own mind imagining the wall in yours, the memories entombed there. He had heard your voice, delicate and nervous, talking to him a few times. Telling him about your loneliness, your confusion and fear. And around an hour ago he swore he heard you gasp his name. The close proximity allowed him to hear you pray, but he could also feel the connection he had opened. A version of you searching to get out, running through corridors filled with vast vaulted ceilings and pillars that seemed to cascade form the ceiling, holding them up almost effortlessly. Endless halls of gold and miles of forest. 
This time it was Steve who rudely interrupted his studious daydreaming. 
“She’ll only talk to him,” he pointed at Loki who plastered on a caricature of shocked innocence.
“Are you sure?” He was sure, but he had such an urge to hear it from someone else.
“Of course I’m sure, she point blank refused to talk to me, Bruce, Tony, anyone. She asked for you and you alone.” 
“I’m flattered,” Loki stood and gave a smug smile before bowing at the waist.
“She wants you now, if you’ll go.” Tony suggested, refusing to meet Loki’s eye and instead toying with the clear phone in his hands. 
Loki faced the assembled superheroes before him, “how does it feel, heroes, to be the bad guy?” He waved his fingers at himself dramatically. 
“We’re not the bad guys,” Natasha insisted.
“No? Does the scared girl want to talk to you?” He slid his hand out in front of him, pointing at the shocked faces, “or me?” He waved his hand down his body and changed his clothes from his Asgardian leathers to a casual pair of black jeans and a matching t-shirt,. “Bad guys,” he pointed at them, faking a grumpy face and then smirking as he walked off to the medical wing.
&lt;<Part 2 Part 4 >>
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stuckymonkey · 1 year
College Bucky Au
Pairing - college!bucky x fem!reader
Summary - When y/n finds herself stuck with a very annoying study buddy who cannot shut up about the quarterback, Bucky Barnes, she can't help but vent to a charming boy named James...
Warnings - use of y/n, reader is female, implications of smut?
Word count - 2k
a/n - my first time writing with this style and ship! also my first time writing on this blog :D I hope you enjoy and feedback is always appreciated!
masterlist bucky masterlist
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It's been two hours of trying to study for our physics quiz with some girl named Vic from my class. She couldn't shut up about how her date had been with the school's quarterback, Bucky Barnes. "I really think he's the one, you know?" she had said with heart eyes as she twirled her curly hair around her finger.
Vic's notes remained untouched. I nodded and hummed while copying down equations and formulas. She obviously didn't mind my disinterest, continuing to talk about how Bucky had complimented her necklace and the perfume she wore.
Checking the time on my phone, I gratefully noticed it was time for me to head back to my dorm with Nat and Carol. "I know he has a reputation as a bit of a player, but I swear I'm the exception. You should see the way he looks at me!" her jaw dropped as if she couldn't believe it herself. "Mhm, well it was really nice working with you but I have to get back to my dorm. Catch you later?" I asked while scurrying to gather my stuff. "Yeah, for sure!!"
I bolted out of the library and down the dark sidewalk to my dorm. I enjoyed the slight autumn breeze and rustle of the leaves as I walked down the sidewalk. Soon enough I saw the lights from our building come into view, walking faster to get into the warmth of our room. I burst into our dorm, wasting no time in talking about my night.
"Natasha, that was horrible. The entire time Vic talked about Bucky Barnes like he was a God," I started setting my stuff down on our island while I talked, "She went on and on about their date and how she's sure he's the one." I imitated in a high voice. "It was disgusting. Like I get he's the quarterback but how good can he seriously be?? Anyways, I at least got some notes done. How was your night?" That was when I noticed Natasha's boyfriend, Steve and one of his friends was sitting on our couch.
"Hi Steve." I waved. Steve was smirking at his friend. He went to introduce him but was quickly cut of by a "Hi, I'm James." He grinned and stuck his hand out for me to shake. "Sorry about your study session" he said with a smile. "It's no big deal. How's the game?" They were watching college football on our living room tv. "Good, it's just in the final quarter." his smile reached his eyes and crinkled them around the edges.
The rest of our night was spent watching football, eating snacks and drinking wine or beer. When the game ended and everyone started yawning, Steve and James decided to go. "Bye," Nat kissed Steve goodbye, before stepping back from the door with me and Carol. James waved with a boyish grin on his face before leaving with Steve.
The next day we were heading to a football game, one of the last before thanksgiving break. Being pre-med I didn't go to many games, and I couldn't help but wonder if I would see the infamous Bucky Barnes. Nat and Wanda led me to the change rooms to help Thor sort out his hair, something I would usually do for him prior to the game, but today he said it would be better to do it here since I was coming anyway.
Once in the changeroom I saw many familiar faces, Tony, Steve, Sam, Peter, Pietro and now James. I caught James' eye and waved. He waved back with that same attractive grin. I started braiding Thor's hair while everyone else got ready for the game. Soon it was time for me to find Natasha and Wanda so I could sit down and watch the game. Thor and the rest of the team bid me goodbye as I left.
"So, what do you think of James?" Wanda asked, earning an elbow to the side from Nat. I quirked my eyebrow at her actions, "He's nice, and cute." "She's blushing!" said Wanda. "I am not! I'm just wearing a lot of layers, it is fall you know." "There's Steve!" Nat called, pointing to the field as the players started to come out. "Does anybody know what number James is?" I asked innocently. Nat just shook her head.
After the game, we went back down to the changerooms so Nat could see her boyfriend and Wanda could see her brother. "Y/n! Your braid held up amazing today! Thank you!" Thor bellowed as soon as he noticed us. "You're welcome Thor! I'm glad it worked." I said with a laugh. I found myself alone as Nat and Wanda left, but not for long.
"So, I heard your study session went pretty bad. Want a different partner maybe?" I turned around to see James. "Are you offering to help me study physics James?" "Maybe I am doll," he smirked, "I promise not to brag about Bucky Barnes or any football players. Scout's honour." he said, holding up one of his hands in a very serious manner. I couldn't help but laugh at his antics. "Well with a promise like that, you sure do make it hard to resist." I smiled. "It was that bad, huh?" he seemed closer than he was before. "Yes! The entire time she went on about Bucky and how amazing their date had gone. She said he was a known player but that he had a special spot for her or something. It was crazy. She even told me he was the one. Last time I checked, playboys don't have 'the one'" his smile seemed to dim at this. "Yeah, I guess you're right, doll." I loved that nickname. I felt butterflies everytime he said it. "Well, I'll give you my number, maybe you'll have better luck the second time around?" he offered. His confidence didn't seem as high as it was before. "Of course!" I said before handing him my phone and taking his. I put Y/n with a flower beside it before handing it back. He had put in his contact as 'James'.
A week later, James and I found ourselves in the library, notes open, with drinks and pens scattered everywhere. We had been talking daily in the days leading up to this and he seemed like a really sweet guy. He was raised by his single mother, Winnie, who he adored, he had a sister named Rebecca and he's been playing football with Steve since they were 11. They seemed like great friends, I couldn't help but wonder why I hadn't met him sooner.
Three hours in, our drinks were gone and my head felt all foggy. James was an incredible study partner. He chatted with me every now and then, always a welcome break from copying down notes. He was smart and helpful without being a nuisance like Vic. "Thank you," I said. He looked up at me with tired crystal blue eyes. "For being an amazing study partner." I smiled. He smiled softly, "I didn't talk too much?" "You did perfect. 10/10. We should definitely do this again." he grinned and let out a low laugh. "Alright then. I think it looks like you found a new study buddy." "That I did."
Me and James kept up our study sessions for weeks, and the habit of texting daily. We made frequent visits to a cute cafe on campus, usually spending an hour or more per week. During those hours we tended to do more talking than anything. My phone pinged with a notification,
Text me when you can. Not urgent, just need to talk.
That was weird. I went downstairs to talk to Wanda and Nat about it. "Have you guys noticed anything weird with James?" I asked. They shared a look that made me feel like they knew something I didn't. "Guys?" "Y/n, I think it's better if he tells you." Wanda said with a slight frown. What could have happened? Was he okay? I immediately opened my phone and told him to meet me at our cafe in ten minutes.
"Y/n?" he asked, seeing me at our usual table. I stood up once I saw him. He looked gorgeous, with a black coat, fresh jeans and a plain white tee. His hair looked a little messy, like he had just gotten up. "Are you keeping something from me? Are you okay?" "Y/n-" "No! If there's something wrong, I deserve to know James! I'm your friend, I know you don't have to tell me, but I care about you and-" "Y/N!" heads turned from other tables and the chatter died down for a moment after James had yelled. "Y/n, I am not sick, and I'm sorry for yelling. My name is James Buchanan Barnes. Bucky Barnes." I looked at him wide eyed. I was shocked. He didn't seem like a playboy, or self obsessive. Or anything Vic had described. Except for charming.
"Okay." "That's it? I've been guilty about this for weeks y/n/n." "And you should be! You technically lied to me. Why didn't you just tell me J- Bucky?" He kept avoiding my gaze. "Because then you would know I was a player and self obsessed." He seemed shameful and his face lacked any trace of a smile, instead it had traces of guilt.
"You don't seem like a player or like that at all. I actually really like you." I'm sure I was blushing at this point, and his head shot up from where he was looking at his shoes. "Really?" "Really. You're sweet, you care about your team, friends and family, especially your mom and Rebecca. You would do anything for your family or your team. You're giving and caring and you technically pretended to be someone you aren't just so we could see where this goes." "You think this is going somewhere, doll?" he smirked. "Maybe." I shrugged.
Tentatively he spoke, breaking our silence. "Y/n, would you like to go out with me?" "Hm...." I pretended to think, making his eyes widen. "Yes!" a breath of relief escaped him, and he stepped forward to wrap me up un a hug. I felt him place kisses to my hairline before he pulled back and smiled as he looked into my eyes.
I would never get tired of this view or this feeling. His cheeks were slightly flushed, and his hair was still messy. Crystal blues peered down into my own eyes. Pure adoration covered his face. "Well Barnes, where to?" "What do you mean doll?" "Didn't you just ask me out?" I giggled. "You mean like you want to go right now?" "Why waste anymore time, Bucky?"
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saiyanprincessswanie · 7 months
Made For Me - Epilogue
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Series Masterlist
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Female Reader
Word Count: 2077
Summary: Six months later we find our reader pregnant and happy to be where she is. Or is she?
Warnings for Series: NONCON/DUBCON, Drugged NONCON, Somnophilia, Masturbation, Oral Sex, Forced Orgasms, Light Bondage, Stockholm Syndrome, Manipulation, Gaslighting, Light Physical Abuse, Breeding Kink, Cussing, Angst, Sex Toys.
A/N: Thank you to my beta reader @music-culture-mythology for helping me like usual.
Page break is by @whimsicalrogers
Moodboard by @fictional-affairs
Reblogs & Comments on Tumblr are welcomed and encouraged. 😊💜
I do NOT give my consent to have my work translated or reposted on any social media platform, apps, or third-party sites. If you see my work anywhere besides my personal Tumblr & AO3 accounts, it has been stolen. I will NEVER give written or verbal permission to repost or translate any of my fanfics as they’re MY intellectual property. 🚫🚫
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Six Months Later…
Things with Bucky have finally settled into a peaceful life after that scary moment when he protected you from an unknown man in the woods. That day changed everything. You no longer see Bucky as your sadistic captor. No, he’s now your husband, your lover, and your everything. You are excited and nervous that you’re now six months pregnant with Bucky’s baby. A part of you looks back on how you got here. The memories still bother you at times but then you remember the happiness you now feel. You have a husband and a baby that’s almost here. 
As you sit outside on the porch soaking in the sun you hum to yourself, you think of the day you married your husband. It was a small ceremony with his six friends; Tony, Steve, Nat, Thor, Clint, and Bruce. It was at that moment you knew there was no going back to your former life. 
When surrounded by everyone that day you could have sworn you recognized Thor from somewhere but you couldn’t put your finger on it. He sort of looked like that man from the woods. Maybe you were imagining it. There is no way Bucky would lie about that to you, right? Of course not, he promised you the truth going forward and a better life together. 
Now your life consists of being a wife and soon-to-be mom living in the beautiful mountain area that is both your refuge and cage. You shake the word cage away instantly as you think of everything Bucky has done for you. He has kept you safe, loved you unconditionally, and has given you the freedom to explore the area with him. Bucky is so gentle and caring as long as you listen to him, which has now become easier to do over time. There have been no punishments from him in many months and life just seems simple now. Who would have thought a simple life awaited you in your future? Your hand caresses your belly softly and a light kick is felt under your hand.
“You're going to be a strong one Jamie, just like your papa.” You can’t help the smile that appears on your face. You know he is going to be Bucky’s mini-me. The thought of a blue-eyed boy warms your heart.
“Who is going to be strong like me?” Bucky's deep, gentle voice shakes you out of your daydreaming. Bucky climbs the stairs and takes a seat next to you. You look up to see him smiling at you with his eyebrow raised in curiosity.
“I was talking to Jamie about how strong he will be. I know he’s gonna be just like you with your blue eyes.” You grin back at him admiring how handsome he looks in his plaid long-sleeve shirt. He could almost pass as a lumberjack with his shirt and beard on display. 
“Our son will be healthy, and strong and hopefully have his mama’s looks cause you are so beautiful to me.” He leans into you and kisses you softly on the lips. You can’t help but hum in content. “Keep making those noises and I may have to take you right here.”
“Sorry, I couldn’t help myself when you kissed me so sweetly. Maybe when you’re done doing chores I can reward you later.” Bucky groans at your suggestion. 
Bucky smirks at you. “Just so happens I’m all done with chores.” 
His vibranium hand cups your cheek gently as he leans in for another kiss. This time the kiss grows into a passionate one and his tongue deepens the kiss. The moan that leaves your throat is a needy one and has Bucky sliding you into his lap. You instantly start grinding down on his hard cock beneath his jeans and it pulls a groan from Bucky. He draws back from kissing you for a moment and before you know what is happening Bucky stands up with you in his arms. 
He carries you bridal style into the bedroom where you both start pulling your clothes off in a frenzy until you’re both naked. Bucky and you crawl onto the bed, careful not to hit the baby bump on anything. Bucky lays you back on the bed as he makes his way between your legs. 
This is what Bucky loves about you. You're now obedient and submissive to him. What’s even better is your addiction to sex with him is natural and not drug-induced. You have an appetite now that you are this far along in your pregnancy and Bucky is enjoying every bit of it. His eyes look you over like you’re a fine dessert ready to be devoured. He lays between your thighs and drapes both your legs over his shoulders. Bucky softly kisses from your inner thigh to your pussy and back. A whine leaves your throat as his beard lightly teases you. 
“Patience doll, you know I will take care of you,” Bucky whispers against your thigh. This time he kisses his way back up your inner thigh but this time he licks along your clit. Bucky does it again and this time you’re moaning his name. He takes his time between your legs making sure to give you the pleasure you are craving. By the time he has you cumming, Bucky is ready to take you apart all over again. 
Bucky moves from between your legs and helps you roll over to your hands and knees. This position always brings pride to him as he gets to hold your baby bump. 
Bucky coats his erection in your arousal as he rubs it between your lips. Slowly he pushes into your sweet pussy until he bottoms out inside you. His hands settle on your hips and you both groan from the pleasure as Bucky starts up a slow, steady pace. The sensation of being so full of his cock almost overwhelms your senses as he picks his pace up and starts taking you harder. 
The sound of his hips smacking against you echoes within the bedroom. Your low whines increase with every thrust. It’s almost like he was teasing you as you are close to cumming again. Bucky’s flesh hand leaves your hip and lightly cups your belly. The thought of him being the one who got you pregnant always fills him with pride. He’s the reason for the family you’re about to start. 
His pace now quickens as he wants to feel your pussy grip him tight. “I can feel you clenching me tight, doll. God, I need you to cum for me like a good girl.” His breath is faltering as you grip the bed tighter with your fingers and groan out his name. Bucky’s fingers move from your belly to your clit and starts rubbing it in tight circles. The pressure keeps building up inside you until you’re hurdling off the cliff in pleasure, moaning his name to the heavens above. As soon as you tighten around his cock Bucky is groaning out his release and spilling his seed into you.
You both breathe in and out, trying to catch your breaths. Bucky’s lips kiss up your back and to your shoulder. Gently he pulls out of you and you both collapse on your sides. 
Following your lovemaking, you both shower and change into some comfy clothes. 
Deciding it was still a beautiful day out you both decide to sit outside on the porch and relax for the rest of the day. Bucky has his arm wrapped around you and his vibranium hand rubbing your belly. Now and then he would feel his son kick. This is one of Bucky’s many favorite things to do with you and lord knows he would do anything to keep you this happy. 
Snuggling in close to Bucky you realize this future is not bad after all. This is where you belong and where you will raise a family with Bucky. Nothing will get in the way of your happy ending. 
That is until you are both startled by a female screaming for help. Bucky jumps off the porch and looks around for where the voice is coming from. A woman appears out of the woods and is running towards the cabin. The woman runs up to Bucky begging for help. You are about to get up when Bucky tells you to go inside. You do as he says and walk into the cabin looking out at them.
The woman seems to be distressed and crying. She keeps saying she was kidnapped and needed help. Something feels familiar to you about this situation. Suddenly, the skies start to darken and a crack of thunder echoes across the forest. You suddenly feel a chill up your spine as a long blonde-haired man steps out from the tree line. It’s Bucky’s friend Thor that you met at the wedding. 
Thor walks up to Bucky who is holding the hysterical woman as she pleads for safety. Bucky easily hands her over to Thor, who is now throwing her over his shoulder. You watch as this screaming, terrified woman is being taken in the same direction that they came from. Your anxiety starts to kick up as memories swirl in your head about the day you were taken. Not taken, you think again, but rescued by Bucky. 
Once they are out of sight Bucky comes in to comfort you. He looks at your frightened face and pulls you close to him. “Are you okay?” He asks as he holds you in his arms.
You nod your head. “I think seeing her and the way she was acting stirred up some anxiety in me. I-is she going to be okay? She seemed scared.”
Bucky lets out a sigh. “She is Thor’s new girlfriend. She’s just a little confused is all. He takes care of her like I take care of you. She is safe and loved by him. I’m sure they will work everything out together. Don’t worry too much about it.”
“Okay, I won’t.” You can’t stop the bad feelings from kicking up and you know this will stay with you for a while. Bucky lets you go and kisses your forehead. He smiles back at you and heads to the couch to read. 
Inside your mind is screaming again that this has to be wrong. This woman seemed to be just like you were months ago. Is this the first time she’s gotten away from Thor? Maybe you could have comforted her or found out where she is staying, if it’s nearby. It would be nice to have a female friend especially if you want to run again. 
No, you don’t have a say in anything. Bucky is your life now and so is this baby you carry. You can’t let this unknown woman make you confused. Life will be better here with Bucky and once the baby arrives your life will finally have purpose again. You will never leave Bucky, you decide. This is your home now. You were made for him.
The End
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cera-writes · 4 months
Omg I’m in love with you remy x readers it makes me really happy to see a remy writer out there :3
I was wondering if I could request a remy x fem reader she’s a mutant with goddess like powers one of the most powerful mutants out there and her and remy have been having little on and off flings/feelings for each other since remy can’t find it in his heart to try and move on from rogue he still flirts with rogue constantly and one night readers just done with being the second choice and decides to try and move on from him and lucky her she has a surprise waiting for her when her ex bf/best friend Thor (dun dun duunnn) shows up at the Mansion wanting to catch up and she’s more than happy to since they’ve been with each other forever like since childhood before they parted ways on very good terms no bad blood whatsoever and everyone especially remy is like you dated and are friends with THE Thor and remy gets jealous of the fact Thor can make her smile so easily and they get called into a seriously dangerous mission and Thor tags along to help and keep his old friend safe and later on during the mission reader gets heavily injured due to sacrificing herself and gets hospitalized and remy realizes he’s really in love with her and is just afraid of moving on and remy and Thor have a heart to heart abt reader and thor gives him his blessing to pursue reader making him promise to protect and take care of her for him and it’s angst asf and fluffy asf and if you want sprinkle some nsfw in there :3
Sorry this is so long😭 feel free to change things up or add anything you think would make this more interesting :3
A/N: I really liked this prompt! I hope this was okay. I would have liked to have made it longer but I didn't want to draw the plot out too much. Hope this is alright! Pairing: Remy LeBeau x Fem!reader Tags: angst, jealousy, fluff, and smut
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"Hey, chère, you got a minute?" Remy LeBeau's voice cut through the quiet of the library, his Cajun accent smooth as velvet.
(Y/n), known among the X-Men for your goddess-like powers, looked up from your book, your eyes narrowing slightly. "Remy, it's late. Can't this wait?"
He leaned against the bookshelf, a playful smirk on his lips. "Non, Gambit think it can't."
You sighed, marking your page and setting the book aside. "What is it, Remy?"
"Was jus' wonderin', if maybe you and me could sneak out later? Find some trouble to get into?" His eyes sparkled with mischief, but there was an undercurrent of something more serious.
Before you could respond, the library doors swung open, and Rogue strode in, her presence commanding as always. "Remy, there you are. We need to talk."
Remy's attention shifted instantly, his flirtatious demeanor turning earnest. "Of course, cherie. What's on your mind?"
Watching them, you felt a familiar pang of jealousy mixed with resignation. It was always like this—Remy flirting with you, then turning around and doing the same with Rogue. You were tired of being second choice. This was the last straw and you were getting fed up with Remy's antics.
As Rogue pulled Remy aside, whispering urgently, you stood up, your decision made. You weren't going to wait around anymore. Picking up your book, you headed towards the door, only to collide with a massive figure that filled the doorway.
"Thor?" you gasped, stepping back to take in the sight of your ex-boyfriend and childhood friend. He was as imposing as ever, his smile warm and welcoming. Some things just never change. He stood there, beaming like a golden retriever, waiting for you to acknowledge him.
"It has been too long, my friend," Thor boomed, his voice echoing slightly in the confined space. "I heard you were here and could not pass up the chance to see you."
Relief and joy washed over you. "Thor, it's actually so good to see you! How've you been? Have things been okay with the Avengers lately?"
You both fell into easy conversation, catching up on years apart, your laughter mingling with the quiet hum of the library. From the corner of your eye, you saw Remy watching you and Thor, his expression unreadable. You couldn't tell, but he was secretly seething on the inside with jealousy.
Later that evening, as Thor regaled you with tales of Asgard, you noticed Remy lingering nearby, his usual charm replaced by a brooding intensity. It was clear he didn't like seeing you so happy with someone else, especially not 'the' God of Thunder, Thor.
It almost seemed like old times, and you welcomed the distraction wholeheartedly. The only reason the two of you had broken up before was due to the differences between his team and yours. But you'd always held a soft spot for him, even if things hadn't worked out.
The next day, the mansion buzzed with the news of a dangerous mission. The team was assembled, and to everyone's surprise, Thor volunteered to join, claiming he wanted to ensure his old friend's safety. You protested, but he insisted on joining.
"What if your team finds out?" You asked as he sat next to you on the X-Jet. "So what? I just want to visit an old friend, perhaps an ex-lover. Surely that is excusable," he smirked. You playfully rolled your eyes at him. He was still the same as ever.
As you prepared for the mission, the tension between Remy and Thor was palpable. Each man was aware of the other's history with you, and the air crackled with unspoken challenges. The ride to the location of the mission was awkward to say the least. The two had tried to constantly one up the other amidst conversation and you'd tried desperately to tune them out.
Once you'd landed, you were more than eager to get started on the mission at hand. But this mission had quickly proved deadly in a matter of minutes. Your team was getting outnumbered.
You'd found yourself in the line of fire. Your powers had been pushed to the limit. In a desperate move, you shielded your teammates, taking a heavy blow that was meant for them. As you collapsed, both Remy and Thor rushed to your side, their rivalry forgotten in the face of your injury. You didn't know who had scooped you up into their arms, but they were a sweet comfort amidst the ache in your bones as everything went dark.
Back at the X-mansion, as you lay in the infirmary, Remy sat by your bedside, his earlier jealousy replaced by genuine concern. Thor stood at the door, his expression solemn.
"Cajun man," Thor began, his voice low, "I see how you look at her. Promise me you'll protect her, care for her. She deserves nothing less. Can you do this? Not for me, but for my friend?"
Remy met Thor's gaze, nodding slowly. "Promise, mon ami. Gambit won't let her down again."
"Good." And with that, Thor was gone.
The infirmary was quiet now, save for the soft beeping of machines and the occasional rustle of sheets. Remy remained by your side, his eyes never leaving your face as you slept fitfully. Your injuries were severe, a stark reminder of the sacrifice you had made for the team. Guilt gnawed at him, mingling with the burgeoning realization of his true feelings.
As night deepened, you stirred, your eyes fluttering open to meet Remy's anxious gaze. "Remy?" you whispered, your voice hoarse.
"Gambit's here, chère," he murmured, squeezing your hand gently. "How're you feelin'?"
You attempted a smile, wincing slightly. "Like I've been hit by a truck. But alive, thanks to you and Thor."
At the mention of Thor, Remy's expression darkened momentarily before he schooled it into a more neutral look. "Thor did what any friend would do. But it's Gambit who should be protectin' you."
Your gaze softened, sensing the turmoil within him. "Remy, it's not a competition. We all want to keep each other safe."
He nodded, though the knot of jealousy still twisted in his gut. "Gambit know, but seein' you with him... it made Remy see things clearly. Don't wanna lose you, not to him or anyone else."
Your heart skipped a beat at his words, a mix of fear and anticipation swirling within you. "And what do you want, Remy?"
His answer was immediate, his voice thick with emotion. "You, chère. Gambit want'chu. More than he's ever wanted anythin'."
The air between you grew charged, the tension palpable. You reached out, your fingers tracing the contours of his face, before skimming over the stubble on his jaw. "Then show me, Remy. Show me how much you want me."
Without another word, Remy leaned in, his lips capturing yours in a kiss that was both tender and desperate. His hands roamed over your body, careful of your injuries yet hungry for the connection you both craved.
You responded eagerly, your own hands sliding under his shirt, feeling the heat of his skin. Despite the pain from your injuries, desire coursed through your veins, drowning out everything but the need to be closer to him.
Remy pulled back slightly, his eyes searching yours. "You sure about dis, chère? Gambit don't wanna hurt you more."
"I'm sure," you breathed, pulling him back down to you. "Just be gentle."
With a nod, Remy resumed his exploration of your body, his kisses trailing down your neck, igniting a fire wherever they landed. He unbuttoned your gown slowly, reverently, revealing the expanse of your skin. Each touch was deliberate, a silent promise of his devotion.
You arched into his touch, your breath hitching as his mouth found your breast, his tongue flicking over your nipple. You tangled your fingers in his hair, guiding him, urging him on.
Remy moved lower, his lips and hands mapping every inch of you, worshipping your body with a fervor that left you gasping. This was something he should've done ages ago. Now he was feeling seeing what he had been missing. When he finally reached the juncture of your thighs, he looked up at you, seeking permission. When he finally realized no one else would be coming into the infirmary this late, his eyes looked at yours for consent.
You nodded, your eyes dark with desire. "Please, Remy."
His response was immediate, his tongue delving into you, tasting you, driving you wild with pleasure. You cried out, your hips bucking against his face as waves of ecstasy crashed over you.
As you panted from the previous amount of ecstasy still coursing through you, Remy positioned himself between your legs, his hard erection pressing against your entrance. With one final look into your eyes, he thrust inside, filling you completely.
You wrapped your legs around his waist, pulling him deeper, your nails digging into his back. You moved together, a perfect rhythm of give and take, your bodies merging into one.
Remy's pace quickened, his control slipping as he chased his own release. You clung to him, your orgasm building rapidly, the intensity almost too much to bear. Remy growled, quickening his pace as he bit down on his bottom lip, desperately chasing his own pleasure. He thumbed your clit, making sure you came for him once more as he dove in and out of you, faster, sloppier.
"That's it chere, cum for me..."
With a final, powerful thrust, Remy spilled himself inside you, his groans echoing in the small room. You followed soon after, your body shuddering with the force of your climax.
Exhausted, you both collapsed onto the bed, Remy cradling you against his chest. Your breaths mingled, heavy and satisfied.
"I love you, chère," Remy whispered, his voice rough with emotion.
You smiled, your eyes closing as exhaustion began to claim you. "It's about time," you teased, kissing his cheek, "I love you too, Remy. Never doubt that."
As you drifted off, Remy held you close, a vow forming in his heart. No matter what, he would protect you, cherish you, and never let you feel like a second choice again.
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notlhecxzsa · 11 months
Wings - N.R
An angel on earth? Sounds very impossible for the avengers, especially to Natasha who doesn't believe that god exists, but the most impossible that had happened was what Natasha felt. Love.
Warnings 🚫: None.
Natasha's POV:
"An angel?" I ask, disbelief and amusement is lacing through my voice, as Fury debrief us on a new mission.
"Yes, Romanoff, it was last seen in russia, we don't know where as we can't find it, but we know it's just in the perimeters in some parts of ohio." Fury explained once again.
"How can you say it's an angel? Does it have wings?" Tony ask, genuinely confused like me.
"It is, but words are not enough, so i brought the video. Friday, can you show them the video i inserted earlier?" Fury said, in wich the a.i commanded to.
A video was shown to us, and we watched it with full of disbelief, but i know we're all amuse by this. It was caught from a CCTV, flying around, and walking on some part of russia, clearly looking lost, it seems like she's a girl, but i can't really guess as it's slightly blurry.
"How can you be so sure that it's really an angel, or that video is real, and not just edited by some random person?" Vision ask, completely not believing what he is seeing.
"Do you think we didn't scanned it all over and checked it twice if it's real or not, Vision? If it's not real, i wouldn't have come here to waste my time. Now suit up, we don't have time, we have an angel to get." Fury said in a hurry, and called Steve, maybe to debrief him because he's the captain.
We all went to our own rooms to change, and pack the things that we would need until we found this angel.
"Are you sure that it's here, Stark?" I heard Steve whispered on the comms.
We're now here at an abandoned building, somewhere in russia. It's out first day here, not wanting to waste our time, we decided to start looking. But, i know, many of us are just too excited to see the winged creature.
I mean, we know gods are real. But, we've never seen an angel, so...
"Yes, i see the radiation and heat, and it's not very human. It's all alone, just keep moving forward, then take left when you're at the end." I heard Tony said, once again through comms, but i payed no mind on his instructions, as sometimes he could be wrong, plus, its like my feet have their own brain, its moving where it wants to be.
Tony, Wanda, Vision are on the air, while me, Steve, Sam, Bucky and Peter are inside the building where Stark and Vision had detected something. Thor and Loki are not here, since something came up in Asgard.
An unfamiliar quiet sniffle stopped me from walking, as my head whipped around on the direction where it came from. Walking slowly, not making any sounds, i heard the sniffles turned louder, following by a shuffling.
I stopped at the end corner, taking deep breaths before walking left. And my breath caught on my throat as soon as i saw a girl, curled up in ball, wearing a white dress, with gold lacing through it, she has no shoes or slippers to cover up her feet, and it actually looks sore and have cuts already.
I can't clearly see her face, because of her long hair covering her face. She has a pale skin and-.
Oh shit.
I was snapped out off of my trance as soon as i realized and saw her looking at me. Pale white skin, pink plump lips, that is wobbling and quivering, a well defined small cute nose, and god, those deep brown eyes. She's looking at me with full of fear and confusion.
My face turned into a frown when i didn't see any wings, where's the fucking wings?
Maybe she's not the angel?
"Hey..." I started, taking a step forward but soon stopped when i saw her afraidly shuffled backwards. "It's okay, i won't hurt you, okay?..." I was again, met by silence as she kept scanning me through her lashes, knees buckled up to her chest, with her arms hugging it.
"My name's Natasha, Natasha Romanoff, and im here to help you..." I said ever so gently, then trying to take a step forward, but, this time, thankfully, she didn't backed away, so i took it as an advantage to reach out my arms, but still not invading her personal space.
"Your feet is bruised, and it's clear that you need help, is it okay to touch you? Don't worry, i won't do anything, i just need to touch you so i can help you..." I explained softly, looking at her with gentle eyes and a small smile, reaching out my hand more as i took another step.
I saw her look to my hands, then my face, trying to contemplate if ever i mean any harm or not, i just wish im doing a good job on being soft and gentle as this is the first time im ever like this.
"M-my n-name's Y/n..." Oh god, her voice, i felt myself so lulled at it.
"Oh wow, that's a very beautiful name, Y/n..." At that, i caught the blushed on her face, but thought nothing out of it, so i continued, "Okay, how about i carry you to where we are going, or do you want to walk instead? Don't worry, we're just gonna go to my friends so they can treat you wounds, they're nice, they can be noisy and annoying, but they're nice." I said as i pulled a face, which i think made her snort a laugh a little.
"Now, come on, Y/n. Would you like to come with me?" I ask softly, with encouraging eyes and smile. I saw wheels running through her mind, a few seconds her eyes flash a glint of something trustful.
I smiled, as i saw her hands reach up to mine slowly, but it was soon stopped, and we're both startled when the loud boom of Tony's voice called my name.
"Aye! Romanoff! What are you- Oh..." The realization soon hit her, and i look back at Y/n, silently cursing Tony under my breath as i saw her all curled up again.
"Is that the angel?" Tony ask so casually, walking over to us.
My head snapped at his direction, glaring at him, and putting a hand up to stop him from walking, which he did. I look back again at Y/n, my hand is still in the air.
"Hey, hey, it's okay, it's just my friend... I told you they can be noisy and all annoying, but they're nice. Come on, Y/n, you don't have to be scared, don't worry, I'll stay by your side if you want me to." I said gently, to make her look up, which i successfully did.
She look at Tony, who sent her a smile, and me, who smiled softly at her.
"There you go, see, he's nice...Now come on, here..." I said, and stop myself mid sentence to take my shoes off, and show it infront of her. "Wear this so your feet won't hurt." I said, and she frowned.
"W-what a-about you? You-you're feet w-will hurt..." She said, and before i can answer i look at Tony and sent him a small nod, which he returned with one before flying off.
"No, don't worry about me, i have socks, now come on, it's getting abit dark and it's cold here, don't you think so?" I said, reaching up my hand for her to take.
"I- uh, i don't k-know how t-to put those o-on...." She quietly that i can barely even hear it.
"Oh, it's okay i can help you. Can i touch you?" I ask, and i smiled when i received a nod.
She stretched out her foots, until it's enough for me to put the shoes on. I carefully put it on her, trying not to hurt her because of the bruises.
The idea of finding the angel is now long gone, all i want is to get her out of here, save her and give her what she needs.
"There you go.." I said softly, slightly chuckled when i saw how big it is compared to her feet.
"It's big..." She said and wiggled her feet, which made me laugh and think about how cute it is.
"It is, isn't it? Now, let's go, Y/n, we've got to get going." I said, and stand up then reach out my hand for her to take, which she took.
The moment our skin touched, i felt how soft and smooth her skin, but the sudden small electric wave can't be unnoticed by me. Instead of overthinking it, i just lead us to where the quinjet is.
My left hand is on her lower back, and i was holding her hands with my right hand. I can tell that she need some support, so i just let her lean on me. But, i can't help but worry on how much her feet might have hurt, so without thinking, i ask her,
"Do you want me to carry you?" I ask, stopping our walk.
"W-what- i-, n-no, it's umm, it's fine, im fine." She stuttered, but i picked her up either way, causing her to let out a squeal.
Continuing our walk, ignoring the slight pain that the ground is causing my feet. She's surprisingly not that heavy, and i can't feel any wings on her back either, making me think again, if ever she's the angel or not. Choosing not to ask her, not wanting to make her uncomfortable, i continued walking towards the quinjet, where the team are waiting for me.
"Look, there they are..." I said to Y/n, causing her to look at the team, who is looking at us.
I saw her cheeks burned, and put her head on my shoulder, avoiding my friend's gaze.
"It's okay, they won't hurt you, i promise. I'm here, I'll stay by your side.
No one's POV:
1 month.
It has now been 1 month since they took you in, you stayed in a cell in the first 2 weeks, but with your harmless and innocent actions proved them that you brought no harm to them, especially to Natasha.
From the very first day you were brought in to the SHIELD facility, she tried everything in her power to not let Fury lock you in, but unfortunately, he's the director, and she knows he's just doing what needs to done. She didn't even know why she wouldn't want you being all locked up like a prisoner as she didn't even know a single thing about you, but something inside her bubbled with protection at the thought of you.
Natasha had always been there with you, just like how she promised. It made you more comfortable around her, making her almost the closest thing you have, after you watch with your own eyes how the devil killed your family.
They always tried to take some words out of you, asking here and there if you're an angel, as they don't want to make you take a medical test, as you are still clearly inside a traumatic phase. They can see it by how you act, the way you flinched, and get scared easily was enough to make Natasha's heart break, it even almost made Fury soft.
You gave them no answer, you gave them zero answer to all of their so many questions. Afraid that they would do something bad to you, because that all you felt, as soon as your parents put you in that pod and landed here, you have no one to protect you.
Here, on this planet, you're not the princess who you used to be, you're a complete stranger from the other side of the universe, a complete naive stranger who knows nothing about the human beings, an angel who were hidden by her royalty parents, in order to 'protect' you from the cruelness of the multiverse.
You felt completely alone, almost as lost.
But, with Natasha by your side, you felt safe, comfortable. With Natasha by your side, you didn't felt lonely, she even made you smile and laugh with her corny dad jokes. She taught you so many things, even the board games you both always played whenever you two would always hangout, which is everyday.
Well, Natasha being Natasha, who is a like a daughter to Fury, he commanded Natasha's wish on becoming you guard, helper, guidance and all. Fury saw how you were whenever you're with Natasha, so he knows that agreeing with Natasha's wishes was not a bad idea.
You identity is still hidden, even to Natasha, but you know that sooner or later, you are gonna tell her who you are. I mean, she's been a really great company- friend to you, she's always there for you, and she showed no harm or any signs of betrayal to you, so you know that in any other way, you could trust her with your life.
Now, in the present time, you're with Natasha, getting ready to go to the 'amusement park', saying she wants you to have fun, as you were lock in a four walls for 2 weeks, but, mostly and truthfully, she wants you to have fun, she wants to hear you laugh and smile more, she wants you to discover more things.
She almost felt bad when she heard that you know nothing about amusement parks, i mean, you clearly know nothing, as you were always lock up in your room at the castle you lived. With guards and maids always following you and all, the places you go are limited, you're almost not allowed to go anywhere far without your parents.
"You ready to go, detka?" The red head asked you with a smile, eyeing you up and down, almost making you shrink down with the way she looks at you.
You're wearing a denim high waisted shorts, and Natasha's hoodie, which is big compared to your body, it was almost hiding your hands, and it all the way down to you upper knee, and a converse high tops. You always steal her clothes, even though she already buy you enough clothes- which you are very thankful for- you can't help but feel more comfortable with hers, and ofcourse, Natasha lets you, she always thought about you it looked better on you than it did to her.
"Yes, all ready!" You said excitedly, slightly jumping on your toes.
"Okay, come on, i already started the car." She stated, reaching out her hand for you to take which you did.
The night to the amusement park is full of joy, happiness and laughter, with Natasha being your favorite game player on game booths. The both of you would play games here and there, but unfortunately for you, you always lose, that's why she decided to take it in her own hands to play it, which ended, thankfully, very well. She won all the prizes you wanted, and ofcourse, Natasha being Natasha, she gave it all to you, she spoiled you rotten.
There's one game that she won two prizes, the firing gun game, where the player will have a pellet gun, and the player needs to shoot the plastic cups. And obviously, being a very well veterinarian agent, ex-assassin and ex-spy, who is constantly saving the word using only a fire arm, she cleared all the plastic cups out of the way, leading her to a winning game.
The intimate loving gesture and signs between the two of you is completely unconscious, not that you didn't want it, you love it.
The way you hands would automatically entangle, the way the both of you would hug, witch occasionally kissing each others forehead and cheeks whenever a game that you- Natasha had played, turned out winning it. The way the both of you would occasionally feed each other with their own foods, smiling at each other unconsciously, and completely getting lost in it.
Now, you both are sitting side by side, in a ride called 'The Dream Twister', Natasha didn't really wanted to join, apart from being a not really fan of this things, she didn't want people seeing 'The Black Widow' sitting on a ride, being all smiley and laughy. But, with your face, and with the reassurance she received from you, she immediately gave in.
"Already?!" A loud excited voice came out from the speaker, making the people who's also on the ride with the boat you, scream 'yes' with excitedness, including you, while Natasha just chuckled, still holding you hand tightly.
"Very nice, beautifuls, the ride is getting started in...3....2....1! Get ready to get you dream twisted!" The voice came out just as excited as it is earlier.
The vehicle machine started, making your giddiness run up high. It started out slowly, then after some time, you could feel the adrenaline rushing through you body, as it started to get more faster. By then, the people you're with, started screaming, including you, while Natasha just shut her eyes close, and tightened her grip on you hand.
As time passes by, the ride started to be more aggressively fast, and somehow, you started to feel something off. You felt the way how the securing belts started to loosen, same with Natasha.
It all went so fast, people screaming, the belt automatically loosening off the making it's way up to you heads, making the people around you feel off. And you, not thinking of anything except Natasha, hugging her body tight, as your most kept secret freely escaped behind you back. Flying off to somewhere unsecluded, just the two of you, fear that you might scare people off, just how you will might scare Natasha off.
You're arms around her middle part, your head on her chest, with close eyes as you hug her tight, you wings automatically wrapping itself around her. While Natasha, clings to you just the same, but her eyes wide, with so many thoughts running through her mind.
Tears started to flow out of you eyes, for a few minutes of being frozen in same position as you did.
Fear of losing your best friend, the only person you have, the one who you found yourself feeling something romantic for. You can't lose her, you don't want to, not now, not ever. She's the only one you have, you can't bear losing her too.
Your sniffles, and choked sobs brought Natasha out of her trance, the feeling of disbelief (not in the bad way) is not changed with worry. The feeling of your white, with a trace of gold colored wings around her, made her feel safe, the most safest she felt for the first time, she almost wants to stay like that, but when she felt your wings started to fall solemnly on the ground, her worry started to grow.
"Hey, hey, hey, what's wrong, lyubov?" She as softly, almost a whisper that it almost bring you to a very much needed comfort. But it's still no use, as the thought of losing her, being scared and disgusted of you, started to grow.
"P-please, d-don't leave me, i-im not b-bad, i-i promise, please, don't...l-leave me, Natasha...." You begged in between of you broken sobs.
Natasha felt her heart ache as she felt your body rocked by the sobs you made, the way you desperately beg her to not leave you, the way thought she would think badly of you after this revelation.
Ofcourse, she wouldn't, she could not do that to you, she won't leave you, even if the gods themselves decided to part the both of you, she will not let you go. You're the best thing that had happened to her, you gave her a much bigger meaning to be alive, and stay alive on the missions she had gone.
"Natty, p-please, p-please, i-i can explain-" You choked out, still hugging her tightly
You don't need to explain anything to her, you didn't need to. Because, she already knows, from the first time you both met in that abandoned building, she knows.
She just didn't want to share it, and decided to keep it to herself, she didn't even told you, nor her best friend, Clint. She gave you no signs that she knows you're different, she treated you just the same like when you both met. Even with those so many interrogations that you hate, she didn't speak a word on knowing that she knows.
She wanted you to said it yourself, she didn't want you to rush into things that you don't want to, she didn't want you to do something you're not open and comfortable with. For a spy, and an ex-assassin like, who was thought that love is only for children, for someone like her who knew nothing about love, she is the most understanding person, the most lovable person in her own way.
"Hey, hey, can you look at me?" She ask softly, rubbing your back and arm, asking for your attention which she received.
You pulled away you head to look at her, but still not letting her figure go out of you arms.  You saw how she smiled when your eyes met under the starry night, you saw no expression of disgust and fear in her eyes, she didn't looked at you the way those people looked at you when you first landed her on earth.
She looks at you like you're the most fragile thing she had seen, she looks at you with so much love and adoration, she looks at you as if her eyes speaks so much word that you couldn't seem to understand, but you know, it's a good thing, an amazing thing even.
"You have nothing to worry about, angel. I'm not gonna leave you, not now, not ever, no matter what happens. And stop thinking that im scared of you because of this..." She motioned her hands around your wings. "Because no, im not scare, nor disgusted, im not thinking of anything bad to you, understand that, my angel?" She explained softly, caressing your cheek lightly as she did so.
My angel.
The way she said your specie came out so perfectly, she said it with so much passion and love, you can heart it rolling of her tounge. And you know by then, it's now you're favorite word from her.
"Y-yes, Natty, i-im sorry i lied-" She cut you off.
"Shhh, it's okay, it's all fine, you didn't want to say it so why would i need you to say to me what you really are? You don't have anything to apologize for, sweetheart. Besides i already knew, so, i don't want to hear any apologize from you about this, okay?" She ask, and you nodded as she wipe you cheeks.
"But, still, you haven't done anything but be good and kind to me, Natty, i still should've atleast told you-" Once again, you were cut off by her.
"Shhh, shhh,you didn't need to tell me anything that you don't want to, okay? Do you understand me, dove?" She ask and you nodded.
After that, a complete comfortable silence fell at you surface, neither of you wanted to say anything, as once again, like the both of you always do, you got lost in each other's eyes. Both green and the deep brown eyes, glimmering under the moonlight with so much love.
So much love that even the gods from the above will be shy to break the two of you apart from each other, oh, how pure your love with each other, for forever and eternity.
Want a part 2?
Damnnn, this one is 4000 words.
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midnightlizard · 8 months
Why can't everyone just go away, only you can stay
Wanda Maximoff x gn!reader
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Summary: After a bad mission, your girlfirend is there to help you
Warnings: canonical violence, hurt/comfort at it's peak
A/N: I wrote this years ago so I don't really like it, but here it is. Also, I had emo Wanda in mind but it can be any era
Word count: 1518
"How is that cut? Need any help?"
you raised your head form were you were sitting on the quinjet while mending your forearm, to look at the blonde.
"don't worry I got this, I've had worse, anyway."
you signed, smiling reassuringly.
"okay." Clint sighed.
"I'll do your report, we've held the same position so I'll just have to change some words."
He stopped you before you could interject
"you need some sleep"
and without another word, he went to sit in the pilot's seat, leaving you there.
As soon as the team got off the plane, you went straight to your room and locked the door.
Meanwhile, Wanda was with Natasha in the kitchen, preparing dinner for the two of them. They stopped once Steve came into the room.
"hey Steve, already back?"
"the mission ended before the time, so here we are." he answered the assassin's question, while picking up some leftovers from the fridge.
At this, the witch tilted her head "something wrong?"
The captain sighed "I wasn't there, you should ask them yourself"
The two redheads looked at each other, exchanging confused stares.
Wanda decided to give you some space, she knew that once you were okay you would be the one coming to her.
Only this time, it didn't happen. Two days have passed and you were still in your room, which meant you hadn't eaten anything.
The other avengers have tried to get you out, like Tony asking for help in the laboratory, or Thor stating he wanted to play some 'Midgard games'.
But they only got silence in return.
The witch took matters into her own hands.
She went in the kitchen, fixing you a quick meal and grabbing two water bottles, before knocking on your door.
No one answered, so she tried again, this time with her voice.
"(Y/N)? It's me, it's Wanda. Please open the door."
she waited a few seconds, before she resumed talking.
"at least take the food, you can't-"
Her voice died in her throat when she heard the door open.
Having her hands full, she used her powers to open it completely and closing it once she was in.
Your room was always messy...but this, Wanda has never seen all this chaos. Clothes were all over the place and everything that was normally on the shelves was now on the floor.
The rays picking through the blinds being the only thing illuminating the room.
You still wore your dirty and bloody suit, whose blood it was she couldn't tell.
You were sitting on the bed, looking at the hands on you lap. The redhead left the food on the nightstand before sitting beside you. She didn't dare touch you, not knowing what reaction it would have led to.
“I didn’t want you to see this.”
You suddenly said, breaking the agonizing silence in the room.
"honey it's okay, I don't care about the mess, I only care that you are fine."
She put her hand on yours, only for you to swiftly getting away.
"well I am, if you didn't know I can heal my body, so even if I get hurt it doesn't matter."
You replied a little harshly. You noticed your tone and looked at Wanda for a brief second but couldn't bring yourself to say sorry, you just didn't want to talk and make everything worse.
Your girlfriend, thankfully, understood the venom in your voice wasn't aimed at her. She couldn't read your mind, no, but she could distinguish volumes and velocity of your thoughts, and with time she was able to associate them with your feelings and emotions.
Loud and messy cries was all the scarlet witch could hear, which only meant one thing, you were scared.
So she tried with the sweetest voice she could master.
"angel, do you want to talk about it?"
You jumped off the bed and started pacing around the room, fidgeting with your fingers.
"I-I had to hold position, but-but there was a bomb. They put a bomb where we were supposed to stay and then, I-I tried to reject- Clint was busy-"
Your poorly formed speech stopped once you felt warm hands on your cold cheeks. You were starting to have a panic attack, sign the sokovian knew all too well.
"please look at me, shh it's okay. You don't have to explain. (Y/N)-"
She took one of your hand and put it on her chest, to let you feel it rising and her heartbeat.
"you're okay love, just follow my breathing, the mission went well, Clint is fine, you are fine, you are here with me you hear me?"
She kept looking into your eyes, searching for any reaction.
At this point you didn't know if she was using her powers or it was her aura, all that mattered was that in minutes you calmed down. As slowly as one could, you loosely wrapped your hands around Wanda's waist.
Once she sure it was okay to move, she made the final step and wrapped you up in a hug, her chin on your head, resting on her chest, while the sokovian run her hands through you hair.
As she tried to move the two of you to bed, the witch heard your arms tighten around her middle, and your flebile voice whispering- "Can we just stay here for a moment?"
"I’m not going anywhere."
After probably half an hour you raised your head and without a word, connected your forehead to hers.
Once you opened your eyes, you found her already looking at you with a smile.
"hi" Wanda nudged you nose with her own, before connecting your lips in a long but simple kiss, neither of you moving, only slightly smiling.
The woman took your face in her hands
"can I mend your cuts?"
At your nod, the readhead took your hands and brought you to the bathroom and sat you on the sink.
While she was looking for the first aid kit you started fidgeting with your hands.
"something wrong baby?"
She tilted her head, preparing the alcohol on the wadding.
"it's just-" you hesitated for a moment, softly laughing
“I’ve never had someone taking care of me before.
I'm sorry for reacting that way...and for locking myself here"
"it's okay, you won't have to worry about doing it all by yourself anymore, even when you feel like no one is there, I'll always be here, ready to help you, got it?"
"good" she added after you nodded, booping your nose, causing you both to giggle.
"Can I kiss you?" she asked, once silence settled in.
"when have you ever asked?"
So she did.
As you were enjoying the kiss, you suddenly felt the cut on your forehead burning, causing you to pull away.
"ow, what the hell?"
"sorry baby, I have to disinfect it or it's going to get worse" she looked at you sympathetically, which was enough to convince you.
After a short while, you raised your hands, bringing them on the edge of her jeans and opened your legs, to bring her closer. Once she was done she kissed the top of your head.
She grabbed the end of your shirt and slowly started to undress you, only leaving the pants on.
"take a bath love, I'll be right outside, okay?"
After you got out of shower, you found some pants with your comfort hoodie on the sink, while your suit was nowhere to be found.
When you came back to the bedroom, you found your girlfriend wearing one of your sweatshirt. A smile made its way to your face.
"I kind of wanted to ask you to stay here because I don’t wanna sleep alone tonight, but it looks like you have already decided" you finished with a shrug.
She blurted out a laugh, coming in front of you.
"I didn't want you to sleep alone, and I also missed you, so it's a win win."
The readhead mormored with a blush on her cheeks.
With the grip she had on your hands, Wanda dragged you to bed and made you sit on the edge. "come on, eat something" she encouraged you, putting the plate on your lap. It was nothing too sophisticated but you still ate it within minutes. And once a water bottle was offered to you, you quickly drank it all.
When she was sure you took full care of yourself, well you both did, she laid in bed, getting behind you.
You instinctively turned around and closed your arms around her waist, laying your head on her chest, while she ran her hand through your hair.
“I love you.”
“I know.”
The remark caused you to scoff and her to laugh, before continuing with her speech.
"and I love you, always and forever."
She laughed again when you nuzzled your head in her neck, not knowing how to take direct words of affection.
"goodnight, my love"
This time as a response she heard your breathing even out, meaning you were already asleep, her not being too far from you.
Wanda Maximoff Masterlist - MCU Masterlist
General Masterlist
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berrys-hide-out · 5 months
Through thunderstorms and arguments- Call for help!
Summary; Peter finds Thor and Loki training and ends up wanting to see the cool move! Too bad the god of thunder has been hanging out too much with his mischievous little brother and things take a hysterical turn.
A/N; I changed a few things from the original ask which was sent by @inneedofsupervision but I desperately hope it turned out to your liking! (Apologies again for the wait! Still recovering 🩷🫂) ENJOY!!! ✨
Warnings; tickles and a lil fancy swearing form Loki!
It was storming outside, hail clattered against the windows of cars and houses, raindrops fell like someone was dumping buckets of water onto earth and the wind changed the direction of it all every few minutes.
Peter watched in silence as the white pieces fell past the huge windows of the 100th floor of SI. He watched the clouds that sometimes lit up which was followed by crackling thunder.
It was loud, sure. Being so close to the clouds and roof; things always sounded a little louder but the soundproofed walls gave a bit of relief to it all.
The thunder could be unsettling after awhile.. you’d think he’d have gotten used to his sensibilities by now but in truth it wasn’t something that he could just ignore.
His mind wandered as he watched the spectacle, Thor and Loki were currently in the tower..
Thinking of Thor and Loki, where were they anyways? His eyes lifted and flew over the rather quiet common room.
Steve and Bucky were watching TV on the couch, Natasha and Tony sat by the table, the billionaire busy with something on his hologram while the super spy was halfheartedly watching the Tv.
“Where are Loki and Thor?” He asked as his feet took him towards the table. His voice seemed weirdly loud.. It felt almost criminal to disturb the silence.
Natasha looked at him „Probably training while the training room isn’t occupied“ Tony looked up as well „Yeah, pretty sure point break and reindeer games are trying to get along a little better.“ he stated in a bored tone, probably having heard the two gods bickering earlier today.
If Tony didn’t hear them Peter was positive Friday warned him about it.
„Alright I’ll go have a look then.“ „yep, don’t get between them Pete!“ Steve called after him wich earned him a chuckle and a two finger salute „Sure thing captn‘!“ he called before turning around, putting his hands into his pockets and heading off towards the training room.
He was two corners away from his destination when he already heard bickering. Peter chuckled, how can two gods bicker so much? They’ve been at it for hours!
„THOR! Let me down this instant!“ „Brother, stop struggling already or we won’t be able to do get help!“
Peter’s curiosity instantly spiked and he jogged the last steps, head poking into the room.
Sure enough he saw Thor holding Loki up, ready to throw while the younger squirmed uselessly.
„You will not throw me you insolent oaf!“ Loki yelled before getting tossed onto the mats, taking out the smaller ones that were standing up mere seconds before.
„I still hate it.“ Loki grumbled as he sat up. „I find it rather amusing.“ Thor grinned at his brother who sent him a dirty look „no it is not. It’s humiliating.“
Peter sniggered, earning their immediate attention. „Little spider!“ Thor grinned happily „hey kid.“
„heya! That was an awesome move!“ he grinned as he walked in, his grin widened when he saw Loki roll his eyes.
„Indeed! I am glad you’ve decided to join us on the matter! Loki doesn’t seem to be on the same page as us..“ Thor grinned and eyed Loki shortly. Peter nodded animatedly „can you show me? The whole move I mean?“
„I am not doing that again.“ Loki growled at his brother who was already looking at him with expectancy and a playful grin. The boy huffed „aw, why not? It’s such an awesome move!“ he gushed.
Loki squinted at him, seemingly trying to figure out if he was joking or not. Then his eyes caught Thors and he saw his own mischief twinkle right back at him.
Peter was about to ask something else only to gasp when Thor picked him up by sneaking under his arm „Let’s reenact the move together then litte spider!” He grinned.
The boy however could only huff. His feet were slightly off the ground and no matter how far he tried to bend his feet for his toes to reach the ground it just wasn’t enough.
With slight shock and bit of embarrassment he came to realise that was hanging there like a slack sack of potatoes.
An awkward slack sack of potatoes.
He was halfheartedly hanging over Thors neck and slightly his shoulder. The gods hand supported him by the ribs and the other held the arm that was draped over him.
Peter huffed at his predicament “can you lower me slightly? Please?” Loki sniggered at his question and shook his head as he stood up “Don’t worry Peter, it’ll get better” he reassured.
Peter did not feel reassured. The playful gleam in the tricksters eyes and the sly grin did nothing to reassure him- in fact his nerves lit up instantly and he shook his head. “No I’m su-HURE!”
The boy was interrupted by his own squeak and jump when the strong hand squeezed the spot by his ribs and he snapped to look at Thor with wide eyes and a betrayed glare. The god however just grinned down at him and winked.
Peter blushed- they were not actually about to team up on him after bickering the whole day through! Right!?
Peter heard the tricksters dark laugh rumble through his chest- if he wouldn’t have super hearing he’d only see him holding back his amusement.
“You have to stay committed little spider!” Thor announced happily as he nudged Peter’s ribs again, this time with a lot more intent as his knuckles rushed past his ribs.
Peter sputtered a laugh and he forced his legs up quickly to try and curl up. Loki grinned and shared an amused glance with Thor. “ahAhaha! nOhO! ThoHOhor!” The kid squeaked out between laughs.
Thor laughed with him and let up on the tickling. Peter’s legs lowered but before he could shoot Thor a dirty glare Loki walked closer to them “honestly Thor, don’t torture Starks kid” he mused and then squeezed Peter’s shoulder. “You need to call out for help to make it seem authentic”
Peter squinted at Loki “shouldn’t Thor be calling for help? I’m supposed to play the victim!” He argued. He was not about to call for help! Plus! He told Captain Rogers he wouldn’t get between them which basically translates do not get into trouble with them!
Loki clicked his tongue. “Details, details” he waved Peter off and went behind them.
The boy tried craning his neck as much as he could in his position but Loki positively vanished behind them.
“Y-You know what?” Peter blabbed nervously with a small grin “mihister stark said youhu were aharguing today morning-NA-HO!” He squeaked and batted at Lokis hands that were now right by his sides “come on guys I’m nohot calling for help!”
Thor hummed “Let’s help him out then why won’t we Loki?” The god in question sniggered darkly “Oh we definitely should brother”
Peter shook his head but the silly grin on his face only encouraged Thor with his and his brothers shenanigans.
“Nohoooo, come oh-HON! NoHOho!” The boy tensed and pulled his legs up again the second Lokis nimble fingers sprung into action, skittering over his sides over the thin shirt that Pete was now dearly regretting to have worn today.
“Come on Peter, just call for help and we can continue with the move” Thor tried to encourage, Peter cursed internally at the amusement in the gods voice. How dare he!
“Mmhm-noHOho!” He giggled, trying to at least make this hard for the gods by trying to hold his giggles, but alas it was all in vain as Lokis fingers sought out the spot that made him react most.
Peter shook his head and squealed when the trickster dug into his highest rib. “LOHOKIEHEE!” “My, my, seems I’ve found a sweet spot.” The god chuckled into his ear. “EHEhEYEE! nOHOh YOuhUHu HaHAveHEhen’t!” “Hmno? You’re saying there’s a spot worse than… this?” Peter bucked again when the god dug in with a lot more precision then before “NOAHA! IHI DiHIhidn’T SAHAhay ThAHAHat!”
“I don’t know young spiderling! Sure sounded like it!” Thor chuckled as he kept the boy off the ground. It was quite a task with all his squirming. Peter shook his head through bursts of laughter. Loki sniggered and let one of his hand slip to Peter’s hip.
The boy kicked out harshly and hit the poor god of thunder’s shin. The god grunted and hissed, kneeling down slightly. Loki halted before falling into mused chuckling.
“ohoho god IHi’m sohoho sohohorry!” Peter giggled as the god made his theatrics about his shin and let the kid go. Thor rubbed his shin with a soft groan “you have quite the kick little spider!” He goaded.
Peter gave a giddy smile and opened his mouth to say something before the god smirked “but not quite to take down a god yet!” He boasted and jumped the kid.
Peter screeched and grappled with Thor over the mats.
Loki shook his head at their antics. “Really brother? We had him perfectly trapped and great for the move!” He reminded and walked along the mats, watching as Thor gave the giggly kid little chance of winning.
“We still have to encourage the little spider brother! I’m sure this will be beneficial!” The god boasted.
Peter giggled wildly and fended off the gods hands as best he could “NOho! iHIhi’m not cAHalling for help!” Thor sniggered with him, the kid had a soft blush on his cheeks and playfulness was written all over his face. “But you have to! The move won’t be complete otherwise young Stark!”
Peter kicked out when Thor almost managed to pinch his ribs “THoHO-AAH!” He yelled in surprise when his leg was pulled and his knee was squeezed “LOhOKI!” He scolded playfully, sending the god a glare- but the god simply sent him a sly grin- damn his own traitorous smile!
With the short distraction Thor squeezed his ribs. “NAHAO! ThIHIHis IHIs UnfAHAhair! aHAAhAhahA!” Loki chuckled as he traced the boys knee, sending ticklish shocks through his whole system while Thor was on a journey down to his sides. “How do you mortals say, Pete? All is fair in love and war?” The trickster mused and swiped a finger up Peter’s sole at which the boy tugged at his leg harshly.
“nAA-HA! LOhOHOki!- ThOHoHOr! THIHiHIs IhIsnt fAhaHair!” Peter exclaimed again, his hands latching onto Thors wrists- yet he barely pulled at them.
“Cohome on Young spiderling! You just have to call out for help and that’s it” his amusement of the situation grew when Peter shook his head- what a stubborn little mortal..
“Alright.. well then..”
“NAHA! THOHOAHAR! CHEHEAHATEHEHER!” Peter threw his head back, fighting with his instincts to squeeze the god’s hands there which only seemed to make it worse- or try to grapple at them- which resulted in hilarious flailing.
Loki sniggered, but he couldn’t let his brother win this, mischief was his thing after all.
His slender fingers wrapped around Peter’s knee and his fingers scribbled along the backs of them.
The reaction was immediate, Peter’s leg slammed down on the mat only to jump back up with a high pitched yelp. “Oh? Are you hiding something Peter?” Loki mused and Thor let up on his tickles “what have you found brother?” “He- hehe found nohothing!” Peter protested but the two gods ignored him “See here..” Loki said which followed by his fingers squeezing and slightly wiggling into the spot. “NAHAO! LOHOKI! WehEHe can TAHAhalk Ahabout thIHIHIhis!”
The gods sniggered at the volume change each time Loki decided to continue his little game. “Aw, but we did talk Peter. You call for help and this aaaaall stops.” To let the kid talk he let up slightly The boy pouted at the god, his brown locks more disheveled then he’s ever seen them and slightly red cheeks. Loki sighed “I believe, brother, I should teach you a few things on tickling.” He stated, a sly smirk threatening to pull on his face when Peter’s cheeks flushed a tone deeper.
Thor chuckled “alright, have it your way.”
Peter gaped at him. NO WAY were they just AGREEING!
“W-Wait- Lohoki, come ohon we can fihigure this out- look youhu’re gettihing ahalong too! Mahaybe you can make uhup now??” peter blabbed as Loki moved closer and Thor away.
Loki chuckled darkly “your futile attempts of distractions are not working” peter couldn’t help the high pitched anticipatory giggle that slipped him as the god hovered over him.
“Ehe- you know- I-HAY!” Peter almost jumped out of his skin as Lokis hand rushed towards him.
“What happened Pete?” The boys eyes grew wide- oh. Oh.
He huffed and stared challengingly at the god. He’s heard of the wrath of the god of mischief. But.. he could handle it, he’s won Mister Stark’s attacks!
His challenging glare didn’t last long as the mischief practically dripped from the god. “What are you afraid of the tickles?” Loki asked as if it were like any other conversation.
Peter shook his head with a high pitched giggle. “N-no!” “No? So you shouldn’t mind..” Loki stopped above Peter’s stomach- surprised that the boy already flinched away.
Despite himself he moved his hand towards his side and flexed it- Peter, to his delight jumped again and moved closer to the god and away from the hand.
“Peter.” Loki stated and gained the boys attention.
“Are you by chance…. Air ticklish?”
“uh oh” muttered Peter in utter disbelief before a steady stream of giggles escaped him. Loki’s collected expression turned to one of pure delight and mischief “oh boy.. this just got a lot more entertaining.”
Peter squeaked when the younger god made claws. “NOhOho!” The boy whined through his flustered and giggly predicament.
Thor suddenly jumped from next to Loki.
The squeal echoed through the training room much to the gods amused and adoration at the boy- the boy himself- as if finally remembering he was free, turned around and tried crawling away.
He squeaked when a strong hand wrapped around his ankle “now hold on little spiderling!” Thor chuckled. Peter laughed at the silliness- before he could however think of how to make this harder for the gods, arms wrapped around his torso “Now I gotcha!” Loki growled and flung the boy back as if he weighted nothing.
Peter laughed without either of them even touching him- “are you laughing at us young Stark!?” Thor asked in disbelief and crossed his arms. “NOhOho!” Peter tried to reassure but failed expertly. Loki sniggered “I believe he is dear brother.. better give him something to laugh about huh?”
Thor grinned “I do believe you’re right brother” he mused.
Loki sniggered “ready to call for help yet Petey?” He muttered into his ear and the boy scrunched up with a barking a laugh “NEhEhEVER!” He declared boldly.
Loki tutted and looked at his brother. “Stark said his thighs and knees are ticklish.”
Thor chuckled at the protest of a shriek that came from Peter which though was quickly drowned by hysterical laughter as Lokis fingers went into his pits.
The god of thunder didn’t wait long for his own entrance and squeezed the boys thigh which, amusingly enough, with each squeeze they gained a higher squeal out of the boy.
Loki chuckled and shook his head, the boy could lean left or right and roll off, he could even put up a fight with his strength.. and yet..
“AHYEHE! OHOKAY!” Peter barked out and the gods let up.
Loki raised an eyebrow “you’ll call for help?” He mused and waited as the boy caught his breath.
Peter stifled most of his giggles before his hand went to squeeze Lokis own side.
To the boys surprise and glee Loki jumped.
The god sent him a warning glare “peter I’d truly advise against that” “why?” The boy grinned up at the god. “May I remind you that I am a god?”
Peter’s own mischief twinkled in his eyes “Thor will probably help me..” he mused. Loki raised an eyebrow “probably?” He mused “my brother is worse than me Buddy.”
Peter’s eyes widened at that “b-but we’ll be two!” He smiled timidly. Loki huffed “Are you going to call for help or not?”
The boy’s shoulders jumped as he chuckled through his nose.
Loki grinned “Unbelievable..” he hushed and looked at Thor. “You know, there’s a specific technique that got Thor to give in when we were children.” He said and watched as his brothers confusion morphed into surprise and glee.
Peter swallowed nervously and giggled “Thihis isn’t one ohof your Ahasgardian things right?” Loki laughed “No, this works all too perfectly on mortals”
Peter shivered at the sly grin. His silly grin fought its way right back onto his face “n-now hold on, no need for drastic- MEASURES!” He yelped when Loki suddenly rapidly squeezed and scribbled his side which sent sparks through his whole body. “HEHEY!” He squeaked and leaned away- falling onto the mats, front first, the gods hand on his back. “Uh-huh- Loki?” Peter asked and hoisted himself onto his elbows as he slowly understood his position- his face would lay awkwardly on the mats if he tried to shield his armpits. But if he kept his face from squeezing onto the mats they’d be open wide.
Loki chuckled at the giddy expression on the boys face. “You gonna call for help?”
Again. Peter shook his head.
It was fair to say that the god was not only surprised at the will to play but also at the stamina of the kid.
“Oh you’re asking for it.” He smirked down at the boy.
Peter squeaked in surprise at the demeanour change but didn’t get to dwell on it as the hands plummeted into his armpits.
“LOHOKIEHEHEEE!” Peter kicked his legs into the mats to try and relieve the tickle shocks even if only just lightly- Lokis nimble fingers found the sweet spot with practiced ease and vibrated on one armpit while on the other he scribbles.
Peter was probably loosing his lil head in the playful moment but the raging storm outside was positively forgotten.
“NAHAHAY! TOHOHOR!” Peter’s new protest made Loki look back and find Thors bold hands tickle the soles of the poor kid.
Chuckles from the door which ripped Lokis attention away from his attack and his hands slowed down enough for Peter to crank an eye open. “MIHIST- EHEY!” The boy scolded through his laughter and turned to look at Thor.
The billionaire in the doorway laughed “alright you two, let the kid up. I still need him today for lab time” Thor chuckled “do not worry stark! You’ll have young Stark with you in no time.” He mused. Loki rolled his eyes and sniggered “you good kid?”
Peter laughed but nodded and pushed Loki playfully “ahabout the move; IHi’m soho on your side- but I aham also so gehetting you back someday”
Loki raised a challenging eyebrow and then slowly, his ‘claws’.
Peter squeaked and rolled away “nohot today!” He laughed and got to his feet, hands in front of his body to protect himself.
The men laughed in choir.
“Loki we should continue training.” Thor stated, full of new enthusiasm. Loki glared at him “we are not doing get help” Thor grinned at him “we should.” Loki frowned “Peter—“
“NOPE! YOU GOT THIS!” Peter yelled with a laugh as he rushed out of the room.
The two gods laughed heartedly at the boys exit with Stark and got up. Maybe they could get along for awhile every now and again.
Meanwhile let’s hope Steve will be just as merciful as mister Stark was on Peter.
“Don’t get in trouble with them, huh?” His mentor asked with his smirk obvious in his voice.
Peter rolled his eyes with an obvious smile and flushed cheeks, his hand going through his disheveled hair.
Never mind..
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melishade · 6 months
Majority of Transformers fans when something new such as Transformers One trailer is released:
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BTW; what’s your reaction to Transformers One?  ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Yes, the trailer came out today for those who are still out of the loop.
And I have some thoughts.
You can tell that there was a lot of love put into the animation. It's smooth. It's clean and vibrant. There are Cybertronian animals and landscape. Because a lot of the Transformers stories take place on Earth because the planet is already destroyed from war. Even when we do see the planet in the animated series in the past, it mainly focuses on the cities and urban places. I think Cyberverse was the first one I've seen really branch out into other locations on Cybertron and have settings and stories take place there, but I could be wrong in terms of animated series. I'm certain they expand on other locations on Cybertron in the comics. I just don't have access to them.
The actually designs feel like a mix of G1 and IDW. However the faces are still something that I have to get used to.
It looks like their taking a page out of the Aligned Continuity where the Quintessions invade before the war begins.
The cast also not having the ability to transform and not knowing how to is so jarring. Like that's so freaking weird. IDK why.
Keegan Michael Key is no doubt doing his regular stand up shtick and what not. He's not really doing anything to change his voice or make it stand out. When I hear Key play Bumblebee, I just hear Key. But the jokes for Bumblebee have been really solid, and I find it funny that Bumblebee is killing people on purpose and accident.
I don't have too much to say about Johansson's voice acting for Elita 1 because we only get a few lines from her, but the animation for her is smooth.
Again, so weird hearing Megatron sound so young and full of life. Like hearing Brian Tyree Henry speak as Megatron genuinely threw me off. Like what the hell. I'm so used to hearing Megatron sound so tired, angry, or ragged, not annoyed and cautious!
But I have to say, Chris Hemsworth was great as Orion Pax. An unexpected stand out. I was so worried about Chris being Orion Pax because he's never done voice acting before aside from voicing Thor, and he didn't seem to have too much knowledge of Transformers, calling Transformers One the first animated feature length film for the franchise, clearly forgetting about G1. Say what you will about Keegan, Scarlett, and Brian, they have voice acting experience in different animated shows and films. Hemsworth had practically none. But I heard that he personally spoke with Peter Cullen and asked him for advice. And it does show. Like it's not like a Chris Pratt performance where he's just doing whatever. At some moments, you can still tell that it is Hemsworth, but at other moments it does feel like this is Orion. He's genuinely putting in a lot of effort and I have to say props to him.
Also, I'm glad Orion is shown to be feral, putting a goddamn jetpack on Megatron. That's great.
I am still cautiously optimistic about the movie. But we will see what happens.
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marvelfanfics1 · 2 years
Mob!daddy!Thor with a shy!little one, just holding onto any part of him in public and getting whiny when you can’t hold onto him, just wanting your dada. Just being a shy needy baby 💌
Your fanfics abt him have made me a Thor fan 🫢
Always Touching
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Pairing: mob!daddy!Thor x shy!little!reader
Warnings: Age Regression, fluff, soft!Thor, clingy!reader?
A/n: it's my duty to make more people love Thor the way I do 😌 mob!daddy!Thor is literally the best thing I've ever started writing 🥴
"And who's that sweetheart behind you?" asked Wanda, trying to peek behind Thor to see you.
"That's my little one. Can you say hi princess?" Thor tried to make you stand before him but you instead hid more behind him, feeling intimidated by the mobster Witch, knowing what she's capable of.
You were glad you had your daddy to protect you, he is so strong! And he promised you he would never let something happen to you and will always be there when you need him.
"Hi..." you said in a meek voice.
Wanda coos at your cuteness, now missing being with her boys right now, she can't wait to go back home again.
"Your little is adorable, Odinson," she said and both went on with business, you decided to play with Thor's hand in the meantime.
You were shy since you were a child and that never changed, you can't help it, and Thor always assured you that it's okay.
You are really depending on your daddy and couldn't stay away from him for too long or you would start to get moody and cry out for him.
Thor doesn't mind how clingy you are and how you always wanted to be in his presence. He would often carry you around and let you sit on his lap while he has a meeting.
The some-more scary things will be taken care of while you were asleep, he doesn't want his little one to be afraid of him, he couldn't bear the thought.
When you were outside shopping you are always holding one of his hands or onto his arm, scared you will get lost.
"You want to look around? You can pick whatever you want, love" he said when you entered a clothing store.
"Come with me, please?" you asked with the good old puppy eyes Thor isn't able to say no to, he would do anything for you.
But sometimes he has to leave you alone for a few minutes if it's really necessary, and that makes you cranky instantly. He can't even try and sneak out because you would ask him where he is going.
"No! Daddy no go. Want cuddles!" you whined from your spot on the fluffy carpet, arms high up for him.
He sighed and went to pick you up, twirling you around to hear you giggle and distract you from what he was about to do.
"It's really important, princess. You know I wouldn't leave if there was a other way."
You pout but nodded your head, leaning in to give him a quick kiss. Thor put you back down on the ground and at that moment walked Valkyrie inside, your babysitter and bodyguard.
"I won't be gone long. Please make sure she eats something before I come back and don't leave her side" Thor tells her while grabbing his phone and keys.
"I know how this works. Go and do your job, she's safe with me." Valkyrie waved him off and ruffled a hand through your hair.
Half an hour later Thor arrived back home and could hear your cute giggles through the mansion and followed them to the bathroom where Valkyrie was brushing your hair while you were brushing your teeth. You were also in your jammies and ready to go to bed.
"Dada! You back!" you mumbled with your mouth full of toothpaste.
He walked over to you and took Valkyrie's place behind you, taking the brush from her.
"I'll take over now. Thank you, Val. You can take the evening off." Thor told her and she nod, giving you a little wave before leaving.
You finished your routine with your daddy and let him carry you around, not wanting to let him go again.
"Daddy, can we cuddle now?" you asked rubbing your tired eyes, your head already resting on his shoulder.
"Of course, little one. We're gonna snuggle the whole night, promise" he whispered and laid you down on your shared bed before joining in next to you.
He handed you your favorite stuffie and popped in your pacifier as well. Next, he pulled you closer to his side and draped a blanket mostly only over you.
@my-river-lilly @pauntedblacknails @fanfictioniseverything @devilslilbabysblog @buckymydarlingangel @hallecarey1 @daybreakwinter @loveshineslikethesky @wandaslittlewhore @vase-of-lilies @white-wolf1940 @simpingbutch @mischiefsemimanaged @alina02 @teddybearsgrr @doozywoozy @angelbabydoll28 @glxwingrxse @lilymurphy03 @veryvaughnny @lokigirlszendaya @youngstarfishdinosaur @little--baby--bear @minideathgoddess @rach2602 @aagn360 @gh0stgurl @flourishandblotts-inc
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