“A piece of me did die that day😟”
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I feel like y’all forget he is literally a nerd 💔
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I love this scene smch they look like cats here😭
+I got a new phone and like the quality is TOO good and for some reason every time I try to take a pic of this it makes it look so different so I’m just using my old phone but the draw still looks 200 times better irl💔 also why is drawing shakes so hard for me??😭 I always make him look so weird so this time I tried to make do him kinda the way he is in the comics(even tho it’s not even close☠️ but I still think it’s super cute)
And pls ignore whatever I did to the arms and hands and anything that’s not the face I’m going crazy over it
Omg I actually have to stop looking at it now north’s head looks 3 times bigger I’m loosing it
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Did I make him inaccurate or is it just my artstyle?😭 (nd sry the lightning and eyes(eyes of the second draw) look terrifying ☠️
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sometimes I wonder why supa strikas fandom doesn’t shipp big bo and Rasta LIKE there’s so many reasons why ppl would shipp it and I don’t see a thing abt them😭 I’d never shipp that monstrosity but it’s so funny to me for some reason
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yall sleeppin on this man😭🙏
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