#we can ignore how john was an Asshole at the end
deltaharrington · 1 year
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PAIRING: JJ Maybank x Fem!Routledge!Reader
SUMMARY: JJ nearly gets himself killed, and you aren’t the normal sunshine everyone knows you as.
WARNINGS: A little angsty, short, fluffy ending.
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HOW DID YOU GET HERE? You weren’t even sure. The last thing you thought you’d be doing was hopping off of JJ’s bike and into Topper Thorntons truck.
“What is he doing?” Sarah asked and you shrugged, anger beginning to bubble inside of you.
He had been so different. So different since you got back home to the OBX. He was more distant than before.
You and JJ had always been close. He was drawn to you because of your nice nature. He didn’t think you had a mean bone in your body. None of the Pogues did.
John B, your brother, had lived with you your whole life and he knew you wouldn’t hurt a fly. Even in the stressful situations the Pogues put themselves through, you remained positive.
That was about to change.
You looked up and watched as a crash occurred on the overhead pass above you. Right where JJ had just been.
His bike flew off the side of the overpass and you scrambled to get out of the car, it not even being stopped yet.
“Oh my god!” You exclaimed and backed away as you watched the cops from above.
You fell to your knees and began to cry, Sarah moving up behind you to comfort you.
“I wish— I could say I did that on purpose” You heard from behind you. Your neck nearly broke with how fast you turned around.
It was JJ. He was alive.
“But…” He began “That was the gnarliest power slide I’ve ever done” He said and laughed a bit.
That’s when your anger boiled over.
“What the fuck, JJ?” You exclaimed, catching everyone off guard. They had never seen you angry before.
“You fucking asshole! You could have gotten hurt! Not to mention the fact that you’ve been practically ignoring me since we got back!” You said and rushed towards him, shoving him aggressively.
JJ stumbled a bit, his eyes wide in shock. He never knew you were feeling this way. He thought pushing you away would save himself from hurt.
“Sweetheart-“ He began, but you shook your head, tears falling from your eyes.
“Don’t you ‘sweetheart’ me, JJ” You said and moved as far away from him as possible. “I can’t believe you right now”
“M’not riding in the same car as him, Topper” You said and the kook nodded.
“I-uh, can he sit in the bed?” He asked and you nodded.
JJ didn’t say anything, he just rode in the back.
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After the disappointment of not finding the cross. The Pogues and Topper all went their separate ways. However, JJ followed you.
“Y/n, you’re gonna walk home alone?” He asked and you didn’t answer, assuming he’d follow.
“Hey- you got to talk, now let me” He said and you continued to walk.
“Dammit, Y/n! Stop!” He screamed and you froze, not expecting him to yell at you.
He caught up to you and stood directly in front so you couldn’t continue walking.
“I pushed myself away because I was scared” He admitted “Your brother- he noticed the way we had gotten close and he told me to stay away, so I listened” He explained.
“It was the worst mistake I’ve ever made” He added “I thought that pushing you away would save me the huff of losing you and my best friend”
“I love you, Y/n, and I’m sorry I scared you back there.” He finished and met your teary eyes.
“JJ…” You trailed off and rushed to him, pulling him into a hug. “I love you too- I didn’t mean to get that angry”
“Sweetheart, you had every right to be mad, I fucked up.” He said and pulled back.
“Can I kiss you?” He whispered and you nodded, ghosting your lips over his before connecting them.
Your lips moved in sync before you needed air, pulling away. “Please don’t scare me like that again” You said and he nodded his head.
“Wouldn’t dream of it.”
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A/N: YAY! This was short, but sweet!!
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starlightandfairies · 6 months
Hiiii I hope you don’t mind me requesting again! I love the one you did for me! It made me incredibly happy.
May I request a Lorenzo St. John x female reader? This time I was thinking of a lot of fluff and hurt/comfort? If that’s okay of course. Again, human reader please. This time reader is very stubborn and always acts tough. She dislikes supernaturals a lot. She’s friends with Elena and her group.
One day reader gets kidnapped and threatened by an enemy vampire if the Salvatore’s. The brothers save her, but once she gets home she starts to panic and cry because she’s had enough and doesn’t know if she can take anymore of the supernatural drama. But Enzo stops by her house to ask for a favor and the reader acts like she’s fine but it’s obvious she’s been crying and he tries to comfort her, despite her not liking him much.
Ahhh sorry this is long again! I just have so many ideas….um ignore this if it’s too much. I hope you have a wonderful full day and night!!
Description: The reader is kidnapped by an old enemy of the Salvatores and as tries to pretend that everything is okay but fails at doing so.
Warnings: she/her pronouns, fluff, swearing
*Requests are open, please send through as many requests as you want, check my character list and requesting rules.*
I honestly got so excited when you requested Enzo! Thank you for requesting again and yay! I'm so happy the other one made you happy. I'm glad! I'm honestly not happy about how this one turned out but I hope you still enjoy it regardless.
Key: Y/N = Your Name, L/N = Last name, POV = Point of view
Word Count: 1,358
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First Person's POV
Once I turned 18 I promised I would leave Mystic Falls for good. This town is a goddamn beacon for chaos and danger. I wouldn't even be surprised if a hole to the end of the world opened right in the centre of town. One thing I hated more than maths was the supernatural beings that thought the world revolved around them. Of course, I loved Caroline, Bonnie and Elena. I tolerated Stefan and Damon but the others... the others it depended on who they were and what they've done. I tried my best to stay away from the chaos that the group got themselves into, sometimes it was relatively easy and other times it was damn hard. 
Every day I make a bet with myself about if it's gonna be an easy day or a damn hard day. I made a bet that it'll be a damn hard day. I don't know what gave me that feeling, it was just that uneasy feeling when I woke up this morning and considering that the Salvatores had been kidnapped and beaten the last few days, I just assumed that the streak of unpleasantness would continue. 
Heading towards the town square, I stood, waiting for the girls to show up, putting myself on edge due to the sudden paranoia that someone would be out to get me. 
I don't know how it happened, or when it happened but I woke up, tied up and sitting on a mattress laid across the ground. I refused to cry, I would not let myself be seen as weak and give whatever asshole decided to use me as fish bait. 
"Y/n... Y/n... Y/n..." I stared angrily at the figure, recognising the person as a Traveller, I rolled my eyes and stared at the figure flabbergasted as he slapped me. 
"I need the Salvatores to come here, I see them with you, so here we are," I grunted through the rag, groaning as he pulled it from my mouth and went to speak but was literally hushed by the twit. He put his damn finger on my lips with a tut to silence me. 
"Listen here... I don't care about how you want to run your damn mouth, I don't have the time, all I care about is bringing the Salvatores here and following the plan." 
"And that would be?" 
"Oh, how mature," I muttered, hissing in pain as his fist collided with my face, I took another breath and smiled at the man showing that I didn't care and that it didn't faze me at all. I grunted as he shoved the rag back in and proceeded to pace the room. I couldn't help but flinch as the door slammed open and within the blink of an eye the Salvatores easily dealt with the guy and the adrenaline seemed to take away my thought processing and I ended up back home without really realising it. 
I took a shower, got into my pyjamas, plopped down on the couch and that's when it all came out. I could feel my hands begin to shake, a tightness in my chest formed that made it hard to breathe. The tears came cascading down, the whole room seemed to spin and I couldn't stop my sobs from escaping. I do not want to go through that again, I do not want to be kidnapped and hurt. I can't go through that, this is all too much, maybe I should just move away? Get away from the town of death and suffering. 
I couldn't tell you how long I had been crying for, I couldn't even tell you how the panic attack stopped or if it even stopped. I was sitting in a pool of tissues, I had already nearly gone through an entire box, I don't think I've cried this much before, I can't think of a time when the pain has been this bad. 
I jumped hearing a knock on my door, I quickly and roughly rubbed my eyes doing my best to make the tears go away and hope that whoever it was wouldn't need anything from me. I forced a smile to my lips as I opened the door, surprised to see the lovely Enzo there, he was a vampire I liked and I will admit there are times when I prefer him over the Salvatores but also just like most of the supernatural my tolerance normally ran low. 
"Enzo- hi."
"Hello, gorgeous... listen I need a favour-" The vampire cut himself off, he glanced around to the living area and then back at me. I did my best to keep smiling, not wanting to let my guard down. 
"Gorgeous, what's going on?" 
"I'm fine Enzo, listen I've got a busy day tomorrow and as much as I'm sure the favour cannot wait I cannot help you today." I tried closing the door on him, groaning as he easily stopped it and slipped into my home. I bit the inside of my cheek, finding it harder and harder to continue pretending that I was okay. 
"You've been crying..." 
"N-no I haven't. I said I am fine." I tried to make my words more pointed, hoping he'll truly believe that I was 'fine' but Enzo is smart and it was clear that my bullshit lies weren't enough to convince him. 
"Talk to me, please." I wrapped my arms around myself, shaking my head, the tears inevitably coming, I could feel my lips quivering and my body shake as the sobs escaped my lips. I could feel Enzo leading me to the couch, he brushed away the tissues and sat beside me. 
"Y/n... what's going on? What happened." 
"I- one of the travellers took me and used me as bait to draw in the Salvatores... I can't deal with the supernatural any longer... I don't want to go through that again. This- this anxiety, I can't... I won't go through that again. I'm so scared Enzo, I can't keep pretending that I'm fine because everyone looks to me because they think I'm tough but the truth is-" I let out a sob that would prevent me from going on any further without struggling to voice my concerns. I shook my head, angry with myself for blubbering in front of Enzo. 
I felt him wrap an arm around me, he lightly rubbed my shoulder, against all my wishes, I let myself curl against him. At that moment I didn't care about who was comforting me, all I cared about was seeking someone who would offer me the comfort I clearly needed. 
"I can make it easier for you- I can... if you're comfortable, I can compel you... I can make it go away." I considered, that maybe it would make it easier to just disappear... make it easier to get away from all of this. I was about to allow him to do that but then I thought of Bonnie and Caroline and Elena... I couldn't do that to them. 
"N-no, no. Thank you." 
"If you ever change your mind... I know we aren't close, I think you don't like me at all but I'll make it go away. If you ever want." I took a few deep breaths, nodding and appreciating that Enzo would do this for me even after knowing that I wasn't his biggest fan. 
"I don't not not like you but- it's not important right now." 
"You know, you know gorgeous... I still think you are pretty tough, you know it's okay to cry and it's okay be worired." It felt reassuring to know that, I never wanted to let anyone down and I wanted them to know that I am strong and I am tough. That these things won't bother me or effect me.
"Means a lot to me."
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gh0stsp1d3r · 3 months
ℳ𝒶𝓎𝒷𝒶𝓃𝓀𝓈 𝓈𝒾𝓈𝓉ℯ𝓇
Chapter 5 - tell him, you fucking asshole!
Warnings: mentions of doctor given drugs, strong language, mentions of wounds, being held at gunpoint again 😭 poor you bro
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You stood next to big john, the drugs from the doctor still giving you a little bit of a high. You rambled on and on about something while he nodded along.
“Wait, so you dated Rafe Cameron?” Big John asked you with a quirked eyebrow, finding it slightly hard to believe.
“Yeah. He was sweet but…” you sighed. “Also an asshole. It’s very on and off with us right now.”
“I mean, he’s a cameron, what’d you expect?”
You sighed, nodding and shrugging.
“What about Sarah? What’s she like?” He asked you, looking at you now, pausing what he was doing.
“She’s super sweet. A lot better than Ward. And Rafe.” You said with a giggle. He just stared at you. “Look, I know you went through a lot with…” you glanced at Ward from afar. “But believe me, she’s not like him at all. Try not to be so hard on her?”
He had a hard time believing you, but just nodded anyways, glancing back at his son and Sarah sitting not too far away, before turning back to you.
“How are you gonna make it up on that leg?” He nodded to the wounded one.
“Oh, I’ll make it. I got kidnapped for this shit, and I ain’t missing out on it.”
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It was night now, everyone was asleep. You slept with your head against the floorboards, mouth agape.
You woke up to hear the sound of creaking on the dock, you furrowed an eyebrow, stretching as you sat up, looking around for the source. It was then that you saw a figure at the end, the glow of a phone in his hands. You looked around, everyone was there except for Ward.
You were confused as to what he would be doing on his phone this late and why he was all the way over at the end of the dock.
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You woke up with an annoyed groan, murmuring out a “what?” As John B shook your shoulder.
“Get up.” He told you, shoving your bag into your face. You sighed, getting up once again and grabbing your bag, slinging it over your shoulder. You grabbed a pain reliever, popping two into your mouth.
“That sites a whole days walk. We gotta get up there before moonrise. If we miss the solstice, then all this was for nothing. So, listen, Sarah, I’m telling you right now, if you fall behind, I ain’t waiting.”
You wondered why he said that sentence directly to Sarah and not you. You shrugged it off, ignoring it.
“Dad. Stop.” John B said to him, slightly embarrassed.
“What? I ain’t. It’s a matter of fact.”
John B stepped onto the dock with you and Sarah. “Sorry about the cranky old man.”
Big John looked at Ward, also stepping onto to the dock.
“I’m gonna go tell that son of a bitch he ain’t coming.”
“Dad, hey-“ John B tried, but he was already walking away and towards Ward.
“Hey, listen, fellas. I’m real sorry, but, uh… I’m not gonna be able to make it up that mountain, not on this leg.”
You wanted to make a joke about how you both were leg twins, the bullet wound in yours and the stab in his. But you just smiled, keeping the comment to yourself.
“I’d be slowing you down, that’s all. So I’m just gonna… hang here. Tell you what, I got a flare gun. If I see Singh come through here, I’ll send up a flare, let you all know he’s coming.” He looked at Sarah. “Least I can do.”
“Thank you.” She said.
“You’re welcome. Good luck.” He nodded.
John B, you and Sarah all began to walk off while Big John stayed for a moment.
“Don’t even think about trying anything, Ward.” Big John warned. “It won’t end well.”
“Just trying to take care of my daughter, John.” He looked at him. “What are you doing with your son?”
“Let’s go, come on.” John B spoke from behind, Big John ignoring Wards words and walking over to the three of you.
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The trek up the mountains was treacherous. You had to wind down trees, climb up slopes. Somehow John B was faster than all of you right now.
“Come on, kids.”
“For an old man he walks hella fast.” You groaned, Sarah grabbing your hand and helping you.
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“JJ, you were right, that’s Singh and his men. But they’re not looking for us..” Cleo spoke, watching Singh go by on a boat.
“Yeah, they’re moving real quick.” He came to a realization. “They’re looking for John B, Saran and y/n. They’ll know where they’re headed.” He said, standing up. “We gotta go, they’re gonna need us!”
“Stay back, don’t get too close.”
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John B fell, you and Sarah going to help him. “Hey, are you good?” She asked him quickly.
“Yeah.” He grunted out.
“C’mon, let’s get a move on!”
John B helped you and Sarah up the slope, Big John still moving.
“Hey, pop, how about we uh, take a breather, you know?”
“How about not? Come on, boy. You guys are slowing me down. We’re losing light.”
“I can’t take this anymore.” John B spoke, turning to you both.
You groaned out. “I know!”
“It’s the only shot we got, come on.” Big John told you both, you sighing. John B went up the the man.
“Hey! Hey. For 30 seconds, can you stop being an asshole?” He breathed out.
“Thirty seconds? I’ve been on this trail my whole life, boy, and we are on the cusp. I got Ward Cameron who tried to kill me, nipping at my heels, his daughter spying on me.” He gritted out.
“You think she’s spying on you?”
Sarah overheard the conversation, breathing out as you had a hand on her shoulder.
“Is he always like this?” She tried to speak a lighthearted joke. You nodded.
“Always has been.”
“Are you really so sure about her? A Cameron? That whole family is trust-challenged, and you know that. So you can stay back here and… babysit your girlfriend and y/n, it’s your choice. I’ll see you at the top.” He pat his back.
John B grabbed Sarah’s hand, you following behind them both.
“Sorry. Cameron’s aren’t really a hiking family.” Sarah said. “If I’m being honest.”
“Sorry about him.” John B nodded up the hill. “He gets a little… obsessive over the treasure.”
Sarah smiled up at the boy. “And you don’t?” She chuckled.
“Stop.” He laughed, you watching the whole thing with a small smile.
“Let’s go, come on.” She said.
“Whoo-hoo!” Big John yelled, looking out over the beautiful mountains. “Come on, take a look at this.”
“Sorry. I had to catch my breath.” Sarah spoke, going over to them.
“Catch it when you get here. Take a look at that.” He pointed to the three rocks on the ground not too far. “We did it, boy.” He looked over to his son. “There she blows.”
His gaze went to his father, and then to Sarah, small smile spreading across his face.
“Come on. Let’s keep trucking.” Big John spoke.
“Now downhill I can do.” You laughed, walking down.
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“Whoaaa…” you sighed out.
“Oh my God. It’s just as the legend predicted it. See these four columns here? Mark the cardinal directions. And there it is. The temalacatl.” He pointed to a table in the middle.
“Oh my, I can’t believe it.”
“Oh, it’s as real as the day, boy.” Big John sighed, feeling along the cracks and crevices. “A thousand years of astronomy. Mathematics. Is all contained in this. This proves that the Kalinago were every bit the equal to the Mayans. This… this is gonna rewrite everything. Oh, you see that? This right here.” He pointed to the middle.
“That’s where she goes.”
“Yeah, yeah, get the gnomon out.”
He got it out. “Look at this. This is it, this is the moment, boy.” He put the gnomon slowly over the middle. “Alright, look at this. Please, please, please…”
Big John laughed, the gnomon fitting perfectly. “Yo, listen up, when the moon hits its zenith, that’s when the action starts. Okay, John B, I want you up on translation. Sarah and y/n, gather up some mud. And mark the glyph so we know what to translate.”
You and Sarah got down quickly, grabbing the bowl and putting mud in.
“And be quick about it, okay?”
“Hey, hey. Aye, aye, captain. Relax.” John B muttered.
“We only got one shot at this. I don’t want any back talk, okay?”
“Sar, wanna help me with this?”
“Yeah, of course.”
You all waited, looking at the moon until suddenly, the top of the gnomon started to glow.
“Woah…” you murmured.
“It’s actually working.”
“Oh my god. Oh my god.”
“Oh, dad, oh guys-“ John B started, one of the glyphs beginning to glow.
“Mark it, mark it, hurry, hurry! Mary it! What’s that?”
“That is the one that looks like a boot.”
You pointed to it on the paper. “Brave traveler.”
“Ah great, brave traveler.”
“Oh, oh, this one?” Sarah asked, another one glowing.
“Wisdom.” You quickly spoke.
“Pay close attention, can’t muck this up. If they shine, mark it, keep translating.”
“Okay, we got it, we got it.”
“There’s two more there.” You pointed out.
“This is… Wealth..” John B pointed to one. “And.. and..”
“Earth.” You told them.
“Earth, earth and wealth. Okay, I think I got this first one sorted. Brave traveler, if you had wisdom, I’ll reveal the wealth of the earth.”
“Wealth of the earth.”
“Wealth of the earth! That’s… that’s El dorado!” Be laughed. “Oh, wait-“
“Something’s happening off the stone-“
“Look, it’s coming off the the gnomon!”
“A horn thing?”
“Patience.” John B told him.
“Patience.” Big John murmured, holding a hand out to you three.
“Whoa, whoa, woah-“
“There, there. Look. That’s wisdom again.”
“Yeah, that’s wisdom.”
“And that’s a tongue…” Sarah pointed.
“Darkness. That one’s darkness.” John B spoke.
“Darkness. Wisdom and darkness.”
“And over there, that’s um, seeker.”
“Hey, hey,” John B spoke, seeing another. “Sarah, what is hand? What is hand?”
“I don’t know… I don’t see it on here.” She said, shining his flashlight over the paper.
“Oh, I know this. Hand, hand. Hand- hand means home.” Big John realized.
“It’s showing us the direction to el dorado. It’s showing us the direction to el dorado!” Big John began to walk, before his face fell.
He mumbled, turning back. “Wisdom. Wisdom.”
“What do we got, old man?” John B asked him.
“I… I have no tongue, but I’m always speaking.”
“What does it mean?” Sarah asked.
“I…” he paused, looking up at Sarah now.
“Dad, just spit it out.” John B said.
“I’m- I’m- still working it out.” He told John B, pocketing the notebook.
“Dad, what are you doing?”
“I’ve got all the notes. I… we know which way we’re going. It’s…”
John B turned to Sarah, she was looking back at him. “It’s because I’m here. This is about me, isn’t it?”
“Damn.” You murmured, eyes widening.
Big John looked at her now.
“Big John, I am not my father. And I’m not my brother. You can trust me.”
“She’s not.” You chimed in.
“What does it say? Hey, look at me.” John B snapped. “We all just went through hell and back to get here. Tell me what it says this is what we’re doing, huh? Just gonna use us? Just gonna pull us in and push us out, like you did with mom, with me. Look, now you’re doing it to Sarah!”
“John B, stop-“ Sarah tried.
“No! Tell us what it is! What does it say, dad?! What does it say?!”
“Yea, John! What does it say?” A voice spoke, all of you turning to it.
“No freaking way.” Your mouth went agape, all of you staring at Singh.
“Huh? Tell us all, John! What is the secret of the gnomon?” His hands went to his gun, and he pulled it when Big John began to pull out his own.
“I wouldn’t do that if I were you, John. I have you surrounded. You’d do best to toss over your gun now!”
People began to crowd in, surrounding you all.
“Careful now, Mr. Routledge. Careful.”
He handed over the gun to one of his men.
“Very good!”
“I thought Ward was gonna send up a flare?” You said.
“Yeah, sure.” Big John scoffed.
“Hey, what did you do with my father?” Sarah yelled up at Singh.
“I’m right here, Sarah! I’m okay! I’m right here.”
“Yo, what the fuck is going on today?” You whispered to yourself. “This feels like a really bad acid trip.”
“Dad. Dad.” She sniffled, walking over. “What did you do?”
“No, no, no, Sarah, I made a deal, Sarah, I had to.”
“A deal?!”
“Yes. I did a favor for Mr. Singh. In return, he’s gonna give me all I want-“
“You think this is favor?!”
“I want you safe! Isn’t that right, Mr. Singh?”
“Mr. Cameron is correct. When we’re finished, you can go with your father. Safe and sound.”
“And you too can live, you know, John, if you just give me what I want!” He shouted. “The way to El dorado!”
“Sorry, Carlos. I can’t do it.”
Ward exhaled.
“And you ain’t gonna kill me… cause I got the treasure. It’s right up here.” He pointed to his head.
“John, John, John, John, John. You know what the Guajiro king did to the slaves that mined el dorado, John?”
“Is this fucking history class now?” You shouted back, Singh deciding to ignore your comment.
“He had them executed, so they could never reveal the secret location, and he did it here, you know, on the stone of Solana. And I think it’s important, very important that we honor tradition!”
Four guards suddenly grabbed you and John B, you whimpering as one roughly grabbed your hair, both of them holding a gun to your head, two of them holding ones to John B’s.
“No..” Sarah whispered.
“So, tell me, John. What does it say?!”
You looked at John B, the same look of fear in his eyes as yours. You swallowed.
“Tell him. Please.” John B spoke.
He stayed silent.
“Fucking tell him, dude! That’s your son!” You yelled at Big John, being silenced when the gun was put on your forehead.
“Make your choice, John!”
“Dad, just tell him.” John B spoke, voice broken.
“John, Jesus, John, tell him!” Ward said, even he could be worried about you and John B.
“Tell him, you fucking asshole! You’re seriously not gonna help your fucking son?!” You shouted, tears running down your face at just the thought of never getting to see your brother again, or Rafe.
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@cassie0sstuff @rafesgiirl @fals3-g0d @tiaamberxx @callsignwidow @saintnourah @calmoistorm @ethanthequeefqueen @theoraekenslover @just-levyy
(Orange means I couldn’t tag)
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women-of-malevolent · 3 months
All references to women in Part 29 - The Train
I hate John and Arthur's ~quirky~ new dynamic here /queasy
below the cut: a departure from my usual style, a long rant about the shift in tone from season to season
John is stuck inside Arthur's body and clearly feeling trapped in there. Arthur keeps dismissing John as yammering and nagging, John keeps mocking Arthur's happiness and relaxation. Finally we get to the root of whatever this argument is: John wants to see a film, he can't take himself to, and Arthur won't take him. Which. That sucks. You're the asshole, Arthur. John can't take himself, and he was just tortured for a thousand years and then helped you kill Uncle even though he really didn't want to. Jesus christ arthur pisses me off this season and I hate the quirky music trying to convince me his shit is cute :/
John is also gross here, mocking Arthur for eating, which is uncomfortably vicious. Arthur is really skinny, this comes up a lot, and he has a lot of trauma around food. In addition to the constant little jabs and corrections...
I think it's uncomfortable and bummery for John, a trying-to-do-good fragment of King In Yellow, be reduced to a petulant nag at this point in the story. Why now? Why does John now need to be taken down a peg, after being tortured for a thousand years by KIY and Kayne and then being made complicit in murder with Arthur? This sucks!
It's so sad, this line where he's like, "After all we've been through, you treat me like a passenger! I feel degraded and hurt!" And the music is like, silly and quirky, and Arthur is harried and ignoring John and talking to all the other people he's encountering in the world. HUMOR! Literally, who in the audience wanted this??? (no one did, this scene exists to shake off the dirty jarthur shippers who really liked when these two guys talked about love and finding each other in hell a couple episodes ago. This is a PLATONIC story, and platonic love means treating your friends like they're annoying nags for begging you to take them to a movie, something they can't do without you) (to spell it out I think canon!jarthur is not queerplatonic. It's not romantic. It's not anything; it's just here, every week, because that way there's a show. Arthur treats John like he's an annoying burden, and John is literally trapped inside of Arthur.)
I thought the weird John stuff was going to lead to a commentary or themes about misogyny. Like I thought they were intentionally (dysfunctional) husband and wife coded here and structural misogyny as a product of inertia, very real survival and safety concerns, and individual human fallibility was going to be explored. Now I doubt it
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Arthur asks John if he's allowed to talk openly in the traincar. John says there's a woman who's been here the whole time, listening, and she looks offended. It's me I'm the woman (jk no I'm the cackling harpy they released in Part 38)
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Just a random thought. I wonder how easy or hard it would be for a woman (or trans man, or enby) to get into the Freemasons 🤔 or any other all-male group, when they have to be invited and indoctrinated in. I think it'd probably be very hard. Like it was designed to make it impossible.
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Hey but yknow it's okay Arthur can get inside, he does know a member! "Faroe's mother. Err, Bella. Her father was a Freemason."
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Arthur tells Percival, a stranger he meets on the train, a story to calm Percival's nerves. A man named Mat Rullen trudges through the wilderness of the frozen North, at the mercy of a disregarding universe. His mother had died, his wife had died, the men he loved had died. He was working towards something... and it's revealed to be a cabin, one he'd shared with a friend years back. And the friend is there! The fire is warm. His friend asks, why are you here? Mat says, he killed a man, so he needed to leave. Charlie tells him, he can't stay, Charlie is here with a woman. Mat pleads with Charlie, but Charlie says no, Mat must leave. The end (he's interrupted and can't continue)
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Eughhhhhhh ew John gets excited about having daring chases, and Arthur says "Well, you are my eyes, best be training them to think like me." He's not Arthur's eyes, he's John, and he's providing Arthur with exhausting accessibility labor that Arthur relies on.
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tommykinard6 · 5 months
I hope your weekend won't be bad but just in case I have some questions (mostly about fanon and not canon) to distract you. Pick and choose whatever interests you:
- How/ When do you think bucktommy will make their relationship official? Is it after dating for a longer time or will it be immediately after the wedding?
- Ignoring canon drama, what song should their dance at the wedding be to?
- What was the biggest lesson Tommy learned in therapy?
- Is Tommy still in touch with Sal?
- How would you like Maddie's and Tommy's first meeting to go?
- How would Buck react to Tommy getting injured on the job?
You’re so sweet! And because I definitely need the distraction, I’ll answer them all!
I feel like canonically speaking they’ll put a label on it in one of two places, either right after the wedding or somewhere around 7x10. I’m not sure which one I’m leaning more towards, but I think they won’t wait too long because they know the risks of the job.
Ooooooh I have three possible answers to the dance question. And I don’t listen to a lot of good wedding dance songs 🤣. Either Perfect by Ed Sheeran, All of Me by John Legend, or Halo by Beyoncé.
How to forgive himself. I was going to type how to love himself, but I don’t think he could love himself until he forgave himself. Forgive himself for how he acted, absolutely, but also for all the pain he caused himself. All the stress and the heartache and low esteem that being closeted brought him. Forgive himself for making himself into a person he could barely recognize.
Ooooooh good question. Canonically, probably not. If he’s out, canon Sal would’ve dropped him like a sack of hot potatoes. In my headcanon, it depends on the story. Either no or yes but they talk very little. I feel like Sal being away from the 118 and growing older, maybe having some kids, might have made him into less of an asshole. Or maybe he’ll always be an asshole. Im not sure. Tommy could’ve also chosen to lose contact with him. Again, depends on the headcanon.
Tommy and Maddie’s first meeting! Well we all think that Chimney is being rescued by Tommy, so I can picture them rolling up and Maddie throwing himself into Tommy’s arms, thanking him profusely. Later over the wedding, maybe over the dinner or the dance, she takes the time to get properly introduced and talk to him a little.
Depends if Buck was there! Let’s assume he wasn’t. When he first hears the news (going back to my emergency contact headcanon), he goes still. He vaguely registers that Bobby is telling him to go. Maybe Eddie or Bobby or Hen or Chimney drive him to the hospital. Buck paces around the waiting room. Depending on how serious it is, the 118 might wait with him. Tommy has no family that would come/is close enough to, so when Tommy can receive visitors Buck is first in line to go in. And seriousness of the injury can vary, but let’s say it’s an observe overnight deal, so Tommy’s got his room. Buck barely touches him at first, eyes memorizing every detail of his face. But then Tommy mumbles, “Evan”, and Buck places both hands on his face and gently presses kisses all over it, ending with one to his lips.
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obxone · 2 years
Assumptions (Part 6)
Rewritten/Edited. ~2.8k words
Master Page
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Surfing all morning had been the perfect distraction from the numbness that still edges against you when you are left alone. A few days have come and gone since the revelation of the bet. You had thrown yourself into working extra shifts and finishing two series. You exhale, resting your chin on your knee while sitting on your beach blanket, watching your friends surf.
Sarah shares the blanket with you, quietly observing John B surfing wave after wave with contagious happiness until the silence threatens to consume her whole. John B had shown up with her this morning, and everyone is okay with her joining. You are aware that you have missed out on some things by fake dating Tyler and avoiding Rafe like he is the plague. But even this surprised you when you had jumped out of Kiara's car to see her and John B by the Twinkie looking head over heels for the other.
“You do not seem as put off about me and John B as the others were.”
You smile a little and look over at Sarah. “You seem happy together. Who am I to decide who can make John B happy?”
She smiles brightly then. “Thank you.”
A comfortable silence fills the air as she stretches out in contentment. You exhale, rolling your head back along your shoulders, pushing the thought of Rafe away at the mention of being happy with someone. It is absurd how rooted he is now in your everyday thoughts. It had been random interactions and lunch, but he still was true to his reputation and sunk his hooks into you like every other girl.
“You should come by Tanneyhill one day for us to hang out and swim,” Sarah suggests. "I think it could be fun, Kie could come as well."
You smile at the thought. It seems like a great idea, but you know who also resides at Tanneyhill. Sarah being his sister is not something you plan to hold against her, but it will make things difficult.
“Not happening, Sarah.” You soften your tone and peek at her. She glances at you, concern flooding her features at your change in attitude. You tear your gaze away from her, ignoring the sting that follows at the reminder of Rafe’s betrayal. “Um…” You roll the confession around in your mind before looking at her again. “Rafe, Topper, and Kelce made a bet that Rafe could get me to have sex with him by the end of the summer.”
“What?” Her voice morphs to outrage as she gapes at you.
You shrug. “He didn’t win.”
She exhales, running her hand through her blonde locks before shaking her head. “He’s an asshole.”
“Agreed,” you laugh a little and look back at the four pogues surfing as JJ cheers Kie on through a larger wave. “Rafe is backing off for now. I lied and said Tyler Andrews and I are dating.”
“So you aren’t?” She asks, a teasing smile on her lips.
You shake your head, blushing a little. “No, it was a hookup and a few fake dates. He likes another girl, Emma Williams,” you look over at Sarah, and she nods that she knows her. “We were going to fake date for the rest of the summer, but then I saw how he looked at her, and I refused to date him after that.”
She elbows you with a giggle. “Playing matchmaker?”
“Something like that,” you agree, a smile on your face as you remember the look on Tyler’s face when he saw her. “I think Tyler liked me, and we would have fun, but he did not look at me like he looked at her. So, for now, your brother thinks I am dating Tyler, and he is not happy about it, but he knows he can not do anything about it either.”
“Serves him right,” she mutters and grabs a handful of sand to let it fall between her fingers. “Your secret is safe with me.”
“Thank you.”
"He will find out eventually. Rafe typically gets what he wants."
You scowl, looking out at the water. "Yeah, I've noticed."
You both turn to see Rafe and Topper walking from the parking lot.
“It’s like you say his name, and you summon the devil,” you mutter, and she snorts.
“Stay here, I will handle this.” She stands, dusting the sand off her hands and legs before moving toward the pair. John B would not ignore Topper's presence, and you are correct as the pogues are moving back to shore together. A loud groan escapes you as you stand and dust the sand off where needed. You join Sarah, leaning into her side a little, knowing how vicious Topper and Rafe can be when provoked, and five pogues would provoke them even if you are on your side of the island.
“What are you doing, huh?” Rafe asks. “Slumming it with these pogues?”
“That is none of your business,” she sneers, crossing her arms over her waist.
Rafe’s gaze flickers to you, and he smirks, dragging his thumbs across his lip before clearing his throat. “At least I would have made some money if I had slept with one.” His blue eyes flicker over you as he smirks. “Isn’t that right, Baby?”
A chain reaction happens next as JJ surges past you and Sarah to land a hard punch to Rafe’s jaw. Topper begins to intervene, but John B shoves him back away from JJ and Rafe. You reach for Sarah, and she does not turn around, but her hand grips yours.
“JJ!” You yell for him as he lands another fist against Rafe’s face. The kook would surely sport a bruised jaw over the next few days as his head jerks to the side.
“JJ, stop it!” Kiara yells beside you now. Her tone matches how you feel watching them fight.
“John B!” Sarah yells. “Topper, stop!”
Topper lands a fist against John B’s ribs, and he groans before swinging at Topper’s face. Your attention shifts to the other fight pair as Rafe lands a punch on JJ’s ribs.
“Not again!” Kiara turns to look at Pope with wild eyes. Pope joins the fray to try to separate John B and Topper. He could not stop both fighting pairs, he would need help, and it is your fault JJ is fighting anyways. You exhale harshly before moving to do the same for JJ and Rafe. You ignore Kie and Sarah's protests at you getting involved.
You barely miss JJ’s elbow as he shoves Rafe backward after a hard punch to Rafe's face that splits his lip. Rafe’s lip starts to bleed as he staggers back from the shove. You take the opening to plant yourself between them. Both of your hands are planted against JJ’s chest.
“Walk away JJ,” you say, your eyes frantic as you search his face, but he is staring at Rafe. His chest is heaving for air, and his fists are tightly curled against his sides. "JJ!" You reach up, touching his face and turning his attention to you. “Walk away, please. This is a public beach. There are children here.”
He seems to snap out of the daze and looks around, noticing the families staring and gathering a few feet back. All sharing worried looks, whispering, and clinging to their children.
“Please, JJ for me,” you beg, knowing that the Kildare Sheriff's is likely already on their way. "Think about it Jay, the cops are probably already on their way. This is Rafe Cameron, he won't go to jail like you will."
He nods before walking backward with his hands up until Kiara is between you and JJ.
You turn to Rafe, fire in your eyes as you glare at him. “How fucking dare you?” You whisper harshly. “This is our beach, The Cut! You have no right to be here.”
He stares for a moment, before he shrugs, shaking his head. “I don’t care.”
“I can see that,” you hiss before moving forward to shove your hands again his chest. “Get out of here Rafe. Now! Go back to Figure 8, and don’t come back to The Cut again.”
“Or what?” He asks, his hands circling your upper arms to hold you there. His glare intensifies as he stares down at you like you two are the only ones on the beach at the moment. “Come with me.”
His hands grip tighter, but his gaze does not stray from you. “Come with me, and I will go.”
“This is not an opportunity for you to bargain with me!”
He smirks, rolling his shoulders. “Sure it is, Baby.”
You glance back to see Topper and John B are at a pause while Sarah tends to John B’s injuries, and Topper glares at them a few inches away. His bottom lip is swelling, and he is sporting a cut right below his eye, which serves him right for being an asshole. Topper’s blue eyes find yours, and he smirks. You turn back to Rafe when his thumb begins to stroke the inside of your arm.
“Come with me. Or I tell the sheriffs that JJ attacked me and started this whole fight." He leans his head down as he speaks so only you hear his next words as his lips brush the shell of your ear. "There are plenty of witnesses that saw it, Baby."
You close your eyes and drop your head. “Fine, but I will go with you only. Topper can fuck off."
Rafe laughs, before turning his head to look at Topper. "Thanks for your help, Top. Go take care of that lip."
He shrugs before throwing a menacing glare at John B and going.
“I’ll be back,” you say over your shoulder to your friends, who all immediately start to protest. “I’ll be fine!” You turn back to see Rafe smirking at them. “Wipe the smirk off Rafe, or I stay.”
His facial features shift before he reaches for your hand.
"I said I would go, I didn't say you could touch me."
You pull away from him and slap his hand away. JJ laughs from behind you, and you hear Kiara admonish him with a sharp shut up.
“Don’t touch me again,” you say, your tone harsh as you ignore them in hopes of another fight not breaking out. "Go!" You gesture towards the parking lot. "You are getting what you want, as per usual."
He leads the way up the beach and to the parking lot before he turns to you. “Fine, but you'll have to touch me.”
“That’s not what… no,” you say, shaking your head as you look at his motorbike before taking a step back.
He smirks. “You agreed, or we can go back down there and wait for the sheriff."
“I hate you so much,” you snap, and take the helmet he holds out. You pull it on as he straddles the bike. You move closer and to bike, but before you can get on he reaches up and snaps the buckle in place under your chin. "What about you?"
"I didn't plan on this, despite what you think."
"Whatever." You scoff before climbing on behind him. He does not comment on your doubt, but reaches back and pulls your hands around to brace against the gas tank. The front of your body presses to his back, and that burning feeling resumes as he turns the bike on and leaves the beach and your friends behind.
Once you are at Tanneyhill and he has parked, you are off and pulling the helmet off your head. He studies you as you shove it harshly against his chest.
"Why in the hell did you bring me here?"
He shrugs, looking up at the massive white house. "I wanted to show you what I can give you."
You scoff, pacing away from him. "Fuck you, Rafe."
He leans against his bike, his gaze raking over you before he has that coy smile on his face. "Come inside. We can talk."
"I don't want to go in there."
His eyebrows rise before he turns to get back on his bike. "Then we go to the police station."
"I hate you so fucking much!" You snap before walking towards the front door. His laughter follows you before he does. He reaches past you, opening the front door before motioning you through.
"Up the stairs. First door on the right."
"I'm not going to your bedroom."
"Yes, you are," he responds. "My dad and Rose are here."
You shove his hands away when they reach for you again before following his instructions. 
“Is this why you brought me here? To lock me in away in your room?"
He shakes his head as he opens his bedroom door and lets you in. "No."
“Then why?” You ask, crossing your arms over your waist before turning to him.
“I miss you."
“Oh my god,” you groan and tip your head to stare back at him. “I don’t understand you at all.”
He rolls his eyes. “Stop being dramatic.”
You sigh, shaking your head, and walking to look out the window of his bedroom, before turning to him. “Are you planning to hold me, hostage all day then?”
“Maybe,” he mutters before moving off the door to come closer. You stare at him, aware that you are unable to go anywhere as his hands grip your waist, and he looks at you. There is something in those blue depths that tugs at your heart strings. “I want you to give me a second chance.”
He groans, his forehead dropping to yours. His breath fans over your face as he squeezes your hips.
“Rafe, I have a boyfriend.”
“That’s a lie,” he grounds out, and you push a hand to his chest, making him take a step back. “Try again.”
“Excuse me?”
“I saw Tyler and Emma together last night. So, either you lied, or Tyler is cheating. Either way, Baby, it doesn’t look like that relationship is going to work.”
“Damn it,” you groan and move to sit on his bed. Your palms press to your face as you try to think of a way to redirect his attention elsewhere.
Your options are limited, he has leverage that he can use against JJ any time he wishes or at least until the injuries fade. But you know Rafe and you know he will know no bounds until he gets his way. The only way to end this once and for all is to give Rafe what he wants and that is you. For one night, to save your best friend, you would allow Rafe to do whatever he wants with you.
You lift your gaze to him as you lean back on your palms. A poker face takes over your features, schooling the plan in mind. Your plan is mad, but it is the best option you have. “I want half.”
“What?” He asks, tipping his head and bringing his fingers over his lips.
“I want half,” you say as gently as possible. “I want half of the $10k.”
He pulls his bottom lip between his teeth as you begin unbuttoning your cover-up.
“You can have me here and now, but I get half. I have a college fund that could use it.” You look him in the eyes, your own blazing with anger. “The summer is not over yet, and Midsummers is not for another couple of weeks, so why not get something out of this as well?”
He clears his throat, his fingers flexing before he nods. “Deal.”
“And then, this stupid idea of you dating me is gone. We have sex, and that is it.”
“No,” he says, stepping back then.
You lift your gaze to his and pause on removing your coverup. “No?”
“I want more than that.”
“Why?” You ask, annoyance clear in your voice.
He shakes his head, walking away from you before turning back. His hand rakes through his hair in an equal measure of annoyance and anxiety. “I don’t want this to be a one-time hookup, Baby. I want all of you.”
You roll your eyes. “Not an option.”
He moves closer until he is standing against your legs. His hand is warm as he touches your neck. His thumb drags across the rim of your chin before moving to tip your head, so you look at him. “You can try to fight this thing between us as much you want, Baby, but we both know how I make you feel. Bet or no bet, you were mine the moment I started pursuing you.”
“No,” he says, cutting you off. “You won’t win this one. I want you, all of you, and I am going to get what I want.”
You reach up to move his hand from your face, but he tightens his fingers on your chin to keep your gaze on him.
“That little blip of whatever the hell we were was nothing.” You hiss.
He laughs, his chest shaking before he stops. “Wrong again. You’ve been mine for fucking weeks.”
Your lips part to try and change his mind, but you pause at the look on his face. Rafe Cameron was the kook prince that got whatever he wanted, and you knew it. He had his sights set on you even after everything. “Fine,” you hiss. “I’ll be your girlfriend.”
In your mind, you hope it will not last long. Rafe did not date, and you were the worst kind of girlfriend. He would get bored and move on in a few weeks.
“Now,” you whisper as you shed your cover-up and reach to untie your bikini top. “Are we doing this or not?”
Part VII
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imagines-r-s · 1 year
terms and conditions
chapter 2
series masterlist
a/n: sorry for how long this took. because of school, i was only able to work on it occasionally, which i am genuinely so sorry for. i appreciate your patience.
taglist: @stxrniqlo @dojacatismywife @gillybear17 @obx-thoughts
warnings: mentions of asher
w.c: 2.8k
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“Why won’t you just tell us what he did to you?” Charlie asked, pacing behind you as you continued to play one of your favorite pieces on the piano.
“I don’t know why you keep asking, Miller, she’s playing the piano right now, which is basically y/n saying ‘shut the fuck up and leave me alone’,” Rafe said, not looking up from his phone. Rafe knew better than anyone that you picked whatever songs you played based off your mood. 
Like the time that you only played the end of ‘Bennie and the Jets’ by Elton John for a week after finding out that you got to go to see one of your favorite artists in concert with VIP tickets for a meet and greet. Or throughout everything that happened with your dad, when all you played were a variety of depressing piano ballads by Taylor Swift, Bon Iver, and Lord Huron. 
And for the past hour, you’ve been playing songs by all three. 
“Yes, which I also know is a sign she needs to talk about whatever is bothering her,” Charlie said, moving to sit next to Rafe on the couch, “please tell me you know that, too.”
“Yeah, I know, but after yesterday at the restaurant I can tell that we won’t get it out of her anytime. And before you ask, yes that worries me, but I can’t really do much about it at this exact moment.”
The two of them looked over to you as you played the ending of “The Night We Met” by Lord Huron and as soon as they heard you start another song, Charlie pulled you from the piano. “Okay, honey. I’m either going to need you to play something more lively or get away from the piano.”
Your eyebrows furrowed, “but you love my playing?”
“Yes, yes, I do, but not when it’s the same depressing shit that Rafe has on his sad playlist for when Kie repeatedly rejects him.”
“Hey,” Rafe said, incredulously, “you said you wouldn’t bring that up, dude.”
“Yeah, sorry. Anyways, you’re here for the summer and summer is fun, okay? So, no more sad music. Now go get ready, we’re going out to the country club today.”
“Do we have to?”
“Yes,” the boys said simultaneously. 
“We’ll meet you out there in 15 and Kelce and Top are on their way,” Rafe added before walking away. 
You had lived rent free in JJ’s head since he saw you at The Wreck the other day. He knew that he would get to see you if Ward worked his plan of having JJ show you around and such, but there was something about you that he couldn’t ignore - he didn’t exactly know what that was yet, but he knew there was something. 
Trying to gather his bearings for work, he went back to the kitchen and put on his apron - hoping that to some extent dealing with a bunch of rich assholes might take his mind off you to some degree. The only problem was as he walked out to deal with his tables, he saw you and the boys making their way toward one of his usual tables. 
“Maybank, you get the Cameron table,” his manager, Justin’s, voice rang out. 
“JT, please, just this one time, can you take it?”
“One, quit calling me JT, asshat. And two, I thought you settled your stuff with Rafe and them?”
“Yes, but-”
“Then, if there’s not another logical reason, I will not be adding a table to my service today.”
“Could bribery work?”
“I make a lot more money than you, Maybank, so unless it’s a valuable quantity, it’s still a no from me, dawg. Just go serve them. The sooner you do, the sooner they leave,” Justin said, practically shoving JJ towards the table. 
JJ resisted the pushing to the best of his ability, “JT, please, I’m begging.”
“Go.” And with that JJ finally let up and made his way over to your table.
Rafe was the first to notice JJ heading their way and sent a subtle nod in his direction. “Maybank, hey man. You our server today?”
Much to his dismay, yes. “Yeah, you guys get to be graced with my presence. What can I get you guys started with today?” JJ asked, getting his notepad out from his back pocket. Maybe if he kept his eyes focused on that, he wouldn’t make too much of a fool of himself. Quickly getting everyone’s drink order, his eyes finally looked where he had been avoiding - you. “Um, hey, what about you?”
He quickly noticed the way that your eyes immediately met his and the way that you smiled at him. “I’ll just get a water, thank you,” you paused, looking for his name tag, “JJ.”
For that reason he immediately regretted wearing his nametag today. “Alright, I’ll be back with that as soon as possible.”
“I think our dear friend just made JJ Maybank flustered, which I must applaud her for,” Kelce said, earning nods of agreement from everyone, but you, who was very much out of the loop. 
“Why is that such a big deal?”
“Well, he’s not necessarily the biggest playboy anymore - Rafe has taken that spot - but he is typically not visibly into people, so it’s very entertaining to witness,” Kelce said, filling you in on the situation. 
“He just asked what I wanted to drink?” you asked, even more confused how they came to that specific conclusion from that minor of an interaction. 
“Yes, but he literally looked everywhere except you and then whenever he finally spoke up, it was rushed and mumbly. He’s a cocky son of a bitch, who usually is not phased by basic conversation, so that definitely counts for something,” Topper chimed in. 
“I doubt it’s anything, see he’s coming back now, we’ll see.”
Everyone’s attention was focused on the interaction - mainly to prove their own point correct. “Alright, I have the waters, the teas, and the Shirley Temple - which by the way Charlie, I hate you for ordering that right now.”
“Sorry, blondie, I hate to disappoint,” Charlie spoke with fake sympathy. 
“It’s all good,” he spoke before turning toward you, “okay, and I’ll start with you as far as what you want to eat. What’s it going to be, babe?”
“Oh, babe? I got my own nickname now?” you asked, egging him on to prove everyone’s point wrong. 
“Well, I mean, sorry. If you don’t want the nickname-” He was so screwed. 
“J, it’s cool. What would you recommend though?”
“Oh, um. Honestly, I’m not a salad person, but I really like our salads. Any of our pasta is to die for, just up to you and what you like.”
You smiled, “Ok, well surprise me, I’m cool with whatever.” Listening as he got the rest of everyone’s orders, you quickly noted how different he acted with everyone else in comparison to you. You could tell just by those quick moments that there was a very obvious difference in dynamics. “Look, I’m not going to say that any of you are right, but there was definitely a difference.”
“Told you,” Rafe and Charlie said, simultaneously. 
The rest of lunch went smoothly, with quite a few more interactions between you and JJ. You could tell that over time he was beginning to get a bit more comfortable with you, to the point that the two of you were both cracking jokes later on. Eventually as all of you finished eating, you gathered your things to head out, “Hey man, see you tomorrow morning?” Rafe asked, which threw you off slightly. 
“Yeah, Rose and Ward both want me to help with planning for Midsummer’s, so I’ll be there pretty much everyday for the next month,” he spoke as he started packing up the table.
“Wait, you work for the Cameron’s?” you spoke up, seeking clarification. 
“Yeah, I do the gardening for Rose and then any other lawn work, boat stuff, or whatever else for Ward. Anything helps, you know. Anyways, you guys have a good one, I’ll see you around.”
JJ watched as the group left the country club as he got the table cleaned up. He headed back to the kitchen ready for another table when Justin stopped him, “so she’s the reason you didn’t want to work that table, huh?”
Waking up the next morning, you finally decided to unpack for the summer. Taking out your clothes and getting your makeup and toiletries settled, you tried to make the Cameron guest room as homey as you could - especially considering that you didn’t exactly have any other options. As you were folding some clothes into your drawer, you heard a soft knock on your door, “come in.” 
“Hey, I come with peace offerings and hope that you’ll talk about your problems,” Rafe said, carrying in the tray that held your favorite breakfast items. “Obviously, you can still have breakfast, even if you don’t talk about whatever happened, but you already know my preference.” He finished off by sending you a sickly, sweet smile before sitting on the edge of your bed.
“What do you want to know, Rafe?” you said, putting some clothes on a hanger and turning away from him. 
“Whatever you’re fine with sharing, Buttercup. I’m not going to force anything out of you, but there’s obviously much to discuss. I just don’t want you to feel like you can’t talk to anyone about anything that’s going on, you know. I’ll be here for you either way, tea time or not.”
Joining Rafe on the side of your bed, you let out a deep breath and a small chuckle, “uh. Asher or why am I here first?”
“Well, not to start this off on a wrong foot, but the Asher thing has been pressing on me since yesterday.”
“Connections are connections.”
“Connections are- huh?”
“That’s what Asher told me right before I broke up with him. The situations kinda go hand in hand, so it kinda just varies on what playing field you look at it on, but nonetheless, I-”
“He said that to you? What the fuck, y/n?” 
You let out another sigh, “do you remember that school that I told you about?”
“With the really nice music program… Johnston’s, right?” he watched as you nodded, “yeah, you mentioned it before you tried out how excited you were and how you were going to convince your mom to let you go, if you got it.”
You nodded, staring straight ahead, “yeah, uh, she found out I got in, got really upset about it, and said I couldn’t go. So, in rational fashion, I went to my boyfriend with the issue and he said it was a silly hobby of mine and that I need to focus on my actual career, like my mom wants. I tried to talk to him about it and how it wasn’t just a hobby and then he started going on about how he should have known I wasn’t serious about being CEO and that he should have picked a better connection.”
Rafe sat in a moment in stunned silence as he processed what you had told him, “y/n.”
“Yeah?” you asked, as if you hadn’t just dropped the most shocking information he could have heard. 
“What the actual fuck?” he stood up quickly and started pacing, “Yeah, no, I see why you didn’t tell anyone else because then you would have had to convince more people not to fly to Asher and pummel his face in. I’m only here right now as I’m still in conversation with you, but what?”
“Yeah, I really don’t know and I just… I feel stupid for not knowing, you know.”
“Don’t blame yourself for his mediocrity. That’s a him problem, not you. I’m sorry you were victim to it though because that was so out of pocket. Is he why you’re here?”
“To some extent, I guess. Not exactly,” you continued watching him pace, “but please don’t tell the boys until I’m ready, I understand why you think you should, but please wait a while.”
“Yeah, yeah, of course, buttercup. Whatever you need I’m here for you,” he made a final turn before giving you a hug. “You deserve so much better than that. I’m sorry.”
You stayed quiet for quite some time. “I think I’m just going to take today easy; practice some piano, do whatever.”
“Please don’t play any Lord Huron, I can’t deal with that today, too.”
“Yeah, I can make do without Lord Huron, got to make sure I save that for whenever Kie rejects you again.” 
“Oh, hey, that was unnecessary. And for payback, I won’t tell you that JJ works today.” 
Grabbing a pillow from your bed, you quickly tossed it in his direction, “oh my god, leave.”
Finishing up your breakfast, you made your way downstairs to the piano. Even throughout all that had happened, you found no ill will towards how you felt about playing the piano. Asher’s words of it only being a hobby and your mother’s disapproval were easily drowned out when your hands hit the keys and the melody of these familiar songs filled the air. If there was one thing that you could always count on, it was this.
Walking into Tannyhill, JJ’s ears immediately picked up on the sound of a piano playing, but he continued on his way under the assumption that it was just someone listening to music. It wasn’t until he passed the Grand Room where the piano was, that he saw you sitting there. The song was familiar to him, but not enough that he could immediately recognize the song; but in all honesty, the song was the least of his concerns. 
Maybe it was the outfit you picked today. Or the way your hair looked today. Or maybe it had something to do with the fact that your body showed how into the music you were. The way that your hands moved so gracefully; or that your body swayed with the music; or how after specific parts of the song, the corners of your mouth would lift up. 
“J, it’s rude to stare” you said, causing his eyes to snap to you, only to find that your eyes weren’t even on him. 
“I wasn’t staring,” he said, “I was just, um, admiring. That was really good by the way.” 
As you finished up the song, you finally took the opportunity to look at him. Your eyes immediately went to the red cutout tee that he was wearing that day, moreso the way his arms looked in the shirt itself. 
Noticing the way that you were staring at him, some of his usual cockiness was able to seep through whatever wall you had somehow put up, “It’s rude to stare, you know.”
“Don’t worry, J, I was just admiring,” he watched as you stood up from the piano and made your way closer to him. “What all are you working on today?”
“Nothing crazy, just pulling weeds for Rose. Why? What’s up?”
“Oh, I was just wondering and I like to ask questions, so.” 
The smile on JJ’s face grew a little, “well, perfect for you, I love answering questions,” He actually hated answering questions, but he wanted a reason to keep talking to you, “but you have to let me ask you some questions, too. Deal?” 
JJ didn’t leave Tannyhill for another few hours, which normally he would have been quick to complain about, but he was able to spend all that time with you. Really, he had no room to complain, the only thing in his head was the nagging thought about what Ward was having him do. 
He chose to ignore the fact that he was at least two hours late to the plans that he had with the pogues, but he knew that they would forgive him for it. Riding back to the Chateau, he was immediately welcomed to everyone chilling out with drinks in hand already. 
“Well, would you look at that? JJ finally decided to join us,” John B’s voice rang out as he made his way up the steps of the chateau, “how was work?”
“It was good, can’t complain when all I had to do was pull some weeds.” 
“Doesn’t pulling weeds only take you like an hour? You were gone for four,” Pope’s voice added. 
“Yeah, usually, I don't know what all happened, uh, the ecosystem and all that was on overdrive,” he spoke slowly, hoping that whatever he was saying made sense, “so it took a while.” 
“Something was on overdrive, that’s for sure,” Sarah said, “something to do with a specific pianist that’s residing in my house for the summer?”
A chuckle left his mouth before he could pick up on it, “pianist. That’s such a funny word.”
“Didn’t answer the question,” Sarah stated. 
“I just figured that it would be smart to introduce myself,” he said, with a simple shrug. Maybe they would believe that an introduction took four hours.
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greetings-humans · 11 months
heart of stone impromptu review
(i originally wrote this a few months ago with the goal of adding more stuff but I haven't had the time so I'm just gonna let it loose in the world and maybe reblog to add any further thoughts)
okay so like. let's get this out of the way first: I'm expecting a spy story. not the greatest mystery of the world or a never-before-seen spy tale or something. just your run-of-the-mill, fun, and nice spy story.
and this is what I got.
idk why everyone is so against this movie. it's got its undercover agent as a lead, some very good supporting cast, pretty fun twists, and yes some expected twists but so does every other movie.
[obviously, spoilers ahead] [there's a (blue colored) tldr in the end]
rachel stone is your stereotypical cool spy with a heart, but news flash- we haven't had a woman as a spy that does anything other than seducing people since- oh um ever? unless I'm missing something here.
and mind you, i mean a female spy, who doesn't just seduce people and who is also the main character. how many of those do we have? and how many in a reasonably big platform like netflix? like honestly? not a lot, I'm betting.
so yes, the basic narrative is mission impossible a bit to the left with a woman in the lead. is that so wrong? wasn't mission impossible at some point considered james bond to the left with an American twist (or sth)? no, I don't think this is bad.
some people have said that parker was a lousy villain. allow me to respectfully disagree here. he's an unexpected villain that makes sense and frankly, I'm rather glad that he wasn't just the love interest or something. parker has a history of being abused by those in power so he seeks his revenge and steals that power to get it. since he found himself lacking power when needed, it makes sense that parker decided to just take that power and act on his emotions and kill the people (and their families and staff) that disfigured him and nearly killed him. he's not logical or well-adjusted or anything. but that is precisely the reason why he's not a lousy villain. there are motives and reasons for what he does.
why did he kill king of diamond's family etc with that elevator? because he was emotional and angry and wanted to kill them and had the power to do so. why was he emotional? idk guys(g/n), did he get therapy for his trauma? was his trauma acknowledged in any way? did he get a fucking apology? no. which is why this is what happened. I'm not saying hooray he's mentally stable, but that doesn't mean badly written.
seriously, though, what part of parker seems badly written? I'm asking honestly here. because he makes sense to me as someone lead by emotions and trauma and a dash of creative license (which is expected of a spy movie).
oh and before someone says "he could have killed rachel from he beginning". guys (g/n). john wick, ethan hunt, james bond. how many times could their villains have killed them before the final confrontation of the movie? this is a spy movie. at some point, there will be creative license and if you can't ignore this glaring oversight then what are you doing watching spy movies? this is an integral part of pretty much all of them.
moving on to keya. this one was a pretty expected twist: keya will see the error of her ways and join stone, hooray! but she wasn't badly written either. she's 22 and her goal is to expose the rich assholes that get away with literal murder. she's not thinking logically and we can also assume that she needs therapy -but seriously tell me one important character from a spy movie who is perfectly relatable down to the murdering and killing. i honestly can't think of any, because I'm not expecting to relate to her on the whole revenge and murder thing. obviously, not.
she's also angry and emotional. and then her moral compass overrides that and now she's horrified and trying to prevent the worse. makes sense to me. she's not a revolutionary character, you guys, but that doesn't mean she's badly written.
the idea of some supercomputer AI being used by rogue agents to do shit for the greater good is a fun concept that is not expected to be realistic. i for one enjoyed a female spy with no love interest, no seducing, some solid support cast and sorta-friendships, who had to save the world/her agency for some reason or another. the idea of "secret spy gets duped and now has to save the world(ish) from the one doing the duping" is the skeleton of so many spy movies. and just like all of those movies, heart of stones added its own twist and comment to that
this is a spy movie. don't expect it to not be like spy movies. it's gonna have its unrealistic hand-wavey moments and it's gonna have its cool, action moments and its expected moments (because we've seen so many spy movies that we're never honestly surprised these days), and its not-so-expected moments. the cast was really good and the characters are some good spy movie characters. there's been way worse and there's probably been better. but that doesn't make this movie bad.
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hahahahahangst · 1 year
Anyone who knows what love is (Be The Young 39)
TW: [suicidal thoughts, self h*rm, violence, s*xual assault]
Other tags: [sister fic, canon-level violence, dean is an asshole, angst]
All chapter titles are song titles, some of them translated from Italian songs. We start from the first season and make out way through the series. I will occasionally break canon✨ .
Summary: Emily Reed, born and raised in Portland, is preparing her admission papers for Stanford, medical school. Little does she know, her life is about to change forever.
"After reading this whole letter, call John Winchester. [...] He’s your real father."
A/N:  We're getting to the end of the season!
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Anyone who knows what love is
You can run around Even put me down Still I'll be there for you The world May think I'm foolish They can't see you Like I can
“Has any of you two been listening to anything I’ve said?” Asked Bobby. Dean was staring out of the window, Emily at the ceiling. Bobby had been talking for about ten minutes: she had not listened much, but enough to know what he’d been talking about. 
“Yeah, we heard you.” She muttered.
Emily and Dean looked at each other. Emily spoke first. “We’re not calling him.” She went back to staring at the ceiling. She ignored Bobby’s following phrase. However, she heard Dean’s.
“We are damn near kickoff for Armageddon, don't you think we got bigger fish at the moment?”
“I know you’re pissed-”
Emily cut him off. “That’s reductive.”
“Look-I’m not making apologies, but he’s your-”
“Don’t even try bringing blood into this mess.” Scoffed Emily.
“He’s your brother. And he’s drowning.”
“Bobby, we tried. We told him again and again- He wouldn’t listen.” Emily sat straighter to look at the old man.
“It’s too late.” Added Dean. 
“Are you two out of your mind?” Asked Bobby, nervous. Dean paced on the other side of the room.
“No, damnit!” He turned around. “No. We gotta face the facts.” He sighed. “Sam never wanted part of this family. He hated this life growing up. Ran away to Stanford first chance he got. Now it's like déjà vu all over again.” Dean sat on a chair that was lying next to him, sad. “Well, I am sick and tired of chasing him. Screw him, he can do what he wants.”
“You don't mean that.” Said Bobby. 
“Bobby, you weren’t there, you didn’t see- He’s gone. He’s not Sam.” Explained Emily.
“If he ever was.” Exhaled Dean.
All of a sudden, Bobby kicked a table, making all its content fall on the floor. Emily, startled, stood up. Dean did the same.
“You stupid, stupid son of a bitch! Well, boo hoo, I am so sorry your feelings are hurt, princess!” Mocked the man. “Are you under the impression that family's supposed to make you feel good?! Bake you an apple pie, maybe? They're supposed to make you miserable! That's why they're family!”
“That’s not how family works!” Answered Emily, upset. “And we told him- he walked out, he was choosing Ruby. He walked out, Bobby! He chose!” 
“You know who you two sound like?” Asked Bobby. “John Winchester! Let me tell you something about your dad: he was a coward!”
“My dad was a lot of things, Bobby, but a coward?” Asked Dean. Emily groaned, exasperated. 
“He'd rather push Sam away than reach out to him.” Explained Bobby. “Well, that don't strike me as brave.” 
“Bobby, I don’t give a fuck about what my dad did or didn’t do!” Yelled Emily. “What matters is that Sam is not himself anymore and he- HE CHOSE A FUCKING DEMON OVER US!” She repeated, accusatively pointing at Bobby. 
“HE COULD HAVE GOTTEN THEM IF HE WANTED TO!” With one final yell, Emily fell back on the couch. “But he didn’t.” She dried her face. “So now-” She cut herself off. 
Dean glared at her. “Now we have to find a way to prevent the apocalypse.” He concluded. In a blink, Dean had disappeared. A couple of seconds later, as she was still processing, Ramiel appeared in the room, apparently in a hurry. 
“Cazzo!” He yelled, looking around. “I’m too late, am I?”
”...were you looking for Dean?” 
“Yes.” He recollected himself. Emily’s stomach contorted. Damn, he was hot. It seemed unfair to be that attractive in such an emergency.
“Well, he just disappeared.” Emily shook away her thoughts. “Let me guess- It was your people.”
“Oh, Emily, they’re not my people anymore. I’m on the run.” He explained, closing his jacket.
“Meaning?” The girl stood up and reached for her laptop. 
“I rebelled, tesoro. I refused to follow their orders.” Said Ramiel.
“Well- Where are they keeping Dean?” Emily opened her laptop and placed it on her knees, looking at the angel. Ramiel didn’t answer. “Miele, I know you know. Just tell me.” Ramiel seemed to break a little when Emily used the nickname on him.
“Sì, sì, you’re right. I do know. But I don’t think it’s wise to go there.” 
“Once we get in, they won’t let us out.” He exhaled.
“So what are we supposed to do?” Emily browsed to the phone company website on her laptop. “I’m not gonna sit here and watch the world burn. Ramiel, if we can’t get to Dean, then we need to get to Sam.”
“I don't know where he is. He's protected against my sight.” 
Emily looked up at the angel. “If I tell you where he is, can you help me get there?” She asked. The angel seemed set back by her words, but was quick to answer. 
Emily spent the next several hours fighting with the phone company to get Sam’s phone and GPS turned on, to no avail. 
“Damn it!” She threw her phone across the room. “I’ve literally run out of numbers to call. We’re not gonna find Sam like this!” She paced back and forth in the room. 
Bobby entered the room holding a book. “What if we didn’t go to Sam, but we went directly to Lilith? He said he was close, right?” 
“Yeah-” Emily stood straighter, realizing what book he was holding. “You’re right! We found her once with a tracking spell, right?” 
“Exactly.” Bobby looked at Emily. “But kid, if you get there and Sam still has to arrive…“ 
“We’re all dead.” She exhaled and put her hands on her waist. She looked at Ramiel. He was leaning against a wall, distractingly looking at his cufflings. “It’s a risk we’ll have to take.” She touched the angel on his shoulder. He raised his gaze. “Are you in?” Asked Emily. Ramiel nodded and pushed himself away from the wall.
It was almost night again before the spell was ready. Emily was standing next to a window, looking out as if Dean was to pull into the backyard of Bobby’s at any moment. She tried calling him for what was probably the fortieth time. She left another voicemail.
“Dean, I don’t know if you are getting these, but- Wherever you are, me and Ramiel are going after Lilith. I’m gonna put an end to this, okay? Please call me- call me if you’re still alive, okay?” She flipped her phone close and leaned on the cold window glass. She felt someone’s presence behind her. “What, you eavesdropping on my phone calls now, Miele?” 
“I’m an angel, I can hear through walls.” Emily, still looking out the window, felt Ramiel get closer and put his hands on her shoulder. They were weirdly warm to belong to a body which had probably died years prior. Ramiel ran his thumbs up and down on Emily’s shoulder.
“The spell is ready. Did you pack everything you need?” He asked. Emily looked over at her backpack, which laid on the floor, still packed with dirty clothes. 
“No, but- it’s no use. You know we’ll probably die, right?” She turned towards him and sat on the ledge of the window. “Miele, why are you coming on this suicide mission with me?” 
“I like you.” Shrugged Ramiel. “And I don’t want the apocalypse.” 
Emily shook her head. “Like me, like me, or… just like me?” She joked. Ramiel looked at her, extremely confused. “Nevermind- you said the spell was ready, right?” The angel nodded and left the room. As he turned away, Emily checked his figure and shrugged, thinking that maybe, if they survived, some angel sex could have been fun. 
Emily caught herself thinking about it a little too explicitly. 
“I can’t believe I’m about to die and I’m thinking about sex.” She whispered to herself as she entered Bobby’s living room. The man looked at her. 
“Pardon me?” He asked, trying to hide a smile. 
“Nothing- the spell?” She said, awkwardly gesturing in front of her. 
Bobby placed a map under a pendulum, then performed the spell. The pendulum started swinging and eventually stopped on a very precise location. Emily leaned over the table to see better. 
“That’s…“ She squinted. “A random empty road in Kansas?” She tried looking closer.
“Well, I doubt Lilith is hiding in a roadhouse.” Said Bobby. “The spell should be precise to the street. Let’s take a closer look at that road.” Bobby turned around and fished another map from a box. He opened it in front of his and Emily and Ramiel walked behind the man to see. “Here.” Bobby pointed to the street. “There’s not much, a convent and a high school.” 
“Well, it has to be either one of the other.” Emily walked to her laptop in the other room and brought it back to where the man and Ramiel were waiting. She typed in the name of the convent and started looking for news. 
“Got it.” She smiled, proud of herself, after snooping around for a bit, hunched over the now dismantled spell. “In ‘72 the convent was abandoned after a priest killed eight nuns.” She glared at Bobby. “And get this-” She continued. “The priest said a demon named Azazel made him do it.” 
“Well, that seems too much of a coincidence to not be the right place.”
 Emily didn’t waste another second and stood up, hurriedly grabbing her backpack. Ramiel followed her. He was about to teleport her, but she stopped him. She walked back to Bobby and hugged him. “Thank you.” She said. “I’ll see you- at one point.” He patted her on the back. Emily gestured at Ramiel and in a blink, she was in another room. 
Immediately, her mind was overwhelmed by Sam’s thoughts and feelings. She felt a mix of anger and fear. In front of her was Dean, trying to break down a large door, unsuccessfully. When she saw her, he stopped. 
“What-” He started to say. She interrupted him immediately, hurrying towards the door. 
“Yeah, what are you doing here, this is not safe- whatever, move!” With a hand gesture, she forced the door open. 
”...even you have to admit…I'm- I'm awesome!” Ruby's voice said. Emily charged in the room, ready to fight Lilith, but she was too late.
Lilith’s body was already lifeless, slumped on the altar, blood dripping copiously out of it. When she looked back, Ramiel was standing in the middle of the door and Dean was a couple of steps further.
In front of her, instead, were Lilith’s body, Sam, who looked shocked and upset, and Ruby, who instead, was proudly looking around. It took Emily a moment to sort all the things in her brain. 
Lilith, dead.
Sam, alive.
Dean, alive.
Ruby, alive.
Everything was alright, but one. 
Emily used her powers to slam Ruby into a column. 
“Wrong.” Said Emily, walking towards her. “You’re not awesome, you’re fucking dead.” 
Emily, s- Sam’s voice echoed in Emily’s head, but she interrupted him by also slamming his body on a wall. 
“NOT NOW, SAM! I’LL DEAL WITH YOU LATER!” She let go of Sam’s body, who fell on the ground, struggling, before Emily turned towards Ruby again. The demon was giggling. “You think this is funny?” 
“Hilarious.” She smirked. “You made my life so difficult, never keeping that trap shut, but in the end, I won.” She laughed. “I won, demon barbie.” 
Emily heard the sound of Dean helping Sam up behind her. Trying not to roll her eyes at it, she kept talking. “Yeah?”
“Sure.” Ruby smiled, proud. “I knew I could not get through to you or Dean, but you know who can? Sam. Oh, he talked you right into trusting me!” 
“You poisoned him.” Emily tightened her force, making Ruby wimper. “You turned him into a junkie.” She extracted the demon-killing knife from her jacket. “Last time, we let you walk, Ruby, but this time-”
“It doesn’t matter.” Ruby kept her smile. “It’s too late. He’s coming.” She nodded towards Lilith’s blood. It was slowly, but weirdly deliberately, moving into a circle. 
“Oh Ruby.” Exhaled Emily. “I’ve been waiting for the moment I get to waste you since you first showed up.” She stabbed Ruby in her chest. The demon tried to scream, but no voice came out. “I don’t care if I’m too late.” Concluded Emily, extracting the knife. She let the body fall on the floor, lifeless, and took a step back. “Now.” She put the knife away and turned towards Sam, who was standing not too far away. He tried to speak, but Emily didn’t let him. “WHAT DID I TELL YOU, UH?!” She walked towards him. “YOU ARE A F-” Dean got a hold of her arms and stopped her. As she was about to cuss him as well, he pointed to Lilith’s blood. 
“There’s no time. Let’s get out of here.” Emily turned to where Dean was pointing. Then, she looked for Ramiel, but he was nowhere to be found. The blood had completed the circle and was converging towards the middle, making another smaller circle. The moment the second circle was complete, light started to emanate from the middle of it, flooding the room. 
That was it. Lucifer was rising. 
“Come on!” Pleaded Dean, grabbing her by one side of her jacket and shoving her towards the door. Emily looked at him, then she looked at Sam. As light almost blinded her, she started running towards the door alongside Dean, but the light soon became too bright and she was overwhelmed by white.
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lemontartyellow · 6 months
BBC Sherlock watch through: A Study in Pink
You read that right. BBC Sherlock in the year of lord and savior 2024. To be fair to me, I was 8 when the show ended, and therefore could not watch it in its heyday.
Two disclaimers before we begin with its first episode.
1. Despite me not watching a single episode up until this point, I do know a decent amount about it from watching videos about it (Hbomberguy’s video, Sarah Z’s video about the Johnlock conspiracy, and as much as I’m ashamed to admit it, a decent chunk of the TJLC explained videos). That being said, I will attempt to go in to it with an open mind in all regards.
2. Much like what people do to his actor, I will intentionally be getting Sherlock’s name wrong. Why? Because I think it’s funny. It’s probably not gonna be funny to a lot of people but I’m gonna do it anyhow. Mmkay?
Without further ado, let’s get into it.
-What kind of bed is that lmao. You roll over a little bit and you fall off
-That transition from John saying that nothing happens to him to the intro was definitely a bit awkward
-These transitions are getting on my nerves. Can we find a smoother way to get from one thing to the next please?
-They’ve all got a point. Why would they be linked just because they took the same poison? Investigate the poison, not the suicides.
-If you’re so sure that they’re suicides why are you investigating them????????
-Why is Shamrock an asshole.
-Here comes the 10 billion gay jokes.
-Yeah, Shamrock definitely seems…eager for John to like him.
-Ok, now he’s bossing Mrs. Hudson around for no reason. There’s a difference between “unsociable” and “asshole” guys cmon now.
-I just want to say that despite my whining, I think it’s been…fine so far. I just haven’t found anything nice to say about it yet. It’s not boring me to death, that’s something I guess.
-Four suicides?? In a big city?? Crazy. Must be something wrong there.
-BBC Sherlock says All Cops Are Incompetent! That’s something going for it.
-Ah yes, the struggling to plug in his phone line. One that haunts many I hear,
-Completely neutral on Johnlock right now if anyone was curious. I don’t really think they have any of that kind of chemistry really and that’s most of it I’m pretty sure. If they had some more chemistry I’d probably jump on it.
-I like Sally. Everyone else is fine (although Shamrock is on thin ice), but I like that she’s mean to Shamrock. And she’s funny about it.
-Ok. I don’t like Shackrock. Get his ass out of here
-He is such an asshole?????
-I know from the Hbomberguy video that the victim was attempting to spell Rache as in the German word in the original story and…..wow. They really are just dismissing it as stupid aren’t they? For what, so Shackrock can have more opportunities to be an asshole?
-Mycroft’s stance???
-Mycroft is alright I think. Him and Sally, that’s two characters I like
-I’m gonna count how many references to Shackrock and John being gay/gay jokes in general there are. That’s 2
-Weird brothers. Kind of funny. I like them
-3 gay references. We’re doing great for not even being through the first episode.
-Genuinely though, why does nobody believe John when he says that him and Shackrock aren’t a thing. It’s only happened once so far but I know it happens in the future a few more times. Theres no apologies or even any “mhmmm sure ;)”, they just straight up ignore him.
-I think Shellrock likes men at the very least. Between everyone around him thinking that him and John are a thing, and him being based on the the adaptation that wanted to make him gay, he’s probably at least a little bit of a manliker at the very least. Not sure if it’s intentional though.
-4 gay references. You think we’ll be able to squeeze one more in before the episode ends?
-How do I still have 30 minutes left. Ugh.
-I think….I don’t like this show. I will continue on. But I don’t think I like it.
-I am growing a fondness for John and Shellrock’s relationship though. They’re a little cute.
-Why is he so insistent on Shellrock not being the type to take drugs. He literally found him slapping on nicotine patches like it was nothing.
-Am I supposed to like Shellrock. Am I really supposed to.
-Can Shopshock shut the fuck up.
-This cabbie thing was actually kind of good.
-Yeah, Shopshock and John are pretty cute. And a little gay but I don’t know if that was intentional on the writers part.
-Shopshock is a little funny. Not enough to counterbalance the assholeness but a little funny.
-Did she ask who just so they could end the episode with Mycroft saying Sherlock and Dr. Watson. Really.
Finally, the episode has ended. It’s been 4 million years. It got a little bad in the middle but it managed to pick itself back up by the end. Because of this I have no idea how I feel about the episode over all. Anyway, join me next time for The Blind Banker.
0 notes
the-firebird69 · 6 months
There's a few things happening he's got some kind of injury a few of them I keep picking on it and bothering him and they're getting nowhere they just keep doing it it is really meant the whole time and we're going after them for it and the people involved and the ones to play and we're going to Target now why should everyone pay for when one a****** is doing
We do have a lot of stuff going on
We're going to work on taking away your shield tech because your assholes and you deserve it that's a great analogy and John Travolta came back to try and get stuff I was telling us he was annoying us earlier and this a****** too trying to read John remillard is sitting there annoying us now so we're going to sit down as a goal.
-yes several other things that we need to discuss number one is we don't want either one of you here and we're going to get you out and you're going to die forever and all these other characters are different people crazy did not have that much power you're really almost out of money no you have a lot of money but money these days isn't worth that much people noted it but control of the banks is and they're taking that when you're all dead they'll have some control over it and we'll have a lot of control cuz we like getting rid of them and we did hear his ideas there's too many and we have too much stuff to do so we're working on that and we figured out something we know how to do stuff like he said. You really really need it and can't figure out that you needed so we put it both together that's how you speak and now it makes sense no it made sense before, they're going to get rid of you and you don't think so at all cuz you're a f****** moron people tell you in the bar and you pay attention you come here and you can hear all sorts of stuff it's true you don't know about then you find out it is let me tell you not to do things or we will hit you and you ignore it and you end up dead it's annoying as hell but I noticed what you say is true we tell you we're going to hit you if you do this you don't listen ever and it's enough times that we should not listen to you anymore and just start hitting now we are going to do that but
- there's a huge thing going on here in punta Gorda. Huge numbers of people I'm coming in and saying what are you doing and you're not fit to do anything. Literally everyday it's like 50,000 people and they come in and they tell you off and they find a bunch of your idiots and they get rid of them believe it or not $50,000 people a day and they're not trumpsters and they're not bja. And he's he's been going around as a teeny little popper and it's the pseudo empire and foreigners. This guy John Travolta does not really have anything right he spends his time messing around with it too that in the past and he is getting his hat handed to him all over the place people find out who's this Big f** Jim Morrison talking about everything in the macs hates him and her pushing him out . Jim Morrison bunker system is France someone said it today it sounds like a Frenchman and he is not coming here directly. But you go to another part of Europe and they're getting pushed out of the bunker believe it or not. And it's because they are juveniles and hard to live with and also the small because they get beat up because what they did in world war two. He's trying to cover by messing with Melissa and trying to take her eggs yeah trying to be a doctor at first like hundreds of times some baby come out so someone and her carting around. Okay moving the baby around. And she is smiling at him right now and said it keeps my baby factory and he said good let's keep the ones in the South going... And she says back we don't have any of the north they were never there and they shouldn't be and of course when you keep them going in the south you dingling.. and it was funny. So we hear some of them and it's gross and we go after them and right now we're experiencing a whole bunch of threats so we are sending people to shut them up and really you can only do that these people are stupid and is Jim Morrison and his company I'm going to be ousted that's right I'm going to be top side and say it works at a plan and it's to try and save humanity now to try and leave and do something bad and we can hear it all day long and we're going to have to do something about them even doing it for years and there's a few more groups of them little like that due to theirs being executed in the past. Right now we're moving on people like that and take it on a ton of them including warlock and other races anyone who's trying to blow up the Earth we're getting rid of there's too much of this crap and became pretty big but they're not going to last we have a lot of other stuff to do but we're going to post
Thor Freya
Finally, it was like pulling teeth no didn't take too long. Only a couple of months to have a big list of idiots and I just keep doing it and they're done and it's a bunch of movies and then they're done
Duke nukem Blockbuster and we made it too you guys are freaking gone
Do you have more to say this guy next door Trump is spent and what a loser he had it all and decided to sit there yelling at people is awful he's a moron in the past I don't like him I don't ever want to be near him my son hates him doesn't want him there at all he's trying to find the right words all the time out of here and I heard it tonight. So I'm going to and this other idiot Jim Morrison we're an a****** and of course Dave with a smarty they got to die
We have a lot of work to do to here is a glut of mean assholes and we don't need them here. It is about time for a few things to change and his family is passing away still why should you losers be here who break all the rules and ruin it for your realm we don't need you there he tries to harm everybody but seriously it's the question dim wit. That was just avoiding the question the max just sat back and they do nothing there's a lot of them have that mentality and they went John Travolta they handle the job so he's trying to handle it now we have to stop a lot of people and he wants those people on the list the Mac bunker and caverns and I'm saying we should put them on there because that's what they are if anyone who has that theory and for safety sake. Any and all parties that have that that's some kind of theme we should send in real army troops and polish them off firstly because we would be able to other groups tend not to care and second because we have to you do like the fact that most groups will care if we hit them. I'm proceeding to request it because they're the same cloth exact same cloth
Frank Castle hardcastle
Some bothers same thing and it is terrifying the awful we need to label them the same thing that's all and I need to receive the same treatment unfortunately they're big but they got to go and it's more important than these small potatoes and we can handle day and night and we're going to have to look at it they said so yeah you're going to have to like right now cuz if they've got that mentality and plan in a separate they Don't Care about Us repercussions and they're great to possibly go ahead with it it's much more dangerous and individuals who want to leave and do something no but the odds are very bad because they're down there having those kinds of people do it and they're sending people and they're under attack and they have to diminish those and from each of these buggers that are different than others and we do get that the clothes and they're not fully food and stuff and Air were going after them now
Frank Castle hardcastle and I brought it up and it's the right thing to do there we go get going on it
We're going to turn this into law if you don't miss the biggest group trying to destroy all of us now it's the same classification
Thor Freya
We're heading into the meeting now and we do understand this concern is very real and she has a lot of problems because of these people and the play of those too everywhere you go she's self supported bunkers. There are reasons why they're pointed out and it's because of their attempts is because they have people in their own doing it and they're not giving them a chance now these people are unpaid informants was supposed to pressure to happen and it failed and huge armies descending on them. And we'll continue to do so but yes they need the same classification even though they're paying and the procedure is similar but he's right we need to send much more after these people it's never going to change they're nuts and we have to express you cannot get away with it pretty soon
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shehungthemoon · 4 years
I’ve personally decided that it’s billysilver hours rn y’all
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citizen-zero · 2 years
somewhat more serious but I think it’s great and interesting that the narrative does not really agree with John’s xenophobia and classism. Because the locals were right to warn him and he WAS wrong not to listen (even if we can successfully argue he had actual reasons not to listen that weren’t just based in prejudice).
Like, he ends up having this horrible experience specifically because xenophobia and classism leads him to view the people warning him as poor, superstitious, uneducated foreigners. And sure, he’s not a complete asshole, he’s touched by the concern rather than annoyed or amused; he comes across to me as the kind of person who’s prejudiced because that’s how they were raised and what their culture is like and they’re ignorant—that doesn’t make it okay or exonerate him, it’s just different from active malice. But the fact still remains that that prejudice absolutely contributes to him getting into the situation he gets into.
Ditto classism—this isn’t as blatant as the xenophobia, but consider the difference in the way John talks about peasants and villagers and the way he talks about Dracula, who’s also an Eastern European foreigner to him. Dracula’s a wealthy nobleman, and while John still points out he speaks “excellent English” there’s still the fact that he holds Dracula’s opinion in higher esteem than that that of dozens of poorer people. He still sees Dracula as a foreigner but, well, money talks louder. So powerful is the classist bias that John has a moment where he outright acknowledges that he doesn’t actually know anything for certain about Dracula, and yet he still gets on that carriage.
Anyway, I just think it’s interesting and it seems like it’d be a subversion of 19th century expectations for the educated Englishman to end up facing consequences for not listening to these people that he, on some level, sees as beneath him.
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rafescoke · 3 years
i’m sooo obsessed with your entire page holy moly. if you’re taking requests can i get kinda an angst one where the reader is with jj and finds out him and kie have been doing stuff behind her back, and the rest of the group knew the whole time? so she ends up getting close to rafe and hanging out with his friends so it eventually ends up with rafe x reader??? sorry that’s so long lol pls never stop writing, i love your fics too much <3
All I Ask ; Rafe Cameron
#Part 1
#Part 2
Pairing: Rafe Cameron x reader x JJ Maybank
Summary: Reader finds herself in the arms of her best friend’s brother after finding her boyfriend cheating on her 
Warnings: Cheating, substance, mentions of sex, jealous Rafe, JJ & Kie being an asshole
A/N: Thank you so much for the amount of love I received from my last two works! It has been so overwhelming and I love each one of you with all my heart <3
p.s, my request box is always open! Send random ideas and I’ll turn them into a fic <33
p.p.s, so sorry if this isn’t my best work :(
“Come on, (Y/N), don’t be a party pooper!”
(Y/N) rolled her eyes as she pulled her best friend aside from all the commotion, “Sarah. I’m serious. I feel like he’s cheating on me.”
“He’s not!” Sarah groaned, and when (Y/N) gave her a look, she sighed. “I’m serious. He loves you too much, okay? Look, tomorrow’s your birthday, right? I’m sure JJ’s just ignoring you as a part of your birthday surprise.”
(Y/N) wanted to believe her so bad, but she couldn’t deny the strong feeling growing inside her. Ever since a month ago, JJ wasn’t there for her like always. When she tried to hold him in the van or at the Chateau, he would flinch and scoot away from her. She didn’t know what to do anymore.
“Look-” Sarah cupped her face, her eyes boring into hers. “I promise that he’s not cheating on you. Can you please let this go? How about you go and find him, have a smoke, and then come back to me with the verdict?”
(Y/N) hummed back in response, thinking about what Sarah had just told her. When she first moved to Obx from the city 4 years ago, she had been spending most of her time with the other kooks. When she bumped onto JJ one particular evening while he was too busy mowing down her lawn, that was when most of her happiest days started. 
(Y/N) made her way towards the far end of the beach where JJ and the other pogues were hanging out, her feet lightly patting against the hot sand. (Y/N) took a deep breath when she saw the love of her life laughing on a log, and quickly walked towards him.
“Hey,” she started, sitting on the empty space beside him. JJ shifted, giving her more space, and muttered a quick ‘hi’ back. He offered her a beer, to which she shook her head to, and he shrugged before downing the whole content.
“You’ve got some beer here,” (Y/N) said, leaning forward to wipe the tiny droplet on his chin. JJ hurtled backwards as if on cue, and quickly wiped the stain with the back of his hand. (Y/N) stared at him, being caught off guard, but decided to not create any drama.
“You really don’t have to do that,” (Y/N) muttered, wrapping her cardigan over her tighter. The cold night air swept over her, causing her hair to fall over her shoulders. She didn’t bother to fix it as she watched JJ scoffed, the fire in front of them reflecting on the surface of his blue eyes.
“Do what? Wipe my mouth? Come on, (Y/N), it’s really not that big of a deal,” JJ sighed. He didn’t even bother to hold her hand, to reassure her that it’s really okay, and instead he continued his conversation with John B about some kind of a movie. She noticed Pope looking at their way, but he quickly turned to look at the waves when she returned his gaze.
“Do you want to smoke?” she tried again, this time with her hands on his lap. He didn’t move, and (Y/N) took this as a good sign, her heart fluttering happily. 
It’s progress.
“You sure?” he asked, fumbling with his back pocket to reach for his extra blunt. When he grasped the rolled up herbs between his fingers, he handed it to her, smiling when she scooted closer. He lighted it for her, watching her took a deep huff before blowing the smoke.
“That’s good?” he asked before taking a blow for himself. He felt his heavy mind getting lighter, the weight he has been holding since forever slowly lifting into the air. He laughed, and turned to look at the state of the girl beside him.
“Thank you, baby,” (Y/N) smiled, this time with her head on his shoulder. She saw Pope looking at them with some kind of a heavy look again, but just like before, he turned away before she could ask him anything. 
Pope’s attention from the crashing waves turned completely to (Y/N), his eyes wide and his mind panicking. His eyes glanced to the blonde boy beside her for a second, but it settled back to her. “Yes?”
“You’re okay? You keep looking at me. Is there anything that you want to tell me?”
“Me?” he pointed to his chest, and when he saw the look on JJ’s face, he laughed, making an action of swatting his hands against the air. “Oh no. I was just thinking about something else. I guess I involuntarily looked at you.”
(Y/N) laughed with him, her head still on JJ’s shoulder, her eyes slowly squinting against the glowing fire that seemed to be too bright. She turned to whisper to JJ, “Can we go home?”
“Tonight? But It’s Bonfire night. We can’t leave yet,” he protested, glancing at both of his friends for help. Pope, not wanting to spend anymore time with them anymore, quickly stood up from his seat and walked towards the main space of the party. 
“I’m gonna go with Pope, okay? Find Sarah. Go and talk to her? I’ll call you later,” JJ quickly added, standing up from his seat, stirring (Y/N) from her previous position. She sighed, her head still woozy, but she didn’t want to think about the possibility of him cheating on her.
He wanted her first, it’s just not possible for him to suddenly lose feelings for her. The countless times he would tell her that he loves her, that she’s the only girl he will ever mark as his, and now nothing?
She groaned, kicking the sand, all while the muffled music thrumming against her eardrums. She turned to look at John B, the only guy left with her, and opened her mouth to say something.
“Do you see the problem, John B?” she asked, her voice slow. When he didn’t reply, she sighed again, this time standing up from her seat to return to the ongoing party. “This is exactly the fucking problem.”
She didn’t understand; why is everyone treating her differently? What did she do? She sacrificed almost everything to be apart of their group, including her relationship with her kook friends. At that moment, she longed for her bedroom, where she knew she will be totally safe, all cuddled up with Netflix to enjoy.
“If it isn’t the princess,” a voice said from behind her back, and (Y/N) rolled her eyes before turning to look at the source. The tall figure of Rafe Cameron loomed over her, and (Y/N) tried to block his scent of cigarette and expensive cologne. She never really stopped liking his smell.
The Camerons and her family are business partners, and that was the core reason for her family to move to Obx in the middle of July 4 years ago. Meeting Sarah and her siblings for the first time, she couldn’t deny the strong attraction she felt towards the oldest sibling, but she had thought of it as nothing more than a silly crush and tried to focus more on her relationship with a certain blonde boy living on the other side of the island.
“You can take a picture, it’ll last longer that way,” he smiled, and (Y/N) groaned when she could hear the amused tone lacing in his gruff voice. She made to walk away, but was halted by Rafe’s fingers around her wrist.
“Come on, I was just playing. That’s not the way to treat an old friend,” he laughed, letting go of her. He looked around her, noticing her odd behaviour, and suppressed his smile. “Where’s the boyfriend?”
“I don’t know,” she finally replied, and returned the gesture of looking around him. “Where’s the girlfriend?”
Rafe laughed, throwing his head back as his hair messily slicked to the back. “Girlfriend? I don’t do girlfriends. Come on, (Y/N), you know that.”
“Not a surprise,” she said in a singing tone, giving her attention towards the dancing bodies next to the speaker. “Look, Rafe, just say whatever you want to say to me, okay? I’m tired of trying to figure out what people wanted to say to me.” 
“I just want to make a conversation,” he shrugged, chugging down his beer before wiping his mouth with the back of his hand. His actions reminded her of JJ, and she quickly looked away when she felt a pang of hurt across her heart.
“Uh-oh, I know that look,” Rafe said, tugging her chin to force her to look at him. (Y/N) grunted, feeling his cold skin against hers, but she let him stare into her eyes before quickly pulling away. “Yeah. It’s that look you’ll put when you’re worried about something. What’s up?”
“Rafe, it’s really nothing,” she sighed, scooting away from the boy. She looked around again, and her eyes landed on a certain blonde boy, and she could feel her heart soaring up again. Rafe’s eyes followed her gaze, and when he saw JJ, he turned to look away.
“I’ll talk to you later, okay?”
“Yeah, whatever,” Rafe replied, already making his way towards the keg station.  (Y/N) noticed the change in his behaviour, seeing how cold he turned, but decided not to mention it. She was being cold towards him first, so she guessed it was fair for him to be acting that way. 
Rafe didn’t understand how blind she could be. Couldn’t she notice the pattern of the girls he fucked? How they all looked so similar to her? 
He scoffed, sipping from his red cup as he watched her walk towards the boy that stole her from him. Everything was going perfect; they were hanging out almost every day; just her and Rafe, either it was in his swimming pool or (Y/N)’s hot tub. When her father had hired JJ Maybank to mower his lawn, that was when everything went downhill. 
“Cameron,” a voice greeted from beside him, and when he turned to look at the figure, he expressed a sly smirk.
One more person that looked like her.
. . .
JJ’s phone was beside her.
She kept telling herself no, that she should trust him since they are in a relationship, but her brain was yelling for her to go through his phone.
He’s cheating on you.
She groaned, unable to contain herself anymore as she grabbed his phone, looking around briefly before typing his passcode. 
The phone vibrated in her hands as she failed to guess his passcode, and she frowned before the screen. It had been her birthday’s date, so why wouldn’t it open? She tried again with their anniversary date, and again, was met with the same fate.
“What the fuck?” she said to no one in particular, and sighed before trying out random numbers. Lastly, she pressed all 1, not thinking much of it and already accepting her defeat. She exclaimed in happiness when his home screen appeared with his background a picture of a dog.
(Y/N) frowned again, remembering how it used to be a picture of them, but decided to not question it as their picture had been replaced by a dog instead of something else. She went through his Instagram, scroling down the many direct messages, through his Imessages; where he texts the pogues a lot and through his Snapchat, only finding their private pictures in his ‘my eyes only’.
She released the breath she didn’t realise she was holding, shutting the phone off and letting it lay in its previous position. She smiled, secretly cursing at herself for ever doubting JJ. He must’ve been busy with his life, just-
Involuntarily, (Y/N) picked up the phone and watched as Kie’s name appeared. She typed in his passcode quickly, trying to see what she needs so that she could try and help her with anything in case if it’s urgent. Her heart stopped for a minute when she saw her text.
Kie: You’re sleeping with her tonight?
Why would she even text him that?
(Y/N) sat up straighter, her fingers gliding across the screen in a swift motion.
She watched as the typing signal appeared, biting the insides of her cheeks. She looked at the direction of the toilet again, hearing the blonde boy humming to a Nirvana song. She looked at the screen again.
Kie: You promised me you would be with me tonight
Kie: Just us two
Oh my god.
She could feel the hot tears coming in, but her bathroom door creaked open, so she threw the phone back to its initial position and cleared her throat, looking to the ceiling and randomly muttering words to herself.
“Huh?” JJ asked, looking at the direction she pointed. He saw nothing, and looked back to her. 
“I said white’s not the color anymore. I think I’m changing it to grey. What do you think?” She asked, feeling her throat hurting. She cleared her throat again as JJ stared at the ceiling one more time, his face all scrunched up.
“I think grey’s okay?” He said, but it was more to a question. He took his phone and sat beside her, shielding his screen from her. She watched him from the corners of her eyes, silently interpreting his strange demeanor. 
She cursed when it finally hit her; she hadn’t delete her text to Kie.
She bit her lips, curling her toes and randomly tracing circles on her lap. She couldn’t breathe, she couldn’t see clearly, she couldn’t think.
How could she forgot to delete that one, single text? 
“I have to go,” JJ stood up, slipping his phone into his pocket. (Y/N) looked at him, ready to ask if she could follow, but halted her action when he put a hand up.
“I’m seeing John B. Something about, um, Sarah stuff. Just me and Pope. The boys,” he muttered, clearly trying to tell her that he wouldn’t be bringing her to the Chateau. (Y/N) nodded, feeling her heart sank, because she finally understood everything;
The glances he would give to Kie in the HMS Pogue, the brief moments where he would put his hands around Kie’s waist when he tries to slip in between her and someone, the flirtatious laugh he’ll emit when she makes a joke - it all made sense.
(Y/N) used to think that it was all just friendly behaviour and how he had known her longer hence it must’ve been normal for best friends to do that. One thing that (Y/N) likes about herself is how she’s able to guess things correctly - 
But she had never wanted to be so wrong about something before.
“You’re okay by yourself tonight?” 
“Huh?” She finally looked up to him, seeing his blue eyes staring straight into her boring ones. “Yeah. I’ll be fine.”
“Okay,” he smiled, proceeding towards the open window to exit her bedroom. (Y/N) ‘s father would never give his blessings towards this relationship, so he had to enter and exit his girlfriend’s room through the window. 
He hesitated before reaching the seating girl, placing a soft but immediate kiss on her cheeks. (Y/N) smiled weakly in return, not trusting herself to say anything.
How could he?
Ten minutes after his departure, (Y/N) quickly grabbed her father’s car keys before fleeing after a particular black motorcycle. She didn’t even think about turning the car radio on, and her mind was set on only one thing; JJ and Kie.
When she arrived at the Chateau, her fingers trembling and her hair all over the place from the wind while she was driving down the road, forgetting to close the window, she quickly made her way to their usual hanging out place.
Before she could enter the room, Pope’s voice interrupted her actions.
“(Y/N)? What the fuck are you doing here?” he asked, his eyes widening. He looked at her palm around the doorknob, and let out a nervous laugh. “You’re looking for JJ? He’s not here.”
She gets it now.
“Pope, I know,” was all she said before opening the door. 
She felt her world shattering right after she was greeted with the sight of Kie on JJ’s lap, running her fingers through his blonde locks while she kissed him tenderly like  (Y/N) always did. John B and Sarah were right next to him, cheering him on, but stopped when they finally looked up to the looming figure.
“Oh my god,” Kie exclaimed, pushing herself off JJ and fixing her hair. (Y/N) made a look, disgust filling every inch of her body as she quickly walked away from the scene, not wanting to hear any apologies or explanation.
None of that mattered to her; she just wanted to go home.
“(Y/N)!” she heard him yell, but she exited the Chateau as fast as her feet could take her, not stopping to look at him. She cursed when she couldn’t find the right key to open her door, her fingernails clanking against the metal.
“It was a dare!” JJ said, right after he reached her. He watched as she didn’t pay any attention towards him, still fumbling for her keys. “I swear! The kiss was just a dare!”
“Was the text a dare as well?” she asked, finally putting the right key into the keyhole and stepping into the car. JJ cursed and stepped aside, feeling drained and tired from the screaming.
Of course he didn’t send the ‘wdym’. He never like short forms, only using them when he is in the toilet and typing with his left hand. Why didn’t he realised this sooner?
“I’m sorry,” he said, but before he could say anything else, the girl drove straight towards the exit, away from him. 
The worst part of all wasn’t about not having a chance to explain himself to get out of the mess he made, but it was when he saw the pained look on her face. 
“Fuck!” he yelled, kicking a stone and making his way back towards the Chateau. 
(Y/N) fingers scrolled down the many contacts in her phone as she tried to focus on the road simultaneously, and finally stopping when she reached the letter ‘R’ contacts. 
She tapped on the first name under the R letter, putting the phone call on speaker and placing her phone on her lap. She shuddered, suddenly remembering the way she had found JJ and Kie in, but shook her head when his voice filled the atmosphere.
“Hey, Rafe.”
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scorchedhearth · 2 years
jaykyle meeting the batfam/batfam’s first impressions of jaykyle :P thanks in advance!! <3
i’m not good with batfam stuff, so this is just bruce and dick reacting to them
get your own drabble
The end of a fight is always the hardest part. Fighting is easy, Dick’s been doing it for years, he’s been part of and led teams longer than he remembers not doing that. When you are in the moment, there’s no time to second guess, you rely on your instincts, and what you learned and you do what you must. But when the dust settles, and you look at the bodies and rumbles and everything that still must be done in the aftermath of a battle, that’s the hard part. When you think again.
Dick sits down on the edge of the building he’s perched on with a heavy sigh, ignoring the throb in his ankle and the burn of his shoulders as he takes a moment to breathe. Just a minute and then he’ll stand up and go make his round, rally up everyone and dispatch the Titans where they can help. He doesn’t move when he hears the distinctive shift of Bruce’s cape, waits for him to come to his side and stand there, arms crossed and gaze in the distance.
“You did well,” Bruce says, and Dick almost hears the thank you in there. There was a situation near Philly that required all hands on deck, the Titans were called along the League. He’s about to answer when his gaze catches on two figures standing in an alley in the street below them. Jason and Kyle. He knows Kyle came to help too, he’s not technically affiliated with any team at the moment but he was present on Earth and joined the effort. Jason though, that is harder to parse. He’s usually holed up in Gotham, rarely leaves the state as Red Hood, and yet here he stands, helmet on and talking with Kyle after obviously helping in the fight too.
Talking with Kyle. Uh. He knows from Donna that there was some kind of team-up between the three of them, but he had no idea they were still in contact.
“Did you know?” He asks Bruce who still hasn’t moved. Doesn’t need to specify what, when he glances to his side he’s looking at the same thing.
“I was aware they worked together in the past.” Bruce carefully enunciates and Dick looks back at them. They’re standing close to one another, talking if Jason’s shrugs and Kyle’s animated hand movements are to be trusted. He’s about to joke about a Bat and Lantern team-up, just to mess with Bruce when something catches his eyes.
There’s a burst of sharp laughter coming from them, and then Kyle’s hand grasps one of Jason’s. It’s almost nothing, barely noticeable but Dick sees the short tug on the limb and how Jason’s shoulders drop down almost two inches, tension draining immediately. It’s gone almost as soon as it happens, Jason pulling his hand and walking away, Kyle glowing green and taking off but Jason’s stance stays relaxed and Kyle’s grinning to himself. Uh.
Bruce bristles by his side and he turns to look at him.
“And did you know about that?” Because they may fight but being detectives is their primary asset when they work in their costumes.
“No.” Bruce admits through his teeth. “I did not.”
“Who would have guessed?” Dick says with a short laugh. He wouldn’t have, not with what he knows from either’s character and behavior. He watches as Jason ducks into a corner and disappears from his sight. Kyle joins John, the other Green Lantern on earth, to help with clean up, conjuring a big hand side by side with John’s crane and they start picking up rumbles out of the way to let emergency vehicles pass through. “What,” He says when the silence from Bruce becomes too heavy.
“Jason did look more at ease the last time we saw him. Less on edge.” He did, and from what Dick knows, Kyle is a good person. Why would he put up with Jason, that he has no idea why. He seems much more mellow and agreeable than the asshole Jason can be, but if it works out between them. Maybe they bring out the best in each other? Doubtful but not out of the question.
“Wait a minute. Are you approving of this?” Dick asks with glee in his voice. Bruce bristles again and he only grins harder. “Can I take a picture?”
“Mhh.” Bruce shoots him a look but that never stopped Dick before. “I am glad he found someone.” Which is a lot coming from him.
“Me too.” And then after a beat. “I get dibs on annoying him about his relationship, that’s brother privileges.” He senses the raised eyebrow under the cowl but he ignores it, instead focuses on this new discovery.
He is glad about this, despite how unconventional and out of the blue this feels, it makes sense in a way. Trust Jason to find the other helpless romantic in the east coast. He’ll have to ask when they got together though, because he has no idea when that happened and he wants to know what he missed.
After another minute he stands up with only a small wince and rolls his shoulders, getting his grapline out of his escrima stick and anchoring it on the edge of the building. “Got work to do, you coming?” He doesn’t wait for an answer, simply turns around and jumps into the void, joining the rest of his team waiting for him in the streets, Bruce’s shadow following him down.
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missymurphy1985 · 3 years
The Late Shift - Tommy Shelby X Fem!Reader One Shot
Prompt for Tommy Shelby - “What’s the matter love? You get nervous when I look at you like this ?”
Requested by @gypsy-girl-08
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Taglist @queenshelby @margoo0 @being-worthy @peakyscillian @peakyciills @janelongxox @elenavampire21 @ysmmsy @cloudofdisney @lauren-raines-x @misscarolineshelby @screemqueen @peaky-cillian @misselsbells06 @datewithgianni @heidimoreton @jardinsecos @bitchwhytho @gypsy-girl-08
Clearing the last of the dirty glasses away into the back room of the Garrison, you made a start on the bar top. Spilled beer, whiskey, and rum had congealed together into a delicious blend that smelled simply divine... You couldn't wait to clean it all up.
Drunken assholes, the lot of them.
"Ah come on now y/n, we're not all that bad are we?"
Shit, did you say that out loud?!
"Mr Shelby, I didn't realise anyone was left in here..."
"Can't have you closing up by yourself can I, anything could happen to you."
"I'm perfectly capable of looking after myself, thank you."
Tommy walked round behind the bar and pulled out a bottle of the fine Irish whiskey from the cupboard - reserved for him and his brothers. Perk of owning the pub, you thought.
You ignored him, and carried on cleaning the mess on the bar top before it stained. Washing off the debris and liquid into a bucket at your side.
He was watching you. His eyes never left you once, which after ten minutes or so, was becoming rather unnerving. a few times you'd caught his eye, and quickly looked away, carrying on your usual lock up routine. Your actual boss, Tommy's older brother Arthur, usually locked up with you, however he'd been one of the worst offenders of the beer spilling antics this evening, and John and Polly had had to carry the incoherent mess home an hour ago.
You'd finished the bar top, and threw the dirty bucket full of slop out the back door. His eyes were still on you, you could sense them. You must've dropped some of the water on the floor as you skidded across it on your way back inside the main room.
He chuckled a little, but you straightened yourself up and carried on your nightly duties. Stacking the chairs on the tables, and heading to the back to bring a broom in.
If he carried on staring you'd end up smashing that broom in-between his eyes. Who the fuck stares at someone for nearly twenty minutes solid?! You could feel the hairs on the back of your neck standing up, a tingle through your spinal cord. Rushing between your legs, if you were truthful...
Fuck girl, get those thoughts out of your head, he's the devil of Small Heath!
But he's a damn fine devil of Small Heath... With eyes of piercing ocean blue. Eyes that had been watching your every move for the last twenty minutes....
You caught yourself smiling, before stumbling a little, knocking into one of the tables and scrunching your eyes closed at the sound of them clattering onto the hardwood floor. Looking up slowly, you saw his eyes were still on you. He hadn't moved from his spot behind the bar, although he did have a smirk on his face.
“What’s the matter love? You get nervous when I look at you like this?”
"I'm sorry, Mr Shelby, I'll get these picked up..." You knelt down to pick the table up.
He knocked his drink down in one, and poured two glasses. Walking over, he lifted you from your position on the floor and stood you next to him, handing you one of the half filled whiskey glasses.
He stood the table up for you, and placed two chairs either side of it, indicating one of them for you to sit at.
"I have to finish cleaning..."
"Arthur can finish it in the morning. Serve him right for leaving you alone tonight, eh?" He held up his glass and you clinked yours against it, looking to the floor to hide the blush in your cheeks when he winked at you.
"You've served us well over the years y/n."
"How do you mean?"
"Working late shifts here, as well as taking bets all day in the shop."
"I need the money, Mr Shelby."
"I have a proposal for you. Means you won't need to work here at night any more."
"I'm listening.."
"I need someone to help me with my diary. My affairs. Writing letters, dealing with my mail."
"You need a secretary?"
"I need you, y/n. You're good with numbers, you're organised. And I can match what you're earning in two jobs with just one. What do you say?"
"I say thank you, and where do I sign?" He chuckled and leaned back on his chair, his eyes locked onto yours.
"The signature can be dealt with tomorrow. I have conditions I need to discuss with you first."
"Lizzie told me what you used to do. Before you worked for us. I need assurance that you won't go back to that while you represent my family's name."
You looked to the floor, ultimately in shame. Lizzie was meant to be your friend, and here she was confessing to your boss that you used to be a whore, just like her...
"She only told me because she's jealous love."
"She's seen the way I look at you."
You didn't know how to respond, so you stayed silent. Sipping your whiskey whilst maintaining eye contact with him.
"Which brings me to the caveat of my job offer," he stood up, and circled round. Coming to a stop next to you, leaning against the table.
"You service me as well as my books y/n, and I'll double the salary."
You nearly broke your fucking neck with how quickly it snapped up - your mouth hanging open in shock. His eyebrows raised on one side, he sipped his whiskey.
"I beg your pardon?!"
"Trust me, once I've had you, you won't want to whore it out to anyone else."
"Very high opinion of yourself there Thomas..."
"Not just my opinion love."
"And what makes you think I'll say yes?"
He lifted you roughly from your seat and pushed you against the wall behind him, pressing his body firmly against yours.
"Your heartbeat is saying yes."
"How do you know that's not fear?"
He held you in place and lifted your dress up, hitching your leg in the air and sliding his fingers through your folds.
"Pussy always get this wet when you're scared?"
Two fingers pushed inside you, making your eyes roll back in your head as he found the treasure he was seeking. Over and over his fingers pressed into it, rubbing it harder, your juices gushing over his hand.
Suddenly his hand stopped.
"Your answer?'
"Fuck yes..."
"Good girl. Now cum for me..." His fingers picked up again, a little tougher now as he chased your orgasm. His eyes never left yours as his fingers rutted into you hard and fast. Your hands clamped onto his shoulder as you started to cum, your breathing coming out in short, sharp bursts...
"Don't stop, please..." His thumb circled over your clit, and your whole body shuddered with your release, your juices cascading down his hand onto the hard floor beneath you.
You barely registered his trousers being removed until he'd sat on one of the small stools behind him and pulled you down onto his hard cock, your walls still spasming from your orgasm, a deep groan from him as he felt them pulsate around his length.
"I love feeling a woman's cunt cum around my cock y/n, I'm gonna need to feel it again - ride me. Show me my investment will be worth it, eh?"
"Yes, Tommy..."
You leaned back, resting your hands on his knees, and started to grind on him. His cock was deep enough for you you feel him against your cervix, and it wouldn't be long until you did as he asked.
His hands roamed over your still clothed upper body, squeezing your breasts over your dress, as you rode him a little harder, feeling your orgasm building again.
"Good girl, riding me so well aren't you? My own personal whore? You gonna do what I tell you, when I tell you, understood?"
You nodded, gasping, as your hips rotated round on him.
"I want you to suck my dick in the office, you'll get on your knees with your fucking mouth open. I wanna fuck? Bend over my desk."
The thought of it all alone was enough to send you spiralling. Your nails dugs into his shoulders, and his hands moved to your waist, lifting your body up and down on his shaft.
"I can feel you cumming again, my girl, make a mess for me eh? Make it loud, I wanna hear how good you feel..."
"Tom, yes... I'm gonna... Oh shit..."
"Cum on my cock, come on..."
"Yes, fuck yes...." Your head flung back as your hips stilled suddenly, and your legs began to shake. He lifted your spasming body up and pounded up into you, chasing his own release which followed moments after yours. His hot seed emptying inside you, coating your walls with a thick layer of cum.
He held you close, your breasts pushed against his upper chest as he rested against you. Your arms over his shoulders, stroking them.
"I have my own condition, Mr Shelby."
"Name it."
"I don't want to be paid for this."
"You want to be my secretary for free?"
"Hilarious, Thomas. You know what I mean."
"You want me to fuck you for free?"
He stroked your cheek and leaned up a little, his lips brushing yours softly.
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