#we belong dead 41
contentabnormal · 1 month
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This week on Content Abnormal we present William Johnstone as The Shadow in "The Hoodoo Ship"!
Order We Belong Dead issue #42 via Amazon HERE
Order hardcover book edition of We Belong Dead #41 & #42 HERE
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b100ming · 8 days
I should not have to explain to Peter x Gwen shippers that Gwen is not Peter's property. Gwen is allowed to date anyone she wants, including Miles.
Gwen Stacy spent 41 years being known as nothing other than Spidey's dead girlfriend. The Spider-Gwen comics were created to give her some agency and allow her to be her own character. She does not belong to Peter. She doesn't have to date him either.
And this is coming from someone who ships both PeterxGwen and MilesxGwen. The amazing spiderman series had the best and most complex romance in the live action spider man series. And Miles and Gwen in the Spider-Verse movies have a very well written slow burn and make an adorable pair. You can ship both. You don't have to hate one because you like the other more.
They're not the same characters. Different versions. They don't have to have the same stories. Hell, they shouldn't. We don't need a retelling of the same love story every single time.
Anyway, thanks for coming to my Ted talk. And thank you to anyone who sees Gwen as her own person.
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zialltops · 9 months
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honeysuckle’s & huckleberry’s
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Cowboy!Joel (41) X F!Reader (25) | 4.7k | wip | explicit | 18+ minors dni | enemies to lovers | slow burn | au: no cordyceps outbreak
After four years away at collage, you’re finally home with the tools and knowledge to save your family ranch. That is, if their ranch hand would stay out of your way.
Or: Ranch hand Joel doesn’t know how to handle the return of his bosses prodigy daughter, her snarky little attitude, or her sinfully tight jeans.
a/n: phew this chapter was hard to write because all i want it for them to kiss already. these two are so at each others throats that i cant WAIT to write that in the form of the devils tango. please let me know what you guys think, comments fuel my desire to write🤍
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AO3 Link 🤍
Chapter 2: Northern Attitude
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Three days of bad weather pass before Joel is able to get the truck out of the snow to drag your car out of the embankment—but he chooses not to anyway. He’s spent the last three days working and avoiding you, because he can’t keep his head from spouting off about how much you piss him off and how good you look doing it.
And piss him off, you do. The morning after your first night home, Joel was shoveling off the steps and the front driveway when you came out of the house in a pair of pants that look like they have been in your closet for years because god damn, they are tight. He doesn’t miss the look on your face when you find your way into the snow where he’s working. “Like my stupid fucking shoes? I wore them so I’d look nice when I saw my parents—thought there was some delicious cowboy here to impress. But now they are all I have to wear because some bullheaded asshole left my car on the side of the road with all of my belongings in it.”
Him, being the bullheaded asshole instead of the delicious cowboy. He’s fuming, if he wasn’t already panting, he’s sure there would be steam rolling out of his ears right about now. He can't stand you. Cant stand your cocky attitude and the way you hold your hands on your hip’s—those sexy little fucking—Joel! “Should have known better than to show up in the middle of winter in those damn heels. You did that to yourself. You should know the only thing you’re findin’ here is cow shit and snow.” You cross your arms and look over his shoulder. “Yeah—nothing but bullshit here.” He turns to find Tommy, his eyes on your figure in your stupidly tight outfit, he’d always been the bolder of the two. “Nice shoes…y’know, they do seem practical, you’re a few inches above the cold, y’know? Don’t ya think, Joel?” You smile at him and Joel sees red, that trading asshole. “Y’know, I was still gonna pull you out, bullheaded asshole here was the one who insisted we leave you.”
If Joel was a better man, he’d tell his brother to fuck off—but he’s not, so he socks him in the mouth and gives him a nasty bruise and a split lip. Both of you hightail it away from the driveway and Joel gets back to his shoveling.
Since that day, it’s been a non-stop onslaught of demeaning remarks. You sneer at him when you pass him in the halls, so he sticks to the hunting cabin he and Tommy occupy for a whole day. When he comes in for supper, you sneer at him again. “What, do you just hide out all day, doing jack shit?” He started this, he knows that, and there isn’t much he can do since he left you for dead on the side of the road a few days ago. He huffs at you when he sits down across from you while everyone else gets their plates in the kitchen. His voice is somewhere between a whisper and an aggravated shout. “I’ve been taking care of the cattle, what the hell have you been doing all day, huh? With that big fancy degree? Hid in the house all day and do your nails?” The nails in question are a sharp blue color, a homage to the crisp skies as the sun sets amongst the gloomy clouds, radiating dark indigo across the plains. His stomach curls when his brain supplies the image of them wrapped around his cock—both your little hands, manicured and soft and—son of a—“Actually, I think I forgot to check the fences. Miss Lou, do you mind if I pack this up to go?” He did forget, and he should do that, but it could have waited another day. He really needs a reason to get away from your accusing eyes right now, away from the way you unwillingly make him feel ridged all over.
He checks all the fences on the half mile walk to the hunting cabin, eats his supper at the sad little table and tries (he fucking tries, okay?) to keep his hands off himself. It aches, aches when he gets hard, like a damn weight between his legs that makes him feel dizzy from lack of blood in his poor muddled brain. He gets crazy—can't stand the thought of another person having so much control over his senses that he can't control his own bodily functions. He hates that you’ve weaseled your way in to his weaknesses—pretty eyes, smarter than him, hard to get with an attitude. It pisses him off so bad that his body reacts before his mind can gain clarity enough to tell himself no. But how can he, when all he can think about is what this is doing to him.
He cant stop thinking about how much of a bitch you are, about the type of men you probably pulled while off in collage and how you expected some kind of Adonis and what you got was just Joel. Your disappointment in his mere existence does nothing to flag how hard he is when he finally gets his hands in his pants. It should be alarming how fast he’s got himself on the edge on the image of you glaring him down, blackmailing him just so he can be your own personal verbal punching bag.
What the fuck is wrong with him, that being treated like garbage gets him so worked up. Is it because he knows it's something he'll never have? Like nothing else in the world can, you’ve got him hot and stiff in his large hand, after three days of knowing you, his head tipped back against his pillow and his eternal gratefulness that Tommy is still eating supper at the main house. At least he wont have to witness the way Joel’s resolve goes down the drain when he thinks about those pretty eyes, those nimble fingers and that bratty little attitude. He cums when he thinks about your stupid fucking shoes and how angry you are at him that you’re stuck wearing them.
Tomorrow, he’ll tell you he still cant get your car out, even if all the fucking snow melts, just so he can watch you walk around in them for a little longer, so he can hate you a little bit more. Maybe his distaste will bleed out the want, but Joel has never been that lucky.
It’s damn late by the time Tommy makes it home—or maybe it’s not, but Joel's guilty hand found the neck of a bottle a few moments after washing it clean, so he’s completely lost track of time. Drowning his troubles was the best thing he could come up with, so he tipped the bottle back until it was empty and his head felt like it was in a fish bowl.
The door throws open when he’s leaned all the way back in a chair at the little dining table, his bottle sitting empty in front of him and his mind reeling. “Close the damn door, it’s freezing!” He doesn’t open his eyes, because he’s got the spins and the last thing he wants to do right now is throw up.
“Aint me.” He hears Tommy’s voice somewhere in the living room and he finally peeks an eye open and glances towards the door.
“You really are a piece of work, aren’t you?” It’s you, standing in the doorway and letting in all the cold residing outside of these walls. Joel attempts to lean forward, but his weight wobbles and the chair falls backwards on the hardwood. “This is why this ranch doesn’t make any profit. You spend your days drunk off your ass, don’t you?” Her tone is so accusing and snappy, if Joel had half a mind he would pull himself off this floor and give her a piece of it.
“S’the end of the day, I’m not workin’, ‘n I can do whatever I want.” He pulls himself up using the table and he stand there for a moment, trying to let his head catch up with the rest of his body. “I came down here to tell you I want my car out tomorrow morning first thing. But, by the looks of it you wont be good for a damn thing in the morning.”
He groans and walks over to the door on wobbly legs, his vision is blurry but the drunk part of his brain supplies that you walked all the way here with Tommy just to bark orders at him. So, Tommy is definitely a fucking traitor, getting cozy with you when he knows how irritating Joel finds you to be. Even if you look damn good with those wind bitten red cheeks that would look so good hallowed out around his—c’mon, Joel. “I’ll be up before you, smartass. I have livestock to feed, ‘sides, I told you I'd pull it out when I could. Snow’s still too thick.” Joel uses the door frame to hold him up while you look him over from the porch. “I wasn’t asking you to pull it out, Im telling you.” Telling him? Like he’s not his own goddamned person, who makes decisions around here of his own? Hank asked him over a year ago to manage the ranch on his own—he’s been the one calling the shots here for some time, so what gives you the right to stand on his porch and tell him what he’s going to do?
“You might be the all reining princess in their eyes, but do not push me, Honey. I’m not the one to fuck with,” your eyes narrow and your arms cross over your chest like that might somehow make him second guess his boldness. You take a few steps closer and puff your chest out, point your nose up at him with a hard glare. “What are you going to do about it, huh? Not a damn thing.” Actually, one thing does come to mind and it takes everything in Joels power not to grab you by your hair and bend you over the back of the couch, show you exactly what he’s going to do about it.
Instead, he stands there in the frigid air, looking down at you like a pissed off little mouse staring down an alley cat, so fucking brave that he questions if he’s an alley cat at all. “When you can run this ranch by yourself, then you can look down your nose at me, but until then, you’re going to need some taller stupid fucking shoes.” He wouldn’t have the balls to say these things to you if not for the whiskey burning through his veins. Actually, he’s been pretty weary of telling you off, because the last thing he needs is you telling your parents, who obviously would believe you over him. But right now? Fresh off half a bottle and a mind numbing orgasm? He has all the courage in the world.
“I want my car out. I want my things and my clothes. You have until tomorrow night, or my parents can find new ranch hands.” He scoffs and his anxiety only bubbles up a little bit—he’ll pay for it tomorrow, but right now he’s pissed. “Well you better hurry back there and get on it. I’ll tell ya what—I’ll even help you hang up the flyers, hows that sound?” Your face is beat red in an attempt to contain your anger, your eyebrows are drawn together in the kind of pout that makes Joel chub up in his sleep pants. He’d rather sleep out in the snow than to have you see the way your attempt at aggravation works him up, so he starts to close the door on himself. “Better get to it, unless you want to be the one up at four thirty to feed.” He closes the door, turns his body and lets himself slump against the wood. His palm finds the front of his pants and he pushes, attempting to quell the sudden rush of blood that makes his head spin more than the alcohol in his system. “Damn…she’s gettin’ to you, huh?”
It’s Tommy’s obnoxious fucking voice in his head, standing near the hallway to the two small bedrooms. “Fuck off, Tommy, you know how it is for me.” The younger man laughs, crossing his arms over his chest. “I'm just sayin’, it’s kind of funny. Nobody gets under your skin like that. Does fightin’ really do it for you?” His voice is dripping with amusement and Joel wants to punch him again. “It ain’t the fightin’.” Tommy rolls his eyes when Joel reaches into his pants to adjust the discomfort. “Oh, thats right. Your shitty attitude comes sometime after she gets your big ol’—“ Joel growls at him, ”Tommy, if you don’t shut the fuck up right now, I’m going to drag you out in the snow and beat your ass.”
It does the trick, because Tommy knows Joel isn’t kidding, he’s always been the stronger of the two, the one who’s always put Tommy in his place and he’s never been afraid to sock him square in his mouth when he runs it like he is now. “You know it bothers me when I can't control it. I can’t hide it. And she just—she—she’s one of them girls you know? The one’s that you don’t stand a chance with but they rub it in your face anyways and I can’t fucking stand it. It’s embarrassin’.”
He leans away from the door and makes his way over to the couch. When he plops down, his head finds his hands and he drags his calloused fingers through his curly, wind whipped locks. “What if you did stand a chance? Been a really long time since you’ve let yourself have anything.” Tommy finds the seat beside him and their heated argument shifts into a tender conversation, one brother to another, one man to his best friend in the whole world. “Ain’t about what I can have, tom, she’s Hanks daughter and I’m double her age, at least. This,” he gestures to himself vaguely. “This is the last thing a girl like her wants to get themselves tied up in. Can’t—one and done it like you can. Takes some…workin’ up to.”
Tommy pushes his shoulder with a small snort. “Always wondered how you got that thing in anyone.” He hasn’t wondered—he’s asked for years, and Joel being the closed off man he is, never had the heart to spill his bed-mates secrets. But there hasn’t been anyone for years, certainly not someone like you who can get him going faster than anyone he’s ever met. “Just—lots of…stretching. Things I can't do during a tumble in the hay, alright? And not everyone wants to deal with that—fuck know’s I don’t.”
Deal with the rejection of someone seeing him naked and kindly (or not so kindly) telling him that they aren’t interested anymore, deal with the look of shock women give him when he’s pressed up against them—when they feel it. He’s tired of it—so he doesn’t try anymore. Having you at his doorstep, flooring that desire in him? He can't deal with that. “I always thought it would be kind of an appeal to women, don’t they like that? I mean, I didn’t get your genes but I’m not doin’ too bad, they seem to like it.” Not doing too bad? To be normal, lead a normal life where he doesn’t have to bring anxieties to a moment he should only bring pleasure? “It ain’t all puppies and rainbows, man…nine times out of ten were good and they’re into it until I get my pants off. Then they hightail it out of there before I even have a chance to explain myself.”
It’s an embarrassing conversation to have with your brother, but Joel is grateful that he at least has someone he can talk about this with, above all else. The years he’s struggled, the supposed highs that only led to disappointment. It's been one minuscule moment of rejection after another, and he’s not asking for a lot, just to feel what everyone else gets to feel—normal, wanted, less like a freak and more like something to be desired. All for something he can’t change about himself, because believe him he wants to.
“I’m sorry man…I can’t relate, but I know how hard it is for you. One day, some crazy bitch is going to love your…terrifying dick.” He snorts loudly and rolls his eyes at his little brother. “Today ain’t the day, but thanks, Tom…” his head is still spinning and if he doesn’t go to bed soon, he won't make it out to feed before the sun hits the horizon. Tommy heads to his room, but Joel finds a blanket and curls up on the couch with a trash can at his side—just incase he needs to throw up before morning comes and he sobers up.
He does make it out to feed. It takes him an hour to get a hundred and fifty heads of cattle fed—he can’t wait till spring when they can be turned out to pasture, when half of them are sold off and the breeding season restarts. The cold, stand still winters drive him crazy on every ranch he’s ever worked, but this one more than most, because the cold is bone deep and there's you now, to drive him crazy in every possible direction.
When he’s done with the cattle, he takes inventory of the feed room, make’s a list to take with himself to town when the roads are cleared, then makes his way over to the stable. If there is one thing he can find solitude in, it’s snorting, fussing, grouchy ass horses early in the morning. They’ll kick at the stalls until he’s filled their feeders, snort cold air at him like they don’t want his company—he finds a lot of himself in the equine’s, misunderstood unless you get to know them like he has. He finds that his favorite place to be is in a saddle, pushing cattle through spring summer and fall, just him and them and all the trust in each other they have to offer.
Once they are fed, he finds his tack bucket and pulls open the stall to a young mare they’d bought last summer. She was ready to break this spring, but Hank had all but given up on the Morgan. So much so that he’d handed Joel her bridle one morning and told him “if you can get through to her, she’s all yours, son.”
She wasn’t a big horse, compared to others over her breed, but she had an untamable mane and tail that Joel has to keep braided or it becomes a rat's nest. She’s all over the place, spooky with a fear of water that Joel can't seem to help her get over. For such a pretty little Palomino, she sure has a lot of fight in her.
“Hey, pissy girl.” He hums when she flicks her tail at him, pulling her head out of her feeder just long enough to look back at him. He’s been the only person she lets in the stall since they got her, the only person who can give her a good brush down and stand behind her without getting a hoof to the chest. “Don’t look at me like that, okay? I had stuff to do before I could bring you guys breakfast. Besides, you’re gettin’ fat.” He pats her on her flank, watches dust come up under his hand. He starts brushing her down when he hears the stable doors come open. He knows it's not Tommy, because he’s in the north field checking on the heifers who are getting ready to calf. They still have a few more weeks, but it's good to keep track in the middle of the kind of storms they’ve been getting. The last thing they need is losing a calf to this kind of cold.
“Joel? You in here?” It’s Hanks booming voice in the desolate stable. “Yeah, I’m in here Hank!” He sets down the brush and steps out of the stall because he knows Hank won't come in it. “I was tryin’ to find you before my daughter did. She been through here yet?” His stomach drops and curls—did she tell him? About the argument they had on his porch last night? That he was drunk off his ass drowning his emotions like he always has? “I don’t know what she might have…told you, but it was at home—the cows were good, animals fed, I wasn’t—“ Hank makes a face and shakes his head. “Son, I ain’t mad at you for nothin’. I told her you’re allowed to have a few drinks when you’re done with your work. She can be very…aggravating, if anyone knows that it's me. I just wanted to apologize before she comes in a raging ball of fire because shes embarrassed about her shoes.”
Embarrassed? She’s embarrassed about walking around in those boots that make her ass look like it was sculpted by gods? Those damn shoes that can get him hard in an instant? “She’s embarrassed about them?”
Hank cracks a soft smile and puts his hands on his hips. “Most of that fire comes from a hurt place. She's all bark and no bite—“ Joel scoffs. “She just about bit my head off last night. I might have said some things I shouldn’t have.” Hank has always been understanding and kind the entire time Joel has known him. “I know, we talked about it. She said I need new ranch hands and I told her I don’t trust anyone to run this ranch but you. Don’t worry, I won't let her run you off. I really thought college would set her straight, but she’s still got that stubborn attitude of hers. Just—keep yourself busy and she’ll give up eventually. Don’t be afraid to defend yourself, either. I’m not going to get mad at you for standing up to her.”
Its more of a relief than he thought it would be to hear Hank stick up for him. You must have ran home to tattle on him, but knowing Hank has his back eases the anxiousness built up in him from the night before. “Anyways…when you see her, maybe Tommy can take her to get her things until we can get her car out, so she can get off of everyones back.” It’s going to have to be Tommy—there's no way in hell Joel can handle being in a car with her by himself with his current situation. “Absolutely, thank you Hank.” The man heads out the door with a genuine smile. “Don’t be too late for breakfast! Louise made fresh jam.”
Breakfast sounds like a dream to his empty stomach, so he gets back to the task at hand so he can spare himself a few minutes of downtime to eat before he gets back to work. He steps back into the stall, runs his hand across the top of his horse's back and sighs. “Maybe I should cut her some slack, huh Cersei? You’re kind of a bitch, but you’re still my favorite girl.” The horse nickers at him, flicks her tail and waits patiently for him to get back to brushing out her winter coat.
It’s breakfast when he finally sets eyes on you again, but you aren’t in those damn shoes—you’re barefoot like that's somehow any better. You’re barefoot in what looks like an old pair of your pajamas, like you just rolled out of bed when it’s already eight in the morning. “Look what the cat dragged in.” You sneer at him a little when he sits down across from you with his plate. Tommy hasn’t made it inside yet and Hank and Louise are in the living-room after they’ve already finished eating.
“I’ve been up for hours, what were you doing? Cant learn to manage a ranch if you sleep until eight in the morning.” Joel feels like he has the upper hand, and based on the look on your face, you know it too. “That’s what I have you for, to do all the grunt shit I don’t want to. I slept like a baby.” Joel on the other hand tossed and turned all night, willing away his morning wood for hours until he finally gave in and wrapped his hand around himself in the dark of his room under his soft quilt, where your prying eyes couldn’t reach.
It’s the only damn thing keeping him from chubbing up in his jeans, looking at you across the table in a pair of sleep shorts that ride up and leave little to his imagination. He thinks about how easy it would be to pull them aside and slip his fingers through your lips—if he would be able to get you wet. It’s enough to get him excited, so he tries to find a way out before it becomes too big of a problem.
“Where are you going?” He looks down at his plate, devising a plan to leave with it, so he can at least finish his breakfast. “Uhm…I have a lot to do today, figured I would get back to it while the day is young.” You push your chair back and stand as well, Joel’s eyes must have a mind of their own because they track up your bare thighs to the bottom of your shorts that have ridden up so much the fabric is pulled tight along the outline of your center—goddamn he can fucking see your pussy. He makes a sharp sound, choking on the spit building up in his mouth as it waters.
“You aren’t doing anything until you get my car out, you hear me? I’m not walking around another second like this.” You gesture to yourself—Joel couldn’t agree more. You need to wear clothes that fit you if he wants to keep his dick to himself. “Tommy is going to take you, he’ll be in soon.” You shake your head at him with a huff. “No, I don’t want Tommy taking me, he’s not the one responsible for leaving my car in the snow. You are getting my car out.”
He wants to argue some more, but arguing with you makes him horny and the last thing he needs is to be that worked up in a car with you for an extended period of time.
“Fuck—alright, fine—give me fifteen minutes and I’ll meet you at the truck.”
It’s a shit ass excuse to run back to the cabin and spend ten minutes jacking off as fast as he can fucking manage so he can control himself in the truck. It’s a futile attempt to control the way Hanks spitfire of a daughter makes him hotter than the surface of the sun.
You are going to be the death of him.
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heeseung-min · 11 months
This is part two from [12:41]
You had requested two days off from work to your boss. Thankfully, he understood your reason and even gave you a week to rest and not thinking too much about it. You were starting to doubt yourself for suspecting Jongseong as the culprit.
On top of that, you had installed a new camera in your house so next time if there is someone break in, you could use the footage as evidence.
After few days, you went to work like usual. This time, your mood seems to be better than the days before. You smiled to your coworkers but you noticed their faces looked worried and sad. When you finally put your things on your desk, you went to them and asked about it.
"Yejin, what happened? Why did you guys looked so sad and worried?"
"Y/n, this morning Adam found Mr. Park unconscious in his room and the police suspected he got murdered."
You were speechless on what Yejin had said. You looked into his room and saw the forensics had covered Jongseong's body with cloth and did their job to collect and find any evidence that can be used.
Because of the event, everyone in the department got questioned about their relation with Jongseong. When it finally comes to your turn, you noticed the police's expression changed.
"Hello, Miss Y/n. We meet again."
"Yes, officer."
"I think you already know what are we going to ask you. So, do you mind telling us about Mr. Park Jongseong?"
"We don't have anything special. He's just my boss and I am his worker."
"Where were you yesterday?"
"I spent my day at home because I still felt unsafe about the stalker thing. In fact, I requested to him for two days off so I literally don't know what happened at work these days."
"You reported about him to us, right? So, it kinda makes sense if you are the one who killed him?"
Now, you went speechless and angry. You admitted about that but that doesn't mean the officer can conclude that easily.
"I'm sorry. What do you mean by makes sense? It's not. I knew I did that but you can't just accused me for killing him! In fact, I planned to apologized to him today because of that."
The police sighed at your outburst. He let you go after apologized to you for his mistake on accusing you murdering Jay. You went out from the room until you suddenly remembered about the guy who disturbed you few nights ago before Jay came to save you.
"Officer, I think you need to ask one more person."
"It's not him."
"What?", You asked not believing what the police said.
"The guy went missing two days ago and his parents were the one who reported about that. Until now, we don't have any info about him."
"Maybe he ran off cause he's the one who killed Jongseong!"
"No. If he did that, then he must bring cash and clothes. But, we found his belongings in his car."
At the end, the police asked you to go home safely and leave the job to the police to solve the case. He gave you his contact card so you can call him if you have new info.
When you reached your home, you were surprised to see Heeseung was was there standing by his car. He waved when he noticed you and waited for you to go to him.
"Hee, what are you doing here? I didn't see you at work."
"Are you okay?"
Heeseung went closer to stand in front of you. He looked so worried but at the same time looked guilty. You can't really understand his expression.
"I'm good. Just a bit sad about Jongseong. Someone found him dead this morning. Why are you here, Heeseung?"
"Y/n, we need to run away."
"What, why?"
"I can't explain to you right now but trust me we really need to run away now, we need to go far away from here."
Now, you saw Heeseung became panic. He keep forcing you to run away and even tried to pull you into his car.
"Heeseung! you can't just force me out of nowhere."
"I'm sorry but we don't really have much time, y/n."
"Okay, I will go with you but not now. Tomorrow, in the morning you pick me up here. Okay?"
That night, you packed your belongings into a bag. You started to tidy up your room until you met with a small figurine beside your books.
"Ahh, yes. I forgot I installed a cctv. I wonder if there is something happened while I was not at home."
You sat on your bed and opened the app that connects your phone with the camera. You watched every videos from the first day you installed it. It didn't have any thing except you spending your day until you clicked on the next video.
Your hands started shaking when you saw a man came into your room and looked at the surrounding and stop when he saw where the hidden camera is. He waved and went under your bed and not come out until now.
The fact that you were sitting on the bed with him under it made you feel all the goosebumps and panic started building up making your heartbeat increased at the same time.
You ran immediately from the bed but the man under your bed was faster to grab at your ankle making you fell hard on the floor.
"Finally, we met darling."
The man turned your body so you can see his face and you were really confused to see unfamiliar but attractive face.
"My name is Sunghoon. I know you might not remember me but we met before."
"You are fucking crazy."
Sunghoon giggled and pulled your leg to shorten the distance between both of you. He was kneeling between your legs and before you could do anything, he started to lean on you and started to kiss your face and neck.
"Stop- ugh- STOP!!! LET ME GO!!!"
"Fuck, it's been a long time since I touched you like this."
"I don't want this!! Nghh- I- AHH!"
"Don't resist it Y/n. I will make it harder than this."
Sunghoon has yawned few times this morning. He didn't get enough sleep from yesterday because of his boss keep forcing him to clean the shop even he is not even the one who should do it and that made him came home very late. Not only that, his boss also keep forcing him to get more customers so they can increase their sales and even threaten to cut some of the pay if didn't meet with the target.
He became more annoyed when the customers mostly tried to get his number and even took his picture without his permission. He wished he can just scream and yell to them to fuck off.
He sighed again when he heard bell ringing from the front door. He got ready to take the order but instead he became captivated by your beauty.
You are different.
You are not like other customers who quickly tried to show their flirting when he wanted to take order.
"Can I get cookies and cream frappe? And I want the blueberry tart and a slice of red velvet cake."
You looked at him after saying your order but Sunghoon felt like he was stuck. His heartbeats started to become faster and he couldn't speak properly.
Perhaps, is he falling in love?
Maybe he did.
And that's when your nightmare begin.
Sunghoon thought it was wrong to follow wherever you go but he couldn't stop himself from doing it. He felt like it was important to know about you. Or what are you wearing and who are you going to meet.
At first, he just followed you when he saw you were out with friends or went to park but he started to follow you to your work and even walked behind you from few metres when you wanted to go home. He even installed a hidden camera inside the lamp that has been put at your apartment. That's how he knew the password. It's crazy how you didn't notice it all until he started to send you flowers at your work.
He loves seeing you become scared. It's so cute that he wished he can hug you.
When he saw you were getting harrased by the guy while you were waiting for your bus, he was really offended and really mad. After he saw the guy ran away from Jongseong and you, he immediately followed him.
The guy turned around and without wasting time, Sunghoon punched him hard on the face and landed a kick at the stomach.
"The fuck man! Why are you doing this?!"
"You disturbed what's mine. So, you deserve it."
No one knows what happened to the guy that night and Sunghoon really made sure to do his job properly without leaving any single evidence.
For Jongseong, Sunghoon killed him when he stayed late doing his work at the office. He was alone at that time so it is perfect time to do it. However, when he was doing some cleaning he noticed someone was in the office. When he wanted to see who was it, the person already ran away and that made Sunghoon became mad.
After he forced the security guard to show him cctv footage, he found out the person who was in the office just now was your friend, Heeseung. He smirked knowing Heeseung will be the next victim.
He watched every Heeseung's moves and he was glad that you didn't quickly choose to run away with Heeseung.
He is glad that you choose to stay in your house for a night not knowing the danger is just very near to you.
Now, with him between your legs you will not get away from him.
For Heeseung, he will do something to that guy later.
Now, he just wanted to enjoy what he's been craving for so long.
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAH SO WHO GUESS IT RIGHT?🤣🤣🤣🤣 I felt so excited writing this for yall🤣🤣
Taglist: @stacey-stonem @duolingofanaccount @huggyuvita @obsessed1with1straykids @wilson-emma @ghostiiess
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askbrozone · 6 months
John Dory
The leader
Don’t call him a square he’s insecure
The heart throb
Dad and husband
The fun one
Serious boy
The sensitive one
Just came back from the dead
The baby
Not a damn baby no more
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This is John Dory here just to give a welcome message as the leader and oldest and also some important things to keep in mind
Please don’t ask us (branch especially) about our parents or grandmothers death
Bruce is married with kids, please don’t hit on him
Floyd is still recovering not just physically but mentally! Pls be mindful of that
Please don’t expect Clay to cheer you up or tell only jokes!
Anything rude or anything we deem to inappropriate will be ignored (unless we collectively decide to show everyone what bold shit you said)
Hope you all enjoy this fun little thing we’ve decided to put together!
(A/N) I don’t own bro zone or the characters. They belong to dream works
(Blog run by @wooziswonderfulworld any questions of the blog will be answered there)
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raayllum · 1 year
Now that we have the trailer, episode titles, and added context from the TDP shorts this season, I thought I’d take a stab at doing another season breakdown since there’s been so much updated information. Let’s dig in!
5x01 — Domina Profundis 
The most likely episode to begin with a deep lore flashback, if any are going to, a la 3x01′s introduction with Sol Regem. This will probably involve Domina Profundis and perhaps her last goodbye to Zubeia after the death of the Empress broke her heart and she disappeared into the oceans. The scene of Ezran retrieving the Siren Stone from Zubeia’s antechambers at the Storm Spire are presumably a ‘missing’ scene from this episode as well, given that he’s with Soren and Corvus, so the group must have gone back to Katolis to pick up the later.
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The first 4ish tracks from the soundtrack also likely belong to this episode.
29. The Beacon (1:44) — Ez, Corvus, and Soren lighting the Beacon to try and summon Domina Profundis.  30. Consequences of Magic (1:32) — Catching us up that Viren passed out for the general audience (hi end credits) and Terry and Clauda thinking about their next move. 31. I Haven’t Forgotten (3:41) — Could be Rayla going down to the dungeons for answers about her family and finding Runaan’s bow, as this is likely the only episode the whole gang will be remotely in Katolis for a while. It could also be inklings of Viren or Karim (Janai being very aware that her brother, while banished/exiled/jailed for now, is still out there.) This could also easily tie into Zubeia. 32. Seeking Answers (3:05) — Could possibly also be Rayla going down to the dungeons in Katolis and/or the kids having their “We need more info on Startouch elves” talk, and making a plan for Callum and Rayla to go to the Great Bookery of Lux Aurea.
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While we know Ezran meets Domina Profundis, I would not be surprised if she says no to helping them and/or provides a dead end (her piece of the puzzle was given to the Empress, and has gone ‘missing’ since) and she retreats back into the waves, forcing Ez and Zubeia to consider other avenues.
5x02 — Old Wounds
Callum and Rayla, if they haven’t already, set out for Lux Aurea. Claudia reluctantly realizes that they can’t spend anymore time waiting for Viren to wake up, and that they have get moving, adjacent to these soundtrack titles.
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33. Early Mornings (0:52) 34. My Most Eager Student (4:58) 35. Keep Moving (3:01)
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Viren could be having this initial talks with Aaravos (in which case the student is Claudia) or it could be about him and Kpp’Ar in dream flashbacks. Early mornings / here could also easily be where Janai gives Amaya the sunforge blade as a gift.
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Last but not least, this is almost definitely where Sol Regem and Karim meet / start to conspire, thanks to Sol Regem’s literal old wounds. Ez and Zubeia shortly travel to where the dragons congregate for his speech.
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5x03 — Nightmares and Revelations
Almost definitively a big episode for Viren with his dark magic induced dreams, as well as Callum possibly having a nightmare while he and Rayla are on the road to Lux Aurea, resulting in the banther chase (threat in the forest). Terry and Claudia literally carrying Viren either has to come from this episode or the prior one, as it seems they make their ‘dream raft’ sooner rather than later in the season.
36. Threat in the Forest (2:30) 37. Dream Raft (2:43) 38. Calling the Dragons of Xadia (3:09) 39. In Your Dreams (1:55)
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This is where the Rayla and Callum “Stargazing” clip would fit as well, before they get attacked by the Banther and have to flee into the night.
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Last but not least, Ezran and Zubeia - likely fearing that without Domina’s help, they won’t be able to successfully beat Claudia to the prison - call upon the dragons of Xadia to instead help hunt her down and stop her along the way, resulting in the water dragon we see pictured a few times attacking her in the trailer (probably in the next episode).
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5x04 — The Great Bookery 
Callum and Rayla arrive in New Aurea and are taken to the Great Bookery with one less mount, aided by Amaya and Kazi, the latter of whom stays to do research with Callum (and possibly with Rayla, but unknown). 
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We also know thanks to the trailer and its backgrounds that Rayla tells Callum about the coins as well while they’re with the Sunfire elves, backed up by the according soundtrack titles:
41. To the Library (2:15) 42. Stay Safe (2:17) 43. Father and Daughter (1:37) 44. Like Aunt, Like Nephew (2:46) 45. We Can Help Them (2:26) 46. We Fight (2:59) - the Big Fight scene that’s featured in the numerous trailers, with Amaya, Callum, and Rayla 47. Rescue at the Great Bookery (4:04)
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Zubeia saves Callum, Rayla, and Amaya from the corrupted banthers at the Great Bookery. (If you look closely, you can see the banthers actually falling down to the right of the screencap.)
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5x05 — Archmage Akiyu 
The gang reunites and pools together what they’ve found, resulting in the location of the prison and knowing who to find next (and where) in Archmage Akiyu, who is probably masquerading around as Tidebound Tina to be left the fuck alone (and to gauge anyone who may come calling for the information she has). This is when they have to go under the shells and follow the old Tidebound lady further. If Zubeia is having a dragon political plot line, this would be a good time to develop it, as well as Janai and Amaya dealing with the aftermath of whatever the hell’s happening in Lux Aurea.
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Tina, either this episode or the next, leads to the kids to some kind of bioluminescent cave (maybe they passed some kind of ‘good intentions’ test) and unveils her staff and true identity as Akiyu.
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The kids either stay here for an ep or one of the ending scenes is where Callum and Rayla have a bit of ‘pool date’ (for lack of a better term - take note of the bucket in the background, and Rayla is smiling briefly before hand, so it certainly seems safe) even if it doesn’t end well.
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Given the context of Ezran’s short story and his complicated feelings about Runaan, I wonder if it’s some kind of disagreement surrounding the situation of Ez, Runaan, and the coins.
48. A Magical Prison (2:14)
5x06 — Bait and Switch
Akiyu, perhaps, has the location of the prison, and clues to where the final piece they need is: some sort of treasure taken from the Empress by the motley pirates who slayed her, and currently in Captain Finnegrin’s grasp in Scumport. 
I can also see this being another big episode for Viren, realizing that Claudia is now the one Aaravos is after rather than himself, and it’s been “a bait and switch” if you will. Viren possibly finally wakes up after being passed out for 2/3rds of the season, his dream visions to an end. 
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Also Bait possibly being used as Bait, and Scumport being a place where Rayla can act as a quasi guide.
5x07 — Sea Legs
The kids make their way to Scumport after Rayla leads them to the ferry with a Charon-like figure and her Finnegrin’s Favour coin to prove it. 
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49. Welcome to Scumport (1:00) 50. Times Are Changing (2:21) 51. Blood Moon Rises (1:30)
It could also have a double meaning if the kids have already been doing some sailing between places and thanks to the promo poster with the octopus/squid (sea legs indeed).
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Karim has either enlisted Kim’Dael (if Zubeia put an end to Sol Regem’s involvement) as another attempt to wedge dissent in his sister’s kingdom, or hearing of the unrest, Kim’Dael has come to make herself known. This may also tie into Claudia’s ‘blood moon’ quasi-vision (symbol?) scene that an awakened Viren seems to witness.
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52. If You Kill Me Now (1:59) - Kim’Dael and Karim or a Callum and Rayla conversation? 53. The Wounded Return (2:13) - the survivors of Kim’Dael’s attack going back to Janai and Amaya with grave news
While in Scumport, the kids steal whatever they need from Finnegrin’s tower, complete with Ezran finally getting to go down another zippy-line-thingy.
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 They’ve either teamed up with Nyx (who seems to be comandeering her own ship) before as an exit strategy, or as a spur of a moment thing. The pirates pursue.
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5x08 — Finnegrin’s Wake
The pirates catch up to them, even with sky magic speed boosts, and Callum possibly gets in a brawl with Finnegrin’s ‘first mate’ (?) Deadwood, who we see in Ch2 of Chasing Shadows is basically unbeatable. This leads to his injuries (the black eye and scrape on his face) although how and why we don’t know. Fingers crossed it’s fucked up and for Rayla (who has possibly stolen from him in the past) bc I can dream. Callum is seemingly made to summon lighting per Finnegrin’s command (notice the sleeve and the fulminus rune) to maybe lure in Domina Profundis, since it seems she has a male Tidebound rival, and Finnegrin is the one male Tidebound elf we’ve been introduced to (and if he benefitted from the Empress’ death, that’d certainly fit).
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54. To Kill an Archdragon (3:03) 55. Not Yours to Give (4:50) - Aaravos magic related flashback? Kim’Dael, Karim, and Janai standoff because Karim can’t free her and Janai is still the rightful heir? 56. Deadwood Deserves Dignity (3:03) 57. Captain of a Crustacean (2:04)
Captain of a Crustacean seems like another reference to Finnegrin, although why it’s being emphasized now, I have no clue. Deadwood Deserves Dignity seems like a funeral, to me (as well as ‘wake’ meaning like in the wake of waves you’re leaving, or a funeral wake) so it’s possible that whatever Callum does here also kills some people. If the pirates were trying to kill Domina, ‘to kill an archdragon’ would fit in nicely, even if she will most likely come in and save the kids when all their boats get blown to splinters.
5x09 — Infantis Sanguine 
Means “Blood of a Child” with a lot of possible options and primal/deep magic implications (“the lost child” referring to both Claudia and my little man, Sir Sparklepuff; Ezran and Zym being literal children; Aaravos deriding the whole dragang as “pathetic children”; Elarion being labelled “a black-eyed child” after Aaravos ‘gave’ magic to it/her). None of it’s good.
58. Zubeia’s Dream (2:54) 59. The Sea of the Castout (4:00)  60. The Prison Should Be Here (3:25) 61. Underwater Showdown (1:41) - hopeful mage fight between Callum and Claudia + everyone else 62. Tomorrow the Sun Will Rise (3:07) - is not a good thing, for reasons I will reaffirm below
S5 will likely end with Aaravos out, the Moon possibly but probably not freed, Janai’s kingdom in shambles and handed over to her brother, and a good deal of extra angst (Viren defecting and alive against his will? Claudia snapping? Other injuries for the main kids) for good measure, because 
1) Nothing good in this show ever happens at dawn (Sarai and the queens of Duren’s deaths, Callum’s possession, the moonstone path disappearing, etc).  2) Love you season long Karim’s metaphor hold out
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3) The humans huddled together, scarcely daring to breathe, awaiting the rise of the sun. And when the long, dark night had finally passed—for the sun must always rise, mustn’t it?—they gazed out upon an unfamiliar landscape. —TDP Reflections: Ripples
As always some of this is inevitably wrong / going to be shuffled around further, and while it may feel like a lot has been revealed, it only just makes me more curious for everything we don’t know as there are still plenty of gaps and all sorts of ways things could go horribly, terribly wrong for our favourite characters in the best of ways. And I cannot wait to see how the season turns out and what’s wrong and what’s right in just under a week!
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intoloopin-archive · 1 year
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Opening up the month with a much anticipated announcement in a not so ideal setting, New Wave Music saw itself corned to confirm LOOPiN's upcoming album after leaking of the comeback logo, tracklist and promotion schedule took place on September 11th.
'Internet War', the group's 4th full album according to the leaked content, is a half hyperpop inspired, half mellow PC pop devoted project set to introduce a new batch of units to the group - two trios and two duos, as seen on their pre-debut era. Aside from dual title tracks 'Jump' and 'Tell Me What To Do', the album will have 12 b-side tracks.
New Wave Music took to social media on the 12th to confirm the content as belonging to LOOPiN, and attaching an official date to the release: October 10th. Curiously enough, no commentary on legal consequences against the prossecutors of the information early released have been found on the statement, fueling rumors that the leak might have come from staff or even the members themselves in some unespected, unconventional form of marketing or preassure to actually release music - something LOOPiN hadn't done since April.
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While the upcoming fictional survival show 'Show Me The One' is taking its time to unravel the official lineup on social media, a varieted amount of entertainment companies have already announced their compeating trainees - divited on the show on teams of multiples of 3s. New Wave Music made no different: on September 16th, the company shared a news outlet confirming trainees Dahyung (25), Chaeun (23) and Furumi (22) of Team RIIDEWAVEE as not only their 'Show Me The One' representatives, but also a third of the lineup of their future girl group, set to debut on the first semester of 2024.
While there's clear rumors of who two out of the three trainees might be - Dahyung is highly especulated to be former MIDNESTRA member Kim Dahyung, while Furumi can't be anyone else but Fukunaga Furumi, Nogizaka46 graduate and the younger sister of LOOPiN's Haruki -, Chaeun is still an unknown name.
We wish the girls good luck on the show and a successful debut!
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TW: mention of suicide.
On September 22th, Choi Sangwon, 41, was found and reported dead in a motel room in rural area Damyang by three witnesses - later confirmed as Idols by a minor south korean tabloid with no real evidence to back it, but a name prestigious enough for it to be taken as truth right away. Any further information on the identity of the alleged celebrities has yet to surface.
Sangwon, who had been a well known manager for multitple K-Pop acts such as 3rd gen leader boy group INPEAK (from 2011 to 2014), one hit wonder girl group Sweet-X (2015), LOOPiN (2016 to 2022) and more recently, rising girl group FairLand (2022). Taking the role of marketing adviser and trainee evaluator in the majority of the companies he worked for, he had a reputation as a creator of opportunities and great judge of star power.
Police confirmed the cause of death as suicide a day later.
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Sangwon's passing seemed to put the final nail in the coffin for the future of Greater Sound Entertainment's FairLand.
Coming from a small company and making their debut in August 2021, FairLand finally gained momentun in February 2023 with the release of their third single, 'Rose Blossom', which gained popularity amoung korean netizens and charted for two entire months near the top 10 and 20 of various music platforms. However, the sixteth was placed on complete hiatus shortly after the end of 'Rose Blossom' promotions, with leader Sangah and maknae Ichiko being completly gone for the group's Youtube and Weverse content streamed from August onwards.
Greater Sound's official note on the disbandment, released on September 25th and personally signed off by CEO Lim Gahyun, reads as follows: "Hello, this is Greater Sound Entertainment's Lim Gahyun. It's with a heavy hearth that we come to you with the announcement of the end of FairLand. I want to make this an opportunity to personally thank the support that we have received in recent years from the general public and Landies. To the members, I'm sorry, and I love you. I hope all of you always, always knows that as truth. Please, keep showing support on the bright journeys of SANGAH, NAHYEON, SOOAH, MINJI, JAZZ and ICHIKO, which are far from over. We hope we all get to shine more brightly and safely from now on."
Not a single member has decided to stay under Greater Sound - which is rummored to terminate all operations on the following months.
We hope to see what the future has in store for each and every single one of the former members. #ThankYouFairLand!
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LOOPiN member Haruki, who had been set to appear at Milan Fashion Week on the 26th as a guest of Vianfino, taking active duty as one of the ficitonal brand's declared muses and first global ambassador, took fans and media by surprise by not appearing in Italy.
Hours after the Vianfino runway started with Haruki's front row seat left empty, New Wave Music released a statment on the commotion, declaring that from now on, "all upcoming activities which will not involve or enrich 'Internet War' promotions directly, that taking in consideration not only Haruki's current public schedule, but of all the members of the group, have been indeterminantly cancelled' - which as far as we know of includes a Hanjae photoshoot for Esquire Korea alongside the cast of his newest drama series, J.J and Haegon's appearence on a late October episode of Return Of Superman, and a special fansign event for Gyujin's birthday on October 17th.
To quote the company's official note: "All the LOOPiN members have decided to prioritize their walk into a new era as a team. We ask the public's understanding and the respect of this personal choice taken by the group as a whole."
As expected, the public hasn't been convinced by New Wave Music's vague reasoning, with the majority of fans online suspecting some sort of punishment or ban being placed on the LOOPiN members - a theory highly supported by the quiet and unusual state of the members personal Instagram and Tiktok pages, all colecively not updated since the 24th.
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And I don't wanna believe
That maybe this is the end
I know you're kind of a tease
But is this really pretend
Something tells me I'm wrong
With you I never can tell
The way you drag me along
The way I put you through hell
Well tell me am I insane
Is this where we belong?
Is it pleasure or pain
That we're still hanging on?
Going outta my head
You know true love is dead
But what you said has got me hanging on
I can't help but walk through your landmines
Ten feet and I'm going outta my mind
I'm not right without you, is that so wrong?
I can't help but walk through your landmines
I'm bleeding and all I need is a sign
I'm out here and I've been waiting so long
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herearedragons · 9 months
WIP Thursday
Tagged by @dungeons-and-dragon-age! This time, we have another character's intro from The Breach.
Aqun Adaar’s journal. 12 Drakonis, 9:41 Dragon. Bought a new journal. Lost the previous one in the mountains during the last job; unfortunate, but at least it didn’t contain any important research. Obligatory introduction: this journal belongs to Aqun Adaar, currently employed by the Valo-Kas company. If found on my dead body, please return to Shokrakar, commander of the Valo-Kas, or to Cecilia Fiore-Adaar, Ostwick University. We arrived at Haven yesterday, three days ahead of schedule; lucky for us, because our accommodations needed some revising. The Chantry mothers wanted us to share our living quarters with the local templars, which was impossible for several reasons; after a prolonged argument with Shok, they conceded and bought out several inns to house us for the duration of the Conclave.
Tagging: @curiouslavellan @ndostairlyrium @blarrghe
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coochiequeens · 1 year
Dozens of women are dead and the President of Honduras is not accepting any responsibility.
TEGUCIGALPA, Honduras — A grisly riot at a women's prison in Honduras Tuesday left at least 41 women dead, most burned to death, in violence the country's president blamed on "mara" street gangs that often wield broad power inside penitentiaries.
Twenty-six of the victims were burned to death and the remainder shot or stabbed at the prison in Tamara, about 30 miles (50 kilometers) northwest of the Honduran capital of Tegucigalpa, said Yuri Mora, the spokesman for Honduras' national police investigation agency. At least seven inmates were being treated at a Tegucigalpa hospital.
"The forensic teams that are removing bodies confirm they have counted 41," said Mora.
Video clips shown by the government from inside the prison showed several pistols and a heap of machetes and other bladed weapons that were found after the riot. Honduran President Xiomara Castro said the riot was "planned by maras with the knowledge and acquiescence of security authorities." "I am going to take drastic measures!" Castro wrote in her social media accounts.
Prisoners belonging to the feared Barrio 18 gang reportedly burst into a cell block and shot other inmates or set them afire. Relatives awaiting news about inmates gathered outside the morgue in Tegucigalpa. They confirmed that inmates in the prison had told them they lived in fear of the Barrio 18 gang.
Johanna Paola Soriano Euceda was waiting for news about her mother Maribel Euceda, and sister, Karla Soriano. Both were on trial for drug trafficking, but were held in the same area as convicted prisoners. Soriano Euceda said they had told her on Sunday that "they (Barrio 18 members) were out of control, they were fighting with them all the time. That was the last time we talked."
Another group of dozens of anxious, angry relatives gathered outside the prison, located in a rural area about 20 miles (30 kilometers) from the capital. "We are here dying of anguish, of pain ... we don't have any information," said Salomón García, whose daughter is an inmate at the facility. Azucena Martinez, whose daughter was also being held at the prison, said "there are a lot of dead, 41 already. We don't know if our relatives are also in there, dead."
Julissa Villanueva, head of the country's prison system, suggested the riot started because of recent attempts by authorities to crack down on illicit activity inside prisons and called Tuesday's violence a reaction to moves "we are taking against organized crime." "We will not back down," Villanueva said in a televised address after the riot.
Gangs wield broad control inside the country's prisons, where inmates often set their own rules and sell prohibited goods. They were also apparently able to smuggle in guns and other weapons, a recurring problem in Honduran prisons."The issue is to prevent people from smuggling in drugs, grenades and firearms," said Honduran human rights expert Joaquin Mejia. "Today's events show that they have not been able to do that."
The riot appears to be the worst tragedy at a female detention center in Central America since 2017, when girls at a shelter for troubled youths in Guatemala set fire to mattresses to protest rapes and other mistreatment at the badly overcrowded institution. The ensuing smoke and fire killed 41 girls.The worst prison disaster in a century also occurred in Honduras, in 2012 at the Comayagua penitentiary, where 361 inmates died in a fire possibly caused by a match, cigarette or some other open flame. Tuesday's riot may increase the pressure on Honduras to emulate the drastic zero-tolerance, no-privileges prisons set in up in neighboring El Salvador by President Nayib Bukele. While El Salvador's crackdown on gangs has given rise to rights violations, it has also proved immensely popular in a country long terrorized by street gangs
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daryl-dixon-writes · 2 years
Writing prompts
1) “Let me guess. You caused it?”
2) “No, YOU have a problem!”
3) “You call it a problem, I call it a solution.”
4) “Well, what can I say? I’m a badass.”
5) “Do I get bonus points if I act like I care?”
6) “(Y/n), I don’t ever want to hear say that ever again. I almost lost you, and I can’t bear to hear that.”
7) “Excuse me, I have to go make a scene.”
8) “I already know I’m going to hell. At this point, it’s really go big or go home.”
9) “How the f*ck did you survive that?”
10) “Keep away from me, before I do something I’ll regret later on.”
11) “Don’t you ever take a break?”
12) “Touch her, and you’re dead!”
13) “I’ll come back for you, I promise.”
14) “We’re not alone.”
15) “Keep your eyes closed and don’t make a sound.”
16) “Listen to what I’m trying to tell you!”
17) “I have something for you.”
18) “Happy birthday, (Y/n).”
19) “Baby, we are the law.”
20) “They’re have to go through me before they get to you.”
21) “I won’t let anything happen.”
22) “Stay close to me.”
23) “Are they going to find us?”
24) “Not as long as you’re with me.”
25) “You don’t intimidate me. Drop the act.”
26) “Put the knife down, I’m not going to hurt you.”
27) “For once, I’m not the bad guy here.”
28) “Who doesn’t?”
29) “I know, thanks.”
30) “I’m I that unimportant?”
31) “I’m sorry.”
32) “If anything, you’re more zombie then human.”
33) “Are we really going to just sit back and watch this happen?”
34) “That’s crazy talk! I’m not doing that!”
35) “I told you this was a terrible idea.”
36) “Can you breathe? Where does it hurt?”
37) “I’m like, 99% this is illegal.”
38) “I don’t make the rules, here.”
39) “I don’t like the person you’re becoming.”
40) “Oh? I don’t like you much either!”
41) “Not fair!”
42) “I’m not stupid! Where is she?”
43) “(Y/n)… long time, no see.”
44) “It’s not that funny! Shut up!”
45) “Hey! I kept your secret, why didn’t you keep mine like you promised?”
46) “I hate you.”
47) “I don’t f*cking care! You’re supposed to be mine, you belong with me!”
48) “Do you not trust me?”
49) “How would you know?”
50) “I can see she’s into you just as much as you are in her.”
51) “I have nothing to say to you.”
52) “You don’t have to do this!”
53) “I told you not to get close to me, (Y/n)!”
54) “I gave you a chance to run, but you didn’t take it and now you know why.”
55) “Hate me all you want, but I will always love you.”
56) “Just be careful out there, okay?”
57) “If you don’t mind, I would like to live a lie that I can survive.”
58) “Please.. let me help you.”
59) “I’m tired of watching you suffer like this, (Y/n). Can you please have (f/c) help you find a doctor?”
59) “You’re coming with me.”
60) “You better do as I say!”
61) “Do not test my patience with you, (Y/n). It’s dangerous.”
62) “Why are you doing this?”
63) “How could you?”
64) “You’re not the man I once called my lover, for the time being at least. Deep within you, is where he remains and I want him back.”
65) “Please don’t yell at me.”
66) “Not again.”
67) “You’re my greatest treasure.”
68) “I love you, and you only.”
69) “Please come back with me. I miss you just as well as everyone else.”
70) “I never meant to hurt you, I never mean what I say.”
71) “I wouldn’t trade you for the world.”
72) “I detect a little sarcasm there, missy.”
73) “Watch yourself.”
74) “Do whatever, just don’t get involved with the wrong crowd.”
75) “It could lead you to danger and possibly death.”
76) “Did you not sleep again last night, (Y/n)?”
Requests: OPEN
Character list:
• Rick Grimes
• Shane Walsh
• Daryl Dixon
• Glenn
• Negan
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eyes-of-mischief · 1 year
weekly fic recs | 41
fandoms: bsd, dc, hp, svsss, tgcf
A Game of Chance by freefan1412
Instead of following Oda himself, Dazai arranges for his life to be saved by making a call to someone who has the means. That has consequences, chief among them that he could not have handed Mori a better card against him if he tired.
Brother Wanted by Vamillepudding
Well-behaved boy (10) is looking for big brother (11-15). Must meet up with me three times a week, for at least two hours each. Overall duties include helping me with homework, playing videogames with me, and showing me how to play catch. 10$ per hour.
Tim, lonely and in desperate need of company, decides that if his parents are not going to give him a sibling, he's going to hire one instead. Luckily, Jason Todd-Wayne shows up in the nick of time.
family and other wonders by resonance_and_d
Harry was supposed to pick- move on and be with his parents, or go back to finish the battle with Voldemort. But even Dumbledore doesn't know everything, and Harry finds that there are actually a lot more options than those two.
Harry wants more than what he got. He wants a home. He wants a family. He wants a chance to be happy. He isn't sure he deserves all that, but he's going to try anyway. If only to spite Dumbledore and Voldemort's plans both.
OR: Harry Potter wakes up ten years old but with all of his memories from age seventeen. He immediately begins to make Mistakes.
my head is bloody, but unbowed by NorthernRanger
Once again, she lifted the spell, and the wizard behind him moved forward. He reached down and took hold of Harry’s arm, pulling his shaking body up and twisting his arm behind him. “We should take him to the Dark Lord,” he said, and Harry’s heart beat wildly. Voldemort was dead. The war had ended. What was going on?
Ouroboros by NovusArs
(mature) (graphic depictions of violence)
Salazar Slytherin woke up in the body of a three-year-old boy with the most ridiculous head of black hair & a runic scar carved into his forehead. The last thing he recalled was dying. Now it is over 900 years in the future. There are a million things to deal with between new inventions, lost knowledge, missing spirits, & parasitic dark lords.
hey. by Nomette
After a strange artifact transports Shen Qingqiu to a world where the Peak Lords are demons, he is captured by Demon Lord Liu Qingge of the Burning Valley. Demon romance ensues, and Shen Qingqiu is forced to confront the fact that maybe he didn't know his world's Liu Qingge as well as he thought he did.
take me home, bury me there by nyoomerr
(mature) (graphic depictions of violence)
When Shen Qingqiu transmigrates, he finds himself in a world where heartbreak can make a person fall apart - literally, since those who are heartbroken crack open starting from the space over their heart, and only cultivators can survive the blood loss by using their qi to hold their blood inside their bodies where it belongs.
Having a physical indicator like this that alerts Shen Qingqiu in real time of the hearts he's breaking... well, it changes things.
Luo Binghe, somehow, still ends up suffering more than Shen Qingqiu ever wants him too.
Something Foreknown by crowdedcafe
E-ming is born with a hole in his heart and an emptiness in his soul. Through centuries of hearing stories about Hua Cheng's beloved, E-ming grows to love the man he was born missing.
Whoops, I Almost Killed You Again 天官赐苦,鬼拂🈲️忌 by TentativeWanderer 
As if on cue, the silver chain snapped for no reason whatsoever. Xie Lian startled and attempted to catch it as it fell, but a burst of bad luck ensured that it slipped through his fingers and went tumbling merrily down the slope. Catch me, come catch me, the ring winked in the sunlight. Naturally, Xie Lian attempted to do so. Naturally, he stubbed his toe on a root, toppled over, and rolled down the hill in hot, uncontrollable pursuit of the ring.
For a ghost, giving your ashes to a loved one is a high-risk decision. Giving your ashes to the God of Disaster is a tremendously high-risk decision.
Hua Cheng is the most qualified being to make that decision. And, as Xie Lian discovers, a Ghost King does not do take-backsies.
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nightmaremp · 3 months
Weremayhem: Song of Beasts. Ch 41: Pictures of Lost Memories
Nora looked over to the trash can that had pictures in it, Zoot’s pictures. “Wait” said the black haired female as she walked over to the trash can. 
“Zoot threw away his camera?” she asked as she saw the camera sitting on top of the pictures in the trash can. Label Lady picks up the camera from the trash as Hannah walk over to her sister. 
And his pictures” Nora added as she picked up some pictures. 
“Yeah, Zoot’s gone digital” replied Hannah. 
“Hey Animal” said Label Lady as she looked at the pictures in her hands. 
“Huh?” replied Animal as he looked at the black haired female. 
“What do you say we forget about all of this and just remember the good times?” replied Nora as she hold up the pictures. 
“Good times?” replied the drummer. 
Label Lady picked up a VCR tape of The Muppet Show, Elton John episode and put it into the player of the TV. Her, Hannah, and the wild man all sit down on the couch. “Good times” said Animal as they watched the episode. 
On the TV screen, Elton John was singing while the Mayhem was playing along with him. “The band was perfect, just being the Mayhem,” said Nora. 
“No phones, no goals” she added with a sad tone in her voice. “Just music and each other” said Label Lady. 
“At least you helped them make that album, right?” replied Hannah with a soft smile. 
“Yeah” replied Hannah’s sister. “But I think this whole time, I’ve been focusing on the wrong album,” she added with a sigh. 
Nora sits up from the couch and opens her family photo album. She looked through it, all the photos of her and Hannah, from kids to adults. Then she stops at a blank page in the album book. Label Lady starts to pick up Zoot’s pictures he took and place them on the blank pages of the family album. 
The black haired female softly smiles as she looks at each picture. When she finished, she looked at the good memories. “Growing up, I watched our family fall apart,” Nora said. 
“I’m not gonna let it happen to this one,” she added. 
Meanwhile, on a hill. Moog was sitting on top of his trailer while Lewis and Annie were sleeping on his bed. He looked at the city down below. Nora slowly walks up to the trailer and spots the black haired male. “Hey!” Label Lady said in a soft yet loud enough voice for him to hear her. 
“How’d you find me?” he asked with a huff. 
“Well, my sister kinda has a knack for cyber-stalking people on the internet” replied Nora. A horn honks behind the black haired female. They both look over. Hannah and Animal were in the car that belonged to Hannah. 
“Moog!” said the drummer with a chuckle. “Nora,” he added. 
“What are you doing up there?” asked the black haired female to the Mayhem fan. 
“You know, just contemplating my life choices. Now that my favorite band has fallen apart and that I’m taking care of the band leader’s kids” replied Moog. 
“It’s not like anybody warned you” he added as he turned to face Label Lady. 
“I know, okay?” replied Nora. “We were a team and I let JJ get in the way. I blew it” she added. The black haired male hop off the trailer’s roof and landed on his feet. 
“Look, whatever you want, I’m just not interested,” replied Moog as he turned to look at the city below. Same with the black haired female. 
“You will be” replied Nora. “I don’t care what it takes,” she added. 
“The Electric Mayhem will play the Hollywood Bowl” said Label Lady. 
“Nora, come on,” replied the Mayhem fan. “There is no Electric Mayhem,” he added. 
“Not unless we fix this” the black haired female replied. “Please” she added as Moog shakes his head. 
“Moog, they need you,” said Nora. There was silence between the two. She takes a deep breath. 
“I need you,” she added. He looks over to Label Lady with a bit of shock. The black haired male was dead silent, he didn’t know what to say. 
“Can you please say something?” she asked. 
“I say…” Moog started to say before he shut his mouth for a bit. “Let’s get the band back together” he said with a soft smile on his face. 
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Sneak Peak to Solar Opposites: Mighty Solars Issue #41: “Stolen” Pt. 2:
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Terry, Jesse, Monica and the other humans nod at each other for the signal and finally decided to use their escape plan.
Jesse: I’m thirsty!
Kevin’s Son: I gotta go pee!
Terry: Me too!
Bullet: Hey! Keep it down over there! Or points to some unconscious prisoners you’re all gonna end up like them!
The three captured Mighty Solars and their human allies look at the prisoners and gasp.
All: Ooh. Ow. That’s not fresh. That’s gotta leave a mark!
Cherie: Sir, please. Have mercy. Can we please have some water? There are children and a baby here!
Bullet comes over to give the prisoners some water, but luckily, Monica secretly uses her speed to wish the keys away from the guards.
Bullet: Oh, so you have come to attack me?! Fine! Now nobody gets water! walks away I can’t believe I was forced to stay here and keep on some brats while the others ware watching a crazy woman get destroyed. I can fucking hold a bowl of mercury.
Monica quietly hands Cherie the keys as she hands Pezlie over to Terry, who starts holding her carefully as Cherie uses the keys to unlock the chains on her hands. It worked, until…
Bullet: Hey! What do you think you’re doing? suddenly gets hit by a purple lightning beam
Vil-Gil-An-T appears along with Qausarblast, Mighty Pupa, Starburst, Nova and Montez as Qausarblast uses his invisibility to outrun some of the guards. The guards were defeated once Montez uses an electric pole to knock out the last one.
Cherie: Montez! Phoebe! You guys are okay.
Montez: I was so worried about you.
Phoebe: Me too!
Phoebe hugs Cherie. Vil-Gil-An-T and Qausarblast then unlocks the chains and helps free the prisoners.
Jesse: hugs Vil-Gil-An-T You’re alive! I can’t believe it!
Yumyulack/Vil-Gil-An-T: So? I got knocked out of the sky! You think that’s gonna get rid of me permanently!
Jesse playfully punches Vil-Gil-An-T’s shoulder as the two siblings smiled.
Terry: Wait?! Where’s Kevin and Sherbet?!
Korvo/Qausarblast: sighs I’m sorry, but the Silver Blades got them!
Kevin’s Wife: What?!
Kevin’s Kids: No! Not daddy! Please daddy, don’t die!
Jesse: What do we do now?!
Korvo/Qausarblast: Don’t worry, we just need to come up with a plan! But first first, is everyone here?
Kevin’s Wife: No. No, some of us were lucky. But, they took Frankie, Cooke, Perez, Mia, Randall, Darcy and Jaime with them!
Cherie: We’re so glad you aliens are here! If it weren't for you guys, we would been dead for real.
Yumyulack/Vil-Gil-An-T: So, I'm guessing that Qourra chose her side.
Mark: Yep.
Cherie: So that's how it is then.
Nova: I'm afraid so.
Yumyulack/Vil-Gil-An-T: So how should we handle her now?
Montez: That's the thing. There is no more handle now.
Nova: What does that mean?
Monica: transforming into Lightspeed No more running away!
Phoebe/Starburst: No more holding back.
Jesse: transforming into Fung-Irl No more giving in.
Vil-Gil-An-T: And no more hiding.
Korvo/Qausarblast: The Silver Blades are the real criminals.
Terry: transforming into Mighton And we're going to stop her. Whatever it takes.
Korvo/Qausarblast: Come on guys! We got a planet and some humans to save!
The Mighty Solars and their human friends head to the lab where the rest of captive prisoners are at and prepares to save the day and their friends, who are being tested on!
Phoebe MacCarthy/Starburst and Monica Miller/Lightspeed belongs to @themagicwolf6677
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vampireassistant · 5 months
Do the tags on your pinned post stand for specific things?
I'll just use this as an excuse to make a list of my tags so i can check if I ever forget (one day I may even add links):
blood brothers -> jack and me
ones listed on my pinned post:
#everybody loves a clown -> me posts
#hell doesn't want us -> house of 1000 corpses/rejects
#guts and glory -> 2001 maniacs
#born feral -> texas chainsaw massacre
#designer heart -> repo! the genetic opera
#needles and pins -> spaulding/otis
#it's your blood that I bleed -> darren/mr. crepsley
#you were born to be my gallows -> catch all for father/son posts
#glamor and cruelty -> pavi/luigi
#700 club -> christian imagery
#matthew 25:41 -> hell imagery
#or you're a dog and I'm your man. -> dog stuff for jack
#x -> personal
#xxx -> porn
#☆ -> me
#♡ -> jack
#☆♡ -> me + jack
#22nd -> antebellum/civil war
as for the numbers those are just various catch all aesthetic tags, usually for decades.
I also have other tags that arent pinned so I'll just list the ones off the top of my head:
#meaner than a junkyard dog -> otis driftwood
#angel baby -> baby firefly
#voodoo dolly -> tiffany valentine
#good guy -> chucky
#we belong dead -> chucky/tiffany
#brother bomb -> luigi largo
#eyecandy -> pavi largo
#miss narcissist -> amber sweet
#lacrymosa -> blind mag
#dope hat -> jervis tetch
#fear inoculum -> jonathan crane
#oleander -> jonathan/jervis
#red right hand -> cirque du freak
#head like a hole -> steve leopard
#burning memory -> the walten files
#just friends -> jack/felix
#devil -> jack tag
#I am a victim of the science age -> atomic/space age aesthetic
#honeysuckle blues -> homesick tag
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goodtimesmanor · 5 months
OC introduction
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Ares Manor Age - 41 Pronouns & Gender - CIsgender Male, He/Him Sexuality - Homoflexible Personality -
Ares is overall a wild card, he's a bit unpredictable for people that don't really know him. He's cocky and witted, very chaotic in the moment and can easily charm his way out of situations (minus Nevada who doesn't tolerate his bullshit charm at first).
Ares doesn't remember his childhood much, he remembers growing up with absenty parents and he remembers that his parents loved him even if they neglected to show that love to him. He had a somewhat normal life, he was human, he was bullied a little bit in highschool, things that are normal in a life of a weird kid.
When he turned 17 he was brought into The Sisterhood by Vanissa Hollywood, the leader of the mafia group, after being caught attempting to hide a body poorly. He had been in a incident where someone was trying to mug him and he killed the person in self defense, shaken up and being threatened to be told on, Ares accepted the choice to join the group instead of going to jail. For a while he had stayed low and decided to be an accountant for The Sisterhood, he didn't want to bother trying to be an assassin because the thought of killing someone again was something that terrified him. Despite The Sisterhood being majority of women, he didn't mind being one of the few males to be in the group, he considered some of them like his sisters, they always looked out for him.
When he turned 24 he started to notice how Vanissa was very obsessive over him, he had tried dating her for a little bit when he turned 18, and it lasted for a few years. He hadn't noticed any red flags, despite being constantly gaslighten and manipulated by her whenever they got into fights when he wasn't in the wrong. He only began to notice how bad the obsession was when he broke up with her a few months before he turned 24 and when his sisters pointed it out.
Vanissa was highly controlling of him, not letting him try to be an assassin when he got the courage to after so long, with the excuse of her not wanting him to see him hurt, out of spite and to prove to her he can do a job so lethal, he attempted to blow up one of the smaller mafia groups that were messing around with The Sisterhood. He died in the process, He had stayed dead for a few months with his body being reserved by Vanissa before he was revived from a vampiric ritual she performed. Despite only been a few months, Ares had been stuck in a limbo for 17 years, He had been alone for a while, wondering the surreal place and adapting to it to call it home before he was brought back.
Ares was tired of how Vanissa's possessiveness had gotten, he was constantly being monitered despite being fine for the most part after his revival. He felt trapped, isolated from the outside world. One day he had enough and packed some belongings, saying to their security that he was put on a mission by Vanissa after so long, security didn't question it with how trustful they were of him and not expecting him to run away. He found an apartment that was unknowingly a few blocks away from Nevada's casino and settled down for a bit.
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Nevada Corazon Age - 38 Gender & Pronouns - Afab Genderfluid, She/Her/Him Sexuality - Gay Personality - Nevada is very observant of the people around her, she's confident as a role of a leader and casino owner. She's a risk taker when she needs to be and is considered morally grey by the people around her, she has a strong pokerface even if her wings expose her emotions. Despite not looking like it, she's paranoid about people constantly taking advantaged of her due to her rank.
Facts about her (we do not currently have her backstory fully planned out yet and still in the process of heavy worldbuilding)
She wears glasses due to her bad vision (sometimes wears contacts and uses a walking cane if she's going into unfamiliar places she cant adapt to without her glasses or contacts) She was arranged marriage to her two ex fiances for alliance with her old mafia groups, she broke off the marriaged and left the group to create her own
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