#we INVENTED canon
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notfeelingthyaster · 9 months ago
coming back to this post almost two years later to say that we (almost) doubled it!!! just in time for the newest season and more fifteen minutes of content!
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we did that with 15min of screentime and vaguely homoerotic energy, i'm proud
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pokeberry5 · 1 month ago
i finished resolve and i love it sm ;-; i'm planning to go through and redraw some of my favorite moments, so i'll probably be posting these in batches. stay tuned
edit: next batch ; also adventures
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i can't believe we got crossdressing in an ace attorney game. i love that the entire court keeps talking about how handsome ryuutaro is
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what would we do without susato.
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duncanor · 3 months ago
How can Jayvik not be romantic when they were directly put in parallel to Ekko/Jinx in the good timeline.
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knight-says-rollout · 2 years ago
“how would it work if Cybertronians had disabilities” “What if there were disabled Cybertronians”
loosing my mind at how some things that are So good can be So niche why can’t we just be a hivemind
Just one example, my favorite example, is:
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Shattered Glass Soundwave!!!
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He’s gone through Multiple reformats varying between with his consent and,,, not. The latest of which took place when they didn’t have many materials
So they used half earth metals half Cybertronian ones
As it turns out? Those two things don’t mix very well. His joints are Horrible. They lock up randomly, the worst of which being the door to his tape deck.
He physically isn’t able to dock his cassettes reliably because they might get stuck in there.
What does he do to fix this? So glad you asked!! He has his own assistive aids, in this case: a portable external carrying case
It was made and personalized to work specifically for him and his situation
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I love him
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ckret2 · 4 months ago
So the trick to get you in the groove to work on on oc stuff is that first you put them in a fic for something your alredy working on and rhen let them bloom
You say that like you think I haven't tried it.
The problem is, for the way I write fanfic—I go hardcore on the canon compatibility—a really good fanfic OC has to be woven so deeply into the context of the original canon universe and canon story that you can't rip the canon out of them without undermining the whole foundation of their identity as a character. One you remove the canon, all you're left with is superficial surface details that no longer make sense without the canon you've stripped away.
For me developing the kind of OC that could stand wholly independent from the source material means a failure to write the kind of OC that I feel is appropriate for the fanfic I created the OC for. If the OC is whole and complete and fully developed and needs nothing if you remove the original canon context, then what the hell are they doing in that canon anyway? If the canon has no major impact on who they are?
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revvethasmythh · 6 months ago
it's been weeks and i'm still so compelled by the background storyline of hawke going to weisshaupt after here lies the abyss. like. it makes no damn sense. maybe if hawke has a living sibling who is a grey warden, you can twist the logic of it, but i did not have that and also hawke said she wanted to make sure corypheus died and neither staying in the fade NOR going to weisshaupt really accomplishes this goal. like there is NO reason for hawke to be up at weisshaupt, this is not in her lane, this is not her business, her skin is NOT clear, her crops are NOT watered. the wardens are not the responsibility of your Just Some Guy from Kirkwall who has potentially zero connections to the wardens at all except for that one time they super causally tried to use her as a blood sacrifice (maybe she and the first warden can laugh about it some day, but somehow i doubt it!).
BUT. but. the mental imagine of hawke going there and then her sibling (if alive) and her love interest ALSO going there, just to meet up with her, makes it so bonkers funny i don't even care if it doesn't make sense. wtf do you mean hawke family reunion relationship drama in the austere home of the wardens where they all show up and then the entire leadership of the wardens suddenly implodes as civil war breaks out and then their asses get STUCK there. wtf do you mean hawke inadvertently sticks her ass in the middle of yet another civil war while simultaneously having to patch things up with her LI and deal with a sibling dynamic at the same time. hawke can't catch a fucking break istg. it's just her, her sibling, and her LI as their own little three person party while some truly WILD shit goes down and the epilogues are all ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ about what happens other than like two lines that put the most insane images into my head. there's a sped-up video of this going down in my mind with the benny hill theme playing in the background. why does varric talk like hawke is still at weisshaupt during trespasser, which takes place two entire years after hawke was meant to go there to give a basic report and then dip. how is this THE most hawke thing to ever happen and we're just. told nothing more about it except that varric got One™️ message from her via an entire smuggling syndicate that essentially says "damn, shits crazy here" and that he assumes hawke will walk away from the building while it's exploding sometime in the near future because apparently the conflict there is not yet resolved. again, this is TWO YEARS LATER. like trespasser is fun and all but truly can we revisit wtf this was all about because WHAT
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helenofblackthorns · 4 months ago
I'm sorry is *checks notes* Kit Herondale on Belial's wiki page listed as a notable descendant??? as his "adoptive grandson"?????? he's in love with Belial's actual descendant who wrote this
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boatboys · 3 months ago
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actually on the topic of old drawings; the first-ever drawings I did of Rich, Liam, and Sol turned up on my deep-dive of old discord messages and I was compelled to redraw/compare!
Rich very much predates the worldbuilding of the Michigan Fleet universe, as one of Key/rollerskatinglizard's oldest OCs, and was originally just a normal amount of un-tweaked big and buff dude, although I also sucked at drawing people with body mass back when I drew these lol. It does make me laugh that the huge crooked nose and sad, downturned eyes have been a constant from sketch one!
Liam predates the Michigan Fleet as well and was originally mine! He..... hasn't changed much actually haha. Although his size/prettiness/temper being a genetic modification is new, from the first lengthy discussion of mods where fourhands and hastings both got established (although not by those names). It looks like I coined the mod name "Babydoll", which I do NOT remember doing.
Sol was the most Group Effort of these three, looking back at the messages: Key invented a salty little gorgeous asshole with modded hearing for a snatch of interaction in a wildly different context than his new introduction; roach was the one who suggested the elf ears and iridescent hair to go along with it, I was the one who suggested he was from New York and threw several large pinches of "a big tsundere about Rich" into the mix, and a lot of the much later patrician worldbuilding was roach.
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alistairlowee · 1 month ago
I just know that Matthew and James call each other pet names like darling and love all the time
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midnightstargazer · 1 year ago
There's a tendency in the Marauders fandom that I don't think I've ever seen to this extent before, of making no distinction between headcanon/fanon and canon. Granted, I only started getting back into fandom stuff within the past year, but I was involved with a lot of different ones in my teens and early twenties, including an earlier version of the HP fandom. There was always a distinction.
With Marauders fandom, it's not just "I totally forgot Remus isn't obsessed with chocolate in canon" or "it never actually says Mary and Lily were close friends, but I think it makes sense if they were." A lot of the time, there's no distinction at all between what was in canon, what was in a really popular popular fanfic, and what somebody just made up five minutes ago. It's more like:
"I think people forget that [headcanon]"
"It's so sad that [headcanon]"
"When [headcanon happened], [character] totally [did/felt/thought] [whatever]"
And it's so often totally out-of-left-field stuff that has nothing to do with canon - ships that are never even hinted at, details about characters that are literally mentioned once, etc. Or even things that directly contradict canon, not as AU/canon divergence ideas, but as facts.
Is this because we all hate JKR? Because a lot of newer fans haven't read the books/seen the movies? IDK, but I feel like there's an issue with just stating things as fact when they're very much not. Like, I'd rather read about why someone thinks [insert headcanon here] - whether that involves analyzing and critiquing the canon text or something as simple as "I think it would be cool." Headcanons are great! But I think something gets lost when we forget they're headcanons.
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hidey-writes · 3 months ago
six sentence sunday
The apartment is so quiet without his mom there. He’s pretty sure his dad has work, but Gu Yiran thinks he might be home anyway. He can’t tell. When his dad was home before, Gu Yiran always knew, because his mom would talk more, would laugh more, even in his room doing homework or reading he could hear the musical lilt of her asking a question, and more faintly the occasional low rumble of his reply. She used to sing in the afternoons, when it was just her and Gu Yiran at home, waiting for his dad to come back, We’ll drink a cup of kindness yet, for the sake of auld lang syne, her favorite song, his voice wobbling up to meet hers in the melody. But without her, Gu Yiran can’t tell; he can’t hear him.
since every episode of this show has a cute little snippet of thing before the title credits, i've decided i want to pay homage to that in the structure of this fic. behold: me deciding gu yiran is a mama's boy, and also that there's Personal Significance to him singing auld lang syne on his birthday, because it hurts my feelings the most hehe
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pinacoladamatata · 8 months ago
if they Tamlen solas' ass, that might just be IT for me
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nostalgia-tblr · 11 months ago
i must admit i think fandom is far nicer to the jotuns than that thor movie they're in was. cos yeah they got their Magic Box stolen but the civilian applications of it are never specified (idk, Magic of some kind?) and we only ever see it used as a weapon, by a people who themselves only ever attack others unprovoked. the most sympathtic jotun we the audience ever meet is the main villain of the movie.
i think fandom's version of events is a much more nuanced one than what that film actually manages (or even attempts) to do on its own.
possibly my view of the Marvel American-Militarism-Is-Great Universe was jaded from the very start but... *gestures towards hollywood blockbusters in general*
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seriousbrat · 1 year ago
me inventing an entire magical drinking game as well as a whole language system and social structure for the goblins and then not really including them in my fic lol
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zukkacore · 8 months ago
It’s funny bc you’d think I’d be like good for Porter for being able to grow a little bit and love this current Jace after the detect thoughts teleport time travel dream space meld but my real feelings on it are like. Porter I get that you were so moved by Jace loving you to the point of invention I think anyone would be but why did it have to take that much for you to get there. Why did he have to rip through space and time for you to see him
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nyxi-pixie · 8 months ago
nothing pisses me off like sadbait posts abt characters when the post is trying too hard to be sad. fakeass miseryer i saw u talking complete bollocks to make a sad post abt a character who is a walking well of angst potential and failing completely
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