#wc villains
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romanvalgo-designwc · 1 month ago
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celestralferretdesigns · 2 years ago
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songleap · 2 months ago
do you ever think about how much more interesting and compelling hawkfrost couldve been as a villain in a world where he faked the moth's wing omen for his sister because he saw it as doing something nice for someone he cared about and didnt understand why it made her so upset and slowly grew to resent her and abuse the power of that secret over her instead of him just doing it because he was born evil or whatever
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bonefall · 6 months ago
Clear Sky threw his son in front of a fox?!
YES!! He SHOVED him in front of a fox! It's in fury from the fact Thunder refused to kill Frost. This entire section is VERY poorly paced and glances over it in two paragraphs, so most people don't fully register it.
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Clear Sky dragged Thunder down off the stump and shoves him at it, blaming him for bringing the fox to camp with his loud disobedience.
He then leaves Thunder to fight this fox on his own. Leaf and Falling Feather jump in to help him of their own accord. Clear Sky then tries to praise him for being strong and Thunder tells him to shove off for the first and last time.
It's not the last baby of his he knowingly and consciously endangers to prove a point. In Moth Flight's Vision, he refuses to allow Acorn Fur to get medical help for Tiny Branch's fox-inflicted injuries until his condition worsened, bellowing, "SkyClan does NOT ask for help unless there's no choice." AND didn't allow her to complete her training after he caused Micah's death.
Clear Sky is a serial child abuser. He is willfully neglectful, emotionally abusive, and physically violent.
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justapigeonn · 8 months ago
i know mapleshade being overused is no hot take in the warriors fandom anymore but you can't imagine my disappointment to find out later in the book that this voice in tigerclaw's head was never simply just his own self criticism but just mapleshade being mean to him for some reason
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it would've been so interesting to see that despite how cruel he was to those around him, the one he was cruelest to in the end, was himself - that thistleclaw's brutal treatment really stuck with him in more ways than one, that he considered himself a failure if he did not push his ambitions to their very limits and succeed at what the mentor he both respected and resented failed and would not dare to do.
i also love that despite it's minor failings, this book also gives us a slight layer of nuance to his character - that despite him being a despicable character till the very end, willing and ready to kill and manipulate his way to the very top, there's still a hint of discomfort and remorse at the possibility of his former clanmates dying in the forest fire
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he excuses his discomfort to mapleshade as him not being able to destroy them himself, but the horror and dread he feels is evident.
despite us knowing very little about their overall relationship, later on he's relieved to see that his former mate goldenflower is unharmed. given that we're never shown or told of any instances where's they're openly affectionate towards one another and he doesn't technically have any 'need' for her to survive (i say this with the assumption that the only big reason that tigerclaw even had kits to begin with was for a legacy and an ongoing bloodline, not for a happy family and out of sheer undying love for goldenflower), it's bizarrely sweet to me that he finds comfort in knowing that she escaped the fire, along with their daughter tawnykit.
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and then, of course, the famous bramblekit scene where fireheart snatches him from the tree and the two barely escape with their lives.
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this book, despite showing him committing numerous despicable actions and murder innocent cats in cold blood through his own eyes manages to give tigerclaw just a shred of humanity and care for those he once held close(ish), that despite him denouncing starclan again and again, he still whispers a silent thanks to them for saving the life of his son, that, despite his sheer undying hatred for fireheart, he puts his own pride aside for a brief moment and silently entrusts him with bramblekit's life.
when tigerclaw gave strict orders to the other shadowclan warriors to not follow him into the fire, he did so knowing that they could've seen him at his very worst - his absolute lowest point. he knew there was a large possibility that he could've easily been witness to the violent ends of his former mate and kits and lost himself there and then and potentially (in his eyes) lost the respect of his new clanmates as well, because to him in a sense, caring is a show of weakness, even for him. and idk there's just something weirdly nice about that - that despite how horrible he is there's still some depth and remorse to be found in his character and idk i just think that's neat
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gophergal · 9 days ago
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A Tigerclaw design to go with that Fireheart anthro
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magicdungeon · 1 year ago
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Tigerstar redesign 🐅
I didn’t hate the old one that much but I really wanted to make him feel like a tiger. Also took some inspiration from Tai Lung
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beaudesoleil · 3 months ago
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bastart13 · 8 months ago
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My sister got me to read some Warrior Cats books so here are some other OCs I've AUed into cats:
Hedvig/Dewshine (she/her) - Pretty silver-ginger she-cat. Deputy to her clan and definitely not planning to usurp leadership
Elisedd/Embereye (he/him) - Massive black colourpoint tom. Former medicine cat apprentice before being exiled, and now looking for revenge
Lizaveta/Stagtooth (she/her) - Broad cream tabby she-cat. Bloodthirsty and proud warrior, eager to keep other clans in line
Maya/Shadowleap (she/her) - Sleek black she-cat. Quiet deputy to another clan with a speciality in information-gathering
Alexei/Mousenose (he/she/they) - Thick-furred black tabby. Gossipy warrior curious to see how things play out and how they can stay on the winning team
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airocats · 5 months ago
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loafbud-wc · 9 months ago
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finally settled on a scourge design i like
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romanvalgo-designwc · 1 month ago
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yarrowleef · 1 year ago
hey, hold up, hang on
I was doing some random wiki research about Midnight, and I came across this???? apparently there were bonus info videos released with The Last Hope's ebook?
look, this is decade old info, and maybe everyone already knows and stopped caring years ago but like??? I don't think I knew this?? this is news to me!!!
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time stamp 1:00 - 2:10
Midnight was supposed to be the twist villain for OotS?? are u kidding me so much of why I remember the last Hope being anticlimactic is because nothing interesting happened, the bad ghosts had been saying "we're going to do a big attack" for books and books, and then they just did that big attack exactly as we had been told and it was the same as any other Big Battle scene and there wasn't really any more interest to the plot. This kind of plot twist might have actually added something interesting to that book!
And Vicky makes it sound like she had this plan for a long time? it was even going to tie back to Midnight secretly having a hand in the badger attack in arc 2?
THIS!? This is why she told Sol that info about the eclipse?? and then never explained why??? Like!!!! is this why Sol was Like That!?? a guy set up to be a big mysterious deal, but then he didn't really do anything and just fizzled out of existence??? because he was conceived of for an idea that was scrapped before going anywhere, but he was already sort of part of a (presumably already started) plot mid PoT so it was too late to cut him 'cause they still needed SOME minor antagonist there to fill pages, right? .... but he had no where to go and no (good) reason to do anything, no ending, since HIS BOSS, his Motive, suddenly stopped existing as a concept??? bro??? no wonder his random tie to SkyClan felt so unfitting as a reasoning for this kind of villain
Erica!! Erica wtf!! I don't care if it felt absurd, absurd is better then underwhelming! so what if Midnight was nice and helpful to some cats, maybe she has complex feelings about certain clan cats despite still secretly wishing to unleash chaos on the society as a whole for personal reasons, heaven forbid there be a complicated villain :'(
anyway I am going to be thinking about this lost timeline forever.
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bonefall · 11 months ago
I have never empathized with Clan cat cultural xenophobia as hard as I did when I realized the Tiktok ban is going to cause them all to come here. Just thinking of having more Sadboy Infection Enthusiasts around has me out marking the border. 3 patrols a day is not enough, we need to start battle training
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whitestormsaystransrights · 1 month ago
I think one of the main things that could actually help the latest arcs be intresting is to have multiple antagonists and villains again
Arc 1: Tigerstar, Darkstripe, Brokenstar, Scourge, Longtail, Dustpelt, Leopardstar, Bluestar (after her breakdown), Blackfoot
Arc 2: Tigerstar (again), Stone Teller + Sharp Tooth, Mudclaw, Hawkfrost
Arc 3: Dark Forest residents (Tigerstar, Hawkfrost) Onestar, Sol, Berrynose, Breezepelt, Ashfur
Arc 4: Dark Forest residents (Tigerstar, Hawkfrost, Mapleshade, Darkstripe, Antpelt, etc) Breezepelt, Sol
Then the new arcs tend to only have one antagonist of note? For some reason?? And that’s supposed to carry SIX books??
Arc 5: Darktail (The Kin henchmen), Sleekwhisker, Juniperclaw (I guess?)
Arc 6: Ashfur, Rootspring’s bullies who disappear, Berrynose, Dark Forest residents (only at the end)
Arc 7: Curlfeather (dies book one), Splashtail (has forgettable henchmen), Berryheart
The sheer lack of antagonists and villains who stick around and actually do stuff has shrunk DRASTICALLY
I firmly believe this is a key part of why warrior cats is so boring lately, the conflict is too slow because they have to stretch one notable villain across six books or conflict is instantly resolved (which can take the form of disappearing or fixed in no time within the story)
(Or they have insanely stiff manufactured antagonists that don’t really make sense, such as Sparkpelt and Squirrelfight, who aren’t antagonists to me, because don’t really do anything to earn that title besides have the authors use them to be mean for unexplained reasons in a way that contradicts all previous canon)
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sonik-kun · 6 months ago
Reminder to JC antis that literally no one is erasing JC's flaws. We most certainly are aware and acknowledge them it's why we refer to him as morally grey. You don't need to make the same, repeated bs every other day. It's not going to make us hate him. If anything, it's just pushing me further out of Wangxian spaces. 🤷‍♀️
Instead, our posts offer an alternative. Whilst you may discuss his canon negative traits, we discuss his canon positive traits in response because there is more to his character than just being a miserable asshole with some war crimes under his belt.
JC fans like to talk about why he became this miserable asshole with war crimes under his belt. It's what makes him interesting because he wasn't born this way. JC was born to be a good person. He wasn't fundamentally evil to the core like Jin Guangshan or Wen Chao was, for example. It was the actions of evil and toxic people that drove him down a dark path that made him resort to morally ambiguous descions. Quite like WWX was.
They each had people to protect, and they went about it via morally unscrupulous ways. That's what makes them both fundamentally human. And that's what I love about them most.
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