#who was an avid gamer and streamer
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loafbud-wc · 9 months ago
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finally settled on a scourge design i like
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the-cat-and-the-birdie · 1 year ago
Is it just me but Gwen feels like she PC games. Like she looks like it.
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And NO this isn't just the trans girl undercut PC gamer blue hair with pronouns trope talking she just strikes me as someone who would enjoy playing Stardew Valley and Overwatch at 3:00am to escape thoughts of The Horrors
Either that or religiously watching streamers do such while she's wrapped up in a blanket burrito.
Gwen seems like the type to start referencing 'chat' irl. Hobie shows her and Pavitr something cool and she reflexively goes 'Holy crap! Chat, is this real?' and Pavitr is like 'Who is this Chat person you keep mentioning? Gwen, it's just us here. Is Chat even real 😭'
I don't even know who Jerma is but whoever he is and whatever he does I'm sure Gwen Stacy is an avid fan
Iconic girl gamer gamer girl vibes am I the only one who sees this or is this just a thing we all silently know
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kunikiden · 8 months ago
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Gamer/Streamer!Inumaki Headcannons ?!
Gamer/Streamer!Inumaki loves video games no matter the genre. However, he tends to prefer games that have a pvp aspect or are competitive due to the skill he holds towards these games. For example, Fortnite, Valorant, Mario Kart, etc.
Gamer/Streamer!Inumaki always has Minecraft running in the background when gaming, so he can quickly switch to it if needed.
Gamer/Streamer!Inumaki likes to mine the most in Minecraft. When he's not doing that, he's either exploring or killing off mobs. ( Building is NOT his specialty )
Gamer/Streamer!Inumaki wears a soft pink headset that has interchangeable cat ears. ( It was a Christmas gift from Panda. )
Gamer/Streamer!Inumaki has a headset that is designed to his likes and his gaming tendencies that also matches the color scheme of his setup, but still wears the ones Panda got him out of appreciation.
Gamer/Streamer!Inumaki prefers gaming on his PC or his Xbox due to its easy controls, better privacy settings, and raw computing power. ( He is an avid Playstation hater. )
Gamer/Streamer!Inumaki has both a regular Nintendo Switch and a smaller Nintendo Switch Lite he likes to bring on his person, whether in public or at school.
Gamer/Streamer!Inumaki used to be a chronic DS & 3DS user as a kid, but now he keeps it preserved on display in his bedroom.
Gamer/Streamer!Inumaki was always a big fan of the Pokémon franchise, and some of his favorites are Togepede and the Aloan Vulpix.
Gamer/Streamer!Inumaki's favorite 'old' Pokémon game is Pokémon White.
Gamer/Streamer!Inumaki thinks fire starter type Pokémon are overrated and always chooses the water types.
Gamer/Streamer!Inumaki has a microphone for voice chat but only uses it when he is playing with his friends; aka people who understand his rice ball language.
Gamer/Streamer!Inumaki wears your classic white boy t-shirts while playing. ( Eat sleep game repeat, I paused my game to be here, etc ) In addition, he has a collection of these but refuses to wear them outside his dorm or house
Gamer/Streamer!Inumaki used to rage and go absolutely feral over Among Us in 2020
Gamer/Streamer!Inumaki has accidentally cursed someone out of rage, forcing them to log off and delete their account.
Gamer/Streamer!Inumaki bought a fancy gaming chair that can recline and have adjustable height ( as well as a secret massage mode ) that he can play/adjust by using a remote. ( Panda offered to buy him a toilet bowl attachment )
Gamer/Streamer!Inumaki often drags his fellow second years out to arcades in competition to see who can win by getting the most tickets by the end of the night. ( He always wins, but Yuta comes close due to Rika's help ( she's cheating ))
Gamer/Streamer!Inumaki has a YouTube channel for gaming that he will occasionally post a vlog on
Gamer/Streamer!Inumaki first started posting videos in his rice ball language but realized after a while that the reason he wasn't getting likes was because people couldn't understand him. Shortly after, he stopped talking and just started adding subtiltes/captions.
Gamer/Streamer!Inumaki has built his own PC with the help of Yuta. ( All he did was be emotional support as Toge rambled on about it and went with him to shops to buy the necessary parts )
Gamer/Streamer!Inumaki is also really good at board games, but for some reason SUCKS at any type of Monopoly besides the cheaters version. ( and chess, he is horrid at chess )
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thetriforcetriohouse · 2 months ago
Zant and Ghirahim's house
They live under the same roof and met through a Craigslist ad. Ghirahim owns the house, Zant is renting a room.
Both are Ganondorf's sugar babies. Ganondorf is desperately trying to keep that fact secret, and so far he's succeeding; neither Zant nor Ghirahim knows the other is also his sugar baby.
Total NEET. His curtains are always closed and his lights are always off. Fortunately for Ghirahim, Zant almost never leaves his room.
Instead of his armor and helmet, Zant wears a massively oversized hoodie with the chameleon head design on the hood. When he gets embarrassed or nervous, he tugs the hood closed over his face.
His computer setup is wild. He has a custom PC and four monitors, one of which is always showing some illicit activity.
Avid 4channer. He spends most of his time on various imageboards, and is absolutely vicious.
Total weeb. His walls are covered in anime posters and his shelves are full of anime figurines.
Hardcore gamer. His mic is always on even when he doesn't talk. He audibly breathes into it.
It's easy to make him rage; there are some very famous clips of him getting angry at whatever game he's playing and screaming while he argues with people in the chat. However, anyone who's even just including those clips in a bigger compilation gets doxxed.
He's That One Regular in the VTuber's chat who sends weird messages and is a headache to deal with every single time. He throws a massive fit if he gets banned from the chat.
Into cryptocurrency. Unlike Tingle's pathetic attempts to shill every cryptocoin he comes across, Zant is smart about the ones he chooses to invest in.
No job, and yet somehow, Zant always has money for rent. No one knows how he gets it, but he always has enough money for his own snacks, stupid weeb/gamer bullshit, donations to Vtubers/streamers, and the massive number of concerning art commissions featuring himself and real life people.
Ganondorf's sugar baby. Has a collection of cat ears he wears just for Ganondorf. Refuses to believe Ganondorf would 'cheat' on him.
Stalking both Ganondorf and another girl named Sonata. He's gotten snippets of their voices, using both to train AI models and program utauloids he can make say "I love you."
The only reasons Zant hasn't kidnapped Sonata are 1. Ghirahim wouldn't appreciate it, and 2. He's been repeatedly threatened by a scary outdoorswoman that if he keeps up his bullshit she's going to break him in half.
An obscenely popular beauty vlogger. His makeup is always on point, and the views on each of his videos are in the millions.
Has his own brand of beauty products. They're not as bad as you'd think, but not as good as the price he sells them for.
Fashionista. Designs and sews his own clothes and is trying to get his own clothing brand off the ground.
Controversial as shit. He doesn't do racism or sexpestery, he's just incredibly unpleasant to work with or be around. There are multiple apology videos on his channel where he cries prettily and his mascara drips down his face the right way.
Ganondorf's sugar baby. Unlike Zant, he knows the relationship is purely transactional--that's what he signed up for. He still can't help the little twinge of jealousy whenever he sees or hears about Lyric as Ganondorf's 'real' partner, though.
Has a discord kitten. Her name is Aria, and she's Lyric's roommate. The things they've been roleplaying in their discord DMs for the past four years would send anybody to therapy--both of them are total freaks.
His house is an extravagant mansion. He's shown it off on camera more than once.
Acts like he's above internet discourse, but he and Zant are both on the messageboards late at night roasting people to fucking char.
Not a sword spirit in this iteration.
A phenomenal singer, but doesn't showcase his talent for anyone other than the people he cares about. So, not his youtube channel.
Has pestered Zant more than once about collabing with him, but Zant adamantly refuses to have his face on camera.
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ravendruid · 2 years ago
Game Night
This fic is part of the Critter Genfic Bingo to fulfill the Game Night and Modern AU slots, and is set in my Gamer AU. Read on AO3
Vax’ildan rarely gets to spend his own money on games these days as they are often gently covered by his subscribers, but a new game caught him unaware, so he didn’t have time to set up a donation goal or even make a poll to ascertain interest from his followers. The plan was simple: Vax was going to record his first playthrough of the game in solo mode and finally give YouTube a try. If it got a good response, then he would ask a friend or two if they wanted to play with him on stream. However, as his plans are wont to do, everything went down the drain when he mentioned buying the game on his next stream, and chat begged him to play live. 
“Well, I guess that answers it,” Vax jokingly replied to everyone’s requests. “Let me talk to some friends and see if anyone is up for it. Hopefully, I’ll have a group for the next stream. How does that sound?”
Vax’s chat went wild with names and requests of other streamers he could ask to play with him, but the main name in common was very clear: Keyleth. It took him a while to cede to ask her, but he made no promises that he would be able to convince her to play the game. In the end, it was easier than he thought. All Vax had to do was tell his girlfriend that she could customize her character and show her the different options for races and classes, and she was in. The next challenge was finding two more people to play, which Keyleth also fixed by asking Percy, who in turn asked Vex’ahlia. So a party was formed, with Keyleth and Vax squad streaming so their viewers could watch both their points of vision.
“What are you guys playing,” Vax asks as he starts building his character. His is an easy choice to make, and he starts customizing a half-elf rogue to look slightly like him as his chat flies in approval and suggestions. 
“I think I might try a ranger,” Vex’ahlia replies. Because she’s not streaming today, the audience will have to wait to see the reveal of her character, but on Vex’s screen is a female half-elf with a ponytail braid.
“Are you going to get a bear companion and call him Trinket, dear?” Percival teases his girlfriend. Everyone in Vax and Keyleth’s audience is familiar with Trinket, Vex’s large Newfoundland dog. At almost 70 kg, Trinket’s massive form and shaggy brown hair make him resemble a bear, which is where the joke came from one day during Vex’s first streams.
“Don’t tempt me, Percival.”
“What about you, Freddie?” Vax leans back on his chair, admiring his character. 
“I’m playing a human fighter, of course.”
“Chat is asking if you’re going melee,” Vax leans in to read the questions on his screen.
“No. I’ll be ranged.”
“Keyleth, darling, what are you playing? You’re so quiet.” Vex mutters, adding piercings to her character.
“Oh? Sorry, there are so many options and hairs. It’s a lot,” Keyleth sounds and looks overwhelmed. She’s not used to playing this type of game, especially for the first time on stream. 
“It’s okay, darling. Take your time.” Vex’ahlia reassures.
One of Keyleth’s biggest insecurities about streaming a game that is so out of her comfort zone was related to how her regular audience would react to the change. She usually streams cozy games that a lot of people use for body-doubling, and she loves providing everyone with a safe environment where they can go to escape from their daily lives. An adventure roleplaying game with a lot of action, dialogues, and possibly fights is not what her target audience usually looks for. However, Keyleth was pleasantly surprised—and relieved—when the poll results came in favor of her playing the game on stream. It turned out that a lot of Keyleth’s followers were avid players of tabletop roleplaying games or were generally interested in the game itself.
Although she felt better about how her audience would respond to the new game, Keyleth was still worried about stepping out of the bubble that shielded her from trolls. With a much more popular game being streamed—adding the fact that she is a woman with her camera on—Keyleth still couldn’t shake the fear that something bad could happen during the streams, which is why she recruited her best moderators, Pike and Grog, who were more than happy to stay on the sidelines and keep everyone on track.
“Okay, I think I’m done. Sorry, it took me so long,” Keyleth finally announces an hour after the stream starts. On her screen is a female half-elf druid with space buns and braids almost as red as Keyleth’s hair. She quickly reads the chat and smiles at everyone’s compliments about her character, most saying how fun her hair looks.
“No problem, love. Is everyone ready?” Vax asks. Everyone agrees, so they quickly name their characters after themselves before they move on to the next screen.
“We have to make another one?” Keyleth shouts, raising her hands to her head. On everyone’s screen is another character whose race and appearance can also be customized.
“What the fuck is a guardian,” Vex’ahlia asks, going over the different races available.
“I think it’s someone who will protect you and keep you alive,” Vax explains, quickly building a generic male elf. “You don’t have to fully customize them if you don’t want to. Just pick a race and whatever you want them to look like, I guess.”
“Yeah, right…” Keyleth looks distraught at her screen. “You know what… Chat, pick a race,” Keyleth asks. Her chat window quickly fills up with people firing races: there are a few elves, some asking for a dwarf, and a couple of people asking for a Githyanki, but the majority of the requests seem to be Drow, which is the preset anyway. It doesn’t take everyone a long time to finish building their guardians, and finally, the game begins. 
A lot of fun is had for the next few hours: Vax steals everything he can get his hands on (and flirts with the vampire NPC), a wizard is saved from a portal, and the group goes through their first dungeon, the overgrown ruins of an old temple where they find a sarcophagus in a dank crypt.
“Guys, I found a sarcophagus. Do you think it has a treasure inside?” Vex’ahlia asks. 
“We should investigate,” Percy crosses the threshold and waits for Vex to join him before he continues. 
For some reason, neither of them notices the notification in the corner that says they failed several perception checks, so once Vex’s character is by Percy’s side, he opens the lid to the tomb, making several explosions go off and fire erupt in the chamber.
“Vex’ahlia!” Percy screams in real life, jumping out of his chair so fast it tumbles back and hits the wooden floor with a loud thud. 
“I’m alright, darling,” Vex reassures him from the room next door, cackling at her boyfriend’s reaction. Her and Percy’s portraits on the left side of the screen are gray with a skull symbol next to them, indicating both characters are dead.
“What the fuck happened? I was gone for thirty seconds,” Vax shouts, sitting on his chair. He had just gone to the kitchen really quickly to grab some water for himself and Keyleth when he heard Keyleth’s screams.
“When was the last time you saved, brother?” Vex manages to ask, still laughing. 
“Right before we walked into this room.” Vax shakes his head, unamused. “Are you okay, Freddie?”
“Ye–yeah, I think so. That was—” Percy draws a long breath and releases it slowly, and when he speaks again, his heart has slowed, and his voice is back to normal, “—unexpected.”
Once Vax reloads the game, he goes through the room ahead of everyone to make sure he disarms every trap before they loot the sarcophagus. “Let this be a lesson about greed, everyone,” He jokes once the valuables are successfully stashed in his inventory.
Because one tragedy doesn’t come by itself, not long after, the party is suddenly ambushed by undead skeletons, making Keyleth scream in panic as her character gets knocked unconscious by one before she gets a turn to do anything. 
“I don’t think we’re strong enough to defeat these guys,” She cries.
“Yeah, we are, look.” Vax’s character appears next to Keyleth’s and stabs the skeleton that attacked her twice, leaving it with two HP. “I’ll always be here to save you, Kiki.” Vax’ildan being cheesy with his girlfriend on stream is not news, but it still manages to send both their chats over the edge. This will surely make the next fanmade supercut.
“Alright, lovebirds. Shall we kill these assholes, then?” Vex teases them. 
The battle doesn’t draw long once Keyleth’s character is back up—still at one HP, but up nonetheless—and this time, when they find another sarcophagus, the group allows Vax to spearhead the party.
“Well, that was fun, right, everyone?” Vax asks a few minutes later, once they get a new NPC ally and discover an arcane book that they put away to ask their wizard friend to check later. 
“Yeah. I wasn’t expecting it to be so fun,” Keyleth admits, leaning back in her chair and pulling her hoodie up. She can feel her battery draining fast. They have been streaming for a few hours longer than what she usually streams for, and her body is already reacting to it. 
“Even when I died,” Vex’ahlia jokes, petting Trinket’s head on her lap. She’s glad she’s not on camera today. Her hair is a mess and she’s wearing a stained t-shirt she stole from Percy’s drawer. 
“I did not like that part at all,” Percy chimes in, combing a hand through his shock-white hair and making it messier than it was.
“Just be glad I saved right before you two dingus went and set all the traps off,” Vax rolls his eyes at his sister and her boyfriend. His gaze darts over his screen to Keyleth’s stream, and he sees her bury herself in her hoodie and pull her knees up to her chest. For others, it might look like she’s just cold and getting comfortable, but Vax knows she’s overwhelmed and overstimulated, and she needs to relax, so he seamlessly brings the stream to an end with the promise of another one very soon.
More adventures await this group of chucklefucks, many mistakes and perception check failures that lead to not-so-good results, a lot of flirting with NPCs—Vax finds himself torn between the Vampire and the Wizard—and even a few not-safe-for-work unexpected scenes that make Keyleth slide down her chair and hide under her desk. At the end of the day, there is no denying that game night in general, and the new game in particular, is a huge success overall, and that everyone has plenty of fun playing and watching it.
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princess-of-the-corner · 1 year ago
I'll be honest further, I project onto Chloe interests-wise. Like games? I say she plays various spooky games, puzzles, etc. Some just because (like Left 4 Dead 1&2, I love those games) and some because I think she'd actually be interested in (Minecraft bee farm!). Mad Father, Ib, Witch's House-why not? Danganronpa, of course. It's a popular Japanese game there and overseas. Nancy Drew (what girl wasn't?). So many games she could play solo or with friends. Even lesser known games (rare find!)
YEAh no like!
Chloé would have the free time and money for games and remember one of her few social connections was Adrien who is canonically an avid gamer.
Also now I just want Chloé to be a twitch streamer.
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dennydreadful · 1 year ago
Does grown-up streamer JB canonically exist in Idyllic Island? If so, is he screwed if he meets Bunny?
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Yes, JuicyBaby canonically exists in Idyllic Island.
Bunny and Juicy are both avid gamers, so I imagine they've run into each other online quite a bit. If they met irl... at first I was thinking she would definitely stab him, but at the same time, she does feel a certain kinship with other severely mentally ill people. And I also feel that, unlike Caleb, Juicy would definitely share her passion for stabbing men. So who knows!
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My deepest comic lore is that JuicyBaby is a universal constant throughout all my works. He's actually a very old OC named Red that I came up with as an antagonist for a space opera murder mystery game that I obviously never made. So yes, JuicyBaby is canon in Idyllic Island, but he's a separate character from JB Johnson, and a different version of JuicyBaby also exists within D Explosion (they are half brothers, but they've never met).
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drippyjoes · 2 years ago
I’m Josie, and i’m a beginner streamer. i play a wide variety of games, and try to keep a safe, relaxed environment for those who enjoy my streams. i started a tumblr page to share clips, art, and memes about my streams. i also wanted a space for my followers to get to know me a bit better.
a bit about me:
• i like to draw, play guitar and crochet.
• i am an avid gardener and forager, i love making my own food and finding ways to make what i consume even tastier.
• supernatural, doctor who and teen wolf are my comfort shows
• i wanna travel the world for food and tattoos
i hope that you enjoy my streams and feel comfortable chatting! i love the gaming community and love to make friends with other gamers and streamers. feel free to reach out, and tag me in memes or posts you think that i would appreciate
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findroleplay · 2 years ago
Hewwo!! I'm in the process of revamping/reviving this blog of mine! I'm looking for RP partners in the Soul Eater fandom! Or!!! OCs who want to RP with me in the Soul Eater universe/people who want to do RP outside of the Soul Eater universe! I love sticking Crona in AU's!
My blog is (probably, I'm only on mobile currently) a mess right now as I go through editing and revising a lot of stuff over these next few days.
A bit about me! I'm Wilson, 25, he/they/it pronouns, professional artist, writer, and avid gamer and streamer! I've been in the Soul Eater fandom for. Dang, when the heck did I start my Crona blog?? 2013? 2012? Who knows, haha! If I actually look back I could probably figure that one out. I've been in the Soul Eater RP scene on Tumblr since high school, so idk it's kinda fuzzy!
I have several (many) other RP Blogs, but several I can't currently log into (thanks Google), like my Don't Starve and Eve from Black Cat blogs. Others are side blogs to my main (@sunnygang) like my Guzma and Nanu blogs, to name a few.
I've been role playing for 10+ years, got my start on the GaiaOnline Guilds scene, omg. I enjoy doing casual and serious more Plot Heavy RPs! I don't mind shorter replies because sometimes I offer up shorter replies, that's just how it is! I am VERY OC friendly, OC positive even, haha!! I love RPing with canon, fanon, and OC blogs! Even tossing characters from one universe into another pre-established universe!
Content I would be down to RP include, but aren't limited to: dark/taboo topics, fluff, romance, platonic friendships, AU's, potentially triggering topics (would all be appropriately tagged if ever comes up), & whump! Just to list some off the top of my head. NSFW topics could come up/be covered, but nothing sexual really in relation to Crona. Unless the characters involved happen to be adults for an AU and all Muns are adults. Okay! Hope this is not too long and ramble like I feel it's getting!
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piedpiperslists · 2 years ago
KSJ: Gamer / Streamer AU
List of all Seokjin fics under 'Gamer / Streamer' AU:
* s - contains smut
Last updated: 30/04/2023
12:37 AM by sugafreeagustd gamer!Seokjin, friends to not lovers, college au Summary: You have a crappy roommate and you escape to your bff's room for the night.
Catch My Fall by bubblesuga s wc~5.6k / gamer!Seokjin, gamer!reader, rivals to lovers, college au Summary: Kim Seokjin is a master gamer. Those who play Ms. Pac Man at the local university tremble when they see him approach, and he enjoyed his reputation for two whole years. That is, until you showed up and beat his high score.
For You, Anything by gukyi wc~21k / gamer!Seokjin, gamer!reader, coworkers au, fantasy au Summary: In the popular online multiplayer game, kingdom, you are the top-ranked knight with money, fame, and power. In real life, you’re a graphic design geek who’s got a very unsubtle crush on her gorgeous coworker, Kim Seokjin. But when you’re suddenly dethroned from the first place spot in your game, you and your kingdom character embark on a journey to reclaim your title, and learn on the way that things are not always as they seem.
Knocked by sailoryooons s wc~10.6k / streamer!Seokjin, roommates au Summary: Living with people is difficult, but all things considered, your new roommate isn’t terrible. He cooks, he cleans, and if you had to be honest - incredibly attractive. But his habit of streaming until the early hours of the morning while yelling and making other questionable noises has pushed you to the limit. You’ve finally decided to risk your sanity and put it all on the line with a reckless bet in hopes of getting some peace and quiet at night.
Moaning on Stream by here4kpopfics s wc~2.3k / streamer!Seokjin, established relationship Summary: You just want to sleep in a little bit longer, but your boyfriend has decided to play a frustratingly difficult game on stream. However, his frustration sounds a lot similar to something else…
Pay Attention by luffles424 s wc~2.1k / gamer!Seokjin, established relationship, PWP Summary: You’ve seen the TikTok challenge going around, people walking up to their SOs naked while the other is gaming and seeing what their reaction it. Lucky for you, your boyfriend just happens to be an avid gamer and so you decide to try the challenge out for yourself.
You Suck! by ugh-yoongi s wc~18.3k / streamer!Seokjin, vampire!Seokjin, strangers to lovers, roommates au Summary: The one where everything goes very wrong but a lot more goes very right.
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pcbuilderqatar · 3 days ago
How to find a good gaming PC in Qatar
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Creating the ideal gaming experience is more important than simply assembling components when building a gaming PC. For gamers, streamers, and tech aficionados alike, it is a badge of honor, akin to building your very own dream  machine. There has never been a better moment to step in and build your gamingPC in Qatar, where e-sports competitions and vibrant online communities are driving the gaming industry. In addition to having a PC that is customized to meet your specific requirements, you will probably save money in the process. Are you prepared to begin? From selecting the appropriate components to putting them together expertly, this tutorial will walk you through  each step. Additionally, we will include advice tailored to Qatari players to further streamline the process.
Let us get this done! Why Construct a Gaming Computer in Qatar?
Here are some fantastic reasons why constructing your own PC is worthwhile, particularly in Qatar, if you are still unsure:
1. Personalization, man!
You can select components that suit your playstyle, whether you are an avid first-person shooter, an MMO grinder, or someone who simply enjoys exploring wide worlds. Do you want a simple powerhouse or a slick RGB setup? It is all up to you.
2. Get More for Your Money by Saving It
Although they are convenient, pre-built gaming PCs are frequently too expensive for what they offer. You may more effectively manage your budget and achieve greater performance for less money by building your own setup. Putting everything together oneself also gives you a sense of accomplishment.
3. Getting into Top Gear
The newest GPUs, CPUs, and accessories are available at several amazing gaming retailers in Qatar, such as PC Builder Qatar. If you are stuck, the knowledgeable staff can help you. Additionally, you will find specialty items that are difficult to locate elsewhere, such as luxury casings or personalized cooling loops.
4. Participate in the Expanding Gaming Industry
The gaming community in Qatar is flourishing. There are many chances to meet other gamers, from casual get-togethers to esports competitions. Even more local streamers and content producers are showing off their sets and abilities. You might be able to join this active community with your new PC.
Step 1: Establish Your Spending Limit
Determine how much you are willing to spend before you go shopping. For a good setup, gaming PCs in Qatar typically cost between QAR 5,000 and QAR 10,000. To aid with your planning, below is a preliminary budget breakdown:
Graphics Card (GPU): 30-40% of your budget (the gaming powerhouse).
Processor (CPU): 20-25% for smooth multitasking and performance.
Motherboard: 10-15% to tie everything together.
RAM and Storage: 15-20% for faster load times and multitasking.
Case & Power Supply (PSU): 10-15% for durability and aesthetics.
Cooling & Accessories: 5-10% for keeping things cool and stylish.
Pro Tip: Set aside a small amount for upcoming improvements. Having space to expand can save you money in the long run because gaming hardware changes frequently. If you do not already have a gaming mouse or mechanical keyboard, do not forget to budget for these as well as a good monitor.
Step 2: Select Your Components The exciting part is selecting your components. Here's a quick summary:
1. The Gaming Muscle: The Graphics Card (GPU) o Mid-
range: AMD Radeon RX 6700 XT or NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4060. o High-end: AMD Radeon RX 7900 XTX or NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4090. o Pro Tip: Keep an eye out for PC Builder Qatar specials. They are renowned for offering incredible discounts, particularly during sales periods. Significant savings are frequently offered at seasonal occasions like Black Friday and back-to-school.
2. Processor (CPU): The Brain of Your Computer o Mid-range: AMD Ryzen 5 7600X or Intel Core i5-13600K. o High-end: AMD Ryzen 9-7900X3D or Intel Core i9-14900K. o Your CPU selection should be in line with your needs for multitasking and gaming. Higher-core CPUs will be advantageous for gamers who broadcast as well.
3. Motherboard: The Support Structure Select one that works with your GPU and CPU. Seek out: o AMD CPUs: B650 or X670 chipsets; o Intel CPUs: B760 or Z790 chipsets. Make sure there are enough slots on your motherboard for upcoming additions like more RAM or storage.
4. RAM: 16GB DDR4 or DDR5 is ideal for the majority of games for smooth performance. If you wish to future-proof your setup or multitask, upgrade to 32GB. For instance, additional RAM can be really helpful if you stream or edit films.
5. Storage: Space and Speed o Essential: For fast load times, use a 1TB NVMe SSD, such as the Samsung 980 Pro. Additional Storage: Include a 2TB HDD for media files and games. This is essential if you play a lot of AAA games.
6. Power Supply (PSU): Keep the Lights On
For efficiency, aim for an 80+ Bronze certification or above. Reputable brands include NZXT, Montech, and Xigmatek. Make sure the PSU you choose has adequate power to accommodate upcoming upgrades.
7. Case: Your Rig’s Home
Give proper airflow and upgrading possibilities top priority. Do you want RGB? Go ahead and use your creativity! To showcase your components, think about cases with tempered glass panels.
8. Cooling System: Stay Cool
Cooler Master and NZXT are aftermarket coolers that look better and work better than stock coolers. During those extended gaming hours, keep your setup cool. Are you feeling daring? At Computer Store in Qatar, we specialize in creating custom water-cooling loops. They contribute a beautiful visual appeal in addition to performance.
9. Peripherals & Accessories
Do not overlook monitors, mechanical keyboards, and gaming mice. Your gaming experience can also be improved with a high-quality desk and chair. To stay comfortable for extended periods of time, look for designs that are ergonomic.
Step 3: Where to Buy in Qatar
Here's where to get your equipment:
• PC Builder Qatar: Everything related to gaming in one place. They provide great after-sales service in addition to having everything you need.
• Pcbuilderqatar.com: Do you prefer to shop online? They provide delivery services throughout Qatar and the GCC. For peripherals, you can also look at foreign possibilities, but local retailers frequently offer warranties and faster assistance.
Pro Tip: To get fantastic bargains, keep an eye on their periodic specials and promotions. For information on forthcoming events or flash sales, see Computer Stores in Qatar social media profiles.
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Step 4: Put Your Computer Together
Although it may seem daunting, assembling a PC is actually rather simple. Take these actions:
1. Prepare your work area: Locate a spotless, static-free space.
2. Installing the CPU involves carefully inserting it into the motherboard socket.
3. Install RAM: Insert the sticks of RAM into the slots.
4. Set Up Storage: Connect your HDD or SSD.
5. Mount the Motherboard: Fasten it firmly within the case.
6. Insert the GPU into the PCIe slot to install it.
7. Attach the PSU: Turn on every part.
8. Organize cables: Maintain order for improved ventilation.
9. Test your build: Before ending the case, turn it on.
10. Install the OS: To install Windows or your chosen operating system, use a USB device.
See YouTube videos or forums such as Reddit is r/buildapc for additional help.
Step 5: Enjoy and Optimize
Your computer is prepared, but let us optimize its performance:
Update Drivers: Make sure the most recent drivers are installed on your motherboard, GPU, and peripherals.
• Overclocking: Increase performance with CPU and GPU overclocking. Uncertain how? Computer Stores in Qatar professionals can assist.
• Install gaming platforms: Get games from your preferred platform, Steam, or the Epic Games Store. For a large selection of games at affordable prices, have a look at services like Xbox Game Pass.
Step 6: Get Into the Gaming Scene in Qatar
Okay, so your setup is ready. What now? Explore the thriving gaming culture of Qatar:
• Esports Competitions: Take part in regional competitions or support your preferred team in Doha. Watch for events at conventions or even gaming cafes.
• Online Communities: Use forums or social media to interact with other gamers. Discord and similar platforms are great for locating gaming communities.
• Upgrade Your Setup: To improve your experience, add upscale accessories like Razer or Logitech devices.
The adventure of building a gaming PC in Qatar is well worth the time. You are in excellent hands because reputable retailers like PC Builder Qatar provide everything from parts to guidance. In addition to saving money, you will have a setup that is entirely unique to you and tailored to your requirements.
Your specially designed PC will provide you with countless hours of enjoyment, regardless of your preference for competitive gaming, narrative role-playing games, or content production. So get your hands dirty, choose your components, and let us work together to create something truly amazing!
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postonmain · 4 months ago
Best Performance Gaming Laptops of 2024
Level up your gaming anywhere with the best portable powerhouses of 2024, from sleek designs to unbeatable performance! 🎮💻 #GamingLaptops #PortableGaming #RazerBlade15 #AsusROG #AlienwareX17 #MSI #TechTrends2024 #GamingGear #PCGaming #GamersUnite #Game
As someone who’s constantly on the go but never wants to compromise on gaming performance, I’ve spent plenty of time researching the best gaming laptops for 2024. Whether you’re an avid gamer, a streamer, or just someone who loves a good gaming session on the move, finding a laptop that balances both performance and portability is crucial. In this guide, I’ll walk you through the key specs to…
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gadgetsking · 5 months ago
LG 4K Ultra HD Smart LED TV
Crystal Clear Picture with 4K Ultra HD Resolution
The 4K Ultra HD resolution in LG’s Smart LED TV delivers an impressive level of detail, offering four times the resolution of Full HD. This TV brings every scene to life with incredible sharpness, allowing you to see every detail with stunning clarity. Whether it’s nature documentaries, action-packed movies, or live sports, you’ll experience visuals that feel lifelike and captivating. Plus, AI-powered 4K upscaling technology enhances lower-resolution content, so even older shows and movies look their best.
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Vivid Color and Dynamic Contrast with HDR
Equipped with High Dynamic Range (HDR) technology, this LG TV ensures that colors appear rich, vibrant, and true to life. HDR brings out the best in both dark and bright scenes, creating deeper blacks, brighter highlights, and an overall balanced contrast that immerses you in every scene. This feature is especially noticeable in high-energy or cinematic scenes, making it ideal for movie lovers and sports fans alike.
Smart Features for Seamless Streaming
Running on LG’s webOS platform, this smart TV offers easy access to popular streaming apps like Netflix, Amazon Prime Video, Disney+, and more, all from a user-friendly interface. The LG Content Store keeps you connected to a vast array of entertainment options, ensuring you never miss out on the latest shows, movies, and live events. With voice assistants such as Alexa and Google Assistant built-in, you can control your TV, search for content, or even manage compatible smart home devices using just your voice.
Sleek, Modern Design for Any Space
The LG 4K Ultra HD Smart LED TV features a slim bezel and minimalist design that adds elegance to any room. Its sleek frame keeps the focus on the display, enhancing the viewing experience and adding a modern touch to your living space. It’s designed to blend seamlessly into any environment, whether it’s wall-mounted or placed on a stand, providing flexibility in your setup.
Advanced Connectivity and Gaming Features
This LG TV comes equipped with multiple HDMI and USB ports, allowing you to easily connect gaming consoles, Blu-ray players, and sound systems. For gaming enthusiasts, the TV includes Game Optimizer which automatically adjusts settings for a smoother and more responsive gameplay experience. With low input lag and enhanced graphics, it’s a fantastic choice for casual and avid gamers who want a TV that can keep up with their favorite games.
Key Features of the LG 4K Ultra HD Smart LED TV
4K Ultra HD Resolution: Exceptional clarity and detail, with AI-powered upscaling for non-4K content.
HDR Technology: Enhanced contrast and vibrant colors for true-to-life visuals.
webOS Smart Platform: Access to streaming apps, a user-friendly interface, and voice control.
Elegant Design: Slim and modern design that complements any room.
Game Optimizer: Optimized gaming settings for reduced input lag and smoother gameplay.
Perfect for Movie Buffs, Streamers, and Gamers
Movie Buffs: Enjoy cinema-quality visuals with 4K and HDR support.
Streamers: Access a wide range of streaming apps, with a user-friendly interface.
Gamers: Game Optimizer and low latency for a responsive gaming experience.
Conclusion: LG 4K Ultra HD Smart LED TV – A Perfect Blend of Style and Performance
The LG 4K Ultra HD Smart LED TV brings together top-tier picture quality, vibrant HDR colors, and smart features to elevate your entertainment experience. Whether you’re watching movies, catching up on your favorite series, or gaming, this TV combines clarity, performance, and convenience. With its advanced features and elegant design, LG’s 4K Smart LED TV is a great addition to any home, providing a gateway to stunning visuals and endless entertainment options.
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New OCs for my series, The Girls of Hillcrest Series:
Amber Donahue: Daughter of Leslie, stepdaughter of Sameer and stepsister of Kamala. She loves skateboarding, baseball and fantasy novels.
Natalie Metzenbaum: An aspiring gamer girl and Twitch streamer who is the older sister of Taylor.
Oscar "Oz" Metzenbaum: Taylor's younger brother who is an avid fan of improv comedy and the discography of "Weird Al" Yankovic.
Jamal Cunningham: Dionne's older brother who is part of the school's basketball team. He also listens to rap music.
Ava Huang: Mel's extremely intelligent younger cousin who us into science, math, history and poetry. She is also a talented pianist.
Kaylee Huang: Mel's enthusiastic and optimistic younger cousin who loves girly things like dolls and the color pink.
Made with:
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gothark · 7 months ago
Review of StreamLine by Lauren Melissa Ellzey
I was granted access to an ARC in exchange for a review
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4.5 Stars rounded up
From the get go we are starting out really well. As someone on the autism spectrum Diana's actions and thoughts were very relatable. From having a set routine that she doesn't want to deviate from to avoiding her mother because she just... does not understand.
I especially liked the scene in the post office because it's something everyone has done before and it shows how different it can be for someone neurodivergent to accomplish simple tasks that seem so easy to most people.
The gaming and streaming aspects aren't super realistic but that works much better for the written medium. And it still feels relatable to someone who is an avid gamer and involved in streaming spaces. Especially the dehumanizing way streamers are treated is brought across really well.
The way the plot and the characters play together in the later half of the book is very well done. Nocht and Lune are very believable and sympathetic characters. Their struggles are written so well and I was sitting on the edge of my seat hoping the best for them.
All of that was neatly packaged by a satisfying and sweet ending. While there are up and downs over the course of the book the best way to describe it would be like drinking some hot chocolate on a cold winter day. Just pure comfort and you can't help but root for a happy ending for everyone.
I would recommend this book to anyone who is looking for a shorter, sweet romance that explores queer identities and neurodivergent perspectives in a respectful, empathetic and charming way.
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aisharoy16 · 11 months ago
Unveiling the Tactical Brilliance: Valorant's Journey into the Heart of China's Gaming Community
In the dynamic world of online gaming, one title has captured the attention and skillful prowess of players worldwide - Valorant. As Riot Games' tactical first-person shooter continues to make waves on the global stage, its impact in China is particularly noteworthy. In this blog post, we delve into the phenomenon of Valorant in the Middle Kingdom, exploring its rise, cultural adaptation, and the vibrant esports ecosystem it has fostered.
Valorant's Strategic Entrance into China:
Valorant entered the Chinese gaming scene with a strategic approach that resonated with the nation's avid gamers. Developed by Riot Games, the masterminds behind the wildly successful League of Legends, Valorant seamlessly blended tactical gameplay with the essence of teamwork, capturing the hearts of Chinese gamers who appreciate strategic depth and coordination.
Cultural Adaptation and Localization:
A key aspect of Valorant's success in China lies in its meticulous cultural adaptation. The game developers recognized the importance of integrating Chinese elements, ensuring that players felt a strong connection to the game. From character designs inspired by Chinese mythology to in-game events celebrating traditional festivals, Valorant has skillfully embraced China's rich cultural tapestry.
The Rise of Valorant Esports in China:
Valorant has emerged as a force to be reckoned with in China's esports landscape. The game's tactical gameplay, combined with Riot Games' experience in fostering competitive ecosystems, has led to the establishment of Valorant tournaments and leagues. Professional players from across China showcase their skills, captivating audiences with high-stakes matches and jaw-dropping plays.
Esports Leagues and Tournaments:
Valorant's popularity in China has fueled the creation of esports leagues and tournaments. From local competitions to national championships, the esports scene surrounding Valorant has become a thriving arena for aspiring pro players to showcase their talent and make a name for themselves.
Streaming and Content Creation:
The rise of Valorant in China is mirrored in the streaming platforms where gamers and esports enthusiasts gather. Popular Chinese streamers and content creators regularly broadcast Valorant gameplay, sharing strategies, tips, and engaging in entertaining banter. This has contributed significantly to the game's community building and the expansion of its player base.
Community Engagement and Social Dynamics:
Valorant's success in China is not just about the game itself but also about the vibrant community it has cultivated. The player base actively engages in forums, social media platforms, and in-game events, fostering a sense of camaraderie among gamers. Valorant has become a social phenomenon, bringing together players from diverse backgrounds united by their love for tactical gameplay.
As Valorant continues to carve its niche in the global gaming landscape, its journey in China stands out as a testament to the game's adaptability and universal appeal. With a strategic approach to cultural adaptation, a thriving esports ecosystem, and an engaged community, Valorant has firmly established itself as a powerhouse in China's gaming scene. As the game evolves and new chapters unfold, the tactical brilliance of Valorant in the heart of China's gaming community remains an exciting and evolving narrative.
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