#Clear Sky is like ACTUALLY evil.
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bonefall · 6 months ago
Clear Sky threw his son in front of a fox?!
YES!! He SHOVED him in front of a fox! It's in fury from the fact Thunder refused to kill Frost. This entire section is VERY poorly paced and glances over it in two paragraphs, so most people don't fully register it.
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Clear Sky dragged Thunder down off the stump and shoves him at it, blaming him for bringing the fox to camp with his loud disobedience.
He then leaves Thunder to fight this fox on his own. Leaf and Falling Feather jump in to help him of their own accord. Clear Sky then tries to praise him for being strong and Thunder tells him to shove off for the first and last time.
It's not the last baby of his he knowingly and consciously endangers to prove a point. In Moth Flight's Vision, he refuses to allow Acorn Fur to get medical help for Tiny Branch's fox-inflicted injuries until his condition worsened, bellowing, "SkyClan does NOT ask for help unless there's no choice." AND didn't allow her to complete her training after he caused Micah's death.
Clear Sky is a serial child abuser. He is willfully neglectful, emotionally abusive, and physically violent.
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capricioussun · 2 years ago
Sorry, I don't know if I'm late on the joke, if its an english expression, or a mafia thing, so I'm a bit confused... Why "to kiss" would have a "to kill" meaning for Boss?
Ah it’s np :*)
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(In reference to these two posts I’m assuming)
Don’t really know what the origin is, if it’s based in truth, but it’s a popular thing in mafia fiction and it seems like the kind of thing the mf brothers would…“joke” about.
In hindsight I should’ve put a screenshot like the above on the original post bc, despite the lighting and tone, I think most people read it as flirting agdjdhajdj That, or ppl knew and were just down bad anyway idk I feel I’ve made my own feelings on Boss and Snare pretty clear lmao /lh
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gyupinkys · 1 year ago
WC: 7.4K
WARNINGS: MURDER, YANDERE, VIOLENCE, DOMESTIC ABUSE, GORE, KIDNAPPING, DRUGGING, SMUT, power imbalance, questionable morals, unprotected sex, rough sex, heavy talks of breeding, creampie, oral, guided masturbation, possessiveness, very inaccurate medical terms idk what i'm talking about, lots of dirty talk, seonghwa is actually crazy...
Synopsis: Park Seonghwa, 25, charged with 10 Counts of second degree murder, acquitted of all charges by reason of insanity. You find his story hard to believe, seeing through his lies. As a new psychiatrist you're not sure you're ready for the anomaly you're tasked to treat
A/N: Thank you guys so much for all the support!!! I love this fic <3
You love your job, you really do but moments like this make you question why you’re here. As you stand in the bathroom of your office cleaning the mashed potatoes your patient threw at you in a manic rage off your face, you question why you do this. As a psychiatrist you pride yourself in your patience, but you can't help but stomp your foot in a mini tantrum. You spent so long doing your makeup this morning and it’s all going to waste. You throw the final wipe in the trash and stare at your reflection. The bags under your eyes are much more prominent than a few days ago. You’ve been up all night trying to prepare yourself for your new patient coming today. Park Seonghwa, 25, acquitted of all charges by reason of insanity. He claims a “demon” took over his body, subsequently leading him to murdering 15 people across a 1 month killing spree. You don’t buy it. Something about this guy is off and the state made it your job to find out why. Your phone ringing snaps you out of your thoughts.
“Doctor L/N, the patient has arrived, we are transporting him to his room.”
“I’ll be right there.” 
You take a deep breath and walk across the hospital to his room. You expect to hear shuffling and yelling but the room is eerily quiet. The guards in front of the door step aside and let you into the room, keeping a close eye on Seonghwa. 
“Hello Mr.Park, I’m Dr. Y/N L/N, and I will be treating you for your stay here.” you smile at him., surprised by his appearance. 
“Hello, Y/N.” he says, staring up at you from his place on his bed.
His curly black hair and plump lips suit him so well. 
“I hope you adjust well, we’ve been anticipating your arrival. Breakfast begins at 8, so you are expected to be up and ready before then. Lunch is at 2 and dinner is at 7. Your therapy time with me is at 4 Mondays, Wednesday’s, and Fridays. Sounds good?”
“Sounds great” he says with a smile, showcasing his pearly white teeth. 
“I look forward to working with you. My job is to take care of you and I promise to do that.” you smile.
You take a second to look at him, watching the dead look in his eyes. His smile says one thing but his eyes say another. With one last smile you leave the room, almost certain he’ll be causing problems before the night is over. 
You come in the next morning and check in with the nurses. Surprisingly there were no issues from Seonghwa, he even took his medication with no complaints. Maybe you had the wrong idea about him. You meet with several of your other patients, thankfully avoiding potatoes in your face again. It's 3pm when you take a break, looking outside your office window. You see him sitting at the edge of the courtyard, eyes fixed up at the sky. Four guards surround him out of precaution, but he seems completely unphased, eyes staring at the clear blue sky.  For someone capable of such evil things he’s beautiful. His curly hair has grown quite long during his time in prison awaiting his trial. His eyes are wide and bright holding so many secrets.  As if he can feel your eyes on him he looks up, directly into your office window somehow making eye contact with you. Your eyes widen and you quickly look away, pretending you weren't staring at him. It’s not uncommon for new patients to stick to themselves, often untrusting of the new environment. You can only hope Seonghwa will begin to trust you so you can treat him, if not you’re not sure what his future might hold.   
He is brought to your office at 4 on the dot, accompanied by the four guards assigned to him. He looks rather scared, the new environment keeping him on his toes. You welcome  him with a wide smile that he doesn't return, instead staring straight at your shoes. 
“Hello, Seonghwa.” 
“Hi.” he responds quietly, reminding you of a scared child. You find it in your heart to feel sorry for him. 
“How are you adjusting?”
He shrugs in response, eyes still on the floor. 
“Can you look at me?”
He shakes his head no. 
“Ok, that's fine. I know it’s scary here, I’d also hate to be constantly monitored, but we just want to make sure you’re safe.”
He keeps quiet so you continue. 
“Tell me, do you like the food here?” 
No response. 
“I’ve only tried some of the patient food, well besides when it gets thrown at me. Last week Sandy with the weird haircut threw her potatoes right in my face, I looked like Ms.Doubtfire in that one scene.” you say with a laugh, gauging his reaction. He smirks but remains silent, you decide it might be best if you keep talking in hopes of making him comfortable. 
“I’ve only been working here for about 5 months. I can’t say I’m settled completely. Some patients don’t seem to like me very much, hence the mashed potatoes. But I don’t let that discourage me, I mean if I was in their shoes I wouldn’t want some random lady talking my ear off. Well, I guess that’s what I’m doing now, I’ll shut up.”
He looks up at you with a wide smile, showcasing his perfect teeth. “Don’t stop," he says gently.
“I don’t think you know what you’re getting yourself into here, I can talk for hours.” you say with a light laugh. 
His eyes widen a bit, he looks at you as if he’s psychoanalyzing you, the roles seemingly reversed. You squirm under his intense stare, deciding to just start talking. 
“How about this? If I tell you one thing about me, you tell me one thing about you?”
“Deal.” he says much quicker than you anticipate making you laugh. You hear his breath hitch, concerned you did something wrong. 
“Are you ok?” 
“I’m fine. Start talking.” 
“Ok, Ok. Hmmmm, Oh how about this, I haven’t finished paying off my student debt.”
“I could pay it off,” he says seriously. 
“I appreciate the offer, but I’m sure that violates many rules.”
“I’m not one to worry about rules.” he says with a smile, making your own fall. He quickly reacts, trying to soothe the situation. “That was a joke, I’m joking.” 
“Noted.” you say hesitantly. “Your turn.” 
“I miss my cat.” he says, sadly.
“You have a cat?” you ask in surprise. “I love cats, I have two.”
“Can I see?” he asks, scooching to the front of his seat, making the guards jump hold him back. 
“You guys can relax.” you say and they let go of him.
You grab your phone from your desk, missing the way his eyes drop to your ass. 
“They're named Brad and Chad. And yes I know those are weird names for cats.” you show him the pictures of your cats, seeing his body visibly relax. 
“What’s your cat's name?”  
“Boy or girl?”
“Girl. I think my friend Hongjoong has her but I’m not sure.” 
“If you give me his last name I can try to find out for you.” you say with a smile.
He leans forward again in excitement. “You’d do that for me?”
“Of course, I know It’ll give you peace of mind.”
“Kim, his last name is Kim.”
“Kim Hongjoong has Matz and says you raised a very disrespectful cat.” you say and slide into the chair across from him in the cafeteria. 
He looks a bit shocked at your presence but he gives you a wide smile when he registers what you said. 
“She was born like that, I had no part in her sassiness.” he laughs. 
“Did he say anything else?”
“He said,  “Don't forget to look at the sky.” and stopped responding after that so do with it as you will.”
“I really appreciate it.” he says and grabs your hand, making the security guards restrain him. 
“It’s ok, let him go.” you sigh, understanding the guard’s worry, but also feeling sympathetic for Seonghwa. 
“I’ll see you around, Seonghwa.”
“Call me Hwa.” he smiles. 
Seonghwa has made great progress, now only being followed around by two guards as opposed to four. He’s been much more responsive with you and willing to let you into his mind, but he refuses to talk about the murders. Whenever you attempt to touch on the subject he locks up and asks to leave. You think he needs more time to accept and confront his past. You know prying too much will only erase his progress. You’ve learned so much about him and he’s learned so much about you. He’s so attentive to every word you speak, constantly bringing up small details you forgot you said. You’d be lying if you said it wasn't sweet. Today you decided to try group therapy with him, maybe if he sees someone else sharing he’d be inclined to share as well. You’re also hoping he’s able to make a friend here, since he expressed to you how lonely he’s been feeling. You can see the shock on his face when he walks into your office and see’s San sitting on the couch. He freezes in the threshold of your office, his face morphing into something you’ve never seen before. 
“Who is this?” he asks with venom.
“Hwa, this is San, he’ll be joining us today.”
“I think it’ll be a good change of pace. Now come on in and sit down.”
He slowly walks in, eyes never leaving San. 
“So, I was thinking of doing a joint session today. I think you two can be great friends and what better place to facilitate this friendship than here?”
“I’d rather be your friend, or more than friends if you’re interested.” San says with a smirk.
“San, don’t start.”
“If you show me your tits I’ll stop.”
“I will write you up.” you deadpan. 
He holds his hands up in defeat as you look over to Seonghwa. He’s sitting in his chair with a hard face and tense body. You want him to feel comfortable, understanding why he’s nervous. 
“Hwa, San also loves cats. Why don’t you tell him about Matz?”
“I have a cat named Matz” he whispers, eyes never leaving you.
“I used to have a cat but it died. I was thinking of getting a new one.” San says with a wide smile.
“What kind of cat is your favorite?” Seonghwa asks, seemingly interested. 
“I like cats that are nice and wet, even better if they're tight.” he says with a wide smile, showing off his dimples. “Can I take a look at your cat, Doctor?” 
Before you can respond San’s on the floor, face being beaten in by Seonghwa. 
“HOW ABOUT YOU TREAT HER WITH SOME FUCKING RESPECT.” he yells as his fist fly into San’s jaw. As the guards peel him off San and sedate him he’s staring straight at you, tears in his eyes. 
“I can’t sit here and let him talk to you like that.” he slurs as the sedative takes over his body. 
“Thank you, Hwa.” is the last thing he hears before everything fades to black.
“You did a real number on San.” you say with an awkward laugh at your next session,  trying to make him comfortable. He’s back with four guards after he broke San’s jaw two weeks ago.  He was placed in a higher security ward inorder to avoid more altercations.
“He deserved it.” he whispers with an eye roll.
“Maybe, but we don’t have to solve our problems with violence.”
“I do.”
“Well, If I upset you would you beat the shit out of me?” you ask, trying to prove your point but hoping he will say no.
He leans forward and looks directly into your eyes. “Y/N I will never hurt you. I swear on my life.” 
“That's good to hear” you say with a laugh. 
“Ok, let's begin. I want you to write three things you like here and three things you dislike. I want you to start seeing the good in the bad.”
“Not much to love in this shit hole.” he grumbles.
“Hey, At least the chicken tenders they serve on wednesdays are good.” you joke.
You hand him a piece of paper and a pen, your fingers brushing making you clear your throat. 
“Ok, go ahead.”
“You do it too.” he says with a smirk.
“How about I just write things I do like? ”
You write three things you like:
Chicken tenders 
The sunlight
“Ok, you share first.” 
He clears his throat. 
“I like my doctor, I like the girl I meet on Monday’s, Wednesday, and Fridays, and I like Y/N.”
Your eyes widen and you can’t help but smile, feeling your cheeks tingle. “Well that's definitely something.” you say with a laugh watching his eyes light up. 
You read out your list and watch his smile widen when he hears his name. 
“Don’t let it go to your head.” you say with an eye roll.
“Oh baby, it already did.”
Your heart stops at the pet name, willing yourself to remain professional. He’s a goddamn serial killer you internally yell. 
“Ok, now read the things you don’t like.”
“I don’t like Tuesdays and Thursdays, I don’t like San, and I don’t like your boyfriend.”
You choke on the sip of water you were taking. 
“How do you know I have a boyfriend?”
“Your reaction just told me.” he says and you can see him becoming upset. 
“I don’t have a boyfriend, and frankly it’s none of your business.” you say, slightly annoyed. 
He gives you a look you’re never seen before. You hate to think it but he genuinely looks insane. You’re suddenly thankful for the guards in the room. 
“I think that’s enough for today.” you say. the guards picking him up and dragging him out of the room, his eyes never leaving yours.
You weren’t lying, you don’t have a boyfriend. Well, that’s because he doesn’t want you. All  Chris wants from you is sex, claiming he’s “too young for a relationship”
You wish you were strong enough to stick up for yourself but that’s exactly how he likes you, weak. 
As you sit at your desk you're puzzled by Seonghwa’s reaction. Sure, you've had patients crush on you in the past but they've never reacted like that when they found out about your partner. He looked almost… murderous? You write this in his file, concerned for both your safety and his. Maybe someone else should get assigned to him? No, that’ll only aggravate him more. You sigh, at a loss about this situation. 
When you enter your office you see an envelope on the floor, presumably slid under your door. You pick it up and see it’s addressed to you.
You open it and pull out a letter.
“My dear Y/N, 
I don’t know what I was thinking yesterday. I guess I got jealous, knowing I can’t have you in the ways he has you. I can tell you guys aren’t in love. You deserve to be loved, in every sense of the word. I wish we met in different circumstances, I’d do anything to have you, to hold you, to love you. I’m sorry if I scared you. You’ve been nothing but perfect for me and I’ve done nothing but give you headaches. I’ll be better for you, I promise.
Your heart softens. This is the sweetest thing anyone has ever done for you. You choose to ignore the parts where he confesses his love for you. That just complicates things. You decide to pay him a visit in his room. 
You walk to the other side of the hospital, rehearsing what you're going to say to him. You stop in your tracks outside his door, hearing moans and groans coming from the other side. Is he ok?  You press your ear to his door, only hearing more moans and whimpers. As you’re about to open it you hear him moan out your name. Oh. It doesn't take a genius to guess what he’s doing. It would be a lie if you said you weren't imagining his face right now. He’s already so pretty, he must look even better right before he comes. You bite the bullet and knock on his door.
“Hwa, can I come in?”
You hear shuffling and a meek “Come in.”
You open the door and pause. You expected him to stop but he’s sitting up on his bed with his back against the wall, cock in his hand. Your eyes stray from his face to his dick, hard and long. 
“Am I interrupting something?”
“I’ll come back later.” 
“No.” he yells, making you stop in your tracks.
“Turn around.”
As if you were in a trance you turn around, eyes trained on his large hands wrapped around himself. 
“Can you come help me? It hurts so bad.” he whispers. “You’re my doctor aren’t you?” he smirks.
“No, this is wrong.”
“Then why are you still here? Why are your eyes on my cock rather than my face?”
“Y/N, all I can think of when I close my eyes is you.” he says as he strokes his cock, looking into your eyes. “Your pretty eyes, your lips, your perfect fucking smile. You make it so hard to focus. I gotta come back here after every session to stroke my cock to you, I can’t help myself.”
You’re frozen in place, unsure if you’re even breathing. “Come wrap your hand around my cock, baby. Please?”
Your legs move before you can think this through, hesitantly wrapping your hand around him. He’s so big in your hands, you can only imagine how perfect he’d feel inside you. 
“I shouldn't be doing this.” you whisper to him. 
He wraps his hand around yours and guides you to begin stroking him, moaning at the sensation. “You aren’t doing anything wrong, just helping your patient.”
His breathing picks up as precum leaks from his tip onto your hand. “Baby, can I tell y-you something?”
“I really wish it was your pretty little pussy wrapped around me right now.” he groans. “I’d treat you better than you could imagine, I’d have you addicted to this dick.”
“Shh, keep going. You're making me feel so good, beautiful.” he breathes out, throbbing in your hand.
“Do you do this to your other patients? Or am I special.”
“You’re special, Hwa. You know that.”
“Do you do this for that ungrateful bastard you call a boyfriend?”
You freeze, but he continues. 
“I know you don’t. If he treated you how you deserved you wouldn’t be here with me. I’d make you a queen Y/N, you don’t even have to love me back.”
You look at him in the eye, he looks fucking insane but you can’t find it in you to care. You crash your lips into his, feeling him suck in a deep breath before returning the same ferocity. The kiss is deep and nasty, nothing but tongue and teeth. You grip him harder and begin pumping him faster, desperate to see his face when you come. 
“I want you to come for me ok? I wanna see how pretty you look when you feel good.”
“Yes, yes, ok. I’m gonna come for you.”
You hear him let out one last whimper before he comes, his seed dripping down your hand. When he’s done you bring your hand up to his mouth, watching him lick his cum off your fingers. You feel yourself clench around nothing, but you know you’d have to handle your little issue at a later time. 
“So good for me, Hwa.” you smile, giving him one last peck before getting up. 
He’s laying on the bed, looking completely blissed out, a wide smile on his face. 
“I got the letter by the way. I guess flattery has gotten you pretty far.”
You arrive home later than expected, getting caught up in some paperwork and losing track of time. When you arrive at your apartment you see none other than Chris waiting outside. 
“Where have you been?” he immediately spits, slurring his words, making you roll your eyes. 
“Why are you here?” you sigh, unlocking your door.
“What? I can’t come see you now?” he says, going to hug you, but you push him away, smelling the alcohol on his breath. 
“Thought you’d be more interested in seeing Irene.”
“Y/N, don’t be like that. You and I aren’t together.” he says, getting aggravated.
“Thank God.” you say under your breath, unsure where this confidence came from.
“Come again?”
“No. Fucking say it.” he says, getting in your face.
“Chris, just leave.”
“Youre fucking impossible, Y/N. I don’t know what you fucking want from me. You get mad when I fuck other bitches but you talk to me like this? You don’t deserve me.”
You can’t help but laugh, turning to walk into your bathroom, which makes him even more upset. 
“Whats so fucking funny?” he yells, grabbing your wrist a little too tight. 
“Don’t fucking touch me.” you spit, trying to pull your hand away, but unable to due to his tight grip. 
“You’re hurting me.” you cry as he tightens his grip and pulls you towards him. 
“Imagine how much you hurt me when you act like this? You’re a fucking bitch Y/N. Why are you acting like this? Are you fucking someone else is that it?” he’s getting angrier by the second, beginning to scare you.
You yank your hand from his grip, only to be greeted with a sharp slap across your face.
You look at him with wide eyes, shocked at his actions. He seems equally as shocked as he stares at his hand then you. 
“Sweetheart, I’m-”
“Get out before I call the cops.”
He rushes out, spewing bullshit apologies in his drunken state, but you’re having none of it. As soon as he leaves you begin to cry, the reality of what happened hitting you. You look down at your wrist, seeing his hand imprinted on your skin. You cry more, wondering how you got to this point.
You tried your best to cover the small mark on your face, but the bruise on your hand was a no go. You just hoped the sleeves of your lab coat would cover the mark. You see multiple patients today, trying to keep up your usual happy persona but most likely failing. San is the only one who asked if you were ok, saying he “knows ways to make
You feel better.” Maybe Seonghwa needs to beat him up one more time so he can learn his lesson. Speaking og Seonghwa, you are nervous to face him after your encounter yesterday. You violated so many rules, if he were to snitch on you not only would you lose your job, but your license. You take a deep breath as the guards bring him into your office, two instead of four now due to good behavior.
He takes a seat but you’re not sure what to say. He frowns at the unusual silence, immediately asking what's wrong. 
“I’m fine, Hwa. Just having a shitty day.” you say while subconsciously rubbing your wrist, bringing attention to it. He shoots forward in his seat and grabs your arm, pulling back your sleeve and looking at your wrist. The guards immediately grab him, but you signal at them to stand down. 
“Did he do that?” Seonghwa asked, venom dripping from his voice. 
“He was drunk.” 
“That's not an excuse.”
“I know.” you sigh.
“That bastard doesn't deserve you. I hope he fucking dies.” Seonghwa spits. 
“Hwa, don’t say that.”
“I want to leave.”
You nod your head and the guards lead him back to his room. You decide to head home, hoping a night out with your friends will clear your mind.
Seonghwa’s tells himself he’s doing this for you. Everything he does is for you. No one can lay a hand on his sweet girl and think they won't experience any consequences. He’ll be damned if this fucker lives another day. He watches Chris dance and kiss other women like nothings wrong, like he didn’t put his hands on you. Seonghwa can feel the rage flowing through his body, this is the feeling he gets right before he kills. He can’t wait to see the light leave Chris’ eyes tonight. He’s eternally grateful for Hongjoong finding this fucker for him, he knows he’ll avenge you tonight. 
He waits for him near his car, watching him fumble with his keys. 
“Excuse me.” 
Chris turns around and sees Seonghwa standing next to the car parked behind his own. 
“I know this sounds weird, but I’m trying to dump my couch, but I can’t get it out of my apartment by myself. Can you help me?”
“Yea sure.” 
Seonghwa couldn't help but smile, knowing what was about to happen. As soon as the pair enter Hongjoong’s old apartment, Seonghwa wastes no time and stabs Chris in the chest, watching him crumble to the floor. 
“You think you can touch my dear, Y/N and get away with it? No one is going to hurt my girl.” he spits, rage consuming him. 
Chris doesn’t get a chance to respond as Seonghwa plunges the knife into his chest, repeatedly, aiming for his heart. 
“This is how my heart felt when I saw those bruises on her.” he spits, mutilating Chris’s body. 
When his body is nothing more than a pile of flesh and blood, Seonghwa stands, changing out of his soiled clothes and exiting the apartment, leaving Chris’s body to rot. 
He pushes through the crowds of the rowdy club, searching for you. He spots you dancing with your friends, looking carefree and happy, exactly as you should be. He smiles at the sight, falling more in love with you as the seconds pass. He wants to experience everything with you, he wants to marry you, have kids with you, die with you, and he will. He’ll make you his, he’ll fill you up with his seed and watch your body grow. He’ll keep you where no one can find you, make sure you’re his forever. 
He watches you search for one of your other friends from your spot at the bar, hoping you’d make eye contact with him. When your eyes meet his heart stops. He watches your eyes widen, and confusion grow on your face. You rub your eyes to make sure you’re seeing correctly and when you open them again he’s gone. 
He walks back to the asylum elated, happy he served you justice. He passes by the security who knows better to question him and the nurses who keep their heads down and mouths shut. There's nothing money can’t buy, and the hospital staff’s silence is definitely not one of them. He changes back into his patient attire and gets into bed as if nothing happened. 
 You’re 100% losing your mind. Either that or Seonghwa was in the same club as you last night which is impossible. You've run through every scenario you could think of and you’ve concluded whatever you feel for him is becoming too strong. You’re considering transferring him to another doctor, the guilt you have from what happened two days ago is sitting on you. That was completely unprofessional and foolish, your risked so much because you’re too fucking horny. Not only that but you took advantage of him, you're in a position of power, you should've said no. You know you wouldn't be able to treat and diagnose him properly. But you also know he’d throw a fit if he gets assigned to a new doctor. This is all too much for you to handle.
Your thoughts are interrupted by someone barging into your office. You look up and see Seonghwa, eyes widening. 
“Hwa? Why are you here?”
“I needed to see you.”
“Where are the guards?”
“Don’t worry about that.” he says and locks your office door, worrying you a bit.
“Seonghwa, you’ll get in trouble if they find out you’re here.”
“They won’t find out if you don’t tell.” he says with a smile, walking to your desk. 
“Why did you need to see me?”
“I’m sorry for how I acted yesterday. It wasn’t my place to react like that, and I know you were probably already stressed, I shouldn’t have added to that.”
“It's ok, don’t worry.”
“No, it’s not Ok. I keep saying I'll treat you right but I haven't. Let me make it up to you.”
You smile at how much he cares when it should be the other way around. 
“And how are you going to make it up?” you say with a light laugh.
“Let me eat you out.”
Your eyes widen. 
“Hwa. What happened was a one time thing. We can’t keep doing this.”
“You know why.”
“I won’t tell anyone. No one needs to know, Baby. I love you, why would I jeopardize you?” he says, getting on his knees next to your desk chair.
“What if someone sees?”
“I’ll take care of them. With the way I’m about to have you, no one but me gets to see you.”
Your breath quickens. No way you're actually contemplating this. You watch as he turns your chair towards him and places his hands on your thighs.
“What do you say, Sweet girl?”
You nod hesitantly. He smiles up at you spreading your legs and running his hands up your skirt. He flips it up and looks at your pink panties, sucking in a deep breath. 
“Just like I imagined.”
He puts his legs on your shoulder and pulls your hips to his face, running his nose along your inner thigh. He’s breathing heavily, his grip on you tightening. He licks a long stipe up your slit over your panties, teasing you. Your hands fly to his soft curls, pulling him closer. 
“Please don’t tease”  you whisper.
He begins to kiss your cunt, practically making out with it. He’s so sloppy with it, soaking your already soaked panties more. He pulls off your panties with his teeth, shoving them in his pocket before pulling you flush to his lips. He goes straight for your clit, sucking harshly. He's moaning into your cunt, lapping at your pussy like it's the last he’lll ever eat.
“So good, Baby. You taste so fucking goof. The best I’ve ever had.”
He runs two fingers through you, wetting them before easing them inside. 
“Fucking hell, you’re gonna be the death of me.”
You can only moan in response, trying to control your volume.
“Tell me how it feels.”
“It’s so good, Hwa. Feels so good.”
“Is it better than that fucker Chris?”
“Yes, so much better.” you moan out, not having enough brain power to question how he knows chris. All you can focus on is his soft tongue running through you and his fingers hitting all the spots you need. 
Your back arches as you feel your orgasm coming. “Give it to me baby. I deserve it,I’ve been so good to you.” he speaks into your cunt, his fingers never stopping. 
You look down into his wide eyes and see so much emotion in them. He’s so fucking pretty, just the thought that this is the man eating you out makes you let go. Grabbing his hair harshly and somehow pulling him closer as you soak his face. He keeps sucking and licking your clit, slowing the pace of his fingers. When it gets too much you yank his head back, out of breath. 
“Fuck, Hwa. That definitely made it up to me.” you laugh, blissed out.
“I’m glad.” he laughs, licking his fingers clean before standing up and kissing you.
“I can make you feel even better.” he smiles, testing his luck. 
“Nice try. Can I have my panties back?”
“No can do.” he smiles, kissing you one more time before backing up, helping you put your clothes back in place. 
“I’ll see you four, Love.” he says with a wide smile.
“Actually, I need to cancel our session, something came up.” you say solemnly watching his smile drop. All the guilt from before it you once again. You can’t keep doing this. He’s you patient for fucks sake, you can’t fuck him. This is wrong on so many levels.  
“So when am I going to see you instead?”
“I’ll let you know.” you say with a frown.
“Oh, Ok. Have a nice night, Y/N.”
“You too, Hwa.”
Seonghwa can feel something's off. He thought after he ate you out you’d realize you feel the same way about him. But he could tell it had the opposite effect. He tries to sleep but all that's on his mind is you. He looks at the clock on the wall, it's well past 4am, you should definitely be gone. He gets up and opens his door, seeing the guard on night duty fast asleep. He walks to your office and uses the master key he stole from the janitor to unlock the door. He walks over to your desk and scans the papers littering it. He sees a printed out email from your supervisor, listing reports made about you from other patients. Other patients claim you show him favoritism? He knows San was behind this. They claim patient reports you write for him are much more detailed and that's somehow proof of favoritism? You eating lunch with him is somehow inappropriate? He laughs at this, they really have no idea how inappropriate your relationship has gotten. He continues reading, Your supervisor claims he’s showing no improvement and has requested a new doctor for him. He can feel the anger coursing through his veins but he wills himself. He’ll be damned if they try to take you away from him. His months of planning will not go to waste. He’ll live out all his dreams with you, there's no way he won’t. 
He walks out of your office, filled with rage. He can’t believe this. He can only imagine how crushed you are. He knows you love him, even if you don’t know it. He knows you’re probably at home distraught. He owes it to you to make sure you two remain together forever.
He goes back to his room, but he still can’t sleep. He stares at the ceiling, imagining your pretty face in an attempt to calm his spirit. He’s rudely interrupted by his door opening. He looks at the clock and sees it's somehow 8am. Time flies so fast when you're on his mind. In walks another doctor he’s seen around the hospital. There's no way this happened so quickly. He can’t believe this. He sees the man speaking to him but he’s not hearing anything besides the ringing in his ears. 
“I want Y/N to be my doctor.”
“Unfortunately, she can’t. She hasn’t been making much progress with you. We're hoping a more experienced doctor like myself can help you more than she can.”
He looks at him blankly. He feels himself slipping away. His hands clench and reach under his pillow, grasping his knife as the doctor reads from his clipboard. He won’t let someone speak about you like this. He won’t let them take you away from him. He grabs the doctor's hair and slits his throat, sawing through the man's blood vessels until he falls limp. A guard runs in and attempts to wrestle the knife out of his hands but he overpowers him, plunging the knife into his chest repeatedly. Seonghwa’s fuled by blind rage, no one will stop him from avenging your honor. How dare they speak of you like this as he kills the fourth and final guard to come in. He hears alarms blaring in the distance and looks at the clock. It's 9:05 am, he can feel you on your way to him.
The blaring of the alarms push you to run faster, entering the high security section of the hospital. The commotion from down the hall gets louder as you approach his room. You come to a halt as you see a stream of blood running down the hall, coming from beyond his door. A loud thud from inside his room breaks you from your trance,  you push open the door, seeing the bodies of guards surrounding his bed.   
“Hwa” you gasp, eyes trained on the battered bodies. “What did you do?” you breathe out, finally looking up at him. 
He looks up at you from across the room, eyes wide and bloodshot. 
“What did I do?” He laughs maniacally. “Y/N, This is your fault. I did this because of you.” he says as he begins to approach you. 
“THEY TRIED TO KEEP ME FROM YOU!” He yells. “You were supposed to take care of me. YOU PROMISED!” He traps you against the wall next to the door. “Isn’t that your job? Nurse me back to my right state of mind? Figure out what's wrong with me? But you didn’t do that. No,no, no you just made me fall in love with you, you made me want you! So don’t act like this is my fault.” he says as he lightly drags the knife across your throat.
“No ones going to keep me away from you, my love.” he whispers into your ear. He leans over and locks the door before looking back at you.
“Do you think I’m going to hurt you?”
“No.” you answer with full confidence.
He smiles at you, but it's not the same smile your Seonghwa gives you. You don’t know who this is. 
"I want my Hwa back, I don;t like you like this.”
“I am your Hwa, Baby. I did this for you Y/N. Don’t you see how much I love you?” he says, dropping the knife and kissing down your neck. 
“I know, Hwa.” you sigh heavily, feeling his cock hardening against your stomach. 
“Say you love me too. I know you do.”
Do you love him? Can you love someone who’d do this? The longer you stay quiet the more upset he gets. “It's ok baby. I’ll love you enough for the both of us.” he sighs. “One day you’ll realize how much you love me.”
He runs his hands down your body, squeezing your ass. He flips you around, pressing your chest to the wall. 
“I’m gonna fuck you so hard, Y/N. I’ll be all you think about for the rest of your life.”
He shoves your pants down and rips your panties off you, rubbing his fingers through you. “Fucking hell, you’re a filthy fucking liar. You do like me like this, look how wet you are.” he says bringing his soaking fingers in front of your face. Your breath quickens, seeing evidence of how wet you are.
“Just fuck me, Hwa.” you groan.
He pulls out his hard cock and rubs his tip through you. “I’ll make you mine, Y/N. You’ll let me cum in you right? Own this pussy”
“Yes, Hwa. Please.”
He lines himself up and slides in slowly, gripping your hips tightly at the sensation. 
“F-fuck, Baby. You feel so good, the best I’ve ever had.” he moans out. He fills you up completely, stretching you so painfully but not nicely. You savor the pain, it reminds you of  how taboo this is, how much you deserve to feel pain. Youre letting this psychopath fuck you in a room full of bodies, your colleagues blood on your body doing nothing but turning you on. You deserve to feel pain, but he turns that pain into pleasure with the first thrust. It’s like your pussy was made for him, you fit together perfectly. You can feel him in your stomach, so deep inside you, you can feel yourselves becoming one. He picks up his pace, thrusting into you harshly. 
“I’ve dreamt of this for so long. I’ve fucked my fist imagining it was this pussy. You couldn't even imagine all the nasty things I’d do to you, Bbay. I’d hurt you so bad but you’d love it, you’d beg me for more. B-beg me to make you mine.”
He pulls out quickly and flips you around, hiking you up the wall. You wrap your legs around his waist as he slides back in, fucking into you while staring into your eyes. 
“I need to see that pretty face when I breed you. I have everything planned out for us, Y/N. There's a beautiful house waiting for you, so many rooms to fill up with our beautiful babies. I know you’d be a great mother, my perfect little housewife.”
He picks up his pace, feeling you clenching around him, but desperate to come together. 
“I’d keep you full of my seed all the time, my love. You’d always feel me dripping out of you, I’d keep you nice and round with my babies for as long as I can. You want that don’t you? You wanna be my slutty little cum dump?”
You can barely answer him, let alone breathe. He’s hitting it so deep, you feel like your on another planet. You look down into his eyes and nod, mesmerized by his beautiful brown eyes. You’d let him do anything he wanted if it meant you felt like this forever. 
“Cum for me, my love. I’m going to fill you up so nicely, ok?”
You let go, clamping down on his cock and hearing his deep groan. His warm cum fills you up to the brim, leaking out of you, despite the vice-like grip your cunt has on him.
“So fucking tight and warm, baby” he blabbers, shallowly thrusting his seed back into you. He pulls you in for a kiss by your neck, claiming your mouth as his own. You pull back for air, giving him a blissed out smile. The words he so badly wants to hear hang on your tongue but you can’t give it to him yet. 
“I know, baby. You don’t have to say it, I already know.” he whispers against your lips and sets you down. 
He helps you fix your clothes and begins to pull you out of the hospital. As you see the chaos ensuing, the reality of the situation hits you. 
“Hwa, where are you taking me?”
“Hongjoong is outside we gotta go before the cops come.”
“Wait, what?” you pull back from him, stopping him in his tracks.
“Y/N, now's not the time.” he growls.
“Tell me what's going on.”
“You really think I was going to stay in this shit hole forever? Y/N, I’m not fucking crazy, I killed those people on purpose. The only reason I’m not rotting in jail is because I paid off the judge. I was planning my escape from the moment I got here but I only stayed this long because of you. So let's go.”
His words break you from your trance. This man is actually insane. You begin backing away from him but he gets visibly upset. “Y/N, don’t try this shit with me. You’re coming with me whether you like it or not.”
The dim lighting of the hallway and red lights from the alarms make him look sinister. For the first time you feel afraid of him. 
“I don’t want to go with you, Seonghwa.”
He looks at you blankly before grabbing you harshly. “
“I didn’t want to do it this way, Y/N. I wanted us to be happy, but if I have to force you to want me, so be it. He pulls out the sedative he took from one of the guards and pulls off the cap with his teeth. “You’ll be mine forever Y/N. That baby growing in your belly is proof enough.” 
He sticks the syringe into your neck, releasing the chemicals into your body. You feel the drugs immediately kick in, falling limp in his hold. 
“Hwa, please don’t.” you whimper.
He caresses your face with a pout. “Don’t worry, Baby. You’ll love me eventually, I’ll make sure of it.” 
He flashes you a wide, beautiful smile before everything fades to black.
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hello-sweetheart · 4 months ago
Gargoyle Eddie
Eddie would be the cutest little gargoyle statue. Like imagine Steve, son of a wealthy man, living in an elaborate estate with a whole rose garden, lake, statues and the like.
And by his balcony window there’s a small gargoyle statue looking out to the rose garden and Steve just spends his nights talking to it when he vents. It helps talking, even if the gargoyle can’t hear him or respond.
It’s got a fierce face to scare away evil spirits: long canines, beady eyes, and tiny wings that are way too small of its boulder body, like fucking bee physiology or something.
But Steve has basically personified the damn thing after talking to it since he was a preteen, so occasionally he’ll dress it up in a scarf and hat during the cold. Sunglasses during summer…
One night, there’s a storm that tears through the estate, the rose bushes barren of leaves and buds, the walkways covered in mud, fences ripped from the winds and…
His precious gargoyle friend in pieces on the ground below his window, a lighting strike cracking it open like an egg. He can’t say what he’s upset about, not really. Not for a stupid childish attachment,
So instead he says, “I’ll miss the roses” when asked.
The following night, there’s the flapping of wings and Steve looks out the window, sky clear after the rainfall and moon bright enough to see what looks like a chunky little ball landing on the podium where his gargoyle once’s stood.
It looks exactly like the stone statue. Terrifyingly so. But it’s so familiar to him he can’t help but open the glass doors, and reach out to touch the leather skin.
And oh my god it feels disgusting like touching a toad.
So of course he lets it sleep at the foot of his bed like a dog or something. He’s actually half convinced that he’s dreaming to be honest, it’s too bizarre.
Come morning, there is a naked man on his bed, pale grey, with claws for fingernails and canines sharp as he drools on Steve’s sheets.
And on his back, there are small leather wings, deep grey, and thin like bat wings.
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slutoru1207 · 15 days ago
Variant!Invincible x Variant!Reader funny imagine
haha i had fun writing this
The battlefield was pure chaos. The Invincible War had brought together versions of Mark from across the multiverse, and now? Now there were also multiple versions of you.
And it was absolute insanity.
One Mark—dressed in a sleek black and red suit—landed beside the original Mark, wiping blood off his face. "Okay, not gonna lie, I was not expecting this many versions of your girlfriend."
"Tell me about it," Mark groaned, dodging a stray blast. "They’ve been all over me for weeks!"
"Sounds like a dream."
"It’s not!"
Meanwhile, across the battlefield, your variants had found their Marks.
"Hey there, handsome," one of you cooed, sidling up to a Mark with a scar over his eye and a much darker aura. "You look dangerous. I like that."
Scarred Mark raised a brow. "And you don’t look scared of me."
You smirked. "Why would I be? I’ve got a thing for bad boys."
Somewhere else, a more unhinged Mark—eyes burning with bloodlust—was being held back by two versions of you, both giggling. "Aww, you’re cute when you’re trying to kill people."
"Let. Me. Go," he snarled.
One of you poked his cheek. "Nah, you’re kinda fun to mess with."
Back with the original Mark, he turned just in time to see three versions of you hanging off different versions of himself. One had her arms draped around a Mark with a robotic arm, whispering in his ear. Another was poking at a Mark with white streaks in his hair, teasing him about how cool he looked.
And the worst? One of you had cozied up to a Mark in a full Viltrumite uniform—the kind that screamed evil overlord.
"So," she purred, tracing a finger down his chest. "Conquering planets, huh? That’s hot."
The Viltrumite Mark smirked. "You’re intriguing."
Original Mark nearly had a stroke. "ARE YOU FLIRTING WITH A VILTRUMITE?!"
Your variant shrugged. "I mean, yeah. Have you seen him?"
Mark groaned, dragging a hand down his face. "I can’t deal with this. I can’t."
Meanwhile, the Guardians of the Globe watched the multiversal madness unfold, completely dumbfounded.
"Dude," Rex whispered, eyes wide. "I don’t know whether to be jealous or terrified."
Dupli-Kate sighed. "Both. Be both."
As the battle raged on, it became very clear that the variants—both of Mark and you—were a force to be reckoned with. Some worked together perfectly, back-to-back in combat, protecting each other without hesitation. Others? Well…
"Babe, heads up!" One of you flung a chunk of debris toward a Mark locked in combat.
Unfortunately, it wasn’t her Mark.
"THAT'S NOT MY MARK!" the original you shrieked as the wrong Mark got flattened.
Mark groaned. "I hate this war."
Suddenly, a new portal ripped open in the sky, and out came even more Marks and Readers, their outfits and battle stances making it very clear they had been fighting in their own universes. One Reader stepped forward, looking around with a smirk. "Oh, this is going to be fun."
One Mark, wearing an old, tattered cape, scoffed. "Oh great. More of you."
Another Mark, who looked far too comfortable covered in way too much blood, tilted his head at one of your variants. "I know you."
She grinned. "Yeah, you killed my Mark. Wanna make it up to me?"
Even Original Mark had to do a double take. "WHAT?!"
The battlefield somehow became even worse. One of your variants challenged a Viltrumite Mark to a sparring match, another was actively helping a villain Mark take down a Guardian, and one had somehow convinced a half-robotic Mark to carry her bridal style mid-battle.
"She actually pulled it off," one of your other selves whistled, watching in awe. "Respect."
At this point, even the universe itself seemed exhausted by the sheer amount of chaos. But through it all, one thing remained the same.
It was chaos. It was madness. And, somehow, it was the most entertaining thing that had ever happened in the multiverse.
Because, at the end of the day, no matter what universe they came from—
Marks were Marks.
And Readers? Readers would always drive them insane.
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oh-no-its-bird · 17 days ago
World's worst, most messy naruto time travel au EVER. Where a bunch of people from slightly different dimensions try to time travel to fix their bad endings.
But they all got dumped into their alternate bodies of the past of another slightly different dimension. And they all keep tripping over eachother.
So like. You have Sakura (from the dimension where there was no Kaguya/black zetsu, and Madara + Obito are the final villains)
Tripping over ANBU Sasuke (from a no Uchiha massacre/less bad Uchiha massacre universe where he never left the village and is filled to the brim with the will of fire)
Running into Naruto (from one of those evil konoha universes where the abuse aimed towards him was 100 times worse) who is absoloutley tweaking out in the corner, unsure and unable to comprehend what is (from his perspective) such a good world
Then theyre getting fucking tackled by Obito (from a roll swap dimension where he was team 7's sensei and Kakashi took his place in Akatsuki)
Meanwhile Kakashi from the 'team ro defects from Konoha' au is suddenly a jonin again and debating the merits of just sabotaging Konoha from the inside out
Then you also have Kurama, the only one of them to have gotten their own own new body instead of being dumped into the body of their alt version there (coming from a canon-similar world where Naruto sacrifices himself to give Kurama a body and send him back in time, a-la on the other side, by WideEyedDemon)
While in the distance, Gaara (from a dimension where Suna won the fight against Konoha and team 7 went on the run after the leaf was destroyed) tries to very hard to sabotage the attack he believes will prevail, in order to fulfill his promise to team 7 from that other universe bc they got to be friends
But he's being blocked around every corner by Kankuro and Temari, who came back together from a universe where Gaara was straight up an irredeemable monster who destroyed all of Suna
But also fucking semi-canon accurate housewife Orochimaru from Boruto is like. Around. Just absoloutley fucking it up in his milf era, giving no shits whatsoever. The alien tree people or whatever the hell is going on in boruto ate his world so he has his eyes on the sky.
^ so like. All of that and it just keeps going. U can throw in whoever from wherever, these are just starting points
(The only rule is Jiriya and Tsunade aren't time travelers bc I want them to see milf Orochimaru and scream in terror)
And the whole thing is that very few of them actually share the same bad end, and it's very unclear what the true bad ending of their current world is— bc to be clear, the dimension they ended up does not line up 100% with any one of the newcomers.
(Their current dimension is actually just canon, to be clear. Or at least incredibly canon-ish)
So they're just fucking tripping over eachother right and left, trying to prevent things that may or may not happen (bc some of their bad ends ARE still possible!!)
The inter character relationships would go so insane too. Bc like all of team 7 has been shaken to its core, pretty much.
Naruto wants to burn Konoha to the ground and Sasuke thinks it is hashtag worth fighting for.
Sakura is dealing from the whiplash of ehats basically a sasuke/naruto roleswap, and also thinks Obito is the irredeemable root of all evil.
Meanwhile, Obito is crying bc his kids don't recognize him
Obito, seeing his students so changed and then noting that Kakashi is so chill, gets his hopes up that maybe this is a loyal Konoha Kakashi...
But NOPE he's not, he's fully checked out of Konoha and has attachments to like. Team ro + Sasuke.
Tho he'd also be super fucked up to see Obito too, it must be said
Then Kakashi originally defected from Konoha in his universe bc Orochimaru told him ab the "truth" of his fathers suicide (and then he walked in on Danzo trying to kill Shisui lmao) And actually did join Orochimaru in sound afterwords, so.
Kakashi is rocking up to sound trying to confirm if shits similar in this universe and Orochimaru is going "a free copy cat Kakashi?? Don't mind if I do <3" and offering him a room there (which he might just accept)
Kakashi spying for Orochimaru....
The sand sibs are also having THE worst time ever. Gaara is trying so hard to be good and show he's changed but Temari and Kankuro are even more convinced of his irredeemable evil soul or whatever than they were in canon. They saw him rip Suna apart !!!
Gaara is also SO stressed about the chunin exam attack (fast approaching) bc hes convinced it will prevail and his future friends will be rendered homeless and hunted for sport again
Meanwhile also: Orochimaru totally fucking forgot about that and isn't. Actually interested anymore. So.
I have more thoughts but, like usual, I fucking clicked post too soon (these last bits are edits, oops) so I'll leave it here for now before someone reblogs the incomplete version
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valentinebugzee · 2 months ago
Sonic Boom! Agent Stone AU (pt.1)
(This is kind of an outline thing for the fic I plan on writing in the future btw!!)
Chapter 1 posted!
•On one random Tuesday, a coffee shop named "The Mean Bean" appeared in the middle of town, with no construction and no posters for the place, as if it fell from the sky.
•It probably did since it's sonic boom and all.
•Sonic and friends had different opinions on the place, but all of them went in anyway.
•Sonic thought he wasn't really a coffee guy but it wouldn't hurt to try something new.
•Amy admired how beautiful and modern the place looked, unlike the rest of the establishments in their formerly unnamed village.
•Tails questioned how they had managed to construct a cafe that quickly without anyone noticing.
•Knuckles wondered why this bean shop smelled like coffee.
•Sticks, however...had her theories.
•Upon laying her eyes on the establishment, she started coming up with 50 theories per second; her friends dismissed her to get the plot going.
•Sticks's suspicions didn't subside one bit once entered the shop and made eye contact with a grinning barista with the name tag "Stone"
•What really got Sticks paranoid is how nice and friendly the barista was, and how he was the only person working there.
•Stone served them and said their orders were "on the house"
•Sticks refused to order anything, claiming it was a trap and the food had microchips in it to read the villager's thoughts and know the village's most crucial secrets.
•Right in the middle of Stick's yap session, Eggman initiated a very well-timed attack.
•Cut to Shoujo vision-eyed Stone laying his eyes for the very first time on the village's one and only villain (or the only one that matters)
•He quickly snapped out of it, adjusted his clothes, and cleared his throat, then walked out of his coffee shop to greet the villain.
•He had politely asked Eggman to take the fight somewhere further away from his coffee shop and Eggman surprisingly obliged (not without blowing up in Stone's face ofc) (Stone didn't look like he minded) (He actually looked even more love-struck) (weirdo)
•The fight ended, and the gang went back to the coffee shop, where Stone inquired about the evil doctor who almost blew up his shop.
•That was Stick's last straw; she started screaming about how Stone was a government agent who would doom the entire village if they didn't stop him.
•She ran out screaming when her friends still didn't believe her.
•Girl, get better friends.
•She figured that if she was going to foil the evil government agent's plans she needed someone else helping her, another pair of eyes to look out for the village if the government agent decided that she was an obstacle in his way and kidnaps her to a work in a secret underground trees-that-are- actually-spy-cameras-factory.
•And that's when she found Shadow in a cave that he definitely doesn't live in.
•He reluctantly agreed to help her because he was also suspicious about that guy, not that he cared about the village but he didn't like being oblivious about evil happening on his turf.
•He didn't believe stick's microchipped food theory, but Stone being a government agent didn't seem too far off for him...
•They both had their separate attempts at getting answers out of Stone.
•First was Sticks, she set up a trap.
•ofc Stone fell for it because how else would the story progress.
•She interrogated him as he was upside down hanging from a tree outside her home.
•He denied all claims and feigned innocence, claiming he was just a barista that came from far far away to simply serve people happiness in the form of coffee.
•She opted for more efficient interrogation techniques, she turned around and entered her home to..grab a feather and tickle him idfk
•Once she returned outside she saw the net was burnt to crisp and the human was nowhere to be found.
•Now she's sure she's not paranoid.
•She reported her findings to Shadow.
•Now it was Shadow's turn, seeing how Stone definitely had some special equipment/weapons on him the idea of there being microchips in the food didn't seem too uncanny.
•Shadow showed up to The Mean Bean, Sticks intently staring at him from behind the glass doors (creeping everyone in the shop out)
•Shadow thought he shouldn't interrogate him as that would end up as fruitful as Stick's efforts.
•Instead he chose to just behave as a normal customer, he was the ultimate life form after all, if there was something odd about the food then he'd know (I'm pulling this shit outta my ass okay)
•Just like the badger had described him "Very sweet with an evil aura", and something about trees.
•Stone felt somewhat nervous/awkward towards the hedgehog, so far all his customers were either stupid or friendly excluding the badger that kidnapped him because she wasn't a customer at all)
•The Hedgehog chose a cat muffin, glaring at stone the entire time.
•That was the best goddamn muffin he has ever had in his life.
•He slammed the money on the counter and returned back to a very distraught badger.
"Raspberry jam..."
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justice4billiam · 8 months ago
I had this little thought.
Billy always calls you pet names and that’s just the norm because he’s a flirt and then there’s you who never calls him a single cute pet name ever. But one particular day you were like talking to the cat or dog or something and call it a cute nickname only to look up at Billy and see him red in the face because he thought you were talking to him for a second. So you go in for the kill with it and it practically does kill him. So now you only call him that nickname when you truly want to see him squirm
Billy Hargrove x Fem!reader
Word count: 4,152
Warnings: Nothing too bad. Just Billy being Billy. Maybe even a little less of himself actually.
Author’s Note: OMG. I am SO sorry about how long it took me to get this out. I'm such a perfectionist, and for some reason, even as I post this, it doesn't feel all that great, but I hope you like it all the same.
Oh Baby
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Billy Hargrove made a splash from the start.
He came cruising into the small town straight from the sunny shores of California, his cocky attitude and smirking face challenging anyone who crossed his path.
Everyone knew he was too big for a town like this, attracting stares and whispers as naturally as he breathed.
Billy had quickly become known for his flirty nature with the women of Hawkins, his inventory of pet names given with devilish grins and gazes that lingered just a second too long.
Handing them out like candy on Halloween with a confidence that bordered on arrogance.
But you?
You were the exception.
You were the challenge he couldn’t quite figure out.
Oh, how he wanted to.
The one girl who didn’t fall, the mystery that kept his mind racing.
You had always kept Billy at a distance, a boundary he seemed determined to cross. His invitations to hang out were met with polite declines, his attempts at conversation answered with noncommittal hums.
It wasn’t that you disliked him, in fact you were very aware of just how attractive he was; you just weren’t interested in being another name on his list.
But Billy was nothing if not persistent, acting like he didn’t even hear you most of the time, taking your rejections as a challenge.
It was on a day when the sky was a clear blue that opportunity knocked on Billy’s door—or rather, your car broke down.
Your car gave up on your way home from work right when you needed it the most, leaving you stranded with the hood open, staring at the engine.
As spring neared its end, the heat had become unbearable already causing sweat to drip down your face as you stood on the side of the road.
And what a coincidence that Billy would drive by, his Camaro growling like a hungry beast.
His car slowed to a stop in the lane, right beside you. Leaning over, he rolls down the passenger window, and peers out with raised brows.
“Need some help, sweetheart?” he enthusiastically calls out, his voice laced with amusement, clearly savoring the unexpected opportunity before him.
The urge to decline was immediate, yet you found yourself hesitating.
Accepting his help meant opening a door you’d fought to keep closed, and you weren’t sure you could take the consequences of letting him in.
But the sun was unforgiving, and your knowledge on cars was practically nonexistent.
That left you with two other choices: a long, lonely ten mile walk home or risk waiting for a stranger’s help, which, given the obvious, seemed like a stupid option.
Billy’s offer, which seemed honest enough, suddenly felt like the lesser evil here.
You gave an exasperated sigh and nodded your head.
“Alright, fine.” You grumbled under your breath.
The sight of Billy's smug grin made you instantly regret your decision as he pulled over a little distance up, and as usual, he looked like a model; his blonde curls blew in the wind as he got out of his car.
He kept his gaze on you, the same cocky look on his face as he boldly adjusted the front of his jeans before approaching.
"Hi." He greets cutely, stopping right in front of you, a little too close for your comfort.
Suppressing the urge to roll your eyes, you meet his gaze with an even look.
“Billy,” you acknowledge, your tone flat.
You could already tell he was going to be insufferable.
Billy’s grin was all charm as he leaned in.
“Having a bit of a day, are we?” he teased, casually flicking away a strand of hair that clung to your sweaty forehead.
The eye roll was involuntary this time, and without a second thought, you swatted his hand away.
“Are you going to help or are you just going to stand there?” you challenged, taking a step back.
Normally, you wouldn’t let anyone get to you so easily, but he was right—you were indeed having a rough day, and Billy had a knack for being an infuriatingly good pest.
He matched your retreat with a step forward, maintaining the intimate distance.
His gaze was unwavering, a hint of amusement revealing his enjoyment of your obvious annoyance.
Billy inched closer, the trace of a grin on his lips.
“Easy there, sugar,” he hummed, his words a soft whisper against your ear, sending a shiver down your spine.
As he moved past you, his body grazed yours just enough to leave a faint but unmistakable scent of his cologne—a secret tingle that you tucked away, never to be spoken of.
It was a sensation that you'd have never felt before, one you’d vehemently deny if ever questioned.
“I’ll take a look,” he stated simply, his attention already on the engine.
You paused, taking a deep breath to brace yourself against Billy’s bullshit. You knew he thrived on getting reactions, and you were determined not to give him the satisfaction. Ever.
With a measured step, you leaned in, your gaze fixed over his shoulder. You tried to follow along with his movements but they were a mystery to you.
However, the concern that suddenly showed on Billy’s face was clear.
A sharp breath caught in his throat, his hand freezing mid-motion. It was clear from his expression—whatever he saw, it wasn’t encouraging.
Billy stepped back from the car, and you reached into the backseat, rummaging through the clutter until your fingers found the familiar fabric of an old T-shirt.
“Here,” you offered, holding it out to him. He took it with a nod, wiping the oil from his hands.
“The bad news?” Billy’s started. “Your car’s distributor cap is cracked, and the timing belt’s snapped,” he stated plainly. “It’s not going to start without some work.”
You let out a weary groan, hands instinctively covering your eyes.
Why was the day just getting worse and worse?
This is what you get for leaving work early when they clearly needed you.
Karma really was a bitch.
Billys fingers tried to gently pry yours from your face, but you pulled away, fixing him with a dull glare.
His chuckle was barely there, and the boyish smile that followed was a detail that, despite your better judgment, you found quite charming—even if he was a heartbreaking jerk.
“Look at it this way,” Billy began, a hint of mischief in his voice as he shrugged nonchalantly. “I’m pretty good with my hands. We’ll take my ride to the closest phone, call for a tow, and get your car sorted out quick.”
Taking a step toward Billy, your suspicion was clear.
“But why?” you asked, eyes narrowed as you frowned in his direction.
You know what he was like.
He’s in your gym class, usually tough on people, and he doesn’t do special favors. Billy isn’t the type to help out without an angle, and you guessed he might be trying to get on your good side.
But you have never been the type to fall for his bullshit and he knew that.
Billy’s irritation was evident.
He exhaled a deep sigh, his eyes briefly darting to the side before locking onto you with a fiery intensity.
 “Do I need a reason?” he challenged, his tone sharp. “You need the help or not? Because I’m not sticking around if you don’t want it.”
With that, he pulled out a cigarette, lit it with a practiced flick of his lighter, and quickly pocketed it again.
You rolled your eyes, a combination of frustration and nerves as you clasped your hands together tightly.
 “Uhm—no—I mean, yes!” The words tumbled out in a hurried stutter.
“Sorry, I’m not trying to be rude. Yes, thank you, I could really use the help,” you said, the genuine gratitude finally surfacing despite the awkward exchange.
The hardness in Billy’s eyes seemed to dissolve, replaced by a hint of warmth as he gazed at you. He took a drag from his cigarette, the tension visibly leaving his shoulders.
“Alright,” he sniffed, a trace of his usual flirtatiousness returning. “I’ll get your car fixed. And who knows? Maybe you’ll owe me a drink after this.”
You let out a soft, disbelieving laugh. “Keep dreaming,” you said, the doubt in your voice barely hidden.
He nonchalantly shrugged, the cigarette dangling from his lips as he pushed the hood down with a clunk.
Frowning, you watched him—it was clear that this was his plan all along. It was almost funny how obvious his intentions were.
But you felt like denying his help was a bad choice.
The thought of walking for miles was not at all appealing, and you were actually thankful for his offer to fix the car, knowing it would save you a significant amount on mechanic fees.
You offered a slight nod to Billy’s when his eyes found yours again.
You then walked over to your car, locking it with a deliberate push that made a sharp clicking sound. After ensuring everything was secure, you turned and hesitantly began to walk towards his car.
Billy strides were confident and unhurried, reaching the passenger door of his Camaro before you.
He opened it with a casual flick, the gesture almost too practiced.
You eyed him, the suspicion in your gaze clear as day, but you held your tongue to avoid sparking another tiff.
Instead, you communicated your question with a simple arch of your eyebrow as you took your seat.
As you settled into the passenger seat, Billy’s voice broke the slightly awkward silence, his tone laced with playful arrogance.
“You know, dreams are just plans waiting to happen,” he quipped, the cigarette bobbing with his words.
He flashed a quick, roguish grin as he shut the door, the sound punctuating his words.
You rolled your eyes so far back, you half-expected them to get stuck.
"You're aware of how annoying you are, right?" You couldn't help but remark as you watched him slide into the driver's seat, your eyes unintentionally diverting to his crotch as he adjusted himself.
Billy’s voice was low, a teasing edge to it. “Eyes up here, sweetheart,” he muttered, and you quickly lifted your gaze to his face, feeling your cheeks warm when you’re greeted by that infuriating smirk of his.
"And sure, I might be annoying," he conceded, smirking as he cupped himself through his jeans.
"But deep down, you're into it," he declared with certainty.
You gasped as the heat in your cheeks grew.
Quickly, you averted your gaze to the windshield, the outside world suddenly way more interesting.
He added, "even if you're not willing to admit that yet," his laugh was a low rumble as he capped off his comment by starting the car, the engine rumbling to life assertively.
He was infuriating, no doubt about it. Each smirk, each nonchalant shrug sent waves of annoyance crashing through you. Yet, there was something else, a whisper of a feeling you refused to examine too closely.
But deep down, you were pretty sure it was all a game to him. He didn’t actually like you; he was just chasing a thrill.
And even if you entertained the idea for a second, it would end as soon as you let him in—literally.
The moment he got what he wanted, the momentary excitement would fizzle out, leaving nothing but the echo of your own doubt and a raw, exposed part of you that you really didn’t want to deal with.
Choosing to ignore his advances was the safest bet, even if there was a small, secret part of you that wanted to knock him down a peg.
Billy had kept his word.
The search for a payphone ended at the nearest gas station.
He stepped up to the phone, dialed the tow service, and with a casual strut, he said, “Yeah, I need a tow for my girl’s car. It’s over at Fifth and Lexington.”
You scoffed, your eyes wide with disbelief. His girl’s car? 
The words striking you bizarrely. 
Since when did you become ‘his girl’?
The thought was foolish, and yet, it unsettled you in a way you—again—didn’t want to explore.
But the fact that he knew your address without asking was even more disconcerting. How does he know where you live? 
That question nagged at you, adding to the mystery that was Billy.
He continued to speak into the phone, giving directions with a knowledge that bordered on intimate.
It was strange, yet there was a part of you that couldn’t help but feel a flicker of… something.
At the auto shop, Billy handled the costs with a casual ease, and you were left with a blend of emotions—surprise, a touch of gratitude, and a stubborn refusal to fully acknowledge either.
“It’s all taken care of,” he said, brushing off your attempts to pay him back.
So, as the tow truck pulled up at your house, you were ready this time.
You caught Billy’s eye, giving him a dull glare that said you knew exactly what he was about to do—and you weren’t having it.
With a swift motion, you handed the cash to the driver before Billy could even reach for his wallet.
His attempt to pay was unsuccessful, and the slight raise of your eyebrow made it clear you were the one calling the shots this time.
As the driver and Billy maneuvered the car into your garage, your gaze softened just a fraction, acknowledging his willingness to help, even if his insistence was irritating.
When the tow truck faded into the distance, you spun around to face Billy.
“I told you I could have helped you push it into the garage,” you said, exasperation seeping your words.
Your brows knitted together in a frown, a clear challenge in your eyes.
Billy’s response was a dismissive shrug, his smile unfazed.
“It’s fine,” he said as he shrugged out of his jean jacket and placed it in his front seat, his grin took on a teasing quality.
“Honestly, we’d still be out there on the side of the road if I waited for your help,” he joked, his voice light but edged with a playful tone.
Your gasp was reflexive, but the giggle that followed was more girlish than you expected, a sound that surprised you as much as the gentle smack you landed on his arm.
“I could’ve managed just fine on my own,” you countered, the roll of your eyes softening into something that felt dangerously close to affection.
He gave you a look that said he didn’t believe a word, but his nod was indulgent.
“Sure, sure,” he agreed, his smile broadening in a way that made your heart do an unexpected somersault.
Billy carried his tools from his trunk, his smirk sarcastic.
“Gonna watch me work, cutie?” he quipped, the playful edge in his voice clear. “I sure don’t mind an audience.”
You rolled your eyes, a response that had become all too common throughout the day and trailed after him into the garage.
“You’re insufferable, honestly, Hargrove,” you grumbled, though the annoyance was starting to wear thin.
He tossed a look back, his grin unwavering.
“But you wouldn’t have it any other way,” he teased, setting down his tools with a positive thud that resonated in the quiet garage.
Dragging a crate from the cluttered corner of the garage, you made yourself a makeshift seat. From this new vantage point, slightly off to the side, you watched Billy work.
The day was turning out to be pretty different.
Billy’s usual flirty jokes had a new feel to them, like he was actually trying to connect with you.
And seeing him with his hands in the car’s engine, he seemed to fit right in. It was strange to see him as more than just the guy who’s always either making a rude comment or trying too hard to charm you. Now, he was actually being helpful and knew his stuff. It was nice to see him like this, more real and down-to-earth.
As you kept an eye on him, you felt your annoyance start to slip away, and you began to see him in a fresh way.
It wasn’t a dramatic change, but it was real.
Billy was still Billy, but the good parts were starting to stand out more.
You just hoped that this nicer side of him wasn’t just an act.
With a dramatic sigh, you shoved your thoughts aside and stood up.
Despite your best efforts to avoid it all day, you found yourself heading straight into the very thing you had been trying to dodge.
“You want a drink?” The words came out softer than you intended, as you walked toward the door in the garage that led to the house.
Billy’s grunt drifted up from under the hood, his hands surely doing something important. Timing belt, maybe you mused, though your knowledge of car parts was very much limited to where the gas goes.
Heading into the kitchen, you actually felt thankful for your mom’s hospital shift this time.
It saved you from having to explain the boy in the garage.
The house was quiet, just the way you liked it. You weren’t lonely; you enjoyed your own company.
Sure, you hung out with school friends occasionally, but the calm of being on your own was something you cherished, even with your mom’s frequent work hours.
You took two Cokes from the fridge, their cans chilling your fingers.
As you returned to the garage, you paused to watch Billy.
Without his usual guarded demeanor, he seemed more genuine, almost endearing. 
He’s actually pretty decent like this, you thought, a quiet hum escaped your lips as you turned on the radio, filling the space with soft rock melodies.
Billy’s look caught you off guard, and warmth flooded your cheeks.
“What?” you asked, turning just enough to keep your blush from view.
His smile was soft, uncharacteristic.
“Nothing. You just have a nice voice, doll,” he said, his tone carrying a note of authenticity as he turned back to his work.
“Thanks,” you said quietly, placing his Coke by his tools, and sat down on your crate.
A small smile lingered on your face, enjoying the surprisingly comfortable presence between Billy and you.
You just sat there for a bit, humming along with the radio.
You tried not to make it obvious that you were watching Billy work, but he’s probably caught you staring. 
Every now and then, you’d catch him looking your way too. You didn’t say anything about it, though.
It was kind of nice, just being there together without needing to fill the space with chatter.
Your gaze drifted to the street when you felt a gentle pressure against your leg.
Startled at first, you quickly relaxed when you saw it was Pepper, your cat. The door must not have closed all the way behind you.
She rubbed against your leg once more, seeking attention.
“Come here, my baaaby,” you drawled, the word stretching out affectionately.
You picked her up and she immediately began to purr, content in your arms.
Billy’s movements paused, and he looked up, the late afternoon sun highlighting the surprise in his eyes.
The nickname had clearly caught him off guard, and a blush—a deep, rich shade you’d never seen—bloomed across his cheeks.
THE Billy Hargrove, always so sure of himself, now blushing and speechless.
He must have thought you were talking to him.
You couldn’t help but savor the moment, seeing the unshakeable Billy at a rare loss for words, all because of you.
With Pepper cradled in your arms, you rose to your feet, a newfound confidence lifting your stance.
You took a step toward Billy, your voice dropping to a teasing whisper.
“What’s wrong, Baby? Never had a girl talk sweet to you before?”
The nickname now felt like a playful taunt, a subtle shift in power as you watched him grapple with the unexpected role reversal.
Billy’s answer was a fumble, his words tripping over each other in a way you’d never heard before.
“I—uh, that’s not… I mean…” he faltered, his cheeks a deeper shade of red.
Witnessing Billy, always so sure and smug, searching for words was a delight you didn’t know you needed.
The smirk that spread across your face was instinctive, almost predatory.
“Don’t worry, baby,” you cooed, your head nodding slowly in feigned understanding. “I think I get it now.” The words hung in the air, heavy with implication and sweet victory.
Billy shook his head, his smile genuine and a bit surprised.
“Now that’s just not fair, doll,” he finally said, the words tinged with a hint of admiration.
He turned back to the car, his hands resuming their work under the hood.
You leaned in, a playful edge to your voice.
“Now you know how it feels for the rest of the female population.”
The sound of his laughter was unexpected, something you don’t think you’ve ever actually heard before, but you liked the sound of it.
A lot.
Billy’s voice was muffled by the engine.
“Wow, you’re actually fun,” he said, a note of surprise in his tone.
That drew a scoff from you.
“What made you think I wasn’t?” you retorted, setting Pepper inside and ensuring the door was firmly shut this time.
He looked up, giving you a look that was both accusing and playful.
“Well, it’s not like you talk to me, sweetheart. You usually act like I don’t exist,” he shrugged.
He had a point.
“Well—yeah…” you conceded, feeling a bit awkward as you rubbed your arm.
“I’m sorry for that. I just thought you were being nice because… well…” You trailed off, your eyes darting away as you felt your face heat up.
Billy exhaled, a note of understanding in his voice. “That’s fair.”
The casual admission made your eyebrows shoot up.
He continued, wiping his hands on a rag, “But I actually wanted to get to know you. Still do.” His words, simple and unexpected.
You took a moment to process his words. Could he be serious? After today, you found yourself hoping so.
This side of Billy was… different, likable even.
Releasing a breath you didn’t realize you’d been holding, you ventured, “I think I might want that too.”
Then, hastily, you added, “But I’m not sleeping with you!” just to set the record straight.
Billy’s smirk was anything but innocent as he nodded.
You shoved your hands into your back pockets, and for a moment, you both just stood there, silently assessing each other.
Then, his smile grew.
“I’m done here. Wanna try starting it up?” he asked, gesturing to the car.
“Oh! Yeah,” you said, a bit startled by the sudden change of topic.
You fished out your keys and climbed into the driver’s seat.
The key turned, the engine purred to life, and a rush of happiness bubbled up inside you.
You hopped out and, without thinking, wrapped Billy in a spontaneous hug.
“Woo, thank you, baby!” you shouted, the excitement making you bold.
Billy froze for a split second, the nickname catching him off guard, but then he relaxed and returned the hug, a chuckle escaping him.
Your own reaction caught up with you, and you pulled back, a blush coloring your cheeks.
“Oh—Billy—I meant Billy,” you corrected, but the moment had already passed.
Billy’s hands lingered on your waist, his smile soft but playful.
“I don’t know. I think I like ‘baby’ better,” he teased, his eyebrows lifting in a challenge and his eyes twinkling as they swept across your face.
You lowered your head, hiding from his intense stare.
“Oh, whatever,” you muttered, stepping back until his arms fell away.
You sighed, eyeing him again.
“But really, thank you,” you said with a nod. “I was this close to attacking the engine with a bat before you showed up.”
Billy chuckled, scratching the back of his neck.
“Ah, it’s no big deal, princess,” he said, trying to act nonchalant. “Plus, I got to spend the day with the prettiest girl around. So, yeah, worth it.”
Your cheeks warmed at his words, and you saw his smile turn a shade more devilish at the sight of your blush.
Billy lingered there for a moment before he picked up his toolbox.
“Well, I should go,” he said, a note of hesitation in his voice.
You nodded, a quiet “Bye” escaping your lips, but as he neared his Camaro, a thought struck you.
“Wait, Billy!” you called out hastily.
He turned, a question in his eyes.
“What about that drink, baby?” you added, the last word emphasized with a mix of challenge and playfulness.
He paused, the blush on his cheeks visible even from a distance, but his smirk was undiminished.
“Eight it is, baby,” he replied, his voice carrying back to you with a hint of laughter.
As he got into his car and drove off, you couldn’t help the smile that spread across your face.
Maybe Billy wasn’t so bad after all.
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clanwarrior-tumbly · 9 months ago
Vash being flustered by compliments, acting like a total loser please? Lots of “Buwuhh?! uhhh I- That’s really kind of you to-” or him spilling his drink, stumbling on nothing and trying to laugh it off, moments would be extremely appreciated. 🙏♥️
Aweeee thanks for this request!
(note I wrote this with Tristamp Vash in mind)
"You know..your laugh is adorable."
In an instant, Vash fell into silence, the tips of his ears turning a pinkish hue as he stared at you from across the table. With a drink in one hand, he shakily set it down--only to clumsily spilling small droplets onto the flat surface.
But he tried to play it cool by propping his elbow over the mess, smiling. "Ahaha..thanks. That's...actually very nice of you to say. Most people think my laughs are "evil", but-"
"Oh that's nonsense." You leaned over a bit, smirking as you could see the nervous sweat beginning to manifest along your partner's hairline. "That's because they don't know what genuine laughter is. One as joyous as yours is so hard to come by these days. You've been through a lot. Endured things that would easily kill a person's spirit. And here you are, still finding ways to laugh and smile and see the good in others."
"Well..I..I think I deserve to do that every once in a while."
"Of course you do. Your smiles are brighter than the damn sun...and your hair, for that matter. But all that kindness and hope? Your emphasis on "love and peace"? That's attractive."
Your wink is what nearly sent the Humanoid Typhoon over the edge, as he squeaked in surprise at your words, before noticing Meryl, Roberto, and Wolfwood at their own table, having a chat about the worms in the sand and sky...only for their gazes to land on him.
Knowing smirks appeared on their faces when they realized what was going on.
You were flustering the hell out of Vash.
It only made his growing blush worsen, and he sheepishly threw his hood over his head to hide it, turning back to you. "Th-They're watching us, you know.." He mumbled.
"So what? Let them watch. They already know how smitten you are over me, anyway." You chuckled and reached a hand out. His advanced prosthetic fingers instinctively reached back, intertwining their coldness with your warmth. "I love your arm, too. It's amazing, perfect...just like you, honey."
"Ah...! Thank you...h-honey. Haha.." At this point, he knew he lost the war..you were just too damn good at this. Pushing away your compliments was useless now, so he resolved to just covering his face with his free hand.
His heart was hammering uncontrollably, and for once in his life..it wasn't due to the adrenaline of fleeing from gun-totting bandits or cyborgs.
It was because of love.
The very thing he hoped to stand for.
Ever since getting together with Vash, and learning how hard he often was on himself..you made it your mission to let him know how much you adored him.
He was afraid you'd be scared off by the bounty on his head, or the fact he had to constantly be on the move...or that a whole town could turn on him at the drop of a hat....or that twin brother of his would find you two.
But you've made it clear time and time again that you weren't leaving his side no matter what, and by god you were sticking to that promise even when he attempted to push you away a few times before.
You'd go anywhere in No Man's Land, unless it wasn't with him.
The moment he realized you're in this for the long run, you helped him let his guard down a little, defending his name and trying to show him common traditions of human couples--or at least..whichever ones you could recreate on this planet.
Even when you weren't around him, people would ask what "horrors" you've faced during your encounters with the "terrifying" Vash the Stampede, imagining you barely escaping with your life while he smiles and laughs at the mass destruction and death that surrounds him..
But what they don't know (and probably never will) is that his smiles and laughs were simply the products of your endless ways of complimenting him...such as right now.
You had this man--who had the power to bring down an empire if he wanted to--stammering over his words, acting incredibly shy, and being unusually giggly. And he's barely touched a drop of liquor since your small group stopped in the bar for refuge from the desert heat.
Some of the patrons wondered how drunk he was to be acting the way he did, while others looked upon you two with fondness, now convinced that love may not be dead just yet.
As long as Vash was here, that will continue to exist, and you'll be there to show him that he's worthy of it, too.
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kari-sims · 3 months ago
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Tomiko Moriyama (she/they) as my entry for the Total Drama Sims season 3 by @jonquilyst!! (thanks for letting me participate <3)
also huge wall of slightly amusing text below the cut (you've been warned!) cause i was caffeinated and ended up having some fun with this ৻( •̀ ᗜ •́ ৻)
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👩 Age: 14 🪐 Lives in: Strangerville 🐛 Goals in life: to open a bug museum 💖 Orientation: thinks girls are cute, but doesn't want to waste their short teen years chasing them around (that's what the 20's are for!) 🎶 Hidden talent: encyclopedic knowledge of kpop girl group's songs and dances 🥇 Honorable titles: -> 'Mighty Collector of the Fun Hats' -> 'Prestigious Ambassador' at the ''International Bug Diplomacy Federation'' (only actual human member, but it'll grow, just wait!) 👍Likes: iridescent beetles / cut rock hard candy / slippery mud you can draw on / putting googly eyes on random things 👎 Dislikes: homework / cleaning things that'll get dirty again / humans evil bug killing inventions (unless it's a laser shooting death ray gun for mosquitoes, cause yeah, even a bug loving girl hates those bastards!)
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[RECORD 434, another sunny day in strange Strangerville]
🔴 ▶ •၊၊||၊|။||||။‌‌‌‌‌၊|•
(sound of someone clearing their throat, followed by what's obviously a kid trying to speak in an exaggerated deep voice)
Tomiko: "Tomiko is a girl who didn't need a home with walls or windows - the roof to her 'home' has always been the sky above." (pauses, mutters to themselves) Ooh that's a good one! Wait, people will think i live in the woods, no? Wouldn't that be the dream…
(moment of silence as Tomiko daydreams, then remembers she just started recording)
"Tomiko doesn't have many friends, because she was destined to be a free-spirited loner. With the exception of Clarisse, a girl who dreams ofbecoming a marine biologist. Clarisse was made fun of by strangers on a dumb internet show she went to one day, all because she wanted to win the money and go on a trip to Sulani. Now everyone calls her the 'Dolphin Girl'. After Tomiko decided to console her at lunch in school, both of them ended up bonding over their crazy obssession with nature. They've been inseparable friends ever since."
(another pause, followed by an audible sigh)
"Well, they were inseparable, until Tomiko moved away. Now Clarisse is being weird for no reason... anyways, where was i?
(forgets why they went on a Clarisse tangent and starts to fumble with their unorganized notes)
"Oh yes, destined to be a free-spirited loner, ya-da ya-da. Unfortunately, Tomiko was forced to live in a boring house made of bricks, with white furniture, and a mom who was always mad about her muddy boots on the carpet."
(voice shifts to mimic the mom's screech)
- I'm not gonna raise a savage wild child! Since you love dirt so much, go live with your bum of a father in that Strangerplace world, or whatever it's called.
"Best thing to ever happen to me!" (voice switches to normal accidentally, then goes back to the fake deep one) - I mean - best thing to ever happen to Tomiko! Even though her dad looks kinda weird lately, walking around aimlessly at night in search of his mother. Classic dad, being a weirdo. No idea how this man got married..."
- Dad, I told you grandma still lives in Willow Creek. Why do you think she's in the middle of the desert? Also, she wouldn't be caught dead wasting away her fabulous heels in this god-forsaken place.
"Tomiko pretends she doesn't see it, because now she can do whatever she wants, why complicate things? The only problem is, there isn't much to do in Strangerville with the infection rumors going on, and all the damn sus soldiers. Also, the taste of travelling for the first time has left her wanting to see more. Imagine all the bugs she could find?! But you need money for that, sooo… what to do, what to do…"
(voice returns to normal, a bit defensive)
"Okay, fine, I'm the one recording this… (sighs) I know what you're thinking - "just steal from your dad!". Seriously, who do you think I am? Anyways, I did something else instead. I heard there's this competition with other teens where you get to travel the world, and guess what? I signed up for it! Without my parents knowing, of course, but that is irrelevant. They won't even notice I'm gone, I fear. I just hope the organizers don't ask for their permission, because Clarisse was the one who knew how to fake signatures, but now she's hanging out with other kids at school, and thinks she's better than me."
(inhales, then proceeds to speak loudly at a wall, probably)
"Like... Nina? The enemy? Be so for real right now Clarisse! My life is just grand without you! I'll get to travel the world and educate people on how bugs are friends, and definitely NOT disgusting or too dangerous! Well, most times. I'll also prove that even if you're a weird bug loving kid like me, you can still have a chance at a game that requires you to make friends. It'll be eaaasy! In a few weeks I'll be like, Clarisse who? Hahah!"
(brief pause on their flex-rant, which is totally NOT a defense mechanism because she's hurt by them growing apart. They return, slightly worried)
"Do you think I can die in there? Cause gosh, let's hope not! Imagine going on an adventure of a lifetime and not being able to tell people about your heroic deeds... that'd be so lame! Anyways, I'll see you when I see you, whoever is listening to this… Tomi out!"
🟥 ▶ •ııııııııııııııııı•
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wow if you're still here, thanks for reading, you wonderful bean! here, have a cute snail
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thewertsearch · 3 months ago
pipefan413: The children pledged to each other that one day they would run away together. pipefan413: They followed in the footsteps of the dear colonel, in defiance of the old batterwitch. They studied his every jape, and practiced them in secret!
She could have left, then. Planned to leave, even. Grandpa didn’t abandon her, like I'd originally assumed – he always intended to flee alongside her.
pipefan413: But as they grew older, their interests drifted apart. The boy developed a passion for adventure and put aside his study of practical jokes. He dreamed of wealth and fame and discovery and swore he would wander the world. pipefan413: One day he decided to run away with the loyal dog he inherited from their father. He asked the girl if she would come along, but she was too scared of the retribution that might follow.
But I guess the adolescent Nanna didn’t have Grandpa’s confidence, nor his fearlessness. Left alone with a witch of a woman, her childhood was probably not dissimilar to many other children in this sad saga.
pipefan413: The boy scoffed at the danger, and assured his sister there was nothing to worry about. But he had not seen first hand what the baroness was capable of!
It sounds like Nanna directly witnessed some specific evil act. The woman did run a corporation, though, so that was probably just a typical Tuesday for Betty Crocker.
pipefan413: He told his sister that he believed in her, and that she could handle whatever the witch could throw at her. [...]
Those are some pretty harsh words for a girl destined for a lifetime of abuse - but at the same time, he did openly ask her to run away with him, and she couldn't do it. What was he meant to do, kidnap her?
I don't blame him for leaving alone, either. Grandpa was also an abused child, and it would be asking a lot of him to remain in an abusive household to defend another child. He needed to leave that situation for his sake, just as Nanna needed to leave it for hers.
Pipefan413: [...] And with that, he was off, and she would never see him again.
But, all that said, he should have come back eventually. He didn’t need to abandon her for an entire lifetime.
Whatever extenuating circumstances there may have been, it can't be denied that he started his life as an adventurer the same way he ended it - by leaving someone who loved him behind.
pipefan413: One day, the girl was able to gather enough bravery to mention her brother to the baroness, and her desire to see him again. With contempt, she guaranteed that this could never happen. When the girl asked why, that is when the baroness began to reveal to her more than just her baking secrets. pipefan413: [...] The colonel was not their father, nor was the baroness their mother. They in fact had no father or mother at all, nor were they ever actually born. They had both fallen from the sky! They were not actually brother and sister as they had been told either. Again like in many fairy tales, the truth was that they were always destined to become married one day. They were to have two children, a son and a daughter, and these children were meant to save the world! […]
Wait, what? Betty Crocker knew Sburb lore?
...I think it says quite a lot about the Homestuck experience that I'm not even particularly surprised. Of course Betty Crocker knew Sburb lore.
It’s clear that she didn't know everything, though. She was aware that John and Jade would eventually happen, but assumed they’d be born naturally - which makes it sound like she was just getting fragments of future events, much like a Prospit dreamer’s visions.
...or, like a wielder of the Cueball, which we already know was in her family’s possession. It’s sounding a lot like even Betty fucking Crocker was a Scratch pawn all along.
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tossawary · 1 year ago
A quote and thoughts regarding Shen Yuan's opinions on Liu Mingyan and the "sexiness" of the Liu Mingyan versus Sha Hualing setup. He knows what he should be feeling in this situation as a "normal straight guy", but I don't think he's actually feeling it.
"Shen Qingqiu was very fond of this female lead, and it wasn't only because Liu Mingya's beauty points were the highest. It was also because she had great poise. She always understood the big picture and grasped the general situation, and her conduct was fair and honest. Even in Luo Binghe's gigantic harem, a wife with both intelligence and moral character was rare.
There was one more appeal factor. Liu Mingyan was the only female character for whom Airplane Shooting Towards the Sky didn't write detailed sex scenes. Many readers had been highly dissatisfied with this arrangement, to the point that they spammed the comments with their ranting, but this had given Liu Mingyan something no other female lead had: an image as clear as ice and pure as jade!
Can't be helped, the unobtainable ones are always the best.
[Sweatdropping shrug kaomoji that I can't type out.]
This was what made the second match worth watching. An evil demoness naturally demanded a righteous saintess as a rival. Every man dreamed of being caught between an angel and a devil. To watch them jealously vie with each other over him one moment, then risk life and limb for his sake in the next - that was the highest, most sacred, perverted fantasy of every male organism. He could drunk off the wild, untamed charm of the wicked seductress, and at the same time his heart would ache for the austere taste of the pure saintess who kept pulling him closer only to push him away!
One had to admit, "Great Master" Airplane was genuinely good at nailing what people found satisfying. Shen Qingqiu couldn't help giving Luo Binghe another glance.
Luo Binghe found it very hard to not care about that gaze. Why exactly did Shen Qingqiu keep looking at him? Was it possible that Shizun... really had an interest in him?"
Volume 1, Chapter 2, pages 111-112.
I'm not sure where to start with this! It's a lot! I'll just work backwards: it is very funny to have Shen Qingqiu repeatedly looking towards Luo Binghe, trying to see Binghe's reactions to Sha Hualing and Liu Mingyan, and Binghe's just like, "Shizun is looking at me???" I think "interest" in this case just means interest in Binghe as a disciple with potential, rather than anything else. Binghe is not paying any real attention to Sha Hualing or Liu Mingyan's attractiveness.
Oh! A rare compliment towards "Great Master" Airplane! Shen Yuan, don't strain those rarely used muscles!
I do find it amusing that Shen Yuan refers to Liu Mingyan as "moral" and "righteous" and "pure" here. The vibe I got with Liu Mingyan is that she sided with Luo Binghe to take down her brother's murderer, which I would agree is righteous and abides by a set of morals. But the first few pages of SVSSS inform us that PIDW Luo Binghe viciously destroyed the great cultivation sects, which means that PIDW wife Liu Mingyan either helped or stepped aside when a whole bunch of murder happened.
And the "my favorite wife is the one with no (or limited) sex scenes" is a classic Shen Yuan moment and one of the reasons he reads as being strongly on the asexuality spectrum to me. The way that he talks about heterosexual "male" desire gives me the same vibe. Like he's separated from it. Like he knows this is what he's "supposed" to feel and he just... doesn't... and it's possibly hard for him to recognize what sexual desire feels like (as opposed to, say, general sexual arousal that doesn't necessarily have a target) if he's never actually experienced it himself. He knows what he should be feeling if he was the "every man" reader of PIDW.
Even when he talks about Sha Hualing and Liu Mingyan's appeal, he says "wild, untamed charm" and "pulling him closer only to push him away" as the key components of the fantasy. Like, "being flirted with" and "being fought over and fought for" and "appreciating a distant beauty" are more important than "having sex". "The most appealing thing about Liu Mingyan is that she wouldn't actually go through with trying to have sex with me," says Shen Yuan.
He's like, "Oh, I can recognize that Liu Mingyan and Sha Hualing are physically attractive, that probably means I'm an Ordinary Straight Man." Even though the way that he talked about Liu Qingge's looks in the Ling Xi Caves was... not very heterosexual... and here, he mostly seems excited just to see one of his favorite characters.
Admittedly, Sha Hualing appears 15-16 here and I think Liu Mingyan is around the same age (she doesn't have her spiritual sword yet), so Shen Yuan is probably also not attracted to them just because they're teenagers. (I do not interpret him as sexually or romantically interested in Binghe at all at this point in time.) I headcanon Shen Yuan being 20-ish at this point in time, so he's probably not that much older than SHL or LMY, but they're probably around his younger sister's age (Shen Yuan's younger sister was old enough to be reading non-con, gay, BDSM erotica.) Sha Hualing shows up half-naked and Shen Yuan is just like, "Where are your shoes? Did you walk here like this? Wasn't that painful?"
In my opinion, Shen Yuan seems a little... relieved... to think that no one could be sexually or romantically interested in the scum villain. He does lament that it's hard to get a girlfriend like this, sure. He does think that he's going to die and that he'd eventually lose any woman to Binghe, so there's no point in trying. But he really, really does not try. "Oh, I can't pursue anyone because they'd never be interested in me! How frustrating! ...Anyway! Moving on to enjoy the many other little pleasures of life! Like food and monsters!" I think the closest he comes to flirting with anyone is when speaking to Liu Qingge in the Ling Xi Caves, while Liu Qingge is coughing up blood, and that did not seem intentional.
I think if he had transmigrated into any other character, who wasn't an "unappealing" villain, Shen Yuan still wouldn't pursue women. I think he'd be like, "Well, I want a beautiful woman, because I have standards! But all beautiful women belong to the protagonist, and no one is better than Binghe, there's no way I'd win that competition, so there's no point in trying!" At which point, it's just like, "Shen Yuan, anyone becomes beautiful when you love or like them; I don't think you actually want to fuck women."
I think if Shen Yuan had transmigrated in as Luo Binghe, he still wouldn't try to pursue women. He'd be like, "I'm just raising my standards for the harem! Some of those wives were not very intelligent or in possession of good moral character! Nearly three-digits is disrespectful to the better wives! I'm only interested in especially beautiful and skilled women, like Liu Mingyan, who's perfect! (And also won't try to have sex with me.)"
Like, I am not against a bisexual Shen Yuan. I am willing to be persuaded to go along with many different interpretations! But he does read to me generally as a gay asexual / demisexual who hasn't yet realized that a desire to be fawned over and an ability to recognize beauty is not necessarily the same thing as sexual attraction. (I do think he is attracted to Binghe after Binghe gets back from the Endless Abyss, but his feelings there are tied up in his very real, reasonable fear of murder and mutilation.)
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imsogonesposts · 1 month ago
So This is Love
|| ao3 || steve harrington masterlist || requests are open!! || an: if anyone wants more prince steve stuff, i could totally write more stuff for him cause i love him ||
summary: a cinderella retelling. a girl accidentally meets the prince and gets him to fall for her. (wc:4,686)
warnings: brief mention of readers parents having passed away, no evil step family, no fair godmother/magical elements from the cinderella story
Sometimes, when Steve found the royal castle to be too stuffy, too fancy, and just too much, he found himself taking a ride out with his horse to the forest near the castle. He found the fresh air usually helped to clear his mind. He enjoyed hearing the birds chirp and seeing the animals run past him with not a care in the world. He sometimes found himself wondering what it would be like to not have a care in the world. To not have to worry about his princely duties, or have to worry about the upcoming ball his parents were forcing him to have as “it’s about time you found a suitable princess, Steven.” Frankly, Steve didn’t know how he would ever be able to find the girl for him when his parents rarely ever let him leave the castle. His only way out of its massive walls was to convince his closest friends Robin and Dustin to let him out of the castle and into the woods. It was a miracle they never suggested to follow him out and watch over him. Though, maybe they could sense he needed some time to himself. He always came back from the forest in a far better mood, after all. 
“Miss, are you alright?” Steve asked, noticing a girl lying on the grassy floor, looking up at the sky. Steve knew he shouldn't talk to people when outside the castle, especially when alone, but he couldn’t resist ensuring she was okay. Something about her drew him towards her, and he honestly didn’t want to put up much of a fight.
“Oh, I’m alright, thank you,” you replied, looking up at him and raising a hand to cover the glare of the sun from your eyes. 
Steve nodded, glancing around the forest with a sigh, “you know, you shouldn’t be this deep in the forest alone,” he told you, smiling at the small laugh you let out. It was a nice sound, he thought.
“I could say the same to you,” you replied, sitting up with a smile. “Besides, I’m not alone, I’m with you, Mr…?” You paused, waiting for him to reply with his name. 
Instead, he just laughed. 
“You don’t know who I am?” He asked as you shook your head “no.” 
“I mean, you do look familiar, I suppose,” you reply, your eyebrows creasing in the middle as you furrow them, almost as if trying to pinpoint where you could have possibly seen him before. 
He laughs again, “I get that a lot,” he says with a smile. “Some people call me," he pauses. "Ven,” he decides on.
“Ven? Is it short for something?” 
“Yes,” Steve replies with a shrug and a smile. He didn’t want to tell you he was the prince, at least not yet. He enjoyed being able to talk to someone without them thinking they had to watch their every word just because he was the prince. He only ever got that behavior with some of the guards and maids of the castle that practically grew up with him. It was almost refreshing. 
“So, are you from here, Mr. Ven?” You ask. 
“I, uh, work at the palace,” Steve explains. That’s close enough to the truth, right? He technically does work at the palace- as the prince.
“Really?” You ask, eyes going slightly wide. 
You have pretty eyes, Steve thought. 
“What do you do there?” You ask as he struggles to quickly think of an answer.
“I’m a guard,” he decides on. “And are you from here? Miss..?” He takes a pause as well as you tell him your name. “That’s a pretty name,” he whispers more to himself than to you.
“I’m actually the royal princess,” you joke. “Which you should know as the royal guard, of course.”
Steve lets out a small laugh, finally hopping off his horse, feet on the ground to be on the same level as you. “My apologies, Your Royal Highness, I don’t know how I could have not recognized you,” he replies with a bow. It was almost funny to him- could you really be so oblivious that you were making jokes about being the princess to the actual prince?
“Oh, you’re forgiven, Sir Ven,” you reply, standing up and giving him a curtsy. 
You’re cute, he thought. Maybe he wouldn’t mind the upcoming ball if you were in attendance, and if he could ask to meet you again. And again and again. 
He raised himself from his bow with a smile. 
“Is it nice in the castle?” You ask as you move to sit back on the grass.
Steve nods as he moves to sit across from you. “It’s quite nice,” he replies, “is it nice where you’re from?” 
You simply shrug. “It’s not the best,” you reply, picking a daisy off the grass, extending your hand towards him to pass it to him. “But it’s not the worst either. We make do with what we have.”
He takes the daisy, not quite deciding if he should smile or not. He wants to smile, as no one’s ever given him flowers before, and he thought it was a sweet gesture, but he also doesn’t want to smile due to your words. “Not the best?” He asks, twirling the daisy in his hand. 
“My step-family does their best, I suppose,” you tell him. “I just miss my parents is all.”
“Are they..?” He begins to ask before stopping himself. Dead. “I’m sorry, I shouldn’t-“
“It’s okay,” you reply with a small smile. “And yes, they are.”
He picks a daisy off the grass as well, handing it to you. “I’m sorry.”
You take the daisy with a slightly larger smile. “It’s okay,” you repeat, “it’s not your fault,” you shrug, placing the daisy in the spot between your hair and ear. “Do you like my new look?” You ask, pointing at the flower as he lets out a small laugh. 
“Beautiful,” he replies truthfully. Steve might not get to leave the castle very often, but he wholeheartedly believes that you are the most beautiful girl in the entire kingdom. World, even. 
You duck your head with a smile before getting up. “Well, Mr. Ven, I must get going,” you tell him, still smiling brightly. “I wouldn’t want to worry my step-family,” you tell him with a small curtsy. 
“I hope to see you again, Your Royal Highness,” he teases.
“My name will do just fine, Sir Ven,” you reply with a laugh.
He found himself enjoying making you laugh. You have a nice laugh, he found himself thinking again. 
“Forgive me for being too forward,” he starts, “but I truly do hope to see you again. Truly.”
“So do I,” you tell him with a smile before turning around, making your way home, he presumes. Away from him. 
He wished you could have stayed longer. That the two of you could have stayed in that field till the sun set and the stars began to shine. He wished more than anything that he could speak to you for longer. 
“It was lovely meeting you,” he shouts.
He smiles when he hears your small laugh. “You as well,” you shout back, further descending down the grassy hill.
“Oh, mother, a letter came in the mail,” your step-sister Max says, entering the parlor room, and handing it to your stepmom.
“Thank you dear,” she says, taking it before letting out a loud gasp.
“What?” You and your two step-sisters ask in unison. 
Your stepmother raises from her seat to show the three of you the letter. “It’s a letter from the royal castle!” She exclaims, handing your step-sister Vickie the letter, as she was in the middle between you and Max. 
The date for the celebration was a week away, the invitation called it a ball open to the public, requesting guests to dress formally. 
“Oh, one of my girls could marry the prince!” your stepmom exclaims, walking in circles around the room. “Why, we’ll need to get dresses, and rent a carriage, and-“
Vickie leans into your side, whispering, “maybe you’ll see that guard you met in the forest.”
“Oh, shush,” you whisper back with a small laugh. “He’s probably forgotten all about me by now.”
Max leans into Vickie’s side now, whispering in a deep voice, “I hope to see you again,” mimicking Ven’s parting words to you. 
“You’re as beautiful as the sun,” Vickie replies in an equally as deep voice. 
You roll your eyes with a small scoff. “He didn’t say ‘as the sun,’” you reply. 
“Oh, but he did call you beautiful?” Vickie asks, laughing as you roll your eyes again.
Your stepmother turns around, stopping in front of the three of you. “What are you three giggling about? You have a ball to get ready for!” She shoos her hands away, exclaiming “Go! Go!”
“The ball isn’t for a week,” Vickie replies with a sigh. 
“So we have no time to waste,” she exclaims, clapping her hands together. “Up, up, all of you. One of my girls might marry a prince!”
Vickie nudges you with a teasing laugh. “Or a royal guard,” she whispers. 
“My, don’t you three look wonderful,” your stepmother exclaimed, clapping her hands together with a laugh. 
Max almost instantly began pulling on her yellow dress with a small groan, “this dress is uncomfortable,” she says with a sigh. 
“Maxine!” Her mother exclaims, rushing towards her daughter and pulling her hands away, fixing any nonexistent creases she might have left, “These dresses were a fortune! Don’t ruin them!” Your stepmother straightens herself, looking at you and Vickie, “that goes for you two as well. Do not ruin these dresses.”
The three of you nod as your stepmother sighs and opens the door of your home. “Off we go, off we go,” she says as the three of you enter a gold carriage parked outside your home. Max in her yellow dress, Vickie in her pink dress, and you in your blue one. 
“So, will you be running off to look for your guard?” Vickie whispers as you make your way. 
You shrug with a smile. “We’ll see,” you respond before stepping foot into the carriage. 
“Where is your sister?” Your stepmother whispers to both Vickie and Max, looking around the room for a girl in a blue ballgown. In normal circumstances, such as back in the town square, it wouldn’t be too hard to find you, but in a castle full of girls in ballgowns, finding you seemed close to impossible. 
“Probably looking for her knight,” Max jokes as your stepmother sighs. 
“Her and that boy. She met him once and she’d rather talk to him than the prince.”
Steve had been walking around the overly crowded ballroom with his head maid/best friend Robin in tow. He had told his parents it was so he could get a good feel of who was in attendance at the ball before coming to a final decision on which girl he would like to marry. But truthfully, he was only looking for one girl. A certain girl he had met in the forest who he’s half convinced truly had no idea she was speaking to the crowned prince. 
“She’s cute,” Robin whispers to Steve, pointing towards a freckled red-headed woman whose name tag displayed the name “Miss Victoria.”
“She is,” Steve nodded in agreement, continuing to glance around the room before his eyes drifted to another corner of the room, where he saw what he thought to be the prettiest girl he’d ever seen.
“You should talk to her,” Steve tells his friend lightly pushing her towards Miss Victoria’s direction before making his way towards the girl in the corner, wearing a sparkling blue dress. 
“Hello, Your Royal Highness,” he says with a bow after finally reaching you. “May I say, you're even more beautiful than I remember,” he says raising himself. He smiles at the small gasp you let out. 
“It’s you! Sir Ven, I was looking for you!” You exclaim with a laugh. 
He laughs as well, “here I am. In the flesh.”
“You know, you’re quite hard to find for a royal guard,” you tell him, “I thought you’d be adjoined at the prince’s hip or something.”
Steve can’t help but laugh a little more. “You truly don’t know who I am, do you?” He asks with a smile. 
“You’re Ven, the royal guard, no?” You ask, tilting your head as a puzzled look crosses your features. 
Steve shakes his head no. “No,” he replies, taking one of your hands and pressing a kiss to the back of it. “I’m going to tell you a secret now, is that alright?” He whispers as you nod. 
“I’m the crowned prince,” he whispers, lightly squeezing your hand. 
“What?” You ask with a laugh as he stares at you, a smile of his own on his face. 
“I said, I’m the crowned prince,” he repeats slightly louder. 
“Please tell me you’re joking,” you whisper as he shakes his head no. “Oh my,” you put your free hand up to your mouth to suppress a small laugh before coming to your senses and dropping down to a curtsy. “Your Highness.”
Steve simply laughs, “oh, there’s no need for that, Your Royal Highness,” he teases. You internally wince at his teasing. How could you not recognize you had been talking to the prince in the forest? How could he so easily call you “Your Royal Highness,” when you were no royalty, and yet he was? 
“I apologize for that,” you mutter as he lets out another laugh. 
“No need,” he tells you. “You know, I truly meant it when I said I’d like to see you again. I enjoyed our conversation. I’m glad to see you here tonight.”
You smile at that. A smile that makes him feel warm inside. 
Steve bows once again, a hand outstretched to you. “If you wouldn’t mind, it’d do me a great pleasure if you let me have at least one dance with you.”
You take his hand with a smile, asking, “just one?”
“More to come, I hope,” Steve replies, squeezing your hand as he raises himself, leading you to the dance floor. 
When the two of you finally reach the dance floor, he places a hand on your lower back, raising your joint hands. 
You glance around the room, noticing the crowd staring at the two of you as you whisper to him, “they’re all looking at you.”
He almost laughs at the absurdity of the statement. How could they be looking at him, when he had a gorgeous girl like you as his dance partner? “Believe me, my dear,” he whispered with a smile, “they’re all looking at you,” he said, swaying across the almost blinding room with you. 
“What are you staring at?” Steve whispers after a few moments of silence, as he notices you looking at a couple dancing not too far from you. 
“That’s my step-sister,” you reply with a laugh. 
“Well, your step-sister is dancing with my guard,” Steve replies with a laugh of his own. “That’s Sir Lucas,” he informs you, “he’s a nice fellow.”
“That’s Maxine,” you reply, “me and my other step-sister call her Max, though. She’s…nice when she wants to be,” you say with a laugh.
Steve lets out a hum in response, suppressing a laugh of his own. “May I show you something?” He asks as you nod your head yes. He removes his hand from your lower back, though still holding your joint hands as he leads you out to the castle garden.
“Why didn’t you tell me you were the prince?” You ask when finally away from the wide-eyed, staring eyes, still holding onto the prince’s hand.
“I worried you might treat me differently,” he earnestly replied. “It was nice to not have someone worry so much over the fact that they were talking to the prince.”
You smile at that. “I suppose you’re not as intimidating as everyone claims.”
The corner of his mouth turns up at that. “No?” He asks, lightly squeezing your hand. 
“No,” you reply with a smile, the two of you stopping at a bridge to look over the lake beneath you. 
“Won’t they miss you back at the ball? It’s in honor of you after all, for your,” you let out a small gasp. “It’s your birthday! Happy birthday Your Highness!”
The prince drops his head at that with a laugh. “Thank you, Your Royal Highness,” he says with a laugh. You were the first of the people in attendance at the ball to remember such a thing, and to him, it felt like you just handed him the world. “They might miss me, yes,” he whispers, turning his gaze from the lake towards you, “but honestly, I think I’d miss you if you didn’t return with me.”
He smiles at the smile that crosses your features. It almost seemed to light up your face in a way he couldn’t describe, but it was a look he wanted to memorize. He wanted to see that smile every day if he could- if you’d let him. 
“You know, I didn’t want to have this ball,” the prince suddenly confesses, glancing at the party happening indoors before looking back towards you.
The moonlight shone on you in such a perfect way, highlighting your features in a way that made him feel something likebutterflies in his stomach. He wasn’t used to such a feeling, but he thought it was a nice feeling to have. He imagined this is what his maid Nancy had meant whenever she spoke of the baker boy she knew, Jonathan.
“But, I’m glad I did, if it means I got to see you again,” he continued, raising your joint hands and placing a kiss to the back of yours.
“Does that line usually work on the other girls?” You teasingly asked with a smile. 
That teasing would be the death of him. He loved how freely you talked to him, prince or not.  
“I wouldn’t know,” he replied with a laugh. “You’re the first girl I’ve tried it on,” he says with a smile. 
He doesn’t miss the small flicker of shock that crosses your features. 
“Well,” you quietly reply, “I’m sure you could do better.”
“You’re more gorgeous than the stars,” he easily replies, nodding his head up, towards the stars that lit up the night sky. 
“Better,” you reply with a smile as he returns his gaze towards you. 
“If I may, why didn’t you want this ball?” You quietly ask as he lets out a small sigh. 
“My parents wanted the ball so I could find a princess to marry,” he replies, squeezing your still joint hand. If he was being honest, he never wanted to let go of your hand. “We finally came to an agreement that the ball may be open to the public.”
“And why did you want it open to the public?”
“Because after meeting you in the forest, I was wishing on every fallen star out there that you may appear,” he raises your hand to kiss it once more, “and that maybe my parents would meet you and maybe one day, let me…marry you. If things worked out.”
Oh. The prince wanted to marry you.
“Your Highness,” you start as he quietly interrupts you, whispering your name. 
“My name will do just fine, darling.”
“Steven,” you reply after a blink.
“Steve is fine,” he tells you with a smile, “my friends call me Steve.”
“Steve,” you quietly reply, as if testing the name out on your tongue. He quite liked hearing his name fall from your lips. 
“Steve,” you began again, a smile wide enough to take over your entire face. 
“There you are,” a red-headed girl interrupts, suddenly grabbing you by the arm. The very same girl Robin had thought was cute. Miss Victoria.
“Come on, we have to get going,” Victoria says, lightly pulling on your arm as your hand, reluctantly, releases Steve. 
“Is everything all right?” You ask as the girl continues to pull you along. 
She only nods. “Yes, yes, mother is just in one of her moods. She’s a little upset neither of us got a chance with the prince, though none of us really tried. I was talking to a maid, Max with a guard, and you with your special guard.”
Steve could almost laugh at the situation, if only the girl of his dreams wasn't currently being pulled away from him. 
“Vickie,” he hears you call, “I was talking to the prince.”
“Did he show you where your guard was?” 
That's the last thing Steve hears before you and the red-headed girl disappear back into the overly crowded ballroom. Away from him.
Steve wanted to follow after you, he truly did, but it was as if something was keeping his feet planted onto the concrete. And, try as he might, he couldn’t move so much as an inch. That was when he noticed a single glass slipper a few feet away from him. 
Suddenly, almost like magic, he could feel the muscles in his body working again as he walked towards the shoe, bending down to examine it. It was pretty, he thought. Could it have been yours? He had certainly hoped it was. Maybe if fate was on his side, he could find you again and return it to you. And with that, ask to meet you again. And maybe one day, he could ask you to be his bride. 
“I can’t believe you got to speak with the prince, and we just pulled you away from him,” your stepmother exclaimed with a sigh. 
It had been two days since the ball, and yet your encounter with the prince was still the topic at hand in your home. 
“His parents want him to marry a princess anyways,” you reply, “it wouldn’t have mattered in the end.”
“Oh, none of that,” she replies with a wave of her hand. “You’re a beautiful girl, you said he even told you that, surely the king and queen could be persuaded.”
That is when your step-sisters decide to join the conversation. 
“Especially because the prince is in love with her,” Max says in a sing-song voice, emphasizing the words “in love.”
You could only roll your eyes in response as you tried to hide the smile threatening to overtake your face. The prince being in love with you didn’t seem too awful of a deal, after all. 
“Aw, look at her, she loves him too,” Vickie teases.
“Oh, you’re both irritating,” you say at the same time your stepmother tells your sisters to leave you alone. 
“Now, now, girls, if she loves the prince, that is her business, not ours,” your stepmother says with a smile as you raise yourself with a huff. 
“I’m going to my room,” you announce. 
There is a knocking on the door at the same time you begin your tread up the stairs. 
“I’ll get it,” Max states, rising from her seat, and towards the door.
Her next words stop you in your walk. 
“Your Highness,” you hear her say, turning around to be met with none other than the prince himself.
He bows to your sister as she curtsies to him. “Hello,” he says with a smile. “You must be Miss Maxine.”
“You know my name?” She asks with a shocked laugh.
He only nods in response. “Your sister has told me about you. As well as one of my soldiers, Sir Lucas,” Steve adds with a wink. 
You swear you could almost see the blush that spreads across Max’s face. 
“Speaking of your sister,” the prince begins. “Is she near?”
“She is!” Your stepmother and Vickie yell at the same time, causing a laugh to escape the prince. 
“If it pleases the lady, I would love to see her,” Steve replies as you walk down the stairs. 
You lightly push Max out of the way when you finally reach the doorway, face to face with the prince again. “Hello,” you whisper. 
“Your Royal Highness,”  he says with a bow. 
You curtsy in return. “Are you never going to let me live that down?” You ask with a smile. 
“Afraid not,” he replies, raising himself with a smile of his own. “I believe you left something at the ball,” Steve whispers, turning to his side to retrieve a glass slipper from the brunet maid at his side, a guard with curly black hair to his other side. 
You can hear her whisper to him “You’re right, she is pretty,” as she hands him the shoe, Steve whispering back “I know,” with a smile. 
“My slipper!” You exclaim when he shows it to you. 
“It’s a pretty slipper,” he tells you, taking one of your hands to hand it back to you. “It only seemed fair I return it to the beautiful girl that it belonged to. If only to see her once more.”
“You came all this way just to return a slipper?” You ask with a smile. 
“And perhaps to tell you I would like to spend more time with you,” he says, his dark brown eyes looking into yours with something almost like adoration. “If you would like that as well,” he says after a brief moment of silence. 
“I thought you had to marry a princess,” you reply as he shakes his head no. 
“I was able to do some convincing,” he tells you. 
The maid to his side, the one who handed him the slipper, whispers to you, “he practically begged," as the guard laughs.
The prince shoots them both a glare as you cover your mouth to stifle a laugh. 
“Ignore them,” Steve says, turning back to you, a crinkle in his eye as he noticed your barely covered laughter. He hadn’t realized how much he missed that sound, even if it had only been two days since he last heard it.  
“Your parents are okay with you marrying a commoner,” you ask once more for reassurance. 
He nods his head yes, that same look of adoration in his eyes. “Well, you’re more than just a commoner,” he tells you, “but yes. And I, would like nothing more than to spend my time with you, and one day, hopefully make you my queen.”
You had to admit that did sound nice. 
And so, you nodded, whispering out a quiet “yes.”
Steve’s face broke out into a large grin as he raised your free hand, the one not holding the shoe, and pressed a kiss to it, smiling the whole way through. 
“May I?” He asked, nodding towards the shoe, smiling at your puzzled look. “May I help with the shoe?” He explains. 
You hand him the shoe with a smile. “If you’d like,” you say, turning around, silently inviting the prince, his maid, and a few guards into your home. 
“Your Highness,” your stepmother, and sisters say, curtsying in unison.
“What is it?” Steve asks, turning around to face his maid when she lets out a gasp. 
That’s when Vickie let out a gasp of her own as she rose from her seat. 
”Robin?” Vickie asks at the same time the maid tells Steve “It’s Vickie!”
“That’s the maid?” You ask your step-sister as Steve breaks out into a laugh. 
“Two birds with one stone,” he says, lightly pushing his maid, Robin, towards your sister. “Go talk, I have business to take care of.”
Steve then nods to you as you take a seat. He then gently takes your foot, delicately placing it into the shoe. “Perfect fit,” he mutters with a smile, looking up at you as if you hung up every star that filled the night sky. Maybe you did, it certainly wouldn't surprise him. 
“Perfect fit,” you repeat with a wide smile. 
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moonsaver · 5 months ago
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The evening star calls home. Ruin is your saving grace.
Tw/Cw; Suggestive/explicit scene, gender neutral reader, implications of religious themes (not great), dubious morals(?), reader is a COUGARRRR (implied), Sunday loves older authority figures (guilty), just guess at this point. Also reader is implied to be like a parental figure to Firefly. OOC because i love making canon characters my own ocs.
Pairings: Stellaron Hunter!Reader x Sunday (romantic), (hinted) Firefly x tb, (platonic) Firefly x reader.
A/n: 5.8k words, i hate this fic, enjoy whatever whatever.
“Will you be okay?”
The small girl looks up at you - trepidation and concern visible in her eyes.
“I should be asking you that, lovely.” You smile, gently tugging a strand of hair behind her ear. Her hair was beautiful, in your opinion. You often verbalized how beautiful it looked, mentioning it as silver under a blue moon.
Firefly still had concern in her eyes, dampened by your words, her hand clasped over the middle of her collarbone.
“I'll make it.. I think.” Her determination made way through uncertainty. You hum, smiling at her.
“You will, as shall I. If you ever need, I will be there.”
You wink, making the young girl smile a bit. The small, almost sad smile, still breaks through her worry.
“I've heard they've been on the lookout for us. I'm..”
She didn't have to continue. You already knew. Your hand comes up and pats her head, gently.
“We'll be fine. Go on, my sweet.”
You smile, softly. It seems to melt away the rest of her trepidation.
She takes a moment. Then nods. Worry and uncertainty now embers as determination fires through her eyes.
You wave her off, as she makes her way.
You are being watched. But you are aware.
You hum, swirling the champagne glass in your fingers, watching the bubbles rise to the top, and stick to the edges in clusters.
“Interrupting your break, am I?”
The man beside you laughs, softly. Almost forced. He doesn't respond further.
“I'm guessing your weekends are spent tending to your white coat.”
You tilt your head, looking at him, a small smile playing on your lips. He doesn't bother acknowledging you.
“I give it to the dry cleaners, actually.”
“Ah, busy man. I suppose I should leave you be.”
“..I have an inkling you won't.”
His wings bristle slightly. His halo shines beautifully – a sort of warning that hangs over his head. Sharp edges, blinding gold. Angels crafted to deter the evil.
But you aren't phased. Perhaps it is the alcohol.
“There was a story, I remember. If you're up for it, of course. It's quite old.”
“Ah, an anecdote from your life?”
“I'm not an ancient tablet.”
“I wasn't aware.”
You chuckle, setting your glass down, the glass base clinking as you do.
You take a brief moment; simply to compose and immerse into the present moment. You look over at the man, allowing yourself to shamelessly scan him despite the unreturned glancing or staring.
“Owls and Ravens were once friends. And both had snow-like feathers. As pristine as white clouds on the expanse of a sky.”
His hair is soft, blue and hazy under the warm light of the bar, shimmering the slightest bit. He shifts in his seat, perhaps to get more comfortable.
“They decided, then, to paint each other, since nothing else was there to do. The Raven painted the Owl diligently, in patterns and dots. And the Owl sat patiently through the process.”
His eyes are piercing, golden, yet they rest, conserved and distant.
The alcohol hazed your vision, smoothing out the edges like a loving artist's strokes against the canvas of his visage.
Your fingers circle the rim of your glass, returning your gaze, watching the bubbles clear.
“But when the Raven's turn came, it never sat still. And as the Owl painted, it painted over the Raven entirely, marring it's feathers as black as obsidian.”
“What a shame.”
Your foot playfully taps the side of his, making his leg stop jittering up and down.
He hums, his gaze temporarily flitting from your foot to your hand, placed on your knee. He almost acknowledges you.
The background is a warm blur against your view of him, almost as though he's the sole performer on a podium – the light seemed to belong to him, and him only. 
“You have a daughter, am I correct to assume?”
His fingers tap, rhythmically, like patters of rain.
“No, just.. a friend. But I consider her as such.”
“She left in quite a hurry.”
“She did, didn't she?”
“has the dream not been to her liking? In the case something has gone awry, The Family hopes–”
“Oh, you know, kids these days. They see someone they like and skitter like a fool.”
He doesn't seem to take your words in stride. But you smile.
“I see.”
You stretch, spinning in the small loveseat, planting your feet down as you rise,
“See someone you like?”
“Already got a view.”
Sunday finally acknowledges you - his eyes trailing your form as you walk away.
“I love you!”
The voice crackles from the plush toy's broken voice box, as Sunday peers down at it. He doesn't move – idly looking at it, and yet not bothering to pick it up.
He stares, for a few more moments, noting the grime and the tears at the seams. The small stains of probably candy or something sweet sticking to its “paws”. The bear had worn down inexplicably from love. The very love it spoke at every press. And from abandonment. He found himself wondering at the fleeting childhood passing by like a reeling ribbon from a child's hands, as if the bear had been dropped unwillingly, and had not been allowed to reunite with it's owner again. A strange dilemma – not alive, yet full of the most humanly feeling. So full, infact, the cotton burst at the seams, and it's button nose was dull. 
With careful movements, Sunday picks it up, by its collar behind its “neck” [if you could even say it had one]. His hand holds it at a bit of a distance.
“A fan of soft toys, Mr. Dreammaster?’
Your voice teases him. You watch his arm slightly falter, imagining a plethora of emotions on his face you'd love to pull at like strings of a tapestry falling apart.
“..I am the Head, of The Family. The Dreammaster would be–”
“It's alright. I was joking.”
“I wasn't.”
His voice is still, flat. There is no semblance of emotion.
“Feisty, today. Was your toy missing for a long time? Sour about how it looks, hm?”
Sunday breathes out; an amicable replacement for a drawn out sigh. He turns to you, still holding the bear at a distance, staying quiet.
“Now, that is no way to hold a gentleman.” 
You walk forward, and gently grasp the bear in both of your hands. Sunday's eyes flicker to your gloved hands, as though in his own curiosity of your lack of concern in terms of hygiene.
“There. Better. You ought to be respectful to your elders.”
“Ah, yes. My apologies. I should have bowed when you spoke to me.”
He bows slightly in jest, his hand on his heart,
“Hm, that's right.”
Sunday smiles, looking up at you from his bowed state. You seem to pay more mind to the bear in your hands, an array of similar thoughts in your head as you process it's appearance.
“Do you want to take it with you? Who knows, you might come to like it.”
“Please, that's no way to ask someone to get rid of it.”
You eye his non-faltering, feigned innocent smile. He simply closes his eyes and continues smiling.
“Well, turns out it has a nametag. It won't hurt to stitch it up a bit and return it back.”
He hums, watching you fix the bear's little dishevelled bowtie.
And then he clears his throat, catching your attention.
You tilt your head, curiously looking at him.
Sunday points to his own tie, slightly miffed. You chuckle,
“Well, now. Whoever shall fix that?”
“Perhaps an elder. They know better than I.”
You roll your eyes, setting the bear down gently onto the side, removing your gloves and fixing his tie.
“Cozy, cozy.”
Kafka purrs into the phone, the rasp of her voice not blurred by the digital medium, as you stare in the distance at the blue-haired halovian.
“Kafka, I'm gonna have to call you back soon.”
“Just when things were about to get interesting..”
You roll your eyes – she can't see it, but she chuckles, knowing what your silence meant.
“Alright, goodluck. Looks like you'll need it.”
You hang up before she has anything else to say, pulling out a compact mirror, and adjusting your appearance. Just as you snap it shut, a small creak of the loveseat beside you indicates his occasional arrival.
“You're late. And I hoped a man of your stature was more punctual than that.”
You tease, watching his eyes never meet yours. Only this time – you catch it. He swallows, rather thickly, watching his adam's apple bob as he does. 
“I don't recall having scheduled any meetings with you.”
His reply is curt, almost condescending if you weren't the type to brush it off.
“Seems my last story hasn't melted the ice yet.”
“Not an inch.”
“D'aw, alright. Wanna hear more, lovely?”
His wings – not his ears – twitch slightly at the pet name. You notice the faint rush of blood to the tip of his ears.
He doesn't answer, choosing to be chaste in silence. You huff out a chuckle,
“Alright, drink's on me then. I'll tell you something interesting.”
In your travels as a stellaron hunter, you've assorted many into repulsions and desires that draw you in.
To fast thrills, versus the indignancy of a dragging present. You find yourself drawn to the bright lights of a night bar, versus the blinding array of a scorching sun. To shallow connections in lieu of heavy and complex relationships. Attachment would be your downfall. Ruin is your saving grace.
However, you find yourself looking for your repulsions.
The grey haired girl stands in front of you once again, shuffling from foot to foot, her eyes low and shy as her hands fiddle with a stray lock of her own hair. You eye her for a moment, before humming, and gently coax  her to face you by placing an index finger under her chin and raising it up.
“Little bug, what's on your mind?”
“Script not to your liking?”
You watch her mumble under her breath, her face slightly tilting down as she resists the urge to tuck it away again. As she does, you gaze from over the top of her head; a familiar blue haired man walking into the distance, followed by panicked coworkers. It seems he will be amiss once again, for today.
“I couldn't.. tell them.”
“The trailblazer?”
She hums, nodding.
You huff out a chuckle, patting her head.
“You have your chances, do you not? Rest easy, your time will come.”
She visibly relaxes, her shoulders slightly dropping, and her hands leaving the lock of hair to return to her sides. Her eyes are still low, as though scanning the pavement under your feet, as she contemplates. You watch her bite the inside of her cheek before she raises her face again and nod.
There is a fire in her eyes.
It is almost like the Sun.
You are almost afraid of it.
“I'll do it. As many times as I need to.”
You smile, leaning back onto the cold wall behind you.
“We should go shopping after your next attempt.”
You find your jaw clenching after the words slip from your mouth. Your repulsions are your weakness. Yet you still seem to subconsciously seek them out. It's a testament to your human nature.
She nods, smiling at you. She stays in her place for a moment, before she speaks again,
“I could.. ask Kafka to go with you if I don't make it.”
You turn and glance back at your usual spot at the open bar‐empty without you and the man you've been missing lately. Your smile only widens at her perception. Clever girl.
“No need. I'd like some silence anyways.”
She seems a bit unconvinced, as she continues to gaze at you for a brief moment more, scanning you for any deception. Out of worry than any ulterior motives, unlike the woman she mentioned a while ago.
Truthfully, you were lonely. This is what your ruin does to you, regardless of how it saves you. A few conversations lure you into a false sense of companionship, regardless of however brief it must have been, even encouraging you to divulge more than necessary if desperate enough. You find your eyes flitting at anything the colour of pale blue. At anything that glows gold under a light.
You chuckle and wave,
“I'll be fine, honeybee. Go, be on your way, now.”
She nods, smiling at the pet name. 
You find your repulsions carry you elsewhere, the bar fading into the background as you walk the opposite direction, once all spying eyes have cleared. You find your eyes flitting to find him. However, no matter how blessed your vision may be, the absence left behind can only be described, not pointed to. Ultimately, it is your mind that hinges on the assessment of what you have lost, or gained. 
But it seems this time your heart has taken the hit – a burrowing feeling between the slats and the depths of your ribs as though an animal had sprung from it, and left it behind as a husk of what it once was. 
Sunday tuts, his fingers taking a bold graze of your hair, sliding and gently tugging out a lock.
“You ought to take better care of your hair.”
You stay silent for a brief moment, and it's apparent to him aswell that you hadn't expected him to do something so.. casual, considering his formalities. He takes his time to address it in your period of silence.
“I simply noticed and commented on it, no need to look like a deer caught in headlights.”
His eyes flicker to yours for a moment, and avert immediately. You watch his hand fall to his side, his fingers slightly shaking. You can't tease him on it – it would be hypocritical. A slight, excited sort of feeling sparks in your stomach.
You lick your lips, and take a sip of your beverage, feeling your senses dry up a bit. The liquid instead burns at the dryness of your throat.
“You're into haircare, hm?”
You reply, ignoring the brief silence and the tension it carried.
“Often. It comes with taking care of my wings.”
“Ah, I see.”
Silence once again. Unlike the pleasant one you two usually shared, this felt different; it felt electric. Thick, a bit suffocating. 
“I like your piercings.”
His hand, previously resting on the counter, subconsciously raises up to fiddle with his earring,
“Thank you.”
You stay silent again, almost inviting in the tension that causes him to graze his teeth against the inside of his cheek, a step away from chewing on the sides of it.
You break the ice first.
“Do you prefer gold or silver?”
He stays silent for a moment. He's often found his mind wandering when it comes to you – wondering how various adornments would suit you.
“Really? Didn't take you as a silver type.’
“Ah, about me?”
“Who else?”
He felt silver suited you; more than your complexion, he simply felt.. drawn to it. Like the faint glimmering of a moon's reflection on a lake. You were someone who's depths were mysterious, almost alluring to him.
You stay silent, too. The question hangs in the air for a brief moment.
You watch his shaky fingers rub slightly at his nose. You've noticed a lot of things about him. The tips of his nose and ears that turns red a bit too easily. The faint fluttering of his ghostly blue lashes. The twinkle of gold – not just of his halo, but the various imprints of it on him; jewellery, and the woven golden threads of his pristine suit.
His eyes follow to your hand, on the bar's countertop, swallowing thickly again.
It seems despite everything, he's still a fool in the grasp of his shame.
He looks away,
“I prefer gold.”
Sentience is a curse, he thinks.
His fingers tap and circle the perimeter of the frail glass, a clink accompanying each one. Waves form on the surface of the shimmery liquid from the small force.
Morality is a cruel beast. Because it is unrecognisable. And it knows you.
It follows you, through your ages. A small, ghastly and putrid thing, akin to a shameful, big animal. Hunched over, following you like a chore. Like a lost, stubborn child. It grows with you. It becomes bolder. It becomes aware. It has your voice. Soon, the mind caves and buckles into the grasp of the dastardly beast, that grows like uncontrolled weed on a substrate. It grows and envelops. And it tells you – can you truly allow yourself to do this? And the answer is never yes. Morality is a curse. A big ugly thing, unafraid to show it's face. It fills the room when silence staves arguments in the form of chastened tension.
Yet he finds himself, almost seeking it out. Searching the cruel shackle of his morality, almost wanting it to shame him into hiding. 
Your place is empty. He notes. He closes his eyes for a brief moment, fluttering lashes coming to a halt. He envisions the faint waft of your perfume, the dainty clicking of your fingers over the rim of the glass, the cheeky tap against his agitated foot. Sunday would find himself already ashamed, if he'd outright admitted he'd actually been staring at you, from his periphery. You overshadow the ugly beast, drawing out a sort of soft, beautiful serenity with a hollow voice, and an elusive persona. 
Angels are, by design, made to stave evil. Somehow, however, it seems he has attracted one. A devil in the form of you. And yet, like a man yet to feel the cold relief of forgiveness on his lips, he wanders aimlessly in his mind, as though in search of you. Sin is unbeknownst, ignorance is plaguing, and yet he revels in it. Even for a moment.
He huffs out a laugh. A novel turn of events. Its his turn to wait for you, isn't it?
Yet it seems easy to do, simply imagining your form beside him once again, telling him another strange tale, either for your own amusement or to reel him in. He disregards the source. His weary face finds an ache, a pleasant one, as it pulls into a faint smile. 
As sentience drives a being to deviate from instinct, his awareness has driven him to exhaustion. Yet you are a double edged sword – a balm for his exhaustion yet endlessly pushing him to caution.
“You've been gone too long, haven't you?”
You croon, a cheeky smile on your face, Sunday bashfully keeping his eyes locked to his drink. Despite everything, he cannot meet your eyes.
“I have.”
For the first time, the pastor is of the guilty. The devil has come to exorcise him. But exorcism does not mean erasure of sins, neither does it mean cleanly cutting off the strings that attach one to them. You may as well weave more of these strings, and craftily ground him to you.
“How will you make it up to me?’
You drawl, leaning on the palm of your hand, speech slightly slurred from the alcohol.
“..How would you like me to?”
His gaze is trained on his hand – gripping the fragile neck of the glass with a bit too much force. 
You hum, twirling your own glass, watching the liquid rush and bubble at the edges.
“Tell me a secret.”
He swallows. 
A secret?
“Is that.. truly what you desire?”
You take a sip of your beverage. Sunday is relieved, yet almost disappointed.
“..very well.”
He breathes in, and takes a moment to compose himself. His eyes flit to you, a small flicker of boldness somehow making him hover over a line he dares not cross. His gaze wanders to your lips, the slight crinkle beside your eyes, the squish of your cheek against your palm. He eyes your clothing. 
A stellaron hunter.
It was as though he was placing himself as the bait in a trap. As though he was the one caught in the trap. What else could he complain about? Except for that of which he can't admit – his unbecoming is his fault.
His fault for unreeling like a ribbon under your daft fingers. He finds himself wanting to spill like an ink bottle, the surface tension of the liquid keeping it from just flowing over the thick, glass borders.
And he breathes in your perfume. He breathes in the expanse of the night's air. And he spills. He spills so cautiously, so quietly, as though he is afraid of staining his own lips with the tenacity of his words.
He has many secrets. Most of which were handed to him, more akin to an heirloom than an actual personal matter. More akin to a treacherous contract than whispered confessions. How he wishes this was a confession to you, than an unveiling over his disgusting innards.
But you listen, unwavering. A lazy smile still gracing your lips, stained with grapes and understanding. It is as though you were stained in so many ways, his words are unflinchingly simple to you. It becomes a confession, rather than a revelation at the altar of the cartilage shell of your ear.
And you keep it. You keep it like a lost prayer. Like a silent vow. 
“..want me to whisper it to you?”
You return the sentiment, offering a request. It seems you are no guiltier than he innocent. 
“Can't convince you, can I?”
“Not at all.” Please don't try, anyway. He lets those words die on his tongue.
You huff out a laugh, a bit forceful, as you look away from him, folding your arms.
“Shit, you don't pull any punches, huh?”
A pang of guilt hits him at the slight hurt in your forced laugh. But he can't be deterred.
Not that you were going to, considering Elio's script. It's on you, really. But you didn't expect it to actually hurt.
You watch the empty audience seats, his back turned to it.
“It's a pity. I wish I could have seen this theatre when it was filled to the brim with people.”
“..it would have been an extraordinary view. It always is.”
“You look forward to it?”
“Not anymore.”
You hum, your teeth nipping at the skin of your lips. The quietness of the theatre is exemplified at the rustle of your clothes, as you turn to look at his back. The light of the podium makes him look beautiful. His halo is almost blinding. He looks like the Sun. You'll be lead to your death, at this rate. Wasn't Ruin supposed to be your saving grace? Here you are – disguised as both Icarus and the blinding Sun.
Sunday stands still, a cleancut form, unable to face you. You can stare at his back all day. But the pain resounding in your chest from your heart hurting strings you back into the present. You breathe deeply, and sigh,
“Alright. Goodluck, then.”
With one step forward, you disappear as quietly as you came. It's a trick familiar to your group; as Sunday knows. But even then, he braces himself to greet the empty space you leave behind, his heart sinking further at the loss of your presence. 
Sunday finds the shackles of punishment more liberating than death on his knees.
He learns this in isolation. He learns many things in isolation.
He learns how to miss you.
Phantoms and taunts of your words echoing the empty expanse of his empty mind, wafting through the many whispers of the stellaron that plagued his mind. 
His finger twitches upwards, when his lifeless eyes imagine the faint illusion of your affection, grazing fingertips over his knuckles. You hadn't actually ever gotten so physically close to him, but he indulges himself. He imagine the soft sensations of your lips on his jaw, trailing up to ghost the shell of his.
“Miss me, Mr. Dreammaster?”
He shivers at the illusion. Your voice is close yet far; reverberating in the hollow wasteland of his mind like a single thread of gold.
A lot. He wants to say. He swallows the words, and for the second time, the fruit lodges in his throat. To admit is to acknowledge the sin.
“Make it up to me, Mr. Dreammaster?"
A knock. Your phantom, agonisingly so, vanishes like a mist casted away by a gush of wind. But the interruption is far from divine.
Jade, from the IPC. 
Like gently settling fog, rumours stagnate over a crowd. The whispers and the hushed words are not elusive to your ears.
Your phone buzzes, but you ignore it. Firefly is accompanied by Silver wolf, you wouldn't have to worry.
As much as your thrills lure you to the lavish party to celebrate the Nameless, your repulsions seem stronger. 
You sip your beverage, tipping the glass up, but your eyes stay on your phonescreen. You hadn't ever texted Sunday, and neither had he texted you. You two hadn't even called. There was no history. It would be as though you could keep your phone open for hours and no one would bat an eye. Even for the most prestigious of those in stature would have to occasionally practise patience when it came to him. Who would you be? The vague, elusive stellaron hunter who's suspected of causing trouble wherever they go? Like a stray piece of pebble that's easy to disregard and kick away, who is he to ever glance at you?
And so you stare, measuring in silence, the strange stirring of feelings in your stomach. You could blame it on your beverage, but you hadn't drank enough really, mainly because you couldn't even bother keeping it down.
You blink, watching a notification pop up, and promptly retreat as you click on Sunday's contact again.
He messaged you?
No, it couldn't be. It must be one of The Family's members.
You push yourself off of the wall you'd been warming with your back, and take a small step forward in contemplation, your eyebrows knitted as you stared.
Why would they send you to his office's location?
Sunday breathes in, the cool, familiar air of his office hitting the back of his throat as he does.
There is a certain pleasure in ordinary things. 
The patience of a ceramic cup that stays warm with coffee. The smooth crafting of the surface of a wooden desk. The ambience of the air conditioner accompanying the steady scribbling of a pointed tip on paper. The comfort in reclining back in a cushioned office chair. Things he may as well soon never come across again.
He swallows, his eyelids doing little to shield the overhead lighting of his office, but still keeping them closed to simply savor the feeling.
A shadow emerges, obscuring the light from his eyes, casting a shade on his face. It's soon accompanied by the faint wafting of perfume.
“Miss me, Mr. Sunday?”
This wasn't Ena's dream. But for a moment, he could have considered it.
You're leaned over from behind him, watching down at his face as he opens his eyes. He opens his mouth, but decides to stay silent.
Your hand comes up to gently cup the side of his face, your palm pressing beside his eye, fingers reaching the bottom of his chin. Your thumb lingers around the edge of his mouth. You both stare at each other, simply noticing the dilation of each other's pupils.
“It's just Sunday.”
He tells you. There is no animosity, no hostility in his voice. It's almost a whisper, as though he's unsure if you are real. His own hand reaches up, and cautiously, his fingers graze the side of your face.
Your skin is warm. Your relaxed smile widens as he does so. He shivers.
“Savouring your final moments?”
He smiles.
“I am.”
You stay that way for a moment, before slowly leaning back and standing up straight. Sunday gets up from his chair and moves to stand across you.
“Couldn't let me know where you were a little earlier?”
You tease him, but he can sense the slight irk in your voice.
“My deepest apologies. How can I make it up to you?”
You hum, spinning on your heel and walking around his office, fingers grazing the edge of his desk as you walk beside it, and to the front. You turn, leaning on it, your back facing him.
“A secret won't be enough this time, y'know?”
He watches your hand fiddle with a few trinkets on his desk, your other hand supporting you. He makes his way to you again, rounding the desk, and stands in front of you,
“What may help?”
You hum again, but he knows better. You're feigning your contemplation.
You smile, still leaned back against his desk.
“I wouldn't know. Something special before we depart?”
“Hm.. is that so?”
He steps closer, his hands placing themselves right beside your waist on the desk behind you, caging you in. His eyes never leave yours.
You smile, looking at him.
He leans in, eyes falling lower, on your lips, as he asks,
“Now, what shall I do?”
His warm breath fans over the lower half of your face, and the small exposed bits of your collarbone.
“Perhaps do as your seniors advise you.”
“Hm? Who?”
You grab him by the collar of his shirt, push off of the table and swerve him, pushing him against the desk as you lean in,
“You can listen, can't you?”
He breathes in, slightly winded at the switched positions.
“I might need guidance.”
You huff out a laugh,
“I'll guide you, so listen well.”
You lean in, your lips almost brushing his, but pull away when you sense he might lean in, his lips stay slightly parted as he watches you.
“You need to be patient, okay?”
He almost doesn't hear you, swallowing as he eyes your lips, his abdomen constricting, feeling something tighten and coil.
“I will.”
You smile. And lean in, testing his resolve,
“Do as I say, alright?”
His lips twitch, and his breath hitches. He waits, agonisingly, as your lips brush against his, but don't press. He whispers out,
“I will.”
You finally press your lips against his, and it's as though a river rushes through his veins, as he eagerly kisses you back. His breathing is heavy, his hands unsure as they hold onto your waist, but you're made aware of his desperation as his nails unconsciously dig into your flesh, through the thin fabric of your shirt. You suck in a breath at the feeling, and he almost moans, his wings bristling and tensing as he desperately tries to deepen the kiss, almost panting into it as your tongue brushes against his lower lip, eagerly parting them open.
Sunday can taste the alcohol mixed with your sweet saliva, causing his head to spin a bit, but instead he presses further, his tongue eagerly lapping at every inch of your mouth. You pull away for a moment, but his mouth follows close, kissing the side of your mouth and trailing them down the column of your throat. You breathe in, shivering as you close your eyes for a moment, each wet kiss electrifying and going straight down to your core. 
He mumbles your name against your skin, his tongue laving at a spot before his teeth nip at it, causing you to gasp. Your hands crawl up to the base of his head, one pushing into his fluffy hair and fingers entangling within the strands.
“It's okay.”
You breathe out, but he shakes his head slightly.
His tongue presses against the base of your throat, and drags up all the way to the corner of your mouth, before his lips envelop yours again in a heated kiss. He parts, panting,
“I wanted to see you. Every second I spent there..”
His hands run up and down your sides, feverish at the contact they'd been restrained from,
“I know.” You say, looking at his dishevelled state, your hands coming to rest on his chest.
"I wanted to return to you."
You feel his hands slide down and rest on your hips, his knee nudging between yours, before he slides up further and pushes his thigh at your core, making you jolt for a moment at the contact. His hands stay firm on your hips, almost pressing you down onto his thigh. Your hands clench at the fabric of his shirt as the contact shoots up your spine, making you arch slightly into him.
He breathes in, leaning down, his lips graze the shell of your ear, hot breath coming out in puffs as he whispers,
“I'm yours, aren't I? So go ahead and prove it.”
You smile.
“Alright, then.”
Firefly's voice calls out to you, and you smile, looking over her winded appearance.
But you weren't in the state to complain. You looked similar, if not even worse. Your shirt was slightly wrinkly, tie askew, your hair patted down in a rush. You hope no one noticed you wobble.
“are you okay?”
Firefly would be more worried instead of confused if not for the wide smile you've donned. She glances over her shoulder at the bustling crowd, her eyes almost searching for someone, before returning to you.
“I'm alright. Your hair.. seems exciting.”
You comment, and Firefly blushes, patting down her own hair.
“I'll tell you what happened later, but.. we should leave now.”
You nod,
Her hologram appears without a second's delay, her annoyed resting face almost lovingly familiar to you.
“Yeah, yeah, I heard.”
You both chuckle slightly at her.
The party ends on a positive note.
“Quite a pleasant surprise.”
“Greetings, to you too.”
You smile, your virtual form glitching slightly. Although Himeko doesn't disregard you as she does Kafka, she's still wary of you, as are the rest of the crew.
“Settling in well, chicken boy?”
Himeko cuts in,
“What do the Stellaron hunters need now?”
You chuckle, softly,
“Miss Himeko, it's been a while, hasn't it? Regardless, I sincerely apologise, but these questions are solely for Mr. Sunday here.”
Her face shifts, almost unnoticeable, clearly displeased by your words. She sighs, and glances back at the new recruit. The rest of the crew follow her suit.
Mr. Yang's voice flows in,
“Perhaps there remains any unfinished business with the stellaron hunters? It would be wise to address it sooner than later.”
“None of the sort, Mr. Yang.” You reassure, hands neatly folded, as you smile,
“Just a few, simple questions. Think of it as a.. survey, of sorts.”
“A survey?”
Sunday steps forward, facing your hologram directly. You would have blushed if it wasn't virtual.
“3 questions. That is all.”
You sense his hesitation, slowly melding into trust as his thoughts process. Although relationships between your factors are complex and messy, it is you that's asking him.
“What is your name?”
“..I am Sunday.”
“Where are you stationed?”
“The Astral Express.”
“Are you happy?”
The question makes him hesitate, words stuck in his throat like a grape seed for only a moment.
“..yes. i am.”
You smile. Sunday faintly returns the expression. After a brief moment, you turn to Himeko,
“Kafka will speak to you shortly, Ms. Himeko.”
And you vanish. Just as mysteriously as you'd come into his life.
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luimagines · 5 months ago
Modern Dance (1800 Follower Raffle)
Our second place winner was @mickleloaf!!
They asked for a somewhat continuation of The Chain Hanging out in Modern! Reader's House, in which they find the music/Just Dance. Which you can read the "first part" right here.
You don't have to read it to get this one though.
Content under the cut!
“Alright boys.” You called their attention when the sun had already set and the movies had run their courses. After the Lion King, you had put on Pirates of the Caribbean and Kung Fu Panda- which probably wasn’t the best idea because now the boys were taking turns punching and kicking each other in an effort to replicate the movie. “We’re going to change the pace a bit.”
“By doing what?” Wind held a pillow threateningly over Sky’s head. The poor boy had fallen asleep a while ago and was dead to the world for all anyone knew. You had no idea how he managed to sleep through the chaos but everybody has a skill.
“We’re going to dance.” You grinned and turned on the video game console. “I’ve been meaning to introduce you to all our music, but there’s too many genres to choose from and you all have way too much energy for this time of night. We’re going to burn it all off.”
Many of the boys had settled down, watching in fascination as you turned on the systems and switched the controls. They all sat up a little straighter when the colors of the game turned on. It took a controlled effort to get them to step away form the screen instead of shoving their faces up to the characters.
You scrolled through aimlessly and picked an easy level to begin with.
“Rancher, Captain?” You asked sweetly. “Can you help move some of the furniture out of the way? I’m going to put multiplayer mode. We can have up to four at a time.”
“Meaning?” Wild chipped in, helping the other boys push the couch and the tables out of the way.
“Whoever dances the best or most like the person on the screen, wins.” You say gleefully. And maybe just a tad hint of evil.
These boys were competitive. You were to see them at each other's throats… metaphorically. …Mostly.
After giving a few more orders to clear the space, you stepped aside and  selected the song. With a gleam in your eyes, you pointed at Wind, Wild and Hyrule. “You three versus me. Come on.”
Wind jumped front and center without hesitation, Hyrule walking forward with a curious tilt to his head. Wild was the only one who was hesitant to step up to the “platform”, so to speak. It made you calm down a little bit and smile softly. “Relax. It’s not magic. Everything you see will stay there. Just like the stories I put on earlier.”
“Do we even get an example?” Hyrule tilts his head.
“What do you think you are?” You giggle and start the song.
At once the lights flashed and the music started. Having already played this song a number of times, you knew the beats by heart and continued the routine without missing a strike or a pause. The other boys… were less coordinated. …But that’s you being generous.
You think Wind might have smacked Warrior by accident at some point in the attempt to do the moves, but you blame the Captain. He shouldn’t have been that close then.
You win the round. Perfect score. 100%, unsurprisingly.
“I want to go again.” Wild growls. “That’s not fair. You didn’t explain what we were supposed to do properly.”
“I’m next.” Legend raised his hand. “I actually did a dance battle before.”
“No. That means you wait.” Four shoved him playfully. “Give the rest of us a chance to make a fool out of ourselves before you dominate.
You laugh and turn to Time. “Do you want to try, Old Man?”
He grins before shaking his head. “These old bones of mine aren’t as spry as they used to be. I’m content to watch.”
“If you say so.” You shrug, already thinking of ways to wear him down just so he could dance to at least one song.
You step out so that other boys can step in and have a turn. Warrior, Four, Wild and Twilight take the next round. You tried to find another easy song that they would be able to follow without much difficulty, but here is where their competitiveness came through.
Wild tried to trip up Warrior. Twilight pulled on Wild’s hair. Warrior ‘nudged’ Twilight straight into the couch and Four won the round by blaming the hits that he dealt straight onto the other boys.
In an effort to save your house from burning down prematurely, you switched them all out and danced the next round with Wind, Legend and Hyrule.
No one wanted to wake up Sky.
You picked a harder song, if only to trip up Legend. But you should have known better. Not only did he already admit to doing a dance battle before, he already had two rounds to watch and observe what not to do and what to do to get points.
He would have almost won if you didn’t know about the bonus points for hitting the striking pose on the right beat.
“WHAT!!” He screamed. “How did you get double the points!?!?”
“You have to hit it with enough passion.” You teased and kept dancing.
It was the needed points for you to win the round, but goodness, did he give you a run for your money.
Switching out again, you began to work and tease and wear down Time to get him to dance.
It didn’t work.
Within the hour the boys started to fall asleep one by one. The others with the energy to do so helped move them to a bed roll and away from the dance floor so they wouldn’t be trampled on once the wrestling started. Because wrestling would start. That was not an if, but a when.
Time actually went down after Twilight did. Between those two and Sky, the other boys were way more hyped and loaded with sugar that they still needed to work off.
You played for three hours.
The only one that lasted the longest was Four and even then, you were willing to bet he could have kept going if you weren’t ready to fall over and pass out yourself. You groaned and turned off your console. “I’m going to pay tomorrow.”
“I haven’t moved like that in a long time.” You steal the couch and throw your legs over Sky. You’d doubt he’d mind. “I moved muscles that hadn't been moved since I was last home… I can feel them yelling at me.”
Four chuckled and also got down to take the lounge chair. You envied him. He was small enough to sleep comfortably there. “You won most of the matches. I’ve never seen you swing your arms around with such reckless abandon.”
“This is my house.” You grumble. “I had to defend my title and my territory… Besides, you’re all just as, if not, more competitive than I am. There was no way any of you were going to go easy on me.”
“Fair enough.”
“Good night, Link.” You smile, allowing your guard to fall for the first time in months and finally get some needed rest.
“Good night.”
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luveline · 7 months ago
i hope you’re feeling better jade!!🫶🫶
i’d love to request zombie!au steve of when he starts to realize he has feelings for reader if you haven’t already done smth like that
zombie au —Steve has some deep thoughts about you. 1.3k
“How are you feeling?” 
Steve bats a branch out of his face. “I’m okay.” 
“Yeah?” You hold the next branch out of his way. “Sorry, guess I’ve asked you that too many times today.” 
Four times, by his count. Steve takes a deep breath, the warm summer air filling his nose, the smell of earth and tree bark an assault for the senses. He has the heavy backpack strapped tight against his chest, the buckle rubbing his skin raw. His thin t-shirt offers no protection. Your coats have been packed away in the second backpack hanging from your left shoulder. You carry the canteens on your right, all six of them heavy with fresh water. You don’t complain. 
“I’m fine, I swear,” he says, squinting at the white sky. 
“You won’t say anything if you don’t feel fine. I just… I don’t want you to throw up again, and I think we can avoid it if you take it easy. If you’re not feeling up to it, that is. Not that you’re not feeling up to it.” 
Steve softens at your overexplaining. You’re used to caring about him a lot and having him snap back at you. He can’t explain it, not without deep introspection —is he emasculated? Defensive? Or just worried he can’t take care of you?— so he doesn’t think about it if he can’t help it. 
It’s harder to ignore when you worry about him. 
“I don’t feel sick,” he says, a promise as he bats another low branch aside and guides you into a clearing, where he pauses. 
“Okay, good.” 
Steve spent the last two days throwing up and recuperating in a shack of a house a few miles back. He gave himself food poisoning eating spaghetti hoops he should’ve known were bad. He doesn’t remember the first day in detail, too busy yacking and feverish, but he does remember your hand on his back. Your gentle hand, your careful fingertips. Remembers you stroking hair away from his mouth. 
It was the first time he’d realised you were his friend. It’s a shameful thing, to have been with you for this long, and to have been ignorant to you this whole time. It’s not that Steve thought you were evil, he just never let himself think about you too much. Never enough to think Hey, this girl I’ve brought with me, she’s good to me. She’s kind. 
He knew you were, obviously. It’s complicated. It’s giving him a headache. 
“Maybe we should stop here.” 
A few days ago he would’ve said No way, are you dumb? You can’t stop here, a clearing doesn’t protect you from the elements, nor a hoard, but he knows you know those things and peacocking his survival skills won’t actually keep you safe. 
He has to stop being in survival mode. Or, in huge jerk mode. 
The feeling of your face pressed to his chest as you slept, each exhale a warmth that settled him. Later, your hand feeling against his forehead, sure he was asleep. You love him. He’s not sure what kind of love, but you do. And he loves you, too, but he’s not sure what kind of love it is either. He estimates that it’s the feeling that comes with surviving a traumatic event (or, in your case, many events) together, caring for each other, tending to each others wounds, mixed with the beginning of a crush. 
Like, he loves you in that he cares very, very deeply for you, and would be wrecked now if something happened to you, but he’s not in love. Not yet. 
He looks out over the clearing. Finally, some clarity.
Steve turns to you and knows he might fall in love with you.  
“I think we should keep going. The tree cover is better, in case it rains again tonight. Maybe the heat’ll break, I don’t know. And I don’t like this, I feel like we could get ambushed from any angle.” He tries not to waver in his explanation. 
“A little rain would be nice,” you say, wiping your eyebrows, “I don’t know about that ambush theory.” 
“Oh, you don’t?” he asks. 
“What are the trees gonna stop?” you ask. 
He recognises an urge to pinch your side and stomps it down. “I don’t know, okay? Leave me alone, my head hurts.” 
“Want some tylenol?” 
He accepts. You walk for another hour or so through the woods until you can see the dark asphalt of a highway. They’re more intimidating, and so you backtrack for fifteen minutes and set up camp beside an incline. It’ll protect you from one angle, at least. 
“You okay?” you ask again. 
Steve lets the canteen he’d been holding fall into his lap. “What can I tell you to make you stop asking me?” he asks genuinely. He doesn’t want you to worry this much about him. 
“We could go back in time and stop you from eating those spaghetti shapes,” you say. 
He likes the way you say it. You look behind you suspiciously, spreading your jacket out and laying the backpack on it before you lie down. You face toward him, your eyes half-lidded. 
You hate the idea of bugs crawling into your hair or ears. Steve bites his lip. 
“What?” you ask. 
“You can lie on me, if you want.” 
“I’m not going to sleep yet, don’t worry.” You curl into yourself. “Let’s make a fire tonight. I know spoiled food is spoiled no matter what, but I think heating that soup’ll give it less chance of upsetting your stomach. It’ll taste nicer, too.” 
“Yeah,” he says quietly. “Just a small one, though, when it’s really dark. We’ll stay up.”
“Okay.” You smile, wide and subtly beautiful. 
Is this because you held his hair back while he was sick? Could it be something that minimal? 
You reach across leaf litter to play with his shoelace. After a few minutes, you curl your fingers around the loop. 
You’re starved for touch. He knows how much of a difference it makes at night when he ushers your face into his lap, hand behind your shoulders to hold you. He’s never not given you affection when he thought you needed it, even when he began to suspect you liked him as more than a companion. You’ve never taken advantage of this fact. If you like him, you don’t burden him with it. If anything, your growing crush has made you shier. You're more self conscious. 
He takes your hand. “You already have dirt on your hands,” he says, rubbing your fingers. If you’re hands are dirty, he can’t see it. 
“Your shoe,” you explain. 
He rubs at nothing. Then he holds it just to hold it, feeling the weight of it in his. 
It’s a relief to realise he likes you. He’s confused, but it feels good at the same time. You’re a very easy person to like, even if he’s insisted otherwise before. You can ask questions he finds irrelevant and self explanatory, but for every agitating misunderstanding, you’ve a moment of sweetness. 
You can disagree with him a thousand times, and it doesn’t change how moments like this make him feel. Like he’s found a rare slice of peace. Your arm goes limp, your hand his to do with as he pleases, and he can finally take a breather for the day. 
“Are you okay?” he asks. “You’ve been asking me all day, but I didn’t ask you.”
“I’m fine.”
“How’s your mouth?” he asks. You get toothache from grinding your teeth in your sleep. Some nights, it makes you cry. 
“Fine, really. Doesn’t hurt.”
“How’s your head?” he asks, giving your hand a weak squeeze. 
Your lips twitch, eyes fluttering with something he doesn’t know. “I’m fine, Steve. Great, all things considered. I’m glad you’re not sick anymore.” 
He threads his fingers through yours. “Yeah, me too.” 
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