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thewertsearch · 1 day ago
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fedorafreak: eureka.
Hang on. Is that...
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...son of a bitch. The king is back!
I can't even be mad that it's not actually Dad Egbert, because this is an entirely different kind of treat - and one that I didn't think we'd ever be getting.
I’d long since given up hope that we’d ever hear from Earth again – Bec’s apocalyptic meteor laser seemed to have bookended that chapter fairly unambiguously. How, then, did Homestuck’s favourite normie survive such a cataclysm?
fedorafreak: yes. it is as hoped for beyond hope. fedorafreak: unusual devices may be used to duplicate fresh, perfectly pressed garments. inexhaustibly, afaik.
FedoraFreak is a fucking Sburb Player.
This is the best day of my life. I've always wondered about how Earth's other sessions are going, and this is the one we get to see?
This is the greatest gift Hussie could give me. This is my Christmas.
fedorafreak: alas, devices appear to hold no such promise for departed family members, misplaced hand-held steam press.
He’s had a pretty rough time, though, which is par for the course when you’re playing this game.
Departed family members are a given, but all hope is not yet lost. If they're Players too, he might still be able to reunite with them in the Dream Bubbles - but sadly, I don't think the Gods will be preserving the soul of his steam press. Guess he'll just have to prototype it!
fedorafreak: now combining expensive leather pipe tobacco sleeve with handsome, gray fedora. fedorafreak: to document result shortly. fedorafreak: resulted in hat w/ outlandish and frivolous appearance. fedorafreak: do not care for; shall discard immediately.
Alchemy, of course, is far too twee for our king. Perhaps, with some experimentation, he can make some business-themed gear which is both serious and viable?
fedorafreak: made unwelcome determination. production requires expense of glittering abstractions called grist. fedorafreak: such jewels remaining in cache, libation in reserve, at premium. fedorafreak: consumed final swallow of carefully rationed urine. soon to seek water elsewhere in exotic new surroundings.
Damn, dude. You can’t even field the grist cost for water? Fedorafreak is clearly having a lot of trouble with Sburb’s earlygame.
John did a lot better, but he had a lot of help from Nanna early on, and Fedorafreak’s lack of familiarity with the game’s mechanics suggests that his sprite is inert.
He also hasn’t mentioned a server player, so he the poor man might be completely alone, with no context for the tragedy which recently tore his life apart. He may have escaped the apocalypse, but things still are looking pretty grim for our serious businessman.
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artparks-sculpture · 2 years ago
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A sculpture titled 'Eve III (Minimalist Abstract Nude Torso Yard statue)' by sculptor Nicola Godden. In a medium of Bronze and in an edition of /9.
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dralaaaglan · 2 years ago
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دكتور علاء عبد العزيز عبد العزيز عجلان
 تخرج الدكتور علاء عبد العزيز عبد العزيز من كلية الطب جامعة عين شمس عام 2003 وتخصص فى الجراحة العامة وجراحات التجميل وحصل على درجة الماجستير فى عام 2010 ثم حصل على درجة PHD من الجامعة الإسلامية بأمريكا . قام الدكتور علاء عبد العزيز عجلان بتكريس معظم وقته فى البحث العلمى فى إحدى المشاكل التى تهم كافة الرجال على مستوى العالم و هى مشكلة سرعة القذف . حيث إستطاع الدكتور علاء عبد العزيز عبد العزيز عجلان من التوصل لأول حل جراحى لمشكلة سرعة القذف بحيث يتم علاجها نهائيا وبدون الحاجة لتناول أى أدوية قبل اللقاء مع الزوجة وبدون أى تأثير على الإنتصاب أو الإحساس أو الإنجاب و تم تسمية هذا الحل الجراحى بإسم ( عملية علاء عجلان ) وقد تم نشر البحث العلمى الخاص بهذه العملية الفريدة من نوعها فى العديد من الدوريات العلمية العالمية ونوقشت فى كبرى المؤتمرات الطبية و نالت القبول و الرضاء عن نتائجها من كافة المرضى على مستوى العالم . 
 عملية علاء عجلان لعلاج سرعة القذف :
هى عملية جراحية تنفرد مستشفى علاء كلينيك بإجراؤها للمرضى على مستوى العالم . وهى عملية جراحية بسيطة لا تستغرق أكثر من عشر دقائق و تحت التخدير النصفى و يخرج المريض من المستشفى فى نفس اليوم و لكن ممارسة العلاقة الزوجية تكون بعد مرور أسبوعين من الجراحة . وتتكون العملية من جزأين وهما : قص منطقة دلتا أسفل رأس القضيب - قص ؟أحد العضلات القاذفة و تسمى         BULBOSPONGIOSUS MUSCLE  . 
 الجزء الأول : قص منطقة دلتا 
تعتبر منطقة دلتا و الموجودة أسفل رأس القضيب هى أكثر نقاط العضو حساسية ويتم إزالة هذا الجزء .
 الجزء الثانى : قص العضلة القاذفة 
وفى هذا الجزء يتم قص أحد العضلات القاذفة وتسمى BULPOSPONGIOSUS MUSCLE  حتى يتم تأخير القذف . 
    النشر بالدوريات الطبية العالمية لعملية علاء عجلان لعلاج سرعة القذف
 1- Arab Journal of Urology  
•          مؤتمر الإمارات الدولى السابع للمسالك و المؤتمر السنوى الخامس عشر للجمعية العربية للمسالك
Volume 16, 2018 - /1
  Link: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.aju.2018.10.060
      •          أكاديمية الجمعية الدولية للمسالك
2-  SIU Academy 
  Link:  https://academy.siu-urology.org/siu/2018/seoul/224312/alaa.abd.el.immediate.curative.and.permanent.treatment.for.premature.html
 •          مؤتمر الجمعية الدولية للطب الجنسى
 3- Journal of sexual medicine ( issm )
Premature ejaculation surgical treatment
106|-(-, S166-S167, May 01, 2022
 Link: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jsxm.2022.03.380
 •          المؤتمر الأوربى العاشر لطب الذكورة 
4- Andrology journal
   Special Issue: Abstracts of the 10th Congress of the European Academy of Andrology, 11 – 13 October 2018, Budapest, Hungary
October 2018, Pages 39-112
Link: https://doi.org/10.1111/andr.12541
 •          المؤتمر الثامن و الثلاثون للجمعية الدولية للمسالك
5- World journal of urology
  Abstracts from 38th Congress of the Société Internationale d’Urologie Seoul Dragon City, October 4-7, 2018
Link: https://doi.org/10.1007/s00345-018-2492-3
Abstract: UP189
  * المؤتمر السنوى الرابع لجمعية الأندروجين بفلوريدا
  * مؤتمر جمعية الطب الجنسى الاسيوية بالاشتراك مع جمعية الذكورة الصينية و التايوانية و المقام بتايوان الفترة من 20 - 22 مايو 2022
  * المؤتمر التاسع عشر لمنظمة المسالك الاسيوية ( سيدنى  5 - 8 أكتوبر 2022 UAA 2022
ملخص رقم 1 - ملخص رقم 2 - ملخص رقم 20
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victorianantics · 2 years ago
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zilij · 4 years ago
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Zellige 167 - Diamante
Rombo con angoli di 60° e 120°
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daphsmods · 3 years ago
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if-you-fan-a-fire · 7 years ago
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Propaganda posters in Wuhan, mid-1938. Found in an album that had belonged to Leslie Reginald Frederick Shrimpton RN (1910-1964), who served on the gunboat HMS Falcon in China waters from 1937 to 1939. All photographs and descriptions with translations from University of Bristol - Historical Photographs of China. 
1) The banner depicts Nationalist forces attacking the Japanese. The Chinese text on the banner urges viewers to join the military, fight the Japanese, and thereby defend China. Bi-s168
2) Anti-Japanese public hygiene banner. The slogans on the lower banner (depicting a fly with a Japanese Rising Sun Nisshōki emblem) read: 'We need to knock down our enemies with the world's sympathy on us'. 'We need to prevent cholera and kill flies; and if you want to survive, kill the Japanese soldiers'. 'If you don't kill it, it's going to kill you'. The higher banner depicts Japanese bombers attacking a train. A wall poster on the left reads: 'Build a new Great Wall with our heads'.
3) Banner by L'Association des Etudiants Chinois de Retour de FBS (France, Belgium and Switzerland Returned Students Association), Hankow (Hankou). The banner text provides explicit details that accompany the image of 'cruel massacre and rape never before heard of'. Bi-s163.
4) Propaganda banner featuring Chiang Kai-shek. The slogans on the banner read: 'War of Resistance to the end!' and 'Support the leader'. Chiang Kai-shek is depicted beside Hankou (Wuhan) on the map of war-torn China. This photograph was taken in Wuhan. 
5) The banner slogan reads: 'We demand that the Japanese repay their blood debt!' Photograph taken in Wuhan. Bi-s164. Photograph 3 shows the same building in a different location.. The actual term used here for 'Japanese' is 倭寇 'Dwarf pirates'. Bi-s167.
6) The main banner, showing charging soldiers and workers, bears the slogan: 'Defend Wuhan!' The Hankou (Hankow) bund is depicted in the banner - the clock tower is part of the Custom House. The banner was made by the 'Korean Youth Wartime Service Corps' (朝鲜青年战时服务团), founded in Wuhan in December 1937 by leftist Korean nationalists. Bi-s166.
7) Banner outside the headquarters of "L’Association des Etudiants Chinois de Retour de FBS", Wuhan. The banner was made by L'Association des Etudiants Chinois de Retour de FBS (France, Belgium and Switzerland Returned Students Association). The banner slogan reads 'Mobilize the power of the masses to defend Wuhan'. Sign on the window of the L'Association des Etudiants Chinois de Retour de FBS headquarters building at 69 Jianghan Road (江漢路六十九號) in Hankow (Hankou), in French: BUFFET & BILLIARD. Sign on the window in Chinese: Cold drinks / Coffee. Bi-s162
8) Remarkably, famed war photographer Robert Capa took this photograph of the street from inside of 69 Jianghan Road. This was identified by the excellent Visualizing China blog, and the image is marked from the International Center of Photography/Magnum Photos, who published it with other photos in 2018.
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ah-val · 3 years ago
Hocası Hatem-i Asam, büyük âlim Şakik'e sorar:
-Evladım, 30 yıldır benim yanımdasın, benden ne öğrendin? Şakik Hazretleri şöyle cevap verdiler:
- Efendim sizden yalnız 8 mesele öğrendim. Hatem-i Asam tekrar:
-İnna Lillah, bu kadar yıldır yalnız 8 mesele mi öğrendin?
-Evet efendim şu 8 meseleyi öğrendim.
-Peki onlar nelerdir? Merak ettim.
Herkesin baktım ki, çeşitli dostları, arkadaşları var. Fakat hepsi mezarda bitiyor, (geri dönüyor) Bende amellerimi dost edindim.(Benimle gelecek olan amellerimdir)
Allah'ın azametinden korkup nefsinin kötü arzularını ve isteklerini alıkoyanın varacağı yer cennettir. Mealindeki Naziat suresi 40-41 ayetlerini düşündüm. Nefsimi ve arzularımı yenmeye çalıştım. Ve bu surette Allah'a itaate devam eyledim.
Baktım ki herkes elinde sermayesini koruyor, kasalarda saklıyor, kaybolmaması için her yola başvuruyor. Bende Allah'ın “Sizin elinizdeki her şey tükenecek ancak Allah katında olan bakidir.”(Nahl Süresi 96) ayetini düşündüm. Ben de, kaybolmaması için tüm varlığımı Allah'a harcadım ve ona emanet ettim.
Baktım ki, insanların çoğu mal, şeref ve nesep aramaktadır. Analdım ki bunlar bir şey değil. “Allah katında en değerliniz en takva olanınızdır.”(Hucurat 13) ayetini düşündüm. Diğerlerini değil, Allah katında olanı seçtim.
Baktım ki insanların çoğu birbirine saldırıyor. Sebebini hasetlikte, çekememezlikte buldum. “Biz onların dünya hayatındaki geçimini taksim ettik.” Ayetini düşündüm. Anladım, Allah'ın taksimine razı oldum. Artık kimseye haset ve çekememezlik yapmadım.
İnsanların birbirini düşmanlıktan öldürdüğünü gördüm. Hazreti Allah'ın “Sizin asıl düşmanınız şeytandır. Onu düşman tanıyınız.”(Fatır 6) ayetini düşündüm. Asıl düşmanımı tanıdım. Mücadelemi onunla yaptım.
Baktım ki insanlar bir lokma için helal haram demeden her türlü zillete katlanıyorlar. “Tüm yaratılanların rızkı Allah tarafındandır.”(Hud 8) ayetini düşündüm. Rızkıma Allah'ın kefil olduğunu anladım.
Baktım ki, insanların çoğu servetine, sıhhatine, insanlara güvenip onlara bel bağlamaktadır. “Allah'a tevekkül edene (güvenene) Allah yeter” Ayetini düşündüm. Bende fanilere değil Allah'a güvendim. O bana yeter dedim.
Bunun üzerine hocası;
"Allah seni muvaffak etsin. Doğrusu ben Kur'an, İncil, Zebur, tevrat'ı tahkik ettim. Tüm hayırlı işler bu 8 mesele üzerinedir. Bu 8 meseleyi tatbik eden tüm kitabı tatbik etmiş gibidir, kurtulur." buyurdu.
(İhya c1 s167)
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1995lahaine · 4 years ago
drinking a beer and assessing liability for murder under s167(b) and (d) of the crimes act 1961
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thewertsearch · 14 hours ago
pipefan413: In following years, she was left to ponder all that might have been. pipefan413: What might have been if there had been no baroness to keep the girl and boy apart? pipefan413: What might have been if the baroness had not disappeared, and she had the opportunity to use her secrets against her!
What could still be, in a world about to be rewritten?
All bets are off, at this point, and Nanna and Grandpa could easily be rebooted into a couple. Hell, they might actually raise John and Jade this time around - which, come to think of it, may have been the future that Crocker was actually seeing.
As always, the possibilities of the Scratch are staggering – but, with Doc Scratch looming over everything, they’re sure to come with strings attached.
pipefan413: For you see, the girl had uncovered so many dirty secrets about the terrible batterwitch, including the most troubling one of all. pipefan413: Of course no one would have believed her, but she knew. pipefan413: She knew the baroness was not human! :B
Wait, what?
This one's a real curveball, I've got to say - and I don't have a clue what this might mean, or what Crocker's secret identity could be. Homestuck’s other species feel far too alien to pass as human - surely if Crocker had horns, green skin, or an insect-like carapace, someone would have smelled a rat.
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Like... this is Betty Crocker's 'canon' design, and her skin tone alone rules out most of Homestuck's aliens. I suppose she could be using some sort of illusion magic - but at this point, I'm making up mechanics that we've never seen before. That's usually a sign that you're barking up the wrong tree.
Alright, then – I’m guessing that Crocker is a robot. They're probably the easiest type of creature to disguise as a human, since they can be custom-made. Plus, it’s consistent with the real-life lore that Crocker isn’t actually a real person; she was created by someone else.
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I assume ‘her’ is Echidna. We’ve been giving the kids’ Denizens a lot of focus in this sequence, and now it’s Jade’s turn. It also means that Cetus is next - which is going to be fun, since she's the only Denizen in the session that we know nothing about.
It seems like none of the kids will actually be fighting their Denizens -they're all choosing to consult with them, instead. Is it starting to dawn on the remaining trolls that they may have misunderstood this mechanic?
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justgleekout · 5 years ago
Alright everybody! It’s gleewatch time!!!
Today’s episode: 1x09 Wheels
How does it work?
If you’ve downloaded the Netflix Party extension you have to open this link in chrome and click on the little NP logo at the top right of your screen. This should take you to the synced stream with the chat on the right.
Everyone is welcome to join!
@sparksfall @crypticchikwholuvspizza @princessblaine @justasmalltownpig @marvelsmerc @finnmcnamhaira @blurglesmurfklaine @berry-charm @josephinealicedeservedbetter @barrylovescaitlin  @blaineandersontho @isassygirl @esperantoauthor @klainedrops-on-roses @somefeministtheatrepls @thekernfix123 @klainetrashnumberone @klaine4everz @trashmartianx @cheesuswarbler @dc-fan-and-gleek @myraalugo @ahighfunctioningsociopath
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dralaaaglan · 2 years ago
دكتور علاء عبد العزيز عبد العزيز عجلان
 تخرج الدكتور علاء عبد العزيز عبد العزيز من كلية الطب جامعة عين شمس عام 2003 وتخصص فى الجراحة العامة وجراحات التجميل وحصل على درجة الماجستير فى عام 2010 ثم حصل على درجة PHD من الجامعة الإسلامية بأمريكا . قام الدكتور علاء عبد العزيز عجلان بتكريس معظم وقته فى البحث العلمى فى إحدى المشاكل التى تهم كافة الرجال على مستوى العالم و هى مشكلة سرعة القذف . حيث إستطاع الدكتور علاء عبد العزيز عبد العزيز عجلان من التوصل لأول حل جراحى لمشكلة سرعة القذف بحيث يتم علاجها نهائيا وبدون الحاجة لتناول أى أدوية قبل اللقاء مع الزوجة وبدون أى تأثير على الإنتصاب أو الإحساس أو الإنجاب و تم تسمية هذا الحل الجراحى بإسم ( عملية علاء عجلان ) وقد تم نشر البحث العلمى الخاص بهذه العملية الفريدة من نوعها فى العديد من الدوريات العلمية العالمية ونوقشت فى كبرى المؤتمرات الطبية و نالت القبول و الرضاء عن نتائجها من كافة المرضى على مستوى العالم . 
 عملية علاء عجلان لعلاج سرعة القذف :
هى عملية جراحية تنفرد مستشفى علاء كلينيك بإجراؤها للمرضى على مستوى العالم . وهى عملية جراحية بسيطة لا تستغرق أكثر من عشر دقائق و تحت التخدير النصفى و يخرج المريض من المستشفى فى نفس اليوم و لكن ممارسة العلاقة الزوجية تكون بعد مرور أسبوعين من الجراحة . وتتكون العملية من جزأين وهما : قص منطقة دلتا أسفل رأس القضيب - قص ؟أحد العضلات القاذفة و تسمى         BULBOSPONGIOSUS MUSCLE  . 
 الجزء الأول : قص منطقة دلتا 
تعتبر منطقة دلتا و الموجودة أسفل رأس القضيب هى أكثر نقاط العضو حساسية ويتم إزالة هذا الجزء .
 الجزء الثانى : قص العضلة القاذفة 
وفى هذا الجزء يتم قص أحد العضلات القاذفة وتسمى BULPOSPONGIOSUS MUSCLE  حتى يتم تأخير القذف . 
    النشر بالدوريات الطبية العالمية لعملية علاء عجلان لعلاج سرعة القذف
 1- Arab Journal of Urology  
•          مؤتمر الإمارات الدولى السابع للمسالك و المؤتمر السنوى الخامس عشر للجمعية العربية للمسالك
Volume 16, 2018 - /1
  Link: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.aju.2018.10.060
      •          أكاديمية الجمعية الدولية للمسالك
2-  SIU Academy 
  Link:  https://academy.siu-urology.org/siu/2018/seoul/224312/alaa.abd.el.immediate.curative.and.permanent.treatment.for.premature.html
 •          مؤتمر الجمعية الدولية للطب الجنسى
 3- Journal of sexual medicine ( issm )
Premature ejaculation surgical treatment
106|-(-, S166-S167, May 01, 2022
 Link: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jsxm.2022.03.380
 •          المؤتمر الأوربى العاشر لطب الذكورة 
4- Andrology journal
   Special Issue: Abstracts of the 10th Congress of the European Academy of Andrology, 11 – 13 October 2018, Budapest, Hungary
October 2018, Pages 39-112
Link: https://doi.org/10.1111/andr.12541
 •          المؤتمر الثامن و الثلاثون للجمعية الدولية للمسالك
5- World journal of urology
  Abstracts from 38th Congress of the Société Internationale d’Urologie Seoul Dragon City, October 4-7, 2018
Link: https://doi.org/10.1007/s00345-018-2492-3
Abstract: UP189
  * المؤتمر السنوى الرابع لجمعية الأندروجين بفلوريدا
  * مؤتمر جمعية الطب الجنسى الاسيوية بالاشتراك مع جمعية الذكورة الصينية و التايوانية و المقام بتايوان الفترة من 20 - 22 مايو 2022
  * المؤتمر التاسع عشر لمنظمة المسالك الاسيوية ( سيدنى  5 - 8 أكتوبر 2022 UAA 2022
ملخص رقم 1 - ملخص رقم 2 - ملخص رقم 20
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jzcastillo · 5 years ago
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♥️♣️♦️♠️ ° ° Dr. Harleen Quinn making her appearance ° I will have prints of this one ready to go at @instaflamecon this weekend! I'm excited and scared to be doing my first con ° Drop by at booth S167 to grab a copy or just to say hello!😊🤗 ° Thanks for looking! • • • • • • #margotrobbie #suicidesquad #gothamcitysirens #harleyquinn #batman #dccomics #digitalillustration #digitalartist #digitalart #digitalillustrator #illustrator #illustration #comicbook #comicbookart #comicartist #comicbookartist #comicart #warnerbros #universalstudios (at Sheraton New York Times Square) https://www.instagram.com/p/B1Otl_Rl6xY/?igshid=e2fqk7vkxnoi
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zilij · 4 years ago
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5 rombi con angoli multipli di 15°
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evenswift · 6 years ago
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@taylorswift @taylornation SUITE S167 COME SEE US
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gbstampz · 5 years ago
Country Definitives 2020
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EN061 - £1.42, Oak Tree
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EN064 - £1.63, Tudor Rose
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NI165a - £1.42, Linen Slip Case
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 NI168 - £1.63, Vase Pattern from Belleek
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S167 - £1.42, Thistle
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S170 - £1.63, Tartan 
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W156a - £1.42, Daffodil 
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W160 - £1.63,  Feathers
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