totallyredacted · 1 year
no i will NOT shut up about them, thank you for asking🌈🌈🌈
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wheredidalltheusersgo · 7 months
i LOVE your waynebow content. so rare but i adore it and raynebow
They're like a unicorn in my sketchpad....
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scepterno · 8 months
I READ YOUR RAYNEBOW FIC IM ON MY 3RD READ OF BOTH CHAPTERS it's been fuckin' stellar... you are literally my largest provider of rayne/raynebow (+bowlia) right now i hope you know that and how insane it makes me (good insane)
THANK YOU im glad at least SOMEONE appreciates my Artiste™
next chapter will be waynebow heavy im so exciteddd
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wrookieschu · 3 years
Wordless Wednesday - Waynebow 🌈
Wordless Wednesday – Waynebow 🌈
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madmiketv · 7 years
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Yeah whatever. 😒 #Oregon #oregoncoast #lincolncityoregon still sucks... #rainbow #rainbowbitch #painbow #lamerainbow #lamebow #derderderderrainbow #neveragainbow #greatdanebow #hatebow #rainbowhate #cocainebow #janebow #mainebow #insanebow #trainbow #youresoweathervanebow #waynebow i fuckin hate oregon. I hate everyone here... Fuck you!!
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byebyeskylark · 5 years
So I want to get in on the Batfam (I'm looking for new people to love & the Batfam yknow seems to be lovely/angsty enough to qualify) anyhow, what shows / movies / cartoons / fanfics / comics do you recommend as a starter pack? I know this is a big question :/ Shows, cartoons, and fanfics are what I'm most likely to devour.
Hoo boy, I’m not sure I’d call it a starter pack? But here’s what’s on my shelves.
Batman the Animated Series and its associated animated movies (Mask of the Phantasm, Batman & Mr Freeze: SubZero, Batman: Mystery of the Batwoman):
Iconic. Timeless. Outstanding. Many dislike the style change of the fourth season (also known as The New Batman Adventures) but I like it and a lot of the stories in that one.
Batman Beyond: It took me a while to come around on this one. I was about 13 when it came out and couldn’t stand that Bruce was alone in his old age. I get it now. Putting that aside, there are some really interesting and really funny episodes, and I love it overall. (See also, Batman Beyond: Return of the Joker)
Justice League: This is an honorable mention as it has no Batfam interactions due to the infamous Bat Embargo of the time. But one could consider some League members as extended Batfamily, and it’s great. Also contains the epilogue for Batman Beyond.
[Keep in mind that BTaS, BB, and Justice League do not follow the comics. Perhaps the biggest divergence is a version of Tim Drake that mimics Jason Todd’s story line and the absence of Jason, Cass, Damian and pretty much anyone else newer than Tim]
Young Justice: Batfam cameos are small in S1 and S2, but great. Haven’t watched S3 yet, as I refuse to pay for yet another streaming service. Fingers crossed they bring it to Netflix like Titans.
The Batman: I watched this purely because I saw a gif here on tumblr of Batman pulling a blanket over Robin. It’s not a bad show overall, but made for a much younger audience with some really odd revamps of villains.
Batman/Superman: Public Enemies: Great dialogue between Superbros
Batman: Gotham Knight: This is a segue from the Nolan films, but I love these vignettes, in particular Working Through Pain
Adam West Batman (and its movie): Campy doesn’t begin to describe this show. It is a very specific version of Batman, but one of my besties and I just finished watching the whole series over a few years of wine nights and I think it’s worth it. I will cherish it always for Giant Alfred, Eartha Kitt, Yvonne Craig, and Bruce Wayne’s racehorse, “Waynebow.”
Batman & Batman Returns: Tim Burton is not for everyone, but I grew up with these and I still love them, particularly Batman Returns. They heavily influenced BTaS and are known for showcasing villains as much if not a little more than Bruce/Batman.
Batman Forever and Batman & Robin: Every couple of years I get drunk with my bestie and scream at these trainwrecks. I used to hate on them, but I realize if these hit you at the right age as a kid you probably adored them. Also, I have a theory that Bruce Clooney telling Alfred “I love you, old man” in Batman & Robin is perhaps the only time Bruce Wayne has ever said the words “I love you” on screen, directly to the object of his affection.
The Nolan Trilogy: I really like these, but it’s pretty much just Bruce and Alfred. I hope we get an ensemble Batfam film someday.
Here are the authors I’m subscribed to on AO3:
@audreycritter, everything she’s written on the Batfam. Start reading now.
@unpretty, fantastic Batfam fics live under her work Sorrowful & Immaculate Hearts
@cerusee, wonderful but especially if you love Jason Todd
Also a fan of @incogneat-oh @caramelmachete @jerseydevious  @oh-mother-of-darkness @lemonadegarden and I’m sure other folks who would be easier for me to find if I ever tagged anything on this blog o’ mine :-/
Confession time: I love superheroes, but I do not love comics. There are some outstanding pieces of art out there, and I have my indie favorites, but the mainstream stuff turns me off. It’s not a form of storytelling that I find very effective. Having said that, here are a few Batman titles that I’ve enjoyed:
The Long Halloween
Batman: Haunted Knight
The Gates of Gotham
Kingdom Come
The Dark Knight Returns (Miller’s a weirdo but Carrie Kelley is great)
Planetary/Batman: Night on Earth (might not make as much sense if you don’t read the Planetary stuff before it–which is great–but so fun I had to include it)
[do NOT read Batman Beyond 2.0, it will ruin whatever love you have for Batman Beyond. I should have listened to my local comic shop people]
Those are the shows, movies, and comics I like the best, but I’m just one persnickety person. Also, the great folks I listed under Fanfic are probably much better resources for comic recs than I!
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kennycolors · 7 years
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Waynebow Gretzky says...”Keep skating!”
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hiddenblog609 · 7 years
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more proof bruce wayne is gay: owns a horse named waynebow?
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dcvalentineexchange · 8 years
A Night Out...In
Word count: 1455
 my valentine: @heydickiebird
my blog: @preppygothica
The clack of heels against tile echoed off the walls of the spacious hallway as you trudged toward your apartment. Work had been brutal and Murphy’s Law had been in full effect today. All you wanted to do was get home, take off those accursed heels and cuddle with Dick as he gave you the Valentine’s Day present he had promised. A happy sigh left your lips as you reached you door and unlocked it with the intent of heading straight for your bedroom. When the door opened, however, you were greeted with the sight of one Damian Wayne dressed in one of his nicer suits that was usually reserved for Wayne Enterprise functions. The two of you had grown rather close, your main source of bonding being Dick and talking about his ‘idiocy’ as the ten year old always so lovingly put it. Though no matter how much you two had grown fond of each other, you never expected to see him in your apartment this late. At least not dressed like that. “You’re late,” he announced simply. You just continued to look down at him, “Umm….I’m sorry?” The boy just rolled his eyes before turning to lead you into the apartment, “Follow me.” Thoroughly confused, but also a bit charmed by the adorableness that is Damian Wayne in a suit, you followed.
Immediately you noticed the changes in décor. All of your usual furniture was gone, leaving the main part of the living room empty. There was a table sitting in front of the sliding glass doors that lead to the balcony. It was set for two, a single red rose in a simple glass vase was in the center. The room was lit with red and orange colored bulbs, giving the room a sort of sunset feeling. Damian led you to your bedroom, “Come out when you’re finished freshening up and we can get started.” “Wait, Damian, what is this?” He said nothing, just staring at you expectantly. You sighed, knowing by now that that look meant he wouldn’t budge on whatever his mind was made up on. Over the time you’d been dating Dick, you’ve gotten to know his family quite well, especially when and when not to argue. Walking into your room, you saw the red dress you’d worn to one of Bruce’s galas. The one that had Dick practically drooling the moment he laid eyes on you. Now it made sense. You knew this was Dick’s favorite dress of yours. He was planning a romantic dinner at home, the sap. You couldn’t help but smile as you got ready, though. Dork though he may be, he was yours. And you did think this was an adorable idea.
After a quick freshening up and change of clothes, you walked out of your room. Damian was still standing right where you left him. You noticed he had a small smile on his face that he was doing a terrible job of hiding. He led you to the table that had been set up, pulling out your chair for you. As you sat, you asked about your absent boyfriend, but it was dismissed, and so was Damian. He walked off towards the kitchen leaving you to look out the window at the view and listen to the music that was playing over a speaker system you know wasn’t there when you left this morning.
You weren’t left alone for long; a few minutes later, Jason came out with a bottle, also dressed in a rather nice looking tux. “Jay? How’d you get roped into this?” Jason poured some wine into the glass on your side of the table, smirking, “Believe it or not, I actually volunteered to be here.” You raised an eye brow skeptically at him. “I want to see Golden Boy mess this up somehow. You know he will,” he admitted. You laughed at the many memories of Dick messing up romantic evenings and moments: him burning the popcorn on movie night, him stuttering and flubbing his words when trying to ask you out the first time only to end up on the topic of horse racing and a horse named Waynebow somehow, and of course there was that time you came home to a trail of burnt rose pedals, a cherry pie on the ceiling, and a paint covered boyfriend lying asleep on the couch. No matter how many times he explained that one, you still couldn’t wrap your head around it. But…for each time he messed up, he made up for it tenfold. “Give him a chance, Jay. This might just be the best Valentine’s Day ever.” He just continued to smirk as he walked away.
Dick came out from the kitchen, holding a hand behind his back. You smiled at him as he walked over to the table. He was wearing the suit that he’d worn to your friend, Jen’s, wedding. It fit him perfectly and accentuated his physical features in the best possible way. His eyes were practically shining with how happy he looked. He pulled a bouquet out from behind his back with an over exaggerated flourish and handed it to you. With a laugh, you took the flowers and placed them in the vase with the rose. Once seated, Dick yelled out “Garçon!” Tim came walking out with two plates of food. It looked delicious and smelled eve better. “There’s no way you cooked this,” you stated as fact. Dick laughed, “Guilty. Alfred cooked it and we just brought it over.”
As you both ate, you just…talked. It was nice. You talked about work and upcoming movies you both wanted to see. He told you about the current prank war going on between the Justice League members and you told him that if he dared to start one between the family, he’d better prepare for war because you were definitely joining in. The wide eyed terror on his face was most satisfying.
After dinner, Dick led you to the balcony, claiming to have another surprise. As soon as you both reached the railing, a thunderous BOOM sounded, causing you to jump out of shock. The sky was then filled with brightly colored lights that crackled and sizzled before raining down over the horizon. More fireworks were set off and you watched as the lights formed hearts and stars and various colorful designs in the sky. This was way better than anything you could have guessed he would give you a a Valentine’s Day present.
You felt eyes on you and glanced to the side to see him smiling as he watched you watch the fireworks. “What?” you asked with a small laugh. Dick took both of our hands in his, “I just…I know being with me hasn’t been the easiest thing for you. I know that I make you worry every time I go out there or come home covered in injuries. But you’ve stuck with me. You’ve stayed strong when others would have left a long time ago. You brighten my world in a way no other can. Lydia. I love you. I will never stop loving you. You’ve been with me through some of my darkest times and…I would like to ask you to continue to stay with me.” He kneeled down and pulled out a small velvet box from his pocket and opened it to reveal a sparkling diamond ring, “Forever.” Your heart felt like it stopped beating and your chest felt full as you struggled not to cry before even giving your answer. It didn’t work as you felt tears running down your cheeks as he slipped the ring onto your finger. You nodded repeatedly, the overwhelming elation causing your voice to come out as a high pitched, “Yes.” There was a laugh of relief from him as he quickly stood and wrapped his arms around you tightly. You returned the hug, still crying. You had never imagined being this happy in your life, but here you were. You leaned back to look at your new fiancé. Neither of you had stopped smiling, nor did it look like it would be ending any time soon. “Kiss him already and get it over with.” The both of you looked over to see Tim, Jason, and Damian standing in the doorway. Tim had his phone out, recording no doubt, and both he and Jason with holding back laughter as Damian just stood there with his arms crossed. “This is my life now,” you thought to yourself before being turned back towards Dick and pulled into him, his lips covering yours in your first kiss as fiancés. It was the best feeling in the world, and you couldn’t wait to do it again.
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totallyredacted · 1 year
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the eepers
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u-can-be-a-champion · 7 years
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Taste the Waynebow – Unfortunate Portrait (clipped to polyvore.com)
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rickwillmore-blog · 7 years
My ‘75 850 Commando
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I remember my brother in law Bill McQuillan, taking this photo at his mum’s house.  I had the bike for sale at the time.
I had fitted those Interstate mufflers and Glen Roche had painted it for me.  Black over a gold base.  Pinstripes etc came out well, but the colour was just horrible, best described as a dark metalflake brown.  What was I thinking, what was he thinking?
It also had the single 36mm Mk11 Amal on a manifold I built.  I think Waynebow told me he saw that manifold and Carburetor on another Commando recently.  I know I bought the carb off Eric Pemberton, but have no idea what happened to that rig after, probably I sold it.
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Looking very earnest in my WW1 aviator goggles.  Photo was taken by Bruce Linnell on the road down to the North Kaipara heads from Dargaville.  I had been to the Cold Kiwi Rally in Waiouru so must have been mid August.  I had loved the ride on the Norton so much I just kept going when I hit Auckland and went up north for a few days to see Bruce.
We all wore those goggles back in the day, and Al Roche even made up some tinted lens’ for his.  Full face helmets were for sissy’s back then.
We always rode in jeans and leather jackets and denim cutoffs, mine was lined with sheepskin to try and keep a bit warm.  The leather jacket only had a thin synthetic silk lining so was not remotely warm at speed.  We have it easy these days.  I still have the remnants of the leather jacket somewhere.
The sheepskin mittens were warm, well until it rained anyway.
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.....and riding with the goggles up. FFS, no wonder my eyes are about shot now.
I remember now when I was at the Cold Kiwi, we had done a run at full noise down the Desert Rd, and when I pulled into Waiouru one of my headers on that 2/1 exhaust pipe had snapped clean off and it sounded like a submarine.
And thus I learned that when you build exhaust pipes you machine new exhaust pipe flanges, you don't just cut them off an old set of pipes and weld them on, because the chrome and carbon, alloys into the weld and makes it very brittle. Talk about learning stuff the hard way.
Found a gas station at Waiouru with an Oxy Acetylene welding set, and I welded it back on. The guy at the gas station was insistent that he was going to weld it, but he was crap welder and I rubbished his skills until he relented and let me do it properly. Poor guy.
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scepterno · 8 months
hi there, sorry about my rambles but once again i just wanted to thank you. rajbow raynebow and waynebow are my comfort ships, and seeing that a talented writer is finally providing actually makes me so happy. i can’t wait for the waynebow chapter, and i hope you’re doing good! keep up the great work, you make people happy too :)
aww thankyou so much :) glad to see someone who actually likes the inclusion of wayne in rajbow!! should have the next chapter out this weekend !
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fashionnurd · 8 years
Unfortunate Portrait 'Taste The Waynebow' T-shirt
Unfortunate Portrait 'Taste The Waynebow' T-shirt ❤ liked on Polyvore (see more purple t shirts)
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ddwcaph-game · 3 years
For the ask meme: (Feel free to answer some or all) 2 for B, 4 for Roselyna, 10 for JM, 17 for Lily, 20 for Wayne
(2 and 20 answered here)
4. Is your oc good at keeping secrets?
Rosie wouldn't be able to keep a secret to save her life. Everyone in the group knows she starts giggling if you ask her about a silly or dumb secret. (If she 'accidentally' blurts it out, that's when you know she actually wants to say it.) And even if it was a serious one, her reactions and body language are a dead giveaway. If it never comes up in conversation though, she can keep it quite well. Probably.
Rosie also keeps a diary, and she lets Wayne read it sometimes (that's where she writes most of her stories).
10. Who’s the first person your oc goes to to talk about something that made them happy? Sad? Angry?
If JM is at home, it would be Yaya Connie, or Little B is she's busy and it's about (big) B. He trusts Yaya Connie with everything because she's the one who offered to take care of him, back when he was little and his father didn't want him.
If he's at school, it would be Lily of course, or maybe Rosie if it's a little more personal since she's a pretty good listener.
17. If your oc had a social media page, what would it be like? What would they post about? How much personal information would they feel comfortable posting on it? How often would they update it?
Hehe, Lily probably has an account on every major social media, but it's mostly empty with the default avatar, and basic information that might as well be public anyway. Maybe she keeps a few pictures here and there so it's not totally empty, like class pictures or random scenery. She mostly uses them to chat with others, and lurk, of course, but she has other accounts for those. Her username is @/lily_putianne. I think she likes the pun, she kept it because it's ironic.
And because this was on the old demo, the others' are @/WayneboW, @iluvroselyna, and @MikeTest. I have no idea what B's is because it hasn't really come up yet.
Thanks for the question! :3
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magicaljemm · 14 years
And my starter is a Snivy named Leemont~! And my Panpour is named Waynebow Trolololol, I crack myself up!
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