blueoptimism · 10 years
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After trying multiple pens and grips, what worked best was a custom mold contouring to the web space of my hand and palm. Had a customized writing aid made by an occupational therapy prof and I to increase my writing endurance. She taught me how to work with thermoplastic beads and it has been working wonders!  I'm nearing the end of my occupational therapy masters degree and I think my calling is in physical medicine!
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blueoptimism · 10 years
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Red crystal shrimp grazing on an almond leaf!
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blueoptimism · 10 years
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Rare blue bolt with patterns full of character~ 
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blueoptimism · 10 years
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Green hulk/blue jelly shrimp~ newest addition to my tank! 
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blueoptimism · 10 years
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Berried Caridina Formosae in my crystal tank- can't wait to see shrimplets out and about! 
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blueoptimism · 10 years
Rehab therapists can go beyond the traditional hospital/community position! 
Oakley, F., Caswell, S., & Parks, R. (2008). Occupational therapists' role on U.S. army and U.S. public health service commissioned corps disaster mental health response teams. The American Journal of Occupational Therapy, 62(3), 361-4.
Here are some snippets:
"Occupational therapists, physical therapists, respiratory therapists, speech–language pathologists, and audiologists are commissioned in the U.S. Public Health Service Commissioned Corps and make up the therapist category..."
"Since September 2004, occupational therapists have regularly deployed as members of disaster mental health teams, typically serving for 2 weeks at time."
"occupational therapists can serve not only as essential members of disaster mental health teams but also as effective team leaders."
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blueoptimism · 10 years
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Coolest picture of shrimplets -- featuring the shrimplet pie with a sprinkle of fiery red! Check out the relative size of the shrimp versus substrate. Fire red cherry shrimplets latching onto a Bicom shrimp food pellet during feeding time at ShrimpFever's new store location. Lots of shrimps getting berried this summer~  - photo courtesy of ShrimpFever.com
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blueoptimism · 10 years
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Female blue bolt crystal shrimp on mini pelia moss from ShrimpFever. Newest addition to my crystal breeding tank.
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blueoptimism · 10 years
Incredibly useful resources for OT students learning the ropes on their fieldwork placements~ Wish I saw this earlier for my first placement last month.
Stumbled across this gem while searching for some information for fieldwork.  Terrific list of PDF downloadable rehab resources for occupational therapists, PTs, and SLPS. 
All this and more:
Occupational Therapy Home Management Education Ascending/Descending Stairs in a Wheelchair Concepts of Energy Saving Energy Conservation Tips Grooming Dressing Tips
Home Assessment – Basic
Home Assessment – Advance Home Safety Caregivers Homemaking for Wheelchair Patient Homemaking for Incoordination of UE Homemaking for Suggestions for Hemiplegic Make Your Home Tumble Free Positioning While Lying Supine Ramp Specifications Running Man Position Scar Tissue Mobilization Shoulder Home Routine Walker Safety Home Exercise Programs Active Hand Exercises Active ROM Exercises, pg 1. Active ROM Exercises, pg.2 Active Wrist Exercises Exercises for Parkinsons Hand Home Program HEP with Weights Keys to Understanding Arthritis PROM Sitting PROM Supine Shoulder Exercises for Rotator Cuff Repair Shoulder Exercises for Total Shoulder Shoulder Exercises with Ball Straightening of Fingers Stretching Palm Stretching Wrist and Forearm Theraband Theraputty Thumb Exercises Towel and Dowel Home Exercises Upper Extremity Exercises Wrist Finger Flexion Extension
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blueoptimism · 10 years
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Do-It-Yourself Designs for Daily Living
How older Americans are reimagining household objects from soap to straws to make their lives easier. 
As the population ages, designers are working to make homes, tools and other products safer for the elderly to use. Older people themselves can be resourceful in finding ways to adapt their surroundings to their diminished vision, muscles and dexterity.
Read more @ http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424127887323415304578368591622892684.html#project%3DIVHackprint%26articleTabs%3Darticle
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blueoptimism · 10 years
Do not talk about an obviously disabled person in front of them as if they can’t hear or understand you.
Do not talk to a disabled person’s companion instead of them.
Ask permission before touching people, or their wheelchairs/other equipment. Even if you want to help.
Ask disabled people…
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blueoptimism · 10 years
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Dwarf crayfish, female.
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blueoptimism · 10 years
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Pumpkin shrimp, from the neocaridina family. Put this unique drift wood in recently where shrimps can seek shelter in the holes. Freshly molted shrimps love standing here.
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blueoptimism · 10 years
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Aquascaping my second shrimp tank before and after snapshots.
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blueoptimism · 10 years
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Pumpkin and rili shrimp in a feeding frenzy. My assassin snail is in the midst of chaos as well. 
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blueoptimism · 10 years
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Crayfish's temporary home while I was preparing his new home. Hardy little creature he is! 
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blueoptimism · 10 years
Loving the orange hue!
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Tangerine tigers
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