#water essence
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marialeto · 1 year ago
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Sunday, December 10, 2023 ♥️
Red Ray of light
Earth 🌎
Water Essence
Dialect Sunday
Saint Michael
Ampofolite day
Soul Elohim
Heart Chakra
Number One
Steel Element
Shannon ascended master
Gabriel Bailey 2
North and West directions
Masculine Feminine divinity
Waning crescent 🌙 moon in Scorpio ♏️ 7.7%
Talla Universe
Water Essence
Plant and Flower essence
Color Fire
Black gemstones
Nature’s Nook Sunday 🍃
Wales Country
Mammoth City
Sagittarius ♐️ Sun ☀️
Goddesses and Saints
Opal Gemstone
——- ♥️
Archangel Michael
Twin Flames
Sunday December 10
Red ray of light
YouTube and TikTok pages @ marialeto12
#happysunday #december10 #redray #earth #wateressence #saintmichael #dialectsunday #naturesnook #inspiration #goodmorning #videoblog #videojournal #vlog #dailydivinity #life #mother #wife #love #solarsystem #tallauniverse #wales
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eustasskiddsprosthetic · 10 months ago
I have a fic idea last night: why not Ace, Luffy and Law love triangle? Law's a travelling doctor, Ace and Luffy are essentially hitchhikers and they run into each other frequently on their travels.
He meets Luffy first and Luffy clings onto him like a puppy. They dine-and-dash at buffets, explore forests/natural sights together and most importantly make out! Luffy's annoying but Law admits that having someone like Luffy makes things fun and he genuinely enjoys the endless trivia of facts Luffy has about insects and nature. "Oh! This bug's poisonous, don't touch that! The last time Usopp touched that he had a stomachache!" "Did you know that this rock is full of diamonds? Nami says a small chunk of it's worth like A MILLION BERRIES!" "This tree's as old as Brook! We should climb it!" They travel together some days and sometimes Luffy looks at Law with a very soft, somewhat unsure expression with stars in his eyes. And sometimes, Law looks back and smiles.
Ace, meanwhile is aloof at first. He's decisively not as chatty but Law knows fuck-me-eyes when he sees them. They fuck in Law's hotel room. On the bed, on the counter, in the shower, on the bed again! They do not stop! It is disgusting and messy but dang it Ace's so hot!! "I know gorgeous when I see it," Ace says as he nibbles on Law's ear. "So fucking pretty. Drives me crazy." They (trauma) bond the next morning and that's when they become closer and on talking terms. Like Luffy, they go on dates but they're more chill. They watch busking performances and drink at quiet bars at one in the morning. They end every date with heated kisses. Although they don't want it to be, they're well aware every date could be their last...
Also, Law has no idea Ace and Luffy are related! Law had only met them seperately after all!
When Law finally settles down, he's neighbours with a white guy called Sabo. To welcome him, Sabo invites Law to a family dinner with his brothers. Imagine how awkward it is when Law sees Ace AND Luffy show up together...
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carkeyarts · 2 years ago
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manna of the wyrm
(inspired by this post by @mebis-art-dump!! bc it got me thinking abt the wyrm carcass)
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artstar1997 · 19 days ago
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Here’s the troll leaders as fairies in the fanfic, Winged Reign, which me and @georgi-girl made. I try to make it look exactly as the ones in the description but I have to augment them as well.
Even after posting the designs of the Snack Pack, which included Cooper and Prince D, I thought of including their parents, King Quincy and Queen Essence here. The other four in the plot were kidnapped by the Darkest Faerie for the magical secret that their necklaces held. They were held hostage by the Darkest Faerie until Viva, Twilight, Aurora, Boom, Hype, Trickee, Ablaze, and Linden, with Platinum, Surreal, Osmosis, Mitosis, Meiosis and Ellie-D (they’re @vanillablankcanvas’s OCs) rescued them and inspired all of the butterfly fairies to fight back against the Darkest Faerie and her cronies.
Queen Barb and her court are fire fairies and they’re identified by their beetle-like club antennae, matching wings, beetle shell armor, and they use fire magic in fighting enemies. Being a warrior court, the fairies are proud of their prowess with a fearsome reputation in their jungle kingdom that they want to unite all the courts under the fire element, unaware of the greater threat that is looming in the Isle of the Fay when their current leader, Queen Barb was kidnapped. Her wings are based on those of a stag beetle, which her father, King Thrash also has to match his pincer crown and her outfit has the design based on a snapdragon flower, which symbolizes deception, deviousness, magic, protection, secrecy, mystery, grace, and strength.
As for King Trollex, his wings are shaped like fish fins because his court are connected to the element, which is water and they’re the only fairies to lack antennae and have a different ear shape. After King Trollex was kidnapped, the water fairies use their magic to teleport their kingdom, Techno Reef away from the Darkest Faerie’s reach by hiding it with a portal accessible in an island, where New Maraqua is located and since they’re skilled fishermen and seafarers, they can easily come and go from their kingdom from the waves due to their ability to breathe underwater. His clothing has the petal designs from the water lily, which symbolizes beauty, purity, innocence, peace, harmony, healing, pleasure, rebirth.
The air fairies are the only court to be only yellow skinned with bee wings and antennae but their hair colors set them apart from each other and they are physically quite strong, can work out pacing and have perfect timing. They are known to live among the mountains and clouds, which matches their air powers because after King Trollzart was kidnapped, they hid in the mountains with the K-Pop Trolls as winter fairies protecting them. King Trollzart incorporated asters in his fashion, which love, wisdom, faith, and color.
The earth fairies like their queen, Delta Dawn are also unique among the other fairy courts because their wings designed after fruit slices, leaves, and flower petals and they have cricket-like antennae. The earth fairies are known to be primarily farmers and animal tamers, and had a reputation for understanding their element more than the other courts. When Delta Dawn was kidnapped, the earth fairies use their element to hide their home from any intruders until Queen Rose and her merry band of fairies came to meet them. Spring fairies often work with the earth fairies to help with growing crops, tending livestock, and forestry, which the bond strengthened when two of the Spring Court’s members, Hickory and Dickory fell in love with two earth fairies, respectively Dewdrop and Delta Dawn, who would incorporate dahlia flowers in her fashion, mainly orange dahlias, which symbolize loyalty, elegance, dignity, commitment, an everlasting union, inner strength, creativity, and elegance.
King Quincy and Queen Essence are the only fairy leaders to evade being captured by the Darkest Faerie because the moth fairies use mind magic to hide their rainforest home using illusions and mind tricks. Even after they lost Cooper to a griffin, they, along with Prince D still held on to the hope that they’ll be reunited with him until the Snack Pack and their new allies managed to reach their kingdom, which coincidentally reunited Cooper with his people as well as Emi (@groovinyeen and @yeenstrollart trollsona) with her family. King Quincy’s moth themed fashion has purple clematis flowers, which symbolize royalty, mental acuity, wisdom, aspiration, travel, and mischief to match his cecropia moth wings while Queen Essence has Luna moth wings and gowns with layered skirts that resemble iris petals, symbolizing royalty, wisdom, compliments, faith, hope, courage, wisdom, and admiration.
There you have it, the troll leaders as fairies, it’s so exhausting to explain each of them so the next would be the Trollstopia characters, they’ll have separate posts when I finally finish them.
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majestativa · 8 months ago
Medusa-like [...] sharp.
— Ithell Colquhoun, I Saw Water: An Occult Novel and Other Selected Writings, (2014)
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weldnas · 1 year ago
#Seeing the dune part 2 american centric red carpet and as a devoted aficionado of the books and yk a moroccan person here are my 2 cents#Dune was one of the few Western works inspired by MENA culture that that felt genuine and respectful#But ofc despite the profound symbiosis with Middle Eastern and North African culture evident within the pages of the novels#the movie adaptation lack of substantive representation from these communities both in on-screen portrayals and within production roles was#very much disappointing in part 1 and i doubt there are any change now#While drawing inspiration from the Amazigh peoples of Algeria and Morocco#the film barely skims the surface of its MENA influences leaving substantial potential untapped#Herbert openly acknowledged the profound impact of Islam and MENA culture on his noveIs#from the metaphorical representation of Spice as oil#to the allegorical parallels drawn between the occupation of Arrakis and real-world MENA geopolitics#By marginalizing Arabs from the narrative fabric of Dune the essence of the story is being undermined particularly its anti-colonial core#the irony of this is kiIIing me because this was a direct resuIt of us impérialism on the middIe east#But the reality is that Dune is an American production tailored for an American audience so it makes sense for it to be what it is now#a big production running from its original essence#What adds to my disappointment is the fact that I liked Villeneuve's adaptation of Incendies and I had what you call foolish hope hfhg#Dune feIt Iike a squandered opportunity to authentically depict the cultural milieu that inspired it#Given the narrative's inherent anti-colonial themes#the omission of Arab and North African voices dilute its message if any of it is even left#without representation from Arabs and Amazigh people the cultural essence becomes another appropriated resource watered down to an aestheti#rather than serving as a critique of the destructive actions of colonialists seeking power and dominance#the narrative becomes susceptible to distortion and co-option by the very entities it was intended to condemn and hold accountable
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itsmyfriendisaac · 1 year ago
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♏ October 30th: Cover Girl, Nia Long.
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girlfox · 4 months ago
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first things first, ahri's shan hai skin is mind-blowingly gorgeous. her soft wavy hair in curly cloud patterns .. her gorgeous painted tails .. the unique shape of her whiskers .. the swipe of red under her eyes .. the chunky earrings .. she's THAT GIRL. but also i'm in love with how she manipulates fire in her foxfire skin, nature/flowers/foliage in her elderwood skin, and now water in her shan hai skin. she can really truly do it all.
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milunessence · 11 months ago
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melt-water undine
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angel-inbloom · 4 months ago
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i love making flower essences
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willowcrowned · 1 year ago
pomegranates and rotisserie chickens are the same animal. to me
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artstar1997 · 9 months ago
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The leaders are the next to have a fairy look. Since Cooper is a moth fairy, his parents, Prince D, and his tribe would also have moth antennae and moth wings and the other tribes also have different wing themes. The hard rockers have wings and antennae based on beetles, the country tribe have cricket antennae to match their wings, which are shaped like leaf, fruit slice or flower petals, the techno tribe lack antennae but they have fin-shaped ears and fin-shaped wings that are useful not just for flying but also for swimming, and the classical tribe have bee themed antennae and wings.
For their outfits, I also use flower language to match their looks with. Queen Barb’s outfit is made out of snapdragon petals, which match her stag beetle wings, because snapdragons symbolize deception, deviousness, magic, protection, secrecy, mystery, grace, and strength. For Delta Dawn, her wings are based on apple slices that match her gown, which is made of dahlia petals since orange dahlias mean loyalty, elegance, dignity, commitment, an everlasting union, inner strength, creativity, and elegance. As for King Trollex, his outfit is made out of water Lily petals and leaves, which the flower symbolizes beauty, purity, innocence, peace, harmony, healing, pleasure, rebirth. King Trollzart’s outfit is made out of asters, which symbolizes love, wisdom, faith, and color. As for King Quincy and Queen Essence, their wings differ from one another, while Prince D and Cooper have the same wings, which are based on the rosy maple moth. King Quincy’s wings are based on the atlas moth, with his outfit being made from the petals and leaves of the clematis plant, which the flower symbolizes royalty, mental acuity, wisdom, aspiration, travel, and mischief, while Queen Essence has the wings of a cecropia moth and her gown is made out of iris flower petals. The iris symbolizes royalty, wisdom, compliments, faith, hope, courage, wisdom and admiration.
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kachimera · 6 months ago
I'm currently watching a Chrono Trigger let's play right now, and you know what... Frog is a top tier character.
He's awesome! :D
From his fun design and skills to his personality and backstory, the struggles he has with his self steem, and his honor and kindness, he's a vry charming fella. Sometimes you just need a good group of friends to remind you how much you truly are worth 🐸
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milunyascapes · 4 months ago
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following a dream A
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cringycrisis · 7 months ago
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Beamid, The Essence of Water. (Or well for better fitting of definition, the personification of water) The last time I drew Beamid, she was different in most ways. A old war goddess that became a pacifist later in her life. She's not like that anymore :) Beamid is a being of war, in charge of large armies made to protect the earth from danger. She is also water personified, she is the oceans we see, the rivers we hear and the rain that we get to water our crops. Anything related to water she is connected to. (I also got inspiration from greek mythology, mainly Poseiden, but also Athena. Thank you "Epic the Musical" for giving me ideas :3) Also I wanted to show you all the first ever drawing of Beamid (along with the previous one), just to show how much she has changed throughout the years
Last one: Posted July 1st, 2022
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First drawing of Beamid: Posted April 23, 2020 *on deviantart*
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daisychainsandbowties · 1 year ago
i will make you eggs, little casper. CRONCH
i've actually been an absolute chef the past few nights 😳😳!! and nobody at all helped me or gave me instructions or reminded me that you can cook food in things other than water. you can, in fact, stir fry things in substances besides tap water and hot sauce. and you can, in fact, cook vegetables along with whatever random piece of fish you've scavenged off the side of the road like a mongrel beast
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