#watching videos on it and reading about it today seems so obvious
all-else-hippy-pip · 3 months
Turns out I have an anxious attachment style? Who would have guessed 😂
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flemingsfreckles · 3 months
Mic’d Up
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Jessie Fleming x Reader
Synopsis: Vanessa fails to tell Jessie she’s mic’d up leading to some accidental confessions being heard.
Warnings: none :)
WC: 1.7k
A/N: partially inspired by @waltzinglikewearein1698 suggestions to write something along these lines. I’ve written and rewritten this about 5 times and I still don’t love it but oh well 🤷‍♀️
“Hey Jessie, can you come to the media room when you’re all wrapped up?”
She looks over as she removes her training shirt and tosses it into the dirty bin. “Yeah just give me a second, I’ll finish changing and come right up.”
You give her a nod and walk away from the team locker room and head up the stairs and around the corner to the main media and conference room. Vanessa was already in the room, the two of you had been looking at footage for the past hour with various other players, Jessie was the last person you had to meet with.
It doesn’t take long until the door opens and Jessie walks in with a quick smile before she sits down at the table across from you.
“Alright, so I just wanted to run through the conversations you and Vanessa had today to see what you’re comfortable being left in the video and what you want cut.”
Jessie’s face is blank for a second before it twists to be a look of confusion. “What?”
“Vanessa? When you talked with her today since she was mic’d? I just want to make sure there’s nothing-” you’re interrupted by Jessie.
“She was mic’d?! You were mic’d?!” Jessie turns to look at Vanessa.
“You didn’t tell her?” You turn to ask Vanessa. You had told her to tell her teammates that she was mic’d just for their own peace of mind and to avoid any surprises like this one.
“I forgot I guess, I figured I already had.” “No she didn’t.”
Vanessa and Jessie both talk over each other. Vanessa just shrugs it off while Jessie rolls her eyes in annoyance.
“Oh.” You look between the two players, unsure of what to do in this situation.
You watch as Jessie’s face bunches in concentration. Her eyes scanning left to right as if she was reading. You imagine she’s running through everytime she spoke with Vanessa today. Then suddenly her eyes widen and she’s looking at you. “You can’t use any of it.”
Jessie had never been a fan of the media, she was usually quick to offer to cut out anything with her in it. She’d suggest using other players, giving them a chance in the spotlight, so her behavior seemed to be standard. “Well, you never know, some of it might be good. Let’s just watch it and see what’ll work, if there’s actually nothing worth putting in we won’t.” You go to hit play on the iPad to start running through footage.
“No, let’s just delete it now.” Jessie lunges toward the iPad in your hands. You quickly slide it from her reach before giving her a questioning look as she’s laying half on the table. She clears her throat and sits back down.
“Why are you so nervous all of a sudden?” Vanessa pipes up from next to Jessie. You wanted to ask the same question but felt it would be inappropriate for you to question her.
“I’m not.” she lies, it was obvious she was, her eyes darting between you, the iPad, and Vanessa. She was taping her foot on the ground and pinching her bottom lip between her fingers. “There’s just nothing good that we talked about.”
“I find it hard to believe that you just had boring regular conversations with this one.” You point over to Vanessa, you had been reviewing all her conversations today and had no idea where some of her thoughts came from. You connect the iPad to the TV and begin playing the footage. You scroll through where Vanessa is talking to other players until Jessie is on the screen.
The first conversation is quick and boring, talking about their boots, Vanessa asking for suggestions on a new pair. Jessie just talked about her own boots and then suggested she go talk with the equipment team to try out something new.
“We could use some of that if we need, but let’s see if there’s anything better.” You say before starting to fast forward to find the next clip. You find where Vanessa and Jessie are now in weight training. You hear Vanessa take a deep breath.
You look over to Jessie, she’s sunken down into her chair, her hands on her face, not even watching the TV monitor. Vanessa now looks equally terrified as if she’s suddenly remembered the suspiciously secret conversation that she and Jessie seemed to have had.
Watching the video Vanessa pokes Jessie’s shoulder. “You’re staring again.” Vanessa says, sitting down beside Jessie who’s on the floor, set up to complete hip thrusts. The bar across her lap, she’s looking off to the side of the screen where you can’t see.
“I’m not.” She immediately diverts her eyes to the bar in front of her, her hands coming up to grip it.
“Just ask her out dude.” You watch as Vanessa playfully slaps Jessie’s shoulder.
“I can’t.” Jessie’s voice is soft, as if she knew Vanessa was mic’d subconsciously but more likely to avoid her teammates from overhearing the conversation.
“Why not?” Vanessa crosses her arms and pretends to pout.
“She’s on the staff, I can’t, you know that! Plus what would she see in me.” Jessie’s eyes stay on the bar, she has yet to look back at Vanessa since she sat down behind her.
“Okay first of all, she’s not a coach, she doesn’t have any control over your playing time or anything, she’s on the media team, I’m pretty sure that’s allowed. Second of all, you’re a professional athlete, the captain of a national team, you’re like the kindest person I know, and you’re hot too, you won’t admit it but you are. You’re a catch. Anyone would be lucky to even be asked out by you.”
Out of the corner of your eye you see Jessie drop her head to the table.
Hearing the words media team peaks your attention. Jessie had a crush on someone, one of your coworkers, now you wanted to know who. It could be Megan you think, or Sarah maybe.
“Oh a phone call, I’m gonna,” Vanessa points to the door and scurries out. You hadn’t heard her phone ring but maybe it was on silent.
Jessie’s voice coming from the TV turns your attention back to it. “I’m not having this conversation with you.” And you watch as she begins to lift the bar, making the weight move like it’s nothing.
Vanessa looks down at Jessie. “I could call her over for you, then you can ask her.” That’s when Vanessa begins pretending as if she’s shouting across the gym hands clasped around her mouth, but instead she’s just whispering.
She whispers your name. And then again, as if she’s calling you over.
Your eyebrows shoot up.
“Stop!” Jessie actually shouts at Vanessa, getting the attention of a few of her teammates in the background.
“Damn, she didn’t hear me, guess you’ll have to ask her out yourself, grow a pair Fleming, stop being so afraid of rejection.” Vanessa stands up and walks away from Jessie. The video cuts and jumps to Vanessa with Jordyn.
You pause the iPad and just stare at the TV. How were you supposed to react to this? Professionally, pretend you didn’t connect the dots? Do you ask her about it? It was obvious what you both just watched.
“Um, so, yeah we can just cut that.” You pick up your pen a write a note to yourself, as if you’d possibly forget what you just saw and would need a reminder later.
“I’m sorry.” Jessie finally speaks.
“It’s fine Jessie.”
“No, what I said, it’s inappropriate.”
“It’s not.”
You look down, tracing over the words you’ve already written diverting your attention from Jessie not wanting her to see your face as you spoke to her. “And uh, to clarify your question, relationships or dating or whatever between staff that doesn’t have an impact on a players playing time and where there’s no power dynamic, those are allowed.”
There’s a long silence before you hear Jessie chair creek, she’s now leaning back, one hand running through her hair the other pulling at the neckline of her shirt.
“I didn’t know that.” She finally says.
“Yep.” Jessie gives you a tightlipped smile.
“I’ll obviously delete that, make sure no one sees it. I’m really sorry, Vanessa was supposed to tell everyone she talked to.” You’ve decided you’re now taking the more professional route, just ensure her it’ll be deleted, no one will know.
“It’s okay, not your fault.”
“If it eases any of your hesitations, I can pretty much guarantee you, you won’t get shot down. I’m pretty close with her.” You give her a wink and finally see a real smile break on Jesse's face.
“Yeah. But like Vanessa said, you’ll have to grow a pair and ask her.” You stand up collecting the iPad and the attached cord before standing up and stacking your notebook on top of everything else.
“Wait!” You’re halfway out the door when Jessie’s voice pipes up. You turn back and she’s standing now.
“Coffee.” Is all she says before she blinks a few times and puts her hands flat on the table, looking at them for a second before looking back to you. “Would you like to get coffee with me sometime, as a date?”
“I’d love to.” You smile at her and watch as she breathes a sigh of relief.
“Okay, I’ll text you details. Have a goodnight.” She waves to you
“I'll be looking forward to it, goodnight Jessie.” You smile as you turn the corner. You definitely had to delete that footage and make sure it didn’t get released publicly, but that didn’t mean you wouldn’t watch it again a few times just to see Jessie blush at the mention of your name.
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lipringlrh · 1 year
give you a show | LN4
summary: when your roommates that good looking it's hard not to stare
pairings: roommate!lando norris x fem!reader
an: not posted in a little (sorry) but i actually have a lot in my drafts but i’m grouping them together so i need to finish them all off before i post them :)
word count: 800
warnings: none i don’t think
feedback and reblogs appreciated !!
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You hadn't been roommates with Lando very long, only a few weeks, and each day you couldn't tell whether you were regretting it or enjoying it more each day. Today included both.
You opened the door to your apartment only an hour later than you left after picking up a few things you needed. You quickly took your shoes off by the door and headed further inside, announcing a quick, "I'm home," as you led your jacket down on the top of a chair, a bad habit both you and Lando formed, but it was just easier.
"Kitchen," a reply came from your left.
You headed towards the kitchen door, briefly pausing as you stepped inside before recomposing yourself and carrying on. You sat on a bar stool seat in the corner of the room, Lando in perfect view, before unconsciously taking your phone out.
You weren't focused on it at all, not when Lando was standing there, looking like that. His body was faced sideways away from you and his hair was sticking up in all sorts of directions, but he still pulled it off well. Grey sweatpants hung off his hips very lowly and he wasn't wearing a shirt at all. He was either chopping some food or mixing something - you weren't sure, you weren't focused on what he was doing anyway.
A few minutes pass, he's moved around a bit but always returning to the same place no matter what he's doing. You weren't really sure what he was doing but you weren't complaining. The more he seemed to stand there, the more his arms seemed to flex too. You were loving it, completely unaware of how obvious you were, or what you were meant be to doing, you couldn't think straight anyway.
You were too concentrated on him and his arms that you didn't hear him call your name the first time - or the second. It was only the third time he said it that it knocked you out of your daze. Your eyes met his face again, tracing over every detail. Luckily he wasn't looking at you, you thought, he was still focused on whatever he was doing.
"You've been watching that for an awful long time," he spoke, a smirk taking over his features. He was right, you realised. Looking at the phone, you noticed you'd opened tiktok and had just been letting the same video play on loop since you sat down.
You stutter for a moment, thinking of an excuse. "I was reading the comments." You said, lying through your teeth way too obviously.
His smirk never faltered, instead just grew, "took you a while to tell me that. Don't worry, I don't mind when you stare."
You didn't really know how to answer that so you just stayed quiet, your eyes still trained on his face as he turned around and stepped much closer to you.
He was right in front of you now, the only thing separating you was the marble of the kitchen bar worktop.
"What? You think I didn't notice? I cut up way more salad than I'd need in a week, waiting for you to notice." He grinned, putting his arms on the counter and moving his face down to the same height as yours and ever so slightly closer.
"So you were giving me a show?" You reply before you have any time to think about it. You watch as he falters at your response, giving yourself a little ego boost. You cock your head to the side, almost as if you're challenging him for a reply.
He quickly gains his compose back, brushing off the slight embarrassment of you getting him flustered - it isn't the first time but it's the most obvious.
"Well, when there's a pretty girl in front of you, always." He whispers as though it's obvious, in an attempt to again fluster you more than how you flustered him.
"So you think I'm pretty?" You try to hide your grin but fail miserably. Lando also fails to hide his when he sees yours.
"Very much so," he smiles back, moving a hand up to brush some hair off of your face. "Now," he says, slapping his hands down on the counter and flexing slightly, "what kind of roommate would I be if I didn't give you a full show? Anything else you'd like to watch me do?" he says, almost playful, almost serious, liking the idea of being ogled at by you quite nice.
"Well there's a watermelon in the fridge," you tease, tracing your hand down the prominent veins in his arm.
He smirks, watching your hand in motion, "perfect." He doesn't move though, he stays there, absorbed in the way your hand touches his arm.
"Get to it!" you joke, watching as he moves instantly towards the fridge.
In his rush, he doesn't forget to turn back and give you a cheeky wink, followed by a "yes, ma'am."
feedback + reblogs appreciated and requests are open :)
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httpiastri · 8 months
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ollie bearman x crawford!reader
the instagram story was subtle enough. or, at least, so you thought.
ollie didn't seem to agree.
it was a video of you in the newly bought sundress you'd decided to wear to the sprint race today; twirling around in your hotel room, the geotag of "silverstone circuit" in the top right corner. but none of this is what ollie cares about: it's the choice of background music.
they say home is where the heart is, but god i love the english. you know i love a london boy…
the poor boy nearly had a heart attack when he saw it in the paddock. he thought it was super obvious; "i love a london boy" could only mean one thing.
your relationship with ollie is still secret from everyone, including your brother, to ensure that people won't get involved in your private business. besides, once the news is out even in just the racing world, you know it will spread and get big in no time; that's the way it usually is with formula drivers. especially fan-favorites like ollie. so, for the moment, you've decided to just enjoy wherever this takes you, without caring what anyone else thinks. but now, he's scared you've blown it.
your instagram account is on private, so you aren't afraid of fans snooping around and seeing it. but still, it worries ollie; your brother follows you, and that is much worse than fans, he reckons. when you first started going out, you thought it would be natural to tell your twin brother about it, considering the fact that ollie is one of his best friends – but ollie disagreed. the whole dating your best friend's sibling-thing never went well in the movies, and that's all he had to go after.
the song echoes in his brain all morning. during the driver meeting, his pre-race briefings, even as he watches the f3 sprint. he likes my american smile like a child when our eyes meet; darling, i fancy you. all morning leading up to the race, he's distracted and can't think of anything else, though his mechanics and engineers think he's just focused on the race ahead of him. ollie needs some kind of closure, and it isn't until he spots you walking down the f2 paddock that he finds an opportunity.
it's not long before ollie is supposed to get into his car that he sees you on your way to the dams garage. the sundress you showed off in your instagram story looks even better in the real world, and he can't help but swoon at the sight of your smile lighting up the paddock just as much as the sun. he snaps out of it just in time, because when you walk past the prema garage, he swoops out and grabs your wrist, pulling you in.
"ollie-" is all you can get out because now he's pulling you along with him so fast that you can barely even keep up. you manage to nod and greet a few of the prema workers on your way – most people recognize you as jak's sister since you spent a lot of time in the paddock with them last year – but soon, ollie has managed to find you a secluded corner far in the back with no one around.
you rest one hand on his shoulder as you try to catch your breath, looking up at your boyfriend with pinched eyebrows. "you..." he starts, letting out a sigh. "your story on instagram..."
"what about it?"
you weren't usually one to tease him, so he assumes you are actually sincere in your current confusion. the thought of your story may have been etched into his mind for the last few hours and the reason behind his displeasure might be totally clear in his head – but you never were one to read thoughts, which he sometimes forgets. "jak is going to know."
you don't look any less confused by now, which makes ollie feel even more impatient. "why would he know?"
"the song choice. london boy, really? it's so obvious." he pauses for a moment. "you can't do that."
his words are meant as a warning, but the smile on his lips tells a whole other story. no matter how scared he is that your brother will find out that you've been hiding this relationship from him, he can't stop himself from finding it just a bit amusing. and with the way that you're still watching him with such an innocent look and your other hand is also reaching for his shoulder, there's no way he can hold back a grin.
"sweetheart, it's one of the most popular songs out right now. in the entire world. no one will even bat an eye. plus," you tilt your head. "i'm an american girl in england, so london boy is an obvious choice."
"you could've chosen so many other songs about england, but you had to choose that one?"
the chuckle leaves your throat instantly. "you're not even a london boy, ollie."
he knows he's lost. he knows he's just worrying about nothing, he knows there's a much bigger risk that someone finds out about you being here with him in the prema garage than jak connecting the dots from just your story. but he can't give up just yet.
"i'll forgive you. but on one condition," he says, and you immediately nod at him. "give me a kiss. for good luck."
there's not even a second of hesitation before you get onto your tippy toes, reaching up to him. your lips are pressed onto his once, then twice, then thrice. you're both smiling into it, and his hands cup your cheeks, holding you close when you part for the last time.
"you know," he starts, thumbs drawing circles into your cheeks. "i fancy you."
the giggle that leaves your lips is like music to his ears. did he actually study the song? "oh, oliver," you say, trying to pull off your most british accent. "darling, i fancy you, too."
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keen-li · 10 months
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Today you had to shoot a cooking talk show like video for your YouTube channel. You were so excited and happy cause you had two special guests. Bangchan and felix.
You had a hard time sleeping cause you were so nervous today. And as you walk through the studio towards the set up kitchen you get even more nervous.
"Have they arrived?" You ask your assistant as she walks beside you.
"Yes they just got in" as she says that the nervousness sinks in more.
Its the first time you and any straykids members are filming something together, you have many reasons to be nervous but the main reason is you're afraid you might slip up. Slip up? Yeah you're afraid you might accidentally call chan 'baby' like you always do when you're with him. But most of the time when you're with him it's not infront of large lights and cameras.
Nobody knows that you two have been dating, not your companies, not your crew, not even you're assistant, it's still kinda new so you wanna keep it low. The only people who know you and chan are dating are his members. Who said they found out when they all "accidentally" saw you and chan's chats. The defenders were han and Lee know, when you saw those two open there mouths to defend you knew it was bullshit. Who accidentally reads three months worth of conversations in front of others accidentally.
You were kinda mad and embarrassed that they read your messages cause you and chan had some spicy texts and pictures in there. But chan promised to talk to them and keep his phone better which made you feel better.
And it seemed like chan's talk did work on them, cause they never brought up any of the messages or made any silly joke about it. They only congratulated you and made you feel comfortable.
You see the familiar figure of your boyfriend and his bandmate walk in straight to you. You and chan give eachother smiles hoping no one noticed cause you and him need to keep this a secret.
When they approach you, felix first, you share greetings and give eachother hugs. When chan hugs you he tries to not make it obvious by placing his hand a little lower on your back.
"I missed you" he whispers into your ear and you feel the heat consume you.
"Shut up were supposed to be undercover" you joke.
"But I missed you too" you confess still in a whisper.
You two missed each other like you didn't text and facetime everyday when you can.
He walks by you as he greets the crew.
After sometime and getting things ready it's time to film.
Since its your youtube channel and show you have to be the one to introduce them.
"So today we're gonna do a little cook and chat" you begin to say to the camera.
"But before we do I wanna introduce you to two people" you give a look to chan and felix as they take it as a sign to get into frame. They give their biggest smiles to the camera as they bow to it and to you which you return as well.
They give their intros and you smile at them as they express how they're happy to be here and how much they've always wanted to be on your show. It makes you blush but it's not like you didn't know. One of the reasons this filming idea came up was because chan expressed to you how much you he wanted to be on your show. And after both of your companies accepted, the date was set.
You and the boys laugh as you answer some funny questions and chop up some food. One of the questions led to chan having to tell an embarrassing story which makes everyone in the studio laugh. You also end up telling a story and chan can't help but watch as you smile and giggle when you tell the story.
He always loved hearing you talk and express yourself, it's one of his favourite things about you. Feeling his loving gaze on you, you glance at him and warn him making him look away and focus on washing the lettuce.
You're cutting some cucumber when it slips from the grip of the knife and cuts you a bit.
You hiss catching everyone's attention. Chan looks at you worried as he watched you rush to the sink. It kills him how he can't just run over to you and care for your wound just because people might find out.
"I'm good guys" you say but it doesn't help lighten chan's heart.
Felix notices his uneasiness and taps him on the back. "She's okay bro relax" he doesn't pay much attention to that as he watches a staff wrap your finger with a bandaid.
After you get back you grab a new knife and new cucumber as chan stares at you still uneasy.
"I'm okay chan" you smile at him and he feels a little more relieved when you say it directly to him, maybe it's your smile that comforts him. But he still wishes he had been the one to help you.
You continue to shoot the video as chan takes over the cutting duty and puts you in egg boiling duty. Which you rolled your eyes at. He's so protective, as if you couldn't burn yourself with hot water.
After you're done with the shooting, chan approaches you.
"Let me see your hand" he grabs your hand not even letting you choose whether or not he can see your hand. But you let him cause he's just trying to be caring.
"Are you okay?" It's a question he keeps asking you and you don't know if you wanna answer him again.
"I'm fine chan, now let go of my hand before someone sees us." He doesn't take heed to your words and continues to examine your finger touching I lightly which you find comforting.
"You don't look fine. Want me to give you a hug?" He says slowly moving into you. If no one has noticed the two of you someone's gonna notice now. You try and push him away giggling at his words, you really don't want your cover blown but chan doesn't seem to care. He doesn't care actually.
"Baby I'm okay" you say a little louder than you expected. You immediately move away from chan and stare at the people now staring at you. If the company hears about this you're screwed.
"I meant chan" you laugh awkwardly.
"It just slipped" you try and assure the people around you. You know they couldn't care less but you'd never know who'd be a snitch.
"I call everyone baby anyways" chan laughs as you try to convince yourself.
It's no use they heard you clearly.
Its been been seven days since your cooking episode with chan and felix aired. And you heard some rumours and theories going around on the Internet.
So you decided to check on the comments yourself.
Chan giving y/n those loving eyes
I want someone to look at me like the way chan's looking at her
If these two aren't dating I'm gonna take y/n
These two gotta be dating look at the way he's looking at her.
I can feel the tension between them
The chemistry between these two.
Kiss already
You didn't realise the tension between you and chan was so obvious. Maybe it's the way you spoke and looked at eachother. And after watching the video for yourself you can definitely see it.
"Our love can't be hidden" chan said when you brought the issue to him. You laughed, he doesn't take this seriously huh?
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skrrts · 1 month
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Hey, are you busy right now? ft. YUNHO (drabble series)
✧ gn! reader x jeong yunho ✧ genre: non-idol, slice of life, fluff, dating, video call ✧ word count: 692
You tried your best, really, but after hours of studying, you can't read another page. Calling your boyfriend seems like a good idea for a small break: Yunho is always excited to see you, even if it is just for a few minutes and he always will make sure you know he appreciates your time, stopping whatever he is doing to talk to you, maybe admiring you a little.
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You were getting comfortable in your bed while the call was going through, snuggling in your pillow until the most handsome face appeared. 
“It’s my favorite person in the world,” Yunho greeted you softly, chuckling when he saw you were in your bed and before you could say anything, the camera went black for a moment and your boyfriend was doing the same.
“Calling the most amazing boyfriend,” you agreed. 
“Hi there, I miss you,” Yunho replied, sighing softly while his eyes were scanning his screen, taking in all of your little details like he had not seen you in a while although the two of you only went on another amazing date last night. 
His soft smile always made you melt, almost shy, the way how his hand was covering half of his face while his eyes were all shining for you.
“Did I make you speechless?” he teased.
“When you look at me like that, what am I to do?”
His soft laugh made you grin a little, half of your face now hidden behind a pillow on purpose, because you knew it would make him pout a little: “Hey, now I can’t see you.”
His features were soft, it was always so obvious how he was never mad at you. Your arms hugged the pillow tightly: “Do you think maybe… you could come over?”
Yes, the plan was to finish this study session but now when you were looking at your boyfriend all soft and comfortable in his bed, you’d rather have him here with you.
Yunho laughed: “Somebody is being needy today but knowing you, you’ve worked all day without a break again and likely skipped dinner.”
He really knew you too well, there was no way to deny it while you glanced over to your books.
“Maybe…? I promise, I made good progress and I definitely qualify for spoiled times with my most amazing boyfriend,” you rolled on your back, legs comfortably spread as you held the phone far above your head.
“I am proud of you,” Yunho whispered. “You give your best and you do not give up. That is more than many do, I will always be here to support you. Then, I might also brag, Mingi says I won’t leave him alone with just how amazing you are.”
Your cheeks were heating up, rubbing a hand over them: “What’s with that? Ah, now you have to come over, no excuses. I need your shoulder to hide my blushy cheeks against.”
Yunho was slowly getting up, you could see how the phone was moving when he was obviously starting to collect his things, he always had a few that were never missing, from his wallet to keys and most of the time, he also brought snacks for you. He really was incredibly mindful and even remembered all the little things you were great at forgetting.
“Well, we cannot let that happen, can we?” 
His happy laugh made your heart jump and you slowly sat up: “Should I prepare anything? Are you hungry? Ah, I will make some space and clean up a little.”
Yunho sighed, looking in the camera: “You relax and wait for me to come over to your place, understood? Studying is a lot of work, besides… your chaos is always cute. It suits you.”
Your rolled your eyes and chuckled: “All right Mister Jeong, I shall behave nicely and embrace my laziness.”
He winked: “Good, I will be over in about half an hour and then we can just see what we want to do. Cooking, cuddling, and watching a movie. Anything will work.”
“And all of it sounds very tempting, as long as I get your attention,” you agreed and closed your books. Yunho took a moment to look at you again.
“I love you, I am looking forward to seeing you soon.”
You two were bad at not seeing each other daily now, it had become a habit and as much as you tried, spending time with him just was the best way to stay encouraged and remind yourself that you wanted to make Yunho proud.
“I love you too.” 
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ateez-himari · 5 months
After small interactions sparking brief discussions through online forums, the suspected couple makes their relationship more obvious during Coachella.
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April 14, 2024 (7:32PM)
On April 13th, social media saw an influx of videos documenting encounters with ATEEZ members whilst attending other artists' sets or simply exploring the venue yet a singular clip seemed to circulate much more than others due to the rumors surrounding it. While it was rather inconspicuous in nature as it contained nothing more than a sighting of the group's maknae and main rapper standing in the VIP section of ISOKnock's stage, someone made a rather interesting claim regarding the conversation they held with South Korean hip-hop artist Gemini.
"I was standing behind them when I overheard their friend (Gemini) ask about whether the two were dating and the girl (Himari) nodded. It looked like she was saying yes and explaining something, but the music started and I couldn't hear much after that." - X user
The attendee making this comment was seemingly not part of the group's fandom which made negative intentions towards their image rather unlikely, and the actions in this video seemed to support the statement. The vocalist could be seen wearing the rapper's sweater having been marked with his tag, whilst his arm was wrapped loosely around her hips which despite being an intimate gesture had become quite common between them. In the midst of the conversation Gemini gestured to the bandmates in a questioning manner, causing the young woman to look at Mingi who nodded in approval before she finally gave this same gesture to the other artist and uttered what could clearly be read as a yes.
Earlier today some people managed to record a heartwarming moment between the two, where the group's maknae was quite literally bouncing in excitement whilst dragging the rapper along with members San, Seonghwa and Hongjoong over to the Sahara tent in order to watch BONES' set. The clips uploaded a few minutes later were undeniably romantic in nature as he was seen embracing Himari from behind, trailing kisses across her face whenever the idol leaned back in order to say something.
"I saw them kissing yesterday night after watching Tyler The Creator. It was in between some stalls tho so it was kind of dark, but I saw a really tall guy with white hair and a smaller woman with blonde hair and a sweater that had the Fix On logo." - X user
While the tweet above has not been confirmed through photographic media, with the evidence coming out over the past few days it is not unreasonable to assume that it was at the very least rooted in some form of truth. All that is left now to put the fandom at ease is a statement from KQ Entertainment unveiling the truth behind this rather obvious relationship.
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theoriginalkaminari · 2 months
Oh boy
Oh boy
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You guys know what this means
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♡Devoured by the flames...♡
♡Toya Todoroki x Female reader♡
Male version here!!!
If anyone would like to remember what his voice sounds like here is a video I found with some of his voice lines (in English) if you would like to watch that and then read this
◇Stuff this will contain◇:Aphrodisiacs, face riding, sub!Toya x Dom!reader,
♧People under 18 shouldn't interact♧
♤Enjoy at your own risk.♤
You hate paperwork.
So many reports, so many essays. After every long misson, you had to write a report about how it went, things you encountered, anything you learned. Being a hero had its downsides, but so does everything, you suppose. No matter what you did in life, there were always pros and cons.
Sighing, you lean back on your chair, tilting your head back as you stare at the ceiling and run a hand through your hair. Its messy. You groan. Of course it is. It seems like your whole life has turned around since you became a hero. You've pretty much lost all contact with your friends, your family, anyone you had in your life before all this. And how could you? You were so busy all the time. You couldn't even make plans with someone without canceling last second because you would get called to your agency for something.
So many things were different now.
You can't help but wonder what it would be like to leave. Maybe fake your death? It was probably to early for you to retire. What if you ran away? You could change your whole identity.
You sigh, taking yout hands off of your head as you stand up from your chair. "Alright. Thirty minutes of paperwork. I can probably take a small break now." You mutter to yourself. You look out the window, your eyes widening. "Huh?! Its night! How long have I been working?!" You groan again, shutting your eyes in frustration. "Dammit." You huff.
"Coffee?" Your assistant says, placing the cup on your desk. For some reason, his voice is different. Its more low, deep, and sexy? Your assistant wears a long button down white shirt, black slacks and a face mask. The only light in the room was a dimly lit lamp you used to shine light on your reports with, so you couldn't really make out his face anyway.
You sigh, picking up the cup and taking a large sip from the cup, not caring how you looked or how you came off. "Thanks." You finally huff put after you place the now empty cup back on the desk. Your assistant places his hands on your desk, tilting his head to the right. "Looks like you had a long night, ma'am." He says in a low tone, making you raise an eyebrow.
"Yep. Just the same old stuff. Paperwork, reports, stuff like that." You say in a tired tone of voice as you plop yourself down on your office chair. Your assistant walks around the desk and over to you, sitting on the floor infront of you. "You seem stressed." He observes. "Thanks, captain obvious." You grumble out, rubbing the bridge between your nose. You suddenly feel...Hot. Horny.
You feel suddenly turned on. Hold on...
That fucker put something in your drink.
You feel as his hands grab your knees, slowly sliding his hands up to your thighs. "Would you...maybe like me to take some of that stress away?" He asks, a slight seductive tone to his voice. You grab his hands, gripping them tightly. You were a pro hero, and you weren't about to let this fucker take advantage of you.
"What the hell did you put in my drink?" You growl out, your own hands squeezing his with a death grip. He lets out a low chuckle, not seeming to mind the strength of your grip. "Nothin." He murmurs, enjoying how you get so angry and worked up over him.
Then it hits you.
Your assistant clocked out earlier today. This wasn't him. His voice belongs to someone else. You quickly rip off his face mask, throwing him to the ground and using your boot to stomp on his chest, keeping him pinned down. You grab the lamp, then shine it in his face...
"Toya." You huff, rubbing the bridge between your nose. Of course it had to be him. It always is. The man grins devilishly up at you, his bright cyan eyes filled with mischief and lust. "Took you long enough to notice." He growls out, grabbing your ankle and lifting your foot up and off of him.
He sits up, looking up at you as you sit back down onto your office chair. You groan, placing your face on your hands. He looks up and you, watching your face intensely as he spread your legs open and rests his head on your inner thigh.
"Toya, no, I don't have time to fuck you tonight." You swat his hands away, grabbing his hair and yanking his head back. The drug he gave you...damn it. The aphrodisiacs are really kicking in. During your relationship with Toya, you found out he adores being taken care of. He loves it when you praise him, degrade him, ride him or his face, or fuck him with your strap. Other times, he loves digging his face into your cunt, shoving his fingers or tongue into you.
He really gave you a whole other definition of switch.
Toya groans, shoving your legs open again. "Its just us in your agency, doll. No one would hear." He says seductively, moving his hands back onto your thighs and up towards the waistband of your pants.
You glare down at him. God dammit, he was so hard to say no to. You sigh, taking his hands off your thighs once again. "Get on the floor. You have ten minutes to make me cum, then your done. Got it?" Toya nods vigorously, a mischievous grin growing on his face. He knew it was just a matter of time before you agreed.
Toya lays down on the floor, watching you closely as you close the windows to your office. He didn't stop you. After all, he was a villain and you were a hero. There would be trouble for both of you if anyone saw. You begin to slowly rid yourself of your belt, placing it ontop of your desk and keeping it relatively close incase Toya needed to be spanked. You slip off your pants, letting them pool around your feet, then finally throw off your panties.
Toya grins devilishly, looking up at you with pure lust in his eyes. You raise an eyebrow at him. "Don't look so excited. You have ten minutes, remember?" You say, hovering your cunt over his mouth. Toya struggles to keep his hands to himself, wanting so fucking badly to grab your thighs and shove you down on his tongue.
You then finally sit down onto his face. You feel his staples graze and press against your inner thighs, poking uncomfortably. The pain is soon replaced by pleasure as Toya flicks his tongue against your clit. Toya slowly begins to lick and suck on your pussy, his tongue moving in slow, deliberate circles around your slit.
He can feel your body trembling against him and he knows that you're enjoying every second of this. "You taste so good," he says between licks, his voice rough between your thighs. Toya continues to lavish attention on your pussy, his tongue delving deeper and deeper inside of you.
He can feel the heat and the wetness of your arousal against his lips and it's driving him wild. "Your pussy is so sweet and soft," he moans, his tongue swirling around your clit. "I could do this all day."
You groan, biting your lip. He's too good at this. You can already feel the hot coil in your abdomen build up, and it hasn't even been five minutes. Toya continues to lick and lap at your cunt like a starved man or a thirsty dog. "Just wondering," He groans out, muffled by your pussy. "If I make you cum before the ten minutes are up, do I get to sit on your face?" Toya asks, slowly beginning to suck on your clit.
You pull and tug on his hair, needing something to hold onto. "I'll think about it..." you moan out, beginning to grind your hips onto Toya's face. As Toya continues to eat you out, he starts to fantasize about the idea of him riding your face. The thought of it makes him even more excited and he picks up the pace, his tongue moving faster and more forcefully.
Toya continues to eat you out, his tongue moving faster and harder against you. He can feel your body shaking with pleasure, and he knows that you're getting close. "That's it," he says, his breath hot against your skin. "Let go for me. I want to feel you cum on my tongue." You really never gave him permission to talk, but you don't care currently.Toya reaches up and grabs your hips, pulling you deep and closer to his face.
He's devouring you now, his tongue moving in quick, firm strokes. He can feel your body tensing up, and he knows that you're on the edge of orgasm. "Cum for me, baby," he whispers, his lips brushing against your sensitive skin. "Let me taste your pleasure. Please, i need you taste you so fucking bad..." He growls out, wanting so badly to palm his hard on, but not wanting to feel your wrath.
Toya knows that you're about to come undone, and he's ready to push you over the edge. He starts to use his fingers, slipping them inside of your pussy and curling them upwards, hitting that sweet spot that drives you wild.Your eyes shoot open, letting out a silent scream as you feel orgasm hit you like a ton of bricks.
Your juices spill out onto Toya's tongue and all over his face, and he immediately laps it up like the dog he is. He stops when you tug on his hair, signaling your done and he needs to stop. Toya helps you sit down, grabbing a few tissues to clean up your pussy. You pant slightly, closing your eyes as you relax into his touch.
Its only been nine minutes.
Toya grins cheekily as he begins to lay you down onto the ground.
"So....how about it?" He grins devilishly.
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mrs-monaghan · 1 year
It doesn't mean JK doesn't trust Jimin
Proceeds to write an essay which only means JK doesn't trust Jimin with RM at all. Oh and should I remind you RM and Jimin and living in same apartment complex???? While JK is living in whole another place ???
Tbh IF jkk are a couple I can die on a hill to prove Jimin will never be unfaithful to JK but things you all write these days are just not it. For any reader it strikes as JK is too insecure about Minimoni's relationship. All while it's obvious RM is someone Jimin respects deeply and RM is always ready to help Jimin with anything. Their bond is strong because both are very mature people who mutually respect each other.
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People like you who lack reading comprehension skills really do my head in. If you don't understand something come and ask me. I am MORE than happy to explain and clarify.
First of all, anyone with eyes can tell JK has never truly settled in Brunnen. People make jokes about him living like a frat boy because of how empty the place looks. It's coz that's not his home. His home is where Jimin is. Them fighting on that run episode was not for naught. First the lamp
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then the couch and TV
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That seemed way too natural. Like they've done that many times before. Jimin knew they would have different opinions coz its happened b4. And JK has great taste btw. Him and Jhope are the neatest members so I expect his actual home looks very stylish and very well furnished. Nine-one is their shared home so Minimoni being neighbours is irrelevant.
When exactly did I say Jimin has ever been or would ever be unfaithful to JK??? I see its come for Shaz day, today. I have said over a million times Jikook have been with each other and only each other since day one. I have also said many times all members not just Minimoni love and respect each other. But I guess u didn't see those posts, huh? How convinient.
My post was about one particular topic and that topic was the only one that I addressed. It had nothing to do with how Minimoni are outside of Jikook.
You saying that post was about how JK doesn't trust Jimin is fucking bull. JK being possessive and territorial over Jimin has nothing to do with trust. I've said it before, but if Jikook were not hiding, if they were public, JK wouldn't act the way that he does. He wouldn't need to claim Jimin.
things you write these days are just not it.
Nigga no one is forcing you to be here. Unfollow or block, you don't gotta see my shit! You're coming off like you don't believe that JK gets bothered or annoyed which is just lies Jikookers tell themselves for what reason, idk.
This man used the wrong fucking entrance just so he would be the one sitting next to Jimin and not Suga. Riddle me why he would do that? Please.
I'm guessing you also ignore the tongue in cheek thing he used to do when bothered or annoyed? Well then explain to me why he does it here when he hears that Jimin, V and Jin went hiking together.
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Last but not least this anti Minimoni moment where JK touches RM but when Jimin reaches for him JK prevents that from happening. It's very subtle and easy to miss but it's been kindly zoomed in for us here with dramatic music to boot
(Watch V watching JK's hands and see for yourself that that really happened. V sees everything) Here is the original thanks to @chim-chim1310 as always 😘😘 It makes sense that JK did that since everyone was just praising RM in that moment. 🤭🤭
But my point is this is just a JK thing that has nothing to do with him not trusting Jimin. From what I've gathered its actually normal in SK for men to be this territorial about their other halves.
I know it's taboo among Jikookers to talk about this side of Jikook. But just because I came along and I ain't afraid to bring up this sensitive topic doesn't mean u can come for me and call me a liar. You don't like me, block me. You wanna stick around then bloody get used to it.
Normalise discussing Jimin and JK being bothered by certain things when it comes to eo.
Oh! And should I remind you RM and Jimin and living in the same apartment complex????
With 4 question marks. Bitch please! As if we don't all know about this account that sells beds and only follows Jikook.
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Jikook were rumoured to be seen walking into a furniture store only for this account to follow them not long after. Now they're only following Jimin but that's because Mr. Rebel deleted his IG. Jikook live together anon, so don't talk to me about Minimoni being neighbours. It means fuck all in relation to the topic at hand.
Next time fix your tone when you need clarification from me or keep your damn reservations to yourself.
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lovebombs4life · 1 year
been thinking a lot about emo era mike and his red hair 🥵🥵🥵🥵
sex ed - m.g.c.
requested: yes. i have like three other michael requests and im so excited to write them!!
a/n: work and school are lowkey kicking my ass!!
cw: i think yall know it’s SMUT already. high school AU!! reader and michael are both seniors in high school (both 18), a bit of rough sex
it was no secret that michael clifford was attractive. and it was even less of a secret that we both liked each other, but simply denied that we did.
he’d wink at me in the halls, making my stomach erupt with butterflies. any class we had together, he’d try and sit close to me, whispering to me the whole time, flirting with me.
“oh come on y/n, it’s so obvious that he likes you, there’s no way you can still be denying it!” my friend exclaimed while we sat together at lunch.
“shut up! he could hear you!” i hushed her, looking for his flaming red hair. she only smirked, knowing what i was doing.
“not only does he like you, but you like him. he flirts with you constantly dumbass, ask him out already.” she poked at me, making me turn back to her.
“i can’t do that. he’d laugh in my face.” i said, running my hands through my hair. my friend laughed, looking across the cafeteria.
“the way he’s staring at you over there doesn’t seem like he’d laugh.” she kept laughing. i turned my head around, spotting him.
he smirked at me, winking. i blushed, waving at him. he returned the gesture before i turned back around. i put my face in my hands, trying to hide my blush.
my friend rolled her eyes at me. “and you’re still gonna deny that?” she spoke, getting up as the bell rung.
my stomach did flips as i realized my next class was with michael. i walked into the health room, seeing todays topic written on the board.
my eyes widened. why did we have to talk about sex ed? we talked about it last year. i sat down in my seat, my head resting in my hands. i took a deep breath as i saw michael walk in the class.
he sat next to me, reading the board. he threw his head back, and i couldn’t help but admire him. “you’re staring, y/n.” he chuckled.
i quickly faced forward again, my cheeks turning bright red. “i’m sorry.” i said softly, embarrassed that i was looking at him for so long.
“don’t be, it’d be a lie if i said i didn’t stare at you before. hard not to.” he said, smiling at me.
i widened my eyes at him, making him laugh. “you seem so shocked. you caught me earlier, imagine how many more times it’s happened, babe.” he said. i blushed harder at the name.
“i guess i never realized.” i said, turning my head away. i could feel his presence tense up. “am- am i making you uncomfortable? i can stop, im sorry.” he said, worried he did something wrong.
i turned my head straight back to him, grabbing his hand. “no, i’m not uncomfortable. just, i don’t know, didn’t think you saw me like that.” i spoke softly.
it was his turn to blush, seeing as i grabbed his hand, squeezing it tightly. “i thought i made it obvious. i’m sorry, i know you don’t feel the same.” he said, biting his lip while looking down.
i moved my hand to his face, making him look at me. “who said i don’t feel the same?” i questioned. his face went red. he shrugged his shoulders.
before either of us could say anything else, the bell rung, signaling that class was starting. “alright, i know you’d talked about all this before, but it’s mandatory that grades ten through twelve talk about it once a year.” the teacher groaned.
michael smirked slightly, placing his hand on my thigh. i sat up straight, looking at his hand. he drew small patterns on my leg, still looking forward.
our teacher turned out the lights, playing random videos that he was assigned to play. i spaced out, not caring to watch the videos.
i only snapped back when i felt michael’s hand move farther up my thigh. i bit down on my finger, looking over at him. he glanced at me quickly, smirking when he saw my reaction to his hand trailing up.
i squeezed my thighs together, trying to focus on the videos now. i didn’t want to, but i needed something to distract myself. i gasped quietly as his hand made its way between my legs, gently rubbing over me.
every movement he made quickly stopped when the lights turned back on. i blinked my eyes, turning my head to look at him. he was staring straight forward, biting his lip.
“alright guys, i want you to talk with your table partner you’re next to. i’m assigning you a project to draw a poster of the reproductive system of both male and female parts. it will be due next monday, so i suggest working out a way to meet after school.” the teacher spoke blandly.
“wanna come to my house after school?” michael questioned, looking at me. i nodded, biting my lip as i looked at him. he smirked, giving me his number.
“meet at the main doors after our last class. i’ll give you a ride there.” he said.
“o-okay, sounds great.” i breathed out, the events of what just happened playing through my head.
the last few classes of the day droned on. i couldn’t sit still in my seat, thinking of what would happen at michael’s house.
i was definitely overthinking it, but i let my mind wander and race anyway. i tapped my foot, waiting for the bell to ring.
once it did, i shoved my things into my bag quickly, and hurried to the front of the school. as i made my way through the crowd, my phone buzzed.
waiting outside, sweetheart
it was michael. i blushed at the name, putting my phone away, shoving through people. i made it out the door, instantly seeing the red haired boy.
“ready?” he asked once he saw me.
“yeah, let get out of here.” i smiled, following him to his car. he lead me to a black mustang, shining as if it were brand new. i gaped at it, adoring how pretty it was.
he opened my door for me, and closing it once i got in. i giggled at the action, watching him make his way to the driver side.
“i hope you don’t mind that my parents aren’t home. they’re both at work.” he said, starting up the car.
“not at all, that’s okay.” i said. my head started spinning. i laid my head back against the car seat, shutting my eyes as i took a deep breath.
“hey, you okay? we can always go to your place if you wanted.” i shot my eyes open, shaking me head.
“no! i mean, just too many distractions.” i said, lowering my voice as i spoke. he nodded, his eyes glued to the road.
we soon pulled up to his house, parking in the driveway. he got out of the car quickly, making it to the other side to open my door. i smiled at him as he grabbed my hand, helping me out.
he shut the door, leading me inside of his house. “so you want a house tour or-” he started.
“lets cut the small talk, mikey. we both know why you brought me to your house.” i cut him off. his cheeks turned a slight shade of pink.
“so? i won’t do anything you don’t want me to.” he said, scratching the back of his neck.
i stepped closer to him, leaning to his ear. “i’ll do anything you want me to.” i whispered. that sent him over the edge.
he gripped my wrist, pulling me upstairs, into his room. he pushed me to the bed, getting on top of me. he kissed me roughly, his hands in my hair.
i slipped my tongue into his mouth, twisting it around. he groaned as i unbuckled his belt, his black skinny jeans becoming tighter from his member.
i unzipped his pants, gently tugging them down as he kissed my throat. he sucked on my skin harshly, causing me to wiggle around under him.
“need you to touch me, mikey, anything will do.” i pleaded. he bit at my skin, pulling away to peel my shirt off my body.
he sighed at the sight of my chest, grabbing at my tits. he slid his hand under my back, unclasping my bra, and throwing it to the other side of his room.
he kneaded at my breasts, sucking on my nipples. “mikey, please baby, want your cock.” i whined. he chuckled against my skin, pulling my jeans and panties down.
“such a needy girl huh?” he taunted. i nodded my head, pulling his jeans down. he stepped out of them, his boxers following quickly.
he opened his bedside drawer, grabbing out a condom, slipping it on his cock. i licked my lips, bracing myself for his length.
he pushed his tip in slowly, making me gasp. “gonna go slow at first baby, just gonna need you to be patient. wanna make sure i don’t hurt you, sweetheart.”
i nodded, feeling him push farther into me. i cried out not in pain, but pure pleasure. “i’m not even fully in yet babe.” he smirked.
he slid the rest of the way in, earning a moan from me. “michael! fuck!” i screamed as he quickly started sliding in and out of my heat.
“look so fuckin pretty for me, sweetheart. always look so pretty.” he cooed, holding on tight to my thighs as he threw his head back.
“oh my god! michael, please, need it harder!”’i cried. he slowed his pace, pushing his hips into mine harder.
i gasped as he hit my g-spot, biting down on my hand. “fuck, babe, you gonna cum? already gonna cum for me? so fuckin good for me darling.” he praised.
i could feel that he was close too, holding out until i came first. “come on good girl, cum for me.” he said, pounding his hips harder.
i writhed my head around, feeling myself cum on his cock. he moaned at the warmth, soon after meeting his orgasm.
he pulled out of me, sliding the condom off. he laid back on the bed, looking over at me as i began steadying my breath.
“well i think we both know the reproductive system pretty well now, right?”
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ianthoni · 1 year
Hey there! On the question on Ian's sexuality, I'd like to point out that video when Wes and Flitz joined Gamebang and they made them read Ianshire fanfiction, the moment when they read that part: "everybody already thinks I'm gay" or something like that, Lasercorn was just nodding. And don't get me started on the whole Iancorn thing. Yes, I know Lasercorn's happily married, but my god, I would bet money on the fact that he definitely had a real crush on Ian. Like, some of his reactions to whenever Ian was being gay with one of the other guys, Joven mainly, his reactions were a tad bit too...real (The Power Stroke that b*tch gamebang punishment, for example) And his smiles were just a bit too bright when he was smiling at something Ian did or said and he would not stop staring (his whole reaction to Ian wearing the Wonder Woman outfit during the Oh The Injustice! Gamebang). I don't know what it is about Ian, but it does seem like he catches the interest of other men easily (maybe they sense something queer in him as well?) and he doesn't mind one bit. He even seems to enjoy the attention. Joven def had a thing for Ian's butt and Ian didn't hold back in giving him content.
Apologies if this is too forward of an ask, but I just had to put it out there. You're welcome to ignore it if it is.
No no it's not too forward lmao i enjoy this content. You're %100 right today i start watching old videos because of this ask and like??? Omg it's a mess over there Joven is obsessed with Ians ass and Ian is enjoying Iancorn while pushing Anthony away(btw i still don't get why he was trying to stay away from Anthony??) And Anthony being jealous as fuck! Literally his jealousy is so obvious. When Lasercorn gets jealous he directly tells it, Anthony on the other hand... He's literally smiling through pain and be a bitch about it LMAO you can see he's jealous but he's hiding it. What can I say young adult years are messy.
ALSO WANNA ADD IAN WAS SO SLUTTY. LIKE LOOK AT HIM! He's making all the boys fight for him. I wonder where this Ian went now 👀
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bebsi-cola · 24 days
hi bebsi
i bought an elbow crutch today and i have complicated feelings about it. i’m excited i think, for obvious reasons. but also. the moment i stepped outside the store trying to walk with it, i felt this sort of. shift? it suddenly felt like everyone was staring at me and judging me and the pressure of it was crushing. i have no idea how to get comfy with using the crutch, no tangible idea of how to even use it correctly (i’ve only seen infographics, and i’m pretty sure the person who sold it to me has no idea how to use either canes or crutches), let alone have enough courage to use it in public.
any advice would be super appreciated :’))
hey meow-moji (meow emoji). i had to look up what an elbow crutch was but it seems to be the same as forearm crutches!
i have to admit i don't know what to do about feeling pressure from stares. i've been stared at a lot in my life so i have long gotten used to it. but i also can't read other people's expressions. sometimes i stare back? i know other disabled people have talked about wearing alt fashion to feel more control over being stared at, but i don't know much about it i'm afraid.
i think learning to use it is pretty important so you don't hurt your shoulder. infographics are kinda difficult to parse when it comes to movement, so i would recommend watching a number of videos on it. there's quite a few on youtube, and i use them myself without issue. if you practice the gait at home it can also help you feel more secure about it. when you're walking you don't want your shoulders up at your ears, and your arm should feel like it bends naturally. you also don't want to have to hunch over to the side because it's too short. stand tall and maybe get some help when you adjust the height of the handle to your wrist. and try the heights that are one up and one down to see how it feels and what seems most appropriate. sometimes if the pavement is slanted or uneven if can feel like the crutch is at the wrong height, so try to practice on even ground. i also recommend practicing with your most used footwear to take their added height into account.
this isn't medical advice because i am ultimately just some guy but i hope it's reasonable and can help.
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thequeenofthestorm · 2 months
The Elden Ring Strategy Spectrum
Ok, so I was thinking about Elden Ring's gameplay. A lot of gameplay in Elden Ring tends to be about posture breaks, yes? But that doesn't seem entirely the case. Sure, a lot of Elden Ring's combat flow is about fast paced melee where you're trying to chunk down the boss's poise for a devastating counterattack, but how much does that actually apply? Well, although I've not played with every single weapon type, I believe that for most playstyles (aside from obvious ones such as tanking) the way to best utilize them could be visualized on a spectrum. I've jokingly thought of it as DS3 to Sekiro, although that's not exactly the case.
Ok, so what do I mean by this spectrum? The gist of it is that one end of the spectrum is sneaking in R1s or R2s mid-combo to poke bosses for lower, albeit faster damage. This can be to build status, potentially whittle down a poise break, or because you're playing RL1 and can't afford to play a riskier playstyle. Without knowing every boss moveset by heart, I'd say that this is the safer, albeit less rewarding side. The other side is about finding breaks in combo chains to get the largest counterattack possible, usually to chunk poise. A jumping R2 here, an L2 there, it's all about the punish windows. These strategies are both similar, but one tends to require more experimentation to find perfect punish windows, but for larger rewards.
My theory is that basically every attack in this game can be spread across this rough spectrum. For example, a dagger's R1 would be all the way on the fast side, whereas a colossal's charged R2, a lot of skills, etc. would be on the slow side. This is how I tend to envision my moveset in my head, and is how I'll (either consciously or subconsciously) go about my strategy. Let's take the Bolt of Granssax for example. Its standard R1 would be somewhat on the fast side, maybe about a third to half of the way out from the center (just for visualization sake). Its standard R2 would be somewhere in the middle, whereas the charged R2 would go likely just about halfway to the slow side. Its skill (both charged and uncharged) has roughly the same speeds as the uncharged and charged R2 respectively, so they'd go there. This can be a nice way to help visualize how your moveset can be set utilized, and how you should go about using this weapon to its fullest potential. Now, ranged attacks can muddy this a little, although as evident with what I said involving the BoG's skill, I still think it applies enough for this to be utilized: you just get more opportunities on both sides for a drawback: whether that be lower damage, FP costs, resource management, etc.
This was just a weird thought I wanted to get out on the internet while I was thinking about it today, so apologies for the random rambling lol. For anyone watching my channel, I'm still going to try for one more MTE stream before the video, and Fireball Spammer should be next week. Thanks for reading all of this lol
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preciadosbass · 2 months
6/8/24 [did quite a few crafts today — pics at end … this read does get more interesting over time, i promise.]
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woke up at 10 and laid aimlessly in my bed thinking about having to see my prevision. i’m never usually very active in the mornings, as is obvious in my other entries, but i’m especially not when i have to see a keyworker. i eventually step foot out of my room and sat outside with boris for 20 minutes. i would’ve been out there for longer, but i was paranoid my prevision would turn up early and see me on the driveway without me being prepared.
while i sat there with boris to my side i looked through the new gerard way photos/videos and made a highlight on |nsta of [mostly] faceless pictures of myself because i’ve been meaning to put my outfits online for a while — [@/iloveechicheng]. i went back inside at 10:50 to get dressed and sort out my hair as the straightening had long worn off from when i went to zoo. i also stress out over my outfit when this particular prevision comes round as allegedly her son dresses the same way as me. it honestly feels like a dress to impress with her because of that and it’s kind of tiring.
i took a while debating what shirt to wear as i didn’t want to repeat the same outfit as last week, i ended up going for my new slipknot shirt. this person i met at a sailing ‘expedition’ [it was almost the same as those camps that teens get sent off to and abused] got me it for my birthday. i hadn’t worn it before because i didn’t know how to style clothing in that colour but i ended up wearing it with these really baggy black jeans [of which have a barn owl keychain on a carabina among with other things which, i guess, make them more interesting], my zip up mcr hoodie, a can tab necklace, alien socks, and spiked cuffs. it was a pretty low effort outfit but i honestly couldn’t be too bothered to do much more.
my provision got here at near 11 and i took a few minutes to prepare to see her. i went out to living room with my dad and she attempted to make small talk but we were both clearly feeling very awkward so she brought out uno flip and we had two games. the second game ended up being over an hour and a half, maybe two hours long. which dosent sound like it’d be draining or scary, but it is - she’s still a stranger to me and you could literally feel tension in the air. she left at 12 and i spent a bit of time with boris until i decided i was going to tag along to my sisters asthma appointment because i felt like going out and she didn’t mind.
we left at 12:15-19 and i listened to mcr demos on the way to the hospital. i’m trying my best to excessively listen to as much mcr and fall out boy as possible for that tribute concert coming up. we got there at 12:25 and i briefly watch a skateboarding competition on the tv infront of us in the waiting room until i felt awkward by the silence and showed my mum some of gerard’s stage outfits. she seemed to think they were cool. we were called in for the appointment at 1, and i don’t have much to say about it, it was what you can expect, it’s self explanatory.
on the way out of the childrens section i saw that a few kids younger than me were colouring in a picture of pikachu so i asked my mum to ask if the receptionist had any spare copies. she luckily gave me two which means i can colour one, and decide whether i prefer it plain or not for it to go on my wall. i’m not even into pokémon, i know absolutely nothing about it, but i think the designs and things are cool. we walked back to the car and left for town at 1:45 or something along those lines.
once we got into the shopping centre i headed to hmv to check a few things. i wanted to check if there were any new magazines or discounted shirts, as the last time i came i got a fall out boy magazine and a reduced silverstein shirt from the so called ‘bargain bin.’ there weren’t any magazines i was interested in because all of them were related to glam rock however there was an asking alexandria shirt. i decided not to get it because i wasnt keen on the colours and i have a purple one similar. i looked at some of the other shirts that were on display and fell in love with a specific five nights at freddy’s shirt and a nightmare before christmas one. i wasn’t willing to pay over £40 for the both so i took a picture to remind myself to check for them on ebay/vinted/depop.
i went to get my safe food at 2:20 because there isn’t anything for me to eat at home even if i wanted to and got boba at 2:30 because i found out that this specific brand isn’t even too high in cals, well not for what it is. once we’d payed and gotten our [me and my sisters] drinks we set off for home. we got back at 3 and i cuddled boris on the sleeper again. it unfortunately started to rain almost as soon as i got out there so he crawled under my dads car, meaning i couldn’t stroke him anymore, so i went back inside.
my sister followed me back into my room and went through all her pokémon cards with me and let me keep the ones i like as she dosent ever plan on using them. i felt bad ultimately taking her cards even though she wanted me to. once i’d gone through them all and wound down from being outside surrounded by people my age, i decided to look through this 2000s arts and crafts book i must’ve gotten from a bootsale or something as a kid. i didn’t find anything to do at the time so i went out to my dad and asked him to paint my nails as id picked off the excess from last week, or whenever they were last done.
its only been up until recently that i’ve ever had them painted. i mean, it’s nothing fancy, just black — but i like it. i also wanted them repainted because at this point in the day i thought i was going bowling but that didn’t end up working out as it would’ve been too much hassle. also ignore that i cant paint my own nails.. i have the worst hand coordination *cries* / after theyd dried i went back into my room and remade that can tab necklace with the skull bead on it with a bigger tab. it took longer than the original did as i had to manipulate more metal and make a loop for the actual string of the necklace to go through. [pictures at end]
once i’d done and shown my parents, i continued looking at the book at 5 and saw a homemade trinket box shown on it so i started cutting up a cat food box into various rectangles until i had a lid, base, and the sides of the box ready. my hot glue gun and tile were still in their places from when i made those hot glue pins so i got started and glued the thing together. i finished at 5:30 because the gun took ages to get hot/i kept on accidentally burning myself/i had to adjust the sizes of the card multiple times during gluing. after id finished with that, i painted the box black. it took me barely any time at all and i left it on my windowsill to dry.
i went outside with boris while i was waiting to be able to customise it. i got a little nervy as he kept on going further away from me and more out into the driveway to be around the grass. i walked myself back to my room at 7 and looked through a few band font/logo things to draw on the top of the box. i settled on my chemical romance’s text font in the black parade era. i ‘rehearsed’ the writing a couple times on a scrap envelope and used a red paint pen on the actual box. it didn’t turn out like the actual thing, as i noticed that one’s drawn in a paintbrush kind of style, but i’m not disappointed with how it came out, i like it. [pictures at end]
while i was waiting for that to dry i collected a few examples of raccoon tails on dyed red hair to show my parents and hairdresser. i also found out that she [my hairdresser] had found the straighteners she’s been planning on giving me as the one i use is at least 20+ years old and has cut the fronts of my hair to the size of my pinky 😭, so it’s good i’m getting something that’ll take that out of the picture and prevent it from looking as fried as it does now.
that didn’t take long at all so i drew spirals on either side of the box while the top was still drying. it isn’t perfect as i had to go over the hot glue i used which makes it mismatched but i much prefer when spirals are ‘messy’ so i’m not bothered. id drew on the longer sides of the box multiple times at this point, but kept on painting back over it. so while i was waiting for that to dry to have a fresh start, i made a friendship bracelet. [pictures at end]
the technique was in that same arts and crafts book but it was so much more confusing. with the box i just looked at the end product and easily knew what to do because like.. it’s just a box. so i thought a bracelet would be the same, but no - i ended up having to get both of my parents to try and work it out but my dad eventually figured out what i needed to do, and once i’d done it a few times i got the knack. i made it out of yarn in black, medium light blue, and gray. i finished that at 10:20 and took pictures of all the stuff i’ve made today.
i started writing about my day [finally] at 11 on a draft, but while i was halfway through and had already written in detail about a number of things, it deleted itself. i had to re write and re word everything, which took up until 11:50 before i went upstairs to ask my parents questions about boris. i know it took over an hour today, but i don’t know how many more minutes after that. i think it was a lot as we all kept on getting sidetracked.
i went downstairs at 1 something and made toast while speaking to boris about my day/apologising for going out and everything else i need to address. i unintentionally switched up the routine a bit today because i obviously couldn’t brush my teeth before having food. i finished at 2 and got into bed a few minutes past 2. i had to end off this entry so i did that and actually went to sleep at 2:20.
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have a good day/night O_o
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lonely-soul-02 · 1 year
The Loch Lomond kiss - what was the reaction at the time?
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I've been diving into #gcest and reading all sorts of super interesting observations, analysis, questions and answers, and this question was one that cropped up a couple of times, so thought I'd attempt to answer it as best I can.
For context: I'm a lifelong Oasis fan, but new to shipping the Gallaghers.
I do remember when that kiss appeared in the paper. And I do remember my reaction, and that of my friends. Obviously, I can't speak for a whole nation, or fan base; I'm just relaying my personal experience.
So how did people react? They were shocked. Nobody I knew thought it was funny, or cute, or sweet, or romantic.
'That's gross!' was the word I remember using (seems that word has fallen out of favour nowadays). All my friends - male and female - thought it was disgusting.
I was at uni at the time, and I'd shown my mother the picture on a visit home. She thought it was proof that modern society lacked a moral compass and thus was doomed. lol. Bear in mind, this parental opinion generally went with the entire grunge and post-grunge movement, maybe not so much with Brit pop.
Anyway, the shock didn't last because the image appeared once and, unless you held on to that paper, you didn't see it again as it wasn't published like that again (to my knowledge). Without the internet as we know it today to spread the image and amplify any subsequent chat/reaction, the kiss simply faded from people's collective consciousness. It quickly lost its Big-Dealness. Unlike today, we weren't given the means to dwell on it or analyse it. We just...moved on. Besides, there were so many other Gallagher antics making the news in those days.
Fast forward to today and we now have access to a plethora of historical video, photos, articles, gifs with slow-mo that we watch and rewatch endlessly, all the online musings that we read. And the more you watch, the more obvious and outlandish some of their antics appear (the numerous kisses, the numerous gropings, the questionable things said on live TV), until you're thinking HOW can this not have been talked about more over the years? Why isn't the entire fandom talking about this still?
I suspect it's just because your average older Oasis fan has put it to the back of their minds, like they did at the time. It's only the Gallagher shippers who really care, and we're in the minority.
I do wonder though...if there's a reunion and that image, along with all the different angles, starts to gain some traction with the new, young Oasis fans, how would Noel and Liam feel about it? Particularly as they have older kids now.
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triplexdoublex · 5 months
It's obvious that some of y'all joined the fandom only recently (and that's okay, just don't rewrite 'history' to fit a PR 'fake love' narrative).
Just because this playlist was made public one day before her bday, It does not proof it's a gift.
(And why the hell would he be so inspired to do such a beautiful gesture for her bday after the ALLEGED video of bday wishes she might have sent him while being on somebody else's ... If you don't know what I'm talking about, just go read blind items. NASTY, yuck).
Let's take a look at "Taurus sun" playlist. -'Ocean eyes' is of course about his daughter. -Lana del Rey is an artist whom Megan have had actual LITERAL beef with, but Megan been using lately as an IG caption to garner his attention. Kells actually has an unreleased colab song from 2018 with her (watch them say 'Bad for you/Mad for you' is about her too...). There is no actual proof of what I'm about to say but it seems she is an artist he was first SUPPOSEDLY introduced to by his ex (he sampled 'video games' more than a decade ago in an old French Montana collab). -'I'm lost without you' by Blink is the song of him and *HIS* ex (the proof of this Is in the lyrics of "her song", the pt. 1 to "in these walls"). These two must have met indeed at Blink 182's concert. -I have my PERSONAL theory about the song 'I rather go blind'. Let's just say Colson looked incredibly hurt during 2014/2015 and I PERSONALLY think this song could explain why. .-'The funeral' is a Song he was quoted listening to during the 2018 Galore interview (he made for that occasion a Photoshoot inspired by Romeo+Juliet movie... take a look at it, it's very beautiful, I'm sure you'll like it). .-Idk about the other songs (maybe I give her Tennesse since it is Megan's birth state).
Also I'm sure more than one woman has inspired him. He has been with countless women before Megan (COUNTLESS, funny how Megan says he's akward with girls) and actually have had TWO meaningful main (somehow toxic too) situationships/relationships
.And let's say I was wrong and all the playlist was done FOR her and only her. It does not mean it's about her.Just like the songs he makes. They could be dedicated to her but this does not mean they are FOR or ABOUT her (and she must know that because so many time in the past she felt the Need to stress the opposite).
Having said so, sorry for any typos and Imma go listen to "fake love". bye.
I’ve just learned of this playlists existence today in that ask. My reply was my first thoughts upon seeing those songs. However you are correct, I had forgotten he’s mention “lost without you” in that song about his ex looong before him and Megan were together. Perhaps it’s just a playlist of meaningful songs to him, I dunno and I don’t claim to.
But he fr needs to drop that song with Lana , I was so obsessed with it when we got that little teaser it seems like such a sexy song.
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