#watch out bitches he angy
skxllz · 10 months
Jealous Ian and Mickey??
say no more
“ 𝐰𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐟𝐮𝐜𝐤 𝐝𝐢𝐝 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐬𝐚𝐲? ”
warnings; mickey being mickey. physical violence (typical shameless shit). ian with rings + getting arrested hehe. blood mention. I think that's it??
date posted; 12.9.23
usually, ian wasn't the type to get jealous. he had his moments in the past with mick’, with that fucker that had talked shit on ‘im at the bar. and maybe that angie girl... but that was a while ago. maybe even with svetlana, but of course that couldn't be helped. and maybe that one time when they first met you...
okay, maybe ian did get jealous. but that was besides the fact. he's never felt uncontrollable rage before when it's come to anyone other than mickey. the time mickey and svetlana married? he wasn't just heartbroken; he felt the need to actually kill terry and tell svetlana to fuck off in front of everyone, even though technically the circumstances weren't her fault. with you, he's never felt that — not since you started dating him and mickey.
it's funny really, for both of them. it was the moment ian realized he actually was in love with you — same for mickey. only, mick’ didn't realize until after the fact.
it started off with an actual date night between you three. ian told you that him and mickey planned one a while ago but it never sought through because some bitch named sammy got him arrested. you didn't know who the sammy chick was, and ian didn't explain who she was, but you mentally vowed that night to stick it to her. that's why you took them both out a week later, to some fancy restaurant on the west side.
mickey complained about a few things on the way there; the fact that he had to wear a tux, the way it fit him, and that the west side was the last damn place he wanted to be. he claimed it was where the ‘ rich bitches with those stupid nose bandaids ’ live and he wanted no part of that parade. you reassured him though that those noses of theirs would end up bleeding if they gave him the slightest problem.
to say the least, you gave him a boner and a good convincing.
after you arrived at the destination, you had watched while entering the restaurant as the two males gawked at the scenery of the place. it made ian question you just how you were going to afford everything —in which you laughed and just replied with “ don't worry, i’ ”— and mickey mutter under his breath just how much the golden posts by the doorway would go for on ebay. you swatted him on the shoulder since you heard ‘im.
you guys’ little trio was escorted generously to a nice window booth at the back of the restaurant, giving a nice view of the back patio where a fountain and little glowy fairy lights were displayed; giving off a familiar, comfortable feel. and, although you felt as ease, you could mickey still did not by the way he was tugging at different ends of his suit and scooting around in his seat.
“ mick- y’okay? ” ian asked, giving a puzzled questionable expression. the red head had been reading over the drinks menu when he noticed his boyfriend acting out of place.
“ this place gives me the fucking quivers... ” mickey muttered, once again shifting. “ I feel like ‘m bein’ stared at. ”
ian snorted at that. usually mickey didn't let shit get to him - especially people, at that. if there a problem, he'd sort it out himself, so why was he acting off now. “ why's that bothering you? ”
you were now looking at mickey as well, expecting him to answer as you raised your brows curiously. you too wanted to know why he was acting differently.
“ because, ” he sighed in frustration, only then leaning across to table to harshly whisper to Ian, while sparing you a slight glance. “ because I rather not fuckin’ ruin this night for y/n, okay? jesus christ. ”
ian's lips formed an o shape in realization. you were more sensitive than they were, so he could understand why mickey felt that way — didn't want to embarrass you or anything. if that happened, who knows how long of a grudge you'd hold.
mickey sat himself back just as a waiter approached. he was tucking in his finely pressed, button down shirt into his apron, not necessarily paying attention to his surroundings as he dropped a pen from his pocket. y/n realized — and, the good samaritan he was, he scooted out from the booth to crouch down and pick it up.
“ uh- here, ” he stood, pushing his hand out towards the waiter. “ you dropped this. ”
“ oh, ” the waiter extended a hand to take his writing tool back. and, as he did so, lifted his head, “ thank you- y/n? ”
“ blake? ” y/n asked, surprise on his face. “ holy shit. ”
that right there is when the first wave of jealousy struck in the night. the look of realization on both of their faces made Ian and mickey exchange glances — and, although ian felt a twist in his stomach, he wasn't exactly indifferent about the reunion just yet. mickey was, though. he looked sour.
and he was right to. throughout the remainder of the hours there, their waiter, blake, would always give you a smile that was always more than just a smile. he'd stop by more often than meant to, as well. asking for refills when it wasn't necessary, stopping by seconds later thinking he forgot a plate when in reality there was none to take. it pissed your boyfriends off - mickey especially.
the brunette had to withhold standing up and violating the guy where he stands. in mickey's mind, he wishes, wishes, that his stare alone could make this blake motherfucker burst into flames. it'd make his year. probably ian's too, because mick’ knew for a fact that his ginger companion was ready to blow the minute blake stopped by to give you the check.
ian's fingers were death-gripping his fork and his jaw was set. eyes pointed towards the table... and you were oblivious to it - cause you were too busy smiling at him.
“ say- ” blake spoke as he handed off the little black booklet to you, “ since it's been awhile, I was just wondering, would you like to hang out sometime? ”
mickey's head snapped up then. “ the fuck? ” he finally broke for the night. he's had enough. “ no- no, he won't like to fucking hang out sometime, ” mickey mocked, looking absolutely fed up. “ are you fucking nuts? you got some cotton in your damn brain- low iq? ”
the look on blake's face was priceless. his eyes were wide, jaw was dropped open. the hand that had stretched out to take the check back, paused midair. even you were looking at mickey like he was bat shit insane.
which, he probably was. but honestly, what do you expect with dating a milkovich?
“ you need to fucking scram before I pop your head off’a your body like a fucking cork. ” mick’ spat finally - and that was the straw that left the drink empty. you heard enough, scooting closer to mickey to calm him down.
“ mick- ”
“ who the hell are you talking to? ” blake's response made you whip your head around in his direction, eyes as wide as golf balls. was this kid crazy?
mickey looked at ian, who was already looking at him, ready to murder someone, before steering his eyes back onto the blonde male. “ I think I'm fuckin’ talkin’ to you- now y/n, sweetheart, move so I can kill this fucking rat. ”
by now, everyone around was staring. low, hushed voices whispering to one another, other waiters and waitresses watching the scene go down with saucer-bound eyes. a few folks had their phones out, recording, while others were on the phone with police.
“ I'm not moving. ” you sternly spoke, looking mickey in the eye so he knew you meant business. “ you promised you wouldn't make a scene tonight yet here you are, doing exactly that. ”
arms dramatically launched out of gesture to the blonde waiter, “ he was clearly hitting on you! ” mickey emphasized, making sure to get in through your head that you were being blind. you were. “ he wants in your fucking pants! ”
“ he does not want in my pants! ”
“ yes he fucking does! ”
“ stop swearing at me! ”
“ oh fuck off, get a grip! ”
you both were too busy arguing to notice that ian had gotten up from the table and approached blake. it wasn't until you heard gasps around you and a loud “ fuck! ” come from said blonde, followed by a thud, did you and mickey raise your heads.
ian was shaking off his hand with a blank mask of anger while blake lied on the floor, clutching his nose. blood gushed out through the cracks of his fingers, the red liquid flowing down and hitting the dark flooring of the restaurant.
people around looked frightened; staring at ian in horror, as if he was a monster. it was dramatic really.
a few of blake's coworkers rushed to his aid while ian walked back over to you both. his fist was raw and red, and his knuckles were slightly split open, but it wasn't too bad besides that.
“ holy shit... ” mickey breathed out, eyeing blake's bloody face from over your shoulder as he was stood to his feet. he was wobbly, wincing, trying not to shout as someone bumped him. it looked as if ian broke his nose. “ holy shit. ”
“ ian! ” you hissed, “ what the fuck! ”
ian shrugged, “ he got what was coming to him. he shouldn't hit on what isn't his. ”
you blinked lazily. shoulders slumping, breathing coming out in realization. “ but... I'm yours? ”
mickey scoffed and slipped his arm around your shoulders. “ are you insane? of course your ours, y/n. I wouldn't bite someone's fucking dick off for you if you weren't. ”
ian nodded towards mickey, “ what he said. I wouldn't just punch anyone. the dick deserved it. ”
you were silent for a moment, processing the emotions you felt. even though the gossip around you was annoying, you weren't necessarily mad at your boyfriends. moreso, you were just annoyed because the rest of the date was ruined. sure, you had dinner, but you wanted to do much more.
of course though, you couldn't, because the cops ran through the entrance seconds later.
“ he's over there! ” you saw the hostess point towards your red haired companion. ian swore under his breath, only to turn on his heel and book it in the opposite direction.
“ run, i’! ” you scream, looking worried.
“ fucking run like hell, ian! ” mickey looked worried too, surprisingly. I mean, it was his boyfriend, but usually he wouldn't let his emotions get the best of him cause of his pride. but here we are.
the night ended off with ian getting put into cuffs and walked out to the cop car. You and mickey both promised to bail him out somehow, and that you'd explain everything to his siblings.
“ oh- hey, y/n? ” ian called, just as the officer was shoving him into the vehicle.
“ yeah? ” you call back.
“ I love you! ”
your heart damn near skipped a beat. chest fell as you lost breath, a smile of joy spreading across your face. with happiness now in your heart, you lifted your hand, waving him goodbye.
that's when mickey suddenly pulled you by the arm, ripping a gasp from you, and kissed your temple.
“ I love you too, weasel. ”
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fanofstuff01 · 6 months
HERE I AM! Here I am with a little writing of mine!
Before we get started, this AU belongs to @woah-why-i-am-here and they have pretty cool drawings about it. GO CHECK IT OUT!
Considering the show itself is 16+, this is aswell, know it then read this, also it has Valentino.
A little summary: Adam fell to hell, needed money, and Valentino was the only one hired him. He owned his soul, and it was too late when Adam realized what he agreed to work on. He is one of Valentino’s top whores now. And of course, Adam and Angel met, in fact, more than ‘met’. Their films sure sell a lot. They slowly become friends and Angel convinces Adam to come to the hotel. This is after these happened. Also not shipping Angel x Adam.
ENJOY! (Also since you love holydust @rius-cave , tagging you!)
“And cut!” Valentino said proudly, ending the scene. “One hour break and we’re here till 8!”
Adam panted as he tried to collect his mind. He slowly backed away from the fish demon gal, wore his robes back and got up to go to his dressing room. This was the third demon he was on top of that day, and sure enough she was not gonna be the last. Today was gonna suck. Val was planning to work on eight fucking movies, not to mention six of them were gay and two of them were with Angel. He was glad the one-hour break came.
“Addie~” He heard someone behind him and felt that certain ‘someone’ gripping his shoulders.
Valentino. Awesome. Just who he needed.
He attempted to not show the fear and hatred he felt to his face and mask. Too bad the fucking thing was programmed to show every emotion on his face, and sometimes they didn’t even needed to be on his face, him feeling them was enough. Angel had a -probably true- theory about it, he thought that it was ‘connected’ to his brain when he wore it. Adam was already regretting that he put the “I will only work with a mask” in his contract. He didn’t like the idea of showing his face on films, but this was much worse. He couldn’t fucking took it off till his shift ended!
“Yes, Val?” He asked, trying to avoid the movements he was doing to his chest. Yes, prick? he corrected himself in his brain.
“You were so, so good in the last one, babe” he chuckled.
“Thank you, Valentino.”
“Go ahead. Rest, baby.” He thought he was gonna leave him, but instead, he leaned in and kissed his cheek, completely disgusting the sinner. He didn’t flinch or resist though, he knew what’d happen if he did. “Oh, I can’t wait to see you and Angie on stage together.” he let out another one of his creepy chuckles and finally let the first man go. Adam almost runned to his dressing room, closed the door behind him and threw himself on the couch.
“Fuuck.” He groaned and tried to grab his wine bottle without getting up.
“Adam?” A familiar voice came from outside.
“Door isn’t locked!” He yelled.
“Hey, dickmaster.” A pink spider demon came inside and sat down beside him, tilted his head back and watched as the demon managed to grab the bottle and drank it without standing up, like his life depended on it.
“Y’know you can choke yourself doin’ that, right?”
“Meh, who the fuck cares.” He get up dazedly and looked inside the bottle with one of his eyes.
“I don’t recommend dying on work hours, Val punishes the ones who do.”
“Unholy shit, that actually happened?!” Adam asked, his pupil-les eyes went wide.
“I saw three accidents.” Angel shrugged. “Any left for me?”
“Sorry, I guess that bitch camera guy sneaked up here again and stole my stash.”
“It’s fine. Wanna eat your food? We’re gonna need energy.” Angel asked and took out two containers out of his bag. “I made lasagna yesterday.”
“Oh, you bet I do then.” He smirked and took his own. Angel knew the best ways to make it.
They chatted together until their break ended.
“Adam! Get your ass here or there will be consequences!” A little window appeared in Adam’s mask, almost like a pop-up ad. It was their costume designer. “And bring Angel with you!”
“Fine, fine! Ugh.” He groaned, swiped the page to make it dissapear and get up. “Who’s idea was putting this shit on this again?” He mumbled to himself. “Let’s go cocksucker, we have another job to do.”
By the way, Adam’s mask in this is practically based on his original mask, a Voxtech product just for Adam. Like Vox’s screen, it’s like a screen-face.
I’ll continue this
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vixien11 · 6 months
Emily gets blackout drunk and writes a 1200 page erotica novel (maybe even longer) that makes her girlfriends (Charlie and vaggie) a mix between turned on and mildly concerned the more they read. The hazbins have a bit of a book club because NO ONE knows what’s in the book not even Emily cause she was completely blacked out. It’s a really good book too, the story beats, the characters, the emotions are all leaving the hotel impressed and gobsmacked.
Hah! Okay I just have to write this. Sorry I took a while to respond!(Totally not going to base the novel after a project I'm working on) Emily: (Wakes up groggily and rubs her face as she lifts her head away from a hard object) Ugh... I need to stop asking Charlie's aunt for beezle juice... (Looks down at the object her face was resting on to find a hardcover book called Weeping Horizons. After a moment of looking at it, she notices it says she wrote the book.) Emily: What? I.. I wrote a whole book..? It looks long. How did I even make it hardcover while drunk!? (She looks the book up and down) Well.. Better tell everyone else about this. Later, the whole crew is circled up around this book, eyeing it confusedly. Emily: Next thing I know, I'm wake up with this book. I don't even know what genre it is... (The Hazbins were looking at the book with awe as the cover had a feathered woman with long, pearly white hair curling around her face. The golden eyes of the women sparked a little bit off blood that was inching down her face.) Emily: But the cover looks like my art style.. Charlie: Alright. We'll just read it then! Can't be that bad. (Opens the book tentatively) An hour later, Angel is the only one immune enough to the contents of the book to read it out loud. Angel: Silk gasp as Phoenix licked the blood on her neck and drew circles on her collar bone... (Eyes widen) Okay.. Dove.. (Points at Emily) How the hell are YOU the one who wrote this..!? (Charlie and Vaggie are both blushing profusely and Emily is burying her face in a pillow) Emily: I DON'T KNOOOOW!! I WAS DRUNK OKAY?! Alastor: (Ears are back in asexual disapproval) Yet you have not one grammar mistake... (Flinches back with a small wendigo screech as he reads ahead.) Angel: Well at least I got the stomach for this. (Clears his throat before continuing to read) Half an hour later, it is Vaggie who is reading while the rest of the Hazbins are bawling their eyes out. Vaggie: (Wipes eye) Orchid knew she had made a grave error.. She knew her girlfriends despised her for every moment she had lied. Lied about her past. A shiver went down her spine as she watched Silk's eyes darken. A whimper escaped her.. (Her voice catches) Husk: (Lip trembles slightly) What the fuck are you doing?! Keep reading, dumbass! Angel: FUCK 'EM, ORCHID! I STAND BY YA!! THOSE BITCHES JUST NEED TA LISTEN TO YA! (Cries into Husk's shoulder) Cherri: Fuck you talkin' about, Angi? She ruined there relationship because she lied! She used to kill off civilians like it was pest control! Angel: (Head shooting up from Husk's shoulder) SHE CHANGED AND YOU KNOW IT!! Charlie + Emily: (Hiccupping and clutching either side of Vaggie for support) Cherri: Angi, I will go to war over this. HER REDEMTION ARC HAS BEEN LAME AS FUCK SO FAR!! Angel: (Dramatic ahh gasp) How FUCKING DARE you!! Vaggie: Is no one going to talk about how fucking tragic Pheonix is!? Like hello? Cursed to never be taken seriously but also is why everyone is still as mentally sound as they are! Charlie: (Wipes face) I am SUCH a Pheonix kinnie... Husk: Keep reading! Vaggie: (Sighs and mentally prepares to continue reading.) Should I keep writing this? :3
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willalove75 · 1 year
Alcina's New Maid Pt. 18 Lady Dimitrescu x Reader
Summary: Things at the meeting get out of hand and Alcina loses control.
Warnings: 18+ minors DNI. Canon violence, blood
Tags: angst, hurt, some comfort, the tiniest dash of fluff
Notes: Part 18! Shit gets real!
Click here for the rest of the series
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A soft click echoes through the dilapidated chapel when the door closes behind you. Alcina strides forward into the center of the room and you follow behind her right hand side.
"Donna, how have you been?" Alcina asks Donna who is sitting in a chair to the left of the small stage in the back of the room.
"Very well, and yourself, Lady Dimitrescu?"
"Excellent. I've been well. You remember my new handmaiden, yes?"
"Of course. Good morning." Angie's mouth moves but Donna's voice is what comes through.
"Good morning Lady Beneviento." You say with a bow.
"Hey! What about me?!" Angie says in her own voice.
Alcina rolls her eyes at the doll and waves her off.
"Yes, good morning to you too Angie." Alcina mumbles.
"That's what I like to hear! Your new bloodbag is cute, wonder how long she'll last!" Angie says before cackling loudly.
The doll hops off of Donna's lap and walks right up to you and looks up as she circles you.
"Hm, I guess she's okay. Probably won't last too long." She says before shooting you a wink and climbing back into Donna's lap.
"Good morning Miss Angie." You say with a bow.
"And she has manners! Who would've thought?!"
Alcina rolls her eyes again and turns towards the other side of the church. As you look around you notice that the chapel is in worse shape than the hallway that led the two of you here. The back of the room is being help up by what looks like makeshift scaffolding and there's a gaping hole in the ceiling.
"Ah, Salvatore, good morning." Alcina says.
As you look up you see a hunched over man with a rather large hump on his back. He's wearing a black leather jacket that looks more like a cloak draped over him with a crown of, are those bones? Fastened to the hood. Strands of black scraggily hair dangle just below the multiple tumor-like lumps on his neck and face.
Moreau looks up at Alcina and waves with a purple-grey webbed hand.
"Good morning Lady." He gurgles.
"Salvatore, I would like you to meet my new handmaiden." Alcina says, gesturing to you.
"Good morning Lord Moreau." You say with a bow.
The man lets out a noise that almost sounds like a sob. When you look up you see a mouth full of rotted and crooked teeth, most of which are nearly pointing outwards towards you. It's then you realize that he's laughing. A feeling of uneasiness washes over you and you look up at Alcina to find her narrowing her eyes at the man.
"Oh this must be the one mother was speaking of!" He says as he excitedly claps his hands together. "Mother said she has many fun things planned for you!"
"Has she now?" Alcina says as her stare intensifies.
Moreau looks up at Alcina and the glee in his eyes quickly fades. He begins to stutter and she cuts him off.
"Well I certainly hope mothers plans on playing nice. We all know that I take pride in keeping what is mine in pristine condition and that I don't like when my property is damaged." She says through her teeth.
You watch as the ice laced in her voice causes Salvatore to shrink back into himself. He begins to tremble under her stare and just when you think the man before you is going to fall down to his knees and beg for her forgiveness, the back doors swing open with a loud "BANG."
Everyone turns and looks towards the direction the noise came from to find Heisenberg strutting through the doors with his hammer slung over his shoulder.
"Heisenberg. Do you have any manners?" Alcina hisses as she walks towards him.
"Yeah, yeah, whatever. It's not like this dump could get any worse."
"You're late."
"So is the bird bitch but I bet I won't see you saying shit to her about it." Alcina glares at him and his gaze shifts to you. "Hey kid, gotcha something."
He tosses something at you and you're able to catch it even though you were caught off guard. Alcina eyes what's in your hand as you unravel it and you realize it's a dagger in a leg holster. You slide the dagger out of its holster to take a look at it. Right away you notice the Dimitrescu coat of arms engraved into both sides of the hilt. The dagger is lightweight but razor-sharp, it's beautiful.
"Thank you very much, Lord Heisenberg. It's wonderful, your craftsmanship is excellent." You say with a bow.
"Don't thank me yet. You can thank me when you know it works." He shoots you a wink and Alcina's glare towards him intensifies. "Go ahead, slap that baby on!"
You look up at Alcina to see that her eyes are still aimed at Karl. Her gazes drops down to you and she sighs and gives you a nod. Stepping aside, you turn away from everyone and strap the dagger to your thigh so you can easily grab it with your dominant hand. After making sure it's secure and easily accessible, you smooth out your dress over it and turn back to the two of them and give them a nod.
Karl gives you a nod and Alcina places her hand on your back and begins to guide you towards her large chair. Karl sits in the pew opposite of her and you stand to her right just a touch behind her.
"Sal, Donna, china doll." Karl says, nodding to each person.
"HEY! I'm not china doll!" Angie screeches.
"Might as well be, Frankenstein." He drawls.
"Listen you! Keep it up and you're gonna regret it!"
"What are you gonna do? Give me a splinter?"
Donna has to restrain Angie in her lap so she doesn't jump out and run over to Karl.
"I'll show you what I can do!"
Alcina pinches the bridge of her nose, trying to keep her temper from getting away from her.
Just as Karl is about to retort and Alcina's patience nearly runs out there's a burst of black feathers in the center of the stage. Mother Miranda steps out from the black cloud in her usual garb. Alcina releases the breath she was holding and Angie and Karl's bickering immediately stops.
"My children, good morning."
"Good morning Mother Miranda." You all say in unison.
"I hope this morning finds you all well." She says, looking at each person in the chapel. Her eyes wander from Karl, to Sal, to Donna and Angie, to Alcina and finally land on you. You watched as each person, Angie included, met her gaze and bowed their head so you do the same when she catches your eyes. "Ah, y/n. So wonderful to have you with us today."
"The pleasure is all mine, Mother Miranda." You say.
"You will be taking today's notes, is that correct?"
"Yes Mother Miranda."
"Excellent." She walks over to you and places a book and a pen into your hands. "I look forward to reading your recordings. Please, pull up a chair." She says, gesturing to a knocked over chair behind you.
Looking at Alcina, she gives you a nod and you move to pick up the chair, placing it in the exact spot you were standing; on Alcina's right side just a little behind her. Mother Miranda watches your every move until you're seated and have the book open in your lap. After looking you over once more she makes her way back to the center of the stage.
"It has come to my attention that there have been hunters in the vicinity of the castle, is that correct Heisenberg?"
"Yes, my lycans have encountered nearly 20 of them in the span of just a few days. They seem organized and heavily armored. Two were also spotted a few miles south of Potter's Field as well as two more south of the reservoir. My lycans went out to find more and to follow them back to their base but they haven't seen any more since the last encounter."
"And did you meet with Alcina like I had asked of you?"
"Yes, we met the other day to discuss a plan. I am increasing the amount of lycans I have patrolling the castle grounds. I am also sending out extra lycans to both Potter's Field and the reservoir to patrol."
"And I plan on patrolling the castle grounds myself this week to see what I can find." Alcina adds.
"Excellent. Were there any prisoners taken?" Miranda asks.
"My lycans were able to get one after the last fight, but the prisoner put a bullet in his own head before they were able to get anything useful out of him."
"Well, that's certainly interesting, isn't it?"
"Can't say it's happened before."
"And when the base is located, what is the plan?"
"We plan on taking some time to quietly scout it out. Get a rough layout, a headcount of the amount of hunters that are there, what kind of weapons they have and if we can get wind of their plans. Once the information is gathered we will act accordingly."
Mother Miranda, Karl and Alcina discuss the hunters more as you continue to take as detailed notes as possible. Donna and Salvatore chime in every so often with questions and suggestions. Donna said that if the hunters do end up entering the field she will use her cadou powers to get rid of them. Moreau seemed more worried and mentioned that he doesn't have as much control over his mutations as his siblings, leaving him more vulnerable. Karl and Alcina reassured him that they will take extra precautions to ensure his safety.
"Does anyone have any more questions or concerns?" Mother Miranda asks. When no one says anything, her eyes shift over to you. "Well then, it seems as though this portion of the meeting is finished. Y/n, if you could be so kind, could you please bring me your notes?"
You feel your body tense and your eyes shift towards Alcina. Alcina's eyes are narrowed towards Mother Miranda. Miranda returns Alcina's look and Alcina turns her head towards you and gives you a nod. There's a worry in her eyes you can tell she's trying to hide. Maybe no one else can see it, but you can. Perhaps because you're trying to hide the same look from your eyes.
"Well, well, Alcina. Do you have this one well trained." Miranda says as she watches you move towards her.
The short walk towards Miranda felt like it was a mile long. As hard as you tried to keep your nerves at bay you could feel your heartbeat increase with each step towards her. You truly felt like you were walking into the lions den. Miranda extends her hand and you give her the book. She flips through it, skimming through the notes you've taken. After a minute she closes the book and holds it down. Angie jumps out of Donna's lap and grabs the book from Miranda and returns to Donna. Miranda takes a step towards you and you feel your breath freeze in your lungs. You do your best to keep your face neutral but your heartbeat is so loud it's drowning out the sound of everything else around you.
"Excellent job. Your penmanship is quite exquisite."
"Thank you, Mother Miranda." You say as you bow your head.
Just before you're about to pick your head back up you feel cold metal against your skin. Opening your eyes you realize Miranda has placed one of her talon-clad knuckles under your chin and lifts your gaze up to meet hers.
"So, you are Alcina's new handmaiden?"
"Yes Mother Miranda."
"What else?"
"I'm sorry, I don't understand?"
"What else do you do for her?" She hisses.
"I do anything my Mistress asks of me, Mother Miranda." You say, trying to keep your voice from shaking.
"Anything, you say?"
"Yes Mother Miranda." You say before you swallow hard.
"What about you is so special? Why would she chose you, purchase you, a poor orphan? A useless wretch?"
You can hear Alcina shift uncomfortably in her chair and Miranda's eyes snap towards her. They slide back to you and an evil grin creeps across her lips.
Before you know it, the finger that was under your chin snaps down and she grabs you by the neck and lifts you up.
Instinctively, your hands grab at her wrist and your feet dangle just above the ground. Mother Miranda slowly presses the base of her palm against the front of your throat and she begins choking you. You start to sputter and your feet start to flail.
"Mother Miranda that is enough!" Alcina roars as she stands to her full height.
Miranda holds out a finger towards Alcina, signaling for her to wait.
"What is it about her that makes you want to protect her so, my daughter?" She asks while she examines you. "What about her is so special? So special in fact that you are unwilling to allow me to use her in my experiments?"
"Mother Miranda let her go!"
Miranda's grasp around your neck only tightens as she cuts off the rest of your airflow. Her sharp talons dig into your skin and you feel blood begin to trickle down your neck.
"Just how much are you willing to sacrifice, Alcina? I had to teach Karl a similar lesson all those years ago. I never thought you would be in need of one as well but perhaps I was wrong about you all along."
"Mother Miranda, please! She is not a distraction, I am still working diligently towards your goal, please just let her go!"
As you're struggling in her grasp you see Donna and Angie in your peripheral vision as your eyes dart around the room. Donna is as stiff as a mannequin but Angie has a look of horror on her face. You hear movement to your right and you look over to see Moreau staring at Miranda with a look of excitement on his face and Karl next to him with his hammer in his hand. You feel something move on your leg and you realize it's Karl wiggling the dagger, reminding you it's there. Your vision begins to blur as you gasp and the world around you begins to spin.
"Are you sure I don't need to teach you a lesson Alcina?"
"Yes Mother, please!"
An evil chuckle emerges from her lips. With her free hand, Mother Miranda digs her talon into your clavicle and pulls down as blood begins to pour down your chest. Her talon in your skin feels like a hot knife and you can't do anything but scream out in pain before she throws you to the ground.
You feel the impact of the hard stone but it doesn't register right away. The first thing you do is gasp for air as your hands go to your neck and chest.
Alcina begins to step towards you and you hear Miranda tsk at her.
"My, my, Alcina. I've never seen you care for such a disposable maiden before. Maybe you do need to learn a lesson after all."
"Mother no!" You hear Alcina shout before the ground next to you splits in two and a black vine shoots up towards the sky. Pieces of stone are sent flying across the room and the vine dives down towards you.
Mother Miranda cackles as the vine wraps around your neck again and lifts you into the air. You hear Alcina scream and when you look over towards her, her legs and arms are being bound by more vines.
The vines begin to choke you as they dangle you in front of Alcina, just outside of her reach. There is fear in her eyes, you can see the terror as she watches the vine around your neck tighten its grip. Alcina roars and rips her arm out of one of the vines when you reach out towards her. The vine holding you pulls you further away. A new vine tries to grab Alcina's free hand but her claws come out and she shreds it when it tries to grapple her.
Remembering the dagger strapped to your leg, you reach down and grab it. Even something as simple as grabbing the dagger that's strapped to you is harder than it should be. Your vision starts to get spotty and you put all of your focus into reaching for the blade. Your bloodied fingers are able to find the grooved hilt, they graze over the coat of arms engraving and you're able to grab it. With one quick swipe you manage to cut through the vine. When you're released from it's grasp you plummet to the floor and hit the ground. The noise of metal against stone rings in your ears as the dagger bounces away. Air once again floods your lungs and after a moment you're able to breathe.
Before you can catch your breath, another vine lunges towards you and you dodge it. The dagger isn't far from your grasp so you crawl across the dirt coated stone floor and grab it. Another vine comes at you and you roll away. When you're finally able to get back to your feet another, thicker vine shoots towards you and you parry it, slicing it with the sharp blade. More vines come at you and you're able to evade most of the attacks. Each time one wraps around one of your limbs you're able to cut it off and escape. Looking over at Alcina, thicker, stronger vines try to hold her back but her focus stays on you. She has both fear and rage in her eyes. You notice them widen when you make eye contact with her and she yells out "draga!"
By the time you see the vine coming towards you it's too late. It wraps itself around the hand your dagger is in and crawls up your forearm. In one hark flick the vine throws you across the room, the dagger flying out of your grasp.
You're thrown into debris and broken pews and Alcina screams. When you open your eyes everything is blurry and spinning. As your vision stabilizes and clears you see her shred through the vines holding her in place. She claws at every vine that comes her way as she runs towards you before she falls to her knees and scoops you into her arms.
Everything around you spins again and all you see are more vines coming towards you. Instinctively, you close your eyes and wait for the vines to wrap around you once more. Alcina's body violently twitches and she lets out a pained cry. A horrific tearing sound and the cracking of bones fill your ears as she cries out and holds you tighter. With one last twitch Alcina's shoulders slump forward, all of the noise fades and you notice that the light has dimmed through your closed eyelids. When you open them up again, you're met with Alcina's golden eyes. Looking around you see massive white, veiny wings surrounding you both. Alcina brushes the hair out of your face and you meet her gaze once more.
"I have you, draga mea. I have you." She whispers with a trembling voice.
You bring your hand to her face and stroke her cheek with your thumb. Alcina closes her eyes and leans into your touch. A slow clap pulls the two of you away from your moment and Alcina pulls her wings back allowing the light in. She turns with you in her arms and Mother Miranda is standing at the edge of the stage slowly clapping her hands.
"Well, well. That was quite a show. Your little handmaid is more dexterous than I would have thought. And you, Alcina, care more deeply for her than I ever would have imagined. You defy me, for her?" She says, her voice growing cold.
You can feel the rapid rise and fall of Alcina's chest against your body, you can practically feel the anger radiating off of her.
"I have told you before, Mother, she is mine. She is my property. You said you understood and that you would leave her be."
"You care for her?"
"You need her?"
"Then prove it."
Alcina's grip around you tightens and you look up at her and back to Mother Miranda. Miranda has a sinister smirk on her face and it's worse than unsettling. It's downright terrifying.
"Prove it, Alcina. Prove to me that you care for her, that you need her. Feed from her."
Terror flashes before Alcina's eyes and by the time you blink it's gone. She's nearly trembling as she stares at Miranda. It's mostly out of anger but there's something about her that makes you feel her fear. Whether or not Miranda can feel it too is something you're unsure of. For whatever reason, Alcina is worried about feeding from you and you don't know why. She's done it plenty of times before and there's never been any issues. There's something about this that's different, but you don't know what.
"If you do, I give you my word, I will leave her alone. For good." She says, her sinister smile curling upwards even more.
Alcina's wings flare at Miranda's statement and she looks down at you. Looking up to meet her gaze, you see how scared she is, but you also see something else, something you've never seen before. It's almost animalistic, feral even. The both of you know this is your only chance, but deep down you know that if Mother Miranda knew this would be easy she never would have suggested it. It worries you but you're much more afraid of Miranda than you are of Alcina, even if the look in her eyes is completely feral. This was your one shot, you had to take it.
You raise your hand to Alcina's cheek and stroke it with your thumb.
"It's okay, I trust you." You whisper.
Miranda chuckles and Alcina looks up and glares at her. She looks back down at you and you smile at her, nodding your head. Her grip on you relaxes and when it does you notice her golden eyes begin to cloud with white. Alcina lifts you towards her mouth and she leans down.
She inhales deeply through her nose into your neck and you can feel and hear a deep growl come from inside her chest. You've heard her growl before but this was stronger, more primal than you've ever heard before. Alcina begins to suck and lick the perfect spot on your neck. Each movement becoming more frenzied than the last. Whenever Alcina fed from you previously she was always gentle, she made sure it was as painless as possible every time. This time you can feel her control slipping and a bolt of fear shoots through you.
The moment you felt that fear it was like Alcina was able to smell it. Because the moment after it hit you she bit down into your neck harder than she ever has before. You clench your jaw to keep the yelp in but you still grunt in pain. After biting through your flesh Alcina takes deep gulps from your neck, her grip on you tightening once more.
This is the worst pain you've ever felt in your life and she isn't making it any better. Previously, Alcina would barely move as she fed from you, but today her head and neck are bobbing with each gulp. Every time she sucks down more blood you can feel her teeth sinking further and further into your body. You can hear them tearing through muscles and tendons, the noises make your stomach churn. Every time she bites through something else inside of you you can feel every inch of her teeth against parts of you body that should never be exposed.
Alcina has never taken this much blood from you and you realize that she's completely out of control. She doesn't realize how much she's hurting you, and right now, she doesn't care. This is why Miranda wanted her to do this. She knew she wouldn't be in control of herself. Miranda wanted Alcina to be the one that kills you.
Another bolt of fear shoots through you and Alcina becomes more ravenous.
"Alcina!" You say, trying to push her off of you. "Alcina! Stop!"
She grabs your wrist and pulls it away from her face, as if you're getting in her way. You start to thrash in her grasp as panic sets in. She's going to kill you. The harder you fight the tighter her grip on you becomes and the more she drinks.
"Alcina please! Stop! You're hurting me!" You cry.
You were trying to keep your tears from falling but now you've lost all control of them. As you continue to try, and fail, to fight her off you start to feel weak. Soon you physically can't fight back anymore. Tears stream down your face and you cry out to her.
"Alcina, please! Please stop! That's enough, please!"
Your begs fall on deaf ears. This isn't Alcina, you don't know who - or what - has possessed her but this isn't the woman you love right now. That woman is far gone and has been replaced with a bloodthirsty creature you've never seen before. The more she drinks, the more lightheaded you feel. You can feel her teeth scraping against the artery in your neck and the fear gets stronger. If she punctures it, that's it. You'll be dead in minutes. There has to be something you can do to save yourself, isn't there? You don't want to die, not like this.
Alcina, the woman you love, is going to be the death of you. She's going to be the one who kills you. It breaks your heart knowing how devastated she's going to be when she realizes what she's done. If you were going to die, you're glad it would be by her hand at least. You would chose being killed by Alcina as opposed to Mother Miranda any day of the week, but still, you don't want to die.
The world around you begins to blur and you think back to your training with Cassandra, desperately trying to remember if you learned anything that could help you right now. The entire time you were training was to help you defend yourself against Miranda, you never thought you would have to defend yourself against Alcina.
As the thoughts flood your mind you remember something Cassandra had said at dinner after your first day of training. You were too exhausted to really participate in the conversation but you remember she said something about how prey tastes better when it's afraid. The fear sweetens the blood.
A lightbulb goes off in your head. The room begins to spin faster and your vision gets blurrier but you do your best to completely relax in her arms. You stop fighting against the hand she has around your wrist and after a few moments she loosens her grip enough for you to slide out of it. Bringing it to her face, you begin to caress her cheek and whisper to her.
"Alcina, my love, please. That's enough. That's enough."
You know you can't handle much more, if she doesn't stop, that's it. As you continue to caress her cheek with the little strength you have left you realize there's a very good chance you won't be able to stop her. One nick to that artery and you're done. More tears fall down your cheeks as you make peace with the fact that this is how you're going to die.
"I love you, Alcina. I love you. Let me go, that's enough."
Just as you feel like you're about to lose consciousness, just as you feel her starting to bite down harder into that artery, she eases up. Mustering up the tiny amount of energy and lifeforce you have left, you continue to caress her cheek and whisper to her.
"That's enough my love, that's enough."
Alcina pulls away from your neck and you feel the blood pour down your shoulder and back. It takes a lot of energy but you manage to open your eyes. When you look up you expect to be met with Alcina's golden irises but instead you're met with completely white eyes. As if the gold was never there to begin with. Her impassive eyes stare down at you as you bleed in her arms from your neck and chest wounds. Alcina's face is covered in your blood, coating her chin down to her neck and chest. She looks like a predator that just had its way with its prey.
Her grip around you tightens and her breathing starts to increase and her eyes widen as if she's afraid.
"Shh, I'm okay." You whisper as you stroke her face again. "I'm okay."
She leans down and you close your eyes. You feel her nose against your cheek as she gently nudges you, like a mother animal nuzzling her baby. A whimper escapes from her and you open your eyes once more.
"I'm okay," you say as you struggle to stay conscious. "I'm okay."
Alcina's eyes dart up as Mother Miranda takes a step forward. A deep warning growl rumbles in her chest towards Miranda. Miranda takes another step forward and Alcina takes one large step backwards, baring her teeth and snarling at her, holding you in a protective position in her arms. Mother Miranda doesn't take another step forward and Alcina takes one more step backwards before kneeling to the ground and covering the both of you with her wings again. Your eyes open when you feel her nudge you again with her nose and after you make eye contact with her she nuzzles you.
Alcina leans in towards the wound and you try to lift your hand but you're too weak.
"No more Alcina, please."
She pulls back and nudges you again. A loud purr erupts from her chest and you can feel the vibration throughout your body. She leans in towards the wound again. You realize that she isn't going to feed anymore so you don't stop her. Alcina licks over the open wound, cleaning away the blood. It's still bleeding profusely but the more Alcina tends to it, the less it bleeds. The purring in her chest echoes throughout the chapel as she continues to clean you. When she's finished she places a soft kiss to the wound and pulls away, you open your eyes to see the white in her eyes slowly fading back into gold.
Alcina blinks a few times and a few tears roll down her cheeks. She puts her forehead to yours and holds you tight.
"I'm sorry, I'm so sorry draga." She whispers.
Her arms begin to tremble and she pulls away, wiping the tears from her eyes. Standing back up, her wings fold against her back, opening you up to the rest of the chapel once more.
Glaring at Mother Miranda, Alcina doesn't wait for her to speak.
"Are we finished here?" She says through bloody, gritted teeth.
Mother Miranda tilts her head as she observes the two of you for a moment.
"Very well. I suppose so. Meeting adjourned."
In a burst of black feathers, Miranda is gone. Alcina wastes no time opening up her wings and begins to beat them. After a few seconds her feet are off the ground and she's flying through the air and out of the hole in the chapels ceiling with you in her arms.
If you were more conscious you would be either terrified or amazed as she flies you over the castle grounds. Since you can barely keep your eyes open you focus on the feeling of the wind in your face and try to stay awake.
Alcina lands on the balcony of her chambers. The blood she took from you is starting to take its effect and she can finally let her wings disintegrate. It's uncomfortable but not nearly as painful as it is when they rip themselves out of her back when they form. She dusts off her dress and ducks into the room.
She lays you on the bed and cuts your uniform off of you and removes the now empty leg holster. After taking off her gloves - her hat had fallen off and was forgotten about during the fight - she grabs medical supplies from the bathroom and returns to your bedside.
Truthfully, you feel half dead, you probably looked it too. The blood loss you've suffered is making you a little delusional. You think you're in Alcina's room but you're not quite sure since the room is spinning and your vision is blurry and black spots are fading in and out of it.
The wound on your neck opened up again and continues to bleed. Luckily she never hit your artery but you're still bleeding too much. Alcina takes out gauze and places it over the bite mark, applying pressure to stop the bleeding. The feeling of pressure on your wound sends a lightening rod of pain through your body and you cry out as you try and move out of her grasp.
"Shh, I know it hurts draga, I know. I have to apply pressure to it, we have to get the bleeding under control." She pleads with you as you start to thrash under her grip. "Draga please!"
The more she tries to restrain you the more you scream and cry. You don't understand that she's trying to help, all you know is that you're in pain and you need it to stop.
The door to Alcina's room swings open and the three girls swarm inside.
"What's going on?!" Bela asks.
"WHAT HAPPENED?!" Daniela screams when she sees you, a bloodied mess, on her mothers bed.
"Hold her down!" Alcina yells at the girls. The three of them remain frozen in place. "Now, damnit!"
Bela flies to the other side of the bed and holds your arms down, Daniela and Cassandra each hold down one of your legs. Alcina continues to apply pressure to the wound and you shake your head back and fourth trying to get her off. A large hand cups your face and holds you still. Opening your eyes you see Alcina's golden eyes filled with tears.
"I know it hurts draga, I know. I have to stop the bleeding. Please, please relax."
Your body is still in fight or flight mode but your brain begins to register that she's trying to help. Staring into her eyes, you stop flailing and start to cry.
"It hurts." You say through tears.
"I know, I know. I'm so sorry, just hold still, it'll all be over soon. I promise."
"Mama, was this you?" Daniela asks as her wide eyes stare at the blood soaked gauze at your neck.
Alcina can't bear to look her daughter in the eye. She turns her head as the tears she's desperately holding back threaten to fall.
"What happened?" Cassandra says through her teeth. Alcina keeps her head turned and Cassandras tone becomes ice cold. "Mother, what did you do?"
Looking down at Cassandra, you feel her grip on your calf tighten and you see the anger in her eyes directed towards her mother. As the panic in you fades, you realize just how angry she is at Alcina. For all she knows Alcina lost control and almost killed you on her own.
"Cassandra, please." Alcina whispers.
"You almost killed her!" She yells.
"It's not her fault." You say with a rasped whisper.
From Mother Miranda's hand and vines around your neck, your throat is in pain and you can barely speak. Cassandra's gaze shifts from her mother to you. Her eyes are just as intense but have less rage directed your way.
"It was Miranda's fault. She made her."
Speaking just that much was enough to properly exhaust you. You close your eyes and Cassandra looks back at her mother.
"Cassandra I didn't have a choice-"
"I told you she was evil!" Cassandra yells. "We've been telling you for years that Mother Miranda is horrible and you wouldn't listen to us! Now look what happened! You almost killed her! This never would have happened if you told that bitch to fuck off!"
"Cassandra Dimitrescu-"
"No! I don't care! I don't care if Miranda made you, this is your fault! Look at what you've done to her!" She yells, gesturing to your bloodied and bruised body. "Look at what you did!"
Alcina stares at Cassandra with her mouth open in shock. Out of the three girls Cassandra was always the one that talked back the most but she's never screamed at Alcina like this before. The room is so silent you can hear a pin drop. Looking at her daughter, Alcina reaches out to put her hand on her arm.
Cassandra's arm turns to flies and Alcina's hand goes straight through it.
"No, I don't want to hear it. I don't care. I'm so sick of this bullshit!" She shouts before swarming out of the room.
Alcina's hand covers her mouth as she sits there in shock. She begins to tremble as she tries with all of her strength to keep herself from breaking down in front of you and her daughters. No matter how hard she squeezes her eyes shut the tears begin to pour down her cheeks.
Bela and Daniela sit on the bed frozen. Cassandra was always the most like Alcina, their tempers practically mirroring one another, but this was the only time they've ever seen her scream at someone like that that wasn't a maid. They never thought they would ever see her flip out on either one of them like that, no less their mother.
Shaking her head trying to rid herself of the tears, Alcina grabs more gauze from the medical kit and replaces it with the blood-soaked gauze on your neck. She's trying to busy herself so she doesn't break down but her hands are trembling with every movement and her eyebrows are knit so closely they've practically become one.
"Bela," Alcina says with a shaking voice. "Do you think her chest wound will require stitches?"
Bela looks at her mother with confusion and worry for a moment before examining the cut Miranda gave you.
"No, I don't think so. It doesn't look deep. If it's taken care of properly it shouldn't scar too badly."
"Good. Bandage it up please."
"Bela, please. Do it now." Alcina says as she barely holds on to her composure.
Bela makes quick work of the cut, applying an ointment to prevent infection - that stung like a bitch - and bandaging it up. As she tends to your wound Alcina is focused on your neck. She continues to check to see if the bleeding has stopped and it hasn't, although it has slowed. The longer Alcina looks at the wound she gave you, the harder it is for her to hold back.
"Okay, it's done."
"Thank you. That is all girls," she says as her voice shakes. "you may go."
Tears begin to roll down her cheeks and her breath trembles as she inhales.
"But mom-" Daniela says.
"No, go." The girls say nothing but don't move. The thin rope Alcina was clinging to snaps and a sob breaks out. "Just go!" She shouts as she waves them off.
With one hand still applying pressure to your neck, her other hand rests on your chest. Alcina folds forward, her head laying on top of her hand and the dam breaks. Her shoulders shake as she cries into you, Bela and Daniela exchange looks and they both move off of the bed. Both of them give their mothers arm a loving squeeze before they leave the room, shutting the door behind them.
Your hand finds the back of Alcina's head and you run your fingers through her hair as you try and comfort her.
"It's not your fault Alci, it's not your fault."
"Yes it is. I'm a monster."
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tickletails · 1 year
Ok so I wanna believe that Prismo has TRIED to tickle the Scarab before when he’s stopped by for a check up. He was being a stick in the ass as per ushe & Prismo was like “lighten up dude” & poked his side. Of course he got bitched out & the Scarab stabbed his hand with his cane for even trying. But now they’re trapped together in an empty box & Prismo is the silliest boy of all & easily gets bored. Luckily he’s just as easy to entertain!
Scarab tries to spend all his time cleaning to ignore Prismo but he’s just happy to finally have a friend who isn’t allowed to leave lmao. But when he just wants to hang out & the Scarab would literally rather scrub the floors, that’s insulting! & besides, he deserves a break even if he doesn’t want one. So he pokes him to get his attention, intending on asking if he wants to watch tv but the Scarab freaks out & hisses. Prismo realizes what happened & is so giddy because “he’s always wondered what his laugh sounds like!” & Scrabby is threatening him through giggles & he has no way to fight back against it. But afterward Prismo is so smug & teasy like “there, don’t you feel better now? I sure do! I think maybe all you needed was a good laugh!” Scarab is soooo angy & embarrassed it’s the best!
YOU. Oh this is so fucking TRUE i love the idea of prismo having such a mischevious side when it comes down to it and would 100% take advantage of finding out scarab is ticklish.. ALSO honestly i never thought about lee scarab before but this ask has opened my eyes thank you. i just know being tickled would make him so mad :3c
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unkownbee · 9 months
Eliza: Stop doing that.
Alexander: Stop doing what?
Eliza: Saying things that make me wanna kiss the hell out of you.
Eliza: Can you name a single city in Oklahoma?
Alexander: Oklahoma City, bitch!
('Tis a joke. Ham would never swear at his lovely wife)
Alexander: Where did you get that tomato soup?
Eliza: It’s actually a bowl of ketchup I just microwaved.
(When Eliza's too tired to put effort into cooking actual food)
Alexander: So you like cats?
Eliza: Yeah.
Alexander: Tries to impress her by slowly pushing a glass off the table.
Alexander: You got a date yet Eliza?
Eliza: No.
Alexander: Well you do now! Get your ass up and hold my hand!
Eliza: You’d be stupid to lay a hand on me.
Alexander: Oh, you’d be surprised how much stupid shit I do.
(She's mad at him because he swore in front of baby Philip and Angie)
Alexander: Thought I was meowing back at my cat for the past hour, but it was just me and Eliza meowing at each other from different rooms in the house.
(I don't know if they would actually do this, but I like to believe they would <3)
Alexander: Snow got me feeling some type of way.
Eliza: That's hypothermia.
Alexander: Damn, the paramedics told me it was the magic of Christmas.
(Eliza is very much concerned and trying to get him to go inside and sit in front of the fire)
Eliza: The first time I saw you, you stole my heart.
Alexander: But I'm a kleptomaniac, so that doesn't mean anything.
(Oh, it means everything <3)
Eliza: Let’s watch Sharkboy and Lavagirl.
Alexander: Okay.
Eliza: And make out during the scary parts.
Alexander: Th-
Alexander: The scary parts.
Alexander: Of Sharkboy and Lavagirl.
(Yes, Alexander. She didn't stutter. The scary parts. Of Sharkboy and Lavagirl)
Alexander: I’m so tired.
Eliza: Did you get to bed late?
Alexander: No.
Eliza: Did you do something strenuous?
Alexander: No.
Eliza: Then why are you tired?
Alexander: I’m alive.
Eliza: Sounds exhausting.
(Eliza is right. Being alive is super exhausting 😔)
Alexander: Can I have 2 straws with that milkshake?
Eliza: Aww-
Alexander: With 2 straws, I can drink it double as fast!
(No, because he would definitely do this. You can't prove otherwise)
Alexander: I don't know how to tell you this, but... I love you.
Eliza: That's great, Alexander. Especially considering the fact we've been married for 10 years and have 4 children.
(Ham just got back from drinking with his friends. He's drunk 😁)
Alexander, trying to flirt: So, you come around here often?
Eliza, confused: I mean, this is our house, so yeah.
Eliza: Alex, could we go shopping? All the snacks are gone.
Alexander comes home absolutely drunk, undresses, and stands in Eliza’s bedroom.
Eliza: Babe, are you.. coming to bed?
Alexander: No thank you, I’m sure you’re lovely but I have a girlfriend.
Alexander: Lies on the ground and falls asleep.
Eliza: ...
Eliza: We're literally married, though???
(Again, Ham is drunk 😁👍)
Eliza: Do you want to explain the text you sent me last night?
Alexander: It was autocorrect.
Eliza: Autocorrect wrote "You're so hot. Please step on me"?
Alexander: Yes.
(Yeah, that happens sometimes. Totally 👍)
Eliza: Alexander, can I speak to you for a minute? In private.
Alexander: Ooh, someone's in trouble. It's me. I don't know why I did that.
(Again, Ham swore in front of the kids)
Eliza: I want to wake up with you every day for the rest of our lives.
Alexander: I wake up at 4:30 AM every day.
Eliza: I want to see you at some point every day for the rest of our lives.
(And that's on those rare occasions that he actually does sleep)
Eliza: Okay, I’m going to get the wedding cake.
Alexander: Perfect, while you do that I’ll check on the ring bear.
Eliza: ...
Eliza: You mean ring bearER, right?
Alexander: ...
Eliza: Look me in the eyes and tell me you are not going to bring a dangerous wild animal to our wedding.
(He totally is. As he should 😌✨)
Eliza: And have you learnt anything this Christmas, Alexander?
Alexander: …Not really.
Eliza: Nothing?
Alexander: Tell you one thing I have learnt—Christmas; ultimately, commercial holiday. Who's the real winner at Christmas? Amazon. they have drones now! Tiny little dystopian slaves delivering iPads and headphones. I ordered a toaster; It was on the doorstep five hours later! Do we need that? It was 4.99! For a toaster! I mean, someone's being exploited there.
(And that, kids, is the true meaning of Christmas. Exploiting people into buying stuff that they don't really need under the guise of it being worth it. That also fits for Black Friday, actually-)
Alexander: Alright, so the vampire's gravestone is—
Eliza: Cenotaph.
Alexander: What?
Eliza: It's only a gravestone if it marks the location of a body. A monument honouring someone whose body isn't present is a cenotaph.
Alexander: I'm... not sure that's how it works if the body gets up and walks away on its own.
Eliza: There's a precedent for gravestones being reclassified as cenotaphs if the body is later removed and reinterred elsewhere. There's no rule that says the body itself can't do the removing.
Alexander: Okay, but the body is very much coming back. That's kind of what we're here to accomplish.
Eliza: So it's a temporary cenotaph.
Alexander: And naturally our greatest concern here is avoiding semantic ambiguity.
Eliza: Semantic ambiguity is how vampires get you.
(I just thought this one was silly. I liked it)
Alexander: My future partner must be brave, strong, intelligent, successful and organized.
Eliza: Steps on a caterpillar and proceeds to drop to her knees and sob while apologizing profusely.
Alexander: That one. I want that one.
Eliza: I still have no idea how I’m attracted to you...
Alexander: Yeah, well, you’re stuck with me, and no take backs, honey.
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acidnhuskerdust · 8 months
let me be your everlasting light (part 1/3)
18 plus! Minors DNI!!!
Pairing: Husk x Angel Chapter 1: can’t take the effect and make it the cause
Summary: During a rough night at the studio, Angel made the terrible mistake of moaning out Husk's name at the climax of his shoot. After dealing with Valentino's abuse, the spider demon wanted to place blame on the one who is always plaguing his thoughts.
Warnings: Angst, mentions of abused and violence, a very angy Angel, breaking down
Word Count: 3.8k
A/N: Hi hello! I'm VERY new to this fandom, always loved Hazbin Hotel but never delved into the fandom until the fourth episode of the show!
Hopefully they are in character enough, sorta think of it as a character arc for Angel I suppose? LOL!!!
Main title: Everlasting Light by the Black Keys
Chapter title: Effect and Cause by The White Stripes
AO3 link: x (The 2nd chapter is there as well!)
A plume of smoke escapes past Angel’s lips as the sound of his heels clicking on the floor fill the space of the empty hotel lobby. There was a look of exhaustion etched on his face while he made his way towards the bar. It was a hell of a day at the studio, dried mascara caked on the fur of his cheeks and his lipstick smudged across his lips. Everything ached with widespread pain, yet the spider demon forced himself to walk with poise. 
While approaching the bar, his eyes fixated on Husk, his back turned towards him whilst cleaning a glass with a rag. The gentle yellow of the lights above him casting down onto his fur made it look all so peaceful. 
Angel’s lips tug up into a soft smile at the sight, Husk has swiftly become his favorite demon to see after such an agonizingly long day.
He goes to settle down on a bar stool, allowing himself to slump forward. He props an elbow on the bar, resting his chin on his hand. “Hey Husky,” He purrs out, his voice a bit scratchy. “Mind pourin’ lil ol me a drink?” His other hand takes the cigarette dangling loosely from his lips, snuffing it out on the nearby ash tray. 
Husk lets out a quiet grunt of acknowledgment, setting down the glass he had been cleaning and reaching for a bottle. He turns around with the bottle in hand and silently takes in the sight of Angel before him. His eyes, half-hidden under drooping eyelids and thick brows, seems to drink in the bedraggled figure of his friend. 
“Looking like shit, doll,” Husk rasps out finally with the slightest sort of tenderness seeping into his gravelly voice. “Must have been rough today.” 
Angel lets out a snicker, finding the nickname sweet as can be as he watches Husk pour him a drink. He sits up, taking the glass into one of his hands and bringing it up to his lips. He takes a large gulp, drinking half of it one go before setting it back down on the bar. A sigh of satisfaction leaves him, enjoying the taste of hard liquor on his tongue. 
“Well, ya’know,” Angel finally replies, leaning forward to rest his head against the surface while running a slender finger around the rim of the glass, mauling over his day. “Val was bein’ an absolute bitch as usual...” He huffs out a sigh, a small frown tugging at his lips. “Slipped offa the stage during a show, jus barely by the way. But did he give a shit I hurt my back? ‘Course not.” Angel rolls his eyes, sitting back up to meet Husk’s intent gaze. “Asshole made me work overtime, five dudes, ugly as hell.” He lets out a groan at the recollection, grabbing his drink to take another large swig before continuing, “Then Charlie was up my ass, askin’ why I was back so late. Y’know, just bein’ herself. It was hard enough today, was not willin’ ta deal with her constant chatter.” 
Husk raises a brow, seemingly taking in Angel’s frustrations. A smirk tugs at the corner of his lips while he grabs himself a glass. “Sounds like you had yourself quite the day.” Husk says with a dry chuckle as he poured his drink.
His voice drips with sarcasm as he adds, “And Charlie… Can’t blame her for trying to keep track of your sorry ass. She means well.” 
Angel lets out a groan from his words. He rolls his eyes, finishing off his drink and sliding the glass towards Husk. As much as the spider demon hated to admit it, Husk always knew how to ground him, to make him acknowledge when he was being a bit too brash and a bit too rude. It was ever so galling. 
“Ya can’t blame me, she’s like a puppy!” He exclaims, throwing all four hands up in a dramatic gesture. “Comin’ through the door, she’s right at your feet, yippin’ and yappin’, going on and on about how ya need to ‘relax’. All sunshine n’ rainbows. Now that… That’s hell. Hell on Hell.” 
Husk shakes his head, pouring Angel another glass of the potent liquor. “You’ve got a point,” He grumbles, his arms crossing over his chest. 
“She’s got that whole innocent ‘let me help you’ shtick going on.” The demon cat muses, his voice filled with a mix of amusement and mild annoyance. “Can be fucking infuriating sometimes.” He shakes his head slightly before fixing Angel with an intent stare. 
“But I’ll tell you one thing doll,” He continues, reaching out to tap the rim of Angel’s freshly poured drink with one clawed finger. “That sort of caring isn’t common down here in this shitshow we call Hell.” 
Angel takes a moment to ponder over his words before letting out a reluctant sigh. He was right, annoyingly enough; in his years spent in Hell, he’s never met anyone like Charlie. 
“I guess..” He murmurs out, taking his glass in his hands to down half of the harsh liquor. “Least I got you Husky,” He purrs out, giving the older demon a sly wink. “Nothin’ better than talkin’ a bartender’s ear off. Specially if he gots the looks like you. I mean… Damn.” 
Husk's eyes narrow slightly at his flirtatious remark, a low growl under his breath that made Angel smirk in satisfaction. 
“Flattery isn’t going to get you anywhere, Angel,” Husk retorts with a snarl in his voice. “I’m just here to pour drinks and listen to your problems. Ain’t nothing more to it.” His claws grip at his own glass as he takes a long swig. 
Angel gives Husk a faux pout, “C’mon babycakes, ya’know I’m just messin’. We’re friends, ‘member?” He lets out a sly chuckle. Although he has simmered down in regards to his constant sexual innuendos since they became closer, he still couldn’t stop himself from slipping in some flirting on the side of their usual conversations. 
“Yeah, yeah, whatever you say.” Husk mutters gruffly, turning away and busying himself with cleaning another glass. Angel hears him take a deep breath, causing his brows to furrow. What an interesting reaction… 
He shrugs it off and finishes his drink, setting the glass down with a clink before stretching all four lanky limbs up into the air, giving him a painful reminder of the condition his body was in. “‘Suppose it’s time ta hit the hay.” He gets up from his seat, letting out a big yawn. “See ya tomorrow mornin? For Charlie’s little… Exercises?” 
Husk scoffs under his breath at the mention of Charlie’s ‘trust exercises’. “Sure thing,” He replies dismissively. “See you bright and early then.” 
Angel takes his leave, contemplating over how cute Husk looked like when he was so reactive. A smile on his lips as he heads up the stairs, the older demon really knew how to plague his mind. 
He was on his mind so much… Angel was getting fed up with it. 
The next day comes around, yet Angel never showed up to Charlie’s morning routine. Although he wished he did, wished so very badly that he was able to be there then where he had to go. Valentino called him back to the studio only a few hours after he had laid down, a last minute shoot or something along the lines. 
Angel fucked up badly during it, he fucked up real bad. 
During the final take, while some stranger was above him, fucking into him hard and fast, all Angel could see was him. 
Once he reached his climax he shouted out his name, and god the look on Val’s face when he came down from his high was nothing short of terrifying. Then came another brutal talking in his dressing room, thrown around, talked down to, kicked. Fuck, did it hurt. 
'What is wrong with you? You do not utter any other name, you do not think of anyone else then who is pounding your pretty little ass! And you will not ruin another take ever again.' He told him.
The words that felt like sharp knives deep within his body bounced around in his mind as he pushed open the doors of the hotel. Charlie’s drill seemed to have just finished, he could hear brief chatter before it all died down once Angel walked past them. All eyes were on him, he could feel it and it made him feel disgusting. 
He keeps his head down, all four arms crossed as he wordlessly limps his way up the stairs and goes right into his room. 
Angel drags his tired body over to his vanity mirror, placing two hands on the edges to keep himself from crumpling down onto the ground. He stares back at his reflection with weary eyes, he looked so… Fragile. His heart wrenches in his chest at the sight of himself, glaring at his reflection. “Pathetic.” He seethes out. Because that was what he was, what he always will be. 
In a fit of rage and despair, he swipes everything off the vanity in one go, the sound of makeup cases and bottles crashing to the ground fell on deaf ears. He felt so much, so fucking much, and god it was just so overwhelming. Why did that demon have to do this to him? 
“Fuck!” He growls out, grabbing his chair and throwing across the room. He breathes harshly, going around the room to skew his things about, he needed it to be ruined, ruined like him. 
As he grabs an empty bottle of booze to throw against the wall, the sound of knocking makes him freeze. Angel stays silent, hoping whoever there would walk away, yet the door creaks open anyway. He whips his head around with a dangerous glare in his eyes, expecting to see Charlie. Yet, it was Husk. His eyes soften for a fleeting moment, his heart fluttering in his chest.
Although that gaze hardens promptly once he is reminded it was all because of him. He put him in this situation. This fucking asshole. 
“Fucking hell.” Husk mutters under his breath. He takes a step inside, closing the door behind him. 
The grasp on the bottle tightens as the other begins to approach him slowly. “Angel, what happened?” Husk asks, his voice ever so slightly wavering. 
Angel scoffs. “What do ya think happened?” The spider demon snaps, his hand beginning to hurt from how hard he was gripping the bottle. Seeing him right now was the last thing he needed, seeing that concern, that softness, fuck him. 
“Fuckin’... Fuck!” He roars, hurling the bottle towards Husk. Despite his state of mania, he still made sure to miss the demon cat, the glass shattering against the wall behind him. 
Husk barely flinched, his ears twitching in slight annoyance. He then takes another cautious step towards him, closing the distance between them. “Calm down for fuck’s sake. What happened? Talk to me.” 
Angel’s hands tremble with anger and frustration, his mind a whirlwind of self-loathing. 
“Fuck off!” He spits out venomously, “It’s you, it’s your fault asshole!” His entire face was filled with anguish. Why? Why did Husk have to be the one Angel obsessed over? Why did he have to be into the one fucking demon on hell that wanted nothing to do with him? He was Angel fucking Dust, he could get anyone he wanted, it wasn't fair. None of this was fucking fair.
Husk’s eyes widened in shock at Angel’s harsh words. “My fault?” Husk repeats, disbelief laced in his tone. “How the fuck is it my fault?” 
Angel doesn’t respond, his eyes frantically searching around the room until his eyes spot one of the makeup bags he threw earlier near his bed. He needs something to take the edge off right now, he needs to forget, needs to be numb, he needs to be okay. He stomps over to it, picking it up and zipping it open to begin searching for anything he could find. 
He didn’t realize Husk was rushing over to him until his clawed hands grabbed onto the case in an attempt to pull it away from Angel. “Fuck no, you’re not doing this right now.” His voice rings out gruffly, but even Angel can pick up the unmistakable tremor of concern underneath it. 
Angel snarls at Husk, his voice dripping with venom. “Get your fucking hands off, ya prick!” He wrenches the makeup case from Husk’s grasps, sending a sharp glare in his direction. His heart was pounding erratically in his chest as the anger continues consume his entire being. 
“I can do whateva’ the fuck I want!” He cradles the bag against the chest possessively. “And it is your damn fault,” Angel continues. “Ya got me…” He groans out in frustration, one of his hands coming up to push through his puffy hair. “Got me all fuckin’ twisted up inside! You don’t really give a shit, just anotha sinner in this shithole.” 
Husk’s eyes narrow, his frustration mounting. He takes a step forward, the tension crackling in the air. “Twisted up inside?” Husk scoffs bitterly. “What the fuck do you even mean?” 
The hand in Angel’s hair grasped tightly at the strands, harshly pulling. His eyes flew around the room, not able to settle his gaze on anything as he tried to think of his words. “You... You know exactly what I fuckin’ mean. Don’t you play dumb with me asshole!" His voice breaks, and his hand pulls harder at his hair till his scalp burned. "You don’t give a damn, I don’t even know why you’re here.” 
“You think I don’t give a shit?” Husk’s tone raised with a mix of pain and defiance. His eyes lock with Angel, refusing to back down. “Think again, spider boy. Seen enough pain and suffering to know when I see it. God damnit, I’m here aren’t I? Ain’t that enough to tell you that just maybe I care?”
Angel’s eyes twitched, his words coming out of one ear and right out the other. He takes the final step forward, closing the gap between them till their bodies are almost touching. His breath came out as ragged gasps as he stared directly into Husk’s fierce gaze. “If ya give a damn, then why the fuck do you torture me?” He seethes out, taking notice of the confusion in the other’s eyes. Of course he had to spell it out for him. Angel continues fiercely, tears welling up in his eyes. “Bein’ all nice ta me, nice as ya can be at least, listenin’ to me, pourin’ me drinks. Yet ya reject every single fucking advance. Won’t give spare me a glance, me, Angel Dust!”  
His hands shake with both rage and vulnerability as reaches up to Husk’s bow tie, gripping it tightly. 
“And guess what? I still want ya.” Angel spits out through gritted teeth, the admission laced with equal parts of desire and anger. “And you know that, don’t ya? You like it, havin’ the famous whore of Hell always chasin after you, yet not giving him an inch to work with. Ya like fucking with my head.” 
Husk’s eyes were wide as Angel glared down at him. He seems to be rendered speechless, a heavy silence between them as they both soak in Angel’s words. 
Then, there was two clawed hands wrapping around his thin wrists. They were gentle as they pried his hands away from his bow tie. Conflict quickly writes across Angel’s face, eyes flickering down to Husk’s hands. 
“Do you really think I’d ever enjoy this?” Husk begins, his voice hoarse, strained with emotions. “Fuckin’ hell Legs, there is nothing fun about that, nothing at all. You don’t get it, I don’t want to be some doll for you to throw around just because you’re feeling desperate.” 
A flicker of vulnerability crosses Angel’s eyes. This wasn’t what he was expecting at all. He was expecting a violent outburst, to feel a stinging hand across his face. But… He didn’t get any of that. Husk talked to him with patience, his hands barely wrapped around his wrists. Fuck, and the way he stared into his eyes, it felt like he saw his damaged soul. 
“I…” Angel begins, feeling at a loss for words. His anger sheds away in a blink of an eye, now he was left confused and not only that, he felt like a total asshole. “Husk…” 
He was cut off by the slight squeeze of Husk’s hands. Then he finally takes notice of those yellow eyes, there was a fire burning within them, an unspoken desire. 
“You want me? You really fuckin’ want me?” Husk leans closer until their breaths mingle together. “Then prove it.” 
His eyes widened, searching his face to confirm this was real, that this wasn’t another rejection. 
Angel’s gaze softens, and tears cloud his vision. “I’ll prove it.” He murmurs out, his voice shaky enough to make him feel embarrassed. 
The spider demon was the one to close the gap between them, pressing his lips against Husk’s with pure desperation. He was so… Soft. Right now, in Angel’s eyes, everything about Husk was soft.  
Husk didn’t push him away like Angel expected. Instead, he responded to Angel’s desperate kiss with equal need. He feels one clawed paw finding its way to tangle itself into Angel’s soft white hair, while the other settled firmly against the small of his back. Husk pulled him closer, and it felt so very warm.
Angel’s eyes screwed tight, tears seeping out and creating a path down his cheeks, making the kiss taste salty mixed within booze and cigarettes. 
Husk takes the lead, backing up until the back of his knees hit the bed. He lowers himself down onto the plush surface and Angel follows, moving to straddle the cat demon’s lap. He tilts his head down, deepening the kiss. 
It was so much better than all the times Angel day dreamed it in his head. Husk wasn’t rough, yet he matched Angel’s eagerness, pulling his body close till there was no space left between them. 
His lips felt like Heaven. How ironic. 
What felt like both forever and only a fleeting few moments, Angel was the first to pull away, taking in ragged breaths. He stares down at Husk, in complete awe. Husk gaze only held warmth and understanding. 
That gaze was enough to make Angel lose it. He wanted so badly to go into his usual act, settle back into his persona, to make some sort of cheeky remark yet he couldn’t, not right now. 
Right now, he was just Anthony. 
Fresh tears fill his eyes as he goes to shove his face into the crook of Husk’s neck. He sobs against his fur as all four arms wrap around the other’s body, his hold practically screaming, don’t let go. Never let go. Stay. 
“Husk…” He croaks, feeling so hopeless in the moment for showing such a vulnerable side to him. A raw, unfiltered display of pain and anguish and fear. 
Gently, Husk lowers them both further down onto the bed, his arms wrapping around his slim torso. 
“Shh… It’s alright.” Husk murmurs softly, running a comforting hand up and down Angel’s back. “I’ve got you.” 
He’s got him. 
That... sounds so nice. 
Husk was so wonderfully patient, allowing Angel to release all those pent up emotions that have been festering inside of him for far too long. There was no room for a façade, not right now, Angel allowed himself to cling onto Husk as if he was a life line. 
There are no grand promises or empty reassurances, just the comfort of being held and heard by someone who understands pain all too well. 
Angel then finds himself beginning to calm down, his breathing steadying itself. Not even an ounce of help from drugs or alcohol this time. 
He forces himself up, lifting his head from Husk’s shoulder. His voice comes out choked and broken as he looks into the older demon’s eyes. 
“Fuck… I’m sorry,” He mutters, his voice filled with remorse. “Didn’t mean to fuckin’ break down like this.” He wipes at his tears angrily, a mix of frustration and self disgust coursing through him. Did he seriously just sob his eyes after sharing his first kiss with Husk? How pathetic. 
He closes his eyes, taking a slow breath. “I… I also shouldn’t have blamed it all on you.” He lets out a long sigh, there was nothing worse than when he had to admit he was wrong. 
While his eyes were closed, Angel feels a hand cupping his face and the sound of deep chuckle hits his ears. He slides one eye open to look down at the demon below him with curiosity. 
“That must have been hard for you to say.” There was a smirk on his face and Angel wished he had it in him to give him a witty remark. Luckily, Husk continued, “I get it doll, sometimes it feels good to place blame on someone. I sure as hell do it all the time.” 
His thumb strokes away a stray tear, and fuck, Angel has never seen such a tender look on the usually grumpy demon’s face. 
“I’m sorry too, that I made you feel like I was just trying to torture you. In all honesty, I had no idea you… Actually felt this way towards me.” 
Angel’s brow quirked. “Are ya serious? I mean… How many times have I hit on ya?” 
Husk rolls his eyes, his smile not wavering. “And how many times have I seen you hit on others?” 
Angel huffs out, he got him there. 
“But listen to me. You’re allowed to want what you want,” His words turn into soft murmurs. “And I’m here now… To be whatever you need me to be, long as you don’t treat me like one of your boy toys.” 
Tears well up into his eyes once again, nuzzling into the tender hand on his cheek. He purrs out a sigh from the contact as he leans in closer. “I don’t need ya to be anythin’,” He says barely above a whisper, his lips barely brushing against Husk’s. “I just need ya to be here right now, want ya to hold me.” 
Without hesitation, Husk’s embrace around Angel tightened, holding him securely against his chest. Angel takes the chance to wiggle down, burying his face into his furry chest, breathing in his musk. 
“I’ll hold you all night if you need me to.” He replies in a low voice, his lips grazing over the top of his head. 
Angel hums contently in response, taking his words and holding them closely to his heart. As silence falls between them, a thought comes to his mind. He chuckles softly, the sound muffled against Husk’s chest. 
“Ya’know… I don’t think I’ve eva been on top of a guy without him fuckin’ me,” He says playfully, yet his voice was still filled with genuine warmth. He peers up, just enough for his pink eyes to peak out. “It’s nice.” 
The demon below him then lets out a low chuckle, his deep voice vibrating against the spider demon’s head nestled against his chest. “Well ain’t that something,” Husk replied, a smirk on his lips. “Glad to be your first.” 
Angel settled his head back against Husk, nuzzling into his fur with a soft smile on his lips. He laid there with Husk all night, and for the first time in a very long time, he was able to get some decent sleep. Husk felt like an oasis amidst the chaos of Hell, and right now? 
Right now that was more than enough. 
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fandomworld9728 · 6 months
Oops... (Angel Dust/Lucifer)
(Requested by @buuteer) (AppleDust hidden relationship getting found out) (Hope this is okay. I wasn't really sure how to go about it and ran with this idea when it popped into my head)
(Warning! This takes place during episode 6 of Hazbin Hotel! So not only spoilers but trigger warning for Val being his usual dickhead, possessive, violent self!) (Also, protective Lucifer and Alastor as a bonus!)
"You forget who you're talking to. I own you."
The pink chains connecting Angel to the Overlord were yanked, pulling him close to him. "Yeah. You do. In the studio, and you can do anything you want to me in there, just like our deal says. But out here? I get to do what I want. So once again. Fuck off-"
Before Angel could finish, the moth demon had back handed him, sending him and Niffty to the floor. Mouth now bleeding. It had felt good to finally stand up to the man even with the repercussions. He wasn't about to let the creep mess with his friends. Especially not after what had happened that day with Charlie.
"Enjoy the rest of your night, bitch, because I'm going to enjoy making you pay for it tomorrow."
A flash of light bright light mixed with an eerie green filled the place, a summoning circle now between Angel Dust and Valentino to keep them separated. "What the fuck is this?"
Hushed whispers came from the sinners arounds them as Lucifer stepped out of the circle and walked slowly towards the moth demon, Alastor, who had accidentally got caught up in this, stayed put scanning over the people of the hotel. More importantly, over the two souls that he owned.
"That is a good question. What is all this?"
"Oh. Fuck. No, wait. Luci don't."
"Luci? Angel sweetie, have you been fucking our dear King and keeping it from me?"
Fuck. "Val listen-"
"Wow. You're that possessive that you need to know all of his clients when you never bothered to ask in the first place? That's how it started out and now it's much more than that. I've tried to stay out of this because that's what Angel wanted. However, this is the second time you've struck him since we've been together."
To say that Lucifer was pissed was an understatement. The day that Angel came to him after a long day of work to relieve some stress and was sporting a black eye, he was ready to go and teach that Overlord how to properly treat the souls under his care. But he was asked to stay out of it. Was reassured that Angel wanted to get out of this and handle it on his own. Lucifer only backed off when he was promised that the next time something like that or worse happened that he had permission to break the guy's face in.
"Ugh, I'm getting an ache in my neck. You're too goddamn tall. How about you come down to my height?!"
Seeing this side of Lucifer did something to Angel. Small, beautiful, powerful, Lucifer. The King of Hell. Defending him like this. The spider demon couldn't help but feel so loved and cared for.
"Holy shit, Angie. You're datin' the King of Hell and didn't tell me?" Cherri asked, helping her best friend up.
"I'll uh... explain later. Oh shit. Where's Niff?"
"Our dear Niffty was involved in this?" And now Alastor was going to join in the beating. Angel wasn't going to complain. The guy had it coming for a long time.
Landing on her butt in the hotel's foyer after Adam forcefully sent them back through a portal, Charlie jumped up and ran over to the group sitting and tending to Angel. Her dad was wiping the blood from his lips to make it easier to heal while Alastor, surprisingly enough, was holding Niffty protectively.
"Dad! You've been dating Angel Dust?! Why didn't you tell me? Why didn't either of you tell me? When did it happen? For how long?" A long string of rushed out questions tumbled from her mouth before Vaggie lightly took her by the shoulders and made her sit down.
"Babe. Give them a chance to answer."
"Wait.... how did you find out? This came out while you were in Heaven."
"Oh. Well. We were watching you guys to prove to Sera and the court that redemption could be possible. Uh... Adam was not happy when he found out... but the rest of the court was pleasantly surprised at how you acted and handled the situation! So, Sera would love for you to join us for our rescheduled meeting."
"Of course she does."
"Hey. It's alright baby. I'll join ya if it'll make ya feel better." It felt good to have their relationship out and in the open now. He should have listened to Lucifer before about just being open about it since the beginning.
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shima-draws · 1 month
Okay so. I'm like, 99% done with V3 and I realized I've barely shared like any of my thoughts here so. SPOILERS AHEAD
-The fact that Ryoma wanted to die and was fighting to find something to live for only to find out that he had NOTHING...that shit was sad bro
-Was NOT expecting Kirumi at all but in retrospect it's the least suspicious ones that you should be the most suspicious of. Also her execution was p brutal
-ANGIE WITH THE CULT...the fact that she managed to brainwash half the group had me terrified. Also her Atua worshipping got real old real fast. I hate religious cults lmao I was literally sitting there like "I REALLY hope she's the one to die this chapter" bc if I had to read one more sentence of her being like "Atua will save us all <3" I WOULD have gone to play in traffic.
-Angie needed to go but TENKO 😭 She was just a hopeless lesbian in love with Himiko she did not deserve what happened to her
-Speaking of Himiko I was kinda meh about her at first but after the chapter 3 trial her character developed so wonderfully...it was so nice to see her grow and change and learn to express herself 🥺
-My hatred for Kokichi only grew as time went on but after forcing Gonta to kill. MAN. That trial was so heartbreaking Gonta was just trying his best to protect everyone :"( Kokichi's such a little shit
-Kaito brushing off his illness as just him being afraid of ghosts AGGHHHH I knew there was something wrong from the start but seeing it progress and get worse was just 😭 I was literally sitting there like. Does he have a terminal illness. Oh my god he's going to die isn't he. NO HE'S MY FAVORITE PLEASEEEEE
-Was NOT expecting the space colony twist but even more so was the fact that the world ended...not once, but TWICE
-Me during chapter 4: How much you wanna bet next chapter Kokichi's gonna get killed and Kaito's gonna be the one who kills him Me during the chapter 5 trial: FUCKING. CALLED IT!!!!!!
-MAKI FALLING FOR KAITO and admitting it right before his execution.......my heart can't TAKE this shit please!!!!
-Kaito dying from his illness before the execution was even over...Monokuma being pissed about it...everyone looking at him and going HA BITCH YOU THOUGHT! Kaito beat you!!
-Keebo going off the rails was not on my 2024 bingo card but here we are
-KAEDE DIED FOR NO REASON?? She didn't actually kill Rantaro. My girl was innocent after all huh 😔
-Me, 3 chapters in: Tsumugi is so boring she literally brings nothing to the plot whatsoever. She's just...there Me, during the chapter 6 class trial: OHHHH. THAT WAS INTENTIONAL. I KNEW they wouldn't just have a useless character that should have been my first clue honestly
-Also me: Why do the Monocubs even exist. They've done nothing but comedy routines and die this entire time. They're literally pointless?? I've been watching Game Grumps play V3 and every time they come on screen Dan and Arin collectively sigh together. LMAO
-Imagine me with my jaw on the FLOOR once everything was revealed to be fictional. It's all a lie?? They Truman Show'd this shit?? Neither of the first two games MATTERED?? (A friend explained that DRV3 is in a separate universe than the first two games so that calmed me down a little lmao I would have been so pissed if it were actually the case that everyone from the first two games were just. Not real. Didn't actually exist. It was all faked)
Anyway I'm not completely done with the game yet I'm at the tail end of the chapter 6 trial so we'll see how things go from here 😬 This has been a wild ride. An emotional rollercoaster for sure
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nerd-cat-rambles · 3 months
Danganronpa V3 Chapter 3 Notes: (Daily/Deadly Life)
I've decided to put all my chp.3 notes on one document to keep them together for you guys to easily find! Here it is!
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OMGGG THE STUDENT COUNCIL IS SO CUTE! (DRV3) Tsumugi, Tenko, Himiko, Angie, KEEBO!!! My respect for keebo has gone up, he's such a cutie!!!
It's so sweet that Himiko is actually getting up and helping out! And it's cool Angie is teaching everybody about Atua... even though it's kinda creepy and fishy, it's nice that they're willing to learn.
Uh... Kaito? What's wrong bb, why are you so oddly quiet.... why do you have your hand up to your mouth like that?!
Bro I spent my first FTE with angie and gave her the red beret which she said she loved, but no further interactions were unlocked, and I didn't gain any friendship fragments? Anyway I did a couple more and...
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Rare-Pair unlocked ahh moment
Bro are you kidding me I just spent time with Tenko and gave her something she liked and didn't get a fragment :( it's okay, I have another chapter with Angie, Tenko, Tsumugi, Himiko and all the people I want to spend free time with! (I hope...)
Training Trio... duo? Kaito flaked out? Erm what.
"Overthinking things and worrying about what I "need" to do... when I'm with Kaito, I feel like... all of that stuff just fades away." <- Oh, Shuichi I know what you are...
Wait... Kiyotaka Ishimaru is a god???
Tsumugi: "I've been wondering... does Atua have red eyes and hair as black as night?" <- KIYOTAKA??? HUH? HUH?
Angie: "Atua has whatever features you desire." <- Tsumugi and Taka good friends, canon event??? Pre-despair canon no clickbait?!
Tsumugi: "A red-eyed, black haired god.. Ah, what a cool God I have watching me!" <- heh fruity god "When can I meet him!? I want to meet him as soon as possible!" <- Oh... Uh about that...
(After Angie breaks the flashback light):
Angie you're acting too much like a protagonist here... the last person who tried to maintain peace in a Killing Game was Byakuya in SDR2...
Okay but Angies plan for a sacrifice is actually good, if you get somebody like Ryoma who didn't want to live, killing them in the time limit would be easy. She should've kept her plan among the Student Council, though. Because, now everybody knows her plan.
NVM She's reviving Rat-Ho Amami
Rate-Ho getting development caught in 4K? Will he come back and now what his talent is? EXCITING OMGGG!
Wait if Tenko's Atua is handsome like she says, does that make Atua a guy? <- Who Tenko likes?! Augh Tenko pls don't die, it's double murder time I reckon'-
Worrying about the next Victim with Nerd-Cat!:
Fte with Kaito and Tsumugi:
smoogie >:3
Plan B: (FTEs)
@sleepy-pile-of-ashe told me to hang out with Kokichi this one time, so I'll do that for them :3
(*pulls a hammock out of my ass*) Here Kokichi!
And then I spent time with Maki, because I don't love her, but I want to love her, yk?
She's pretty chill, I feel bad for her. It must be a hard upbringing, but she's alr. :) I like her now after her first FTE.
Afterwards: "O-oh... hey bro perfect timing." Oh. Oh no. MFs who say "bro" don't come back from the KG the same. Oh no Kaito.
Training with Maki:
Angie is such a cutie though omg <3
I don't like Himiko x Tenko tho, because Himiko doesn't CARE about Tenko?? Tenko x Angie solos.
"Get mad! Get upset! Yell at me! Just fight back already! Do something!" Oh Tenko... (ishimondo flashbacks* "You are wrong! You have to be wrong! Mondo would never hurt a fly, he'd never murder anyone!" "Bro... bro what's wrong...?")
After trying to get Angie to stop the Seance with Tenko and Maki:
Oh! Kaito's just scared! Okay we good. (There's an underlying problem here guys, this isn't good but I'll take his fear of ghost stories into accountability.)
"Fear... why am I nervous...?" <- Every danganronpa protagonist before finding a body.
Body discovery #1:
I kinda forgot to document the investigation, but the seance is happening.
"Keep your chin up and live life facing forward! Survive with me and everyone else" ... Oh dear. Tenko. Please don't.
"Alright, Himiko! I'll see you later!
Kokichi: "I-I know... it wouldn't be funny if a body discovery announement happened during this."
Tenko: "Please don't jinx us!"
Tenko: "Understood. I will not say a word until the seance is over!"
Tenko: "Okay, everyone! I'll see you guys after the seance!"
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Tenko rn: :,)
(BTW I turned off the bgm for the caged child seance stuff because it'd be a better atmosphere overall.)
Kiyo: "Is the caged child... Angie Yonaga?"
What's...going on...?
Himiko: "What's wrong, why won't Angie answer?"
There's blood under the cage... there's blood.... oh no... oh no. OH NO. TENKO?
Okay this is getting long, I'll reblog with the trial notes while I'm doing it. It's gonna be quiet without Angie and tenko but we will live. I'll avenge them :3
29 notes · View notes
joelsmochi · 2 years
Desperation - Javier Peña
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Plot — [ofc] Jackie is visiting Columbia for a short getaway and meets a man who can satisfy her…In more ways than one.
Part 2 here.
Warnings: horrible spanish sentences + grammar (bare with me y’all i haven’t studied in a few years), speaking of spanish there is quite a bit of spanish conversation in (mostly in the beginning but some during the… act), some typos (edit: i did a lazy proofreading) smut (MINORS DNI beyond this point).
Smut Warnings: this will be disgustingly long and descriptive and perhaps a little awkward to read so this is your warning now, cocky!Javi (as expected), unprotect piv (it's a story y’all std’s don’t exist in this timeline), choking, hair pulling, light (?) slapping (out of praise), squirting, good girl bombs, daddy bombs, oral (f & m receiving), LOADSSSS of pet names, anal + (judge me 🤗), drinking + tipsy sex, vaginal creampie, possible ooc javier?
Word count: 6.9k (i didn’t mean to i just couldn’t stop writing😭)
translations will be in purple at the end of paragraphs ! so the format will be a lil ugly but ik not everyone speaks spanish + if my spanish is worse than i remember/could figure out then i want y’all to know what i’m trying to say without having to scroll up and down [BIG SORRY]
⋅˚₊‧ ୨୧ ‧₊˚ ⋅ ✮ ✧˚ ༘ ⋆。˚
The warm air is thick tonight, pooling a layer of sweat over Jackie's skin as she swings her hips around to the music. Her newly made friend, Angie, startles her by yanking her arm and pulling her from the middle of the bar.
“Jackie, miras!” Angie exclaims. Jackie finds a smile playing on her lips at how pretty Angie sounds saying the most simple words; she admired how beautiful the language is, and how much more precious it sounds coming from the Colombian woman. “Este es el hombre del que te hablé,” she says while pointing to a blonde-haired man. Jackie’s lips curl downward as she examines him, impressed with his leather jacket and choice of haircut. “Se llama Steve Murphy. Èl es muy, muy lindo, ¿verdad?”
[Jackie look! // That's the man I was telling you about. // His name is Steve Murphy. He is very cute, right?]
“Meh,” Jackie mumbles, “No es mi tipo, pero… Tú y èl, veo, pero ¿conmigo? No.” She looks from Angie back to this Steve Murphy, suddenly seeing a man just as well dressed by his side, but much more her type. Dark hair, tan skin, and pants that give her flashbacks to the 1970s (which made her all the more interested as hers were as well). He seems a little more brooding than the other man, but Jackie isn’t one to back down from a challenge especially when it consists of getting a fine man like this one’s number. “Angie… ¿Quién es el hombre en la derecha?” She wonders while looking at her friend.
[He's not my type. I can see you and him, but me? No. // Angie, who is the man on the right?]
“Hmm,” Angie mumbles. “No sè. ¿Por qué?” She drunkenly giggles. “¿Crees que él lindo?”
[I don't know, why? You think he's cute?]
Jackie scoffs, batting her eyes back at the man whom she makes eye contact with. She maintains the stare they are sharing while she responds with, “No. No lindo. Él es sexy.”
[Not cute. Sexy.]
“Well,” Angie urges in English which catches Jackie's attention once more. “Go say hola, perra.” Jackie laughs at her friend’s persistence and stumbles over her heels after being gently pushed. The man watches her strut over to him and his friend, eyeing her outfit up and down and making the mental note that she’s not dressed like the average Colombian woman.
[perra = bitch]
American? He wonders.
“Buena,” she says after reaching their bubble. “¿Cómo estáis?”
[Hello, how are you (guys)].
“Somos bien,” the dark-haired man says with a cheeky smile, “¿y tú?” Jackie watches his eyes follow the curvy lines of her legs and hips. He finds the way she bats her eyes a huge turn-on for a reason he cannot explain and he almost falls to his knees when she sends him a more-than-obvious flirty smile.
[We're good, you?]
“Mas o menos,” she shrugs earning a curious looks from the two men, “me sentiría mejor si me dijeras que eres soltero.”
[More or less... I'd feel better if you told me you were single.]
“What’s she saying?” Steve asks with a questionable expression.
“She’s flirting with me, shut up,” Javi utters out of the side of his mouth. Jackie threw him off of his own game, making him feel slightly incompetent but it intrigues him nonetheless. Although he finds her formality a bit strange. “Eres Americana?”
[Are you American?]
“Sí. Mi español es poco formal, claro… Espero que encuentre lindo… Mister.” Jackie sends the tall man a sensual look through her eyelashes, watching his partially exposed chest rise and fall with anticipation. She hopes that maybe he will find her lack of cultural exposure cute or funny enough to keep him intrigued which works wonders on him — he chuckles at her words, admiring her confidence despite the jab he made.
[Yes, my Spanish is a bit formal, of course... I hope you find it cute.]
Why is she here, he thinks, vacation? School? Family? Relocating? He wants to—needs to know more.
“Sí, sí. Eres formal, mm-hmm, pero no limitada,” he adds before offering her a cigarette. She takes it gently and he swears she has the touch of an angel, though he is already a bit tipsy so he might just be being dramatic.
[Yes, true. You are formal, but not limited.]
“Cómo se llama, Papacito?” She daunts seductively after he lights her cigarette.
[What's your name?]
“Me llamo Javi, y el es Steve.”
[My name is Javi and this is Steve.]
“Ah-huh, my friend thinks you’re sexy,” she says to the blonde man. She raises an eyebrow as if she misspoke. “Well, cute. She used the word cute.”
Steve obviously blushes, but slaps his hands on his knees and shakes his head bashfully. “Lo siento, but I am a happily married man.”
[lo siento = i'm sorry]
She feels a bit saddened for her friend but Angie always bounces back fast, so Jackie turns to find her friend dancing in the crowd on a random guy; laughing she looks back at Steve and shrugs. “Looks like she’s already forgotten. She knew you by name though, you come ‘round here often?”
“Yeah, sometimes,” is all he says. He senses the tension between his colleague and Jackie but notices the tension in Javi's pants a little more.
Jackie squints at Steve for his shortness but regains focus on her original intention. She raises her head to watch Javi fold his glasses into his shirt pocket, trying her best to not drool over the prodding veins in his arms or the peak of hair on his chest. Instead, she maintains eye contact (with the occasional glance at his lips) and takes a small step closer to him.
“May I pull you away from your friend?” She asks, just barely speaking above the music. Javi catches the briefest glance into the gaping space between her cleavage and chest, in fact, the glance is so brief that Jackie doesn’t even notice it. He begins to think about what her nipples looked like as well as if she has any hidden tattoos anywhere and if she did, then what would they look like? He can see she’s not one to wear a bra so that makes him wonder if she’s not wearing panties either.
“Only if you tell me your name,” he says hoarsely.
“Jackie. Jackie.”
Jackie Dawns, what a pretty name, Javi thinks, very fitting for the beauty standing in front of me.
She catches Javi looking towards Steve for permission to which Steve doesn’t give him much of a reaction or response, just a sly smirk. Growing impatient, she grabs one of Javi’s hands and pulls him gently. “Only for an hour or two,” she promises.
Well, the hour or two slipped away pretty fast and the sun is beginning to set painting the sky oranges and pinks. The pair can’t seem to get enough of each other, it certainly rolled Steve’s eyes more times than anybody could count, who, by the way, is beginning to regret not bringing his wife as they had originally planned. Watching Javi and Jackie dance together, whether it was slow or fast or romantic or sexual, makes Steve realize how little he has done to show his admiration for his beloved spouse so he gets up from his seat after paying for their drinks and walks towards the tipsy couple.
“Hey, Javi, I’m gonna get home to the misses,” he says in his real thick accent.
Jackie notices the time on a clock nearby, immediately feeling guilty. “Sorry, I musta let the time slip,” she says.
But Steve shakes his head. “No, don’t apologize. Real quick though, when a lady becomes your wife does she still want flowers?” Jackie squints at him again but with more annoyance laced throughout her features. Steve takes that as a yes and nods stiffly. “Flowers it is.”
“Get her flowers she actually likes, not roses just because they're a classic.”
Steve stiffens up even more. “I—…” Guilt riddles his face and Jackie gives him an incredulous look, basically calling him a lousy husband without actually saying it. “I’m gonna go now, uh… See you in the office Monday? All right, bye Javi.” He gives Jackie wide eyes indicating either annoyance or intimidation. “Jackie.”
Javier laughs at Steve as he walks out before turning back to you. “I think that’s the first time I’ve seen him speechless,” he laughs.
“Dumbass doesn’t know his wife’s favorite flower,” Jackie as well. She places her hands on his chest and he smiles down at the red nail polish on her long nails. “See something you like?” She flirts after they’ve begun swaying to the music again, both of them noting the Phil Colins song Another Day in Paradise playing.
“Your nails are pretty, just like you,” he practically coos. She touches her nose to his warm one and smiles big and wide. “So… What are you doing here in Colombia?”
“I could ask you the same,” she says, “but because you asked first… I am in medical school.” Javi gives her an impressed look which bothers her, but not for any reasons he could control. “I hate it. It’s not what I wanna do.” She slowly puts space between their faces so that she can look at the specks of sunspots barely showing along his cheekbones.
He shrugs. “So why do it?”
She scoffs and looks down for a moment. Her nails tangle together behind his neck and her cheeks blush at the way he looks at her. “Because my parents would cut me off if I didn’t go.”
“You say it like it’s simple.”
“It is.”
She slaps his chest playfully. “Stop using that tone, it’s rude.”
He chuckles. “Sorry, honey.”
Jackie finds herself smiling even harder at the nickname wishing she could hear the way it rolled off of his tongue a hundred more times before the night ends. He has a way of speaking that makes her feel like a teenager in lust again. She feels his hands dip an inch below her waist, and if she could take him on one of the counters nearby she would have her way with him. Those sultry brown eyes of his are the only thing she is praying to see for the rest of the night, though she is willing to sacrifice looking at him if it meant him fucking her through an orgasm.
But she played it cool. A little too cool for Javi’s taste.
“What d’you mean? It’s simple?” She asks.
He wishes he wasn’t so nonchalant about it, knowing good and damn well it’s not that simple most of the time. But he knew what he truly meant. “You won’t get to enjoy any pieces of your life if you ask for permission for everything.”
Jackie is amused, her expression not hiding it either. “Oh, this is coming from the grown-ass man who was about to ask his coworker to dance with a pretty girl?! That is rich.”
Javi takes the hit with stride, using her laughter as a reason to bring his lips to her ear. “You know if you like asking for permission so much… I can make you beg.” He pulls back to look into her now idle eyes. “All you gotta do is ask,” he teases in a whisper.
“What kinda car you drive?”
“Uh…” He is confused by the change in topic. “Cherokee, why?”
“Bigger than mine.” She slowly steps away from him to the door nearby. “I hope that’s okay, Mister?” She pouts at him, waiting for a few seconds.
He pushes the door open and walks behind her. “It certainly is, honey.” They reach his car and he leans her up against the trunk door, hanging his head over hers. “The sunset looks beautiful,” he speaks quietly, gently tracing his calloused fingers over her smooth jawline.
“You’ll look even more beautiful once I get you moaning my name,” she mumbles against his lips.
While he certainly did not doubt her abilities, he wanted to appear stronger than that. “Oh, mi amor, I’ll get you speechless before I’m done with you so then you can beg me to stop.” She shuffles her legs a few times to relieve some tension on her clit, to no avail of course. She’s hoping he’s not all bark and lives up to the aura he gives off. Javi noticing her prolonged silence smirks and gives her lips a sensual kiss. “Looks like I’ve already done it.”
Rolling her eyes, she can’t contain her smile. “Your dick better be good, you little cocky smart ass.” He laughs and opens the passenger door for her, but she just lets herself into the back seat. “Drive somewhere secluded.” He obeys without question, and after only about five minutes of driving he sees her moving in the backseat but before he can process what’s happening she sits her panties over his jean zippers.
He adjusts his rearview mirror so that it’s down on the seductress and sees her eyes reflecting a devilish grin his way. Then he sees her hand trail over her slit, watching her pretty red nails work wonders around her folds to get her juices flowing. He can see that as desperate as she is to please herself she is saving her most sensitive bit for him. His foot presses harder on the gas pedal causing her to giggle; he looks at her reflection again and watches her spread her slit open for him to see. He lets out a heavy sigh and palms his stiff length through his tightening jeans.
Javi makes it to a secluded part of a beach not too long after, wasting no time getting in the back seat next to Jackie; he moans loudly when he presses his lips to hers in hunger, loving the way she clings to him so perfectly. He lays her on her back and gently curls his nails over the outside of her thighs making her whimper. He savors the taste of tequila on her tongue and the smell of her Love’s Baby Soft perfume.
As their tongues tangle together Jackie reaches between their heavy bodies for his belt buckle. He lifts his hips a little to give her more room to work with, but she fumbles over her own eager hands regardless. “You’re an impatient little thing, aren’t ya?” He laughs over her chin once his pants are unzipped. “Gonna have to teach you some manners.”
“Oh yeah?” Jackie quips, Javi responding with a hum. “How you gonna do that?” She coos while palming him beneath his briefs.
“I can show you better than I can tell you, pretty girl.” She moans and giggles at his response, throwing her head back on the seat and running her hands up his back just to dig her nails into his shoulder blades, dragging them down his back. He hisses at the pain but chuckles regardless. He smacks this side of her thigh a little sharper than he intended, but she doesn’t seem to mind. “I was gonna be a gentleman about it, but—“
“No,” she interrupts, “I want you to use me.” Her nerves are becoming needier and needier, making her feel antsy and more submissive. She doesn’t want just to fuck anymore, she wants to feel controlled and tamed which is out of character for her. Javier normally doesn’t mind obtaining a dominant stance, but he worried he wouldn’t be able to fulfill her particular desires. She seems much more in tune with this realm than he is and the thought of not being able to please her enough crosses his mind more than once…
Much like her, however, he doesn’t back down from a challenge.
“You want me to use you?” He whispers.
“Is that it? Huh?” He slides his trembling hands up her stomach to her chest to her neck, gripping it tightly causing her to choke and cough a little bit, but the smile on her face tells him to not remove his hand so he tugs at her neck to lift her face to his. “Is this what you want?” He groans. She only nods, feeling out of breath from her excitement, but grips a little tighter making sure he isn’t hurting her. “Use your words.”
“Yes.” She tries to kiss him but he pulls back feeling unsatisfied with her shortness, urging her to use her words once more. “Yes, Javi, te deseo mucho. Dentro de mi.”
[I want you a lot. Inside of me.]
“Mm, mm-hmm,” he moans finally releasing her neck, “Not yet.”
“What?” She exclaims, propping herself up on her elbows. She watches him untuck the rest of his shirt before sliding down to her naval, kissing it tenderly and sending a devious smirk her way. She jumps at the ticklish feeling, giggling out of embarrassment which he finds cute. His mustache scratches at her inner thigh where he places his kisses as she constantly bucks her hips upwards in an attempt to get his lips to her clit, succeeding after a minute or two. He forces her hips down onto the seat and glares at her. “Please, please, I’ll be so good if you do this one thing for me.”
“Well,” he says tauntingly, “that’s an offer I just can’t refuse now, is it?” He drags his tongue all around her vulva for a few seconds to see how impatient she grows but to his surprise, she remains pretty steady, so he decides to reward her with a juicy kiss to her clit.
Her body had been begging for stimulation for so long that the single kiss he gives her is enough to eject a loud moan out of her, one that was full of relief. He chuckles at her response and kisses it the same way again, only this time darting his tongue out for a quick second to get a taste of her skin. He doesn’t taste much, so he goes down to her slit, using his thumbs to spread her sopping lips before laying his tongue flat on her entrance and giving her a series of kitten licks; he moans at the combination of saltiness and sweetness, swearing to himself that he can also taste the fruity shots she was taking earlier. The mix of alcohol and hormones coursing through his body has him feeling more pleasure from eating her out than he would have ever expected. He loves the way her hair falls over her eyes, how her hands fondle her breasts and nipples over her shirt to add to her physical experience as well as his visual one, and how gentle but confident she sounds while she pleads for him to keep licking the way he is—all of the little things he normally doesn’t pay attention to just adding up and giving him reasons to keep going.
His lips permanently planting themselves atop her clit so that he can begin sucking on it is what drives her to the edge. She hits the top of her head on the door behind her from how hard she throws her head back, but she ignores the pain. Realistically she has no choice but to ignore it with how rough he is sucking her into his mouth, still managing to maintain some comfort with his slick lips. As the tingles build deeply inside of her clit her fingers go flying to grip the short hairs on his head. She feels layers of sweat pooling on her forehead and her inner thighs, and her nipples perk up indicating her nearing her orgasm. She cries his name louder and louder, before remembering she promised to be good.
She asks, “Can I come? Can I please come?!” He refuses to lift his head up out of not wanting her to lose this feeling, so he just nods eagerly onto her clit while mumbling mm-hmm’s. “Fuck,” she screams, “yes, please, please, please—“ Her pleas are interrupted by air getting caught in her throat when he clit begins to throb.
Javi almost cums at the feeling of her pussy throbbing between his lips so he lifts his hips a little to halt any friction from the seats. He shakes his head up and down to make a grinding motion on her clit wanting her to feel this good for as long as possible. Her thighs tremble around his ears and his scalp begins to sting with how hard she’s pulling; the knots in her stomach only seem to get bigger and she refuses to pull away. Not like he’d let her anyways, that is until his jaw begins to hurt. He comes up to kiss her again not even bothering to wipe his face clean.
“You wanna be used?” He asks against her lips.
“Mm-hmm,” she moans into their kiss.
“How do you want me to use you, baby?”
“Use my mouth.”
His brows raise and he grins wide while she licks her juices off of his stubbly chin. “Your mouth?”
“Mm-hmm,” she repeats.
“How ‘bout…” He pauses to analyze her facial features, spotting some wet mascara on her cheekbone beneath her fallen curls; he smirks as he knows it from her squeezing her eyes shut so hard from her orgasm. “…You ride me until you’re about to cum… And then you let me fuck that pretty little mouth of yours?” She melts beneath him at his request, fluttering her eyes shut and peppering kisses along his cheeks. “Does that sound good?”
“Oh, yes.”
“Yes, what?”
“Yes, daddy,” she corrects. He gives her hip a few love taps, helping her up onto his lap. For the time being neither of them even bother taking his pants off, she just pulls his semi-hard shaft out and traces his warm tip along her folds, sinking onto him slowly. They both gasp the closeness, indulging in the feeling of him stretching her out gently. She pops a hand behind his ear, the other laying flat against his sheened chest. She feels his member twitch and grow harder inside of her, and gives him pleading eyes as she fully sinks him inside of her. “Daddy?”
“Yes, baby?” He encases her face in his clammy palms, adjusting his posture to get more comfortable for her.
“Can I come just one time on you first?”
“No, baby, I told you what I wanted.”
She whines, rolling her eyes. “Just one time, it’ll be so quick—“
“Don’t be stubborn,” he hisses, landing a smack on her ass cheek. He struggles to maintain his composure at how it practically jiggles back into his hand. He smacks it a few more times just to watch her ass move against him, grinning wide at her her body moves. “You said you’d be good for me.” She bites her lip nervously, annoyed at her promise. His dick is now fully hard and he admits, “Your stubbornness is sexy, though.”
She grins bashfully and lifts her hips slowly. “Mmm, I have that effect on you, huh?”
“Sí, mama, me gusta una reto.”
[Yes, mama, I like a challenge.]
“¿Una reto? ¿Qué eso?” She questions as she builds up a steady pace. “A challenge?”
[qué eso = what's that]
“Verdad.” He gently tugs at one of her nipples, memorizing how her discharge feels pooling around the base of his shaft onto his balls. His face contorts when she digs her nail into his chest and feels her walls swell around him.
He loves the way he fits so perfectly inside of her, the way they both curve into each other is majestic for the pair. She props her feet up onto his thighs and rocks her hips in a grinding motion which makes her pussy feel tighter as he enters and exits repeatedly. His hands grip her hips so tight his knuckles slowly turn white, and he notices that she is out of breath but continues fucking him relentlessly. She had never been so needy for a fuck before; her hair is sticking to the sweat on her forehead, her shirt is clinging to her back, her hips aching from the grip this man has on her — all of these uncomfortable things and all she could think about was riding him as he told her to.
Jackie switches from a grinding motion to bouncing, rounding her shoulders so that her head isn’t hitting the roof. Javier’s fingers find their way to her top to tug some of the buttons loose. He goes to pull it off of her so she moves her arms to make it easier but ends up losing her balance which makes him slip out of her and she nearly falls off of his lap. She laughs at how evident her being tipsy is.
“You okay?” He asks after lifting her back up, placing a few kisses along her newly exposed collarbone.
Giggling some more she nods. “I didn’t realize how much I was leaning on you.”
He smiles, pulling her hands behind her waist and slouching himself further down after putting his aching cock back inside of her. “Let me help you out,” he says, his tone hinting at yet another dare. Locking her arms in place he begins thrusting up into her heat going well beyond her g-spot, but never too far. Her walls begin to spasm against his length and he grunts seemingly angrily. “You better not cum.”
Insistent, she shakes her weak head. “I’m not, I’m not, I promise.”
“Good girl.” He raises one hand up to smack her cheek lightly; she buries her cheek into his palm afterward to signal she wants him to make it feel better which he does. She holds his forearm with her locked hands, scratching at the skin nicely just to feel as much of him as possible. “Cógeme, cariño, ¡cógeme como un rey!”
[Fuck me, honey/love/darling! Fuck me like a king!]
She moans, starts bouncing on him again earning the freedom of her arms, and touches her forehead to his. “Eres el rey de mi mundo, Javi.”
[You are the king of my world, Javi.]
He sweeps her lips up into a kiss as if he were trying to swallow the words as fast as they had come out. Despite his typical confidence with women, he must admit that no one has ever made him feel the way she does. He likes the excitement and the praise, hell her looks alone were getting him rock-hard earlier. He can’t even respond with words, he just reaches his arms around to grab handfuls of her ass to bring her in closer while still kissing her sweetly. Jackie feels the pressure inside of her growing again intensify when Javi uses the pads of his fingers to rub tiny circles on her clit. She claws at his neck and shoulders to draw out the feeling as long as possible without cumming again and before she knows it she hops off of him and kneels between the small space of his legs and the center console.
She practically shoves whatever she can fit of his cock into her mouth, gagging when his tip tickles the back of her throat. His fingers tangle themselves in her hair and he pushes her head down carefully, craving the feeling of her throat closing around his dick. She bobs her head up and down occasionally stopping to take him in her throat whenever she can; a few tears fall from her eyes after gagging so many times so she pulls his length out of her mouth to stroke it with her spit-covered hands and props her mouth on his balls, sliding her tongue around every inch she could reach.
“Oh, fuck, babygirl,” he moans, “you’re doing such a good job… Yeah, you’re doing so good right now, cariño.” His muscles tense and he flinches when her thumb rubs around his tip so she goes to put him back in her mouth but he stops her. He stares at the strings of spit mixed with her precum all over her chin before enveloping her in a sloppy kiss. He moans at the taste of his cock mixed in with her juices and licks her lips much like he did her clit earlier. “Will you lay down for me right here?” He coos after wrapping his hand around her jaw, the other holding the back of her head in place. She nods and hums to confirm. “Yeah?” He smacks her cheek and it makes her smile. “You like that, princess?” He smacks her a little rougher this time.
“Yes, baby, I love it,” she says.
“Good…” He pecks her lips and taps her jaw a couple of times. “Lay back right here.” They switch spots so that she’s laying where he was once sitting and he removes his pants and boxers. Although her neck feels a bit stiff from her head being pushed up against the back of the seat she knew that once he fills her up again with his cock the pain wouldn’t even be noticeable. She eyes his thick shaft and tip while he slaps it over the skin of her pussy, her eyes growing wide when he slides the head over her sensitive bud. “You want it, baby?”
Jackie doesn’t even bother trying to come up with something witty or bratty to say, all she can say is yes over and over until he teases her dripping entrance. “Javi, te quiero mucho. I want you to fill me up with your—“ A gasp interrupts her begs of desperation after he slides the tip in slowly. He quickly readjusts his legs and pushes her thighs back so they’re flesh against her stomach. “Fuck,” she drags out, “it’s so fucking big.” He fills her up only halfway which gets her to tighten her legs around his hips in an attempt to push him in deeper but he remains idle and slaps her breast. “Please,” she whispers. After he asks what she wants she answers, “I want you—fuck, I love the way you stretch me out, I wanna feel you deep inside of me, baby.” He barely slides inside of her a little more earning whimpers from either of them but mostly her. “Please,” she begs.
[te quiero mucho = i want you so much (in this context).]
He presses his palm onto her pelvis with fingers pushing into her stomach so that she can feel him in even the deepest parts of her body. She whines out at how deep he goes, thankful he’s doing just enough to not hurt her cervix. She feels an awkward urge to pee but before she can say anything her squirt begins to splash everywhere.
“Look at that!” Javi boasts, not even thinking to stop his rhythm. “My God, girl, you are just full of surprises, aren’t ya?” Profusely blushing at his compliment she puts her hand down to signal she needs a break, but he just frowns at her and goes, “Move your hand.”
She decides to defy him and tries to wiggle out of his grip to get a reaction out of him. “No,” she quips with a grin.
“I said…” He slams her hand above her head and buries his cock deep inside of her. “Move your fucking hand.”
She sarcastically pouts. “Awe. What are you gonna do? Punish me?”
In the blink of an eye, his warm hand is wrapped around her neck. “I can do that.”
But still, she doesn’t let up, wondering how much she can get away with. “How you gon’ do it? Stick it in my ass?”
He incredulously chuckles and ponders on whether or not this is just an extremely vivid dream he’s having. He decides speaking would just egg her on to push his buttons even more so he pulls out, lines his tip up with her ass, and pushes it in slowly. She gasps with alertness in her expression—she didn’t think he would really do it. Most guys she asked didn’t, and if they did they asked if she was sure.
Not Javi. Not tonight. Not after the shitty fucking week he had. He took this woman’s confidence as a sign to take what he wants as long as the offer was on the table.
That’s what makes her even more aroused.
Watching his spit drip from his lip straight down to his dick before he slides deeper inside of her Jackie finds herself rubbing her clit and admiring the man above her. A man that knows what he wants, she thinks, and takes it? I like him. She knows the chances of them ever seeing each other again were slim to none, but she’ll always remember him.
Javi. Dark and unruly curls, soft brown eyes with harsh wrinkles surrounding them, broad but slender shoulders and calloused hands that touch her so gently, and a voice so deep it nearly rumbles inside his chest.
She bites her lip trying to ignore the pain she feels. Instead, she focuses on his mannerisms: his chest rising and falling while he slides his length inside her tight hole. The way he will pause to glance up at her ensuring her comfort. He feels her tighten around him so many times he was sure it must have hurt but every time he looks at her he sees her pleading for more with her pretty and low eyes. He manages to get about two-thirds of the way in before it becomes too tight for him.
“That feel good?” He questions, pursing his lips anxiously after she says yes. He spits a couple more times to help relax her muscles, but he notices her eyebrows furrow. Placing a few kisses on her forehead he tells her, “I got you, honey. Tell me what you need.”
“I’m fine, it’s just been a while,” she chuckles nervously. “That’s good!” She squeaks when he settles at a steady pace. He smiles down at her and slips his tongue into her open mouth, moaning at the sound of her whines. He rubs his thumb over her clit and fights her tongue with his own, letting her into his mouth eventually. She moans at the taste of her still on his lips, digging her knees into his sides and tugging at the ends of his hair. Her wetness overflows onto his cock helping lubricate her entrance. She tightens around him to add more stimulation for him and that causes him to collapse atop her body. His body is overwhelmed but he can’t get enough of how dirty she is by letting him have her—all of her. “Quiero hacerte amor con mi culo, papi,” she shouts. “Mi cuerpo te pertenece.”
[I want to make love to you with my ass, daddy. My body belongs to you.]
“Tu español suena mejor con mi reata dentro de ti, ¿sí o no?” He grips her ass to lift her hips higher, to make her more level with him.
[Your Spanish sounds much better when my dick is inside of you, no?]
Jackie trembles in his arms, crying out at the feeling of constantly being stretched out by him. “Claro, claro que sí,” she screams breathlessly. She reaches to grab the door nearby as she doesn’t want to scratch him and her fingers wipe away some of the thick fog on his car windows. She glances outside and notices how dark it has gotten, but she didn’t want him to stop edging himself inside of her. She sees how much he loves being in her mouth, her pussy, and now her ass, she just doesn’t know how much more pounding she can take.
[claro = of course; claro que sí = of course it does (in this context).]
Sweat drips down from his temples to his jawline from the thick air inside of the car and the amount of restraint it’s taking him to not finish inside of her ass. He isn’t sure where she wants it, so before he cums for her he pulls out so suddenly it takes her a few seconds to realize he’d done it. “Where do you want it, babygirl? Hmm?” He whispers against her ear.
“Hmm?” She questions.
They nibble and kiss each other enjoying the small break. “My cum. Where do you want me to cum?”
“Wherever you want,” she speaks strongly with a shrug of her shoulders. “Didn’t I just tell you that my body belongs to you, daddy?”
His eyes roll beneath his heavy eyelids. “If you had to choose…” He says regaining his composure (or what was left of it).
“If I had to choose?” Jackie grabs his dick and lines it back up with her vagina, forcing her hips forward to push his tip inside of her. “My pussy.”
He likes her answer so he just presses the rest of his dick inside of her. “Mm, I’m thinking right…” He rubs the deepest parts of her with his swollen shaft. “Here.” Her nipples harden at the feeling of him grinding himself against her walls and the stubbly hair on his pelvis tickles her clit enough to elicit a few moans from her. “You’re still so goddamn tight for me, my fucking God.” She clenches even harder around him at his little praises, telling him thank you and littering kisses all around his neck and shoulders. “Sweetheart, if you wanted I would fuck you every day.” At last, he pumps in and out of her, telling her, “You’ve been such a good girl for me tonight… You anything else you want me to do—do for you?” He grips her ass even harder, holding off his nearing orgasm as long as possible.
Her fatigued eyes barely open to look up at him, and she sloppily pushes her wet baby hairs out of her face. “I ju—oh, I just want to feel your cum.”
She cups his face in her hands lovingly with a persuasive smile on her lips. “I want you to empty your balls inside of me.”
“Oh, fuck.” His face drops into the curve of her neck.
She feels his cock twitch inside of her and it encourages her to keep talking. “I want you to fucking use me, use my pussy to cum. Yes!”
He buries himself as deeply as possible for a few thrusts, and she feels him pouring his seed inside her. Their moans and pleads mixing in the air is just enough to get one final, but short orgasm. Nothing near as powerful as before but an accomplishment for her nonetheless. He pushes his shoulders up and off of her to give their warm bodies a sense of space, but he fails to stay up for long and lands right back on her chest once again which gets a tired laugh out of her.
After a short while, he pulls out and spreads her shaky legs apart to watch his cum slowly pour out from between her wet lips. Admiring how pretty her messy body looks he leans down to place a warm kiss on her clit one last time. She flinches at the feeling but remains still in her position. She rests her eyes and runs a hand over her stomach.
He remembers that he has some napkins in his glove compartment, reaching for them and then carefully cleaning her up before he cleans himself. He sees how much more worn out she seems than him so he helps her move to give him space beside her, then twists her legs into his lap. He grabs his cigarettes from the car floor along with a light; he pops one in his mouth and hands another to her.
The pair are silent for about five minutes as neither of them feel the need to speak immediately to fill the air. They want to enjoy their highs and prolong it with nicotine. After they smoke up half their cigarettes and air out the car a bit by rolling a window down an inch or two Javi finds himself the first to break the silence.
“¿Cómo estás ahora?”
[How are you doing now?]
“Muy, muy bien, querida. Thank you for being so gentle with me.”
[querida = love/dear/darling]
It takes him a moment to realize that despite the domination she was seeking from him she still wanted to be cared for. “Of course, sweetheart. You don’t need to thank me.”
“Mm,” she groans before tossing her cigarette out of the window just before he does the same, “I know that, but you’re a man who deserves all the praise.” He smiles at the comment, reaching a hand between her hair and jawbone. “You never answered my question… Why are you in Columbia?”
“Work, confidential bullshit.”
She reaches for his chin to give it a small pinch. “I’m sure you’re amazing.” He scoffs and shakes his head. “Come ‘er.” They move so that he is lying between her legs and his head is resting on her chest.
“Hey, Jackie?”
“What’s your favorite flower?”
She laughs loudly at this and plays with his hair while she thinks of her response. “Tulips. I love tulips.”
“Tulips, eh?”
“Don’t be surprising me at my job with some damn flowers now.”
He pops his head up defensively. “I’d have to know where you worked to do that… Where do you work?”
They both laugh and she gives him a tender kiss. “I actually don’t work right now, I’m living off of trust fund money.”
“Ah, where do you live?”
She frowns seemingly offended. “I am not telling you where I live after only knowing you a day!” He can see through her bullshit easily. She wants to see him again, she’s just being cautious. Not like he blamed her for it, but he found her attempt at lying cute.
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nerdysleepybunny · 2 months
Hi! So I was wondering if you could write a Angel Dust x Reader (platonic) oneshot. Where the reader comforts Angel after dealing with Val. And in return, he comforts them when they are also feeling sad.
Feeling sad atm so this is comfort for me as well 😭 but yes ofc! <3
🩷☁️N E R D Y S L E E P Y B U N N Y☁️🩷
Fandom(s): Hazbin Hotel
Character(s): Angel Dust (ft. Valentino & clients)
Reader: Gender neutral (you/your)
Style: Oneshot
TW: Valentino being himself, suggested r@pe, abuse, crude language, alcohol, drugs
Summary: after dealing with a bad shoot, Angel Dust can’t handle dealing with any more fans, so he asks you to drive him back to the Hotel where you take the time to take care of him. He later shows you his appreciation.
🩷☁️N E R D Y S L E E P Y B U N N Y☁️🩷
“Cut!” Valentino’s voice cut through the sounds of sex, his accent clearer due to his anger. The men on top of Angel Dust pulled away and walked off set to take a break, leaving the naked spider curled up on the bed. Valentino stood from his chair and roughly took Angel’s chin in his hand, forcing their eyes to meet. Valentino glared as he watched his pornstar sob. “Why are you crying, amorcito? You’re supposed to look happy for the camera.” The pimp cooed, pretending to show the spider sympathy.
“It hurts, Val.” Angel whimpered through his tears. “Aww, poor baby… were they too rough?” For a moment, Angel Dust thought that Valentino would actually be gentle. But that hope was quickly shattered when he used his lower arms to grab Angel, roughly pulling him up. The hand he used to hold Angel’s chin shifted to slap him right across the face. “Well get over it, puto! They paid good money to fuck you!”
Valentino pulled out a pill and held it out to Angel Dust, who knew better than to disobey Val. He took the drug and quickly swallowed. Then he was pushed back onto the bed. “Now quit bitching and give me something good…” Valentino turned and walked coldly back to his seat, signaling for the clients to walk back on set. Feeling the drug start to kick in, Angel forced a smile as the cameras began rolling again.
Angel Dust sat in the corner of his dressing room, his upper hands tangled in his messy hair and his lower hands wrapped around his legs, holding them to his chest. He sobbed, refusing to look at the shattered mirror on his vanity. He felt disgusting, defiled. He had already taken an hour long shower, yet he still didn’t feel clean…
Then a vibration caught his attention. He crawled to his messy vanity and picked up his phone, quickly wiping his teary eyes so he can see the screen. His eyes widened when he realized it was a text from you. And suddenly, he felt a bit less sad.
Hey Angie, ur shift ended a while ago. U okay?
Of course you had memorized Angel’s schedule. After all, you often drove him to and from the studio whenever he didn’t feel like being harassed by fans. Angel Dust sighed and typed a response, too focused on talking to you to realize he was no longer crying.
Hey toots, I was just in the shower. Could ya pick me up?
Angel felt nothing but relief, knowing that you were coming to save him. And with your reckless driving, he knew you’d arrive in less than five minutes, despite how far the studio was from the Hazbin Hotel. And he was right. Soon enough, he heard the familiar sound of your car’s engine outside. Angel Dust grabbed his day clothes and held them to his chest, not bothering to change. He just wanted to get the fuck out of here. In nothing but his boots and robe, Angel rushed down to the lobby and out of the building, seeing you standing by your race car. Both of you smiled as you saw each other.
You opened the passenger door for Angel Dust, letting him climb inside before closing the door and going into the driver’s side, both of you putting your seatbelts on. Normally, Angel Dust didn’t care much for safety when he was being driven around. But you liked driving with speed, and if it weren’t for seatbelts, Angel likely would’ve met his second death ages ago. “There’s alcohol in the back.” You informed him, making him light up with joy. He reached back, and sure enough, a fresh bottle of whiskey was sitting on the backseat waiting for him. “You’re the best…” Then you switched gears, and Angel knew it was time to brace himself.
🩷☁️N E R DY S L E E P Y B U N N Y☁️🩷
A cliffhanger because I miss doing those LOL also this was getting kinda long. I’ll make a part 2 if requested 🫶🏻
Racer!reader, anyone? I’d love to make more racer!reader as Angel’s best friend tbh
ALSO. HELLO?? THIS IS MY FIRST TIME WRITING IMPLIED NSFW WOAHHH 😭 hope u guys don’t mind this kind of darker content!
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heisenberg-simp257 · 1 year
Can I request the 4 lord’s reactions to reader lighting mother Miranda’s dress on fire during a meeting? *she doesn’t have to get injured, I just really wanna light her dress on fire 🤣🤣🤣*
HA XD Same Anon! Same! 😂 Sorry if it's short! But I hope the reactions are acceptable!
The Four Lord's Reaction to Reader Lighting Mother Miranda's Dress on Fire
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Alcina Dimitrescu
-She would be appalled. Absolutely appalled. How could you do this to Mother Miranda while in her presence? Were you trying to make Alcina look bad? She could only try to help Mother Miranda put her dress out. I mean, she is wanting to assume the position of favorite good child.
-Alcina would then go into full mom mode and scold you like you are a child. It would probably take her weeks to forgive you for this incident, assuming Mother Miranda doesn't get to you first.
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Donna Beneviento (and Angie)
-Donna doesn't really know how to react if I'm being honest. However, her innate reaction was to laugh. Well, in Donna's case, that means the aggressive shake of her shoulders. Angie, on the other hand, is hysterically laughing, much to the dismay of Mother Miranda. It's up to Alcina and Moreau to put her out.
-She would scold you in front of the others because she knows that's morally correct. However, she also admits to you that she too would've thrown a match in there if no was watching. But after the spectacle you put on, Donna now just has to hide you from Mother Miranda.
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Salvatore Moreau
-Moreau would be so scared if I'm being real here. He's absolutely devoted to Mother Miranda, so seeing her in such a state would terrify him, like he did something wrong. And assuming your association with him, Moreau would be blamed. Nevertheless, he tries his best to extinguish the flames. In truth, I think he actually makes it worse, causing Alcina to be involved.
-He will probably be really quiet, too afraid to say anything about the incident. You will be snickering about it, but eventually you have to console poor Moreau. Hopefully, Mother Miranda doesn't do anything terrible to you or him for this.
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Karl Heisenberg
-Heisenberg would get the gasoline and keep the fire going. He would find the whole situation to be hysterical, and it would be the first time in his life that he actually would laugh for real. He's always wanted to light her on fire and didn't have the balls to do it. But here you are, paving the way. In the end, you and Heisenberg will be running away as the other lords try to put her out.
-He would commend you for your bravery, giving you compliments and pats on the back. Heisenberg doesn't care what the bitch will do to him or you. He will go to hell and back if it means getting to light her on fire again. Extra large tank of gasoline this time.
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rotteneggssuck · 3 months
AAAAHHHH!!! Ok. I saw some TikTok videos saying “combine the last video game you played and last tv show you watched” and I was like “oh, that would be danganronpa v3 and dungeon meshi”. Now I’m going fucking insane over it.
Anyway, here’s what I think all the v3 characters, races would be in the dungeon meshi universe.
Angie-Gnome. This one is kinda weird to start with BUT, gnomes live side by side with nature spirits and ask them for help with magic and stuff. I think Angie suits being a long life race, idk why. Also she’s would looks so cute with the ears.
Gonta-Oger. Big. Need I explain more? He’s just a gentle giant, and I think the big horns and teeth would also add to his “people get scared when they see me” story.
Himiko-Gnome. It’s literally perfect, shut up. Magic being culturally significant, generally a pretty short race, even for a character design point! The sleepy droopy eyes!!!! AHHHH! Love her.
Kaede-Tall man. She’s just so!!!! That’s all I can say. I just think if she was made another race it would take away from her everything. Like I debated an elf but, it just didn’t feel right.
Kaito-Tall man. Are you going to sit here and tell me that kaito isn’t the most guy of men. He would 100% say shit like “I only have a short life, so I need to make the most of it!” Then run head first into a dragon fight without any plans.
Kiibo-Beast man. Specifically a werewolf, like just. “I know I’m a beast man, but I’m still just as human as anyone else!” And he would still get to contemplate his humanity:DDD. I can just picture kokichi being a massive bitch about it too.
Kirumi-Elf. She’s just hot like that. Also you know, the expectation of her being perfect and talented. I feel like at first she would pity short life races and fall into the “they are like children” mindset (obviously still doing anything they asked of her, she’s still herself) then after meeting the cast, would go “oh, wait. These are just people. They don’t need pity for just existing”.
Kokichi-Half foot. Ok this is another one that’s absolutely perfect. Like the lock-picking, them commonly being known for thievery, and he would absolutely use those big old ears for no good!!!! Literally just a perfect match.
Korekiyo-Kobold. Ok. This is going to be the first of a few “because I said so” he would just look so god dam good like that. It would just add to his “I’m mysterious and not much is known about me” vibe. Yes. I know kobolds tend to stay in there community’s, and can’t speak in the common tongue that well. Fuck you!!!
Maki-Half foot. I know some might question this, but hear me out! It would be so handy for her assassin thing! Like the hearing would be a massive help, her size would make it easier to go unnoticed, also she would be incredibly light footed.
Miu-Dwarf. They’re like the technology race! They invent shit! Also her brash attitude would just fit in most with dwarves, she’s probably a bit confused why everyone’s getting mad at her for being, well, her.
Rantaro-Elf. Because I said so #2. He’s just hot, I don’t think he would pity short life races tho. My mans is too well traveled for that shit to slide.
Ryoma-Dwarf. Ok yes. It is because he’s short. But also because of his demeanour, like he’s really gruff and stoic, I imagine his backstory would be much of the same, but with the added benefit of “I will outlive most of the friends I make, so why make friends in the first place”.
Shuichi-Elf. Pure fucking vibes. Just look at him. Also something something, his parents are probably these great Influential people or whatever, and he feels like all he’s achievement’s mean nothing….. something something.
Tenko-Kobold. Another absolutely perfect one! Like, just! AG! Look at everything we know about kobolds! It can be applied to Tenko!! Also she’s not immune to the “because I said so” argument. She’s my favourite. Kobolds are my favourite. Boom. Done.
Tsumugi-Tall man. Don’t even try to argue this one. Tall men are the “nothing too special about them” race. The plain race. Like I don’t know what you want from me.
Anyway that’s all. Maybe keep an eye out for some art of this crossover. Idk. Had lots of fun tho. Obviously if anyone wants to use this idea as a springboard you absolutely can, but please let me see!!! I wanna see someone going as insane as I am about my favourite game being crossed over with such a cool manga/anime
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Enemy Mine - Part 4
Warnings: cursing, drinking
"Godric, I hate men." Y/N took another swig of beer as she watched her now second ex-boyfriend kiss another girl.
She wasn't supposed to be here, but after her family trip to the beach fell through, Y/N decided to surprise Simon, her muggle boyfriend, at the party they'd originally planned on going to together. "Fucking asshole," she muttered as she moved toward him.
He never saw her coming.
Reaching out, she grabbed Simon's collar and pulled him apart from his snogging partner. "Surprise!" Y/N said with a too wide grin that sent chills down her ex's spine.
"Y/N--I," Simon stammered. "I--I thought you were at the beach."
"I can see that," she downed the rest of the beer.
"Who the fuck are you?" The other girl demanded.
"The bitch that's gonna slap the shit out of my cheating ex-boyfriend."
The girl's mouth fell open, and before she or Simon could say anything else, Y/N backhanded him across the face. The force of the blow knocked him backward, causing him to stumble over the chair behind him and fall flat on his ass.
Admist the laughing and the few drunken cheers that followed, Y/N turned on her heel, ignoring the other girl's curses and empty threats, and went to grab another beer.
'New plan tonight,' Y/N said to herself. 'Get as drunk as possible, as quickly as possible.'
Fred and Angelina walked through the milling crowd outside the house where a friend of Angie's cousin was throwing a midsummer party. He soaked in the atmosphere. The older twin had never been to a muggle party before, and as near as he could tell, it wasn't that much different from one of Gryffindor's house parties. Lots of drunken bellowing, flirting, and snogging.
Stepping up on the front porch stairs, they had to maneuver around some poor sap wearing a orange and blue striped polo, holding a bag of frozen peas to his cheek while whining about some chick slapping the hell out of him.
"Probably deserved it," Angie said as they passed by.
Fred couldn't help but chuckle. "Probably did," he agreed.
Around an hour later, he and Angie were dancing when a familiar face staggered past them.
Fred stopped and turned, "Y/N?"
"What is it, Freddie love? Angelina said, pulling him back around to face her.
"I--I think I just saw Y/N," he said, turning back around. "She didn't look too good. I need to go check," he said, leaving Angie standing alone on the makeshift dance floor.
Fred pushed his way through the dancing couples where Y/N leaned against a table. She'd moved onto shots now and could barely stay upright.
"Y/N?" Fred took the shot out of her hand. "How much have you had to drink?"
"Not fuckin' enough," she garbled, grabbing the shot from his hand and downing it before he could react. "Wait." She froze, realization dawning. "Wha' the fuck are you doing here?"
Y/N tried to walk away but tripped over her on feet. Fred caught her before she hit the ground. "Alright, c'mon," he coaxed, leading her over to the sofa.
"Why are all guys assholes?" She asked Fred as he gently sat her down. "I never thought I'd be the kind of girl to say it, but all guys are assholes. You're an asshole. He's an asshole."
"Who is?" He asked.
"My lying, cheating asshole of a boyfriend--ex--ex-boyfriend." Y/N was slurring almost to the point Fred could barely understand her. "Slapped him, I did. So hard he fell over a chair." She began to laugh hysterically.
"You're asshole of an ex-boyfriend is that idiot in the orange and blue shirt?"
She stopped laughing and squinted at him. "Wait, you know him?" Y/N asked. But then, before he could respond, she rolled her eyes and waved off her own comment. "Of course you know him. All you assholes know each other."
Fred just stared at Y/N in a rare moment of speechlessness when a voice popped up behind him. "What's going on?" Angelina came to stand beside Fred, looking down at Y/N in obvious concern.
"She's drunk. Just found out her boyfriend was cheating on her. He's that whiny guy on the porch."
Angie snorted. "Told you he probably deserved it."
Fred nodded, still looking down at Y/N, who was all but passed out. "We should probably try to get her home."
"Us?" Angie looked incredulous.
"She shouldn't be left here like this. Somebody might try to, you know, take advantage of her."
"That's true," Angie looked thoughtful. "My cousin's around here somewhere. She could call a cab or something."
Fred shook his head. "She's barely conscious, love. I can't trust some random person to get her home safe."
Angie went very still and very quiet.
"Baby?" Fred asked her after a few seconds.
"Why is it always her?"
"What do you mean?"
His girlfriend shook her head. "Nevermind. Just do whatever you need to do," she said, then turned and walked off.
"Wait!" Fred chased after her. "Angie!"
She stopped, but didn't turn around.
"I won't take long," he said.
Angie turned to face him. "Do you even know where she lives?"
"Well, no--," he said. "I thought I could ask her."
"She's barely conscious Fred," she argued. "Do you actually think she could give you a cohesive answer?"
Fred glanced at Y/N. "Ok, so I'll have to look for an i.d. in her purse."
"So, you're going to ransack an unconscious girl's purse?"
"I'm open to alternatives," Fred countered. "If we called a cab, it's not like they'd miraculously know where to take her."
"Fine, whatever," Angie huffed. "How do you expect get her home? Apparate her there?"
"If I have to."
"If you--so, you're telling me you're willing to risk getting in trouble with the Ministry for her ? I thought she was your archenemy."
Fred raked his hands through his hair. "Even if she is my enemy, she still needs help. I promise I won't be long. Just there and back."
Angelina threw her hands in the air. "Fine, Fred. Like I said earlier, do whatever you think you need to do," she said before stomping away from him.
"I'm sorry, Angie," he pled. "There wasn't anyone home. I couldn't very well leave her sitting on the doorstep."
"What? You didn't look for keys in her purse?"
"I did, but either she forgot them or lost them somewhere."
Angie rolled her eyes. "So what did you do with her?"
Fred looked down at his feet. "I took her to the Burrow," he mumbled.
"You. What." Her voice came out in a deadly whisper.
"I left a note," he looked up, meeting Angelina's eyes. "And I apparated her to the Burrow."
"Well, what the hell was I supposed to do? Tell me that!"
"I DON'T KNOW!" Angie's rubbed her forehead. "I don't know."
@milivanili99 @fancy-pantaloons @turvi @zvummyummy @pansexualwitchwhoneedstherapy @georgie-weasley @imshiningjustforyou @nighttimemoonlover @jsjcue @wzrd-wheezes @fredweasleyyyyy @hufflepuffie @alexistonks @princess-paramour @anvaaryn @lastwandastan @samshifts @asuperconfusedgirl @superduckmilkshake @mysticsheepsoul @gemofthenight @1lellykins @junerprsh @sierraluvz @wolfkill16 @igncrantbliss @28cnn @saintlike05 @millies0bsimp @yeah3459 @leeknows-wife @pandoraneverland @wickedsandwich08 @bai-wuxiangs-mask @c-yberstar @soosheee @ivvees-blog @withered-rxse @maddiedinosaur
Fred placed a hand on her shoulder. She stepped back, shaking him off. "Don't Fred. Just don't. Just--I wanna go home. Take me home. Now."
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t0ast-ghost · 4 months
S3 EP16 (The Mark Of Gideon) hmmm this sounds like something from supernatural…
I’m sorry I’ll never mention supernatural again:
- Sending Kirk down by himself? His boyfriends will be worried :((
- “I shall be interested in your description, Captain” “You won’t have long to wait.” This was said with so much lust
- Kirk calling to anyone and everyone. “Bones. Bones answer me.” D:
- Spock has immediate concern for his boyfriend
- Spock sees McCoy is on the bridge and immediately wants to escape to the planet. He’s not dealing with McCoy’s worry on top of his own
- “We must acknowledge once and for all that the purpose of diplomacy is to prolong a crisis.” Spock is so so angry he can’t go looking for his boyfriend
- “You mean you’re going to scan space for him.” My god he wants that man so bad. Scanning the entirety of space when he goes missing is not normal behaviour.
- Spock is very bitter towards bureaucrats and diplomats this episode and I agree
- Hey Kirk. Just this once buddy, don’t kiss her. Can you do that?
- On the video call McCoy looks seconds from snapping and Spock is right there with him
- I love when everyone was on Spock’s side like ‘yeah they fucking suck, I’m sorry bbygirl’
- Quilt ass vest
- Scotty is not going to take them besmirching his transporters
- Spock needs to go listen to Break Stuff
- Kirk’s ass It’s sad how sad Kirk is.
- pretty privilege
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- “I envy you and your sense of loyalty. I want to ease your feeling of dread, your fear that all your crew no longer exists.”
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- twenty four minutes and fifty seconds in. He’s kissing her.
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- ID BE SO FREAKED THE FUCK OUT NAH. No. Legitimate fear is to look out a window and see someone watching. this is a no.
- Time for me to ask what is happening
- Aaand they’re using Kirk in their little fucked up little experiments
- Spock is angy
- I like how there is legitimate character development. Spock and McCoy aren’t fighting, McCoy knows Spock is doing everything he can, short of just running in there. And Spock is getting visibly pissed off which McCoy I think would be proud of if their boyfriend wasn’t missing
- Kirk not afraid to fight some bitches
- “That’s the best possible decision you could make, Spock. I’m with you.” Kiss each other Character development yay!
- Spock is using ‘logic’ to break the rules and save Jim.
- Spock is protective of McCoy, McCoy is protective of Spock
- After Spock leaves Scotty walks up to McCoy with this look like he’s about to ask him if he’s dating Spock
- “I will not be long.” Is the equivalent of ‘I’ll be right back’ number one rule is never say it
- Trippy ass shippy
- If you’ve lived so long why are you dressed like that? Can’t contract a sickness AND can’t contract a sense of fashion
- This is awful
- Spock should’ve brought McCoy with him
- Spock THREW that man
- Spock is like, ‘don’t get in the way, I will bitch slap you.’ (Edit: three Spock comments in a row)
- PRETTY BOY PRIVILEGE (what’s got you smiling like that) if he smiled at me like that I wouldn’t survive
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- “As crowded as my planet is, I wish for it to hold one more person.” *smiles* “Kirk to transporter control one to beam down to the planet Gideon.” ‘nah, bitch’
Development: I’ve found out how to cross things out I’ll use it for evil
Episode written by George F. Slavin & Stanley Adams
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