#was ridiculous. so neither of us let it go and she ended up yelling at me for being irritating
nope-body · 2 years
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yoredoesmore · 2 months
hii can i pls ask for an argument with hoshina and how u fixed everything after jsnshsbshsbs 🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹
a/n: thank you for your request (´∀`)♡ this took longer than it should have, I apologize ╥﹏╥
pairing: hoshina soshiro x fem!reader
summary: a small misunderstanding turns into a huge argument.
genre: romance/hurt & comfort/jealousy/fluff |
[wc: 1,6k]
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Kiss and Make Up | Hoshina Soshiro
You were mad, beyond pissed even. Your heart was beating in irregular motions and the irritation practically oozed off your face. The tension laid thick in the air as you and your boyfriend continued to ignore each other, sitting in complete silence in front of the television.
So many thoughts roamed your head– insults, counter arguments and statements, yet you refused to give the man another second of attention.
He has truly done it now.
“I'was just another celebration with the squad, nuttin that big of a deal. You would have known if you had come.” Hoshina slurred his words as he dragged his drunk self through the hallway of your shared apartment and into the bedroom.
“Bet that Okonogi was there too, right? That smartass wannabe who always seems to be in desperate need of your help.”
“Oh pwease, you're overreacting. Okonogi is not like that so stop bein so annoying.”
That last statement had sealed his fate (and almost earned him a slap in the face). Before you knew it, the two of you fell into a fully blown out fight that lasted through the entire night. Insults were dropped, his hands pushed you and yours shoved him as well.
“Why are you acting like this all of a sudden?! It's honestly so irritating!” Hoshina yelled out.
“Your stupidity is more irritating! Maybe if you stop being so full of your fucking self all the time and start using that brain of yours, you would see the issue at hand!” You snapped back.
Fights were uncommon in your relationship but when the two of you fought it was messy and draining. But most importantly, they stung.
Even after the night had fallen and sunshine arose, the atmosphere in your apartment still laid thick in the air. Half the day had passed and neither of you said anything to each other, until the both of you ended up in the living room at the same time. He was busy taking care of the cats (who had run into the wide space) while you were already sitting there, reading your favorite novel.
At first silence kept the situation at bay, neither of you forced to interact with one another, until a phone call broke the tranquil atmosphere.
“Your work phone, huh.” You said, eyes remaining on the book as you flipped to the next page. “Wonder who that could be.”
Hoshina refrained himself from answering your remark and quickly picked up the call. Although he had turned the loud speaker function off, you were able to hear a female voice from the other side.
“Yeah of course I can help, no need to thank me.” He hung up.
“Let me guess, little damsel in distress needs your help again?”
“That's enough, Y/n.” Hoshinas voice cut sharp through the room, silencing you temporarily, before you spoke up again.
“Don't talk about Okonogi like that, alright? She is a good friend and your coworker. Ya being so unreasonable.”
“I am being unreasonable?? Oh, I'm sorry for getting upset when my boyfriend spends more time with his good friend than his partner!” The book was no longer of any importance to you. You had tossed it while standing up from your seated position.
“How long has this been going on now?? Every other day she asks you to hang out or do this together or she needs help here and there. Are you fucking kidding me??”
“Oh please, look at the way you're acting, it's ridiculous! We work in the same department so of course we spend a lot of time together!”
It felt like your words went right past his ear and vice versa. Both of you were now standing right across from one another, anger evident on both your faces. Even the tension grew in size, swallowing up the entire space and forcing your cats to run out.
You hated the surge of anger that rushed through your body. Feeling this way, jealous and annoyed when the man who normally solved all your problems was right in front of you, it pained you deeply. In moments like these, all you wanted to do was break down and hide away, preferably in his arms, but that was not an option right now.
“You sure that's the only reason you spend so much time together? Because it sounded different a couple weeks ago.”
“A couple..what are you talking about??” Hoshina asked, genuinely confused. You broke your gaze, looking at the ground in hopes that the pressure would disappear.
“At the bar..don't act like you don't remember!” And without allowing him to even respond, you dashed into your room and knocked the door shut behind you. Your boyfriend simply stood there, unsure of how to react to this sudden change of events. A long sigh escaped his lips as he followed you into the room.
“Leave me alone!” Your head was buried deep into the pillow (the one on Hoshina's side). Tears had made it out of your eyes and you desperately wanted to hide them.
“What exactly did I say at the bar..please tell me.” The regret in Hoshina's tender voice did not go unnoticed by you. It tugged on your heart and only caused the pain to increase. You truly hated seeing him like this.
“You..you said that you like smart women..” Repeating those words from weeks ago now made you feel stupid. “When Kafka asked you what your type was..you said that you prefer smart women and then you..proceeded to look at Okonogi! She was sitting right next to Kafka, so maybe you were looking at him instead, I don't know, I was just as drunk but still!”
Hoshina stood in front of the bed, disbelief holding him back from talking. He could barely remember the events of that night, only that it involved too much alcohol. But hearing you say those words, with tears in your eyes and a broken voice, it made your boyfriend feel like shit.
“But I was obviously talking about you, love, You are smart” He said as he placed himself next to you on the bed, hands rubbing your back. “Wait..is that why you didn't join us in yesterday's get together?”
You nodded hesitantly.
“I am not smart, not at all. I work as a damn secretary for the Kaiju Hunters while Okonogi is a skilled woman who runs analysis and she is the Operations Leader. And not to mention, she is so pretty too.”
Up until now, Hoshina did not know that you were harboring such emotions. Your sudden confession left his mind blank, it was as if he had temporarily lost all thoughts due to the shock. You on the other hand couldn't have felt more embarrassed.
You had no right to go after Okonogi like that and blame her for your insecurities. But when Hoshina spoke those words and afterwards looked at her, you just felt too heated.
Moments like these made you wonder, why Hoshina refused to leave you. Unlike the other women in his life, you were hotheaded and emotional, pushing and shoving when someone messed with your feelings instead of talking it out.
Little did you know, that this was exactly what Soshiro liked about you. He loved you for being hotheaded and a tease, but also sweet and caring during the right moments. You were the perfect match for him and nothing could convince him otherwise.
“Y/n, don't you ever say that about yourself ever again. You are my smart, beautiful hotheaded woman, the woman I love and cherish. Plus it takes hella brain to work as a secretary, especially for those jerks.” Soshiro placed his hands on your shoulders, pulling you back up into a seated position.
Your eyes were slightly puffy and a soft frown pulled on your lips.
“I'm sorry for not expressing myself clearly enough and for making it seem like I prefer Okonogi to you. You are the one I love and care about, I promise.”
“But..but I am so mean to everyone and to you as well, Soshiro.” Hoshina's words had touched your heart and caused the tears to resurface, even though they never truly left.
“Plus I get jealous way too easily and don't..I'm just too..” You hiccupped.
“Shh, there there. I don't wanna hear none of that, you hear me?” Your boyfriend wrapped one arm around your waist while the other patted your head. A soft kiss found its way on your cheek, drawing a pout from your lips.
“I'm sorry Soshiro, for being so irritating. You are a great friend and coworker to Okonogi and you are a true blessing for constantly helping her out. I shouldn't get jealous over that." Hoshina smiled and placed another kiss on your face, this time on your lips. It felt sweet and comforting, you wished it could have lasted forever.
“And I'm sorry for being so stupid.”
You pulled him into a tight hug, the sweet scent of his body filling your nose. The hug lasted quite long, as long as you both needed it to, and it patched up all the wounds that were still left open by the argument. As you pulled away, you gazed into each other's eyes, losing yourself temporarily.
“Lucky for you, I love my women slightly irritating.” He joked.
“And I like my men stupid.”
The both of you laughed, the content of the argument already forgotten.
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a/n: i know its not obvious at all but i was actually going for a hori x miyamura type of relationship
(͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) (do we as a society still use this emoticon?)
i just love hori’s and miyamura's dynamic, they could never make me hate them! plus i wholeheartedly believe that Hoshina needs a partner who is more emotional/teasing than him so he can be sure that his attitude is handled ^^
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imabeautifulbutterfly · 5 months
Not Ready - Part Two
Summary: You've been with the Bad Bath for a few months - things are going a little rough with Hunter
A/N: Hello lovelies,
I've actually wrote more to this story, so there are three parts, I'll upload the first one today, the remaining three each week. I hope you all love this as much as you loved the first one.
Love oo.
Italics - flashback
Warnings: Angst, irritations, yelling, lack of trust, slavers, electroshock collars, cuffs, alcohol, being told to leave, I think that's it. Let me know if I miss anything.
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Months passed since you joined Omega and her brothers, at first things between you and Hunter were … well it wasn’t great. In fact, you could say, things were downright frosty, at times you were both ready to kill each other, and other times it was if you both were walking on the edge of a knife. Leaned too far one way or the other, you would’ve fallen over.
Maybe the animosity started when Echo suggested they go to Ord Mantell and get help from Cid. It had been the most ridiculous notion you ever heard, why would you go and seek help from someone Echo never even met? How could you trust this person? Maybe you should’ve kept your opinions to yourself, but that wasn’t you, especially when their decisions could’ve put you at risk.
“Are you crazy? You want to go and ask for help from someone you don’t even know!” You yelled after Tech eloquently pointed out that the Jedi who trusted this Cid are all dead. 
“You need to back off” Hunter stood facing you, “I don’t hear you offering any suggestions.”
“I can go on my own and meet Fennec, find out why she was after Omega.”
“And let you leave my sight? I don’t think so.” He clenched his fists by his side.
“You still don’t trust me?”
“Still? Was there ever a point where I actually did?” It wasn’t exactly that he didn’t trust you, it was the fact he didn’t know you and didn’t trust you. 
“If I was going to foul you up with Fennec, I would’ve done that on Pandora, buddy!” You poked him in his chest, narrowing your eyes at him. No one said anything, as the tension between the two of you grew. 
“She has a point.” Omega’s voice echoed off the comm links, everyone turned to look at her. You couldn’t help smirk at her adorable way of easing the tension. 
Things got icier after you met Cid, especially when you felt you were right about Cid, you had pulled Hunter aside, and told him as much before you all left to find this Muchi. 
“We need to find another way.”
“There is no other way.”
“There is, but you’re too stubborn to listen to reason.”
“Listen, Butterfly, I appreciate that you helped rescue Omega, and for some strange reason she’s fond of you. That is the only reason I’m giving you any slack, but you have no say in this; we’re going to rescue this Muchi, and that’s all there is to it.”
He stormed off back to the Marauder, as though that was the end of the conversation. However, you had a chance to further your point, when you were captured by the Zygerrian slave traders, and had to leave it to Omega to rescue you all.
“Oh what a great idea!” You mocked Hunter, as you sat beside Tech, “I know next time, I’ll walk up to a random stranger, and say hey random stranger, I'm looking for intel, why don’t you give me some weird task so you can give me that intel. Oh, did I mention I’m a gullible fool and have absolutely no faith you’re actually going to get the information I requested. Sounds like a deal?” 
You couldn’t hide your irritation, as you narrowed your eyes at Hunter. You did your best however, to keep your voice low as much as possible, especially since one of those traders was all too happy to use the electro-collar. 
“Can you not just stay quiet? I mean seriously, stop talking.” Hunter whispered back.
Neither of you noticed how the other three simply rolled their eyes at the both of you, or the fact they had a pool going as to how long it would be before something happened between you, either death or romance. 
“When I see someone make a bad decision, that impacts me directly …” you jostled your chained wrists, making a point that Hunter looked at your cuffs, “I tend to get cranky and pissed off.”
“Well you can leave at any time.”
You let out an annoyed laugh, “I’m not giving you the satisfactions, and until Omega tells me to leave, I’m afraid you’re stuck with me.” You narrowed your eyes at him again, as handsome and rugged as he was, at that moment all you wanted to do was pull his hair. 
Maybe that’s why now, as you made the climb following Omega and Hunter, you couldn’t help but wonder if this was the right idea to head back to the ship. The Empire wasn’t far behind, despite blowing up the engine they were after all of you with a fury. The only saving grace was that they didn’t know who you were at this current moment otherwise things could have gotten worse for them. This is why you made a point not to get close to anyone, not to stay in one place for too long, something you tried to explain to the guys and Omega, when Cid offered her ‘mutually beneficial arrangement.’ You already knew it was a bad idea, you tried to convince them to not take up Cid’s offer, to keep moving, to not stay in one place but you were outvoted.
You sat at an outdoor cafe, drinking what was supposed to be ale, but you couldn’t exactly be sure. Either way, it was strong liquor and that’s all you needed at this moment. 
“Easy on that stuff.”
Force, his voice was starting to grate on your nerves, it was either ‘watch this’, ‘don’t do that’, you slammed the drink down on the table, looking up to meet Hunter’s eyes. “You know, surprisingly enough I’ve managed to survive all this time without you, no injuries, no issues, however, since I’ve met you, I’ve had to fight for my life with Fennec, run away from stormtroopers, deal with getting electrocuted by Zygerrian slavers, and … oh yes, having to deal with Cid. So thanks, but no thanks. I’m done listening to you.”
“Then leave.”
“I told you, I’m not leaving until Omega tells me to go.” There was that tension again, “Maybe, what you need to realize is that I have more experience in this universe than you do.”
“Meaning what?”
“Meaning, you’re going to get played by that woman! You need to get out now!”
“There seems to be a point you are not understanding,” he placed his hand beside your arm, the heat from his very large, very muscular and exceptionally strong hand radiating warmth through your arm, “You are a guest here, Butterfly, remember that. You’re not in charge, and if you don’t like how my family and I operate, then leave. However,” he leaned closer, his eyes piercing your own, the scent of his musk circling around you, “I will not have you acting like some spoiled child who doesn’t know how to communicate in front of Omega. For some reason she looks up to you, you will behave accordingly, and if you have a disagreement, you can either talk about it calmly or pull me aside out of earshot of everyone and behave like the insane crazy woman you are.”
You slowly stood, facing him, both your eyes locked in a show for dominance. 
“I think you’re intimidated by me, because heaven forbid, I’m smarter, more experienced, and more capable than you.”
“You think I’m intimidated by the likes of you?” 
The tension that seemed to appear at random between you two, seemed to have returned with force, as your eyes slowly drifted to his lips and back to his eyes. You didn’t move away, neither did he. It was as though the tension between the two of you overwhelmed and distorted reality. You pulled back, when a strange sensation shifted in your heart, it scared you. That’s not what you wanted or longed for; just because you may have trusted them to a certain extent, didn’t mean he deserved a space in your heart. 
“I don’t think, I know. But think whatever you want,” all the anger and frustration that had been building, seem to ebb away, “I’m telling you though, I’ve known people like Cid before; they’ll try to con you, and use you as long as it benefits them. The moment you’re no longer useful to her, that’s the moment she’ll turn on you.” You picked up your cup, and chugged back the rest of your drink wiping away the dribble, “You’ve been warned.” You slammed the cup down and walked away. 
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hiii could u do the scene where xavier tackles wednesday out of the way when she was abt to die but could u make wednesday reader and reader and xavier are enemies
pairings: Xavier thorpe x Fem!reader Summary: ^^^^ warnings: none.
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you were walking walking around the school, bored out of your mind until you heard a noise. you looked up seeing a gargoyle falling from above
"Y/N!" someone yelled before you passed out
you woke up in a bed with a bad headache. you opened you eyes seeing him towering over you
you screamed in fright before he calmed you down
"welcome back" he smirked
you sat up on the bed, looking at him weirdly
"hey, hey. take it easy. The nurse said you don't have a concussion but you probably have a nasty bump, yeah?" he said as he sat down in a chair beside the bed
"that gargoyle was going to kill me but you pushed me out of the way. why?" you asked, needing an answer
hy shrugged "call it instinct"
"even when you hate me?" you questioned
"you know hating someone doesn't really come down to when it's a life or death situation" he chuckled lowly
"so you did it out of the kindness of your heart?" you huffed "what if I wanted to die?"
"Mm-Hmm, you know, most people just say thank you" he stated softly
"I didn't want to be rescued"
"so I should've just let that thing smash you to mush?" he asked
"it would've been better for the both of us" you whispered
"it was either I let you die and risk someone see me not help and get in trouble, or I save your life to never hear the end of it" he pointed out
"if it were me I would've let you die. this cruel world isn't good for anybody, I'd be doing you a favour" you smiled
"see that's why we're different, it's because you have no empathy or feelings" he scoffed
"I have feelings" you spat
"right, yeah, sorry it was my mistake. I won't save you next time" he rolled his eyes
"I know that if there is a next time, it might not be a coincidence that you would be there again, and if you were you would totally save me, every. single. time" you smirked
"what are you implying?" he quizzed
"what do you think I'm implying?" you replied
"that I have some sort of feelings for you" he said
"oh. that would be ridiculous" you muttered
"I know"
it was silent for a moment, where neither of you spoke
"thank you" you murmured, hoping he wouldn't hear even if it was directed to him
"pardon?" his eyebrows were furrowed as he looked at you confused
"are you seriously going to make me say it again?" you groaned
"oh absolutely" he grinned
"I said... thank...you" you paused, taking a breath as you regret saying it aloud "thank you" you repeated
"I thought you said you didn't want to be rescued, no you say thank you. what changed your mind?" he smirked
"nothing. my mind never changes"
"so it's always this dull? shocker" he joked
"what's that supposed to mean?" you questioned, offended
"it means I think you could show more feelings and emotions" he shrugged
"I have feelings and I show emotions!" you scoffed
"right" he laughed
"I'm serious" you stated "if I weren't then why do I think you have pretty eyes"
"you think my eyes are pretty?" he smiled
Xavier smiled and sunk in his chair
"No. I mean I do. I think you have nice hair too" you confessed lightly
"thank you?" he whispered
"I still hate you" you lied
"I wouldn't doubt it" he said with a cheeky smile on his face.
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tom-hunter-summah · 1 year
Born in the Wrong Era| pt. 2
pairing: Wally ClarkxGN!Reader
summary: wally and reader finally get to talk. but is it such a good thing?
warnings: mentions of death, reader drives a jeep, one shout and one scream but neither caused the other, mention of hallucinations, use of Y/N. 
word count: 906
a/n: hello,hello! i hope everyone is well 😊 sorry for the delay but good news is chapter three will be out at the end of this week! also this is mainly dialogue. hope yall enjoy!
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also thank you to @moonchildicons for letting me use her wally icon for this aesthetic ❤️
pt. 1 
He holds his hand up to catch his breath. 
“How do you know my name? More importantly; how can you see me?”
You’re too baffled to speak. This boy you’ve known through stories, pictures and tears is here. 
Maybe, You’ve finally cracked under the pressure of life which has led to hallucinations. You squeeze your eyes closed hoping he’ll go away when they open.
He waves a hand in front of your face. “Can you still see me?”
So much for that theory.
“Unfortunately, yes.”
He lets out a sigh of relief before looking slightly offended. “Unfortunately?”
“Yes, Unfortunately.” The moment you check your phone, the bell for 6th period rings. “And I need to get to class.”
You start to walk out the gate but Wally runs in front of you, stopping you in your tracks, again. 
He laughs. “So we’re just not gonna talk about this?”
“Look, Wally I don’t have time to figure out why my hallucinations chose to manifest in the form of someone I’ve never met, but I really need to get to class.”
You walk through him and that experience is one you don’t necessarily want to relive and it has you running to class. 
You hear Wally yell out after you. “You’re not hallucinating!”
Further into the hurricane, you go. 
Monday- 1:45 pm
You’ve never been happier that you have 8th period free. Stats is already hell to be in, but that thing you saw earlier didn’t make it any better. As soon as you could, you bolted from class to your car. You waited for the lot to clear from parents and students alike before you screamed (windows rolled up of course.) It felt good. It would have felt great if you weren’t started by Mr. Anderson knocking on your window. 
You roll your window down, looking guilty. 
“You alright?” 
You shrug. 
“Do you want to talk about it?”
You shake your head no. 
“Understand. Well if you’re going to have a mental breakdown, please do so off school grounds, or at least in the theater room.” He gently taps the hood of your Jeep and briskly walks away.
You laugh to yourself at the ridiculousness of that interaction. 
“What’s so funny?”
Or so you hoped. 
“Jesus can’t a person decompress in peace?! What the hell Wally?”
He holds his hands up in defense.  “Sorry. Look I’ve been trying to get your attention since you stomped off the field but you couldn’t hear me in your very complicated math class–”
You cut him off. “So you thought giving me a heart attack in my car would help me not ignore you?”
He shrugs. “Well at least if you die then we can–” 
You give him a look. “Not helping your case dude. Get out of my car.” 
“Wait Y/N–”
“How do you even know my name?”
In the beat of silence that filled the car, you shrink. “Sorry Walls, Please, talk.”
He sighs. “Thank you. And I’m sorry for yelling. Wait, did you just call me Walls?”
You shrug. “Yeah. Bea calls you that all the time so it’s second nature.”
His brows furrow. “Bea? Like my mom Bea?”
You nod your head. “Do you remember Ceceil James?”
Wally nods. 
“She was my grandmother and you know how those two were.”
He laughs. “Wait, were? Did something happen?”
You can barely stop your voice from cracking.  “Walls.”
His face falls and you see tears brim in his eyes. “How?”
“It was a car accident. S-She was alone when…”
Wally’s hands go to cover yours only for them to fall through and give you a chill. 
“Sorry, force of habit. We don’t have to keep talking about Cece by the way. God I’m so stupid I should’ve realized it would hurt to talk about it. I mean she was your grandma for god’s sake and–”
You go to grab his face but you stop right before you would make contact. 
“Sorry. Force of habit.”
He chuckles dryly. “I appreciate the thought. And thank you for getting me out of my head.”
You nod. “Don’t mention it.”
Wally clears his throat before talking. 
“Well that was fun.”
You laugh. “Alright funny boy; what questions do you have?”
Wally thinks for a moment. “I guess my first question is; how’s my mom doing?”
You clear your throat. “Well, she’s Bea. Kind and understanding. Always supportive of her loved one’s dreams.”
You look back at Wally and he’s straight-faced for all of two seconds before he bursts out laughing. 
You can’t help but laugh along. “What’s so funny?”
“I mean my mom is great but understanding isn’t exactly one of her more honed skills.”
Your brows furrow as you realize the dig Wally just made at Bea. “What is that supposed to mean?”
His laughter finally dies down as he notices you’re serious. “She’s a bit insistent is all.”
You give him a pointed look. “You mean stubborn.”
He shrugs. “I guess yeah.”
“Get out.”
“Wait Y/N, I have more questions.”
You send daggers his way. “You should have thought about that before you disrespected Bea.”
Wally goes to speak but you simply hold up your hand. You stay like that for a few moments and he finally leaves your jeep but not before leaving you something to chew on. 
“The Bea you know now isn’t the Bea I knew.”
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talas-first-lady · 2 months
Final Frame: the Musical
I am now Covid-free and mostly awake so let me put this thing together.
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The episode opens as it's supposed to. The bowlers get abducted, Zari and Nate head off to go camping.
Gary sings a brief song about helping Ava try on wedding dresses that is clearly not part of the actual musical, it's just Gary being Gary. Ava tells him to shut up.
Behrad attempts to make brownies. They go wrong... or do they?
John is all hyped up on his magic juice and has planned a very sexy date for Z2. Behrad has to tell him that no Zs are available right now. B is lonely and John is unable to contain his need to show off his magic, so he's like "You're handsome enough, why not?" Duet/date montage. Nothing happens but it's very steamy and very suggestive.
(Next episode: The Bored On Board hot yoga scene now throws Behrad into full-on gay panic mode and Nate has to talk him down. Everything is 50% more awkward because Behrad refuses to make eye contact with John.)
Meanwhile, at the bowling alley, Spooner sings a heartfelt ballad about learning to love bowling. The second it ends, she accuses Astra of using magic to make her do that. Astra is offended by the suggestion that she would ever experience Spooner singing intentionally. Spooner brings up the princess song. They proceed to chase each other around the bowling alley while Sara and Mick sit there like “…Princess song?”
Meanwhile, at the campgrounds, things are okay but not great. Cut to the totem, where Zari 2.0 and some nosy ancestors are watching things play out. Neither Zari is very impressed by the camping idea.
Bowling has started. Spooner is bugging Mick about his lack of technique. He sings a short song about how everyone needs to just leave him alone already. This song is occasionally reprised throughout the rest of the episode.
On the Waverider, the awkward date has ended. Earth has disappeared. John magicks them across space to find the bowling alley. Gideon has a short song yelling at him for breaking her.
Sara and Spooner try to get Astra to bowl. She's not having it. She starts a punk number about how she didn't leave Hell for this nonsense. The cosmic bowling lights come on, and it becomes a full-on band number (Sara on guitar, Spooner on bass, Mick on drums).
Z2 and the judgy ancestors are now dissecting the terrible camping date in song form. Amaya drops by at one point to see what all the commotion is about and joins them.
Outside of the totem, Zari and Nate are singing a duet. They are periodically interrupted by loud music from the people camping next to them (rock n roll, obviously). The song becomes less and less a duet and more two people singing adjacent to each other until the part where Zari suggests they break up and then they talk things through.
Back at the bowling alley, Ava comes up to the door in her ridiculous wedding dress but isn't allowed in because the game is still going on. Sara comes over and they have a duet through the door. Sara goes on an extended tangent about how she's pretty sure there's something going on between Astra and Spooner.
Earth is saved, everyone joins together in the bowling alley, big happy song and dance number.
Behrad wakes up in the galley in the middle of a plate of brownies.
The end.
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bitterspoons · 3 months
Chapter Two: Steve Harrington Series
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You'll Catch a Cold
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Chapter Summary: in which Lacy translates Morse Code and carries multiple weapons in her bag, including a staple gun.
last chapter // next chapter
“Is there a number so we can call your parents?”
“Where’s all your hair?”
 “Do you have cancer?” 
“Did you run away?” 
Lacy shoved them all aside angrily as an extremely annoyed 16 year old. “Shut up! She is scared and cold and you guys aren’t helping!”  She yelled at them, a stack of clothes in her hand. “Dustin, close that window.” 
“Hey sweetie, c’mon. You’re gonna catch a cold in those clothes.” Lacy’s voice was feathery soft, a stark difference to how she usually talked. 
She offered a hand to Eleven who hesitantly took it and almost started changing in front of them. “C’mon, let’s not change out here, okay?” 
Eleven nodded, taking her hand and following her to the bathroom. 
“This is the bathroom down here, there’s privacy so you can change. You can close the door so—” The girl shook her head. “No? Do you not wanna be alone?” 
The girl shook her head again. 
“That’s okay. Are you comfortable with me helping you?” Lacy asked softly, to which the girl pulled her in the bathroom. “Alright then!” 
Lacy started off a warm bath for Eleven, having her put her hand in the water so she could choose the temperature. “I love hot baths too, it makes me feel cleaner.” 
“I don’t like cold.” She said quietly. 
“Me neither.” Lacy smiled before her smile dropped. “Oh my goodness, I haven't even introduced myself yet. I’m Lacy, what’s your name?” 
“Lacy…” The girl mumbled before showing Lacy her wrist where a tattoo of the numbers 011 laid. 
The girl nodded. 
“Well Eleven, the idiots outside are my friends. Well kinda, the fluffy haired one is my brother—Dustin and I kinda hang out with his friends but I’m practically their brothers too.” 
Eleven let out a small laugh. 
“Alright, let’s clean you off yeah?” 
After a quick bath, Lacy presented Eleven with outfit options and then helped her clean any wounds—putting cartoon bandaids on them and kissing them. “Makes them heal faster.” 
Soon, with Eleven all clean and in dry clothes, Lacy helped Mike set up a small blanket fort in his basement. “Dustin? Tell mom that I’m gonna sleep over!” 
With that, Dustin and Lucas left—Mike went to his room and Lacy stayed with Eleven in her blanket fort, just making small conversation. 
“Pretty.” Eleven blurted, pointing at Lacy. 
“Thank you,” Lacy smiled. “You’re pretty too.”
“Mhmm, very pretty.” Lacy confirmed, turning the nightlight down a little bit as Eleven yawned. “Let’s try and sleep okay?” 
“Goodnight Eleven.” 
“Night Lacy.” 
It was weird, but the two had an unspoken bond. Sister’s in another life. 
It struck her hard when Eleven sacrificed herself later that year. 
▪────  ⚔  ────▪
“Have I talked to the police?” Lacy asked incredulously, handing the phone back to Hopper.
Hopper repeated the question with the same infliction. “I am the police! Chief Jim Hopper!” 
Lacy rolled her eyes, sighing and sliding into a chair at the dining table next to her brother. “I don’t think she believed us, did she?” They looked over at Hopper. 
“We’ll see.” Hopper tried to leave them with an optimistic end but that didn’t go over well with The Party and its allies. 
“‘We’ll see?’” Mike repeated. “We can’t just sit here while those things are loose!” 
Hopper’s eyes hardened. “We sit here and we wait for help.” 
Lacy scoffed and leaned back in her chair. “This is ridiculous.” She rubbed her temples irritated.
‘So much for a cool return to Hawkins,” She thought, half listening to the riveting conversation between the children. 
Adjusting her hair bow, she leaned back in her chair and twirled her hair before the mention of the ‘Mind Flayer’ sparked her attention. She slammed the manual onto the table from her bag—flipping to the right page. “The Mind Flayer, it’s a monster from an unknown dimension—so ancient that it doesn’t know it’s own home.” She explained. 
“It enslaves races or other dimensions.” The younger Henderson took over. “”Taking over their brain using highly developed psionic powers.”
“Oh my god, none of this is real.” Hopper sighed. “This is a kid’s game.”
“No, it's a manual and it’s not for kids.” Dustin defended. 
Lacy also stepped in. “And unless you know something that we don’t, this is the best metaphor we have—”
Lacy tilted her head towards Lucas, an annoyed smile plastered on her face. “Analogy?” She repeated. “I’m sorry, I didn’t realize my english terminology was more pressing than Will’s possession or the giant Demogorgons running around town.”
Nancy got the conversation back on the rails. “Okay so this Mind Flamer-thing—”
“Flayer, Mind Flayer.” Dustin corrected. 
Lacy rolled her eyes. “Dustin, drop it.” 
Nancy continued her point. “—What does it want?” 
“To conquer us basically, it believes it’s superior—the master race.” Dustin replied. 
“Oh! Like the- like the germans!” 
Everyone turned their heads to Steve. “You mean the Nazi’s?” Dustin clarified. 
“Yeah, yeah the Nazi’s.” 
Lacy put a sickeningly sweet smile on. “If the Nazi’s were from an entirely different dimesion, totally!” 
Mike also jumped in on the explanation. “It wants to spread, take over the other dimensions.” 
Jumping up and down, Lucas also piped in. “We’re talking about the destruction of our world as we know it.”
“That’s great! That’s really great, jesus.” Steve mumbled, running his hand through his hair. 
“Okay, wait but if we kill this thing…the brain that controls everything…” Nancy held up Will’s old drawing. 
“We kill everything it controls!” Mike concluded. 
“And theoretically, we win.” 
Hopper looked at the drawing. “Right so, how do you kill this thing? Shoot it with Fireballs or something?” 
Dustin laughed a little. “No no, not fireballs. You’d kill it with an undead army because…” Dustin looked around at the judgy faces. “Because uh…ya know, it likes brains…” 
A silence. 
Dustin sighed. “What are we doing, it’s a kids game.”
“What the hell are we doing here…” Hopper dropped the book back on the table. 
“I thought we were waiting for your military backup!” 
“We are!” Hopper argued. 
“And then what?” Mike asked him. “What are they gonna do? You can’t exactly shoot this thing with guns.” 
“You don’t know that!” Hopper yelled. 
The Party began ganging up on Hopper. “We already know that they’ve killed everything in that lab!” 
“We know the monsters are gonna molt again.” Lucas added. 
“We know it’s only a matter of time before those tunnels reach this town.” Dustin continues. 
“And you know they’re right.” Lacy backed them up, before her eyes flickered to Joyce behind them. 
“We do, they’re right.” Joyce joined the conversation, her voice trying not to waver. “We have to kill this thing. I want to kill it.”
“I know, I know.” Hopper put a hand on Joyce’s shoulder. “But we don’t even know how.”
Lacy handed Joyce a mug of tea, pushing Hopper aside. “But we know someone who would.” She glanced at the drugged little boy on the couch. “If anyone—it’s Will.” 
“But I thought we couldn’t trust him anymore.” Max turned to them. “That he’s a spy for the Mindflayer.” 
“Maybe…” Mike paused. “But he can’t spy if he doesn’t know where he is.” 
Lacy dug around in her bag, pulling out her staple gun. “Let’s get cracking.”
▪────  ⚔  ────▪
Cleaning out the Shed, Lacy started stapling cardboard to the walls, or anything that anyone really handed to her—it got stapled to the wall. 
She went inside to get some more staples from her bag when she overheard Max and Mike in the kitchen, taping together cardboard and searching for cleaning supplies. 
“Just because you know the truth, doesn’t mean you’re in our party.” Mike defended. “You do know that, right?”
“Yeah, I know.” Max said, pretending she wasn’t too bothered. “I mean, why would you want a stupid zoomer in your party anyway?” 
Lacy pretended she just wandered in the kitchen, grabbing an apple. “Hey Max, wanna try using the staple gun? My hands are getting tired.” 
“Uh yeah, sure. Bye Mike.” 
Lacy wrapped her arm around Max’s shoulders, walking off with her.
“Hey, as the starter of their little party—they’re being stupid. Mike is just…going through a lot right now, it’s not an excuse for how they’re treating you but I’m sure they'll come around, yeah?”
Max opened the door for them. “Yeah.” 
“Harrington! You’re welcome!” Lacy called, grabbing his attention, and throwing him an apple which he caught. “I don’t like apples.” Lacy admitted to Max as they walked over to the shed. 
Lacy switched the conversation again, handing her the staple gun. “And if they still don’t let you join—you and I can make our own party. I’d be happy to be friends with a stupid zoomer—whatever the hell that means—god I’m getting old.”
Max laughed, stapling a piece of cardboard to the ceiling. 
Soon everyone was working hard to make the shed unrecognizable—taping lights to beams, shoving tin foil on walls, gift wrap on windowsills until the room was completely padded and remodeled. 
Most people were ushered back into the house to wait, Mike, Hopper, Jonathan and Joyce staying back to try and get something out of Will. 
Lacy was the last one out, handing the bleach to Hopper to wake Will up. “Love y’all, good luck.” 
And off they went to sit in the house, to wait and wait. And wait. 
Dustin anxiously paced around the house, Nancy leaned against a wall, Steve practiced swinging his spiked baseball bat and Max and Lucas sat on the floor together. 
Lacy tossed a metal pipe to Max who caught it. “In case things go sideways.”
“Which it won’t.” Lucas added, looking at Lacy who twirled a kitchen knife.
“I hope you’re right.” Lacy admitted as the lights began violently flickering. 
They all raced towards the window, seeing the shed’s lights flickered on and off, muffled yelling coming from the shed, but soon it all calmed down again. 
Soon enough, Hopper came rushing into the house. 
“What happened?” Lacy rushed to follow Hopper. 
“I think he’s talking.” Hopper explained. “Just not with words…” Hopper started to write down dit’s and dah’s on a piece of paper, mostly likely what Will had communicated. 
“Hey what is that?” Steved began to ask before quickly being shut up by everyone. 
“Morse code!” They all answered. 
“Here, he’s saying he’s here.” Lay translated before Hopper started himself. “What? I’m the one who taught Will!” 
“Will’s still in there. He’s talking to us.” 
Lacy was ushered into the shed with a notepad, pretending to be moral support as the group continued bringing up personal memories together as a ruse while Lacy wrote down the message on paper, translating the code in her head until Will stopped tapping the edge of his chair. 
Discreetly nodding at Hopper, Lacy forced out crocodile tears. “I’m sorry—this is just too much.” She sniffled, making a quick exit out of the shed to show the others the message. 
“Close Gate.” Lacy said, slapping her notepad down on the table. 
As they all gathered around the note, thinking a blaring ringing interrupted their thoughts. 
The phone rang. 
Nancy ran over, quickly hanging up the phone as someone called again. 
Lacy took her knife and stabbed the phone until the ringing stopped, Nancy took it off the wall entirely for good measure—throwing it on the floor. 
“Do you think he heard that?” Max asked. 
“I mean it’s just a phone right?” Steve looked at them. “It could be anywhere.” 
Lacy shook her head, throwing him his bat. “The demogorgons are everywhere, one of them heard that phone ring.” 
It was oddly inevitable, hearing the monster screeches in the distance and yet it still made her skin crawl.
The rest of them ran into the house, holding an unconscious Will—Hopper throwing Nancy a gun and preparing his own. 
Lacy tossed any weapons in her bags to the kids, giving up her knife to Dustin, grabbing the pistol she stole and handing Lucas ammo for his slingshot  and Mike, a metal pipe she tore off from the wall. 
“Why do you carry that many weapons?” 
Lacy groaned in annoyance, hiding the children away from the windows and behind the teenagers and adults, loading some ammo that Hopper gave her. “Are you seriously complaining?” 
Her only answer was a loud demogorgon scream. 
Monsters growled from all around them as they looked from window to window. They all waited for the moment one would pounce and the chaos of violence would start. 
When the screeching stopped abruptly, causing Lacy to tense even more. 
A demogorgon jumped through a window, Lacy quickly jumping back before it could hit her when before she could even shoot it dead—she realized a live demogorgon hadn't jumped through the window. 
Instead, a fresh corpse of one. 
Lacy threw a book at it for good measure and when it didn’t move, she kicked the head with her foot—watching it limply fall. “It’s dead.” 
The door handle creaked, causing them all to move their positions again, watching the door handle unlock and move from the outside, they all raised their weapons.
Lacy dropped hers immediately, almost tripping over her feet to hug Eleven, who had just walked through the door. 
“Holy shit, you’re alive.”
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animatorweirdo · 5 months
Midnight Blessings
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You found yourself unable to sleep once again, but luckily, Nelle was there to offer comfort and give you something that would put an end to all the nightmares.
Warnings: nightmares, yelling, arguing, mentions of dying and getting killed, graphic description of getting shot, bleeding, flowers growing out of you, waking up, crying, nightmares, Nelle coming to comfort, angst, pining, you and Nelle having a soft moment.
Chapter 19
It was dark again. You could not see or hear anything, neither were you able to move. You were yet again in that strange state of nothingness. Soon, lights began to flicker through the darkness, and muffled sounds reached your ears. You could not tell what they were saying, but you started to feel some kind of an invisible force pulling you down.
With a jolt, you found yourself standing in the living room of Camilla’s family home. You were holding your phone and you were dressed for something, something important. It took a buzz from your phone finally to remember what it was. It was your movie date with Jace.
“You’re dating this guy?!” Someone yelled, making you jump and face the person in front of you. It was Camilla, and she was looking at you with a very pissed-off expression.
“(Name)! I can’t believe you! You promised it was only for the prom!” she exclaimed. 
“Don’t yell at me! One thing led to another and then it just happened!” you said back at her. 
“Things don’t just happen! I know you have liked this guy since the first grade! You definitely took the chance when it was presented to you!” she said, pointing her finger accusingly at you. 
“So, fucking what? And besides, we’re dating temporarily! It’s going to be over after the prom!” you yelled at her. 
“Do you think I’m stupid enough to believe that?! You definitely planned on seeing him after the prom!” Camilla snapped at you. 
“I’m not! He’s literally moving to the other side of the country!” you snapped back at her. 
“What are you two yelling about? We could literally hear you from the other side of the house?!” Camilla’s mother demanded as she and her husband appeared in the living room. 
“(Name) started dating a boy from our school even though I only promised she could go to the prom with him, and now she’s going on a movie date with him,” Camilla explained while pointing at you. 
Camilla’s mother stared at you with shock and anger. “You are doing what?!” she raised her voice. 
You clicked your tongue, looking at Camilla. “Do you have to ruin everything?! It’s not that big of a deal!” you said. 
“(Name)! It is that big of a deal! It’s bad enough you convinced Camilla to keep your plans to go to a ridiculous school dance a secret, but now you are dating this boy!” Camilla’s mother said with anger laced in her tone. “Do you have any idea how many rules you have broken?!” 
“It’s just one prom! And Jace doesn’t know anything! I can’t see why you would not allow me to have this at least once in my life!” you yelled, tears threatening to fall from your eyes. 
“The beast, child! The beast is the reason. Why you can’t go!” she yelled back. 
“I’ve taken my medicine and I can handle my emotions!” you said even though angry tears were already falling down your cheeks. 
“Calm down! Calm down! Let us not escalate this with yelling,” Camilla’s father tried to intervene. “(Name). You know we’re just worried about you,” he said, looking at you. 
“Worried about what? That I lose control and kill someone even though I’ve taken the medicine?” you questioned with more tears running down from your eyes. 
“No, no… it’s not that,” Camilla’s father shook his head. 
“Or some hunters come to kill me?” you asked. “You know, no matter what I do, no matter how good I have been, I never get to enjoy something good! It’s always 'follow this, follow that, and don’t ask questions.' So, why does it matter if I die by hunters’ hands? At least, I get to enjoy something before I die!” you yelled.
“(Name)...” Camilla’s father looked at you with sorrow in his eyes. Camilla’s mother only glared at you after your outburst. 
“Don’t raise your voice at us!” She yelled. 
“I don’t care anymore! If I die, then I die. At least, I will finally be out of your hands!” you yelled even louder. 
“(Name), don’t say that…” Camilla’s father pleaded. 
You felt a buzz on your phone and saw it was Jace, texting he was outside waiting for you. It gave you some comfort and a chance to get away. 
“Jace is outside. I’m going to the movies,” you dried your tears and walked toward the door, grabbing your jacket on the way. 
“Hold it right there! You are not going anywhere, young lady!” Camilla’s mother yelled at you as you opened the door, but then you were face to face with a shotgun barrel. 
You froze in shock when you saw the one who held the gun. 
Jace pulled the trigger. The shotgun flashed with a loud explosion, and you were struck right in the chest, the force of the blow slamming you down on the floor. Camilla screamed as you began to bleed and convulse in shock. Jace dropped the shotgun and ran away from the door. 
“A shooter! Call the cops!” Camilla’s father yelled as he ran through the door, after Jace. 
Camilla’s mother kneeled down beside you, quickly addressing the state of your wounds. 
“Camilla! Give me the towel from the counter! Then call nine-one-one!” she yelled as Camilla uncontrollably cried. Camilla kept crying but pulled herself together enough to throw her mother the kitchen towel and take out her phone, shakingly dialing the emergency number.
Camilla’s mother then used the towel to add pressure to the wound in your chest. Your eyes stared at the ceiling lights as the pain finally caught up to you. Tears ran down your eyes. The pain was unimaginable and your eyes slowly began to see black spots. You choked when you felt something growing within your throat, making it harder to breathe. 
“(Name)!” Camilla’s mother looked down on you. 
“Open your mouth! Let the flower grow out! It might save you!” she was yelling, but your ears were still ringing from the explosive sound of the shotgun. You felt scared when you felt the thing in your throat grow longer, but opened your mouth like she said and felt the thing sprout through your throat, pushing out the blood within your mouth.
Sirens echoed in the background and you felt Camilla’s mother take off her hand as something grew out of your wound. You noticed something blue coming out of you before your consciousness began fading. The last things you heard were the heavy footsteps of the paramedics as they came through the door and Camilla’s crying before you finally fell into the darkness. 
Jolting awake, you lay on your bed, breathing frantically through your nose and mouth while feeling the scar on your chest. You lay there quietly in the darkened room, touching the mark where you got shot by the shotgun. It took you a moment to calm down from the panic, and then you noticed the tear stain on your pillow. You quickly realized that you had been crying in your sleep. 
You pushed up, leaning on your arm and using your shirt’s sleeve to dry up the tears on your face. 
Your eyes burned with dryness after you dried your tears. Your breathing and racing heart finally calmed down as you contemplated the dream, or rather, the more clear memory of the incident that nearly took your life. 
It was the day when you were closer to death than ever before and when you were betrayed by the one you were hopelessly in love with, the day when you finally started listening to the rules and never sought love again. 
Feeling the dryness in your throat, you crawled to the other side of your bed and grabbed the glass of water from the nightstand. The cold liquid flowed through your throat and your mind felt refreshed by the cool sensation as you drank the whole glass. 
You then sat on the edge of the bed, thinking about the incident.
Your memories of the incident were hazy as it happened so fast. All you could remember was the boiling pain you felt as you lay there on the floor, struggling to breathe and losing consciousness after the paramedics arrived. Then you remember recovering in the hospital for months since the shotgun shell struck you too close to the heart. 
Apparently, Jace learned about your curse and became mad with fear. Some of Camilla’s family speculated that the hunters were the ones to tell him about your curse and send him to kill you since the shotgun shells were laced with pure silver, or that he was a hunter himself. You don’t know which one was true; you were too heartbroken to find out yourself after the ordeal.
He was then sentenced to prison for attempted murder. You did not know how long, but you knew it was for a long time.
You tried to control your tears. It had been years since the incident, but you were still haunted by the sound of the shotgun going off and Camilla’s screams when she watched you bleed on the floor. 
You looked up when you heard footsteps and saw Nelle appear from the shadows, holding a small candle in her hands. 
You quickly dried your eyes. “Sorry, was I being too loud?” you asked and hoped she would not ask about the tears or the redness in your eyes. 
“No, I was awake the whole time. Was it a nightmare?” Nelle questioned softly as she set the candle down on a table. 
“Yeah, but it's nothing serious. I see them from time to time,” you replied. 
“It seems serious enough since it caused you to wake up in tears, breathe uncontrollably, and touch your old scars,” she described.  
“How did you know?” you asked, confused. 
“I sensed you were having a nightmare before you woke up,” she answered. “And this was one of the worst nightmares you had seen,” she said. 
“How can you tell?” you asked while pouring more water into the glass from the jug. 
“My lady was Este, whose gift was to heal the hurt. Her husband is Irmo, the Valar of dreams. My brother was the one to serve him, but even we who served Este learned from him when it came to healing those in spirit,” Nelle explained as she came to sit beside you on the bed.
“Sensing nightmares was one of his teachings. They can happen from time to time, but you see them more frequently, more than you really should,” she stated, making you look away. 
“So tell me. How long have you seen these continuous nightmares?” Nelle asked. 
You remained quiet for a moment before answering. 
“Pretty much my whole life,” you started. “They were mostly caused by the beast. It doesn’t have the power to take control of me, but it can still affect my dreams. And my life had not exactly been a happy one,” you sighed. “I haven’t slept well because of them. I don’t even remember the last time when I woke up late. I always wake up early and don’t find the strength to find sleep anymore,” you said as tears threatened to fall from your eyes again. Your mind then returned to Maglor. 
“But then I kinda met someone, whose songs soothe my mind and I find myself asleep, free of nightmares,” you smiled. 
“But when he’s not near, the nightmares continue,” you frowned.  
“I have tried music before to help me sleep, but for some reason, it only works when he’s the one to sing me to sleep,” you explained. 
“It seems like an emotional matter. You are in love with this person,” Nelle stated. 
“And that’s the problem,” you said as the tears finally fell from your eyes again. 
“This nightmare I just saw. It was not just a dream but a memory. Before I even met the one I’m currently in love with, I was seeing someone else. Someone I thought was the one for me, ignoring all the dangers that followed,” you explained. 
“He did not know about my curse, and when he did, he nearly killed me,” you revealed. “Ever since that day I have been following advice that I should not try to find love since this curse would always bring me sorrow wherever I may go,” you added. 
“This person knows about my curse and has kept me safe, but I don’t dare to go further. He’s an amazing and sweet person, but there are so many things that tells me that it's not meant to be,” you said.
Nelle looked at you sympathetically. 
“(Name)” she softly laid her hands on your shoulder. She gently turned your face to look at her. 
“You have faced a lot of pain in your life. I can sense that you are afraid to lose yourself and let anyone in. But this fear and self-hatred will only hurt you more. If this person truly has your heart and you feel like you can trust him, then you should at least give him a chance, let yourself feel the warmth, and put an end to the pain caused by the past,” she explained.
“I… I don’t know how,” you said. “I can’t even sleep without the beast poking me where it hurts the most,” 
Nelle then suddenly held your face in both of her hands. Despite the coldness of her hands, they were gentle, and then the woman in front of you leaned in and placed a soft kiss on your forehead. 
You felt slightly confused by the gesture but did not push her away. 
“With this blessing, neither powers from within you nor outside shall tamper with your dreams ever again,” Nelle said, her eyes glowing with pinkish light. She then laid your head gently on her lap. 
“Close your eyes…” she said. 
“My music might not be as special as the one that holds your heart, but it should help you fall asleep,” she explained as you closed your eyes, feeling her hand through your hair and how she breathed in before opening her mouth to sing. 
Despite her stoic and somewhat cold persona, her voice was delicate and beautiful. It was a voice you could imagine coming from an angel. You slowly started to feel drowsy as she continued to sing. It was like an enchantment, putting you to sleep, yet you did not feel afraid. You felt warm and safe. You nearly wanted to listen to her more, but soon you fell into a soundless slumber.
After minutes of singing, Nelle looked down when she felt your body relax and your breathing slow down in rhythm. She stroked your hair as soft snores left your mouth. 
“Sleep well…” she mumbled softly as the night came to pass. 
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softlyapocalytpic · 1 year
WIP Weekend
Tagged by @persephotea
I haven't written any fics recently, so take this list of Moments I wrote about Sunshine and Deacon! None of it is necessarily canon but rather me trying to figure out their dynamic
Tagging: @railroadlesbian @bleumanouche @sirmanmister (no pressure! just offering the chance haha)
Sunshine and Deacon come across a raider camp that has some people locked up and the decide to have a little fun with busting them out. A little work together challenge if you will. Sunshine goes to the front gate, Deacon takes the back, and they're both testing their lying skills to basically walk in the front door before raising hell. They both succeed (relatively) although some things fuck up and they have to improvise from their. The people get saved, the raiders get slaughtered (some running away screaming), and Sunny tosses back a grenade at the place as they walk away with arms wrapped around each other's necks. The implication here is this is pretty normal and practiced for them at this point.
Playing poker with the RR post HP going undercover, and the two of them cleaning out their fellow agents for the bits and bobs they bet. Glory in particular ends up losing incredibly poorly and she realizes at the end the two of them had been working together to split the winnings (the winnings not even being money, but knick knacks, snacks, and the life. they're a nonprofit, they don't have money).
Sunny and D sitting with Tinker and tossing conspiracy theories with him and each other and then he gets disappointed when he realizes that neither actually believes in them like he does they're just fucking around. Sunny shrugs and says they could be real, but the knowledge doesn't change her life at all so what's the point in worrying about? Deacon thinking to himself about how differently they view life and knowledge.
Playing baseball in Diamond City with each other and the kids and it generally causes a ruckus and they get told to quit so they all end up going back to the Dugout for nuka colas and food. Sunny and Deacon both take turns smiling fondly at the other while the other is wrapped up in telling stories to the kids. Sunny tells Deacon he'd make a really good teacher.
Playing pranks on the Brotherhood of Steel while Sunny is "in captivity" and generally just making the soldiers look like idiots. This includes stealing shit and misplacing it on purpose, Deacon talking circles around their ideology while Sunny aids him, and purposefully misunderstanding orders to create chaos.
Generally being silly competitive over kills which ends in them both lying constantly to one up the other because they're both great liars. This is observed by an outside party (Leo? Mac? Who knows) who point out how silly and ridiculous those numbers are to which they both start defending the other.
It's sunset on a rooftop somewhere and they've had a couple of very bad beers (maybe they just got that beer bot for the guy in Goodneighbor). Sunny suddenly and abruptly opening up to Deacon about her relationship with Piper and her pseudo-relationship with Veronica when something reminds her of them. She talks very casually about the revelation that she's probably just unlovable. Deacon is caught between wanting to yell "no your wrong" and not being able to be vulnerable, and so he says, "Eh, I'm not ever settling down with anybody. We can be unlovable together" or something to that extent.
Sunshine is having a bad migraine day and can't go outside. Deacon isn't used to her being like this and Sunny tries to hide it because she hates being seen as weak. His gust instinct is to leave her alone until she's ready to be bright and cheery again, but he pushes past that and goes to lay down beside her in her dark room and tells her stories. Anything he can come up with as long as he can. They can't see each other's faces and Deacon's heart is beating fast at being so close and intimate with someone, and he wants to bolt. But he stays and he lets Sunny softly hold his hand. He offers to get her water and food and take care of her in little non-invasive ways, and at first she flinches, but lets him take care of her. Lets herself be vulnerable too.
I think it makes sense for Deacon to have a dissociative disorder. He starts just kinda not being there in one of those quiet moments where they have to sit in silence for mission reasons and the stress is compounding. Sunny doesn't try to force him out of it but rather she holds him and grounds him by being this physical presence that reminds him that he's real. She tells him stories about her travels, not the outlandish, but the things she misses and loves about the Mojave.
Deacon does actually ask about Sunshine's past, but he's careful about what he asks about so as to not have her close off. He's constantly looking to know more about everything and everyone, and most the time Sunny offers a lot of the fun voluntarily, but he loves stories about the Mojave so he wants to know what it was life. He likes to fly off to the escapist fantasy of other worlds and he wants to go see the West Coast so badly but he never can. Eventually, I think she takes him there and shows him everything she can. He finally gets to travel for fun.
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marigoldwitch · 2 years
Is this an unpopular opinion?
Can we all agree that recording someone having a mental health crisis and antagonizing them while doing it is ridiculously inappropriate and unnecessary?
And before you come at me with the whole “Karen’s are using crocodile tears to get away with…” I get that, and I agree 100%. But I honestly believe a lot of y’all can’t tell the different between someone experiencing a mental health crisis and someone just acting entitled.
I saw a video of a woman having a mental breakdown at self checkout after a strange man touched her and tried to physically move her because she cut him in line. I know your first thought is “well she cut him in line” which is true but he’s an adult man, not a 5 year old, and he could have used his words instead of physical touching her. And in the video the woman apologizes and says “I didn’t realize you were in line and you touched me, that triggered me” and this man’s response was to further antagonize her while recording her. Talking about “you saw me” and “you’re a bitch” and blah blah blah. Which makes her act even more emotional and further triggers her. And then he tried to touch her again. He kept going at her instead of saying literally anything remotely appropriate like “I shouldn’t have touched you, that was inappropriate. But now that you know I was actually next in line I think you should wait til I’m finished to checkout.” Turns our the woman was a victim of a recent SA and having a strange man touch her randomly triggered an emotional response. And the only person in that video that’s trying to help is another woman telling the man to just go to another register, while he’s still going on and on and on about how “she cut in front of him” like their in grade school or something. The video ends before a resolution so idk what happened after she started crying and asking people to back up away from her and give her space.
Btw, I’ve had people cut in front of me tons of times at check out, I just do the normal adult thing and let it go. Sometimes I realize the person didn’t notice I was in line and sometimes it’s obvious they feel entitled and more important so they just cut me because they’re assholes. Neither situation is worth even more of my time wasted pressing the issue like a kid who got cut in line at lunch and it’s pizza day lol. I’m not that pressed.
I say all this because the internet has y’all forgetting how to act in public and forgetting that people actually do experience mental illness; that this display of mental illness makes people appear irrational and act out. When someone is experiencing a mental break they’re going to react to their surroundings, and if they’re surrounded by people antagonizing them they’re going to continue to act irrationally.
I don’t think recording is wrong. I actually think it’s helpful so that the authorities can better do their jobs to determine the best course of action/ treatment options for someone who is causing a scene. However I do not think it’s necessary to further feed into someone’s mental health crisis by continuing to press the issue to get a reaction out of them. Especially if that person is a complete stranger and you know absolutely nothing about their personal life.
And yes, we can tell when you’re recording and antagonizing with the intentions of getting a bigger reaction out of someone. A little crying from being triggered by a strange man touching you can turn into a full blown panic attack when 4-6 other people start shoving phones in your face and yelling at you. If you really think that person is a danger to themselves or you, call 911 and let them handle it. Stop pushing them over the edge for internet clout.
And if they’re a “Karen” the best way to handle them (in my experience) is to completely ignore them and act like they’re not there. And if they’re a Karen causing a problem, record them and just let them expose themselves. Don’t add commentary. Don’t antagonize them for a bigger reaction. Let them dig their own grave. Let their behavior speak for itself.
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If the chuunin exams hadn't happened, we could have had so many Team Gai and Team 7 shenanigans (or probably not)
There's a cómic of the dynamic of every team at the beach. Kakashi is having a headache trying to keep his three gremlins from causing chaos, while Gai and Lee are fighting a giant octopus/squid while Neji and Tenten just watch them completely unimpressed.
And I can't stop thinking of Kakashi making the three gremlins go to Gai to help him (Naruto goes because he's feral, Sakura 'cause she's just as chaotic at that point and Sasuke 'cause like hell the dobe and Lee will do something better than him) and Gai being all for it.
And Kakashi, Neji and Tenten looking at them, then at each other, and just deciding to go vibe together somewhere calmer.
Of course, two of them are little shits and Neji is slowly turning into a moderate one, so they end up creating their own chaos, maybe doing something accidentally ilegal while looking cool and making a run for it like nothing happened because as long as Gai doesn't know this will totally be forgotten.
(Kishi was a coward. He knew the world wouldn't be able to handle so much chaotic energy.)
Kishi looked at the chaotic energy of Kakashi and Gai and decided that was more than enough for us. He was wrong.
I think Sakura would switch from activity to activity. Ya if it looks fun she’s joining in. Usually the activities are good for anger management and she has a lot of fun striking things. Other times she just wants to relax and explore the chaotic energy of being with Kakashi, Tenten and Neji.
Kakashi and Tenten will 9/10 times be doing something they definitely should not be doing, and Gai has had to sit his eternal rival down and tell him to stop being a bad influence to his students, but they continue anyways.
Meanwhile Gai is leading Kakashi’s students and Lee on daring adventures and heroic deeds. From fighting octopus’ to challenging each other to increasingly difficult tasks, they never stop. Sasuke can get tired of it and he does have limits on how ridiculous he will get, but usually he’ll cave and tag along because Naruto taunted him and he refuses to let him think he can do anything better than him.
Gai thinks his group is doing better, but at the end of the day both groups are probably winding themselves into some sort of trouble. Weather it’s becayse Naruto and Lee got a little too excited and ended up destroying a little shop because they got careless and went rolling into the wall, or because Kakashi Tenten and Neji did that maybe slightly illegal thing to the wrong person. Doesn’t matter Tsunade keeps having to call both teams into her office to yell at them and she knows when she send them out that absolutely nothing will change.
If Kakashi and Gai can’t be controlled neither can their gremlin children and Konoha is just going to have to learn how to adjust and survive XD
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sheisnotalone · 2 years
𝐰𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐰𝐞𝐫𝐞 𝐰𝐞 𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐧 𝐟𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐚𝐛𝐨𝐮𝐭? | 𝐰. 𝐦𝐚𝐱𝐢𝐦𝐨𝐟𝐟
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prompt: golden hour | prompt list
pairing: wanda maximoff x reader (no pronouns used)
category: angst but ends in fluff
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"Can you just shut up for one minute? I am going insane if you keep talking" Wanda turned her head back to focus on the road again. The two of you had been arguing for the last few hours and at this point you don't even remember what started it. One minute you had been entering the car after a lovely weekend together, the next you yelled at each other. You hated fighting with your girlfriend, but who doesn't? It just seemed like this fight would take no end.
"Fine then I will shut up, I won't say another word to you today" and with that you crossed your arms in front of your chest and looked out of the window, head tuned so the woman next to you was not in your line of sight. You had been so worked up that you even considered asking her to stop so you can take an uber. But that's ridiculous. The anger was brodling inside of you and you could have snapped at any minute yelling even more at the redhead than you had before. You chewed on your lower lip to stay quiet and not say something you would regret immediately. You were so focused on yourself that you missed the single tear that rolled down Wanda's face.
The car was silent, the only sounds you could hear were coming from the engine. You didn't know how long you would have to sit in the car until you arrived, but you knew you wouldn't be the one breaking the silence. You wouldn't let her win this. An hour passed, then two and neither of spoke a word.
Then suddenly Wanda let out a gasp "it's beautiful". You turned your head around to figure out what she was talking about. When you didn't respond she raised her hand and pointed to the horizon in front of you. "Look, it's the golden hour" she whispered. You let out a small gasp as well when you saw what she is pointing at. A few minutes passed as you both stared at the beautiful sunset in front of you. Then Wanda broke the silence again "I'm sorry". "For what?" you replied, turning your head so you could face her. "I don't know actually. What were we even fighting about? I don't want to be mad at you anymore" she confessed. "I'm sorry as well. We are probably just exhausted from the weekend, that's all" you concluded "let's get home and just have a relaxing evening, just you me and a sitcom, you choose". "I love you" she whispered, shortly meeting your eyes with hers before looking back to the road again, she was still driving after all. "I love you too" you mumbled back before leananing over and pressing a soft kiss against her cheek.
۞,¸¸,ø¤º°`°๑ ,¸¸,ø¤º°`°๑۞,¸¸,ø¤º°`°๑ ,¸¸,ø¤º°`°๑۞
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erodasfishtacos · 3 years
It’s Just Me (mini blurb)
if you enjoyed this fic - PLEASE reblog, rec, like, and come chat with me about the fic!
if you like my work and can donate as i do this for free - please consider donating to my ko-fi.
It was a terrible twos kind of day. The kind of day when YN can’t tote Ivy along to a charity organization brunch because she would meltdown.
Harry had her in his office with him, she was sitting on a blanket Harry had laid out, and was quietly playing with her stuffed animals (mostly seals.)
Occasionally, she would babble to herself and get pissed of at her inatimate playmates, ending in her tossing it to the side.
He caught himself just staring at her, smiling as he watches the little human he and his soulmate created right in front of him.
When his phone rings, he automatically picks it up, professionally stating, “Styles.”
“Hi, this is Dan from Payroll,” The guys voice was already shaking and Harry knew he was about to get really pissed off.
“How can I help you?” He asks in a tone that’s was definitely did not sound like he wanted to provide any assistance.
There is a pregnant pause before Dan nearly stutters, “Er, I accidentally missed reviewing the marketing departments hours and they did not receive their last paycheck.”
Harry takes a very deep breathe because he wants to do what he normally would - scream through the phone at this idiot.
However, he can’t because his curly haired little baby is playing with her toys in the middle of the office with a smile.
“Please come up to my office,” Harry replies curtly before hanging up.
He gets up, goes over to his daughter, and squats in front of her, “Ivy, baby.”
She looks up at him with a toothy grin before reaching over to hand him a stuffed seal, “Play, daddy.”
Harry thumbs over a stray curl on her forehead, “Daddy can’t, my love. I need y’to go with Granny Dor for a little.”
Ivy had been very clinging to both YN and Harry recently. She had a fit when YN dropped her off, despite how happy she was to see her dad.
Her brows furrow, lips purse, and Harry has to laugh because she looks like a carbon copy of him with the sour face.
“Oh, no mean looks t’daddy,” He hums with his own frown, “S’just for a moment, m’dove.”
“Ivy, y’need to listen.”
And Harry knows it coming, she sucks in a huge breathe and then just lets out a scream in protest of him.
“Ivy Elizabeth Styles, y’do not scream. Y’know better. Are we going to have to take a timeout or are you going to go sit nice with Dor?” Harry’s voice is still softer than he’d use with any of him employees but extremely firm to her.
“No timeout, daddy,” She mumbles, her volume decreasing significantly as she lowers her gaze from her father’s.
“Alright, then c’mon. Thank you for listening,” Harry praises, gathering up her toys for her and leading her into his waiting room where Dorothy is typing away on her computer.
“Dor, Dan is coming up and I need to have a private meaning. Will y’watch her for a little?”
Ivy is already clambering up into her lap, into the warmth of her arms, and nuzzling in - because Granny Dor spoiled her silly.
Harry rolls his eyes, muttering, “And you and YN say I spoil her too much. Bloody ridiculous.”
Dorothy just shoos him away, readjusting Ivy’s bow, and combing through her hair softly to simmer her down a little.
Dan trails in solemnly soon after to face his inevitable doom.
He sees his boss’ daughter perched on the secretary’s lap and he wonders how such a sweet little thing could be created from the demon of a man.
As Harry and Dan meet, Ivy gets wriggly and squirms off of Dorothy’s lap.
“Stay close,” She murmurs to the toddler as she picks up her phone to answer a call for Harry.
Of course, Ivy doesn’t listen, and she noticed that the door to her father’s office is cracked open just the littlest bit.
It’s enough for her to slip through the space between the heavy doors and toddles on, she’s blocked by the leather couches so Harry can’t see her.
“I have givin’ you so many fuckin’ chances!” Harry seethes angrily at his employee. His tone was more like a growl than anything else.
Ivy pauses, eyes widening in fear as she hears her dad speak in a frightening manner she’s never heard before.
“I…There was a coding error that I had been distracted with, it won’t happen again,” Dan insists, knowing he had actually committed a fireable offense.
“You are absolutely correct because you’re fucking fired,” Harry replies, no wavering in his raspy register.
“That’s bullshit and you know it!” Dan explodes, “It’s unfucking fair treatment! It was one mistake, you fuckin’ asshole!”
There’s a moment of silence.
“I can fuckin’ show you unfair treatment. Get the fuck out of my office and learn how to do your goddamn job,” Harry retorts, his voice rising as well.
Ivy is stuck in her spot, frozen in surprise at hearing the arguing and how mad her father sounded, voice echoing through the room.
“You listen to me-“
“Get the fuck out of my office!” Harry booms furiously, this employee managing to get a rise out of him.
“I was ju-“
Both the men pause when they hear a wail from behind the sofa and the sound of Ivy plopping herself on the ground.
Harry instantly is out from behind his desk and going to round the sofa in a flash with a rose of panic in his chest.
His heart drops when he sees his baby looking up at him with fear in her watery eyes and she’s literally shaking.
“Oh, baby. Did y’hear daddy bein’ loud?” Harry murmurs in his sweetest, comforting voice - uncaring of his employee hearing him.
Harry expects her to nod sadly and ask for a cuddle but she instead wriggles backwards when he goes to reach for her - out of his reach.
“Ivy, little dove, s’just y’daddy,” He tries again, sitting down in front of her - doesn’t even look up as Dan leaves quietly.
She’s scared though and has had never felt worse in his life as his daughter backs away from him until she’s getting to her wobbly feet.
He tries again, reaching his arms out, “Ivy Elizabeth, s’just daddy. M’sorry I scared you, bub.”
Ivy doesn’t budge, crying loudly with her face pinched up as hot tears run down her soft chubby cheeks.
Dorothy appears with a worried look, “I apologize, I thought she was by the table.”
“S’not your fault I’m a shitty father,” Harry mutters, standing back up and roughly brushing off his trousers.
“Oh Harry, she’s just a little frightened,” Dorothy hums, picking the girl up when she toddles quickly over to her.
Her dad trails over, “Ivy, m’love. Can you look at daddy?”
She refuses, digging her face into the woman’s shoulder, curls bouncing fiercely as she clings onto her.
Harry loved to be feared. Not like this though. Not by the child he’d literally jump in front of a train for without a second thought.
He would rather have her screaming, pitching fits, throwing toys rather than this. She was so scared that she wouldn’t even look at him.
“Let me take her on a little stroll, okay? See if I can calm her down a bit.”
Harry waits patiently for Dorothy to arrive back but he automatically hears his daughter’s steady stream of sniffles and whimpers.
He goes out to the waiting room to see her reentering the room, she sighs, “I think it’s time to call mummy.”
Harry had no idea how he was going to explain this to his wife. He was I trouble and he knew he deserved it.
“Hey H, is the bab okay?” YN greets warmly, chattering in the background.
“Er, she’s okay, just upset. Ivy accidentally walked in on me flipping out and firing an employee. Now she’s scared. Dor tried to calm her down and she doesn’t want to be near me right now.”
YN’s next words were calm, Harry however did not miss the sharp edge when she replies, “I’ll be there in fifteen.”
Then she hangs up on him.
Which she really never does unless she is really really upset.
When YN arrives, Ivy is sat on Dorothy’s lap with puffy eyes and her thumb tucked between her full lips, popping it out when she sees her mother.
“Mumma!” Ivy shrieks, tears beginning streaming down her face as she impatiently waits for her to cross the room and gives her a soft kiss to the forehead.
“Hi baby, give mummy one minute and then we’ll leave okay?” YN murmurs soothingly, thumbing of some of the tears.
Ivy nods but is standing next the secretary’s desk, waiting patiently with her thumb going right back between her lips again.
Harry’s sitting at his large oak table, looking like a guilty puppy as his wife comes in with a disapproving look on her face.
“Baby, m’sorr-“
“What the fuck, Harry? Why is our daughter out there terrified right now?” YN demands, crossing her arms to prove her anger.
“Some fuckin’ idiot messed somethin’ up and Ivy walked in while I cursed him out and fired him. She was hiding behind the couch. It was an accident,” He defends, bristling a bit.
“Even if the door was shut, she would have still heard you. You knew better than to act like that around our daughter.”
“I had to fire him,” Harry makes the lame excuse because he knows he’s in the wrong and he’s not always great at admitting he is.
“You were supposed to have Ivy for two hours and this happens. I have her all day everyday and I’ve need had an issue with controlling myself in front of others!” YN yells (quietly) at him.
“What the fuck is tha’ supposed to mean? Y’calling me a bad father? Y’have her all day with her because I work so that you can stay at home with her.”
YN rolls her eyes, “Well thank god for that, she’d be cursing and screaming at people all day everyday if she was with you all the time.”
Harry is thoroughly pissed at his wife and she is equally just as furious with him - it doesn’t happen often but when it does it’s bad.
“Y’got some fuckin’ nerve. Our baby is polite, well-mannered because of me too! Not just you, fuckin’ claiming all her good qualities,” He replies with a snarl.
“Don’t talk to me that way,” YN bites back, “I’m not one of your employees. Neither is Ivy despite you talking like that in front of her.”
Now she was just trying to push his buttons and it was well onto it’s way of working.
“Y’bein’ fuckin’ ridiculous! It was a accident and you’re acting like I did it on purpose! Fuckin’ hell!” He raises his voice in frustration.
“I don’t know who the fuck you think you are raising your voice at me but I’m leaving,” YN tells him, giving him one final glare before storming out of the office.
“Fuck!” He grunts, smacking cup of pens from his desk before slamming his fist on the desk.
Ivy was waiting patiently, whimpering when she sees her mum, and gesturing to be picked up, “It’s past your nap time, Vee.”
“Nap,” She lisps sadly, instantly curling into then familiarness that is her mother. Eyes instantly fluttering shut.
“Thank you, Dor,” YN whispers, blowing her a kiss, before trekking out of the office with the exhausted little girl.
Harry can’t handle the rest of the day, wants to go home, and make amends with his wife which leads him to heading out only an hour after them.
He finds YN in the den with the baby monitor propped on the coffee table, she’s watching a horror movie with a smoothie in hand.
“Hi, m’heart,” Harry murmurs cautiously, loosening up his tie until it falls limp around his neck.
She glances over at him, sarcasm lacing her tone,“So you do know how to talk without yelling at me, hmm?”
His face falls, frowning, “Hey, lovie - don’t be like tha’. Y’gonna let me apologize?”
“Come scratch my back and I’ll hear you out,” She hums, keeping a serious face.
“Y’drive a hard bargain, m’heart. Show me y’tits,” Harry begins to smile, striding over and getting her no time before he’s pulling off her shirt and sports bra.
He sits down then gently lays her down on her tummy and she rests her head in his lap, cheek pressed against his thigh.
“I shouldn’t have done that, I wasn’t thinkin’. Now I’m worried she’s gonna hate me forever,” Harry mumbles, using his blunt nails to trace up and down her back.
“You’re her favorite person. She’ll always love you more than anything,” YN tells him seriously, arching when he scratches an extra itchy spot.
“I hope so. I love her more than anythin’. A little mixture of how much we love each other. How much we worked to get her,” He sighs softly.
YN dozed off and Harry tucks a blanket around her bare chest.
When the baby monitor alerts that Ivy had woke up after quite a long nap, he takes a deep breath before walking up the staircase to his fate.
He’s preparing himself for her to scream and cry when she sees her monster of a father because he’d scared her so horribly.
But his mini just widens her green eyes and he looks at his world with bated breath, waiting for the scream or tears.
Instead, she just dimples happily at her father, and squeals with excitement, “Daddy! Hi Daddy, miss you!”
And just like that….
They’re best friends again.
Enjoy! Come talk to me!! 💕❣️💕❣️💕❣️
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astrolo-t · 2 years
Morning Sun Pt. 2
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Pairing: Ellie x Reader
Word Count: 1.2k~
Warnings: MDNI pls, Cursing, Alcohol, LOTS of Angst, Ellie running at literally any sign of conflict or messy feelings.
A/N: Enjoy :)
Ellie did in fact stay for more than just that night. Stubborn as she was, even she knew that leaving in her condition was not the right thing to do. And truthfully, it wasn’t like she had anywhere to go. So she stayed, and strangely enough, it just worked. As time passed and her wounds healed, the two of you fell into your own little routine of sorts.  The housework and chores were split between the two of you and more often than not Ellie did the majority of them. She was determined to ‘earn her keep’ is what she’d said. Though you knew in your gut it was all in the brunette's efforts to keep busy. You had your little arguments here and there, the stubbornness in both of you causing you to butt heads. But you also had fun at times. In fact, sometimes, if she let you, if you were being just a tad too ridiculous, Ellie would give you a smile. An actual real smile.
You’d put her up in your guest room, which had gone unoccupied for quite some time as it'd previously been used for storage. You’d cleaned it out and made up the bed for Ellie. However, you weren’t sure that she actually slept in it. Most days you’d wake up to her already up and about, wandering about the property or fixing some obscure thing in the house that you swore you’d get around to. It wasn’t necessarily a problem per se, at least not yet. But you couldn’t stop yourself from getting increasingly concerned every morning when you saw her looking more tired than the day before. Finally, one morning while you’re doing dishes together you decide to confront her on her strange nighttime habits.
“Ellie,” You start carefully, “the bed in your room….is it not comfortable?”
Her eyebrows raise a bit at your question and her hands momentarily halt in their rinsing of the dishes as you hand them to her. “No, it's fine. Why?”
You look at her, pausing mid scrub, “Cause’ you’re not sleeping in it. You’re not sleeping at all”
“It’s fine Y/n, nothin’ to worry about.” she murmurs quickly drying her hands off, before taking off outside.
You roll your eyes, calling her name. She doesn’t respond which has you then following her out the back screen door wet hands and all, hot on her heels as she heads down toward the lake not too far from the house.
“It is not ‘fine’ Ellie. Sleeping and eating are like, basic necessities for humans to function and you're doing neither of those things.” She whips around, finger pointed and mouth open ready to protest. “And don't tell me you're functioning ‘just fine’ cause’ you're not. We both know you’re not.”
She closes her mouth and looks off, eyebrows furrowing because yea, you were right. She was not getting any sleep. She tried, every goddamn night she tried. But the end result was always nightmares so terrifying that the tension in her body left her more exhausted than she’d been before. But you didn't need to know about that, no, she wouldn’t make her problems become someone else’s again. So instead of confiding in you she turns her back, walking away and plopping down against a nearby tree. Her eyes stare out at the lake and make no move to pay you any attention as you crouch down and start a little more softly, “You don’t eat, you’re irritable, you forget things, and-” you dip your head downwards in an attempt to catch her eyes. “You’re also starting to get some dark cir-”
“Ok!” She finally yells rising quickly to her feet.
“Ok, what?” You offer, from your spot still crouched on the ground. 
“Ok so I’m a trainwreck!” She bites out, “What the fuck do you want me to say!?” 
“I want you to be fucking real with me, Ellie!” You finally yell, meeting her at your full height now. “And stop lying to both of us!”
She looks at you, then away, the morning sun causing her green eyes to squint. Her shoulders shake slightly as she takes an uneven breath, kicking at some dirt with those old worn converse of hers.
“You don't actually have to tell me shit, let's be clear.” You start again, significantly softer, “As your friend, I’m going to care about you regardless. But also…as your friend, I want to know what’s going on so I can help.”
“We’re friends?” She laughs sardonically as if that very idea were preposterous and maybe it hurts your feelings more than you’d care to admit. Nodding her head she continues, “Yea we’re definitely friends after knowing each other for a few weeks.” She regards you for a second, noticing the way your gaze was a mixture of concern and something else. Something she hated more than anything. Pity. She scoffs, “You know nothing about me or who I am at all. How much fucking blood is on my- ”
“Ellie!” You yell, silencing her. You shake your head and whisper, “Come on, let’s not do that.”
From previous arguments you’d picked up on one of the brunette's defense mechanisms. Hurting you, so you’d feel the same dark, sticky, coil of sadness and anger in the pit of your stomach that she carried around everyday. 
At that, the fire in her eyes dies down just enough for her to turn around, running her fingers through her hair and plopping down against the tree once more. Instead of sitting next to her, this time you walk over, sitting on the opposite side, pulling your knees to your chest.
“You’re not wrong.” You admit, “Maybe we’re not quite friends. But…I’d like to be.” Running your hands over your face you continue, “Just….just talk to me Ellie.”
And after a long bout of silence…she does. She starts slowly, recounting how she’d ended up hurt in the first place. But pretty soon, the dam breaks and everything comes hurling out. Not perfectly because talking, especially about herself, wasn't Ellie’s strong suit. Despite her tumbling over her words and the frustration as a result every now and then, you stayed and listened patiently as she told you about Jackson, and the people she left there. Seattle and the trail of bodies. Joel. Dina. 
And Abby.
It should’ve been a relief to learn more about Ellie and who she was. And it was, however, there was also another nagging feeling in the back of your mind that you couldn’t shake. 
Not of Ellie physically, no. In your eyes she was no more capable of hurting you than you were to her. What scared you was her very obvious potential and need to self-destruct. What did that mean for you? Would you end up as another person left in the absence of her but never the same? Or worse, another potential source of trauma, as if she didn’t have enough of that already. Despite your most basic instincts telling you to just stop, stop caring about her, stop asking questions - you realize that it was already too late.
You’d see it through, whatever this was, to the very end. 
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midoriima · 3 years
ON A DATE! ft. sakura, ino, hinata, temari ( from naruto )
synopsis — they ask you out on a date & here's what happens from before lunch to dinner!
warnings — my first naruto hc!!!! not proofread sorry, profanity, can be gn!reader since there are no pronouns/gender isn't specified but i wrote this with a fem!reader in mind :) i have ridiculous and probably unrealistic ideas for dates.
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HARUNO SAKURA takes you on a skydiving date. it's on the both of your bucketlists and the two of you just so happened to have more than enough money for it, so you were like, why not?
- she loves this idea and can't wait to feel the thrill of falling from the sky. plus, she'll use this as an opportunity to hold your hand and look in your eyes like a lovesick fool.
- the whole thing was pretty fun and exciting and once the two of you got down, you went on to the next location for food. it was very far, but the ride was spent with windows rolled down and singing to cheesy songs.
- few hours after lunch, she'll take you to a botanical garden right after she grabs her camera and the picnic basket & blanket that she prepared. luckily, it's quiet on this day and there are less people, making it a great location for the afternoon just to talk about anything or rest, maybe take a long walk around the garden. (way to go sakura!)
dinner, however, will be more special.
- she'll bring to those tower restaurants? except it's like hella expensive but dw she covered 1/3 of the bill for you‼️cos anything for you bae
- she'll ask you to wear fancy (but still comfortable) clothes and WILL yell at you to wear something you feel like a fucking god in. in the end, you did and it DID feel like you were god. you looked absolutely stunning and sakura just fell for you even more
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YAMANAKA INO brings you to a cooking class date. there, you have your lunch ready and you get to have fun = two in one! ...unless the food you've cooked don't seem to look right. please do not eat anything inedible!
- you and ino have been friends for quite a long time, so knowing you and your non-existent cooking skills, you thought this was a way for her to make fun of you and proceed to show off. in the end, neither of you actually have the skills but at least you learned something by the end of the day and can hone it to perfection!
- deciding that the food you two made in the class wasn't going to be good for your stomachs, you two ditched the whole thing and went to a simple restaurant by the beach.
- the next location would be the cinema except the two of you would pick two of the worst movies ever created, make a spin the wheel, let it land on two before letting the wheel decide on the one show you two will waste an hour (or more) watching (more like cringing or laughing your asses off).
- however, neither of you even lasted more than 20 minutes "watching" whatever the shite was. two of yous just slept.
she'll make it up to you though! with a painting class!
- at least it wasn't as horrible as the cooking class? it was fun, you two learned something again and you two even took this opportunity to do that switch canvasses every 10 minutes or something trend.
- at first, you thought it wasn't going to look good, but apparently it did. after you two finished, you decided to hang it up your wall as a kind of remembrance of that date. after the painting class would be a stroll around the park, buying snacks from stalls until evening came.
like sakura, she would make the evening special as well, except it's nothing that takes place outside of your homes.
- she has this stupid and romantic idea of an elegant date where you two would pretend to be royalty. wearing ridiculously elegant clothing in the comfort of your home, with the furniture all moved to the side to make room for the dance later.
- the coffee table would be filled with lots of food that could last you two probably three days. with lights off and mainly just warm lights around with a candle light in the middle of the table.
- once the eating part was done, ino will 'order' shikamaru & choji to take all their dishes away, really wanting to keep up with the royalty act and the two groan but do so anyway cos they're rewarded with food.
- after only a two minute break, she's out here trying to do a vienesse waltz but fails terribly. you're no pro at it either and the two of you are stepping on each other's foot and tripping, but the might ended with smiles so it doesn't really matter anymore.
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with HYUGA HINATA, dates aren't always pre-planned. but this one, was a little themed. it started out as a letter inside an envelope.
- the letter inside is coffee stained and while the handwriting is definitely hinata's, it was a lot fancier and has a more 90's vibe? it was short but sweet; reminding you to take care of yourself and if you were up and free to go on a date with her.
- the two of you didn't live that far from each other so sending a letter with similar contents as hers, you added a, "yes!" at the bottom and placed it at the front of her door before running back to your own place.
- somehow, it just occured to the two of you to dress vintage so here were you, walking to your destination hand-in-hand dressed almost the same as the other.
- she will first take you to lunch, like a bistro at a botanical garden. and she'd bring her polaroid with her that she'll use to take pictures of you and herself to hang up on her wall.
- after lunch, you two will stroll around the park. it's a simple day, and being with her is already special, so there was really no point in doing anything more extravagant since you two weren't up for anything big anyway.
- during the afternoon, she'll most definitely take you to a museum! it's interesting and gives the two of you something to talk about for hours which is just great. you'll also be able to match the seeming theme of the date!
- for dinner, you two will have a mini picnic at the rooftop of your house and stargaze as well. with delicious and aesthetically pleasing food, you're sure to be full in no time.
- once the eating part is done, the picnic blanket and everything goes away. being replaced with an inflatable bed with another blanket and sets of pillows with a camera facing towards the sky, recording in time-lapse to watch back on the stars and all later.
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TEMARI would love nothing more than to spend every single date with you adventurous. of course, she won't be forcing you to do anything you don't wanna, but you just can't help it and always agree to every single idea. you definitely wouldn't agree if you were with someone else, but it's temari.
- she'll take you to a beach resort!! first, she'll order a bunch of food that you two like, and others that fit the beach vibe. of course, something grilled and seafood. and before you know it, you're out racing in a jet ski with her.
- next on the beach is kitesurfing! she'll definitely let you go on these activities first and record you from afar for her to keep in her album filled with memories with you.
- next!! i just see her as someone who would love the beach? idk but anyways, next would be kayaking! since you two allotted lots of time to the two other activities, this would probably be the last one of them before nightfall. you two don't do much, just talk while rowing and temari would sometimes try to rock the boat and make the two of you almost fall but you never really do anyway.
- by the end of those, you two would still stay at the resort. she'll most definitely book a room for the two of you last minute to spend the next morning with another set of beach activities, but for the evening, she'll ask you to wear anything comfortable and nice and will still order from the same place, but somehow, it's just very romantic with her.
- i love her sm like where can i find someone who'll do all these with me 😢
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canonspyglass · 3 years
Oh, the irony…
Here, i pair k/a dialogues from atla “The Warriors of Kyoshi” with k/a scenes from “The Promise” comic. I’m using canon evidence vs canon evidence to show a healthy vs an imbalanced k/a dynamic.
Observe :
Aang I promised the girls I'd give them a ride on Appa. Why don't you come with us? It'll be fun!
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Katara [Resumed filling the pot with more vegetables.] Watching you show off for a bunch of girls does not sound like fun.
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Aang [Disappointed.] Well, neither does carrying your basket.
Katara [Annoyed.] It's not my basket. These supplies are for our trip. I told you, we have to leave Kyoshi soon.
Aang [Central focus on Aang.] I don't want to leave Kyoshi yet. I can't put my finger on it, [He puts his hand to his chin in a thinking posture; the camera pans to the right, showing Aang's fangirls better in the background.] but there's something I really like about this place.
[The fangirls giggle. Shot switches to a closer shot of the girls.]
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Koko: [Stomping her foot in annoyance and puts her hands on her hips, while another girl happily waves at Aang; irritated.] What's taking you so long, Aangy?
Koko: [Stomping her foot in annoyance and puts her hands on her hips, while another girl happily waves at Aang; irritated.] What's taking you so long, Aangy?
[Cut back to Aang and Katara; the former enthusiastically waves back at his awaiting fangirls, while the latter raises an eyebrow at the scene.]
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Katara [Slightly mocking.] Aangy ...
Aang [Enthusiastically.] Just a second, Koko!
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Katara [Sarcastic.] "Simple monk", huh? [Annoyed.] I thought you promised me that this Avatar stuff wouldn't go to your head.
Aang It didn't. You know what I think? You just don't want to come because you're jealous.
Katara [Close-up; angrily.] Jealous? [More high pitched voice.] Of what?
[Cut to a broader shot. Aang moves back slightly, when an irritated Katara resumes to ferociously stuff the basket with more fruits.]
Aang Jealous that we're having so much fun without you.
Katara [Irritated.] That's ridiculous.
Aang It is a little ridiculous, but I understand.
[Katara turns to Aang, towering over him with her hands trust in her sides, like she is about to come down on him, but reconsiders.]
Katara [Turning away; irritated.] Urch!
[She grabs the heavy basket and staggers away, while Aang's fangirls run on screen and crowd around him, pulling him backward]
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In The Warriors of Kyoshi, Aang and Katara had another scene of unresolved argument.
In this scene, we see Aang in the water waiting for the unagi, but the creature doesn’t appear, so his fan girls leave him out of boredom. Katara enters…
Aang [Happily.] Katara! You showed up!
Katara [Somewhat concerned.] I wanted to make sure you were safe. You really had me worried.
Aang Back there you acted like you didn't care.
Katara [In a regretful voice.] I'm sorry.
Aang [Lowering his eyes.] Me too. I did let all that attention go to my head. I was being a jerk.
Katara [Smiling. Puts her hands beside her mouth, yelling in a joking manner.] Well, get out of the water before you catch a cold, you big jerk!
Aang [Smiling broadly and starts to swing toward the shore.] On my way!
Meanwhile in The Promise…
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We have these important beats from “The Warriors of Kyoshi” that are completely omitted in “The Promise” :
Katara voicing out her pov that it wouldn’t be fun for her to watch Aang have all the fun while she sits on the sideline.
Katara honestly expressing her irritations (her state of emotion) and Aang responding to it.
Katara calling out Aang’s irresponsibility, reminding him of his promise of duty.
Aang also honestly expressing his irritation in response
Aang also calling out to what he perceives to be the reason to Katara’s state of emotion.
Katara leaving Aang, taking the initiative to drop their futile disagreements and cool off.
Katara coming back on her own voilition when both her and Aang are in a better state of mind.
Then, we have completely opposing endings:
Aang in Kyoshi. Back there you acted like you didn't care.
Aang in Promise. Thanks for agreeing to stay there for the night, sweetie. It meant the world to me.
Following the RESOLUTION
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The Warriors of Kyoshi resolved in favor of both Katara and Aang. Katara and Aang both apologized. Both of them acknowledged their mistakes, and Aang admitted his faults. They ended in each other’s good graces.
Whereas, The Promise resolved completely in favor of Aang. Katara felt that she’s at fault and expressed her unwarranted remorse. Katara repressed her grievances, while Aang remains happily oblivious to all his girlfriend’s problems.
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