#was originally gonna go teal but green like plants :)
teeth--king · 1 year
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Another chain of events happened! Decided to change up Wolfe’s hair(I know it’s at the Wizard’s tower but let me have fun in my little head), and then Elliott’s hair nightmare. I think I scared the poor man by changing it up a little </3
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My poor meow meow
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campyvillain · 3 years
Encanto and Color Psychology
something i’ve not seen a lot of people talk about in encanto is how color correlates to the themes of the movie, more specifically the designs of the characters!!! i find this aspect of the film incredibly clever so here’s me sharing my ideas on it
color seems to be something very entwined with the family right from the start, literally - when they’re babies the original 3 kids already have the colors they come to be associated with. julieta’s is blue, pepa is yellow and bruno is green
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but what really elevates the whole ‘color being a big part of the family’ is how julieta and pepa’s colors are passed down to the grandkids, and even incorporated into the designs of their respective husbands!
since pepa’s color is yellow, her side of the family wears warmer colors, and the same applies to julieta’s side but with cooler tones on the color wheel.
but the grandkids’ respective colors aren’t uniform, they aren’t the same exact shade as their parents - they’ve all got their own individual colors to distinctly reflect them and their personalities, albeit sharing the same range on the color wheel.
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and their specific colors aren’t just chosen to differentiate them, though that could be a reason - but their dominant colors also line up with a lot of color psychology in really neat ways. fair warning i’m gonna get pretty in depth here lol
to put it simply, color psychology is the study of how external ideas impact and affect people’s perception of color, and how that can be effectively put to use to convey a message, idea, or trait. for example most people see green as being indicative of nature, growth, and healing because a lot of plant life is green and in a lot of cases green is used in media to indicate that something is good. its a very important aspect of character design as well, and in this case, it matters a lot with the characters of encanto.
staring with the first shade of the rainbow and going down from there, red is tied to dolores. red is a color that has a lot of connotations, but the most relevant of which is its ability to grabbing a viewer’s attention. because of its bold and bright look, statistically red is the go-to color to use if you want to catch someone’s eye. that theme may not seem to tie into dolores a lot at first glance but it does in a subtler way - since dolores’ gift is incredible hearing she’s always paying attention, and nothing, not even the sound of sand shifting, is something she could miss. red is an attentive color, and dolores is an attentive character.
next is orange, which is antonio’s color. antonio is the youngest member of the family, and as such he’s very optimistic and cheerful as most little kids his age are. he’s also very curious about the word around him and is still new to a lot of things, including his gift - the color orange fits this as it’s associations have a lot to do with creativity, fun, warmth and adventure.
camilo’s color is the closest to his own parents - it too is pepa’s shade of yellow, but a more subdued version of it thats just the tiniest bit less saturated. like pepa herself, yellow is a bright color with lots of energy. and in the same way it’s fitting for camilo, but even moreso the other connotations it has. aside from being an energizing color yellow is commonly tied to spontaneity, opportunity and enthusiasm. camilo is a laid-back prankster type who likes to live in the moment and play gags with his shapeshifting gift on those around him, so making his particular yellow less overstated than his mom’s pairs with his demeanor quite well.
moving onto julieta’s side of the family tree: we have mirabel, who shares her mom’s teal-turquoise hue, displayed on the skirt of her dress. both of those types of blue have a variety of different meanings from what i could find, but the most “universal” meanings are that teal/turquoise/aqua are colors that carry themes of good luck, communication, friendship, clarity and compassion and i just want to say that those meanings really tie in with mirabel, especially in the ending - while she may not have a gift herself, she does end up uniting the family in a way that they didn’t expect, all through getting to understand them better and communicating to them that they are more than just their gifts. even her color carrying good luck coincides w this - while bruno’s vision initially was misconstrued as her bringing some sort of ill will to the family, ultimately it was just a misunderstanding and she ended up helping the family way more than the vision led on.
next we have luisa, the strongest member of the family. her dominant color is blue, more specially a darkish indigo. this color has a lot to do with concepts of stability, trustworthiness, confidence and loyalty - all things that initially seem effortless for her to pull off but are revealed in her musical number to just be things she feels she’s pressured to maintain just because she’s perceived as the “dependable” one. blue has a double meaning here too - dark blue is a sturdy color but it’s also one that can invoke feelings of sadness or loneliness. much like her blue can be a very strong color but it can also be a very vulnerable one as well.
lastly we have isabela, the only one who’s main color changes in the film. her color, displayed most prominently by her elegant looking dress, is originally a soft, lilac-purple tone, a color indicative of elegance, grace, luxury and nobility. throughout the ages purple has always had an association with royalty and while isabela may not be literally considered royalty, her projected image of perfection and dignity over the other members of the family certainly carries that same weight. she’s the family’s “it” girl, she never has a bad hair day, and she always maintains her presence as a flawless person, up until she reconciles with mirabel. through divulging that she’s tired of keeping up an air of perfection and wishing she could just be messy and authentic, her colors become not one color, but many - she learns that she doesn’t have to conform to her family and society’s expectations and that it’s better for her to just embrace who she wants to be. her abandoning her former color scheme, one that reflected how she always felt the need to be perfect, and deciding she’ll be whatever color she feels like embodies her growth and aligns with her character development very well!
all and all what i think the overall thematic tie in with the kids all having different colors but still being on the same color wheel as those they’re related to comes down to how each one of the family members struggle with their place in the family, each one has their own things that they’re trying to work out that are wholly unique from each other and just add to how varied their individual experiences are. encanto is a movie all about that, about a wide range of people who seem like they’re going through their own difficult walks in life - but ultimately being united through their togetherness as a family, even if that family goes through a lot of hardships. that familial connection is evident in the parents passing down their colors to their kids, but their kids having their own distinct spin on their given color!
sorry if this was a bit long winded or came off as “10th grade english teacher reading way too deep into the thematic relevance of the colors of some random curtains in a house”-y but i couldn’t help but notice these connections in their designs. as someone who’s special interest is character design and is very passionate abt it, these designs were just so captivating to me and i hope my tangent properly conveyed the love i have for these designs and this movie as a whole! encantos just such a good movie both to analyze and to watch and i love it sm <3
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andrewmoocow · 4 years
Steven Universe Alternate Future chapter 7: Rejuvenated (originally published January 18, 2021)
Author's Note: And so, we reach the penultimate chapter of Part 1! It was once stated that an episode featuring Rhodonite was in the works for Steven Universe Future where we would explore how her components met along with the debut of Morganite, but that was unfortunately scrapped because there was enough content to turn it into a whole two-parter, along with not heavily featuring Steven enough and not being relevant to Future's plot. Well, I'm gonna try and prove the Crewniverse wrong by condensing what they planned to a manageable level, and you will have to bear witness to it!
Synopsis: Peridot builds a device that tells how many times a Gem has been rejuvenated, and it reveals some shocking secrets about Rhodonite.
Zach Callison as Steven
Matthew Moy as Lars
Enuka Okuma as Rhodonite
Kathleen Fisher as Fluorite
Erica Luttrell as Padparadscha Sapphire
Ashly Burch as Rutile Twins
Estelle as Garnet
Charlyne Yi as Morganite's Ruby
Deedee Magno-Hall as Pink Pearl/Volleyball, Morganite's Pearl
Amy Sedaris as Teal Zircon
Shelby Rabara as Peridot
Olivia Olson as Citrine
Patti LuPone as Yellow Diamond
Lisa Hannigan as Blue Diamond
Christine Pedi as Holly Blue Agate
And featuring Hayley Kyoko as Morganite
"Now then, you two, keep yourselves steady, in both body and mind." Garnet instructed Rhodonite and Padparadscha Sapphire in the ways of yoga atop the central tower of Little Homeworld. "It is of utmost importance to keep those instructions in mind in life."
"Okay, keep myself steady. Keep myself steady." Rhodonite nervously repeated her fellow fusion's instructions to herself. Unfortunately for her, she could barely keep the pose she assumed up. "Whoa! I can't do this!"
"You can Rhodonite, just relax your thoughts." Garnet continued teaching.
"Ooh, Garnet is going to give some excellent advice that could change our lives!" Padparadscha Sapphire exclaimed happily.
"Precisely." Garnet remarked to the defective Sapphire. "My teachings could help you in the long run."
"ATTENTION STUDENTS OF LITTLE HOMESCHOOL!" Peridot's nasally voice cried out, causing the two Off-Colors to lose balance and fall to the floor. "I'VE COME TO MAKE AN ANNOUNCEMENT!"
"Even after two years of coming here, Peridot's voice still gets on my nerves a bit." Rhodonite muttered as she got up from her fall. "But don't tell her I said that!"
"And now Peridot is calling everyone because she has something amazing to tell us." Padparadscha stated. "What fun!"
"I'll take you guys down." Garnet declared before she grabbed the two Gems by the hand and raced to the edge of the roof.
"You know, we could just take the-" Rhodonite began nervously before the three Gems jumped off the tower. "STAAAAAAAAIRS!"
Garnet landed safely, yet dramatically, on the ground below, where many Gems gathered around Peridot as she began to demonstrate what she wanted to show them all.
"I would like to present a project that I've been working on ever since last year's Spinel incident." Peridot announced as a rod-like device emerged from her gem. "This is a Rejuve-Meter." She stated. "See what I did there? Anyways, this little gizmo works a bit like carbon daters here on Earth, and can help with examining how many times a Gem has been rejuvenated! Would anyone like to be a test subject?"
"Ooh, me! Me!" Teal Zircon exclaimed while raising her hand.
"I applaud your eagerness TZ." Peridot thanked the Zircon before scanning her with the Rejuve-Meter. The screen rotated through many possible numbers before it settled on 2. "Says here you've only been rejuvenated twice. What could possibly cause either incident?"
"It was a few honest mistakes, I swear it!" Teal Zircon revealed. "Cross my gem and hope to be shattered, the memories I make are all that mattered!"
"Okay then. Anyone else?" Peridot began looking around the huddled Gems before she spotted Volleyball among them. "You there, come on down!"
"Oh, me?" Pink Diamond's former Pearl gasped as she stepped forward.
"Yes, you." Peridot grinned before scanning Volleyball with the Rejuve-Meter. Compared to TZ, Volleyball caused the device only to say 1. "Only one time?"
"My Diamond was playing with a Rejuvenator and got me reset by accident." Volleyball confessed. This seemingly offhand comment caused Rhodonite to freeze up at the mere mention of rejuvenation, like she was flashing back to a similar incident.
"Interesting, interesting." Peridot muttered as she continued scanning each of the Gems around her.
"Hey, Garnet, what's going on?" Steven asked, weaving through the crowd to greet Garnet. "And how did teaching Rhodonite and Paddy go?"
"It went well, until Peridot caused them to lose balance because she wanted to show off this new device she built in response to Spinel." Garnet explained. "She says it can help her scan Gems for how many times they've been rejuvenated."
"Uh, yeah!" Rhodonite laughed nervously. "W-what she said."
"Is something the matter Rhodonite?" Steven asked the Off-Color fusion. "You're looking real tense. Should I get Lars?"
"I feel like the idea of rejuvenation is making her skittish." Padparadscha pondered. "But, what do I know?"
"I feel like you might need some help." Steven encouraged Rhodonite as Peridot made her way to the two.
"Okay, according to the Rejuve-Meter, all the Gems present have been rejuvenated up to three times each. Nothing too severe." Peridot said. "Now, let's see how many times you were rejuvenated."
"No, I don't think that's really necessary!" Rhodonite yelped, but her urges proved fruitless as the Rejuve-Meter did its job, but the results it got were quite shocking.
"And your components have been rejuvenated….." Peridot paused for effect as she examined the meter and got quite a surprise. "My stars, SEVENTEEN TIMES?! HOW, AND WHY?!"
"I-I-I!" Rhodonite stuttered, when Fluorite and the conjoined Rutile twins came up to her.
"Is anything the matter?" the grandmotherly six-Gem fusion asked with concern in her slow tone.
"My sincerest apologies Fluorite." Peridot apologized to Fluorite. "It's just that I made this little device that allows me to discover how many times a Gem has been rejuvenated, and I think I may have accidentally made Rhodonite here uneasy about it since she may have been rejuvenated in the past."
"Oh, it's alright Peridot." Rhodonite said as she patted the little green Gem on her triangular hair with one of her small arms. "We know you didn't mean any harm."
"Besides, Rhodonite joined us because she was looked down upon for being a fusion between two different Gems." The left Rutile stated. "Especially her original owner."
"Which means she may have something to do with this." The right Rutile added.
"Yeah, it was a Morganite, right?" Steven asked, causing Rhodonite to nod meekly. "Well, looks like we're headed to Homeworld then!"
"Rhodonite has a problem, so we must return to Homeworld to solve it!" Padparadscha declared.
"I can't help it if I make a scene, stepping out of my hot pink limousine." Lars quietly sang to himself as he swept up the floor of his space-themed bakery. "I'm turning heads and I'm stopping traffic. When I pose, they scream, and when I joke, they laugh." His cleaning would have to wait when he heard the door open. "Ah, welcome to Spacetries. How can I help, Steven?"
"Hey Lars, long time no see." Steven greeted the pink teen as he entered the bakery with Rhodonite in tow. "We need to talk about Rhodonite. Peridot was showing off this little gizmo she built that made her super uncomfortable, and we think it may have something to do with when she was created on Homeworld."
"We believe it may have been caused by the Morganite who originally owned the Ruby and Pearl she's made of." Fluorite added. "Do you think she could still be around?"
"How should I know?" Lars asked while putting away the broom and taking off his apron. "Most of the time I spent on Homeworld was being forced into a trial, dying, and then trying to escape after I came back to life."
"Well, I think we might need a lift there." Rhodonite declared. "You wanna help?"
"Could take a little bit to get there, but anything for you guys." Lars accepted happily. "Blue Lace, watch the shop while I'm gone!"
Blue Lace Agate gave Lars a thumbs-up as he left the shop to see the other Off-Colors outside.
"Can't we just take the Warp Pad?" Lars asked while the group walked away from the bakery.
"The nova thrusters are as good as new, right?" Steven responded with a question of his own.
Within a few hours, the Off-Colors had finally reached the Gem Homeworld. Since it had been so long since they had escaped their formerly oppressive home planet, Homeworld has changed dramatically in the passing years. There was lots more color, plant life was abundant, and Gems were milling about to do whatever they please without fear of persecution from the dismantled caste system.
"Okay, Morganite should be around here somewhere." Lars stated as they disembarked from the Sun Incinerator. "Any idea where?"
"Why don't we ask around?" Steven suggested.
"Last I remember, Morganite lives in this big palace that looks like one of those pagodas on Earth." Rhodonite explained. "Though since I've refused to go back there until now, I've pretty much pushed the location out of my memories."
"Why don't we try asking around?" the left Rutile suggested. "Maybe try that Citrine over there?"
The Rutiles pointed to a large, muscular yellow Gem with her gem on her stomach, a distinctive mullet-like hairstyle, a stern expression on her face, and an unsettling eye twitch that she showed as the Gems walked over to her.
"Can I help you?" the Citrine asked with a glare.
"We don't want any harm." Steven told her. "We're just on the lookout for a Gem named Morganite. Seen her anywhere?"
"Oh, you're looking for Morganite?" Citrine said as her expression softened into something more genial. "Yeah, she lives in the big pink skyscraper, can't miss it." She thumbed over to a tall building not too far away that was colored in varying shades of pink and had a predominantly Oriental appearance. "Here, I'll take you there."
"Isn't it wonderful?!" Padparadscha cried while Citrine signaled for a carrier to bring them to Morganite's palace. "The most wonderful Citrine will give us a lift to Morganite!"
"One of those Off-Color Gems, I see." Citrine commented as the carrier arrived. "Okay everyone, all aboard."
"So tell me, what's Morganite like?" Steven asked Citrine. "Is she as okay with Era 3 as everyone else? Because I've met a few Gems who aren't too happy with it."
"She doesn't really care." Citrine answered. "Just as long as she continues her design work. Back in the day, she was highly acclaimed in our society for her visionary designs, especially her work on the Diamonds' palanquins."
"Sounds like she'd fit right in at Little Homeschool's art classes." Fluorite remarked.
"Yeah, but she also had strong views against cross-Gem fusions when we served her." Rhodonite stated. "It's why we fled and eventually met the other Off-Colors."
"How much longer till we reach her?" Lars asked Citrine.
"Not too long now." Citrine replied as Morganite's building began getting closer. "Okay, we're here." She announced, stopping the transporter.
Steven, Lars, Citrine, and the Off-Colors now stood before the pink pagoda-like building, staring in awe of its beautiful architecture. But within the gorgeous structure lay some dark secrets of the past that Rhodonite was ready to contend with.
"You ready?" Lars asked Rhodonite, who tightly held his hand in exchange.
"I'm scared." Rhodonite muttered.
"Don't worry. We're all here for you." Steven alleviated the fusion's fears by holding onto her hand.
"Rhodonite seems afraid, but she knows we'll all be by her side." Padparadscha declared calmly.
"Us Off-Colors gotta stick together." The Rutiles said in unison.
"We're your family." Fluorite said.
"Okay, enough heartfelt found family moments." Citrine chuckled at the heartwarming scene before her as she knocked on the door, causing a holographic projection of a small, pink Gem soon appeared from the top of the doorframe. "Hello?"
"State your name and your business." The hologram demanded.
"I'm Steven Universe." Steven said to the hologram. "I'm here because we've got some old subordinates of Morganite here with us."
"Excellent." The hologram said, and the doors soon opened. "Please enter single file, and do not make a mess of things."
With that, the group got in line, Rhodonite in front with Steven behind her, and strolled into Morganite's tower.
Upon taking the elevator that took them to the tower's top floor, before Steven, Lars, and the Off-Colors was a small, pink Gem with pale skin dressed in a kimono and her dark pink hair in low pigtails. She was kneeling to the ground in deep meditation, and had a certain Gem device hanging over her head as a decoration.
The very sight of this Gem turned Rhodonite's paranoia into a very uncharacteristic rage, and she marched straight up to the little Gem before angrily picking her up. "You! I knew you'd still be here, now fess up!"
The Gem slowly opened her eyes and gasped in fright at the angry fusion violently interrogating her. "Oh no, someone help!" she cried. "Wait, I remember you!"
"So you do remember me, huh?!" Rhodonite snarled while Steven and Lars tried to keep her calm. "Why don't you tell me why I was rejuvenated SEVENTEEN TIMES before I toss you over the edge?!" she threatened, turning her head to face a door leading to one of the balconies of the top floor.
"Rhodonite, please!" Steven exclaimed.
"I get that she traumatized you, but you would never try to hurt anyone!" Lars said.
"Please, remember Garnet's instructions!" Fluorite cried.
Rhodonite froze in place and dropped her former superior from her grasp, and then she began to remember what Garnet taught her. "Relax my thoughts, relax my thoughts." She whispered to herself, easing her tense form. "My apologies, I just lost a little control there."
"A little would be selling yourself short." Rhodonite's would've-been victim snarked. "Especially after all the times I had to break you up."
"So, you must be Morganite." Steven remarked.
"Suppose you heard of me." Morganite stated. "My work is highly acclaimed throughout nine star systems. Now tell me, what brings you all to my tower, outside of nearly trying to kill me?"
"We need to talk." Steven said, moving out of the way to introduce the Off-Colors. "These are some of my friends, a group of Gems persecuted by the old ways of Homeworld because they didn't fit in with their fascist standards, including Rhodonite here. We came because we know you had rejuvenated the Ruby and Pearl that are her components seventeen times, and want answers as to why."
"You want to know why?" Morganite asked with a raised eyebrow.
"Yes, I'd like to understand." Rhodonite answered.
"If you say so." Morganite responded. "Please, do sit down, all of you. Have I got a story for you?"
As the group all sat down on their knees, Morganite began her story. "Now, our little tale begins thousands of years ago, back in Era 1, a short while after Pink Diamond came along."
Thousands of years in the past, Morganite was quite possibly the most celebrated designer to have ever graced Gemkind for having helped build most of Homeworld's architecture. One of her most notable actions was being the leader in building each of the Diamonds' palanquins, and her methods were seen as extraordinary.
"Exemplary work Morganite." Yellow Diamond complimented the design of her palanquin, built to be just as massive as she was. "Very nice patterns, and the shade of yellow is very fitting too."
"I especially admire the drapes you put on mine." Blue Diamond admired her palanquin.
"It was my pleasure, my Diamonds." Morganite thanked with a courteous bow. "I don't ask for anything in return; your applause is all that matters."
"Oh, you are so modest." Blue giggled. "But don't you ever get a little lonely doing so much for our kind?"
"No, I feel perfectly happy by myself." Morganite answered.
"Not even any subordinates to bounce ideas off of?" Yellow continued. "Because I can assure you, I've already got some for you for the occasion."
With a snap of the Diamond's fingers, Yellow's brought forth a pair of inactive gemstones and set them on the ground. The Pearl rose up first, projecting a holographic clamshell around itself.
"Please identify yourself." The shell ordered robotically.
"Morganite." Morganite complied.
"Greetings, Morganite." The shell greeted. "Please state your preferred customization options."
"Nothing too fancy, but nothing too modest either." Morganite continued.
"Settings selected. Please stand by." The holographic shell opened and the Pearl began glowing, eventually forming into a full Gem. The Pearl looked very standard, but had straight pink hair in a bob, her gemstone resting on her chest, a leotard with a transparent shawl around her neck and pink flats.
Next came the Ruby, who also looked like how Gems of her type should be, with her gem on her stomach and a Pink Diamond insignia on her top.
"You must be our new owner, correct?" Morganite's new Pearl asked.
"Yes, yes I am." Morganite answered politely. "You were awarded to me for my work on Yellow and Blue Diamond's palanquins, and I expect you to be on your best behavior."
"Yes, Morganite." The Ruby and Pearl said in unison. What Morganite missed was her new Ruby turning her head a bit to gaze at Pearl, and it was love at first sight.
Over the next couple hundred years, Morganite's Pearl and Ruby served diligently and quietly, never once saying anything negative about their boss or her celebrity status. At least, not in public. In private, the two kept talking for hours about how self-absorbed she was, allowing their working relationship to blossom into romance.
"Oh, the nerve of her taking all the glory from all those hardworking Bismuths!" Morganite's Pearl laughed. "They may hold a higher rank than us Pearls, but I really feel sorry for them."
"And I heard from some Lapis Lazulis that ol' Morgy didn't appreciate the sloppy work they did on Hiei 16." The Ruby responded. "Chances are she's bound to tell Blue on them."
"And what of Pink Diamond?" the designer's Pearl continued. "Sometimes I wonder if she was just a Quartz plucked from a Kindergarten and ordered to look like a Diamond, because she rarely acts like the others at all. Her Pearl says she throws quite the destructive tantrums when she doesn't get what she wants."
"Oh, wow! What a baby!" the Ruby laughed loudly.
"Can I just say, I really love the way you laugh?" Morganite's Pearl said. "It's so loud, yet so endearing at the same time."
"I-I find you endearing too." The Ruby blushed. "No, wait, I don't think that's the word I'm looking for! I meant to say-"
"Cute, graceful, smart, caring, loyal?" the Pearl began flirting. "Because all but one of those fit you as well."
"Oh my, really?" the Ruby responded as she blushed even harder. "I don't anyone has ever called me anything that wasn't stupid or expendable, but you're the first."
"Thank you." The Pearl said, now beginning to blush herself. "Would you like a kiss?"
"W-w-w-w-wait, really?!" her new Ruby lover stuttered. "I don't think I've been given a kiss either?"
"Well, let's give it a try." The Pearl remarked, picking her beloved Ruby up by the waist and bringing them face to face before giving her a sweet kiss on the lips. When the Ruby returned the kiss in kind, their gems began to shimmer.
"Oh, girls! I want your two cents on my latest project." Morganite called for the pair as she walked in on their embrace. "What in the?!"
What Morganite saw was not her Ruby and Pearl, but rather a strange new lifeform with both of their gemstones on her front and bearing some parts of their respective physical forms.
"What happened?" Rhodonite muttered. "Did we just fuse?"
"Yes, you just did!" Morganite barked, catching Rhodonite by surprise. "You knew the laws you two; only two Gems of the same type are allowed to fuse! Did you not hear the cautionary tales of those six Gems that just up and vanished when they first discovered fusion?"
"I sincerely apologize, Morganite, but we really do love each other!" Rhodonite cried as she begged on her knees. "If you would just let us explain!"
"Explain nothing." Morganite coldly declared before pulling a Rejuvenator from her gem on her chest and using it to cut Rhodonite in two, causing her components to poof. "And that will be all."
Morganite believed that would be the end of it, the end of her subordinates' relationship. But she thought wrong.
When her Ruby and Pearl were regenerated, they at first acted like they first met Morganite all over again. And just like that first time, they once again fell in love.
Despite Morganite's attempts to suppress her subordinates' relationship, word got out of the two's love, and many Gems began to question the designer's high status and demanded something to be done about it.
The more times her Pearl and Ruby began fusing, the more Morganite used her Rejuvenator to reset them, and the more she began fearing for all the fame she accumulated being dropped faster than an unwanted colony. Eventually, after approximately seventeen resets, Morganite came to a decision.
"Are you sure we should still be doing this?" the Pearl asked her smaller lover one day. "You know our Morganite will be very unhappy."
"Well, I for one am sick of all this!" the Ruby exclaimed hotly. "Sick of being persecuted for our love, sick of fusions between different Gem types being so frowned upon, sick of this society we live in!"
"Oh, poor baby." The Pearl consoled the Ruby. "We're stronger than that, I just know it."
"Oh, girls, please come here." Morganite called for the pair. With nervous looks to one another, the couple walked over to their displeased master. "I have some splendid news for you."
"What is it?" Morganite's Pearl asked meekly.
"You no longer have to worry about being caught, because you're getting replaced!" Morganite answered cheerfully, presenting a new Pearl and Ruby that will soon take the old pair's places.
"Well, funny you should mention that." The Ruby stated, bravely stepping forward. "We're through with this! You don't understand the love Pearl and I share, just because you're so self-absorbed and dedicated to Homeworld's ways!"
"Oh, so good you're such a team player." Morganite sarcastically remarked before clapping her hands to summon a pair of Shattering Robonoids. "Because as they say, there's no trash in a team."
As the Robonoids prepared to detain Morganite's former Pearl and Ruby, the two made a break for it. They bolted out the top floor of Morganite's tower, jumping off the balcony and beginning to fall all the way down to Homeworld's lower levels.
"After them!" Morganite commanded the Robonoids, and they zoomed out the building after the fleeing Gems.
As Ruby and Pearl continued falling at high speeds, the Shattering Robonoids flew down in hot pursuit and tried to scan their gems for destruction.
"Oh no, we're gonna get shattered!" the Ruby began panicking. "This is all my fault, if I hadn't talked back to Morganite, then we wouldn't either be shattered by the Robonoids or by falling to our deaths! I'm so-"
"It's okay." The Pearl said softly, cupping her favorite soldier's cheek. "I'm here for you, you're here for me."
"Yeah." The Ruby began to relax. "We're here for each other."
The two began to kiss once again, fusing into Rhodonite once more as they crashed behind a statue on Homeworld's decaying surface. The Robonoids continued scanning for the pair, but the machines found nothing due to the structure keeping them protected.
As the Robonoids flew back up to report to Morganite, Rhodonite peeked from behind the statue in relief. "I'm here."
"Hello?" a deep, slow-moving voice called from a cave. "Is anyone there?"
"Who said that?!" Rhodonite began panicking. "Come out wherever you are!"
"You were cast out too, yes?" the voice continued. "Come on in, you'll be safer here."
"I-if you say so." Rhodonite muttered. "Where are you?"
"Just follow my voice." The voice answered. "You can find me in this cave. Just look for the rock."
Rhodonite did as this mystery person said and found a rather conspicuous rock within a cave, moving it aside to discover a secret passage. When she entered the path and went through the dark tunnel, at the end was a massive Kindergarten that might've gone unused for ages.
"Welcome, dearie." The voice said as its owner appeared from behind Rhodonite. Turning around, Rhodonite discovered a massive six-Gem fusion with a gentle smile on her face. "So, were you persecuted for your love too?"
"Wait, you're the six Gems!" Rhodonite exclaimed, thinking back to the tales of old.
"I see my reputation is still going strong." The larger fusion proclaimed. "I am Fluorite. And you are?"
Rhodonite glanced down at the gems on her torso, and then back at Fluorite, before she finally answered. "I'm Rhodonite."
"So that's what happened." Steven realized as Morganite concluded her tale before he turned to Rhodonite. "What do you think?"
"Relax my thoughts, relax my thoughts." Rhodonite whispered to herself as she sat cross-legged next to Steven and as she opened her eyes, she un-fused into Morganite's former Ruby and Pearl for the first time in centuries.
"Normally, this is the part where we'd yell at you for never atoning for ditching us." The Ruby stated. "And we'll still never forgive you for that."
"But that's in the past. We're different Gems than we were thousands of years ago." The Pearl replied. "Here in the future, we have a new life now. Together."
"I understand now." Morganite said solemnly. "If that is your decision, then so be it. Now good day."
"Thank you for having us." Lars thanked Morganite. "Now come on, gang, let's head home."
"One second." The Ruby and Pearl said in unison before they kissed yet again, fusing back into a more stable Rhodonite with shorter pant legs, a scarf replacing her shawl, and her hair now in two tones.
"Okay, now we can go." Rhodonite smiled.
"Everyone, wait!" Padparadscha exclaimed. "After a moment of clarity, Rhodonite will change her look! Isn't that exciting!?"
"You crack me up, little buddy." Lars chuckled as Steven, and the Off-Colors left the building.
After Morganite finished waving them off, she checked around to see if anyone was still watching. Rising from where Rhodonite sat her down, Morganite turned to the Rejuvenator hanging over her head and pressed on a hidden keypad on the wall that led the way to a Warp Pad.
"My clarity has got to hear about this." Morganite said to herself as she took the Warp Pad to parts unknown.
Revanche 666 was a planet drained of all life and resources by the Gems' colonizing, and all that was left was a world with a suspicious resemblance to a human skull.
Morganite disembarked from the Warp Pad and walked towards a black-colored building resembling a Communication Hub. Standing guard was a pair of Citrines, much like the one who had brought Steven to her, but they were less friendly.
"HALT!" the Citrines yelled as they blocked the way.
"It's alright you dolts; it's me." Morganite grumbled at the guards' ignorance.
"Oh, terribly sorry Morganite!" the Citrines declared, moving to allow Morganite to enter the building. "The master is expecting you!"
Morganite strolled down a long white hallway, lined with multiple guards. There were Pearls that had grey skin, black & white uniforms and their hair swept to one side of their heads, white Topazes, including one that was giving a cheery wave only to stop with a sinister glare from the pink Gem, Jaspers, Amethysts, Rubies and many more.
"Oh Morganite, fancy seeing you here." Holly Blue Agate said, as she appeared to start walking alongside her fellow ex-aristocrat. "How have things been going on your end?"
"That boy just paid a visit, and he brought some Off-Colors with." Morganite answered. "One of them was a fusion of my ex-servants, and even tried to toss me over the edge!"
"Really, an Off-Color attempting murder?" Holly Blue smirked. "Well, it's good you're still keeping up appearances like I am, no matter how complicated it may be. Hopefully the master's endgame will allow me to get some peace and quiet!"
"In due time, Holly." Morganite chuckled. "In due time."
The two Gems stopped walking in front of a pair of white doors that automatically opened for them. And at the end of the room before them was a Gem in a revolving chair examining all possible data she could find of the Crystal Gems on a series of holograms.
"We have arrived your clarity." Holly Blue announced while she and Morganite kneeled before the Gem. "Morganite would like to speak with you."
"Yes, Steven Universe has come to visit me earlier." Morganite added. "Which reminds me, is it time to proceed with Phase 1?"
The Gem stopped typing on her database and slowly turned to her subordinates, before slowly getting up from her chair.
And now we have another Gem to add to this mystery foe's alliance! And we'll finally get to see who she is next time on the final chapter of Part 1. But in the meantime, I have an announcement to make. Once I'm done with that chapter, I'm going to take a bit of a hiatus to focus on other stories and my schoolwork, but not too long like my fellow Steven Universe fans have joked about. I hope you understand, and see you next time.
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hell-bound-stories · 4 years
Curraway woods- The witch
Max was running around her own personal heaven, chasing and carrying around as many frogs as she could. Diana was sitting on the porch, scratching her head with her wand while flipping through a large old book, not paying attention to Max at all. 
“Hehe why are there so many?!” Max giggled as she ran past.
“Uh” Diana started.
Earlier that day
Diana looked through the book on the lectern, adding bits and pieces of different herbs to a small cauldron sitting on the table.
“Ok that should do it” She said triumphantly. She grabbed a small bottle and scooped some of the liquid into it, before closing the top and shaking it. She pulled over a small frog sitting on a plate, “Ok now hold still” she said to the amphibian as she carefully poured a small drop of the potion on its head. The frog croaked and slightly changed colour to an unearthly green.
“Hhmm” Diana pulled out a large hammer and crushed the frog without hesitation. The frog flattened, then popped back up like nothing had happened, completely unharmed. 
“Yes!! It worked!!” She rejoiced.
After a moment the single frog split into two, then four, then eight.
“Oh shit” 
“That doesn't matter” Diana said firmly, shutting the large leather back book, standing up “Lets just gather them all up so we can get rid of them”
“WHat?” Max dropped her arm full of frogs, running over to Diana.
“humanely” Diana tacked on, “We’ll do it humanely”
“Mm ok, but I don’t know why you’d want to get rid of them” Max said picking up a nearby frog to pet, “They are so nice” 
“I guess” Diana started, “why don't you gather all the frogs in one place, you can even pick out one frog to keep, while I go work on a way to humanely get rid of them”
“Why don’t we just toss' em all in the lake?” Max asked, pointing to the nearby body of water.
“That would completely destroy the ecosystem” 
“Oh…..right” Max agreed, “welp frog hunting time!!” With that Max went back over to her original arm full of frogs and gathered them up again.
“Ok, be safe” Diana said, taking her book and basket of plants inside the cabin.
Diana closed the door behind her, leaning against it taking a deep tired breath. She opened her eyes to the site of the amphibians hopping around. They were all over the furniture, jumping around as if they owned the place. Diana groaned, slowly making her way to the other room, trying to avoid the frogs as she went. To her surprise there were frogs in the kitchen as well, climbing in and out of the cabinets and swimming in the sink. 
“Why am I surprised?” She said to herself. She walked over to the dining room table, which was reworked into a crafting table for all her witch needs. She shooed the frogs off the table and set her basket down, placing the large book on the small lectern next to it. As Diana grabbed her wand from her hat the book flew open to seemingly a random page speaking as it did so, “You really messed up this time D”.
“Shut up” She quickly snapped, “Just show me how to undo this”. She looked down at the open page and groaned.  She bent down to pick up the small table cauldron, hoisting it on the table.
“Let's get this over with”
Max couldn’t remember a day that had been even close to as fun as this one. First she escaped the monsters, and now she got as many frogs as her still heart could desire. No one in Hell ever let her have fun, but this wasn’t Hell. This was heaven. This was the surface. 
From the day Max arrived in Hell, something called her to the surface world. She always felt that the grey cold rock and gravel under her feet wasn’t right. She tried more times than she could count to escape, and she finally did. She was finally free. 
As she chased the frogs she finally felt happy where she was. She felt like she belonged here. She wanted to stay here. With her pink skin under the sun and bare feet in the dirt, everything about this felt right. It wasn’t just that she was outside, but she also had a good feeling about this place. This small cabin in the woods, and the witch that lived in it. Something told her she belonged here. Though all these thoughts were pushed to the side in favor of hunting and catching all the frogs. 
Max jumped and leaped, catching all the frogs she could, without breaking a sweat. She dropped her last arm full of frogs into a large plastic bucket, counting as she did so, “245, 246, 247, 248, 249, 250!” She stated proudly, placing the last frog down. “I wonder if-'' she was cut off by the sounds of ribbits and croaks from above. She turned around looking up, and sure enough there were at least two more arms full of frogs hopping on the roof.
“Oh HECK YEAH!!” Her eyes lit up in excitement, “but how do I get up there?” she quickly began to wonder. She looked around the area. There wasn’t a ladder or any easy way to climb up the wall. She couldn’t fly, maybe jump? Nah, the lion was too big and would crush the cabin. Her teal eyes landed on a tall tree, with a branch kinda hanging close to the house.
Diana heard a loud thud on the ceiling above her, “huh” she shrugged it off and continued stirring the pot with her wand. She grabbed some grass from her basket, pinched in between her fingers and sprinkled in as she stirred, while also reading over the book. 
“Flip,” she said.
“Why don’t you flip, you have hands” The book said sternly.
“My hands have been around a demon all day” 
“A demon child”
“OH GROSS DON’T TOUCH ME” The book quickly flipped the page without hesitation. 
Diana looked over the page, “Oh thank coven, almost done”, she rubbed her eyes and kept stirring. As she worked she couldn’t stop her mind from drifting to Max. Diana didn't quite know what to make of her. 
She didn’t even know someone so young could get sent to hell, or what they even had to do to qualify. However outside of her being a demon, Max was just like any other child with a love for the outdoors.  Even though she couldn’t see Max right now Diana could tell that having her around was just better, even if it had only been a short time, things around here felt more complete. She wanted Max to stay here. Outside of her maternal side saying take care of the 8 year old lost in the woods, it just felt right. It was a hard feeling to put a name on.
She looked back over the book and breathed a sigh of relief, “oh thank coven this is the right fur”. She picked up the lock of fur she had cut off of Max’s main an hour before. She stopped, taking a moment to look at it. Its colour shined vibrantly, and it was soft to the touch. She took a smaller pinch in her other hand.
“Just a little bit of this and-” BANG, another crash coming from the roof above startled Diana, causing her to drop all the fur into the pot. She looked down at the pot as the fur sunk away, stirring, “I wanted to save some of that”.
Max fell on the roof with a hard thud, “Yes!!! I'm a genius!” she jumped up on her feet. She managed to successfully climb up the tree and jump over to the roof with no effort. Did it hurt? Heck no. “Come here lil hoppers” She began walking around picking up as many frogs as she could. Her arms were quickly full of the strange animal.
“Uh” she looked at the bucket of frogs below, “i'm sure you’ll be fine” she said before she started tossing the frogs down. Each one landed perfectly in the bucket, unharmed. She did this a few more times, clearing the roof of any and all frogs. 
“I think that’s all of em” She said proudly, “Diana’s gonna be-” Max turned around and spotted one lone frog sitting on the other side of the roof. This one was different, it had an otherworldly green colour to it, and its eyes felt off, like it knew something. 
“Ooooo come here!” She said, quickly pouncing across the roof towards the small animal. Landing with another even louder thud, she looked at her hands. Empty?
“Wha” she quickly looked around, then felt a small movement on her head.
“Ribbit” The frog sat patiently on her head. She tried grabbing it but it avoided her hands with every hop. 
“......I like you” she said, giving up on the effort. 
“Max!!” a voice shouted from below.
“Annnnd done!” Diana said as she finished pouring the newly made potion into a small bottle, topping it off with a cork lid. She whipped her wand down, glancing at a frog, “Soon you will be gone”.
She went around the small house gathering all the frogs she could find, putting them in a sack. Once she was done she made her way outside. She walked off the porch and was met with a large plastic bucket of frogs. Diana was stunned. She didn't own a bucket like this.
She shrugged it off, adding her own bag of frogs to the large tub. She looked around but didn’t see any trace of Max. She got worried, fearing she had run off on her own. Diana didn’t doubt Max could take care of herself in the forest. She was a demon, it wasn't like she was going to freeze to death or starve, but her being alone still didn’t sit right with Diana. 
“Max!” she shouted, looking every which way.
“Oh, hey Diana!” 
Diana looked up to find Max looking over the edge of the roof. She was so relieved. “Oh there you-” She paused, “how did you get up there?” 
“I climbed a tree” She said fear starting to grow in her voice slightly, “i'm sorry” 
“It's ok” She said, she wasn’t mad at all, just curious, “Now come down here so we can humanely get rid of these guys” she smiled.
Max effortlessly jumped down, landing on her bear feet, “what are we gonna do?”
“Well with this” Diana held up a bottle of purple glowing liquid, “We will simple make them, disappear”
“Oooo, what is that?” Max said, entranced by the mysterious liquid.
“This is a potion made from the rarest ingredients in the land stirred by stick made from pure magic in such a delicate processes that-”
Before she could finish, the frog on Max’s head hopped off, knocking the bottle out of Diana's hand onto the ground, shattering, spilling the liquid in the dirt. Diana didn’t even look down as Max tired to hold back a laugh, picking the frog back up.
“Ok you know what”  
The elderly witch sat comfortably in her chair. The afternoon couldn’t have been more perfect for a cup of tea and a nice book, so she seized the opportunity to do just that. As she took a sip from her tea a large portal opened above her.
“Huh?” Before she could finish thinking, frogs frantically started pouring out of the portal, covering her and the surrounding room almost instantly. Just as fast as it happened, it stopped, the portal above her disappearing. 
“So where does this portal go?” Max asked as she casually dumped the frogs threw.
“Oh it goes to a perfect swamp land, a frog paradise, they’ll love it!” Diana laughed.
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navybluedreams · 6 years
Ninjago OCs of mine pt.1
I’m just gonna jump on the revelation of Ninjago OCs now
Anywho so meet my Ninjago OC Naomi !
Name: Naomi DeLuca
Alias: Queen/Queenie ((among the SOG))
Birthday: October 31
Gender: Female
Height: 5’5
Physical Description: She has medium length dark chocolate brown hair that ends at mid-bust. It’s layered/choppy, she has bangs but keeps them side-swept at times putting red clips in her hair to keep them from getting into her eyes. Her eyes are kaleidoscopic, multicolored in other words. the colors shifting from Aegean, brown, teal, green, blue, red etc. however whenever she uses her powers they turn full black. Her skin tone is a sunkissed olive tan. She has a slender, slim thick, hourglass figure, bust size being a 32D. She constantly exercises and keeps her body in shape, being toned however not muscular. She weighs one hundred and twenty five pounds.
Personality Description Queen: She’s extremely cocky and prideful, being intolerant to those who oppose her, ruling with an iron fist however having a playful, chaotic side. Unlike Ultra Violet who lets her emotions run amok, she’s much more contained. However, this scares members of the SOG even more because they can never tell what she’s thinking. Also being aggressive and violent, merciless and having the grace and air of royalty. Which earned her nickname, Queen.  However when among members of her status she acts more leveled, less hotheaded and prideful.
Personality Description: She’s an ENTP, the debater. Being the ultimate devil's advocate and is uncompromisingly honest. She’s also extremely witty, charming, charismatic, blessed with a silver tongue and an extremely good at lying. However she’s very argumentative and passionate to a fault at times, also being quite insensitive, temperamental, and intolerant at times. However most of the time she tries to be considerate towards others emotions and be’s nice.
SOG: She’s a high ranking SOG member and dresses like it. The iconic black leather jacket, plain white-shirt, skinny olive cargo pants, and black combat boots. Also, wearing a diamond choker around her neck, and a gold necklace with an emerald pendant.
Civilian: She wears an Aegean-colored tube top, black ripped jeans, a black bomber jacket, and black sneakers.
Battle Suit: Her suit is basically light armor, fully black with white highlights. However, when she uses her powers the highlights light up into a kaleidoscope of pastel colors.
Ninja Gi: The color scheme used for her gi is dark purple and silver. 
Elemental Powers: Illusion
What she can do:
Wonderland/Illusive Reality Manipulation: She can transform/shape the terrain to her benefit, the more complex/detailed it is the more energy it takes up. If she over pushes her boundaries it usually leads to nosebleeds, migraines, fainting,internal bleeding etc.
Illusions: Can affect her opponent's sense of smell, touch, sight, hearing, taste. She can make them perceive things differently or make them believe in things that don't exist.
Glamour: She can affect her physical appearance, and change her comrades as well. Wrapping them in “Glamour” which makes them look different.
Etc. basically, everything illusion related.  When she’s activating her powers her hands are enveloped in a sparkly violet mist with some hints of black and silver glitter. 
Fun Facts:
She’s great with plants and machines, originally wanting to become a mechanic before she joined the SOG.
She has a very wide vocal range and an excellent soprano, being a very gifted vocalist. However, doesn’t really like to show off her abilities as a singer finding there to be no reason to tell others and feeling that it would make her seem vulnerable and a weak damsel.
One of her many fears is being seen as weak, always putting up a strong and cold facade. 
She’s an ex-ballerina, being conditioned and trained at a young age which made a major impact on her posture and her fighting style which is much more graceful than expected.
After her mother died, her father began to neglect her and become a workaholic. Eventually reaching her limit and yelling at her father and telling him that “It should’ve been you.” Running away from home on the same exact day. However her father dying 5 months after, her greatest regret is that she never apologized to him for what she said.
She comes from a rich and powerful family as well, her father a CEO and her mother an extremely well-known socialite. 
She’s also distantly related to the royal ninjago family, her grandfather and the ex-ninjago emperor being siblings
She knows how to play the ukulele, harp, piano, and violin.
She has two ear piercings in total: standard lobe upper lobe She also wears a cuff on her right ear. 
Love interest? Lloyd Montgomery Garmadon
She’s a general of the SOG
She’s a weapons expert however her go-to-weapon is a whip. And as a botanist she’s familar with most posions. 
Her favorite drink is passion fruit green tea boba
Her favorite plant is aloe since it has many useful healing benefits
Her favorite flower are gardenias
And yeah this is part one of my OC list
Feel free to roleplay with me if you want my DMs are open
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beatdisc · 5 years
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TWO WEEKS TODAY until Record Store Day 2019!
Everyday until RSD we plan to give ya'll updates about what will be happening at Beatdisc Records on April 13th. We have our biggest party planned, so stay tuned for all our exciting news!
#BeatdiscRSD update 1;
Below you will find our list of ordered exclusive titles, broken down into the 3 lists (AUS, USA & UK).
PLEASE NOTE: We are not guaranteed all these titles and some titles we may get cut down to only one copy and others we may never get. We won't know exact titles until a few days before RSD, so please bare with us.
All titles are sold on a first come first served basis and we cannot hold any titles - sorry. If you see something that's missing, get in touch ASAP and we may be able to squeeze something in.
AUS LIST TITLES Bob Evans - Suburban Songbook [LP] Broderick Smith – Suitcase [LP] Jebediah - Of Someday Shambles [2LP] Johnny Diesel & The Injectors - Johnny Diesel & The Injectors [LP] Mother & Son - Mother & Son [LP] The Amity Affliction – Youngbloods [LP] The Birthday Party - Mutiny/Bad Seed [2LP] The Hard Ons - Harder & Harder [7”] The Loved Ones - Magic Box [LP] The Mint Chicks - Screens [LP] The Reels - The Reels [LP] US LIST TITLES Ace Frehley - Spaceman [LP] Adrenalin O.D. - Let's BBQ [LP] Alien Weaponry - Tu [LP+7''] Anderson .Paak - Bubblin' [7''] Andrew Oldham Orchestra, The - The Rolling Stones Songbook [LP] Angelo Badalamenti, David Lynch - Twin Peaks: Season Two Music And More [2LP] Aretha Franklin - The Atlantic Singles 1967 [5x7'' Boxset] AxCx (Anal Cunt) - Picnic Of Love [LP] B-52's, The - Mesopotamia [LP] Bad Religion - My Sanity [7''] Basement - Be Here Now [7''] Benjamin Gibbard - Me And Magdalena / The Concept [7''] Bill Hicks - Revelations: Variations [2LP] Billy Joel - Live At Carnegie Hall 1977 [2LP] Bingo Hand Job (R.E.M. w/ Bragg, Hitchcock & Holsapple) - Live At The Borderline 1991 [2LP] Bob Dylan - Blood On The Tracks: Original New York Test Pressing [LP] Bone Thugs-N-Harmony - E. 1999 Eternal [2LP] Broken Social Scene - Let's Try The After Vol. 1 & 2 [LP] Buari - Buari [LP] Buffalo Tom - Buffalo Tom (30th Anniversary) [LP] Canned Heat - Remember Woodstock [LP] Captain Beefheart and His Magic Band - Trout Mask Replica [2LP] Charlatans, The - Us And Us Only [LP] Chris Robinson Brotherhood - Dice Game And Let It Fall [10'' Chuck Mosley - Joe Haze Session #2 [7''] Courtney Barnett - Everybody Here Hates You [12''] Craig Mack & The Notorious B.I.G. - B.I.G. Mack (Original Sampler) [LP+Cassette] Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young - 4 Way Street (Expanded Edition) [3LP] Culture - The Nighthawk Recordings [LP] Curren$y, Freddie Gibbs and The Alchemist - Fetti [LP] Czarface - Double Dose Of Danger [LP] David Bowie - Pin Ups (2015 Remastered Version) [LP] David Bowie - The World Of David Bowie (Compilation) [LP] David Bowie / Marlene Dietrich - Revolutionary Song / Just A Gigolo [7''] Death Grips - Steroids (Crouching Tiger Hidden Gabber Megamix) [LP] Def Leppard - The Story So Far, Vol. 2 / B Sides [2LP] Desmond Dekker & The Aces - Pretty Africa [LP] Devo - This Is The DEVO Box [6LP] Doors, The - London Fog [10''] Dr. Dog - Live 2 [LP] Dr. Dre - Nuthin' But A ''G'' Thang [12''] Duran Duran - As The Lights Go Down (Live) [2LP] Ed O.G. & Da Bulldogs - Life Of A Kid In The Ghetto [LP] Elton John - Live From Moscow [2LP] Elvis Costello & The Imposters - Purse EP [LP] Elvis Presley - Live At The International Hotel, Las Vegas, NV August 23, 1969 [2LP] Eric Clapton - One More Car One More Rider [3LP] Fatlip - The Loneliest Punk [LP] Flaming Lips, The - King's Mouth: Music And Songs [LP] Fleetwood Mac - The Alternate Fleetwood Mac [LP] Frank Black - Frank Black [LP] Frank Black - Teenager Of The Year [2LP] Frank Zappa - The Guitar World According To Frank Zappa [LP] Gorillaz - The Fall [LP] Grateful Dead - The Warfield, San Francisco, CA 10/9/80 [2LP] Green Day - Woodstock 1994 Live [LP] Green Jelly - Cereal Killer Soundtrack [LP] Green River - Live At The Tropicana 1984 [LP] Greta Van Fleet - From The Fires [LP] Griot Galaxy - Kins [LP] Hawkwind - The 1999 Party: Live At The Chicago Auditorium 21st March, 1974 [2LP] Herbie Hancock - Dedication [LP] High On Fire - Bat Salad [LP] Hockey Dad - Dreamin' [LP] Idles - Meat / Meta [EP] Iggy Pop - Hippodrome - Paris 77 [2LP] Iggy Pop - The Villagers b/w Pain & Suffering [7''] Insurgence DC - Broken In The Theater Of The Absurd [LP] James Brown - Sho Is Funky Down Here [LP] Janis Joplin - Woodstock Sunday August 17, 1969 [2LP] Jeff Buckley - In Transition [LP] Jeff Tweedy - WARMER [LP] Jethro Tull - North Sea Oil [10''] Joe Strummer - The Rockfield Studio Tracks [12''] John Cage Meets Sun Ra - John Cage Meets Sun Ra: The Complete Film [7''+DVD] John Lennon - Imagine: The Raw Studio Mixes [2LP] Julien Baker - Red Door / Conversation Piece [7''] Kooks, The - Live At The Moth Club [LP] Kool Keith - Complicated Trip [12''] Kristin Hersh - Crooked [LP] L7 - Burn Baby [7''] Lemonheads, The - Can't Forget / Wild Child [7''] Lightnin' Hopkins - Strums the Blues [LP] Lou Reed - Ecstasy [2LP] Madonna - La Isla Bonita: Super Mix [LP] Madonna - True Blue (Super Club Mix) [LP] Mark Lanegan Band - Stitch It Up [7''] Mark Ronson - Nothing Breaks Like A Heart [12''] Mastodon - Stairway To Nick John [10''] Matthew Sweet - Pleasure Island, Live [LP] Menzingers, The - No Penance b/w Cemetery's Garden [7''] Midnight Oil - Pleasure Island, Live [LP] Mikey, Leo, Donny, Raph - Pizza Power Single [7''] Mission Of Burma - Peking Spring [LP] Mo-dettes, The The Story So Far [LP] Monty Python - Monty Python's Life Of Brian [LP] Morrissey - Lover-To-Be [7''] Moses Sumney - Black In Deep Red, 2014 [12''] Motorhead - Overkill / Bomber [2x7''] Motorhead - Rockaway Beach [7''] Mumford & Sons - Delta Acoustic Sessions | Live From Electric Lady [10''] My Chemical Romance - The Black Parade Is Dead! [2LP] Noel Gallagher's High Flying Birds - Wait & Return [LP] Ol' Dirty Bastard - Intoxicated [LP] Olafur Arnalds - Re:member + String Quartets [LP+7''] Otis Redding w/Booker T. & The M.G.'s + The Mar-Keys - Just Do It One More Time! Live At The Monterey Pop Festival [LP] Parliaments, The - Baby I Owe You Something Good [LP] Pearl Jam - Live At Easy Street [LP] Pelican - Midnight & Mesaline [7''] Peter Gabriel - Rated PG [LP] Peter Howell & John Ferdinando - Ithaca, Agincourt And Other Psych-Folk Fairy Tales [2LP+CD] Pink Floyd - A Saucerful Of Secrets (Mono) [LP] Police, The - Message In A Bottle [2x7''] Prince - His Majesty's Pop Life / The Purple Mix Club [2LP] Prince (The Artist Formerly Known As Prince) - The VERSACE Experience: Prelude 2 Gold [Cassette] Queen - Bohemian Rhapsody (Soundtrack) [2LP] Queen - Bohemian Rhapsody / I'm In Love With My Car [7''] Ramones, The - Live At The Palladium, New York, NY (12/31/79) [2LP] Robert Johnson - Kind Hearted Woman Blues / Terraplane Blues [10''] Robert Plant - Fate Of Nations [LP] Robyn - Body Talk [2LP] Rolling Stones, The - Big Hits (High Tide And Green Grass) (UK) [LP] Rolling Stones, The - She’s A Rainbow / Live At U Arena, Paris / 25.10.17 [10''] Rolling Stones, The - Through The Past, Darkly (Big Hits Vol. 2) (UK) [LP] Roxy Music - Roxy Music - Remixed [2LP] Rush - Hemispheres [LP Picture Disc] RZA - Birth Of A Prince [2LP] Salvation Army, The - Live From Torrance And Beyond [LP] Santigold - I Don't Want: The Gold Fire Sessions [LP] Serj Tankian - Harakiri [LP] Sherman Brothers, The - Simply Sherman: Disney Hits From The Sherman Brothers [LP] Shocking Blue - Single Collection (A's & B's), Part 2 [2LP] Sigur Ros - Lunar Halo 22° [LP] Sigur Ros - Variations In Darkness [LP] Sly & The Family Stone - Woodstock Sunday August 17, 1969 [2LP] Soccer Mommy - For Young Hearts [LP] Stargaze & Greg Saunier - Instruments (A Track By Track Re-Composition of Fugazi's 'In On The Killtaker') [LP] Steve Earle - El Coyote / Don't Let The Sunshine Fool You [7''] Sublime - Nugs: Best Of The Box [LP] Sugar Hill Records - Sugar Hill Records: The 12'' D.J. Boxset [6x12'' Boxset] SUNN O))) - Life Metal [2LP] Tangerine Dream - Le Parc [2LP] Tangerine Dream - Machu Picchu [LP] Ten In The Swear Jar (Xiu Xiu) - Fort Awesome: Complete Recordings [2LP] Teyana Taylor - Gonna Love Me / WTP (Remixes) [12''] Thrice - Deeper Wells [LP] Todd Rundgren - The Complete U.S. Bearsville & Warner Bros. Singles [4LP] Too $hort - The Pimp Tape [2LP] Townes Van Zandt - The Best Of Townes Van Zandt [2LP] U2 - The Europa [LP] Used, The - The Used Live From Maida Vale [10''] Van Morrison - Astral Weeks Alternative [10''] Various Artists - Boy Meets Girl: Classic Stax Duets [2LP] Various Artists - Brazil Classics 30th Anniversary Box Set [3LP] Various Artists - Coneheads (Soundtrack) [LP] Various Artists - Folk And Pop Sounds Of Sumatra Vol. 2 [2LP] Various Artists - Ghost World (Soundtrack) [2LP] Various Artists - I Am Sam (Soundtrack) [LP Various Artists - Lost In Translation (Soundtrack) [LP] Various Artists - Malcom X (Soundtrack) [LP] Various Artists - Mickey Mouse Disco [LP] Various Artists - New Jack City (Soundtrack) [LP] Various Artists - Office Space (Soundtrack) [LP] Various Artists - Poppies: Assorted Finery From The First Psychedelic Age [LP] Various Artists - Rockabye Baby! Lullaby Renditions Of Weezer [LP] Various Artists - South Park: Bigger, Longer & Uncut (Soundtrack) [2LP] Various Artists - Spider-Man: Into The Spider-Verse (Soundtrack) [LP] Various Artists - Stax Does The Beatles [2LP] Various Artists - The Crow (Soundtrack) [2LP] Various Artists - Vitamin String Quartet: VSQ Performs Bjork [2LP] Various Artists - Where The Action Is! Los Angeles Nuggets Highlights [2LP] Various Artists - Woodstock 3 Days Of Peace Music (Mono PA Version) [3LP] Violent Femmes - Hallowed Ground [LP] Weezer - Dusty Gems: The B-Sides [LP] Weezer - Weezer (Teal Album) [LP] Wes Montgomery - Back On Indiana Avenue: The Carroll DeCamp Recordings [2LP] Wipers, The - Alien Boy [7'' EP] Wonder Years, The - The Wonder Years Live From Maida Vale [10''] X-Ray Spex - I Am A Cliche [2LP] Yes - Yes [LP] Zero 7 - Home (Alternative Mix) / Somersault (Danger Mouse Remix ft. MF Doom) [10''] UK LIST TITLES Dexys Midnight Runners - At The BBC 1982 [2LP] Fall, The Medicine For The Masses - The Rough Trade Singles [4x7" Boxset] Ginger Wildheart - Maggie [12"] Grandmaster Flash & The Furious Five - The Message [2LP] JJ Cale - Stay Around EP [7"] Mighty Boosh - The Complete Radio Series [3LP] Parcels - Tieduprightnow / Tape EP [7"'] Ronnie Lane & The Band Slim Chance - At The BBC [2LP] Thin Lizzy - Black Rose [2LP] Various Artists - The Freakbeat Scene [2LP] Various Artists - The Mod Scene [2LP] Various Artists - The Northern Soul Scene [2LP] Various Artists - The Psychedelic Scene [2LP] Various Artists - The R&B Scene [2LP] Venom - Manitou [7" picture disc] Yazoo - Reconnected: Live [2LP] CANCELLATIONS Dio - Last In Line (Live) [LP] Stray Cats - 40 [12''] Sigur Ros - Variations In Darkness [LP] Sigur Ros - Lunar Halo 22° [LP]
#RSDaus #RSD2019 #BeatdiscRSD
Record Store Day Australia
STAY TUNED HERE > Record Store Day 2019 at Beatdisc Records 
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glitterryro · 6 years
Get to know me
Tagged by the wonderful @just-folie-a-deux-it
RULES: answer the questions and tag 15-20 followers you would like to get to know better.
NAME: Glitter
ZODIAC SIGN: Capricorn
HEIGHT: 5'7"
LANGUAGES SPOKEN: English, a touch of French (not fluently)
ORIENTATION: pansexual
FAVORITE FRUIT: strawberry
FAVORITE SEASONS: autumn, winter
FAVORITE FLOWERS: marigolds, sunflowers
FAVORITE SCENTS: pine, rose, orange blossom, ocean by bath and body
FAVORITE COLORS: green, yellow, blue, purple, teal, pink
FAVORITE ANIMAL: ducks at the moment
DOG OR CAT PERSON: dog but I love cats
FAVOURITE FICTIONAL CHARACTER: Ben Wyatt and I totally would have gotten married if we existed in the same universe
NUMBER OF BLANKETS YOU SLEEP WITH: 1-2 bc I live in hell where it's fucking 85 degrees rn
DREAM TRIP: Australia sounds super cool but if we're talking a specific trip... I go to Seattle, fuck a hot tortured writer. Only he's not a tortured writer, he's a murderer. I can't get caught up in this, so I wore all of his savings to my account and steal all of his expensive jewelry. I then turn him into the police and gain national attention. Everyone loves me in Seattle; the guy had been killing for years and I found him. I am a hero. I come back home and eat an orange.
BLOG ESTABLISHED: Umm I wanna say May or June of 2015? But the original glitterryro was January 3rd, 2017.
FOLLOWER COUNT: 401, but @glitterryro-moved had 1099
I love plants
I've fully grown out of my emo phase (physically... I still love mcr)
I love Queer Eye
I love The Office
I'm gonna start working out to lose weight
I am a slut for avocados
I don't have anyone to go to Warped with! Hmu! I can't drive tho
I want to paint my bathroom yellow
I still don't know 100% where I'm going to college this fall!
My new water bottles are super cute
Hey! If you guys wanna do it, you should! If not, ignore my tag.
If you want to do it but I didn't tag you, feel free to tag me in your post so I can see!
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iskelan · 7 years
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As long as I finally started blogging something here, I’m gonna pour out all my StarCraft headcanons at last. Here go all colors of protoss tribes - approximately as I see them, some lore may change later. Almost all lore here is my fantasy. I don’t accept books by Golden as canon.
By the order of the classic rainbow - first com the Ara. Heirs of Khas, dark-grey striped guys dressed in bright red clothes. In my headcanon these guys chose the hottest equatorial regions of Aiur as their territory and lived there for millenia. Their scales colour is great disguise when it comes to hunt in dark shades of jungle. During aeon strife they were desperately fighting with many neighbours, longing to occupy this equatorial grounds, but despite Ara had never been martial, they were genius strategists and diplomats as well, so they established a powerful alliance with the Velari tribe against the other tribes, and after the Khala came around they were chosen as Judicator tribe, from which came many war counselors (including the only ingame Judicator Aldaris), prosecutors, inquisitors, etc. Next ones - I really like how these came out - the Auriga with sand-like skin and bright eyes. This martial tribe occupied wide territories of deserted regions, full of sun and sand, and stood in a permanent conflict with Akilae and Velari, also longing to take their place under neverending sunlight. Aeon strife forged Auriga as mighty warriors and creators of best armors and weapons. At the end of this destructive conflict they became allied with Ara and Velari and the other martial tribes were outnumbered. When Khala unified everyone, the Auriga turned into best soldiers and at the same time best armor engineers, so Khas divided the Auriga in two castes - Templar for the ones with high martial potential, Khalai for the ones physically weaker. This tribe produced not only one of the most loyal warriors of the Conclave, but also the best phase-smiths that eagerly improved protoss weaponry through millenia. I personally refer ingame Karax to be one of them, because I totally can’t see him as a Furinax. Yellow is for Velari. Beautiful sand-people with bright khaydarin-colour eyes and light scales, variating from shades of yellow to almost grey, sometimes covered with stripes, inherited from genetic contacts with other tribes. During the aeon strife they occupied wide territory, neighboring and being in permanent conflict with Akilae, Auriga and Ara. Through these days they did not give themselves into sciences, but practiced multiple combat styles and psi  manipulations, that made them most deadly, when battles on ground occured. By the end of aeon strife Ara forged an alliance with them and started the triumphal move through the deserts that were well known home for all the Velari. Surrender of other tribes was only a question of time. When protoss unified, Velari became proud part of their military forces, and their combat styles became part of all Templar spirits. When protoss developed space travelling, many Velari were eager to be with first explorers, and later they became best pilots among children of Aiur. If I remember things right - the Great Executor Tassadar origins from this tribe (and in SCI we usually play as Velari protoss in campaign), as well as that odd lady Rohana. Green is for Akilae. Inhabitants of subtropical zones, hiding in shadows among the rocks. Almost like Ara, they've adapted to shady yellowish green surrounding of rocks and grass, so colours of their scales variate from light brown to shades of green. Being in the heart of all major conflicts of aeon strife they still had time to develop sciences and philosophy, which was quite inspiring on the battlefields. Being the tribe of mighty warriors, they were also tribe of mathematical genies. When Khala came around, Akilae were determined as Templar tribe, but it occured quite often that their children became great thinkers and were accepted as Judicators. But many of them felt uncomfortable in the great unity, so a lot of Akilae in fact became Dark Templar afterwhile. It seems that in SCII most protoss in our possession belong to this tribe, along with Artanis and Selendis themselves, and I personally refer praetor Fenix to them also. Teal is for Sheddar (what? who? ah, its a tribe from fanon expansion set, if someone recalls). These are peaceful inhabitants of cold swampy misty lands with blue eyes and blue skin. As well as the Venatir they tried to stay away from the others during the aeon strife and took their time to explore properties of plants around them. They succeeded in finding many medicines and creating clothes to protect themselves from surrounding nature. And also - they succeeded in hiding among it. Other tribes just never knew that they were around when they tried to explore their territories. When protoss society became unified with Khala, Sheddar never tried to get any power, prefferring to proceed their peaceful existance and ready to share their practical abilities with the others, so their tribe found itself in the Khalai caste and served mostly as healers, tailors and entertainers. I personally refer poor Lasarra to this tribe - as long as she was able to survive among others on cold planet Kaldir, it seems logical. And here go the blue guys - Sargas, willing inhabitants of the coldest grounds of Aiur. During the aeon strife they were quite far from the main conflict and successfully defended themselves inside their fortifications. They evolved to be strong and brutal like true Spartans, unaccepting weakness among them. Eventually they were neighbours of seemingly fragile, but wise Venatir and, while Venatir did not demonstrate any aggression, offered them protection. That was not a military, but a cultural and practical union, where they shared methods of survival in rigid surroundings. They developed shielding technics and were the first ones to create and use pylons as powerful energy sources, able either to keep them warm, or to charge weapons. When Khala came around, a lot of Sargas reacted very negative and, while Venatir were the main inspirers, they were the main force of those, who opposed the unity, offered by Khas. Almost half of tribe left Aiur at the day of first Dark Templar exile. But those, who stayed, became the most loyal and fierce warriors of Aiur that quickly removed the heretic claim from their tribe.  Violet Furinax, inhabitants of middle continental zones - not too hot, not too warm, but still enough motivating to construct not only defensive walls, but houses with possibility to regulate the conditions depending on period of the year cycle. Their scales variate from shades of grey to lavender violet. Adapting the volatile conditions, Furinax succeeded in creating technologies of matter transformations that then resulted in first materialization matrix and teleports. Khala gave them place among others as the most devoted members of Khalai caste. Many Furinax served among all others as architects, chemists, and then centuries after - warp rifts and space gears specialists. It is ironic there is no brown colour in the rainbow but. Here come the Venatir, gloomy secretive light-brown guys from the north. They were the least successful in tribal wars, so they had to move away from the lands warm and full of light to the cold and gloomy lands with polar nights and northern lights, where noone would follow them. Their scales colour recieved a shade of brown, but is mostly light - like a naked tree. Difficulties of life forced them to develop the technologies faster, so the Venatir became experts in manipulating with energies of khaydarine crystals. Also they've discovered the possibility of unifying their minds in Khala-like web even before Khas made his discovery, that made them the best among all protoss at hiding their thoughts. Their powerful minds conquered them the deserved place among other Judicators. Eventually, that made many of them to become the main ideologists of the Rash Nidal - the first path of darkness, that denied power of Conclave, and when the first dark templar were exiled, a lot of Venatir were among them, so the reputation of the tribe was worse then ever. But still, Venatir became best experts on psi-energy manipulations, mind-melding and astrometric sciences. The colour pattern is never full without black and white. And white is for Shelak. Keepers of the knowledge, meditative highlanders and philosophers. Their scales' colours variate from silvery grey to off-white, sometimes with pale stripes, perfect to hide in rocky grounds. During the aeon strife they used to be the main pretendants to shift Ara from warm and shady jungle, but never succeeded, so they had to stay among the rocks, that surrounded the humid valleys. While not being strong and numerous enough to stand real conflicts, they concentrated in keeping and learning the knowledge of the Xel'Naga and later of all the other tribe, so when the Firstborn were unified with Khala, these Judicator tribe gave way to many historians, librarians and great thinkers. Khas himself, although originated from Ara, spend much time among them, and their high rank in Protoss society was his gratitude. And the last one, black is for Kanimai (what again? yes, again a tribe from expansion set) - tribe, that is actually a mix of Protoss of different tribes, that tried to overcome the major conflict and create a new peaceful unity in the middle of aeon strife. They had to leave the territories of conflicts and move to cold misty mountains on far south, where they had to learn a lot about properties of minerals and surrounding liquids that were not always harmless. Their appearance is variative, cause inside their newly created society occured intensive cultural and genetic mixture. When Khala came around, they were accepted as they were and castes of their children were determined individually, but mostly they were Templar or Khalai. Despite such controversial history, Kanimai proceeded as separate tribe with its specific features. Among them were many of the first explorers and colonists, resources developers and nexus operators.
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rue-coldfire · 7 years
We Meet Again For The First Time
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Loud music rang throughout the bar, the room was full of laughter and drunken banter from its patrons. At least that’s how it was. Tonight the establishment was visited by a familiar but unwelcome face. The room quieted down when he entered the front door, the chime of the bell drawing the attention of everyone within the vicinity. Some sneered, others snickered ridiculing him under their breath. No one openly mocked however, for fear of the bar-keeper's wrath. Drunken brawls were common in his establishment but he wouldn’t tolerate anything that bothered his best customer. Not to mention the damage the guy could do if a fight did break out.
Every now and then a cocky piece of work would start something but most stayed back when his usual drinking buddy was with him. Tonight he was alone, and he caught the eye of a young keronian looking to make a name for himself; the fool. The visitor sat down at his usual seat at the edge of the bar, motioned for a drink and flipped his long ringed ears over his shoulders. The keronian came sauntering up and tapped him on the shoulder. Turning slightly he was met with the slit pupils of his red-rimmed, teal eyes.
“Whaddya want? Can’t ya see I’m trying to enjoy a nice drink here?” He grumbled in his rough dialect. Eyeing the keronian, he went to take a sip of his drink. With a smug smile the keronian lifted his hand and bumped the base of the glass, spilling it onto the visitor’s lap.
“Oops. Poor half-breed missed his mouth. Do you need someone to teach you? Or did your filthy blood give you a tiny brain as well as an ugly mug?” the keronian chuckled loudly, which was echoed by the other patrons in the room.
“Boy, you are gonna wish you had not done that.” The bar-keeper spoke as he shook his head, slowly stepping back from the counter. The Keronian turned to look at the bar-keeper in confusion but his attention was diverted by the sound of cracking followed by the ringing made from the shattering of glass. Before he could comprehend what was happening, a bloodied fist connected with his face and he was sent sailing through the air and out the open front window of the bar.
“And stay out!” the bar-keeper called after him “You alright there Hirere? Do you need any first aid?” he asked, gesturing to his hand. Glass shards had lightly pierced his skin which was more rugged than a full-blooded keronian. Hirere looked at his wounded hand and plucked out the glass shards, drops of blood trickling in thin lines down his large forearms.
“Nah, this is nothin’.” he licked the trailing blood which seemed to have stopped flowing already. “Just hit me with another one Keep. You know I’m good for it.”
The bar-keeper nodded before sliding him a bottle of the cold stuff. He chuckled softly and motioned to the rude patron’s makeshift exit. “I knew there was a good reason I left that open today.”
Hirere smiled behind his drink, and responded “Least my aim has gotten better.”
The bar-keeper gave a single loud laugh, remembering the times Hirere’s antagonizers had gone through the walls in previous incidents.
While Hirere tossed a few back the other patrons paid their tabs and slipped out the front door, leaving him and the bar-keeper as the only ones left inside.
It was when Hirere was several bottles of various liquors in that it happened. Silently as though it had never been there to begin with, the front door softly glided open.
The bar-keeper only noticed the figure entering the building because he was facing the door, had he not seen the door open with his own eyes he would have believed they had teleported there out of thin air.
Looking back and forth between Hirere and this strange person he couldn’t help but notice how similar they looked. The ears were much shorter but no doubt they were the same kind as his. They also bore similar markings though they differed greatly on the face. The big pink bow the visitor wore around their neck told the bar-keeper that this creature was female, though his guess was as good as any others. She also boasted 3 horns similar to Hirere, though hers were silver and the center one spiraled openly like a ribbon made of silver had been twirled and frozen in place.
The bar-keeper alerted Hirere nodding in the new comer’s direction “She someone you know?”
Confused Hirere turned slowly to look over his shoulder, catching an eyeful of the strange figure. He was struck by their similarities and remained silent for a moment. “No.” He answered the bar-keeper before addressing this other being.
“D’ I know ya?” he asked her, eyeing her from head to toe and back again. She smiled in response, the strange material that dragged behind her quivering slightly.
“I’m your twin sister.” she answered. Hirere and the bar-keeper stared at her in disbelief for a moment.
“Twins? Sorry but we don’t look exactly alike.” Hirere laughed. She tilted her head, seeming disappointed by his response.
“Well there’s really no telling how one will look when you are half Keronian half Draconian. Such a thing has never existed before us.” Hirere froze for a moment, her lack of humor told him she was being serious about being twins. He looked to the bar-keeper who raised his hands and shrugged.
“Looks like you two have a lot of catching up to do. I’ll be in the back if you need me.” he pointed to the door behind the counter and disappeared behind it moments later.
Seeing as he had been abandoned by his favorite liquor provider (and realizing he had to deal with this whole thing sober) Hirere turned his attention back to his supposed long lost twin.
“Alright, what’s this about? If you’re really my twin where have you been this whole time?” Hirere inquired. Seeing as he was alone when they other kids found him abandoned on the streets it was clear that she had been elsewhere.
“I was no where. Well actually to more accurate I was dead.” She pondered the confusing answer. Hirere looked at her with irritation.
“Yeah right. I think this joke has gone far enough. Why don’t ya tell me what yer really after.” He scowled, already growing tired of this sick joke.
“Tis no joke brother. I have been sent by the gods of our people to find you and teach you our ways. To teach you of your origin.” there was a look in her eyes that was dead serious, her intensity made Hirere want to shiver.
“Alright. Prove it.” Hirere sat back on his stool smugly, reaching back to grab his drink and take a sip only to be disappointedly reminded that he had already drank it all.
“Prove what?” she asked in confusion. Hirere sighed and placed the empty bottle out of reach so as not to trick himself again.
“Prove that you’re really my sister. That you’ve been dead all this time. What are our parent’s names?” Hirere asked.
“Hokiki and Jikan No Ryu- err… Jikaryu. But you wouldn’t know that Ko No Ryu.” She crossed her arms and seemed impatient.
“You’re right but you still had an- wait what did you call me?” He asked her, caught off guard.
“Ko No Ryu, or Koryu. It is your proper name. Or what you would have been named had mother done as intended and not abandon you.” He didn’t know what he disliked more. The fact that she had just called his name improper or the fact that his mother had indeed abandoned him.
“Alright, enough fun and games. Who are you and what do you want? I’m not buyin’ this twin bullshit.” Hirere growled.
“I am Zenkai No Ryu; Zenkaryu. I am your sister, and I am here to find you.” she pointed one of her long clawed finger towards his face. “It would appear that talking will do me no good so I must show you the truth.” taking the hand that had been pointing at his face, with fluid movement she brought it up to the bell around her neck and tapped it once.
Before Hirere could respond the echoing chime of the bell resounded around the room, seeming to bend and wave as though a chorus of bells were being rung around the room. He stood from his seat as the view of the room shifted and changed, suddenly they appeared to be floating in space.
“What the fuck?!!” Hirere flailed in confusion “What the heck is this?” he asked.
“Just a glimpse of my power dear brother. First we must go back, to the beginning.” The stars began to shift and move until they found themselves floating above a strange planet. In the distance he could see a keronian ship approaching.
“This was the home of our father’s people. Long since vanished from this world.” she pointed to the ship “Our mother, Hokiki was an archeologist and studied the ancient histories of these places. Seeking to broaden the knowledge of the Keronian race.”
With a wave of her hand, the sound of a chiming bell rang again and the scene shifted. Crumbled buildings on an overgrown mountain terrain surrounded them, in the distance at it’s peak a large temple stood. Zenkaryu spread her arms wide indicating their new surroundings.
“The homeland of Father’s people, long abandoned since they left this plane for another. Though none left willingly. Their departure was sudden and unexplained. Our mother sought to regain the lost histories of our people and hoped to unlock the secret of their disappearance.” as she spoke a green frog with bright blue eyes, golden hair and a large pink bow passed by.
“Is that my-” Hirere began to ask “Our mother, yes. Hokiki the great archeologist and explorer. Her work uncovered the answers to many mysteries and many lost histories were found because of it.” Zenkaryu answered.
Trudging up the hill, stopping to investigate the plant life and the abandoned houses. Eventually heading up towards the temple in the distance. As if following her they were brought inside the temple, carved stone in a language he had never seen before covered the walls and stone sconces burned with flames that should have gone out long ago.
“Wait how are those burning if no one is here?” Hirere asked, he received no answer as he was shushed by Zenkaryu who nodded her head in the direction she wanted him to look.
“Unbeknownst to her, this temple had many traps to keep out intruders.” as if on command the green frog was swallowed by a large pit fall trap, large bloodied spikes lay at its bottom.
Hirere instinctively tried to jump into action but Zenkaryu held him back, her eyes reminding him that none of this was real.Before she fell to her death a shadow swooped in and scooped her up in mid air, carrying her to safety. Hirere breathed a sigh of relief as the shadowy figure lowered the green frog to the safety of the ground. She fell backwards in surprise as his wings flapped behind him, settling finally when he stood with both feet on the floor.
“That was a close one, a second later and you’d have been shredded to pieces. You don’t look like a space pirate, and our enemies have long since died out. So who are you and what do you want here?” the figure was a blue dragon, taller than a Keronian and had distinct facial markings. Hirere recognized the twin rings on the blue figure’s tail, they were much like his own rings that he wore on his ear like appendages.
“Hey he has rings like mine.” Hirere pointed out, curious to what the connection was. Zenkaryu smiled “Yes those rings are common for our people, even us half breeds get them. I’m sure when you were a child you noticed a faint glowing halo prior to the existence of the rings you wear now yes? That is when the rings begin to form as your powers manifest. I however never made it to that age and was gifted this runed bell by the gods in place of those rings.” she explained.
Hirere just nodded silently remembering the period of days when a strange halo of light began to form around his ears when he was in his adolescence. Even more confusing was when the rings appeared in their place one day. He had never entirely questioned the rings because something about having them just felt right, maybe it was his instincts.
It was then that Hirere recognized the scarf. Around the blue figure’s neck was a red bandana scarf similar to the one that Hirere wore. He picked up the tip of his scarf with his large pointed fingertips and rubbed it gently. He treasured this scarf, he’d had it his whole life. It was as much a part of him as the rings and markings on his face. Zenkaryu watched him quietly but did not say a word.
While they had been speaking they missed Hokiki explain herself to the blue dragon, but they returned their attention in time for him to respond.
“I’m Jikan No Ryu, Jikaryu. I’m the only one of my people remaining miss Hokiki, the rest have all gone.” He explained.
“Gone? Gone where? Why did they leave you behind?” Hokiki asked, adjusting her glasses as she stood back up and brushed herself off.
“Can’t say I know why I’m the only one left ma’am. But the others seem to have lost control of their powers and slipped between the cracks of time to another plane of existence. Could happen to me any day now I guess, for some reason though it just hasn’t.” Jikaryu shrugged.
His movement drew Hirere’s attention to Jikaryu’s large hands, they looked just like his and this Zenkaryu that claimed to be his sister also shared similar features. Her ear appendages were not long like Hirere’s but rather short and close to her head, Jikaryu also had them short but his were sharp and pointed instead of rounded like theirs. They also shared the same markings on their limbs and faces, the only differences being colors and alertnate shapes. Hirere had splotches where Zenkaryu had diamonds and Jikaryu had triangles. He had to admit that their similarities were uncanny.
The scene faded and Hirere stood alone with Zenkaryu. They were surrounded by darkness while she spoke. She held her hands in front of her chest, as if she was holding something.
“Helping Hokiki learn about his people Jikaryu taught her how to read and speak the ancient language of his kind. They spent months together compiling all their history. Sharing their love for learning and keeping lost history alive it was only a matter of time before they fell in love.” as she spoke light pooled into her hands, forming an orb that solidified like glass. It floated upwards and expanded like a crystal ball.
“It wasn’t long after that we began to form.” The large orb showed an image of a pregnant Hokiki held close by Jikaryu, as couple clearly in love.
“Eventually our mother had to return to Keron, not wanting to separate and having no reason to stay on Dracon our father went with her. He became a citizen of Keron and they were married.” Flashes of a happy couple danced across the crystal ball.
“However, the day finally came for our father to be called to the other world. Like his people he too vanished without a trace.” Zenkaryu paused to glance at Hirere as the crystal ball showed their distraught mother pick the red scarf Jikaryu always wore up off the ground.
“She searched far and wide for him, not understanding what had happened. Even though when they met he had warned her that this might happen someday.” Zenkaryu closed her eyes for a moment.
“It was then that she decided that she had been abandoned…” The crystal ball cracked as them image within it changed to a crying Hokiki kneeling before a mirror in her home.
“In her grief, her sorrow, and her rage… She decided to rid herself of all reminders of Jikaryu, thinking him to have betrayed her.” Hokiki stared at her reflection in the mirror, before grabbing a knitting needle off the dresser next to her. “ALL of them.” Zenkaryu’s voice echoed as Hokiki’s hand came down with the needle, and as if the impact had struck the orb it shattered into dust.
A few moments of silence went by, before the faint sound of a crying baby could be heard. The darkness around them dissipated and laying on the floor of Hokiki’s room were two small infants. One green, one a light pink. The green one, obviously a tiny Hirere was the one crying loudly. The pink one however let out a faint and pained mewling sound that grew quieter with each attempt. It only took a few more breaths before the pink baby stopped breaking. The eyes closing and seeming to sink in slightly, and the tongue turned a pale grey.
Hirere covered his mouth, feeling disgusted by what he had just seen. Zenkaryu twitched uncomfortably beside him.
“It feels odd watching myself die, but die I did. Not yet ready for this world my frail body could not withstand the premature birth. You however have always been a fighter and refused to go so easily.” Zenkaryu smiled at Hirere, he fought to survive as a baby and had been fighting his whole life. He’d even made a career out of fighting.
“Mother could not kill you outright, she was a terrible fool but she was no monster. So she had to find another way.” The vision shimmered and they were then shown Hokiki wrapping Hirere in the last remaining reminder of their father; his red bandana scarf. She attached a note and carried him to the familiar slums of Keron, disguised in a trenchcoat and face mask she left her remaining child to live or die at the mercy of the streets.
“This is of course where your tale begins but I am sure you already know that story very well.” Zenkaryu distracted Hirere from his wandering thoughts.
“It was many years till mother returned to Keron, having returned to her work exploring lost worlds. Her ties with high powers on Keron removed all evidence of her connection with you, having ever had children or Jikaryu’s own existence.” Zenkaryu explained.
“When she learned more of your survival and the life you had lead if finally dawned on her.” Hirere looked at Zenkaryu, confused by her words. “Father’s warning.”
The familiar scene of the planet soon hovered beneath them once more. Again a Keron space ship approached.
“Thinking of nothing she could do, and knowing all she had learned of father’s people she returned to his planet and the Temple where they met.” Inside the temple looked the same, only this time they were brought to the innermost sanctum where a large altar lay at it’s heart.
“Begging for forgiveness she flung herself at the mercy of the Gods of our father’s people.” Zenkaryu’s tone had become ominous, as she had explained Hokiki ran up the steps to the altar and flung herself upon its base. Her tears and cries spilling out.
“The Gods forgave her. For a price.” Zenkaryu spoke softly, her voice hollow. Before Hirere could ask anything of her, voices echoed out.
Suddenly the empty sconces around the room lit up with fire, flashes of light circling around the room. With a sudden ‘pwoof’ Hokiki went up in flames. Her screams echoed throughout the empty halls, scraping within Hirere’s eardrums. He shut his eyes, wrapped his arms around himself and ground his teeth together.
Then there was silence. Opening one eye to peek, He saw the pile of ash that lay where his mother had stood moments before. The embers glowing faintly as the fire went out. But the ashes were not still for long. They seemed to shift and move as something beneath them stirred. It was only a few moments before a figure slowly arose from within the ashes. Standing there, staring vacantly as she did when she was a newborn babe was Zenkaryu.
Her features now matched the person standing beside him, as opposed to the pink baby with blue markings and green eyes. Looking closer he could see that one of her eyes had remained the same pale green that it had originally been, the other had changed in her rebirth.
He thought it was over, but the Zenkaryu in the vision, suddenly bent down to pick something up from the pile of ash. It was the large pink ribbon their mother Hokiki had worn. Realizing that the current Zenkaryu wore it now as their mother had, much like he wore their father’s scarf.
“Alright, alright I believe you now.” Hirere raised his hands in surrender. He expected some smart quip about having taken so long or something. Instead he elt a sudden pressure and opened his eyes to see Zenkaryu hugging him, both of them standing alone in the pub once again.
“Uhhhhh….. ok ?” Hirere responded by tapping her lightly on the arm. She released her hold, her eyes less serious now. Looking into their depths it was hard to believe this was the same person that had just changed the whole freaking room to outer space. Her expression held a vast ocean of innocence.
“So what now?” Hirere asked. She looked at him with a vacant expression. He slapped himself in the forehead, understanding that she hadn’t thought that far.
“You don’t have any idea what else to do now do you?” she shook her head, answering with a bit more vigor than he would have liked. He sighed and waved her away.
“I guess you can stay at my place with me. Here’s my address and a key, go on ahead without me.” she took the address and the key and happily wandered off.
“And don’t get lost!!!” Hirere called after her. He sat back in his seat and slumped against the counter. “I need some time alone to process all this….” He picked up his bottle and tossed it back, only to be disappointed in himself for yet again forgetting it was empty.
“Hey bar-keeper I need another round out here!” He called out. Placing the bottle down on the counter he sighed loudly. “It’s gonna be a loooooong night….”
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Yangverse Michronicles, Volume 1
Basically, microfics. This set contains a Haloween and Thanksgiving special, among other things.
Triggered On a quiet day in a small house in Unova, a human-ified Reshiram woke up from a nap, yawned, and looked around. "...Where's everybody else? Hopefully they haven't gotten in troub-" She was interrupted by a loud "Not again!" from Roger in another room. "...I should probably check that out." She rushed into the house's living room and let out a sigh of relief to see Roger playing a video game on what he had told her was an "Super En-ee-ess." As she sat next to him to watch, she heard him grumble under his breath. "Cobaliondammned Lavos fight gets me every time..." Reshiram blinked. "Lavos?" Roger started at her suddenly speaking next to her, but then grew annoyed again gesturing to the screen. "This game's called Adamant Trigger. That thing on the screen is Lavos, evil space monster who wants to suck out all life on the planet after crashing in on a meteor - and puts up one hell of a boss fight." Reshiram gazed at the pixelated monstrosity on the screen, her brow furrowing at it curiously. Roger furrowed his own brow at her. "...Something about the giant space pinecone Joltik get your attention?" "Yes, actually," said Reshiram; "What you said about it coming in on a meteor, it sounded... familiar..." Roger shrugged. "Tom said Lacunosa had a myth about Kyurem being like that, but he, you, and N all found out a lot of Lacunosan stuff about Kyurem was bullshit. Plus, Kyurem was part of the same dragon you and Zekrom were, right?" "Yes..." said Reshiram, frowning. "Though, I don't remember much of what we were like before the split or how it happened... It's all a haze..." Roger snickered. "Maybe you all are from space or something." Reshiram didn't respond at first, instead thinking back to the dream she had had just before. ---- Falling, falling, you rip through the sky, flame surrounding you. Before long you crash to the earth, ripping it to pieces and sending shockwaves throughout the land. You lie still a very long time, until something deep in the earth feels the shockwaves, crawls, stalks, slithers, stomps toward you. It digs its teeth, fingers, tendrils, claws into you and fills you with energy, strange and powerful, making you want to burst forth anew someway, somehow... ---- Reshiram shuddered, then covered it up with a forced chuckle. "Roger, don't be ridiculous. I'm the goddess of truth." "...And as such I'm pretty sure the truth's more complicated than me being a glorified Lavos."
Heated Tensions
In Sootopolis' Cave of Origin, a green-haired, teal eyed young woman with Kyogre-esqe earrings, facial tattoos, and matching spear felt her way through the cave, a light-blue-haired, green-eyed young man lacking such adornments nervously following.
"S-So, Narissa?" said the young man to the woman. "What's this visit for again?"
"The other Sootopolis villagers have been reporting very odd things happening around the crater... Pools of water boiling over, strange rumblings in the ground, the peaks' huts are built on shifting without warning... As the Chieftain, I have to figure out if the volcano's active again."
The young man looked around, noting the increased amount of steam, heat and, oddly, glowing red crystals compared to blue ones. "...And why did you bother bringing me along?"
Narissa looked at him and raised an eyebrow. "Apollo, we've known each other for years, we're in a relationship, and from both those I trust you and I know you can help me out here?"
Apollo stared at her for a few seconds, all the possible answers to her rushing through his mind.
I don't think I can help you. I'm useless.
You saved our tribe and founded this village. I barely did anything.
I don't deserve your trust or respect. I don't deserve anyone's. He gulped slightly, then smiled half-heartedly at her.
"Alright... Thank you."
Narissa furrowed her brow briefly before giving a small smile herself and nodding. "Alright, let' go."
She headed off; Apollo stared after her a while.
And I can't even tell you the truth of it all still.
I'm worthless.
...I'm weak.
He sighed and followed.
The two advanced through the cave only to stagger back and yell at the sight and heat of a pool of lava having formed where the central pool of water normally was.
"Oh no..." said Apollo. "The volcano, it's getting active again..."
"Last it reignited was when the meteor that Mega Evolved Rayquaza hit it;" said Narissa; "I don't know if anything we can stop caused it thi-"
They both yelled again as an incredibly loud roar echoed through the cavern, followed by a booming telepathic voice that was nonetheless distinctly feminine. ~Who's causing this obnoxious racket?!~ A massive, red, reptilian Pokemon with thick armor plates embedded with markings that flashed blue intermittently steadily emerged from the lava as Apollo and Narissa backed away slowly. Her yellow eyes snapped open, and upon seeing the two her expression grew furious and she gave another roar and telepathic yell. ~Humans?! Who let humans into this cave?!~
"Don't panic," whispered Narissa to Apollo.
"Too late," whispered Apollo back.
Narissa hesitated before stepping forward to address the behemoth. "Lady Kyogre did. She gave us this crater as sanctuary. It's our home now, and I'm the chieftain."
The red beast before them only seemed to grow more enraged. ~That bitch Kyogre always screws things up! I made a deal with her on swapping out using this cave as a resting place, and what does she do with it while I'm gone? Invite a bunch of fucked-up perfectly good monkeys to crash at the place when it's supposed to be private!~
She leaned in close to Narissa and snarled.
~This is Groudon you're talking to now. I'm no softie, and I don't like trespassers. I suggest you and your other human friends get the fuck out.~ Narissa flinched at the massive heat Groudon radiated, but scowled back.
"We earned this crater. We fought off our worst enemies to get it. You can't just take it back."
~Of course I can! I'm Groudon! You ain't gonna sway me human, chieftain or not! Get out before I blow this place to kingdom come to get rid of you personally!~
Narissa stammered, but hesitated at Groudon's words and intense glare.
At her previous words and Groudon's response, however, something stirred within Apollo, and his mind started racing.
Groudon... She could easily...
No, I I can't let her... I...
He gulped a third time, then stepped forward and gave Groudon a truly icy glare.
"You'd really be that cruel, Groudon?"
Groudon's attention snapped to him, and she leaned in to Apollo, glaring and snarling again. He could feel the same heat radiating off her Narissa did, and suspected it was taking all her self-restraint for her to not use it to sear the flesh off his bones.
~Cruel? I'm dealing with trespassers here!~
"Your "trespassers" are villagers who lost their homes to vicious raiders and had to hole up here to stay safe, and then fought them off again, and now you're willing to murder them all just for being around?"
Groudon huffed a cloud of steam, then put a claw to her chin.
~When you put it that way... Yeah, blowing you all up is harsh even by my standards.~
She glared at him again.
~But how can I trust you apes to take care of this place? I decidedly still have the option of escorting you out of here less lethally.~
"We have been taking good care of this place. We've been keeping the water clean, making sure the village huts are built to align with the cliffs, growing more berry gardens everywhere we can..."
At his last words Groudon grinned. ~Berry gardens? Now we're taking! Always told Kyogre we needed more plant life around here to soak up the sun...~
She looks between Apollo and Narissa and nods.
~Hmmm... From everything you've been saying I suppose you humans get my permission to stick around too. Just don't screw the place up.~
She turned to Apollo and grinned.
~And I like you kid; you've got spunk when you wanna show it. Keep that up.~
Apollo simply stared at her shocked in response as she descended back into the lava.
He was similarly shocked when Narissa hugged him.
"Apollo, thank you,I wasn't sure what to say to her at all..."
Apollo hugged back. "Thank you, it... It just seemed like the right thing to do..."
Narissa broke the hug and grinned. "Tell you what, why don't we get you some Groudon adornments like my Kyogre ones to celebrate?"
Apollo blinked, then grinned back. "Sounds like a plan to me."
They both pumped their fists in victory and rushed out of the cave.
No Good Deed
Kyurem crept warily through the trees of the forest around the Giant Chasm, noting the melting snow everywhere as spring approached. Good time of year to get some fresh air outside their cavern, they figured, so long as they weren't spotted by the local huma-
"Help, someone help!"
Kyurem froze, and not in the manner of their Ice typing either; the voice was distinctly  that of a female human, but she sounded scared, panicked, desperate.
Kyurem stalked toward the source of the noise, until peeking out from the trees they discovered the source - a human woman, surrounded by several others, looking down at a small human boy floundering in the meltwater of one of the small canyons surrounding the Giant Chasm.
"Ron, don't panic,someone's getting help!"
Kyurem hesitated. The humans of Lacunosa, they'd hurt them so many times - but they couldn't leave this boy to drown. Leaving all fear behind they charged straight down into the canyon after the boy, ignoring the screams from the humans above.
"It's Kyurem!"
"It's going to eat him!"
The boy saw Kyurem coming and backpedaled only to stumble and choke on more water. Kyurem hesitated, and, realizing their claws were too small to carry the boy safely, haphazardly tried to grab the collar of the boy's shirt with their teeth and drag them quickly out of the water. The boy and the onlookers only screamed more. Kyurem froze again, realizing backpedaling out of the canyon would be difficult but that the other humans would likely attack if they proceeded forward. They decided to  take a third option by trying to lift the boy and carry them to their side of the canyon.
Suddenly, they noticed a yellowish-green blur out of the corner of their eye. A Haxorus, they quickly realized, before they were cut into deep by the other Dragon type's axe-like tusks, glowing with blue-green flames in a Dual Chop. Maintaining their grip on the boy but swinging them around wildly, Kyurem retaliated with a Glaciate, sending a flurry of icicle spikes through the earth and cold air toward the Haxorus, knocking him over and pinning him in a refrozen chunk of meltwater.
Suddenly, Kyurem heard the whirr of engines. They looked up to see what appeared to be a rescue helicopter, only for bullets to impact with several loud cracks into the icy crest on their head. Giving a screech-like buzz of agony, they finally dropped the boy just as the Haxorus cut himself free of the ice and scooped said boy up, clambering back to the other humans as Kyurem fled in the opposite direction, more bullets impacting nearby and into other parts of their body as they fled out of the canyon and back into the forest in panic, running until the noises of bullets and helicopter blades and screaming humans could be heard no more.
Kyurem huddled into a corner of their cave in the Giant Chasm that night, barely moving as the parts of their body hit by the Haxorus' strike and the bullets regenerated. They always healed quickly, but the pain always lingered, and the scars lingered even longer.
Eventually Kyurem mustered themself to lope over to a rocky outcrop where a Crimson Lady action figure lay, clutching it gingerly in their claws and inspecting its features as the words of another being that had hurt them long ago echoed through their mind.
You were always too attached to those humans! You trusted them, tried to lead them, guide them, even walk as one of them! But look where that got you - they revered and respected you, but now they fear and hate you - and they always will.
Kyurem gazed at the figure, trembling, before clutching it to their chest tightly and letting out faint buzzes that if any other being were around to hear them sounded almost like sobs.
Dedicated to Harambe the gorilla
No Survivors The boy in the blue jacket ran. He had only himself. His Pokemon team were all dead, murdered by those of the maniac. The maniac that was stalking him now. He ran, hid between the pillars, barely let himself gasp for breath lest he hear. He turned a corner and saw the maniac in front of him, the teeth of his crazed smile glinting in the darkness. He barely had time to scream as a chainsaw rent his limbs from his body, then his head, his dismembered parts and his blood spilling to the floor. The murderer let his chainsaw fall silent, the blood dripping across his white shirt and green hair. He smirked. "Some Hero Of Ideals you are." And stalked off. --------- The assembled Gym leaders further outward into the castle heard the screams. "What in the name of Jiminy was-" Clay started to say. He was cut off by Skyla being dragged into the shadows screaming, the screams being muffled then growing louder as blood soaked the floor from within the shadows, followed by a flying leg. The other Gym leaders all backed away as they reeled in shock and vomited, but then heard a growl from behind them. They turned to see a snarling Reshiram, who immediately incinerated Drayden alive as he screamed. The rest turned to flee the white dragon, only to see N approaching, bloody chainsaw buzzing, as he grinned. "It's her or me, you all." The Gym leaders huddled together as the two approached them from each side, N chuckling all the while. ------ In a dim room, Giovanni, Maxie, Archie, Cyrus, and Ghetsis were tied to a series of chairs, N circling around them with his chainsaw, smugly smirking. "Well well well! If it isn't all those dreaded crime lords of various regions who find themselves superior to me. How amusing." He stepped up to a quaking Giovanni. "You... You're just an annoyance. Let's deal with you quickly." Before Giovanni could scream N's whirring chainsaw came down upon him, splitting him clean in two as the others squirmed and yelped. N approached Maxie and Archie next. "Oh! I've heard tell you two are lovers!" He quickly chainsaw-sliced both their chests open. Their agonized yells were shortly cut off by N ripping both their still-beating hearts out with his bare hands and shoving them in the other's chest, grinning. "How adorable!" He approached Cyrus next, who cowered and whimpered. N scoffed. "And you tried to remake the universe? Cute." He shoved the chainsaw into Cyrus' gut and twisted, Cyrus screaming as N ripped out his organs to splat in a dismembered mess nearby before he fell limp. N grinned again. "I made a galaxy out of your entrails! Pretty neat, huh?" At last, he rounded on a gibbering, terrified Ghetsis, grinning even more maniacaly than before. "Ah, daddy dearest! I have a special fate in mind for you..." "No... No please..." N lifted the whirring chainsaw above his head and cackled. Ghetsis screamed as- ------- "Tom, that is officially enough!" Tom turned to his companion Roger with a confused expression as the campfire before them flickered amidst the looming trees and dim moonlight. "But... But I was getting to the good part!" Roger scoffed. "Yeah, of a chainsaw murderer story about a guy sitting right next to us!" Indeed, N sat to the other side of Roger, pointedly avoiding Tom's gaze and shifting around uncomfortably. Roger turned back to Tom with a glare. "Why are your weird stories always about N anyway?" Tom paused, blinked, then turned to N. "...You're inspiring." N grimaced. "Perhaps you should find me inspiring in some other manner?" A burst of orange flames headed in Tom's direction as he yelped, only for them to stoke the campfire as he looked up at the white-feathered draconic source. ~Okay,~ said Reshiram, ~This is clearly a sign it's MY turn for a scary story.~ Tom gulped, then gave Reshiram an over-the-top sneer. "Bring it." N gulped himself. "Tom, you probably shouldn't-" Reshiram smirked. ~It's called The Belly Button Eater.~ Roger scoffed. "Like that old folk tale about Thundurus?" ~Thanks for the reminder to check up on him. But worse.~ "How?" said Tom, still forcing a sneer. Reshiram made a broad gesture with her wings. ~One night, a lonely man named Dave was working late at his office, when a Glalie suddenly appeared and said, "I am Solonn. Follow me..."~ ----- It was broad daylight. The trees were dappled in the rays of the sun as bird Pokemon continuously chirped. Reshiram awoke, yawned, then preened herself. She then blinked, looked to the house she and the others were living at, then to a nearby shed and sighed. She opened the shed door to find N, Tom, and Roger, clutching each other close trembling and cowering. ~Okay, guys, look, I may have gone over the top with the story but it's been two days and-~ "Belly button eater!" they yelled in unison. Reshiram sighed again and closed the door. *** Happy Halloween.
Life's Bounty
Pandora was in a hurry like no other.
She was used enough to her human form to set out much of the plates and silverware herself, cheating a little by letting her psychic power right the position of a bit of tableware occasionally, but the other people and Pokemon helping them out were essential in cooking and laying out the food.
Nevertheless, when they were done and Pandora sensed multiple presences near the door, she turned to them with a grim expression.
"I'm sorry, you all, but you must leave now."
A villager assisting her blinked. "Right after?"
A Machamp assisting crossed her bottom set of arms. <We were going to get paid here!>
At this Pandora extended a hand pulsating with psychic energy as the double helix symbol on her head between her pink bangs glowed. "As Kanto's Lady of Life I command you to leave! You shall all receive full compensation when I get the chance!"
Startled at the display, the workers all fled out of a side entrance, leaving Pandora to sigh and turn to the door of her temple.
"You can come in now, everyone."
The door burst open to reveal a young platinum-blond man with rainbow highlights in a black and blue robe, accompanied by an entourage of people with hair as pink as Pandora's in a variety of physical ages, shapes, and sizes.
Pandora rushed forward and hugged the platinum-blond man then her fellow pink-haired individuals in quick succession. "Father, siblings, welcome!"
She moved back and closed the door with psychic power. "Now Farther, remember you can't assume your natural form here... You keep breaking through the ceiling!"
The young man rubbed the back of his head. "Well, got it."
Pandora smiled. "Other than that, enjoy the feast all you want. And the rest of you, feel free to be who you are!"
At that, with a cacophony of pops, the various assembled pink-haired people shifted to Mew, and started flying around, snatching bits of food from the table and gobbling them down. Pandora had assumed Mew form herself and smiled, before being embraced by two Mew with crystalline flowers hanging around their necks.
"Mithos, Collette, you're here!"
"Hi sis!" said Collete.
"Dad found out how to get us far away enough from our Trees to visit!" said Mithos.
"Oh, that's wonderful!" said Pandora, hugging them back.
She then noticed another Mew in glasses sulking in the corner, which she floated over to.
"Bartelby, are you all right?"
Bartelby hesitated before responding. "Not really."
Pandora frowned. "You're still upset about... Her, aren't you?"
He diverted his attention to the feast, with the Mew plucking various items of food from their plates to eat and toss at each other.
"Why do we even do this every few hundred years? We're spirits of life incarnate, we don't even need food."
"Well, it certainly tastes good at least," said Pandora.
She looked over to the platinum blond young man gorging himself. "But everyone enjoys it - especially Father, he loves seeing all his children together in one place."
She smiled. "And... I do too. With how hectic life has gotten it's just nice for us to be a family."
Bartelby thought a bit and cracked a small smile.
"I guess I empathize with you there..."
Pandora floated in and gave him a hug.
Meanwhile, the platinum blond young man was about to bite into a large, ripe berry when Mithos gleefully snached it from him and soared up into the air.
"Hey! Mithos, you get back here this instant!"
His body stretched and glowed and changed into Xerneas, whose antlers gouged huge gashes in the ceiling as he tried to snatch the Berry back.
Everyone froze. Pandora stared aghast. Bartelby put his paws to his forehead in exasperation.
Xerneas simply chuckled nervously. "Um... I can fix that."
Happy Thanksgiving
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real-life-pine-tree · 7 years
Arc-V Aftermath: The Spell of Fairy Tails (18/26)
When all is said and done, things have quickly recovered in the four dimensions. But when weird things start happening, the Yu-Salad Boys and the Bracelet Girls quickly realize they have some loose ends to fix. Co-written with @violetganache42​.
WARNING: Dub names will be featured in the story.
Today has finally arrived. The day every Duelist has been waiting for. One that will redefine the Duel Monsters card game for the years to come. The first day of the Team Duel Tournament was here.
Everyone was scrambling to get ready, especially the Yu-Salad and Energy Girls, who were doing their morning routines. Yuya and Sora ate Yoko's pancakes a tad faster than usual because they don't want to be late for the opening ceremony. Yuto, Lulu, and Shay each took turns taking showers and getting dressed before they can eat their breakfasts. Yugo, Rin, Crow, and Shinji all prepared their Duel Runners and decks while having already finished eating. Yuri was in his and Dennis' dorm bathroom, attempting to make his new appearance look neat; the Shaddoll user commented on how his roommate has combed his hair for…what, the umpteenth time now? Celina was wrapping up her morning workouts at the gym while Zuzu got changed into her usual attire she wore in and out of school.
A couple hours later, seven of the eight counterparts were inside LID with their teammates and were about to enter through the doors to the Center Duel Field. So many people from across the Original Dimension came to see an important event in dueling history. As the competitors and audience members walked in, they all grew shocked at what was surrounding the field. There was a surprising large amount of Fluffal monsters in the arena and plants hung all over the walls. There were even unknown hooded figures among the crowd. What was going on?
At that point, Yugo saw a flash of red from the corner of his eye. "You okay, Yugo?" Rin asked.
"I recognize that swirly red hair anywhere," Yugo said. "It's that Ancient Gear guy!"
Unfortunately for all the Duelists and Duel Monsters fans, some Cardfighters have also showed up just to see the twelve teams screw up the new tournament rules. Yugo hasn't seen the red-haired Cardfighter since the day Rin discovered her Skill, but he hasn't forgotten him.
"Who do you think you are showing up here?!" Yugo asked, running up to the Cardfighter. "This is a Duelists-only event!"
"Oh, you're one to talk!" the Cardfighter said. "You stole our tournament rules! You're just gonna end up screwing things up with your weird technology!"
"You're the weird one!" Yugo retorted as Rin had to rush over to restrain him. "Your Ancient Gear monsters aren't real, you weirdo!"
"They're called Gear Chronicle, you toy-loving freak!" the Cardfighter said, taking out his deck.
"Oh, you want a showdown?!" Yugo asked, taking out his deck as well.
"Bring it!" the Cardfighter answered. "Can't wait to punch that smug expression off your fa-"
"There you are, Chrono!"
Yugo, Rin, and the Cardfighter, now revealed to be Chrono, turned their heads to see a girl walking towards them. She had apple green hair and hazel eyes like Rin, but the only notable difference was the clothes they wore. The three looked back at each other, baffled by what they're seeing. The two girls have similar appearances and features, and from what they heard from Chrono's friend, they even have mirroring personalities. Heck, the two boys were both quick-tempered. They honestly don't know what to say about the recently discovered similarities.
"Not now, Tokoha," Chrono said. "This banana-haired Duelist keeps calling my cards ancient gear-"
"Will you just focus for once, you moron?!" Tokoha demanded. "And I'm serious this time! If you could control that temper of yours, we wouldn't have gone through that whole problem with Team Trick-Trick! And stop picking fights with random Duelists! You've gotta learn to stop losing your cool!" She tightly grabbed Chrono's arm. "Do you even know how worried I got when you vanished?!"
"Geez, alright!" Chrono exclaimed. "Stop being such a nag about it!"
Yugo and Rin became convinced that Chrono and Tokoha are definitely much like them; admittedly, learning about these parallels was almost scary. The Windwitch user was hesitant on interacting with her look-alike because of the…ordeal that was going on.
"Uh... Rin?" Yugo asked as Tokoha dragged Chrono over to the stadium seats. "You think Cardfighters aren't as different as we thought?"
"Yep," Rin answered.
The crowd got themselves adjusted in the seats that encircled the Center Duel Field; there were even some familiar faces from the Interdimensional War and some people that played larger roles in the alternate timelines within the audience. The eleven teams were given special seats near the arena's center to identify themselves as those that are competing. Only three seats were empty, leaving Yuya, Yugo, and Yuto a bit flummoxed. Pretty soon, Declan showed up to begin the opening ceremony and announce the tournament rules, unbeknownst of why the field was decorated.
"Welcome to the first ever Team Duel Tournament," Declan said. "For those of you who do not know yet, this tournament was put together with one idea in mind: to restore trust between fallen friends due to a recent war between dimensions. Needless to say, I am glad to see the best Duelists taking part in the tournament.
"But before I can begin, I wish to introduce you to someone. He is the one who helped organize this tournament. Presenting the CEO of the Vanguard Association: Mr. Aichi Sendou."
Aichi walked down the arena as some audience members applauded, but the Duelists were generally baffled that he looked a bit young to be the CEO of a rival card game. He had long, blue hair with a bang swept right and blueish-teal eyes. He wore a half-sleeved, light blue jacket with black—and a few white—markings, denim jeans, and gray shoes.
"Thank you, Declan Akaba," Aichi said. "The rules of this tournament might sound familiar to all the Cardfighters in the audience. The teams will be divided into four separate blocks. The three teams in each block will duel each other. Whoever wins the most duels in each block moves on to the next round. Once the four finalist teams are decided, they will be paired up in a standard elimination round. The best two teams will then battle it out, with the winning team being the last team standing."
The rules sounded decently easy enough, but many Duelists were demanding to know why Declan even agreed to use these rules in the first place. The eleven present teams looked at each other with worried looks. Some of the members noticed off in the distance that a few other people in the audience were also uneasy about the vast complaints.
"Calm down, everyone," Aichi said. "I was expecting this kind of backlash. Declan told me about the Interdimensional War, but two years ago, us Cardfighters were having our own problems: a virus called Link Joker." Various images appeared on the arena monitors as he spoke. "Link Joker corrupted the hearts of Cardfighters everywhere with no exceptions. Family and friends were turned against each other during this crisis as more Cardfighters fell to darkness. But with the help of my friends, I was able to defeat Link Joker and purify it so it would no longer corrupt anyone who uses their cards."
Everyone stared in stunned silence at the photos of Link Joker and the terror it brought upon to the Cardfighters. Rumor has it that this incident was briefly discussed in a Duel Monsters magazine. It was clear that none of the Duelists knew about this until just now. Does that mean they will have a change of heart and how they may not be so different after all? So far, a total of five Duelists during the past few weeks, including what happened earlier, had came across this realization, so who knows.
Yuto simply gave Lulu's hand a firm yet loving squeeze. To him, Link Joker was exactly like the Fusion Parasites, corrupting people and forcing them to use cards they would never use before. The very thought angered him. He would never let such a thing happen again.
"A virus..." Yuya said, touching his own face. "Corrupting innocent people...?"
Why would anyone do such a horrible thing to Card Fighters? They may be rivals with Duelists, but even they don't deserve to go through such a catastrophic tragedy. The Duelists soon began to see the similarities that they unknowingly shared with those that played Vanguard. At the same time, Aichi and Declan witnessed the dismay on everyone's faces after hearing the news of this other terrible and dangerous event.
"This is why I told Declan about Vanguard tournaments," Aichi explained. "These tournaments are used to establish trust between teammates, something that Duelists lost because of their war. By the end of this tournament, I can reassure you that family and friends will reunite due to newfound trust."
All around the stadium, Duelists and Cardfighters gradually applauded at the explanation Aichi gave. The more people that clapped, the louder it got and the more touching this moment was. Even those watching this broadcasted tournament were touched by the inspiring words as they've come to accept the fact that Cardfighters and Vanguard weren't so bad after all. Surely, this event will be the last day of their heated rivalry once and for all.
Aichi thanked everyone for listening to what he had to say as he handed the microphone to Declan and sat back down in his seat. It was now time to officially start the opening ceremony.
"Thank you Mr. Sendou," Declan said. "To begin the opening ceremony, one of the Duelists participating in the tournament will recite the Duelist's Oath. And the honor goes to Lulu Obsidian."
Everyone applauded as Lulu went up on stage on her motorized wheelchair. She, her friends, her family, and Yuto are glad that she was fully healed on the day before the tournament, so now she can take part in it; of course, Sarah is still Team Noble's stand-in. Although she might never walk again, little girls within the audience mistaken her for a real life princess; they saw how beautiful she looked despite being handicapped. Even Allie from Team You Show had the same reaction and comment about Lulu being a princess.
"No way!" Allie had cried out. "A real life princess!"
Lulu heard the enthusiastic remark while making her way towards Declan and blushed as she glimpsed at the red-haired girl. Yuto had turned around in his seat to see what the commotion was about, only to realize what she was talking about. He quickly looked back at the dark purple-haired girl, smiling contently because he knew she wasn't wrong; he did mention to his counterparts that his girlfriend was his Rapunzel.
When Lulu had wheeled over to the microphone, Declan lowered it so she could recite the Oath. She cleared her throat as she raised her right hand. "I, Lulu Obsidian, promise to-"
Suddenly, the Center Duel Field's dome steadily closed, leaving everyone in a small, confused frenzy in the now enclosed darkness. Lulu and Declan had trouble figuring what was going on; there's no way this was part of the opening ceremony. Within the dark stadium, three figures appeared and revealed the Fluffal monsters in the arena, the Shaddoll monsters that were hidden in the crowd, and the Predaplant monsters that dangled on the walls. The teams instantly learned there were only three people that use these archetypes.
"Sorry to interrupt," the shortest one said as the three revealed Polymerization cards. "But I think it's our turn to steal the show."
In perfect unison, the three fused a selected group of their monsters to Fusion Summon Frightfur Bear, El Shaddoll Shekhinaga, and Starving Venom Fusion Dragon. The stage lights then turned on to reveal Sora, Dennis, and Yuri, the absent three Duelists. They were dressed up in peculiar costumes: Yuri in his plant-altered Obelisk Force uniform, Dennis in a Shekhinaga-based outfit, and Sora in a toy soldier attire. Music started playing from the machine room, but it was no ordinary musical piece. A lot of people recognized the instrumental number they were hearing. It was time for them to unleash their surprise opening act.
"We know that your powers as mere Duelists," Dennis sang.
"Are as weak as a lone Kuriboh!" Sora sang.
"But weak as you are, pay attention," Yuri sang, taking out his whip. "Our words are a matter of skill!" He used the whip to call Starving Venom to his side.
"It's clear from your vacant expressions," Sora sang, smiling creepily as he hopped onto Frightfur Bear's shoulder. "The lights are not all on upstairs."
"But we're talking Dueltaining legends," Dennis sang as his sat on a Shaddoll Hound's back as El Shaddoll Shekhinaga appeared by his side. "Even you can't be caught unaware." As he sang that line, he threw a dagger at a random picture of Yusho.
"So prepare for a change of the spotlight," Yuri sang, sitting on Starving Venom's hand as he flew across the arena. "Be prepared for a brand new duel style."
"A shining new era is tiptoeing nearer," Sora sang.
"And where do you feature?" Dennis sang.
"Just listen to teacher!" Sora sang as he pointed to his head.
"We know it sounds sordid, but this show's rewarding when at last we deliver our own fun!" Yuri sang.
"And injustice deliciously squared," Sora sang.
"Be prepared!" the three sang in unison.
"That's right, everyone!" Yuri said. "We are Team Obelisk, and we challenge the legacy of Yusho Sakaki!"
"Precisely," Dennis added. "His brand of delivering smiles has become quite tiresome."
"That's why we're introducing a new type of Dueltainment!" Sora gleefully said. "Wicked Dueltainment, a special type of Dueltainment used to oppose all smiles!"
"So get ready, Yusho Sakaki," Yuri said as he, Dennis, and Sora pulled out multiple fusion-type Spell cards. "It is time for a brand new duel king!"
Sora played another Spell card, Frightfur Fusion, which enabled him to use his Bear and two copies of Edge Imp Frightfuloid to Fusion Summon Frightfur Chimera. Dennis followed suit by playing El Shaddoll Fusion; two of the hooded figures saw the Spell card and leapt over to their owner—removing the cloaks to disclose themselves as Zefracore and Zefranaga—to be Fusion materials, resulting in El Shaddoll Winda to appear. Yuri was the third member in the chain as he activated Super Polymerization, using his Predaplants Cordyceps and Darlingtonia Cobra in order to bring out Predaplant Chimerafflesia. The three repeated the process until they Fusion Summoned nearly all of their Fusion monsters, resulting in a stadium full of Frightfur, El Shaddoll, and Predaplant fusions that proceeded to 'entertain' the crowd by demonstrating their powers.
"It's great that you'll soon be connected," Sora sang, now dangling on one of Frightfur Chimera's necks. "With duel kings who shall be admired."
"Of course, quid pro quo, you're expected," Yuri sang, still being carried by Starving Venom. "To take certain measures on board."
"The future is littered with terrors," Dennis sang. "And though we're the main addressees."
"The point that we must emphasize is..." Sora sang.
"You won't get a smile from our show!" Yuri sang as he used his whip once more.
"So prepare for the turn of the century," Sora sang. "Be prepared for the wickedest cast."
"Meticulous planning, tenacity spanning," Dennis sang. "Decades of denial is simply why we'll..."
"Be kings undisputed, respected, saluted," Yuri sang as Starving Venom brought him back on the ground as Shaddoll Hound carried Dennis over to him. "And seen for the wonders we are."
"Yes, our skills and ambitions are bared," Sora said. "Be prepared!" As he sang that last part, Yuri used his whip to bring Sora over to him and Dennis.
"Yes, our skills and ambitions are bared," Yuri sang as he revealed Violet Flash.
"Be prepared!" the trio sang in unison as Yuri activated Violet Flash and another Polymerization at the same time.
A flash of light appeared from Violet Flash to add effect to their concluding act, with the trio's monsters laughing sinisterly, evilly, and maniacally. At the same time, Starving Venom and Chimerafflesia fused together to bring out the Fusion dragon's alternate form: Greedy Venom Fusion Dragon, who proceeded to let out a fearsome roar.
As Team Obelisk stood in their finishing poses, everyone, including the teams, were left with an indecisive reaction. They weren't sure how to react to the surprise performance they all watched. After a few minutes of silence, Celina rolled her eyes and started clapping, wanting to let her boyfriend know the performance was somewhat entertaining. Sylvio and Aura also clapped with her, followed by the rest of the teams, the attending Card Fighters, and finally, the entire audience. It definitely was something they didn't expected to occur, but they were satisfied with how it went and anticipating Team Obelisk's new style of Dueltaining; besides, no one can resist rooting for the villains.
"We are glad you could enjoy our display of a Wicked Dueltainment," Yuri said once the applause died down. "If any of the other teams cross our paths, we will show no mercy."
Yuri, Dennis, and Sora headed towards their empty seats while deactivating their Duel Disks, leading to their monsters disappearing. Lulu gave the microphone to Declan, who thanked the boys for putting on their act and for introducing Wicked Dueltainment to the public. He cleared his throat and adjusted his glasses as he stated Lulu will recite the Duelist's Oath without any further interruptions, regardless of how fantastic they were. She and her brother had practiced and memorized the Oath multiple times when ObsidianCorp sponsored past events, so with the Team Duel Tournament being presented by her family's company, this should be a breeze for her.
With the microphone ready, Lulu raised her right hand once more. "I, Lulu Obsidian, promise to play fair, never cheat, and treat all opposing Duelists with utter respect. Furthermore, I will not use fake cards nor sneak in hidden cards during duels. I will also not resort to physical harm on my opponents. In conclusion, I shall respect the game and not resort to becoming a cheating snake."
The audience applauded yet again when she was finished with declaring out the Oath. She handed the microphone back to Declan and wheeled back to her team. Yuya remembered how his attempt at it during the Arc League Championship wasn't his best; it surely doesn't compete with Lulu since she knows it by heart.
"Thank you, Ms. Obsidian," Declan said. "The teams will now be divided into four separate blocks based on duel skills."
The monitor screen showed the four blocks, each with three teams. The pictures of the twelve teams were all shuffled to see who will be paired with who for the first round according to their skills. A few seconds later, the pairings have been made: Teams Smiles, Wishes, and Victor in Block A, Teams Noble, Ace, and You Show in Block B, Teams Turbo, Skillful, and Luck in Block C, and Teams Obelisk, Lancer, and Force in Block D.
Shay looked nervous regarding the other two teams in Block B. "Are you alright, Shay?" Yuto asked.
"Sarah, you're going to have to duel in my spot," Shay said. "I don't think I can handle dueling those teams."
Wait, Shay is suddenly sitting out this round? Yuto wondered why he would make this choice when he was informed that his friend felt guilty of what he did to Julia, Kit, and Dipper; he also doesn't want Frederick, Allie, and Tate to get hurt by his Raidraptors because they're little kids. He'll most likely compete once the winning teams from each block have been determined. Yuto didn't blame him in regards to Team Ace because the Resistance falsely accused Leo Corporation and LID for the Invasion whereas Lulu knew how her older brother has a soft spot for young children.
"It's okay," Lulu said. "I completely understand your reasons. We'll do our best to make sure we make it to the finals."
Shay thanked his teammates for understanding and turned his head to face Sarah, asking her if she was ready. She responded that she's more prepared and confident to duel than ever before, and it was all thanks to Yuya. He was glad to hear this from her, especially since this was going to be her first duel in a while.
"Would anyone like my Fairy Tails?" Sarah realized. "Not everyone uses them, so I'm a bit concerned by their reception."
"You'll do great, Sarah," Lulu reassured. "The Fairy Tails suit you perfectly. I'm sure that once you duel, everyone will love your dueling style."
Sarah stared at Lulu after hearing those words. Fairy Tails aren't a popular archetype among Duelists because only a few monsters were made, all female LIGHT anthropomorphic animals based on fairytales with 1850 ATK and 1000 DEF. Although no Spells and Traps were also created along with the archetype, the spectacled girl found what works well with her monsters to create her deck.
"Thanks Lulu," Sarah said.
"You're welcome," Lulu replied. "Just remember to have fun."
Sarah nodded her head, indicating that she will. Hopefully, as she duels, people will admire her usefulness, skills, and strategies with her Fairy Tails, including her secret weapon…
With the block matchups already decided, Declan instructed the teams to head to the four separate arenas to begin the preliminaries. They all did so, with Shay and Shinji the only ones not dueling as they are still sitting in their seats. Once everyone was situated in their blocks, the monitor then displayed the duels between each competitor. Block A will be Team Smiles vs. Team Victor, Block B pits Team Noble against Team Ace, Block C is a battle between Team Skillful and Team Luck, and Block D involves Team Lancer dueling Team Force.
"Team Ace, huh?" Yuto asked. "So our first opponents are those Leo Institute kids."
"Including Julia," Lulu added, recalling how the Gem-Knight user treated her to a spa day to help prep her for the Leo Corporation dance.
Just like the Vanguard team tournaments, there will be three simultaneous duels occurring in each block with one member from a team going against another member from the opposing team. In Block B's case, it'll be Sarah vs. Julia, Yuto vs. Kit, and Lulu vs. Dipper; the first team from each block to score the most wins moves on to the next round.
"So you're Lulu Obsidian," Dipper said. "I heard your cards are powerful, but can they defeat my Constellar monsters?"
Lulu let out a small laugh. "Oh, you'll see," she answered as she activated the Duel Disk that was now built into her wheelchair.
Kit smirked. "Well if it isn't Shay Obsidian's accomplice," he said. "I must say, from what I heard about you, you're pretty noble. But I have a code of honor of my own."
"I recall," Yuto replied. "You're a swordmaster."
"Correct," Kit said.
"But I have something you probably don't have," Yuto said. "A strong bond with my cards. They helped shape me into becoming who I am today."
"Then maybe it's time you showed me those cards of your songs," Kit said.
As the four Duelists were about to prepare to duel, Sarah and Julia stood across from each other as this was their first time meeting each other.
"Uh... Hi?" Sarah asked.
"You're clearly nervous," Julia stated.
"Huh?" Sarah asked.
"I said, you're nervous," Julia repeated. "You seem unsure of what to do, so this is probably your first time taking part in a big tournament. That probably means your deck doesn't have a clear archetype, so you're not sure if it would actually be effective in a proper dueling environment." She readied her Duel Disk. "But that doesn't mean I'll go easy on you."
Sarah couldn't find the right words to describe how Julia figured her out instantly. She has never encountered someone like her before, but as she shook the thought off, she activated her Duel Disk as well, getting ready to test her newfound confidence she gained during the War.
"Good," Sarah replied. "Because I wasn't expecting an easy win."
With the competing teams fully ready to duel, all four blocks got divided into three sections each to have a total of twelve duels going on at the same time. Since these were Action Duels, all sections got different duel fields, with Sarah and Julia getting a grand ballroom. It was an interesting choice because it made the spectacled girl smile widely while the Gem-Knight user flashbacked a little to her first duel with Zuzu. If that wasn't enough, she quickly realized that she and Sarah were now wearing ball gowns.
"What's going on?!" Julia asked, confused.
"I recognize this Action Field," Sarah explained. "Fairy Tail Palace. This was my favorite Action Field back in Heartland. I even know where all the Action Cards are and which ones I should use at certain moments."
In other words, Fairy Tail Palace gave Sarah an advantage, surprising Julia because it meant her opponent will know the right moves to counter her attacks. Regardless, she may have to step up her game if she was going to win.
"So you use Fairy Tails," Julia realized. "I was right. You have a scattered deck. There are only a few Fairy Tail cards in the whole game, so you don't have a proper archetype."
Sarah knew about her deck being scattered, but it didn't matter nor did she care. It was her deck that she created by herself with her own original strategies, so despite being an underrated archetype, she will bring out its potential.
After everyone set up their Duel Disks, they all shouted "Let's duel!" in unison, marking the start of the preliminaries. Elsewhere, in the main arena, footage of the multiple Action Duels were being aired as Nico and Melissa commentated on what was happening during the first turns.
"Wait a minute!" Nico exclaimed. "Why is Team Turbo riding motorcycles?! This is strictly a no-vehicle duel format!"
"Oh Nico, clearly you never saw Turbo Duels before," Melissa informed. "Team Turbo's Duel Disks are built into their Duel Runners, so their way of duelin' can get rather confusin'."
Nico has never heard of Duel Runners or Turbo Duels before. Action Duels were what he was familiar with the most, so seeing a Turbo Duel for the first time was quite an experience for him. He learned something new today as well from Melissa: it was legal to play card games on motorcycles. She then gave a brief synopsis of how they work; as a Duel Monsters announcer from the Synchro Dimension, her explanations were as easy as pie. While that was going on, Julia went first.
"I'll start things off by using Gem-Knight Fusion to fuse Gem-Knights Lapis and Lazuli!" Julia said. "Two gems sparkle together, illuminating a new stone! I Fusion Summon Gem-Knight Lady Lapis Lazuli!"
As a Level 5 Earth monster with 2400 ATK and 1000 DEF, Lapis Lazuli can only be Fusion Summoned once per turn. She can also inflict 500 damage to her opponent for every special summoned monster on the field by having Julia send one Gem-Knight monster from the Main or Extra Decks to the Graveyard. The Fusion Duelist sent Gem-Knight Amber to the Graveyard to have Sarah's LP decrease to 3500, since Lapis Lazuli was the only special summoned monster on the field. She then placed a card face down, emptying her hand and ending her turn.
"Now let's see what you got, fairytale girl," Julia said.
"Alright," Sarah said. "My turn!" She drew a card, but before she could check her hand, a beautiful song echoed throughout the arena.
"Where is that song coming from?!" Julia asked, confused. "Is this part of the Action Field too?!"
"It's not," Sarah answered. "I recognize that voice anywhere."
Meanwhile, it was Yuto's turn as he was about to XYZ Summon The Phantom Knights Break Sword with his Level 3 Phantom Knights of Ragged Gloves and Phantom Knights of Silent Boots. Just then, he and Kit quickly paused the duel to hear who was singing. Their reactions were similar to Julia and Sarah's because the X-Saber user didn't know where the singing was coming from and who it belonged to while Yuto realized whose voice it was.
"Who's that singing?" Kit asked Yuto. "Your girlfriend?"
"No," Yuto answered, his eyes sparkling with admiration behind his glasses. "An angel."
In the third section, Lulu had activated her Skill known as Natural Energy Burst to give her Lyrilusc - Assembled Nightingale, using Turquoise Warbler, Sapphire Swallow, and two Colbalt Sparrows to XYZ Summon it, a 500 ATK boost while it was sporting the En Birds marking on its forehead for one turn. Her usage was different because she sang a melody to help give its activation a visual effect, which was calling on songbirds.
"Eh... That's it?" Dipper asked once Lulu was finished with her song. "You do know you're not allowed to attack on the first turn, right?"
"I know," Lulu answered. "My Skill is automatically activated when I first XYZ Summon in a duel." She proceeded to play a face down card. "So even though I end my turn, I can activate it again."
As Assembled Nightingale's ATK returned to normal, it was now Dipper's turn. He drew a card from his deck and analyzed the six cards he had before proceeding with his first Main Phase.
As for Sarah, she had finished checking her hand and she had retrieved her first Action Card near a spinning wheel. "I'll start things off with a face down monster," she said. "Which I'll reveal now!"
"You can't flip summon a monster you just set," Julia pointed out.
"Actually, I can," Sarah explained. "I happen to have the Action Spell True Love's Kiss, so awaken from your slumber, Fairy Tail - Sleeper!"
Sleeper appeared on the field now in face-up attack position. She was a pink cat with long, fluffy, golden hair, a big, bushy tail, and wore a orange dress. A book can be seen on her tail along with a reddish-pink bow. She let out a yawn as if she just woke up.
"So that's a Fairy Tail monster," Julia remarked. "Not bad, but what's one little kitty going to do?"
"Call on a friend," Sarah answered. "Now that Sleeper woke up from her deep sleep, she can allow me to summon another Fairy Tail from my hand. And I'm summoning Fairy Tail - Rella!"
Sleeper's book glowed brightly, allowing Rella to make her debut as she was being summoned by popping out of the book. She was a light blue dog with her blue hair curled up, a bushy tail like Sleeper, and wore a light green dress with glass slippers. She too had a book and a bow on her tail, but the bow was aquamarine with light purple patches stitched on it.
"There's more," Sarah continued as she picked up an Action Card near a pumpkin. "I activate Rella's special ability! By discarding the Action Spell Pumpkin Charm, I can retrieve the Equip Spell United We Stand from my deck and equip it to Rella!"
After Rella's book glowed when Pumpkin Charm was sent to Sarah's Graveyard, United We Stand increased her ATK and DEF by 800 for each of Sarah's face up monsters on the field after she equipped it to the dog princess. She was ready to begin her Battle Phase.
"Fairy Tail - Rella, attack Lady Lapis Lazuli!" Sarah declared. "Stroke of Midnight!"
Rella ran towards Lapis Lazuli to kick the Gem-Knight Fusion with her glass slippered feet and deal 1050 damage to Julia until…
"I activate the Trap card Brilliant Spark!" Julia declared. "Since Rella attacked Lapis Lazuli, you lose 1850 life points!"
Brilliant Spark sent a blast to Sarah to decrease her LP to 2150; however, Julia noticed a small smirk on her opponent's face and soon caught on the one mistake she made: she now has no monsters on her side of the field, meaning she was vulnerable for a direct attack from Sleeper.
"Fairy Tail - Sleeper, attack Julia directly!" Sarah declared. "Spindle Prick!"
Sleeper extended her front arms and aimed it at the Gem-Knight user and proceeded to shoot out needles towards her, reducing her LP down to a mere 300. Some of the audience members in the stadium that were watching the duel between Julia and Sarah and were ecstatically crazy at how an incomplete archetype can result in such an amazing turn-around.
"Amazing!" someone had cried out. "Those Fairy Tails are so powerful!"
"I don't know," someone else said. "Don't you think it's unfair that she's able to pull that off with the Action Field?"
That made Julia realize Sarah had an unfair advantage. "You wouldn't have been able to use your combo without that Action Spell!" she pointed out.
Sarah let out a small laugh. "That's not true," she explained. "My whole deck is based off of this Action Field. Sure I have my Fairy Tails, but I also included various support cards that act exactly the same way as the Action Cards from Fairy Tail Palace. Dueling on this Action Field only speeds up my combos and strategies."
Julia was rapidly taken back by what she heard because it turns out that she was at a fair disadvantage, not Sarah having an unfair advantage. The explanation made the people watching the two girls' duel grew more enthusiastic; even the person who questioned about the tactic had second thoughts of what he said and admitted that it was actually a clever use of the Fairy Tails archetype. Naturally, Nico spotted the marvelous strategy used against the dark-haired girl on the monitor.
"Incredible!" Nico exclaimed. "It appears Sarah Glitters is a lot smarter than we initially thought! Having memorized a whole Action Field and working her deck around it is a clever strategy!"
"Well I don't know about y'all, but I'm more focused on Team Turbo," Melissa commented. "I think I r'member seein' those three fellas from the Friendship Cup, but Miss Rin is somethin' special. Her Windwitches are quite a powerful force."
"I'll just conclude my turn with a face-down," Sarah said. "But sadly, Rella has to return United We Stand back to my hand."
With her book glowing, Rella lowered her ATK and DEF to their original amounts as Sarah removed the Equip Spell and returned it to her hand. Julia drew a card to start her turn and looked at what was in her hand. It wasn't a Polymerization or an alternative Fusion Spell card, but it was better than nothing. She activated Monster Reborn to bring back Lapis Lazuli; now she needed to find an Action Spell that centers on Fusion Summoning, so she ran through the Palace, looking for one. She found one on a chair that was near a small bureau with an oval mirror and grabbed it, only to react in dismay at what it is.
"What?!" she exclaimed, looking at the Action Card she just picked up.
"That would be the Action Trap Severed Toe," Sarah explained. "It causes all of your monsters to lose half their attack points until the beginning of your next turn. Didn't you notice the blood-stained knife?"
She looked at the top of the bureau to see the bloody knife and slowly realized there were visual representations around the Action Field. True Love's Kiss near a spinning wheel, Pumpkin Charm next to a pumpkin, Severed Toe on top of a chair near a knife… Action Spells represented rewards while Action Traps were punishments. Julia stared in disbelief as Lapis Lazuli was having trouble standing up due to now having 1200 ATK. Looking at her hand, empty and cordless, she questioned herself if this Trap she played was her punishment for relying too much on her Gem-Knights and not knowing a lot about fairytales in this duel. With no other move to make, she chose to end her turn. She would have surrendered, but she didn't, which was perfect for Sarah. It was time to unleash her secret weapon.
"My turn!" Sarah declared as she drew a card. "And I'll start things off by summoning Fairy Tail - Luna!"
Luna spun herself into the field upon being summoned. She was an orange fox with long, blue hair that had a few teal streaks, a bushy tail like the other Fairy Tails, and wore a kimono with top being green and having red edges and the bottom being orange-pink and having floral patterns on it. She carried a dark brown fan with a light blue crescent moon and a pink flower with a red-to-greenish-blue gradient on the ribbons. Her tail had an opened scroll and a dual-colored tied-up string—one half was red while the other half was light purplish-pink.
"Then I activate Fairy Tail - Luna's special ability!" Sarah continued, causing Luna's scroll to glow. "I can retrieve another Fairy Tail from my deck, which I can special summon with the right card..."
Ultimately Sarah was able to find an Action Card next a statue of a deer. "And I'll use this Action Spell: Animal Call! Since I have at least one Fairy Tail on my field, I can summon another one to join them. So I'll summon the very one I retrieved thanks to Luna, and her name is Fairy Tail - Snow!"
Snow scurried onto the field to join her Fairy Tail friends. She was a light-skin-toned squirrel with a brown bob hairstyle that had some red streaks and had a light green with a small, white polka-dotted patterned bow. She wore a red dress with a white collared underdress and two light green bows: one with white polka dots in front of her neck and a plain one on the back. Like the other Fairy Tails, she also had a long, bushy tail, which had an opened book with a light green bow.
Four Fairy Tails, each being a Level 4 monster. That could only mean one thing: Sarah had everything she needed to bring out her secret weapon.
"I heard of Fairy Tail - Snow," Julia said. "You're going to use her special ability to flip my monster into face-down defense mode."
Sarah let out a laugh. "True, but not this duel."
Her demeanor suddenly changed into a more…ruthless personality. She was no longer the sweet, shy girl with higher self-esteem as she was getting ready to continue her Main Phase.
"Funny how a chance encounter with a handsome prince can change a maiden such as myself," Sarah said. "How he can suddenly appear out of nowhere with a smile and encourage you to break out of your shell. Meeting someone that beautiful, both inside and out, really is something special."
Julia was confused. "Who are you talking about?" she asked.
"But I don't mind that the prince was meant to be with another maiden," Sarah continued. "I dared not to tamper with their destined paths. Yet I'm not sure when, but I know I'll ultimately find a prince who will love me just as much."
Sarah closed her eyes. "This is for you, Yuya Sakaki." She opened her eyes, a newfound spark emerging. "Fairy Tails Luna, Rella, Snow, and Sleeper, join forces to create the Overlay Network!"
All four Fairy Tails formed a circle and joined paws with each other before constructing the Overlay Network. Just then, as a result of preparing to XYZ Summon, ice formed all throughout Fairy Tail Palace and spread to the other two sections, covering the entirety of Block B in an icy sheet.
"Hey, what gives?!" Kit asked. "What's with all the ice?!"
Yuto let out a deep chuckle. "Let's just say the Queen is coming," he answered.
Dipper had a hard time standing properly. "Where did all this ice come from?!" he asked.
"From the Queen," Lulu answered.
An icy wind swirled all over Fairy Tail Palace. "Mistress of the cold, emerge onto the field and punish the wicked of this world!" Sarah chanted. "I XYZ Summon Fairy Tail - Queen!"
Queen made her debut by having snow and wind encircle around the Overlay Network as she appeared onto the duel field. Her attribute was WATER instead of LIGHT, but her ATK and DEF remained the same as the other Fairy Tails. She was an arctic fox with long, luscious, icy blueish-white hair. She wore a blue, floor-length dress with light blue fur around the chest area and hips, as well as on her lower arms, and long, icy blue gloves that extend up to her back side of her hands. Her accessories consisted of a crown with beads around her head and multiple necklaces; they, along with the fur around the upper chest and hips, were all encrusted with blue gems.
"This is the true power of Fairy Tails," Sarah explained. "They're pretty powerful individually, but when they come together, they become unstoppable."
Julia couldn't believe what she was hearing; how can an incomplete archetype prove themselves to be more than just incomplete? Their abilities coincided fluidly with the Action Cards and Field, and now that they were Overlay Units to their mighty Queen, she was going to be shown the undying loyalty that all five monsters shared with each other and how they have potential for being used in Duel Monsters.
"I activate Fairy Tail - Queen's special ability!" Sarah declared. "By using one Overlay Unit, she places a Mirror Counter inside your monster's heart, preventing it from attacking during your next turn!"
A shard of glass that looked like it was from a broken mirror popped in front of Queen's paw and she threw it into Lapis Lazuli's heart, giving her a Mirror Counter and preventing her from attacking.
"But there's more," Sarah continued. "As long as there's at least one monster on the field with a Mirror Counter, Fairy Tail - Queen can attack you directly!"
An increasingly thunderstruck Julia yelled out the "What?!" card because what Sarah said basically means she is screwed. Even if she activates Lapis Lazuli's effect, it still wouldn't make a difference.
"Precisely," Sarah replied. "This duel is officially over. Fairy Tail - Queen, attack with Unforgiving Blizzard!"
Queen raised her paw and thrust it in Julia's direction, commanding a blast of heavy snow to attack her. She got pelted with fast, hard-hitting snowflakes and the strong winds blew her off her feet and tumbled her on the icy floors, wiping out her remaining 300 LP.
"And there it is, folks!" Nico announced. "The first winner of Block B is Sarah Glitters of Team Noble!"
The audience cheered as loudly as they could as a way to congratulate Sarah on her victory and her spectacular usage of Fairy Tails. The Action Field and Queen both disintegrated to signal the duel's conclusion, causing the girls' ballgowns to revert back to their normal clothes.
Julia was about to stand back up when Sarah walked over to her. "That was a fun duel," the XYZ user said, reaching out her hand.
This made Julia start blushing; everything about this scenario was exactly like the time she was defeated by Zuzu during the Arc League Championship.  She looked at Sarah, who was back to her usual personality as seen by her smile, and then back at her hand for only a few silent seconds.
Julia grabbed onto Sarah's hand, letting her help her stand back up. "I'm impressed," she said. "Those Fairy Tails sure are amazing, kinda like you."
"Aww, thank you!" Sarah replied. "Your Gem-Knights look amazing as well."
Julia was flattered by Sarah's compliment and quickly realized that she might be developing a crush on her. She always was shown to be more attracted to females than males, which was most evident during her first tournament defeat. This was practically déjà vu for her; only this time, she was developing feelings for Sarah because she knows about Zuzu's feelings for Yuya.
"Mauling Mandible Charge!"
"Graceful Winds!"
Yuto and Lulu declared their ace monsters' signature attacks to deplete Kit and Dipper's down to 0. As a result, with a score of 3-0, Team Noble claimed the victory for the Block B's first three simultaneous duels, causing the audience to cheer and applaud for their first wins. The other two Action Fields and the monsters vanished as the two sections returned to their original appearances. Outside of the block, Team You Show were waiting for their turn to duel and watched Sarah, Yuto, and Lulu win against Team Ace, meaning the next three duels will revolve around the kids battling against the three XYZ users, followed by the three representatives of LID's special summoning courses.
But while Tate and Fredrick were expressing concern regarding being able to keep up in the next round, Allie was absolutely amazed. She kept her eyes on Lulu's duel, watching how the dark-haired beauty dueled. In Allie's young, innocent mind, Lulu was a lot like the princesses she read in books. And if that wasn't enough, there was a high possibility that she would duel the wheelchair-bound princess.
Julia, Kit, and Dipper all walked out of the mini arena to wait for their next duels, wishing the kids good luck and to do their best against Team Noble and the formers. Team You Show all replied that they will as they headed in to start the next matches in Block B. The rest of the blocks were also displaying the outcomes from the other duels via monitor screens. The audience went wild with the victories they watched while Nico and Melissa expressed the action unfolding in the arenas and predicted who would win the preliminaries…
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