#was i bad anon
bonesmctightass · 10 months
bops you on the head gently with a feather duster
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wanologic · 3 months
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in no way was civility achieved
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tofixtheshadows · 4 months
Id love to hear ur interpretation and analysis on falin! She’s one of my favorite characters and and I was wondering what ur thoughts on her are
Man, I struggle to think of anything I could say about Falin that others have not already said. But she's one of my favorite things about Dungeon Meshi too.
So much of the story revolves around Falin, and she's not even there. Tumblr loves to talk about haunting the narrative, but Falin might be one of the best examples of it ever put to page. She's dead. She's alive. She's dead. She's alive. She's alive but she's missing, she's alive but she isn't herself. She's dead but she might wake. She's dead but she's frozen in ice. She's alive but she's sleepwalking. They chase her ghost and they chase her body all through the story.
I think what Kui does with her is fascinating. Not just as character with a personality we can analyze, but as an object in a narrative- that's why I say she's one of my favorite things about the story, because I also mean it in a mechanical sense. As a writer, Kui's really good at misdirection- that is, setting you up to believe or expect something about a character or a plot, and then turning that on its head. It's most apparent with Kabru, but it works really well with Falin too.
Because the precious little sister is a very well known character archetype, right? So is the gentle healer. The heart of the party. The white mage girl. The damsel in distress. The martyr.
And this isn't a Laura Palmer situation, where we find out that beneath her wholesome surface there's something dark and troubled. No, Falin truly is a kind and gentle person. That isn't where the misdirection leads (and that, too, I think, is another misdirection- it's not "Plot twist, she isn't as nice as you thought!", which would almost be too easy).
The misdirection here is more about structure than about character (but also, yeah- a little about character).
What I mean is, with these archetypes firmly in mind, along with a whole other host of fantasy genre expectations, I think anyone who goes into Dungeon Meshi un-spoiled probably expects Falin's rescue to be an endgame event; at least on a subconscious level, where you're not really thinking about it but in the back of your head you're already stretching out the story to place Falin firmly in the distance. Fire breathing dragon at the bottom of the dungeon is perfect final boss material, right? Slay the dragon. Rescue the princess.
And Falin is the perfect prize in the traditional old school fantasy that the concept of the titular dungeon is a send-up to. Blonde (white), soft-spoken, sweet-natured, beloved by everyone. An angelic figure.
Maybe that's why Ryoko Kui gave her white wings.
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It is sort of jarring when chapter 23 rolls around and it's already time to fight the red dragon. And it takes a few chapters, but they succeed. And then Falin's impossible resurrection succeeds. But by then you guess that this is not going to be the story you expected it to be.
I want to point out that Falin spends a lot of time getting, well, babied, post-resurrection. Marcille washes her in the bath, despite Falin stating that she's capable of washing herself. Marcille schools her about her mana use despite Falin demonstrating that she is not hurting for mana, and brushes aside Falin's explanations. Both Marcille and Laios refuse to actually tell her what happened. Laios scruffs up her hair like she's a little kid and scolds her for something she can't remember doing. Marcille explicitly calls her a little kid when Falin tries to talk about how much she's grown.
Of course I'm not saying that Laios was wrong to act like a big brother, or that Marcille shouldn't be worried about taking care of her shell-shocked friend in the bath. But the framing of it clearly shows a Falin who is struggling to be heard.
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If you'd like to address the big gay elephant in the room while we're here, I want to state for the record that- whether you read her as gay or not -I think Marcille is completely oblivious during this. Because Falin is her little friend from school. Her best friend, yes, but also the young tallman student she, in her infinite elven wisdom, had to mentor and look after. Marcille has not yet accepted that Falin is an adult now, nor has she accepted that she, herself, is only barely past teenagerhood developmentally and is not nearly as mature as she believes. Of course she'd scrub Falin in the bath and fuss over her.
Falin, meanwhile, seems more than aware of her own adult body and the inappropriate way Marcille is treating it.
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The mana-sharing scene is, I think, Falin trying to get a little of her own back. How do you like it, Marcille?
And she tries again in bed.
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Maybe she's wondering if their relationship will change now that they're grown ups. If Marcille prefers her as a little girl, or at least as a woman who lets herself be guided like one; if Marcille will react badly if Falin keeps trying to assert herself. She also might be subtly trying to signal to Marcille that bed sharing, like bathing, carries a different weight to it when you do it as adults rather than as children.
With all this in mind, the decision to turn Falin from the precious prize they rescued into to the vicious dragon they have to slay, hits a lot harder.
Falin with a powerful, monstrous, destructive body. Falin, who couldn't even stand to cause people pain from using healing spells, slaughtering half a dozen people in brutal ways. And that's not her, she's being mind-controlled, but as an object in the story she has completely flipped. From damsel to threat.
And I love that she carries a little bit of that with her when she's resurrected again.
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Because she's no longer the girl who's going to let herself be stifled by her brother's and her best friend's co-dependency, no matter how much she loves them. She's different now: stronger, eyes open, forging her own path instead of following in their wake. Falin is still going to come back to them again, but this time it won't be because they chased her. It'll be because they let her go.
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dunmeshistash · 4 months
Dungeon Meshi Information Sources
Dungeon Meshi has several worldbuilding details and extra comics in different publications and I think they get pretty hard to keep track of so I wanted to make a guide and explain what is what for people that maybe want to look into it themselves!
The Main Information sources are:
Daydream Hour 2-5: Sketch compilations and extra comics by Ryoko Kui with commentary, which can be found on EH Scans blog translated, and also in mangadex in between the manga chapters (The first daydream hour isn't dungeon meshi related)
The Complete Daydream Hour: Or more specifically "Ryoko Kui Doodle Book Daydream Hour" Released in january 2024 it still hasn't been fully translated into english. This version compiles extras and sketches from daydream hour 1-5 along with new content. Some of the exclusive comics have been translated and can be found on reddit and bato.to but the full thing is yet to be translated.
Delicious in Dungeon World Guide: The Adventurer's Bible (2021): A guide by Ryoko Kui that compiles information about the characters, monsters and the world. An official english version is available. It was released in february 2021 and has information pertinent for up to chapter 71 from the manga. It contains extra comics for all the main characters and for all the human/demi human races. The extras that talk about side character's backstories are from this book and the characters section has been translated by EH Scans (Also on mangadex)
Delicious in Dungeon World Guide: Adventurer's Bible Complete Edition (2024): Released in february 2024 and still untranslated, this version of the Adventurer's Bible has information updated for the end of the manga, there's even more extras and lots of comics about post-canon. Some of them are being translated and posted into reddit but I haven't seen them anywhere else. The raw is available on bato.to
Manga and Ryoko Kui's Blog: Some of it are from the manga itself, like Monster Tidbits and other Harta Magazine Extras (Where dungeon meshi is published) and also from the author's own personal blog. Lots of the drawings in her blog were deleted with the publishing of the complete daydream hour but you can still see what was unpublished using the wayback machine.
Blu-ray: With the release of the second bluray its clear that there will be extra content with each new one, there's "what if" extras and cover art by Ryoko Kui, you can check it the cover and info in the tag here.
I hope this helps somehow! It was pretty confusing for myself when I first started looking for more extras after finishing the manga.
The things I post here are all based on one of these and I try to put in the tags what the source is!
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allastoredeer · 4 months
Had a thought. Alastor would likely be the "final boss" in terms of redemption, and I wonder if Viv would ever consider giving him a reincarnation ending.
Imagine Alastor, finally running out of luck and/or spitting on every chance of conventional redemption. Only for Charlie to argue that if he had another chance from the start, he might make different choices. Which he tacitly agrees with, but as he says in the pilot: The chance given was the life he lived before, and there is no undoing what is done.
In much the same way as we found out in the stinger that Sir Pentious was redeemed. We get a stinger of a kid who looks very similar to a human Alastor in the modern day, someone calls his name and he gives a grin to the person off camera.
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So, I read that very first line and this is what immediately popped into my head.
But also! Reincarnation 👀 that sounds so cool!
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beescake · 7 months
Are you an AraSol enthusiast. If you’re a Sollux fan you must be it’s impossible to enjoy him without also enjoying araSol. It comes with the xbox
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theyre so endgame 4 me
i also think they are the coolest characters in homestuck. nobody else on their level
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whimsyvixen · 5 months
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An emotionally damaged man that could crush my head into a pulp?
Instant heart eyes, baby (⁠๑⁠♡⁠⌓⁠♡⁠๑⁠)
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jellinuy · 6 months
taking a nap with suguru. soft blankets and softer words, sweet nothings mumbled into his ear after he’s had a hard day. his silky black hair brushed from his face by your gentle, loving hands, tossed over his shoulder lightly so it doesn’t catch on any of his earrings while he snoozes. “i’m so proud of you” while he rests, his thick lashes closed against his cheeks, and a smile curled into his lips. he covers the expanse of your neck with soft, deliberately-placed kisses, mumbling a “thank you” or a “love you” in between each press of his lips, and you can feel the cold metal of the rings with each warm kiss. his large hands which massage your back whilst his head lays on your chest — he wanted to be held today, be a little selfish with you. the light of the evening sun, setting just outside the window, washing across the two of you, turning suguru’s skin akin to something of melted caramel, and his hair, silken dark chocolate. kissing his forehead and talking about nothing and everything all at once. reassurance. vulnerability. comfort. safety. love. and contentment on his behalf, as he trusted you with everything he was and everything he felt underneath a single fur blanket. watching him fight sleep, yawning over and over again, his nose crinkling and his eyes pricking with tears at the intensity of his tiredness, until the sandman takes hold of him, and with one final kiss to his forehead — so graciously granted by his lover after moving his bangs out of the way— suguru can doze off happy, knowing he will always wake up to you.
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martanis · 24 days
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first meeting, but make it Sauron's perspective The Rings of Power 2.01 "Elven Kings Under the Sky"
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wispscribbles · 7 months
It fills me with joy every time I see your work!! This isn’t really an ask, I just wanted to say I love the things you make.
Thank you for creating things!! 💜
You wrote this in DECEMBER im so sorry - I lost u in my drafts. I wanted to add some doodle or something and now its been months woops ! Thank you so so much, I appreciate you writing me <33
Here's a tender ghoap
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mikayesha · 2 months
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She drew me in by her way with words
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appallinnballin · 2 months
waves!! hiiii so i wanted to ask if you could perhaps like, draw N or like J from murderdrones bc i love them and i think they would look so cool in your style!!
i love your art sm, byeee
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hiiiiiiiiii i just did J but hope that is acceptable ^_^
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becca-e-barnes · 1 year
I need more of needy Bucky who loses control from the feeling of being inside your pussy. I need him to fuck me like a rag doll and to carry me over his shoulder around the house like his personal flesh light.
Fuck, this has always been one of my very favourites to write. I really like to imagine that he struggles to last but he can keep going after he finishes 🙈 it's my lil filthy fantasy
But imagine spending the morning in bed with him. You both wake up around 6am and you spend the first little while just touching and chatting before a couple of hours of sex. Now it's maybe around 11am and after lying there together for a while, you're both in the mood for something to eat.
You pull a robe around you and that's just about as much as you manage before Bucky's scooped you up, carrying you to the kitchen.
"You don't need to carry me everywhere!" You tease, remembering that he'd carried you up the stairs to bed last night too.
"I know. But. Carrying you means. I. Can put you. Exactly. Where. I want you." He peppers kisses over your face and neck, tenderly capturing your bottom lip between his before he sets you up on the kitchen countertop.
There's no point arguing with him so you sit there quite happily. He makes up a quick pancake mix, washes some berries from the fridge, preps the coffee machine and sets the little dining table for the two of you.
Somewhere in between, you got a little distracted, perched on the counter scrolling on your phone. You hadn't noticed the way he's looking at you.
He's so caught up in the little things; the way the light hits your shoulder, the curve of your hips, the way the silhouette of your nipples are visible against the satin robe.
"Look at you, sitting there all sweet like your cunt isn't so fucking full of me."
That's got your attention.
You squirm a little, your body fluttering at how shamelessly vulgar he's being but nothing's stopping you from doing the same.
You spread your legs, exposing the slick mess coating your inner thighs. It's a mixture of your own arousal and Bucky's cum, dripping out of your sensitive cunt.
Your fingertips trail lazily over your exposed sex, your skin glistening in the natural light before you bring your fingers to your own lips, sucking them clean, giving him a little bit of a show.
"Tastes amazing, sweetheart." You groan, noticing the growing bulge in his thin pyjama bottoms. "But I lost track of how many times you came inside me this morning. You came so deep, most of your cum won't have dripped out yet. Bet I'm still totally stuffed full."
He sinks to his knees in no time, settling his head between your thighs, breathing in the faint smell of your arousal. His tongue presses flat to your sex, trailing from your hole to your clit and back, gathering as much of your combined release as possible.
He groans, low and pathetic, allowing his tongue to dip inside you as deep as he can bury it. He savours every drop of cum he earns back from your body.
When his tongue alone isn't enough, he slips a finger into you, followed quickly by a second, curling them against your sensitive inner wall.
"Bucky baby, please don't make me cum again." You groan, your fingers tangled in his dark hair but you know he's not giving you that choice. Not when his free hand is furiously stroking his own cock, desperate to ensure that when he's finished licking his cum out of you, he can flood your cunt with another load.
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tojisun · 9 months
hai i literally dont know if u accept porn links or not but like https://x.com/mommysvault/status/1733304031165153683?s=20
bimbo!reader and simon??
p link! stared with wide eyes and jaw dropped because yes ur right???? that is bimbo!reader getting overstimulated by simon n his thick fingers [heart eyes]!!!!
…lemme just spiral rq!
!! smut - minors dni; female reader; size difference
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“on me, sweets,” simon murmurs before hefting you on top of him, grunting in quiet satisfaction when he feels, and sees, the way your tits press against his chest, the touch of soft pudge sending shivers racing from the back of his neck to his toes.
you whimper, nuzzling your face on the crook of his neck, and the sticky feeling of your lipgloss leaves the warm puffs of your breaths tickling his skin. simon grunts once before smoothing his hand down your back, patting at the top of your head before running his palm down your spine.
your breath hitches when his hand falls just above your ass, massaging at the mounds before swiping down, going lower, teasing, and-
“si!” you cry, buckling away from the swipe of his finger against your clothed cunt.
“shh,” simon murmurs, pressing his lips just above the shell of your burning ear. “stay still, sweetheart.”
you do so with a huff and simon chuckles, kissing you again as a little reward, before sliding his fingers purposefully against the building dampness of where your cunt is. he croons at your mewl, not stopping even when your hips jerk away for a moment, your thighs strained in tension, and your hands tight as they grip at his shoulders.
simon trails his fingers along the slit of your cunt, feeling at the damp folds, and muffling his groan on your temple when his index dips lower as it reaches your hole. simon presses into it, the cloth of your panties going taut with every push, and he chuckles at the squeal you make at the feeling.
he teases you for a while, uncaring of your pleas, until he hears a wet sob and simon is quick to kiss your head in apology, his groping hand easing up if only to finally tear your panties away. the fabric doesn’t even slide down completely, only stopping just below the fat of your ass, but simon thinks that’s good enough.
an adjustment would be needed when he’ll fuck you but, well, he’s not fucking you yet, will he? …oops.
you tip your head up at the very moment simon spreads your folds apart, and simon goes breathless at having seen the way your dazed look melts into one of cathartic pleasure.
“jesus, lovie. fuckin’ perfect, y’are,” simon rasps out, overtaken with such primal hunger at seeing the clear euphoria rolling off of you.
he plunges his fingers in, the slide of their length so familiar as they breach past your plush walls, and simon groans at the tight clench of your cunt while you keen, long and high-pitched. he is drunk off of your reactions – legs kicking up towards your ass, your fingers digging into the sheets, your head falling back to his chest as you cry – and he watches with rapt attention, devouring the sight you make as he fucks his fingers in-and-out of you, building a tempo that punches out squeaks from your pretty lips.
at the next curl of your leg, simon wraps his fist around your ankle and pulls. it is a gentle action, nothing too drastic, but just one that opens you up even more to him. simon’s fingers fuck in deeper, your cunt taking him up to the knuckles, and you choke on a moan, your voice giving out at the explosion of pleasure racing through your veins.
“fuck!” your scream is guttural and simon watches – always watching; unable to look away – enamoured, as you hump your hips to his fingers, fucking yourself on them with addicting experience.
simon giggles, elated and drunk.
he nuzzles his cheek to the top of your head, spreading his fingers apart and letting out a dreamy sigh when your cunt snaps them back together again.
“tight and wet. fuckin’ hell, sweets. y’r just too perfect for me.”
you garble out a response, unintelligible, and simon just coos at his pretty little girlfriend, dumb and drunk on pleasure.
and that’s just his fingers.
simon laughs again, this one just a bite too mean.
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the way i bookmarked this video 😔🫶🏼
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awnrii · 1 month
social anxiety is making me hate myself for asking this but i was wondering if you had an adult polyphemus design for the band au? cause i adore the child design you have for him but i’m so so intrigued in what he looks like all grown up in his own band. ack, have a nice rest of your time.
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of course! here he is :-)
to clarify: odysseus isn't directly responsible for polyphemus's injury here! think more like a really poorly timed/placed shove directly into a sharp object.
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femd-archive · 2 months
no thoughts, just thigh riding sub kenji when he asks you to cuddle with him during a movie or something and he's all fidgety and doesn't know what to do with his hands :(( he'd probably make a mess hrgrghjskgka
your brain nonnie 😩
you're laying on top of him, head resting on his chest as you're both watching your favorite movie for the nth time. you feel him getting hard beneath you. if it wasn't obvious already he made it more obvious when he started squeezing your hips, hoping that you wouldn't catch on that.
but you do, and he knows so when you look at him with that knowing smile when you got up from his chest. you ask what got him so excited, and he just replies that your body feels nice against his with flushing cheeks.
the dialogues that you know all too well keep on playing on the background, but they're not as loud as kenji's whimpers as you jump on top of him, his pretty cock coming in and out of you, filling you up well.
flustered, he doesn't know what to do with his hands. he runs them along his face, feeling dizzy at how good your gummy walls feel around him, but then he moves them to his mouth, trying to shut down his embarrassing sounds. he sees the way your tits bounce right in front of him, and his hands twitch as he hesitates to reach for them. he ends up just resting them on your thighs, throwing his head back and closing his eyes as he enjoys the ride.
you bend down, hovering over him and whispering how cute he was against his lips before kissing him, guiding his hands to your ass before quicking your pace. he whines when you pull out and moans uncontrollably as long ropes of cum paint his stomach, making a mess on himself
you move to his side on the couch, a leg hooking over his as you cuddle him again and praise him for how good he did for you, showering his face with kisses
as he gets his breath back, he turns at you and looks into your eyes with a dizzy expression. you're surprised when he whispers "ride my face please" in a needy tone as he hugs you closer.
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