#warrior cats prefix’s
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mousetoe-wc · 2 months ago
Theme names for your warrior cats oc litters/siblings or foster kittens
Use this in anyway you want, I don’t need credit I just looked at the list of canon prefix names and went “that makes sense together”.
Rainbow litters
Bluekit, Greenkit, Yellowkit, Redkit, and Violetkit
Goldenkit, Silverkit and Copperkit (Money litter)
Brownkit, Fallowkit and Tawnykit
Darkkit and Palekit
Blackkit, Graykit and Whitekit
Spotkit, Patchkit, Dapplekit and Brindlekit
Cooking kits
Saltkit and Pepperkit
Milkkit and Eggkit
Wheatkit and Ryekit
Cinnamonkit, Gingerkit, Nutmegkit
Element litter names
Gravelkit, Sandkit, Dustkit and Mudkit.
Blazekit, Firekit, Flickerkit, Emberkit
Sootkit, Ashkit, Cinderkit
Smokekit, Billowkit, Fogkit and Mistkit
Waterkit, Firekit, Windkit and Earthkit
Animal themed litters
Leopardkit, Tigerkit and Lionkit
Frogkit, Newtkit and Toadkit
Minkkit, Ferretkit, Stoatkit and Weaselkit
Deerkit, Stagkit, Doekit and Fawnkit.
Fallowkit Rainkit and Redkit (different species of deer)
Grasskit, Stemkit, Pricklekit and Weedkit
Dandelionkit, Bluebellkit, Lavenderkit (long flower names)
Hollykit, Yewkit, Nightshadekit (poison names if u wannabe cat accurate Lilykit and Tulipkit and also work.)
Wood kits
Timberkit, Logkit, Stumpkit, Woodkit
Birchkit, Rowankit, Alderkit, Willowkit, Beechkit, Pinekit, Oakkit, Cedarkit, Larchkit and Aspenkit (largest cat litter ever recorded was 19, so it is possible but you could definitely make it a family naming thing where everyone in the family gets tree names.)
I will be adding to this later ✌️
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halfjay · 28 days ago
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So don't look at me like that and then duck behind clouds. I know I'm small and that I have no idea; I know, I know, I know / Let me be dumb again
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rookflower · 2 months ago
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ok, new apprentice pov officially confirmed!
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bug4932 · 1 year ago
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warriors au with the worlds worst medicine cat
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psychohelmet100 · 5 months ago
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i knew this would happen
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lesbianacorn · 4 months ago
For the hypokit requests if that's still a thing, Hollyleaf x Willowshine? :3
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cutieclangen · 4 months ago
I’ve played ahead in game to moon 60 and I have SO much knowledge.. would you guys like a sneak peek of a future character with no context for funsies? I’ve been in the mood to design future characters so I think this would be fun :3c
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aura-draws-things · 2 months ago
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Shellheart, Rainflower, Oakheart, and Crookedstar
(improvement comparison under the cut)
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my crookedjaw art from January of 2021 vs January of 2025! 4 years of difference :)
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boughclan-clangen · 4 months ago
BoughClan Naming System
boughclan and its neighbors along the coast abide by a strict naming system which is simple, but effective for cats of the clans to quickly identify each others' skills and life stories. naming ceremonies are not only held for major life transitions, but also for cats who display new proclivities for skills they hadn't shown before, such as cats who retire and become particularly adept at telling stories. name changes are celebrated not only within the clan, but also at each gathering as part of clan news.
as such, most suffixes have specific meanings, and many are reserved only for cats who take up specific roles. for cats who are generalists, or who have not yet displayed a particular proclivity for a specific skill, there are generalist suffixes which usually serve to affirm the cat's given prefix. attitude toward generalist suffixes varies between clans and individuals; some find these prefixes to be an honor and a sign of a dependable cat, while others find them boring and uncreative.
prefixes are generally given at birth based on the color of the kit's fur. in exceptional circumstances, such as an outsider joining the clan, they can also be based on other striking features such as eye color, body size, or, very rarely, scarring.
name changes are never issued on the basis of disability, nor are cats ever forced to retire if they have a disability.
below the cut is a list of suffixes the clans of the coast use and their meanings, separated by the role they are reserved for.
Doctor Suffixes
-feather : receives many omens, adept at dream interpretation
-leaf : especially good with herb & berry mixtures, superb healers
-pool : great memory for lore-keeping, rely on their knowledge of clan history to give personal advice
-sight : forward-thinker, reliable advisor for leaders & deputies making decisions affecting the future of the clan
Mediator Suffixes
-tail : good at carefully navigating delicate political situations
-whisker : good-natured and light-hearted demeanor
-shine : charismatic and easy to like
-face : unbreakable composure
Warrior Suffixes
-heart : true to oneself, especially strong ideals
-fern : especially thoughtful
-moss : especially thoughtful
-stream : good swimmer
-belly : good swimmer/diver
-fall : playful, mischievous
-claw : strong, good fighter
-fang : strong, good fighter
-eye : excellent hunter
-nose : excellent hunter
-ear : excellent hunter
-leg : great climber
-foot : great climber
-swoop : great climber
-wing : especially fleet of foot
-flight : especially fleet of foot
-cloud : introspective
-storm : ambitious
-flower : generous, kind-hearted, selfless
-dawn : generous, kind-hearted, selfless
-shade : good at stealth, sneaky
-dusk : good at stealth, sneaky
-ghost : tends to be visited by StarClan or the Dark Forest frequently
-spirit : tends to be visited by StarClan or the Dark Forest frequently
Elder Suffixes
-song : good storyteller
Generalist Suffixes
-pelt : affirmation of given prefix
-fur : affirmation of given prefix
-stripe : a tabby cat or a cat who has one bold stripe
-blaze : a tabby cat or a cat who has one bold stripe
-dapple : a spotted, marbled, mottled, or tortoiseshell cat
-spot : a spotted, mottled, or tortoiseshell cat
-speckle : a spotted, mottled, or tortoiseshell cat
-swarm : a spotted, mottled, or tortoiseshell cat
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cosmictapestry · 1 year ago
of course it goes without saying that in a sandman warrior cats au fiddler’s green (forestsong) has to be the medicine cat. because dream (dreamstar) is leader and lucienne (ravenlight) is deputy and the funniest option for spiritual leader of the clan is objectively stephen fry. the corinthian (wolfjaw) is a warrior and so is mervyn (pumpkinface) and gault (butterflyfrost) and jessamy (jasmineflight) and matthew (rookpaw) is an apprentice. cain and abel are still biblical cain and abel
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bonefall · 11 months ago
Isn't moonpaw. An illegal name. Like canonically
There are no "illegal" names canonically.
This is a misconception that comes from one of the writers suggesting the moon should be too special to use in names, when they'd already said that Bluestar's mother's name was Moonflower. They briefly considered changing the name to Duskflower in Bluestar's Prophecy, but it was decided the older name would remain.
So no, no names are banned that we know of. Moon is a perfectly valid prefix and suffix. The warrior cat police will not arrest you for this crime.
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zoroslost · 1 year ago
One Piece Warrior Cats AU: ASL Bros
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Ace cat naming progression: Emberkit -> Emberpaw -> Emberwish
(black rosetted tabby tortie)
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Sabo cat naming progression: (kittypet name) -> Wildpaw -> Wildfire
(apricot point, scottish fold)
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Luffy cat naming progression: Sunkit -> Sunpaw -> Sunstorm -> Sunstar (eventually)
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marc--chilton · 7 months ago
house md wcau names so far
house - mousebite (when living in plainsclan)/house (as a loner)
cuddy - codstar, formerly codsnarl (for her ferociousness in battle!)
stacy - stillsight ; observant, can cut you down with words as easily as she could with her claws. but she's chill :)
chase - robinchaser ; not only VERY close to his actual name, but also belies his. i can't really say airheadedness. his.... kenlike demeanor. sure.
wilson - .... wilson. he's a kittypet so he doesn't get a warrior cats name. maybe codstar gives him one, informally, as a gesture of his acceptance into plainsclan to show he will always be welcome even if he never truly leaves his twolegs. in which case.... hmm. i haven't thought that far ahead yet
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randomcatgen · 5 months ago
Ruetail is a little elder with shaggy, tortoiseshell fur. They are 121 moons old. They have upturned, yellow eyes and a soft jaw. They are spontaneous and just, but foolish. They claim they were a great fighter in their day. Their paws are stained by berries.
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airocats · 8 months ago
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aura-bug · 10 months ago
I don't think I've ever seen this much hype around just the BLURB of a new wc arc before, all these cool predictions/ideas are exciting!! I can't wait for us all to be inevitably disappointed when moonpaw is a gray cat with blue eyes playing the role of sad anxious medicine cat #4 and the voice haunting her is actually ashfur (back from th water) and its her mission to go find the moonBush and in order to do that we have to go through 400 pages of walking to the tribe
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