#warp mechanicum
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thamechanist · 1 month ago
Well, it's once again been left tragically late, with less than a week to go until megacon London...but the new heretek staff head is done!
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Just need to get it all programmed now - with any luck I should be able to make the eyes light up red, the translucent core glow(and increase/decrease in intensity), occasionally speak & the points on the chaos star will shift between the various god colours
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farsight-the-char · 1 year ago
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Focus let have us some new art for SM2, and among them included this Beast.
Thousand Sons bringing the thrall Hellbrutes to smack some Loyalists about.
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farsight-the-char · 10 months ago
Why not both?
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friendly reminder that the age of technology is coming to an end and a new age of blood magic and dark rituals will take its place
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wh40kgallery · 7 months ago
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Pariah Nexus Crusade
by Mikhail Savier
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fourraccoonsinacoat · 2 months ago
Heinrix van Calox Lore & Headcannons
Don't mind me, I'm just over here chewing on some random thoughts about our favorite agent of the Inquisition. Playing around with some of it for a fic and writing it out because it helps me organize my thoughts.
Knight World Culture & Heinrix's Internalized Hatred of Psykers
Having grown up on a Knight World, Heinrix would possess an internalized hatred for psykers (generally called "witches" on Knight Worlds) that we see him continually struggle with.
In Warhammer lore, many Knight Worlds survived the Age of Strife due to the fact that these worlds tended to shun psykers and not take advantage of the benefits of advanced machinery. So, when the warp imploded and AI told humanity to get fucked, many Knight Worlds were spared from the horrors of the Age of Strife and went on existing as they always had, led by a doctrine of tradition.
The noble families that lord over Knight Worlds hold to a rigorous belief in honor, fealty, social status, obligation, discipline and self-mastery. This creed is only reinforced by the Throne Mechanicum when, at 18, a prospective Knight pilot bonds with their Imperial Knight suit. The Throne Mechanicum is the cybernetic control hub of an Imperial Knight, and it connects to the pilot via neural interface implants in the pilot's brain. Through this neural connection, the Throne Mechanicum implants positive associations with the concepts of honor, fealty, etc., when the pilot bonds with their Knight. And it continues to do so over the course of the Knight's life. This is why these beliefs are so ingrained in Knight World nobles - because it is constantly reinforced by their bonds with their Imperial Knight suits.
On Knight Worlds, being a psyker is to be something impure, rotten and dangerous. They are the antithesis of everything the nobles hold dear and their shunning of psykers was what kept many of those worlds safe during the Age of Strife. Psykers are seen as unpredictable, violent and corrupted by the warp, and thus have no place in Knight World society. If not outright killed, they are always exiled and sent away on the Imperial Black Ships, just as Heinrix's family did with him.
Though Heinrix never went through the Ritual of Becoming - the rite to bond with an Imperial Knight suit - he was certainly being prepared to and would have grown up with the belief that psykers are corrupted and dangerous. Thus, when his psyker abilities manifested during his adolescent years, everything he believed about psykers was turned inward and became truths about himself.
Time and experiences have altered and evolved his beliefs, and we see him show empathy and understanding for other psykers like Idira and the RT, if they are a psyker. However, at his core remains the belief that psykers are inherently lesser.
We see this time and again, especially on his romance route, with how he talks about himself and psykers, in general. During his romance scene in Commorragh, if the RT questions why he remains loyal to the Imperium, Heinrix will say that the Imperium "deemed me stable enough to keep me as a sanctioned psyker" - refering to the Imperium's sanctioning process for psykers the Imperium wants to enlist. In Heinrix's mind, it's only through the grace of the Imperium that a corrupted individual like him is allowed to live. Which brings me to...
Heinrix believes it's his duty to die for the Imperium.
Heinrix literally believes he owes his life to the Imperium of Man. He grew up believing psykers were evil and corrupt individuals, likely deserving of death. And then his own powers manifested and suddenly he was one of those evil and corrupt individuals.
Something to understand about the Imperium is that sanctioned psykers are rare in Warhammer lore. While there are not any concrete numbers, conjecture from Warhammer books, etc., puts the ratio of those identified as psykers by the Inquisition as one in one billion. Then, in order to sustain the Astronomican, roughly 1,000 psykers perrish daily after being locked inside coffin-like devices bound to the Golden Throne. Inside, their essence is extracted and used to power the Astronomican. Psykers are constantly being shipped to Terra in order to fuel the Golden Throne, and the Imperium is, of course, holding onto backlogs of psykers in case ships don't come in or Terra gets cut off. This is what the majority of psykers in the Imperium are used for, and not many psykers are deemed worthwhile enough to go through sanctioning, which is also limited by the number of sanctioning implants available. Remember, no one is making these devices anymore.
The existence of a psyker in the 40k universe is not a happy one. If you manage to not get sacrificed to the Golden Throne, or used as a test subject or whatever else the Imperium is doing with psykers these days, the most common way to serve as a sanctioned psyker is to become an Astropath. Which sounds like it sucks. Very few are chosen for other service.
Considering all of this, it's hardly surprising that Heinrix feels he owes his loyalty to the Imperium. The Imperium allowed him to live. And then the Inquisition came along and saw something in him worth making him an acolyte for.
After being disowned by his family and having his implants ripped from his body, Heinrix likely thought all that awaited him after the Black Ship was death as a sacrifice to the Golden Throne. And yet he was pardoned and given another chance at life, as long as he uses that life to serve the Imperium.
If the RT passes a Persuasion check to get Heinrix to talk about what happened when he used the cogitator on Kiava Gamma, he even concludes his explanation by saying his "path leads to one place, and one place only."
This man fully expects to, and is ready to, die for the Imperium. The Imperium is the only thing giving him purpose. The Imperium accepted him after his family disowned him. The Imperium is all he has, and he will use the life they allowed him to keep and serve them faithfully until that life is used up. In his mind, he deserves nothing more and ought to be happy to be given the opportunity to exist and serve.
Heinrix is extremely self-concious about his appearance.
We get a hint about this in Act 5 when talking to Tanakia, a member of Calcazar's retinue. She mocks him by talking about the attention he paid to his hair and eyes, a sore point for Heinrix considering that, by the time he joined the Inquisition, he's lost an eye and had a chunk carved out of his head in order to remove various implants.
During his romance scene in Commorragh, he refers to himself as a "maimed freak" and talks about how he used his biomancy to repair his damaged cranium and eye in order to "look more like a human again."
If you're romancing Heinrix, he even leaves after you release him in the Anatomical Opera. When you find him in the Pit, he talks about how he didn't want the others, or the RT, to see him in the condition he was in.
Considering his childhood as a noble on a Knight World, care for appearance would be something strongly instilled within him. Knight Worlds are feudal worlds with highly aristocratic societies, so the concept of presenting a buttoned-up and well-kempt appearance would be important for children of noble families.
Heinrix talks about spending years working to reconstruct his eye, which I think also hints at him having a fastitidious and perfectionist personality. I have a personal headcannon that he dislikes the fact he wasn't able to perfectly match his original eye color, and it's a sore spot for him.
Okay, this is a lot longer than I originally intended for it to be. I've got more, but need to stop turning this man over and over in my head and get some actual work done.
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the-wayward-arc · 3 months ago
Mysteries of the 11th part 1
The lost 100; a company of Remnant Knights and Ruby vanished at the height of the heresy when they discovered an ancient Xenos weapon with terrible destructive power. Ruby and her company blind jumped into the warp as Traitor forces had come for the weapon as well, they were never seen again.
The Rose Vaults; five different vaults scattered all over the Remnant sector that are said to contain marvelous feats of technology, created by Ruby. Weapons, armor, and vehicles based upon recovered STC fragments but a rumor states that the true treasure within each one is said to contain whole complete STCs recovered in the sector. However, no one knows for sure as Ruby destroyed all knowledge of their locations due to what was within each vault, the only known set of coordinates and means to unlock them are held by the current High Artificer, Cyrus. The mechanicum has strived to find these lost Vaults with no such luck, as the Chapter and it's successors hinder them at any given time. Even rogue traders have not been allowed to search for these fabled vaults. Any that do manage to get their way into sector have mysteriously vanished.
Klithis Prime Incident: Jaune along with a company of Marines, discovered a world where an ancient xenos civilization had lived. The world was dead, no signs of life whatsoever on its surface but yet planetary scans were showing life signs under the planet in a specific location on the world. A temple of sorts with an entrance leading deep underground, Jaune and 100 Marines entered to investigate. Days later, Jaune emerged, carrying a few wounded Marines while others fired back into the entrance as they ran out, covered in black "blood" of sorts. Jaune ordered a planetary strike on the entrance. Only 12 Marines came out with him and he has never spoken of what They found. Only that he ordered the location said world expunged from all records and three battleships to orbit the planet. The ships commanded by the surviving Astartes that venture below, order to watch the world. Even during the heresy, these ships never left their posts and fire at the planet a total of 9 times since their time orders were given. To this day, no one knows what happened below and why these ships never leave or what they are firing at.
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thamechanist · 1 month ago
So I ported over the core(i.e. microcontroller & programming) from my last heretek staff to the new one...and it appears to have worked?
Got the all important demonic voice, and most of the lights for the chaos star. Hopefully it won't be too much of a challenge to get the last two lights & the eye lights working
Then it just needs sealing up with it's battery & switch in time for Megacon London on Saturday
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farsight-the-char · 1 year ago
Apparently a newer White Dwarf issue did another series of pages dedicated to hyping up the Darkmech and Vashtorr.
Apparently there has been a rise in Tech Heresy and sightings of Warp Mechanicum forces, some directly under Vashtorr's authoirty. The completion of Wyrmwood is attributed to this.
Iron Warriors and Black Legion particularly among the Chaos Marines, for obvious reasons.
Other quotes and stuff from across the Galaxy...
and interestingly, warp tainted Ironkyn, and a Battlesuit turning against it's cadre because of sabatoge.
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farsight-the-char · 10 months ago
It mentions Soulgrinders which might mean those meme machines might get moved to CSM?
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So now we are getting codex leaks before it even is time for a preorder? If this escalation continues in a year we get leaks before the book even goes goes to print. I just wish GW would swap to free digital rules aready, would make them look a lot less stupid.
Overall that detachment looks fairly tame for everything that is not a Maulerfiend. Because that's what it is: you play 3 Maulerfiends, and probably 2 Forgefiends supported by a boosted Warpsmith holding down the main firing lane, and maybe some Venomcrawlers. It might be a lot more spicy if Obliterators get changed from infantry to Demon Vehicle, there that +1 to wound definetly does some work, but as it stands now it is a fairly lame detachment as it realistically buffs only half of your army.
Moving and especially charging through walls with Maulerfiends is essentially all that matters. You will not spend command points on anything else.
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professor-doc-emeritus · 2 months ago
possible readings of the admech:
1 - admech rituals don't work and aren't necessary. imperium tech largely works based on a combination of dumb luck, ork-esque psychic gestalt fields generated by humanity's collective belief in it, and the efforts of the handful of heretic priests who worked all this out and now do all the imperium's actual IT/maintenance work in secret. The majority of the imperium, and the adeptus mechanics itself, still believe in the rituals wholeheartedly.
2 - admech rituals do work and are (mostly) necessary, but only because they are obfuscations of actual technical work, e.g. the application of sacred oils and incense is just an elaborately ritualized method of getting rusty old machines lubricated regularly, binaric prayers work because they actually contain bundles of voice commands to activate onboard error handling programs in most Dark Age of Technology artifacts, and "machine spirits" are just ancient and ornery onboard AIs that take pity on the occasional tech priest asking for help. This status quo is an unintentional side effect of millenia of collective trial and error; virtually all members of the admech genuinely believe in the cult mechanicus & are unaware there's any material benefit to their rituals.
3 - same as the above, except the admech are (or at least used to be) in on the ruse. The rituals do work, for the above stated reasons, but are deliberately designed to be as mysterious, impenetrable, and terrifying as possible. The people who made them didn't believe in the omnissiah, and sufficiently well-informed members of the admech don't either, often foregoing their rituals entirely when in private or in a pinch. The median admech member understands the basic principles of technology FAR better than they let on, and the cult mechanicus in general exists as part of a massive conspiracy meant to keep humanity at large ignorant, and the control of technology exclusively in admech hands, which they use to their own nefarious ends. This fact used to be common knowledge within the faction itself, however the heresy era split, the subsequent millenia of conflict, and their own overzealous propaganda have all eroded their collective memory. The truth is now only known to its highest ranking and longest-lived members, and is doled out on a need-to-know basis to a select few. This is why most tech priests that feature in the books and video games unironically believe in the omnissiah: they haven't yet been told the truth.
4 - admech rituals do work and are necessary, and the spiritual aspect of it is at least partially true, but this is only because the omnissiah is actually a manifestation of Mag’ladroth the Void Dragon, C'tan god of technology and Aeldari god of oblivion, a shard of which was defeated and imprisoned beneath the surface of mars by the emperor. This shard, either intentionally or unintentionally, influenced and warped the collective psyche of the mechanicum of mars until they became the admech we know today. Their apparent control over technology is the result of some combination of their proximity to the shard giving them aspects of its power, intentional siphoning of the shards power by the mechanicum, the shard itself lending them power as part of a long-term plan to corrupt & use the imperium as a means of revenge against the necrons that shattered it, and the Emperor's defeat of the shard granting him its domain over technology. It's this domain the Emperor won that allowed humanity to expand out and conquer the stars without their tech getting corrupted by the warp, and why technology made by other species and the machines-making-machines-that-make-machines (i.e. the men of iron) fall to the warp faster and more often than human technology
5 - the admech are just batting a thousand and are right about pretty much everything.
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brownald · 28 days ago
Hello fuck you Warhammer AU lore on your dash
The Siege of Terra was The Lion’s planned final offensive against the loyalist forces that guarded the Imperium of Man. The Lion, fighting a war of attrition, began to feel the Ruinous Powers controlling him more and more with every passing second. Knowing his time was drawing near, he tasked Roboute Guilliman with planning an offensive that would cripple the Imperium, once and for all. Guilliman devised a plan that would use warp tunnels that connected to Terra via seemingly unimportant systems, tunnels that had been discovered by the Space Wolves as they fled the burning wreck of Prospero. The Salamanders, now reduced to savage torturers that hardly resembled their once noble selves, sent envoys to these worlds that massacred any living presence that remained. Their work was dismissed by the Imperial presence at large as the work of Slaaneshi depravity, and the staging ground for the Siege of Terra was set. The Iron Hands, fighting in the Martian Civil War, began to lay preparations to conquer the homeworld of the Mechanicum once and for all using daemonic weaponry. Corvus Corax was given the difficult task of disciplining the newly-Daemonic Leman Russ using sorcery that he had learned in his endless conflicts with The Changer of Ways. He learned to control Leman as Tzeentch controlled him, using the Wolf-Lord as the same puppet he was to the divine. The Heretic Legions were ready to wage war on Terra, and kill the Emperor where he stood.
However, Konrad Curze had foreseen such an incursion with his prophetic vision, and had rallied all the forces of the Imperium at his disposal to the defense of these warp tunnels. Loyalist Imperial Fists had been conducting War Games with the Iron Warriors in the Imperial Palace in order to ensure any assault made on the palace would be repulsed, any advance made by the traitor legions halted. The Night Haunter had set his sons the task of disciplining the criminal underbelly of Terra into a fighting force to stall an attack, and had amassed an army of scum and gangers to defend Holy Terra. Fulgrim, after fighting newly awakened Necrons in deep space, was returning to Terra as fast as he could manage with his broken legion. The Luna Wolves, still ashamed of their weakness, had positioned themselves right outside the warp tunnel that led to Terra as penance for their failures. Horus had reluctantly accepted the aid of 2,000 Custodians and Sisters of Silence in this endeavor, though he thought himself unworthy of their help.
Such was the state of the Leonine Heresy, before the Siege of Terra began.
How the battle began is not recorded, but much is known of its ending. A month of war and conflict had raged on the planet, and little had come of it. The Dark Angels, aided by their Primarch and the Heretical Imperial Fists led by Sigismund, had laid siege to the Imperial Palace on all sides. The Blood Angels, so dearly deluded by their own minds, had thrown themselves in droves at the walls of the palace to no avail. The Custodians, steadfast in their conviction, had held the endless tides of Daemons summoned by the Psykers of the traitor legions for an apparent eternity. Alpharius, one head of the Alpha Legion, had been slain in apparent cold blood by Mortarion. Despite this, Omegon still remained to wreak havoc behind the lines of the Loyalist regime. Magnus, leading his legion of sorcerers, had begun battle with the Space Wolves, and was approaching victory. It was his one complaint that Leman Russ was not there so that Magnus may slay the Daemon Prince for good. To most, Leman Russ vanished, nowhere to be found. However, the Traitor Primarchs knew the truth, as Leman Russ was puppeted by Corvus Corax into doing battle with Konrad Curze. Though the Night Haunter fought valiantly, he was no match for the combined might of a Daemon Primarch such as Leman, and the sorcery of one such as Corvus Corax.
Meanwhile, Roboute Guilliman used his Legion to fight the Solar Auxilia stationed on Terra, understanding the threat they posed if allowed to continue. However, Horus sought redemption for his failure to save his homeworld from the Heretics, and so he met Guilliman on the field of battle. Aided by the Solar Auxilia, Horus and the Luna Wolves slew the Ultramarines to but 1,000 men and took Guilliman prisoner, intending to detain the XIIIth against his better judgment.
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soraka-in-warhammer40k · 30 days ago
Now that GW has revealed the EC coming to the game, there is only one real faction left to join the party: Dark Mechanicum, essentially the Chaos-equivalent to regular AdMech.
But instead of just making them "Skitarii, but spikey", wouldn't it be interesting if they want into an entirely different direction? The Mechanicus are very "metal and physics" based in their theming - what if instead we push the "DarkMech" more towards an entirely different field of science, such as biology?
"The certainty of steel" Vs. "Life, uh, finds a way"
There is just one problem: the bio-horror theme is already extensively covered. We have the demonic mutations in CSM, the entirety of GSC, and the Nids in general in terms of "living monster". All seems to be covered except one thing: botanical horror. There is not a single plant-based faction in 40k, despite that always having been a staple in fantasy. In this case however combined with a healthy dose of "warp bullshit".
Imagine weaponizing Kudzu to make it grow even faster and also mutate it so it can bite and eat people...
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farsight-the-char · 1 year ago
I bet Mechanicum will get a larger release both in 40k and 30k, probably some overlap, with their Robots. Likely as part of a Warzone in 40k, likely by next year.
Dark Mechanicum ??? Depends on what GW does with Vashtorr in the near future.
Custodes????? Their codex is coming up soon. We will see.
With the Solar Auxiliary getting plastics, this makes me wonder about the two and a bit other mostly resin factions, Mechanicus/Dark Mechanicus and Tallons of the Emperor.
Will they get plastic?
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Oceans of Change
Past =-= Next
Author's note:
Summary: Jophiel is on Ancient Terra... what will he get up to?
Warnings:... Unhealthy coping mechanisms. A bit of Panic Attack. Let me know if I need to add anything.
Tagged: @barn-anon, @bleedingichorhearts, @c-u-c-koo-4-40k, @egrets-not-regrets, @kit-williams
Tagged: @sleepyfan-blog, @whorety-k
How Jophiel came to Ancient Terra, to his complete and utter shame was that he'd fallen to the Black Rage during a fight against Xeno-scum. The Tyranids had been hunting on one of the far flung Imperial Worlds, he had his company of blood angels had been sent to fight and beat back the Xeno threat. Handling the Red Thirst was something he'd grown up with denying and only supping on the blood of others as little as possible without going into a Frenzy.
He'd been taught, and it had been firmly taught by the Mechanicum how to deny his disgusting and unholy cravings as best as possible. How to use his Siren-like songs and looks to lure in enemies to lure them to their doom. To have them murmur their Truths into his ears, or to be slain. How to only drink just enough blood that the ever-present hunger doesn't have him sink his unsightly fangs into a Loyal citizen or Cousins's neck or wrists.
He's heard… plenty of things from the older brothers on how they can, and do satiate the thirst, and his cheeks sting bright red at some of the things he's heard them say they do. How pleasurable it can be for the person in question, as well as them. He shakes his head and continues to glide in the water. He blinks the spots out of his vision stopping as he sways a little. This new world that he's landed on, somehow, after falling to the Black Rage and slaying as many enemies as he can, before dying, or more likely, being culled by his older brothers was confusing. Using the Warp was so much harder. It took far more of his energy to hide his wings.
Fuck, that is the only thing he can do, and it's been really, really hard. Sometimes the illusion hiding his wings is failing, much to his complete terror and panic at that. The first time it had happened he'd panicked, and he'd nearly torn his wings from his back, only cold practicality of doing that wouldn't help him. Another issue that he's having his that his wretched, cursed, mutation is dropping feathers at an alarming rate.
So while he knows there are other Space Marines around, he's been avoiding them as much as possible. He'd fallen to the black rage, and somehow, survived and had come to… what he'd learned, from learning some of the local (and very strange) language of the local base line humans is Terra- Ancient Terra. How he'd landed here he doesn't know. And that is a whole basket of eggs that he'll have to handle latter. He'd overheard from some of the humans that he listens to that there is going to be a shoal of Space Marines passing by. He absolutely doesn't want to be noticed by them.
Regardless of alignment. Hearing that there are Loyalist, Renegade and Chaos Marines on this Ancient, Holy Terra had his mind blank and he'd snapped out of it a few moments later and half of his feathers had been pulled out and he'd barely managed to keep his clawed hands from pulling out more feathers. He needs to get a handle on himself. He's better than this.
He takes in a couple of deep breaths as he rubs his face as he stuffs the feathers into the pouch. It's getting far too full. He needs to find a place where he can make a fire to burn the feathers. He glares at the feathers in his hand, they, to an outsiders view, are pretty, long, white and almost glowing in the water and sunlight. Why? Why did the Mechanicus allow him to live instead of cull him when his wings first started to develop? He's never had the courage to ask them, and now he will be entirely unable to.
He needs to continue moving, as he shoves the fistful of feathers into his pouch and has his wings closed shut on his back as he swims in the water, unaware that he'd wrenched the feathers out too harshly and a trickle of blood is flowing, like a trail, a beacon in the water. He notices it after a few hours and curses his own foolishness as he finds a small uninhabited island to swim through the air on and try to find something to make a fire to burn the damned feathers. He will try and weave the illusion on his wings and hide them. Just… He needs to… rest. He's been swimming for so long. And the failed weave of the illusion had taken a heavy toll on his energy levels. Jophiel hasn't slept in… in a long time, but as a Primaris Marine he doesn't need to sleep often.
He's gone longer without rest, food for far longer. He.. can… endure. He will. He must endure. He opens his eyes in alarm, the sun which had been high and hot in the sky was dipping down below the Horizon. Jophiel had wasted so much time sleeping! Oh Throne. He needs to get supplies together to make a fire and burn the excess feathers. He knows that the humans find the feathers pretty and he can try and trade things for them. But it has to be the smallest of the feathers, anything too large and… his brothers and cousins might notice and then… he really doesn't want to know what might happen if they did find the suspiciously large feathers.
Nothing good. Not for the human who had them, and not if they tried to seek out who had those feathers to begin with. After burning the feathers he rubs his face and continues to swim in the water, he's so thirsty. He's so hungry, the gnawing in his belly and the dryness of his throat has him coughing a little as he shakes his head. No- he has to continue on. He grabs some of the rations in one of his other pockets and eats some of the nutri-paste. Just enough to have the gnawing in his stomach lessen back to acceptable levels. He can't eat too much, otherwise he won't have more for future meals.
He notices a large boat, human made, it looked more like a pleasure cruiser, rather than something military. Curious he watches the boat from under the water. He sees the base line humans wander about the ship. It looks… they look like they are having fun as he swims closer, careful and curious. He sees a bunch of children running around one of the decks laughing and playing, before one of them slips and his hearts plunge in his chest as they fall over the side of the ship. He blinks and the child is in his arms.
He's gently cradling the child in his arms and is swimming in the air, the humans are staring at him. Oh no. That's not. The human child is staring at him with wide eyes and gently reaches out to touch his face, before their eyes drift to something behind him and his hearts sink to his stomach as the child reaches out and touches his wings. Fuck! The illusion broke again. More humans have gathered at the side of the boat where he is at and are staring at him.
This is bad, this is really bad as he gently sets the child down on the deck of the ship, a couple of older humans rushing over-they look like they are related to the little human as they look between him, his wings and their child. He puts a finger to his helmet, near where his lips would be in a shushing motion as he dives back into the water, unaware of one of his larger, primary feathers falling out of his wings and softly floating in the air, the child reaching out and grabbing the feather with wide, awed eyes.
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askthecaptaingeneral · 7 months ago
"Will they even believe it to be me?" He asked
The Mechanicum was so deeply devout that surely his ten thousand year absence would have warped and twisted the image of him in their minds. Kusig Alad was a man mythicized, and the image of him that stared judgingly from the frescoes and stained glass windows was so far removed from the man he was so as to be a different person entirely. They might think him a witch or daemon bearing their Holy Emperor's form, for no god of theirs would act as he did.
“All you must do is play the part of their god. The void dragon remains unknown, and with the backing of the Custodes, they must believe you.” He said simply.
“None of them have been alive since the beginning, they have no reason to believe you acted any different unless you wish to break the deal.”
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farsight-the-char · 2 years ago
I hope for Chaos Knights at least they give options for "Men-at-arms”/Cultists in the next book, and/or maybe Darkmech support.
I'm very disappointed that Games Workshop have neglected to create a Combat Patrol box for my faction when it would be so incredibly easy to do so. So instead, here is my proposal:
Imperial Knights Combat Patrol: 20 Sir Hekhturs
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