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montimer · 1 year ago
angsty as heck but can we get hqas joker catching reader self harming. you don't have to do this if you're uncomfy obviously but if possible, could he have a negative reaction about it at first (angry, concerned). i love angst i apologize 😭
Ofc! It's ok i allow angst/gore.
Hqas!Joker catching reader doing self harm
Warning:self harming, he has a bad reaction at first,gore/angst
Im not good at writing comfort so bare w/ me lol
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He would be very surprised at first and concerned.
Then he gest mad, not at you but to what you did. And you never told him?
He'll start complaining while going in circles around the room.
This angry persona quickly shuts up once he sees that you are upset.
He doesn't know what to do these times so he just sits next to you and puts a hand to ur shoulders.
He'll understand if you turn away, sure he can give you some space (he'll def cry himself to sleep and will beg you to let him into ur room)
But if you lean or hug him he'll gladly returne it.
Either way he'll try to 'heal' ur wounds. He'll promise you he'll be there for you.
That he will listen and you don't have to hurt yourself.
He'll also tell you now more often how much he loves you.
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charlie-morningstar666 · 1 year ago
Set Me Free
(Lyrics by me. Based on the current situation around this blog. Trigger warning:Self-Harm mention. Emotional/Mental Abuse. Nothing is really showed just a bunch of mentions)
Every time, I wake up..just to see the sunrise once more..every time, I get up…just to see the day passing again..I know I should be happy..but I can’t help to feel the opposite..soon one day, I’ll rule this hell…but for now..I…just can’t….because in the ennnddd…I can feel the voices coming inside my head..telling meee to just sufferrr…..when will this end?….
I wake up to this cell of nightmares! Chain of all the abuse I’m dealing! It’s too much to bear!..make all my scars harmless..please..set me free from this cell! I’ll do anything just to feel a little joy!…please, don’t make another comment!..don’t make another excuse! All I ever wanted is to be happy, but nowww that is gone! I JUST WANT TO BE FREE
Clock is tickling everyday..the time is moving everyday..why can’t it slow down for once so I can finally just think?…everything is moving too fast.:everything is too fast..can the pace slow down for a second?…voices are whispering…my chest is pounding…my mind is spinning like there’s no tomorrow!!..please get me out..PLEASE GET ME OUT!!
I wake up to this cell of nightmares! Chain of all the abuse I’m dealing! It’s too much to bear!..make all my scars I gain seem all painless!!..please..set me free from this cell! I’ll do anything just to feel a little joy!…please, don’t make another comment!..don’t make another excuse! All I ever wanted is to be happy, but nowww that is gone! I JUST WANT TO BE FREE
(Listen to me, dearly. Mother knows best. Do as you are told. Listen and pay attention, dearly. Soon you’ll be THE HEIR OF THE THRONE)
The pain..the stress…I cannot control….everything I do..ended up in mess..everyone I trusted..has either hurt me or I’ve hurt themmm..is this what I get..for being so kind and calm?…is this the new me..broken and in pain?….when will this pain end?….
(Don’t worry, my dear. Stop being a crybaby…you must learn how to beeee….momma’s here to make things better..listen to my v-)
I wake up to this cell of nightmares! Chain of all the abuse I’m feeling! It’s too much to bear!..make all these thoughts so painful and harmful!!!..please..set me free from this cell! I’ll do anything just to feel a little joy!…PLEASE, don’t make another comment!..don’t make another excuse! All I ever wanted is to be happy, but nowww that is gone! I JUST WANT TO BE FREE
(All I ever wannteeeddd-)
Please set me free!!
(-Is now a memory)
Stop this and do it please!
(I hope you enjoy the lyrics. Spend a lot of this. If you wanna analysis this or draw a fanart or whatever. As long as you credit me, we shouldn’t have a problem. Have a good day everyone)
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kaisooficrec · 7 years ago
No Happy Ending Fest 2018 - round 2
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No Happy Ending fest is back for a round 2! They are back to serve us more wonderful angst. This fest is centered around fics that just pull at our heart strings. Make sure to leave kudos and comments on the fics! Here are the kadi fics from this round:
Genre: Heavy angst Rating: PG-13 Length: 3,677 Summary: They are supposed to be soul mates. Jongin is supposed to love Kyungsoo. He doesn’t.
You Were Here
Genre: Angst  Rating: M Length: 17,673 Summary: This life has twists and turns. But it’s the sweetest mystery, when you’re with me.
Breathe Again 
Genre: Non!au, angst Rating: PG Length: 6,276 Summary: Jongin’s world comes crumbling down when Kyungsoo suddenly collapsed amidst their exhilarating activities.
Genre: Angst Rating: PG-13 Length: 41,135 w Summary: As Jongin moves from city to city, from one country to another, he finds a home from a boy named Kyungsoo who kept his heart in the desert.
This Time
Genre: Angst, Supernatural Rating: PG-13 Length: 2,713 w Summary: This time, it’s Jongin who can’t remember.
Paint Me
Genre: Angst Rating: PG-13 Length: 13,091 w Summary: Something was horribly wrong, and as Jongin blinked in hopes of holding onto the colours fading from his vision it all vanished. And just like that, everything changed. 
Counting Heart beats
Genre: Angst Rating: M Length: 16,286 w Summary: In which Kyungsoo counts Jongin's heart beats though four seasons.   
When Love Arrives
Genre: Angst Rating: G Length: 5,417 w Summary: Because when Love arrives, love was not the only four-letter word that came together with it.  
Dead To Me
Genre: Angst, TW Rating: M Length: 10,080 w Warning(s): Mental Illness, Auditory hallucinations, Suicidal thoughts, Suicide attempt, Self-harm, Domestic abuse, Mentions of violence, Dubious consent, Mentions of alcohol, Cheating, Sex, Character Death Summary: ‘I need to kill you, that’s the only way to get you out of my head.’ 
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h50fanficdirectory · 7 years ago
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kitashimei-chan · 3 years ago
Why do i fear
Warning:self harm,boy x boy x boy,sad clips,18+ clips,bullying scenes,pics arent mine credit to the owners,AND IF YOU DON'T SUPPORT THE SHIP DO NOT READ!⚠️⚠️
Pov-Your Chris and your now 20,and you live in a hotel in newyork,you would get bullied every now and then because people say "you dress like a girl" because you find it kind of comfortable in some girls clothes,but you end up meeting old "friends" who terryfied you as a kid and your still terryfied
° Note From Authour °
Hey my fellow readers,i hope your enjoying my stories so far, and this is actually my first story based of chris/Evan childhood so im very sorry if i copied anyones story so let me know if i copied someones story and i will delete the content and re-start a new story for ya'll still based on chris and his nightmares. Oh i also came to say on christmas eve i will be making a story on the afton family spending the christmas together. Enjoy my story love ya'll♡bye!
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I was making my way to the arcade to take my mind off my depression,since my mind was full of it,I accidentaly ran into two guys who looked very angry to see me
Chris-O-Oh im so sorry
Bitch#2-You think you'll get away that easily
Bitch#1-lets teach him a lesson~
The first guy kicked me in the stomach and i fell back on the ground the second one punched me in my face,then i felt something hit me in the back of my head and that one of them said Die.. then everything went black,and little did i know i was sleeping for 5 hours straight!And it was in the afternoon i looked up to see a girl reaching out her hand
???-hey are you ok?! Here let me help you up
I took her hand and standed up brushing off my cloths and brush the dirt out of my hair
Chris-Thank you so much but do i know you?
The girl looked at you with a surprised face like she saw a Frappuccino sitting right in front of her,then her face turned angry as heck
She shaked me back and foward and then it hit me-IT WAS MY OLD CHILDHOOD FRIEND CASSIDY!
Cassidy-Took you long enou-
I hugged her so tight,she strangled to push me off
Chris-oh yeah sorry
Cassidy-so how are you doing so far
Chris-fine you?
Everything was going so good until she asked that one question
Cassidy-Chris i want to ask you something...
Chris-sure what is it?
We both stopped at the entrance of the hotel were she asmed me a question that almost drained my blood
Cassidy-do you still belive in your nightmares...
I was so stunned and shock, I-I didn't know what to say,so i just answered out of fake courage
Chris-Ofcourse Not! Nightmares Aren't real dumby!
Cassidy let's out a loud laugh as we both entered the lobby,It made me happy to see her laugh,but i know that deep down inside me,there was still a large amount of fear for my childhood nightmares,but i wanted to see her reaction if i said i didn't fear them anymore
Cassidy-Well cya weirdo
Me and cassidy lived on seprate floors of the building,so we both took seperate elevators,i lived on the forth floor,while cassidy lived on the third floor,i walked up to my hotel room door to open it
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I stepped inside and closed the door behind me,i went to the bathroom and washed my face still thinking about cassidys question
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I started to hilusinate(sorry if it was spelt wrong)everything back in the past....
I remebered a type of music started to play and it sounded broken and scary...
Chris-OH NO!
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The door creeked open and i immediatly ran under the sheets....and then i saw Nightmare he was the leader of the nightmares and he always seemed to be scaring me,including Goldie
Nightmare-Foolish boy~
And then suddenly he jump scared me and then everything went black...and then another vision appeared infront of me and it was when the traggic accident happened,My Birthday....
Past Micheal-Do you guys think it's really a good idea...
I could see mikey's face expression looking sad and depressed
° Note From Authour °
Ok so i know that you guys would expect me to know mikeys friends name but...I actually don't...so please don't hate in comments,because im going to randomly name them so please don't hate,now back to the story bai♡
Then over across the pizzeria,i saw Gregory doing something behind fazbear,i went over to him and i saw him loosing the springlocks on fazbears mouth
Omg i couldn't belive it,THIS DUDE WAS A TOTAL PHYSICHO!,and then i saw my past self surrounded by mike and his friends including Gregory...
And then it happened...The traggic disaster of my birthday accident...
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When i completely snapped out of my whole pass,I Was so sad,so,so,so Sad to see myself diening,i pushed the bathroom door oppened and headed to the kitchen and took up a knife and i began to cut myself repeatidly saying "Why do i fear"
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I couldn't stop cutting myself.....because i was trapped like a prisoner
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Inside my own mind and past,not able to re-wind time....
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Stuck in one spot constantly standing in my own blood dripping from my arms the knife still running deep through my flesh cutting through deeper and deeper,i couldn't stand my suffering,i was crying but not frowning,i was telling the truth even though i was lieing,i am Depressed
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I froze when i heard someone gasped behind me,i turned around seeing that it was nightmare chica....i started to cry and stutter
Chris-N-N-Nightm-mare c-chica...NO!IT CAN'T BE TRUE!
Then i felt someone take the knife from me and hugged me from behind
NT.Foxy-Don't do this to us lad...we can't bare to see you hurt yourself
NT.Freddy-H-Hey calm down!
I tried catching my breath,i didn't have anymore eczema pumps,and i barely could have breath
Goldie-WERE IS HIS @#$%*@^ PUMP!
Everyone sounded far away and the last image i saw was Goldie and Nightmare arguing with everyone,and a few seconds i fell asleep...
°•▪︎Next Day▪︎•°
I woke up the next day to find 8 sort of teddybears on my bed and 6 were in the closet on the floor,while 2 were on the bed beside me,I leaped out of bed looking under the bed,in the closet,in the shower,and in the kitchen and i couldn't seem to find them anywhere
Chris-B-But they were here just last night,where could have they gone...
A message came up on my phone and i immediaetly rushed over to pick it up,which i had to lean over on the pillow-sized black bear to reach my phone,because it was behind it
Chris-finally after that struggling between that bear,now lets see whats going on with my phone
Nightmare pov-he literally pressed his body against me,without even moving me,why do i feel like he did it on purpose
Chris-oh cassidy wants to meet up at a Cafe,sounds good but...
Goldie pov-What is he thinking about in his innocent mind?
Chris-I don't wanna leave them here,What if someone steals them?
Goldie-Then we'll kill them~
Goldie-ofcourse I do
Chris-am i going insane or am i going mad
Goldie-no,your going crazy
Chris-!!!HOW DARE YOU!
Goldie-then what do you want me to say~
Chris-0///////0 Why did they make a teddybear to flirt
Goldie-why did you just describe me hot~
Chris- >\\\\\\\\\\\\<I can't take this anymore I'm going to meet cassidy,and don't do anything stupid
Nightmare-ok bye cutie~
I dashed out the hotel witha red face ever,I stoped at a certain distant and turned around and looked at my hotel window-AND I FREAKING SAW NIGHTMARE AND GOLDIE AT THE WINDOW! I felt shivers down my spine but i just remebered that i still had to meet cassidy,so i dashed to the cafe,were i met an angry Pomeranian
Chris-I'm sorry ok
Cassidy-i didn't come to meet you here,just to be angry i actually came here to show you that a big festival is keeping in the town and majority of the people are going including our hotel
Chris-woah,that sounds cool but...
Cassidy-don't tell me your not going...
Cassidy-What is it that's not letting you leave?!
I couldn't give her an excuse because she would have told me i was lieng so i had no choice....
Chris-i know.....
Cassidy -ooooh a golden one
I found my self junp on the bed hugging the two teddys,and i had a strict expression that almost made cassidy faint
Cassidy-C-C'mon chris I-I just wanna touch it
Cassidy-O-Ok and i just wanted to say that i overheard some kids gossiping on you about on how your a gay freak and i was like thats totally fake chris would never be gay
Chris-oh...I-I'll be right back...
Cassidy pov-*I probably shouldn't have said that but he'll get over it right...but ima touch chrises teddys when he leaves da room*
As i walked into the kitchen,I suddenly broke down and cried and the weird part was that i didn't know what for...I took up a knife and started cutting myself again...meanwhile in my room = p
Cassidy-There so soft♡
Nightmare-Thank you
Cassidy-huh? I thought i heard one of them talk?
Goldie-ofcourse you did
Cassidy-h-how can you talk?
Nightmare-well you do know chris had nightmares right?
Goldie-Actually we are his nightmares~
The pillow-sized teaddy literally turned into nightmare and cassidys jaw dropped,and then goldie through her up
Goldie-do you belive us now?
Cassidy-yes,Yes! Just put me down please!
Goldie-As you wish~
Cassidy landed on the floor with a loud Thud but as expected i didn't hear it because i was too busy cleaning up the blood that dripped off my arms,and thought she was doing it for fun,meanwhile in the room cassidy was talking to my two tall and oddly hot nightmares
Cassidy-So your telling me you followed chris for twenty years and he didn't know?!
Goldie-and we just wanted to say sorry for everything
Nightmare-so we mostly came to say sorry
Goldie-Along with something else~
Cassidy pulled on their ears and firmly gripped them like they were some ragdolls arm and pulled them both down to her height were she told them
Cassidy-Listen to me and listen to me carefully you make sure to NOT enter his body with any part of your body,and don't even think that he's yours just you wait chris is hard to get,belive me ive tried...,but thats not what were focusing on right now,all im saying is DO NOT LET ANYONE TOUCH CHRIS OTHER FROM YOU GUYS!DO.YOU.UNDER.STAND.
Goldie-yes ma'am...
Cassidy-good. Now...you can do whatever you want with him just...be his friend too okay?
Cassidy-please take care of him....
Cassidy came out of my room and nightmare closed the door then turned to Goldie with a worried face,but just then I was coming back
Both nightmare and Goldie turned back into their teddy forms,and i came back in the room looking all dull and my eyes were nothing but dark
Chris-Oh cassidy did say she was leaving...were are the other 6 teddys
I got up of the bed and tripped on the ground and my hands were shaking
Chris-Damn it...i got up too fast
I saw a note in the closet and when i read it i could belive it!
¤The Note¤
Dear Chris,
The teddybears that you saw earlier,it was actually your nightmares,we wanted to say goodbye before we left but we didn't have time,We already spoke to nightmare and Goldie they already know were leaving and i saw when you cut yourself in the kitchen a while ago....so take care of youself and tell Nightmare and Goldie they were good leaders.
¤Your Kind Nightmare's¤
NT.Chica and Bonnie
I dropped the note and turned around and stred at the two teddybears casually sitting on my bed and then i look bcak at the note and then i relized
Goldie-What ya doing chris~
Chris pov-EEEEEEK!
Chris-haha...nothing G-Goldie and Nightm-mare...
Nightmare-Shall i explain to him goldie?
After explaining i fully understand and we were friends....5 weeks passed at it ws time for the festival i didn't wanted to go i found it more funny to do something for my nightmares~
Goldie-Hey chris look at those cool lights!
Nightmare-.....Goldie remove his sheet
Goldie-got it!
Chris-Like what you see~
Chris-oh cmon dont be shy~
Chris-less talking more fucking
Chris-Shut up and fuck me already!
And i couldn't walk for 3 weeks but i was fine and we ended up having a kid called Christipher and he was 6 years old
I hope ya'll enjoyed hope you guys have a great evening,day or night,I promise to post a mystical christmas story for ya'll now bai!
Love you my little music notes♡
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hiitsbee · 4 years ago
Dark Mark | D.M.
Mini series
Draco Malfoy x Female Hufflepuff reader
Warning:self harming,blood,anger,sad content.
Summary:Sixth year. Draco has been acting strange recently and you wonder why,until,one day,you find out he got the Dark Mark and he’s so scared that he’s not even able to think lucidly. You decide you would never leave him alone anymore.
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You sat next to Hermione in the Hogwarts courtyard. It was spring and flowers had just bloomed on threes;a soft breeze made some strands of your hair fly out from the massy bun you had fastly made before attending your Divination class.
<<You’ve been so quiet lately,is everything okay?>> Hermione asked as your eyes met <<It is>> you said,opening the book in your hands while looking at Draco who was just sitting alone in one of the cloisters courtyard,staring to a non defined point in front of him.
<<You’re lying. I guees it’s about Draco. I told you that dating him was the worst thing you could do,and now look at yourself>> Hermione mumbled <<Listen Herm. Something’s wrong with him. I’m sure. He’s been acting strange lately and he’s been avoiding me! He has never avoided me,never!>> you reply <<Talk to him. He’s right there>> <<I’m scared>> <<Scared of what?>> <<Scared of him not telling me what’s going on;he generally doesn’t hide anything from me but I know he’s good at it. He will just change the topic or being silent>> <<You’re thinking too much,Y/n,just talk to him and see what happens,but do it now or you’ll lose a great chance>>. You nodded and walked towards the boy.
<<Hi Draco>> you said softly,the Slytherin lifted his head up <<Sorry I’m busy>> he muttered,standing up as he wanted to walk away,but you stopped him by holding his wrist <<Talk to me,please. I miss you. What’s happening Draco? You’re not yourself anymore>>. Draco shrugged his shoulders and rudely pushed you away <<Get away. I’m tired of you. You bother me too much Y/l/n>>.
Your heart cracked at those words,but deep down you knew he was lying. You could understand it by the little crack his voice had when he said those words. He didn’t really believe in what he said.
You were ready to reply when he just walked away,leaving you there. <<Follow him>> Hermione reached you,resting her hand on your shoulder. She was right:you couldn’t let him go like this,not after everything you shared. The night talks,the day jokes,the trips to Hogsmeade,the cuddles in front of the fireplace and the study sessions in the library. The boy you loved was slipping away and you were doing absolutely nothing to get him back.
You nodded and followed him. You were sure he was going to his bedroom,when something was wrong he had always hidden there to spend some time alone.
You entered the Slytherin common room,all the students were staring at you strangely because you weren’t meant to be there,but you ignored them and went straight to Draco’s prefect room.
The entrance door was ajar so you entered and decided to close it behind you. A muffled noise,almost a moan of pain,was coming from the bathroom. You were so scared to open the door,but you had to;Draco wasn’t feeling good and you must help him.
You slowly held the door handle and pushed it to open the door. Once you saw Draco you were left speechless and breathless,you were completely petrified.
He was standing in front of the sink,his Hogwarts sweater thrown on the floor beside him,and his face was pale like never before. Tears were coming down from his eyes as he was in a sob of despair;blood all around him,staining the sink,the floor and even his clothes,while the water was flowing down from the tap,slowly wetting the entire bathroom.
<<Draco!>> you yelled grabbing his arms,noticing that his forearm was heavily bleeding <<Leave me alone!>> he yelled back in a broken voice,wagging to get free from your grip <<Shut up Draco,you need help!>> <<I don’t need anything,anything! Let me go,let me die. For once in a lifetime let me do whatever I want>>. The boy had completely lost his wits <<I won’t let you kill yourself!>>. You both were now yelling against each other,fighting to decide who should be the winner while the water was still flowing from the tap,making everything more wet,including your shirt and your skirt.
Draco pushed you,making you hit your back against the bath and then he fell back as well,hardly sobbing while the injury of his forearm kept bleeding <<Draco,listen- >> you tried to stand up and talk but the boy did it first <<Get the fuck out from here!>> <<I’m not!>> you yelled back once again.
The bathroom became suddenly silent. The Slytherin was glaring at you with burning teary eyes. You stood up and closed the tab which was making you crazy and took a napkin,while Draco leaned against the wall,his back slipped along it until he sat on the ground,crossing his legs and closing his eyes.
You slowly went closer to him,kneeling to reach his height <<Let me see>> you whispered,holding his arm and blotting the injury he made to himself <<You need to see Madam Pomfrey>> you said <<I won’t>> he answered with a cold voice. You sighed,cleaning his forearm and noticing something which emotionally destroyed you:the Dark Mark.
You tried not to make any noise come out from your mouth,you pretended not to see it so Draco could calm down without feeling judged,but he wasn’t dumb and he knew how you were feeling.
<<I don’t want to be evil>> he cried out <<You’re not Draco>> you answered,hugging him.
His back was now laying on your chest while his head was resting on your shoulder. Draco wasn’t able to stop crying,otherwise he cried louder and louder every second. You didn’t say anything,you caressed his sweaty forehead and pushed back some hair which were covering his face. You wanted to cry with him but you couldn’t,you leaned your back against the bath and held Draco,leaving kisses on his head. <<It’s gonna be alright,you’re not evil,I know it Draco. You’ll go through this,we’ll go though this. Things get always better sooner or later>>. The boy didn’t answer,he just sinked his face into the cloth of your shirt,breathing heavily and shaking as the panic filled his whole body.
Once Draco calmed down you disinfected the wound and dressed it with some bandage Draco told you he had on the medicine cabinet of the bathroom,then you helped him standing up.
<<Change those wet clothes>> you said opening the boy’s wardrobe while he was sitting on the bed <<Take the green sweater on the right for you,you’re wet too>> he replied in a breath of sound. His eyes were red and his face was showing all his tiredness <<Don’t worry about me,I’m fine>> you smiled and sat beside him,hugging the boy once again <<You know you scared the fuck out from me,right? I thought I was going to lose you>> <<I’m sorry...>> he muttered,resting his chin on your head <<It’s ok-you wiped one tear-you’re here now. That’s what matters. Now change please,you are drenched>>. A weak smile appeared on Draco’s lips and then he started unbottoning his shirt.
Once you both had changed you laid on Draco’s bed. You rested your head on his shoulder and he hugged you,falling asleep immediately. You looked at him and sighed,thanking God you had decided to listen to Hermione and follow him. You couldn’t stand such a big lost. You closed your eyes and sinked your head into the cloth of Draco’s soft sweater,sniffing the scent of cologne and apples you missed so much.
<<I love you Draco,I love you so so much. Stay with me>> you whispered.
From that day you didn’t want to leave him alone,not even for a second. You were scared he could do something else to harm himself. Everyday you checked on his injury,medicated it and took care of him,hoping to help him healing a little bit,but things weren’t so easy. Draco missed classes,often cried and didn’t want to touch his wand for days. You saw his dad often coming to Hogwarts but never realising his son was sick,and Draco obviously didn’t tell him of what he did.
Day by day the anger you had already felt towards Lucius Malfoy started increasing:every time he came and took Draco away from you with a different excuse,every time you saw the boy breaking down in your arms,you desired so much to destroy the man’s life that you knew that,sooner or later,you would confront him and yell to his face how he was ruining his son’s life.
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charlie-morningstar666 · 11 months ago
(Don’t reblog. Just for me
TRIGGER WARNING:Self Harm, Eating Disorder(mention), PTSD Triggers, and Blood)
*She failed again..did she?…she failed her family..her father again..did she?….she failed everyone*
*Charlie was in her bathroom..shaking while washing the blood off of her arms and her blade from a knife..first, she gain an eating problem from last week, then refuse to eat a bunch when she got back, and now this……what is she thinking?…she turn the sink off, before accidentally step on her hair which she fall backwards and immediately breathe heavily*
“YOU BITCH!!! You’re so fucking useless and pathetic!!” “You’re lucky I need you alive or I would KILLED you!” “He only there for YOU because he feel pity toward his disgusted offspring!”
*Charlie breathe heavily as she hugs herself..remembering all the abuse she got from Jewel. She begins to claw the walls..before-*
*Charlie look up to see Vaggie..kneeling down to her*
Another trigger?…
You…need anything?
*Charlie looks at Vaggie, before hugging herself*
You think you can….cut my hair plz?…I…don’t want to feel like someone will….pull it..
*Vaggie looks a bit surprise, but she smile and grabs a pair of scissors*
Anything for you, muy Bonita
*after a while, Vaggie finish cutting to Charlie’s shoulder*
How is this?…
*Charlie gently feel the short hair and smile*
It’s…..feel perfect…thank you
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thedistantstorm · 6 years ago
Phoenix Protocol 08
Zavala x Awoken Female Warlock | Mid/Post Forsaken | Slowburn | Gratuitous Descriptions of Light | Self-Confidence/Self-Worth Issues | Redemption | Trigger Warning:Self-Harm(canonical in nature)
When the Traveler’s Light was returned to the Guardians after the defeat of the Cabal, it did not manifest itself the same in everyone. Miyu, an Awoken Warlock, finds herself struggling with her abilities, her Light feeling different and not her own. With her Vanguard preoccupied with grief and all eyes turned to the Reef, she finds herself turning to an unlikely source in an attempt to rediscover her connection to the Light and define what it means for her as a Dawnblade.
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Her feet shift before she strikes. A gleaming sword burns through the air, sluicing droplets of water on their expedition earthbound, her blade the most perfect extension of self. No sound of breath, no shift of robes gives her away.
Instead, it is the deadly sound of metal parting the air that draws him away from quiet conversation with his Ghost. Her swordplay does not sing like the conventional kind he's both watched and faced in the Crucible; It is old, an art form long forgotten, from the remnants of a people whose scattered survivors had been assimilated into the conglomerate of people gathered under the Traveler's might.
He does not realize he's staring until his Ghost repeats herself for what he swears is (at most) the third time but she insists is the fifth or sixth.
“You're not listening,” She says. His eyes dart to her narrowed, almost pouting optic, then are torn back as the Guardian before lunges almost theatrically, poised and graceful before dropping back, sliding her sword against her chest and then sheathing it with a reverence that seems long forgotten in this day and age. “Za-va-laaa,” She whines, her voice small and quiet but shrill enough to draw his attention. “I have to give an answer to Amanda. Are you approving her order or not?”
Blue eyes blink at her, and she can see the cogs turning in his mind. He has no idea what she's asking him. “Yes,” He says, “Fine.”
White cones twitch in a silent laugh. “You just approved her refit and upgrade order totalling just over three hundred million glimmer.” He inhales sharply, eyes sparking like an arc grenade as realization crosses his features. She continues in her youthful tone. “You sure about that, Z?”
“Perhaps it would be... best, if we schedule a meeting to discuss what exactly she requires.
She chirps around another bout of laughter, audible this time. “Yeah, maybe. I'll talk to Amanda and set it up for you, since you seem pretty… whats the word? Enthralled.”
He narrows his eyes at her, their partnership too old to make him flustered over the taunt, though he clicks his tongue at her by way of reply (a sign she's somewhat unsettled him with her observation). With a final peal of laughter and a tiny, affectionate bonk of her cones against his forehead, she disappears from sight.
With his Ghost gone, he's helpless to watch as she moves through several sets of stances. During her final set, her sword glows the color of sunrise, and he feels her Light set ablaze. It's like a comet, like stars meeting their end - lonely and bright.
He finds his eyes drawn to the tensing of her hands, the way they grasp the hilt of her sword tighter than before, notices the tensing of her shoulders. It's hurting her; her own latent abilities fighting her as if she’d become their enemy.
“Miyu, stop!” Her Ghost is a beacon of concern. He cries, “Drop it!”
But, she doesn’t. Instead the Warlock shakes her head, anger and resentment blanketing her features. Her lips move, but Zavala can't hear the words. Regardless, he's compelled forward by a fellow Guardian in need.
Strong arms come around her, his chest solid against her back. “Let go,” Zavala urges quietly into her ear. “Miyu, let go.”
Still, she shakes her head. His hands cover hers, and hears him hiss when the flames lick his skin, but he does not move away, his fingers prying hers from around the flaming sword. It scorches the ground when it finally drops from their combined grip, leaving her staring down at large hands, enveloping her own.
They’re burned...
...like hers.
Her knees shake when it hits her; the damage she's inflicted upon him washing over her with the subtlety of a tsunami. “I'm sorry,” She apologies. “I'm so sorry.”
When her legs give, he follows her down, arms caged around her, mindful of their still entwined hands. Sobs wreck her petite frame with the force of an earthquake, her eyes still wide with terror, examining the damage she's inflicted to the one person willing to help her.
“Miyu,” He rumbles, pulling her back against his chest. “It's alright. I'm fine.”
She's still shaking her head in the negative when her healing rift unfurls beneath them like a pocket of sunlight.
There is something intimate about being so close to a fellow Guardian’s Light. Teaching is a practical application, and he is a man built on control. But there is no denying the heady prickle - gooseflesh from the back of his neck down, a coiling deep in his core - that comes with being exposed to the pinnacle of another’s l
He watches as her Light rectifies the damage to his hands in seconds, but takes far longer to heal her own. There is no doubt of the power behind her Light; it has been forged with great care. It is strong.
Where the pure Solar energy that consumed her blade and their hands was volatile and angry, the rift is soft and warm: more reflective of the woman trembling against him.
“Easy,” He tells her, when she scrambles to move. He can feel her fingers twitching insistently under his own; the damage done to them not really healed, at least not all the way. “Relax,” He chides. “I promise, it is alright. I'm not angry with you.”
Her Ghost gives him a very serious gaze over the top of her head. “Yu-mi, let me see,” The small being requests. “Maybe I can help.”
Zavala lifts their joined hands, tilting hers out for her Ghost's inspection. Miyu continues to cry, looking away. “You know you can't,” She says to him.
The Commander frowns.
“It doesn't mean I won't try,” Her Ghost says, by way of reply.
The beams of light do little more than warm her palms and illuminate the agitated aura swirling beneath her fingertips. Her fingers look healed. But the misfiring of the nerves tell him otherwise.
His own Ghost appears a moment later, a shimmer of Light and a beyond curious tilt of her cones not drawing any attention but that of her Guardian. He always sensed her easily. It came with time, with a strong bond.
“Adelaide,” He calls, tone rough like gravel, “Scan her hands.”
His usually cheery partner does so quietly, her cones drifting apart with both analysis and a flood of Light. The woman in his arms stills, watching the white-shelled Ghost work.
“Zavala, I… I'm sorry,” Adelaide says, quietly. Her shell twitches downward in sympathy when nothing happens. “I tried.”
The Commander nods. Miyu attempts to rise again, but without success.
“Let me go,” The dark-haired warrior requests, “Please.”
He makes a sound like he's thinking. Instead of answering her, or letting go, he asks, “How long does it last, afterward?”
“It will be fine by tonight.” Zavala watches her Ghost. His cones flinch at the scrutiny swivels in a silent negative.
Frowning, he queries, “And what will you do, until then?”
She shrugs. Her Ghost feints downward, optic narrowing darkly.
“Perhaps... attempt resurrection?”
The Warlock inhales sharply. Zavala figures it to be a confirmation.
His sigh pushes him further against her back. “Will it fix the damage?”
“Some of it.”
“I would not dare to think I know what you are feeling,” Zavala says, hands releasing hers, but resting on her shoulders. Both Ghosts watch him, concerned, scrutinous. “But perhaps tonight you should not.”
“Then what?” She turns to look at him through heavy lashes. Her moonlit gaze is limned in red, her cheeks darkened with evidence of her tears. Her aura nips beneath her skin like a spring coiled tight. “Tell me,” She pleads in a demanding whisper. “What do I do?”
The physical damage to this woman is minimal, in terms of what they endure regularly. It is nothing for her to suffer this damage on repeat. They are Guardians. It is what they do. And yet, he feels something inside him  He does not need some supernatural empathy to feel her soul crying as if it's being torn apart.
One palm moves from her shoulder to cup the back of her head, guide it to his chest. “It might be best if you allowed yourself to…” He pauses, trying to parse the proper word. “Grieve.”
She bolts from his grasp, quick, slippery, almost like lightning. She rises, eyebrows dipping. Enraged.  “Grieve?” She takes a deep breath, though it's more like a gasp than anything else. More than anger, it's panic.
“You think I'm a lost cause,” She accuses. “Don't you?” Her eyes dart to and fro between his similarly luminous irises.
He returns to his feet as well, hands our in a non-threatening gesture. “No, no, Miyu-”
“I thought you would understand,” She says, and it's more to herself than anything else. She flinches back when he inhales to speak, dipping into a low, formal bow out of habit for the version of herself seen dead centuries ago. “Thank you for-”
She won't look him in the eye, her downcast irises illuminating fresh tears on her face. “... I'm sorry to waste your afternoon.”
He takes a step forward and she bolts, so distraught she leaves her Ghost no alternative but to transmat her sword and follow.
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kaisooficrec · 7 years ago
[#TBT] SNCJ Secret Santa 2012
Another Thursday, another throwback! This week’s throwback is from 2012′s iconic round of SNCJ Secret Santa. SNCJ Secret Santa is a fic exchange where each writer is randomly & anonymously assigned to write for one another, so everyone receives a gift! 
NOTE: To access the fics, you gotta log in & go to https://sncj-santa.livejournal.com/ then click on the icon with 4 arrows to ‘Join Community’ (see image below)
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wonderstruck; this night is flawless
Author: EUPHORIAS Genre: High school!AU, Slight!angst, Smut Rating: NC-17 Word Count: 6,694 words Summary: Jongin falls in love under a freckled sky, and Kyungsoo was the well-worn path that led him back home.
When your soul embarks
Author: PERFECT_KEY Genre: ABO!Verse Rating: PG Word Count: 2,012 words Summary: It wasn’t romantic, it wasn’t a fairytale ending he had wanted, but Kyungsoo found himself falling for Jongin all the same. There was just one thing, he had always been a dominant, and all of a sudden, he wasn’t.
Overspilts (or, This is How We Étendre)
Author: TRIPMEE Genre: Ballet!AU, College!AU, Smut Rating: NC-17 Word Count: 11,259 words Summary: Kyungsoo is kind of small with huge eyes and a bright smile and he’s just so cute.
Author: ANTICOMMUTE Genre: High school!AU, Thiefs!AU, Hybrid!AU Rating: PG Word Count: 6,300 words Summary: Wherein Jongin moonlights as a cat burglar and Kyungsoo’s secret identity is a rabbit.
Music in Our Veins, Movement in Our Hearts 
Author: RIBBONSONG Genre: Street dancers!AU Rating: PG Word Count: 2,692 words Summary: They were both gravitated to dance, and dance, has unfortunately or not, gravitated them towards each other.
After All, Nothing is Painless 
Author: AURICS Genre: Angst, Romance, Rating: PG-13 Warnings: Major character death Word Count: ~14k words Summary: Pain will find a way to slip through, even when your body tries to shut it out.
so fill to me the parting glass, goodnight and joy be with you all
Author: BEEFBALLS Genre: Zombies & apocalypse!AU, Angst, Smut, Romance  Rating: NC-17 Word Count: 8,800 words Summary: Dates don’t run on the calendar, time doesn’t run on the clock. They determine the seconds, minutes, hours, days on lips to lips, on skin against skin.
Cross My Fingers, Hope to Die
Author: VANICOLA  Genre: Angst, High school!AU Rating: R Warnings: Self-harm, Cussing, Talks of suicide Word Count: 5,719 words Summary: Count the specks of cool grey on the ceiling.
A Holiday Folly
Author: K_OMOREBI  Genre: Crack, Fluff, Romance, Non-AU Rating: PG-13 Word Count: 6,100 words Summary: EXO plans a Christmas Cook-off showdown between M and K, but can the K team deliver once their star captain, Kyungsoo, refuses to help them?
Next: SNCJ Secret Santa 2013
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golden-riren · 6 years ago
Tag List
List:A List:B List:C List:D List:E List:F List:G List:H List:I List:J List:K List:L List:M List:N List:O List:P List:Q List:R List:S List:T List:U List:V List:W List:X List:Y List:Z List:Random
Riren JeanEre Eruren
Riren Doujinshi Riren Fanfiction
Complete Incomplete
Oneshot Multi-chapter
Theme:Adaption Theme:Adoption Theme:Amnesia Theme:Bonding Theme:De-aging Theme:Family Theme:Fairytale Theme:Fluff Theme:Humor Theme:Hurt or comfort Theme:Kingdom Theme:Love Triangle Theme:Magical creature Theme:Psychology Theme:Reincarnation Theme:School Theme:Omegaverse Theme:Vampire
Warning:Abuse Warning:Angst Warning:AU Warning:Bashing Warning:Bestiality Warning:BDSM Warning:Chan Warning:Cross-dressing Warning:Dub-Con Warning:Gender Bender Warning:Incest Warning:Moresome Warning:Mpreg Warning:Neglect Warning:Non-Con Warning:Omegaverse Warning:OOC-ness Warning:Rape Warning:Rimming Warning:Self Harm Warning:Slut!Eren Warning:Spanking Warning:Swearing Warning:Threesome Warning:Tragedy Warning:Violence Warning:Voyeurism
Site:Archiveofourown Site:Fanfiction Site:Mangago Site:MyReadingManga Site:Wattpad
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palewitchbxtch · 7 years ago
I feel so happy
Trigger warning:Self-harm
Recently a friend of mine who struggled with self-harm came to me crying saying she had relapsed. As someone who struggles with it myself, I understood and tried my best to be there for her as a friend. I stayed up on the phone with her and made a small bracelet with some letter beads and pink and white beads as spacers. The bracelet read, "Please Love Yourself". That night, I really didn't do anything to the bracelet, but I did charge it with a rose quartz and generally just asked that the wearer be reminded of it's message. I got a text from my friend today thanking me for making it, and telling me she hasn't had a single thought about it again. She doesn't know I did anything to it, buy honestly I just feel so happy it worked. I really love my friend and just want her to be happy, and it's things like this that make me proud to be a witch.
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h50fanficdirectory · 7 years ago
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Sock Monkey 
A heartbreaking story that deals with death.  It’s a really heavy story, so please heed warnings in tags before you read.
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ao3feed-frerard · 5 years ago
Lithium(Mikey way x OC)
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2RmzHWV
by theemohoeinyourplace
All the things that you could see in Alice, was emptiness and darkness, nothing else. Her brother, Frank, attempted everything, nothing helped... The only question that came into the guys heads was: does love fill emptiness? TW:SUICIDE ATTEMP, SELF HARM, BIT OF BULIMIA AND ATELOPHOBIA
Words: 593, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: My Chemical Romance, MCR - Fandom, Mikey Way - Fandom, Gerard Way - Fandom, Frank Iero - Fandom, ray toro - Fandom, Ryan Ross - Fandom, the holy emo trinity, emo - Fandom, Serial Killers - Fandom
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Underage
Categories: F/M
Characters: Alice Francesca Iero, Frank Iero, Mikey Way, Gerard Way, Ray Toro, Brendon Urie, Ryan Ross
Relationships: mikey way and oc, frerard - Relationship, Frank Iero/Gerard Way, Ryden - Relationship, Ryan Ross/Brendon Urie, ryan ross and oc
Additional Tags: trigger warning:self harm, Trigger warning:Suicide attempt, Trigger warning:Drugs, Trigger warning:Alcohol
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2RmzHWV
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ao3feed-ryden · 5 years ago
Lithium(Mikey way x OC)
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2RmzHWV
by theemohoeinyourplace
All the things that you could see in Alice, was emptiness and darkness, nothing else. Her brother, Frank, attempted everything, nothing helped... The only question that came into the guys heads was: does love fill emptiness? TW:SUICIDE ATTEMP, SELF HARM, BIT OF BULIMIA AND ATELOPHOBIA
Words: 593, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: My Chemical Romance, MCR - Fandom, Mikey Way - Fandom, Gerard Way - Fandom, Frank Iero - Fandom, ray toro - Fandom, Ryan Ross - Fandom, the holy emo trinity, emo - Fandom, Serial Killers - Fandom
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Underage
Categories: F/M
Characters: Alice Francesca Iero, Frank Iero, Mikey Way, Gerard Way, Ray Toro, Brendon Urie, Ryan Ross
Relationships: mikey way and oc, frerard - Relationship, Frank Iero/Gerard Way, Ryden - Relationship, Ryan Ross/Brendon Urie, ryan ross and oc
Additional Tags: trigger warning:self harm, Trigger warning:Suicide attempt, Trigger warning:Drugs, Trigger warning:Alcohol
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2RmzHWV
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kaisooficrec · 7 years ago
Any KaiSoo fics with selfharm/depression/anxiety?
[Major major trigger warning for this post] Hi lovelies, here’s some fics we found that deal with themes of anxiety, depression, and self-harm. Please head the warnings in each fic and read at your own discretion.
anxiety: (can be separately or w depression tho)
can we stop the clock - Kyungsoo is the product of anxiety and a growing obsession with the numbers on his watch. Jongin is a beautiful dancer that shies away from the spotlight. What happens when fate - or their best friends - brings the two together?(anxiety, OCD)
Not Just in Fairytales - smut, jongin is anxious caused by the unhealthy relationship with his ex and ksoo meets him in the mid of attack at the party and calms him down (subspace, D/S, Body Worship, TopSoo)
Running Home - mama au, jongin has trained all life to get accepted to Julliard but his life changes 180 degrees after he discovers he can teleport (anxiety and panic attacks)
Aberration - hs au, ksoo is a photograph and he loves taking photos of his favourite dancer jongin; unfortunately he’s a bit (a lot) socially awkward
Stomach Tied in Knots - teacher au, jongin is used to routine but that changes one day when he meets a new teacher at his school
nothing’s gonna change (my love for you) - uni au, jongin has a big big crush on his friend kyungsoo but he’s more than nervous to approach him let alone ask him out (panic attacks, insomnia)
Blind But Not Oblivious - jongin is just very socially awkward and his big crush his a popular and handsome football captain kyungsoo whom jongin cheers on the sideline in his bear costume as the school’s mascot
drowning in answers, all out of questions - Kyungsoo finds that he has a hard time caring about anything at all. He finds himself unwilling to care about his grades, his colleagues or his family. They’re not even worth the effort. Kim Jongin, however, is actually worth the effort. And so much more. (anxiety, depression)
gross - non au, tw for eating disorders (ksoo), depression. this lit just got submitted to our blog aah
The Diary of Do Kyungsoo - Soo has depression and the only good thing in his life is Jongin
le collectionneur - Jongin collects pieces of Kyungsoo, but fails to notice how he hands Kyungsoo pieces of himself in exchange. (fragile!soo and protective!jongin)
I Love You, Just Like This - Soo loves his straight BFF Jongin
French Vanilla - Jongin is divorced and unhappy til he meets Soo, who is about to commit suicide
bring back the light in my eyes - ksoo is depressed but jongin is the reason he carries on
i know you (i walked with you once upon a dream) - from bdool, depression and sleeping disorder, jongin rather than going outside dwells in his dreams and this is also where meets kyungsoo
where were you? - they both start talking regularly when jongin calls the crisis helpline. based on the song by the fray
pull me out of the deep blue -  Because Jongin is Kyungsoo’s sweet memory he keeps on daydreaming about.
where the lights are - Celebrity AU in which Kyungsoo is a well-known celebrity and Jongin is his secret lover in the shades.
Love Me - they’re married, jongin suffers from depression and there are days when he finds hard even waking up and facing the world but soo is here to distract him (comfort, emotional smut)
a good day in one hundred -Kyungsoo convinced himself that cutting would help. The rush of adrenaline, the buzz that he got after cutting, it was enough to fill the empty space in his chest. smut w body worship
edges of a broken glass - Nothing changes a man drastically more than a lust for revenge.
baby don’t cry - chaptered and ongoing, side pairings… self harm
Under Broken Glass - Soo’s past haunts him and he hurts himself to cope until he meets Jongin
An everlasting promise. - Soo constantly gets bullied both in and outside of school
Off Course - Kyungsoo moves away to another coutnry after a failed suicide attempt and he meets new people, makes new friends and there’s a boy who he likes more than a friend 
Don’t - Jongin wants to commit suicide but Kyungsoo won’t have any of that
release - :( eating disorders
Shadows - gotta balance out the fluff with some good old thriller fics ;)
strangers in a café - jongin suffers from panic attacks and selfharm but he isnt alone as he thought
House of Cards - jongin is hospitalized for a numerous attempt of hurting himself and there he meets his idol, a rising actor kyungsoo who got in an accident leaving him bound to a wheelchair (soo suffers here with anxiety and depression) 
previous fics with anxiety/depression/self-harm here. please be careful and read the warnings for all of the stories! 
- Admins I, J, W
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