kaisooficrec · 6 years
The Little Prince Fest Special (2019)
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The Little Prince Fest is back after a month with a small Valentine’s Special round! Please support by leaving comments and kudos as always ♥
Cookies (are for secrets)
Genre: Fluff, Angst, Kid AU, Superpower/Ability Rating: G Length: 12,347 w Warning: Bullying Summary: Kyungsoo has a Big Secret. Jongin has one too.
And Kyungsoo can't see what Jongin sees, and Jongin can't hear what Kyungsoo hears.
But that's alright. Because no one gets it more than they do.
[bonus]: Life Is a Slippery Slope
Genre: Kyungsoo-centric, Guardian angels AU, Drama, Angst, Modern setting, Adventure/Action, Self-love Rating: G Length: 9,377 w Summary: All guardian angels have a human version of themselves on Earth, to help them in their task of protecting people. One day, Angel!Kyungsoo receives an assignment. An odd one. The human in great danger needing protection is Human!Kyungsoo. The note at the very bottom, handwritten by God himself: ""Only you can save yourself””.”
wine and dine
Genre: Fluff, Grumpy!soo, Sweet!jognog, they are dumb and awkward god help them, Restaurant!AU, Chef!AU Rating: PG-13 Length: 3,979 w Summary: “He is not my future lover,” Kyungsoo seethes through clenched teeth, busily hurrying to prep the chicken.“Yeah, sure,” the server laughs, “With him writing you love letters every week about your food?”
Kyungsoo, an aspiring young chef, starts getting notes on his food from a particularly fussy customer.
Supposedly Not a Love Story
Genre: Arranged Marriage AU, Office AU, Mutual Pining, Mentions of minor character death, Tooth-Rotting Fluff, CEO!Jongin, Secretary!Kyungsoo Rating: R Length: 6,461 w Summary: It wasn't supposed to be a love story but it has always been. Well not to Jongin and Kyungsoo.
I Love You for A Thousand Years (and more)
Genre: Doctor AU, Slight Angst, Memory Loss, Retrograde Amnesia, Romance Rating: G Length: 3,426 w Summary: “I will never leave you. I promise that I will love you. I love you for a thousand years Kyungsoo, and more.”
Chances: The blind side
Genre: Doctor AU, Blind!Soo Rating: NC-17 Length: 9,819 w Warning: Mentioned character death, Alcoholism Summary: After losing his husband Jongin to a terrible accident, Kyungsoo is left alone in the darkness. Kai, who's drinking had gotten out of hand, realizes that the blind man is his ticket out of bankruptcy.
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h50fanficdirectory · 7 years
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