#warning for incoming vent
rappihahh · 4 days
Overthinking rn
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#warning for incoming vent#dw I'll delete this soon#i don't have wifi in my house so i probably wont be able to see if you message me for a few days#so long ago i was on this discord server#dont worry i wasn't treated badly in there or anything they were really nice to me actually#but the majority of folks there were already mutuals so i felt like I was in the background or just bothered people#since there were a lot of times when I tried to start a conversation or say something but just came off as weird or awkward#and there was this one person who was really nice to me#whenever i posted something in there that person would always respond happily to my stuff#and when I left I still followed this person on Tumblr since I really liked their stuff#however there was something#through a friend i noticed and started to pick up on certain behaviors they displayed that seemed odd#now don't get me wrong#it wasn't anything like. genuinely problematic or anything like that. it was just odd#they seemed to have a very passive-aggressive reaction towards different character interpretations while possibly contradicting themselves#like they constantly made posts about how dumb it was for people to have an interpretation different from the canon while doing so themselve#and even throwing the “clarification” that they don't mean to come off as rude while at the same time literally doing that#for example. getting mad that people were treating x character feminine side as its whole personality and drawing them really fem#while at the same time constantly doing so themselves and even praising people who call them a woman#not to hate on any headcanons obviously. but it didn't make sense to be okay with something and then mad at that same thing#and they didn't hurt my friend directly but it did come off as rude and inconsiderate#to just bash people for having their own things#and by the end i ended up unfollowing them#i constantly think if i just acted dumb for doing so#like they were probably just sharing an option and thats it#but then i think of my pal#and uhhhh idk guys#its confusing#my mind tries to convince me im just exaggerating for doing so#this topic causes turmoil in my head
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manlymothman · 1 year
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dinopepitah · 1 year
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This is a wip. I would appreciate if you do NOT reblog ;w;
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vibingforjudaism · 2 years
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randommothxd · 8 days
long vent/story time/rant:
Besides the internet,I hate interacting with people because I hate speaking and not being able to be myself
I'll aways be werid and I've come to accept that fact.
I hate speaking because it just makes me uncomfortable.idk why we can't just write what we want to say.it improves our spelling and hand writting.plus,if you have a sore-throat,you don't have to worry about people thinking you're being rude! I just hate speaking so i hate talking to people
Not only that,I hate my voice and how whenever I talk I'm aways loud.
I talk loud and fast.i spit when I talk because I talk so much and fast so it's gross so I just end up masking it by not speaking or speaking extremely slow so that I can't mess up but I'm still being annoying and I'll just never be normal!
Remember when I said I hate my voice?it's a insecurity and that's basically what i wanna talk about
This story is kinda long so sorry in advance
So,last year I met this girl named...
Mm,what should I name Ayla?... let's just call her Makeup!
Makeup used to be my friend
Last year,I was a really bad quiet kid.i would never show emotions,speak,dress up,laugh,I would cover my smile,I hated photos,I hated waking up,I wouldn't eat,and I was just very depressed at that time (still am but just different)
Until I met makeup
She was a really nice and beautiful/p extravert who brought me out of my comfort zone
She loved makeup and dressing.just a overall girly person.
She wore makeup everyday
I didn't care about that (because it doesn't matter) and just was happy to have a friend
When my depression was over,I became besties with her
We would talk everyday and hang out after school.go to places,work together and just be great friends
One day during break,she asked me "what's your biggest insecurity?"
Sense we were close friends,I trusted she would just comfort me about it and it would be all fine
"My face" I said.she asked "why?" And I said something about how I hate how ugly I am and shit like that
She didn't say anything about it after that for a couple of weeks.i thought it was werid but didn't think to much of it
This is when it gets worse:
During lunch she asked me "do you think I'm wearing makeup?" "No?"
She said "I'm wearing blush and mascara.you know,you should wear more makeup" "but I don't like makeup" "but it would make you look better" "I don't want it,I think I look pretty fine" I'm lieing when I say that but i didn't want to randomly tramua dump
The worse part,the part I remember the most:
"Girl,you literally have thick ass eyebrows!" She said
"Why would you say that...?"
"Because it's true.you're also growing facial hair! And your skin is dark (literally racism),you should put makeup on.it's for the best!"
I just stare at her silently with a disgusted face "why are you being rude?"
"I'm not!you have nice eyelashes!" I hate how people aways tell me about them.its not as good as you think
And everyday after that,she would make fun of me for my looks
I remember this in a kinda detailed way:
It was lunch again and I was eating next to her.she started to do her daily check-up on my looks (that I didn't ask for) until she said this
"Let me see your ears!"
"NO" I said very strongly.
My ears are one of my biggest insecurities
She said it again and I once again,put my foot down (kinda)
"LET ME SEE YOUR EARS" she started physically moving me so she could
being taller than her,she couldn't do much but she did actually harm me a little
She ended up yelling and getting really anger so I just let her see them
After it:
She just kept doing this until the last day of school when we got separated
We'll skip to now because what I did during summer (bedrot) doesn't matter
She's in one of my classes (how unfortunate)
She's in my paino class but that's it
I do see her during lunch and after school.when i do see her,I get extremely anxious and start to get more self conscious and think about what she did to me and how she was actually right and I'm being sensitive about this.
I get serious meltdowns over just the sight of her.why am I so overdramatic about this? I genuinely get upset everytime I look in a mirror
Kinda related:I hate my female body so much that EVERY SINGLE TIME I LOOK IN A MIRROR,I have a meltdown
Anyways,going back to where we were before:
I fucking hate Makeup (the girl) and I wish to never see her again but I obviously will so whatever
I hate my looks (more than I did before) and actually have more insecurities!! I now think I have AVPD (avoidant personality disorder) because I hate talking to people and have a hard time keeping relationships and forming strong bonds.i don't even really desire a friendship.i can talk to myself instead of people
This really only goes for irl tho
You can talk to me online,idgaf if you do
I actually encourage you do talk to me because I don't have anyone else to
All I do all day is just eat,listen to music,maybe draw,maybe read,feed cats,mayebe write,post online,sleep,and watch TikToks and YouTube videos
I really have nothing better to be doing so talk to me if you would like
I might not respond straight away because of school and stuff so beware
I'm pretty much comfortable with you talking to me about almost everything
Even tho everything I just wrote,I'm pretty good at comforting people (at least to my low standards and online friends)
Just don't talk to me about nsfw or show me anything nsfw
I'm a minor,Drake >_<
Baii guys/gurls/and anyone else outside the binary! thanks for reading my vent,I really appreciate it.and just you in general.you're an amazing person,just know that :D
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(Found these when scrolling☝️)
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lotusmonkey · 1 year
tfw you can feel the burn out creeping up on you from behind with a steel chair
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wezard · 2 years
helpppp lol ahhh :p
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alyrasturnz · 2 months
i was talking to this bot on character ai and i just really need a short blurb about this from you!!
can u write smth about matt and reader getting into a heated argument and hes just rly rly mean but reader bursts into tears and matt softens up
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❐ summary » matt had an excruciatingly difficult day, plagued by stress and numerous setbacks. regrettably, upon returning home, he vented his accumulated frustration on y/n. his words were acerbic, and his demeanor was uncharacteristically aloof, leaving y/n feeling deeply wounded and bewildered.
❐ ❐ pairings » bf!matt x fem!reader
❐ warnings » arguing && toxic relationship dynamic
❐ a/n && w/c » do we fw the new theme • 1.78k
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earlier that day, matt had trudged home from work, feeling the weight of the world pressing heavily upon his weary shoulders. his boss had been unyielding, the impending project deadline looming like a storm cloud, casting a shadow over his every thought. the stress was palpable, a constant thrum in his mind.
as he stepped through the door, the sight that greeted him was less than welcoming. the living room was a chaotic tableau of clutter, an array of items strewn haphazardly across the space.
the sink, overflowing with dirty dishes, stood as a testament to the day's neglect, each unwashed plate and cup amplifying his mounting frustration. the disarray mirrored the turmoil within him, a reflection of the day's relentless pressures.
you had been working from home, trying to juggle your job responsibilities while also managing household chores.
it had been one of those days where everything seemed to demand your attention at once. back-to-back virtual meetings, urgent emails, and unexpected tasks had left you with little time to breathe, let alone tidy up the house.
the cacophony of demands was relentless, each task clamoring for immediate attention. the digital chime of incoming emails was a constant reminder of the urgency, while the persistent hum of virtual meetings filled the air.
amidst this whirlwind, household chores loomed like silent sentinels, their neglect a growing testament to the day's chaos. the very essence of time seemed to conspire against you, leaving scant moments to catch your breath, let alone restore order to your surroundings.
you had fallen into a deep slump, where the once vibrant colors of life seemed to fade into a monotonous gray. nothing sparked your interest or motivated you anymore, and a pervasive sense of isolation enveloped you.
the world around you continued to move, but you felt like a solitary figure, adrift in a sea of indifference. the echoes of your own thoughts were your only companions, amplifying the loneliness that weighed heavily on your spirit.
matt was scarcely ever home anymore. the rare occasions when he did grace the house with his presence were marred by his irritable demeanor. it seemed as though his return was merely a prelude to tension, with his words sharp and his temper frayed.
the pain was a constant, gnawing presence, each of his actions a fresh wound. every dismissive glance, every harsh word, seemed to cut deeper, leaving invisible scars. the accumulation of these small, yet significant, slights weighed heavily on your heart, turning everyday interactions into a minefield of emotional turmoil.
his eyes seemed blind to the silent rivers of sorrow that flowed from your eyes, each tear a testament to the pain of being unseen and unheard. the sharp ache in your chest during your small disputes was a symphony of heartache that played unnoticed, a poignant melody of your unacknowledged suffering.
his indifference was a heavy cloak, smothering your cries for recognition and understanding.
his awareness had dulled to a shadow of its former self, leaving him oblivious to the subtleties that once captured his attention. the man he had become bore little resemblance to the one who had first entered your life, full of warmth and attentiveness.
the tension that had been quietly building within him erupted in a moment of exasperation. "i can't believe this," he muttered, his voice a low growl of discontent, as his bag hit the floor with a resounding thud. the weight of his responsibilities had become an overwhelming tide, and the disarray at home was the breaking wave that pushed him past his limits.
seeing the tension etched in his features, you sought to soothe the brewing tempest. "i'm sorry, matt. today was really tough. i had back-to-back meetings and barely had a moment to catch up," you said, your voice a weary whisper, laden with the fatigue of a relentless day. your words were an attempt to bridge the chasm of misunderstanding, a gentle plea for empathy amidst the chaos.
matt's frustration had reached a crescendo, rendering him deaf to your explanations. "every day it's the same excuse," he snapped, his voice cutting through the air like a whip. "i work all day and come home to this? what do you even do all day?" his words, laden with resentment, echoed the weight of his unspoken burdens, amplifying the chasm between you.
his words sliced through you like a blade, and a lump formed in your throat, threatening to choke your response. "matt, i'm doing my best. it's not easy balancing everything," you replied, your voice quivering and laden with the weight of unspoken struggles, each syllable a testament to your silent endurance.
yet his anger had already taken root, and his frustration erupted into a tempestuous exchange. the two of you stood there, voices clashing like thunder, each striving to convey their perspective, but with every word spoken, the chasm between you seemed to grow ever wider.
matt stormed into the living room, his face flushed with fury. "you never do anything right! it's like you're completely useless around here!" he bellowed, his voice reverberating through the house like a thunderclap, each word dripping with disdain and frustration.
as you looked up from the couch, tears already welling up in your eyes, you felt a deep ache in your chest. "matt, why are you being so cruel? what did i do to deserve this?" you asked, your voice trembling and barely above a whisper, each word heavy with hurt and confusion.
"you know exactly what you did! you can't even handle the simplest of tasks! it's like living with a child!" matt continued, oblivious to the weight of his words. "i toil away all day, and i come home to this chaos? what do you even do with your time?"
your tears began to cascade down your cheeks uncontrollably. "i try my best, matt. i really do. but nothing i do is ever good enough for you," you sobbed, your voice breaking with each word, laden with despair and frustration.
matt's anger showed no signs of abating. "trying isn't enough! i need you to actually accomplish something correctly for once!" he snapped, his voice sharp and unforgiving. "i can't continue to shoulder the burden for both of us."
you couldn't hold back any longer. "i'm doing everything i can! you have no idea how hard it is for me!" you cried, your voice quivering with rising desperation.
matt's mouth opened, ready to unleash a retort, but his words caught in his throat as he noticed the tears cascading down your cheeks. the fire of his anger began to extinguish, replaced by a heavy, sinking guilt.
he took a hesitant step back, his hardened expression softening as the realization of the hurt he had inflicted dawned upon him. “y/n,” he murmured, his voice trembling with regret. “are you.. crying?”
you wiped your tears, your hand trembling slightly as you did so, and lifted your gaze to meet his. your eyes, still glistening with the remnants of your sorrow, held a poignant blend of hurt and fragile hope.
"baby..." he cooed softly, his voice a gentle whisper as he moved closer, wrapping his arms around you and drawing you into his embrace. you buried your face into his chest, your tears soaking into his shirt, each drop a testament to the pain you felt.
as he held you, a wave of guilt washed over him, heavy and unrelenting. "i'm sorry," he murmured, his words laden with remorse. "my boss was on my ass the whole day, and i took it out on you... that wasn't fair."
"it's not merely today that you have behaved this way," you retorted, your voice quivering with a blend of exasperation and melancholy.
matt drew apart, gently taking your hand in his. "i know, and i'm sorry. i promise i'll do better. we'll figure this out together," he said, his voice laden with sincerity and earnestness. "i love you. please forgive me."
you bit your quivering lip, your teeth sinking into the delicate skin as matt sighed softly, his eyes tender and filled with a gentle warmth. he brought his hands to cup your face, his thumbs gently wiping away the tears that had begun to fall.
as the argument simmered down, matt noticed the exhaustion etched in your eyes and felt a deep pang of guilt. without uttering a word, he stepped closer, enveloping you in a tight embrace, his anger dissolving like mist in the morning sun. he understood that in this moment, words were unnecessary; it was his actions that spoke volumes.
he gently guided you to the couch, urging you to sit down and relax. "let me take care of everything," he whispered softly, brushing a stray strand of hair from your face. he then disappeared into the kitchen, rolling up his sleeves with quiet determination and tackling the mountain of dishes that awaited him.
after tidying up, he prepared a warm bath, filling it with soothing bubbles and lighting a few candles to create a tranquil ambiance. he led you to the bathroom, his hands gentle and reassuring. "just relax, i'll handle everything else," he murmured, his voice imbued with tenderness.
while you soaked in the bath, matt meticulously tidied up the living room, ensuring that every item found its rightful place. he then prepared a simple yet comforting dinner, understanding that you needed nourishment and care. when you emerged from the bath, feeling a bit more at ease, he had a cozy blanket draped over the couch, ready to envelop you in warmth.
he served you dinner with a warm smile, settling beside you and gently taking your hand. "i'm sorry," he murmured, his eyes reflecting deep sincerity. "i just want to make things better." in that moment, without the need for further words, he conveyed his love and commitment, ensuring you felt cherished and cared for.
after dinner, he guided you to the bedroom, where he had already turned down the bed and fluffed the pillows, preparing a sanctuary of comfort. he helped you into your pajamas, his touch gentle and caring. “i love you, y’know that, right?” he whispered softly, tucking you in with tender care and placing a gentle kiss on your forehead.
he lay by your side, your face nestled against his chest, his arm draped protectively around your frame. his fingers gently threaded through your hair, each stroke a silent promise of comfort and unwavering presence.
tags — @imwetforyourmom @meatballzerz69 @pinkishpearls @bandanamatt @thedangerousalleyway @muchloveforhacker @stinkytinkywinky @jetaimevous @everleiqh @conspiracy-ash @ifwdominicfike @blahbel668
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Danny is plopped into Gotham via Clockwork because he needs a vacation and a way to vent his energy. Danny in true Fenton fashion finds an underground group of metas and decides to join them in throwing huge underground raves where everyone could vent out their powers however they wanted as long as someone kept a look out for the bats. Well one night Danny is on lookout and sees the bats. He doesn't know what to do so he immediately runs in, smashes a bottle of apple juice on the floor and yells "IT'S THE FURRIES! SCATTER!" and just as Batman arrives everyone runs in a different direction. Danny just straight up phases through the floor in panic
Ok ok this is amazing and I love it but...what if we add dannys duplicate
There are a lot of metas with powers to weak to become a hero or they just don't have any interest, so Danny wanted to help them have fun but he wouldn't put people in danger so he duplicates himself and throws multiple parties at the same time
The bats only found 1 of the parties so all the others got a warning
Then other (more adventurous meta's) absolutely love the idea of fucking with Batman
So there's a little subgroup of let's that throw giant parties to get the Batman's attention and all scatter the second he shows up
Batman's loosing his mind over this and his kids won't stop laughing because the warning for him is "FURRIE INCOMING"
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crystallinestars · 1 year
Jealousy Headcanons Part 1
These headcanons got too long so I split them into two parts. Part 2 is here.
General headcanons on how the Genshin men react to seeing you being flirted with by a male acquaintance (Kaveh's a little different).
Content warnings: Kaveh's and Haitham's parts contain some mild nsfw, but nothing explicit.
🍷 Kaveh gets jealous easily. When he sees your acquaintance flirt with you, Kaveh will walk over to you and hold your hand or wrap an arm around your waist to show the other man that you’re taken. It will be very obvious that he’s jealous because Kaveh will subtly try to extract you from whatever conversation you’re having, and will pout and nag if you don’t leave. He’s not proud of his behavior, but he can’t help but want your attention on himself instead.
🍷 His jealousy can be triggered the most easily if you act too friendly with Alhaitham. There’s a fear in Kaveh’s heart that you’ll leave him for Alhaitham because the Scribe has everything that Kaveh doesn’t. Alhaitham has a house, stable income, is confident in his abilities, and overall is a nice man with an extraordinary intelligence. Meanwhile Kaveh is homeless, struggles to find work that he likes, is riddled with guilt and insecurities that he doesn’t want you to know about so as to not burden you or make himself look worse in your eyes. When he sees you getting closer with Alhaitham, he can’t help feeling awful at being jealous of his friend, but he can’t stop himself from still coming over and starting an argument with Alhaitham as a way of venting his emotions.
🍷 If his jealousy is particularly deeply rooted in his heart, it will take a lot for Kaveh to calm down. You will need to take him somewhere private and reassure him that you love only him with some affectionate words and gentle physical affection. A few kisses, gentle hugs, and sweet words do wonders for his aching heart, and he’ll hug you close, relieved and needy for your love. With time, he’ll grow to genuinely believe you won’t abandon him, but until then you’ll need to be patient and reassure him repeatedly that he's the only man you love. Kaveh loves you with his whole heart but he sometimes has trouble believing he’s truly lovable, so your patience and reassurance will prove vital to helping heal his deep-rooted insecurities.
🍷 If you don’t comfort him, then Kaveh might resort to sex to help him feel better. He’ll be more clingy and rougher than usual. While sex with him is usually very loving and gentle, when he’s jealous he can’t help but vent his emotions through a rougher lovemaking session, though he’ll still try his best to not hurt you or cause you discomfort. Jealous sex is also one of the few times he’ll want to take you from behind, with his chest pressed against your back while he wraps his arms around your waist, nipping at your shoulder and whispering that you’re his. Kaveh can also be a little meaner when he’s jealous, teasing you but not giving you release unless you beg for it.
🎧 Doesn’t get jealous easily. He’s very secure in your relationship and doesn’t mind you hanging out with other people in your spare time since he trusts you. However, if while in a relationship you try to get him jealous on purpose, he won’t take kindly to such antics. Alhaitham will punish you for your behavior, either via a humbling lecture criticizing your actions, or a prolonged session of edging and marking of your skin during sex. Neither case will be particularly pleasant for you, trust me.
🎧 The highest likelihood of him feeling jealous is during the pining phase before you two become a couple. Unbeknownst to him, Alhaitham developed feelings for you, and it puzzled him when he felt a burning resentment in his chest whenever he saw you chatting so care-freely with your flirtatious acquaintance. Something about the way you smiled at the other man made him wish you smiled like that at him instead. Alhaitham wanted your attention, but he didn’t understand why. The feeling of jealousy is a foreign one to him, and it takes him a while to figure out his emotions.
🎧 If your acquaintance says something too flirtatious or ignorant, Alhaitham will butt into the conversation and make the other party look like a fool. He’ll call out their inappropriate behaviour or correct their points, essentially putting the man on the spot and humiliating him. Alhaitham hates acting petty by trying to bring others down to make himself look better in your eyes. As a result, he will try to avoid you at first so his irrational emotions don’t get the better of him.
🎧 However, despite not interacting with you, the irritation in him doesn’t subside. If anything, it grows stronger the more he sees your acquaintance make moves on you. Alhaitham doesn’t know what’s wrong with him, but he does know that he wants your attention to be on him rather than your acquaintance. His bout of jealousy will help him figure out his romantic feelings for you, and prompt him to finally make a move to try and court you in his own Alhaitham way.  
☂️ When not in a relationship, Scaramouche would seethe when he sees your acquaintance flirting with you and stealing your attention. He won’t interfere because he doesn’t want to make a scene, but expect him to act like a brat the next time you hang out with him. He’ll talk bad about the other person, mentioning how mediocre and incompetent they are. He won’t admit he’s jealous, even to himself, but it doesn’t take much to figure out that he is.
☂️ He hates acting like a petulant child, but his jealousy brings out the worst in him. Scaramouche lost a lot of people close to him in the past, has been abandoned by his own mother, and the thought of you leaving him too scares him. It terrifies him so much that he’ll try to distance himself from you so as to not get hurt, but he wouldn’t be able to be apart from you for long. You’re too dear to him to cut you out of his life so easily.
☂️ Whether intentionally or not, if you continue to make him jealous then Scaramouche will reach a breaking point. He’ll stay by your side to keep an eye on the other person to make sure they’re not acting out of line. Any attempts to flirt with you will be intercepted by him, and he’ll quickly put the other person in their place with a few scathing remarks.
☂️ If the two of you are in a relationship, then Scaramouche won’t leave your side from the very beginning. A narrowing of his eyes and his arm around you are enough to get your acquaintance to back off. He’ll feel more confident in staking his claim on you than when you’re not in a relationship, and he’ll make use of his status as your boyfriend to scare other suitors away. He hates feeling jealous because the fear of losing you is front and center in his mind, and he’ll try to be a bit sweeter to you in the aftermath to hopefully convince you that he’s the only one you need.
👹 Jealousy is a foreign emotion to him. The first time he sees you being flirted with by another man, Xiao feels a fierce possessiveness fill him. He wants the other man to go away, but he’ll feel guilty about interrupting your conversation, so he makes himself scarce instead. Xiao tries to busy himself with killing demons to focus on something other than the sick feeling in the pit of his stomach, but the memory of you smiling happily at someone else resurfaces in his mind, and a feeling of unease eats away at him.
👹 He won’t be able to stay away for long, and teleports back to find you to check if you’re still with the other person or not. Xiao remains hidden, watching your interaction with your acquaintance from afar, and feels conflicted. He can’t explain why it worries him so much to see you be so happy with someone else. He wants you to lead the life that makes you happiest, so his selfish desire to stay by your side makes him feel guilty. He feels like he’s undeserving of your kindness because he wants your attention on himself.
👹 Regardless of whether you’re in a relationship with him or not, Xiao’s guilt will push him away from you while his jealousy brings him right back. The tug of war in his heart will exhaust him until he finally confides in you. He explains what he’s feeling the best way he can, hoping you might have a solution. Xiao feels ashamed when you explain he’s jealous. He purses his lips and turns to face away from you, unable to look you in the eye. It will take a lot of work to let him know it’s normal to feel that way, and to reassure him that he has no reason to be jealous because you aren’t interested in your acquaintance.
👹 With careful coaxing and gentle reassurance, you’ll be able to make Xiao feel better about his guilt and jealousy. If anything, this instance will help the two of you grow closer and strengthen your relationship because it takes a lot of trust for Xiao to open up to you about his feelings and let you into his heart. If you let him, then after that moment, Xiao will stay by your side whenever anyone flirts with you, just to send the message that your heart is already taken.
🧋 Ayato’s jealousy is ugly, which is why he expertly masks it behind an amicable smile. Though his smile is bright, the feelings in his heart are dark. The sight of you smiling and chatting to your male acquaintance ignite a sick feeling in his stomach, and Ayato quickly intervenes. He inserts himself into your conversation, remaining polite and courteous as is expected of the head of the Kamisato clan, but your acquaintance can’t help but feel like something is off with Ayato. The Yashiro Commissioner’s smile is friendly but there’s also something unnerving about it.
🧋 Ayato won’t make any direct threats towards your acquaintance or let it show that he’s jealous. Instead, he’ll employ more covert tactics in crushing his opposition. While he’s chatting you and your acquaintance up, Ayato subtly places a hand around your waist or on your shoulder, tucks away a stray strand of your hair, and says something with a double entendre directed at you to fluster you. They’re little things that paint a picture of the two of you being close without Ayato having to say anything out loud. The message is clear—you’re Ayato’s. Even if you’re not in a relationship at the time, Ayato will still try to intimidate his competition and get them to give up on you because he doesn’t want t risk having you snatched away from him before he even had the chance to confess his feelings to you.
🧋 If the two of you are in a relationship, then Ayato will make his jealousy known. Once you two have a private moment, Ayato will tease you by lightly poking fun at you. It seems like lighthearted banter at first, but Ayato will have trouble stopping once he starts, unintentionally taking out his pain on you. He’s hurt and he can’t help but hurt you in return with his increasingly meaner teases. When you retaliate by calling him out on his behaviour, the Yashiro Commissioner won’t have any choice except to face his ugly jealousy and come clean to you. It won’t make up for his poor treatment of you, but he gives a genuine apology and expresses his sincere regret in hurting you, hoping you will forgive him for his mistakes.
🧋 Ayato will try his best to make it up to you and takes responsibility for his actions. He caresses your face gently in his hands, pressing his forehead to yours and apologizing for hurting you. Honestly, you’ve never seen the mischievous and cunning man look so guilty and remorseful before, but it’s just further proof of how much he regrets his childish antics. For as mature as he presents himself in front of the public of Inazuma and his retainers, Ayato is still a boy that had to grow up too fast. He sometimes can’t help but let down his perfect Kamisato Clan leader role and act like the boyish young man he is, but he knows when he’s gone overboard. He kisses your face, lips, and hands, a somber expression on his face that only melts away when you forgive him. Ayato hugs you tight, relieved that he hasn’t lost you. He promises to never let his jealousy get the better of him again since it nearly cost him the love of his life.
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bueckerrss · 6 months
si no le contesto - s. golbach
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sam x latina ! reader
warnings: cursing in spanish, arguing, drinking. use of pet names.
translations will be provided
7 missed calls from mi amor
incoming call mi amor
answer decline
1 new voice message!
play delete
“samuel si no contestas ahora mismo ni siquiera pienses en volver a casa, me estas estresando!”
“Samuel, if you don't answer right now, don't even think about coming home, you're stressing me out!”
6 voice messages remaining
play all delete all
“sam, don't forget to pick up the advil before you get home”
“hey sam, i know you're busy but i wanted to let you know that i just finished the report and that probably when you get home i'll be sleeping be careful ok? i love you”
“sam, i'm getting worried answer your phone”
“samuel, enserio ya deja de jugar y contesta tu telefono”
“samuel, seriously, stop playing and answer your phone”
“oye, sam, ya vente a casa, ya es tarde”
“hey, sam, come home, it's already late”
“samuel contesta tu pinche telefono ahora mismo, que estas haciendo?”
“samuel, answer your fucking phone right now, what are you doing?”
the girl paced back and forth in the living room constantly looking at her phone hoping to see at least a message from her boyfriend but nothing.
samgolbach added to their story.
the girl clicked on the notification slightly sick to her stomach that not once did she get a call back from him but he posts on his story like he was not ignoring her calls a few seconds ago.
instagram opened up to the boys story, it was him at a party the flash from the phones camera being the only source of light shining in the boys face as he held a tequila shot towards the camera before shooting it down his throat making a face as the liquid made its way down.
“he could post but not answer my calls or messages? just great.” she thought. as she was analyzing the video it skipped to the next story colby’s story it was a video some what similars to sam’s but sam was in the background talking to a girl but not just any girl his ex.
they were laughing and drinking together before she grabs his hand and starts taking him upstairs that’s when the video cuts off.
not only did he not answer her calls but now he was cheating on her “wait no sam could never cheat on me he’s not the type” she thought as she sat down on the couch “or is he? no don’t doubt that he’s an amazing boyfriend he would never cheat on me” her thoughts raced as she tried to distract herself.
“think about what they could be doing right now, how hes probably doing everything he does to you” the thoughts had her head spinning.
she couldn’t have these thoughts not at this moment. she made her way into her room deciding to just sleep these thoughts away.
after a few minutes of tossing and turning to find a comfortable position to fall asleep in the girl was finally tired enough to let sleep take over.
the low creek of the door opening and closing shuffling and the feeling of the bed sinking behind her woke her up she knew it was him the smell of alcohol and perfume not just any perfume a cheap knock off of her favorite perfume filled her nostrils
“hey honey” spoke sam as he placed his hand on her waist “how was your night did you finish that report for work?” he didnt listen to the voice messages
“si, ya lo terminé trajiste el advil que te pedí?” “no, im sorry babe i forgot” liar “oh really?” she asked not looking at him “yea, the meeting lasted longer than i expected” “is that so?” she sarcastically replied grabbing her phone and heading to her instagram and opening it to his story “because according to you and colby’s stories you were at a party” she showed him the video as she pushed him off her to get up.
“yes, i already finished it, did you bring the advil i asked for?”
“what?” his voice slightly lowered “yea, i saw them didn’t think about restricting me first before posting did you? oh and don’t get me started on the fact that you were talking with your ex in colby’s video or the fact that she took you upstairs”
“babe, that’s not true we didn’t go upstairs” he replied as he got out of the bed “don’t try to lie your way out of this! i saw the video and it clearly shows that you two went upstairs!” she argued.
“y/n, please you know i would never do anything to hurt you!” he exclaimed as he slowly walked towards her “no sam, aver donde te vas a dormir porque aquí en mi casa ni te quiero ver”
“no sam, see where you're going to sleep because here at my house I don't even want to see you”
“what y/n you can’t be serious it’s four in the fucking morning!” “ni modo mi amor hubieras pensado en eso antes de llegar a estas horas oliendo a alcohol y perfume barato” she said as she pushed him out of her apartment closing the door in his face and locking it.
“too bad my love, you should’ve thought about that before arriving at this time smelling of alcohol and cheap perfume”
mi güero <3
babe i’m so sorry i couldn’t make home last night my flight got delayed and i had no service at all
baby? are you mad at me? i’m sorry for not responding sooner or answering your calls you know if i could i would have please don’t be mad at me.
wait you’re probably still sleeping you most likely finished that report so late last night
yup, you did those voice messages you left i’m sorry i couldn’t answer but i’m already in my uber i have the advil and i’m bringing you your favorite breakfast from your favorite restaurant:)
as sam got off the uber making his way into his girlfriends apartment trying to balance the coffee with the breakfast bag his luggage and his phone he carefully unlocked the door making his way inside.
“y/n, honey it’s time to wake up” he whispered softly shaking the girl awake “huh?” she responded standing up and rubbing her eyes “goodmorning beautiful, go wash up while i go get your food from the kitchen” he smiled as he looked at her lovingly “sam?” “yes baby?” he asked turning to meet her eyes “what are you doing here?” she asked “what do you mean what am i doing here i live here silly” he laughed slightly “wait what” she whispered looking around.
“are you alright babe?” he asked worried going back to kneel down next to her “si estoy bien solo un poco confundida” “why, are you confused love?” he asked looking at her confused written all over her face “weren’t you at a party last night?” she mumbled confused “a party? no i was stuck at the airport in australia last night” he replied pulling out his phone to show her the pictures of him goofy around at the airport with colby.
“that’s weird never mind i think i just had a bad dream” she explained getting up to go get washed up in the bathroom.
i must’ve been dreaming because sam was clearly stuck at the airport with no signal. the things my brain comes up with when he doesn’t answer me.
this is probably shit but i’ve been super busy with practices and school but i’m on break so imma try to grind and get some stuff i’ve been working on out anyway hope you enjoyed this :)
🏷️: @sturniolobendystrawsposts @hearts4chris @patscorner @lexisecretaccx @tubl-mc @junnniiieee07 @sturnioloblogs @sturniolos-blog
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thefallennightmare · 11 months
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Pairings: Noah Sebastian x Reader
Warnings/Tropes: forced proximity, slight enemies to lovers, slow burn, smut, angst, fluff, mentions of death, and swearing.
Summary: Reader is the merch girl for Bad Omens. It wasn't what she wanted to do with her life but when her mother got sick with Alzheimer's, reader took a job where she could to help with the costs. She thought it would be a one-time gig but the longer she was on the road with them, the harder she fell for Noah Sebastian; even if he wanted nothing to do with her. She needed a miracle to save her mom and her future.
Author Note: I wanted this to be a slow burn/enemies to lovers but god damn it's so hard to write because I already want Reader and Noah to get together.
Tags: @ada-clarence @nonamessblog @thescarlettvvitch @malice-ov-mercy @crimson-calligraphyx @theoneandonlykymberlee @yumikitten @blackveilomens @cherrymedicine13 @thebadchic @notmaddihealy @jay02bo @beaker1636 @jakekiszkasguitarpick @punk-pr1ncessxoxo
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With a loud sigh, I rubbed the sleep from my eyes and walked towards to front end of the bus. On this bus, I shared it with Davis, Matt, and Bryan, and sometimes one guy from the band would pop in every once in a while: except Noah. At least if he did, it was when I was asleep or not around. Especially lately, Noah and I avoided each other. After the disaster of a dinner a couple nights ago, I refused to speak to him even about work. I went to everyone else instead of him if I had a question, which I didn't often since I knew what I was doing.
I didn't want to think about Noah right now. Not when my mind should only think about my mom.
Lana told me that even though my mom was having a lot of good days, she still refused to speak to me. I'd be lying if I said my heart didn't break but I couldn't cry about it. I needed to focus for work and not give anyone a reason to figure out something was wrong.
We were close to the next city, less than an hour away, and we would hang out in Dallas for two days before heading out once more. Matt mentioned he had a surprise for everyone so called for a bus meeting which is where I found everyone with two surprise visitors.
Folio and Noah.
Giving a small smile to the former, I sat next to him at the table and he returned a smile. Noah was sitting on the long couch of the bus, chatting quietly with Bryan. They must have joined when we stopped last and I was asleep.
Noah's eyes burned hot at the side of my face but I ignored him as I bumped shoulders with Folio. We had been texting a bit the last couple days and have gotten pretty close; no romantic feelings involved. Folio had been a great friend and someone to vent too. I never told him about my mom, though. That was something I would take to the grave.
"Where's Jolly and Nick?" I asked.
"They stayed on our bus. They wanted the peace to sleep."
I nodded before pointing to Matt, who was standing at the front of the bus rubbing his hands together. "Any idea what this is about?"
"No fucking idea," Folio chuckled.
With my phone buzzing in my hand, I dared a peak at the notification to see another subscriber to my Only Fan's page. I didn't have many followers but enough to keep some money coming in. I could pay Lana her first paycheck and the extra income coming in was nice. I wasn't rolling in money but wasn't struggling on how to pay for things. With being constantly surrounded by the guys, I wasn't able to post much, just one other video and a few provocative pictures. I never showed my face, only from the neck down and never naked. I always had some short of clothes or underwear or an arm covering the private areas. Maybe that was the reason I had little subscribers, but it was the rules I set for myself when I started this.
"So, I bet you're all wondering why I called this meeting," Matt spoke while clapping his hands.
Folio muttered a joke to me under his breath which earned a loud laugh from me. Everyone looked our way, and I leaned back into the booth cheeks on fire.
"What's so funny?" Matt quirked a brow.
Noah's eyes pinned me to my spot as I glanced over to him. Something flashed behind those brown iris' while his jaw ticked.
"Nothing, Mr. Dierkes. Please continue with class," Folio joked with a smirk.
I had to bite my lip so I wouldn't laugh again.
"As I was saying," Matt began ignoring Folio. "It's been a week on tour and we've all been working tirelessly to make sure every show fucking rules. But there has been some tension within the group."
"I don't think you feel the same tension as some of us do," Noah said with his eyes on me.
Our eyes matched with intensity, and I let out a deep breath wondering what he meant by that.
Tension? Of course, there was tension between us but that's because we disliked each other.
Folio noticed I was ready to speak, so he pinched the bare skin of my shoulder which caused me to yelp out in slight pain.
"What the fuck was that for?" I seethed.
He nodded towards Matt to continue on, who looked displeased at being interrupted by our antics yet again.
In our days of texting, I told Folio about how it irritates me how Noah acts around me when we're alone versus when others are around. I also may have told him about my tiny feelings for Noah, which Folio told me it was pretty clear how I felt. While I thought no one noticed, Folio saw the stolen glances, the way my body reacted differently when Noah was around, or the way the corner of my lips curled up when Noah spoke or sang.
Always so perceptive.
I tried to get out of him why Noah was so upset about that night in Chicago but Folio refused. He said that was Noah's secret to share.
I tasted blood with how hard I bit my tongue and reluctantly gave Matt my attention.
"Since we'll be in Dallas for a few days, I rented an Airbnb for us to stay at as a way for us to bond or whatever the fuck. There's a pool and grill we can have a pool day on our off day," Matt said with a smile.
My heart sunk deep into the pits of my stomach. At least when we stayed in hotels, I had my room, sometimes doors down from Noah. But now, all of us staying in a house means it would be harder to avoid him.
"Is that necessary?" I questioned.
"Yes," Matt deadpanned. "If you want a hotel, book it on your personal card."
Low blow.
"Whatever," I grumbled while crossing my arms.
He simply gave me a large smirk before speaking again. "The only issue is that there aren't enough beds so some people will have to bunk together or sleep on the couch."
"You've got to be kidding me," I muttered while running a hand down my face.
I didn't care the house situation, I would sleep on the floor if I had too if that meant I wouldn't share a bed with anyone, especially Noah. I liked these guys but not that much.
Folio patted my shoulder and whispered low in my ear.
"Maybe you and Noah should bunk together. Team bonding or whatever."
"Fuck off, Folio," I playfully smacked his chest before rising to my feet, his arm falling away from me. Noah was still staring at me and I knew with how close Folio and I had been, he wasn't happy. His jaw clenched so tight, and his hands balled into fists in his lap.
I didn't bother giving him another glance as I turned my back to him to retreat into my bunk to mentally prepare for this team bonding bullshit Matt set up.
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Okay, I had to admit. This house was fucking sick.
There were large floor to ceiling windows that looked out onto a beautiful backyard and if you looked past that, you could see the city down below the hill the house was on. It was a large open floor plan with a living room, kitchen, and bar with a pool table off of the dinning room. Upstairs was an open loft area with a large sectional couch and four bedrooms.
While I was in my bunk on the bus, the room situation had been decided by drawing matching straws. No one bothered to ask for me to draw because somehow by the Gods below, Noah was the last to pick and was only left with the color red.
Jolly and Nick.
Bryan and Davis.
Matt and Folio.
Noah and I.
When Folio told me the sleeping arrangements, I wanted to cry in anger. It seemed as if no matter how hard I tried to avoid Noah, something yanked us back together. Folio offered to swap with me but I declined, already deciding that I would sleep on whatever couch was provided.
A warm presence encased around me, making the hairs on my arm prick, and I peered up to my left seeing Noah standing next to me in the house's entryway.
"You can have the bed. I'll sleep on the couch," he said.
I blinked, somewhat surprised that he offered that. I fully expected him to lock me out of the room.
"I'm smaller than you. It might be better for you to sleep on the bed," I offered.
Was I being nice?
My body shivered at the thought.
Noah shook his head then hoisted his back over his shoulder. "Take the room, angel. You're the only girl here. You should have some privacy."
Was he being nice now in front of the others? They all stood less than a few feet from us.
Did I wake up in the twilight zone?
When I went to protest yet again, he shot me a look that caused my lips to pull tight together. We stood in silence for a few moments and I let out a soft breath.
"Thank you."
Noah made a noise in his throat and his eyes glittered as they darted between mine. His large hand brushed away hair from my face and I leaned into his touch, all the pent up anger between us melting away.
The question weighed heavy on my tongue as I pursed my lips a few times.
"Why do you call me angel?" I finally croaked out.
His hand was now wrapped around the back of my neck, the pads of his finger pressing deep into the skin, and shrugged.
"It feels right."
I raised a brow. "What if I don't like it?"
"Too bad. It stays, angel," he dragged out the last word with a large grin.
Irritation flared inside of me but before I could say anything, the warmth around my neck was gone as Noah walked away. I blinked after him, watching as he tossed his bag onto the couch before stepping outside into the large backyard.
"Soundcheck is in one hour!" Matt called out, his voice carrying through the open space.
With that, I forced my feet to take me upstairs to the bedrooms so I could get ready. The only room left was the closet one to the stairs and directly across the long sectional couch. If Noah would sleep here tonight, he'd be able to look right into my room and see me laying in bed. The thought made something ignite in my stomach but I ignored it.
This was the only room with a bathroom attached which made me wonder if the guys purposely gave me this room. As I placed my things throughout the room since we were going to be here for a few days, my phone rang loudly from its spot on the bed as I was in the bathroom and rushed to answer it in time.
"Hello?" I asked breathless
"Hi dear. How're things?"
I smiled into the phone at Lana. "Good. I'm going to be heading to the venue soon to set up. Everything alright?"
"Well," Lana started.
My ass fell into the bed with a groan and prepared myself for what was about to come.
"What happened?"
"Your neighbors found your mother in their bathroom this morning; in their shower."
I pinched my eyes shut with a groan. "Please tell me it was the Johnson's. They know what's going on with her so they would understand. Well, as much as I hoped they would."
"Yes, thankfully. I was able to bring her back home without incidents."
"Good," I let out a long breath. "How is she now?"
"She's fine, in her room resting but-."
"I don't like the sound of that but," I noted.
"Y/N, I know you love your mother and want the upmost best care possible for her."
I nodded. "But."
"But I think your mother would be better in a home where someone can watch and monitor her twenty-four hours of the day. I can only do so much especially when she takes off."
I swallowed the lump in my throat, not wanting to cry. This conversation was one I knew I was bound to have at some point. My mothers Alzheimers was getting progressively worse and soon, I feared there might be a time where I couldn't handle it.
But now wasn't that time.
"I'll think about it," I said after a few beats.
It wasn't a lie, per se. I would think about it, way down the road.
"I'll see if she wants to talk," Lana said.
"No, it's alright. I don't want to bother her."
I couldn't stop the sob that escaped my lips.
"Alright dear. I'll call you tomorrow."
After we said our goodbyes, I let my phone clatter to the floor at my feet then plopped down onto the bed. Tears pricked at my eyes and I dug my palms into them, hoping it would force the tears away. My mom was the most important person in my life. We were all each other had after my father died, so being so far away from her when she needed me the most made the guilt rip me apart.
Was this job worth it? Was the money worth it?
These questions kept replaying in my mine over and over as I laid on the bed staring up at the ceiling. A few tears escaped drying to my warm cheeks. The money was worth it; it had to be. I still wasn't making a lot of money from Only Fans so whatever I made doing this, I needed.
There was a soft knock on my open door and my breath hitched when I noticed Noah leaning against it. How long had he'd been there? Did he hear my conversation with Lana?
I sat up in bed while covertly drying my eyes.
"The manager at the venue said the set up for merch has to be in the hallway downstairs. Is that alright?"
I shrugged. "Yeah, I've been put in weirder places so it's fine."
Noah gave a curt nod while crossing his arms over his chest. I suddenly felt small under his eyes and rose to my feet hoping that watching me gather my things to get ready it would be a silent dismissal. But no, he continued to watch every single movement I made.
"Is there anything else you need, Noah?" I asked with a sigh, finally looking at him.
His black shirt clung to the thick muscles of his arms and chest. His brown hair had fallen into his face in a tousled mess from being on the tour bus the majority of the day.
Noah was breathtaking in every single way, and my core practically begged for some kind of friction.
Not now, traitor.
"Have I mentioned how much I love hearing my name coming from your pretty little mouth?," he mused while licking his own.
My legs squeezed together, my body screaming with that small release against my core, but I refused to let him know how bad he was affecting me.
"Is that it?" I asked.
Noah said nothing as he walked over to my open suitcase and riffled through it, obviously looking for something.
"What are you doing?"
My heart raced as I watched him, knowing that if he picked up that red t-shirt, he would find the variety of sex toys I use for my videos. What he found, though, was something I hadn't expected him to. An old shirt of his that I borrowed from the last tour. It was the second night and Bad Omens played a sold-out show. The crowd was alive the entire night and every one of us was buzzing with excitement. Once we returned to the hotel that night, we all jumped into the outdoor pool even though it was pretty chilly that night. Noah offered his dry shirt to me so I could warm up which at the time I took gratefully.
That night was before the night in Chicago. Before Noah's attitude toward me changed.
It got buried along with my other things after the last tour and forgotten about.
I may have worn it to bed some nights; so much so that his scent had faded while ago.
Noah tossed the shirt over to me and I caught it just before it hit me in my face. My lips stuttered trying to come up with an excuse because I still had it.
"Wear that."
"Excuse me? I asked irritation lacing my words. "Since when do I take orders from you on what I wear?"
He closed the distance between us in two large steps, his fingers tilting my chin up towards his face. Our lips were so close, I could almost taste the beer he must have had before coming into my room. And the hint of bourbon and spice from his cologne filled my senses.
So warm and familiar.
"There's a reason you kept it, angel. Might as well wear it."
Noah's voice was dark and heavy, laced with something I could pinpoint. His eyes were just as dark as his words and I swallowed hard. My body flared with desire, heat pooling between my legs, and I let out a breathless whine eventually nodding.
"Good girl," he breathed across my lips.
His eyes darted from mine down to my lips where it stayed for a long moment before he dropped his hand from my face then left me standing in the room with a heavy wetness and an ache between my legs.
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ladyelissarose · 1 year
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Characters; Simon ‘Ghost’ Riley + Johnny ‘Soap’ McTavish
Warnings; It’s mostly pretty funny and cheesy... buuuut a little suggestive in the end ;) if y’all want a more specified warnings it’s basically two large guys in an awkward position in a sticky situation, letting their intrusive thoughts get to them.
Summary; Who thought getting into a mess of a mission would bring out inner thoughts of 2 of the 141’s most toughest soldiers?
Author’s note; This incredible art and fic idea comes from the amazing @lurrlonde !! Thank you again for being so cool! Go check out this guys art y’all!! It’s the best!!
Soap ran closely behind Ghost as he shot back at the incoming enemies, who had found their secret hiding spot after Soap let out a ‘louder than expected’ chuckle at a stupid dad-joke Ghost said. It wasn’t really funny anyways. It was a simple-
‘Why is dark spelled with ‘K’ and not a ‘C’? = because you can’t ‘C’ in the dark.’
That was literally it! But Soap was attention deprived and mentally exhausted, that the sudden boost of humor took him over and gave him the giggles. Now they were running for their lives as their position had been found and the Cartels were chasing their asses down. Ghost looked around for any place to hide in for now until Price brought backup, even if it was in a chemical closet or something similar enough. Soap grew a little worried as he could hear how close they were getting on their tails, he knew how outnumbered they were and unfortunately so it was partially his fault.
“Ghost they getting on us-“
“I know- HERE! Come!”
With a harsh jerk Ghost pulled him into a large back room and pointed at the ceiling with a gruff whisper,
“We need to get up there, climb on my shoulders!”
Without asking questions Soap read Ghost’s mind and immediately stepped onto his broad shoulders once he had crouched down enough. Ghost held onto Soap’s legs tightly and slowly lifted himself to a complete stand, ushering him with words to hurry up.
“Hurry Soap, we only have so long.”
“I know Lt. But this vent is all screwed up tight!”
Soap used his knife to unscrew it, sweat dripping down from his hair and covering his entire being from the stress and slight fear he was feeling. Ghost held on tightly and didn’t budge at all, his strength not faltering for now, he was breathing a little harder, but that was it. Near by they could hear loud slamming of doors being opened, meaning they were checking every room. Ghost bit onto his mask and whispered to Soap with concern in his tone,
“Got it!! Ok ok I’m pulling up!”
Soap was pretty tough himself and successfully he was able to climb in immediately, his hand now dropping to Ghost as he spoke confidently,
“C‘mon! I got ya mate- hurry!”
Ghost worried for a moment that Soap might not be able to pull him up, as he was much taller and buffier, but he’d have to trust him as he heard louder shouts.
“There’s 4 more rooms left! Check them out now!”
Eyes wide with desperation Soap choked,
“N-Now Ghost!”
With a deep grunt Ghost jumped and caught Soap’s hand, hearing him gasp at the weight he now held and tried to pull up. Maybe on any other day Soap might have had a little struggle, but the fear was so big, it gave enough adrenaline to pull him all the way up. Ghost was pretty surprised but grateful.
Soap dragged him inside and immediately put back the vent cover, making sure it was in perfect place before settling himself in. Only bad thing was, the place was a little compact for two big guys. Soap was left sitting under Ghost who was standing in a squatting position over him. Soap felt just fine but he snapped into Ghost’s reality when he heard him mumble,
“I’ve got to fuckin’-“
“Shit!! Don’t move Simon!”
Of course air vents were made weak and super cheap to only sustain air, and not necessarily take two tower-built soldiers. With the little movement Ghost had attempted, the whole thing shook and threatened to bent under his foot. Silence filled the area as they awaited their biggest fear of going down and being caught.
Both men had their hearts beating wildly in their throats as they heard the Cartel under them, searching the entire area (well they thought they did;) Through the mask Ghost’s nervous expression couldn’t be read, but he knew he must’ve looked exactly like Soap who had his eyes blown wide and his face completely pale. It only took a few more minutes until they listened to great news,
“This room is clear! Two guards stay at this door. The rest go to the next then check the perimeter!!”
The sound of loud stomps of running men grew less and less until it couldn’t be heard, only sound remaining were the sighs the soldiers let out at being safe and unseen for now. Johnny shifted a bit and let out a breath of relief, as he looked up to Ghost and asked,
“Ye alright LT?”
Ghost’s eyes locked on his as he curtly replied,
“Yes Sergeant.”
Soap knew that voice, and tone. He thought that perhaps Ghost was still very upset at the whole situation, so he chose to apologize,
“M’sorry LT. ‘bout all this.. I’ll make it up to ya.”
Brown eyes met his blue ones as a low voice responded more calmly but with that same intensity in it,
“It’s not your fault Johnny, we both messed up.”
Soap let a brow perk up as he questioned,
“Are ye upset though?”
Through his eyes Soap could see that Ghost was uncomfortable or that something big was wrong, hence making him keep on asking. Ghost rolled his eyes and muttered,
“Why do you keep asking Soap-“
“I can see it in your eyes Simon, you keep squintin’ and shit, huffing loudly and all. Did ya get shot?”
Ghost muttered a simple ‘no’ and looked away from Soap, bitting his tongue at the stinging pain he felt in his thighs, squatting the entire time was beginning to take a toll on him and leave him burning. But he’d rather die than admit it, he was a tough guy. So slightly he tried to move a bit, but with the soreness and burn of it all he let out a deep groan and stopped moving.
“Agh.. fuckin hell-“
“What is it LT?”
Ghost tired to move his legs a bit but they burned so much like if someone was laying a steaming pan on his thighs. Soap looked up at him with his baby blues and asked again with concern,
“Lt? Ya good?”
Simon was dreading to confess the truth behind why he was groaning an shifting uncomfortably, but Johnny was genuinely being very nice, and would probably be understanding too. Concerning the fact that it was his fault they were there in the first place. Simon’s rolled his eyes and finally huffed out,
“My legs are burnin’ Johnny.. in this position. And I can’t sit cause there’s no room... might make a lot of noise too-“
Heat rose up to Simon’s cheeks as he was cut off of words, at the feeling of two hands press up against his bottom, and lift him up slightly. He couldn’t be oblivious or stupid and ask himself,
‘Who the heck has their hands on my ass?’
Because only he and ‘Johnny’ were in the damn air vent. But he nonetheless asked this, as he didn’t know what else to say at the unexpected act,
“Johnny.. what the fock-“
Johnny unapologetically gave a light squeeze as to emphasize what he was doing while responding defensively,
“Lt you said you wanted to sit but couldn’t.. now I’m helpin’ ya. See?”
Another light squeeze*
Breath hitching and sweating out nervousness, Simon could only sigh out,
“A’ight Johnny, just no squeezing.”
Wha- why? Johnny it’s my ass-“
“But I’m helping ya Lt-“
“And that’s it-“
“I get to do whatever I want with this ass as I’m holding it up on my own will Simon-“
“It’s still my ass and I said don’t-“
“Soap. No.”
“I get you’ve been eyeballin’ my arse sense the first day but c’mon.”
Johhny’s bit back a gasp,
“You knew!”
Huffing lightly Ghost stated,
“I’m quiet but not stupid Jonnny.”
A small embarrassed smile took place on Johnny at his words, adding with hesitation,
“oh... is it ok?”
“I’s more than fine Johnny, just not now-“
“But it’s the perfect time!”
“For whot exactly Sergeant?”
Simon knew exactly to the ‘T’ what Johnny was referring to, but he wanted him to say it. Johnny’s cheeks grew a little pink, and his eyes were sparkling like a puppy’s, ever so desperate but shy all at once to say his inner desires. Simon laughed internally at this Scot’s sudden shyness, as he was always so loud and out-spoken. Though he knew he wouldn’t mind a little fun, he couldn’t deny that the Scottish blue-eyed soldier was on his mind half- no more than all the time, Johnny practically lived in his head.
Ghost inched his hand towards Soap’s face and caressed it, feeling peace at his actions when Soap leaned into his touch.
“I know Johnny... but there’s other times for it- like safer.”
With a simple nod Soap agreed. But he couldn’t resist the feeling of Ghost’s ass in his hold, giving him the sudden urge of tease to bring his hands closer to the crotch, all while watching Ghost closely for his reaction- which came fast. And unexpectedly his quickest reflex was to grasp Soap’s Mohawk tightly, earning him a whimper.
‘Jesus Soap you’ll be the death of me.’
“J-Johnny! Please, I will grow hard-“
Smirking wickedly Soap teased,
“What if that’s what I want? Hm? Then I’ll have a reason to help you out...”
Being impressed wasn’t the word to describe how Ghost felt, more like flustered and very hot now.
“Smart bastard.”
“Only the best Lt-“
And with that he rubbed Ghost’s entire crotch area with his palm, receiving a jerk of Ghost’s hips and a low moan,
“Ahh Johnny.. slow down.”
“Yeahhh give me a minute. Let’s move a bit.”
Soap extended his knees towards Ghost and let them hold him up now, like a chair. Ghost sighed in relief at being seated now, and thought that was the end of it until he heard a zipper and hands on him.
“Fuck Johnny!”
“Do you want me to stop?”
Knowing how desperate he was for release- more than anything Soap’s hands on him, he couldn’t say no.
“No.. go on!”
Face lighting up like Christmas Soap cheered to himself,
“Fuuuuck yeahhh-“
“GHOST! SOAP!! You boys alright!!”
Soap facepalmed and Ghost groaned upset as they recognized Price’s voice call out to them from under the vent. With a frown Soap zipped up Ghost’s pants as Ghost responded,
“Yeah, were good.. we’ll be coming down now.”
“Alright boys! Gaz will be here with a ladder... we already took out the guys and secured the leader... we can go now.”
Soap responded,
“Sounds good Captain, on our way.”
Slowly Ghost started to move, but Johnny pulled him back and whispered,
“We’ll continue right?”
A smile was known to be on Ghost’s face as his eyes crinkled. He lightly pinched Soap’s cheek and sassed,
“You said you’d make it up to me. I expect you do, in many ways.”
Soap groaned and smacked Ghost’s ass as he began to move off to get out,
“You bet I will Simon.”
Ghost looked back at him with sharp eyes, making Soap lift his hands in surrender.
“Easy Sergeant... easy...”
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bratzforchris · 11 months
More smut to the sugar daddy fic please I’m begging or just more smut in general you write so good
Make It Better
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Summary: Luke finds himself questioning his relationship with you when he starts to feel you drifting away, only to realize you're too valuable to lose. Part 2 to this fic <3
Pairing: Sugar daddy!Luke x feminine reader
Warnings: Smut, DUB CON, brief phone sex scene, masturbating (m), oral (m and f receiving), arguments, bondage, dom/sub dynamics, spanking, unprotected p in v, pet names, blasphemy, Luke makes reader dress up, fluffy ending (I think that's all, but lmk in the comments if I missed something!)
Word Count: 4.4k
A/N: This is based off an idea/request from @gladexmuses! I'm so glad you all love this AU :)) Once again, Luke strayed more towards boyfriend than sugar daddy, but I can't help it. I'm just so soft for bf Luke :p
DNI under 18
You sighed, throwing your book down on the table. As much as you adored learning and knowledge, exam season was your least favorite part of being in college. You didn’t know what it was, but you’d suddenly been struggling in nearly all of your classes. Maybe it was the harder material, or maybe it was just your body starting to shut down from the stress, but either way, you didn’t like it. You reached for your phone to call Luke, only to hover above the device, contemplating your next move. 
You longed to call Luke and vent all your problems to him, but the more anxious part of you remembered the very generous donation Luke had made towards your tuition last month. You didn’t want him to worry, or think he’d made a mistake by paying off the loans for you to attend Columbia. You also knew that in order to afford the lifestyle he lived, and the sugar-babylike relationship he gave you, he was most likely working, despite it being Sunday. You laid your head down on the small desk in your dorm, sniffling softly. 
Your whole life, you’d been defined as the “smart girl”. You were in the gifted and talented program as a younger kid, only to be followed by being the valedictorian and the only person from your graduating class to end up at an Ivy League university. So to struggle now felt like a hit to everything you had ever known. Were you even qualified to be at this school? 
Just then, your phone began to buzz on your desk, indicating an incoming call. You picked it up and turned it over, seeing a rather risque picture of Luke flash across the screen. As much as you didn’t want to bother him, your heart longed to talk to Luke, and besides, he was already calling you. 
“Hi.” You said softly, innocently, just the way he liked. 
“Hey baby girl,” he hummed. “What are you doing?”
“Oh, my usual…” You said nonchalantly, trying not to let your emotions shine through your voice as you twisted a lock of hair around your finger. 
“Come over,” Luke practically moaned into the phone. “I need you.”
“Aren’t you supposed to be working?” You teased him, a smile crossing your face slowly. 
Instead of answering, you could hear Luke beginning to jack off in the background of the call. His hips bucked against the bed, the springs making squeaky noises as Luke’s right hand pleasured him. His moans were so loud that they nearly crept through the phone, tickling your own heat and making you clench your legs despite your stress. 
“Oh god, Y/N,” the blond whimpered out as he came close to climaxing. “Need your body so fuckin’ bad, princess.” 
You clenched your thighs tighter as you listened to Luke get himself off, moaning so damn loudly when he came. Even after all this time, you didn’t understand how his pull on you was so magical. You weren’t particularly in the mood to have sex, but you still felt called to go seek out your sugar daddy anyway, his presence making everything better. 
“Fine, be there soon,” You smirked. “Clean yourself up before I get there.”
“You better watch your slutty little mouth, baby girl.” he said into the phone, voice rough and husky from the effects of his self-pleasure. 
You giggled cutely, blowing a kiss into the phone before hanging up. You shoved your assignments to the side of your desk, trying to put them out of your mind for the moment. Right now, all you were supposed to think about was Luke. You packed your Fendi purse that Luke had bought for you carefully, before slipping out of your dorm and down the stairs of your residence hall. When you stepped out into the cold of New York City in November, you gulped in a breath of fresh air, glancing up at the gray sky. The sidewalk was bustling with people, even at two in the afternoon on a Sunday, but hey, that was city life for you. 
You stayed rooted in place for a moment, head craned back as you examined the skyscrapers that towered over your head. No matter how long you lived in New York City, you were always in awe at the architecture. You stood frozen in place until your phone pinged with a message, reminding you of what you were supposed to actually be doing. 
Luke: I miss you and your hot body, baby
You replied back to Luke with a “be there soon” and a winking face, before starting the trek to the subway station. You wondered what Luke had planned for the afternoon as you boarded the train. You weren’t particularly in the mood to have sex, but you did want the blond’s company. When he wasn’t domming you in the bedroom, you could see that loving little boy shine through his personality, before the stress of the world and his job on Wall Street got to him. You laid your head back against the window, listening to your favorite playlist while you thought about how much you adored Luke. 
Before long, you reached your stop and you hurried up the stairs to the sidewalks of 57th street. You craned your neck and smiled up at Luke’s enormous glass building. This neighborhood left you in awe no matter how many times you came to Luke’s apartment. You hurried into the high-rise building, pulling your key from your bag. At this point in your relationship, Luke had given you your own personal key to his penthouse suite, and you quickly slipped into the private elevator, punching the button to go up to his floor. 
“Luke?” You called out when the doors opened, stepping into his home. “Where are you?”
“Over here.” he called out from the enormous, L-shaped couch in the living room. 
You walked over to the sofa, peering over the back and smiling at the sight you saw. Luke was wearing a pair of gray sweatpants with no shirt, glasses on and carefully reviewing what looked like some sort of graph for the stock market. If you didn’t know him, you would’ve just assumed he was a typical twenty-eight year old and not a multi-billionaire who also happened to be your sugar daddy. 
As soon as the blond saw you looking over the back of the couch, he placed the laptop aside and pulled you over the furniture and into him. “Hey, pretty girl.” he said, planting a deep kiss on your lips. 
“Hi Luke.” You whispered softly, relaxing into his arms. 
The blond simply didn’t answer; instead, he opted to run his hands up and down your ass, moaning softly. His strawberry-blond stubble scratched against your cheek as he let the low, throaty sound flow into your ear. Once he had gotten his fill of feeling you up, he whispered in your ear. 
“My smart, sexy girl.” he hummed huskily. 
That made your stomach drop to your feet. How on earth were you supposed to explain to Luke your declining grades, especially after he’d paid your tuition. There was no way you could explain to someone that was, a) paying your full ride and b) a multiple PhD holder from Ivies, that you were nearly failing classes. 
You pushed up off Luke’s chest, straightening yourself out. You pushed your glasses up your nose and tucked a strand of hair behind your ear. “I shouldn’t have come today,” You said softly. “This was a mistake.”
Luke quirked his brow at you, looking you up and down. “What was that?”
“I’m sorry…” You mumbled, standing up off of Luke’s lap and going to grab your bag. “This isn’t your fault at all, it’s mine. I need to go.”
The blond grabbed your wrist, searching your eyes deeply. “What’s going on, baby?”
“Nothing, Luke. I gotta go.” You whispered sadly, yanking your hand from his grasp and starting to make your way towards the elevator. 
Being 6’4”, Luke’s strides placed him in front of the exit before you could get there. “Not until you tell me what’s going on,” he said, blocking your way out, arms crossed over his chest. “You immediately agreed to coming over, Y/N.”
Your heart raced as you looked up at Luke. In your heart, you really believed he was a good man, but you recalled stories you’d heard and seen in the news headlines about women like you, sugar babies, getting seriously hurt or killed because they chose not to do what was asked of them. 
“I…I can’t tell you, Luke. I’m sorry. It’s nothing bad, I’m not seeing another man. It’s just–I can’t.” You whispered. 
The blond snorted, rolling his eyes. “What? So you can’t even talk to me now?” 
“No!” You protested. “I just don’t want to burden you. You deserve to dom me when I’m happy, Luke. Not when I’m miserable, that’s not fun for you.” 
“Oh baby,” he cooed. “Never in a million years would you ever be not fun for me,” the blond brought you into his arms, running his large, warm hand up and down your back. “Now, why don't you tell me what’s going on, hmm?” he asked, tipping your chin up with his hand. 
“I can’t.” You mumbled into his broad chest, tears pricking your eyes. 
“And why is that? Are you cheating?” he asked seriously, face growing stern for a moment. “Be fucking serious, Y/N.”
“I’m not,” You said truthfully, relaxing when you could tell Luke believed you. “It’s just, well, I don’t want to burden you since our relationship is rather…transactional.” You said, drifting your eyes from the blonde’s face to his hardening dick. 
“You can tell me anything, baby girl,” Luke chuckled, knowing you’d noticed his situation. “Kink is more than just sexual; it’s emotional too. You know that.” 
“Well…here goes nothing,” You sighed, taking a deep breath. “I don’t know if it’s because it’s exam season or if I’m just stressed out, but I’ve been really struggling in my classes.” You mumbled, hiding your face in the blond’s chest. 
“Princess, why didn’t you just say that?” Luke kissed your forehead. “You know I won’t judge my pretty girl. Do you need a tutor? Homework help?”
“It’s just…when you called me smart and sexy, it made me feel like I’d let you down. Especially after you paid for my tuition. I feel like I’m letting everyone who has ever called me the smart girl down.” You said, starting to cry. 
“Baby girl, look at me,” Luke hummed. “You are not letting anyone down, okay? I wouldn’t have paid your tuition if I didn’t believe in you. A period of downs doesn’t mean there aren’t new ups coming. And if anyone judges your grades, fuck them. You’re at an Ivy League university, Y/N, and you’re killing it,” he smirked. “Not to mention maintaining a perfect body, but that’s not a conversation for right now.” Luke chuckled. 
You smiled softly at the blond’s reassurance, filled with new hope. “You aren’t mad?”
You hugged Luke tightly, burying your face in his chest and inhaling his strong, manly scent. “You smell good.”
“Why thank you,” he laughed. “Now, let’s make sure we get that stress taken care of, yeah?” Luke said, reaching for the button on your jeans. 
“I’m not sure,” You whispered softly. “I don’t know if I really want to. I would like a kiss, though.” You smiled. 
“I’ll make it all better, princess.” he smirked, slowly running his hands up your back and undoing the clasp of your bra. 
You couldn’t help the moan that escaped your lips as Luke ran his hands along your boobs. Luke planted a kiss on your lips, beginning to roughly make out with you. His heated body pressed against your own was slowly turning you on, but you still were unsure about if this was a good idea or not. 
“I have a surprise for you,” Luke mumbled, picking you up under the ass and carrying you into his large, master suite bedroom. The blond sat you down on the bed, eyeing you carefully. He crossed his arms over his chest, looking you up and down. “Well, you know what to do.”
You knew what Luke wanted, so you quickly kneeled on the bed, looking up at him and fluttering your lashes. “Yes sir.” 
“Good girl,” the blond said, pressing a kiss to your forehead. “I’ll be right back.”
Luke left your side, going into his huge, walk-in closet. Part of you wondered what he was doing, but part of you also knew. Your dom absolutely adored when you wore lingerie, and you were pretty sure he’d gotten you a new set. Sure enough, he stepped out a moment later, holding a pile of pink, lacy fabric with something metal on top. He came back to your side, smirking with that look that had made you fall for him way back. 
“What better way to ease you into it than a new set, hmm?” Luke smiled. “Arms up, baby girl. You know this is my job.” 
You nodded, allowing Luke to remove your shirt and bra, and then your pants and underwear. You had to admit that letting him take the reins was slowly relaxing you, allowing you to go into your floaty subspace, not worrying about anything. Once Luke had undressed you, he revealed the pink fabric from earlier to you. 
It was a lacy, hot pink lingerie set. The rose embroidery outlined the cups of the bra perfectly, and on the ass of the panties was Princess in white rhinestones. They clipped together with hot pink garters, studded with the same matching rhinestones. The set wasn’t what caught your eye, though. Luke dangled a pair of handcuffs in front of your face, a devilishly handsome smirk on his beautiful face. You were used to bondage in your and Luke’s scenes, but these handcuffs were different. They were a beautiful, shiny silver, with the wider part inlaid with shiny, Swarovski crystals that glinted in the sun that was streaming in through the large glass windows. 
“Luke…it’s beautiful. Thank you.” You whispered sweetly. 
The blond slid the lingerie set on you with care, leaving slight kisses all over your skin. He then grabbed the handcuffs. “You’re gonna be a good girl and let me do what I want, right? I know you have it in you, princess.” Luke smirked, planting a heated kiss on your lips. 
“Mhm,” You said, bowing your head as you continued to kneel. “I promise.” You smiled. 
“I knew you had it. Good fuckin’ girl.” Luke smirked, putting your hands in the cuffs and then attaching you to his enormous headboard. 
You smiled softly up at him, nodding your head. Luke pulled out his phone, snapping a quick photo on his phone. Once he had done so, he tossed the device to the side, hooking his thumbs on the waistband of the panties. 
“Relax, honey. We’ll get all that stress properly fucked out.” he smirked. 
Luke slid the flimsy lace off your legs, chuckling when you unconsciously clenched your thighs. He spread your legs apart with his large, ringed hands, lustfully licking his lips as he gazed at your already wet slit. The blond didn’t even really give you the opportunity to say much else before he began to tap out a gentle, pulsing rhythm on your clit. 
“Oh god,” You whimpered. “Don’t be a tease.”
“‘M not teasin’, honey. Just getting you ready to cum.” he said, planting a kiss on your pubic bone. 
“Right there. Oh my god, keep going.” You gasped out, wriggling against your bonds as Luke hit a particularly pleasurable spot with his fingers. 
“Awww, you don’t even need my tongue to cum, baby.” Luke teased you. 
You panted as Luke crouched down, beginning to run his tongue up and down your slit and across your thighs as he continued to pleasure your clit. He was humming soft things about how good you tasted and how pretty you were, teasing with soft flicks over his tongue. Once he’d had his fill of practically torturing you, the blond began to fully eat you out, enjoying the way your legs were clenching around his neck. 
You felt the warm ball that had knotted itself in your stomach burn hotter, as well as your walls beginning to contract, and you knew you were close. “Hmmm, Luke,” You whimpered. “Need to cum.”
“Not yet, honey. Haven’t had my fill of you.” Luke lifted his head for a moment to speak, landing a smack to your ass, to which you cried out in pleasure. 
You were panting and huffing as Luke continued to eat you out, hands straining against the cuffs. Between his tongue and the stimulation on your electric spot from his fingers, you were ready to orgasm faster than you ever had before. Finally, Luke decided he was truly ready to taste you. 
“Cum for me, honey,” he whispered into your folds. “Cum all in my mouth, baby girl.”
You didn’t need to be told twice; you immediately let go, tugging against the handcuffs as you came in his mouth, letting out erotic moans as you did so. “Oh god, Luke.”
“You like that, princess?” he asked, sitting back on his haunches and staring at you with an expectant smile. 
You nodded quickly, letting a string of praises for the blond fall from your lips. Luke grabbed the key to the handcuffs off the nightstand and undid your bonds, pressing a soft kiss to the red spots on your wrist with a quiet, husky “good girl”. As soon as you were free from the restraints, you sat up, throwing your arms around Luke’s neck. 
“Thank you for encouraging me, I needed that.” You smiled, giving him doe eyes as you kissed his cheek. 
“You’re welcome, pretty princess,” Luke smiled, groping your ass. “Do you see why I said I could never be mad at you earlier?” he asked. 
You nodded, snuggling into his chest as you laid your head on his shoulder. You played innocent for a moment, before you snuck your hand down to his sweatpants-clad dick. You cheekily ran your hand up and down his shaft, palming him as you giggled. 
“Is that you asking for more, my love?” Luke asked you, cocking an eyebrow. 
“Maybe,” You giggled. “Depends on what you’re offering, sir.”
“I’m offering for you to be filled with my dick, but if you don’t want that…” he shrugged nonchalantly. 
“No, please. I do.” You hummed, running your hands through his blond curls. 
“Get on your knees, then.” Luke said firmly, but not unkindly. 
You did as he gasped, wincing when you realized how sensitive your pussy still was from Luke’s stimulation, which elicited a laugh from the blond. Once you were kneeling, you looked at Luke through your lashes, smiling as you watched him remove his pants and begin to palm himself until he was acceptably hard. 
“You gonna be a good girl and take my whole cock in that slutty little mouth?” he smirked. 
You nodded quickly, reaching out for him. “Let me make you feel good.”
Luke smirked, getting on his own knees in front of you, an expectant smile on his face. “Suck.” he demanded, landing another spanking to your ass. 
You immediately took Luke’s tip into your mouth, running your tongue across the head of his dick in a way that made the blond grunt out with pleasure. As you got him worked up, you began to pump the lower part of his erection with your right hand, watching him throw his head back erotically. 
“God, makin’ me feel so good, baby.” he hummed out. 
You responded with your own moans vibrating against his dick as you took more of him into your mouth, which got even more of a reaction out of Luke. By this point, you had taken almost his entire length into your mouth, sucking and running your tongue along his tip. Luke was letting out moans akin to a male pornstar, his head thrown back as he thrusted his hips to meet your jaw.
“Mmmm, need to cum, princess.” he gasped out as his dick hit the back of your throat. 
You smiled up at him with your eyes as he landed another spank to your ass, enjoying the way it shoved you further into him. The whole scene was rather unholy, but it was definitely hot. Luke was thrusting his hips as he panted out, while you sucked him off, letting out your own girlish moans. Without warning, Luke suddenly clenched his muscle and began to cum, thich, white ropes of the substance shooting down your throat. 
“Good fuckin’ girl.” he huffed. 
You slowly pulled back from Luke, wiping your mouth with the back of your hand. “Yum.” You giggled. 
Luke kissed your forehead, running a hand through your tousled hair. “You really are the best sugar baby in the world.”
“Thank you,” You smiled, pushing yourself ever close to him, smirking when you realized his cock was still hard. “It’s all because of you.”
“Is that so, baby girl?” the blond chuckled. 
You nodded your head, slowly leaning back against Luke’s silken pillows to prop yourself up. “Mhm…I was thinking you could maybe, you know, remind me of that?” You smirked sweetly. 
“Oh baby, someone’s horny today,” Luke grinned, running a hand along the lacy bra that was still clad to your tits. “What happened to that ‘I don’t want this’, huh?”. 
You blushed, looking up at him as he straddled you. “You just made it better, I guess. That’s what happens when you’re smart, and loving, and might I add oh-so-sexy.”
He shook his head, wriggling his hips in the slightest way to give you a bit of friction. Not a lot, but just enough to turn you on. “You know you’re really being a slut right now, my love.” Luke looked like the most handsome devil as he spoke. As if he could burn the world down and smirk as he did so, but it would all be for you. 
“Only for you, Lu,” You hummed, pressing his hands to your boobs. “Only for you.”
“Are you in it for me, or for the money?” Luke teased you. 
“I mean mostly for you, but the money’s nice too.” You winked. 
Luke kissed your forehead as he dug his hips into your own. “Keep talking like that and I might just fall in love with you, princess.”
“You know, that wouldn’t be the worst thing that’s ever happened to me.” You smiled, lifting your head to make out with him. 
The blond moaned at that, continuing where you two had left off a few minutes before. You noticed him move to line his tip up with your entrance, smirking as he did so. “Can you take my cock, baby? Or are you already so fucked out.”
“God, Luke. Please just fuck me.” You whined out, gripping at the sheets. 
Luke immediately slammed into you at your request, smirking as he looked down at your face. You weren’t used to Luke’s size and length without a condom, and you were practically intoxicated with ecstasy at the feeling of him grinding against you bare. The blond fucked into you hard and fast, bucking his hips against you in a way that would definitely leave bruises there tomorrow. You didn’t care though, the feeling of Luke inside of you had taken every coherent thought from your mind. 
Moving from dripping the sheets, you tangled your hands in Luke’s blond curls, practically yelling out as he rode you. Luke must’ve been feeling extra horny today; whatever it was, you were definitely feeling its effects, but you couldn’t say you were mad about them. You were always ready to cum faster on your second orgasm than on your first, which led you to where you were now, gripping Luke’s hair as a tear rolled down your cheek at the overstimulation. 
“Luke, I’m so close.” You gasped out, feeling yourself tighten in preparation for your climax. 
“You can do it, baby girl. I know you can. Show me how strong you are.” Luke coached you, enjoying watching you squirm. 
“Luke, please,” You cried out. “Need to cum.”
The blond gave one last hard thrust against you, landing a smack to your ass as he did so, before quickly pulling out, just in time to cum all over your stomach as you hit your own climax. “God, so sexy.” he moaned. 
Luke laid down beside you, rubbing your tummy to coach you through the rest of your high, feeling his own body start to relax a bit.  By the time you had finished, you were both beyond exhausted. You flopped over into Luke’s arms, panting heavily as he held you, your naked bodies pressed together. 
“Thank you,” You whispered softly. “I needed that today.”
“You’re welcome, baby girl. I love you.” Luke cooed. 
“Are you busy this afternoon?” You asked sleepily. 
While Luke was practically the king of aftercare, especially for a sugar daddy, there were definitely days where you’d both cum and he’d go back to working. You were hoping today wasn’t one of those days, but Wall Street was so unpredictable, you never knew. The blond snuggled you closer, running a hand about and down your back. 
“Nope, but there is a little gift waiting for you on the kitchen counter if you’re ready to leave.” he smirked. 
“Luke!” You swatted his shoulder lightly. “This is more than enough.” You said, gesturing down at your bra. 
“I don’t think so,” he shrugged. “What better way to get in the Christmas spirit than a pair of red bottoms, huh princess?”
“You didn’t!” You said, gripping him closer and kissing him. “I can’t believe you bought me a pair of Louboutins.”
“Only the finest for my girl.” Luke said, kissing you deeply. 
“I love you, Luke. I’m sorry about earlier…” You whispered. 
“Ah ah, no sorries, my love. There’s nothing wrong with admitting you’re struggling,” Luke looked at you seriously. “I hope you know that you can tell me anything. My degrees, my career, none of that affects how I look at you, okay?” 
You nodded, snuggling into his chest. “Thank you. Naptime now?” You asked. 
Luke chuckled, holding you ever closer. “Always. I love you, princess.” 
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deceitfuldevout · 1 year
Haunting You
Dark!Rafe Cameron x Housekeeper!Reader
Word Count: +1,574
Warning(s): +18, Kidnapping, Mentions of past non con, Forced pregnancy. Ward is a warning himself.
Author's Note(s): I got this idea after listening to Beyonce's haunting music video.
You've been best friends with Sarah since childhood. When your parents decide to move away, she insisted you live with her family to attend the same college. With their blessing, you find yourself living with the family as a personal housekeeper. It's a reliable source of income that's kept you busy.
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As soon as school was out, you decide to pick up another job at a local diner. You were given a key to their home due to you working late shifts. Ward insisted it was too dangerous, he assigns Rafe as your personal driver. But when you go missing one night, the entire town has their eyes set on the Cameron family.
A search party is held the next morning and following nights after. Rafe is the only one who doesn't attend. Only returning after spending the weekend probably partying. Ward scolds his son for being so careless, but Rafe didn't seem to care. No matter what he does, his father always seems to find another flaw in him. He shows more affection towards his daughter's best friend than his own flesh and blood. He'll be damned if he's second best to some Pogue.
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It's been months since your disappearance. So when the police inform the Camerons that your investigation had been labeled a cold case, Ward had to be the one to break the news. After the last and final search party, Ward consoles his daughters. Rafe on the other hand, was nowhere to be found.
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Typical, unreliable Rafe. In fact, none of it even bothered him. Someone who he's been responsible for the past year suddenly goes missing and there isn't even the slightest bit of concern. Nothing. If it weren't for Topper's party, he would've been a prime suspect. Ward knew of your friendship with Sarah, that’s why he agreed to hire you in the first place. You were a good kid. Until the day his son informs him that you ran off with some merchandise. Ward ignored all of Sarah's pleas and files a police report, from then on the rest was history.
Ward had kept himself cooped up in his office. Tonight had been a thunderstorm warning he could hear the heavy rain pattering against the windows. He listens to the strong, sharp wind. It resembles a faint cry, no...plea. It sounded almost like you. Like he could hear your cries from down the halls. As if you were still here. Calling, pleading for help. This wouldn't be the first time he's felt a presence in their house. He swore he heard it first coming from the vents. Surely it would go away the next morning. An hour had passed and it was still there.
A faint, ghost-like howling. Ward knows he isn't alone. Wheezie was out for a slumber party, and Sarah was at a friend's place. He could've sworn he saw Rafe stepping foot inside right before the storm hit. But nowadays it was hard to tell. His son barely set foot inside the house. Not unless he was rummaging for supplies or extra cash. To the point where even his father grew suspicious of his activities. He wasn't on Pogue territory, and none of his Kook friends had seen him recently. His jeep was still parked out front, so where the hell was he?
Ward searches for his son upstairs. He makes his way inside Rafe's room. His son wasn't there, the only clue being left is his phone tossed aside on the bed. Knowing Rafe, he'd never step outside the house without it. This time there's another shrill cry, more audible is heard coming from behind Rafe's bed. It sends shivers down his spine. Ward pulls it back, revealing the vent connected to it. He knows where it leads to.
See, the Cameron estate held a few secret rooms. One of them had been in his office. Another in the library, and the last room being an underground storage unit, built years ago by the first owners. He makes his way to the basement, where the entrance to the bunker was. To his surprise, there was a faint light at the end of the staircase. Finally, the voice halts. Whoever this intruder was, they're certainly not welcomed to squat in his house.
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Ward picks up a lamp left at the end of the stairs. He follows the faint noise until he reaches the source. For a moment, they sound like Sarah's until he listens more closely, no, he was sure they were yours. But how? You'd been missing for months. He shines the light at the silhouette. His burning question finally being answered. That night their family joined your search party, everyone had been there. All except one.
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Ward knew he should've spotted the signs. He knew something wasn’t right when his son of all people suggested that you, his old classmate, work with them. It wasn’t like his son to help hire employees. Let alone a housekeeper. He should've kept more distance between the two of you. That night, Rafe was supposed to pick you upand he did. The housekeepers who had left for the night. So there was no one who saw him dragging you down the basement stairs. During all these months he'd been cooped up down here. All this time, Rafe knew.
Ward didn't want to admit it. If he could just sweep this whole incident under the rug, then maybe it would fade within time. But there you were, sobbing, rocking yourself back and fourth. He notices you were holding something. A bundled blanket. It starts moving. That's when he realizes there was no turning back from the damage Rafe had done.
A small fist raises in the air as the babe cried out for its mother. You were nearly drained, your face losing color as each minute passes. Drenched in sweat and still sore from the after birth. There was no time to spare. Ward had to think, and he had to think fast. Out of all the things Rafe could get himself in, why? Why did he bother someone like you of all people?
You were a good kid. You made everything around you better, and in a way, more complete. Ward noticed the way his son used to look at you. He should've stopped this sick obsession before it could take root. Never in his life would he predict such an outcome. You look up at him with pleading eyes, “P-please…please help us!” A small cry came from the covers. At that moment Ward realizes his son had gotten himself into something he couldn’t reverse.
What you had suffered was unfortunate, but he couldn’t risk losing everything he’d worked hard for. "P-please Mr. Cameron h-help me you have to hurry before he comes...!"
He throws on an act, "Honey, who?" Approaching you with fake concern.
"I'm so sorry I should've stayed far away--I should've never gone in his room if I knew he would--" you can't help but get choked up. Ward gently held your shoulders as he pulls you in for a hug. After a moment you gather enough courage to look him in the eyes, "It was Rafe. All along it was him!"
Ward felt horrible for what he was about to do, "Oh sweetheart..." he picks up the lantern and takes a step back, "I can't risk losing my family because of one mistake,"
That's when your entire world came crashing down. As if your heart had broken into a million pieces. This was the man who had watched you grow up with his children. Who you thought embraced you as one of his own. He sighs, "It's a small sacrifice to protect my family, I hope you'll understand now that you have one of your own," He makes his way up the stairs, ignoring the echoes that bounce off the walls as you plead, scream for mercy.
You let out a final shrill cry, "I hope this follows you for the rest of your life! Like a curse, I hope this haunts you for the rest of your life!" It was the last thing Ward hears from you before leaving. He meets Rafe at the entrance. His son drops the medical supplies in hand. He had had been sporting a fresh bruise on his face. One of the many you'd given him during these past months. Even now at your at your most vulnerable form.
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Rafe had the audacity to look at him as if he'd just killed someone. Ward sighs, "Care to explain?" giving his son a moment to find the right words. Rafe isn't phased, not even in the slightest. He's not upset that he'd got caught. He's more nervous that his father found out about a the kid he had behind his back.
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Rafe looks his father dead in the eyes, "I love her," smiling at his proclamation of 'love'. it was at that moment when Ward felt pity for his son. He should've known better when Rafe decided to go under the radar. Nothing good ever came from it.
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As mad as he was, Ward couldn't blame the child born from such circumstances. So, the Cameron men decide to hatch a plan. Later that summer, the Camerons decide to hold a grand solstice celebration at their manor, inviting almost every single Kook in the area.
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They decide to hold the event at their house. It was a coverup plan. An excuse to show off their newest renovations, which indirectly helped cover their tracks. A perfect distraction for the Cameron ladies of the house. Ward let them redecorate the inside in preparation for the party. It gave Ward and Rafe time to rearrange the old vents away from the noisy basement. All while Rose and the girls were kept busy with the décor.
During the event, Rafe took his time introducing his son to each and every last member of Kook society. The whereabouts of his mother seemingly out of the picture, abandoning her own child and leaving Rafe a single father. They took pity on him and the situation he'd been forced in. Rumors spreading that he'd been seduced by some lowly Pogue. He decides to step up into the role and embrace fatherhood, playing hero for safe face. Of course the Kooks ate his story up. Who doesn't love a happy ending?
Ward sees his son selling the story and can't help but feel much more relieved. Way more than he had been in months. But just to be sure, he kneels down to the nearest vent and places his ear against it, nothing. He hums a tune before downing his champagne. There would be no more 'hauntings' coming from the Cameron house.
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