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Painted up one of the rereleased Warhammer hills, real railroad dad hours over here. Loads of Gamer's Grass tufts along with some scatter I found hiking, and loads of static grass and clump foliage I’ve accumulated over the years.
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Marine in Action Warhammer 40 K
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Sylvaneth - Alarielle's Children
We are a miniature painting studio. If you need painting, converting, sculpting, assembling, LED lights - literally anything regarding the hobby, don’t hesitate - simply contact us via [email protected]
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The Observatory WIP 🚧 2.0. It’s coming along! The build got a couple different washes and some vegetation. . . . . . #boardgamegeek #dnd #dungeonsanddragons #ttrpg #d20 #dice #dnd5e #paintingminiatures #warhammer #warhammerterrain #tabletopterrain #terrain #dioramas #modelmaking #wargameterrain #dungeonmaster #game #gamer #games #gaming #geek #lotr #magic #miniature #monster #pathfinderrpg (at The Forgotten Realms) https://www.instagram.com/p/CmPL7OPuDDU/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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I've collected up a lot of terrain over the years. By the end of 2023, I'd love to turn it all into a really excellent wargaming table. Between making googly eyes at Necromunda conversions, and shopping around for Savlar miniatures, I'm planning out the table of my dreams. #warhammercommunity #warhammerterrain #sectormechanicus #hobbystreak #hobbystreakday437 (at Wakefield) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cn8ACMpt-g9/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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Chapel of the living saint. #warhammercommunity #warmongers #warhammerterrain #sistersofbattle https://www.instagram.com/p/CXITIiHMSWb/?utm_medium=tumblr
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Truly exquisite work! You can almost hear the rustle of leaves on the long road behind as the wind carries autumn over the hills, hushed with portent. 🤌🏼 @lutherian_99 : "The forest surrounding Amberfall is filled with remnants of the history of the city. This statue was made not long after the first ogre war to honour the valiant soldiers who gave their life in protection of the city. Over time the forest has started to take back claim over it and is now mainly used as a waypoint to identify you are entering the lands of the city from the east roads. ————— Loved making this piece :) I always find terrain and scenery so fun to make as it has so many different elements to the process and always fills fresh and new. I will be doing a step by step video if people are interested? Thoughts and comments welcome" 👍🏼 #warhammerterrain #warhammercommunity #terrainbuilding #warhammerscenery #scalemodel #scalemodelling #ageofsigmar #warhammerfantasy #aos #warhammer #gamesworkshop #hobby #scenery #modelmaking #tabletopterrain #tabletopgames #wargamingterrain #3Dprinting #rpg #dnd #ttrpg #wargame (at Portland, Oregon) https://www.instagram.com/p/ChU21ocLKhw/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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The Inn of the Prancing Pony is finally complete! Now onto the East wing and stables.... . . . . Excuse the hashtags #lotrwarhammer #lotr #lotrsbg #lotrterrain #lotrminiatures #warhammerfantasyroleplay #warhammerageofsigmar #warhammercommunity #warhammerterrain #warhammerempire #fantasyterrain #scenery #terrainbuilding #terrain (at Village of Bree) https://www.instagram.com/p/CJodmH4Ho6w/?igshid=1f7xc49qyk1bc
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Finished my Death World Terrain Set! Now to just work on a mat for them to go on, and some models to run around in the forest! #warhammer #warhammer40kterrain #warhammercommunity #warhammerpainting #warhammerterrain #warhammer40k #ageofsigmar https://www.instagram.com/p/CNAVXBRHfuP/?igshid=2iwpwdpi3udj
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More GW card terrain from my collection. This time Ork themed! The guard tower was included in an issue of white dwarf. The Ork fort with the door that slides up/ down and the mining tower is from the Gorkamorka base game. Beige building with the attached tower was the Ork Stronghold release. #gamesworkshop #warhammer #warhammer40k #gorkamorka #40kterrain #gorkamorkaterrain #wargaming #warhammerorks #40korks #orks #orks40k #orkterrain #cardterrain #28mmgaming #whitedwarfmagazine #oldhammer #wargamingterrain #miniaturewargaming #tabletopwargaming #warhammerterrain https://www.instagram.com/p/CE0QLhoHi4o/?igshid=1gm31d2lq0w94
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A set of Azyrite Chapel Ruins for Age of Sigmar! Had these in the WIP closet for like 2 years.
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New Doll Stands
Fantasy Faerie Doll stands
Sorry I have been so quiet but I have been dealing with a lot of... things last month.
I have been having problems affording the materials to make many of my items but thanks to my patreons I have saved up enough to get the materials I needed to create a set of new doll stands. If these are popular enough I have a whole line of different themed stands for the future, I even plans for larger Fantasy stands made from scratch!
If you would like to show your support message me what you think of theses new stands or any suggestions for future stands you would like to see. You can also support me on patreon for as little as approx £1 or you can buy one of my items from Etsy. Any help will allow me to work on more new projects like this.
Thank you all for your support :)
If you would like to help support me as I continue to explore the fae realms and document the creatures and my findings you can on my patreon, even the smallest amount would help me immensely.
Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/BurnedRavenTales
The items I find on my journey will be made available on my Etsy Store:
Esty Store: https://www.etsy.com/uk/shop/BurnedRavenTales?ref=hdr_shop_menu
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/burnedraventales/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/BurnedRavenTales/
#monsterhighrepaint#custom doll stand#doll stands#monster high custom#fantasy doll#handmade#mushroom#fantasy terrain#terrain base#warhammer#fantasy art#toadstool#garden#customdollstand#warhammerterrain
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This is what I call the mad scientist method of crafting 💉 . . . #ttrpg #scale #scenery #scientist #green #terrain #diorama #handmade #handcrafted #warhammer #wargaming #warhammerterrain #dndminiatures #dnd #dungeonsanddragons #cool #skull https://www.instagram.com/p/Br9jbDZnGor/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1n6xnk5i7sqsv
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The Old Aqueduct WIP v2. Here is the build undercoated then detail painted. Lastly, adding some vegetation. I’m working on the build video for my YouTube channel today! . . . . . #wargamingscenery #warhammer #modelmaking #scalemodel #wargameterrain #mordheimterrain #terrain #wargameterraindiy #warhammerterrain #wargameterrainpiece #warhammer40k #wargaming #boardgamegeek #dungeonsanddragons #fantasy #game #gamer #gaming #magic #miniature #monsters #pathfinderrpg #roleplay #rpggames #tabletop #wizardsofthecoast #dice #dungeonmaster #lotr (at The Shire, Middle-Earth) https://www.instagram.com/p/ClydBiqrPf5/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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All the terrain I have Build, painted and finished since December. #warhammercommunity #warhammerterrain #gamesworkshop https://www.instagram.com/thordisdt/p/CZP6lyDMnVq/?utm_medium=tumblr
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Real awful day, today. Only way to properly end a bad day: a good movie, and a model kit. El Laberinto del Fauno wasn't what I expected whatsoever. I did expect these Gryph-hound statues, though. Nice, gentle work for a thoroughly ungentle film. #warhammercommunity #warhammerterrain #dominionofsigmar #hobbystreak #hobbystreakday433 (at Wakefield) https://www.instagram.com/p/CnxoJb_NREp/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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