#warcraft lfrp
mistswoven · 8 months
Looking for Contact - Verena Sun'rael
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「 general information 」
FULL NAME: Verena Iren Sun’rael
TITLE(S): Agent, Doctor, The Jade Dagger, The Good Doctor
AGE: 177
DATE OF BIRTH: April 16th
RACE: Elf (Thalassian)
GENDER: Female, cisgender.
MARITAL STATUS: Single, never married.
PROFESSION(S): Surgeon, doctor, mistweaver, Blacktalon agent, member of the Order of the Broken Temple.
LANGUAGES: Thalassian, Common, Pandaren, Sign, Draconic.
「 physicality & appearance 」
HAIR: Blonde with muted pink streaks; lightly wavy, shoulder length.
EYES: Misty teal
HEIGHT: 5’7”
BUILD: Mesomorphic; muscular and athletic.
A jagged scar that cuts over and around the outer edge of her right eye; the eye itself is unharmed.
A small cut to the left of cupid’s bow on her upper lip.
A tattoo of a cherry blossom branch wound around both biceps up to her shoulders.
Simple silver earrings, often asymmetrical
One large earring made to look like a cherry blossom branch with intact blooms; it stretches up the length of her right ear
A nose piercing, right side, silver.
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「 personality & traits 」
A searing pride scorches the very ground she walks, confidence radiating from her like the heat that comes immediately after. She's fiery, vibrant and powerful. Though not quite a social butterfly, Verena is certainly rather outgoing and won't shy away from striking up or engaging in a conversation. Self-assured in her abilities, it can sometimes be hard for her to back down from a challenge - and the stubborn streak certainly doesn't help matters. Though often rather down to earth and with a colorful sense of humor, one would think that a switch was flipped with how quickly she can become serious should a given situation call for it.
There's a certain charm that she's adopted; she wields it like a weapon, one nearly as deadly as her fists. Her hospitality and kindness will last as long as one behaves the same in turn. The moment that changes, it's pure venom from then on.
Want to know more? Interact or RP!
「 personal information 」
HOBBIES: Poetry, painting, meditation, hiking, reading, painting, swimming, studying, exercising.
SKILL(S): Practical and magical medicine, skilled martial artist, practiced tactician, fast learner, extensive anatomical knowledge, [REDACTED].
AFFILIATIONS: The Blacktalons, The Blackheart Accord, [REDACTED] (former), [REDACTED] (former)
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「 relations 」
Jenir Sun’rael, father. Unknown.
Sena Sun’rael, mother. Unknown.
Eriesh Sun’rael, brother. Alive.
Lyrina Sun’rael, sister. Deceased.
Amora Sun’rael, sister. Alive.
Saeus Sun’rael, brother. Alive.
Kaethis Sun’rael, brother. Alive.
「 habits & vices」
SMOKING:  never / sometimes / frequently / to excess.
DRUGS: never / sometimes / frequently / to excess.
ALCOHOL: never / sometimes / frequently / to excess.
「 hooks」
Surgical Precision: A skilled Doctor and surgeon with a degree, Verena has treated many patients over the years in hospitals and even out on the field of battle. Anyone currently or previously involved with the military, civilians, monks, or Black Talons could have been treated by her at one point or another.
Black Talons: A current Blacktalon assassin and agent, V has traveled all over Azeroth and beyond to gather, seek and locate various bits of information ranging from a simple overheard conversation to a relic or two. Those of a similar occupation, drakes or Dracthyr of the Black Dragonflight could easily recognize her for this.
Isn't it odd, though, that she's just a Blacktalon agent? One does not simply become an agent; Wrathion hires talent. Maybe there's more to this.
White Tiger, Jade Serpent: At every given opportunity, Verena will speak of her time in Pandaria - working, training, fighting, the whole package. Monks, or those who lived, worked, trained or fought on the Isle could certainly recognize her from there; she spent a number of years training under a pair of Pandaren monk masters.
Woven in the Mists: Perhaps it's just a rumor, or maybe there's more to it. Though a skilled combatant and combat medic in her own right, whispers constantly swirl around a more unique style that she employs; one that can be used to harm instead of heal. Maybe due to the ramifications of using this method of mistweaving, or something else entirely, there will occasionally be lightning-like teal patterns up and down her arms. This results from an excess of chi use.
Sting like a Killer Bee: Despite her calm disposition and training as a mistweaver, Verena is known for a rather aggressive and punishing fighting style. It would be best described as orthodox Muay Thai combined with Wing Chun and Taekwondo.
Neutral Party: Verena does not identify with the Alliance or the Horde, and simply chooses to remain neutral. Though once a firm and unwavering member of the Alliance, her time and training as a monk seems to have changed her perspective on the faction war.
「 other/ooc 」
FACE REFERENCE(S): Elizabeth Lail
VOICE REFERENCE(S): Morena Baccarin as Black Canary (JLU)
SERVER(S): Moon Guard (A), Wyrmrest Accord (H)
This character is completely neutral, and thus has a Horde and an Alliance counterpart.
I will not interact/roleplay with minors or anyone under the age of 18. 21+ preferred.
I will not write with godmodders (ex. never misses a hit and never gets hit, their character is so overpowered that they’re basically a god and can’t ever lose, etc).
Art Album Here
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ellissay-morningstar · 10 months
LFRP: Ellissay Morningstar
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Basics –––– ✢
▌NICKNAMES: Elly ▌AGE: 25 ▌RACE: Half-Elf (Quel'dorei mother & Gilnean father. Void Elf in game) ▌GENDER: Female ▌SEXUALITY: Bisexual ▌MARITAL STATUS: Single ▌SERVER: Moon Guard
Physical Appearance –––– ♤
▌HAIR: Long Silver White ▌EYES: Blue Hazel ▌HEIGHT: 5'8 ▌BUILD: Athletic, Toned/Athletic ▌DISTINGUISHING MARKS: None ▌COMMON ACCESSORIES: Jeweled Dagger (usually hidden)
Personal –––– ♢
▌PROFESSION:  Huntress/For Hire ▌HOBBIES: Reading, Writing, Singing ▌LANGUAGES: Multilingual  ▌RESIDENCE: Wherever she is renting at the moment ▌BIRTHPLACE: - ▌RELIGION: None ▌FEARS: Losing what is left of her family
Relationships –––– ♡
▌Spouse: None ▌Children: None ▌Parents: Eclesia Morningstar, Grimsark Blakemore ▌Siblings: Her twin brothers, Damon and Eldon Blakemore ▌Other Relatives: Elutia Morningstar ▌Pets:  Two snow leopards, Nieves and Neva
disorganized / organized / in between close-minded / open-minded / in between Calm / anxious / in between disagreeable / agreeable / in between cautious / reckless /in between patient / impatient / in between outspoken / reserved / in between leader / follower / in between empathetic / unemphatic / in between optimistic / pessimistic / in between leaning optimistic traditional/modern / in between Hard-working/lazy / in between cultured / un-cultured / in between loyal / disloyal / in between faithful / unfaithful / in between
Possible Hooks –––– ♦
▌ Huntress for hire. She takes on contracts to hunt and/or kill creatures that are wrecking havocs on villages or upsetting the balance of nature.
▌For hire-other. Following in her mother's footsteps, she takes on contract work in gathering intelligence and taking out possible targets at her discretion.
▌She enjoys a good drink and can be found at a tavern or bar especially during the weekend late nights. She also enjoys dancing and can possibly be found at local clubs and/or parties.
▌-she is a brand new character that is still in the works of me figuring her out. Any suggestions for a starter for role play is always welcomed.
PLEASE NOTE: I currently do most if not all of my RP in discord. That information can be obtained by messaging me on tumblr in ask or messenger.
What I’m looking for –––– ♥
▌RP partners/Friendship ▌I’m willing to do pre-established ships mainly past relationships, family, old friends, enemies, past business partners. As long as it is talked out and agreed on ahead of time.  ▌Open communication about the RP at all times. ▌RP in discord with possible in-game at a later date ▌Looking for somebody who doesn’t mind if I tag them in posts about our characters with gifs, quotes, and such.
Out of Character –––– ♣
▌I am an older writer/roleplayer, 40+, and when doing NSFW (including erotica, violence, etc) topics, I prefer the writer to be 25+. SFW - 18+ ▌I mostly do para writing, but it can and will vary in length. I have no expectation on length, If you write a line or a chapter, I am good either way. ▌IC and OOC separate at all times. I am not my character, and she is not me. This is very important to me. Please do not take OOC into RP and vice versa. ▌I can always be contacted via Tumblr ask/messenger or Discord, if you have my discord.
Contact Information –––– ✰
Tumblr @ellissay-morningstar
Carrd: In the works
Discord -  Please request. 
In game - Ellissay on Moon Guard
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talah-dorei · 9 months
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Translation: (Varies with Speaker Preference) Survival Borne, Borne of Survival, Enduring Children, Surviving Children, Children of Endurance, Children of Survival
Anu’eran voras.
Translation: We rise from the ruins.
We are a night elf themed, lore-friendly, heavy roleplay collective. Our goal is to create a welcoming community for kaldorei roleplayers and their allies. We will strive to promote, generate, and encourage roleplay opportunities outside of the city hubs and inspire world roleplay. Talah’dorei is not a new organization or sect to the night elf culture. It is simply a chosen community name that captures the essence of the night elven story thus far. They have survived so much tragedy. They have endured.
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We have a diverse group of people and accept EVERYONE for who they are. So keep sexuality, race, religion, politics, and other similar "High Impact" subjects out of public channels.
Out of Character drama needs to be kept to a bare minimum. Also, remember to keep IC and OOC separate. If you have a problem with a member, please contact the leader/moderator of your choosing, and hopefully, we can find a solution before it makes everyone uncomfortable.
Keep your roleplay etiquette in check. No God Modding. No Meta Gaming. No Trolling. We are a lore-friendly community. We understand there is grey area where headcanon can flourish and expand but please do not force your personal canon on others or expect them to accept it as their own.
We are a 21+ community. Due to the discussions here, members must be able to handle mature language and content. That said, there is no reason to push the mature rating to its limits. Use the spoilers feature for questionable art, this server is a no ERP zone, and keep excessively explicit conversations out of the public channels.
This is, first and foremost, a game. Don't go out of your way to make someone's game time miserable. We all pay to play. Let's have fun and enjoy it! In light of this, since this community is an extension of the game, we are not going to breed misery here. Therefore, any disparaging remarks about the game content, lore, questlines, storylines, or Blizzard choices needs to be kept out of public channels.
Grandstanding will not be tolerated. Broadcasting that you will quit, in the public channels of this discord, because Blizzard made a choice you disagree with will result in a ban. This also pertains broadcasted pity parties that hint or imply that you might as well quit because something is or isn't happening, etc. You will not be shown attention or sympathy. You will be shown the door. No one here pays extra for guilt trips.
Any image created by an AI generator must be explicitly labeled at an "AI Generated Image". Additionally, these images should not be posted in the art channels as it does not qualify as such. If you wish to use such images as a representation of your character, you may do so only in your Character Profile, with the label given above.
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heartpiercer · 1 year
LFC - Marsira Ith’valin
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「 general information 」
FULL NAME: Marsira Elayne Ith’valin
NICKNAME(S): Mar, Mars, Marsi
TITLE(S): The Heartpiercer, of the Unseen Path
AGE: 182
DATE OF BIRTH: June 27th
RACE: Quel’dorei
GENDER: Female, cisgender.
MARITAL STATUS: Single, never married.
PROFESSION(S): Mercenary, sharpshooter, dragonrider, ranger of the Unseen Path. Former Farstrider (Captain), Ex-SI:7 (Director)
LANGUAGES: Thalassian, Common, Draconic, Sign
「 physicality & appearance 」
HAIR: Crimson red, wavy, shoulder blade length
EYES: Deep blue
HEIGHT: 5’10”
BUILD: Mesomorphic; muscular and athletic. Archer’s build.
A jagged scar that darts by the corner of her right eye and stops just below her left cheekbone
An odd fern-like scar on her left bicep that stretches down her arm.
Freckles dotted across her cheeks.
Green, dragon-like tattoos on her arms and torso.
A lip ring, center of bottom lip.
A tongue piercing
Dagger, heart and playing card earrings.
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「 personality & traits 」
Reserved even on the best of days, Marsira is more often a quiet observer than she is an engager in conversation. She's a decent conversationalist when spoken to, piercing the person in question with her bright blue eyes all the while. There is a certain kindness there, shrouded from the world at large in the shadowy fog of snark and sarcasm; kept safe from those who would use and abuse it.
Despite her quietness, there's an overwhelming aura of confidence and power about her. She's blunt, and by her own admission is easily annoyed by those who prevaricate or don't speak their mind. She does have her moments of frustration that can turn into fiery outbursts, but it is not a common occurrence.
Want to know more? Interact or RP!
「personal information 」
HOBBIES: Whittling, blacksmithing, drawing, reading
SKILL(S): Archery, trapper, tracker, survivalist, sharpshooter, bounty hunter.
RESIDENCE: Elwynn Forest
BIRTHPLACE: Quel’thalas
AFFILIATIONS: The Unseen Path, Glove & Gauntlet
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「 relations 」
Erzaen Ith’valin, father. 
Sylrise Ith’valin-Duskfeather, mother. †
Her drake, a black dragon named Avoth.
A blue hydra named Ire.
「 habits & vices」
SMOKING:  never / sometimes / frequently / to excess.
DRUGS: never / sometimes / frequently / to excess.
ALCOHOL: never / sometimes / frequently / to excess.
「 other/ooc 」
FACE REFERENCE(S):Katherine Mcnamara
VOICE REFERENCE(S): Janet Varney as Avatar Korra
SERVER: Moon Guard - Alliance
Although this is an Alliance-aligned character, she won’t outright attack those of the Horde; she is currently far more preoccupied with what’s happening on the Dragon Isles to be bothered.
I will not interact/roleplay with minors or anyone under the age of 18.
Though I am fine writing characters in more intimate situations if it is appropriate, do not try to force ERP or expect it in any way when writing with me. Should you do so, it will likely end in a block.
I will not write with godmodders (ex. never misses a hit and never gets hit, their character is so overpowered that they’re basically a god and can’t ever lose, etc).
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terranlloyd · 2 years
LFRP - Terran Lloyd
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The Basics –––
Full Name: Terran Dalben Lloyd Age: 45 Gender: Male (He/Him) Race: Stormwindian Human (Westfall) Alignment: Lawful Good In-game Names: Arcanesmith (MG), Hatsmith (MG), Telva (WrA) Full Backstory: https://www.bhb.contact/arcanesmith/bio
Physical Appearance –––
Art: refsheet.net/TerranLloyd Hair: Natural Ginger Eyes: Blue Height: 5'7" Build: Buff Nerd Common Accessories: His signature Blue n Gold Hat. Voice Claim: None; however, Shannon Mcormick as Ozpin & Agent Washington is rather close.
Personal –––
Birthplace: Westfall, Lloyd Family Farm Residence: Eastcrest Estate, Elwynn Forest Profession: Arcane Blacksmith, Kirin Tor Magus Hobbies: Writing, Swordsmanship, Arcane Research, Teaching Languages: Fluently Speaks Common, has a light grasp of Thalasian, and utilizes Arcane Magic to help bridge further gaps in knowledge. Religion: Not strictly religious, but has a respect for the Light. Fears: The Void, Loss of loved ones, Dragons.
Relationships –––
Spouse: @arcane-artisan Children: Twins - Medwyn & Teleria Lloyd. Parents: Both deceased. Father during the First War, Mother during the Cataclysm. Siblings: None. Pets: See Below
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Traits –––
Extroverted / In Between / Introverted
Disorganized / In Between / Organized
Close Minded / In Between / Open Minded
Calm / In Between / Anxious
Disagreeable / In Between / Agreeable
Cautious / In Between / Reckless
Patient / In Between / Impatient
Outspoken / In Between / Reserved
Leader / In Between / Follower
Empathetic / In Between / Apathetic
Optimistic / In Between / Pessimistic
Traditional / In Between / Modern
Hard-working / In Between / Lazy
Cultured / In Between / Uncultured
Loyal / In Between / Disloyal
Faithful / In Between / Unfaithful
RP Hooks –––
Eastcrest Coalition - Terran Lloyd is a founding member and leader of Eastcrest Coalition. The Coalition is formed of three minor noble houses and aims to bring wares and commerce to Stormwind Kingdom while safeguarding her borders. The Blue Hat Blacksmith - As his primary source of income, Terran Lloyd works as an Arcane Blacksmith, mass producing mundane weapons and armor and crafting custom enchanted weapons and tools. If your character is looking for something crafted, Terran can either get it done, or knows a guy who can (no promises you won't be sent on a quest for reagents!) Arcane Articulated - In his free time, Terran writes books on Arcane Magic, best known for his series Arcane Articulated which highlights the fundamentals of Arcane Magic and the casters who use it. Rumor has it a new edition is on its way to shelves ... eventually.
Contact Information ––– –
You can contact me on Discord, Twitter, Tumblr, or in game. Discord - BlueHatMan#4547 Twitter - https://twitter.com/LloydTerran Tumblr - Uh ... this post.
Thanks for reading this far, you get a cookie.
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azerothslegacy · 11 months
I’m looking for fellow World of warcraft role players, must be 18+ at minimum, though 21+ is preferred as I’m 25 😅
I’ve taken a break from the world of Azeroth for a while and I am just dipping my toes back in.
I finally have a regular schedule, which prior when I didn’t made rping difficult. I am also saving up to be able to get a real pc soon, Im currently working with a six year old laptop, so in game stuff is admittedly slow lol. Not impossible just, slow.
I’ve got a handful of ocs, but I have one main that I continually create new aus for so please feel free to ask about them and pitch me any ideas, I might have an au for that!
I’m open to most kinds of rp, but consent, respect and clear communication is required at minimum for all interactions. No hate or discrimination of any sort will be tolerated. I am a queer trans individual myself.
My ocs are:
Felix, male, pansexual night elf demon hunter
Dhemetrius, male, pansexual nightborne Mage/rogue spell blade
Mavrine male(ftm), pansexual(demi), nelf druid(main), varius aus, varius races and classes
I tend to be a paragraph style writer.
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Willamina Givens - LFRP
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Name: Willamina Givens
Age: 22
Birthday: May 17
Race: Human 
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Bisexual
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Relationship Status: Single
Server: Moon Guard
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Hair: Brown
Eyes: Hazel
Height: 5'5
Build: Athletic
Distinguishing Marks: Thin scar on the bridge of her nose
Accessories: Small bag of dog treats, hip flask
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Profession: Mercenary | Bounty Hunter | SI:7 | Vigilante
Hobbies: Hunting, Reading, Singing, Visiting her sister
Languages: Common
Residence: Stormwind
Residence Birthplace: Stormwind
Religion: The Light
Deities: The...Light?
Fears: The dark, the ocean, being alone
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Spouse: None
Children: None
Parents: • Raylan Givens (father) • Marigold Givens nee Grimwood (mother) (@in-the-grim-wood)
Sibling(s): • Jaycee Gutterson nee Givens(older sister) • Milo Givens (younger brother) • Victoria 'River' Givens (younger sister)
Other Relatives: • Arlo Givens (grandfather) † • Frances Givens (grandmother) † • Helen Givens (great aunt, step-grandmother) † • Agatha Grimwood (great-grandmother) † • • Ana-Marie Grimwood (great-aunt) • • Winfield Grimwood (grandfather) • • Roseanne Grimwood nee Wallace (grandmother) • • • Bradley Grimwood (uncle) • • • Matilda Drake (aunt) • • • • Wendy Grimwood-Drake (cousin) • • • • Owen Grimwood-Drake (cousin) • • • Alfred Grimwood (uncle) • Tim Gutterson (brother-in-law)
Pets: Doc, Tim (dogs)
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extroverted / introverted / in between.  
disorganized / organized / in between.  
close minded / open-minded / in between.  
calm / anxious / in between.  
disagreeable / agreeable / in between.  
cautious / reckless / in between.  
patient / impatient / in between.  
outspoken / reserved / in between.  
leader / follower / in between.  
empathetic / unemphatic / in between.  
optimistic / pessimistic / in between.  
traditional / modern / in between.  
hard-working / lazy / in between.  
cultured / un-cultured / in between.  
loyal / disloyal / unknown / in between.  
faithful / unfaithful / unknown / in between.  
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SMOKING HABIT: never / sometimes / frequently / to excess.
DRUGS: never / sometimes / frequently / to excess.
ALCOHOL: never / sometimes / frequently / to excess
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moody | short-tempered | emotionally unstable | whiny
controlling | conceited | possessive | paranoid | liar
impatient | cowardly | bitter | selfish | power-hungry
greedy | lazy | judgmental | forgetful | impulsive
spiteful | stubborn | sadistic | petty | unlucky
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honest | trustworthy | thoughtful | caring | brave
patient | selfless | ambitious | tolerant | lucky
intelligent | confident | focused | humble | generous
merciful | observant | wise | clever | charming
cheerful | optimistic | decisive | adaptive | calm | loyal
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I'll get some of these soon. Why are these so hard?
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ooc-miqojak · 2 years
LFRP/Character Info: Lilliana Whitedawn
Name: Lilliana Whitedawn
Alias: Lily
Species: Sin'dorei (Felblood?)
(This character is very specifically not an Illidari/Demon Hunter.)
Age: (Young Adult) 140
Pronouns: She/her
Height: 6'1”
Eyes: Fel-green
Complexion: White, sun-tanned
Hair: Platinum Blonde
Build: Lean/Toned
Prominent Features:
Fel-green thorned vines tattooed about her torso and hips – not unlike an Illidari's...but not entirely like them, either. There's binding that's been done, however stylized the vines may be; perhaps in homage to her nickname, 'Lily', these tattoos have been shaped like thorned, flowering vines.
There are several notable pieces of jewelry – from a few rings, to a necklace, to several small, delicate golden earrings along her lengthy ears; the specifics are best left to RP, and though this may come across as a display of status... it is, to her, a collection of memories of those now lost to her.
Dark-hued, ridged ram's horns sweep low and close to her head, to curl behind those long, slender ears. (The in-game model is... not as sleek as I'd like, alas. Hers have moreso the shape and form of the version that male Sin'dorei get.)
Relationship Status: Single, divorced from a very brief marriage
Sexual Orientation: Bisexual
Children: One daughter (Caitiri Whitedawn), age 10 at the beginning of DF
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Residence: Quel'thalas apartment, Eversong Woods Estate, Eastern Plaguelands Estate
Faction: Faction neutral. The Alliance races are often accepted more readily than Horde ones. (Extremely human friendly! They were her people's first allies, after all.)
Languages: Thalassian, Common, Draconic, Demonic, Orcish (she may be able to fumble around in Darnassian). Likely in the order of how well she speaks them, to boot (she doesn't use orcish unless she must, frankly)
Noble of Silvermoon; Knight of the Argent Crusade; retired from the Blood Knights after the Cataclysm. Does some pirating as a way to 'blow off steam,' in her struggle against her corruption. Her name is also often seen in charities around Silvermoon/the Quel'thalas area – donations to rebuilding efforts, and animal shelters mostly.
Over the last decade, she's had an estate built in the Eastern Plaguelands. She's hired – and keeps on staff – a number of druids and shaman, to tend to the land and heal it... and not just for her estate, either - they are encouraged to heal the land as they see fit, and she will continue to provide housing and pay.
Other nights, she haunts a nightclub in the underbelly of Dalaran known as The Nathrezim, owned by old friends from stories long told. The towering, horned woman can often be found making deals of a many and varied sort in a VIP booth – be it for drugs, connections, a boon, or favors-to-be-paid. It's the sort of place where any and all are welcome, and almost anything can be had... for a price. Race and faction don't matter where the deal is king.
She's a woman who keeps the very different facets of her life very far apart, and intends to keep it that way.
Tall and lithe, this platinum blonde, suntanned woman seems all but crafted to draw the eye, despite - or perhaps in spite of - the curl of wicked horns that sweep behind lengthy, pierced ears. There's a subtle allure - to scent, to voice, to form, to charisma in general - that's difficult to put one's finger on. Though in light of all this, it would be difficult to miss the ripple of lean muscle, the dark shadow of markings that slash through her eyes, or the flash of small fangs in a mischievous smile. Despite the dark edges of this Blood Elf, freckles splash merrily along her nose and upper cheeks; this terribly tall, horned woman retains her somewhat-delicate-seeming features, despite the rather obvious fel aura that most would sooner attribute to a powerful warlock...or even a demon.
Scars are usually hidden beneath clothing that is finely tailored, though never gaudy - unless comfort or utility is paramount; armor consists of dark, typically roguish, leather that sports a myriad of pockets, pouches, straps, and (often unnecessary) buckles...not to mention weapons both seen, or otherwise.
Do you know your demons? With curling horns and the dark, vertical markings on her eyes that attest to a Dreadlord, one might guess at her origins. But then, what research has been done on the long-term effects of fel on elves? If you know your demons...you don't know this one.
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Personality: Impetuous; Mischievous; Distant/mistrusting; Loyal; Flippant, prone to impulse. Also, loves animals (cats mostly, but she owns birds as well)! ...and baked goods.
These days, Lily isn't the people-pleaser she once was – indeed, she's far more interested in her own goals – striving, in ways, to preserve parts of who she was... while knowing, ultimately, that she will fall to her corruption in time. (I love Vampire:The Masquerade, and I like to keep their humanity system in mind.) She still feels deeply, even if she plays it off better these days – no more heart-on-her-sleeve. Though she is a loyal friend and partner, if those attachments are to be made, it's much more difficult a task, anymore. Loyalty is important. But few are loyal, and even fewer are worth her loyalty. Once bitten, twice shy jaded.
OOC Notes:
Hey there! I've played WoW off and on since Wrath, and started Lily near the end of Wrath/beginning of Cata, so she's been through a lot! Even the demon she fell into trouble with was a player, and her current state of being was all achieved through RP – I love angst, and I love consequences. I like dark RP – dark themes, explorations of morality (what is 'right' or 'wrong'? And who says so?), explorations of the darkest (and often through that, the brightest) parts of people of all kinds of backgrounds. (Not all RP has to be dark! As a note. I like angst, but coming up for air is nice too!)
I prefer (21+) RP partners who are proactive, and aren't afraid of OOC communication! (Especially in the dark RP niche) I like RP partners who know how to keep IC and OOC separate, and those who are able to step back from emotionally intense scenes once they're over... i.e., keeping the IC drama/angst purely IC! I love to talk about scenes, and RP ideas OOC, but I'm not a fan of when IC is taken OOC. (And admittedly, I like not giving away everything about a character up front... the mystery/the journey is why we tell stories, no?)
No out of game RP for me, unfortunately, unless I specifically invite it! I simply cannot stay in character in roleplays that last for multiple days in a forum style. I will need you to work with me on scheduling RP, as well! I can't be IC at a moment's notice, and prefer to schedule RP ahead of time to make sure I'm in the right headspace (the ADHD just functions better knowing when things are going to happen).
Also, I tend to be a para-poster! I mirror as well, but I tend to be descriptive, and that results in long posts - as if this long post wasn't warning enough...
Server: Wyrmrest Accord
This playlist has been around for many years - I long ago migrated it over from Youtube, since it existed before Spotify did, even! I've been updating it throughout the years as I've played Lily, and even tacked some songs on while I wasn't actively writing for her, so it's a good look back in time at who she's been - and perhaps a bit of a look at who she's becoming.
Almost anything you've read thus far could most likely be used as a hook! That's often why I include such details.
She used to run with a less than savory crowd, post-retirement from the Blood Knights, though it's rumored that the horned young woman now stands on her own two hooves feet in the shadows of Murder Row, and similar communities beyond. Maybe you'll find her there, or at the club in Dalaran, if you're not too picky about who you ask favors of.
- She spends a lot of time at Light's Hope, and still works with the Brotherhood of the Light... though if you know of this particular sect? You know why someone like her was assigned to a sect like theirs. She began squiring during the Cataclysm era, and went on to earn her Knighthood – so Argent connections are still great!
- She's still a Silvermoon noble of quite some rank - though she's rarely comported herself as a noble woman 'ought'... and yet, despite fel trappings, she seems to go above and beyond to ease the suffering of those under her charge, after the ravages of far too many wars... she's fought in most of them, after all.
- Gets up to pirate stuff sometimes! That's always a good hook. Maybe you're intrigued by the rumors of a 'demonic pirate crew' pillaging the high seas that no one can seem to confirm.
- Lily has a passion for history – her people's history, mostly. She's spent years flying around Azeroth with her draconic best friend, scouring ancient ruins for artifacts and anything else... often laying the spirits therein to rest, as well, considering she wielded the Light for most of those travels. Talk about Elven culture/history with her, or show off some artifact of your own! She's a secret nerd.
- Light Wielders beware... she has complicated feelings about the Light - very love/hate. (Although I do think it would be a blast for her to have a Light-based confessor-type she could speak with? But I can't promise she won't be creepy about it.)
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repressed-n-depressed · 9 months
i am once again asking where the queer WoW RP scene is nowadays. looking for a chill group of LGBT+ folks to be gay and do crimes with.
rambling a bit about who i am / what i like beneath the cut, so you can skip by if you're not interested~ <3
i'm a chill af thembo, Pacific timezone based (but trending nocturnal), who just wants to have a good time telling stories bopping characters together like action figures and seeing what happens. i'm more interested in character drama than sweeping adventure stories, but when one leads into the other that's pretty darn cool. I'm also not really into the tavern scene as a main draw, though it's fine as a sometimes food. I'm fine with mature (and adult/"spicy") content and dig darker themes like crime/cult stuff. While I'm pretty dang versed in Warcraft lore -- outside of whatever the hell happened in SL and beyond anyway -- I also think headcanons/riffing on things is cool and good, and definitely have a few of my own (mostly around religion and warlock stuff, having spent my full WoW career maining a priest and a warlock).
I'm primarily a horde kind of person, but I'm open to whatever if the vibes are right. I have a ton of fun characters I'd love to explore of all classes and backgrounds! Some of them might come with... a bit of history; I've had a few of these pals for nearly 20 years now (ouch i'm old), but my favorite part of roleplaying is seeing how my characters grow and change with every new interaction and scene. But I also have some new or less-loved characters I'd love to finally get a chance to play for the first time.
My RP style is "literate, but brief"; I can do multi-para if it's called for, but generally, I'm just not into florid language or words for the sake of words.
Currently playing on Wyrmrest Accord retail, but I'm open to other servers -- or even private servers like Epsilon, which I've poked around at in the past.
Tell me what your scene is like and I'll throw a couple of back-of-the-book blurbs at you for my guys to see if we're a good fit!
If you read, thanks for reading. <3
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magus-maireni · 1 year
Maireni Petrov - LFRP Character Sheet
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The Basics ––– –
Age: 22
Full Name: Maireni Mailata Alyosha Petrovich
Birthday: April 27th
Race: Half-Elf
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Bi
Marital Status: Single
Nicknames: Reni, Mai, Otter
Server: Moonguard
Physical Appearance ––– –
Wardrobe: Maireni can be seen in a myriad of outfits, covered in ornate silks in every color of the rainbow. She'll often be seen in a baggy pair of pants, tucked into a pair of knee high combat boots. This is typically paired with colored silks wrapped around her waist, with coins sewn into the edges.
Hair: Curly, dark brown hair with red at the bottom, pulled into a half-up braid.
Eyes: Amber
Height: 5ft
Build: Gymnast
Common Accessories: Golden jewelry. And a lot of it. Rings commonly litter her fingers, and gold cuffs typically adorn her upper arms and neck.
Distinguishing Marks: Markings slightly lighter than her skin color can be seen circling her shoulders, stomach, and back, a few sprinkling her face as well.
Personal ––– –
Profession: Merchant | Fortune Teller | Mercenary
Hobbies: Gardening, Exploring, Painting, Violin,
Languages: Common, Thalassian
Residence: Drifter
Birthplace: Somewhere in a Caravan
Relationships ––– -
Spouse: N/A
Children: None.
Parents: Father alive, mother deceased.
Siblings: Multiple half-siblings
Traits ––– -
Extroverted / In Between / Introverted
Disorganized / In Between / Organized
Close Minded / In Between / Open-Minded
Calm / In Between / Anxious
Disagreeable / In Between / Agreeable
Cautious / In Between / Reckless
Patient / In Between / Impatient
Outspoken / In Between / Reserved
Leader / In Between / Follower
Empathetic / In Between / Apathetic
Optimistic / In Between / Pessimistic
Traditional / In Between / Modern
Hard-working / In Between / Lazy
Cultured / In Between / Uncultured
Loyal / In Between / Disloyal
Faithful / In Between / Unfaithful
RP Hooks ––– –
Are you a merchant? Are you looking to make some dubious purchases? Maireni might just be your girl! You may have heard of her amongst the chatter of merchants, a young half-elf woman with a backpack bigger than herself and a sharp set of tarot cards.
Family Ties-
Maireni has many, and I mean MANY, siblings, cousins and extended family. Have you or a loved one had a relative in a caravan deep in Uldum? Well, you may just be related to Miss Petrov!
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manystoriesnotime · 2 years
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A commission for Alice, my dearest character. Done by Kyphaz. Fantastic work <3
Alice Aurelie Graves
The Basics ––– –
Age: 30
Birthday: Exact date unknown
Race: Human
Gender: Female
Marital Status: Married/Widowed - Husband is missing, presumed dead
Physical Appearance ––– –
Hair: Brown, slightly curly
Eyes: Blue
Height: 5'7"
Build: Average, not particularly athletic
Distinguishing Marks: A lot of scars run along her body under her clothes, and she is rarely seen with anything revealing. The word PUPPET has been engraved in her back, in a clearly sordid way. She has a tattoo of a tree with a druid in his cat form to try to cover it.
Common Accessories: A messenger bag with a notebook and pencils. Sometimes, she even has puppets in it to amuse children.
Personal ––– –
Profession: Officially - Countess of Treemanes, Steward of Graves' lands. Unknown by most - Master spy for the house, Maker of poisons
Hobbies: Gardening - She has a big garden and a greenhouse that she is quite proud of; She can also be found making puppets and creating stories for orphans and children in general. Eating cake; Drinking tea
Languages: Common
Residence: South of the Blasted lands, can often be found in Stormwind as she has Noble meetings there.
Birthplace: Wraithelm, Blasted Lands
Religion: The Light
Patron Deity: The Light
Fears: Open waters
Relationships ––– -
Spouse: Aselar Treemane, reported missing, presumed dead
Children: None
Parents: Aurelion Graves (deceased), Marie Culgill (Deceased)
Siblings: A ton of half siblings as her father had a tendency to have a lot of mistresses
Traits ––– -
Extroverted / In Between / Introverted
Disorganized / In Between / Organized
Close Minded / In Between / Open Minded
Calm / In Between / Anxious
Disagreeable / In Between / Agreeable
Cautious / In Between / Reckless
Patient / In Between / Impatient
Outspoken / In Between / Reserved
Leader / In Between / Follower
Empathetic / In Between / Apathetic
Optimistic / In Between / Pessimistic
Traditional / In Between / Modern
Hard-working / In Between / Lazy
Cultured / In Between / Uncultured
Loyal / In Between / Disloyal
Faithful / In Between / Unfaithful
Additional information ––– –
Smoking Habit: No
Drugs: No
Alcohol: Rarely
RP Hooks ––– –
The Nobility hook: She is a noble lady of Stormwind, and it shows now, as she is always well dressed. If you are a noble, or looking to get under the protection of one, or looking for a patron of the art, you can approach her.
The Benefactor hook: She gives to the orphanage regularly, and can be found giving puppet shows to the poor kids, and giving away her toys at the end. She doesn't talk about it, but maybe you witness her good deed.
The Graves' hook, or the "father was quite loose" hook: Your father or grandfather was Aurelion Graves, and somehow, you know. Welcome in the family!
The past is never far hook: You met Alice years ago, when she was still an orphan in Stormwind. Or just a tad later when she was a teenager surviving in the streets. Maybe you met her when she was under the protection of an old priest that taught her everything she knows about plants. Whatever it is, you met before she became the respectable lady she is now. For you own sake, I hope we were friends.
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Lady-Captain Eldrid Shirley
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NAME: Lady-Captain Eldrid Shirley (Previously known as Lady Eldrid)
CLASS: Tidesage | Ship Captain
AGE: Young Adult
BIRTHDAY: July 7th
RACE: Human (Kul Tiran)
GENDER: Female
SEXUALITY: Heterosexual
HAIR: Long ginger hair, typically braided out of her face.
EYES: Green-blue
BUILD: Looks like she can wrestle bears in the mountain for fun
DISTINGUISHING MARKS: No particular marks, but she holds herself high for a ship captain and laid back for a noble. She’s somewhere inbetween the two.
COMMON ACCESSORIES: A ship anchor charm on a silver chain rests around her neck, usually under her shirt, and she’s very rarely seen without her coat.
PROFESSION: Captain of Siren’s Song
INCOME SOURCE: Trade and investments
HOBBIES: Drinking, sailing, card/dice games, swordplay, singing (sea shanties, specifically), various instruments
RESIDENCE: Siren’s Song (Previously, Brennadam)
RELIGION: Tidemother
FEARS: Failure, Void, Death, Spiders, Caves, Tight Spaces
PARENTS:  Lord-Captain Arden Shirley (deceased), Lady Zyera Shirley (deceased)
SIBLINGS: Lord Matthew Shirley (alive)
OTHER RELATIVES: Lady Alixandria Shirley (grandmother, deceased), Lady Alice Shirley (great-aunt, deceased)
extroverted / introverted / in between
disorganized / organized / in between
close-minded / open-minded / in between
calm / anxious / in between
reckless / cautious / in between
patient / impatient / in between
outspoken / reserved / in between
disagreeable / agreeable / in between
empathetic / unemphatic / in between
faithful / unfaithful / in between
optimistic / pessimistic / in between
traditional / modern / in between
hard-working / lazy / in between
SMOKING: never / sometimes / frequently / to excess
DRUGS: never / sometimes / frequently / to excess
ALCOHOL: never / sometimes / frequently / to excess
Her father, Arden, was well known and very friendly. From the time she could walk and talk and think, she barely left his side, so she was just about as well known as him.
Has recently had a run-in with the Ashvane Trading Co. in the middle of the Tradewinds Market. She clearly doesn’t like them, especially since that particular run-in resulted in the death of one of her crew, nearly two.
With the destruction of Brennadam, she offered voyage down to Boralus to those who wished it or a place on her crew.
She has a ship. Like, an entire ship. We’ve only got like 3 of those spots filled up. (Recently inherited with the death of her father in Brennadam.)
Has been seen a lot in Boralus and Stormsong throughout her life. She used to be very friendly, and she still is, but she does seem angrier as well. Or, at least, easier to piss off. She’s spent a couple nights lately cooling off in a cell because of it.
Looking for: Friends / Family / Enemies / Work Partners / Relationships
Will not RP: Horror, ERP, that’s about it (If it gets a little dark, that’s fine, but I’m talking, like, torture or worse)
Contact: Tumblr ( @shirleys-sirens-song , @palamonk ) | Discord (cryptid artist#6688) | In-game ( Swordbreak-WyrmrestAccord, Saraydrel-WyrmrestAccord (until we get Kul Tirans, damnit >:| ))
Available Times: Just about every day, 2:30-8:00 PM server (weekdays) for in-game, and just about all the time otherwise
Other: I am very distractable in real life and have an inability to focus, so any RP done over discord or tumblr is likely not going to be done as quickly as an in-game one might be. Tumblr and Discord are the most assured ways I’ll actually get in touch with you, though, as I’m not always on either character listed. I’m also not a big para or multi-para roleplayer, so the most you’ll get out of me is about…three sentences. It’s really dependent on how talkative Eldrid is.
I’m open to cross-rp!
I (mostly) stole the lovely @stirling-stormsworn‘s LFC template! I changed a little bit around, but not much.
No art yet for Eldrid sadly :( But eventually I will have it!
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chaoticneutralmess · 6 years
Saraydrel Autumnblade - LFC
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NAME: Saraydrel Autumnblade
CLASS: Paladin of Belore
AGE: Young Adult/Teenager
RACE: Sin’dorei ((Alliance affiliation suggests Quel’dorei))
GENDER: Female
HAIR: Long, straight crimson hair. Flows freely, and tucked behind the ears except for a lock of hair in front of each ear.
EYES: Gold, closer to bronze
HEIGHT: 5′8 / 173 cm
BUILD: Thin and lithe, but surprisingly strong.
DISTINGUISHING MARKS: Very dark skinned compared to most Sin’dorei. The golden eyes also make her stick out. She’s also missing a leg and arm, although the leg is naturally replaced with a prosthetic of lightforged make.
COMMON ACCESSORIES: A garnet hangs off of a golden necklace, but this is typically tucked under her shirt. Two red and gold studs on either ear and a golden bracer with the sigil of the Legion of the Dawn is usually on her existing arm.
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PROFESSION: Sergeant of the Legion of the Dawn, Paladin of Belore
INCOME SOURCE: Working for the Legion of the Dawn
HOBBIES: Singing, drinking, dancing, card games, and reading.
LANGUAGES: Fluent: Thalassian, Common, Orcish, Sign Language Passable: Taur-ahe, Darnassian, Draenei, Pandaren
FEARS: Failure, Void, Fel, her own death, not being enough
PARENTS:  Lady Traecelia Swordbreak-Autumnblade (Deceased, Disowned) | Lord Valdor Autumnblade (Assumed dead)
SIBLINGS: Lord Asthar Swordbreak (Deceased)
OTHER RELATIVES: All dead or assumed dead
PETS: Ginger and Felix
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extroverted / introverted / in between
disorganized / organized / in between
close-minded / open-minded / in between
calm / anxious / in between
reckless / cautious / in between
patient / impatient / in between
outspoken / reserved / in between
disagreeable / agreeable / in between
empathetic / unemphatic / in between
faithful / unfaithful / in between
optimistic / pessimistic / in between
traditional / modern / in between
hard-working / lazy / in between
SMOKING: never / sometimes / frequently / to excess
DRUGS: never / sometimes / frequently / to excess
ALCOHOL: never / sometimes / frequently / to excess
Both the Swordbreak and Autumnblades were esteemed military families amongst the Quel’dorei, but there was a scandal with her mother, Traicelia, that resulted in the conception of her half-brother, Asthar, and eventually, her mother disowning her. The majority of both families were wiped out with the fall of Quel’thalas, but Saraydrel still lives. The death of her mother and half-brother was unrelated to the fall, but the murderer is unknown.
Saraydrel was a thief/prostitute for many years before just going into dancing and singing for a livelihood.  Spent most of her time in the Row.
Became a mercenary working out of Booty Bay for a few years, but did stay on land for the most part.
Trained as an ox and serpent monk during the events of Pandaria and Draenor.
Ran around the Broken Isles/Shore, helping mop up demons and heal survivors. Completely neutral during this time.
Murdered a grand Magistrix from Silvermoon (and later joined the Alliance), is wanted dead or alive by Quel’thalas. It is assumed to be a political assassination.
Fought in the War of Thorns and the Battle for Lordaeron.  At the Battle of Lordaeron, she pulled both Alliance and Horde from the blight.
Has been seen fairly often in Boralus lately.
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Looking for: Friends / Family / Enemies / Work Partners / Relationships
Will not RP: Horror, ERP, that’s about it (If it gets a little dark, that’s fine, but I’m talking, like, torture or worse)
Contact: Tumblr ( @chaoticneutralmess , @palamonk ) | Discord (cryptid artist#6688) | In-game ( Swordbreak-WyrmrestAccord, Saraydrel-WyrmrestAccord)
Available Times: Just about every day, 2:30-8:00 PM server (weekdays) for in-game, and just about all the time otherwise
Other: I am very distractable in real life and have an inability to focus, so any RP done over discord or tumblr is likely not going to be done as quickly as an in-game one might be. Tumblr and Discord are the most assured ways I’ll actually get in touch with you, though, as I’m not always on either character listed. I’m also not a big para or multi-para roleplayer, so the most you’ll get out of me is about…three sentences. It’s really dependent on how talkative Sara is.
I’m open to cross-rp!
I (mostly) stole the lovely @stirling-stormsworn‘s LFC template! I changed a little bit around, but not much.
All art is drawn by me! My art blog is @krystal-klear-art
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magiclittlebird · 2 years
LFC/RP ⥼ Bernadette Corvus
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The Basics ––– –
Name: Bernadette Corvus
Age: 26
Race: Human
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Bisexual
Relationship Status: Single
Physical Appearance ––– –
Hair: Dark brown, naturally wavy
Eyes: Light blue
Height: 5′6
Build: Slim
Distinguishing Marks:
Personal ––– –
Profession: Apprentice Alchemist
Hobbies: Reading, tending to her small 'garden', journalling
Residence: Stormwind
Birthplace: Stormwind (Really TBD)
Religion: N/A
Patron Deity: N/A
Fears: Being a disappointment, being the center of attention
Relationships ––– -
Spouse: None
Children: None
Siblings: None; to her knowledge
⥼ Evander Corvus
⥼ Ramona Corvus ✝
Other Relatives:  None
Pets: None
Traits ––– -
Extroverted / In Between / Introverted
Disorganized / In Between / Organized
Close Minded / In Between / Open Minded
Calm / In Between / Anxious
Disagreeable / In Between / Agreeable
Cautious / In Between / Reckless
Patient / In Between /  Impatient
Outspoken / In Between / Reserved
Leader / In Between / Follower
Empathetic / In Between / Apathetic
Optimistic / In Between / Pessimistic
Traditional / In Between / Modern
Hard-working / In Between / Lazy
Cultured / In Between / Uncultured
Loyal / In Between / Disloyal
Faithful / In Between / Unfaithful
Additional information ––– –
Smoking Habit: Abstains
Drugs: Abstains
Alcohol: Socially
RP Hooks ––– –
⥼ None yet :) still working on that
OOC Information  ––– –
⥼ In-game: Bërnadëttë (alt code: 0235)
⥼ For writing purposes I will be using Dungeons and Dragons abilities and such for her. It's just easier for me that way thanks <3
⥼ Feel free to reach out anytime :)
⥼ Discord available upon request!
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RP Info: Sapphira
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FULL NAME: Sapphira Athunn
NICKNAME(S): ‘Shiney’, Sapph (Saf)
TITLE(S): Outcast | Spellweaver
AGE: 900
BIRTHDAY: N/A (Rp to potentially find out, Sapphira doesn’t usually talk about it or celebrate it)
RACE: Shal’dorei
GENDER: Female
HISTORY ------------
Sapphira was born in Suramar but she does not know who her parents are or if she has any sort of family as she was orphaned. She grew up in an orphanage but the moment she was able and old enough to, she left to take to the streets to fend for herself. She was never one to fit in as she found herself unable to conform to her society’s ‘norms’ and often had an issue with listening to authorities or authority figures. She was often shunned and cast out of any social groups she tried to wedge her way into to aid her survival out on the streets that she was just barely surviving in.
Though, there was one person who eventually took in Sapphira over the years. An elder Shal’dorei by the name of Ralan saw potential in the young woman and took the rather rebellious child under his wing. It wasn’t before long that he became a sort of father figure to her. During the rest of the years of her childhood spent under Ralan’s care Sapphira found she had an affinity for spellweaving and excelled in her magical studies when it came to engraving materials to endow them with certain magical properties. Fire and frost magics also seemed to come easy to her.
When the Legion eventually came during Sapphira’s adult years, her father figure was sadly ripped away from her when he was murdered by a demon serving the corrupt authorities running Suramar; leaving Sapphira alone yet again. She watched helplessly from the sidelines while her people clashed and fought on opposing sides. It was a tiring struggle to save those who lacked a steady source to the energies her society thrived off of to sustain life while she herself had begun to slowly wither away like so many others of her kind while also trying to flush out the corruption that had engulfed her people. It wasn’t until the Legion was finally pushed out of Azeroth and her home, and after a steady energy source was once again supplied, that Sapphira took the first opportunity she could to leave the city walls to explore Azeroth and the lands beyond.
(RP to find out any more details about the character!)
PERSONALITY -----------------
Sapphira is very free spirited and can sometimes come across as a bit aloof in her apparent lack of seriousness. Though she may seem like she might not be paying attention, or taking something seriously, she is in fact giving it her utmost attention and problem solving to the best of her ability. Her constant humor is how she copes, especially if a situation is particularly dire.
Sapphira always carries herself with confidence, grace, and an air of mystery. Her frame is lithe and strong, and her dark skin sports shiny, iridescent tattoos on her face and body. Long dark purple hair frames her sharp features while hooded eyes curiously observe her surroundings.
HAIR: Long dark purple, always frames her face and comes to the center of her shoulder blades.
EYES: The signature luminescent white eyes of all Shal’dorei
BUILD: Lithe
PIERCINGS: Right ear; a silver hoop decorating the cartilage of her upper ear and one on adorning her earlobe, connected by a silver chain.
PERSONAL INFO ---------------
PROFESSION: Spellweaver, martial artist, adventurer
HOBBIES: Drawing, exploring
SKILL(S): Hand to hand, martial arts,
LANGUAGE(S): Orcish, Shalassian
FEARS: Withering, betrayal, abandonment, misplacing trust
PARENTS: Unknown
TRAITS ----------
•extroverted / introverted / in between.
•disorganized / organized / in between.
•close minded / open-minded / in between.
•calm / anxious / in between.
•disagreeable / agreeable / in between.
•cautious / reckless / in between.
•patient / impatient / in between.
•outspoken / reserved / in between.
•leader / follower / in between.
•empathetic / indifferent / in between.
•optimistic / pessimistic / in between.
•traditional / modern / in between.
•hard-working / lazy / in between.
•cultured / uncultured / in between.
•loyal / disloyal / unknown / in between.
•faithful / unfaithful / unknown / in between
•assertive / timid / in between
SMOKING: never / sometimes / frequently / to excess.
DRUGS: never / sometimes / frequently / to excess.
ALCOHOL: never / sometimes / frequently / to excess.
FACECLAIM(S): Lesely-Ann Brandt
VOICE CLAIM(S): Lesely-Ann Brandt
IN-GAME NAME: Sapphiràh
Contact Info: RavenSong#7645
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raevenbehindthemuse · 3 years
Hey ya’ll, I’m looking to get back into WoW and as such, i’d like to follow some WoW blogs- mostly looking for rp, art, writing, etc etc. Please give this a like/reblog so I can check our your blog! 
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