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Won'jia a young but devoted follower of Gonk.
I feel like no one cares about my trolls on Instagram, so I'm sharing him here. Lol
#warcraft#world of warcraft#wowrp#wow art#darkspear troll#jungle troll#warcraft fanart#world of warcraft art#warcraft pvp#warcraft troll#my art#personal post
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Druidic Medicine & Kaldorei Alchemy
The practice of alchemy within Kaldorei culture and druidism is deeply intertwined with their reverence for nature and the interconnectedness of all living things.
Unlike the more mechanical and formulaic alchemy found in other societies, kaldorei alchemical traditions emphasize a holistic and spiritual approach. Practitioners seek to harness the innate magical properties of flora and fauna native to their ancient forests. Through a combination of ritual, druidic incantation, and a deep understanding of the natural world, night elf alchemists concoct elixirs, salves, and potions with effects that transcend mere alchemical reactions.
Their brews may imbue the imbiber with heightened senses, dreamlike visions, or a temporary attunement to the living essence of the forest itself. Gathering ingredients is as much a meditative act as a practical one, with proper respect paid to the spirits of the plants and creatures whose components are used. At its core, the goal of kaldorei alchemy is not the domination of nature, but rather a synergistic and reverential relationship with the primal forces that shape the world.
The Ancient Origins of Elven Alchemy
The origins of elven alchemy can be traced back to the ancient Highborne civilization that emerged around the mystical Well of Eternity. The Highborne, an elite caste of night elves, were deeply attuned to the arcane energies emanating from the Well. Fascinated by its power, they began to study and experiment with the Well's waters, seeking to unlock the secrets of its magic. Through centuries of meticulous research and trial and error, the Highborne developed the art and science of alchemy - the transmutation of matter through arcane means. By harnessing the Well's energy in their concoctions and elixirs, they discovered they could imbue substances with wondrous properties, from enhancing physical abilities to curing ailments to extending the lifespan. The Highborne alchemists perfected their craft in the opulent halls and gardens of their capital city Zin-Azshari, where the greatest minds gathered to push the boundaries of what was possible. Their innovations ranged from potent mana potions to transmuted living creatures to the creation of powerful arcane crystals. Yet as their mastery grew, so too did their hubris, as some began to pursue more reckless and dangerous experiments in their unquenchable thirst for knowledge and power.
Kaldorei Contributions to Alchemy
The kaldorei, also known as night elves, have a rich history of druidic practices that continue to influence the field of alchemy to this day. One notable example is the use of moonwells, sacred pools infused with the waters of the Well of Eternity and blessed by Elune. The waters from these moonwells are believed to have potent restorative and nourishing properties. Modern alchemists have studied the composition and effects of these waters, leading to breakthroughs in elixirs and potions that promote healing and rejuvenation.
Another significant kaldorei practice is the cultivation and use of enchanted herbs and plants. These botanicals, grown and harvested according to ancient druidic traditions, are prized ingredients in many alchemical preparations due to their magical properties. The kaldorei's deep connection to nature and their understanding of the balance between all living things has also inspired alchemists to explore more holistic and sustainable approaches in their craft, emphasizing harmony with the natural world.
Furthermore, the druidic art of shapeshifting has led to research into transformation potions and transmutation processes, opening up new avenues for alchemical experimentation and discovery.
The Future of Kaldorei Alchemy
The founding of Bel'ameth ushered in a new era of alchemical innovation among the Kaldorei people. Kaldorei alchemists from diverse regions including Val'sharah, Shen'dralar, Darkshore, Ashenvale, Mount Hyjal, Moonglade, and Winterspring settled beneath the sprawling canopy of Amidrassil, pooling their collective knowledge and techniques. This collaborative environment, enriched by the ancient wisdom of the resident dragons from the neighboring Dragon Isles, catalyzed an explosive advancement in Kaldorei alchemical practices.
Intricate new rituals and sacred transmutation methods have already emerged, leveraging rare herbs, potent essences, and arcane reagents unique to each Kaldorei territory. It is anticipated that meticulous experimentation will unlock new elixirs, potions, and alchemical creations of unrivaled potency and complexity. As the Kaldorei alchemists combine their mastery with the guidance of the dragons, they now delve into uncharted alchemical frontiers, pushing the boundaries of what was thought possible.
#world of warcraft#alchemy#roleplay#wowrp#warcraft#moonguard rp#wyrmrestaccord rp#classic alchemy#alliance#night elf#amirdrassil#kaldorei
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the 2024 bonfire beach bash is ON!!! :D
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This art still makes me emotional, one of my favorites done by Killjaded!
#kaldorei#moon guard#moonguard#wow rp#wowrp#world of warcraft roleplay#world of warcraft#wow oc#night elf#wow art
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I heard you… beckoning to monsters just so you would not be alone in the dark. You dread your innermost thoughts more than you fear your own demise. I wonder… would you accept my gift of silence?
(Blood and Gore below - if triggered by such - read at your own risk)
What was laced in secrets was easily undone by those who knew the contents of the message. And in the case of Kelz'thalas, she recalled distinctly what this duskwhisper was all about.
Some moons ago, she had a little venture into the Ghostlands, drunk and driven by nothing other than spite. Not that anyone knew the wiser save for the demons that haunted her and the living alike. And she brazenly removed her gauntlet and slew the skin upon her hand to cast the droplets of crimson to bait the monsters in the dark.
What was more unsettling about this was that she had believed it didn't work - that her voice had fallen upon the silence of the unknown. But the price had been paid and with it, she regarded that she had held dear. With sober thoughts and her family within view, she wondered what they might think knowing the truth.
Would she be able to say goodbye?
Fingers curled tightly as the ancient magics at play held fast to her frame, reminding her of that commitment she needed to see through. She wasn't afraid for herself, but more what others might do in the wake of her demise.
The path she forged on was dark and that was not a responsibility she could ask her family to bare yet again. She could feel the Sorceress waiting for an answer, with patience likely thinning beyond the veil.
It was a courtesy call, but the oath was made. And she could feel the way her blood began to boil beneath her skin. She ducked into another room, seeking a way out of the estate so that her afflictions would not be visible for her family to bear witness to. Cuts started to appear along the surface of her wrists as blood eagerly dripped onto the floor in long-awaited dues.
Her body tumbled through an open window as she ran through the back courtyard. The guards that were on post or otherwise patrolling shifted from the sudden abruptness of the heir, some disappearing into the estate, while others pursued her to investigate the disturbance she was making.
"Stay back!"
She called as she could feel her heartbeat rising within her chest as her arms now fully began to turn red. Her skin was torn apart, like invisible seams that were being undone remotely. Knees buckled as she looked to the fence in the hopes of escape. But the macabre bloodshed would not be hidden.
The beating of wings could be heard as a thud was felt beside her. Words were spoken with urgency, seeking to rouse Kelz'thalas from the mental conversation she had yet to finish. The Sorceress continued to play with each string of her vitality, forcing blood to bubble up from her mouth as she coughed upon Kal'ren's chest. Her eyes opened to look at him as she took in his face once more, finding that the most peaceful image to be that of the lover that left her.
"Take care... of my family..." she said with her final breath, before her mind addressed that of the Sanguine Sorceress.
"I accept your gift of silence, you Conniving Bitch." And with that her body exploded within Kal'ren's arms, showering him in the crimson blood she had so willingly spilt upon the alter. It now adorned him in her warmth, assuring that this sin would never be forgotten.
(( Thanks for the ask @sanguinesorceress - hope this is to your satisfaction for your games XD Mentions: @grumpyoldfker @allasticus and @kalren-daelish ))
#dontmakedealswiththedevil#sanguinesorceress#wowrp#worldofwarcraft#bloodpacts and rituals#Kelzthalas#I dont back down#Death didnt scare me anyway#darkroleplay#blood and gore
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Days, maybe weeks, had passed. There was nothing left.
A memory, conceivably. Had she really seen him swallow into the darkness. Quiet, without a moment to reconsider. To say a single word.
Shadow engulfed a plated arm, then stretching over fingertips, and was gone—her own hand reaching, fell short. The cosmic pitch tightened, twisting, smaller and smaller until it closed into a pinprick of light.
In time, she would forget. Just loose ends, once part of something larger. Something with shape. A face. A name. A feeling. But now—
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Tauren/Cowfolk druid for @molonginkdragon 💜
#art#drawing#doodle#world of warcraft rp#wow#wowrp#fantasy#wow rp#fantasy art#dnd#homebrew#tauren#cowfolk#beastfolk#druid#my art
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Nahi picked up her comm unit and began to type into it, finding the right contact was not hard at all… the dingus had put 111 before his name so he would be first. She only had about 10 contacts there, it wouldn’t have been hard to find his.
N: Hey Pathyn.
As she watched ….. scrolled on her screen so she waited for a reply. She was curled up in her new apartment in the building other Tarts lived in, under a soft blanket with hot water with honey and lemon.
P: You know, I thought you would be too pissed off and stubborn to text us.
It made her smile, she should have been that pissed off but those last couple of days with him and his cousin had made her soft in the head she decided. She enjoyed that time and didn’t want to cut off his friendship. Between Kyean��s picking at her, and Nahi drinking too much, they knew almost as much about her life as Talthorn did.
N: You only kidnapped me and made me breakfast, your cousin is the real assole, I am not texting him. Where do I get a tent that will be light enough for me to carry with me?
P: …..
P: What do you need a tent for?
N: I signed up with a mercenary group and need to get some gear.
P: …..
P: ….
P: ….
This was taking him a while, probably not a good sign.
P: Why did you do that?”
Oh… that was short considering, How many things had he typed and deleted?
N: Because I am a spoiled rich girl and when the city is somehow destroyed as the soothsayers say. I will be distraught and looking for a glorious way to end it all.
P: Now say that again without all the sarcastic bullshit and I might help you fill out your kit.
Oh course he knew all this stuff, it was why she reached his help. He was a ‘bad ass fighter’ after all, 5,000 years of fighting type, according to his asshole cousin.
N: Because I have spent my life not doing much of anything and I want to find out what kind of person I am.
P: And joining a random mercenary group is how you do that? Couldn’t you have taken some self-help course or something? Why not just volunteer to help healers or something. Didn’t you have anything else you could do rather than go into the thick of things?
At least Nahi didn’t feel like he was lecturing her as much as just wanting to know what was in her head. Shifting around until she was laying on her back she replied.
N: Sure, there are a couple families that want me as a tutor in music for their children. I met a Madame not so long ago that said she would happily give me a job, I could sing there and then warm the sheets. Oh, then I have a few offers,of being a kept woman. Such fulfilling and challenging tasks.
P: ….
N: Before you say anything else. I was raised to be an accessory, spoiled but kept out of sight until they needed to show me off. Then I dug full in to that in the court, did what I wanted, when I wanted and with whom I wanted. Since then my life has been caring for mother.
P: Anyone you wanted and you chose Kyean? Girl, your taste is suspect.
At least he was listening, if she had spoke to his cousin it would have been so much worse.
P: What company?”
N: Commander Talonoa Dal��shula’s company.
P: There are much, much worse choices. Come to Azsuna, we will get you ready. Bring your armor and weapons, we can work on your fighting. When do you go out?
N: “He said I would get a call.”
P: “Then we should have time. Come now, bring what you have, we will get you decked out and we can talk about this choice you have made that will tell you what kind of person you are.”
( @talonoa for mention)
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Announcing the 14th Annual Scary Cakes!
Join us for the 14th annual Scary Cakes Costume Contest!
We will have prizes and a relaxed RP event for you to mingle at and enjoy.
Where: Dalaran (NORTHREND), Underbelly
When: Oct 22, 2023
Time: 5pm WrA / 7pm MG
Who: Neutral event for all Horde, Alliance, and Neutral characters.
Join the Fancy Cakes Community for anchors:
For more information about the Fancy Cakes Roleplaying Event please visit https://fancy-cakes.carrd.co
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Hi, I'm Bev-- you can also call me Beefy!
I'm just your average Tauren who loves a good outing and a nice drink! In my day-to-day, I do a lot of farrier work for those in need-- horses, kodos, deer, even other Tauren! While other denizens of Azeroth have shoes, talons, and paw-pads, others have hooves that need to be taken care of as well. So that's where I come in! While I do most work local, I have travelled here and there to tend to customers and wildlife. Need a hooficure for you or your animals? Let me know!
In my off-hours, I'm tending to many animals, livestock and wildlife alike. You could say my home is a like a zoo! Those who come to my home in need of aid are often rehabilitated and sent on their way. Some choose to stick around as well, and who can say no to some cute little doe eyes?
When I'm not home, I'm usually out and about socializing and being a party animal. Maybe I'll see you around and get a drink sometime? Who knows.
Here's what I look like!:
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Fuming Toadstool Salve
The dryads and forest Keepers of Darkshore have long utilized the medicinal properties of Fuming Toadstools to create a potent healing salve. These peculiar fungi are known to grow abundantly amidst the weathered remnants of the Ruins of Lornesta. Here, they thrive in the perpetually damp and shaded environment provided by the crumbling stone structures and flooded landscape.
The Keepers, with their innate affinity for the flora and fauna, carefully harvest the mature toadstools, ensuring to tap the caps a few times to discharge spores and preserve the fungal population. Once collected, the toadstools are meticulously cleaned and then ground into a paste using a mortar and pestle. This paste serves as the base for the salve, which is then mixed with a combination of herbs and plants native to Darkshore.
The resulting concoction is a thick, earthy paste with a pungent aroma that is believed to possess powerful anti-inflammatory and regenerative properties. The dryads and Keepers employ this salve to treat a wide array of injuries and ailments suffered by the creatures of the forest. These range from superficial cuts and abrasions to more severe wounds inflicted by poachers or the elemental calamities wrought by the Cataclysm.
The application of this salve is often accompanied by the gentle whispers and soothing touch of the forest guardians. Their innate magic works in harmony with the medicinal properties of the Fuming Toadstools to accelerate the healing process and restore creatures to their former vitality.
((OOC: I didn't see anyone in the botany or alchemy circles of the wow community write a post about the toadstools in [Quest: Unsavory Remedies], so I completely bullshitted a post myself! Chances are, nobody wrote about these because there's almost no information to go off of, so I got a little creative with it. Enjoy!))
#world of warcraft#alchemy#roleplay#wowrp#warcraft#moonguard rp#wyrmrestaccord rp#alliance#night elf#kaldorei#cataclysm alchemy#darkshore#healing#quest item
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Another year, another absolutely spectacular bash finished..... I'm always so blown away by this event and the work and love put into it. what a breathtaking show :'') <3 <3 thank you everyone <3
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Pendris and Nyshar kissing as I get my day started, enjoy!
[Art by Orfeoarte]
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What a sight. The young cleric curled into a tight ball on the blanket-laden loveseat squeezing the life out of a colorful, plush bee who didn’t really seem to mind all that much. Most of the choked-up sobbing and incoherent babbling had ceased as she tired herself out.
The jester watched from the other end of the loveseat. On one hand, the sound of her own voice distressed and crying was a little unnerving. On the other, her shadows seethed in the presence of such ripe emotion. Only a few weeks ago she would have reveled in this, contributed to it even. But something had changed in their relationship.
At first, it had been Angie’s willingness and excitement to learn. To grasp new magics eagerly and delve into any task placed before her. It filled Adola’s chest with pride. She made this. In some roundabout way, Angie was her creation. A little legacy she had abandoned, only for it to grow and continue on without her. She got to relive the joys of learning vicariously through the cleric.
She couldn’t help but see Angie as family of some sort. Really, she desperately wanted family. Something she had found and lost several times already. To say what their exact relationship was…was hard. Adola wanted to settle on ‘teacher and student’, but there was something deeper than that. They were on many levels the same person.
Adola slowly scooted her way across the loveseat, jingling a little in excess to assure the cleric knew she was getting closer. She reached purple gloved hand out, offering it to her distressed ward.
The cleric’s voice wavered, but managed to produce something like words. “Don’t touch-” She stopped when the hand arrived near instead of grasping at her. After wiping away some tears the cleric took hold of it, squeezing tightly. “It was right… There’s something wrong with me.”
“Go on.” Adola’s voice rung gently. Curiosity overcame care. In what ways has this fucked Angie up? “I already know everything about you. Tell me what it said.”
“It..it said I was weak.” She choked on the words briefly, pausing to blow her nose into a tissue before continuing, slightly more composed. “I’m a hollow facsimile of a stronger thing. It talked about..you. I think. It called you ‘The Thing I Was’. It knew I wasn’t a whole person. It told me that it was going to kill you.. Or you would die, and I would be free of your sins.”
Adola let out a little sigh. “That’s a very uncharitable way to refer to our circumstances.” A finger tapped against her heavy mask. “It was just pulling from Leshii’s memories. It didn’t know anything special or new. It just picked up on things that *anyone* would have felt insecure and afraid of.”
“It said you were instrumental to its rise.” The words spilled from the cleric’s mouth. A rebuttal in favor of fear and paranoia.
But fear and paranoia were Adola’s domain. Fear, paranoia, the unknown, the depths, dreams. It didn’t get to her. “I may have. Address did a great deal to try to escape from me. Undoubtedly Leshii made some poor choices along the way as well.” She let out a little sigh. She wasn’t helping… “Angie, when I was you. ..At this point. I stood no chance against something like that either. The Admiral poisoned me with darkness, and that was my introduction to the shadow. Life-long fears were cemented into me, plucking at my mind constantly for years. But, we can overcome that.” Angie let out a startled noise as the elven jester yanked her by her hand, pulling her into a tight hug. She let out a wheeze of discomfort, but at the very least she felt…safe.
Adola’s grip loosened a little bit. A comforting embrace. With herself? How awkward. “In the face of something immortal, what do we have?” She offered no chance for response. “Willpower. We possess the ability to defy the world around us. To bend it to our whim. We have our own will and our own volition. It is bound, forced to serve its master for eternity. It envies us for what it will never have. Freedom. The god it serves is dead or defeated and bound. And without that? It has no purpose. These are its death throes. A desperate final attempt to make itself relevant. Where it is static, we **will** grow. And we can grow together. With the people we trust.”
The cleric didn’t look up at her. But Adola could hear that the cleric’s sobbing has come to a stop, and feel her racing heartbeat had quieted to a gentle thump. She waited for a moment… Before realizing Angie had finally tired herself out and slipped off to sleep.
Without anyone to hear it, Adola offered a tired goodbye. “Good night, Angie.” All before settling the priest back onto the loveseat and slipping away. Angie needed no nightmares of the Abyss. Not tonight, at least.
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