#war of the world
Orson Welles is famous for several completely unrelated reasons. The War of the Worlds broadcast controversy. He was there at the creation of the noir detective the Shadow. He directed Citizen Kane, considered by many to be the best film of all time. He portrayed Harry Lime, a villain character who became the focus of a film and radio franchise. Why is he everywhere. I’m gonna go watch the Transformers movie if I hear Orson Welles in there im gonna scream
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virgilboy360 · 11 months
hey everyone, So here are a couple of things I wanted to post, and I looked very back on my old post, the very first one and realized it was a bit cringe, Then again, it was 2020 And in that time I was using a crazy version of myself, and it wasn't very good, and to the people that had to deal with me being like that i'm sorry, I was trying to figure out ways to go through the pandemic to keep my insanity, but woopydo this crazy version of myself decided to take over, and say all the wrong things, again, sorry to all those people that had to deal with that, 😅
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well enough about those shenanigans.
Here is a picture of me, Virgil and James, in.
*Clears throw to put on dramatic voice*
Made by glitch productions, who are also the creators of murder drones, I really like that show.
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And here's a little war of world comic.
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and yeah that's pretty much it for today, I hope you enjoy, Have a good night or day depending wherever you are in the world, ^w^
bonus: oh, I got a little something in the works, it even has it's own blog, keep a look out for that everyone, Oh, by the way, I'm having trouble figuring out about the ask blog, don't worry it will be happening, and yes, it is called ask portal kill, because you literally asking questions to the people from the story, And yes, I'm having trouble with the story, I am so sorry for this, It's just that there has been a lot of things lately, and i'm not the best at making stories, but as soon as i'm done I will try my best to post it, I bet you're dying to know what I've done to the lovely portal characters.
but I swear to you it will be happening, Just got to figure out plots and that, and more back story shit, so yeah.
have a lovely night or day or wherever you are in the world again, byyyyyyyeeeeeeeeee, ^w^
p.s In the world the world comic, zoom in on James's eye, the one that is not purple, and you'll see something really cool as you scroll down, because you can barely see what is going on with his eyes, in each panel.
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crimeculturepodcast · 2 years
262 - The War of the Worlds
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spotforme · 2 years
This is the dumbest joke i have ever made
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okay i'll explain
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hycinthrt · 7 months
people are calling what happened today in gaza “the flour massacre”
the flour massacre
these people just wanted to get food for their families, something as basic as flour, one of the things that the very core of humanity is built on, and israel used it as a trap to murder them in cold blood
evil is not enough of a word. there is not a word to describe what they are doing to palestine. they are bleeding her out, they are torturing her and crushing her and hoping that nothing is left to remember her by when they are done. how can anyone stand and watch what is being done with indifference? how can you watch this level of human suffering, this crime against life and feel nothing, do nothing
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drsonnet · 5 months
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Hind Rajab was a 5 year old girl in Gaza who was killed while she hid alone in a car, along with the paramedics who tried to rescue her. Yesterday students at Columbia seized the administration building and renamed it in her honor.
Gadzooks Bazooka Instagram: gadzooks_bazooka
Remembering #HindRajab & children in #Gaza: This is what the mother of the child, Hind Rajab . https://tmblr.co/ZTeZMyfB_GHeeu00
Update (July, 2024)
@sunnydice: (and please don't forget Layan Hamadeh , her 15 yr old cousin who was trapped with her or Yusuf Zino and Ahmed Al-Madhoun who bravely volunteered to try to save hind and were murdered by the IOF )
DrSonnet — هذا ما قالته والدة الطفلة هند رجب عندما سمعت بخبر... (tumblr.com)
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whereserpentswalk · 5 months
The nazis that you see in movies are as much a historical fantasy as vikings with horned helmets and samurai cutting people in half.
The nazis were not some vague evil that wanted to hurt people for the sake of hurting them. They had specific goals which furthered a far right agenda, and they wanted to do harm to very specific groups, (largely slavs, jews, Romani, queer people, communists/leftists, and disabled people.)
The nazis didn't use soldiers in creepy gas masks as their main imagery that they sold to the german people, they used blond haired blue eyed families. Nor did they stand up on podiums saying that would wage an endless and brutal war, they gave speeches about protecting white Christian society from degenerates just like how conservatives do today.
Nazis weren't atheists or pagans. They were deeply Christian and Christianity was part of their ideology just like it is for modern conservatives. They spoke at lengths about defending their Christian nation from godless leftism. The ones who hated the catholic church hated it for protestant reasons. Nazi occultism was fringe within the party and never expected to become mainstream, and those occultists were still Christian, none of them ever claimed to be Satanists or Asatru.
Nazis were also not queer or disabled. They killed those groups, before they had a chance to kill almost anyone else actually. Despite the amount of disabled nazis or queer/queer coded nazis you'll see in movies and on TV, in reality they were very cishet and very able bodied. There was one high ranking nazi early on who was gay and the other nazis killed him for that. Saying the nazis were gay or disabled makes about as much sense as saying they were Jewish.
The nazis weren't mentally ill. As previously mentioned they hated disabled people, and this unquestionably included anyone neurodivergent. When the surviving nazi war criminals were given psychological tests after the war, they were shown to be some of the most neurotypical people out there.
The nazis weren't socialists. Full stop. They hated socialists. They got elected on hating socialists. They killed socialists. Hating all forms of lefitsm was a big part of their ideology, and especially a big part of how they sold themselves.
The nazis were not the supervillians you see on screen, not because they didn't do horrible things in real life, they most certainly did, but because they weren't that vague apolitical evil that exists for white American action heros to fight. They did horrible things because they had a right wing authoritarian political ideology, an ideology that is fundamentally the same as what most of the modern right wing believes.
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adventurelandia · 7 months
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"Don't be a Job Hopper" 1940s Disney WWII propaganda poster
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sayruq · 4 months
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troythecatfish · 3 months
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intersectionalpraxis · 8 months
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48 million people in Sudan still can not contact their families across the diaspora. They're cut off from the internet, which includes their online banking services as well. Thousands of displaced Sudanese people were also recently turned away as asylum seekers:
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This continues to be horrifying. Please keep talking about Sudan.
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starii-void · 3 months
going to chb must be crazy like imagine sharing a camp with
-one of the strongest demigods ever who's saved the world like at least 3 times, fought multiple gods & titans and WON (and is a tartarus survivor)
-the literal main architect of OLYMPUS who's also saved the world multiple times (also tartarus survivor)
-THE lord of the wild who's also close friends with the first two (and has helped save the world multiple times)
-an emo kid from the 1930s who again helped save the world and is also a tartarus survivor (TWICE)
-a son of apollo who survived tartarus with nothing but cargo shorts and sheer will (pun intended)
-the main designer and builder for the argo II, also the first hephaestus kid to have fire powers since hundreds of years ago (did i mention killed gaea? no? yeah he did that too)
-a girl who somehow charmspeak-ed gaea into falling back asleep (also side note daughter of super famous actor because why not)
-pretty much everybody is a two-time war veteran
-THE GOD APOLLO who just sometimes comes down to visit in the form of a teenage boy
-did i mention dionysus, god of wine madness and theatre
-also chiron, trainer of pretty much every greek hero ever
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politijohn · 11 months
Stand with Palestine // Oct 2023
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Chicago, IL
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London, UK
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Sanaa, Yemen
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Mexico City, Mexico
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Jakarta, Indonesia
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The Hague, Netherlands
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Barcelona, Spain
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Geneva, Switzerland
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Colombo, Sri Lanka
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New York, NY
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demigods-posts · 29 days
currently obsessed with the idea of everyone viewing percy as a forced to never be messed with. for the sea is unpredictable and does not like to be restrained and all that jazz. except, frank and hazel. who only see him as just a little guy. a soldier left to his own devices out on the streets with nothing to comfort him but a panda pillow pet and a lingering memory of a girl he loves. he's just a little guy you guys.
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folklorespring · 4 months
If you want to support Ukrainians, DO NOT donate to Red Cross. Can't speak about their work in other countries, but they're useless in Ukraine. The only trustworthy international organisation I can think of is World Central Kitchen.
Donate to World Central Kitchen
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And it's even better to donate directly to Ukrainian organisations. Here are a few good legit places:
hospitallers.life - "Hospitallers", Ukrainian paramedics on the frontlines
savelife.in.ua - "Come Back Alive", assistance to the army
prytulafoundation.org - "Prytula Foundation", assistance to the army, humanitarian causes
starenki.com.ua - "Starenki", helping elderly people
everybodycan.com.ua - "Everybody Can", helping disabled children, elders and hospitals
uanimals.org - "UAnimals", saving animals
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kenobihater · 4 months
after literal years i finally got around to downloading a pdf of the wipers times, an unsancitioned satitical british trench magazine circulated among the troops in france from 1916-1918 after the fortuitous discovery of a printing press. i have approximately five million other things i need to read so idk when i'll be able to devote much time to it, and i gotta pick up a proper copy bc it's missing at least salient no 4 vol 2. that said? i'm genuinely laughing at what i've skimmed so far
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