#wanna one x zodiac signs
jolapeno · 3 months
you're a prize
joel miller x f!reader
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summary: it's date night, and joel takes you to the fair
wordcount: 1.9k warnings: allusion and minor mention of smut. no outbreak. established relationship. joel is cute and wants to win you something. an: written for @iamasaddie's zodiac sign edition writing challenge. i got the lovely joel, fair au and virgo. I ignored the word limit, I’m sorry!!! thank you to the @thetriumphantpanda for proofing this little baby for me.
The air smells sweet as you step out of his truck.
Popcorn, cotton candy, and fried treats waft through the air, mingling with the cooling evening breeze as you take in the colourful stalls and bright lights.
The sound of his door slamming brings your attention back to him. His face is tight, unreadable—chest slightly puffed out, his hands fidgeting with his belt before he runs a thumb along the tucked-in edges of his shirt. Fixing. Adjusting for perfection, as though this were your first date and not close to the hundredth. When his eyes finally meet yours, you grin a little wider, and his own smile begins to break through.
It had been Tommy’s idea—but you’d suspected it was actually Sarah’s. The masterplan being laid out when you’d made coffee, the promise of an empty home, a coincidentally timed advert in the newspaper about the fair being in town as you looked at Joel:
Wanna take me to the fair, Miller? Show me how teenage you would have wooed me.
Sometimes, you can’t quite believe he’s yours.
A thing you’d said when you’d begun getting ready, your outfit laid out, putting your necklace on when he’d walked into the bedroom, shirt open, jeans unfastened, belt hanging there—a sinful picture that somehow was real and yours.
It’s why you’d breathed it out, caught off guard, made the two of you leave far later than you’d told yourselves when he’d left this morning. Your eyes having dragged up and down his frame in the mirror before you pressed the very same words to his mouth. Hungry, all of a sudden desperate. Fabric dragged down his arms, jeans somewhere at his ankles—pulling and tugging, needing more until he was on his back and you found yourself sliding down his cock, finding all semblance of words unable to form.
Somehow, even now, an hour later, you have to pinch yourself.
Unable to wrap your head around the fact that your things are alongside his. That you wake up and sleep beside him. A chance encounter, a right-place-right-time, turned relationship.
A thing you know he thinks too—confirming as much when sleep threatens to take him, the veil of honesty at its thinnest as he murmurs about not deserving you, that he hadn’t been able to stop thinking about you the first time you’d met.
He makes up for the handful of hours he can give you between working, parenting and sleeping, by writing poems between your thighs, scriptures against your skin, mouth and neck. Making promises he did his darndest to keep.
“You look good, Miller. Don’t worry.”
“Not worryin’.”
You make a soft noise to yourself, offering your hand as the strings of multicoloured bulbs draped between the parking lot and the stalls flicker on, casting a warm glow across his face as you smile at him.
Date nights happen so infrequently, that you’re not sure you remember how they go outside of takeout and movies on the sofa. Not that you complain, happily trade almost any evening for one of them.
“God, you’re handsome,” you whisper, tightening your fingers around his hand—looping them, feeling how much larger his is, than yours—as your other arm bends at the elbow, slinging around his neck. “Fuck I’m one lucky lady.”
He snorts, loudly. His eyes flick to the side before they land back on you, bashful, soft, as he clears his throat and you scrape your nails against his scalp. “Think I’m the lucky one.”
You smile, all uncontrollably as you inhale the scent of his aftershave. It’s all wooden-edged, peppery—just him. Reminded all of a sudden to the wisp of it the night prior, the fan having picked it up, blew it across the room as you turned a page in your book and heard him sigh, would do anythin’ for you.
“I could kiss you.”
Licking his lips, flicking his gaze from yours to your mouth and back. “Yeah?”
You wonder if he catches how it leaves his lips. How wrecked it sounds, how it’s more gravel than velvet, making heat bloom in your stomach as you draw a shape along his scalp.
“Could. But won’t. I think I need a corndog, maybe a ride on the Big Wheel. Real date night vibes first—not often we have some alone time. Don’t want to squander what Tommy has given us.”
Scoffing, he shakes his head, “Tommy.”
Grinning, you nudge into him when he tugs you to begin walking. Glancing up to notice how the sky is shifting in real-time from deep blue to velvet indigo—feeling him release your hand, to slide an arm around your waist. Guiding. Leading through shifting crowds.
You feel grateful, almost overwhelmed, as you take in the scene around you. On both sides, colourful stalls burst with energy, each humming excitedly. The ring toss calls to you with glistening glass bottles and the satisfying clink of rings, while the joyful pops of balloons from a nearby dart game fill the air.
It becomes apparent, quickly, you’re not sure where he’s leading you—not as you pass cheers that grab your attention, only jolting back to him when he comes to a stop at a stall. One less busy, the outer edge overflowing with giant stuffed animals and oddities—
“Hey look, it’s you.”
Your eyes narrow, flitting around, staring as he squeezes your hip.
“There,” he whispers.
All gruff, right into your ear. His breath dances along your cheek. Making your throat dry, making heat bloom between your legs when his chest becomes flush with your spine, and you follow where his finger is pointing, finding at the end of it—
“A sloth. Like you.”
“Fuck you, Miller.”
His laugh ripples out of him, loud, cracking in places as he wraps an arm around your chest, keeping you pinned—letting you feel how it rumbles through him, vibrating your bones with it as you find it hard not to join him. Shaking your head, but smirking, staring up at him before he presses the softest kiss to your forehead.
The same kind he leaves in the morning when he gets up before you; the same one he leaves on your skin when he walks in and finds dinner cooked, and the evidence of a hard day on your face. The same one that means three words, a thing you’re happy to take, each and every time.
“Gonna win it for you.”
“Joel, c’mon, you don’t need to do that, can just go on the ride, grab a snack and go—”
“I’ll be quick. Promise,” he replies, tightening his hold across your chest, mouth dropping back to your ear as children scream as they run past, “Lemme win you a prize, baby.”
Rolling your eyes, tongue in cheek as you stare at him. “What if you’re the only prize I need?”
He contemplates, in the way he always does—mouth scrunching up, nose twitching. “Still gonna win you a sloth.”
Folding your arms, you see little point in arguing. Resting your hip against the side, watching him familiarise himself with the goal: aim the rifle at the row of little metal flaps and shoot them down one by one—each having painted in little ducks on in faded yellows, and in your opinion had seen better days.
It's odd to see a rifle in his hand—wooden, smooth, worn from countless hands over the years. You're so used to seeing him with a tool of some kind or a coffee mug when he's at home.
Joel's first go isn’t too bad. The second, third and fourth, range from worse to about the same.
Each time, he grumbles—a little grunt here, a fuck there. It hissed, whispered—right under his throat with the passing reminder of children still running around the place—as you shift from leaning to standing, and arms folded to hanging loose at your sides.
“Joel, c’mon, let’s go play something else—”
“Goddammit, I can do this.”
Placing your hand on his forearm, feeling it twitch under, spotting the way his bicep twitches under the fabric of his shirt, you busily focus on his face. “Hey, I know you can. But, I want to go on The Big Wheel—maybe, make out a little, you know? Little over the clothes. See what it was like to date teenage Joel Miller.”
His jaw ticks—teeth running over his bottom lip as his nostrils flare as he inhales. His grip remains tight on the toy, fingers flexing over the trigger as your palm rubs in a line up and down his arm.
“One more go, promise.”
Smiling, you close your eyes and shrug—dropping your hand. “One more go.”
Stepping back, watching him nod to the man to reset the metal flaps, you have a thought. “Hey.”
Brown eyes meet yours—the bulbs of the stall reflecting in them, making them shimmer, shine. His face smoothed out, soft, as though work hadn’t been stressing him for weeks, as though bills hadn’t been keeping him awake.
“You win me that sloth, Miller, maybe I’ll ask the guy at the Big Wheel if we can stop at the top and admire the view.”
His eyes narrow, staring, your tongue dragging along your upper lip before your teeth bite on your lower and you tilt your head. Then, his eyes flash.
Head turning, cracking it on either side as he adjusts his stance and squares his shoulders—his grip different, almost more expert as you press your thighs together at the sight of his arm flexing again, his neck tensing.
Then, he knocks one down and your pulse hammers in your ears. The second makes you jump a little, as your heart skips a beat in your chest.
And you know he still has three attempts for the third, plenty of time. But you pinch your thigh through the fabric skating over them. Trying to level your breathing; trying to not move in anticipation. Fingers almost wanting to cross as you stare at him, admiring, unable to tear your eyes away from him—
Then the third rings out.
Metal clanging—a win announced, practically bellowing and vibrating through the air as he cheers when the bell is rung and you find yourself with your arms around his neck. You don’t think as you press a kiss—all painted in joy, happiness and pride—against his cheek. Feeling his heart pounding in his chest when your hand slides over it, rubbing, trying to soothe it as he shakes his head in disbelief when the toys is held out to him.
He takes it, his hand large and strong, the same one that just skillfully shot down metal ducks to win you a prize. As he hands it to you, his other arm slips gently around your waist.
“Told you I’d win you it.”
“My hero,” you smirk, tapping his nose with the sloth’s hand.
Feeling him pinch your side, forcing a giggle out, he drops his voice again, “C’mon, want my prize now.”
“Am I not your prize?” you tease, smiling, faking innocence as he stares—blinking, unsure what to say.
“Some parts of you more than others.”
Grinning, mouth falling open in shock, you hear him chuckle. “Good job I’m interested in finding out what winning tastes like.”
His eyes darken, lips parting as you watch him swallow, before he groans all in the back of his throat. “Yeah?”
Nodding, you bite your lip. “Wanna see how much it costs us to have five minutes at the top?”
Joel practically drags you towards the Big Wheel, the fair music blaring from it as you clutch the sloth toy tight to your waist, trying to keep up with him, grinning, from ear to ear.
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one shot
1.5k / joel miller x f!reader / minors dni
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summary: summertime saturday bliss with joel. Inspired by ‘Sweet’ by Cigarettes After Sex
warnings: fluff, dad!joel, boyfriend!joel, no specific description of reader, no outbreak, age gap (reader is mid20s& joel is early to mid 40s), just a whole lotta loving. 
Main Masterlist 🫧☁️🫧☁️🫧☁️🫧☁️🫧☁️🫧☁️🫧☁️
You were never fond of sharing a bed with anyone. As a child, you hated sleepovers and always wanted to be asleep early. As a teenager, you had a scrupulous night routine which carried on into your life now. Skincare, meditation, reading and sleep no later than 10pm. You were a light sleeper too, the slightest twitch, distant car alarm or whistle of wind would startle you.
That soon changed after you met Joel and you stayed the first night with him. He was double your size and he made sure to hold you all night. He was a deadweight and didn’t disturb you in the slightest. After the first night with him, the loss of his arms draped over you was huge and you could no longer sleep easily without him next to you.
Joel always slept in later than you, and would only wake after you did, to you either stifling a laugh to some stupid cat video, or vigorously writing down your manifestations and goals for the day. He didn’t mind. Your face first thing in the morning was a sight he’d want to cherish for the rest of his life.
‘Morning darl’ he drawled through a squint. 
‘Sleep well?’ You rolled over to face him, and he cupped your face and pulled you in for a kiss.
‘Better than ever,’ Joel rubbed his eyes and scooped your hair off over your should and behind your neck. ‘Coffee?’
You both moseyed downstairs and opened all the doors and windows, ready for the heat of an American summer to fill the home .
Joel made your coffee, exactly how you liked it, with frothed milk, plenty of syrup and in your favourite mug, engraved with your zodiac sign.
He held out his hand and you delicately took it and walked outside onto the patio. 
Wildflowers were scattered across the borders of the garden, splashes of colour and flickers of wildlife dashed throughout the morning dew.
A sparrow darted across the garden and landed the fence, calling out to the magnolia tree which shaded your patio. Joel laid propped up on his elbow as you both lounged on the deckchairs watching the birds and butterflies in the morning sun. 
He aimlessly ran his fingers up and down your leg, gazing at you sipping your coffee, and smirking with a full heart.
‘Enjoying the summer mornings baby?’ Joel drawled, as he stood up and stretched. His shirt lifted, revealing a strip of golden skin and chiselled stomach.
You tilted your head, squinting as the sun glowed into your eyes. ‘I wouldn’t wanna be anywhere else, sweet boy. The city life doesn’t even compare’
‘Well this is your home now darl’. Can’t let you go anywhere now’ Joel winked and took your empty coffee mug into the kitchen.
You followed him into the house, finding the motivation to get your life together and not strip the man down to his bare bones. 
He pointed a finger at you. ‘You, shower.’
You rolled your eyes.
‘Er, none of that little miss. I’m not having you moaning when it’s 11am and the parking lots are gridlocked and you can’t get your damn scented candles and bed linens.’
You were too stunned to speak, and cackled as he knew you too well. How could you be mad when he loved you too deeply to let you lose out?
You hopped in the shower, scrubbing yourself whilst filling the air with fragrance that came from Joel’s mahogany teakwood shower gel. Women’s toiletries smelt sweet, but didn’t last anywhere near as long as men’s. And anyway, who wouldn’t want to have Joel’s scent lingering all day.
Wrapped up in a fluffy white towel and your hair in a towel wrap, you did your makeup, brushed out your lashes and eyebrows, and drowned yourself in Lost Cherry. Your signature scent. 
You decided on a linen co ord, baby pink with shorts and a long sleeved shirt, which you had unbuttoned slightly lower than normal, but smart enough to leave enough to the imagination. 
You danced down the stairs, hearing Joel and Sarah playing in the garden. Breakfast had been made and you invited Sarah to join you on your Saturday shopping trip before Joel had to go to work 
‘Come on peanut, I’ll treat you to the soda shaped candle you wanted’ you called to Sarah and grabbed your purse and some snacks, of course. Sarah ran upstairs to find one of her favourite dresses and matching bows. You prayed she’d never grow up out of her tutu dress stage for any occasion.
Joel looked like a dream, in his cargos and tight fitting flannel. The sky could be on fire and this man would still be wearing a flannel insisting it’s never too hot. He smelt like coffee and cigarette ash, and cedarwood.
He grabbed your waist, threatening to tilt you backwards over the garden sprinkler. You yelped and whacked him off with your purse and whispered seductively ‘That’s just taken away your chance to see what’s underneath my outfit.’
He fell to his knees and lunged into you, your knees buckling as he stood up with you over his shoulders. He ran into the kitchen, still holding you as if he was a fireman and the garden was a burning flame. Sarah skipped down the stairs and immediately ran with concern hearing you yelping.
‘Ma’am, I’m gonna need you to clear the exits!’ Joel did his stupid talking down a walkie talkie impression and pointed to Sarah to give way to you both. 
She crossed her arms and stood firmly in the doorway, as if she wasn’t 4ft nothing.
‘You leave me with no choice’ Joel seemed to forget he still had you upside down over his shoulder and squatted down to put Sarah in the same position.
You clumsily bumped heads as Joel flung you both about with no care. He dropped you on the sofa and Sarah on the armchair.
You were out of breath from laughing and trying to keep some of your dignity.
Joel realised the time, he had to leave in two minutes to go to the site. 
‘Well girls, thanks for holding me up’ he jokingly muttered, trying to imitate the attitude you and Sarah sometimes give him.
Sarah looked at you and you both shook your head and giggled. Joel chucked you the car keys and you and Sarah went out to do some shopping. 
After facing the trenches of a retail park in scorching heat, you headed home. Joel had called to say he would be home before you and asked what cocktail you wanted lined up.
Sarah was asleep in her car seat, and you reversed onto the drive, texting Joel to grab Sarah while you got the bags.
Joel’s eye widened and jaw went slack as he saw you unload the car.
‘Baby, if I see another throw cushion I may have to scream.’ Joel delivered the most deadpan one liners sometimes, digging at your femininity and weakness for home furnishings. 
‘Don’t act like you don’t fall asleep on them every single night half way through the film you decided to pick’ you shut the car door and let Joel chuckle as he went and layed Sarah on the sofa.
‘What’s for dinner baby?’ Joel asked.
‘Not sure, ask Sarah when she wakes up what she wants, I got groceries yesterday so she can pick’ you kissed his cheek and reached up for the wine glasses.
You gestured at Joel if he wanted some, and he pulled the cork out of the half finished wine bottle from last night with his teeth. 
You began to crumble under how hot this man was, until he blew the cork out of his mouth and aimed it for your head. He laughed like a boy and smacked your ass as you rolled your eyes. 
‘You know Miller, for someone who likes sex so much, you’re doing an awful lot to sabotage your chances of getting some tonight’ you tapped him on the hip with your foot, and he grabbed your ankle trying to trip you up. 
‘You can’t resist this boyish charm, baby’ he winked and showed his perfect white teeth through a grin.
Sarah came tiptoeing into the kitchen and cuddled her daddy. You sat on the breakfast stool next to Joel, and she clambered onto your lap. You kissed her forehead and she wrapped her arms round her neck. 
‘Daddy, can we have Pizza and the special salad you make?’
‘Anything for my princesses’ Joel stood and wrapped his thick arms round you both, before getting dinner ready for you all.
Sarah picked up your phone and scrolled through your playlist, picking the song you were humming as you drove earlier.
‘It’s so sweet, knowing that you love me. Though we don’t need to say it to eachother, sweet’
‘I love you’ you mouthed to Joel. Your eyes welled up as the song played and filled your heart with an overwhelming feeling of how happy you were.
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thelovelyruin · 10 months
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𝖙𝖍𝖊 𝖑𝖔𝖛𝖊𝖗𝖘 : yandere choso x fem reader
𝖙𝖍𝖊 𝖘𝖚𝖓 : choso fell in love with you freshman year and it was finally time to make you his.
𝖙𝖍𝖊 𝖒𝖔𝖔𝖓 : smut, porn with plot, vaginal sex, praise, love, manipulation, murder (not you!)
𝖙𝖍𝖊 𝖈𝖍𝖆𝖗𝖎𝖔𝖙 : 7.1K
𝖙𝖍𝖊 𝖘𝖙𝖆𝖗 : inspired by lyrics from saccharine by jazmin bean.
𝖙𝖍𝖊 𝖊𝖒𝖕𝖗𝖊𝖘𝖘 : hello lovelies, thank you so much for reading! this was a request i’ve been working on for a while lol; i hope you enjoy it; if so, follow me for more. au revoir!
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Everything you do, I'm obsessed with you.
“Exciting, isn’t it?”
“Huh? I mean, yeah it’s cool.”
“Are you rushing too? I really wanna go Kappa!”
“That’s, uh, aren’t they kinda…”
“What, cunts? Yeah, I’d fit in nicely.”
When Choso first met you during rush week a couple years ago, you were an aspiring freshman looking for a sorority to pledge to, and he was a normal guy. Sorta. You’d spoken to him once and he became absolutely in love with you. Not like he hadn’t been with other girls in the past, a few relationships here or there. But you were different. Not like any other girl he’d seen. You hadn’t shared too much with him that day, but he was determined to figure out, well, everything about you.
I don't mean to scare, but you're just so cute.
It started with your name, which he’d simply just asked someone in your class. But then, Choso needed to know more, when was your birthday, were your zodiac signs compatible? He’d gotten that information from stealing your campus ID out of your purse while you two were in class together. Choso was paying really good attention to other things too though. He’d paid attention to your screen while he sat behind you, online shopping when you were supposed to be paying attention to the lecture. That’s how he found out what size you were and the brands you liked, but other things got a little trickier. He noticed the way you did your makeup, it was always so pretty, but it’s not like he knew what any of it was, so he’d slowly started stealing things out of your makeup bag. It was harder to get your perfume, though, until you reapplied it on the campus lawn one day. Pink sugar, huh? Sweet just like you. Choso wanted to be even better, he’d send you flowers with no receipt of who sent them, an array until he found your favorites. He’d pay for your food when you went out to eat, then leave to remain anonymous. He just loved seeing that smile on your face whenever he surprised you with something, always grateful, looking around to see if you could catch your secret admirer, but blushing when you realized you wouldn’t. God, you were perfect.
Lucky for you, you had actually gotten into Kappa. You walked around on this high horse though, one of those kiss-my-ass kind of attitudes. Not like anyone was gonna check you for it, well, ‘cause you were hot. Always well dressed, always groomed, always punctual. There was nothing anyone could really say about you other than you being a bitch, at least never to your face. Little did you know, Choso was your bitch. If you ever even glanced at him, he’d almost faint, and as the sophomore and junior years came and you’d gotten classes with him, he’d go back to his dorm and fuck his fist at the thought of you every day. But now, it was Senior year, and he was running out of time to make you his.
Every move you make, you're fucking sweeter than a cake.
Choso originally planned to just ask you directly, but he had to make sure it was gonna be perfect. He couldn’t leave room for error in the possibility that you weren’t interested at all. So, he’d gotten as close as possible to you. It wasn’t stalking, it was just studying an interest. He was pretty good at photography, so he got hired as a photographer for school events, such as parties or games. He’d walk around and take pictures of everyone like usual to not raise suspicion, but whenever he could, he’d snap as many pictures as he could of you, slipping them into his pocket. When there was too much going on at the party downstairs, he’d sneak upstairs to find which room was yours, for research purposes of course.
Well, that research went directly to Choso knowing which window to take pictures outside of. You were so oblivious, often leaving your curtains wide open as you just got out of the shower, dressed in nothing but a towel. Now, Choso never got a snapshot of you naked or anything like that, but the hopes of the day he could got him pretty damn hard. He’d take pictures of you walking around campus, doing fundraisers with your sorority sisters, running for the pageants that you always won, with the exception of Miss Junior, who you exposed for cheating on her boyfriend so she’d be out of the running. So, you’d won that too. You were practically perfect, Choso felt you were made for him, there was a true possibility he could nurture and care for you, allow you to let your guard down a bit and let him someone in. He imagined himself taking you out to all your favorite restaurants, he had all of them written down along with your favorite menu items. Nights in his room cuddled up watching all of the movies you liked, you’d be so excited to see all of your favorite snacks already waiting for you. You’d wear that glitter lipgloss you loved, he’d make sure you had more than enough, considering he’d already bought two tubes for whenever he made you his. He imagined making love to you, hearing you moan for him as he pleasured you, then put you on his chest as you fell asleep, resting his eyes as he held you. You two could truly be in love. 
I'd love to wipe these other bitches out, so it's just you and me.
But, you had a fucking boyfriend. It’s not like he didn’t like seeing you with other guys. He fucking hated it. Choso thought the guy was pretty scummy, he had that douchebag personality and always looked at guys like Choso like he was a piece of shit. But that asshole was truly a piece of shit. Megumi, or something like that. Choso didn’t bother doing too much digging up on him because it wasn’t gonna matter very soon. You guys had been dating since the beginning of the school year, not very long, but that didn’t stop him from talking to other girls when you weren't around. He’d forget your dates, and make you cry. Wouldn’t post you on his socials, almost pretended he was single. Choso had half a mind to stab him to death, mostly because he didn’t like the way he treated you, but also because then he wouldn’t be in the way anymore.
Then, there were your damn sorority sisters. Those bitches were definitely in the way. They took up too much of your time, making you busy every day with planning and meetings, to do what? Party and maybe, fundraise? He’d see them sometimes talking shit about you, saying you were weird or a bitch, or something else that wasn’t true about you. Choso would never say those things about you or treat you like that. You deserved someone who actually loved you and cared about you, none of these other distractions. He would give you the world, but that meant getting rid of the world you had first.
Oh, oh, this shit is scaring me…
Now, when Choso originally thought of doing this, he thought it was a little nuts. It was a little extreme, sure, but it was just an obstacle in the way to get to you. Sometimes, we do bad things for the people we love. It doesn't mean it's right, it means love is more important. 
Choso originally thought of actually stabbing Megumi like he wanted to. That fell quickly when he really considered the situation. Megumi was on the lankier side which meant it would be more tactical to get a hit in, plus he’d need to find a time he’d be alone in a discreet location to hurt him with no one noticing. Not that he’d really care if someone saw, it would just mean he wouldn’t be able to live the rest of his life with you; that was not an option. Shooting would be just as difficult, shell casings and the sound of gunfire could get him in deep. Could steal the brakes from his car, but then there was the possibility you were in it when it crashed, and for that, he’d never forgive himself. He’d need something that anyone could have done, an accident perhaps, something that wouldn’t kill Megumi, just get him out the fucking way. Then he got a little idea.
Don't wanna stick my fingers in this, or I'll start to bleed…
“Hey, Megumi!”
“Do I know you?”
“Well, we literally live on the same floor, but um, no. Anyways, wanted to talk to you about something…”
“Get on with it.”
“It’s her birthday today, your girlfriend that is.”
“Oh yeah. Well, why the fuck do you care?”
“We’re kinda close, wanted to get her something, but I’ll be too busy with classes to give it to her. Do you mind giving it to her for me?”
“You got my girlfriend a gift, bitch? What the hell’s in this box?”
“Well, that’s kind of a surprise for her…”
“Get the fuck out of my face before I beat your ass. Leave my girl alone, you fuckin’ weirdo.”
Megumi had slammed the door on him, just like that. Usually, Choso would’ve been really torn by his insult. He was pretty pissed Megumi forgot your birthday too, but how could he be pissed, truly? Not when a sweet resolution to Megumi’s shitty ways was on the horizon.
“Megumi’s like totally dead!”
“Omg, what do you mean he’s dead?”
“Well, he went to the hospital ‘cause he came down with like a fever or something? Todo said he couldn’t even talk when he found Megumi in the hallway and his eyes were all watery. The doctors said he died of, shit, what’s it called again? Whatever, like he couldn’t breathe! I don’t know what the fuck happened, but damn, really sucks, ya know?”
“Babe, I’m so sorry. To be fair, he was a dick.”
“Yeah, you’re right. He didn’t have a big one either TBH.”
Well, shit. Choso didn’t mean to kill him, not really. He knew Megumi was a fuckin’ asshole, though. Paired with someone crushin’ on his girlfriend and his ego, Choso knew Megumi was gonna open that box. And what was in it? Initially, Ricin covered the inside of the box, which when inhaled, caused damage to the respiratory system, which Megumi could technically recover from. Choso had extracted the Ricin from some castor beans. The same castor beans that were crushed inside of the cupcake sitting in the box. All 10 of them. Originally, Megumi would’ve lived, had he just thrown it away and not have been nosy, and if he did end up giving it to you, Choso would be there to intervene and he’d deal with that explanation later. But Megumi chose to be a nosy bastard, open it, AND EAT THE CUPCAKE! It was comical, really, considering Ricin can’t be found in an autopsy, so Choso got away with it. It’s okay. It had to be done. That greedy asshole got what was coming to him, and with him out of the way, Choso was cleared to enact Phase 2.
It's sweet like saccharine, what I’d do to have you sitting here next to me.
A couple of days after Megumi died, you pretty much got over it, walking about as if nothing happened. To be fair, he was cheating on you all the time, lied to you, and overall treated you like shit, so it wasn’t that hard. What Choso didn’t expect was for you to get kicked out of your sorority house.
“Listen, babe. Your dead boyfriend is really throwing off the vibe here. Plus, it’s bringing a lot of bad looks to the rest of us because it seems like you honestly don’t give a fuck that he died, and truthfully, neither do we, but damn bitch, try acting like it!”
“Please, Chapter President, I can act like I care, I just-”
“Sorry girlie. You’re still a sister, don’t worry. You do have to leave the house though.”
Choso felt a little bad. A little. They really were bitches, but this was perfect. He’d just saved himself from starting a gas leak at the Kappa house when you weren’t home. He didn’t like that your feelings were hurt though, and he beat himself up about it. Choso himself wasn’t really a good guy, killing your boyfriend on your birthday? Almost killing your sorority sisters before they pretty much kicked you to the curb? He was doing the exact opposite of being a good boyfriend. He’d be on his toes from now on, can’t risk ruining his chances with you. However, it was all in good light. You were becoming more and more ready to fall into his arms.
Apparently, you pretty much kept to yourself and stayed in your room. Your classwork was slacking a bit, and you couldn’t live at the house, but that didn’t stop you from still trying to be involved, participating in some campus events, and fundraising with your sisters despite your exile. You were a normal girl, humbled for sure, but Choso didn’t like that very much. He never intended to break you down like this, while you were still sweet in his eyes, he knew you loved the life you had before. He can’t unkill Megumi, which wouldn’t make sense anyway because Choso was your boyfriend now, but he’d give you a life even better than the first. One where you and he were together.
Like cherry pie, will you be mine?
Now, Choso was a real sweetheart, getting you so many gifts for when you came along, preparing how he’d approach you, compliment you, fuck you. But he was getting a little impatient. At this point, it was already the tail end of courses before winter break so he didn’t have much time to see you every day, even though he’d make that happen regardless. Plus, all of the shit that had happened to you would wear off in a couple of days, so he needed to act now. Choso knew he couldn’t make you fall in love with him overnight, and it would be too hasty to try to take it slow with you now. So, he had no choice. He was gonna kidnap you.
Now, “kidnapping” is a rather strong way to put it. In reality, Choso was gonna come to see you and talk a bit, but if that didn’t work, he’d hold you at knifepoint and make you come back to his dorm with him to enjoy all of the things he’d set up for you! He would never hurt you intentionally, so it’s not like he was gonna use it, but he had to make you think he would. He wished kidnapping you was legal, why wouldn't he want to be able to love you and take care of you all the time? It’s okay, you’d learn to love him back. After all, Choso wasn’t your ‘maybe’. Choso was your ‘one’.
Sweet to the core, I want some more.
Choso decided he’d make his move on you the night of the last Kappa party of the season, too many people for anyone to notice him running off with you, plus he knows you’d look so pretty in your party dress, hair all done up, heels making those legs of yours look so pretty. And you did! Except, you were crying. When Choso got to the party and spotted you, you were sniffling as you walked out the back door of the house. Now, he had to be strategic about this, so he exited out the front in time to catch you walking from the back. When he’d gotten outside, he saw you walking down the sidewalk, but it wasn’t very well, your heel had broken and you were having to walk barefoot. He felt terrible seeing you like that. You looked so sad, so scared, just broken. Choso had to make things right.
“Hey, you okay?”
I love you.
I can hear your words breaking down my core…
You looked up at him with those beautiful doe eyes of yours, bloodshot and watery from crying, but still, you looked stunning.
“Oh, hey Choso. Honestly? No, I’m like not okay at all.”
“What’s wrong?”
“Well, my ex died and everyone’s making a super big deal about it. Like, people kept coming up to me asking questions and stuff like I was there when he died or something.”
“Oh, um-”
“Sorry, I know I sound like a twat right now, but he cheated on me like all the time! It’s honestly a long shot to say we were even together, not be cocky or anything, but I think he dated me to make himself look better. Plus, he got me in hot water with my sisters, like he’s haunting me after death or whatever.”
“Sounds like he wasn’t really a good guy…”
“Yeah, pretty much. Anyway, now I have to walk back to my stupid dorm with no shoes because I fell over like a klutz and just embarrassed myself to the nines. I don’t even wanna go back there, just makes me sad, ya know? I came out to this stupid party to get my mind off things and it’s like things are just bleh. It doesn’t even feel like anyone likes me anymore. I wish someone just loved me for me, ya know?”
I think about you every day at least a hundred times or more.
Choso walked up and hugged you, bringing you into his embrace. It was a bold move for sure, especially with the knife sheathed on his waist, but he just hated seeing you cry like that. Soon, you’ll feel how nice it is to have someone care about you so much. To have someone who wants to revolve their entire life around you.
“It’s okay. Know you don’t know me very well, but I’m here for you.”
“Yeah, I don’t wanna be too forward or anything, but you can come back to my dorm for a few, that is, if you don’t wanna go back to yours.”
“That’s so sweet, thanks!”
Fuck, this was perfect! He didn’t even have to threaten to kill you! Choso offered to pick you up, which you happily agreed to, holding your heels in your hand as he carried you back to his dorm. On the way, you talked about a bunch of stuff you liked, mostly things he already knew about you, but there were a couple of new things that enticed him. You’d stopped crying, that sweet smile back on your face as you found comfort in Choso’s arms. He’d gotten back to his dorm fairly fast, not wanting to waste much time to get things rolling. He figured he’d start with telling you about his love for you, really seeing if you-
You pointed at the movie poster on his wall, one of your favorite movie. He’d studied it a lot, trying to figure out why you liked it so much. He’d watched it over ten times by now, buying the poster as a touch when you finally came, which worked!
“Yeah, it’s a pretty good-”
“Pretty good? It’s like the best movie ever!”
“We can, uh, watch it if you want.”
“Yes, I’d love that!”
Choso was so lucky. Here you were, sitting with him on his bed as you watched the movie. You’d stop every few minutes and point out something about it you knew a fun fact about or laugh at the parts you’d seen so many times. You were so damn cute. You’d pretty much forgotten all of the stuff going on, able to just relax with him for once. Don’t you see how nice this is? How special things can be? 
“Oh wow, it’s getting late. Shit, I still have to walk back.”
Just like that, the movie was over. You looked tired, not just physically but mentally too. You couldn’t leave though, that’s not how this was gonna go.
“Are you sure you’re good to walk?”
“Whatcha mean?”
“I mean, your heels are broken and it’s too dark outside to be out there by yourself. Something could happen to you.”
Fuck, Choso was a little too bold with that last part. He was probably coming on too strong, he’d need to fix-
“You’re worried about little ‘ol me?”
“Something like that…”
YES. He was so fucking worried that sweat was about to drip from his face, red with anxiousness that the love of his life was about to leave him behind.
“Well, you could always walk with me. Or do you just wanna spend more time with me?”
You gave him a little smirk and wink, it went straight to his dick as he tried to think of a way to respond.
“I, um… yeah, I would.”
Your answer to his statement would be the deciding factor between you staying or him picking up that knife from his jacket on the chair. Fortunately for you, you smiled and put your things back down, sitting on the bed as you looked up at him.
“Fine, but we’re gonna watch another movie. Your pick this time.”
You make me afraid, come closer, wait no, go away…
Ten minutes into this movie and he felt like he was gonna fucking explode. This time around, you’d gotten closer to him. Instead of sitting at the end of the bed, you laid beside him, not quite touching you, but he could definitely smell you, and fuck, you smelled so good. It was becoming painful to not touch you, but he couldn’t risk fucking this up. You looked so nice like this, chest moving up and down as you laid comfortably, eyes low, obvious you were getting tired. 
“Hey, Choso?”
“What’s up?”
“Thanks for, ya know, being nice to me. I’m not anyone’s favorite these days…”
You looked so sad, but Choso couldn’t be happier. You were starting to recognize the only person who really cares about you is him!
“Yeah, but you’re my favorite.”
“Really? But, you barely know me.”
Choso actually knew you very well. Probably better than you know yourself.
“You’ve just got that type of personality that’s really easy to like, is all.”
You sat up now and looked Choso in the eyes, making him blush instantly.
“Oh yeah? So, you like me?”
Choso started stuttering and sweating, flustered beyond reason as you gave him one of those smirks. At this point, he didn’t even have to tell you. His body language was more than obvious.
“I was just kid-”
“Yes, I mean-”
You both looked at each other in shock. Why the fuck would he say that? You were fucking joking. Choso was stupid to think you were serious, not like he really had any chance with a girl like you. But that’s okay. He was gonna make one. Although, he didn’t know whether to love or hate you right now, most likely both. You looked up at him optimistically, like you were waiting on his response, but also blushing a bit as he nearly popped a blood vessel in front of you. He couldn’t even speak, choked up on his words as you brought your hand on top of the one he had leaning on the bed.
“Tell me, do you?”
“I do, for a while now.”
“So, why not ever talk to me?”
“Because you’re pretty hard to talk to.”
“How’s that?”
“You’re usually, um-”
“A bitch? Yeah, I am. But these past few weeks have humbled me.”
Choso wanted to laugh a little. Of course, it was because of him and the precautions he’s put in place for you two to end up together. You didn’t need to know that part though. You looked down, that same broken look you’d been putting off all night. Everything in him told him to stop, don’t be too hasty and he could probably get back to the plan, but it hurt him to see what he’d caused. It definitely didn’t help that you were crying again, bringing your knees to your chest as you fell into the realization of how messed up you felt. Choso pulled you into his arms, laying your face into his chest as he rubbed your back. You felt so warm, so soft, he didn’t want to let you go. Ever. 
“It’s not your fault. So, don’t beat yourself up about it.”
“Thanks, you’re right.”
It was hard to feel like the bad guy when you were smiling at him, finding comfort in his words. You two were dangerously close now, eye contact had him feeling like a deer in headlights, while you remained cool and collected, like usual. That’s one of the main things he loved about you, despite all of the crazy shit going on, you still try to appear fine, but that was far from the truth. He’d be a shoulder for you to cry on, someone you could depend on and pour your feelings into. Give your heart to someone who’s worthy of loving you back and spending their every breathing second devoted to keeping you happy.
Saccharine, what I’d do to have you sitting here next to me. 
You’d kissed Choso softly, leaning in slowly enough to feel his breath hitch on his lips when he realized what you were doing. It was perfect. Your lips felt even softer than he thought they would, gentle and loving as you brought yourself closer, closing the distance between you. He had to get his head together, he’d practiced this part over and over again, and all he had to do was focus and execute it. First, cup your face with his hand. You smiled into his lips when he did this, allowing him to move to the second step, and bring his hand to the back of your neck to deepen the kiss. You softened into his touch as he laid your back on the bed, opening your legs to let him on top of you. You were so sweet, moaning softly into the air as he began sucking the skin of your neck. Choso wanted to claim you, he’d finally gotten to kiss you and he needed everyone to know you were his. He sucked a little harder and felt ecstatic when you didn’t stop him, instead groaning as bruises began to flower on your skin.
Shit, you moaned his name. It felt exhilarating, something he’s been waiting for for so long finally coming true. It lit a fire under his ass, coming up to kiss your lips once before he brought his lips back down to your collarbones, moving lower as his hand massaged your side. Once he’d reached the skin of your breasts, he’d stopped, looking up to you for the green light to keep going. Even though you didn’t really have a choice in spending the rest of your life with him, consent was still pretty important to him, so when you gave him a nod, he took off. Choso brought his fingers to the hem of your dress, pulling it over your head as you brought your arms up to aid him. God, you were beautiful. Your tits were on full display to him now, nothing covering you but a lacy pink thong. He was gonna start hyperventilating, your tits lifted as you breathed, nipples calling out to him like they needed saving. He brought his lips down swiftly and wrapped his tongue around one of them, immediately putting the other between his fingers to pinch as the rest of his palm massaged your breast. You started whimpering for him now, touch-starved since your boyfriend died, but Choso hoped it was also because he was doing things better than anyone you’d been with before. He alternated his mouth, groping and sucking as much as he could, relishing in the feeling of your tits in his face for the first time. As much as he could stay there all day, he knew you needed more, so he kissed his way down your stomach, lips grazing your pantyline. Choso sucked the skin of your stomach as you bucked your hips against him, turned on as he took care of you.
“Choso, please…”
He looked up into your eyes as he brought his lips off your body, fingers hooking into the fabric of your thong as he pulled them off of you. Holy fuck. You were soaking wet, lips glistening with your juices as your hips shifted slightly to invite Choso in. Without hesitation, he brought his lips down to your pussy, beginning to devour you. You tasted amazing, drinking the nectar of a fruit long awaited and it almost made him regret not planning to kidnap you sooner. You smelled so fucking good too, your pussy engulfing all of his senses as he ate you like his last meal. Your fingers found their way into his hair, moaning his name into the air with every lick of your clit. Sideways, up and down, circles around your bud, anything he could to hear you moan for him, to make your pain go away. He’d brought your legs over his shoulders and rested his hands under the arch of your back, angling your hips so he could eat you exactly how he wanted. Messy and slow, he took his time spreading your juices all over his face as you panted and pulled at the sheets. He was self-indulgent, tongue pumping in and out of you as he lived out his fantasies of eating your pussy.
Shit, you were close. Choso was about to make you cum! He doubled down immediately, bringing his arms over your thighs to keep you in place as you felt your orgasm approaching. He’d picked up his pace too, tongue moving at a hungry pace as he anticipated your cum in his mouth. The hand you had in his hair gripped tighter, Choso taking it as a cue to bring his lips up and suck your clit, suction bringing your bud against his tongue. You came fast and hard, grinding your pussy against his face as you came for him, his name slipping off your lips over and over as you rode out your high.
You’re sweet to the core. 
You looked so pretty for him, chest rising and falling as you caught your breath. Choso slowly kissed his way back up your body, lips finding themselves on yours. This kiss was different from before, more intense and confident. At that point, you’d already started unbuckling his jeans, kissing him feverishly as you helped him take his clothes off. Hovering over you, he looked at you in awe. Legs on either side of his, big doe eyes looking up at him, waiting for him to fuck you.
“Holy shit…”
Your hands found his hair, gripping and tugging at it as he slipped in at a slow pace. Choso took his time, exploring the walls he longed for the feeling of. Every stroke nearly sent him over, wet and warm, you were like heaven wrapped around his dick. You felt even better than he’d imagined, much better than his fist he fucked to the thought of you. Especially with how you were moaning for him, it was driving him crazy, all he could do was praise you.
“You’re perfect…so fuckin’ perfect…”
“I know…”
God, he’s never felt like this. You were sucking him in like you were made for him, holy shit, he was losing his mind. Touching him, feeling your warmth on his shaft as he fucked you faster. You were so beautiful, lips pursed as you breathed up and down, eyes fluttering as he fucked you.
“You feel so good, baby…”
His name was killing him. He’d put in so much time to make sure he fucked you exactly the way you needed him, he had to make the first time perfect. A man that could care for you. Love you. Please you. Choso finally had you, and he was going to give you the fucking world.
I need to hate you before it's too late…
“So fuckin’ pretty, baby…”
Choso gripped your legs tight as he fucked into you fast, making you scream his name out into the room. You were doing this for him! Moaning for him! And you felt so fucking good wrapped around him, more than anyone ever before. There wasn’t anyone before you and there wasn’t anyone before him. Your world would revolve around him now like his revolved around you, every waking moment of being in love would be magical. 
“Choso, I-”
“Let me have it, baby. I’ve waited so long for it…”
He didn’t care what he was saying anymore, too high on you and your pleasure that he couldn’t think straight. If you were gonna cum for him, he needed it now, like his life depended on it. Something to signify the beginning of all of the pleasure he’d give you from this point forward.
“You know how long I’ve wanted this, baby? Fuck, I’m close…”
“That’s it, baby, let go, let me make you feel good…”
“So pretty, cumming on my dick like this…”
Choso was so fuckin obsessed with you. You came down like an angel, eyes fluttering as you murmured his name softly, body melting into the bed. He halted inside you as he came, losing his mind over the way your nails dug into his arms. You two lay there panting for a bit, Choso’s arm bringing you into his chest. So beautiful like this. He’d finally made it, you in his arms, right where you belonged.
Before I crave you…so please go away. 
“So, I’m not going back to my dorm tonight, am I?”
No, of course, you weren’t.
“Do you really want-”
“I don’t want to.”
Choso was shocked to hear your words. You actually wanted to stay here with him, he didn’t even have to scare you into doing it! 
“Do you have a T-shirt or something? It’s kinda cold in here.”
“Uh, yeah, let me grab-”
“No problem, I’ll get it!”
Stop it. FUCKING STOP. You were getting too comfortable, about to open Pandora’s box with your hand on his closet door. Choso should stop you, whatever it would take. By the time he’d gotten to the knife, you’d opened the closet, pictures of you all over the walls. Choso lingered behind you now, knife behind his back as he waited for your reaction. You just had to be so fuckin nosy, you’d ruined everything. 
“Choso…are these pictures of me?”
He gripped the knife tightly in his hand as he watched you look through them. He couldn’t even speak, heartbreak and murderous intent flowing out of him. Every picture put another pin in his heart. Photos of you around campus, through your dorm window, in class, all open for you to see. You brought your hand up to one, pulling it down as you looked over it. The picture he took of you on Valentine’s Day. You’d been sitting in class that day, sad because Megumi hadn’t gotten you anything, which Choso figured he wouldn’t. That’s why he had three dozen roses delivered to you on the lawn later that day, eyes brightening as you held them and read the card: “Happy Valentine’s Day, Princess. ~ your secret admirer.” You were so damn happy that day, so perfect. Now, you had to die.
“It was you, huh? All this-”
“Yes. It was always me.”
You pulled another one down, the one of you winning Miss Sophomore. Your face had the brightest smile, holding that crown on your head as you cried tears of joy. You smirked at it, cheeks blushing a bit.
“I look really good in this one, glad someone got a shot of it. So, you liked me this much?”
You’d turned to look at him now, giving him a confused face. Probably because Choso was sweating buckets. His hand shook behind him as he looked at you nervously, analyzing everything about you, any sign that you were scared or wanted to leave.
“I’d call it more than that.”
“So, why not-”
“Because I wanted things to be perfect. I wanted to be perfect for you.”
You gave him a nervous nod and turned back to the closet, pulling down a photo of you in your room back at the Kappa house.
“How’d you do it?”
“How’d you take this without getting caught?”
You looked back at him now, a serious look on your face that told him he better fuckin’ answer. What was he gonna do? There was no point in lying to you, everything was there for you to see.
“I learned you and the other girl’s schedules to make sure everyone was asleep.”
“So, what else ya got? Pictures can’t be the only thing.”
Choso pointed to the top shelf of the closet hesitantly. You brought down the bin carefully, sitting it down on his desk as you opened the lid.
“What the fuck, Choso? I was looking everywhere for this lipgloss!”
You’d begun rummaging through the bin, picking up things in remembrance of when you lost them. A couple of hair ties, eyeliner, lipstick napkins. You acted as if there was nothing wrong with this, and it was making it really hard for Choso to read you. His hand alternated between wanting to drop the knife or use it, heart pulsing frantically as you tried on old jewelry of yours. Satisfied with your findings, you moved back to the closet, pulling down the other box on the shelf. The one with his gifts for you.
“Wait! You’re not supposed to see that yet!”
“What is it?”
“It’s something really special... just please, you’re gonna ruin everything!”
You shot him a concerned look and rolled your eyes, walking back over to the bed to take a seat. 
“Answer a couple of questions for me, ‘kay?”
“Question one, when did this start?”
“...Freshman year, rush week…the first time we met…”
You looked at him surprised. That meant he’d been stalking in love with you for almost four years now and never acted on it.
Just confiscate you, my teeth are in pain…
“Question two, what’s behind your back?”
Choso was shaking in fear, so much so, he dropped the fucking knife. You both watched it fall to the floor behind him, your mouth agape in shock as he frantically bent over to pick it up. He couldn’t tell what was more awkward, him dropping it on the floor or him picking it up and sitting it on his desk like nothing happened.
You scoffed and chuckled, stunned at his statement. Choso was bright red, on the verge of a panic attack. So many thoughts, so many mistakes, you knew almost everything now. All of the things he wanted to do for you, show you, give you, it all meant nothing now. Still, you sat there completely calm, aside from the fact the guy who just fucked your brains out was possibly about to kill you.
“Question three, this is an important one. Did you kill Megumi?”
“It was ruled a death from natural causes.”
“Yeah, tell that shit to someone else, did you kill him?”
Choso didn’t really care to hide things now, too far gone. Especially not how he got rid of that asshole you called a boyfriend.
“Yes, I did; and I don’t regret it.”
“How’d you do it?”
“I poisoned him with Ricin.”
“I put it inside of a box I told him was supposed to be for you.”
“Because he was a terrible boyfriend to you and you didn’t deserve to be with a guy who couldn’t even remember your birthday. Not to mention, he would’ve never died if he didn’t open what was meant for you, nosy fucker.”
“So, you were jealous? Most people would just beat the guy’s ass, you definitely knocked it out the park with that one.”
“Yes, he didn’t deserve to have you! He took you for granted when there was somebody much more fit to make you happy!”
“And that’s you?”
“Yes, just…please…don’t leave. Not before I make things perfect for you!”
You sat back on your hands, thinking a bit and bouncing your leg. Choso had said too much. Not only did he admit to killing Megumi, but now if you really did hate him, you could get him arrested too. Which meant you two would have to live apart. That was no longer an option.
“Even If I wanted to leave, I don’t think you’d actually give me the choice. Plus, it’s kinda…sweet?”
“Yeah, never had someone like me this much, let alone kill my boyfriend to get closer to me.”
“So, you’re not mad?”
“No, not really. Well, maybe for planning to stab me. Not like I can make you untake the pics, but I’ll need some of my stuff back. I’m more impressed than anything. I’m not even gonna ask how you got the Ricin or half of this stuff.”
Choso didn’t know how to feel, or how to react. Why were you so calm about this? Why weren’t you scared? Why were you still here willingly? He couldn’t move at all, locked in place in fear as he watched you get into the bed and turn on another movie.
“You gonna come lay with me or just stand there?”
“I just…I-”
You sat straight up now, looking him dead in the eyes as his body quivered in reaction.
“What’s your deal, huh? Didn’t you kill a guy to be with me?”
“Yes, technically, I-”
“So, be with me, Choso! Unless you’re just like a murderer or whatever, that’s kinda fucked up.”
I'm gonna break you before I can say…
Choso was lost for fuckin’ words. You were laying on his chest now, holy shit, he was losing his mind. Touching him, feeling your warmth as you finally relaxed. Everything he had done to get you with him had paid off. You were so perfect, lips pursed while you breathed up and snuggled your face into him. Just his sweet, sweet girl.
“So, the whole, um, thing…”
“What, you being fucking insane?”
“I’m not insane, just very dedicated to the woman I love!”
“Well, the way I see it, all my other boyfriends couldn’t stop looking at other girls, but you? You’re perfect, you’re already obsessed with me! Just don’t kill anyone else, ‘kay?” 
“I’ll try.”
I love you.
♱ the song used in this story is saccharine by jazmin bean. 🖤
♱ masterlist.
♱ all fics playlist.
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𝖆𝖚 𝖗𝖊𝖛𝖔𝖎𝖗, 𝖙𝖍𝖊𝖑𝖔𝖛𝖊𝖑𝖞𝖗𝖚𝖎𝖓.
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668 notes · View notes
actuallysaiyan · 8 months
I Think You're Holding The Heart Of Mine(Part 2)
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warnings: mentions of alcohol, my own spin on cursed techniques, Kento being such a sweetheart, some violence(just from the training), reader gets drunk, usage of the nickname "usagi-chan/bunny"
word count: 2.7k
pairings: Nanami Kento x Fem!Reader
summary: Kugisaki is convinced that you and Nanami are a thing so she thinks about her next plans to figure out how to get you to confess. When you go out to dinner, a third party is there to surprise you...and to buy you drink after drink after drink until you're drunk and Nanami has to take care of you.
taglist(Wanna be a part of this? Just message me): @beneathstarryskies
Part one! Part three!
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“Ahhh so you and Nanami-sensei?” Kugisaki asks you as you usher her to a quiet place on the training field. She’s already got her hammer in her hand.
You laugh, “you and Itadori-kun have a good sense of imagination. But no, we are merely what they call “work spouses”. That’s all.”
You can tell she’s not really buying it, but she keeps quiet for the next little bit. She heads toward the clearing and gets into a fighting stance. You watch carefully as she begins to think out her first move, but you’re already ahead of her. Your fists are imbued with blue cursed energy, and from them a burst of water comes from them.
Kugisaki is so quick to deflect, and from that a sense of pride swells in your chest. She’s a tough cookie, this girl. She’s smart, clever and quick on her feet. She knows her worth and she knows how good her cursed technique is. You work on drawing forth another one of the powers of the twelve zodiac, a bonus from your own cursed technique.
You watch as Kugisaki has a hard time shooing off two cursed heads that have come from your own hands. The twins of Gemini try to bite her, and she swings at one of them. Then she slams her hammer down on the second one, just narrowly missing a bite from the other. The first one squeals in pain as one of her nails penetrate it.
“Very good, Kugisaki-chan!”
She scowls at your use of the honorific ‘Chan’, but she doesn’t allow it to distract her. She then watches you as you make a seal with your hands. This is the big one, the same Zodiac sign as your own. You’ve got a special pact with this one, and it will act on its own if you aren’t careful. Aries, the ram, charges towards the young sorcerer.
There’s a moment where you are sure she will be able to dodge it, and she almost does. But she is quickly knocked back on her ass, the ram dissipating as you call it back towards you. It disappears in a cloud of red smoke, and you know that you need to give Kugisaki a moment to breathe as she recovers from your attack.
“Well done!” You praise her, helping her to her feet.
She beams, “Thanks! I’ve been practicing!”
“I can tell. You’re getting very strong.”
You two catch your breath, speaking of other battle techniques. She’s becoming a very skilled sorcerer before your very eyes and it’s touching to see something like this. The fruit of your labor is blossoming beautifully. Someone was actually becoming stronger because of you, which was always something you doubted. When Gojo had asked you to take this job, you were sure he was losing it. But he’s got lots of faith in you.
“Hey sensei,” Kugisaki asks, hands behind her back. You know she’s scheming.
You smirk, “What is it?”
“Are you sure you and Nanami-sensei aren’t a couple? I wouldn’t tell anyone if you were!”
You laugh softly. If only she knew just how desperately you wanted her to be right. You’d keep it a secret if you knew it meant you could be with Nanami. You’d never tell a soul if it meant you could have his love all to yourself. Then you smile at her, ruffling her hair.
“Kugisaki-chan, I’m sure. It’s not a real relationship. Just a friendship.”
She seems so unconvinced. Which leads her to think up the next part of her plan. She knew she’d be getting the answer from you whether you liked it or not. She just had to do a bit of sleuthing. So for now, she drops the subject and pretends to be very much invested in the training. This makes you so happy and so proud of her work.
Little do you know, she’s got ulterior motives…
You’re running a little late as you get to the pub. Training lasted a lot longer than you intended it to, and the paperwork you had to attend to took a little longer as well. By the time you got home, you were just answering the messages that Kento had sent you almost an hour before you got off work. You apologized profusely, but he really showed no signs of being angry. He just let you know the time and place, like the gentleman he is.
What you aren’t expecting to see is Satoru Gojo sitting next to him at the booth that was meant for just two. He’s quick to bounce out of his seat and wave at you excitedly. You see how annoyed Kento looks, but his face softens when he sees you approaching.
“I didn’t think we’d be three. But the more the merrier, yeah?” You ask Kento, who’s trying to hide his displeasure.
“Right you are.”
Gojo is practically hanging off of you. He was looking over Kento’s shoulder when he had sent you the text, which prompted the older man to declare he was joining you both. Gojo was also privy to some knowledge that the pair of you were definitely so deeply in love with one another, but you wouldn’t budge. He decided he’d be the one to get you both together.
“Ahhh usagi-chan! I’m so glad you’re here! Maybe you can help uptight Nanamin loosen up!”
You laugh at Gojo’s nickname for you, “What’s wrong with Ken? I think he’s just hungry.”
Kento’s face turns a little pink when you take up for him. He’s always happy whenever you defend him against Gojo’s rudeness and teasing. Nanami didn’t really mind the teasing too much, but he had wanted this dinner to just be the two of you. With a sigh, he downs his drink and flags down the waitress.
“Make it two, please.” You ask her, flashing your best smile.
You sit down in front of Kento, and you gasp as Gojo climbs over you to be able to sit snug between you two in the booth. He sighs overenthusiastically as he plops his head down on his palms. You notice he’s got a drink in front of him, and it looks very sweet and sugary.
“This is the…what did she call it now?” He asks himself, cupping his chin.
Kento sighs, “Sweet Sunrise.”
Gojo laughs, “Ah! Yeah the Sweet Sunrise!”
You roll your eyes playfully. Kento looks at you, his heart skipping a beat whenever you flash that angelic smile in his direction. Gojo isn’t dumb, he knows when you two are flirting with each other secretly. Despite you telling him that it was just a friendship and a work relationship, he knows it’s so much more deeper than that.
The waitress returns with a tray that holds yours and Kento’s drinks, and she sets them down in front of you. Gojo then takes the time to order another one of his sugary drinks. It’s a bit silent for a bit when she leaves.
“Soooo, tell us how training went today! How is the little Kugisaki-chan doing?” Gojo asks, tilting his head at you.
You take a sip of your drink, “She’s showing lots of promise. She is a skilled fighter.”
Kento chuckles, “She’s got a good teacher.”
You blush at his praise and thank him. Gojo then gets closer and he praises you as well, a smirk forming on his face when he sees how this affects Kento. Kento scowls softly, drinking more of his drink. Then he flags down the waitress once more, ordering some appetizers for all three of you.
“Awhhh Nanamin is treating us tonight, usagi-chan!” Satoru is beaming at this.
“It was supposed to just be us two…” Kento mumbles under his breath, drinking some more.
Gojo perks up, “What was that? Care to share with the rest of the class?”
You see how Kento’s jaw tenses and he looks like he’s ready to get into a physical altercation with the white-haired man. So you soothe Kento’s nerves by changing the subject and you ask Gojo about Megumi’s progress.
Gojo smirks, “Megumi is doing well. I think he’ll probably end up even stronger than me!”
You gasp. “Really?”
He nods, turning his body towards you. You’ve got him caught in a discussion, which will keep the attention off of Kento for a little bit. You really get so caught up in Gojo’s conversation that Kento begins to feel like he’s being ignored. Eventually, the waitress returns and everyone begins eating. 
It’s not long before Gojo climbs over the top of the booth and declares he needs to pee. Once he’s out of sight, you let out a breath you didn’t even know you were holding. You slide closer to Kento in the booth and you take his hand in yours and give it a very gentle squeeze.
“Ahh finally, I get to spend a little time with my husband.” You say with a little giggle.
Kento smiles genuinely, “I was beginning to think I’d have to pull Gojo off my honey. It was terrible to see him hanging off of you like that.”
You begin playing with his long fingers, your own fingers tracing the veins in his hand. The alcohol is definitely making you even more bold than usual. Kento’s heart races a little as you become so tender with him. He wishes it was just the two of you. He lives for these moments alone with you.
“Don’t worry, you’ll always be my favorite.” You coo softly, leaning even closer.
Kento stiffens, he can smell your perfume as you get closer. The way your fingers keep tracing the veins on his hand. Then you trace up and down his expensive timepiece. He knows you’ve always been curious about that watch of his. You’ve asked a few times about how much it costs, but he’s almost embarrassed about talking about how such a little thing costs. It feels frivolous at times, but buying it reminded him of his past as a salaryman.
“My, my,” Gojo says as he comes closer. You sigh softly. “What is this? Nanamin, you sly dog.”
Kento groans, “Don’t pay him any mind.”
You laugh at the interactions between these two. They sometimes act like some kind of old married couple. Gojo annoys Nanami, and Nanami tries his best not to let his senpai get to him. You wondered if there was anything else going on between those two, but it seemed like this was all it was. Just a senpai hellbent on annoying his kohai for the rest of time.
“Oh! Usagi-chan, you should have another drink!” Gojo knows he needs to amp this up if he wants to see anything happening between you and Nanami.
As if you were going to say no to that…
You stumble as you make your way out of the restaurant. You have to lean on the blond sorcerer as he guides you towards his car. Gojo left a while back, but not after getting you nice and drunk. He knew that Nanami would love the opportunity to take care of his drunk little wifey.
“You alright, dear?” His tone isn’t even the slightest bit sarcastic for once.
You nod your head, “Jus’ a little tipsy…”
He helps you into his car, buckling you up in the passenger side. Then he makes his way to the driver’s side. He’s had considerably less to drink than you did. He opted out on the drinks that Gojo had been buying you all night long.
“I’ll bring you to yours,” Nanami says as he begins driving.
“No, please…I don’t wanna be alone.”
This surprises Nanami to know that you’d want to have company while you’re in this state. You lean back on the seat and groan. You wish you hadn’t had that many drinks. But Gojo was paying and he kept egging you on. After the fourth or fifth shot, that’s when you knew you had messed up.
Kento drives you both towards his place. He knows you need someone to take care of you right now. You watch as he makes himself towards the affluent part of the city and the car turns into an underground parking garage. He opens his window and presses his thumb to a fingerprint lock. The minute it acknowledges it’s him, the bar raises and allows the car to drive smoothly into the garage. Then Kento finds his spot and parks the car. Once the engine dies, he turns to you and brushes some of your hair out of your face.
“You sure you don’t want me to take you home?”
You shake your head again, “Please, just let me stay. I’m not feeling good.”
He could tell you weren’t well. Your face was pale and your eyes were shut. He gets out of the car and then walks over to your side. Kento is helpful as he gets you to lean against him. Then he brings you towards the lift, pressing the button to call it down to you both.
“Don’t worry about it. What kind of husband would I be to leave his wife on her own in her time of need?”
This makes you blush and your heart wrenches. In your drunken mind, you desperately wish it was the truth. You wish this was where you lived. You want to be his wife and have this kind of life with him. Once the lift gets down to the floor you’re on, Nanami helps you on and then presses the button for the penthouse floor.
It’s a little ways up as you lean against the blond sorcerer. He smells amazing, something musky and leathery. It must be some pretty expensive cologne. You know that Nanami has a lot of money to be able to drive the car that he does and live in such a fancy building. You think to yourself that you wouldn’t even care if he had money or not, you’d still be completely head over heels in love with him.
Once inside his penthouse suite, Kento helps you into the bathroom. Gently, he wipes your face and removes your makeup with a warm washcloth. Then he takes your hair out of the ponytail you usually have it in and brushes it out softly. You have never had anyone take care of you quite like this. Not even any of your previous boyfriends had ever done anything like this for you.
“Thank you, Ken.”
Your words warm his heart. You’re starting to look a little better. He helps you up and guides you over to the sofa. The two of you lounge about and he pulls his phone out. Then your whole body stiffens when he wraps his arm around you and pulls you close.
“Let’s order some more food, yeah? You’ll feel better if you eat something substantial.”
You nod your head and snuggle closer to him. He lets you scroll through his phone and choose what you’re going to order. Once it’s been ordered, he gets up from the couch to procure a few more things for you.
This gives you a chance to have a proper look around. His place is so beautiful and luxurious. Much more fancy than your own place. You wonder how life could be if you lived in a place like this.
When Kento returns, he’s got some pajamas for you and a bottle of water. He hands them to you, allowing you the chance to head back into the bathroom to change. You get dressed in the silky pajamas, relishing in the scent of his laundry detergent.
“There’s my pretty little honey,”
You swear you’ve died and gone to heaven when Kento speaks those words to you. He gathers you up in his arms, his own clothes changed from his usual suit and tie combo to a sweater and some sweatpants. You’ve never seen him look so comfortable.
“And you look cozy as well, my dear.”
Kento looks deeply into your eyes, his hands pulling you closer to him. It’s like time has stood still as he leans in closer. Your lips are a mere inches away when you hear a loud buzzing coming from the kitchen.
“Oh! It’s the food,” Kento declares, his cheeks red.
He reaches into his pocket to confirm that the driver is actually here. Then you watch as he goes to the buzzer and answers it. 
If only…If only… you think to yourself. If only you hadn’t been interrupted.
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dawnbreakerluna · 2 months
i'm gonna expand more on my l&ds tarot post about caleb, because there was just so much more of my thoughts that i left out and i didn't wanna squish it all in a reblog. i keep coming back to the card spread and with it being in regards to very particular details, here's a few pointers i wanted to emphasize:
the only card that specifically speaks out to caleb and identifies him is the ten of swords. while both suits (the number 10 + swords) are significant in their power of what they symbolize, the cards that follow this situation are major arcana.
with the major arcana in mind, these are cards that are linked to more power that can flourish to something world-changing. it has to do with fundamental choices that feel like life or death with no in between. so even though caleb's darkness is going to disturb a foundational ground, the hanged man and the wheel of fortune (both reversed) simply mean the divine/the universe is going to be working against whatever he puts out because it's not beneficial or... good. lol.
in the numeric order of the major arcana, between the hanged man and the wheel of fortune are justice and death. the specific order goes: wheel of fortune (X) 🡢 justice (XI) 🡢 the hanged man (XII) 🡢 death (XIII). ((walk with me here, plz.))
it's common nowadays for tarot to be associated with astrology, however i am not too knowledgeable on it and only know the basic things! i bring this up solely to highlight justice, which directly stands between the card that symbolizes caleb's downfall & the card that symbolizes the the person who would be most affected by caleb's betrayal (the mc). the zodiac sign associated with justice is libra... xavier is a libra.
ADDITIONALLY & MORE IMPORTANTLY – the card that comes before the wheel of fortune in numeric order is the hermit (IX). the zodiac sign associated to this major arcana is virgo... zayne is a virgo.
justice is a card that embodies pretty much what its called: justice, signifying a balance or at most bringing it back or instilling it where it belongs. similar with the hermit, almost, that card calls for the need of self-reflection or a pointer to do so. with the hermit, it can also mean seeking the wisdom of a guiding light (similar to the one that the desolate man carries in the illustration of the card).
THE TLDR: xavier and zayne are going to play very big roles in resolving the central conflict (caleb). i think while it's pretty clear xavier just has this prominent role as the mc's protector/partner, zayne's role as a protector is going to shift into something more dynamic. maybe even risky. (perhaps, alluding to the theory that this may be dawnbreaker?)
that's pretty much all i have to say! i'm so exhausted from interpreting this and am going to replenish my energy (it's necessary). again putting the disclaimer that i am still learning about tarot, and doing this was just for the sake of fun! i think this is the most sense i've made of a theory just because i'm so passionate about the platform i used and i've understood everything so much better since i'm familiar with it. i'm really, really interested to hear any additional thoughts (or even further pointers/corrections on my knowledge) and i would love to hear from those who are more well-versed in tarot/astrology.
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webslingingslasher · 7 months
oohh i just thought of science guy peter x astrology girlie trouble dynamic 🤓 trouble tries to convince peter that astrology is real and it makes sense, or like she tells him about horoscopes and he argues with her telling her it's nonsense, as a science guy. i can imagine they banter over it once in a while it's just funny.
then one day when trouble tells him abt someone she doesn't like, he surprisingly ends up guessing their sign as a diss and trouble is just ECSTATIC
‘did you know there’s a thirteenth zodiac?’
‘ophiuchus, right?’
‘oh my god, yes! have you been looking into this? that’s so sexy of you.’
‘i could lie for brownie points, but i wont. no, i haven’t been looking into your fortune cookie books-‘
‘-but i do know the constellation’s. plus i find that one cool, it disappears for a month.’
‘it’s frustrating how you can be so annoying and cute at the same time.’
‘ditto, trouble.’
‘wanna hear todays horoscope?’
‘you’re gonna tell me it no matter what.’
‘okay, for mister handsome leo, today says “you’re born romantic by nature, but today you’re likely to think more in terms of physical passion than idealized romance,” is that true?’
‘if you’re asking if i want to have sex with you, the answer is yes. it’s always yes.’
‘you’re greedy. okay, wait, this is actually kind of good. “the color blue might seem especially appealing right now, but don’t forget to add some red for passion. phone your romantic interest and have fun tonight.”’
‘there’s no fucking way. let me see that.’
‘that’s weird. i don’t like it.’
‘it’s okay, you just have to give in. be spiritual, peter. the universe is begging you.’
‘your delusions are tough but i fight through them for you.’
‘oh my god, you know who’s delusional? fucking jack. you don’t know him but he’s that one guy in the lecture who always has something to say and it’s always some woe is me shit! we could be talking about the german bomb dogs and he’d say it’s not as sad as his blind dog falling into the pool.’
‘let me guess, he’s a cancer?’
‘what did you just say?’
‘his zodiac. he’s a cancer?’
‘why… why would you say that?’
‘because you tell me all the time about how cancer men are the absolute worst humans alive.’
‘because they are! and guess what, nonbeliever? you’re right!’
‘i don’t wanna be right about this one. this will make you think there might be some validity to your claims and i can’t have that happen. no, no.’
‘you were right.’
‘i was making fun of you.’
‘and you happened to be right. because you knew he was a self pitying person and only one sign does that.’
‘wrong. i pity myself for entertaining you with this nonsense.’
‘understandable. i’ll see you later tonight… in your blue and red.’
‘that was a lucky guess!’
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lilithess · 2 years
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gemini detachment > aquarius detachment even though they have similarities. aquarius are blocked by their ego (leo opposition + saturn the ruler); meanwhile geminis can stay objective and speak ill even of themselves if neccessary. one of the most rational astrologers i’ve stumbled across had gemini influence. they’ll criticize anyone anywhere, no attachment
cancer cares more for revenge than scorpio. cancer placements can hold resentment and are very private people so you never really know what struck them. they notice everything and there’s this aura around them like “open up to me or else! let me take care of you or you’re dead”. cancer is an angst of care and love, but they mean well. other water placements can be this way, too. they are really going for the depths
despite the ego, leos are one of the sweetest people i meet. truly the heart and sunshine of the friend group. they might care too much about superficial things, but at the end of the day - when a leo loves you, it’s like “you’re it”. leo venus falling in love with you is you finally experiencing true, healthy love. they will uplift you to the sun
scorpio and capricorn 🤝 most tragic lives. people with these energies suffer so much and the worst outcome i’ve seen coming of it - is them seeking to hurt others. this is the darkest place these signs can fall into and it can be pretty rough getting them out of there. they can get envious towards people whom they feel had it “easier”; capricorn mostly regarding status, money, prestige, family; and scorpio regarding other people’s likeability, easiness, love and warmth
i find aries to be the main badass rebel of the zodiac. very outspoken, tough, real people. sometimes too real. they’re so bad at faking it, even if it requires them to do so (example: sales job). they hold so much power, yet somehow they’re not as popular in the zodiac. wonder why
there isn’t a single pisces i met who wasn’t shady. yet, they’re all somehow very different people. gets under your skin easily and has a thing for trying to get to you. they just keep poking. sometimes i don’t understand whether they care about anything or not. i can asign this to geminis as well. the way mutables talk is only understood amongst themselves probably. a conversation overheard between a pisces and a gemini recently: gemini: what are you doing here, i though you were at x” pisces: “i’m everywhere” gemini: “i’m nowhere”
i don’t know why opposite signs are specifically called sisters, but i do see them as two sides of the same coin. people you can’t stand yet miss when they’re not around. people you compete with and people whose attention you seek. people you wanna prove wrong so badly. kind of a Batman and Joker, Sherlock and Moriarty thing going on. there’s no one without the other. if you ever meet a person who’s mostly your opposite, good luck
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Hollywood’s Angel 🎬 | Javy ‘Coyote’ Machado Imagine
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TGM Masterlist
Characters & Pairings: Javy ‘Coyote’ Machado x actress!reader (romantic)
Content warnings: slight profanity, fluff | female!reader (she/her) | wc: 5k
Requested 📨 Yes/no (for @stephthestallion 🤍)
Premise: Lights. Camera. Action!! Whether it be on the big screen in movie theaters across the globe or at home streaming the latest hit show, the name Y/n L/n would forever be known one of the world’s greatest entertainers. From humble beginnings the odds didn’t appear in her favor at first, but sometimes taking a risk could lead to endless opportunities. And maybe even love along the way…..
Note: This was so fun to write and I’m so sorry it took so long. I’ve been so busy lately with work and trying to get stuff settled. I hope I did this work justice for you 🥹 Also Y/Z/S stands for your zodiac sign.
“Hello, my name is Y/n L/n,” A beaming smile was sent to the camera once the producer gave a thumbs up. “And I’m here to do the Wired autocomplete interview.” She clapped her hands, “Let’s do this.” Handed a card stock with a printed google web search filled with blanks save for the, ‘Who Y/n L/n….’, her eyebrows rose with curiosity.
“You know I’ve watched dozens of these interviews in my free time. My favorite being the one with Ryan Renolds and Jake Gyllenhaal.”
“Have you ever searched yourself?” The producer asked off screen. Y/n’s response was a cheeky smirk.
“A long time ago when I was teenager and social media was first becoming a thing—you know when we had MySpace, but since then I have not. While I love the internet sometimes it can be a little,” she makes a face, “too much you know.” Focusing back on the card stock, Y/n takes a deep breath as the nerves start to arise. “I’m starting to feel a little worried but what I’m gonna discover is searched about me on Google.”
Her fingers grip the first piece of paper, reading off the statement as it peels away, “Who is Y/n L/n?” An instant chuckle leaves her lip, turning to the camera. “Y/n L/n is um…,” she shrugs, not sure how to really answer the question, “a 28-year-old woman who started out as a child actress in the mid 2000s. She’s a Y/Z/S, a newly-wedded wife, producer, and sometimes sings and dances or models in her free time.”
In truth, Y/n L/n was so much beyond that. Her name and legacy was embedded into history at such a young age the whole world knew who she was by the time she was 14.
Born to a middle class family in 1995 in New York City, Y/n’s parents were hardworking people who raised her and her siblings to appreciate the beauty in life. Though there were times of struggle, living paycheck to paycheck and having to sacrifice the lights in order to have food on the table, there was always love, support, and care in their family. Y/n witnessed her parents do everything they could to provide for them, her mom working double shifts at the hospital and dad on the road thirty weeks out of the year as a truck driver, and made the vow to repay them. Whether it be working her ass off in school in order to graduate from a prestigious university with a degree that would get her a stable career, or succeed in her dreams of breaking through in the entertainment industry.
Acting, singing, dancing. One could consider it the love of her life. Being on stage to a crowd made Y/n feel on top of the world. Playing dress up and house with her friends and family, pretending to be someone else was so much fun to the little girl. Y/n loved the little school plays she would do in preschool and kindergarten.
“One day,” she said to her childhood best friend while they swung on the swing set, “I’m gonna be on Tv like Disney Channel,” a squeal left her when she leaned back a little too far. “In front of cameras where I get to be someone else.”
Little kids always tend to dream big. Their desires and goals often shift. One day they wanna be a popstar. The next a veterinarian or an astronaut. But Y/n always knew what she wanted in life. To be in Hollywood with her face on the big screen for the world to see. To give back to her parents and support her family so they could accomplish their own dreams and aspirations.
She was destined for greatness. Now fast forward to the present, and Y/n is celebrating 20 years of being in Hollywood.
“Who was Y/n L/n’s first TV role?” The next question read, mentally traveling the actress back to the year 2003 when she was eight years old. She had been in Los Angeles to visit her grandparents and practically begged her grandma to take her to open auditions. Whether it was for a commercial or as an extra in a show, Y/n simply wanted to at least try despite being so young. She’d maybe auditioned for six roles in various media before getting a call back.
“My first role,” she begins with a grin at the memory, “was Rosie Whittman on Law & Order: SVU. Season five, episode 25 which was the season finale and the most viewed episode of the season,” Y/n remembered how intimidating the whole experience was, but loved every minute of it. “I was eight-years-old. No agent, no experience in Hollywood and was only in town to visit my grandparents for the summer. My grandmother took me to auditions that were open—because I didn’t have an agent and was a nobody,” she couldn’t help but laugh. “My parents obviously let me watch SVU as a child, but I wanted to audition for every open casting I saw so it took a lot of convincing on my part for my parents to allow my grandma to take me.” Boy it sure was a lot. Y/n was fighting for her life on the phone while her mother voiced disapproval.
“I was a pretty confident child,” a smirk takes her features, “I went in and did my thing—impressing the casting director, the producers, and Mariska Hargitay who happened to be there to do a chemistry read— since the character I was auditioning for was being questioned by Olivia Benson for what she witnessed.” Y/n pauses for a brief moment. “And yeah, Mariska was very impressed with me, going as far as to set me up with my first agent. I really owe my entire career to her and I love any chance we get to work together. She took a chance on me when I was just a child with big dreams with little connections and,” Y/n lifts her hands, “look where it got me. Here with Wired to see what people have been searching for about me over the years.”
After a few more questions about her personal life before she was an Emmy winning actress, Y/n moved to the next card. “What was Y/n L/n’s breakthrough role?”
Y/n made a face to the camera, “This is an interesting question. And I say this because depending on who you ask, the answer might be different.” She tilted her head back and forth, “Most would say Wren Stone—after all I played that role for nearly a decade. I got quite a bit of recognition in the 2000s as Viper in the X-Men films and of course as Padaline in the Hunger Games franchise—you could say people who grew up with those films know me best by that. But,” she licks her lip, “I would consider my run as Jodie Pip to be my breakthrough role.”
Jodie Pip, the longest running companion to the Tenth Doctor in the BBC hit series Doctor Who threw Y/n into worldwide recognition. After appearing in episodes of television hits like Criminal Minds, Grey’s Anatomy, Gossip Girl, and Dexter, Y/n took a risk by traveling to England in hopes of securing a main role in a show rather than a supporting one. She was itching to play a character for longer than one episode. And sadly, Hollywood just wasn’t doing it for her.
Therefore going across the Atlantic seemed to be the solution. A decision which would change her life for the better.
“Picture this: you’re twelve-years-old in a country you’ve only been to maybe once and this time around you’re looking to permanently move there. Your family is back in America waiting for the call from your Agent, who’s your legal guardian at this point, to tell them you’ve got a contract and will be there for God knows how long.” Y/n lets out a sign, reliving the nerve racking first few months in England with only her agent and Godmother with her. “It was a stressful time. I was losing hope while waiting patiently for a sign. Getting the call that I got the part—I was going to be the companion to one of the most iconic television characters of all time…” she shrugs as if it was obvious, “Getting to work with David Tennant, Freema Agyemen, Catherine Tate, and Alex Kingston….It was the best day of my life.” Placing her hand on the next slip, she adds, “I cried for a good couple hours—pure happiness.”
“Is Y/n L/n British?” A full blown laugh escapes, hand flying up to muffle the sound. “Oh my Gosh this is too funny. The amount of people I meet every year—whether it be costars, colleagues, or fans at cons—who are so surprised to discover I’m not British,” she raises a hand in defense, “It doesn’t happen quite as often as it did ten-fifteen years ago. And I understand why people assumed I was because for so long I played characters who were.” Making herself comfortable in the chair, Y/n explains her career further in depth.
“First was Jodie, who I played for three years from 2007 to 2010 and then again in 2013 for the Doctor Who 50th anniversary special. Playing her put me on the map in the UK. I was on Skins for several episodes, one season of Merlin. I had supporting roles in the Golden Compass and Nowhere Boy. And because I had worked with Steven Moffat and Chris Chibnall on Doctor Who, I booked Eurydice on Sherlock and Shania on Broadchurch years later—getting to work with the lovely, talented, and amazing David Tennant for a second time.” Y/n’s face turns semi serious, “I love that man. He’s like my work dad for real—he was at my wedding,” she counts off on her finger, “I was at his. I’m Godmother to his daughters..he’s my ride or die.”
Getting back to the original point, Y/n snaps her fingers twice, “But back on track. Jodie, Eurydice, Shania..then of course playing Wren Stone on Game of Thrones for eight years had everyone on the planet believing I was British.” Wren Stone was the bastard of Jon Arryn in HBO’s critically acclaimed series Game of Thrones based on the books by George R. R. Martin. A ward of the Arryn family due to her status, Wren was introduced in the first season and went on to become a close ally to the Starks as well as a one of the longest running characters on the show when she appeared in all eight seasons. A fan favorite, her surviving the last season was one of the only good things to come out of it.
Cause…well we don’t talk about season 8.
“The last BBC show I did, what had me move back to the U.S permanently, was Killing Eve since it was with BBC America. By the time I booked Hunger Games and Ellie,” she corrects herself, “Negasonic Teenage Warhead in Deadpool, people were like, ‘you do a great American accent.’ And I just smile and nod, going, ‘yeah, I’m from New York.’ Their reaction,” she laughs, “every time was priceless.” Going to remove the next strip, Y/n pauses and looks back at the camera, ending with a wink, “Considering I’m joining Bridgerton this upcoming season as Sophie Beckett, I feel I will be having this question come up again a lot.”
‘What are some movies Y/n L/n has been in?’
“Well,” the actress rubs her chin with a knuckle, deep in thought. “I’ve been in a few—give or take,” she winks again. “My first movie role was X-2 in 2003, playing Viper although the role was minor compared to what it was in The Last Stand and Days of Future Past. In Spider-Man 2 I was in the train scene for a brief moment,” she pauses to laugh, “now that I think about it I have been in several projects related to Marvel. X-Men, Spider-Man and Deadpool. Not to mention I'll be taking on the role of Felicia Hardy in the MCU—that I’m really excited for. Umm what else,” she clicks her tongue to think.
“I had a small part in Constantine with Keanu Reeves, who along with David Tennant is someone I’ve worked with several times and love him to death,” she points a finger up, “The Golden Compass and Nowhere Boy as I mentioned earlier. In the 2010s I was in several features like Snow White and the Huntsman, The Help, New Year’s Day, Furious 7. I was in Catching Fire and parts 1 and 2 of Mockingjay—again I would say is one of my most recognizable roles. John Wick Chapters 2 & 3. In 2017 I was in The Greatest Showman. Oh!” She exclaimed with a grin, “Can’t forget I was in three Bond films: Skyfall, Spectre and the most recent No Time To Die. Another example of why the whole world believes I’m from England. Honestly England is my second home and where my career initially took off. I miss it there terribly, but coming back to the States has been a blessing—being close to my family and getting to do projects in Hollywood which was my dream since I was a little girl.”
Biting her lip the actress finishes up with, “my most recent movie roles have been Annihilation in 2018, Knives Out, Dune, The King’s Man, Uncharted, and Mortal Kombat—both of which are based on popular video games.” If she were being honest, playing Mileena in Mortal Kombat was one of her favorite movie roles to date—especially after having to fight with the studio to give the character justice when they were the ones calling her for the role. As a fan of the game and character, Y/n wasn’t going to settle for a small cameo. Ed Boon loved her interpretation of the character so much he asked her to voice Mileena in the next installments of the game.
Not to mention in the last several years any project with Y/n attached to it already had support and a loyal fan base to promote the show/film. After winning five Emmy’s—for her roles in Doctor Who, Game of Thrones, Sherlock, and Euphoria—Y/n was a household name.
So yeah, she wasn’t gonna be cheated out.
“Last year I was in Elvis plus back to back features with A24. X and Pearl were a lot of fun—and we’re currently filming the final installment to the trilogy, maXXXine.” Moving on she revealed the next statement, “Who was Y/n L/n in Euphoria?”
“In Euphoria,” she clears her throat, trying not to physically cringe at the thought of its creator, “I played Rue’s cousin Reece, who like every character on the show was dealing with difficult issues. I did a lot of research into my role so I could remain authentic and true to the character and the real life struggles people like her face.” Y/n softly smiled, “I won the Supporting Emmy next to Zenday’s leading—and it was a wonderful feeling to be recognized for a fifth time by the Academy while next to one of my best friends. Zendaya and I met when we were teenagers and have been so close. Working together on Euphoria was a wonderful experience and I’m so blessed to have received the honor alongside her.”
‘What episode of Black Mirror is Y/n L/n in?’
“Nosedive,” she turned to the camera, “it was in season three with Bryce Dallas Howard and Michaela Coel—both whom I adore. Aaaaand the episode was terrifying.” She simply said with a blank expression. “Watching it back gave me actual chills because one day technology will be so advanced that what took place in the episode could become our reality. And when I read the script my immediate reaction was like, ‘this is gonna be intense,’ and sure enough it was.”
‘Does Y/n L/n sing?’
A childlike grin appeared once again, “I do sing! Anytime I get a chance to sing I immediately say yes. It’s something I love. All the time on set I’ll be humming a tune or belting out lyrics to whatever music is playing. I got to sing a lot in The Greatest Showman so I was very happy about that. It’s my actual voice in the karaoke scene in season 2 of Euphoria. The one at Maddy’s birthday party—I had to beg them to let me do it live and not pre recorded. So when you see Lexi, Maddy and Kate filming me it’s actually Maude, Alexa, and Barbie using their personal phones, not the ones their characters use.” Offering a smirk she finishes with, “A little BTS you may have not known.”
‘Who does Y/n L/n model for?’
“Hmmmm” the actress puckers her lips. “As someone who was a fashionista growing up, I am filled with gratitude at being able to answer this.” Where could she really start with this? Having been labeled a fashion icon in 2020 Y/n had a long resume of working with brands and designers. “To start, I am an ambassador for Prada as well as its subsidiarie Miu Miu. We’ve partnered together for years and I’ve gone to the Met Gala with them a few times—most recent being in 2022. I’ve done campaigns for Calvin Klein and Stella McCartney. I recently did a collaboration with Dior. This year I went to the Met with Chanel—wearing vintage Chanel and ended up doing a campaign with them. Donatella Vesache and I have worked together.” Y/n scrunches her nose, “Every year I look forward to fashion week as you can imagine.”
‘Does Y/n L/n have a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame?’
“If you asked me this the other day I would’ve said no,” she replies cheekily, “But….if you’ve seen the news recently then you would know that I’ve been selected to receive one this year and I….can’t even put into words the feeling. I better stop before I get emotional,” she felt her eyes well up slightly. “I’m extremely honored and blessed to receive such recognition. All I dreamed about as a kid was to have my name on one of those stars and now it’s coming true. I’m overjoyed.”
‘What did Y/n L/n win the Tony for?’
“I won the Tony back in 2018 for my role in Wicked.”
“Will Y/n L/n be in DW 60th special?” Throwing a look to the camera, smirk threatening to appear on her lips she goes, “I don’t know…you’ll have to watch and find out.”
“Is Y/n L/n in Stranger Things?”
“I am not, but I would love to be,” she shrugs with a smile. “I love that show and everyone is so talented. I can’t wait for season five—it needs to hurry up before I lose my mind.”
‘Who is Y/n L/n in Star Wars?”
“So I voiced the absolute badass and Jedi master Ahsoka Tano during Clone Wars from 2008 to 2014, returning for the Rebels series form 2014 to 2018,” she pauses to cross her legs to make herself more comfortable. This was one of her favorite characters to play and despite the criticism and dislike for Ashoka in the beginning, she grew to become a fan favorite in the Star Wars fandom. “I was thirteen when I first voiced Ashoka and I got the privilege to bring her to life again by playing her in live-action for the Mandalorian and Book of Boba Fett—not to mention getting to have a voice cameo in The Rise of Skywalker.” Y/n gets ready to move on, “Now you’re about to see Ashoka again for her spin off show coming this summer on Disney plus.”
‘What all has Y/n L/n and David Tennant worked on?’ The question made her chuckle, surprised it was a top search on Google.
“David Tennant—the man, the myth, the legend. I’ve been lucky to work with him on several projects over the years,” the memories appear in her mind as she recalls them. “We first met in 2006 after I got the role of Jodie Pip opposite his Tenth Doctor. That lasted almost three years but during that time we both did Clone Wars—he voiced Huyang and he actually will be retuning as Huyang for the Ashoka series.” The moment she got the news the woman had FaceTimed him screaming. Although he was only voicing the droid they still made plans to reunite since they hadn’t seen each other since before Covid when Y/n moved back to the states.
“Broadchurch happened a few years after we both left Doctor Who—around the same time as the anniversary special—and then I got to work with him again when I appeared in an episode of Good Omens as one of the demons passing judgement on Crowley. Finally I wanna say before the Ashoka series the last thing we did was Staged back when quarantine was a thing.” Y/n’s face turns serious, “Anytime I get to work with David I take it. Like I said, he’s my ride or die,” she crosses her fingers, “we like this. And I love when people send me those YouTube videos where it’s like, ‘Jodie Pip and The Doctor sharing a brain cell for 10 minutes straight,’ or ‘David Tennant and Y/n L/n being a father-daughter duo on and off screen.’ Really brightens up my day.”
A few more questions went on, Y/n answering as best as she could with details. Doing this interview really gave viewers a more personal outlook on the actress. She was known for being reserved and private in her career expanding two decades. As a child star, her agent really shielded her from a lot due to the cruel nature of Hollywood and the media. And as a result of criticisms Y/n only was active on social media when it came time to promote projects and events.
She had a large and loyal fan base. Probably one of the largest for a celebrity due to her being in so many popular shows and high-grossing movies. On TikTok she & her characters were the most edited when it came to fancams. Pinterest had its own board dedicated to all the outfits Y/n wore.
She was Hollywoods Angel. Fans loved her, celebrities adored her. Before joining the cast of Bridgerton she met them at the Bafta’s the year prior and had them all starstruck when she approached. Nicola Couglan, who plays Penelope Featherington, even mentioned in an interview how the cast pretty much lost their minds when they found out she would be coming onto the show.
“No one knew about the end credit scene at the end of series three,” she told Graham Norton, seated alongside her costar/leading man, Luke Newton aka Colin Bridgerton on the show. “It was a big secret between Shonda and the crew. After we wrapped up, they went ahead and secretly filmed the scene with Sophie getting ready for the masquerade ball,” Nicola raises her hands, grinning from ear to ear, “and when I tell you we all were freaking out.” The audience laughed, Graham leaning foward in his seat with an awe-struck expression.
“So how did you find out? Was it when you watched the finale?”
Luke was the one to answer. “When I watched the episode,” he points to Nicola, “and I think you said you did this too—same with some of the others, I exited Netflix once the credits started to roll. Not thining much of it,” he shrugs, “then later that night Claudia Jessie who plays Eloise FaceTimes the iMessage group chat we have—.”
Nicole gently cuts in, “I’m surprised so many picked up.” That ignites a laugh from everyone.
“Yeah,” Luke agrees as he sits up. “Luke Thompson, Johnny Bailey, Simone, Nicola, Bessie, and I all answer—one after the other—and Claudia is shouting, ‘Did you see the end credit scene!?!’ Of course I’m confused because I’m like, ‘what is this, the MCU?’” Nicola bursts into laughter along with Graham. “Everyone’s asking what the hell she’s talking about because we’ve all seen the finale and were texting about it—but nobody mentioned an end credit scene. It completely went over our head. So…as you can imagine we all turn our tv, still on FaceTime mind you, and low and behold not only is there end credit scene….but Y/n L/n is gonna be Sophie Beckett.” Just the name alone ignites eruption from the crowd.
“Wow,” Graham exhales, “And you guys met her at the Bafta’s last year, yes? I remember seeing a picture of you two and other cast mates from Bridgerton with her.” Nicola nods excitedly.
“We did. It was such a surreal moment. She was with her then fiancee and the Euphoria cast—it kinda looked like a school mixed with Euphoria cast on one side and us on the other. But she came over and we were all buzzing in the corner, ‘Y/n L/n is coming over here. Oh my God-oh my God.’ Most of us have been watching her since she was on Doctor Who so this was like meeting your childhood idol,” Nicola used her hands to emphasize the point, “And she expressed how she was a fan of the books and loved the show. She even made a joke like, ‘Tell Shonda to call my line.’”
“And did you?” Graham asks for the audience and viewers at home, on the edge of his seat. “Cause didn’t they work together before on Grey’s Anatomy and Scandal?”
Luke nods, “we brought it up during press for series 2. I forgot Y/n was on those shows actually so when I told Shonda I thought ‘there’s no way they’re gonna get her’.” He glances at Nicola, excitment on his features, “I think everyone is ready to get back to set and start filming series four. I know I’m already missing everyone and I’m excited to pass the torch to Luke and Y/n.”
Coming down to the final cardstock, Y/n was sad to end the interview. It was fun seeing what people searched on the web and giving a more in-depth look at her life.
Peeling back the paper on the final card, the statement read, “Who is Y/n L/n’s husband?” Cue the butterflies in her stomach, picturing the man’s gorgeous face. “My husband is Lieutenant Commander Javy Machado. Although he is known to his colleagues as ‘Coyote’.” Lowering the cardstock she went on to say, “Javy and I met four years ago in 2019, he’s a fighter pilot for the Navy and was stationed in San Diego for an assignment. It happened to coincide at the time I was filming a small part in ‘Friend of the World’.” A small independent film her friend was producing and asked if she would take a small role to help promote the project. It’d been the first film Y/n had taken on after moving back to the States following her nearly 12 year residence in the United Kingdom.
If she thought hard enough, Y/n could feel the warmth of the sun on her arms and smell of the ocean salt water as her eyes landed on a group of people playing football with two balls. Instantly drawn to the man sticking his tongue out at his friends when running backwards to the end line. “My costars and I had wrapped up for the day and decided to go to the beach. We were waiting for this bar to open at five so we strolled for a good bit to pass time. That’s where I saw him playing football with his colleagues,” a shy smile stayed on her lips the entire time Y/n relayed the story.
“And then when the bar opened that night we formally met.” Man what a night it was. Every social media platform was buzzing with pictures and videos of Y/n behind the bar of The Hard Deck surrounded by patrons. The bartender, Penny, was so cool and didn’t mind the actors coming in despite the madhouse they caused. She did, however, have to close the doors once it got too packed due to locals sending word the five-time Emmy award winning actress was there. Before she knew it, Y/n was making drinks with her while taking pictures and signing autographs to everyone who approached. Y/n even rang the bell a couple times and bought the first round for those in attendance.
And when Javy appeared in front of her, it was like time had stopped. The noise eloping them was muffled, movement slowed to where the only clear focus was on each other.
“Hi,” he beamed, looking at her like she was the only person on the planet. “I know you’ve heard this all night, but is it alright if I get a photo with you?”
“Of course,” Y/n found her voice after a second, smiling wide as she inched closer to the bar counter. Javy thanked her, moving so his back was to the surface since the bar stood in between them and positioned his phone so it captured both of them. They posed, Javy snapping a couple pictures with Y/n making a kissy face at one point. When it ended Y/n motioned to the draft beers beside her, “Can I get you anything? Round is on me.”
Well Javy couldn’t say no could he? Pocketing his phone he replied, “Whatever you recommend, I’ll take.” Had he been to the hard deck several times in the past two weeks? Yes. Did he know what all was on draft and bottled? Sure did. But he wasn’t gonna pass on the chance to flirt with one of the greatest actors Hollywood had ever produced.
It was Y/n L/n for Christ’s sake. Hollywood’s Angel as they called her.
But what the pilot didn’t expect was to have found the love of his life. The same went for Y/n. Sure they had a moment movies often depicted as ‘love at first sight’ but c’mon, that was only in the movies…right?
Well perhaps it wasn’t just in the movies.
“Okay I see you!” Javy hollered from the side, standing on the red carpet a few paces away from where Y/n was posing for the cameras. Dressed to the nines in a black tux, Javy hyped up his fiancée like he always did at premieres and carpet events. This one happened to be at the 2022 Cannes Film Festival for the premiere of Elvis. “Give me face—yes ma’am! Work it-work it! Mmmh.”
Giggling the whole time, Y/n reaches out with her hand for him. He skips over, stopping to snap a picture on his phone. Pressing a kiss to her cheek, the two embrace for the photographers—who eat up every second they get with the couple. Ever since they announced their relationship in 2020 they were the it couple of Hollywood despite Javy not being in the industry. But his energy, personality, and of course his adoration for Y/n, made him well liked by her fans.
He worshiped the ground she walked on. Never did he give any indication he was with her for malice. Social media accounts he had were private and mostly to keep in touch with people he worked with. Her family loved him and his loved her. Whenever reporters approached him to try and ask invasive questions Javy would redirect to whatever project was staring in. “Isn’t the show amazing? I would say this is her best work yet—and the cast was amazing throughout.” He was definitely a keeper.
With similar personalities, though Y/n was more reserved in the public eye, the two were like a lock and key. Fitting together with a love so natural they couldn’t believe they got to experience it. They enjoyed going to concerts and the movies—getting into disguise whenever they didn't want the paparazzi following them. Sang and danced in the kitchen while they cooked, having their own karaoke parties with friends.
At one point in their relationship Y/n was to play a fighter pilot. So, what better way to prepare for the role than to shadow her partner and his colleagues. Once they got the green light from the Navy, Y/n had to do all the necessary training a pilot did to get into a jet. From there she was allowed to get in the backseat with either Javy or Natasha flying.
Flying with Natasha went smoothly….but her boyfriend was a different story. Of course she trusted him with her life and knew he would never put her in harm's way, but damn did he unlock his inner Maverick when she got in the plane with him.
“Javy Machado!!” She screamed, holding onto her seat for dear life when he flipped them upside down. “I swear I will kick your ass in the afterlife if you kill us!”
“Relax, baby,” he laughed, earning a groan from his girl. “I promise we’ll have a graceful landing.”
“It won’t be graceful when I’m puking my guts out!” She actually did vomit in the bag he provided her with before they took off. Instead of embarrassment she was just annoyed with him, but still enjoyed the ride no less. “I’m sticking with Natasha from now on.”
When it came to the squad, they were Y/n’s biggest supporters. After the initial shock and fangirl/fanboying—nearly shitting their pants at the fact their best friend was dating an absolute Icon—Y/n became part of their family. They pre-orders tickets to her movies, attending midnight premieres and after parties the actress invited them too. Sunday nights were reserved for watching her HBO shows, while Netflix series that were to binge watch were planned accordingly.
Nat loved having another gal in the group. It was a breath of fresh air and the two would go to lunch or have their own movie nights. “I’m surprised Machado hasn’t crashed in yet,” the pilot commented with a mouthful of popcorn as they sat in Y/n’s living room. Javy was in his office playing COD with the guys after pouting when Y/n said no to him joining in on their girl time.
“He’s occupied with his game. I’m surprised we haven’t heard any screaming at the tv yet.”
“Spoke to soon.”
The couple were stars at award shows. It was no surprise they were always the best dressed. People constantly tweeted their excitement to see them attend, and expressed disappointment when they would not. And often the two’s reactions to cringe/unexpected moments resulted in them becoming popular memes—something Y/n already had a reputation of long before they got together.
2022 Oscars? Y/n’s Twitter froze due to the amount of tags from the snapshot of her and Javy’s expressions to Will Smith slapping the shit out of Chris Rock. “Did he just—?” “he did.” “Holy shit. Where’s the popcorn—I feel I need some right now.”
2023 Met Gala? People kept replaying the moment the couple did a double take at seeing Doja Cat dressed up as Karl Lagerfields cat. “What the actual…” “now that’s what camp should’ve been.”
And of course they couldn’t forget the most recent one of their unimpressed look from Jimmy Kimmel’s monologue at the most recent Oscars. “Should I go up there and pull a—.” “Don’t you dare finish that sentence, Machado.”
Expect YouTube to be filled with videos complications titled, “Y/n L/n & Javy Machado being flabbergasted at award shows for 15 minutes straight,” and, “Y/n L/n & her husband Javy being Hollywoods favorite couple.”
Then there was Javy’s to die for reaction to Y/n recieving her star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame at only 29 years old. The only other day besides their wedding day where the man was in a heap of tears. “I’m just—,” he sniffed, “so proud of you, baby. You’ve earned this.”
When it came to live reactions at events years after getting married and Y/n embedding her legacy as the greatest actress of her generation, let’s just say Hollywood’s Angel and the Navy’s Coyote would always be its champions.
TGM Tag List: @avaleineandafryingpan @caitsymichelle13 @poppyalice2001 @cutelittlepotatofry @luckyladycreator2 @americaarse @elenavampire21 @back-tooo-black @wildellaa @artemissunn @pinkpantheris
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femmefatale-tales · 1 year
Bucky Barnes x f!reader
Summary: Reader and Bucky meet for the first time.
Author’s note: reader is not described as pale or black nor is she described thin or thic. Anyone can read this.
Warnings: fluff? Reader is funny and witty, bucky is broody and grump but turns a softie at the end. Banter like funny banter. Also kinda annoying reader I mean for Bucky.
I am sooo sorry if this is trash cause this is my first fanfic like ever also please tell me if it was funny or not. Lol
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I walk to the hall in the compound to get some coffee, actually correction, my 6th cup of coffee of the day. I mean it is a addiction and I don’t deny it but something has to be wrong with me, i can’t just be perfect. Though I do think Lorelai Gilmore is perfect and she drinks coffee. Maybe I am perfect. Someone clears their throat which isn’t me so I look up.
I see a tall man, must be 6’0 foot something, wearing a tight black T-shirt that is evidently small for him, he has the most perfect blue eyes and is actually one of the most handsome man I’ve ever seen and I say this just after seeing a Cillian Murphy movie so you bet I’m serious.
I instead of saying a good “hey” or “hello” ask “are you batman?” Which could be possible, I mean he looks like him with his broody expression.
He looks confused or angry, I can’t really tell. See he’s showing signs of being batman.
I just keep looking at him. “Are you serious?” He asks surprised.
I simply nod.
“ what makes you say that?” He questioned somewhat amused.
“I don’t even say this stupidly, I live with avengers so the fact that you could be batman seems possible to me and you have an expression that says you hate everyone, you’re wearing everything black, and you’re tall, almost all qualities of him are present to be true” I rant.
“I’m not batman. You don’t know me?” He mumbled.
“ No, but you do look familiar. Sorry I have a bad memory, and sometimes I just forget stuff because I didn’t pay attention because I didn’t want to and then I have to remember it since it turns out to be important and-” I keep talking until he cuts me off
“ You talk a lot, do you ever shut up?” He ask obviously agitated.
“I don’t really but only sometimes if it’s really important or if nat or Steve make me. Oh and when I’m sleeping but I would’ve know that actually because I’ll be the one sleeping” i continue to annoy him further.
“Shut up” He looks kinda like he’s teasing but it’s hard to tell.
“Why should-” he interrupts again.
“Okay that’s enough, and now you can stop talking” he groans.
“Wow rude much, grinch” he rolls his eyes at the comment.
Almost 30 seconds pass by and both of us stay silent but i of-course couldn’t just shut up cause where’s the fun in that so I started again.
“Does the serum give you extra stamina during sexy times?” I ask curiously breaking the silence.
“Oh my god, are you- can you not shut up for some time??” He speaks his frown too evident one his face.
I keep staring at him waiting for the answer.
“ Okay that’s it. Are you serious? You’re really asking that question ??” He says amused yet annoyed at the same time.
I just looking at him as if it’s not obvious that I was serious.
After 10 seconds of Bucky just staring at me he finally says “ It does”
“ Wait,So you know who I am” he stats.
“ oh yeah, I figured that out when you were asking if I always talk so much” I say casually.
“You want coffee?” I say going to the kitchen counter.
He looks at me surprised and chuckles saying “sure”.
“You always offer coffee to dangerous people you don’t know?” He asks smugly.
“Yes and no. See I know you, I might have forgot but it’s only because I just saw a dilf’s movies” I say giving him the coffee.
“What’s a dilf?” He questions.
“You but I doubt you have kids” I giggle.
“I don’t even wanna know what you meant by that” he stats.
“ What’s your zodiac sign?” I ask him trying to sit on the counter but it’s a bit too high tbh.
He comes in front of me seeing my struggle and holds my waist ,hoists me up on the counter. His hands are a bit cold but they send a warmth through my body which I don’t really notice until he takes his place on the chair in front of the counter again.
“ I don’t know, Sam told me about them but I don’t know mine” he shrugs.
“Oh okay just tell me your birthday” I tell him
“March 10”
“Oh so you’re a pieces which is weird because you’re looks could give you away as a Scorpio” I say surprised.
“Okay…, that’s some useless information to me but whatever” he speaks
“ I mean it is useless but it’s fun sometimes” I say
“Anyways, what’s you’re name?” He asks
“Oh yeah I haven’t told you a that yet, it’s Y/N Y/L/N.”
“Pretty name” he says looking up at me.
“Ohh thank you, you have pretty name too actually , I really like James. I’m gonna call you James from now on actually” I say feeling a bit flustered from the compliment.
“Ofcourse you can ,great of you to ask, you know” he sarcastically replied
I just give him a cheeky smile and finish my coffee. I jump down on the floor and put my cup in the sink.
“Okay babe, now I’m gonna go and take a shower, we’ll meet later” I speak turning on my heels to the exit.
He chuckles at the nickname and shakes his head waving a bye in direction.
“Bye batman” I shout as I disappear in the elevator.
Leaving bucky smiling to himself.
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foxballad · 1 month
get  to  know  the  mun  !                                                     repost,  don’t  reblog.
———  BASICS  !  ♡
NICKNAME  :  jane.
PRONOUNS  :  she  /  her.
ZODIAC  SIGN  :  libra.
TAKEN  OR  SINGLE  :  taken lmao.
———  THREE  FACTS  ! ♡
i choose jane as my new alias (i changed it one year ago) because is after jane austen, my favorite author.
ariel is my real name and i used it as “an alias” here on tumblr since i started rping until i decided to change it lmao
i’m a brazilian living in canada and have been here for one year and a few months.
———  EXPERIENCE  !  ♡
I have been writing on tumblr on and off since 2015 and i have been in a loooot of fandoms haushauah the ones where i spent most time with was Bleach (the longest), Kingdom Hearts, League of Legends and Percy Jackson. People who have written in them too will probably remember me.
I honestly don’t have a muse preference haushauah i mean *gestures at my multimuse* if i really like a character i will probably add them in my muses list. I think the thing is, how much am i thinking about character x and how much i wanna write them. But something that i realized is that i really like to write muses that are magical/fantasy/or some sort of supernatural centered. If is not that then i usually pick a muse to write with the same interests as me.
———  FLUFF  /  ANGST  /  SMUT  !  ♡
FLUFF :  i love writing it! Both muses just being casual and spending time together, i love that!
ANGST :   listen, i absolutely love angst! It’s one of my favorite things to write here and if we ship together, i will give you tons of it!! Lmao
SMUT :  i don’t really mind but it’s not something that will be seeing in my blog often, i will only write smut with ships with certain development.
PLOT  /  MEMES  :  i like and work well with both! If i have a plotting idea, i will speak to you about it and when i don’t, i like to throw memes at other people’s muses to see what can happen from there.
𝚝𝚊𝚐𝚐𝚎𝚍 𝚋𝚢: i stole from @sirenea <3
𝚝𝚊𝚐𝚐𝚒𝚗𝚐: steal from me!
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johnsbleu · 9 months
Hold My Hand: John Wick x Reader Chapter 165
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warnings: a nsfw moment hmh masterlist
“Wanna go get a tattoo?”
You turn around and look at Tess from across the kitchen with your brow furrowed. She’s been antsy ever since you got back from the lake house this morning.
Since you’re meeting Akira and going to the hotel, you need some new clothes to wear. You can’t look like shit when you go to the hotel, and you certainly can’t look like shit when you meet her. You told John that you absolutely needed to go home early and had to do some shopping. He’s out with Ronan right now having a little daddy daughter day since you said you’d be busy.
“I have things to do today.”
Tess groans, “Like what?”
“I’m meeting the woman who showed up here the other day and we’re going to hotel, so I need some clothes.”
“Well,” Tess perks up, “We could go shopping, then I can get a tattoo.”
You laugh, “Why do you want a tattoo?”
“In Italy, you and Jimmy got tattoos, but I couldn’t because I was pregnant,” she gestures to her stomach, “I’m not now, so I want one.”
“And you can’t wait two days?”
Tess scoffs and looks at you like that’s the most offensive thing she’s ever heard, “No!”
“Okay, well, I will go with you but I’m not getting a tattoo.” you say, and Tess smirks, “I’m not!”
You roll your eyes as you walk over to grab your purse, “I’m not!”
“Famous last words.”
Tess is currently talking to the tattoo artist and coming up with a tattoo idea. She wants something to do with Finn and Jimmy. Finn is a Leo, so she’s currently googling things connected to the zodiac sign other than a lion. You laugh a little thinking about her getting a huge lion tattooed on herself.
You feel your phone buzzing in your pocket, so you reach for it and press it to your ear when you see it’s John calling.
“Hi, baby.”
“Hey, what are you up to?”
You take a deep breath and look around the tattoo shop, “I’m with Tess while she gets a tattoo.”
“What?” he laughs, “I was not expecting you to say that. Are you getting something too?”
“No,” you shake your head and grab the binder full of tattoos that artist has done. You flip through the get to the piercings, and you quickly close it when you see a pierced penis. “Oh, gross.”
You set the binder aside, “There’s a penis in there.”
“This binder has pictures of tattoos and piercings. Apparently they do penis piercings.” you say, and you can practically John audibly wince. “Yeah. Ouch. Anyway, are you home?”
John starts to answer when Ronan squeals loudly in the background, “I know, baby, we’re getting you a snack right now. Yes, peach, we’re home. I’m getting her a snack, then she’s going down for a nap. She’s kind of fussy today.”
“She didn’t sleep that great last night.”
“No, she did not.” he laughs, and you smile when you hear Ronan babbling to him, “Well, you’ll be home soon?”
You nod, “Yeah, I bought a few things, but I’ll need you to tell me what looks best--”
“Everything,” he says, a smile in his voice. “You look amazing in everything, my love.”
Your cheeks hurt from smiling so hard, “I’ll be home in a little bit.”
“Okay. I love you. Have fun.”
“Thanks, I will. I love you too.”
After saying goodbye to him, you look down at your phone and smile when you see the picture of you, him, and Ronan as your wallpaper. You’re holding Ronan in your arms, and John is smiling as the two of you look at each other.
“Why are you cheesing at your phone?”
“No reason,” you shake your head and look up at Tess as she stares at you, “John told me to have fun. I don’t know, it’s stupid, but…he always does when I’m out with friends, and I just think it’s sweet.”
Tess laughs, “Yeah, because your ex would just call and pester you about when you were coming home, what was for dinner, if you were talking to other guys.”
“Yeah,” you smile, shrugging one shoulder, “Every day John takes me by surprise. He does something that just…shocks me. I know you’re probably trying not to laugh, but--”
“No, no,” Tess smiles softly, “It’s really cool how it’s been years but the love is still there and he’s still showing up for you in different ways. I feel the same way. It’s never a dull moment with Jimmy, and honestly as time goes on, he’s just getting sweeter.”
You smile, “So, you’re getting a tattoo for him?”
“For Finn,” she clarifies, and you start to laugh. “But there might be a little J tucked somewhere in the tattoo.”
Tess exhales as she looks around, “You gonna get a tattoo?”
You grab the binder of pictures again, “Uh, I think I have something in mind.”
John is smiling from the couch when you walk through the door, and he immediately gets up and helps you with the bags that you’re carrying--after he kisses you, of course. He sets them on the coffee table and turns around, wrapping his arms around you tight.
“Well, this is a nice welcome.” you say, the breath being squeezed out of you from his hug, “Not so tight, babe.”
“I missed you,” he whispers, tilting your head back, “We went three days without seeing each other or talking, then I only got you for one night before you ran off with Tess for the day.”
You laugh, “And whose fault was it that we didn’t talk for three days?”
“Oh, it was mine. I’m not saying it wasn’t.” he laughs, and you kiss him again before sitting on the couch. “Got a picture of Tess’ tattoo?”
You hold it up and show John, “It’s a bunch of sunflowers since that’s the flower for Leo--Finn’s zodiac sign. There’s a J tucked in there too for Jimmy.”
“It’s cool. I like the colors and the simplicity of it.” he says as he sits next to you. He wraps his arm around your waist and leans over to kiss your shoulder, “Any tattoos on you?”
“No,” you shake your head, “I do want another one, but none for today.”
John nods and looks down at his left hand, “I still need to get mine on my finger.”
“You still wanna do that?” you ask, and he nods. “So cute.”
“September 5th was a very special day,” he says softly as he leans over to kiss you. You turn more to deepen the kiss, and he pulls you closer to him. “When can I see those dresses?”
Resting your forehead against his, you start to laugh, “Before bed?”
“Sounds perfect,” he looks at you and smiles, and you furrow your brow when you hear the timer going off on the oven. “I’m making dinner.”
You inhale deeply the aroma of food that you hadn’t even noticed when you came in, and you look at John in wonder, “What are you making?”
“I went to the store and got some stuff to make beef stew.” he says, and you gasp before rushing off to the kitchen while he laughs. He comes in to find you leaning over the pot on the stove and taking deep breaths. “I tried a new recipe.”
“Can I try a bite?”
John nods and walks over to get a spoon. He scoops up a little bit and smiles as he feeds it to you. You close your eyes and dramatically lean over on the counter before shaking your head and looking at him.
“So good. My little chef!” you lean up and kiss him before stealing the spoon for another bite while he laughs. “You made so much.”
“Yeah, I thought I could bring some to mom and dad.” he says, and you close your eyes and smile with your back turned to him.
John’s love for your parents will never not make you feel weak in the knees. He always thinks about them and takes them into consideration. He genuinely really likes them, and they just adore him. He’ll send updates to your mom when you’re sick, he’ll send her pictures of you and Ronan, he’ll text your dad and ask him to go golfing; even though it’s not John’s favorite sport, he still does it because he knows having a good relationship with your parents is important.
“I bet they’ll love that,” you say, and he wraps his arms around you. “How much longer does this have?”
“It’s done…” he moves his lips up your neck to the spot behind your ear, “But it’d be nice to let it simmer for a bit.”
You move back into his arms and tilt your head, “Wanna entertain me for a bit?”
“Yes, absolutely.”
“Okay.” you laugh as you turn around, and John lifts you up, carrying you up to your bedroom.
“I like that one,” John says when you stand in front of him. “It looks really good on you.”
You turn around and look in the mirror, smoothing the dress down. You look through the mirror at John as he watches you, then you turn around and walk over to him. He slides his hands up your thighs and rests them on your ass, then he pulls you into his lap.
John gently tucks a lock of hair behind your ear, “You’re nervous.”
“I am,” you admit quietly, “I don’t know why.”
“Don’t be nervous.” he says, and you close your eyes when he runs his thumb along the apple of your cheek, “You have nothing to be nervous about.”
You whisper, “I just want to look good in front of them for you.”
“You don’t need to do that. What they think of you won’t change how I feel about you.” he smiles softly as he holds your hand, “You’re not some trophy wife that I’m parading around. You’re my partner. You are your own person. It’s nice to look good because it makes you feel good, but you don’t have to do it for anyone else, certainly not me.”
You scoff, “If I was wearing big baggy sweatpants, you’d still want me? Never mind, don’t answer.”
“You know I would.” he laughs, and you smile at him, “If you wanted to wear sweatpants tomorrow, I would be okay with that too. Whatever makes you feel comfortable.”
“I like this dress.” you say as you get up to look at yourself in the mirror again, “I like the dark green color.”
John nods, “Me too. My favorite color too.”
You look over your shoulder and smile, “How strange.”
“Did you do that on purpose, peach?”
“Maybe,” you grin as he gets up and wraps his arms around you.
John moves your hair off your shoulders and smooths it down your back, “Still nervous?”
You nod, unable to find the words. John chuckles softly and places a gentle kiss on the nape of your neck. The warmth of his breath sends shivers down your spine, but it also calms you down. You take a deep breath and turn around to face him. His eyes are filled with nothing but love and adoration for you.
“Everything will be just fine,” he says quietly, and you nod. “I’ll be there the entire time. I won’t let you or Ro out of my sight.
“I know. It’s not that…” you say as you walk away, sighing a little, “I guess I’m just nervous for her to judge me or something.”
John tilts his head a little before walking over to you, “She won’t judge you. She already liked you and you spoke six words to her.”
“She probably was just saying that,” you say as John shakes his head, “I mean, do you really think she’d say to you that she hates me? No.”
“She didn’t hate you,” he laughs, holding you tight, “Trust me, sweetheart, she didn’t hate you.”
You look at him, “I’m still nervous.”
“And that’s okay,” he says, rubbing your back, “But I’ll be by your side the entire time. If you want to come to the bathroom with me, you can. I won’t leave you alone for a single second. I promise.”
“I trust you,” you hold his gaze, nodding your head, “I trust you.”
John cradles your chin and brings your lips to his, “Good.”
Your stomach is in knots as you sit in at a table and look down at Ronan playing with the few toys you brought for her. John is talking quietly with Charon right now to make sure everything is okay, but he keeps looking over at you. You’re in a room, which you assume must be Winston’s private quarters.
It’s not quite a den but not quite a tea room. He clearly eats his meals here though since there’s a large table that is probably 12 feet long and only had two chairs (one at each end) before Charon brought in so more--he told John that he made sure there were chairs but he apologized for not having a high chair for “Miss Ronan.”
Miss Ronan. How fucking adorable. Miss Ronan was so excited to see Charon--she’d never met him before but she just loves people. He held her and talked to her, and she flung her arm around, accidentally knocking his glasses askew. You and John both apologized, but Charon just laughed and fixed them.
“Mrs. Wick,” he says softly as he stands in front of you, “Would you like something to drink?”
“Oh, uh,” you shake your head a little and look over at John as he smiles, “Sure. I’ll just take some water.”
John laughs as he walks over, “Sweetheart, he’s asking if he can get you anything. Don’t get water.”
“I don’t want to inconvenience anyone!”
Charon smiles, “It’s no inconvenience, ma’am. It’s my job.”
Which is not true. You know he’s not a waiter. He doesn’t need to wait on you.
“Two caramel lattes,” John says, and you smile bashfully when Charon looks at you. John glances at Ronan, “We have milk for her.”
With a nod of his head, Charon strides to the door and slips out. You let out a big breath and look over at John as he leans down to play with Ronan. He sits on the floor and grabs a toy of hers, making funny voices up to make her laugh. You walk over and kneel down next to them, and John smiles at you before squeezing your hand. Ronan stands up and claps her hands, then she reaches over and hugs John before sitting in his lap.
The door opens behind you, and you look over your shoulder as a waiter comes in with two lattes. He sets them on the table and keeps his eyes straight ahead, like he’s afraid to even look at John. It’s just too funny sometimes how John is this huge presence here.
John helps you up and kisses your cheek, then he keeps his hand wrapped around yours as you both walk to the table. He clinks his glass to yours and takes a sip of his drink, and you hum loudly.
“Best latte I’ve ever had.”
“Even better than the one I made for you last week?”
You smirk as you tap your straw to your lips, then you tilt your head, “No, that one was really good.”
“Kiss-ass.” John whispers, and I laugh.
Ronan toddles over and reaches up for your drink, but John scoops her into his arms and helps her drink some of her milk. You reach over and move her hair out of her face, then you step closer and rest against John’s shoulder.
“They’re taking a long time.”
“Winston is a busy man,” John says, and you nod, inhaling deeply, “He’ll be here soon.”
You exhale nervously and look up at John for some reassurance. He wraps his arm around your waist and pulls you closer to him, leaning down to kiss you just as the door opens. You take a step back from John, as if you’ll be scolded by Winston or something, which makes John laugh.
“Jonathan,” Winston says as he walks over, reaching to shake his hand, “Look at this gorgeous woman here.”
You smile when he cups your face gently, his hands surprisingly soft and warm, “It’s nice to see you again.”
“A pleasure as always,” he says before turning to look at Ronan as she babbles, “And this little one has gotten so big since I saw her last.”
Ronan reaches over for Winston and smiles as he talks to her. She giggles and buries her face in his shoulder, and you smile and laugh as you look at John who is grinning from ear to ear with pride. Winston sets her down and smiles when she runs over to grab her toy. She picks up and runs back over to him, holding it up to show him.
“Oh, she’s so cute,” someone says from behind you, and you turn around to see Akira walking over. She kneels down and smiles, “Aren’t you darling? You look so much like your father.”
John looks over at you and smiles, “It’s the eyes. When she smiles--”
“She looks like her mother,” Akira says, looking up at you, “I can see it now.”
You take a deep breath and look at Akira as she stands up, “It’s nice to see you again.”
“It’s nice to see you too,” she smiles, then she looks at John, not quite bowing to him but tilting her head in a way of respect, “Mr. Wick.”
This makes you laugh. There’s so much respect for John here--you’re not laughing at that. You’re laughing at the fact that John is standing here in this perfectly tailored suit, surrounded by people who have no idea that he was having a tea party with his daughter just three hours ago, clips in his hair and everything. He has two sides to him, which you’ve been lucky enough to see, but there’s only one side that they get to see. It’s a bit of a shame really, that they’ll never truly know John. Maybe you’ll never truly know him. At the thought of that, you look down at your hands, turning over your ring on your finger.
What if you never truly know him?
“Yeah, she’s almost a year old,” John says, his warm touch bringing you out of your head, “It’s been a really good year--three years, really. But Ronan is getting bigger every day, and I hate to sound cliche, but I do hate it. She’s growing up too fast.”
Akira smiles as she watches Ronan, then she looks at you and John, “More kids for you two?”
“That’s up to her,” he says, gesturing to you. “I’d love more kids, but her pregnancy was rough, so it’s up to her.”
You shrug when Akira turns to you, “I just…had a subchorionic hemorrhage, so…”
“What’s that?” Winston asks, and you take a deep breath and look at him. “If you don’t mind me asking.”
John gestures for you to sit down on the couch, then he holds your hand and smiles when you look at him.
“Basically, um, the placenta detached from the uterine wall and the gap filled with blood, so I just bled out all this blood that was pooling there.” you say, and Winston nods, “It happened very early in the morning and freaked us both out. John was great though. He calmed me down a little and got us to the hospital. The hospital is about 15 minutes from us, and I think we got there in about seven minutes.”
John smiles when you start to laugh, “Probably six.”
“Probably,” you laugh quietly, then you look over at Akira and Winston, “I thought…I had lost her. I thought I had lost our baby, and John, well, I thought John would blame me. It’s my body, right? My one job while I’m pregnant is to make sure she’s safe. I thought he’d be upset with me. I finally gave him this thing that he really wanted and just like that, it was getting taken away. It wouldn’t be the first time this had happened to him,” you look over at John as he looks at you, and you let out a tearful laugh, “But he stayed right by my side, told me it wasn’t my fault--made me say it wasn’t my fault. He reassured me that he wasn’t going anymore, that the baby was fine. And just like that, all my doubts about him leaving just…melted away. He’s in it for life.”
John reaches up and wipes away the tear on your cheek, “She scared the shit out of me that night. Because from my point of view, my wife was bleeding out. When I looked at her, it wasn’t the baby, my first thought was my wife. I couldn’t lose her. I can’t live without her.”
“He’s dramatic,” you say, rolling your eyes and looking over at Winston, “Not sure where he gets it. Maybe I have a bit of an idea. Anyway, Ro was fine, I was fine. I was on bed rest for a few weeks but everything ended up being okay. I went on to give birth to a very healthy and chunky baby.”
“On our anniversary,” John adds, beaming with pride. “Pretty cool.”
Winston smiles when you look over at him, “This man loves you…immensely.”
Your cheeks hurt from smiling so wide, “I love him just as much.”
John takes your hand and holds it tight, then he lets go and wraps his arm around your waist, rubbing his thumb against your back as Winston begins to talk about something. You smile as you listen to him, but you look over at Akira as she watches you and John closely.
Ronan is currently sleeping with her face pressed against your chest, and you’re pretty stuck where you are. John has checked on you a few times to make sure you’re okay, but you’re perfect. He’s off talking with Charon and Winston, which is really nice for him. Akira was talking with him too, but now she’s making her way over to you.
“You must not able to get anything done,” she says, gesturing to Ronan.
“She usually doesn’t sleep on me,” you laugh, rubbing Ronan’s back, “She usually naps in her room, but if she does nap on someone, it’s John.”
Akira smiles, “He sounds like he’s a very good father.”
“He is,” you smile as you nod, “He, um, speaks very highly of your dad.”
“And my father spoke very highly of John,” she says, and you let out a small laugh, “I might not have been very fond of him when I first met him--in all honestly, I wanted to kill him when I saw him. I knew nothing good followed him. I now know that’s not true.”
You hold her gaze as she smiles softly at you, and you feel your cheeks warm. Ronan jolts herself awake and begins to cry on your chest, and you quickly try to calm her down but she’s crying out for her daddy. John hops up from the chair and comes over to get her, shushing her and calming her down.
“I’m right here, bug,” he whispers as he sits next to you on the couch, “Daddy is right here.”
Ronan cries and crawls over into his lap, and she sticks her thumb into her mouth and closes her eyes. She’s not a big thumb sucker, but every now and then, she’ll suck her thumb when she’s woken herself up from crying.
“She just missed her daddy,” you say, and John hugs her tight in his arms. You look over at Akira as she watches the two of them, her breathing getting a little heavy and her eyes growing glassy.
“Excuse me,” she says, getting up and quickly heading for the door.
John has gathered all of Ronan’s things and put them in the bag while you said your goodbyes to Charon and Winston. They have some things to take care of, so they need to head out, plus it’s getting late and John doesn’t think it’s the best idea to stay here much longer. The night usually brings in a different kind of crowd.
You give Winston and Charon a small wave as they head to the door, then you grab your coat and start to put it on before John practically slides across the floor to do it for you, which you’re grateful for since your body is killing you. He kisses your cheek and rubs your shoulders, then he grabs his suit jacket to put on.
“Akira must have left,” you say, and John nods. “I wonder if it was something I did.”
“It was probably me.” he says as you frown, “She’s still not my biggest fan.”
You walk over and fix his jacket, “Well, I’m your biggest fan.”
“I know you are,” he whispers, leaning down to kiss you, “You’re my favorite fan too.”
Ronan calls out for you as she sits by the bags on the floor, and you walk over to pick her up just as the door opens. Akira smiles and shuts it before walking over to you.
“I wanted to say goodbye before you left,” she says, and you stand up, “I didn’t…mean to storm off earlier. It’s just…hard. Seeing John--anyone--with their daughter.”
“I get that,” you says, and she looks at you, “I didn’t grow up with a dad, so when I see Ronan and John together, I have to take a moment for myself too. I obviously didn’t lose my dad the way you did. My dad chose to leave. I can’t imagine how much you miss your dad, Akira, and I’m so sorry that you lost him. And trust me, John is sorry too.”
Akira inhales deeply and nods her head, blinking away tears, “I appreciate that.”
“Your father was one of my greatest friends,” John says as he walks up beside you, “You know how deeply I cared about him. Not a day goes by where I don’t think about him or wish things have ended differently.”
“My father cared for you as well,” she says, nodding her head, “He would be very happy for you, and he’d have loved both of the women in your life.”
You smile when John takes your hand, “I’m really glad that we got to meet.”
“Me as well.” she says, and you take her by surprise when you reach out to hug her. You’re sure she’s making a face since John let out a small laugh. She eventually wraps her arms around you too and squeezes lightly. “Take care of her, Mr. Wick. Both of them.”
John smiles, taking your hand again, “Trust me, I will.”
Akira’s phone beeps in her pocket, so she pulls it out and looks at it before swiftly tucking it away, “Again, it was lovely to properly meet you.”
“You too,” you smile as you look at her.
Akira reaches out to shake John’s hand, then she gives Ronan a smile and leans down to rub her plump cheek before she gets up and quickly leaves the room.
“What was that all about?” you ask, gesturing to her, “She left like the room was on fire.”
“She got a text,” he says, shrugging, “She’s off to work.”
You stand in front of him and hold his gaze, “Do you miss it?”
“Not one bit,” he says, wrapping his arms around you and pulling you closer, “I’m going to go back to my amazing home with my beautiful wife and daughter, and we’re going to make some snacks and watch TV until we’re tired. I get to kiss both of my favorite people goodnight and fall asleep holding onto the most important person in my life. Why would I ever want anything else?”
“Is there maybe something else…you’d want tonight?”
John smiles, “If you’re asking if I want you, the answer is always yes.”
“We better get home then.”
“I can’t believe you didn’t get a tattoo,” John says as you come out of the bathroom. “I thought you wanted to get one.”
You sit on the bed and shrug, “We wanted to get one together, remember?”
“We still can, but I just thought you’d get one with Tess.”
Inhaling deeply, you shift on the bed so you’re kneeling in front of him, “Okay, so, I did get something, but it’s not what you think. It’s not a tattoo.”
John looks confused, “What else would you have gotten at a tattoo shop then?”
“You really wanna know?” you ask, and he nods his head, a smile spreading on his face. “Well, I was in the shop while Tess was getting her tattoo and I was like ‘what is something I really want to get other than a tattoo?’ I’ll be honest, I’ve always wanted this but I’ve never told anyone--other than Tess, of course. I just think they’re hot. So, I got one.”
“I am…so confused.”
You start to laugh, “I know you’ll immediately pounce when you see it, so please…don’t.”
“What?” John laughs, shaking his head, “You’re being so weird.”
You lean up to kiss John, then you sit back on your knees and pull your shirt up. John holds your gaze for a moment before his eyes drift down to your breasts. He smiles, still looking confused, until he notices the little silver piercing on your left nipple. His mouth drops open as he moves closer, reaching out to gently cup your breast.
“Yeah,” you start to laugh as your cheeks burn, “I don’t know, I just always wanted it. I thought it was so hot. If I hate it, I’ll just take it out and it’ll heal.”
John laughs, lightly brushing his thumb over your nipple, “This is…hot.”
“I thought so too,” you start to put your shirt down but John holds it up, still staring. “You like it?”
“Yes!” he laughs, leaning up to kiss you.
You bite your bottom lip as you smile, “It’ll take a few weeks to fully heal, so you definitely don’t want to…you know, kiss it or anything. It’ll just get infected, probably. But it’s not going anywhere.”
“Did it hurt?”
You exhale as you sit back to lean against the headboard, “Yes. It hurt like a bitch but the pain went away as soon as she was done with it. There’s just a really dull pain now.”
“That’s why you’ve been saying your body hurts,” he realizes, and you nod. “And why you wiggled out of my hugs earlier. Was I hurting you?”
“No, but when you hugged when I got home after I got it, you hugged me so hard, which in reality was probably just a regular hug, but it hurt a little bit,” you shrug as you look at him, then you lean over, brushing your lips against his, “You’ll just have to be extra careful with me for the next few weeks.”
John nods, then he pulls back, “That’s also why you wouldn’t let me take your shirt off while we had sex last night.”
He tried so hard but you kept pulling it down. Every time, he frowned and pouted, which was way hotter than it should have been. You finally pulled your shirt up on the right side so he could at least see that breast, but you immediately pulled it back down when his lips moved elsewhere.
“Yeah,” you start to laugh when he playfully shoves you, “I didn’t want you to know yet! I wanted it to look better. It was sore and red last night.”
“And you wouldn’t let me shower with you this morning.”
Laughing loudly, you pull him back to you, “I wanted to surprise you, and you were, weren’t you?”
“Yes,” he nods, pulling your shirt back up to look at it, “Can’t wait to get my mouth on it.”
John kisses you before leaning down and kissing all around your breast. He moves closer to it and looks up at you, and you start to laugh. He brushes his lips over it and you gasp softly, clutching at his shirt. When he moves, you see he’s grown hard in his pants, so you reach down and touch him before he plops down on the bed and pulls you over to him.
Pulling your shirt off, you toss it aside and position yourself in his lap as his hands grip your waist. He moves his left hand up your stomach and to your breast, lightly running his finger over your nipple.
“Fuck,” he says softly before leaning up to kiss your neck, “You’re so sexy.”
“Thank you,” you whisper as you lean back to look at him, “I’m glad you like it.”
John brushes his lips over your nipple, “I love it. It looks so good on you.”
“I already know that when it gets cooler, you’re going to lose your mind when you see it through my shirt.”
John nearly moans, “Fuck, I didn’t even think about that. Please never wear another bra again.”
You laugh as you push John back down on the bed, “I hope you’re free next weekend.”
“You have an appointment,” you say, and he grins as he reaches up to touch your breast, “Not with me.”
John furrows his brow, “Huh?”
“I set up an appointment for you,” you smile as you lean down to kiss him, “A penis piercing.”
“Hell no.” he laughs, and you smile, holding tight to him as he rolls on top of you, “No, I think this piercing is good for both of us. I don’t need one.”
You hum, tucking his hair behind his ear, “Okay.”
John pulls your pajamas shorts off and tosses them aside, then he quickly removes his boxers and moves closer to bury himself inside of you with one hard thrust and a grunt. You wrap your arms around his neck as the two of you kiss, and you begin to pant as he jerks his hips.
“Do you really want me to?” he asks, lips brushing against your collarbone.
“No,” you admit as he looks at you, “You do some damn fine work without one.”
John smirks as he leans closer to you, then he reaches over to your nightstand and pulls out your vibrator. He clicks it on and looks down at you, and you bite your lip and nod your head. As soon as he puts it between your legs, your body jolts and you let out a loud moan.
“Here,” he reaches for a pillow and hands it off to you, “You’re gonna need this.”
Not only is your boob killing you this morning, your whole body hurts, but thankfully John is already downstairs with Ro and has gotten breakfast started. You wander into the kitchen and rub your fist against your eye, and John smiles when he looks up.
“Good morning,” he smiles, walking over to kiss you, “Your hair is…a mess.”
You catch a glimpse of yourself in the glass of the oven door, then you turn to him, “Well, someone kept pulling it last night.”
“Because someone wanted me to,” he says, dipping you back as he kisses you. He cradles you in his arms and smiles, “How are you feeling?”
“Good,” you reach up to cup his face, “Ready to hang out and do nothing.”
John grimaces as he stands up straight with you, “I made plans for us tonight. Jimmy and Tess too.”
“Okay?” you walk over and lean down to kiss the top of Ronan’s head while she eats, “And what are those plans?”
“Well,” he exhales, leaning back against the counter and crossing his arms, “I think it’s time that we get our tattoos.”
You look over at him and smile, “Yeah?”
“Yeah. What do you say?”
Hopping up from the chair, you throw your arms around him and smile, “Yeah! I can’t wait!”
“Ronan is gonna get one too,” he says, reaching over to touch her chunky arm, “She’s getting ‘mom’ right on her bicep.”
“Oh, my goodness!” you say in your mom voice as you walk over to her, “Ro is gonna be so tough!”
Ronan giggles and scrunches her face up, making little grunting noises that cause you and John to laugh. You lean over and kiss her a few times, then you stand up and wrap your arms around John’s waist.
“No penis piercing for you though?”
“No,” he laughs quietly as he leans down to kiss you, “Just a tattoo for my favorite girls.”
You smile softly, “I still think you should get my face right on your chest.”
“It’s very tempting, peach,” he says as you walk over to get a plate of food, and he turns around to look at you. You look up at him as he looks down at your chest, and you smile. “I’m not over it.”
“I know.”
John smiles, “I think I’ll need to see it again tonight. I mean, just to make sure it’s healing.”
“Yeah, no, of course,” you say, nodding your head. “Absolutely, Doctor Wick.”
He barks out a laugh, “Yeah, that’s me.”
“Maybe if it’s healed up more, you will be allowed to--”
John perks up, “I can?”
“Yeah,” you laugh when he rushes over to you, hugging you tight in his arms. “Had I known you’d want me this much because of a nipple piercing, I would have gotten one years ago.”
“You know I want you this much even without it,” he says, and you start to smile because it’s true. He pulls your shirt back a little and looks down it, then he smiles, “Making sure it’s still there.”
You laugh, “It’s not going anywhere.”
John is holding tight to your right hand as you squeeze your eyes shut. Tattoos certainly hurt. He was all tough getting his and didn’t even wince, but you have to admit, it was kind of hot. He was looking at some other tattoos and talking with the artist about something he might get in the future but for now he’s just settling for the small tattoo on his ring finger.
“Hey, how’s the piercing healing up?”
You look at the tattoo artist and smile, “Really well! John was a big fan of it.”
“Oh, I bet!” she grins at him.
John smiles smugly when you look at him, and you lean over to kiss him.
“Alright, you’re all set,” the tattoo artist says as she sits back, smiling, “Looks good.”
You hold up your hand and smile, “It’s gorgeous! Thank you!”
John holds up his hand next to yours, “They look great.”
“I love it,” you smile, then you look over at John and kiss him again.
“Hey, if you two ever get divorced, at least it still has meaning,” another customer says.
He obviously overheard you telling the artist earlier why you wanted 905 on your ring finger--September 5th for your anniversary and Ronan’s birthday. Since there’s no zero in Roman numerals, you settled for the numbers 905. You opted out of a year as well since it would take up too much space and obviously Ronan was born a different year than when you were married.
John shakes his head when you look at him, then he leans down, “Not happening.”
You walk with him over to where Jimmy is looking at his tattoo in the mirror. He decided to add onto his tattoo he got in Rome, and he got some color as well. The wolf is now surrounded by the most beautiful and colorful flowers. Tess smiles as she looks down at the little camera she got tattooed on her wrist, and you let out a small laugh when she grins at Jimmy.
“Alright,” John puts your jacket on when he gets done paying, then he kisses your cheek, “I think we need to get some food. I’m starving.”
When you step outside, you put your hand out for John to hold but you both frown when you realize you can’t hold hands with the bandages on them.
“We can’t link fingers.” you laugh, and he nods his head. “I got an idea.”
You wrap both your arms around his bicep and grin up at him as he leans down to kiss you. Resting your head against his shoulder, you walk down the street with him, trailing behind Jimmy and Tess as they sing obnoxiously.
John presses a kiss to the top of your head, “I love you so much. 905 is always going to be so important to me.”
“What if we divorce?”
“Not going to happen,” he says, stopping to turn to you, “The only way we’re getting divorced is if you divorce me.”
You laugh, “The only way we’re getting divorced is if you divorce me.”
“Not happening. You’re stuck with me for life.” he says, then he shakes his head, “People just say rude shit sometimes.”
“Oh, trust me, I know.”
John pulls you into his arms and leans in close to your face, “Mrs. Wick, I think we need to get some food in you. We have a date for tonight.”
You look over at Tess and Jimmy as they talk to each other, and you reach for John’s hand and place it on your breast. He lightly pinches your piercing through your shirt, and you smirk.
“Fuck, I want to suck on it so bad,” he nearly growls, and you laugh.
“I will allow that tonight,” you say, and he perks up. “I want your mouth on it too.”
John scoops you into his arms and practically runs down the sidewalk, “We gotta get food to go! I need to take her home now!”
You tilt your head back and laugh loudly, clinging onto John as he continues running down the sidewalk.
@sakurachan-9 @beingnerdyissupercool @tnu-ree @ruby-octo@scream-queen-25 @ladyren33
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greybenjii · 7 months
about me ⋆౨ৎ˚⟡.•
—— ˚₊‧꒰ა ⟡ ໒꒱ ‧₊˚ grey + greybie ⋆౨ৎ˚⟡.• ☼ cancer ☽ cancer ↑ leo —— ˚₊ ‧₊˚ clip studio paint ⊹ ˚ procreate xp-pen artist 15.6 pro ⊹ ˚⟡.•* ipad air 10.6 —— ˚₊‧꒰ა ⟡ ໒꒱ ‧₊˚ short intro about me; my name is grey or greybie! i just wanna be silly and post my fanart/ my ocs and my new hyper fixations of the week! stick around for the madness :]
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—— ˚₊ ‧₊˚ likes: anime (jjk, aot, spy x family, death note, evangelion, kill la kill, oshi no ko, erased, haikyuu, jojo's bizzare adventure, kakegurui, & more), gravity falls, genshin impact, welcome home, walten files, the mandela catalogue, overwatch, the last of us, the walking dead, avatar the last airbender, roblox, indie animation, alien stage, hazbin hotel, lackadaisy, kpop, nintendo/switch games, pokemon, art, music, fandoms, reading, spirituality, zodiac signs, quackity, jschlatt, markiplier, jacksepticeye, kwite, astralspiff, vtubers + more
dislikes:  hateful / problematic individuals (racist, homophobic, transphobic, xenophobic, zionist — just if you’re a shitty person at all, dni), bugs, ROACHES, the cold, problematic fandoms... ˚₊ ‧₊˚ boundaries and rules: 1. do not speculate on or search for my private info (name, location, etc). if i have not publicly revealed something, there is probably a reason. 2. please do not vent in my dms or anything! i am not anyone's personal therapist or your diary. it takes a toll on my own mental health. 3. i am okay with platonic shipping, "cute friends!" or "friendship goals!". however, i am not okay with romantic shipping between people and myself. jokes are okay, just don't take it too far. please do not assume or speculate on my romantic life and relationship. 4. lastly, please do not repost or use my artwork w/o permission. if you repost my work, you must credit me with @greybenjii.
BYF: i am twenty one, so i ask that no minors engage with my content or follow my blog. some things i post may be triggering / nsfw — i will have warnings in each post if that’s the case. —— ˚₊ ‧₊˚
if you read all of this, thank you and let’s be mutuals! 𓏲 ࣪₊♡𓂃
also, feel free to use my ask box whenever, whether it’s for my opinions on things, asking if we can be mutuals or whatever else you desire! :)
thank you for reading! -grey <3 MY BOUNDARIES FURTHER DISCUSSED
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imnotavamp1r3 · 9 months
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♡ TMI tag!!! ♡
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So the other day I was watching some of Eugenia Cooney's old videos since I used to watch them a lot as a kid. I found some of her tag videos and I guess I thought it'd be fun to do one of those 2015 Youtube tags but on Tumblr. I'm not sure if this is going to be that interesting but yeah. You can watch Eugenia's video here btw.
🎀 What are you wearing?
I'm wearing a Misfits Marilyn Monroe t-shirt, black cargo pants, a skeleton hand bracelet, and Hello Kitty headphones because I'm listening to music right now.
🎀 Have you ever been in love?
I've had crushes but I doubt I've ever been in love
🎀 Have you ever had a terrible break up?
🎀 How tall are you?
168 cm or 5'6
🎀 How much do you weigh?
Last time I got weighed I think it said something like 105 lbs
🎀 Do you have any tattoos?
🎀 Do you have any piercings?
No and I don't even have my ears pierced
🎀 What's your OTP?
Buffy x Angel
🎀 What's your favourite show?
Gravity Falls
🎀 What are your favourite bands?
I love so many but The Pretty Reckless, Paramore, Tally Hall, Pierce The Veil, and Sleeping With Sirens are probably my top five.
🎀 What's something you miss?
🎀 What's your favourite song?
I don't think I really have a favourite song but my top song on Spotify every year is always Make Me Wanna Die by The Pretty Reckless so I guess that's my favourite.
🎀 How old are you?
🎀 What's your zodiac sign?
I'm a Gemini but I don't really know what that means other than that I'm apparently evil.
🎀 What do you look for in a partner?
I don't know
🎀 What's your favourite quote?
'I'm just a girl'
🎀 Who's your favourite actor?
Anya Taylor-Joy, she's so gorgeous and smart and she always chooses great projects (except for that one time when she was in the Play Mobil movie). She's probably my favourite scream queen too.
🎀 What's your favourite colour?
Probably really obvious but pink
🎀 Loud or soft music?
🎀 Where do you go when you're sad?
Notes app
🎀 How long does it take you to shower?
When I'm not crying, less than ten minutes
🎀 How long does it take you to get ready in the morning?
Usually about 10-20 minutes
🎀 Have you ever been in a physical fight?
I have a brother so yeah
🎀 What's a turn on for you?
Guys with long hair, mainly because of Kellin Quinn
🎀 What's a turn off for you?
Guys calling girls 'females'
🎀 Why did you join Tumblr?
I was bored
🎀 What are you afraid of?
Looking dumb and doing badly in school
🎀 What was the last thing that made you cry?
Probably my mom arguing with me the last time we had lunch together.
🎀 When was the last time you said you loved someone?
I think it was to one of my friends but I'm not sure
🎀 What is the meaning behind your username?
It came from the Falling In Reverse song I'm Not a Vampire. There's not really a reason why I chose that song specifically, I just really like vampires. Originally my username was just going to be imnotavampire with no numbers, but that was taken so I added a 13 into vampire.
🎀 What was the last book you read?
Lapvona by Ottessa Moshfegh. I might write a whole post about it because I really enjoyed it.
🎀 What book are you currently reading?
Cleopatra and Frankenstein by Coco Mellors
🎀 What is the relationship between you and the last person you texted?
She's my mom
🎀 What is your favourite food?
Probably apples because they're the thing I eat the most
🎀 What is a place you want to visit?
I would really love to visit the Palace of Versailles. It looks so beautiful and I'm so jealous of all of the French queens who got to live there.
🎀 Where is the last place you were?
Panera Bread parking lot
🎀 Do you have a crush?
Yes, on thirty year old emo men
🎀 When was the last time you kissed someone?
I've never kissed anyone
🎀 When was the last time you were insulted?
The aforementioned lunch with my mom
🎀 What is your favourite flavour of sweets?
Strawberry. I'm so addicted to strawberry flavoured things that someone could tell me their vomit is strawberry flavoured and I'd probably try it.
🎀 What instruments do you play?
I play guitar
🎀 What is your favourite piece of jewellery?
Probably the skeleton bracelet I mentioned before because I wear it the most and my mom hates it.
🎀 What was the last sport you played?
If taking ballet as an elective in middle school counts then ballet
🎀 What is the last song you sang?
I sing a lot so I'm not really sure. Probably Bubblegum Bitch by Marina because I sing it all the time.
🎀 What is your favourite pick up line?
It's a toss up between 'Dang, girl, are you a construction worker? Because you are BUILDING,' and 'I want your bull in my Bronx.'
🎀 Have you ever used it?
No but I will
🎀 When was the last time you hung out with someone?
I have no idea. Really all I do is just rot in my room.
🎀 Who should answer these questions next?
Anyone else who also wants to overshare on the Internet
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That's it, byeeeee!! ˚。⋆୨୧˚♡
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theghostbunnie · 1 year
Hey, I just want you to know I really like your work! It's beautiful and really creative, and I think you understand these characters to a T, cause your headcanons are extremely in character.
Speaking of which: do you have any headcanons for David and Gwen, both individually and as friends?
AAAAAAAAAAAA TYSM THAT'S SO SWEET 💖💖💖💖 I tried to awnser this the other day but realized I was multiple paragraphs into a character analysis and not HCs (if any of you guys left me an ask and I haven't awnsered it yet I still always appreciate it I probably just plan to draw something for it or haven't got the time rn)
When David says something like "before nature took me against her bosom I was in clown school in france" (I'm not kidding he says bosom lmaooo) but he knew he loved nature at age 10, so either he was there before age 10 or the nature not yet embracing him bit meant he was withheld from it. Either his mother sent him there (cannonicaly doesn't have a dad) or he had the WEIRDEST college "figure yourself out, experiment" phase and I'm guessing the latter. He had a sudden spark of a new special interest and wanted to try pursuing it but his clowning instructor(?) scared him out of it after awhile.
I HC David wanted to be a clown bc he loved all the family friendly etiquette rules especially, ontop of the obvious making people happy and entertained.
David cannonicaly loves the zodiac signs and allthat and potential hot take but that man is a Sagittarius ♐.
David is stubborn and I feel this is an obvious fact about him but I wanna go further in depth with a HC that sometimes if he doesn't like something he won't just be in a general ol denial about it, he will full heartedly actually believe hisown truth instead.
Maybe not a "David as an individual" HC but I like to believe he respects, and likes QM's company alot! (When the man isn't being *too* off-putting) like when he's telling that ghost story about respecting your elders we see a cabin with a framed picture of silhouettes that look like QM were related to them and even the book in the story has that octopus God on it. So I assumed that was actually a real place somewhere in the woods David saw at one point/QM took him to. Either during his time as an employee or a camper himself. Also Quarter Master seems *at times* to be annoyed at David. Not like body language or facial exspressions I just get that vibe from his attitude and phrasing. He lied when he told him "fighting animals is apart of his culture" to get him to leave him alone about it I just know it.
Gwen is an anime watching "otaku" or atleast had a phase and has probably watched unheard of semi f*tish series that only lasted 10-12 episodes with really long title names. Genuinely rewatching the show so much of her screentime is hating her job in different ways or reading, writing, or playing VR 🌽. Or being a hopeless romantic. (She could've stayed with Graggle but only liked him for her monster f*tish and to romanticize herself as this YA novel MC)
She definitely LOVES x reader fics and takes on a slightly new persona in her fantasies.
I HC her with a bit of stage fright and her love for music being casual instead of a passion, that ontop of wanting to make something for herself is why she didn't piggyback off her dad's career and go into music. His career did atleast pay for whatever degree she wanted to persue (how she was able to get so many) and her fear of wasted potential is what made her have so many to begin with.
She partially willingly puts herself into positions where she gets burnt out to the point she's gotten kinda used to it.
So that's kinda why she can call it out early in David and tell him when he needs to have a break in that one EP.
David offering Gwen to read one of her stories she writes to the campers leads me to either believe he doesn't know what she writes is 🌽 or that and she also shares her sfw writing with him to get his opinion. (Which is nearly always positive but I feel like people forget David has his moments even if HE'S unaware of em) like "This chapter is excellent, Gwen!! Gosh, I'm just on the edge of my seat!! And there's only half the grammar mistakes of last time! :DD" and he fully means that as a compliment.
David also definitely got Gwen into astrology. She only cares about learning facts about her own, finding out the birthdays of celebrity and fictional characters and then seeing if they're compatible. Woman with identity issues? Eats it up.
They both loved Bob Ross before they met and it was one of the first things they bonded over as they were becoming friends. I HC Gwen was chipper at the job at the very first bit but it QUICKLY wore her down, David going off that first impression kept his excited team-loving liking of her, where as Gwen as she got to know him over those first weeks grew really annoyed with him as a coworker, but once getting to know him further than that the friendship started to become mutual.
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taeyongdoyoung · 2 years
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pairing: seungmin x gn!reader 
side couple: OC daisy x minho
genre: strangers to academic rivals to platonic soulmates
author’s note: this is a special gift for my golden rejiever @serizawasan i sincerely hope they like it because i put my soul into it 🥺
word count: 5.7k
spotify playlist
It was a rainy summer night when you met Kim Seungmin. Your friend Daisy wanted to support her boyfriend's band at some bar and she had dragged you with her against your will. Only you hadn't expected to enjoy the experience so much. Whenever the weather was rainy, you were generally the type to opt for staying inside, reading a book with a cup of coffee in your hand. You didn't like huge crowds or talking to strangers, they made you anxious. But this was different. The bar wasn't too big and you were together with Daisy, so it wasn't that bad. And her boyfriend's band was pretty good, actually. Especially the guitarist. There was something about him that captivated you. It was as if he was pouring all his emotions into the song. Just playing an instrument wasn't enough. He had something special. You didn't know him and yet, you could instinctively tell there was a hidden lonelines about him. You could relate to that. Even when you were surrounded by people, you felt...alone. Something about the handsome stranger's eyes told you that he was just like you.
After the band's performance was over, your friend Daisy hurried to congratulate her boyfriend.
"You were great, babe! As always," she exclaimed and kissed his cheek.
"I know," Minho responded with a smirk. "I see you brought your friend," he pointed out, tilting his head in your direction.
"Yeah, this is Y/N. I've told you about them!"
"Nice to finally meet you," Minho shook your hand. "Did you enjoy our performance?"
"Yeah, it was alright," you murmured and mentally slapped forehead. Alright was an understatement. They were super good! Especially the guitarist.
Minho chuckled as if he could see right through you. Maybe he could. You remembered Daisy once mentioning you had the same zodiac sign as her boyfriend. What if there was some telepathical connection between Scorpios?
"Alright, well, me and the guys are gonna get some drinks. You want anything?"
You shook your head, while Daisy asked for a strawberry margarita. With Minho out of earshot, she immediately asked:
"Why didn't you order a drink? You're gonna need one if you wanna talk to the guitarist."
"I hate you for being so perceptive," you rolled your eyes.
"You love me," Daisy stuck her tongue out at you. "His name is Kim Seungmin, in case you're interested. I could introduce you."
"I'm not interested," you denied. "And even if I was, how am I supposed to even talk to him? You know how awkward I get around strangers."
"Well, technically, he's not a stranger," Daisy pointed out. "He's my boyfriend's friend...so that makes him a friend of a friend?"
"Minho is not my friend," you replied.
"Ouch," Daisy placed a hand on her heart, feigning offence. "Anyways, the offer still stands."
"Thanks, but I'll pass."
Daisy shrugged, about to let it go, when Minho that damned menace had to waltz in and ruin your solitude.
"Brought you your drink," he told Daisy. "And also brought Seungmin."
"Hi," Seungmin greeted shyly.
Oh, no. Why was his voice as pretty as him?
"You know my girlfriend Daisy," Minho said. "And this is her friend Y/N," you were introduced before you could argue against it.
"Lovely to meet you," he shook your hand, his grip firm and yet gentle, for some reason making you wish you could hold his hand forever. "What did you think of our performance?"
"You were pretty amazing. I mean, it...the performance...I mean..." Gosh, you wanted the earth to swallow you whole.
"Huh," Minho eyed you suspiciously. "A few moments ago, they said it was just alright," he quoted you.
That traitor.
"Shh," Daisy pressed her palm against her boyfriend's mouth and pulled him to the side, attempting to give you and Seungmin some privacy to get to know each other. Your adored your friend but this was a terrible idea.
"Thanks, uhm...I'm glad you had fun," Seungmin mumbled, scratching the back of his head.
"It was like...when you were performing, you conveyed all of your emotions and they poured out of you, captivating everyone. Music is not as easy as just learning how to play. Not that playing an instrument is easy. It totally isn't. I mean...there's much more to it. You managed to express all this tenderness and yearning and...loneliness. It was absolutely brilliant and I couldn't keep my eyes off you. Sorry if this got...too personal. I don't usually share that much with strangers."
Seungmin stared at you puppy-eyed, completely awestruck by what you'd just told him.
"Don't apologize. This is the most profound feedback I've ever received about my music. I appreciate it. Truly."
You nodded, not sure what to say next. Unfortunately, Seungmin took your silence for lack of interest in getting to know him better.
"Right, erm, I'll get going. I'm pretty tired and..."
"You don't have to explain yourself to me," you responded coldly. Damnit, you hoped you hadn't come off as rude. You just...had difficulties maintaing a normal conversation. You couldn't do small talk. You either lapsed into a monologue that was way too deep for a first meeting or into silence.
"Right," he said again. "I hope you come to more of our gigs. See you around."
"See ya."
You didn't come to any of the band's performances despite your friend begging you multiple times.
You hadn't expected to run into Seungmin ever again. But fate seemed to have other plans. With the arrival of the first cold winds of autumn, it was time for university to start. And you were beyond surprised to find him in your class. You wondered if he remembered you. Some part of you hoped he didn't, you didn't want to recall how vulnerable you'd been that night. A hidden part of you hoped he did, that you'd left a kind of trace, small as it was, in his mind. Because you hadn't been able to forget him, no matter how much you tried to focus on other things.
He didn't approach you the first couple of weeks. And neither did you. Maybe it was for the best. Maybe all was forgotten. But then, you started noticing something that rubbed you the wrong way. Despite both you and Seungmin having the highest grades in your class, the professors treated him differently than you. They were so nice to him, constantly praising him for his hard work. That was so unfair! You were sacrificing your sleep, your mental health and your social life in order to be perfect. But the professors didn't seem to notice you. They were always talking about Seungmin. Especially Mr. Kim. You wondered if they were related, having the same surname and all that.
"They became so buddy-buddy in the span of weeks!" you complained to Daisy over the phone one evening.
"In what sense?" she wanted to know more.
"I overheard Seungmin calling Mr. Kim by his first name Namjoon!" you groaned. "I wish that was me."
"Alexa play Daddy Issues by The Neighbourhood," Daisy giggled.
"Shut uuup. Whose side are you on?"
"Yours, angel. Always. If you want me to murder Seungmin for you, I will. Want me to hide a body? I've already dug the grave."
"You're terrible," you sighed loudly.
"I love you, too," Daisy chuckled. "Try to get some sleep, yeah? You have a morning class tomorrow, right?"
"Ugh, don't remind me. I'll have to see Seungmin's face again. I'll need at least three coffees to get me through the day."
"Take care of yourself, sweetie."
"Good night, Daisy," you murmured and hung up.
The next day was a day from hell. First, you'd overslept and were 10 minutes late for your class, which made you feel like shit. You hated the judgemental look professors had on their faces whenever a student walked inside the lecture hall, filled with half-asleep students who had miraculously gotten there on time. Ugh. Then, you had to wait in a ridiculously long queue during your break because you couldn't possibly function without the daily dose of caffeine. To top it all, during your final class for the day you found out you had to work in a group project. With none other than Kim Seungmin. Great.
You groaned loud enough for the entire room to hear you. Oh, shit.
"What's up with you lately?" Seungmin confronted you after the class.
"What do you mean?" you raised your eyebrows.
"I mean, back in the summer, you were so nice to me about my music. And now that we're in the same class, you glare at me like I stole your lunch money. What did I ever do to you?"
"None of your business," you snapped at him without meaning to.
"It's going to be my business if we're to work together on this project. Don't make this more difficult, darling."
"I'm not your darling," you hissed. Despite your first impression of him being rather positive, the more he talked, the more you wanted to shut him up. Also, why on earth did the professors prefer him over you? You were twice as hard-working and much nicer...to those who deserved it, anyways.
"Fine, whatever," Seungmin lifted his arms in frustration. "Meet you tomorrow after class at Starbucks."
"What?" you blinked in shock.
"To work on the project, dumbass," Seungmin grinned.
"Don't call me that."
"Did you think I was asking you out?" he teased. "In your dreams."
"Everything about you is a nightmare," you groaned.
"Don't be late, darling," Seungmin warned. "Unless you want to fall behind on this course."
You were indeed in danger of falling. But not in an academic sense.
The following day was way better. You got to class on time and you were feeling more energized. Of course, it wasn't entirely helpful that you had to listen to your favourite professor Mr. Kim constantly praise Seungmin for his incredible work on the recent assignment and his outstaning class participation. You were sick of it. You were giving your best and no one cared.
"You should cut down on coffee," Seungmin commented after seeing you get what appeared to be the third cup for the day at Starbucks.
"You should keep your nose out of it," you replied, while purposefully maintaining eye contact while sipping your drink. This was so unlike you. During your first meeting with Seungmin, you'd been so nervous and awkward. Now that he was your academic rival, you were behaving like a totally different person. You didn't know why.
"I'm just worried about you," he shrugged.
"Why?" you were surprised by his sincerity.
"Because if you get sick, who'll help me finish this group project?" Seungmin joked.
"As if you need my help," you bit on your tongue a second too late. The words were already out.
"So, this is what it's about."
You didn't want to give him the satisfaction but he had already gotten close enough to the truth.
"Yes. I'm exhausted of busting my ass for nothing. The professors always prefer you. I'm sick of it, alright? I just want someone to tell me I'm doing a good job for once! All of my efforts go unnoticed."
"They don't go unnoticed."
"Yeah? Name one person who-"
"I notice."
You didn't know how to react. On the one hand, you were touched by his words. But on the other hand, you were still too frustrated to let him win.
"Yeah, well, you're not Mr. Kim," you blurted out.
"I could be whatever you wish to call me," Seungmin responded with a wink.
"Ew, gross," you grimaced. "Let's work on the project."
But the stupid tall boy seemed to have another idea.
"I notice," he repeated gently. "The way you bite your lips when you're really focused on something. The way you always have an extra pen or two in case someone in our class would need it. The way your notes are so tidy and how you highlight the important stuff. The way the left side of your kanken backpack is slightly torn but you don't want to throw it away because it's served you well for so long. The way you carry a little golden retriever keychain, hanging onto the belt loop of your jeans. The way your eyes light up when you are passionate about the topic you're speaking of. The way your smile is brighter than the stars and your pupils sparkle, made up of constellations. The way you don't want me to stop talking to you even if you pretend to dislike it. Trust me, I notice."
You gulped on nothing, unable to form a coherent sentence. This was the most beautiful thing anyone's ever said to you. And no words you could come up with appeared to be an adequate response.
"W-why are you telling me all this?" you sniffled. You hoped he didn't catch that.
"Because you deserve to hear it," Seungmin said laconically. Simple as that. "Okay, time to get started on this project."
You didn't press him further. But you were afraid by the time you were done with this project, sleep wouldn't be the only thing you'd lose.
"He's so annoying!" you exclaimed to your friend Daisy as you two were browsing through the shelves at the university library.
"If he annoys you so much, why don't you just ignore him?" Daisy pointed out.
"I can't. We have this project..."
"We're here now, it should be a welcome distraction. For someone you claim to dislike so much, you sure talk about him an awful lot."
You avoided her eyes, neither denying it nor confirming it.
"Oh my God. You like him!"
"He is the bane of my existence. The darkness himself. The worst thing about university."
"He's a human-sized puppy," Daisy chuckled, nudging your shoulder. "Admit it."
"Never," you were adamant.
"You'll eat your words one of these days."
"The only things I'll be eating are chicken nuggets."
Despite your initial reservations, the more time you spent around Seungmin, working on this project, the more you realized how nice he was, how easy it was to talk to him about anything, really, not just discussing your academic work. You had a gradual change of heart but something else changed, as well. You noticed that more and more of the professors started acknowledging your hard work and praising you for it. At first, you took it for granted and just thought maybe your valiant efforts were finally starting to pay off. But when Mr. Kim (who never complimented anyone besides Seungmin) said you did a good job on your most recent assignment, you just felt something was wrong. Not that you weren't enjoying the attention, you totally were. But it was so sudden it appeared suspicious. After your class, you were supposed to meet Seungmin to work on the final elements of the project.
"Did you ask the professors to praise me every once in a while?" you confronted him instead of greeting him.
"Noo," Seungmin replied but he avoided your glare. He was a terrible liar.
"Just tell me the truth!" you groaned, exasperated by everything associated with Kim Seungmin.
"I thought it'd make you happy," he attempted to justify your actions. "I thought you'd no longer see me as a threat if-"
"Seungmin!" you exclaimed angrily. "I want them to praise me because I'm actually doing a good job, not because you bribed them into it!"
"I didn't bribe them!" Seungmin responded. "Just told them I think it's unfair they only pay attention to me when you're studying just as hard. I'm sorry, I know it was morally wrong to do that but...I didn't think you'd figure it out so quickly."
"That's right. For all your high grades, you never think, do you?" you sighed.
"I'm an F, of course I don't think," Seungmin tried to alleviate the tension at the café.
"Not the right time for jokes, Kim," you hissed at him.
"Look, I'm really sorry. How can I make it up to you? I can buy you coffee for the rest of the academic year or bring you homemade brownies that my roommate Felix keeps making."
"As tempting as these offers sound, I don't want you to exploit your poor roommate. Besides, I have something else in mind."
"Anything!" Seungmin promised immediately.
"I hate speaking in front of an audience. I know we worked on it together but...I would realy appreciate it if you presented."
"Done, done, I'm on it!" he agreed rightaway. "I promise I won't let you down."
"Thanks," you nodded, feeling a little better. You had been so nervous about next week but knowing Seungmin would present was such a relief. Wait, why were you thanking him? He owed you one for the stunt he'd pulled. "I mean, cool."
"Right," Seungmin chuckled. "So, let's finish this thing."
"Can't wait," you lied. You had to admit to yourself, you would miss talking to Seungmin so often. Accidentally brushing your hand against his pretty long fingers while writing, seeing his stunning smile, listening to his velvety voice, smelling his captivating perfume...He smelled like autumn and midnight rain, like the fur of a baby golden retriever after hopping in puddles for too long. His smiles were sunshine-personified and filled with so much warmth you felt you would burn if you got too close. His voice was like the most bittersweet melody you'd ever heard. His fingers were delicate, like an anguished writer's or a lonesome piano player. Wait, what was wrong with you? Since when had you remembered each detail about him? You were grateful Seungmin couldn't read minds or else this would have been very embarrassing.
The next week arrived sooner than expected. As did the day of the presentation. You were quite relaxed before the class since Seungmin had promised he'd talk but you'd still decided to go through the main points and conclusions you'd drawn while preparing the project. Later, you would be grateful to yourself for doing so. The class began and Seungmin was nowhere to be seen. You messaged him a couple of times but there was no response. Luckily, the other groups would present first so you were still hopeful Seungmin would show up, albeit rather late. You were starting to panic when your turn arrived. Still no Seungmin.
"Y/N, the floor is yours," the professor said.
"Seungmin was supposed to present," you mumbled anxiously.
"That's not an excuse. Either do it yourself or you'll both get failed for this course," the professor said.
You had no choice but to go through with it. Your hands were shaking and you felt your heart thumping loudly in your chest. You tried to ease your breathing and focus to the best of your abilities. You felt as if the entire world was on the verge of collapsing on top of you. Everything was too much. You somehow managed to convey the most important ideas you'd developed in the project. You went through the presentation slides and explained some of the information on there.
At the end of the presentation, the professor seemed pleased enough by your performance to give you the highest grade possible and grant you with a reassuring smile. But you felt no satisfaction. You knew you had forgotten some of the facts in the project. But that wasn't what troubled you the most. Seungmin had let you down. He'd promised he would do this one thing you asked him to. And he hadn't even bothered to show up. You felt deeply disappointed. You knew you shouldn't have gotten your hopes up. But it still hurt. You needed to talk to someone. As soon as class ended, you messaged your friend on your way home.
You: I'm so upset
Daisy: What happened? Who do I have to kill?
You: Seungmin 🔪
Daisy: My boyfriend won't be very happy about that but anything for my favourite bee 💜
You: I knew I could count on you but actually I'm not texting to discuss murder plans. Can you ask Minho to send me Seungmin's location?
Daisy: Uh oh, you want to kill the giant puppy yourself?
You: I'm just gonna talk to him 🙂
Daisy: Why is the smiley face more concerning? But dw, I'll ask Minho
Five minutes later, you received a text from Daisy's boyfriend with Seungmin's coordinates.
Minho: Try not to kill my ex 🙄
Minho: Why are you so surprised? Didn't Daisy tell you?
You: She probably thought it wasn't her secret do divulge...
As much as you were shocked, you knew your friend always had your best interest at heart so you couldn't exactly blame her.
Minho: It wasn't exactly a secret, I thought you knew. I mean, it wasn't a bad break-up so I didn't even bother deleting our old photos.
You: Sorry, I don't have the habit of stalking your social media
Minho: Your loss. My posts are outstanding. And my followership is huge.
You: So is your ego 🙂
Minho: Ouch 💔 I give you my ex's address for whatever reason you need it and this is all the thanks I get?
You: Thanks. Bye!
You closed the chat with Minho and walked towards Seungmin's home. It was nearby and you couldn't wait until you got there so that you could kick his ass for leaving you to present all by yourself.
Once you'd arrived at the door, you knocked angrily. You were greeted by a golden-haired boy with freckles whom you'd never seen before. You put two and two together.
"You must be Felix," you smiled. "I'm Seungmin's partner for this project at our university."
"Yeah, um, hi," Felix replied.
"I'm here to see Seungmin. Is he inside?"
"He is but now is not a good time."
"Not a good time? That asshole promised he would present our project and he didn't even-"
"He's really sick," Felix explained. "Like, high fever, excessive coughing, runny nose level of sick."
"Did he make you cover for him?" you were distrustful.
"No!" Felix was shocked. "If you don't believe me, you're free to walk inside and see for yourself."
You didn't wait to be asked twice as you made yourself at home. Felix showed you the way to Seungmin's room. When you saw him lying on his bed, curled up in fetal position, used tissues lying on the floor, his hair glistening with sweat, all your anger dissipated into thin air. You immediately felt bad for assuming the worst of him, when the reality was he had been struggling, as well. Just in a different way. You debated leaving because you thought he was asleep, but apparently, you'd been mistaken.
"You can stay if you want," Seungmin mumbled weakly.
"Seungmin, I'm so-"
"I'm sorry I couldn't present," he beat you to it. You had meant to apologize for showing up uninvited but Seungmin, as usual, was one step ahead of you.
"It's okay," you whispered.
"Did the presentation go well?" Seungmin wanted to know.
"You look like shit and you're worried about the presentation?" you were in disbelief.
"Thanks," Seungmin chuckled humourlessly.
"I didn't mean it like that. Can I get you something? I've heard soup or fruits help."
"I appreciate it but Felix already gave me those. You should go if you don't want to catch anything."
"A few moments ago you told me to stay," you were confused by all the mixed signals. Did Seungmin want you gone or not?
"I mean...it's really nice that you're here but I wouldn't wish such a bad flu on my worst enemy."
"Am I your worst enemy, then?" you teased.
"Not even close," Seungmin shook his head.
"I used to think you were mine," you confessed reluctantly.
"And now?"
"Now I'm not so sure anymore," you were tearing up. You didn't even know why. When had Seungmin started to mean so much for you?
"I'm the one down with the flu and yet you're the one who seems to need comforting more," Seungmin observed.
"I don't," you denied the truth. "I'm strong enough to handle everything myself."
"That's the thing. You don't need to. Everything you've been keeping...you can let it out. I'm right here."
You didn't realize what got into you as you rushed into his arms without thinking, burying your head into his chest. Once the tears started falling, there was no way to stop them.
"I'm so exhausted, Seungmin. Of always trying to be perfect. Of always doing my best and my best never being good enough to satisfy everyone. I'm so sick of it. I just want to exist comfortably as a human being without having to constantly prove myself. Is this too much to ask for?"
"It's not, darling," Seungmin held you tightly. "And you're wrong. You are more than enough. You don't have to be perfect, it's okay if you mess up every once in a while. And if anyone tells you otherwise, they're a fool. I'm so proud of you, alright? I'm sure you did an amazing job on the presentation and though I feel guilty for not being there for you, I am now. And will continue to be for as long as you'll have me."
"I told you not to call me darling," you said seriously but you weren't even angry. You'd needed to hear this so much. You hadn't even known how badly.
"Yeah, well, try to stop me, darling," Seungmin chuckled and kissed your forehead quickly, taking you by surprise.
"You're such an ass," you groaned but your words carried no venom. However, you couldn't wipe your grin off your face. You'd come here to yell at Seungmin and you'd ended up feeling like he understood you better than anyone. So much for him being the bane of your existence. Daisy would never let you hear the end of it once she found out. "Speaking of asses, why didn't you tell me Minho was your ex?"
"Didn't think it was relevant to our project," Seungmin shrugged.
"It's not but considering he's currently dating my friend Daisy, I think I ought to know more. Why did you two break up anyway?"
"We wanted different things. Our separation was amiable and by mutual consent."
"You make it sound like it was a divorce," you couldn't help but laugh. "Can't you be a little more specific?"
"It's...a sensitive topic."
"Come on, I had a whole breakdown in front of you. I think we're past that."
Seungmin sighed reluctantly but started talking anyway.
"As you've probably figured out already, Minho and Daisy are very...sexual beings. Not that it's a bad thing! It's just...not my thing."
"Oh," you knew exactly what Seungmin meant.
"Like...when I see a person that appears interesting, my wish is to get to know them on an emotional and intellectual level. Minho can't go one day without touching butts, which...good for him, I guess, but I never saw the appeal of it. I think him and Daisy work together so much better than I ever did with him. I'm just wired differently. I don't know if this makes sense..."
"It makes perfect sense!" you exclaimed. "This will probably sound weird but when I met you in the summer, I felt like you were similar to me in that regard, like you can "get" me. But then, you left so abruptly and I figured it was all in my imagination."
"I left because I thought I was making you feel uncomfortable!" Seungmin admitted.
"You weren't! I mean...I'm always awkward like that, in case you haven't noticed."
"Now I know (insert Doyoung meme). And it wasn't."
"Wasn't what?"
"Wasn't just your imagination. I also felt that way when you said that thing about the yearning and the loneliness. You have no idea how happy I was when I saw you in my class. And how sad I was when you were ignoring me."
"I thought you didn't even remember me," you laughed.
"You're pretty difficult to forget," Seungmin replied but your conversation was cut short by a strong coughing fit coming from him.
"Right, I should probably leave you to...um, recover. Sorry for outstaying my welcome or whatever," you mumbled nervously.
"You're always welcome," Seungmin but his usually velvety voice was now too quiet to hear.
"Still, I'll get going. I hope you feel better soon."
He grabbed your wrist before you could get up from the bed.
"We'll resume this conversation once I'm back to university, yes?"
"Yeah, of course," you agreed rightaway, even though you weren't sure what more there was to say. All you knew was that you didn't want to stop talking to Seungmin. Even with the project over, Seungmin's presence in your life had become a constant you couldn't imagine losing.
The next day you received a message from him while you were in class.
Seungmin: I miss you 🥺
You weren't ready to admit that to him yet but you missed him, too. Instead, you changed the subject.
You: Do you fell better?
Seungmin: Not really but I'm sure talking to you will help
You: As much as I'd like to help, I still have to take notes
Seungmin: Nerd. You're just like me frr
That made you chuckle but then you remembered where you were and pressed your hand against your mouth.
You: I can send you photos of my notes if you want. Ttyl
Seungmin: Much appreciated. The offer for me buying you coffee still stands
You didn't see his message until after your classes ended but you decided to tease him, albeit with a delay.
You: Are you asking me out?
Seungmin: Maybe I am (insert Levi quote)
You: I don't do romance
Seungmin: Who said anything about romance?
You: I'm super confused right now
Seungmin: I'll try to explain when we meet up in person
You sighed, because you couldn't wait until Seungmin was back. Stupid flu. And yet, if it wasn't for it, maybe you wouldn't have been bold enough to show up at his place. Maybe both of you wouldn't have been in the right mindset to share the things you did with each other. Or maybe you would. But in a different context. You didn't believe in fate but the way you met him in the summer and then been put to work together on the same project at university seemed like a strange string of coincidences.
Three days later, Seungmin finally returned, healthy enough to function properly. You sneaked glances at him during class, nervously anticipating your next conversation, which was bound to happen after the lecture ended. Usually, all your braincells focused on the topic the professor taught, but now your mind was racing through the possible outcomes of what Seungmin might say. Before you knew it, the class was over and you could see Seungmin coming your way. He was so tall and his hair was so dark. Just how you liked your coffee. You mentally reprimanded yourself for being lame and tried to gather your bearings.
"Hi," he greeted you simply.
"Hi," you replied. Gosh, why was this so awkward? As if you were meeting all over again.
"We should talk."
You didn't like how that sounded. So serious. And here, you thought you'd been making progress. You blinked in concern and followed him outside. You thought you would grab coffee but Seungmin surprised you by leading the way to some unfamiliar direction.
"Where are we going?" you asked.
"There's this cute pâtisserie nearby. You like sweet things, right?"
"You've noticed!" you were touched by how observant Seungmin was when it came to you.
"I told you I notice," he repeated his words from one of your earlier conversations.
When you arrived at the place, you ordered a brownie and a macaron, while Seungmin wanted a croffle. Once you two were seated at a table, you were a bundle of nerves. It was only a matter of time before Seungin brought up the fact that you had unfinished business.
"Don't freak out."
"I won't."
"I think you're my platonic soulmate," Seungmin blurted out.
You didn't know what to say. In all sincerity, you've had similar observations, as well. You just hadn't been sure whether it'd be appropriate to address them. From your first encounter with Seungmin, you'd felt an immediate connection. And the more you got to know him, the more you had become certain that he understood you better than anyone. You didn't have to pretend to be someone you weren't. You could just...be.
"I think you are mine, too," you admitted.
Seungmin's smile immediately lit up the room. Sunshine. You could tell he'd been worried to bring this up.
"What is this, a cowboy movie?" you joked.
"Do you have to argue with me about everything?" Seungmin groaned.
"Howdy, partner," you kept messing with him.
It was a rainy autumn night. Your soulmate Seungmin had dragged you to a rooftop against your will. The two of you were lying next to each other, stargazing and cuddled up under the warm blanket. Only you hadn't expected to enjoy the experience so much. When it rained, you liked to be alone. But so did Seungmin. Maybe you could be alone together. The dark sky contrasted with the bright stars felt oddly comforting. Like a hug from a golden retriever. Like the sun's rays on a particularly cold day. Like the sound of a heartfelt symphony.
"This is nice," you murmured reluctantly.
"Told you you'd like it," Seungmin responded confidently.
"Do you always have to be right?"
"Would you prefer if I was left?" he teased.
"Asshole," you rolled your eyes affectionately.
"Darling," Seungmin flicked your nose playfully.
Brief silence reigned between the two of you. But even silence was comfortable with him.
"What do you see me as?" Seungmin asked seriously.
"I once saw you as my soulmate in this life," you purposefully used the past tense. Banter with him was your favourite pastime.
"I still am," he replied sincerely, taking you by surprise.
You smiled fondly.
"Oh, look, it's a shooting star!" you exclaimed. "We should make a wish."
Seungmin gripped you tighter without saying anything. But he didn't have to. You weren't going anywhere.
"What did you wish for?" you wanted to know once the star had finished its fall.
"If I tell you, it won't come true," Seungmin explained.
"Oh, come on. You can tell me anything."
"Everything I wish for is right here."
For once, you decided not to argue.
He was sunshine, I was midnight rain He wanted it comfortable, I wanted that pain He stayed the same, All of me changed like midnight
The End
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realcube · 4 months
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˚ʚ♡ɞ˚ matchup for @2shinebright
˚ʚ♡ɞ˚ if you would like a matchup, read this!
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'Zodiac sign: Taurus'
𓆩♡𓆪  i'm not a zodiac sign expert but i found this excerpt online from horoscope dot com that SO accurately describes the dynamic i think would occur between you and todoroki, it's kinda insane
𓆩♡𓆪 (oh and todoroki is a capricorn btw)
𓆩♡𓆪 "Taurus loves Capricorn's strength and ambition, while Capricorn adores Taurus' affectionate nature and stability. Taurus is devoted and Capricorn is loyal, so it can be a lasting relationship."
𓆩♡𓆪  here's the rest of the article if you wanna read it yourself
𓆩♡𓆪  like c'mon?? how crazy is that
𓆩♡𓆪  because todoroki is shown to be an strong and resilient character through and through , while you mention in your request being very physically affectionate
𓆩♡𓆪 so yeah, like the website says, coming from a household that is extremely volatile and puts a lot of pressure on him, he'd definitely appreciate your caring and affectionate nature as that's something he probably doesn't get to experience too often
𓆩♡𓆪  and he doesn't tell you how much he likes it but you can quite clearly tell....
𓆩♡𓆪  like whenever you hold his hand or give him a hug, he does tense at first because it's not something he's used to but after a couple times, it's something he learns to cherish and anticipates
𓆩♡𓆪  he has a look on his face whenever something good happens (kinda like this emoticon o_O ) and you now recognise it has the face he makes when he is expecting a hug or some sort of physical affection because tbh it's going to take a couple YEARS before he is comfortable initiating physical contact
'A simple coffee date, and maybe a walk after. It’s ideal in its simplicity, it can be done at anytime, and you can show up as you are. It can even be a study date!'
𓆩♡𓆪 this is 100% todoroki's vibe
𓆩♡𓆪 especially the "study date" part but like...
𓆩♡𓆪 you'll mention you're going to study at x time and he'll be like let me join you, two minds are better than one, and then you'll meet him for a 'study date' at a coffee shop or library or wtv and get ZERO actual studying done lmao
𓆩♡𓆪 just straight talking the whole time
𓆩♡𓆪 at the beginning of the date todoroki might pretend to be studying because he wants to get a feel for whether you are down to talk casually like he is or if you actually came to get real studying done
𓆩♡𓆪 and i say pretend because he is NOT studying fr, he's using 100% of his brain power trying to figure out if you're into him or not
𓆩♡𓆪 and yes that takes 100% of his brain power... he is too clueless...
𓆩♡𓆪 like he is not used to this whole dating and romance thing.. heck he isn't even used to liking or having crushes on people
𓆩♡𓆪 so he is so down for study and coffee dates because they feel the most casual and the least pressure
𓆩♡𓆪 although, maybe a while into the relationship, once he's super comfortable with you, he starts enjoying fine dining more
𓆩♡𓆪 but cute coffee and walk dates will always be IT for him
'If I’m feeling frustrated or angry, though? Sign me up for some GTA Online where I can take out my feelings on random players.'
𓆩♡𓆪 okay so when i read this it made me consider denki for you for a hot sec but i stand by todoroki bc hear me out...
𓆩♡𓆪 mans has been shown to be ... emotionally volatile to say the least
𓆩♡𓆪 he does have moments were he lashes out , especially in battle
𓆩♡𓆪(froze a whole city and for what ???)
𓆩♡𓆪 he defo has some repressed anger bubbling about in that gut of his
𓆩♡𓆪 so when he hears yelling coming from your room one day and he walks in to you screaming at your tv , ofc he is like "wtf??"
𓆩♡𓆪 then you explain the whole GTA online thing and how you're letting out all your bottled up emotions in a healthy manner by screaming at people online opposed to causing the second ice age
𓆩♡𓆪 and he thinks it's a bit strange at first until you insist he give it a try
𓆩♡𓆪 ...
𓆩♡𓆪 then he totally got it
𓆩♡𓆪 pro hero irl but in GTA todo is a menace to society: running over pedastrians, stealing cars, killing strippers??
𓆩♡𓆪 it honestly shocked you to your core but now it's a fun bonding activity for y'all
𓆩♡𓆪 whenever something frustrating happens irl that peeves you both off, you hop on GTA and rob banks together <3
𓆩♡𓆪 #couplegoals 💕
𓆩♡𓆪 and if you fight irl instead of being petty for ages and holding grudges, you log onto GTA and beef it out there
𓆩♡𓆪 but yeah todo is forever grateful to you for putting him on
for @2shinebright: yeah i was thinking kaminari at first but the study dates is really what made me think of todoroki instead
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