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DC Horror Presents: Creature Commandos (2024) #5 variant cover by Seba Fiumara
#art#dc comics#DC Horror Presents: Creature Commandos#creature commandos#vincent velcro#wanda griffith#frankenstein#mina rhodes#halloween#seba fiumara#variant cover
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My DC Cinematic Universe - Creature Commandos: Part II
Chapter Two: Weird War Tales
To start talking about the Creature Commandos, both the television show and the original comics, we should establish a bit of background. And that's more complicated than you may know. The Creature Commandos are one of those classic weird comic book ideas that turned into a cult classic, adapted more than you'd expect, and brought back in comics time and time again. As of me writing this essay, there have been four major incarnations of the Commandos in the comics, often composed of the same members, but switching it up every once in a while.
Before I launch into the comic book history, Id like to make something known: I am not a purist when it comes to adaptations. I see a HELL of a lot of merit in adaptations, and care more about faithfulness and informed decisions and adjustments. If the change makes sense, great. If it's a change that improves things, even better. If it's a change that actively detracts from the character or story, and betrays the original character concept...yeah, not ideal. I just need to say that because, with all of the shit I'm about to throw your direction, dear Reader, I want you to know that I KNOW it's crazy, and I understand that it couldn't really be kept as written.
Second thing I want to say here is that I'll be approaching this as I did my world-famous Superman essay series, which is to say that I'll be talking about characters from the comics, how they've been adapted, and how I would adapt them personally. It's also to say that I'll be thinking of my iteration of the Creature Commandos as a part of my personal DC Cinematic Universe, so this will share a continuity with my version of Superman. I'll also treat this as if I'm making an animated series based on the Creature Commandos of my very own, because I do think that's a good idea!
Last thing I'll say is this: I'll be giving two pitches and approaches for this hypothetical series: purist and adapted. Yeah, that "wolf" analogy was foreshadowing for this point. As I said, some material needs to be adapted. So, as I go along, I'll address whether or not a character should be adapted in a straight fashion or not, as well as applying that to this hypothetical series as a whole. So, yeah, that's what you're in for. Up ahead, I'll start just by talking about the original Creature Commandos. And to do that, we'll have to talk about something else: World War II.
I will, Tom Hanks, sir. I will. The Creature Commandos were introduced to the DC Comics universe in 1980, well after World War II, when comic books were at peak popularity. However, they were introduced in the classic comic book series Weird War Tales, written at the time by legendary comic book writer J. M. DeMatteis, who was inspired by the very concept of a book called "Weird War Tales." Lemme describe this series before anything else, because it's one in a long tradition of anthology series in DC Comics.
Originally launched in 1971, Weird War Tales told war stories from across history, incorporating horror story beats whenever possible. Understand, this was during the time of the tyrannical Comics Code Authority, which was meant to establish a conservative censorship in comics in response to backlash during the 1950s, thanks to a moral panic taking place at the time. Before then, comics were allowed to incorporate horror, unfettered violence, a little bit of sexuality, and all the stuff that makes stories fun to read. In other words, it created the Silver Age of Comic Books, forcing DC into the wacky, weird, and nonsensical. I mean, hell, it was so restrictive that author Marv Wolfman almost had to change his name because it was too scawy. Ridiculous.
However, when the '70s rolled around, the moral panic was coming to an end in the USA (to a certain degree), and changes to the code where made in 1971. In fact, comics were now being seen as a way to connect with the youth of America, leading to a number of stories about drugs and violence, meant to act as warnings and cautionary tales. This led to legendary stories in Marvel and DC, but also incidentally led to new opportunities for stories, including the return of horror comics. DC, formerly one of the kings of the genre (second, arguably, to the now dead EC Comics that created Tales from the Crypt), brought back multiple titles, like House of Mystery. In the process, they also created a new title: Weird War Tales.
The way these books worked, by the way, was that you would have a narrator introduce the book, maybe going through their own side story or drama at the moment, then would launch into a few stories, sometimes with a theme, and sometimes without. Said narrator was usually a creepy keeper of tales. The original Tales from the Crypt, of course, had the legendary Cryptkeeper. House of Mystery had Cain, who would be used to great acclaim and legacy by...an author who used to be prevalent on this platform, but has since been disgraced by certain allegations...and Weird War Tales, soon after it launched...had Death. And, no, not the one from that author's famous comic book series, I mean stereotypical Death.

The above iteration of Death, who changes appearance issue-to-issue, is seen in Issue #93 of Weird War Tales, in which he introduces "the weirdest warriors of all": the Creature Commandos! Yup, the titular characters finally make their appearance in this post. So, let's talk about them. If you're reading this essay, you've likely seen, or at least heard of the recent animated series and its now-beloved characters, so I don't really need to introduce them. But, hey, I'm a talker, so I will anyway:
Lt. Matthew Shrieve: an intelligence agent for the U.S. Army, Shrieve is the fully-human, unaltered member of the group, acting as their liaison with the government, and commanding them on the European front of World War II. However, he's the face of the operation. The person creating these monsters is...
Dr. Mazursky (never given a first name): The brilliant biochemist who developed various methods to turn men into monsters, in order to take advantage of the archetypes within the collective unconscious to frighten the enemy off the battlefield with real monsters! Kind of. With Shireve, he leads Project M...for Monster!

Private Warren Griffith AKA Wolfpack: A kid from Oklahoma who was denied from the military, due to his psychological disorder that makes him think he's a werewolf. However, Project M offered him the ability to serve his country, and actually turn into a werewolf! Kind of! Elective surgeries and chemical treatments grant him the ability to turn into a werewolf, independent of the lunar cycle, but still uncontrolled. Hence, he takes the codename Wolfpack!
Sergeant Vincent Velcoro (or Velcro, depending on the run): A suspected spy and information leak, Velcoro is given a choice: go to prison for 30 years, or get turned into an artificial vampire. He chooses the Morbius route, and becomes...Vincent Velcoro! He never gets an actual alias in the comics.
Private Elliot "Lucky"Taylor AKA Patchwork: A Marine private in the Pacific campaign of World War II, who accidentally steps on a land mine and gets blown to bits. Doctors go Frankenstein on him for weeks, putting him back together (without vocal cords) as the monstrous-but-mute Patchwork, a real Frankenstein's monster!
Dr. Myrra Rhodes, AKA Medusa: A later addition to the group, this plastic surgeon was transformed by mistake (and a mixture of spilled mysterious chemicals - remember OSHA guidelines for a safe disposal area, kids), with her hair transforming into snakes...and that's it. Um. Yeah. Medusa? Look, even the nostalgia can't save this one, this was a dumb one, not gonna lie. A group of chemicals, random-ass, medical-grade chemicals, turned her hair into snakes? No wonder Gunn didn't use this one.
...Oh, right! I assume the joke is through at this point, and we can acknowledge that NONE of these characters make an appearance in Gunn's Creature Commandos, except kind of one in the form of Mazursky, and even then...not really. But there is one more character, which we'll get to a bit later.
But yeah, obviously, this group is completely ignored by Gunn's iteration of the team. And this isn't without precedence, because this is just the FIRST version of these characters in the comics. If you would like to see this version in other media, though, feel free to check out either the two DC Nation shorts I've posted just above (which are kid-friendly translations of the characters), or the episode "Four-Star Spectacular" from Batman: The Brave and the Bold, which features the original team in one segment. There's also a DC Showcase with the team, Sgt. Rock, but I can't find that thing ANYWHERE. So, good luck looking for that one.
Either way, adapting the original Creature Commandos wouldn't be impossible, but would be tough. To be uber-faithful, you'd have to make it a period piece, set during World War II. Which, honestly, could be very cool! At the very least, I like the idea of the Creature Commandos and Project M existing in the DC Universe during World War II, and acting as inspiration for the modern group.

Speaking of, let's talk about the modernization really quick. The original team was rebooted after Crisis on Infinite Earths, in the year 2000. This iteration of the group added three members: Aten, the mummy with healing powers; Bogman, a...kind of generic version of the Creature of the Black Lagoon, honestly; and Gunner McKay, a World War II soldier resurrected by Mazursky (who's STILL ALIVE) as a cyborg. Now led in the field by Captain Lucius Hunter, the grandson of famous Korean and Vietnam War heroes, the team operates in the modern day (2000) for Project M, fighting against supernatural threats like Tazzala and Lord Saturna and Simon Magus and what's that?
Sorry? Nobody cares, you say? Only 7 issues, you say? Almost completely forgotten, you say? So completely forgotten that DC's officially placed it in a separate part of the multiverse meant specifically for failed reboots of Pre-Crisis characters, and still, nobody cares at all, even DC, because they forgot they did that and still brought the characters back for a cameo 10 years later?
Hopefully now, you can see why Gunn opted not to use these characters for his Creature Commandos. However, that still doesn't address where each of those characters he chose DO come from. I won't go into that yet, but three major characters from the show's iteration come from the third attempt to reboot the Creature Commandos, as a part of the New 52. For those in the know, your mental "yikes" is understood. To be fair, the characters associated with the team both predate the reboot, and are also a direct product of it. And I'll make that make sense in a moment.
The way that the DC Universe was rebooted was, notoriously, Flashpoint. Flash fans and comic book fans alike know this as the tine Barry Allen travelled back in time to save his mom, only for Eobard Thawne to fuck with everything, and make the timeline reboot into a nightmare reality where Batman's dad lived and kills people, Superman landed in government custody and has never seen the sun, and a war between Themyscira and Atlantis has enveloped the entire world. Oh, and Barry's mom is alive. Yaaaaaaaaaaay.
In this new timeline, Frankenstein's Monster (yes, like the one from the novel) is revived in 1942, and works together with Myron Mazursky's Project M. He works together with Matthew Shrieve, Vincent Velcoro, Warren "Wolfpack" Griffith...and Mazursky's adopted daughter, Nina "Mermaid" Mazursky. Yeah, Nina comes from Flashpoint originally. The team, known as the Creature Commandos, fights against Nazi Germany, with the sword-wielding Frankenstein stabbing Hitler through the chest in his bunker! Oh, don't worry, I will get to the incredible character that is Frankenstein, and the ABSOLUTE BULLSHIT THAT GUNN DID TO HIM. It's honestly one of the greatest sins of this show.
Anyway, the Creature Commandos is disbanded in 1945, by which I mean they're tricked into going into a stasis chamber, and trapped there for 65 years. In the modern day, they find the remnants of Myron Mazursky's work, and find out that Matthew Shrieve tried to replace them in the modern day with Solomon Grundy, Man-Bat, and...Doctor Phosphorus. Starting to see what's happening now? Well, we aren't done yet. After the group revives, they're chased by Shrieve's granddaughter, Miranda Shrieve, who hates monsters because the new group killed her grandfather. However, they're saved by the new government organization, S.H.A.D.E., and one of their top agents: the Bride of Frankenstein.
S.H.A.D.E., headed by a body-changing mystery-man named Father Time, sends its agents and scientific freaks against metahuman threats and supernatural disasters. She tells Miranda that her grandfather was actually killed by General Sam Lane (yes, Lois Lane's dad; Flashpoint be crazy), and she joins them to fight against Lane and his new agent: G.I. Robot. After G.I. Robot is destroyed, they find out that somehow, FUCKING SOMEHOW, Myron Mazursky is still alive after 65 YEARS, and they defeat Lane and his forces, while reuniting Nina with her father. Which, after watching Gunn's series, feels...bad. It feels bad. After all of that, the Creature Commandos disbands, and we go back to the story of Flashpoint.
And THEN...we get to the New 52.

Written by Jeff Lemire (yes, THAT Jeff Lemire), this series follows Frankenstein and his wife a agents of S.H.A.D.E. in the rebooted DC Universe, with a squad consisting of, yes, Wolfpack, Velcoro, Khalis (new version of Aten the Mummy), and Nina Mazursky. And yes, in case you didn't know, the Bride DOES have four arms in the comics, and it IS cool as shit, and I'm not completely goddamn crushed that that was apparently TOO HARD TO ANIMATE. Anyway, this group lasted for 16 issues, and then just...vanished. Like many of the first 52 titles of the New 52, this was a failed series financially, and ended suddenly. DC wasn't done with Frankenstein, 'cause he's rad as shit, but they were done with the Creature Commandos.
Well...these ones, anyway. Because hey, hey, they're back! Yeah, out of NOWHERE, and seemingly completely ignoring the iteration that already existed in a New 52 world, there is now a Rebirth iteration of the team as of this year. Written by David Dastmalchian (yes, Polka Dot Man himself), the team features Vincent Velcoro, Wanda "Wolfpack" Griffith, the return of Mina "Medusa" Rhodes and Elliot "Patchwork" Taylor, led by Dr. Barbara West (new character, got something mysterious going on) and Matthew Shrieve, just as much of an asshole as he usually is in the comics, and commissioned by General Wade Eiling (notorious Justice League opponent known as the General), who's working for...Brainiac? Yeah, this series is a mystery, but we're only 4 issues in, so we'll wee how it goes!

The Creature Commandos, true to form, have never died in concept, and the characters from the original team keep getting resurrected. Which is why it's absolutely insane that Gunn's lineup comes almost entirely from an alternate universe version of the team. Take a look again, and you'll see that I'm right. The only character not introduced as a part of that group is Weasel, and he's only in Gunn's Commandos because he loves the character so much from The Suicide Squad (and to take the place as the werewolf of the group). It's just such an odd choice for this iconic team to feature...none of them. Why not apply that Gunn philosophy of changing characters and improving blank slates onto these guys? And hell, as much as most of us would hate it...you could easily kill some of them and replace them with other characters. I dunno, this seems like completely ignored potential to me. And I'll keep it in mind for my own version of the group.
Oh, almost forgot to mention this. G.I. Robot was invented in the 1950s, LONG before the Creature Commandos was even conceptualized. However, when Weird War Tales was getting written with the Commandos, who else would get pulled into that but one of the weirder characters of World War II comics, G.I. Robot? So, yes, G.I. Robot has long been considered a Creature Commando, making him a great candidate for this series. No complaints, and he was one of my favorite characters. Cheers for the Tin Man, baby.
So, now what? We've seen the history of the group, but where do we go from here? Well, obviously, Gunn put together his group, then threw them into a story. Cool, I'll do the same. The major question here is, who are my Creature Commandos? Well, as said, I have two approaches to consider: purist and creative. I can either go by the comic book team, as written with few changes to the roster, or I can come up with a new team that's inspired by the comics and the original, but with a priority being in telling a good story. Now, that said, this post is getting...long. And, to be honest, I'm still nailing down by favorite choices for the Creature Commandos. So, methinks this is a good place to pause until the next essay.
Next time, we'll look at the first episode of the series, and consider what makes a good set-up for the Creature Commandos and Project M. We'll also answer the most important question: do we really need to put Amanda Waller in here, especially because she's just straight-up not good at her job? At all? Like, a literal zero success rate, let's be honest here?
See you next time (maybe, no pressure)!
Part One: Introduction and Adaptation Part Two: The Original Creature Commandos Part Three: Amanda Waller and Rick Flag, Sr. Part Four: The Frankensteins Part Five: G.I. Robot Part Six: Weasel
#dc#dc comics#dcu#dccu#my dcu#my dccu#creature commandos#james gunn#weird war tales#Youtube#vincent velcoro#vincent velcro#elliot lucky taylor#patchwork#wolfpack#warren griffith#wanda griffith#medusa#mina rhodes#myrra rhodes#frankenstein#the bride#khalis#mummy#nina mazursky#dr phosphorus#matthew shrieve#miranda shrieve
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Ask Me About My Sexuality: Can I Have Both?
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Dear President Biden,
We come together as artists and advocates, but most importantly as human beings witnessing the devastating loss of lives and unfolding horrors in Israel and Palestine.
We ask that, as President of the United States, you call for an immediate de-escalation and ceasefire in Gaza and Israel before another life is lost. More than 5,000 people have been killed in the last week and a half – a number any person of conscience knows is catastrophic. We believe all life is sacred, no matter faith or ethnicity and we condemn the killing of Palestinian and Israeli civilians.
We urge your administration, and all world leaders, to honor all of the lives in the Holy Land and call for and facilitate a ceasefire without delay – an end to the bombing of Gaza, and the safe release of hostages. Half of Gaza’s two million residents are children, and more than two thirds are refugees and their descendants being forced to flee their homes. Humanitarian aid must be allowed to reach them.
We believe that the United States can play a vital diplomatic role in ending the suffering and we are adding our voices to those from the US Congress, UNICEF, Doctors without Borders, The International Committee of The Red Cross, and so many others. Saving lives is a moral imperative. To echo UNICEF, “Compassion — and international law — must prevail.”
As of this writing more than 6,000 bombs have been dropped on Gaza in the last 12 days — resulting in one child being killed every 15 minutes.
“Children and families in Gaza have practically run out of food, water, electricity, medicine and safe access to hospitals, following days of air strikes and cuts to all supply routes. Gaza’s sole power plant ran out of fuel Wednesday afternoon, shutting down electricity, water and wastewater treatment. Most residents can no longer get drinking water from service providers or household water through pipelines…. The humanitarian situation has reached lethal lows, and yet all reports point to further attacks. Compassion — and international law — must prevail.” – UNICEF spokesperson, James Elder
Beyond our pain and mourning for all of the people there and their loved ones around the world we are motivated by an unbending will to stand for our common humanity. We stand for freedom, justice, dignity and peace for all people – and a deep desire to stop more bloodshed.
We refuse to tell future generations the story of our silence, that we stood by and did nothing. As Emergency Relief Chief Martin Griffiths told UN News, “History is watching.”
Alia Shawkat
Alyssa Milano
Amanda Seales
Amber Tamblyn
America Ferrera
Andrew Garfield
Anoushka Shankar
Aria Mia Loberti
Ayo Edebiri
Bassam Tariq
Bassem Youssef
Cate Blanchett
Channing Tatum
Cherien Dabis
Darius Marder
David Cross
Dominique Fishback
Dominique Thorne
Elvira Lind
Farah Bsaiso
Fatima Farheen Mirza
Hasan Minhaj
Hend Sabry
Ilana Glazer
Indya Moore
James Schamus
Jeremy Strong
Jessica Chastain
Joaquin Phoenix
Jon Stewart
Kristen Stewart
Mahershala Ali
Margaret Cho
Mark Ruffalo
May Calamawy
Michael Malarkey
Michael Stipe
Michelle Wolf
Mo Amer
Oscar Isaac
Quinta Brunson
Ramy Youssef
Riz Ahmed
Rooney Mara
Rosario Dawson
Ryan Coogler
Sandra Oh
Sebastian Silva
Shailene Woodley
Shaka King
Susan Sarandon
Vic Mensa
Wallace Shawn
Wanda Sykes
👉🏿 https://variety.com/2023/biz/news/hollywood-demands-gaza-israel-ceasefire-joaquin-phoenix-cate-blanchett-1235763646/
#politics#palestine#gaza#israel#ceasefire#war crimes#hamas ≠ palestine#genocide#collective punishment#israel is an apartheid state#never again#humanitarian aid#benjamin netanyahu is a war criminal#bds#boycott divest sanction#never again to anyone
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Swordswoman Showdown Round 3
Allison Wanda Ruth (Kill Six Billion Demons) vs Casca (Berserk)

(Better here in a "preferred character" sense, not "who would win in a fight")
Allison Wanda Ruth
She first wields a zweihander but eventually learns to wield the terrible blade of Want; She’s a philosophy major. She’s a barista. She’s from L.A. She’s even a lesbian. Reach Heaven Through Violence
#she's engaging in active dommery at all times#including this very image#there's no way you can't vote allison#anyway#KILL SIX BILLION DEMONS#THE HEIR#WIELDER OF NAMES#SEEKER OF THRONES#KING OF SWORDS!#BREAKER OF INFINITIES#WHEEL-SMASHING LORD#please understand that though Allison is Magnificient#i'm voting her more as a proxy for her teacher; Mathangi ten Meti#auntie maya is maybe my favorite fictional character of all time#and definitely the greatest swordswoman in fiction. to me#but Allison is canonically better at the sword philosophy than she is (lets not talk about the sword-skill)#so like this works#manifesting an Allison sweep
#side character vs main character the levels of depth aren’t even comparable#Allison sweep girlie you have so many themes and motifs#and are generally a more well rounded and better written woman and character than shura#anyways vote for girl smile
#yeahhh fuck up her al#another thing: she is a demi-god. technically#another propoganda: she is cool as fuck#and has a good character growth#reach heaven through violence#allison sweep
Second only to Griffith as a swordfighter in the Band of the Hawk before Guts came along, fights in multiple battles throughout the series.
She was commander and acting leader for Band of the Falcon
She was a commander and the White Phoenix Knight. In her prime she was acknowledgaed and demonstrated to be a better fighter than most people , and throughout the Golden Age arc she performs amazing feats of gymnastics and swordplay,.
#allison wanda ruth#kill six billion demons#casca#berserk#swordswoman showdown#poll#round 3#official
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I'm Done. I'm Free. It has been Made
All 1 Submissions, as well as if they have propaganda
Flowey: Yes Propaganda
Dr Carmilla: No Propaganda
Hua Cheng: No
Xander Harris: Yes
Azula: No
Fuuta Kajiyama: Yes
Anders (Dragon Age): Yes
Saix (Kingdom Hearts): Yes
Rennala (Elden Ring): No
Apple White: No
Kyubey (Madoka Magica): Yes
Mathematics: Yes
Gon Freeces: Yes
Makiel (Cradle): Yes
The Emperor: Yes
Bassira Hussain (TMA): No
Kris (Deltarune): Yes
Evan Hansen: Yes
Haruko (FLCL): Yes
Princess Bubblegum: Yes
Doug Eiffel: Yes
Yuzuriha Kotoko: No
Anemone (Wings of Fire): Yes
Theresa Agnes: Yes
Liv Chenka: yes
Anakin Skywalker: Yes
R.M. Renfield (Dracula): Yes
Papa Loui: Yes
Rory Gilmore: Yes
Himemiya Anthy:No
Every Fire Emblem: Yes
Jin Guangyao: No
Raven Branwen: Yes
Caithe (Guild Wars): No
Georgina Barker (TMA): Yes
Scourge the Hedgehog: No
Susie (Kirby): No
Morro (Ninjago): Yes
Viren (The Dragon Prince): No
Dark Pit: Yes
Shadow the Hedgehog: No
Michael with the Doors (TMA): Yes
Professor Ozpin: Yes
Annie Edison: No
Siri Keeton: Yes
Mihuel O’Hara: Yes
Talia Al Ghul: Yes
Yukio Okumura: Yes
Guillermo de la Cruz: No
Jenny (Forest Gump): Yes
Gamzee Makara: Yes
Wen Kexing: No
Griffith (berserk): Yes
Dimitri Alexandre Blaiddyd: Yes
Hal 9000 (2001 A Space Odyssey): Yes
Hiiragi Mahiru: Yes
Bobbi Morse: Yes
Rika Kim: Yes
Amanda Waller: Yes
Larisa Weems: Yes
Vincent Smith: Yes
Rammatra (Overwatch) Yes
Itachi Uchihara: Yes
Wanda Maximoff: Yes
Lucretia (TAZ):Yes
Angel Dust: Yes
Crowley (Supernatural): No
Makoto Hamamaya: Yes
Roy Mustang: Yes
Prowl (Transformers): No
Peter Hale: No
Harry Osborn: No
Octavia Blake: Yes
Melissa (Hatchetfield): Yes
Ainosuke Shindo/ADAM: Yes
Zuko (ATLA): No
Eichi Otori: No
Aesop Carl: Yes
Hosea Mathews: Yes
Arataka Reigan: No
Martin Blackwood: Yes
Frankensteins Monster: Yes
Alicent Hightower: Yes
Pyro (TF2): Yes
Maglor (Silmarillion): No
Providence (Risk of Rain): Yes
James Sunderland: No
Sorin Markov: Yes
Haruka Sakurai: Yes
Winn Adami: Yes
Regina George: No
Trucy Wright: Yes
Arlong the Saw: Yes
Sunny (OMORI): Yes
Kang Yohan: Yes
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Dorcas Meadows Variants (imo)
•Jade West from Victorious
•Wednesday Addams from The Addams Family
•Lorna Dane from Marvel
•Wanda Maximoff from Marvel
•Calliope Burns from First Kill
•Lupe Garcia from A League of Their Own
•Sam Manson from Danny Phantom
•Raven Roth from DC
•Amy March from Little Women
•Shego from Kim Possible
•Bruce Wayne from DC
•Emma Hernandez from Vida
•Regina Mills from Once Upon a Time
•Lena Luthor from Supergirl
•Natasha Romanoff from Marvel
•Emma Frost from Marvel
•Katniss Everdeen from The Hunger Games
•Maleficent from Malificent
•Mal Bertha from Descendants
•Vi from Arcane
•Jen Harding from Dead to Me
•Reyna Ramírez Arellano from Heroes of Olympus
•Maze from Lucifer
•Rocket Raccoon from Marvel
•Emilia Harcourt from Peacemaker
•Nico Minoru from Marvel
•Elijah Mikaelson from The Originals
•Vincent Griffith from The Originals
•Blair Waldorf from Gossip Girl
•Monet de Haan from Gossip Girl
#dorcas meadows#dorcas meadowes#dorlene#harry potter#marauders#marauders era#the pantheon#slytherin skittles
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!!Request Inbox Is Open!!
Who I Write For
Carlisle Cullen
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Alice Cullen
Jasper Hale
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Paul Lahote
Seth Clearwater
Leah Clearwater
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Caius Volturi
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Felix Volturi
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Teen Wolf
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The Nogitsune
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Ben Hargreeves ( Sparrow & Umbrella)
Marcus Hargreeves
Fei Hargreeves

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Pietro Maximoff
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Milton Greasley
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Marcel Gerard
Vincent Griffith
Lucien Castle
Davina Claire
Caroline Forbes
Damon Salvatore
Stefan Salvatore
Katherine Pierce
Bonnie Bennett
Jeremy Gilbert
Kai Parker
And many more just ask if I know the fandom
#reqs open#twilight#harry potter#marvel imagine#the originals#the vampire diaries#teen wolf#and more
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D.U.D.E Bios: Tabitha Griffiths (2020)
The Cyhyraeth Duchess of C.R.C Tabitha Griffiths (2020)
Bridget's eldest daughter and Naoise's granddaughter, Tabitha. An Irish-Catholic woman living in Wales and an energetic and expressive young woman. She's one of Kirby's first cousins one removed.
"I wanna scream into the night sky."
Full Legal Name: Tabitha Nerissa Iseult Snow White Griffiths
First Name: Tabitha
Meaning: Means 'Gazelle' in Aramaic.
Pronunciation: TAB-i-tha
Origin: English, Biblical, Biblical Greek
Middle Name(s): Nerissa, Iseult, Snow White
Meaning(s): Nerissa: Created by Shakespeare for a character in his play 'The Merchant of Venice' (1596). Iseult: The origins of this name are uncertain, though some Celtic roots have been suggested. Snow White: English translation of German 'Sneewittchen', derived from Low German 'Snee' 'Snow' and 'Witt' 'White' combined with the diminutive suffix 'Chen'.
Pronunciation(s): na-RIS-a. i-SOOLT. SNO WIET.
Origin(s): Literature. Arthurian Romance. Literature.
Surname: Griffiths
Meaning: Means 'Son of Gruffudd’, which comes from Old Welsh name 'Grifud’, the second element deriving from Old Welsh 'Iudd’ 'Lord, Prince’ but the first element being of uncertain meaning, possibly from 'Cryf’ 'Strong’.
Pronunciation: GRIF-iths
Origin: Welsh
Alias: Cyhyraeth Duchess, Tabitha Griffiths
Reason: This is Tabitha's ring name
Nicknames: Tabby
Titles: Miss
Age: 18
Gender: Female. She/Her Pronouns
Race: Human
Nationality: Welsh
Ethnicity: White
Birth Date: November 13th 2002
Symbols: Banshees, Cyhyraeths, Ghosts, Crowns
Sexuality: Bisexual
Religion: Irish-Catholic
Native Language: Welsh
Spoken Languages: Welsh, Irish, Scottish (Scots Gaelic), English
Relationship Status: Dating
Astrological Sign: Scorpio
Theme Song: 'Dear John' - Cyndi Lauper (2020-)
Voice Actor: Catrin Stewart
Geographical Characteristics
Birthplace: Llanfaethlu, Anglesey, Wales
Current Location: Llanfaethlu, Anglesey, Wales
Hometown: Llanfaethlu, Anglesey, Wales
Height: 5'4" / 162 cm
Weight: 132 lbs / 59 kg
Eye Colour: Blue
Hair Colour: Brown
Hair Dye: None
Body Hair: N/A
Facial Hair: N/A
Tattoos: (As of Jan 2020) 0
Piercings: Ear Lobe (Triple, Both), Eyebrow (Double, Both), Tragus (Both), Nostril (Both), Medusa, Spider Bites
Scars: None
Health and Fitness
Allergies: None
Alcoholic, Smoker, Drug User: Smoker, Social Drinker
Illnesses/Disorders: None Diagnosed
Medications: None
Any Specific Diet: None
Allies: (As of Jan 2020) The Rhydderch Clan
Enemies: (As of Jan 2020) None
Friends: Paulette Nye, Zella Nye, Rosaura Marino, Emperatriz Romero-Marino, Venetia Winter, Barbara Di Napoli, Tegwen Pritchard, Gardenia Rhydderch, Wanda Llewellyn, Tacey Rhydderch, Calanthe Mulrennan, Velvet Rhydderch, Tallulah Rhydderch, Wassa Griffiths, Xanthe Griffiths
Colleagues: The C.R.C Locker Rooms / Too Many To List
Rivals: None
Closest Confidant: Timon Blackwood
Mentor: Bridget Griffiths
Significant Other: Timon Blackwood (19, Boyfriend)
Previous Partners: None of Note
Parents: Raeburn Griffiths (39, Father), Bridget Griffiths (38, Mother, Née Rhydderch)
Parents-In-Law: None
Siblings: Uaithne Griffiths (15, Brother), Valentine Griffiths (12, Brother), Wassa Griffiths (9, Sister), Xanthe Griffiths (6, Sister), York Griffiths (3, Brother)
Siblings-In-Law: None
Nieces & Nephews: None
Children: None
Children-In-Law: None
Grandkids: None
Great Grandkids: None
Billed From: Anglesey, Wales
Trainer: The C.R.C Wrestling School, Talulla Rhydderch, Bridget Griffiths
Managers: Timon Blackwood
Wrestlers Managed: Timon Blackwood
Debut: 2020
Debut Match: Tabitha Griffiths VS Bridget Griffiths. Tabitha won by pinfall
Retired: N/A
Retirement Match: N/A
Wrestling Style: Brawler / Hardcore
Stables: The Rhydderch Clan (2020-)
Teams: No Team Names
Regular Moves: Belly To Back, Suplex, Bulldog, Figure-Four Leglock, Inverted Atomic Drop, Low Blow, Multiple Jabs, Poking / Raking Opponent’s Eyes, Running High Knee Strike, Big Boot, Atomic Drop, Backbreaker Rack, Diving Overhead Chop, High Knee, One-Armed Body Slam, Piledriver, Running Big Boot, Running Leg Drop, Vertical Suplex Powerslam
Finishers: Sleeper Hold, Jumping Knee Drop, Top Rope Jumping Knee Drop
Refers To Fans As: The Fans, The Family
Backstory: Tabitha Griffiths of the C.R.C (Welsh Wrestling League / Cynghrair Reslo Cymru) owning Rhydderch family. When Bridget dies Tabitha will have a 1/336th ownership of the promotion. Tabitha is a 'Cyhyraeth Style’ (Brawler / Hardcore) trainer. She’s two thirds Welsh and one third Irish.
Trivia: Nothing of Note
#D.U.D.E#original character#Rhydderch#Griffiths#C.R.C Wrestling Family#C.R.C Wrestling Promotion#C.R.C Wrestling School#Rhydderch Clan
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Movies I watched this week (Year 4, week 4)
The blue caftan, my first Moroccan drama by Maryam Touzani, and another one starring Lubna Azabal ('Incendies', 'Tel aviv on fire'), this generation's Hiam Abbass. A daring topic about a closeted bisexual tailor who hires a new apprentice while his wife slowly dies. It's extremely slow, and tbh took me a few starts to get into, but eventually it won me over with its beauty, especially the metaphor of the embroidered blue caftan itself which he eventually finishes. 8/10.
*Woman Director
“Everyone has their reasons”
First watch: Jean Renoir's The Rules of the Game, a comedy of manners about the haute bourgeoisie in Europe on the eve of World War 2. Banned nearly everywhere for two decades.
As of now, I haven't seen four from the Sight & Sound Greatest 50 films of all time list, ('Beau travail', 'Sunrise', L'Atalante' and 'Wanda'), which I plan on visiting soon.
2 with André Dussollier:
🍿 François Ozon's latest film, The Crime is Mine, was an unexpected 1930's-style screwball comedy. A light and fluffy murder bonbon with a lesbian subplot, a feminine message of sort, and Isabelle Huppert as a faded Norma Desmond diva who used to act in the silent movies of “the great Alice Guy”! 7/10.
🍿 Truffaut's worst film, A Gorgeous Girl Like Me, was a chore to finish. No wonder I never heard about it before. An unfunny, unsexy black comedy about a an immoral, horny grifter who was arrested for murder, and the hapless sociologist who fell for her. 1/10.
"... Evidently, an Ethiopian in the fuel supply: Seems to me I'm getting the old heave-ho..."
My Little Chickadee, a strange western spoof, with two completely subversive cynics, who really had nothing to do with each other, and yet were thrown here together in a middle of an otherwise-unfunny mix. W C Fields, a boozing, resigned con-man, and Mae West, an eye-rolling, horny sex-pot. How incredible this story 'could' have been, if it was given air to breath, filled completely with one-liners, was not censured, and stripped of all the fake moralities!
Now that Jon Stewart is returning to 'The daily show', I discovered that he wrote and directed Irresistible 3 years ago, which came and went without fanfare. It's a mild and old-fashioned political satire about a Democratic consultant, the likes of which were done many times before. But it contained a fantastic twist at the end that made the whole thing absolutely vibrant. Rose Byrne is gorgeous as usual, and Mackenzie Davis felt to fill the moral fulcrum of the movie, and the end showed why. Don't read anything about it beforehand, if you decide to watch it. I saw it twice in the same evening. 8/10.
Beyond the Bolex is an interesting documentary about a fascinating man, Jacques Bolsey. It is deftly told by a young director who was not aware that the unheralded inventor of the Swiss Bolex camera was her own great-grandfather. The story of this nearly forgotten pioneer is reminiscent of other giants of the arts, forgotten and now re-discovered: Hilma af Klint, Georges Méliès, Alice Guy-Blaché, Vivian Maier, each of them earned a new comprehensive biography.
(Unfortunately in my view, this one was the blandest of the five, due to the narrator's irritating intonation.)
*Woman Director
"Stay Gold". First watch: Coppola's seminal The outsiders, the first of two coming-of-age adaptations he made of SE Hinton novels in 1983. Teenage gang members in a mid 60's Oklahoma town, born on the wrong side of the tracks, with early performances by a bunch of the "Brat pack" members, including young, red-haired Diane Lane, and cameos by Tom Waits, Melanie Griffith, and Sofia Coppola as a child looking for 15 cents. Now I'm off to see 'Rumble fish'. (Photo Above).
An Irish Goodbye, a benign trifle about two estranged brothers, one of whom has Down Syndrome, dealing with the death of their mother. Won the 2023 Oscar for live short.
3 re-watches:
🍿 “Sometimes you do your best work when you got a gun to your head.”
After reading the New Yorker story about $300K/week script doctor Scott Frank, I had to go back to his breakthrough Hollywood satire Get shorty. And indeed, wow, what a brilliant screenplay, economy of dialogue, elegance and balance, and a perfect cast (each of the 10 top billings stars was born to play their roles here). And so appropriate of him to place the emotional 'Touch of Evil' viewing scene at exactly the 45 minute mark, where it serves as the heart of the story. 9/10.
🍿 “This is your Rubicon. Do not cross the Rubicon!”
My second watching of Alexander Payne's absolutely charming The Holdovers (and the adaptation of the 1935 French 'Merlusse', which I saw last month too). 10/10 again for superb soundtrack and writing-directing as well as general kind-hearted wholesomeness.
I haven't seen 'American Fiction' yet, but in my opinion Paul Giamatti and Da'Vine Joy Randolph deserve to win this year's Oscars for best actors. Also that this will quickly become an American Christmas classic.
🍿 Oh, how I didn't like the heavy-handed Paths of Glory on re-watch. Yes, it exhibited a brave anti-military sentiments for Cold War 1957, but the injustice inflicted by the generals on the privates was laughably outdated. In was nice to see young Joe Terkel, in the second of his three Kubrick roles. And at least, it was the only time that Kubrick raised his own private curtain, by directing his (then-new) wife, as she closed the movie with her tearful cabaret singing. 3/10.
The Constant Gardener, my 3rd by Fernando Meirelles (after 'City of God' and 'The two Popes'). It's an adaptation of a John le Carré's thriller about corrupt British diplomats in Kenya, a corporate conspiracy by multinational drug companies, and a love story (which is the weakest part of the whole thing).
I had a mixed reaction to this, nothing serious, won't go into it. The only lasting memory of this for me will probably be the Kothbiro leitmotif. 6/10.
Torremolinos 73, a Spanish sex comedy from 2003. A bald, plain-looking man and his loving wife start making explicit home movies in 1973 Spain, after his career in encyclopedia sales ends, and 'become big in Scandinavia'. The premise is somehow promising, but it quickly develops into a ridiculous story about how he becomes interested in legit movies making. He ends up directing one symbolic Bergman-inspired art fart, with none other than young Mads Mikkelsen. 2/10.
2 short shorts:
🍿 Dollar Pizza - Food porn of the highest quality makes you hungry: Now I want a slice! No judgement! 9/10.
🍿 The sheep and the flower, a real time (2 minutes) animated movie that fits in 8 kilobytes. Decent graphics, animations, direction and camera work, and the matching music… all in 8kB.
Throw-back to the "Art project”:
Pizza Adora.
(My complete movie list is here)
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PIC(S) INFO: Mega spotlight on textless, preliminary, and published Jim Lee variant cover art to "DC Horror Presents: Creature Commandos" Vol. 1 #1 [from a total of six variants]. October, 2024. DC Comics.
PROJECT M members featured here are:
Patchwork (Elliot "Lucky" Taylor)
Vincent Velcro (The Vampire)
Wolfpack (Wanda Griffith)
Myrra Rhodes (Medusa)
Sources: www.picuki.com/media/3423224706148038357, Comics Beat, I Want More Comics, various, etc...
#The Creature Commandos DC#DC Comics#DC Universe#Horror Comics#Comic Books#Monster Monday#The Creature Commandos#Creature Commandos/Project M#Patchwork#Halloween Vibes#Wolfpack#Horror Art#DC#Spooky Season#Spooktober#Halloween Season#Cover Art#Medusa#Creature Commandos#Jim Lee Art#Monster Art#Myrra Rhodes#Project M#Comics#Variant Cover#Spooky Art#Jim Lee#DC horror#Monsters#Illustration
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“Magneto, He's Been Many Different Men In The Multiverse, But He's Loved You As All Of Them.”
#magneto#erik lehnsherr#x-men#mcu#marvel#wanda maximoff#scarlet witch#elizabeth olsen#ian mckellen#michael fassbender#jason isaacs#thomas ian griffith
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The Ladies Just Don't Understand March 10, 2024

Image by Yolanda Velazquez Velez
listen to the show
Carole King - Pleasant Valley Sunday
DJ speaks over Emahoy Tsegué-Maryam Guèbrou - Ballad of the Spirits
Melenas - Flor De La Frontera Tru Fax and the Insaniacs - The Problem Is me Marianne Faithfull - What's the Hurry? Berliner Doom - Zu spät vorm Spät The Kamikaze Pilots - Sharon Signs to Cherry Red
DJ speaks over Pinch Points - Young
Petit Bureau - The Swallow Trees - Epitaph Wanda's - Frigid Rigid Paris - Raid (feat. T-K.A.S.H., The Conscious Daughters & Sandy Griffith)
DJ speaks over Billie and De De and Their Preservation Hall Jazz Band - Just a Little While to Stay Here
Collate - Static Object The Fates - Strength (I) Sprays - Er Oder I Abi Ooze - A Song About Drinking Display Homes - Precursor
DJ speaks over Fastbacks - Brd "COATED"
The Rats - Defiance Dr Sure's Unusual Practice - Escalator Man Le Tigre - Dyke March 2001 Čao Pičke - Gledam te Vsak Dan Lung - Abuse Futura - I Don't Want To Hear It No Drama - Better Off
DJ speaks over The Surfrajettes - Couch Surfing
Mythic - Winter Solstice At Night - Don't Go a Day Without Drivin' Des Airs - Aux Bains Municipaux Spirito Di Lupo - Ottobre Elaine Brown - The Meeting
DJ speaks over Jaimie Branch - Baba Louie
Accidente - Lxs Invisibles (de Balestrini) Bizon Kidz - Lik Maar, Eet Maar The Vovos - Hecate Checkpoint - Break
DJ speaks over The Velvet Underground - Guess I'm Falling in Love (instrumental)
Penetration - Don't Dictate Spitboy - Seriously The Shna - Rafaela Östro 430 - Das quietschende Bett Nots - Virgin Mary Shirley Collins & Davy Graham - Dearest Darling
DJ speaks over Kali Z. Fasteau - Gran Kanun
Virvon Varvon - Holding Pattern Height/Dismay - The Tinning Test (AS1125) Lewsberg - Canines Saufknast - Bullenstaat Lame - Una Vez Más Nasmak - (How Can You Be So) Rough Double Job - Aujourd'hui
DJ speaks over Nina Simone - Blues on Purpose
Optic Sink - Summertime Rain Ann Mason - You Can't Love Me (In the Midnight Hour)
DJ speaks over Holly Golightly - Grandstand
Juana Molina - El Oso De La Guarda
#radio#community radio#punk#music#playlist#wprb#post punk#garage rock#indie pop#folk music#goth#riot grrrl#international women's day
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Congratulations Wanda on your #Kia #Sportage from Steven Salazar at Van Griffith Kia!
0 notes
Below the cut is a list of all my canon characters, from every fandom, organized by such. I figured I would go ahead and put this up, as well as an oc muse one, for my oc and canon starters so that way it's easier for y'all to see who is included without going to every separate muse list.
The Vampire Diaries
Freya Celeste Mikaelson Elijah Daniel Mikaelson Niklaus Ryder Mikaelson Kolton Nathaniel Mikaelson Henrik Alexander Mikaelson Hope Andrea Mikaelson Malachai Silas Parker Olivia Mae Parker Silas Xavier Salvatore Damon Luca Salvatore Stefan Lance Salvatore Jeremiah Steven Gilbert Katherine Maria Pierce Qetsiyah Zione Bennett Bonnie Sheila Bennett Marcel Leon Gerard Hayley Jane Marshall Elizabeth Anne Forbes Josette Olivia Saltzman Ryan Nicholas Clarke Landon Maxwell Kirby Aurora Violet De Martel Aiden Matthew Lawrence Tyler James Lockwood Alexia Rae Branson Sebastian Killian Jones Milton Gabriel Greasley Benjamin James Kenson Lorenzo James St. John Vincent Keith Griffith Sean Kieran O'Connell Lucien Maverick Castle TEST MUSES Dorian Lee Williams Sophie Danielle Deveraux Monique Marie Deveraux Evangeline Amaya Sinclair Inadu Tayen Labonair Rafael Alexander Waithe Finch Taylor Tarrayo Cleo Ada Sowande Penelope Eden Park Jade Ivy Young
Jake Holden Riley Katie Selene Frank Jana Christine Mayfield Teresa Violet Keaton
Teen Wolf
Mieczyslaw Noah Stilinski Scott Gregorio McCall Christopher Henry Argent Allison Artemis Argent Lydia Sophia Martin Jackson William Whittemore Derek Samuel Hale Cora Avery Hale Camden Matthew Lahey Isaac Michael Lahey Vernon Dallas Boyd Danny Keahu Mahealani Malia Elizabeth Tate Kira Jade Yukimura Theodore Christian Raeken Jordan Tyler Parrish Aiden Jacob Steiner Mason Cade Hewitt Brett Lee Talbot Garrett Cole Williams Nolan Andrew Holloway Bobby Adam Finstock Marin Sophia Morrell Braeden Valerie Bardot Deucalion Damien Hemming
Dean Michael Winchester Castiel James Novak Claire Grace Novak Jack Kellan Kline Gadreel Dustin Ward Rowena Jane MacLeod Fergus Roderick MacLeod Belphegor
DC Comics
Bartholomew Henry Allen Nora Francine West-Allen Bart Joseph West-Allen Sara Caitlin Lance Dionysus Arbios Kara Aileen Danvers Winslow Jordan Schott Jr. Clark Joseph Kent Mon-El Lar Gand Querl Dox Music Meister Harleen Frances Quinzel Pamela Lillian Isley
Joaquin Miguel Torres Peter Django Maximoff Pietro Django Maximoff Wanda Marya Maximoff James Buchanan Barnes (pre-serum and super soldier) Steven Grant Rogers (pre-serum and super soldier) Michelle Julia Jones-Watson Peter Benjamin Parker Gwendolyn Maxine Stacy Peter Benjamin Parker Jonathan Spencer Storm Kate Bishop Natalia Alianovna Romanova Yelena Fyodorovna Belova Brunnhilde Valkyrie Loki Laufeyson Stephanie Grace Rogers (genderbent steve) Jamie Belladonna Barnes (genderbent bucky) Samantha Trinity Wilson (genderbent sam) Theodosia Audra Odinsdottir (genderbent thor) Lady Loki Laufeyson (genderbent loki)
Stranger Things
Jonathan Ross Byers Nancy Diana Wheeler Steven Michael Harrington Robin Rae Buckley Edward Joseph Munson Argyle Eduardo Diaz Jane Eleanor Hopper Dustin Jace Henderson Lucas Charles Sinclair Maxine Elizabeth Mayfield
Nicholas Sean Miller Winston Saint-Marie Schmidt Reagan Marie Lucas Leonardo Winston Hamato Michelangelo Chandler Hamato Samuel Nicholas Drake King Benjamin Florian
Athena Grant Howard Han Henrietta Wilson Maddison Juliet Buckley Evan Jones Buckley Edmundo Anthony Diaz
Book Babes
Major Jay Kitahara Lieutenant Lorelai Cathwell Sergeant Major Alary Johann Corporal Erik Mendel Devin Nesta Archeron Elain Archeron Feyre Archeron Rhysand Darling Azriel Cassian Amren Morrigan Gwyneth Berdara Eris Sargon Vanserra Lucien Vanserra Helion Luciano Meridian Tamlin Avri Desrosiers Thesan Addae Koitla Viviane Anera Agnarrson
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Fics With Titles That Start With T Masterlist
Take Me Home (ao3) - dabblingwithwords steve/bucky, pepper/tony M, 78k
Summary: “I’m so sorry, I’m gonna help you I promise, just don’t move, fuck, I ran over Captain America–” the man apologized, over and over, and all Steve managed to say was, “You’re really attractive,” before passing out on the guy’s lap in the middle of the road.
Terrible Idea (ao3) - MountainRose, szzzt steve/tony M, 55k
Summary: Steve and Tony get captured by AIM. Steve can handle bad wine and worse monologuing, but when he gets back to the cell, Tony’s not quite how he left him.
It doesn’t slow them down much.
That Moment Divine (ao3) - synonym4life steve/bucky E, 61k
Summary: “‘S okay. It don’t have to mean nothing,” Bucky said, trying to convince himself as much as Steve. “‘S just rutting. Just a bit of rutting.”
His lips were so dry, his mouth too, and his throat, but the rest of his body felt like hot languid liquid was flowing through it. Steve swallowed, licked his lips. Maybe Steve’s mouth was dry too?
One hot summer, when Bucky and Steve are fifteen, the line between their friendship and something new that Bucky can’t quite name blurs. It is only years later that the line disappears completely and Bucky can finally put a name to that something.
that’s my wife!!! (ao3) - cpt_stvngrntrgrs steve/natasha T, 4k
Summary: Detectives Steve Rogers and Natasha Romanoff are rumored to be dating despite being married to different people. Well, at least they got the married part right. Wanda really should’ve asked first.
The Carnival Committee (ao3) - orphan_account pepper/natasha T, 50k
Summary: Pepper Potts has been elected as Student Body Vice President for her senior year. Excited to work with her best friend, Tony Stark, and the rest of the leadership council, they go into the first task of the year- to pull off homecoming week- with a cut and dry attitude. And that is exactly how it goes, especially when Pepper has as great of an assistant and girlfriend as Natasha Romanoff by her side. That is, until everything the duo plans becomes as far from cut and dry as an event can get.
Peptasha HS!AU
The Lady is a Tramp (ao3) - maggiemerc peggy/angie M, 21k
Summary: Angie’s got suspicions on what Peggy does for a living and she’s determined to protect her at all costs…to other people. It’s not like she’s crazy and about to risk her life for a dame that’s more hot and cold than the plumbing on the third floor of the Griffith Hotel.
The Secrets That We Keep - haveufoundwhaturlookingfor ned/peter T, 10k
Summary: In which Clint has never told any of the Avengers, not even Natasha, about his son Peter. His sister Laura is the only person he’s ever told, trusted. Clint has only ever wanted to protect his son, to keep him safe from harm. But, when the accords come around, things get a little complicated. And Clint finds out that he’s not the only one keeping secrets.
Things Unseen (That Are Captured on Film) (ao3) - scifigrl47 steve/tony, clint/phil M, 41k
Summary: In which the Avengers discover the video footage of Tony testing the Iron Man armor, and that goes about as well as it could be expected. Steve Rogers attempts to make peace with his lover’s rather cavalier attitude to his health and safety, and starts learning more about Tony’s family along the way, both the one he was born into, and the one he’s chosen. And, of course, the one that’s chosen him.
Subtitled: It’s all Clint’s fault. No one is surprised.
Think Before You Speak (ao3) - itsallAvengers steve/tony T, 4k
Summary: Tony talks to himself. Regularly. When you grow up alone for pretty much your whole life, live in a huge tower with no one but yourself and a disembodied voice for company and lock yourself up in your workshop for weeks on end, who else is there to talk to but yourself? What he thinks, he’ll say. It helps him keep track of all the shit going on in his ever-moving train of thought.
It doesn’t help, however, when five other superheroes make themselves welcome in your home- then it just becomes a big fucking problem.
this city bleeds its aching heart - brumous steve/bucky E, 34k
Summary: The one where Steve and Bucky pose as a happily married couple while on a mission for SHIELD, to catch an international arms dealer hiding in a suburban neighbourhood.
this crown of thorns (upon my liar’s chair) (ao3) - canon irondad (tomlinsoul) T, 4k
Summary: Peter doesn’t tell Mr Stark about the terrible pain he experiences after the ferry incident, too caught up in the guilt and shame and depression he feels as a result of Mr Stark’s reaction.
Tony still finds out. Two weeks later. After Peter collapses. Apparently, it’s time for a talk.
Through The Glass (ao3) - dentalfloss pre-slash clint/phil T, 70k
Summary: “Thoughts, Coulson?” Fury asked, finger tapping idly on Barton’s file.
“He’s dangerous. He has trust issues that we may not be able to breach, he will not like working with others, he will lie to us about his motivations every chance he gets and, most likely, be successful every time.” Coulson’s gaze drifted back to the empty chair Barton had chosen earlier, boxed in the corner yet protected on as many sides as possible. “It won’t be easy, but if we can win his loyalty he has the potential to be the asset we’re looking for.”
Fury agreed, though neither of them would ever dream that they already had Barton’s loyalty, or that the price it cost was so steep.
‘tis the damn season (ao3) - NoStringsOnMe steve/bucky T, 18k
Summary: || Or the one where, in the aftermath of his ma’s death, Bucky reconnects with his ex over the holidays. And not just any ex. Steve. But Steve has a kid now. And Bucky’s still grieving. It should be a recipe for disaster. Unless?
Tonight, We Are Young (ao3) - thebrightestbird peggy/steve G, 4k
Summary: “I might have made a wish on the Tesseract that could have had something to do with Peggy getting younger.”
Steve and Peggy get a second chance to live a lifetime together. There are a few details to work out first.
Tony’s Girl (ao3) - Crosshairs pepper/tony M, 130k
Summary: When Tony Stark finally opens his eyes after being rescued from Siberia, he isn’t the same man anymore. What happened in that abandoned Hydra base has broken him in ways that even Afghanistan hadn’t.
But Tony is famous for his innate ability to fix things, even himself. Slowly, with the help of friends old and new, he learns to deal with his new status quo, picks up the pieces of his destroyed existence and rebuilds it from the ground up.
Until an unusual accident puts a new, interesting spin to his already interesting life.
Tony’s Trauma Club (ao3) - justa_pileof_trash pepper/tony T, 4k
Summary: When Tony gets severely injured on a mission, Peter blames himself. Pepper steps in by sharing stories of the times Tony has gotten himself into trouble in the past.
Toy Soldiers (ao3) - copperbadge steve/tony E, 44k
Summary: When Steve Rogers, five foot four and a hundred and ten pounds, met Tony Stark in a bar, he didn’t expect it to lead to a relationship. Or that Tony would find out he’s not an art student during a SHIELD rescue mission in Afghanistan.
Trial and Error (ao3) - BowieGirl T, 11k
Summary: Or, alternatively: Peter Parker gets in trouble, gets sick, and gets a dad.
Two-Point Perspective (ao3) - FestiveFerret steve/tony E, 109k
Summary: Dear omega,
Congratulations! You’ve been selected. Alpha #95847872 has been assigned as your pre-bondee. A group bonding ceremony will take place on the 14th, unless other arrangements have been made by your alpha or their family. A valid bonding license must be submitted to Omega Services within 45 days of this letter or all services will be cancelled and any transferable benefits will not be applied to your alpha’s package.
If there is some reason why you cannot be bonded on this date, please apply for an extension by calling 1-800-555-6827 within 7 days of receiving this letter.
Sincerely, National Omega Services
two truths and a lie (ao3) - JobethDalloway yelena/kate E, 11k
Summary: aka, Kate is horny and overwhelmed and needs someone else to be in control for a minute.
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