#wakfu eliacube
the-world-of-twelve · 6 months
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wakfu qilby and lokus
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cocogum · 6 months
The theory behind the mechasms explained.
This theory begins with Qilby.
Because of his story, we were able to learn that Lokus is in fact a mechasm.
As soon as he gains the eliatrope dofus, he decides to bail the group to observe Lokus. He talks to Shinonome and tells her that they should decide to make a new Eliacube by calling this one “Eliasphere”.
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We learn through this interaction that Orgonax, the first mechasm mentioned by Qilby in Season 2, was not only the youngest but he was also the one whose heart wasn’t fully developed like the others.
This is why the Eliacube was in the shape of a cube rather than a sphere like his other counterparts. It wasn’t at its full power. So the Eliasphere, compared to the Eliacube, is much stronger.
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We have to remember that Qilby’s story in Season 2 was filled with lies and deception which means it’s up to us to fill in the blanks.
Here is what I proposed truly happened :
Many eons ago, Qilby was a part of the Eliatrope council but grew incredibly tired and numb to the cycle he and his siblings kept going through. Every single one of his lives felt empty and unoriginal which made him become quite nihilistic about life. He just wished there was something, anything new to discover on this boring planet he calls home. As if the krosmoz listened to his wish, there came another race on the eliatropes’ planet. They were named the mechasms and were a mechanical race that travelled around the krosmoz.
For the first time since his first life, Qilby felt curious and amazed again. He wanted to learn everything about these mechasms, what they are, and how they are. When no one was looking, he sneaked around Orgonax, the youngest of them, and decided to extract his heart to study it. At that moment, he learned that the mechasms were able to live without their hearts since they were only used as power sources for them. Orgonax had his heart stolen and knew who the culprit was. He warned the other mechasms and the war between the eliatropes started. Since the mechasms weren’t a race capable of speaking directly like the eliatropes, the eliatropes weren’t able to understand why the mechasms attacked them and that Qilby had been the one to start the war.
The eliatropes had to leave their planet to find a new one and to distance themselves from the mechasms. Qilby proposes that they use a new invention he made called the Eliacube to leave the planet much more quickly. The council accepts the idea, given how they have no other choices in mind, and leave the planet with their people. While the journey was a long one, Qilby was enjoying himself and looked full of life again. He loved the fact that he could once again experience the unknown and study new species he gets to receive from Yugo and Adamaï on the planets they keep coming to. He had also been using this time to properly get to learn more about the Eliacube.
It took years to find what the eliatropes were looking for until they finally found a planet filled with wakfu which was later going to be called the World of Twelve.
The eliatropes were having fun again and took it easy. For once, Qilby was not pleased by this discovery. He did not want to be cooped up on a planet again when he had just been having fun. That’s why he decided to bring Orgonax by alerting his location through the Eliacube. Orgonax came much more quickly. And with the other mechasms, they destroyed the planet that the eliatropes have taken refuge in, making Yugo learn that Qilby was the one who alerted Orgonax so he fights him and throws him in the White Dimension.
Since Qilby had used the youngest mechasm’s heart at the time, he must’ve wondered what would happen if he went for a full-powered mechasm instead.
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When Qilby listens to his curiosity once more, he attempts to touch Lokus’ heart but that’s when we see a series of events flashing through Qilby’s mind.
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At first glance, even when we pause frame by frame, we do not understand what we’re looking at. But some people were able to piece things out.
What you’re seeing, is in actuality the council of the seven mechasms.
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(if you start on the left side, you can see Lokus in the first place and then Orgonax in the third)
These flashes where they’re seen in the world have been theorized by some people to be flashbacks of what was once the second great Eliatrope war when the eliatropes have been found once again by the mechasms and destroyed the planet that will become the World of Twelve.
Either that, or these flashing scenes represent the total opposite: they’re all future reveals which would mean the mechasms would be partially the ones responsible for ruining the world. It’s clear to see that the mechasms haven’t been fully wiped out. Lokus is a reminder of that. They seem to now be watchers of the krosmoz which is why they’re only standing around not specifically doing anything unless they are forced to react.
So what are the mechasms supposed to be?
They are a sentient mechanical race who might have a council leading on top just like the Eliatropes.
The Mechasms are travellers and watchers of the krosmoz. They are usually pacifiers when they feel the need to be. They do not specifically interact through speech and can live without their hearts but they choose to keep it at all times since it harbours extreme power energy. Just the youngest heart alone was able to create a whole dimension.
Even the dofus, which can make an individual more powerful than the gods, cannot beat them. It takes a certain person to be able to be worthy of a mechasm’s heart. No one knows why that is a thing they do but they can choose someone no matter who they are.
[Note]: Also if you’re wondering where the Eliacube went after Oropo’s dimension, a tweet from Tot answering a user, said that the Eliacube is somewhere in the World of Twelve.
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User: “The Eliacube came back in the World of Twelve just like the six eliatrope dofus. Knowing where it is and who has it is the real question.”
Tot: “The dofus and the Eliacube cannot be destroyed…The dofus always come back to their original locations… As for the Eliacube, that’s another story. But it is somewhere.”
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velvet-vox · 3 months
The dark side of Steampunk: Nox (Part 2)
Milien spent the entire night obsessively analysing the artifact, instead of sleeping with his wife, and in the morning, he was forced to face the consequences.
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Fully immersed by the possibilities given to him by the Cube, Milien is already at work to capitalise on them in order to get out of the vicious cycle he's gotten into by borrowing money to keep himself afloat.
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Here's where the milk gets finally spilled and the truth starts to knock on the door. Milien's ego, up to this point, was only the fruit of an inferiority complex set by the inability of his inventions to catch popularity; but now, it's finally revealed that Nox's obsession for the cube and it's constant need for validation from his family is also a result of Milien's antisocial behaviour probably rooted from a societal lack of care for individuality and creativity.
Ironic, since, by this very statement, Nox undermines other people's individuality and creativity to place his own higher. This is a major extreme of Steampunk, when either the society or the industry reigns over the other, the outcome can only be disastrous, as true balance can only be found when the two sides support and complement each other.
This isn't too much of a major flaw for Milien, as long as it gets addressed, it's pretty common for his archetype and it's often overcome by the end of the story.
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Ah. S##t. He doesn't overcome it.
These GIFs speak for themselves; the ego boost given to him by the artifact allows for the insanity to take place, even his wife, who he has been shown capable of repressing his negative traits for, can't calm him down anymore; the next time she visits him, Galanthe tries to get Milien to throw away the Cube and go back to his family, but in response, Nox shuts her out of the door, since what she is suggesting would rekindle his inferiority complex and bring him back to square one.
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Briefly touching on this particular moment, Noximilien knows the Cube's real name, despite the fact that he apparently shouldn't know what it was right until his confrontation with Grougaloragran 200 years later.
It could just be a continuity error, but I want to give tot the benefit of the doubt this time and assume it's instead intentional; back when we had only season 1, the Eliacube was this mysterious, corrupting entity whose origins were never made fully clear. So, for us to not be able to find any sense behind this discovery of his, leads us to be unnerved by the eldritch horror vibes that were originally backed into the Eliacube's concept.
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As time goes by, Galanthe decides to take away her family from her husband, in hope that this will force him to get rid of the Eliacube and go back to them.
And for a brief moment, her plan almost works. Milien is taking the situation seriously, and it's about to abandon everything to go join his wife, but then... Nox doesn't.
I don't really know the meaning behind that owl shot with one weird eye, but by judging the fact that the very next shot is Noximilien's laboratory emitting smog into the air, I'll interpret it as a metaphor for pollution brought by the industrialization of Nox's operation, mindlessly destroying the planet without a person's notice.
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I really like how the ticking sound of clocks gets faster before turning into knocks at the door, it makes it feel like an unfathomable amount of time has passed.
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As for the reason why the beggar decides to check up on Nox and inform him of his family, I've actually come up with a way better explanation than just simply "the beggar was actually a good person, just a little short tempered and grumpy", which works well enough, but it could be much more compelling;
You see, in the previous part I've said that the beggar is the representation of the strict Victorian society and Milien the freeing Industrial revolution, their clash and tension is what gives Steampunk its meaning and charm; so here, it's almost like the beggar is saying "Bro, WTF? Shouldn't we clash against each other? I haven't seen you in months? What happened?" since, if the clockmaker doesn't want to free himself from the claustrophobic expectations of society, then... what is his purpose in the narrative?
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As the rage, regret, and madness of the ensuing moment unfolds, the Steampunk narrative is completely shattered:
No longer Noxy wants to advance society to the next level of evolution; now, he just wants to bring everything back to how it was.
No longer Nox is going to use his inventions to bring wonder and joy to the world; now, he's going to use them to destroy lives in order to restore his own.
Steampunk is dead, and its rotting corpse is now being used as a vessel for the Eldritch Horror narrative that is about to ensure.
Milien is dead; a legend is born.
A terror is born.
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Qilby analysis
Oropo analysis
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mmiillk · 4 days
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Qilby charms for future Qilby shaker keychain
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geekgirles · 12 days
Oropo's OVA: Continuing a Trend
So yesterday I rewatched Oropo's OVA in order to make a screenshot compilation of Echo, and while the fact remains that in terms of plot relevance or even narrative choices the special is a hot mess that only provides information for things that, in the great scheme of things, are fairly minor or we already knew about (the markings on Echo's hands being burn scars, Grougal's blindness, how Chibi died, the fact that Oropo manipulated Nox from the Eliacube...), it should be noted that it at least doesn't change the characters' established characterisation.
With the clear exception being Chibi and Grougal, of course.
But when it comes to what would become the Brotherhood of the Forgotten, Oropo and Echo's characterisation is very consistent to what we already saw in season 3.
First and foremost, it's plain to see Oropo's Eliotrope team is his first attempt at replicating the Brotherhood of the Tofu. As every character introduced shares at least some traits, minor or even corrupted as they might be, with Yugo and his friends.
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Yugo's traits are divided evenly between Oropo and Sidaire. While the former shares his physical appearance, darker aspects of his personality, and his position as leader of his team; the latter shares his child-like appearance and original position as youngest member of the group.
Echo's character is an amalgamation of Eva and Amalia's. Like Eva, she's one of the most mature and thoughtful members of the team, as well as acting as the Team Mum. Likewise, their personalities are also similar: both are motherly and poised, but can also be aloof and even aggressive under the right circumstances. However, much like Amalia and her relationship with Yugo, she's Oropo's lover and her powers are more supernatural in nature compared to Evangelyne's (I mean, just compare healing, shapeshifting, sand magic, and chlorokinesis and "voo-doo" dolls to above average archery skills and senses...).
Eva is also reflected in Desperia, who, despite her little screentime, seemed to be the most level-headed, rational, and collected member of the group.
Bouillon is a more impulsive and battle-hungry yet less redeemable version of Tristepin, as they both have a tendency to jump headfirst into battle without thinking of the consequences. But, as Oropo said, Bouillon doesn't know how to work in a team, meaning he doesn't share Pinpin's values, such as his sense of honour or care for his friends.
Atone seems to be Adamaï taken to the extreme, as he doesn't let himself be swayed by his emotions (mainly because he just can't feel anything), yet he chooses to follow the much more emotional Oropo out of his own volition.
And lastly, Ripulse seems to have Ruel's flaws (except his greed seems to have been replaced by powerlust), yet none of his redeeming qualities. As he is selfish, self-serving, cowardly, and treacherous.
Interestingly enough, while this serves to establish early on Oropo's desire to have Yugo's life, to be Yugo, it also highlights the same flaws he displayed during season 3. Namely, how he's an overally atrocious judge of character.
Once again, he's allowed a few rotten apples into his basket. As it just wouldn't be wise to have characters like Bouillon and Ripulse near. I'd like to think those two examples are self-explanatory.
On the one hand, Bouillon might be a formidable fighter, but his single-minded focus on battling and inability to "share" with his allies means he just can't be trusted to work well in a group. If you think about it, this ultimately led to his downfall, as he might have stood a much better chance against Grougal if instead of fighting him alone he had allowed his "siblings" to join him, thus, possibly overpowering our favourite black dragon.
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And, on the other hand, Ripulse didn't even attempt to hide his treacherous and cowardly nature. But, much like when Adamaï questioned choosing someone as sadistic and deranged as Toxine as the next Sram goddess, Oropo still ignored Sidaire's more than justified distrust of Ripulse, which, if not for Echo, would have cost him dearly.
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Sidaire: "You're the most cowardly, Ripulse. When will you get your hands dirty? Ripulse: "As late as possible."
In fact, if you remember, Oropo was genuinely surprised when Chibi turned out to be alive, as his sources had assured him he was long dead. Only for Sidaire to accurately deduce said sources were probably Ripulse, and while he claimed he had always been incompetent, his assassination attempt at the end of the OVA implies he always gives wrong information in hopes of getting Oropo killed or weakened enough to deliver the finishing blow himself.
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To make a long story short, one of Oropo's flaws is that he surrounds himself with people that just can't be trusted, thus, endagering his life, that of his truly loyal supporters, and the very goal he strives to achieve.
The other characterisation they managed to nail was Echo's, even though the OVA didn't focus on her nearly as much. To be more specific, it focused on her loyalty to Oropo and how, despite everything, it actually works to the detriment of both of them.
If you think about it, while Echo is indeed staunchly loyal to Oropo and his cause, she's the kind of supporter who just follows her leader blindly, even when rebelling against his wishes once in a while might actually be more beneficial to their goals in the long run.
Once again, the best example of this is Oropo's trust in both Ripulse and Toxine, and how it almost backfired spectacularly on him.
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In both cases, it's clear to see Echo is perfectly aware of how neither of them can be trusted, just like she has absolutely no qualms about punishing them or outright getting rid of them if they prove to be more trouble than its worth.
However, it should be pointed out Echo is only willing to reach those extremes if she catches the person in question trying to directly harm her or Oropo. As long as they aren't affected by their actions, they can stay regardless of the danger they pose to everybody else around them.
As I said, Echo's loyalty to Oropo (and probably her love for him contributes to it as well) doesn't manifest in a desire and willingness to do whatever it takes to reach their goal, even if it means going against Oropo's wishes or disagreeing with him. It manifests in almost blind adherence and obedience to him and his wishes.
After all, much like Adamaï and Sidaire, she knew Ripulse and Toxine were trouble and couldn't be trusted, but unlike the former two, she never voiced her opinions to Oropo or even questioned his decision to trust them. Not even after Toxine disregarded their orders and sneaked into her room to kill Eva and Flopin. Instead, she left them to their own devices until they posed a direct threat to her and Oropo.
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And that in itself is another major aspect of Echo's character: her inaction and indifference to the wrongs going on around her until they directly affect Oropo or her, despite her insistence that what they're doing is precisely for the sake of the World of Twelve.
Because wasn't that what ultimately caused her to betray Oropo and save the day? The fact that Oropo betrayed her? We all know this. Echo didn't reveal Oropo's plans because she had seen the light or anything like that. She revealed his plans because Oropo had hurt her.
She had no problem with him disposing of the demigods that were no longer useful to him despite insisting they were their children. There was nothing wrong with emotionally manipulating and tormenting the Brotherhood of the Tofu or driving a wedge between Yugo and Adamaï to make sure they wouldn't pose a threat to their plans. And kidnapping children, their pregnant mother, and trying to kill their father was seen as a necessity.
But the moment Oropo revealed she had never been nothing but a placeholder for Amalia, the only woman he truly "loved"? Then that's where Echo drew the line, because, deep down, she was always higher up in her list of priorities.
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I guess this all comes to show that, even though Oropo's OVA was little more than an excuse to introduce some characters that would have minor roles in season 4 and to have a 40-minutes-long action scene, there are some things that weren't completely butchered by it.
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dividedsingularity · 3 months
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Just a few Wakfu doodles, these are all from before the newest season's release.
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larebiscornue · 7 months
Strobe light warning for episode Oropo
As far as I know, I don't have any problems with photosensitivity, but I was watching Episode Oropo and one moment got so overwhelming with many flashing lights I had to look away and rest for a bit, so if you are a wakfu fan with photosensitivity issues then please be careful! Wakfu, especially this episode can have rapid light visuals but this one was too much.
Without spoilering much, it's near the last ten minutes of the special, when Oropo and Grougaloragran touch the eliacube and end up near space.
Feel free to boost!
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squisheycat · 1 year
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I made the cube! It glows! Anyway..
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Woe cube be apon ye
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oxaeneas · 6 months
Genuine question but was it explained in the 3rd season how Oropo got out of the cube and out of the eliatrope dimension? Because a the end of the 2nd season Yugo left it with the eliatrope child, so I was kind of confused when rewatching the third season
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kcheel · 2 years
"To crave answers is to be a slave to the mask"
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1-am-everywhere · 2 years
Just some sketches of a few council members
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Then BOOM!
I give you God.
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"I don't know what to tell you... really
But when I gazed at our mother I realized...."
"We're no different from her."
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nina-numa-blog · 7 months
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It's Oropo, but I used an unused design that comes from Tchokun's page of Tumblr.
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cocogum · 4 months
Here are some eliotrope concept art and character sheets from the Oropo special episode I found from this article which were taken from a 2016 presentation of Dofus 3, a game that would have happened decades after the Dofus game right before Ogrest’s chaos. However, the game completely changed during its production and became Waven instead.
I figured it’d be nice to share them here too since not everyone has access to Twitter or reads numerous online articles.
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According to @uelman, the Oma Island visit predates the Wakfu era.
Oropo is present on the Dofus MMO in the years around 640. Although since “One More Gate” (the game about Oropo being stuck in the Eliacube) is set to happen in 710, he was trapped around the time of Ogrest’s chaos. The Siblings would have had to follow his instructions after it happened to cause it.
It also looks like there are some scenes in the work-in-progress footage that could have been actual scenes in the episode.
For example, there is a scene featuring a female eliotrope with an eagle armor, who seems to be encountering a Sadida that looks like Amalia. Additionally, there is a shot of Ripulse opening a portal, with an entity either going in or out of the portal he summoned. And in another, Chibi appeared to be wielding his hammer while enveloped in flames, indicating a possible combo attack with Grougal. These scenes could have been important (excluding Chibi’s lol) but unfortunately, they might have been removed due to budget constraints or creative decisions. It would have been interesting to see these eliotropes have more screen time since these events seemed to have been important to the lore.
I swear if we do manage to get a season 5 with 26 episodes like Tot said, I hope we get to see more flashbacks of Ripulse and the eagle girl. I had initially been expecting them to appear in Season 4, and I was happy for a second since that’s exactly what I wanted, until I realized that Bouillon and Oropo ended up being the ones who took a lot of space inside Yugo’s head. I was disappointed to have only seen them in the back without saying anything.
Let’s hope for that Season 5 ✨
(It just occurred to me that the female eliotrope ended up being the only one between her brothers to not have her name displayed on her character art…This makes me now wonder if Tot even had a name for her at all…Cuz like- Not showing a character’s name in the first episode where they’re introduced is one thing but not having their name in their concept art?? Really???)
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fantast-el · 7 months
*spoiler for the episodes 9-10*
I like the fact that wringing Yugo out for his wakfu made him age since it's the source of his life force.
Now that Yugo is an adult it's so intriguing but weird at the same time. So the voice actor changed of course. It's kind of cool they kind of made him handsome while still trying to keep his cute nature as well. I really hoped for that. They also kept Yugos characteristic movements in the animation as well.
Hope it's possible to integrate some Yumalia moments before the season ends... :')
Noras fate really disturbed me to no end. And it's so sad to see Qilby go already. I loved them so much.
I'm kind of fascinated about what they decided to do with the mechasms. They have really interesting designs. So Orgonax wasn't the only powerful one with the eliacube as his heart, which Qilby took back then, and there are others as well.
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eisfreiesspeiseeis · 7 months
My Wakfu Season 4 Head Canon / Theory / Manic ramblings
I don't know if someone else already made a post about this, if yes, please direct me to it, anyway strap in:
So, what has always bothered me about the MMO Eliotropes was their weird skin tone and markings.
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Remember, they were added to the game(s) before season 3 and the OVA were even out and all we knew about them was this blurb:
Having appeared via a freak accident, Eliotropes are but mirror images of their creator, the King-God.
I don't know wether this was confirmed back then, but we all just accepted that Yugo was the King-God. He was the King of the Eliatropes, he was a demigod, it made sense. We just didn't know what exactly this accident was yet. And that was the first time I got way too hung up on their skin color. (Some people might claim they don't see color, but not me.) I came up with 2 explanations: Explanation 1: This was how Yugos God-King-Form would look like
So in Season 2, when Qilby gets the Eliacube, his skin color changes and he gets these black markings;
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While Yugo just gets these glowing tattoos in his "Eaxalted" form, which do, however, look kinda similar. Also during his transformation, Qilby's tats would glow at first, just like Yugo's, before turning black.
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This let me to assume (all these years ago) that Qilby's transformation (which the Wiki calls "Lobotimized" for some reason) was the more evolved form of Yugo's. I basically tought while Yugo just unlocked Super Saiyan, Qilby could go Super Saiyan 2. And at some point, Yugo would archieve a similar form too, which would be when he became the God-King, and that was why the Eliotropes all had white skin and blue markings. (I just thought Yugos tats would turn blue instead of black because ykno, color schemes and stuff.)
Also there was this Krosmaster Mini called Yugo unleashed, so I thought this was the direction they were going:
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Explanation 2: Their skin markings look like Adamai's
You know, this guy. With the white skin / scales and the blue markings.
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In hindsight the easier explanation. Adamai is Yugo's twin brother, so it would make sense if the Eliotropes had an imprint of Adamai. Or maybe Adamai helped in whatever accident created the Eliotropes. The brothers already combined their powers a few times to do BIG MAGIC, so maybe that would also be the case for the "accident".
Then the OVA came and Yugo got the six Dofus
It all made sense in my mind. With the six Dofus, Yugo was more powerful than a god, so this would be when he reached his King-God-Form and...
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It kinda just looked like his normal "Exalted Form" with different markings. Okay, I thought, so it has to be the Adamai explanation, right?
Then Season 3 and the Oropo OVA came and...
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These guys don't look like the Eliotropes we knew until that point at all.
maybe they changed the designs so Amalia would recognise Oropo as Yugo?
maybe as more Eliotropes died, they started to look more like Yugo/white people?
Either way, it's super weird that we have never seen a game-looking Eliotrope in the show or even in the OVA.
Also, aside from Oropo the other Eliotropes we see seem to be super variant from Yugo, with some missing the head-thingies and others not even able to create portals, it seems (Repulse dies because he gets thrown off the tower. I think he would have saved himself if he could). In the game however, the Eliotropes seem to be pretty much just reskinned (ha!) Eliatropes with all the same, maybe watered down powers.
Okay, so the rational thing would be to just accept that they retconned the Eliotropes for the show a bit, as there was quite a long break in production. Or just accept it as one of these wird things, like Osamodas evolving to have blue skin in at most a few hundred years.
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Ankama has changed designs drastically all the time between media, they really don't like to enslave themselfes to esthetics and and hard lore and really if you think about it does that not give them so much more potential for creat
Spoilers up til episode 10, I guess And the season starts with a reminder that the Eliotropes were created because Yugo did not have perfect control over them and who gets their grabby hands on all 6 (six) of them?
This guy
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Notice how his markings are blue now? Hmmm...
"But Qilby should have far more control over the Dofus than Yugo, that's his thing, he has so much experience!", the strawperson said. Yes, but Qilby is also mentally unstable and hyper traumatoze, which he says himself.
He repeatedly has episodes, even while he is using to the dofus.
Also, attuning to the Eliasphere was super taxing and clearly outside of his abilities (as he says himself), so what I want to say is:
there were multiple occasions where he could have slipped up and created his own "accident".
Qilby is the King-God of the Eliotropes from the MMO.
Yugos accident resulted in the creations of eliotropes because
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AND QILBY'S GREATEST FEAR IS TO BE ALONE, so it would make sense that his "wish" would also create more "family" for him.
This would also explain some of the differences between show Eliotropes and MMO Eliotropes:
Obviously, the MMO Eliotropes look far more like Qilby's true(?) form, with snow-white skin and blue markings.
Yugo did not really have a great idea what his people were actually like, which explains why his Eliotropes would have so much variance in appearance and power between them. In contrast, Qilby has the most perfect memory of the Eliatrope people in existence, arguably better than the Goddess' herself, considering her millennia-long absence. So it would make sense why his Eliotropes would basically be perfect copies, sans the skin color. Also, despite his mental health, he is still far more skilled than Yugo, which could also explain why his copies are closer to the real deal.
Also, Yugo's Eliotropes (mostly) have his memory, which seems like a thing that would like... come up? Like, at all? And it would make sense that Qilby's "wish" would include for his Eliotropes to be blank slates memory wise, since his recollection of his former lifes is literally the cause of all his suffering.
I rest my case.
In all honesty, this is all probably just a case of Ankama being all loosey-goosey with their lore, especially between the show and the games. But this theory presents a way for the MMO Eliotropes (or Qilby Eliotropes, as I will call them from now on) existing in the same canon as the show, which otherwise is probably the biggest canon "problem". Also, I like the Eliotropes, I like their design, and I like to have a reason to believ they will continue exist somewhere in this funny world some horny frenchmen made up. So, yeah this is my headcanon. First post ever on tumblr, after lurking for over a decade, please be kind to it. See ya when I have to vent my next crackpot theory. Or when I remember interesting parts from the MMO that might interest show-only folks.
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geekgirles · 6 days
Okay, so maybe my B2 level of French failed me, but didn't the original members of the Brotherhood of the Forgotten, i.e. the Eliotropes and Echo, refer to each other with nicknames?
I mean, beyond Bouillon calling Oropo "Poète" or "Wordsmith", I'm pretty sure Echo and Sidaire called him "Oro" (which, coincidentally, means "gold" in Spanish) instead of Oropo most of the time. At the same time, Echo and Oropo called Sidaire "Sid" more often than not.
Can someone confirm this?
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