#wakfu eliasphere
cocogum · 6 months
The theory behind the mechasms explained.
This theory begins with Qilby.
Because of his story, we were able to learn that Lokus is in fact a mechasm.
As soon as he gains the eliatrope dofus, he decides to bail the group to observe Lokus. He talks to Shinonome and tells her that they should decide to make a new Eliacube by calling this one “Eliasphere”.
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We learn through this interaction that Orgonax, the first mechasm mentioned by Qilby in Season 2, was not only the youngest but he was also the one whose heart wasn’t fully developed like the others.
This is why the Eliacube was in the shape of a cube rather than a sphere like his other counterparts. It wasn’t at its full power. So the Eliasphere, compared to the Eliacube, is much stronger.
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We have to remember that Qilby’s story in Season 2 was filled with lies and deception which means it’s up to us to fill in the blanks.
Here is what I proposed truly happened :
Many eons ago, Qilby was a part of the Eliatrope council but grew incredibly tired and numb to the cycle he and his siblings kept going through. Every single one of his lives felt empty and unoriginal which made him become quite nihilistic about life. He just wished there was something, anything new to discover on this boring planet he calls home. As if the krosmoz listened to his wish, there came another race on the eliatropes’ planet. They were named the mechasms and were a mechanical race that travelled around the krosmoz.
For the first time since his first life, Qilby felt curious and amazed again. He wanted to learn everything about these mechasms, what they are, and how they are. When no one was looking, he sneaked around Orgonax, the youngest of them, and decided to extract his heart to study it. At that moment, he learned that the mechasms were able to live without their hearts since they were only used as power sources for them. Orgonax had his heart stolen and knew who the culprit was. He warned the other mechasms and the war between the eliatropes started. Since the mechasms weren’t a race capable of speaking directly like the eliatropes, the eliatropes weren’t able to understand why the mechasms attacked them and that Qilby had been the one to start the war.
The eliatropes had to leave their planet to find a new one and to distance themselves from the mechasms. Qilby proposes that they use a new invention he made called the Eliacube to leave the planet much more quickly. The council accepts the idea, given how they have no other choices in mind, and leave the planet with their people. While the journey was a long one, Qilby was enjoying himself and looked full of life again. He loved the fact that he could once again experience the unknown and study new species he gets to receive from Yugo and Adamaï on the planets they keep coming to. He had also been using this time to properly get to learn more about the Eliacube.
It took years to find what the eliatropes were looking for until they finally found a planet filled with wakfu which was later going to be called the World of Twelve.
The eliatropes were having fun again and took it easy. For once, Qilby was not pleased by this discovery. He did not want to be cooped up on a planet again when he had just been having fun. That’s why he decided to bring Orgonax by alerting his location through the Eliacube. Orgonax came much more quickly. And with the other mechasms, they destroyed the planet that the eliatropes have taken refuge in, making Yugo learn that Qilby was the one who alerted Orgonax so he fights him and throws him in the White Dimension.
Since Qilby had used the youngest mechasm’s heart at the time, he must’ve wondered what would happen if he went for a full-powered mechasm instead.
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When Qilby listens to his curiosity once more, he attempts to touch Lokus’ heart but that’s when we see a series of events flashing through Qilby’s mind.
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At first glance, even when we pause frame by frame, we do not understand what we’re looking at. But some people were able to piece things out.
What you’re seeing, is in actuality the council of the seven mechasms.
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(if you start on the left side, you can see Lokus in the first place and then Orgonax in the third)
These flashes where they’re seen in the world have been theorized by some people to be flashbacks of what was once the second great Eliatrope war when the eliatropes have been found once again by the mechasms and destroyed the planet that will become the World of Twelve.
Either that, or these flashing scenes represent the total opposite: they’re all future reveals which would mean the mechasms would be partially the ones responsible for ruining the world. It’s clear to see that the mechasms haven’t been fully wiped out. Lokus is a reminder of that. They seem to now be watchers of the krosmoz which is why they’re only standing around not specifically doing anything unless they are forced to react.
So what are the mechasms supposed to be?
They are a sentient mechanical race who might have a council leading on top just like the Eliatropes.
The Mechasms are travellers and watchers of the krosmoz. They are usually pacifiers when they feel the need to be. They do not specifically interact through speech and can live without their hearts but they choose to keep it at all times since it harbours extreme power energy. Just the youngest heart alone was able to create a whole dimension.
Even the dofus, which can make an individual more powerful than the gods, cannot beat them. It takes a certain person to be able to be worthy of a mechasm’s heart. No one knows why that is a thing they do but they can choose someone no matter who they are.
[Note]: Also if you’re wondering where the Eliacube went after Oropo’s dimension, a tweet from Tot answering a user, said that the Eliacube is somewhere in the World of Twelve.
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User: “The Eliacube came back in the World of Twelve just like the six eliatrope dofus. Knowing where it is and who has it is the real question.”
Tot: “The dofus and the Eliacube cannot be destroyed…The dofus always come back to their original locations… As for the Eliacube, that’s another story. But it is somewhere.”
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articwolfclawartist · 6 months
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Dang those Dofus (Dofuses? Dofai?) were HARD to draw
Loved this season
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geekgirles · 6 months
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I'm high-key obsessed with their interaction here, not only because of the Yumalia crumbs, but also because Yugo's insistence on reminding her, of all people, not to overdo it with the Eliasphere is kinda hilarious as it reads a little bit like this:
Yugo, to Amalia: Remember, Amalia. The more power you draw from the Eliasphere, the more wakfu it draws from you. Whatever you do, don't overdo it. Because if anything happened to you, I will not be able to handle it and will probably become a bigger monster than Nox, Qilby, Oropo, and Toross combined. Please, I can't afford to lose you.
Yugo, to the rest: Oh. Uh... you be careful not to die too.
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tetitous · 7 months
OK I think I'm good to give my thoughts about the last 2 episodes now (warning, it's long)
I'm so fucking wilded out by the whole wakfu extraction scene. It was absolutely painful.
I have to applaud the transition between Yugo's old and new VA, it was super clean. I really like his voice, it's so soft and yet you feel it has some power in reserve, though for Valentin Vincent (yes, if you're an ff7 fan you see it, I see it too) to win over Fanny Bloc in my heart he'd need to give me a godlike performance, for now I need to grow used to the change.
I believe I said somewhere some time ago that Eliatrope landing on the WoT could have some drastic repercussions, seems like I was wrong then, I'm okay with that.
Poor Nora, I just- she's only ever done her best, she mourned for a brother who used her like a puppet, how fucking cruel is it that now her powers is what's putting the world in danger and there's nothing she can do about it. Efrim being so devoured by his hunger that he feels hatred for Eliatrope and doesn’t care about even his own twin sister is so sad. He calls Eliatrope an egoist, as if anyone was owed her life force, and he sees nothing but sustenance. I do remember someone saying that you become someone else when you discover what true hunger feels like, it's what him being folded in two over his own stomach reminded me of. I hope there is some way out for them, but I'm not sure that I can be hopeful.
Talking about that, Toross Mordal. He can't forget himself to his own anger, like the others, but his mind still can't prioritize anything else. It's interesting to me that to him Yugo was just a means of sustenance, and yet he showed him more sympathy seemingly than he did to Nora, the central piece to his plan. Does Yugo remind him of someone else? Himself? I also think a lot about the way he's on loop about how Eliatrope "could have kept on feeding his people for centuries", he says it so often, and I wonder if it's meant to parallel Eliatrope's "we're doomed" attitude. They're both on loop about their own situations.
The whole dichotomy between "monster" and "pure" seems to reach some conclusion, that probably being that these two concepts don't really mean anything but "who we feel like we're allowed to demonize or not".
It's very strong with Qilby, who's been labeled as both by people. He's been a blast those last 2 episodes, I wouldn't call it a redemption arc, but an acceptance of his complexity. Yugo was right in s2, Qilby cannot deal with loneliness, and moreso by the void. The one thing he really wants is for things to exist so that he can discover them, to compensate for his lack of connexion. Beyond that he understands that no one can truly get him, and that's okay, he seems to have done some self-reflection if he actually came to that conclusion without much anguish. He's reuniting with the one person who can get it, hopefully at some point some form of compromise can be done so that the White Dimension never becomes a necessity again.
Turns out Lokus WAS a Mechasm after all, interesting to have rebooted the species a little. You can be "worthy" of them, the conditions of this being kind of unclear. Given the parallels between the Eliacube and the Eliasphere, it seems, strangely enough, that both Yugo and Qilby have been deemed worthy. I'm kind of fascinated, I want to understand how they work a bit more, but I don't think we'll be given much answers.
I have so many thoughts about Yugo it's unreal. First I want to comb his hair, he's pretty but haircare isn't on point, tbf that's part of the charm I think. Because I really, really want to be the one to comb his hair. Yeah he's already going up there on the babygirl list. That's powerful.
The fact that Yugo has a mind protection mechanism thanks to the Eliotropes is beautiful to me. They, or at least Oropo, did want someone, anyone, to aknowledge them, and Yugo going from refusing to accept them to giving them a full Persona-style recognition was nice. I want to know more about them, specifically I want to see which aspects of them are their own, and which they originally got from Yugo, because I see them both as some extensions of Yugo and as their own people. To me, the moment you are separated from your "original being", you start to be "you", so something different. Oropo only being one of many actually helps me to appreciate him more. Still an asshole though. Yeah I do believe they're real, otherwise Yugo couldn't have come up with Bouillon, y'know? Let me just have some Yugo chilling with his not-quite-clones from time to time, let me figure out their individual deal.
Amalia is going to pop off, love that for her, curious about what her and Yugo's reunion is going to be like.
We heard nothing from the Percedals, well for now their big arc has been handled I guess, but they'll probably come back for the finale, their friends will need all the help they can get, after all. Actually so much of Eva's personality can be understood through the prism her abandonment issues, but her it doesn't feel like we have reached the point where her arc can be considered close, but her deciding to trust Flopin, trust the people around her, to give them love, really reminds us how far she's come from the person who refused to adress Amalia by anything other than "princess".
Also not much of Ruel, he's probably going to be torn between his two treasures: his money and his friends needing him, and Ruel is generous in the ways that matter. At least that's my expectations. Kinda wish we had more comic relief moments, but let's be real, it wouldn't have been appropriate atm.
I'm surprisingly normal about the fact eliatropes seem to be able to make their own clothes.
Did I say everything I wanted to say? Ah no, wait
The scene where Ad is being all self-depreciating and Qilby's coming back like "Hey, missed me?" Was hilarious, I actually laughed out loud and I really needed it.
Bro Qilby calling Amalia superficial. On the one hand she does rely a bit too much on appearances, on the other Qilby can talk, he doesn't know her and makes some pretty mean assumptions. Wrong ones at that, because Amalia knows Yugo and loves him beyond appearances, and so does Yugo. The irony of it all isn't lost on me.
Armand had such a wisdom glow up, good for him.
Other thoughts may come up, but that's what I have right now. Can't wait till next week I'm too excited
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cocogum · 5 months
“The Great Wave” wakfu manga FINALLY has a summary :
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Back then, it didn’t show up but now that we’re closer to the date episode 0 drops (April 14), they finally revealed what the first volume of the manga will be about.
Here’s the translation :
“ Thanks to the will of the Sadidas and the Eliatropes, Toross Mordal and his army of Necromes were defeated. Amalia became queen of the Sadida Kingdom alongside her husband, Yugo, king of the Eliatropes. But just as life seems to be returning to normal, Yugo has increasingly disturbing visions and Aurora, the wife of Amalia's brother who died in battle, returns to the kingdom to claim the throne. ”
Alright so first of all, I’m loving the fact that Ankama labelled Yugo as Amalia’s husband cuz it just feels so nice to hear it again 💕💕
Second of all, these visions with Yugo better not be Toross or else I’m gonna throw hands at this crusty ass mummy.
AND THIRD OF ALL, i did not just read that Aurora would come back. Like I knew that we would see her again but did she really just have THE BALLS to come back?? To a land that she fled??? During the middle of a WAR that could have WIPED THE ENTIRE RACE SHE WAS SUPPOSED TO LEAD if they would have lost???
What is she trying to prove here??? Does she really think the sadidas and eliatropes are gonna welcome her with open arms and pretend she didn’t just do shit during the fight and left like a little bitch???
Omg the nerve of that hoe.
She’s trying to take back the throne?????? Gurl according to who??? Why are u coming back???? Did ur daddy also tell you to do that??? You just listen to ur daddy and never actually act like a woman with a brain???
I hope she gets jumped. I hope she gets spit on. No seriously I hope that wave annihilates her so she can be part of Yugo’s body count.
Cuz honestly who is brain-dead enough to come back to a kingdom who they fled during the middle of a war and have the audacity to claim that you will take it back from the people who saved it and almost lost their lives for it???
Is she an actual bimbo???
Wait no, not even bimbos would do this shit.
She’s just a trophy wife omg….
She’s so constipated, I have literally never hated a character like this in my life.
She’s trying to take away what belongs to Amalia like bitch who tf asked you to come back???? Also what makes you think people WANT you to come back??
How can you convince the people to come to your side when you’re known as the coward queen who didn’t do shit and left??? How can you convince them when you’re competing against a literal god-king who possesses artifacts that can surpass the gods such as the six eliatrope dofus AND the Eliasphere, and a productive queen who’s already doing so much and has been loved by her people since she was fucking born??
I’m far confident to say that the people would rather have a deity and a heroine than literal garbage.
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geekgirles · 7 months
Nora's Design and What It Might Have Been Hinting at
There's a very high chance this will all feel a little incoherent and like I'm maybe grasping at straws, but I really do think I have a point here, so deal with me, please.
Okay, so, Nora. Nora's design.
Ever since it was first revealed, the general consensus has been that it kinda sucked, especially compared to her design for Islands of Wakfu. Because let's face it, when we take into account the Council of Six's more varied and detailed designs...
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Compared to them (and especially her flashback self, look how cute, and eager, and fun-loving she used to be!), Nora is literally just a pink ninja:
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Let's face it, it was underwhelming.
However, and I know I'm not the first one who's come to the realisation that Nora's current design and colour palette is indeed intentional, rather than a poor choice, I believe I understand now what Ankama was trying to do.
Nora's design was meant to be foreshadowing of her actual role in the season. More specifically, her role in allowing the Necromes free access to the World of Twelve.
If you think about it, all the major Eliatrope players this season followed a very simple colour palette that tied them to the Eliatrope goddess and marked them as forces of good: while white was a very prominent colour, blue was the one they all had in common.
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All the actual protectors of the World of Twelve... Except Nora.
Her design is the one that clashes the most with the rest of her family. But unlike Qilby, whose more monstrous appearance served as a reminder of his past atrocities and kept both Yugo and the audience on their toes because surely he must be up to something, Nora's more down-to-earth design kept the focus away from her.
In fact, I'd even say her white hair was another deliberate choice to make us subconsciously believe she was on her family's side. After all, white is a very prominent colour in the Eliatropes' palette, especially in the Eliatrope goddess. What's more, deep down, she is on her family's side! These past few episodes showed us that it was Efrim who used Nora to advance his master's agenda, she had no agency or say in the matter whatsover.
And yet, her most promiment colour is pink. A clear opposite from her family's more prominent blue. And what does pink remind us of? That's right.
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Death, destruction, stability.
The Necromes.
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And just like the Necromes, even Nora's eyes are naturally pink. These parallels only become more pronounced once Nora becomes possessed by Efrim, when all of her, even her portals, have similar hues.
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Both her colour palette and role in the Necrome invasion are opposite from Yugo, especially once he too has been captured and had his Wakfu stolen.
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I refuse to believe this contrast between the two isn't intentional.
Because now, now that even Qilby has acknowleged him as his King, now that he commands the Eliatrope Dofus and the Eliasphere, now that the World of Twelve and his loved ones need him more than ever... Now everything about Yugo is blue.
Nora is the unwilling traitor, so the pink in her outift had to reflect that. Yugo is the hero stepping up to the challenge now that things are more dire than ever, and he wears his people's colours with pride.
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tetitous · 6 months
I wrote a lot, and not everything at the same time, but like brain got too full of Wakfu so yeah, thoughts time. I tried organizing it chonologically.
I wonder if Ruel will end up going back to Arpagone eventually, to me it seems like he decided he was done with her for good. That seems crazy but at the same time I'm pretty sure she did the most toxic thing you can do to an Enutrof. I mean, they haven't been together for a long time, I kind of wish they did talk to each other, set the records straight and left it there, but I'm okay with what happened too. Also good for Arapgone on finding something that makes her feel worthwhile by helping others.
Ruel really said the real treasure was the son we got along the way in the end, and he was so right for that.
Yugo getting the shit kicked out of him because Iops seem to have face blindness is some real comedy, the lightness in the whole scene really helped me feel that Yugo was still very much him. And given how heavy anything about the antagonists is that felt warranted, that made me feel very good. He's very chill though. Retrospectively I think it confirms what a lot of people like me may have been thinking, that Yugo was generally very tense due to body dysmorphia on top of everything else. Good for him.
I'm going to be real, Pin calling for Flopin got me so hard. I said "oh no" out loud.
Eva went full big sister mode upon seeing Yugo ;-;. I always loved their bond, it's at the center of one of, if not the best solo episode of the whole show, s2 ep 16, so the fact that it never weakens has me in a chokehold. I see the little gestures and I think "oh, they're family", with them it's all in the little gestures.
Yugo recieveing a big iop group hug and going :> was so cute. Kind of surprised Goultard also was part of it but Yugo deserves all the hugs so I absolutely am taking it.
Yugo telling Eliatrope to do something or fuck off and being the only one to manage to get her to do something has to be one of the biggest nat 20 on persuasion of all time. She's coming back to deliver the kids once things are safe though, right? And without the eye thingies right? Right?
No more Brakmar? Damn, that feels weird.
King Osamodas can take my fists, the way he just refuses to listen to Amalia and is barely willing to do the same to Armand given the nature of the invasion is really irritating.
The joy of Ad upon seeing Yugo still alive ;v;
Little interesting parallel of Yugo and Eliatrope both using the same force field technique. Not sure if it means anything, but I know it felt relevant to me.
Amalia going "are we about to kiss rn" and Yugo going "nah babe there's a war that'll leave a bad taste. Promise I'm hyping up my game for later though" was perfect. I got scared that they would kiss at that moment because it didn't feel right, but at the same time you cannot tell me they wouldn't want to soo damn bad.
Ad and Armand's eyes turning purple upon using the Eliasphere, huh...
Oh so Dathura is still there and places herself as a last defense for the Tree of Life, interesting but like, she just disappeared in the meantime? Well it's not her story I guess we didn't need to know, but still.
Joris asking Yugo if he knows what he's doing. Joris, he knows about as much as usual, he's just doing his best but thanks for making sure.
The way Eva and Tristepin react to their family being put in danger is interesting to me. Pinpin will jump to their rescue, but he's the one moving, that makes sense to him. Eva is, and has always been, the type to stay in place at the face of danger, whether out of fear or stubborness, so she asks for Pinpin to be the one to move away from the danger, but she won't move. Their dynamic is precious.
I'm curious about Pinpin's hair... burning? What's going on there?
Armand's sacrifice was powerful, he wasn’t a great prince, but he was an amazing King.
Joris! Joris! Joris! Joris! Imma hype that little man. Him and Yugo making the Team Blue Shorties (well, not so much anymore) was great. Team Demigods was also pretty damn cool.
Aurora is building a very bad rep for the Osamodas Kingdom by flying away, but I undertand the pain she must have felt at the moment. Her father still was treating their countries' alliance as something purely strategic, but she loved him. To her that meant something, and Amalia's simple movement of rejection while under intense distress and grief was enough for her to decide to listen to her father and not to fight by everyone's side.
Actually Eva IS very much the one to get people to move. She gets Amalia back up too.
Yugo turning Oropo's words against Toross is interesting. Wonder if it has any weird implications for the future. Maybe not though, maybe Yugo has been warned enough, he's not the type to enjoy the feeling that comes with being extremely powerful too much after all. The Eliacube freaked him out, the 6 Dofus made him scared the whole time and the consequences sucked, and the Eliasphere can litteraly cause his death. I think if anyone can hold that much power, that would be him (or Joris, Joris looks like he can be trusted with pretty much anything)
Big nope on Toross for trying to make Nora his bride. Nopenopenopenopenope go away. I'm surprised Yugo managed to keep a straight face, because I think I would have just gone for the throat.
Also imagine being a walking talking pan flag and people still assume you're straight.
There are definetly implications that Toross is the one being responsible for the disappearance of the gods. If he can tell the difference between the strengh of a god and that of a demi-god, that means he fought both, and won.
Nora going from forcing herself to be distrustful of Yugo to believing him fully did warm my heart. The short time they spent together doesn't mean they aren’t family.
What do you mean Pinpin never told Eva he loved her??? What??? Really?!?!
Efrim's pain and Nora's love are such a beautiful contrast I feel so much for them I'm not sure I have the words for it.
Flopin is developing his hearing, glad that in a way he didn't miss the wedding.
Btw totally unrelated but Yugo carrying Goultard bridal style during the final fight was NOT on my bingo list.
In the end, Toross' pain and loneliness are eternal, and there litteraly no saving him from his own personal hell. In a lot of ways his story is similar to Qilby's, but the one thing that separates them is the choice: Qilby could still choose to stop hurting his own in service of himself, Toross condemned everyone, including himself, and he can do nothing about it anymore.
Are Nora and Efrim stuck wherever they are together for all of eternity or are their Wakfu going back to their Dofus?
Omg. A wedding. My dude it all happened too fast, the worldwide political chaos that's going to ensue, I'm here for it.
I feel like they did originally want to show us the transition from the Era of Wakfu to Waven but they ended up focusing more on the characters, and that's a very good thing, that allows for Yugo to have a truly, undeniable win thanks not just to being overpowered, due to the main antagonist somehow being worse, but also thanks to the power of friendship and plus if affinity.
Overall those last 3 episodes I was hyped the whole way, and it's crazy because I don't think I felt a feeling that strong so regularly for an entire hour. I write that part about an hour after having watched everything and I still haven't come down, but now I'm having a bit of a feeling like I'm about to cry in the back. That means season 4 of Wakfu was even more amazing than everything I hoped for, because when I'm hoped for something there typically always is that empty feeling. Not here. I'm very, very happy.
The ending really feels like there's more, so I'm happy to know that there will be a manga.
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cocogum · 6 months
Ready for your analysis on the last three episodes!
Especially your take on when Yugo shared the eliasphere powers and only Adamai and Armands eyes turned pink. I knew something would happen immediately.
✨ Your Wakfu analysis and posts have been fun and I've really enjoyed them! 💖
Oh shit you actually read them all?
Omg I’m so honored 😳😳
Thanks for even reading them wow…I didn’t think it would be that fun to read them honestly 😆 It’s literally just me ranting and pointing out some stuff while I try to keep the important parts in. I often like to mix the analysis part with my ranting so ppl can get a perspective on the logical side of things and then my emotional ass.
As for the last three episodes, yeah it’s obvious I’ll make more than two parts for those 💀💀
There is literally so much to say, that putting only two parts for it wouldn’t be enough.
My fingers are gonna be so sore after that tho 😭😭
And yeah! I did catch up on the freaking purple eyes, that shit gave me a mini panic attack when I saw that for the first time. So when Armand died, I was like “wait is she about to die too???” So I kept myself so tense during the episodes but I was so relieved that she survived. Thank goodness, man. I would’ve actually freaked the hell out if that’s what happened. BUT THEN THE MANGA IS HAPPENING ON APRIL SO NOW I DON’T KNOW ANYMORE ON IF THE PURPLE EYES WILL COME BACK LATER ON.
Ankama loves to mess with us for no reason so there’s a 50/50 chance that they only added the purple eyes to screw with us. God I love AND hate them. Why do they gotta do us like that 😭😭😭
Anyways I’m rambling again lol
But yeah! I’m psyched (and terrorized) that I’m gonna be doing an analysis on the three last episodes! Like usual, I tend to do it during the week so probably around Thursday or Friday? But don’t get ur hopes up, I can change the day very quickly with no warning sometimes.
thanks a lot!! 💖💖💖 ur ask truly made my day 🥰💕
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