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geographer746 · 5 months ago
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gnomgnomovich · 1 month ago
Happy Valentine's day froooom
Two brothers: an ouji-sama
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and a tsundere.
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"No" is not an option! Which one will you choose?
I didn't know what Dakal was like in color, so I drew him the way I see :)
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geekgirles · 2 months ago
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Dardondakal: "You used your Dofus' powers to bring this psycho back to life!"
Not gonna lie, it is very satisfying to see somebody call Grougalorasalar out on the willing atrocity of his actions after he spent 95% of his screentime dragging Yugo and Adamaï for things that were either accidents or out of their control.
(Seriously, for all the things he blamed Yugo and his people for, he actually left out the only thing besides Qilby's actions to be directly caused by them—Yugo endangering the World of Twelve when he used the Dofus to fight Ogrest).
There's also the fact that, just like Grougalorasalar brought up valid points regarding the damage—intentional or otherwise—the Eliatropes have caused to their world, Dardondakal is also right in getting angry over the lengths his brother is willing to go to just to make a point.
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Dardondakal: "You sacrificed a thousand innocent lives for her!"
After all, tragic as she might be, Julith is a well-known menace and selfish enough to sacrifice hundreds of innocents for the sake of her own family. And she would have succeeded hadn't Jahash acted as her moral compass. Which in turn suggests her husband was the only person she truly cared about, as not even Joris, her son, managed to talk her out of her plan.
With the added fact that she originally planned to destroy Bonta before falling for Jahash, then Dardondakal makes an excellent point on how bringing her along could do more harm than good. Combined with the fact that the Ebony Dragon kept preaching about how everything wrong with their world was the Eliatropes' fault while he, remorseful as he was, didn't hesitate to sacrifice a thousand innocent souls for the sake of his goals, let's just say it only makes Grougalorasalar look like a hypocrite and the only actual threat here.
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Dardondakal: "We had a deal. I agreed to help you as long as you didn't go too far. And killing a thousand innocents to bring this murderer back to life is anything but not going too far!
As the Ivory Dragon says, he agreed to help his brother as long as he didn't go too far, and sacrificing hundreds of innocent lives in exchange of a murderer's is indeed going way too far. Especially when Salar makes it clear Julith is mostly a back-up. He killed a thousand people just in case Yugo and Adamaï refused to go along with his ultimatum.
Fella really knows how to put the crazy in "crazy prepared".
But let's be honest. The whole entire chapter is just Dakal spitting facts and bringing his brother's paranoia into question.
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Dardondakal: "I told you I could go with you." Grougalorasalar: "You're too soft. We needed to be persuasive during a first meeting. If we want to save this world, Brother, we must be firm!"
Now, raise your hand if you think Salar's animosity against Yugo and his people and his actions are going to end up becoming a self-fulfilling prophecy that will result in the very catastrophe he was trying to prevent.
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Grougalorasalar dismissed his brother as "too soft", but in doing so he has inadvertently caused more trouble for himself, because chances are Yugo and Adamaï will choose to hold onto their Dofus and the Eliasphere if it means they get a fighting chance of protecting their people against whatever Salar has planned for them if they don't comply.
Now, if he'd only brought Dakal along and they presented themselves before them without all the mind games and the attempted murder, chances are his more diplomatic brother would have been able to plea their case to Yugo and Adamaï and reason with them to hand over their weapons peacefully. Because as much of an emotionally-driven warrior as Yugo is, he is still deeply caring, empathetic, and prefers to use violence as his last resort. Alongside Adamaï's logical and cautious nature, and Amalia's understanding of their current standing in the World of Twelve, he would have most likely backed down a lot sooner and without collateral damage.
As things are right now, Yugo and Adamaï are equally likely to give in to his request, as they are to refuse him and to hold onto their weapons out of fear of Salar going against his word and hurting even more innocents regardless of what they choose to do.
Because let's not forget how he still wasn't above potentially killing Amalia when he also poisoned her glass. Or how he basically spelled it out for Yugo that he isn't exactly above killing his wife or his little siblings. That level of threat is sure to result in one very pissed off, very protective Eliatrope King. And we all know the things Yugo is capable of when it comes to protecting his loved ones.
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(Thank you @cocogum for the screenshots).
And finally, we have this gem of a line that perfectly encapsulates how far Grougalorasalar really is going with his demands.
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Dardondakal: "You're asking them for the impossible"
And again, cat boy aims his shot and hits all the targets.
Because Salar's demands are excessive! Not only is he demanding they hand over their weapons, which could very well be their only line of defence against a world that has made it clear time and time again that it won't accept them; but he is also incredibly hypocritical in his demands!
As @cocogum elaborated on in her review, while it could be argued that asking them to hand over the Eliasphere can be reasonable (it's not, and I'll get to that in a minute), asking them for the Eliatrope Dofus is not.
Because that's their Dofus. Powerful as they are, they undoutedly belong to their people, which was precisely why Adamaï was so incensed back in the OVAs when they were stolen or someone suggested they used them. Because it was not their decision to make, but of their people. Likewise, except for Efrim and Nora's, those Dofus house the souls of the remaining members of the Council of Six, of their siblings! He is basically asking Yugo and Adamaï to give their family up for ransom.
Not to mention, such demand is highly hypocritical of Grougalorasalar.
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Last chapter he revealed he and his siblings were aware of everything that happened under Ogrest's control, and how much they resented being reduced to his pets just because he possessed their Dofus... And yet he expects Yugo and Adamaï to just hand over their Dofus to him even though they risk following a similar fate? Especially when they have always tried to keep them either hidden or in good hands while it's apparent the Primordial Dofus are basically up for the taking?
Now he really is crossing a line.
And, arguably, he is equally foolish to demand the Eliasphere and expect nothing bad comes out of it.
For all he ragged on about Nox, Qilby, and Oropo, and the damage they did with the Eliacube, he seems to be forgetting one crucial detail: even if the Eliacube and Eliasphere technically belong to the Mechasms, the only ones who can actually wield them efficiently are the Eliatropes (and Eliotropes)!
That's why Nox completely lost it. Because he couldn't handle or properly utilise the Eliacube's power. And Salar expects things to calm down just because the Eliatropes are no longer in possession of the Eliasphere? No! If anything, he's only risking further destruction and mayhem in case it falls into the wrong hands.
Given how Dakal is clearly the most reasonable and most principled of the two, I sure hope he goes behind his brother's back in an attempt to stop him. Who knows? Considering he chose Joris as his guardian, unless that changed in the centuries following his childhood, maybe he'll go to him to warn him of what Grougalorasalar is planning and that will be why Joris appears next chapter.
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hinashyra · 5 months ago
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Joris's life, from now on...
"Thanks, Dard 🥲"
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rambledoo · 1 month ago
Literally Dardondakal:
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kilfeur · 2 months ago
C'est intéressant de voir et comparer les actes de Rasalar et à ceux de Yugo et les autres. Selon Rasalar, il voit Yugo et les autres comme responsable à ce qui est arrivé est de leur faute : Nox avec l'éliacube, Oropo et son projet, Qilby, la déesse Eliatrope et les Nécromes et comme je l'ai dit plus haut, je comprends un peu son raisonnement. Mais de l'autre Rasalar a sacrifié des vies pour ramener Julith. Le groupe de Yugo a essayé de faire face à leurs ennemis malgré les conséquences ou bien leurs propres ressentis personnels. Mais Rasalar est comme le dit mon ami, un peu trop radicale dans sa manière de faire. Surtout qu'au final, il n'est pas mieux que ceux qu'ils voient comme ses ennemis. Surtout qu'il parle de les désarmer et vu que l'eliasphère a un lien avec Yugo, je crains que si il y arrive ça risque de le tuer. Dakal a l'air plus raisonnable donc peut être que Yugo et les autres peuvent essayer d'en discuter avec lui afin de trouver une autre solution.
It's interesting to see and compare Rasalar's actions with those of Yugo and the others. According to Rasalar, he sees Yugo and the others as responsible for what happened is their fault: Nox with the eliacube, Qilby, Oropo and his project as well as the goddess Eliatrope and the Necromes, I kind of understand his reasoning. But on the other Rasalar sacrificed many lives to bring Julith back. Yugo's group tried to face their enemies despite the consequences or their own personal feelings. But Rasalar is, as my friend say, a bit too radical in his approach. Especially since, in the end, he's no better than those he see as his enemies. Above all, he's talking about disarming them, and given that the eliasphere has a link with Yugo, I'm afraid that if he succeeds it could kill him. Dakal seems more reasonable, so maybe Yugo and the others can try to discuss the matter with him and find another solution.
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geographer746 · 6 months ago
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The lack of Dardondakal fanart is appalling, shame on all of you
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cocogum · 2 months ago
The Great Wave - Chapter 13 Review
We end up in a completely different place in the midde of...nowhere?
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This floating rock is just chilling in the middle of the ocean, okay. Yeah that's fine. Just don't let any fishermen or adventurers notice you at all.
Oh! Maybe the reason why it's got nothing to worry about is because it's surrounded by a magic invisible barrier that doesn't let people outside notice it. Kinda like how Grougaloragran used the same method for Oma Island and how Phaerys used it at Yugo and Adamai's birthday party in the manga between season 2 and the ovas.
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I thought seeing Grougalorasalar was going to be enough for the Great Wave, but apparently, we're having another primordial dragon here! Nice ✨️✨️
For those who don't know, this new guy is Dardondakal, one of the six primordial dragons of the World of Twelve, which means he's also Grougalorasalar's brother.
In case we might see the other primordial dragons, here's a helpful reminder that shows you each of their names, dragon forms, and which dofus they originated from.
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(You have no idea how helpful this image helped me through the years whenever I had to remember one of their names for an explanation. Only Aguabrial's name was the easiest to remember, and now Grougalorasalar's name became just as easy too. I feel like when we get a proper introduction for each dragon, it tends to become a lot easier to remember their names.)
Dardondakal actually looks nice in his human form, but I don't know who the dragon he's worryingly looking at is. But it's definitely another one of Dardondakal and Grougalorasalar's primordial brothers though (man so many dragon names are tiring my tongue out why are they so complicated to write and say??) so I'm betting my money on Terrakourial for being that possibility.
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Dardondakal has beef with Julith lol
You'd think it'd be awkward to face the wife of your deceased guardian who had also gotten falsely accused of killing said guardian 🥰🥰 but nope Dardondakal at least knows the truth but he's still mad that she's here and almost beat his ass.
Yeah, Jahash (a bontarian huppermage and the past leader of Bonta's army) is Dardondakal's guardian. You gotta watch the Dofus movie for that.
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Bro's just standing there not even looking 😭😭 Also what is up with everyone choking people in this manga?? First it's Amalia getting choked in a dream, then It's Aurora choking Amalia, and now it's Julith getting choked by Dardondakal.
Like damn, twelvian people really love necks.
Back in the last chapter, I was unsure if Julith was wearing clothes underneath her cloak but now that she's moving more, I can safely say that she won't catch hypothermia any soon. But it is weird that she's still isn't seen talking...Like what is up with that?
Also even though I never expected Dardondakal to have been much softer than I realized, it makes some sense. The Dofus movie depicted Dardondakal and Grougalorasalar as opposites in every way. Even their colors are the opposite of each other. So I guess acting like the opposite of your brother was planned ever since the movie.
Dardondakal almost getting his ass beat by Julith seriously makes me wonder what he might've thought of her and his own guardian getting married together.
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Like he obviously doesn't like her in the slightest and thinks she's way too rough and barbaric so just imagine how he might've reacted when he saw her and Jahash getting married and having Joris lol
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...oh yeah uhhhh...Don't go to Brakmar rn Julith....Toross fucked it up. I wonder if we'll ever see its state in upcoming chapters or even in season 5...
But even when Dardondakal doesn't agree with Grougalorasalar's methods, he's still stubborn and doesn't change his ideas even when his brother tells him that it's kinda messed up.
Do you realize how far gone he is with his plans when even one of his brothers can't get to him??
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I seriously wonder how the encounter with Yugo could've gone out if Dardondakal had been there with Grougalorasalar.
Either Yugo would only attack Grougalorasalar, or there would've been NO POISON AT ALL.
But wait...if the belladone poison never happened, then Amalia wouldn't have kicked the two useless royal osamodas out...
Okay you know what? It's actually a good thing that it was only Grougalorasalar and Julith who came. Because they unknowingly made Amalia push herself to kick the useless turds away.
And while I'm still thinking about it, I don't think Dardondakal, despite being the softer one between him and his brother, could've kept his cool better than him. He literally lunged at Julith's neck for being the reason why so many lives lost. And she wasn't even the one who initiated the sacrifice! It was Grougalorasalar! AND BRO KNEW THAT!
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Everyone's a hypocrite in this family 😍
But even when I thought that Grougalorasalar would've revived Julith to assist his fights, I never would've imagined that he would have brought her back for 'non-combat' reasons. Like what is that supposed to mean??
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Julith was called the butcher of Brakmar for a reason because she literally perfects in fighting. So telling Dardondakal that that's not what she's here for makes me wonder if she won't be there to manipulate a certain little blue-cloaked guy....
Oh god....
Is this why we can see Joris in a later chapter cover???
Is that why Julith is even there? To make sure that Joris meets her once more and they talk one on one??? For what reason?? To bring him to her side??? In the Dofus movie, younger Joris was with her during some of the events transpiring and he had legitimately thought that she would be good for some time but NOPE!
Joris won't get fooled twice. He was a kid back then. The thought of seeing his mother once more will obviously shock him because he knows she died back then. But there's no way he'll willingly come to her side.
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It's time like these where you know no one knows what the hell they're doing 🥰🥰
I do agree on one thing with Grougalorasalar in this chapter: even if you think your ways are brutal and forceful, you'll have to apply them with the utmost confidence. You cannot be seen doubting yourself or look soft when you act. It'll just make you look like a wimp and especially someone who doesn't know what they're doing.
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Also uhhh....Is something happening to their other brothers? The dragon we saw in the beginning was clearly one of them, which is why Dardondakal was seen shedding a slight tear. This entire cavernous room might as well be that very same dragon's lair, and Dardondakal just came to visit.
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Grougalorasalar....Clean whatever shit your bothers are in BEFORE dealing with Yugo.
Like that is basic knowledge 101. You HAVE to deal with your own problems before messing with other people's problems.
Everyone here should go to therapy at this point.
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I wonder what Joris will think about all this.
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geographer746 · 2 months ago
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gnomgnomovich · 4 days ago
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Expectation: Two dragon brothers, using their wisdom and strength to help you make the world a better place Reality: Two teenagers arguing for 3 hours about who gets to sleep on the top bunk
Nobody knows how much Joris suffered. Yes, Dakal was 100% involved in everything that was happening.
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geekgirles · 2 months ago
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But why is Dardondakal this pretty??????
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louna-fnaf · 7 days ago
I take a closer look on that page and I noticed some things
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That picture looks like there's a men and women the men kinda looks like khan
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A drawing from the movie
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And that pretty woman is probably a guardian of asalar let me explain
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Some page later we can see her olding the ebeny dofus and I know it's her bc they are the same cloth
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And lastely asalar and dardondakal first design.
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Love this one ❤
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kerubimcrepin · 9 months ago
ANALYSIS: Joris Jurgen, Mage-Slayer, Bearer of Grougalorasalar's Black Fire.
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For quite a while I had wanted to make this post, concentrating my personal pet theory/something I noticed, but as of recently, it has been made especially relevant with to the role Grougalorasalar, as well as the Jurgen-Crepin family, may play in the manga.
This post touches on the following topic: Joris is probably mostly/fully incapable of using magic due to Grougalorasalar's possession, and there may be other consequences too, for his psychology.
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"At the time of the Dofus film, we saw [Joris] as a mage-killer. Someone who does not practice magic, nor is attuned to it."
Note: Some parts of this were already proven true (or true-in-the-past-but-now-reconned) by this tweet, but I would like to go more in depth, and talk about why Joris is not practising or attuned to magic.
Black Fire, Stasis, and Dragons:
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The magic of the world is based upon the Quadramental Breeze (the elements of Fire, Water, Earth, and Wind), Black Fire (Stasis, energy of destruction), and White Fire (Wakfu, energy of creation).
All of these forces originate from the three dragons of Osamodas: the elemental dragon Spiritia, the white fire dragon Helioboros, and the black fire dragon Ouronigride.
The descendants of Spiritia became the four elemental primordial dragons.
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Dofus MMO Book "Dragon Era - Found Fragments III"
Ouronigride had three descendants, of whom only two are extremely relevant to this post: Grougalorasalar (ebony dofus), and He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named, who refused a physical body, and therefore, remained without one, unlike all the other dragons.
Helioboros had three descendants, two of whom are important to keep in mind: Dardondakal (ivory dofus, his guardians used to be Joris, as well as Leorictus Sheran-Sharm), and Croulakrakoss, a dragon that has a history with Grougalorasalar.
Possession & violence:
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"Young Lukruh… You don't know that I'm watching over you… From the shadows!"
Joris is not the first person in the history of the World of Twelve to be possessed by a Black Fire dragon — albeit his possession was less planned, and ended far less tragically for him.
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While Grougalorasalar only resorted to possessing a body and mind that would not resist him, in order to save his own life — his sibling, He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named, had always yearned to possess and overtake, and for that end, he chose a man named Lukruh.
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"Go ahead! Set them on fire! Oh yes! Lukruh! Your hatred gave the two of us wings! Keep going, and then nothing will stand in our way!"
He spent a long time slowly weakening his defences to overtake his body and mind (the downside of possessing someone who is not a newborn, and actually has a free will and a mind to overwrite, I suppose), and fed on his anger, at some point even giving him wings.
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Feeding on anger to increase control over the body, something isn't unique to He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named.
It is unknown whether possession is something only Black Fire dragons are capable of, but we do know the dire consequences it has for the possessed — because Joris has opinions on this story, and he voices in the Dofus MMO questline for the Ivory dofus.
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During the first Crimson Dawn, he took the life of Dardondakal, and some time after, died himself. What really happened is murky (perhaps in part because this is not my lore area of expertise), but we know that Hyrkul ended up as an undead lich, before being abandoned by the dragon.
Joris explains that:
1. Dragons of black fire are not evil, but merely drawn to destruction. While I personally believe him, the fact that he mentions this immediately and unprompted may point to this being an insecurity of his.
2. The He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named kept Hyrkul alive, or turned him into a lich, using black magic. Then, in response to being asked whether it is possible that Hyrkul could have recovered his free will, Joris says the following:
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This implies that 1. Joris views the condition of being possessed as one you can't recover from, and 2. that he still does not entirely possess a free will of his own. His mind has forever been tainted by/muddled with Grougalorasalar's, and that is simply not something that can be changed or healed from.
...Perhaps Black Fire stirs his thoughts too. No wonder he would mention this not being an evil thing, then.
(To be honest, one of my own darker thoughts on this topic is that Joris as we know him has been possessed since infancy, so if Grougalorasalar overwrote his brain fully with his own personality without any memories, we'd just never know. Though, considering there wasn't really a personality to overwrite, it's a bit of a chicken-and-egg dilemma. Sorry for becoming a conspiracy theorist for a sec.)
Joris also elaborates further on their relationship in the Ebony dofus questline:
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This reveals multiple things:
Joris may be implying that he and Grougalorasalar did not part on good terms.
The alternate explanation for his words here, is that Joris knows what Grougalorasalar feels due to his influence over his psyche — meaning that he also neither forgives nor forgets. While it is a fun possibility that fits in with the rest of the post, I am inclined to believe that the shorter and easier explanation for his words is the one meant by the developers. Occam's razor.
The conflict that led to their separation was based in their world-view and morals — but here Joris says something that is very interesting:
The thing about possession, is that it affects both parties, whether they like it or not.
(Imagine two pieces of clay. Imagine pushing them together, and then tearing them apart. There would still be a bit of colour from the other piece of clay, on both of them, you know? I suppose it works the same way with souls.)
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Whatever their relationship used to be, Grougalorasalar no longer respects Joris's opinions. Joris still seems to feel protective of the Ebony Dofus — even if he couldn't fulfil his promise of keeping it safe forever.
Joris the Powerless:
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The Black Fire eats away at all magic and life, like rust; and rules the thoughts and impulses of those affected by it, like hunger.
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But it's not an evil energy — merely the yin to Wakfu's yang. It destroys without a malicious intent.
Even if we've seen the consequences that an abundance of it has, in season 4 of Wakfu...
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*relevant parts of the quotes are marked with a red tint
It is not a secret that Joris was first conceptualized to be a character who had no innate powers of his own — instead drawing them from his magic wand/hand-held tree stump. (Well, the first idea was a warrior with a woman's voice, but Xa disregarded that brief and made up a whole new guy...)
It was the idea they had during the making of Wakfu season 1 — which is why he always held his magic wand back then — and it was the idea they had during the development of the cancelled spin-off game "Joris the Powerless".
It is also why he has seldom been shown with the tree stump afterwards — it has lost its relevance to his character outside of being his preferred weapon.
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The reason I bring it up is that, while ideas change — when something is so integral to a character that you almost name a game after it, even multiple rewrites may not get rid of an idea entirely.
If black magic is a hunger that corrodes other magic, then wouldn't it make sense, if Joris could not use magic to begin with?
His situation is far different from Julith, who used black magic to try and resurrect Jahash. Black Fire is a part of Joris the same way it is a part of Black Fire Dragons, — it's not just a tool to him.
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...Though, he does make use of it.
All of this together would explain why Joris was envisioned, and could still turn out to be, someone who neither practices nor is attuned to magic, and how the idea of him being a powerless individual may have evolved.
It is important to note, that while I think he is mostly incapable of magic, he can probably still preform simple spells:
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Joris is shown using some type of magic in the Wakfu series, though we don't know what sort of magic it is, and what is its source.
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And, this is a bit more shaky, but he may be shown using some sort of electricity magic in Dofus MMO's battles — to enhance his mobility/melee attacks. The only reason I am unsure is that it could just be game-specific animations, to make the fight more interesting.
Either way it would make sense — Black Fire Dragons are living beings attuned to Stasis, but they are not devoid of Wakfu, (if they were, they would either be dead or necromes...) and Joris is simply an individual whose body was warped — capabilities for branching out into other types of magic could be limited, instead of being gone.
From possession to possessiveness:
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While the main point of this post was to analyse the fact that the possession probably affected his magical capabilities, it is also important to note, that I don't think his psychology was untouched.
We have multiple sources claiming that dragons are, in general, emotionally unstable, as well as textual evidence of said fact (via Arty's Burning of Bonta, which is mentioned by Qilby; Grougalorasalar's... Grougalorasalarness, as well as Adamai's many crises.)
As well as an interesting quote by Qilby, in regard to Grougaloragran. But it comes with a preface:
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While we don't know whether the vocabulary of "white fire/black fire" applies to the Eliatropes, it is important to consider this:
It was said by Tot that six dofus are required to create a world.
The appearance of a new primordial black fire dragon (Rotalström) in the necroworld could signify that having six primordial dragons for the four elements, as well as stasis and wakfu, is a constant between various worlds.
According to Tot, Rotalström was the last dragon defeated by Toross. Could it be that Primordial black fire dragons play an important role in keeping the world safe? And is this why Grougalorasalar is very active in the new manga?
This would probably make Grougaloragran a black fire dragon. It would also explain why he is both impulsive, and very keen on self-control and trying to be a kind person. But this isn't outright canon — just my speculation.
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(It would also explain why Adamai knows how to use stasis magic at such a young age, having been raised by him.)
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Which brings me to this point: it is interesting to think about the way Grougaloragran craves violence and destruction as a baby (cute), and how this quote about impulsiveness and jealousy also fits Grougalorasalar:
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Many people may not know it, but there is a lot of lore pertaining to Grougalorasalar in the Dofus MMO — and especially to his child, Crocoburio.
Crocoburio and Grougalorasalar tried to devastate and control the lands, slaughtering countless people, and Grougalorasalar was madly obsessed with his offspring: whispering him advice in the dark, supporting him every step of the way, giving him enchanted items.
These aren't necessarily normal behaviours for a dragon — but his son was so much like him, that it bewitched him for centuries, even after he was gone.
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The quests in the MMO involve Grougalorasalar wanting to ressurect his offspring, even if it damages Crocoburio's soul irreparably — and the player trying to ressurect Crocoburio without hurting him, to use as a bargaining chip.
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What I am saying is that:
Joris is a very impulsive person, a misantrope prone to poor decision making, involving himself in situations that don't concern him, and anger issues. He is also obsessed with his family — his so called "sons" (they aren't, but the three of them love playing pretend).
And maybe it's just how he was born — but maybe, just maybe, this too, is something that can be in some way traced to Grougalorasalar.
But maybe Joris also relishes in having posessive control over Kerubim and Atcham. Maybe he also hates everyone else besides them, and barely tolerates some people outside the family unit, with his brief friendships with others. Maybe its just like Grougalorasalar, and his love for Crocoburio.
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randomizer971 · 2 months ago
Beware of spoilers, bad editing and overuse of gif.
Oh, look another glowing McGuffin!
Are these the other Primordial Dragons? One of them looked like Terrakourial. Are they trapped, or something? Healing? In cryo-sleep?
Anyway, is this my boy standing in front of the light orb?!
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It's him! It's DARDONDAKAL! Let's goooooooo *inhuman screeching!* Look at him! Look at my beautiful bat boy! So fluffy, even in his humanoid form! So majestic! 🙏
Giant Bat attacks Elite Goth Queen => Gets wrecked in 0.5 seconds.
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Julith is so perfect! 😍 The close-up with her blades was amazing! If this webtoon gets animated, I might ascend thanks to all those great scenes.
Me after hyping up Little Dardar only to watch him lose miserably:
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Petit Lardon 🥓 over there really thought he was cooking. Now, look what happens when you rush into things without thinking! All those years, all this knowledge, still no wisdom. smh. How can you call yourself a dragon and lose to a freshly resurrected corpse with no Dofus? And he didn't even land one hit! Embarrassing!
Rasalar helping up Dardar, while Julith is chilling with her blades (left), colourised :
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Not only is Dardondakal weak, but he is also loudly self-righteous ?! Why is he talking so high and mighty like he didn't just get folded two seconds ago? Boy is still shaking like a newborn kitten! Reminds me of Adamaï with him losing like a wimp in Season 4. Seriously, all those Primordial Dragons are an embarrassment so far. I can't with these siblings!
I have to say it again: my bae Julith is so fierce! Almost worth the human sacrifices, almost.
Dardar is an embarrassment, but he is morally correct: murdering who knows how many people is wrong no matter what his sibling is saying. However, it does fit the personality and mindset of Grougalorasalar, one of the dragons considered to be "evil incarnate".
This makes the whole "let's save the world from the Eliatropes" plan even weirder because how are the readers supposed to believe Rasalar of all people is trying to save the world?
Pretty sure I've mentioned it in a previous post, but why would "Evil" care if the world is in danger? Wouldn't it mean more death and destruction to enjoy? Didn't Rasalar give his son Crocoburio a magical sword to help him conquer the world? In the webtoon, it doesn't look like Rasalar wants to save the world only to conquer it afterwards (so far). So, I really don't understand his reasoning.
The discrepancy between Rasalar's canonical nature (lore, games...) and his current actions (webtoon) is actually the main reason I was initially doubtful the one behind Yugo's nightmares was Rasalar - or the Great Dragon for that matter. The lore says "black dragons are usually evil". Rasalar is a black dragon and, in all media so far, he has acted as a villain. Now, the webtoon comes and makes him appear like some kind of antihero ready to save the world? ...'Kay.
Between the in-fighting, Julith looking like she is underpaid and overworked, Dardar being a wet kitten, and Rasalar saving the world with murder and extortion, I'm sure the Eliatrope artefacts will be much safer in their hands. Yes, it's the most sensible choice.
And that's it for now! This chapter felt shorter than it really was. However, it was a good way to take a breather after several action-packed chapters. What a great introduction to Dardondakal! The chapter helped establish the current dynamic between all three characters and even revealed a few things about Rasalar's plan and Dardar's possible reason for siding with his brother.
Chapter 14 will be out on 07.02.2025 on ALLSKREEN.
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wishingstarinajar · 11 months ago
Hi again wish!! Im the Dardondakal artist anon and i hope you dont mind the question but I wanted to ask if you had any other drawings of your disguised version of him i could use as reference? I hope im not bothering you with my question!
Hullo again~
I don't have anything more than that single drawing, sorry. But I imagine that under his dragon wing-like cloak, he wears sleek dark (metal) armor with clawed gauntlets. But that's all I really have going for him visual-wise. Sorry that I can't be of more help.
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jorisjurgen · 2 years ago
The Crepin-Lore Manifesto.
Part 1: The Background
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It is the end of the semester, and I have assignments due, finals to get ready for... So, obviously, I wrote the longest trio of posts in my blog's entire history.
In this little (lol) character analysis/information compilation, I will try to show you that:
1. That something really indescribably weird/evil is going on with Kerubim Crepin and Atcham Crepin's history, because really, we don't know a lot about their childhood, but what we do know, doesn't paint a pretty picture.
2. They are very fascinating characters, especially Atcham, and their story is underappreciated, or entirely unknown in the greater fandom.
Besides that, I also to make some obscure info, from side-media, more accessible.
However, this part of the analysis will be about common misconceptions and background information that will inform the rest of the analysis.
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"Are they really full-on brothers?"
When I was rewatching Wakfu last year, I asked this, since I hadn't really thought about it.
The answers I got were very... diverse, and more confusing than anything. Most wikis listed them as "brothers or half-brothers", which added to the confusion.
However, 3-4 rewatches of Dofus + getting deep into the franchise later, and I know the answer.
Yes. They are full brothers, without any ambiguity on the question.
They share both a father - God Ecaflip, and a mother - an unknown mortal woman who's last name was Crepin.
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Atcham's full name is Atcham Crepin. He does not contest it, and Dardondakal has no reason to lie.
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And, as a second, slightly more ambiguous piece of evidence, Kerubim implies here that he and Atcham come from a different litter than Ush. Litter being a word that describes a group of kittens born to the same mother, at the same time.
Because Kerubim talks of his past life in the Dofus MMO, we know that ecaflip demigods keep their memories of past lives, so it is his first-hand knowledge, and not something that was told to him.
[Dofus MMO - Quest: Du rire en barre / Laughing Matter]
(Both original and translated dialogue, for posterity.)
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(So, yeah, cough-cough. Kerubim and Atcham are, pretty much, all but confirmed to be fraternal twins. Just like Flopin and Eleley.)
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"Twins... Are you sure that God Ecaflip didn't just have multiple kids with one woman?"
This is certainly a possibility, especially with Atcham repeatedly calling Kerubim his older brother... Perhaps the litter line is more figurative.
However... It would be pretty out of character for Ecaflip, with the information we have from Wakfu Raiders.
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...Listen, I knooow, It's a discontinued mobile game, but you have to understand, it's the only thing we have to judge Ecaflip's treatment of his lovers, ok?
The important thing is that he doesn't seem to care about them, after he's done. Neither does he seem to care about the demigods that result from his romantic exploits, when we look at his treatment of Yakusha, Atcham, and, yes, even Kerubim.
And even if he cared, he still wouldn't stick around. Mortals don't live long enough to get attached.
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All of Ecaflip's love for Kerubim stems from one fact - he's entertaining to him.
His love is deep, but it's not parental. It doesn't depend on who his mother was, or if he's happy. It depends on the fact that Kerubim obeys him, serves him, is a good person and a hero, and takes any punishment or attention he gives him, while being fun to sometimes torture, test and play with.
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Even if Ecaflip's treatment of him is horrifying, he can't help but be proud of it himself. Especially when this tough love had taught him some things.
But, despite the sugarcoating he applies to his feelings while raising Joris - because his son doesn't deserve the misfortune of knowing all that - it's pretty obvious that even though he loves Ecaflip back, not all of his feelings towards him are warm.
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...But before any of that that, Kerubim was simply one of many orphan demigods without a home, a family, or a mother, about all of whom Ecaflip cared just as little.
It's pretty likely that he probably wouldn't even recall that woman's name.
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"About the family - what about the time Kerubim said that he was the last Crepin in his family?"
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Okay... Nobody would ask this. I am certainly THE only person on this planet who even cares. But, I do have an answer to this.
Anyway, here's a giant, seemingly-unrelated-at-first-glance tangent:
Kerubim Crepin, and the 30-40 instances of accidental Cluster B coding.
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To preface this section, I am perfectly aware that it is a bit selfish, to shove my personal headcanons and interpretations of him having comorbid BPD and HPD, something that is entirely unintended by the writers, and simply my observation of his personality, into my analysis of lore post. And neither am I a psychologist.
However, even without these two headcanons, I cannot write this analysis without ever mentioning this - because I am going to be discussing his canonical, unhealthy behavior patterns, coping mechanisms, and emotional turmoil.
They all go unnamed, but they are present in the show, down to it's core. My headcanons are, at best, me putting a name to his struggles.
Kerubim Crepin struggles with being blind to other people's emotions, having very low cognitive empathy.
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His emotions are intense to the point of dissociation. He often has wrong ideas of how close his relationships to people actually are.
Besides that, he's prone to impulsive behaviors that damage those already shaky relationships.
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His defense mechanism is splitting, switching at a moment's notice between idealizing and devaluing someone.
It happens, in some ways, with pretty much everyone he loves.
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And most importantly, Kerubim Crepin is terrified of being alone, of being abandoned.
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His struggles are, no doubt, rooted fully in his childhood trauma, which I shall discuss in the next post. But until then, a very broad assessment of his mental health and personality issues is good to keep in mind.
Whether you agree with my headcanons or not - these are simply his character traits, which I had based said headcanons on - and, even without them, these facts are important facets to understanding him, no matter what you name them.
With this, I had finally established the foundation for the next part, where I will discuss the actual Childhood bits of his backstory, and get started on talking about Atcham.
...And yeah, the reason why he would say that he's the last Crepin, is because with how broken their relationship is - Atcham is dead to him, as much as he is dead to Atcham.
But where do all these issues, these struggles, and pains come from?
I will discuss that in the next part.
[PART 2]
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