#wait who tf spells it like that
twottie-m8 · 2 years
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Me 🤝 my Aunt who plays WoW
“Khadgar is the best Alliance character alive hands down.”
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crystalizedcryolite · 15 days
HCs of AvM Characters' Typing Styles
(Alan not included despite the misleading photo used lmao)
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Oh, MOST DEFINITELY uses emoticons the most. He's the type to use the most insane ones like╭( ๐_๐)╮and is not above using OwO unironically. Uses all-caps the most, overall VERY expressive in text.
Definitely the one to have the most typos and uses shorthand a lot, but WILL correct when someone else makes a typing error.
Example - "HEYY GUYS hru?? :D" and "NOOO rEuebn in MCSM DIEDDD (ᗒᗣᗕ)՞"
They're a ghoster in chat/J
Types pretty normally, but also uses shorthand a lot. Only uses punctuation and caps when it REALLY counts. Rarely uses emoticons, and uses tone indicators more. Lazy at typing, lmao
Example - "hey what's up?" and "oh dang, rlly? that sucks/gen"
Everything he types is in perfect grammar, punctuation, and spelling. This, of course, leads to him being a bit of a slow typer.
He almost-never uses shorthand, same goes for emoticons. He uses tone indicators, though! And not above using multiple letters like "Helloooo!"
When he makes a single typo, everyone goes crazy and is quick to joke about it. Always quick to correct any typing mistakes.
Example - "I think you mean *Reuben, @/Red, and wasn't there an option to save him? /genq"
Green, Mr. Everything-must-be-perfect Green? He tries to NEVER make a typo, and is quite fast at typing. Manages to maintain perfect typing even in a fast pace.
(The same outcome from Yellow happens to him if he makes a typing mistake, but gets clowned on a lot less since he'd definitely make more typos than Yellow ever would)
Similar to Yellow, he tries to maintain perfect everything for typing, but he DOES use emoticons and shorthands! Also drags on some words with extra letters, of course.
Example - "Yeaah, I think so?? But the scene where he turns into a porkchop is hilarious lmaooo" and "Oh heyy @/Blue and @/Purple are both online! Hey, guys <3"
Has a typing style similar to Orange’s, but uses caps and emoticons a lot more! Doesn't quite care about typing errors unless it's something important. Nothing much to add to this, to be honest.
Example - "Heyyy! ^^" and "The cutsecene was actually pretty funny ngl, it made teh sad moment less sad tho :P"
Their typing style used to be extremely perfect, but as time went on, they stopped caring too much. Of course, they use proper spelling and doesn't use shorthand too often, but they do allow themselves to be imperfect!
They use tone indicators more than shorthand, but they do use stuff like "lmaoo" and "wtf" sometimes!
Example - "Wait tf who's Reuben? /genq" and "@/Red I am so sorry for your loss.."
King Orange/King Mango:
Perfect typing, doesn't even try. Doesn't use emoticons, doesn't use shorthand, doesn't use tone indicators. Uses emojis.
Doesn't understand what "lol" means. His typing style reflects his speaking style.
Example - "@/Purple, I do believe that @/Red is referring to the show he's been watching." and "You all must go to sleep, it's late! You kids need more time to grow."
Purple: "Dad we're all young adults-"
KM: "Oh, that's right 🫢. Indeed, you are.."
Red: "o l d XD"
KM: "What does 'XD' mean?"
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reyreadersblog · 2 months
i'm actually pissed off.
I am sure everyone in grishaverse fandom has seen this negative review of six of crows. If you don't know who i am talking about..
This, i'm talking about this specific review.
(Go watch it if you haven't but know that it the dumbest review ever)
(I couldn't take a better screenshot, *cough* she didn't deserve it *cough*)
At first when she started critisizing the book, i though "woah.." because it's one of my favourite books, but since everyone has different opinions, i decided to watch the video, in order to understand what she disliked about this book.
I don't know why, but i expected logical a explanation from her, mabye because she is a grown ass woman...
and what came out of this woman's mouth actually shocked me💀
First of all "it's a fucking heist for god's sake" and mabye she has sight problems? Because it litearlly says "six dangerous outcasts. One impossible heist" on the freaking cover so wtf did she expect?
"Do i look like that's something i would enjoy?" (Keep in mind she read the full summary) let me answer your question with a question, are you dumb? It's a ya book about group of teenagers with a heartbreaking past who go on this dangerous heist, if it is something you know you will not enjoy, then why tf did you read it in the first place?
Oh and uhm..this is her bio
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She also said "half of the book was written in different laguage" saying that at your grown age is insane...
A. I understand that it is a little difficult to get into it, especially if you haven't read shadow and bone, and i haven't read it so it was a bit hard to understand certian magic elements in the book, but nothing that a human's brain can't comperhend...
B. Saying those kind of things about a YA book is crazy. I've seen her videos before and she is definitley one of those "i can't read a book if there is no smut" kind of reader, (litearlly her bio) so when you are reading a ya book and you decide to critisize it just because there was no smut in it is EMBARASSING, the book is about literal teens with trauma and you expect them to have sex??? DISGUSTING.
C. Soc has one the best romance subplot(s), oh wait let me spell it: S-U-B-P-L-O-T.
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And again, if you know you're a an adult romance girlie (with a lot of smut) , why are you reading a ya fantasy book with a HINT of romance in it and then start shitting about it??
Atp it's not even a "negative review" it's an insufferable blabbering.
Six of crows is an amazing duology and mabye next time she shouldn't read a book she know she won't like!?!
Like...go read Credence or any book by Penelope Douglas tbh
And leave ya books alone from this fucking smut for god's sake.
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jolapeno · 6 months
in the locker room
frankie morales x f!reader | frankie masterlist
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summary: when you join him for benny's fight, frankie appears stressed. you have an idea to de-stress him.
warnings: TF canon compliant. explicit smut/oral m! receiving. my spellings (written on phone) wordcount: 1.6k
an: dedicated to @rhoorl who I wound up yesterday with this. babe, ily and our thot chats.
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Waiting feels like a whispered question in a room of time.
Phone in your palm, glancing as you watch the text change from received to read—smiling, locking it as your grin is caught in the reflection of the screen, illuminated, proof that once again he does this to you. Has this effect on you—makes you a little reckless.
Your nose catches another whiff of the slightly off citrus disinfectant. The ones doing its best to smother over the stench of old sweat and socks. It lingers, attempts to embed itself in your clothes, lets you walk away with the reminder you were here.
A part of you hopes to walk away with something a little more than a reminder. A memory, maybe. Tapping the back of your phone against your palm, nervousness begins to ebb over the adrenaline from sending the message.
Waiting. Waiting.
Leaning against the locker, metal sinking into your bones past clothing and skin, you pocket your phone. Listening to it, the door shutting behind him, his gait in those boots—heels clicking as he rounds the lockers and spots you.
Frankie drinks you in. Does so like a man starved, parched—as though he wasn’t seated beside you moments ago before you excused yourself. Before you made a beeline for a different door that wasn’t the ladies' bathroom.
He's looked at you like he's wanted to devour you since the night you met, and all the nights that have been since. Even if he has, plenty and plenty of times. The look doesn't waver, it doesn't lessen.
Now, it's just embroiled in love, affection, care.
“You alright?”
Nodding, he comes closer—more lines deepening around his brows, eyes; shoulders almost hanging like earrings they’re so high up.
“Querida, what are…”
As soon as you can, you pull him close by his jacket. Brown, worn—cuffs rolled up and suede greet the pads of your fingers as he moves close to you with ease.
Still, Frankie frowns.
Still, he’s weighed down by something, irked by it. Brain totting things off that he won’t share or spill—just offers hollow smiles and barely-there glances.
“You look stressed, baby.”
His jaw ticks, just when your palm cups his cheek—thumb brushing over the patch. The little heart you trace when you can, that your thumb finds when you’re kissing him, when he’s so canting his hips and making you sing.
But, you suspect he’s still not caught on. Not grasped why you’ve sent him a mayday message to meet you in an old, smelling locker room. 
“Baby,” you whisper, more sweetly—a slice of sultry to it. Like a cocktail you hope he’ll drown himself in.
Chewing his tongue as he averts his eyes, storing secrets and hiding terrible truths from you. Things you’ll pull from him in time, retrieve. Probably wish you hadn’t, too.
But it’s not why he’s here—not why you want him here.
You don’t want to talk, to find out.
“Wanna make you not stressed.” 
Swallowing, you see it shift and feel him freeze. His eyes slide back over you, almost snapping to you as his hands rest on your hips.
Smirking, you tilt your head. Offering nothing, saying nothing.
It’s then you feel Frankie’s hands. Those large, capable and fucking perfect hands sliding around your waist, pushing you flush with the locker and his frame. Little to no space between you. Soft stomach against yours, your thumbs fingering at the suede of his jacket as you stare into his eyes. 
“Want you in my mouth, Morales.” 
“Jesus, fuck.” 
Hands sliding down over the curve of his stomach, eyes not wavering, never leaving, your palm runs over the growing bulge in his jeans as you tell him. As you describe to him how bad you want him, how it’s all you thought about—that having him in your mouth would make your night, your day.
“—so, can I, Morales? Can I suck you off in here?”
“Yeah, baby. Fuck. ‘Course you can.”
The thank you comes out on its own, escapes in a whisper as his head tilts around yours to glance at the door—the sound of cheers echoing down the corridor, leading here, cutting through silence and held breaths. 
It’s with ease his belt undoes, clanging and clattering; his jeans open next, zip grating against teeth as you slide it down, pulling the fabric down next—just enough to free his straining cock.
“We gotta be quiet, baby.” 
And he snorts, offering a roll of his eyes. Hand taking yours as he helps you descend to your knees—the floor hard, cold as it crawls in past your jeans. But, head level with him, your mouth waters at the sight of him. All of a sudden desperate to feel the weight of him on your tongue, to feel him kiss the back of your throat and coat the back of your teeth in his pleasure.
It’s teasing the way you wrap your fingers around him, lightly pumping, making him groan somewhere deep inside of his chest—a grumble in Spanish, one that makes the corners of your mouth lift as you clear your throat.
“You’ve got such a nice cock, Morales,” you whisper, leaning forward, pressing a kiss to the tip—salty tang lingers on your lips when you kneel back. Watching as his hips buck, cock twitching in your hand. 
“You want to come in my mouth?”
It’s a murmur, an array of letters merged together to say please as you slide the tip of his cock inside your mouth, your smirking lips closing around it. Hearing it, the hiss from his teeth; but, you pull from him. 
Hearing it—the tortured sound that feels like a reward. But the prize is the way he looks a mess already. His lips were already parted, nostrils already slightly flared. That line between his brows gone, something you’re more pleased about than the sounds.
It’s why you lick a stripe up the base, smile at the pained fuck he lets escape. Taking him back into your mouth, fully, no games. Feeling his hand on the back of your head, before his grip tightens as you take more of him, feel him deeper—tears pricking at your eyes as spit begins to soak your chin at your enthusiasm.
Flicking your gaze up, you find his hidden under the shadow of his hat, the angle different—but you know his forehead is smooth. The furrows of whatever had caused them to melt away on your tongue as you taste what you crave. All salty tang and stress, it seeps into your throat as your head bobs and cheeks hollow.
Because it’s a reward to do this for him. To do this to him.
To have him like this, relaxed and yet tense. 
“Fuck, y’so good for me.”
The crowd masks over the sinful sounds of your mouth working him. You only lift off to catch your breath, letting the tip trace your swollen lips as you stare up at him, finding him transfixed, unable to see anything but you.
Fingers swipe over your chin, cleaning the spit from it, showing it you glistening on his fingers. “Don’t make a mess.”
The command—you’re sure has ruined your underwear. The same fabric that would provide so much relief if you could angle yourself to gain some friction.
Moaning, you clutch the base of him, mouth close to taking him as you breathe, “I love your cock, Frankie.”
Angling his head in a ‘yeah?’, his words are stolen as you slide him down your throat. Knees shuffling closer, you nudge them against the tips of his cowboy boots, hands around the back of his jeans for leverage. You feel it, the familiar fabric you’ve got in your palm—the one you’ve had chafing on your thighs when you’ve been bare and wanting; the one which you’ve picked up and washed with your clothes.
And it’s that familiarity that makes you moan, makes you swirl your tongue over the head of his cock, as you hear him curse in a deeper, more gravel-filled voice.
You love him, love this—love this thing between the two of you that you’ve never had with anyone else. It's like an inferno, consuming, not yielding even as time ticks on between you. There's only trust, understanding—a hard honesty, but the two of you work to keep there every single time.
Then, there's the fact that you know from the sounds he’s making he’s getting close. It makes your skin warm, pussy flutter; it makes you tempted to slot his boot between your thighs and ride him. Especially as you notice the sweat shining on his forehead, it twinkling under the shitty fluorescent lights when he rests his head against the metal behind him.
Fuck, it spurs you on. 
That and the taste of him reaching his pinnacle—how it’s stronger, tangier; his moans louder and less reserved. 
The expletives flow freely, not held back or restrained. They practically echo, becoming a song that only your ears get to hear as his hand tightens and you watch his other fist clenched at his side.
Then you feel him at the back of your throat—him filling your mouth. Breaths ragged, pulled from him as you slowly continued to bob, not wanting to waste a drop, to not have everything you could.
You don’t consider moving until he loosens his hold on the back of your head, until his eyes unclench, and you’re washed in soft brown. 
He slips himself free from your lips as you swallow, his palm cupping your chin and jaw as he tilts you to look at him. 
“You alright?”
Nodding, you trace your thumb over your lip. “You feel better?”
He hums, for a moment looking all at peace as his hand aids you to your feet. You believe him, believe it—the hum. Looking away, for less than a second, allowing him to stuff his softened cock into the confines of his clothes as he redresses.
Then you see it.
The shadow in his eyes, the thing that had been there when you’d made it just for the last round of Benny’s fight. When you’d kissed his cheek and he’d gripped your hand and said he’d missed you—even if he'd seen you this morning.
Breath shaky, you fold your arms loosely. “You need to talk to me when we get home, don’t you?”
Not saying anything, not needing to, he pulls you close, unravels your arms and kisses your forehead. 
“I love you, querida.”
“Lo sé, Morales.”
Because you do.
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wonysugar · 9 months
sugarrrr could i request minjeong x reader smut? don't really have a theme in mind just whatever you want!
saw this and it enabled something in me thank you anon!
okay so when i look at minjeong i kinda think “virgin classmate loser who secretly wants to ruin tf out of your organs” ykwim? especially when she wears glasses, she seems sooo innocent and small and NICEEE but then you look into her mind and it’s just full of thoughts about her fingering you??
she sits next to you in class and she internally freaks out everytime cause omg you smell so good and you look so good every time she sees you and woah why is she suddenly thinking about how you would sound moaning her name—
you, naturally, take notice of this and wanna take the most advantage of it cause HELLOOO PRETTY LOSER GIRL CLEARLY WANTS YOU?? who wouldn’t wanna deflower a cute nerd such as minjeong.. plus whenever you look over to her while she’s focused on the lecture, she’s always doing those pen tricks while the professor’s talking so you’re… 110% sure that she’d be good with her fingers with enough practice
which is why you ask her if she could come over and go over the material with you hm yes decent plan
now you didn’t know this but walking back to her home she processes the fact that she was coming over to YOUR house made her like, lose her mind a little bit.. cause LIKE HELLOOO?? pretty girl asking her to come over what if she passes out
but no! much to her (and your) surprise, she was not panicked whatsoever when that day came, she was simply just explaining everything to you, sat on your bed. she was completely fine, even when you kissed her out of nowhere to see how she would react!
that quickly escalated tho.. soon enough she just pushed aside every single book and pinned you down to your own bed, kissing your neck and nibbling on it, leaving as much marks as she can :(( hickeys look so good on you
was it creepy to say that she’d been waiting for this for forever?? like, hearing your quiet whimpers just flattered her loser ego way too much for her own good, she just wanted to ruin you even more oh lord she was living for it
now you might be thinking ‘isn’t she a virgin? how tf is she gonna make you feel good..’ which is valid to be honest! but fret not; she’s read enough books to know how to fuck you proprerly in theory! she’s just… wayyy out of practice
she’d be actually so cute like omg.. fingering you as her thumb hesitantly rubs your clit and she just asks you smth like “a-am i doing okay yn?” as she’s pouting and all you can do is nod cause your brain is too foggy to answer :(( she’s so cute it’s driving you insanee
HER HEAD GIVING GAME??? let me be quiet like yeah she obviously needs some guidance at first but when you tell her what to do with her tongue oh she abuses tf out of it.. she totally spells her name with it btw— [gunshots]
once she’s feeling confident with her movements she allows herself to slide her slender fingers into your wet cunt, wanting to make you cum against her tongue OUT OU OUUU
then she goes back home that day and giggles on her way because she’s a loser let’s not forget
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sister-of-hitoshi · 7 months
Bnha main three x turned to child reader
Scenarios with just fluff! This one has a lil drabble too hehe~
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Katsuki Bakugo
A noisy weekend afternoon, pathetic winds making noise through the damned trees, and the extras just being extras, Katsuki Bakugo was fed up with the day, wishing for evening to come already, so that the common school gym opened and he could get started with his weekend training regimen.
It was literally just another shitty day.
Even his s/o had gone somewhere so he was all alone.
Not like he'll ever admit to missing them.
From the common room, he made his way to his own room, wishing to be just left by himself.
However his extremely polite wish to the gods was not granted.
Since he'd stumbled upon a damned brat right after entering his room.
"What's this thing doing here...?"
Was even more stunned when that same brat had swiftly crawled upto him, and then upon him, and had landed on his shoulder.
The brat's crawling speed was unreal.
He wasted no time in grabbing the brat with one hand and shoving the thing on his bed.
"Who are you?" He inquired, making an expression which would be enough to scare any brat away.
But of course, you weren't just any brat, you were a special brat.
So, instead of answering his question, you did the next best thing that came to your tiny brain, you mimicked his question, asking him who he was, your lips curling into an innocent smile.
Wait- he feels he knows this smile-
You hold his face in your chubby hands and nod vigorously.
He feels proud first, shocked next.
"How tf?"
Immediately became more gentle with handling you, his precious dumbass.
Didn't waste any time informing Aizawa about the situation. After much thought, Aizawa had reluctantly agreed on letting Bakugo be in charge of his fellow classmate.
"You are under my care huh?! Well you better behave AND ADDRESS ME AS YOUR MASTER!"
Loves how you broke into fits of giggles just after.
Most of your conversation with him was just playful banter.
"BA-k-bojhfh yur name's hawd" you say while poking his cheek
He was like an experienced caretaker. He immediately understood how you were feeling at any moment of the day, and caught onto your eating habits with the precision of a seasoned professional.
He kept in touch with both his studies and recovery girl, who informed him about the period of 3 days for the effects of your current state lasting.
Nothing that he couldn't handle.
Most of the times you were perched onto his shoulder like a baby bird.
He found your shenanigans enjoyable.
Except for the fact that you seemed to get his name wrong everytime.
After a few minutes from his trip to recovery girl
"There are three cards arranged here. Now get the cards one after the other and spell it correctly" Bakugo said in a somewhat calm manner- the calmest he could get with his anger
You nodded in response, picking the first card.
And then you show it to him. "Baa!!" You say more eloquently in an excited manner.
You pickup the second pair.
"Kuuu~" you chirp happily as he nods in a satisfied manner "Baku!" You repeat happily.
Bakugo with his folded arms kept watching you, hoping that now you would finally get his name right.....(also not to hide it- he enjoyed the sight of his adorable partner trying to learn his name)
It was going fine until- "GUo...?"
Now Bakugo got a tick mark on his forehead and his triangular eyes appeared.
"AAAGGHHHHDAMNIT" He shouted with his hands pulling at his hair "NOW GIMME THOSE CARDS YOU CAN DO NOTHING"
You just nodded enthusiastically and gave him the cards, and perched on his shoulder.
"Say it-Ba"
Bakugo saw a new ray of hope-
"Now say it!- Ba-ku-go!!"
There was one minute of silence until-
OH C'MON IT'S NOT THAT HARD!!!" Bakugo said, being exhausted.
And you burst into a fit of giggles.
For Todoroki Shouto: Here
For Izuku Midoriya: Here
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cherriesfromeden · 1 year
stan with a reader who can't spell
[style : headcanons]
[requested : yes]
[pairing : stan uris x fem!reader]
aww look it's grammarly x might as well be dyslexic
okay so i'm gonna just say you guys met cause you were paired up for a group project and he sees you write something and he's just like
tf does that say
he probably thinks it's a different language at first so he doesn't question it 😭
but then he's like
'oh we should write this'
so you go to write it down and he glances at it and does a double take
'what...what is that'
'oh um, what you said'
poor boy he rlly is whipped for you but his inner english teacher is sobbing
'uhh...how about you present it and i can write it?'
you agree cause you don't like writing and prefer to present
wait this is becoming extrovert gf x introvert bf-
so after you present the project you guys get an A
and then you guys just keep talking in class
you start doing this thing where you explain the topic when stan doesn't get it and he writes notes for you
also richie is in the class cause i say so
'so stan the man i see that you and-'
'shut up'
'i didn't even fini-'
'i said shut up'
i'm gonna skip ahead a little to after you meet the other losers and start dating
he leaves you little notes
like if you forgot your book at school he'll drop it off on your doorstep with a note <3
stan makes fun of you CONSTANTLY
like you'll write your name and he's like
'wow you spelled it right this time!!'
but if someone else richie makes fun of you he's like
'at least she gets dates besides eddie's mom'
srry eddie
richie learned his lesson
basically it's just team work with you guys
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fritoley · 1 month
The Dragon Prince Thoughts 6x06 - Moment of Truth
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Spoilers under the cut
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Woah why did everything go monotone except for Kosmo
“This orb…is a giant piece of candy.”
HOW THE FUCK DID THEY NOT NOTICE THAT WERE HOLDING A BIG-ASS JAWBREAKER (i know it’s chocolate but you get the idea---)
How tf is a piece of candy glowing in the first place—
You’ve GOT to be kidding me tho
Oh it’s color again—
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“I loved your mother, Lissa, very much.”
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“I suppose I should call it what it is, dark magic.”
Harrow said the same thing in s1 just kill me now—
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“Who am I to refuse an invitation from the high mage of Katolis?”
Wait were Kpp’Ar’s bandages ever explained? Why are they so bloody?
Omg he’s so emotional 😭
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“Yes. Yes I see now.”
Oooooooh wait no the monotone is him seeing the futureeeeeee
That’s so cool you go kosmo
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“Prince Harrow. May I join you?”
AAAAAHHHHH harrow’s little scoot is adorable LMAOOO
Aww he’s so considerate towards  sarai and callum gahhh—
I need them back now how dare they die on me 😭
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“Beware, if you ever use dark magic again, the darkness and corruption will overwhelm you.”
I guarantee you he’s gonna use dark magic again watch
Mark my words
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“Without magic, how will you stop me?”
I wanna know more about kpp’ar and why he quit dark magic
I bet it has something to do with his bandages
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“[Kpp’Ar] invested years of his life helping me become… what i became.”
Ooh so viren got his true appearance from the coin spell i thought he was gonna get it from the spell he uses to save soren
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“I only see… darkness.”
Omg he’s gonna get to space
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“Something so simple and… and easy, her tears.”
Omg you can see viren just scribbling the words down as fast as he can just reliving the moment it’s so sad
I feel so bad for him
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“I pushed her against the wall and I held the back of her hair to keep her still.”
What is this serious DRAMA omg—
Where the fuck is claudia in all this that’s what i wanna know
Like soren would be sick in bed but considering lissa was full on sobbing you’d think claudia would hear it and go see what’s going on
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Ok wait can y’all get away from the edge i can’t trust y’all not to fall and die not at this point
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“But the cost was… devastating.”
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The way soren’s looking at viren in confusion MY HEART 😭
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“And i punished you with a lifetime of cold cruelty.”
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“No, I… No. The guard was… mistaken.”
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N O O O O O O O O O O 
Okay so i let it simmer overnight and i have a FUCKING LOT to say about this. First of all, how D A R E they make me invested in viren’s letter to soren (INCLUDING A LISSA REVEAL DAMN THAT WOMAN IS BEAUTIFUL—) only for viren to BURN IT UP?!?!!?? Lemme tell you, if i read that letter and saw the teardrop stains and shit on it i would’ve immediately forgiven him idfc free him he did all of it but i don’t care that’s my toxic trait. And for soren to S E E the letter and viren S T I L L chickens out—
*incoherent screaming*
Anyways as you can tell i loved this episode and it’s prolly one of my favorites so far. And YES i saw rayllum kiss F I N A L L Y so yeah here you go
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tf-boi · 7 months
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Ask and you shall receive . . . sorta. Technically still considering myself on hiatus but I wanted to do a quick story since I didn't want to get rusty.
For @m3ch4s7r1k3r~
This will be a Author X Reader story
It was a crowded hotel lobby but you noticed the me sitting in the corner of the lobby. Normally seeing me wearing unbuttoned dress shirts or in some suggestive pose (my editor's idea), today you are shocked to see me with a black baseball cap, with a light blue hoodie, and black joggers.
Building up the courage to walk up to me I noticed you when you when you were maybe a few feet from me. "Uhhh . . . hi?" I muttered, seeing a person approach me in my lazy outfit caught me off guard. I then I noticed the latest copy of my book, a series of TF stories, wrapped in your arms. "Ahh I see" I said with a smile, grabbing your book and signing it. "Thank you for your support . . . Raymond. Here you go! Thanks for reading!" You grab the book back, heart racing, but standing still. After an awkward moment, I speak up. "Would you . . . like to have a seat? I'm waiting on my boyfriend but he won't be here for a while. Would you like to keep me company?"
Nervously you sit down and introduce yourself.
"Nice to me you" I said with a smile on my face.
"Nice to meet you too! I'm a big fan! Your stories are so hot, where do you get the inspiration for them?"
I tilt my head to the side and place my finger on my cheek, trying to think of an answer. As I thought I take a look at you up and down. Examining every detail of you. Finally I spoke. "Well they are mostly based on true events haha".
"True events?" you said confused "Like you have people roleplaying objects?"
I place my hand over my mouth and chuckled "No as in I REALLY transform people." "But how is that possible?" You questioned.
"Well you see I can use magic. My specialty is transformation magic~" I say with a grin.
You look at my with disbelief, it was already hard to believe this thin twink was your favorite author, but now he is saying he is a wizard.
"Don't believe me?" I say leaning towards you.
"W-well its hard to believe? Magic isn't real?"
"Well there are only a handful of us left, and as long as we don't expose ourselves we tend to leave each other be."
"Then why are you telling me?" You say skeptically.
"Well I was just sizing you up just now. . . you look like my ideal subject for my next story. . . interested in being transformed?" I say with a sparkle in my eye, I run my finger down the side of your face.
You were skeptical at first, but eventually you somehow ended up in my hotel room.
"Glad you decided to join me~" I say looking pleased.
"Yeah sure. . .what are you transforming me into?"
"Well its a secret . . . just play along"
"S-sure . . ." you said hesitantly "You'll turn me back right? I mean I have a job and-"
"Don't worry too much! None of the people I transformed stayed transform since I normally use a reverse spell after I am done. . . though I do have some people who ask me to transform them on their free time too . . ." I said staring at my shoes. "Well here we go" I said, putting my index finger in my mouth, coating it with my saliva and pulling it out. I place it in front of you. "Say ahhhhhh"
You stare at the finger, thinking I'm nuts.
"I need some of my DNA in you for this to work. . . I would normally fuck you, but like I said I plan to meet up with my boyfriend later and you know~"
You think to yourself, worse case I have a part of him in me I guess. You opened your mouth and sucked on the finger. "MMmmm" You moaned as you realized how sweet my saliva was. Like the best tasting syrup. "Ahhh ahhhh" I moaned, enjoying you sucking on my finger. After a few moments more, I pull my finger out despite you resisting. "Well well you sure liked that more than I thought you would."
You nodded and suddenly you started feeling a weird sensation in your stomach, like a warm fuzzy feeling. You don't know what it is but you try to contain yourself. "Ahh . . its supposed to work now but you are resisting . . . gotta calm down a bit dear . . . " I said as I sit on your lap and started making out with you. I wrapped my arms around you and stick my tongue in you. We moan in unison as the warm feeling continues to build in your body. But your mind is slowly going blank, losing control with just me playing with your tongue with mine. Eventually you start to go numb and lose feeling in your arms and legs. They feel as if they were shrinking. Eventually you feel me getting on top of you, or that you are getting smaller. Your body heats up and you feel like blacking out as I remove my mouth from yours.
Moments later it gets hard for you to see, everything is dark. You cannot move, but you feel extremely aroused. You hear some rustling as I dig through your clothes. "Here you are" I say as I pick you up.
"Wow it worked!" I say with a proud grin "Oooh, I think I made you a bit bigger than I had planned . . ."
You grow confused, what did I transform you into?
I walk towards the mirror and you see your new form, a giant cock.
"N-no way thats me!" You thought to yourself, unable to talk. I had transformed you into a disembodied cock, a almost perfect replica of your own, except maybe twice or thrice the length and girth.
"You look pretty sexy now!" I said pleased with my work. You sense a bit of lust in my voice. "Well you were such a good kisser. . . maybe I will reward you . . ." I said opening my mouth wide, bigger than what you thought was possible as I started sucking you, the tip disappearing into my maw. "MMmmm MMMmmmm" I moaned, gripping my sheets of the bed. You feel an even hotter sensation as your feel your body grow. Not wanting to lose to your new cock body, I wrapped my arms around your ball sack and let your shaft get inside of me, your tip now going down my throat as I use my tongue and mouth to suck you off. You feel a warm sensation as you realize you have entered my stomach. You feel a knot growing in your new "throat" as I suck you off. You feel yourself salivating in the form of precum leak out of you into my belly. I moaned feeling it fill me up but I know the best was coming. I continue to suck you off and use both hands to stroke the parts of you out of my body. You feel yourself heat up and barely stay conscious, an insane wave of lust and ecstacy wash over you as you are pleasured by my mouth and hands.
You try as hard as you could to hold on, but you feel the knot in throat release, pumps and pumps of cum gushes out of your mouth (tip) of your dick body and into my stomach. "mmmmmmmmMMmmmmm" I moan as my belly fills up with your love juices. As your balls run dry, you feel your body shrink again and slip out of my mouth. I gasp for air as I caress you lovingly. "Well that was a lot of fun~ Glad you came with me now?" I giggled knowing you can't respond. I get up wobbly with a belly inflated with cum. I pat my stomach as I look pregnant now. "I think I got the inspiration to my new story now. Thanks a bunch." I snap my fingers "Reverse!" I shout, but nothing happens. "Hmmm . . . Reverse" I try again, and again, but nothing happens. "Uh oh . . ." I said closing my eyes. After staying silent as I scanned my body I opened my eyes. "Shoot . . . I should have noticed this, but I guess transforming you into a giant cock took most of my magic . . . I don't even have enough magic to use reverse.
You should be panicking but the thought of staying as a cock aroused you. Without me noticing you got hard again thinking about it.
"Its fine its fine, my boyfriend isn't gonna be back for another few hours. . .I'll just take a magic pill and I'll be charged up in an hour." I say as my phone ring, it was my boyfriend. I answered my phone "Hi babe, hows your meeting? uh huh . . . HUH?" I panicked "Your done early and about a block away . . . sure dear. Looking forward to seeing you soon!" I say as I hang up. "Oh crap, babe's gonna kill me . . . he said no more transforming people when he's not around to watch anymore!" I run around and grabbed your clothes, tossing it into my luggage. "Ok what do I do with you . . ." I say looking at your erect form. Too big for my bag, and my boyfriend has to examine every corner of a hotel room before he can relax, so I can't hide you. "Crap crap crap . . . " I thought as my time was running out. "ah . . . guess I have no choice. . ." I said as I pulled out a bottle of lube that I was saving for later. I squeeze some into my hand and use it to lather you up. You moaned in your mind as I thoroughly spread lube all over you for whats to come. After you are covered I opened my ass up and inserted the tip of your body into me. "ahh ahhh" I winced, not being used to being the one taking it. I slowly inserted you, your body throbbing in joy as you are being sucked into my ass. Eventually I get all of your shaft inside of me. On the outside, an imprint of your cock body can be seen. "Ahhh. . . " I said as the last of your cock goes in me. "Thank god for oversize hoodies. . ." I say as I put my hoodie back on. I put my pants on as well and realized this wouldn't work. Your balls made my ass look awkward. I hmphed and sighed. "Sorry love but . . . " I say as I place my hands on your sack. I push as much as I could and eventually your sack and the rest of you enter my ass. My asshole closes sealing you in. I feel you squirm in both joy and fear inside of me. "Ahh ahh you're gonna fuck up my insides if you keep doing that" I said moaning. "I'll just tell him I'm tired and when he's asleep I'll fix you!!!" Suddenly you stopped moving. I thought you calmed down but I felt a warm liquid fill me up again and trying to escape my ass. "Crap you came again?? Stopp!" I moaned as I clenched my ass to keep everything inside of me.
Moments later my boyfriend opened the door and gives me a hug. "Ray Ray I finished early to see you!" He said lovingly, he felt a warm sensation in my belly region. "What's this?" He said puzzled. "Ahh well you know. . . I thought you were gonna take a while longer so I had some fun with my magic. . ."
My boyfriend pouted "Without me?"
"Sorry babe sorry babe, We'll have fun tomorrow. I kinda went overboard and used up my magic for today." I faked a yawn "Actually I'm pretty tired, I think I'll call it a night early. . . "
"Uhhh no?" My boyfriend looked at me "Tonight's the Erotica Awards and you are attending remember?"
"Oh crap. . ." I thought. Tonight was the awards show, thats why we traveled a few cities over and that was why my boyfriend finished work early.
I snap my fingers and my dress shirt expands to be able to fit my new body. "Thats the last time I mess with inflation magic right?" I said with a nervous laugh.
"Oh you~ Hurry up we'll be late."
As I change and get out the door, I rub my belly again "Guess I gotta fix you later . . ." I thought "Well he's still cumming so maybe he'll be fine . . ."
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One of those the bats make you fill out Sex Pollen Consent Forms (which cover all fuck-or-die scenarios) once you join the hero community fics. And during the annual update Jason puts down Danny as his #1 contact. Now him and Danny are NOT dating, Danny is just the only person he can trust to be able to escape him if whatever Jason is dosed with amps the pit rage to 11. With Danny's intangibility, strength, and durability it would be hard for Jason to actually hurt him and if Jason is too far gone Danny can always melt through the floor and leave Jason behind. Danny and Jason have also seen each other super vulnerable and have had some emotional intimacy bonding moments before, so that plus the powers thing makes Jason want Danny at the top of his Emergency Fuck-Or-Die List.
And theres like so many ways this could go. Is Danny retired and whoever sees the paperwork is just like "who tf is this guy"? How did Jason bring it up because Danny had to sign the consent paperwork too. Have they madeout before or do they try and kiss each other for the first time the day they do the paperwork and they're interrupted by their Door Dash order? If Danny isnt retired does Jason feel hurt that he's not Danny's #1 (its Sam)? Or maybe Jason doesnt make Danny's list at all?
And then of course theres the actual incident. Is it Ivy's pollen? Alien pollen? Magic spell? A curse? Drugs? Weird ghost pollen? And how long does it last?
And then it can go so many ways. Is Jason heavily effected by the pit? Is Jason not? Do they have typical rough fuck-or-die sex? Does Danny have to break out some powers (ex. strength, ice handcuffs)? Do they kiss at all? Or maybe Jason looks like he's in the rage but Danny can tell he's actually just terrified? And they have the most vanilla sex ever? Or maybe they dont have sex at all and Danny just holds Jason and comforts him by kissing his head and playing with Jason's hair as they wait it out/Jason takes care of it himself?
And do they even talk about it afterwards? Or do they act like that didnt happen (which just increases the mutual pining)?
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alohajun · 1 year
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treasure x gn!reader | wc : 0.7k words | content : possible grammar and spelling mistakes, lowercase intended, established relationships, idol au, fluff, use of pet names, mild cursing | request — hi so i really like your blog's i'm wondering if i could request so if i could my request is treasure reaction when their idol s/o is shivering at an award show take your time
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💎 as soon as he saw you rubbing your arms and the goosebumps on your skin, he’d frown, kinda sad you couldn’t even properly enjoy an award show because of your outfit
💎 so he’d do whatever was possible to keep you warm
💎 the decision was simple, really
💎 his beloved was cold and he was going to give you his coat
💎 oh, he didn’t have a coat? you best bet he will make another member take theirs off and offer it to you
💎 he gave zero fucks if this would become the headliner the next day
💎 because honestly who tf in their right mind would make you wear such flimsy clothing in negative degree weather
💎 there would definitely be clips on the internet of him shoving his hot-packs into your hands because you kept refusing to take them
💎 “oh to be him or to be y/n, that is the question” exhibit a of the tweets of that night
💎 would even go the extra mile and inform the award show staff about your group’s members, if everyone of y’all are feeling cold
💎 will make sure you guys get enough blankets and hot-packs to keep yourself warm until the end of the show
💎 “just take the damn jacket, y/n. i don’t want you to get sick.”
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💎 oh, your timbers are being shivered at an award show and you don’t know what to do except rub your arms to keep warm?
💎 well, don’t fear because your boyfriend is here
💎 xdjgsd jokes on you truly if you thought he went anywhere without a jacket on him
💎 he’s the type to wear some long-sleeved outerwear even when people are sweating buckets because he knows you get cold easily
💎 so this time was absolutely no different
💎 as soon as he saw you a few seats away, shuddering from the cold of the stadium, he would get down to work
💎 either he was already wearing an extra jacket or would have been carrying one around, waiting for this exact moment because he knew it would happen sooner or later
💎 he’d call for a staff member and hand them the jacket along with some extra hotpacks, telling them to give it to you
💎 as soon as the staff member came towards you with the items, you didn’t even need to ask to know who it was from—there was only one person who knew you this well
💎 you’d look around for your boyfriend, sending him a smile from afar until you could thank him properly when you next saw him
💎 “i will never know why you don’t wear long-sleeves when you get so cold easily. you are lucky i know you, love.”
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💎 i don’t think they’d proper notice if you are shivering because they are just tryna have a good time at the award show
💎 and if anything, yk that treasure have a good time at award shows
💎 but when you are able to just shoot him a text about freezing to death or you end up meeting him on the way to the bathroom, he’d definitely be concerned
💎 a lot of “are you okays” and “are you sures”
💎 doesn’t exactly know what he can do to help you, so he’d probably turn to his leaders for some idea
💎 listening to their suggestions, he’ll ask a staff member to provide you with some blankets and a hotpack — and will continue to check in with you for the night
💎 if he sees that you and your group are all sitting right under the aircon, he’ll ask his members if they are alright with exchanging seats with you guys before letting you know
💎 and if you end up exchanging seats, he'll be in full smiles for the entire night
💎 because you'd be sending him little "thank you" messages constantly, and it'd make him super content
💎 whenever he turned to look at y'all and see you guys fully enjoying the night, he'd feel accomplished, glad everyone is having a good time
💎 "i'm always down to help you out, okay, babes? just let me know and i will do whatever i can."
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taglist — @kflixnet @xiaosimp3 @nanalovesyouuu @twntycm @heejojo @jaesvelvet @fightmegirl @koishua @lovethyfandoms2 @kpoprhia @woooooooosh8 @milkybonya @enhacolor @yunho-leeknow @candililac @willdieforbeidou @luvbrie @mui890mew @yogurteume @one16core @soobin-chois @odetoyeonjun @wonluvrbot @acciomylove @idkwatodoanymore @kyufilms @ily-cuz-i @acaiasahi @teuranghae (to be added, please send an ask or dm!)
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kaymarie-bell · 10 months
TWST Book 7 Chapter 6 spoilers and reactions ahead
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You know, through all the updates people have been wondering "where is OB Malleus? is he seeing the dream too? why is he not interfering despite our group being 'awake'? does he even know about all of this?" it might seem crazy what I'm about to say-
This update started with a banger giving us Baul knighting Sebek and giving him an armor that's just like his after fighting off the Silver Owls together
Btw I'm currently on a mission of stealing all the gel in NRC to keep Sebek from putting his hair up again. If you care.
Silver carrying an injured Lilia on his back while Yuu and Grim look after the egg instead of leaving him behind like he asked. I'm ok I'm ok.
Sebek got to show off his UM training. I'm so proud of him 🥹
They killed my hot wife.
Fighting as Meleanor vs The Knight of Dawn felt so sick and twisted knowing what the outcome was.
FUCK THE SENATE. TF YOU MEAN "Filthy bat" "Don't touch Malleus" "get out of the capital and don't show up here again" I'm genuinely upset, what the fuck leave Lilia alone 😭
Maleficia's magic was not helping with hatching the egg, and touch and love is more effective so of course the responsibility falls on Lilia. Huh, who would've thought-
Lilia and the egg communicating. Did y'all see that. Is anyone else being totally normal about it.
Meleanor knew what she was doing when she left her child to Lilia.
Also what do you mean his own grandmother couldn't provide him the love he needed to hatch? 👀
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Lilia's numerous travels around the world were all to find something to help hatch the egg. And he got discriminated against by both humans and fae everywhere oh I'm so sick-
Egg!Malleus feeling lonely even before hatching. Lilia being the only one who hears him crying. Lilia running to him despite it being dangerous. 😭
Oh so the egg seems to gain strength only whenever Lilia shows up around it? What a coincidence I wonder what could this mean
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Lilia's VA did a phenomenal job. I started ugly crying too. The 200 years were worth it to Lilia 😭😭😭
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*Silver voice* I'm sure we were all wondering, "if these dreams are supposed to be happy then why have we seen nothing but pain and suffering so far?" well, it turns out Malleus being born is his happiest moment in life.
not a single thought behind that baby's eyes (he's 1 minute old)
Leona was right he sure *is* a lizard
not the senate suddenly praising Lilia as a hero 😒 I haven't forgotten what y'all said earlier.
Oh shit OB!Malleus is back. I got so caught up in the euphoria of seeing Malleus' birth that for a moment I forgot about overblots.
Malleus has his mom's looks and his dad's voice according to general Lilia
OB!Malleus is absolutely pissed at his grandma and the senate. Good for him.
Malleus offering Lilia a dream where Meleanor and Levan are alive...
If anyone is wondering "how are we supposed to win a battle against OB!Malleus?" the answer is: you don't. We only survive 😔 (for now ig)
Silver is able to secure the entire group in his arms. So normal about it haha.
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we have reached 100 chapters. I can't wait to see what Idia's victory strategy is going to be
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yanderes-galore · 10 months
I thought i would lose the request period, but here i am. So, i have a request for FNAF.
Could you write a scenario for Whitered Freddy and Toy Freddy platonically sharing the reader? Honestly, I can't see their dynamic other than WF being the older manipulative "brother" and TF being the gullible younger "brother" who is easily deceived by the other bear. Of course, they both want to be friends with the reader and they have similar goals, but even though WF is willing to let the newer version spend some time with the night guard, he doesn't hesitate to trick the younger bear to get what he wants.
Sure! I'd love to write for the bears :) I wanted to do this as a concept as the plot is a bit complicated but I'll try a scenario.
Bounced some ideas with @okchijt but took my own spin on it so let me know if you like it! Not fully edited, their may be spelling errors.
Yandere! Platonic! Withered Freddy + Yandere! Platonic! Toy Freddy Story
Pairing: Platonic - Sharing/Borderline Rivalry
Possible Trigger Warnings: Gender-Neutral Darling, Obsession, Jealousy, Manipulation, Kidnapping implied, Implied murder, Forced companionship.
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Night was easily the best time for the two animatronic bears. The older and more withered one liked to be able to move his joints from the Parts & Service closet. The newer and more plastic one loved to take a break, even though playing with the kids was fun.
The two bears may not get along at times (mostly the older one, the younger one is always cheerful), they have more in common than you'd think. The first thing is quite obvious. They're technically related as parts from the withered bear were used to make the newer toy version.
The other thing they share in common... is a certain interest.
The two see the Night Guard that watches them from the office as a friend... to the point they may even be a bit jealous of each other.
A routine the two do is make their way to the office. They used to be confused due to the mask you wore. Yet over time they knew it was you... so there was no hiding.
You used to be so scared of them. Granted, at times you still are. However... you tried to get used to their continuous presence as they didn't appear to mean any harm.
The two see you as their best buddy and pal! Why would they harm you? If anything they see you as something more akin to a favorite toy and friend.
Toy Freddy appears as playful towards you, like a giddy child. He always asks for games and definitely acts... younger compared to his older counterpart. His behavior seems welcoming... but at the same time you struggle to trust it.
Withered Freddy appears more mature and less playful. He still indulges in games but prefers conversation. He has a more threatening tone and appearance... but promises you no harm.
You two are pals, aren't you?
The two bears tower over you when they visit, hulking behemoths of metal components. Each night is usually the same. A small game to appease the younger bear... and a nice chat to keep the older bear company.
It... seems manageable.
Over time you begin to notice who calls the shots. Withered Freddy, like an older brother, appears to monitor the newer bear. You notice it's like he waits a certain amount of time before taking over.
It's like the two share you between hours.
One hour you're forced to entertain Toy Freddy, allowing him to run through his programming of entertainment for children. The next you're listening to chats and songs by the older bear. The two just want company while they roam... that's what you tell yourself, anyways.
You can rarely leave the office unattended. The two bears often follow you. Be it because they don't trust just one following you or are afraid you'll leave... you aren't sure.
You thought your job would be relatively. Yet now it became to entertain two animatronic entertainers. You were already tired enough as is on the job.
Toy Freddy appears oblivious to the manipulation Withered Freddy does. All the bot cares about is spending time with his best friend. Meanwhile Withered Freddy appears to be more controlling... willing to limit the time of the younger bear just to satiate his own need for affection.
It all seems innocent enough... but something darker is brewing.
Every night the two bears have to see you go. It always upsets the younger bear when 6 AM rolls around. Sure, the children are fun, but you are the best.
Then of course Withered Freddy has to sit in the closet "alone" with the others for the whole day. The bear would much prefer to speak with you. As the nights go by... an idea forms.
Why should you go home everyday?
Both bears think you have a much better time with them. So why not just stay? Withered Freddy was certainly the one to come up with it.
Once the idea seeped into his old processor, the older bear brought it up with Toy Freddy. The younger bear appeared excited... yet nervous. Isn't this wrong? This isn't a part of the rules!
In response, the older bear tries to convince the bear. Making this deal go through is important to him. Secretly... keeping you in the Parts & Service room would give the older bear more time with you away from the younger bear.
It didn't take long for the bear to convince his younger counterpart. The idea of more time with you overrides the need for protocol and rules in the bear. Afterwards it was just a matter of timing.
Poor you just expected to be greeted by the friendly bears again. For the most part, you were. The night was the same as always, something you had gotten used to.
Yet just as you got used to it... things changed.
"Why don't you play games with us every night?" Withered Freddy hums. "I've got the perfect place for you to stay."
It's then you go missing. No one sees you after that. Well... no one except the two bears.
Now every night you get to entertain them both. Like three friends you play at night, endlessly. It's a dream come true for the two.
Their plan was perfect!
No one even thought to check the bloody suit left in the back.
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imaginationlane · 1 year
Six Nights In Paris [Marquis Vincent de Gramont x Reader | Prologue]
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Adult Language & Themes, Violence, Death, & [Eventual] Smut.
Explicit (18+) [Minors, if I catch you in my notes -- I will block your account from my page.]
Author's Notes:
I cannot fucking believe this character brought me back here. I've been revived from the dead for a sociopathic character with no empathy. Of course, my ass would come running for this walking, talking, red-flag factory. What the hell is wrong with me and why tf am I like this?!
On a side note, this Prologue is a little shorter than what I've written for stories in the past. But we dive into the meat and potatoes of the story in chapter one and it'll be a fairly long chapter that most of you may have been used to from me. So enjoy this reprieve, lol. It won't last long.
Winston was out of his element, and it showed. It was rare to see such a proud man fall so far from grace, but he knew I would be one of the very few people left to answer his calls and he was right. According to him, the job was simple: Get to Paris, make an appearance at the Grand Masquerade Ball to celebrate the newly anointed Marquis, and infiltrate his ranks to gather intel on him. After all, the Marquis was rumored to be a ruthless wildcard. The High Table appointing such a man could spell disaster for anyone who happens to get in his way.
But I should have known that nothing ever goes according to plan. In an underworld filled with assassins and spies, it is a certainty that people distrust and use everyone they encounter as a means to their own ends -- and the Marquis and I are no exceptions. Now, as my reputation hangs in the balance, ending up as his newest obsession is, quite frankly, the most dangerous game of cat and mouse that I've ever played with my life, my mind, and my heart.
He had to have known that he was driving me to the point of pure madness. My black polished nails tapped impatiently against the scrapped and marred oak table in front of me as I listened to my burner ring for what seemed like the hundredth time that day. Winston was calling again, and God only knew why.
Twelve years of insanity. That's all he brought me since he blew into my life like the gale-force winds of a hurricane all those years ago. And I was still no closer to getting any of the answers I was so desperately seeking from him. This man knew more than he was saying about my past, answers that I couldn't find no matter how hard I tried. For years, he dangled what I wanted from him like a carrot on a string; holding it over my head as if it were something to taunt me with in order to get me to do his fucking bidding.
He had a lot of nerve calling me right now, I'd give him that much.
Part of me wanted to continue to ignore his calls. I owed him nothing and the last I heard, he was excommunicato -- so that would be an automatic death sentence for me if I were caught breathing within a five-block radius of him. The word on the street was that Wintson was out, the New York Conntennital Hotel was deconsecrated and decommissioned, and as for his favored concierge that was glued to his side like a shadow? Well, apparently, Charon took a bullet in the chest for him. It was official: Winston was radioactive and people would drop like flies around him. The message was crystal clear to me: if we all valued any semblance of our shitty existences, we'd stay the fuck away from him.
I could picture him now, sighing dramatically into his phone as he waited for me to pick it up. Had I really become so predictable that he just instinctively knew I was going to answer his call eventually? Of course, I had. Because he knew just how passionate I was for the answers I was seeking from him. For a moment, I continued to wonder about the options that lay ahead of me as I nursed a glass of whiskey in my hand and stared at a Cuban cigar sitting in the ashtray beside me. Twelve years in this business and Winston knows I'll come running whenever he calls. Figures.
Perhaps I really am that predictable. But believing that doesn't soothe the fierce emotions warring with each other deep within the recesses of my mind and soul. I hated being in this position and what's worse was that I hated how I kept doing this to myself.
Screw it, if I'm going to die, I might as well enjoy this fucking cigar while I still have the chance.
Without another thought, I flipped open my phone and placed it to my ear.
"This better be fucking good, because me just answering this phone call will probably put me on the High Table's shit list."
Winston chuckled softly as if mocking my impatience with this situation. "And here I thought you liked it whenever I called you."
My eyes closed momentarily, straining to hold in a tired sigh.
"Before you were excommunicated, sure. But you know as well as I do that me answering any calls from you now puts me at risk," I quipped back. "Now, what do you want Winston?"
He sighed over the other end, knowing my patience was running thin.
"I have a job for you --"
"Go to Hell, I'm not interested."
"If you weren't interested, little Dove, you wouldn't have even picked up your phone in the first place," his smooth baritone was amused at my initial refusal. "Besides, you will be once I tell you that your life is in danger if the new Marquis finds out who you are. Right now, there's a journal on its way to Paris and making its way into the Marquis's hands. A journal, by the way, that belongs to me."
I released a frustrated sigh of my own as I ran my hand over my face.
"I'm failing to see how that's my problem. A lot of people have worked with you in the past. Surely the High Table can understand that," I stated confidently.
Screw the cigar, I'm gonna need a cigarette just listening to him being cryptic as fuck like this.
"Maybe if John had not killed The Elder, then sure. You'd be right. But the new Marquis is pulling out all the stops now and he's on a warpath."
Wait, what did he just say?
"I'm sorry, John did what? I thought John was dead." I question incredulously.
Winston was silent for a moment, absorbing the fact that I sincerely had no idea what the hell he was even talking about. It shouldn't have been surprising for him though. When I'm not handling assignments, I'm dropping off the radar and ignoring the rest of the world until it's time for me to step back into it again. "You didn't know? Apparently, John Wick survived his brush with death at my hands. And it appears that I have a lot to catch you up on. Meet me at the old safe house location in Albany. You know which one I'm talking about, right?"
I hesitated for a minute, but my hesitation was futile. He knew I had agreed to meet him just by picking up the phone.
"Only on one condition."
"Name it, little Dove."
"I know you know who I was before this. For twelve goddamn years, you've kept me in the dark about who I am, what my past was like, how I ended up here -- and you've refused to tell me anything. I want every shred of information you have. No more hiding, no more games. Because if you dick me around again Winston, so help me God... I'll save the High Table the trouble and kill you myself." I stated matter of factly. I was done. The games stopped here or he could find someone else to do his fucking dirty work for him.
Winston remained silent on the other end of the phone, clearly contemplating his next move.
"It's non-negotiable Winston. Do you want help? You wanna stay alive longer than the next day or two? I need my answers, that's my price. You give me what I want and I'll not only meet you, I'll do whatever you need to keep you alive and help you undo the excommunicato. Do we have a deal?"
Sighing heavily to himself, he knew it was over. If he wanted my help, he was going to have to give me exactly what I wanted or he could take his risks with John Wick eventually coming after him.
"You want the information? It'll be yours. Get to the safe house by this afternoon. We've got a lot of ground to cover and time is of the essence," and with that, the other line went dead.
I snapped my phone shut and tossed it carelessly on the table in front of me. For twelve long years, this man used me as a means to an end. The training, the jobs, the marks that have nearly killed me until I killed them first; there was so much blood and death surrounding me that I gave up a long time ago on ever being able to wash my hands clean of it. My only question now, was how the hell did I get here and how come I couldn't remember any part of my life prior to Winston finding me? He had the answers and he sat on them, refusing to tell me anything. Now, I finally had a reason to force his hand in telling me everything.
Snatching up my glass tumbler, I downed the rest of the whiskey and stood up from the table. Plucking up my cigar, I was slightly depressed I wouldn't have a chance to smoke it today. No matter though. When this job was finished and I had every answer in my hands, I'll smoke it then. Besides, if I wanted to make it to Albany by the afternoon, I needed to pack up and leave immediately. Traffic was going to be a bitch anyway, thanks to the fact it was a weekend, so I needed to pick up the pace and hurry.
I wasted little time searching out my backpack and stuffing it with a change of clothes, necessary toiletries, an extra pair of boots, and a selected stash of guns, knives, and other lightweight weapons. Once that was complete, I walked to the front door to grab my helmet, riding gloves, and leather jacket. As soon as I was dressed and ready to ride, I strapped my pack across my back. Depending on what Winston would require for this so-called "job" of his in Paris, I may already have what I need at my French safe house location so it was important that I pack as lightly as I could. After locking up my penthouse, I was opening my garage and climbed on the back of my Black & Silver custom BMW S1000RR motorcycle. I didn't have to worry about too many folks being nosey in this neighborhood, as many of these people had their own secrets to hide anyway.
And as I began to gently coast along the quiet and sleepy neighborhood street on my bike, riding along serenely into the early morning orange rays of the sun, I took one last look around before I turned off that familiar little street and drove forth into a destiny that would change everything for me. __
Tag list: SkarsgardDreams, Parrabellum, FourteenGemStones, @egotistical-bastard4532 @adoringsebstan @adrilari @orenmcdamia @olivia11803 thelovethatnortherndownpoursent @thewastelandwriter @davvydobrik arabellaofmaddness, ladscarlett, @shadowfirecat @blue-1505 sallyp-53, heartrot666,
The next chapter will be posted within a week!
See you lovelies on the flip side!
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becauseitsyouandi · 2 months
my personal jalex fic recs because fawk, jalex maaaaan
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Because you can never get enough jalex <3
♡ 𝕞𝕦𝕝𝕥𝕚𝕔𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝕗𝕚𝕔𝕤 ♡
OTP by Save vs. Magic ✿ Season 3 ✿ COMPLETE ❀ 'With 'Charmed and Dangerous' set to become a movie, Alex is shocked to discover the books based on her life are wildly popular. Even more shocking is what some fans are reading between the lines. And most disturbing of all? Justin might be one!' ✿ OMG. I love meta and I love Jalex, but more importantly I love realistically written Jalex where they don't want to jump each others bones as soon as the fic starts, so this is my #1 recommendation in a multi-chaptered fic if you think to yourself, wait, how in the F do they even start to realize they like-like (lol) each other anyways? Soo well-written, Save vs. Magic is a stellar author who has wrote plenty of gems for the jalex comm <3 After you read OTP, I recommend reading the Easter special for OTP A Handshake With God. So funny and a cute taste of Jalex's after.
Reflection by TheWolfHourx, TwistedWizards ✿ Post Season-4 ✿ IN PROGRESS ❀ Woooo boy, what to say about this one--- it's sexy, incredible sexy. Risque and full of tension, Alex is stuck in the You-niverse with daaark, eeeeevil Justin, who wants to make her his. She is living my dream! It is unfinished, and I want to give a disclaimer that it ends before they do the deed, so if you're okay with mild blue-balling, this is an awesome read that's not juuust smutty goodness yum, but has well written Jalex that makes you root for our main couple (and sexy evil Justin is there, did I mention sexy evil Justin?)
'More Transparent Than Water And Thicker Than Blood' Series by pandorium ✿ Season 3 to Post-Series ✿ COMPLETE ✿ Ooooooof. Talk about an emotional rollercoaster ride, my heart! Sweetness, and heartbreak, and then sweetness. A series of one shots span from post-movie codependency to Jalex as adults. Don't worry-- a happily ever after awaits with this one, even if the journey to get there for our two siblings is a bit long.
Something like Forever by someryn ✿ Post-Movie ✿ COMPLETE ✿ Two-part series that has Justin's POV Leave The Ashes, it's a look at how Justin and Alex cope, well fail to cope with the traumatic events of the movie. Alex struggles to communicate her emotions in Alex fashion, Justin is her steadfast brother who looks at her for just a bit too long, and there is sweetness and the perfect amount of spice added in (just a pinch). Delicious Jalex awaits with this fic <3
Truth Spell by saveyou ✿ Post-Movie ✿ IN PROGRESS ✿ This is an AU where Justin runs away from home post-movie--and only Alex knows why. It's an interesting set up, but last update was in 2010 and it ends off sorely unfinished. But it is a nice read and I enjoy how Alex and Justin are written.
˚ʚ ♡ 𝕠𝕟𝕖-𝕤𝕙𝕠𝕥𝕤 ♡ ɞ˚
Holding Back the Night by Nerissa ✿ Post-Movie ✿ More like hold back my tears when mentioning this fic! This is my #1 Jalex fic recommendation-- it holds such a special place because it fueled my Jalex obsession to unstoppable levels. The ultimate codependency trope fic for Jalex in my opinion. The conversations in this fic are so so cute, tender and emotional. This is the hot-chocolate-your-grandma-gives-you of a Jalex fic. Lemme re-read this fic now <3
so what if you catch me, where would we land by ladytahiri ✿ Child to Adult Jalex ✿ 'Justin and Alex's lives unfold like a butterfly in reverse' ✿ Starts off on an amazing hook with Theresa catching Justin and Alex in a compromising position, and traces back through the blossoming of Justin/Alex's relationship, to when they were just children. Mwah mwah a billion chef kisses!
reach out and touch someone by omens ✿ Season 4 ✿ “Careful, Justin; that almost sounds like ‘what are you wearing territory?’ there.” ✿ AKA Justin and Alex are horny teenagers, Justin is away at college, and late-night husky phone convos ensue. Sign me tf up!
Hands That Touch The Wrong Things by TheWolfHourx ✿ Season 3 ✿ 'This obsession. This painting. Something about this screams at her louder than all her other paintings. Something inside her rips and roars and howls.' ✿ Angst and pain in Alex's POV as she grapples with her feelings post-Puerto Rico. She uses painting as an outlet for her desires she can't express.
Louder than sirens by popsongnation ✿ Post-Movie ✿ 'The feeling stays with her as time goes on, the need to touch him as often as possible. She knows he feels it too.' ✿ Uuuugh author why must you slay me! Codependency trope done so so well it hurts! Secret handholding and rapidly tangled feelings, my heart squeezes in pain for our two sweethearts.
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