#waifu killing game
worldofwaifus · 2 years
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"What... is this? Where are we?"
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"I don't know... but that one did say something interesting earlier. Not again...?" Jolyne looked at Ibuki. "Hey, you. Were you in something like this before?"
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gameboymania · 1 year
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thehornedguy · 2 years
Upcoming Atomic Heart game looks amazing, on certain levels.😏😏😏😏
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aparticularbandit · 6 months
So I follow a bunch of Pokétubers and a couple of them are sponsored by Gamersupps.
And I can't stop thinking of Monokuma shelling out a Junko Enoshima partner waifu cup for 10% with code Despair (and the flavor of the year True Despair) during the Killing Game.
Pretty much every time.
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Losing my mind over the episode document on the wiki, here’s some stick episodes
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bleuberrygliscor · 2 years
If I see g*nshin imp*ct shit outside of my like, two mutuals I allow through my filters so I can keep up with Ateru, I am reporting it as spam.
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magical-grrrl-mavis · 2 years
Isekai with male protags: "I was a loser on earth but now I'm super fucking strong and gettin mad bitches"
Isekai with female protags:
Reincarnated princess uses earth knowledge to make magitech a thing and romances sad girl
Girl romantically pursues her video game waifu
Girl is tasked to teach actual fucking gods to be more empathetic to humans
Woman reincarnated as the daughter of a magic item crafter uses earth knowledge to advance her trade
"Straight" girl is sucked into a world with zero men and lesbians everywhere and finds out she's sapphic (there's like actual plot but the gay is what matters.... to me)
A ghibli film. Need I say more
Woman reincarnated in video game as doomed villainess desperately tries to change her story
Girl reincarnated as a tiny baby spider kills monsters to level up
Like the male protag one but the lame guy's mom got isekaid with him and she's the op one.
Two normal girls fight urban legends in terrifying danger dimension
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succliberation · 1 year
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caineinthecorner · 10 months
Hi. I binged like 80 chats in a row and I have opinions(tm) about physical strength and general power stuff of the brothers. Mostly just strength related things, but I tried to cover most of their battle stuff.
Yes I know, yes I know, "they're ranked as siblings by power blabla", but that's LAME. So here are my personal takes mostly for fun. Canon is dead and I ate it.
Also I finished the dividers and general aesthetics of this blog woo
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★ Lucifer.
Generally the strongest, period, can and WILL kill almost anyone without much issue or even second thought
Physical strength, however? He’s not the best, as he doesn’t rely on it at all for battle / conflict
He didn't need it in heaven, after all
(Beel was his brawns and he was already a powerful angel so it never was a requirement)
I don't see him actively working out (anymore, at least), so most of his strength is merely his baseline
His main tactic conflict wise is intimidation.
Cough giving MC death threats cough
Very prideful of himself in battle, obviously
Rarely would ever use any sort of dirty tricks
Would probably prefer to go down the "honorable way"
Target his brothers though and he WILL play every trick in the book with little regard to his pride or his own life
This fuck looks like he knows swordsmanship and is probably the only of the brothers who does so
(except maybe Satan who is learning just to copy / be better than him)
Either that or he knows fancy sword dances for angel rituals he cannot partake in anymore (and doesn't do them anymore)
Diavolo has photos of him doing said dances but his lips are triple sealed since it is a heavily touchy subject
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★ Mammon.
Canonically this man is physically weak (or at least has a weak complexion / scrawny arms)
Probably the most disappointing in terms of strength because he is literally the second born
His saving grace is his unholy speed and dirty tricks, using it to cover his weaknesses / lack of physical strength.
A LOT of dirty tricks and bs magic stuff. So so many. Never ends
He’s the living embodiment of the “random bullshit go!!!” meme
You know Looney tunes? Yeah this man has the Bugs bunny's levels of bullshit
But he has the best stamina out of his brothers (so he can run away from his debts)
Doesn't train because he's already perfect as it is (<- that's his ego talking he can barely pick up the weights at Beel's gym)
Honor is for the dead type of person. Nothing is out of the table in battle
(^ that makes him terrifying to fight against btw)
He either tries to intimidate (imitating Lucifer) or sweet-talk his way out of conflict
It usually just pisses off his adversary more which actually leads to the fights starting, but hey, he tried 乁⁠(⁠ ⁠•⁠_⁠•⁠ ⁠)⁠ㄏ
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★ Leviathan.
Physical strength is shit.
he will get his shit kicked if he tries to brawl with almost anyone
Except maybe the lowest hanging fruit (humans)
Magical or general strength is decent, but he's definitely not the greatest in battle out of the brothers
^ he's kinda insecure about this and he wishes he were stronger (he sulks about it)
Wishes that actual irl battles were like Fire Emblem or strategy games bcs he's actually good in those
Update: I didn't make it clear (mb lol) but I see him as the best strategist of the brothers by far, he just isn't good at front-line action
^ Being away from the front lines keeps the pressure away from him for the most part, and it avoids him getting riled up and acting rash
He once tried to workout with Beel but quickly got overwhelmed because Beel shoved 200kg weights onto him thinking it was an reasonable starting point
So he kinda has trauma(tm) about it
Despite his garbage physical prowess, he WILL start fights and get riled up easily
He goes onto his demon form immediately when he wants to fight
^ bcs his strength isn't great, and he needs any boost he can get
Plus, awful anger management
My man will get onto a fist fight with the demon equivalent of a redditor over anime waifus and he will lose
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★ Satan.
As the literal embodiment of Wrath, he does pack quite a punch and will maul you to death with only his fists. No problems at all
But that's merely his baseline strength (which is a lot) since he doesn’t really train physically
Probably focuses on other areas (read: intelligence) instead of physical strength.
Which is ironic because he could kick Lucifer's ass in a fist fight if he actually trained more
But oh well. Books do be booking
Surprisingly strategic while in fights, although not above Going Apeshit
Funnily enough the least likely of the brothers to enter a fight
Has read The Art Of War and will quote it just to be a smartass
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★ Asmodeus.
Physically? Weak.
Probably the weakest of the brothers, having more or less the strength of a human (and on the weaker side of that).
He doesn’t train whatsoever; Likes his slender figure and muscles “ruin” that.
However, he makes up for it on the "trickster" scale.
As the Avatar of Lust, he will probably go the charm route instead of wanting to directly fight his enemies, or he make someone else do the dirty work for him.
Think of Mammon but make it a bit less scummy, tricks wise.
His go-to is sweet talk.
Something something the Avatar of Lust being physically weak since sex is considered an act of vulnerability and therefore the lowering of one’s guard something something
Something something the poetic narrative of the Avatar of Lust having only power through Communication something something
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★ Beelzebub.
Contrary to Asmo; he does lift for days and can pack quite the punch, being one of the stronger brothers physically despite being one of the youngest.
I don't see him caring much for magic or other types of strength, he is content in packing the punch and has the capabilities to back him up.
Fight wise he will probably punch the problems away
Maybe use one or two tricks he’s learned
Mostly relies on his intuition and gut and it surprisingly works out
Nothing fancy; Dictionary definition of all muscle no brain battle wise
Literally one of the scariest brothers to ever fight he will actually beat you to a bloody pulp
And make a smoothie out of it
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★ Belphegor.
This fucker doesn't lift at all you can't tell me shit
At MOST he'll accompany Beel to the gym and would sleep at the benches
The strength he has is the strength he was born with
Which isn't a lot, but still above human average by quite a lot
More or less demon standard of strength. Maybe a slightly below it
But he's still above most demons by a mile in other regards, mostly magic prowess
He's stronger than Levi because I think it would be hilarious that the dude who sleeps all day is stronger than him
(or you can make him really physically strong just because it'd be funny to see the sleepy dude kick ass)
(either way is funny as shit go ham)
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★ Physical strength chart
Behemoth type strength :
Beel (only barely)
High / Low above human average :
Belphie (low diff w/ mammon)
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★General strength chart
Can kill hundreds no effort :
Satan (If apeshit)
Are not as strong but still terrifying :
Levi, Asmo (Tie)
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The FE fandom is unfairly criticized for their treatment of main women leads because not enough people factor in how sexist the writing is. Edelgard would get less hate if she was held more accountable. Micaiah would get less hate if she didn't get written out of the final part and awful blood-pact device. Celica and Erika would get less hate if the writers didn't hand them the idiot ball. Female leads are often awful units compared to male counterparts. The male leads always upstage the female ones or are written overall better bc they were unconcerned with making them a sellable waifu. There's definitely sexist people in the fandom, and male characters everywhere get cut more slack, and I'm not denying an element of sexism in all of this, but holding the writers accountable something that needs to get brought up more.
Edelgard is held accountable and punished for her actions by literally dying in 3 out of the 4 routes. Like the Agarthans are not blamed for what Edelgard did. She takes complete responsibility and suffers the consequences for starting a war.
Erika giving the Sacred Stone to Formortis because she believes Lyon, an extremely skilled healer and magic user who has been studying the stones will get rid of him through using it is a smarter decision than Ephraim attempting to kill THE DEMON KING ALL BY HIMSELF. Like at least Erika's plan made sense and could have worked if Lyon was able to resist Formortis. People who call Erika stupid for her scene while not doing the same for Ephraim's are hypocritical in this regard.
While SOV is quite sexist in how so many of the women are damseled, Celica sacrificing herself for Mila makes complete sense and is not rooted in sexism because at that point in the game most people believe that they still need the gods to survive and a single human life is worth less than the life of a god. Celica trusted Jedah because to her that was her only choice. What is sexist is her having to be repeatedly saved by men while nothing similar happens to Alm.
I admit I'm being extremely nitpicky with this point, but Erika and Celica both act completely in character when they make their mistakes and therefore are not Idiot Balled. Idiot Balling is when a character acts uncharacteristically stupid and out of character to serve the plot.
Idk about the specifics with Micaiah in Radiant Dawn but yeah it sucks how Ike takes most of the spotlight from both her and Elincia :/
The only female lead that is a substantially worse unit than her male counterpart is Erika. She is an outlier that should not be counted. Celica, Micaiah and Elincia all have utility that Alm and Ike Lack while Edelgard is literally just as good of a frontliner as Dimitri. And Lyn is just as weak as Eliwood.
Character writing is subjective.
You are severely overestimating the importance of waifus and underestimating the importance of husbandos to the franchise. Straight and Bi women play Fire Emblem too.
Also characters who have depth tend to be more popular regardless of their gender. It is profitable to have waifus with layers.
I am not denying that sexism was and somewhat still is a thing in the writing and gameplay of this series; However, the fandom is just as guilty in how female characters are treated - perhaps more guilty in the newest two games where these issues rarely rear their ugly head in the story and the gameplay. The fandom should be held accountable too instead shifting most of the blame on the writers.
Anyway if you read all of this, have a heavenly creature i found recently <3
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gameboymania · 3 months
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misty-wisp · 1 year
sumire could've been so much more interesting, like. okay. i get it. kasumi was really nice but at the same time she was insensitive as fuck to her sister and that made her feel like shit 24/7 and you'd think that'd piss sumire off, no? or at least you'd think it'd be made clear that she's not pissed purely because she thinks so lowly of herself. no. she just sings kasumi's praises even with everything in mind.
like. you'd think "hm maybe kasumi wasn't the best sister even though she meant well" no. no she's the perfect person and sumire still loves her and looks up to her well enough to wear her likeness even after accepting herself as sumire post-3rd semester. sumire didn't even like gymnastics as much as her and she obviously had more of an interest in cooking but she's gotta go on to fulfill her sister's dream even though hey maybe that's not what she wants--no that's exactly what she wants it's what the game says can't you read.
idk man sumire continuing to think her sister was perfect and following on with that "dream" of theirs even though it was holding down her mental health doesn't sound much like her rebelling to me. ik her real awakening was meant to be rebelling against maruki's reality but in that case her whole personal deal regarding how she sees herself and kasumi doesn't mean that much. she doesn't get to do her own thing. she has to go and achieve what her sister wanted for her, because god forbid sumire be her own person with her own interests and wants that have nothing to do with her dead sister.
fuck, kasumi could've been more interesting too. she doesn't have to be this perfect, well-meaning sister who did nothing wrong except make an oopsies that got her sister to have a mental breakdown and accidentally get her fucking killed. like, c'mon, you could infer that kasumi may have had her own ego over getting constantly praised for her efforts and skills and maybe that was what got her to be so insensitive to sumire's mental health. maybe she was so far up her own ass she couldn't see how she hurt her sister over the course of them doing gymnastics together because literally all she knew was that praise. maybe the way she was being treated got her to emotionally abuse her own sister without her even realizing it. maybe we could've seen more of how that affected sumire's mental health after her death--oh what's that? she still has to be a perfectly marketable waifu with next to no personality aside from being nice and cute and romantically interested in the protagonist? okay, ATLUS!!
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b1adie · 3 months
idk if its just me but the amount the firefly has been pushed as THE waifu for the trailblazer has left me with zero guilt about skipping her
yeah 🥲 its. very annoying imo. i just try to ignore it and appreciate her as her own character bc she is rly cool on her own, but like, any kind of game where they RLY push shipping the mc with one character gets on my nerves… i’m at least grateful that i play as stelle so i can be lesbo about it. its just like. obnoxious atp how much the game itself is like YOU ARE IN LOVE WITH HER BTW like what??? who said that.
and it’s really shitty to firefly too cuz like i said she IS a rly interesting character on her own, being a genetically engineered weapon from a fallen empire, built to fight a war that ended centuries ago, inflicted with an illness that’s slowly killing her bc she had a fucking mech suit melded to her spinal cord, now defying her purpose and fate by trying to live a life as a person instead of dying as a weapon. and her fucking mech looks cool as hell!!! like that is so awesome!!!! so can they please let her shine outside of just being Mandatory Waifu… like its annoying to me and its a disservice to her. i hope the game lets her do her own shit aside from being obsessed with trailblazer
i am also skipping her but i’m fine w it cuz i KNOW half my friends list will have support fireflies i can borrow if i want to see her.
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rheindell · 2 months
Day 8573757475 of me loving the internet and tumblr specifically. Y'all are so unapologetically horny it's perfect.
Like there's this game, and in the game there's this guy who's all crooked and looks like he's dying from severe case of phthisis, and his second phase is him straight up rotting from leprosy. He also tries to kill you. And has committed mass murder. Or there's this whole species of predatory man-eating shapeshifting monsters? You think that's scary??
Nah, tumblr goes full uwu they're so fine and collectively givES THEM A WIFE
Like oh you poor misunderstood 10 feet tall carnivorous genocidal baby, you need some love and care, here you go, mwah. Also here's a handful of horny™, all your needs will be taken care of whETHER YOU WANT IT OR NOT
THIs is the exact reason we won't ever be conquered by any kind of aliens. Whatever cosmic horror lands on this planet - you will just fuck 'em dry
Please, never change, you're all perfect, much love.
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veilofthorns · 7 months
A few little thoughts I have about the shroud brothers
Ortho doesn't really need a body. He could be a head on a little car if he wanted. Why not add Moore arms
The movie hercules made a huge point that you can't kill gods but you can transform them. Hades is out there.... somewhere
Sure, idia saw snow and rain in shows and video games, but can you imagine the first time he felt a cold raindrop as a teen or adult like "WHY IS IT WET!?" With explains a lot about him actually. The island of woe has a controlled environment. The outdoors must be absolutely wild to him! That's probably why he likes video games so much. It's a controlled adventure with no surprises.
Idia grew up under the ocean. He could have his own little "part of your world" moment with his waifu collection. I imagine him reaching up to the surface like ariel surrounded by anime figurines.
There are two orthos running around this universe. Robo ortho is like Idia's son since he made him... also a little a bit of himself. Robo ortho is "the cooler idia" his brother and basically his son???
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avicebro · 3 months
I apologize if I seem like I'm harping on Kiyohime a lot, I just don't tend to see a lot of fans of her. What do you like about the character? I don't remember a lot interesting about her beyond that one short-story Nasu wrote where she didn't recognize the origin Anchin as her Anchin.
I can kinda get that - besides friends in JP, I haven't really met too many people that like her on this side of the fandom, and I did just mention that the fandom made me shy about talking about her.
So! Some things I enjoy about Kiyohime:
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I think it'd be rude not to talk about her design. BLACK, in my opinion, excels in designs that appear rather plain but have a bunch of cute details thrown in. I love her horn design, I love the gold accessories, I love the small references to dragons in her clothes. When the colour scheme goes to black/yellow/white too I think that's really good. It's really striking.
I like the cherry blossoms in the background - a subtle nod to the first fate 'yandere' (I don't think Sakura is a yandere, but yk, sometimes fate likes to say she is so it's a solid reference nevertheless). [Also, her outfit harkens back to Kohaku. Again, don't think Kohaku is a yandere but still.]
I understand why people don't really like how often she appears in things, and how she acts. And also the fact that fate presented her as a waifu and then turned around and went, haha, nope! She's actually a pre-teen! But I think like, if you view her from the angle of a young girl first experiencing love with Anchin, it makes a lot of sense. Was what she did a good thing for her do? No, of course not. Is it that odd for a 13-year old girl who has never experienced love before? No, not really. In that sense, I find that she's similar to Medea Lily in their #weirdgirl behaviour.
(it also makes her dynamic with elizabeth make a lot of sense. they're two teens who are fighting on stan twitter.)
In that sense, her age explains her dynamic with Ritsuka. After being remembered as the dragon that killed the first man she fell in love with, who ran from her out of fear and broke their promise, it is only natural for her to fall for Ritsuka. Someone who does not care about her history, who or what she is. And further, Ritsuka's reaction to Kiyohime, as time goes on, makes sense too - like imagine trying to calmly let down someone who's your little sister's age while worrying you'll end up just like the last guy. Ritsuka is a nice person - of course they don't wanna make the pre-teen cry.
I think it's fun to think about her friends, too. Like she has this fun, bickering dynamic with Liz (who, I understand, also did show up a lot in the early game and so people aren't as fond of her).
She's e-mail buddies with Tamamo and Osakabehime. I want to watch her TikTok.
Also, the turas realta making it so that Ritsuka pinky-promises to summon Kiyohime (a reference to Kiyohime being a free servant) is a cute little nod to Kiyohime's previous promise by Anchin being broken. I just think that's really sweet. Finally, a promise to Kiyo that isn't broken.
I will say she does suffer from early writing syndrome, and she was often treated as the butt of a joke just like Liz or Nero. Unfortunately, unlike those two, she didn't have anything else besides some one-off lines by Tamamo in /Extra. And so I do understand why she's disliked, especially since she was so prevalent in early game (story chapters, other people's valentine's day scenes/interludes).
But I think it says something about how much people enjoyed her showing in Shimousa, even if it wasn't 100% her. And unlike the other yanderes we have in fate, despite all the stuff I've mentioned above, I think she definitely has the opportunity for more growth. We haven't really seen her since fate officially confirmed that she's a child. It'd be nice to see if that important element to her character affects her writing in the event. And heck, if it doesn't, that's cool! Compared to other popular servants, 7 years is a pretty long between relevancy all things considered.
One thing to note too is that her voice actress was unable to voice act due to illness - hence why we only just got Marie Alter this year. With Marie Alter and now an outfit for Kiyohime, it feels like a very nice 'welcome back' to one of the first voice actors to really make F/GO it is.
But fuck whatever Riyo does with her like dude your thinly veiled vore fetish is making it so hard to defend Kiyohime omg.
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