#w/ pips plants
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eunwolie · 1 year ago
this is a closed starter !
• with: @pips-plants
• inspo: eunwol desafia muse em uma competição de quem bebe mais bebidas em menos tempo.
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"Três... dois... um!", Eunwol terminou a contagem regressiva e virou seu corpo na direção da meia-irmã com um sorriso largo no rosto. Sem pensar duas vezes, virou o líquido estranho que roubou de um de seus meio-irmãos e se concentrou, não queria perder a competição.
Ela logo fechou os olhos com força, sentia o amargor e o gás da bebida incomodarem sua garganta que queimava por causa do álcool. Bateu o copo vermelho na pedra e gargalhou quando viu Pietra ainda entretida em seu copo.
"Ah, eu ganhei!", Eunwol esticou os braços para cima, celebrando sua vitória. "Melhor de dez?", riu e apontou para outra bebida que não reconhecia. "Temos uns dez copos aqui ainda, eu quero experimentar tudo e você?", perguntou animada, mas logo seu olhar mudou de direção quando, atrás de Pietra, uma das razões para ela estar ali, passava ao lado de uma filha de Eros.
Eunwol franziu a testa, as pernas cruzadas uma em cima da outra, como uma flor de lótus, a sensação estranha em seu peito e o leve incômodo que não devia sentir. Não tinha esse direito. Esticou a mão até outro copo, levando o copo até os lábios, pronta para beber todo o líquido.
"Pronta, Pietra?", olhou para a irmã com fogo nos olhos.
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eunwolie · 11 months ago
@pips-plants: “the soul mate doesn’t have to be a romantic relationship. sometimes in life, you meet people when you need them, and there is an immediate connection.” — Alison G. Bailey
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I realized that I don't remember ever seeing your back, because you were always beside me.
SOULMATE 소울메이트 (2023) dir. Min Yong Keun
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misshcrror · 1 year ago
❪ ⠀ ⠀ closed starter !!! ⠀ ⠀ ❫ this is for → @pips-plants.
O chalé de Deimos nunca se preocupou tanto com a arrumação no dia-a-dia afinal o aspecto sombrio e meio abandonado era uma ótima desculpa para manter os preguiçosos sendo molengas. Porém depois do caos, até mesmo a tal da casa abandonada precisava de uma arrumadinha. Pietra havia lhe prometido um jardim assustador e Yasemin estava a caminho de cobrar. Seus irmãos pareçam muito empolgados em ter uma árvore sangrando. Quando a ruiva avistou a colega caminhando no pavilhão, se aproximou rapidamente. ❝ ― Oi. Me diga que vamos ter uma árvore sangrando ou meus irmãos vão me fazer sangrar. ❞ ― Disse num riso fraco, e apesar de parecer brincadeira, poderia ser uma realidade caso eles se exaltassem demais com a possibilidade.
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santoroleo · 8 months ago
closed starter w/: @pips-plants waterland, bigas de bate-bate
Para leo, aquele brinquedo não passava de uma literal brincadeira de criança quando levado a sério então resolveu fazer as coisas apenas para se divertir; mesmo que Pietra, com quem estava dividindo a biga no momento não concordasse tanto com a ideia. Quando a biga era acertada com os jatos de óleo deixava com que ela deslizasse o máximo possível antes de seguir em direção aos oponentes e bater de frente, arrancando algumas risadas do filho de Nike "Pips, esse aqui é realmente muito divertido!" fala todo risonho, como uma criança que tinha achado seu novo brinquedo favorito.
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oespirito · 1 year ago
"Pera..." Ele olhou novamente para as bolinhas que haviam entrado dentro dos copos. Sua sobrancelha se arqueou antes de bater as suas mãos, um pouco mais animado do que ele pensou que ficaria. Apontou para a semideusa perto de si. "Ganhei!" Gritou e depois reparou no volume de sua voz, pedindo desculpa com a mão, antes de pegar seu copo com vinho e bebendo. "Tinha uma aposta, certo? Tenho algo para você... Bem, só se você quiser fazer também, não precisa se não quiser, sabe..."
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eunwolie · 1 year ago
Assentiu em silêncio e por mais que pudesse ficar por horas recebendo o carinho e afeto da irmã, Eunwol deitou o rosto na palma da mão de Pietra por pouco mais se dois segundos e sorriu de lado, como se fosse um cachorrinho agradecendo pelo carinho.
No entanto, não demorou a ficar de pé e arrumar sua mochila com alguns itens que achou ser útil: livros, caderno de anota��ões, canetas e lápis. Talvez Pietra estivesse certa, de toda forma, Eunwol não esperaria sentada.
"Certo, eu falo com Hektor. Mas amanhã resolvemos isso, sim?", sorriu de lado ao ver a irmã se deitar. "Descansa, Pipes. Eu vou ler um pouco, sim?", a avisou antes de segurar na maçaneta e lhe desejar: "Boa noite, Pipes. Eu amo você".
Saiu do quarto e foi para a varanda do chalé, certa de que não dormiria direito naquela noite.
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"Eu vou procurar o nome, sabe que uma hora eu lembro" okay que podia não lembrar, a cabeça da filha de Hécate era um caldeirão de informações e normalmente todas elas se misturavam tortuosamente resolvendo qual das ideias iria para superfície. mais velha apertou a mão da irmã carinhosamente negando com a cabeça "Não se preocupe Nemo, sei o que quis dizer. Temos que nos proteger e bem, dessa vez pode ser que seja sério" ela imitou naturalmente aquele suspiro cansado enquanto seu polegar passava lentamente pelo dorso da mão da irmã, podia ser clichê mas talvez pudesse dizer com certeza que ela era uma de suas melhores amigas naquele lugar. "Pode falar com o bolofofo do Hektor? Eu consigo as poções que a gente precisa..." ela mordeu o interior da bochecha pensativa antes de escorregar o corpo para deitar na cama cansadinha "Odeio assuntos misteriosos, dói demais ficar no escuro... Ainda mais que a minha cabeça"
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nyctophiliesblog · 6 months ago
Closed star with @pips-plants, na sauna. ❛ i’d say we make a pretty good team. ❜
Após um dia exaustivo, a sauna parecia ser a melhor das opções para liberar um pouco da tensão muscular após tantas horas sentada. Porém, para seu azar, a idéia não aparentava ser boa apenas para ela como também para um grupo de pessoas bastante barulhentas que agora ocupavam espaço junto com ela no ambiente. Sem muita paciência para os bagunceiros, Alina teve uma idéia, no entanto, precisaria da ajuda de alguém para sua execução. Olhou ao redor e logo reconheceu Pietra no canto contrário a o que estava. Aproximou-se da filha de Hécate, sentando-se ao lado da mesma. "Por favor me fala que você também está querendo arrastar esses chatos pra fora daqui." Disse e logo se voltou para o grupo em questão. "Ouvi eles falando algo sobre estarem com vontade de beber. Pensei em gritar que a Circe resolveu liberar o álcool pra ver se eles saem. Eles não parecem tão inteligentes, acho que iriam acreditar." Contou em um tom um pouco mais baixo e voltou a olhar para Pietra. "Você só ia precisar concordar comigo." Complementou. "E então, você aceita formar uma aliança comigo em prol do nosso descanso?"
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ghcstgoth · 7 months ago
─    𝒕𝒉𝒊𝒔 𝒊𝒔 𝒂 𝒄𝒍𝒐𝒔𝒆𝒅 𝒔𝒕𝒂𝒓𝒕𝒆𝒓 𝒇𝒐𝒓 @pips-plants
❝ oh, i need a drink … ❞ Enquanto Cassandra se considerava uma pessoa de péssimo senso de humor, as palavras da filha de Hécate a fizeram soltar uma gargalhada. As duas estavam realizando uma das tarefas mais tenebrosas do Acampamento: colher morangos. O lugar era tão deserto quanto o esperado para uma plantação, mas a outra semideusa parecia, de alguma forma, apreciar a atividade, e a ideia de que aquela criatura calma precisava de uma bebida era um tanto cômica para Cassandra. — Acho que as coisas estão difíceis pros Filhos da Magia, hm? — Ela realmente pretendia destilar algum comentário irônico sobre a situação, mas pensou que talvez o aroma de morangos estivesse amolecendo seu coração. Descansando sua cesta repleta de frutas no chão, a filha de Melinoe tateou por um pequeno cantil no interior de sua jaqueta, estendendo-o na direção de Pietra. — Sim, é álcool. Não, ainda não 'tá envenenado. Be my guest.
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stellesawyr · 8 months ago
closed starter w/: @pips-plants waterland, cuidado com o ciclope!
Não podia negar que estava se divertindo um pouco com os brinquedos do lugar, algumas risada saíam da loira até mesmo quando apenas parava para observar um dos amigos tentando a sorte nos jogos "Vamos pips, só falta mais alguns pra você ganhar!" fala completamente entretida com a outra tentando acertar os ciclopes que saíam de forma tão cômica da caixa rosa, uma das mãos segurando o doce que a outra tinha pegado antes de acharem o jogo.
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devkcz · 7 months ago
@pips-plants 𝒔𝒂𝒊𝒅: ❛ 𝒊 𝒓𝒆𝒄𝒐𝒈𝒏𝒊𝒛𝒆 𝒚𝒐𝒖𝒓 𝒇𝒂𝒄𝒆 𝒇𝒓𝒐𝒎 𝒔𝒐𝒎𝒆𝒘𝒉𝒆𝒓𝒆. ❜ — Das capas de revista, é claro. — Brincou o semideus, se esforçando para simular uma pose digna de modelo famoso. A verdade é que as chances de Pietra reconhecê-lo por algo desagradável era um tanto grande. Era fácil esconder seu histórico de confusões dos novatos, mas campistas antigos poderiam lembrar dos feitos do filho de Eros. — Mas falando sério... não fiz nada errado dessa vez, fiz? — Tentou lançar mão do poder que aprendera sozinho, também conhecido como cara de cachorro perdido. Dev realmente esperava não precisar usar sorrateiramente seus poderes para fazer a semideusa sentir menos raiva dele ou algo do gênero. — Seja lá o que for, não foi culpa minha. Andei bebendo, e... prazer, me chamo Dev, e você?
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glowstone23b · 1 year ago
warden/ancient city thoughts …
Anicent cities aren’t actually cities, they’re actually massive temples instead that devoted themselves to a certain god (im not sure what god the old builders would worship akandk)
They laid many people to rest in those underground crypts, that a bit of their souls leaked out of the bodies and infected the glowing cave vines, resulting in a strange mutation of sculk
and as more people died and got places in those tombs,,, the more sculk spread
Eventually some worshippers caught notice of this and assumed it to be some gift from the gods, so they continued to add fuel to it, experimenting with it, etc, finding out that when a creature dies— instead of the soul ascending to an afterlife, it is instead pulled down by the sculk and merged into what was like a sentient hivemind of connected souls working together to become something akin to an organism
At some point, as evolution of the sculk furthered and sculk sensors formed, it eventually led to a sculk shrieker
and after worshippers activated it a couple times in a row,
It summoned the massive, blind hulking beast known as the warden. It harvested as many souls as it could from the worshippers as it chased after them, leaving no one in it’s wake, before retreating back into the biomass until the next time there is a significant amount of soul that alerts the shriekers once more
Ok mini rant story thing over. i like to think that sculk works in a weird sort of method
Catalyst farm and form the extra sculk needed to begin an infection —> sensors pick up on sounds made by noises that supposedly could be creatures with a soul —> shriekers sound a scream that helps determine if a warden should form —> warden harvests any nearby creatures to help the sculk spread. if killed, the warden drops a catalyst, so it can all begin again
The warden itself is a weird amalgamation of human souls stuck together fused with the sculk. the main reasoning for it being blind (other than cave animals usually being blind since low to zero light requires little need for eyes) is because detecting sound means a very high chance of something w soul
Sculk sickness …. Possibly a rare disease only picked up by deep miners. nasty no good and probably hurts as the sculk eats you from the inside out
Illagers came across the ancient cities and set up camp for a short amount of time to try and study the sculk . you can imagine what happened to them
[ i like to think every ‘living’ creature in minecraft has a soul. that keeps them alive and thinking and breathing and stuff. and undead mobs have soul residue which leaves them with very basic instincts or things they subconsciously remember how to do ITS A FUN THOUGHT ]
[ in my little au illagers love experimenting w souls . because the more you experiment the more messed up results you get (vexes being the fused collective of 2-3 allays, or creating abominations via sticking two different mob souls together… possibly how ravagers came to be since they look a bit like villagers that got turned into beasts . fun theorizing ]
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Hey invention? Phanon? I love your mind, it's wonderful. Have a drawing!
I've never drawn a warden before, mostly because it's been very daunting, but I think I got it out the way I wanted it to!! Sculk itself is kind of like... a fungus-y tentacle-y mixture, and i got some inspiration from the devil's fingers fungus irl! Really cool, I suggest giving it a look-see.
In my head, sculk would start off kind of like little eggs or pips or... whatever those things are... there's a name for it, when a plant or a cell decides to split off to make a new plant or cell? Mitosis? Bulbs? Plantlets? There's a word I'm looking for. Anyways. They'd probably grow mini sculk bits off of more mature ones so they can drop off and spread on their own, kind of like some types of succulent if that makes sense? Which explains the little sticky-outy bits on the wardens' horn things. Man, there's gotta be proper terminology for this, my brain is not finding the right words today.
They'd release some sort of bioluminescence when disturbed, and have an almost tar-like substance produced to trap smaller mobs (spiders, bats, etc.) that happen to wander too close, akin to fly traps. It wouldn't work as well for humans, but it's not uncommon to have your foot tugged on by some sculk in the hopes it can digest you.
I went off "The warden itself is a weird amalgamation of human souls stuck together fused with the sculk" because it's FREAKING COOL, so !!! Yeah!! I've got some of the larger/longer sculk tendrils used as arms and 'fingers' in a sense, though they're not all that precise in use. It just opts to smack the heck out of people usually. The bones in the shoulders and feet I thought were really cool on the in-game design, so I feel that the sculk would grow around any sorts of bones it had access to to keep a more stable structure. Keeping yourself upright if you're a soft mass of plantiness/fungus-yness would be a little tough, I think. Also, keeping bones close to the sculk might make it easier to tether souls together? Who knows!
It'd be neat to see what types of matter the sculk would attach to to form a warden-- it could be enderman bones, for all we know! Big and long and short and stubby, and all of the bones are in the wrong places. Using femurs for toes, or ribs for arms... it'd definitely not be fun to see in person.
Sculk sickness sounds SO NEAT TOO!!! I imagine you might be able to inhale it, like spores? Since it feeds off of xp or souls, you just keep fueling it once you're infected whether you like it or not. Does it have any cure, or would you have to have some sort of surgery to try to remove the existing sculk from your body? That'd cause a heck of a lot of complications, if it were to block anything internally. Wild, but neat to theorize about.
And YES on the experimenting with souls thing! Especially with the update so vexes look a lot more like allays-- definitely experiment material. I wonder how many more mobs are out there that we haven't seen because they haven't been made yet? Just mish mashes of any sort of soul they could get their hands on, inhabiting a body that doesn't feel quite right. Kinda interesting!
Thank you for sharing as always ily you rule. Your theories slap, may your inventory be full of diamonds or something. May the Nether's fire guide your way, idk. More piglin-y, as per my blog, lol.
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pxgeturner · 2 years ago
milkshakes and confessions — t.m.r
pt. 1 — kiss it better, m.list, reblogs are extremely appreciated
you’re trying to make plans with your friends and end up telling your bf you love him for the first time.
an. so i forgot to put this on my wip list hope y’all like this. can be imagined w a r from any house but kinda hufflepuff coded!r :)
wc. 1.8k
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You wrap your arms around luna from behind. “luna~” your look to your right, “‘ginny!” and around the people surrounding your friends: hermione, ron, harry, and others “hey guys,” you say looking at no one in particular.
that gets you a lot of weird stares. You look at luna, then at ginny. “did i say something?”
“harry potter is right there!” this kid, who you think is named seamus talks to you like you are an idiot.
“i’m not friends with harry potter.”
“he’s the son of james and lily potter!” ron is turning red.
“that doesn’t make him a saint?” you furrow your brows and wave you hand at him. “i mean good for him but it’s not like he's a merlin reincarnate or something.” you click your tongue at them, “besides i said hi to all of you”
“why are you over here?” a voice sounds from behind you.
“hi tommi,”
“you should be eating over there with me.”
“i’m just hear to- oh!” you look back at luna, “ok hogsmeade trip this weekend, right?”
“i thought you and ginny could come with me to go get milkshakes!”
“Sounds good to me!” ginny pips in.
“sll right, milkshakes this weekend.” agrees luna.
“you spend trips to to hogsmeade with me.” tom protests. You remove yourself from luna to turn to your boyfriend.
“and you’re lucky that i love you, otherwise i would’ve plucked out your eyeballs for being so overprotective a long time ago.”
“ok, so see you in class later–” you’re yanked back, “tommi! ah! what are you-” he’s picked you up now, “moon!” you cry out for your friends knowing your boyfriend won’t listen to you.
she giggles and waves, “have fun!”
tom carries you all the way to the abandoned girl’s bathroom. He sets you down in front of a wall.
you laugh, pushing at his chest “what was that tommi?”
he leans into you, hands at either side of your head. “you can’t take things like that back, and you shouldn’t say things you don’t mean.”
“huh?” your noses are touching and you really want to kiss him.
“you said you love me.” you cup his face, toying with a few short strands at your fingertips.
“uh-huh, i do.” he steps back, disconnecting from you completely.
“you shouldn’t.”
You take hold you his hand, rubbing circles into the back of his palm. “you’re my boyfriend, and we’ve been together almost a year.”
tommi mumbles something.
You put a hand under his chin to make him meet your eyes instead of looking at the ground. “what was that?” you smile up at him.
“love potion,”
“i’m not under a potion, silly. or am i acting crazy and obsessive?”
“not you, me! I was born because of a love potion.” he rips his hand out of yours.
“is this you telling me you want to break up?”
“it would be for the best.”
“you asked me out first, do you remember?” you block him from leaving.
“of course i do.”
“i had a crush on you for months my friends would tease me all the time for liking the slytherin prince who only ever studies.” you rest your hands on your hips. “they said i was a fool.”
“i get where this is going-”
“but you asked me out! on valentines day! like an absolute dork!”
“i said. i remember.” he grits his teeth. why won’t you let him leave?
“you like me! you care about me! you make sure i’m drinking water and study with me before exams.”
“like isn’t love!” he has fire in his eyes as he plants his hands on your shoulders, trying to get you to move. “it’s not enough! You deserve more!”
“like turns into love! i don’t believe in that love potion bullshit!”
“i want to love you-”
you’re seriously getting angry, how can the smartest guy in school be so stupid. “then do it! it just takes time! It’s not like one day fireworks and wedding bells are going to go off in your mind because your brain flipped a switch.”
“i don’t want to hurt you.”
“the only way you’re going to hurt me is by leaving right now.”
“what if i never love you?”
“if you ever need to force yourself to do things that typically come naturally then we can be over.” you deflate at the thought, now it’s you looking at the ground.
“if i can love anyone, it’s you. i can’t see myself with anyone else.” he comes in close you, holding your face in his hands, wiping away tears. when did you start crying? and you try to take a deep breath in but it’s all too intense, so it catches in your throat and you have to grab onto tommi’s robes to steady yourself. he pulls you into his chest, rubbing your head.
“i- i love you.” you hiccup, “so, much.” and you wiggle your head to look at him, brown eyes now soft with worry. “And it’s ok that you’re not there yet.”
“i know,” he brushes some hair off your forehead, “i- i know, princess.”
“can we go eat lunch now?
“how can i say no to my best girl?”
“are there other girls?” you’re trying to seem sarcastic.
“my best and only girl.” he kisses your forehead as you two begin to walk back to the great hall. You lean into him as you walk, latched onto his arm. He squeezes your hand, grateful for the fact that you did not let go.
your friends welcome you back with smiles and jokes.
“hello lovebirds, glad you two could finally deign to join us.” mattheo jokes, tom glares at him. you stay leaning on him even sitting down, he winds an arm around your back to support you. he loves his family, he’d do anything for mattheo or mother. in regard to father, he’s not sure, father isn’t like mother, there is no quality time or kind smiles. tom thinks he loves his father, but that’s more complicated. love is confusing and overly complicated, and essentially useless. that’s what he used to tell himself, when he thought he couldn’t experience romantic love. why would he bother with something that is useless. sex on the other hand, sex has purpose, and was experienced physically unlike love. which is just your mind playing tricks on you. sex is an itch that can be easily scratched
but then you arrived. one day just tagging along with pansy with smiles, energy and gentleness. as if you took a flint and steel to his cold heart to spark a fire that burns for you and only you. he understood that romance isn’t just a trick or manipulative tactic used by girls to trap boys. with you he started to think that maybe, just maybe love doesn’t have to be complicated. with you things come easy to him.
you twist your head to press a kiss to his jaw.
“everything all right, my girl?” he whispers into your ear as theo keeps talking. uou nod into his neck.
“want some of mine?” the little food you put on your plate is already gone. You take his fork and steal some potatoes.
“theo stop exaggerating, snape isn’t that bad.”
Theo sets his fork down, “he’s a bitter old man who needs to stop projecting his hurt onto others. he likes the girls more, and you’re a sweetheart.”
“aww, thank you, t.”
pansy looks up from her phone, “now that you mention it, he does favor the fairer sex.”
draco looks nauseated, “why would you say it like that?” he pretends to vomit on the floor, splashing his juice on the floor.
you wave your arm at him, “oye! draco! clean that up right now!”
“yes, ma’am.” he salutes you, grabbing a wad of napkins.
mattheo, who’s next you on your left, turns to you, “can we do our divination projects together?”
“matteo, you have to do your own project. but if you’re struggling, i can help you study the cards.” you offer
“ugh, that class is useless, you can’t predict the future.” tom says, his warm breath hitting your hair.
you tilt your head up, and boop his nose. “you only say that because your mojo is logical classes, but divination is intuitive. it uses your heart, not your brain.” your boyfriend scoffs. “If you’d let me read for you, you’d see–” he puts his hand over your mouth. You wiggle and yell into his hand, trying to get him to let go while your friends merely laugh. he lets go soon though, and you turn to face him, “you actually hate me.” you point a finger at him at look at him accusingly.
“quite the opposite actually,” he says softly, kissing your cheek. that makes your friends go quiet. for some reason, your face goes hot and you turn your body completely away from him, and cover your face with your hands.
your feet that were propped against matteo thighs get pushed down. “get your stinky feet off of me.”
that snaps you out of it, “y’know mattheo, you’re such an asshole.”
mattheo glares back at you, opening his mouth to respond, but closes it, suddenly interested in his food.
tom puts his chin to your shoulder, “don’t bother with him.” he presses another kiss to your cheek and convinces you to leave to go to the library. sitting at your usual table, tom tutors you in a particularly frustrating unit in transfiguration.
“so milkshakes on saturday at fortescue’s?” he mentions randomly.
“yeah with luna and ginny.” you try to go back to the question you were answering before he interrupted.
“why would they join us?” he presses.
“i’m having milkshakes with luna and ginny, you can hang out with the others.” you correct him.
“why would you do that?”
you roll your eyes. “i eat breakfast with you, i eat lunch with you, i eat dinner with you. and we’re studying right now.” you look up from your paper, “if i spend any more time with you I will become you.”
“not all the time,” he refutes, “and you just said you love me, and now you want to cancel hogsmeade?”
you grab his chin and squish his cheeks, “and i do love you! but i do have non slytherin friends. it's not fair to them or me if we never get to see each other.”
he makes a sound of discontent.
you softly tug his ear.
“fine milkshakes on saturday for you. and… something else for me.”
now you kiss his cheek.
he might not be perfect, but he’s yours. and all that matters is that he tries. it might take a couple of attempts, but he’s such a quick learner.
it’s what you love about him.
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d4rkwater · 10 months ago
closed starter w/ @pips-plants local: uma voltinha por quase todo o acampamento.
Já fazia um bom tempo que Joseph não via Pips, na verdade, tinha acontecido tantas coisas que ele ainda se perguntava como a amizade de ambos estaria naquele momento. O lance com as vozes e depois a missão, tudo ocorreu tão rápido em sua cabeça. E para ajudar, quando ela retornou, ele ainda estava sofrendo com os efeitos dos poderes de Yasemin. Era complicado deixar o chalé e ser o velho golden retriever até então. Quando passou a se sentir melhor, Joe não hesitou em ir visitar a velha amiga para saber como ela estava. — Toc Toc. — Fingiu bater na porta do chalé 21 que, naquele momento, estava aberta. — É aqui que encontro a seria Pietra? — Brincou conforme se aproximava da amiga agora na cadeira de rodas. Ok, era estranho ver aquele poço de energia naquelas circunstâncias, mas Joe evitou qualquer comentário a respeito. Ela provavelmente já ouviu lamentações demais. — E aí, tá livre? Prometo pilotar essa máquina com cuidado.
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eunwolie · 11 months ago
"Acho uma boa o violão...", Eunwol sorriu de lado, às vezes preferia ficar em seu quarto lendo livros, mas, às vezes, gostava de ficar ao ar livre, mesmo que fosse na luz do dia e detestasse o clarão e o calor. "Podemos, claro, não é como se o chalé estivesse no melhor dos estados né? Juro que se tirarem aquele entulho lá de dentro hoje, eu vou surtar!", brincou, mas logo um bico surgiu em seus lábios. "Quer que eu busque o violão? É só me dizer onde está!", se ofereceu.
Já que pedia algo tão pessoal e sentimental para a meia-irmã, nada mais justo do que ajudá-la no que fosse necessário.
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A morena deu uma risada ao olhar para a irmã e ver aquela carinha de dúvida que ela esboçava vendo os cristais que tinha pedido que trouxesse. Normalmente era Veronica que manjava daquela parte, então não a culpava por não saber. "Esses tão é ótimos, a lua vai energizar e vai ficar lindo!" cantarolou pegando alguns e jogando na terra com força para eles afundarem, ela ia contornando a entrada mas não tudo afinal já tinham outras proteções "Fala meu amor" Pietra bateu a mão na calça respirando fundo antes de ir para perto da mais nova com um sorriso carinhoso no rosto. "Claro que eu canto. O que acha de pegarmos o violão hun?" perguntou animada subindo as escadas levando a mão a dela apetando carinhosamente. Era uma boa irmã, gostava de dar segurança e carinho a todos, mas não tinha nada que Eunwol não lhe pedisse que ela não faria "Quer ficar aqui fora só eu e você amor?"
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misshcrror · 8 months ago
❪ ⠀ ⠀ closed starter !!! ⠀ ⠀ ❫ this is for → @pips-plants.
Yasemin tentou. Ela realmente tentou ignorar a presença de Pietra falando consigo porque não queria lidar com ela naquele momento. Qualquer coleguismo que sentia pela outra havia morrido na noite do baile, e ela iria sim atrás dela. Não para um chá da tarde e sim provavelmente interrogar a mesma, ou pior. Mas não queria fazer aquilo no meio da área de chalés com alguns campistas andando para lá e para cá. Ela andou por cerca de duzentos metros ignorando completamente os chamados pelo seu nome vindos da filha de Hécate. Até que Yas cansou e se virou, ela sacou a adaga simples que sempre andava consigo para situações mais simples no dia a dia do acampamento. Então caminhou em direção a outra e empunhou para ela na mesma hora. ❝ ― Me dá uma boa razão pra eu não enfiar essa adaga no seu pescoço agora! ❞ — O tom foi explosivo e Yas encarava a semideusa com raiva. ❝ ― Porque aquela merda foi magia e sinceramente eu não vou me importar nenhum pouco se foi você ou qualquer outro. Porque ninguém se importou em colocar a porra de uma coroa de espinhos em mim. É o que dizem, né? Pra matar a cobra, precisa cortar a cabeça e eu faria com muito gosto isso de você e todos os seus irmãos se fosse acabar com o problema! ❞
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luckyashes-art · 1 year ago
cat as slugcat
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This cat !?
The Shepherd
- Starts with 2 karma
- Consumes 3 pips, stores 3
- Plants provide 1/4 food pips
- Slightly faster walk/run speed & slightly higher jump/leap distance
- Weak spear throws, but can maul enemies
- Tames lizards more easily, but harder to increase rep w/ Scavs
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