#vw family
goshyesvintageads · 1 year
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Volkswagen of America Inc, 1979
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stefisdoingthings · 5 months
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holy wars
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newttxt · 1 year
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me bullying waif-like tristamp ww, vashwood post-canon family, and awkward uncle nai
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whewchilly · 9 days
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matchingbatbites · 2 years
Trans femme Stevie rocking more of a 70s style because she thinks it's cute and flirty and fun. Growing her hair out and depending on the day styling it like Jerry Hall or Farrah Fawcett. Still wearing her polos but tucking them into high-waisted, flare leg jeans, because they make her ass and thighs look amazing.
Getting some jewelry, big earrings, chunky necklaces, bracelets and bangles. Going thrifting for 70s clothes and finding a bunch of cute outfits, including a denim jumpsuit that fits her like a glove, that Eddie goes crazy over the first time he sees her in it.
She wants a car that can actually hold all of the kids at once so she trades in her Beemer for a VW Bus in sunshine yellow, and she has Will paint big white daisies on it. Once the kids are grown up and off to college, she and Eddie go on a road trip in the bus and send them postcards from every place they visit.
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dimiclaudeblaigan · 1 year
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This is a part of Felix I really like. When it comes to Rodrigue, as long as Rodrigue is safe, Felix is his usually tsun self... but as soon as anything dangerous happens to him (in both games) Felix gets anxious.
It's a nice detail because it makes sense for him to feel that way after losing Glenn, and since this is in VW, he's also, presumably at this point, lost Dimitri. It makes sense that if something felt off about his family (i.e. Dimitri is basically his brother, thus family. Dimitri literally sees Rodrigue as his second father) that he would get uncomfortable.
What I love about it is how much it speaks to his real feelings. He can act uppity and vocal all he wants, but as soon as something happens to these people he claims he doesn't like or care about, it makes him antsy. For all the nonsense he talks about them, as soon as something happens to them, he struggles to accept it (such as why, in his AM advice box note, you have to tell him that that's just the way life is sometimes when he's grieving about his father).
For all of Felix's complaining about Rodrigue, as soon as Rodrigue suddenly isn't able to update him regularly or communicate with him during a war, he becomes uneasy. He's not suddenly grateful like oh finally the old man shut up. He gets nervous that they've suddenly had little to no contact. He's unsettled not knowing what's going on with Rodrigue.
I love this line because it's who Felix really is, without all the posturing. He'll act tough and angry in front of them, but as soon as something goes wrong, he wants to know what's happening. He's afraid of not knowing what's going on. He's afraid that the Kingdom could be in a bad situation, or worse for him, that his father could be in a dangerous situation.
If he didn't care about Faerghus or his father anymore, why would it bother him not to get updates? If Rodrigue was in contact with Felix despite Felix being in the Alliance army, Rodrigue obviously had no issue with that and still took the time and effort to remain in contact with him. Plus, if Felix says this now, it means they'd been pretty regularly exchanging information up to that point and it's just recently started to go quiet, and Felix is uncomfortable with that. He wants to know what's happening.
It's so rare that he acts like this, but when he does it's very powerful. It's sincere and genuine - something he usually is not. He hides his feelings about people if they're safe in front of him. If they're not in front of him and could be in danger, he's worried.
I just wish we had more lines like this because they're so good for his character and help to get him past the issue Houses often has with tropey aspects of characters being their entire personality. In Hopes it's handled significantly better imo, but before we had AG Felix we only really had crumbs of who Felix really was and the parts of himself that he hid from others.
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jellyjamheadobb · 5 months
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collieii · 1 year
the way vash and wolfwood are both shown to be good with kids. they care about kids so much. they go out of their way to be kind to them and connect with them. they are so parent coded it makes me insane
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andywalchsworld · 5 months
VW Tiguan 5N 2.0 TSI 4-Motion
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randomnameless · 1 year
I hate how the fandom treats relationship between siblings in the Fe games. Sure some of them are brocon but not all, and it kills me that the only pair of siblings that managed to escape those are the one teasing. Like for example, the brocon in Leo for Camillla ok, i believe you. But Chrom and Emmeryn ? really ?! it's also painful that Chrom and Lissa escapes it just because Lissa is mischevious in nature but still while she admire her older brother, she still tease him! That's even worse when the 2 parties aren't related and then it is "emotional incest"... sorry i will never get over people getting mad at Leif/Nanna because of this, this ship among many others, and then says "iNcEsT haS aLwAyS bEeN PaRt of the series". It really is a yeas and nopes to this one remark
Antis will forever find soemthing to bash a ship they see as a rival ship lol
But yeah, as you said, that joke became old quite fast, and while I love a dynamic where siblings get along, let it be teasing or not (the Delbray sibs are fun too!) the recent games (FE16) made me painfully aware of how we were spoiled back then, when siblings had lines for each other and openly worried and talk about each other!
Watch me rant again, but I'll never be ok with FE16 carefully scrubbing Seteth of his interactions with Rhea bar the ones playing with the red herring or the "Billy centric" ones -
Like, can you imagine, one second, Reyson not rushing to Leanne after the Oliver chapters when they are reunited? Or an AU where Rafiel becomes feral, and only Ike chases after him as he runs away wanting to die alone - while Leanne and Reyson are sitting on the bench?
Nopes and FEH added more "dual teasing" context, but damn if FE16 was a slap in the face - and don't even get me started on how we still don't know if they are same gen nabateans (siblings like) or if Seteth isn't Rhea's big bro but only acts as her tired big bro.
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vilonnie · 11 months
thinking about the relationships between the three main characters from the fire emblem three houses verdant wind route and also cyril
Claude and Rhea: The societal unfairness and hatred they endured has made them desperate to establish control at all costs so they can do what they believe they must to create a better world and protect their loved ones, but at their core they are afraid to be alone.
Byleth and Cyril: As a commoner they only saw luxury or power from a distance and yet became the right hand of one of the most incomprehensibly powerful people on the continent and now their love burdens them with the weight of being at the center of a huge conflict though they never asked for this.
Byleth and Claude: You got so caught up in the trust you were building with your best friend and leader without realizing that he had baggage all along that you can't solve for him, so sometimes he's not acting solely in your best interest, though you're openly co-operating for mutual gain.
Cyril and Rhea: You got caught up in your love for one of the only adults ever to protect you without realizing that some things she did hurt you in ways you were too young to understand, so you have a complex relationship with a too-powerful immortal who cannot understand you, though she may genuinely love you like a child.
Claude and Cyril: The leader seeks solidarity in the younger soldier out of isolation but in doing so projects onto them somewhat unfairly, though the soldier feels no resentment.
Rhea and Byleth: The leader seeks solidarity in the younger soldier out of isolation but in doing so projects onto them somewhat unfairly, though the soldier sympathizes despite themself.
you know when you just want to make endless pretentious art about something but you're too slow and unmotivated so you just make more quote unquote extremely comprehensible charts
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leireunzueta · 2 years
Primer viaje con la nueva furgo
Hace un par de meses cambiamos de furgoneta. La otra se nos había quedado pequeña para nuestra forma de viajar y ahora siendo uno más en la familia. El cambio no podía haber sido mejor. Con las dos camas en la parte de atrás. la nueva ducha y el baño con su puerta cerrada y un espacio más amplio para cocinar y poder estar, hacen que los viajes sean completamente diferentes a lo que estábamos acostumbrados. Ya no hace falta tener que pasar por un camping para ducharnos, y el panel solar del techo nos permite tener una autonomía que ya nos habría gustado haberla tenido en las furgos anteriores.
Con todas las bodas editadas y entregadas, y unos días de vacaciones que había guardado Joel, decidimos escaparnos hacia el sur. Queríamos asegurarnos el buen tiempo y conocer otra provincia de Andalucía sin tener que pasar mucho calor como cuando vamos en verano. Nos decidimos por Almería, y en concreto queríamos ver el Cabo de Gata que tanto nos habían mencionado los amigos. Preparamos todo como para irnos una semana y marchamos dejando un tiempo horrible en casa.
¿La experiencia? ¡Increíble! Por fin tuve la oportunidad de fotografiar para mi y para nosotros. Diría que de todos los viajes de este año, éstas han sido las fotos más bonitas que he hecho. Probablemente por la calidez y la preciosa luz que hay por esa zona, pero sobre todo porque después de sentirme en conflicto por no sacar tiempo para hacer fotos, los astros se alinearon para que me sintiera súper creativa e inspirada durante todo el viaje. Ander disfrutó muchísimo, nos adaptamos por completo a su ritmo y sus necesidades, y eso hizo que todos recargáramos las pilas para este fin de año.
Supongo que no tardaremos mucho en salir de nuevo, porque yo desde luego que viendo lo bien que ha ido todo, ¡lo necesito!
Estas son algunas de mis fotos favoritas del viaje. Todavía tengo que enviar a revelar los dos carretes que disparé pero estas son las que hice con la R6 y el 35mm de Sigma.
¡Espero que os gusten!
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lightningstorm003 · 2 years
Currently watching 4X3 "In the Beginning" and I am ✨️dying✨️ Ah I love this show so much
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tarteggs · 6 months
i don’t think i’ve ever been so invested in like…kid fics/aus except for when it comes to trigun LMFAOOOOOOOO,,,,,, this series has done So Many Things To Me
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germancarssince1946 · 6 months
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2016 VW Caddy Family
My tumblr-blogs:
www.tumblr.com/germancarssince1946 & www.tumblr.com/frenchcarssince1946 & www.tumblr.com/englishcarssince1946 & www.tumblr.com/italiancarssince1946 & www.tumblr.com/japanesecarssince1947 & www.tumblr.com/uscarssince1935
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brainjuicey · 1 year
I wish the racer boys that shred outside my house all the time would invite me :(
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