#vulcan x human romance
ensignsimp · 8 months
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Games: TNG Taurik x GN! Reader (One-Shot)
A/N: This is such a cute request I made it into a One-Shot.
Prompt: You teach Taurik to play different Earth games, tonight is one of great skill! (Takes place before TNG S7 EP15: Lower Decks)
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It was your turn to pick the game for game night again. This had become your Friday Night tradition with your friends. One of you would pick a new game to play at the Ten Forward. Last week Sam brought Monopoly which ended badly. So it was put on the Banned Games List. Sito wanted to try to play a Table Top Role Playing Game but only you and Alyssa seemed interested. (That became your Saturday Night.)
You were digging around in your locker looking for something to do when your fingers gripped a little box. You pulled out the box and looked at it. It was the size of a deck of cards, red, with a black stripe across the front reading, "UNO".
"Perfect." You laughed, thinking of the looks on everyone's faces.
Later that day you joined your friends at the Ten Forward. You were met with a few casual waves by Sito and Sam, Alyssa was already sipping on a pink cocktail, while Taurik gave you a familiar nod.
"What have you got for us this time?" Sam asked "Can't be as bad as your last pick."
Alyssa playfully slapped Sam's shoulder.
"I figured after The Monopoly Incident, we could play something more fun." You said pulling out the deck of cards.
"A card game, how old are we?" Sam asked, "Next time you'll want to play poker with the Senior Officers."
"Are you afraid you will lose again like last time?" Taurik asked raising an eyebrow.
Taurik always found ways to defend your choice. You always did the same for him. He would usually pick strategy games that would take forever to finish because Sam would insist on playing until he beat him.
"No, let's play." Same said
After reading the rules, and dealing out the cards it wasn't long before a few rounds had passed. You had gone through three synthehol drinks before you were completely dizzy and unable to focus.
"Gin Rummy." You said throwing down your plus four card to Sam.
"You mean Uno." Sito giggled watching you sway slightly in your seat.
"Yeah, that." You laughed while Sam begrudgingly took four more cards to his massive stack.
You saw Alyssa get a big smile on her face before writing something down on a blank card and then passing it to Taurik. He looked back at her and then to you only to look back at her. You could feel her swinging her feet underneath the table. She was up to something. You watch as Taurik then pulls twenty-five cards out of the deck only for Sito to let out a snort when she sees the card Alyssa played.
"What's so funny?" You asked playfully narrowing your eyes at them.
"Nothing." Alyssa said innocently, "Just playing to win."
Sito drew a card from the now diminished deck. You looked down and noticed you also had to pull one as well.
"So much for your winning streak," Sam said laying down a card.
Alyssa played another card, "Color change blue."
Then suddenly Taurik was slapping down cards. Before you knew it he was completely empty-handed.
"I believe I have won yet again." He stated proudly.
You all let out a groan throwing your remaining cards in a pile.
"How does he do that?" Sito asked, taking a few sips of water.
"Every time." Sam banged his head on the table.
"I was so close." Alyssa sighed, "I was hoping that card would work."
"You tried your best." You consoled laughing "Let's face it, we're never going to beat him."
"Whatever, let's go again," Sam said but before he could gather up the cards Guinan walked over.
"Time for bed you guys." She said, "Almost everyone else has left."
"She's right, I don't think I could play another round." You said picking up the cards and putting them back in the box.
"You'll have to wait until next Friday, Ensign Lavelle," Taurik said rising to his feet.
Sam let out an annoyed groan, "I think I already know what I'm going to bring next time."
You chuckled and walked out of the bar with your friends. Just as you were about to split up to say good night Sito grabbed Alyssa and Sam's sleeves and called over her shoulder.
"Hey Alyssa why don't we help Sam feel better and grab a quick late-night snack at the Replicator, we'll see you guys later." She said before quickly pulling your other two friends away leaving you a Taurik alone.
You questioned why the sudden change in plans, "I better be heading back to my quarters. I have an early shift."
"Allow me to escort you while the Synthehol wears off," Taurik said, you noticed a light green tint to his cheeks and ears.
You nodded and started walking together. The two of you talked about the game. It wasn't until you were just outside of your quarters you decided to ask.
"What did that card say?" You raised an eyebrow feeling more sobber.
Taurik stood in front of you sheepishly. He folded his hands in front of you and the corners of his lips twitched slightly.
"It was of a personal nature that was illogical to share." He said looking down slightly.
"Oh, well, it is always logical to tell me." You said, your curiosity was burning.
"It may compromise a relationship with someone I hold in high regard." His face was turning a dark shade of green.
"Please, don't play with my curiosity." You said pulling on his arm, "Who is it?"
"(Y/N)," He said unfolding his hands and placing one over yours.
You were shocked this was the first time he'd ever called you by your first name. He looked deep into your eyes. His sweet umber eyes were filled with so much emotion, sadness, longing, and admiration.
"I declare koon-ut so'lik, my desire to be your mate." He shut his eyes tightly, and he gripped your hand as if he was afraid you'd slip away.
"You're not playing games with me are you?" You asked reaching your free hand up to caress his cheek.
"I would never play games with you like that, Tal-kam." He said releasing his grip slightly and leaning into your touch.
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Chapters: 1/? Fandom: Star Trek: Deep Space Nine Rating: Mature Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Captain Solok (Star Trek)/Original Female Character(s) Characters: Captain Solok (Star Trek), Original Female Character(s), random crewmen Additional Tags: stowaway, cat and mouse game, Home Alone Inspired Shenanigans, human creativity unnerving a stuffy vulcan, Mind melds, im-so-pissed-that-i-love-you sex, Surak give me strength, maybe if I meditate the horniness away I won't feel it Summary:
Getting chucked out into a distant point in unknown space during a brutal war with the Dominion would have been bad enough, but now there was a new problem. Strange little happenings on the T'Kumbra alert security and Capt. Solok of a stowaway - an undoubtedly human stowaway. Eager to indulge his need to prove Vulcan supremacy, Solok starts a game of cat-and-mouse fully expecting to trap his stowaway in his claws. Turns out his stowaway embodies the best of humanity's cunning and resourcefulness; not to mention a fondness for mischief. Solok soon finds himself enjoying the chase, and the distraction, letting determination and focus morph into infatuation. He doesn't realize until it's too late he may have let himself become the mouse.
This will be a fairly short story (I'm guessing 3 or 4 chaps?), but with plenty of tension and steam.
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deepspacedukat · 2 months
Good Catch
This is just a little plot bunny that hopped into my brain. Literally no idea why, it just happened. So...enjoy! 😇
If anyone wants to be added to or removed from my taglist, let me know!
Cross-posted to AO3 here.
Vorik (ST:VOY) x Reader
[A/N: This is fluff with mild suggestiveness and a brief mention of a previous instance of Pon Farr.]
Warnings: Interspecies romance, Human/Vulcan romance, mild fear, idiots in love, both think their feelings are unrequited, mutual pining, angst, brief mention of past Pon Farr, spoilers for ST:VOY S3E16 "Blood Fever", mild spoilers for ST:VOY S4E1 "Scorpion Pt. 2", the beginning would make more sense if you watch S4E1 first but it's not entirely necessary, and I assume that you've seen "Blood Fever" if you're reading Vorik fanfics, so...🤷‍♀️, kissing, Vulcan hand-holding, touch telepathy, idk what else to put here because it's really just fluff.
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The tension on the ship was already palpable when the chaos started. Everyone was on edge because of our uneasy alliance with a Borg cube, wondering how long it would be before they turned on us and tried to assimilate Voyager. The fact that Species 8472 had turned out to be hostile as well did nothing to alleviate the crew's stress.
With enemies in front of and behind us, all we could do was try to prepare to the best of our ability. I just hoped it would be enough. Vorik had been silent on our way to Engineering for the start of our shift. The silence itself wasn't troubling - Vorik was often contemplative early in the day - but the small frown just barely pinching his brows together...that was worrying.
Inquiring about his well-being had earned me no more than a noncommittal, murmured deflection. All I could think to do was give him a gentle smile and rest one hand briefly on his shoulder. Shockingly, that seemed to help. His forehead relaxed, smoothing out into his usual, calm, neutral expression.
For the next few hours, I noted that whenever I glanced over at his station, the Ensign seemed to have retained whatever sense of ease he'd regained in the corridor that morning.
Soon, however, all thoughts outside of my duties were wiped away. Red alerts began blaring, and it was all hands on deck as we struggled to regain control of Voyager from the Borg.
I'd just begun to cross the second level to access a different terminal when the ship gave an almighty jolt. Before I could brace myself, I was thrown toward the warp core. The low railing struck my back, and I let out a yelp of pain and fear as I began to tumble over the side.
Instead of finding myself flattened or shattered by the fall, however, a vice-like grip on my arm stopped my momentum and tugged me against a sturdy, warm chest. I grabbed at the shoulders of my savior, trembling with residual shock. Only after the ship steadied itself did I manage to catch my breath and glance upward.
Looking down at me with a protectiveness that I had never before witnessed from him, Vorik's shining brown eyes met mine.
"Thank you," I managed to squeak out, but speaking seemed as difficult for him as I'd found it to be. Instead, he nodded his head once and pressed our foreheads carefully together. Vorik knew I was terrified of heights.
After a moment, though, we were forced to pull away from each other and go tend to our duties. Short-lived comfort was all we could manage at times like that. Being stuck in fluidic space after we'd been forced there by the last surviving Borg onboard Voyager was definitely not the right moment to become distracted by our personal tension, even if it had been growing for years.
I knew nothing would ever truly happen between us, though. If he'd seen me as a viable partner, Vorik would've approached me when his pon farr happened the year before. Instead he'd gone for B'Elanna Torres, and I'd forced myself to stay away from him.
I'd requested a transfer to the night shift so that I wouldn't be on duty at the same time as him, and the few moments where our schedules overlapped, I tried to find reasons to be busy in other places.
Yes, his interest in someone else had stung, so I decided that until my own stupid feelings cooled down a bit, I'd keep my distance. Mostly, I just didn't want to embarrass myself in front of him. After all, that Vulcan could read me like a book, and at that particular point, I didn't want him to ponder my emotional state too closely. If he hadn't caught on to the fact that I loved him prior to his pon farr, I certainly wasn't going to change that after he'd made his non-interest known.
I hadn't been rude to him in the aftermath, especially since he was being viewed so poorly by so many of the crew for attacking B'Elanna in engineering, but I hadn't gone out of my way to talk to him, either. The whole situation was a mess, and although I didn't want him to feel alone, I definitely wanted to limit the number of opportunities that I had to make an ass of myself.
Eventually, though, it all came to a head one morning when I'd just finished my shift. As I approached the hall where my quarters were, I saw a familiar head of fluffy back hair standing at attention outside my door.
"Vorik?" I called, and he looked quickly in my direction. Standing even straighter - a feat that I hadn't believed possible - the Ensign acted formally, as if he was addressing a superior officer.
"Ensign, forgive me for disturbing you at this hour, but I...had hoped to speak with you in private," he said in that low, gentle voice that I...oh, I'd missed him more than I anticipated! I blinked in surprise, and opened the door to my quarters, answering his question.
"Would you like some tea or water or something? I know you need to go on duty soon, and I have some extra replicator rations...?"
"Thank you, but no," he murmured as we made our way over to my sofa. We'd held many debates and conversations here over the years, but it had been something like two months since we'd been together like this. I took a seat, but when he remained standing, I looked up at him curiously. "May I?"
"Vorik, we've been friends since before we came aboard Voyager. You know you never need to ask permission to sit down." He seemed surprised by my response, which, in turn, surprised me.
"I did not know if..." he stumbled over his words for a moment as he perched awkwardly on the cushion beside me. "After the incident in Engineering, I was uncertain whether you would be...comfortable with my being in close proximity to you."
I was silent for a moment as I processed what he'd said.
"You thought I'd be afraid of you?" My voice came out as barely a whisper, and when he nodded his head, my heart shattered in my chest. He looked so vulnerable, so afraid that I was going to scream at him or throw him out of my quarters.
"It is the logical conclusion. You did request a transfer to a different shift, did you not?"
Of course he'd found out about that. I don't know why I expected that to remain a secret.
"Yes, but it wasn't because I was afraid of you, Vorik." That may not have been the whole truth, but it wasn't a lie. He seemed relieved, but I didn't want him to dig too deeply, so I changed the subject with a smile. "Now, what brings you here before your shift? How can I help you?"
"My main goal was to ascertain whether I'd frightened you. My subsequent objective..." he trailed off with his brow furrowed. "Upon reflection, I do not know whether this is logical, but I wished to determine what would be required to restore our prior level of interaction. I find myself...troubled by your absence, both in Engineering and in our leisure hours."
"You missed me?" The question slipped out before I could stop it, and just like that, it was Vorik's turn to look surprised.
"Of course. Did you believe that I would be indifferent or pleased to be without you?" Nodding my head, I watched as my friend cautiously moved closer to me on the sofa and placed his hands on my shoulders. "You lend me much metaphorical strength. I value your counsel...and your friendship."
My self-imposed isolation had ended that night. I spoke with B'Elanna and got transferred back to my original shift, which is why Vorik was there to save me when I nearly fell over the railing. If it hadn't been for him, I'd likely be lying in a crumpled heap on the lower deck by now. We'd rekindled our friendship after that lapse, but I knew it would never become anything more.
Regardless, Vorik had saved my life, and I resolved that once we were out of danger, I'd show him how grateful I was.
One minor war later, Vorik and I exited Engineering with the rest of our shift, and without a single moment's discussion, I found myself being led by a firm hand grasping my elbow.
"Vorik? Where are we going?"
"Patience." Was it my imagination, or was his voice rougher than usual? He sent the turbolift up before anyone else could board it, and the ride was filled with an undefinable sort of silence.
His grip slipped down from my elbow to my hand, and tingles erupted across my palm. He'd never touched my bare skin before. Vulcans were averse to such contact, and I'd always done my best to respect that boundary.
But he'd been the one to initiate this, not me. As the lift hummed along, Vorik's gaze slipped upward until our eyes met. A mere blink later, his eyes were hooded and hunger flooded his demeanor. Stepping closer to me with our hands still joined, the Ensign backed me up against the wall of the turbolift releasing a whisper of my name in that beautiful, low, silky voice of his.
The tingling in my spine intensified the longer he looked at me - and oh, did he look at me! His eyes seemed to bore right into my soul, stealing my breath and my thoughts with unerring skill. He'd looked at me before, but never the way I wanted him to...never like this.
That frightened me. Oh, the look itself wasn't disquieting, but the possibility that this could lead to something more – something that might damage my heart more than his preference of B'Elanna over me had a year before? That terrified me.
"I did not," he rasped, and I blinked in confusion. "I believed that you did not harbor the same regard for me that I did for you, and it was out of a desire to avoid needlessly damaging the relationship between us that I selected Lieutenant Torres. I did not wish to lose you. To equate yourself with her is the height of illogic, because none could ever compare with you."
Before I could respond beyond a stunned look, however, we arrived at the deck we'd been hurtling toward. The door hissed open, and he began tugging me through the corridors again. We passed through the door to Vorik's quarters, and everything clicked into place. He'd always preferred privacy, only allowing into his space those who needed to be there - like the Doctor and Lieutenant Tuvok.
And then there was me.
I'd never understood why he allowed me in when almost nobody else was permitted the same luxury, but suddenly it all made sense. I was allowed to be there when nobody else was because he trusted me enough to be vulnerable with me. He told me more about himself than he did anyone else. He spent more of his free time with me than anyone else. He knew more about me than anyone else did.
And I'd all but abandoned him after the incident with Torres! Guilt coiled hot and bitter in my gut, and I bit my lower lip. How did he not hate me? How could he have simply been content with our renewed friendship? He should've chewed me out or berated me–
My racing thoughts ground to a halt as the softness of his lips met mine.
The kiss was gentle and brief, but it was easily the most tender gesture I'd ever received. When he pulled away just far enough to watch me open my eyes, his hands caught both of mine and lifted them to his chest.
"I...Vorik, that...isn't something friends do," I breathed, feeling like an idiot as soon as the words were out of my mouth.
"You are correct. It is not," he said with a hint of a smile tugging at the corners of his lips, "but I had hoped that my attempts to demonstrate my interest were successful enough to convey that I desire you in more ways than a simple friendship will allow."
"Your interest?" I parroted, and he moved close enough that when I spoke, my lips brushed against his. The contact felt as warm as fire, as sweet as honey, and I was a starving. Ravenous for his touch, his affection, I craved him more than I had anything else in my entire life.
"You cannot have missed it. By Vulcan standards, I have been metaphorically throwing myself at you. Lieutenant Tuvok even suggested that I was being too overt." He grasped my waist, tugging me gently against him as his lips met mine again. A fleeting, barely-there peck later, my patience had stretched to the breaking point as I chased his retreating mouth with my own. "Is there something you need, ashayam?"
Blinking up at him, it occurred to me that he was doing this deliberately.
Vorik was teasing me.
And he looked almost proud of the reaction he'd drawn from me. Beautiful bastard.
"You," I whispered before I could talk myself into being more cautious. "All I need is you."
"Then you shall have me," Vorik promised as he lifted me into his arms and carried me toward his bed.
@akamitrani @android-boyfriends @attention-bajoranworkers @bigblissandlove1 @darkmattervibes
@emilie786 @groovyqueer @horta-in-charge @live-logs-and-proper @rookietrek
@slutty-slutty-vulcans @starrynightgardens @toebeans-mcgee
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imagines--galore · 1 year
HIII can I ask for an imagine with Spock x a short fem reader who has a big chest and he gets jealous one day because Kirk keeps staring so Spock just straight up goes over and stands beside her (shocking a lot of people because they don’t know they are together) and holds her hand and it’s just super fluffy and soft
Sincerely your happy friendly 🐱 xoxo
Pairing: Spock x Reader Rating || Genres || Warnings: T. Romance. Fluff. None. A/N: GAH!!! Meeting someone who loves Spock as much as me is so rare!!!! And I loved writing this so much! :3 Thank you for the request!
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If there was one thing you abhorred more then anything, it was sparring. It probably stemmed from the fact that most of your opponents were always bigger, taller and stronger then you were. Though you were quick on your feet, it still didn't make the situation any less daunting.
And as you faced-off against the Captain of your Ship, you couldn't help but feel that the universe was probably against you. At least for that day.
To encourage residents aboard the USS Enterprise to be familiar with varying degrees of strength and fighting techniques, the Captain had decided that everyone would benefit from a little friendly competition. The fight pairs were generated using the computer, so there was no chance of cheating, though you wished you had asked one of your more technology inclined friends to take your name off the roster.
Aboard such a big Starship, you doubted anyone would notice that you hadn't participated.
Now, here you were, lying flat on your back after Captain Kirk had managed to trip you over. Sweat lined your forehead, and your chest rose and fell in pants as you tried your best to regain your breath.
A light smattering of applause followed your defeat, maybe they were impressed with a few of the moves you had pulled?
Moves that had been taught to you by your T'hy'la, Spock.
A well kept secret between the two of you, you had begged him to teach you a few Vulcan moves to better help you during combat. As a full-bloodied human, you were sure no opponent would expect something of the sort from you, giving you an element of surprise.
Spock had taught you a few of them, in the privacy of your rooms. It was a blessing that your room were right next to one another, though you had a sneaking suspicion that Spock had something to do with such an arrangement. You weren't complaining. It made it easy for the both of you to go and meet the other during your downtime.
Had he been one of the people watching? Did he see you using those moves?
A hand appeared in your vision, prompting you to take it as it hauled you up. Kirk gave an excited grin, his own body covered in sweat. "Damn, I didn't expect it to be quite the workout Y/n." You raised an eyebrow at him, another characteristic you had learned from your lover.
"Is that a dig on my size, Captain?" You asked, crossing your arms over your chest as you did. His eyes seemed to follow your movement, lingering just a tad bit longer at your chest. Rolling your eyes you snapped your fingers in front of his face, breaking his staring.
"Do I need to report you to HR, Captain?" You said, in jest, knowing he didn't mean anything by it. You had learned early on that Jim Kirk had the affinity to flirt with anyone of the opposite gender. It did not matter if they were of the same species or not.
He grinned back, reaching out to pat your shoulder in an affectionate manner. "No need, Y/L/N. We're all friends here." His words were followed by a teasing wink.
You opened your mouth to respond, when you felt a familiar presence coming to stand just beside you.
"Spock! Is it your turn next?" Kirk asked, thinking perhaps that the Second-in-Command was up next on the roster. They still had a significant audience around them, waiting for the next fight. You glanced at him out of the corner of your eyes.
To anyone else Spock would look the same. But you knew better. There was a certain tension around him that made hims grip his hands even tighter behind his back. Worry gnawed at your heart, but you kept quiet, waiting for him to respond.
"No, Captain, I simply came over to inquire about your opponents physical state of being. You did manage to hit her during your sparring session." Kirk frowned in confusion, just as your heart began to race as Spock turned his attention towards you.
And right there, in front of everyone, he reached out and gently took your hand in his. Silence echoed all around you as people stared gobsmacked as Spock locked your fingers with his. Though not before he managed to sneak in a brief brush of his fingers against yours in a Vulcan kiss.
If anyone were to know just how affectionate the half-vulcan could be when it came to you, they wouldn't believe it for a second.
"Are you well, Y/n?" He asked, his eyes drifting over your frame to check for any obvious injuries. He towered over your significantly, yet neither of you minded the different in height. Spock had once claimed it only added to your already endearing nature.
Translation: He found it adorable.
A smile bloomed across your features as you gave his hand a squeeze. "I am fine, Spock." You reassured him. Whatever trace of worry lingered in his gaze vanished at your assurance, though the tightness around his mouth remained.
"Is this what I think it is?" Kirk's voice came from beside them. The two of you turned your attention to the dumbfounded Captain. Spock, still holding your hand gave a small nod. "If you are referring to the nature of relationship I share with Y/n, then yes, you assume correct."
Knowing Spock wouldn't want Kirk asking anymore questions, at least not in front of an audience, you gently tugged at his hand. "Love to stay and chat Captain, but I'm starving and Spock promised to have lunch with me today."
With that you managed to pull your boyfriend away from the crowded gymnasium and out into the empty corridor.
Neither of you spoke, not until you were within the safety of your room. Turning to him with a bemused smile pulling at your lips, you voiced your thoughts. "What was that about? I didn't realize we were going to go public yet."
Spock, having recovered a little from what had transpired stood with his hands at his side. "I apologize, Y/n. I cannot seem to understand what overcame me." He admitted, to which you gave a small frown. "Overcame you? Spock you're not making any sense."
A small stretch of silence followed your words, as you recalled what had happened just a few minutes ago. Your mind replayed the scene, trying to pinpoint what had made Spock act the way he had.
Suddenly it clicked and your eyes widened. "Spock? Were you jealous when Kirk looked at my chest?"
The reaction to your question was instant. His entire body went rigid and panic flashed in his eyes. Unable to help yourself, you let out a small laugh, mirth shining in your eyes as you shook your head at you boyfriend.
Spock seemed to be struggling to say something as his cheeks tinged a slight green at having been caught so blatantly. "I admit, I did feel a surge of negative emotion when he did that. Which is what compelled me to announce the nature of our relationship."
His eyes met yours. "I hope you are not upset with my blatant disregard for secrecy." Your heart softened at the obvious nervousness that was in his tone as you smiled at him.
Stepping closer to him, you held up your hand, sighing softly as he took your initiative to instigate a Vulcan kiss. With your other hand you reached up to cup the side of his face, smiling as you felt him lean into your touch.
"I am not Spock. I am happy. It only means we do not have to hide from everyone anymore. And it was rather flattering, to have to step in when you did to show Kirk that I belonged to you."
Your last three words seemed to act as the trigger. Whatever self-control he had left hanging by a thread snapped, as he surged forward and pressed his lips to yours in a deep kiss. Raising yourself on your tiptoes, you returned his passionate embrace, arms moving to wrap loosely around his broad shoulders. His hands settled on either side of your waist as he pulled your body flush against his own.
Though it only took a few seconds for him to slide his hands down the side, to your thighs and help you wrap your legs around his waist. Neither of you broke the kiss as he gently pressed you against the wall. You shivered as his hands caressed the area under your thighs. He let out a deep moan as your nails, gentle yet sharp, scraped against the skin of his neck and the back of his head.
You were the one to break away first, panting heavily, as you gazed at him through lidded eyes. He still had his eyes closed as he began to press kisses along your neck, stopping to suck at a spot just under your ear, prompting you to melt against him as your very bones seemed to liquefy.
"Spock? I really need a shower." You whispered, remembering you had just had a sparring session.
"Then allow me to assist you."
You bit back a groan as your lips found his once more and you cradled his face between your hands as he carried you to the bathroom.
A/N: I feel sooooooooo evil stopping it here. Mwahahahahaha!
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im-not-a-pleeb · 11 months
I'm reading The Vulcan Academy Murders rn and OH MY.... it's so good. I want to do a (really bad) review when I'm done because it's so subtly spirk-y.
Although my favorite thing about it so far has to be the Sarek POV sections, where he just loves his wife so much. It's adorable. Illogical, one might even say. There is also a romance storyline between another Vulcan x Human, and I'm going crazy with the parallels to Spock and Jim. Like, actually help.
And don't even get me started on how Jim is always thinking about Spock when he's going on "dates." MY MAN. MY MAIN STARSHIP MAN. YOU ARE A BLIND FOOL.
But until then, enjoy this little snippet (more to come😌).
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bumblingbabooshka · 2 months
Stonn x T'Pring and Sybok x Angel are the only SNW ships I like. Honestly, with the way the show is written, I'm rooting more for the Gorn than the Enterprise at this point.
With how that show's writing Vulcans I'm like 70% sure they're gonna make Stonn a bad guy or make T'Pring cheat on Spock so their relationship ends with "They both cheated!" or so that Christine can comfort Spock as if he hasn't been cheating on T'Pring pretty much the entire time he's been on screen. I watched a 'short trek' I think they're called? Because I heard T'Pring was in it but it was REAAALLY bad like humor I might have laughed at in middle school...anyway T'Pring was only in it so they could make a joke where the premise was "T'Pring keeps breaking up with Spock because she falls in love with other people and Spock is SOO sad about it" and I was like Hey. Are you even WATCHING your show???? You're taking potshots at the WRONG CHARACTER. Like, even if you wanna make that joke - Christine'd make more sense because Christine and Spock ARE actually 'keeping it casual' and Christine DOES actually date around whereas T'Pring is committed to Spock in SNW and trying at every turn to make their relationship work. It still wouldn't be funny if the girl constantly breaking up with Spock was Christine but having it be T'Pring literally doesn't even make sense. You can say "it's just a funny little joke" (as people say about a lot of SNW'S issues) but T'Pring is a female character who's been viciously maligned for YEARS and if their 'jokes' or 'comedy' come at the expense of their characters or the message of ultimate togetherness and hope in the galaxy then I don't find it funny. SNW isn't supposed to be a comedy I don't know why they keep trying to be 'funny' at the price of being earnest. This isn't a marvel movie. The pro-eugenics trial, killing the disabled character, killing the chronically ill character (and framing this as a beautiful relief), 'being disabled is worse than death' messaging, turning the Gorn into horror movie killer monsters (especially when they could have just made up another species), the bioessentialism, constantly maligning Vulcans as racist bullies (with Spock's half Human blood saving him) <- Which I hate ESPECIALLY when Spock has always been a symbol for mixed people in which he struggled equally with feeling belonging in BOTH cultures whereas in SNW it feels like "If he could only be released from Vulcan's evil clutches he could be happy!" + The laziness of cheating being a plot point in so many main characters' romance stories so far. [La'an wants to be with Kirk but that'd be cheating, Spock is cheating on T'Pring with Christine, Pike sleeps with another woman in 'Lift Us Where Suffering' despite having a girlfriend <- They COULD be open but I don't think this is explained. That's Five or Six characters involved in potential cheating and more if you count M'Benga wink-nudging Spock and Christine's relationship when he most likely knows Spock is engaged to T'Pring.] I just have no faith in SNW. It doesn't feel earnest, and it doesn't feel kind and I don't want to watch a show where they'll sacrifice someone's character at any time for an ultimately meanspirited joke.
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Big sci fi lore dump
@mango-water I never pass up an opportunity to explain my sci fi lore. I tried to sort the images into groups to better explain.
(first 5 images) So big chunk of this world started with an oc named plum who i made very quickly before a comic class. She works with the 7 vulpes who kinda keep the whole universe running. Shes from a planet that has been destroyed and she doesnt remember much of. The 7 vulpes work within our solar system as it is the least populated so staying hidden is easy, the hall of fox (5th photo) hides nicely here. Plum is the newest member as Neptune, her teacher, disappeared. The others arent fond of this as plum doesnt quite know what shes doing yet. Plums main weapon is a button that holds a bunch of evil creature souls, these souls bend and morph into any weapon she needs. While helpful this almost makes her greatest enemy the god of monsters (not shown in any images) Her other enemy is currently her husband Walter (3rd photo) as after the destruction of his planet and what he thought was the loss of his wife he fell to evil influences. Hes currently on a path of pure destruction and is loosing himself, he doesnt even know the hero who keeps stopping him is plum.
(images 6-9, slighty shown in image 12) Sun dogs! The strongest protectors of the galaxy... or at least they were before they grew so distant that many think of them as only legend now. Sun dogs are women from all planets and world chosen by the stars (a goddess like figure but she prefers not to be referred to as such, thinking of her as a mom is much prefered) Most of these sun dogs live on a hidden planet named Olvora but some like Elanor (girl in the 12th image and comic at the bottom) grow up on different planets and make their way to Olvora later. The queens (image 7) Lo'uk yel and Puk na' ashaya (names are from a vulcan name generator i have not made a language for the sun dogs yet lol) teenage friends turned lovers. Lo showed great leadership and skill quickly becoming the previous queens apprentice. Lo gained popularity quickly and Puk felt she needed to impress lo too, so she hopped in the ring and sadly bit off more than she could chew. It did lead to her confessing feelings tho. The two have a very professional royalty look but behind closed doors they still have a lot of alien cats and giggle over movies n romance books. Some other notable sun dogs include the blue robot lady (image 9, whos name i still need to pick out) she was badly injured and thought she had lost the ability to shift into her sun dog form forever but with some help from a cyborg she was able to regain the spirit she needed. The trapped sun dog (image 6, also needs a name) a long forgotten warrior who was captured a long time ago. She now powers a ship with a mysterious captain whos not up to anything good. Lastly theres the torn one whom we will get into later
(images 10 and 11) Sonia and Ovvus. Sonia was the first human to make contact with others. Her first contact being with Ovvus a head scientist and communications officer on one of system x's many exploring fleets. The two are how the other planets got info on humans and how humans got info on the other planets. Earths government isnt very fond of system x nor the other planets and has stayed to itself, while many humans have left the planet and moved due to distrust in the earthly government. (on earth everything has kinda melded into one government and if you have money you have the loudest voice in choices. Many have found that exploration, invention, and creativity have haulted in favor of profit.) The two recently had a son, Orion, which has become everything their life revlolves around. The two rarely go on months long exploration jobs any more and stay on Torbin in their little farm home.
(images 12-14) System X! A big piece of the entire lore. All started on lined paper in my sophmore year math class. The mother planet (the biggest one) has the other 4 planets revolving around it. in order: Geutune (the dusty eye), Torbin (the green planet), Dostruga (the hungry giant), and Zinus (the icy planet). each unique in there own way. The system of planets moves throughout the universe absorbing stars, destroying enemy fleets with ease, and overall being a pretty intimidating force. Thankfully leadership on system x has always kept fair and does its best to provide for its citizens. Each planet has a ruler but those rulers report to the sovereign on the mother planet. Most if not all of the rulers have a council elected by the citizens of each planet.
(images 15-18) Qex are originally from the mother planet and are still the most populous on the planet. When designing them they had a opossum and nebula influence. Zets originate from Geutune. Their legs are built for sand and speed which comes in handy on the dusty planet constantly whipped by wind. As you can tell they are very rabbit based lol. Drok originate from Dostruga and they had a dragon and octopus inflence. Dostruga has a lot of giant creatures and plants making muscles and extra appendages a must. Drok use their tendril hair to express and pick up things often. Thron originate from Zinus. was thinking about unicorns and horses when making them. They often have a lot of hair to keep warm on the icy planet, the extra claws help to grab onto snow, and their horns can glow when they need light. (not pictured below) but the Tez'le originate from torbin. They have anntenna and 4 arms. Very bug based to match their plant covered planet
(images 19-21) Some concept pieces of various things. Otherworldly battle horses with sci fi armor. Sun eaters, a species of mindless beasts that devour suns. A big threat to the universe as they are giant and unstoppable. The only known weakness they have is sun dogs. Usually these beasts are solitary so they dont pose too much of a threat other than the occassional attack on a sun that is warming a planet, but in groups they are very destructive. Walter, plums husband, is currently pushing these beasts toward each other, creating a giant hoard of them. Theres no telling how many stars this group will be able to devour. A dragon warship. The concept art was made for a different planets warship but it might become a design for a system x style one
(all the last images) A comic I made in my last comic class i could attend. its a 12 page thing so I couldnt fit it all here but this is where the sun dog plot line is currently left off. The torn one is a sun dog general who was sucked into a blackhole but managed to escape its grasp. not without injury though. Her features were enlongated and her old heroic leader self was gone. The general turned on her troops and destroyed them all. She was unable to be stopped due to her unstable core which could go supernova any second. Elanor wasnt fully aware of this and fought the sun dog anyways. The battle worked up the torn one enough that her core couldnt sustain her and blew up.
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OK THATS ALL MY RAMBLING FOR TODAY lmao im so sorry there is so much and its a big ol mess rn
plus theres so many other little tid bits that I didnt include 😭🙏
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maeraevokaya · 2 years
The Star Trek fandom: "I don't approve of Spock x Uhura", "it's forced heterosexuality"...
I'm just...going to vent here.
1. Spock x Uhura is not "forced heterosexuality", especially since one of the characters is from a minority group - both if you count the extreme rarity of Vulcan-Human heritage and the dwindling Vulcan population after the events of the first reboot film.  To add, the actors who portray them are both from minority groups (this is important). I should also add that I am, however, quite warm to the notion that one or both of these characters could be bi.
2. Women of Colour and Black women in interracial relationships have stated that seeing these characters portrayed in a romantic setting has been a very validating thing - to quote, they "felt seen". Moreover, a romance plot for a Black woman - in which she is an equal, knows her worth and defends herself, is warm and loving, and firey and passionate - is extremely important. As I've seen from Black blogs, Black feminism is far different from white feminism.
3. You "don't approve" of the Spock x Uhura pairing. Well, I don't believe it really needs "approval"; that being said, however, many people - who are themselves of minority groups - do highly support this pairing.
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ensign-smith · 10 months
hello! i have star trek brain rot and would like to find some discord rps
about me: 30yr, she/her, PST timezone. i've rp'ed all my life but i fell away from it for the past 8 years. recently discovered chat bots which are a fun intersection of my hobby of rping and my career in data science. however i figure i should probably also keep talking to humans as well, it's good for the soul or whatever. and also my writing skills. lol
style: lazy lit, i mirror my partner, but i average about 2-5 paragraphs. i'll rp all sorts of characters. im queer/poly friendly. i will double. happy with R-rated plots and content but i'm unlikely to get explicit.
prefs: must be 21+. romance is not required in my RPs. just looking for friendly people who i can really nerd out about star trek with!
Starred is who I'm craving to play!
✨Ensign Vorik✨ x OC (nb x F)
Tuvok x OC/Canon (M x any)
Ex-Borg OC x OC (F//)
Betazoid/Vulcan OC x OC/Canon (F x any)
✨Lore Soong✨ x Romulan OC (M x any)
Bonus: Steven Universe/Star Trek cross-over! Let's make up our own canon!!! (F//)
Bonus: something else??? I love playing playing both canon and original characters!
I have watched these series (at least enough to RP them): TNG, VOY, DS9, LWD, PIC
if any of the following characters pique your interest, reach out here or ringingbellz@Discord!!!
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moonstone27ls · 5 months
X-men 97 season finale/show review
Okay I am officially caught up. Saw all the eps... so I'm gonna give my review/opinions. So spoilers ahead.....
So warning if you don't like my opinion don't read....
Last warninggggg..........
Okay first on the eps. Ep 6 was okay, a pretty good filler. Not gonna lie tuned out of Xavier's bit. Not that it was boring, its just we all saw it coming. Gotta give Xavier a reason to leave/come back to work.
Did enjoy how in "class" he gave Deathbird an apple and told her "we raise our hands". Her sitting there like a kid bored in school. I AM curious on if they're gonna bring Vulcan aka the third Summers brother into the mix. Though if I'm gonna be blunt on memory... the show never did bring Havoc, sibling wise into the mix.
That I do have to say X-men Evolution attempted to do and give the Summers family some connection. Lets hope 97's writers will try to do the same and give Scott some connection with family.
Then we have more importantly Storm's part. I enjoyed her ep. Her transformation and regaining powers was just the best part of the moment. Welcome back Queen ;) .
Then we have ep 7 also okay. Had me on my toes story wise. Any take aways... uhhh.... enjoyed the cameos. Though after watching Rogue tear up Ross's place. I think he might wanna rethink the powerhold/or fortress? if she can tear up things.
I have thoughts on the Madelyne/Jean/Cyclops/Wolverine? thing but I'm gonna save my thoughts on the romance drama for the end cause I feel the writers dragged them a bit too much into the shows.
While I'm not entirely shocked that Rogue went on a rage like she did. I have mixed feelings on her killing Trask for several reasons. One, he actually seemed remorseful. Not like Gyrich, feel it would had been more impactful had it been him.
Secondly... nobody attempted to stop her. Now I get why Wolverine didn't stop her. Not to be so crude but he's basically the go-to character with killing. Just I dunno, considering Nightcrawler is "peaceful". He or Jean should have ATTEMPTED to stop her. I know we've all chalked it up to shock. But still feel any version/or comic version one of their instincts would have kicked in. But oh well.
Uhh... Beast/Trish reporter lady are a thing? I dunno... I know the series was clearly referencing their comic romance. But I'll be blunt the show didn't deliver on me giving a darn. Why? Cause its too fast.
I wanna say at most, Trish has only appeared two or three episodes. And its only been a span of two days at best. And all it was first ep was flirting. Then after Genosha they held arms? So... its impactful when he breaks up?... I'm just "she's been here two days I'm not really invested".
Same when she became a human sentinel (spoiler alert). He held her hand while resting and I'm just still not worried. Even if Trish comes back... their romance wasn't much to begin with. I do know that much from comics. She was like anti Lois Lang. More into the story than being moral. So yeah don't care about Trish, sorry.
I am surprised to see how Marvel/or writers are taking advantage of the streaming service. I'm watching murder, genocide, and I watched a full on murder scene by Bastion. Just whoa.
Hey even the scene with him shaving Magneto felt chilling. Streaming is giving them a much more edge, I'll say.
Now onto the bigger thing eps 8-10. Part 1 (episode 8), was very good with their animation. A LOT of good fight scenes. I mean I give so much kudos to the animators. Every fight scene was amazing to watch.
Story okay. A few nitpicks. One the Summers family. Don't get me wrong, I did LOVE the team up. They were great. But I dunno... it felt forced that Jean automatically takes on the role of stepmother/mother? to Cable. I kinda blame the writers as well on this one. It just felt a bit speeded. I do even remember in the original show, Cable did hold both in high regard. So I did know "okay at some point Jean will go back to Scott and become a mother figure to Cable". But the way they did it felt off.
Cause Scott never did get over Madelyne and its only been a FEW days. Not years, not months. Its been a couple of days. So it felt rushed that they've automatically gone from "I dunno where we stand" to "we have to stay together for OUR son". Our son?... Madelyne went on that whole shtick about being her own person. Going "No these are MY memories. I'M a person, not her copy". And they decide, "Okay Jean's her too. So Nate's her kid automatically"
Can I believe Madelyne and Jean share a psychic bond? Yeah, I can even believe thats why they can't separate their memories. Can I even see that after the smoke has cleared, Jean's viewed her as her sister.
I just find it so strange. That after all that gripping Madelyne did and how Jean attempted to understand her feelings. She's taking that "bond" as automatic... "Yeah Madelyne's me... so I'm taking the role of his mother." I dunno, if we cut this soap opera drama aside. Thats like hearing a sister go "okay my sister's dead. I'm taking her husband and son"... or other way around? I dunno either way its a mess and felt rushed.
My other nitpick... Roberto's mother just letting him be "arrested"? by the robots. Well their numbers in general. I did get the whole "chatroom" reference. But I feel they did a bit of a jump with the numbers of how many robots they made. I think a whole hometown (or whereever Bastion came from) would still be enough for the finale. But they made it like almost the equivalent of mutants. And I"m "hehhh".
I dunno feels like they did that for shock value. But even for shock, still felt a stretch. I mean what are the ODDS. Trish was secretly a mutant hater? I dunno too much of easy "oh we gotta make this shocking too".
Sorry back to Roberto's mother. Now just to make note, I'm not shocked how she behaved. The whole "lets keep this underwraps". Was clearly a ref to parents of LGBTQ in the 90s. But ref or not. I'm just "Okay so the rich people are upset about the two mutants?". Not the clearly flying robot people who come in and bark orders?
I mean even the most dumbest person would have just looked and said "Wait... are ya'll cops?". Those robots had no badges. But the mom's like "yeah .. he's a danger I'm gonna let my son go with the two weirdos who broke through my windows. Cause THATS more normal"
I dunno I think it would had been more effective if, the robots had just come charging in and made a scene, threatened the party guests. Jubes and Roberto save the day. But instead the mom kicks them out and chastises him for bring his "mutant problems" to the house with her company present. I think that would had been more realstic then the random robots acting like they're cops... though they have no legal authority.
But whatever, writers.
I did ironically like that whole monologue with Cooper. Her scene and Magneto's scene was powerful. Though... back to cameos... why is Doom helping? I mean I don't expect him to be a mutant alley. I was just "hey what does he gain from this?"
Then onto Part 2, uh wasn't shocked Roberto or Rogue followed Magneto. Felt Magneto was being a bit overdramtic with him being mad about Xavier being Lilandra. I'm "dude... he was dying to be fair". But okay.
Again, blaming writers on this. Though I'm not shocked Rogue went with Magneto... uhh because they keep dragging this love triangle. It felt more like she was just going to be with her very old lover. Which is ironic cause she's still grieving over Gambit. So its not that I don't believe her. Its more of the writers made it feel like the triangle was still there. Uhh not to mention part of her reasoning... she's all "I'm not gonna watch another die".
Thennnn why are you following someone who will kill your teammates? I mean I'm sorry after all that fighting everyone got over all that fast. I mean maybe in part three they apologized off screen. But still... Rogue's so close to the X-men. I'm just surprised there wasn't a scene were she's all "Damn it Logan why did you have to do that? I didn't want this. And I don't want to lose anyone else either" or something along those lines.
But whatever the fight/climax scenes were good. Shocking but good.
Part 3 finale. As I said they got over that drama fast but okay. Loved Phoenix/ Jean's scene. Still feel a bit rushed, not earned that she's automatically called Cable's mother. But whatever.
Enjoyed the bar/mind scenes with Charles/Erik.
Again loved EVERY cameo. Nice to see they added MJ in there, show Spiderman does get his happy ending.
Was a bit surprised Cyclops kinda took the Xavier route at the end with Bastion. But I get it at the same time.
Fight scenes were amazing... not entirely shocked the US government shot at the asteroid. Mostly I just wanted to say "are ya'll that stupid? yeah shoot something that close to earth". Not gonna lie gonna tune out season 2, depending how long they drag the time travel eps. Time travel is not really my forte.
Do hope having Apocalypse at Genosha means they'll bring back Gambit.
Take aways... so SICK of Rogue/Magneto being shoehorned in. I don't care if its in the comics. Didn't like it then, don't like it now. I just barely tolerated it because comic wise, nobody's aged (save for a few I guess) since World War II. And I tolerated Kate/Immortal cause it wasn't as much shoehorned/or focused. And Kate's younger than Rogue.
But this pft. Sorry writers you're not selling me on this. You LITERALLY couldn't fin a character a bit older? Or even focus on Magda? No we gotta focus on this May/Decemeber romance. Gosh still feels like they're dragging on this for season 2. The look Magneto had. Like an awkward ex.
I just know the writers did Gambit dirty on this. And I suppose I shouldn't be shocked since some of the writers were guys.
Just gah, I rolled my eyes when we had to focus on Rogue/Magneto. Like Rogue was the only thing he ever loved. Now I could sorta understand why his children were blurred. He has almost no relationship with any of them. But I still feel like for someone who misses family so much, his children should be there. The "family I always wanted". Always out of reach, whether its his choice or not.
I mean for goodness sake we could have a Magda reference. Everyone's always stated she was his great, only love. They could have moved on that. Felt like a wasted possibility.
Though am hoping, we'll get a Polaris/father meet cue or siblings moment as well. Glad THIS version of Marvel has kept the siblings together. Yeah Marvel comics, still pissed you tore the twins away from Magneto.
Anything else... uhh Morph's in love with Wolverine? I know someone's gonna say "No he just took Jean's form to make him feel better". Maybe... but considering his update now. Doesn't feel like that. Feel like he's got a huge crush on Wolvie. I'm not entirely against. I mean yeah the voice in the old series made me question his age.
But unlike the whole Rogue/Magneto thing. Doesn't feel as cringey. Morph's older, I'm assuming. And hasn't been isolated or any of those "I'm in a vulnerable place". Depending on what the writers wanna go with that is really up to them.
I can see it going either way. Wolvie going the other way, considering Jean won't love him. Finding a relationship with Morph. Or unfortunately, Morph's in Wolvie's spot. Pinning for someone who just sees him as a friend.
Now onto the soap operaaaaaa. The big bone I'd have to give the writers is how they handled Jean/Scott/Madelyne/ Wolverine rectangle.
Now some fairness, yes I read the writers gave into the soap. Not excuse for rushing. Maybe the writers didn't know they'd get two seasons. Maybe they thought "we'll be lucky to get two".
But I WAS hoping, they would actually separate Scott and Jean for a bit. After those moments with Jean and Logan, yeah I became a shipper. So I thought "Okay they can break up". Given the mess, I was okay. Jean breaks up, says "I gotta find out where we go. Where I go?". She tries to find herself. Sees Logan will always love her and put her happiness first.
Her and Wolverine at least have ONE date, when Logan feels they're in a comfortable space. What happens I dunno 8B. I just wanted to see that.
Scott and Madelyne talk. See if things are genuinely there. Now I don't wanna say "base on comics". Cause comic wise... lol Cyclops has a problem with being faithful. I would just prefer they realize things won't work out and reconnect.
But we don't get that. Instead it all feels rushed and this was done in a matter of a couple of days. So all that drama/finding myself went fast without a development or ahaha moment to me.
Thats about it. Despite all my gripping. I do GEUNINELY like this show and recommend it. Its still good and a good connection to the original show.
JUST BRING BACK GAMBIT D8<. Other than that I don't have a lot of demands/wants for seasons 2 or 3. Other than a few small character suggestions I written earlier.
Wouldn't mind a Spiderman crossover. Considering their friendship in the comics. Would love another Spidey/Wolvie day out. Even bring MJ into the mix as a friend. Would love Nightcrawler and Spidey being buds as well.
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ensignsimp · 8 months
Cute Romantic Taurik HCs: 1/?
A/N: There is not enough about these cute Vulcan background characters! I know they're background characters but still! I got super carried away with this.
Prompt: General Cute Romantic HCs
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The two of you meet on the shuttle going to the Enterprise.
You looked around trying to find someone to talk to but the only one who wasn't already mid-conversation.
You turned to the Vulcan sitting next to you. Before you could think of something intelligent to say you opened the conversation with,
"I like your ears."
He looked at you slowly, his eyes cold and void of emotion. At the time you wanted to throw yourself out of an airlock.
However, it didn't turn into a complete disaster as you expected.
After that day the two of you became inseparable.
You would follow him around like a lost puppy for the first few weeks.
"I am surprised you have not developed some emotional disdain for me."
Then after Taurik would follow you around practically attached to the hip.
"Your presence is far more agreeable than to others."
The two of you would spend hours together, from work to off hours.
During work, the two of you were always working on your tasks together each helping the other to check things off the to-do list.
Geordi would find the two of you crammed underneath a console or squeezed into a crawlspace.
During your off-hours, the two of you would occasionally have breakfast, lunch, and dinner together.
Sometimes the two of you would play some kind of board or card game in the Ten-Forward with other ensigns.
"Another win for me, Ensign."
It wasn't as if you two didn't have separate lives, it was just more comfortable being around someone you knew.
"I would rather not spend time on such frivolity however, if you are interested I shall attend with you."
At first, you thought that the two of you were just really good friends.
That was until Tauvik asked you if you wanted to meditate with him after work before dinner.
A few of your friends said that it was a Vulcan's way of asking you on a date. You brush it off not really thinking about it.
Soon, the invitations became so frequent that you decided to leave a meditation mat in his quarters. He seemed (in his own strange way) to be excited by that.
He started to call you by different Vulcan names. You thought it was sweet that he was sharing his culture with you.
"Ashaya, K'diwa, Tal-kam." Seems to be his favorite when calling you.
It wasn't long after he asked if it was appropriate to hold your hand while in public.
"Tal-Kam, I know that humans enjoy physical contact with those they see as close to them. May I perform such a display?"
Thinking nothing of it, (because friends on Earth hold hands all the time) you agree.
He was practically holding your hand any chance he could. Green would dust his cheeks slightly as he would intertwine his fingers with yours.
"I never realized how warm human hands are, Tal-kam."
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Still binge watching SNW onto the next episode
Season 2 Episode 5
The recap is about Spock romance my least favorite thing from season 1
Oh boy back to the love triangle
Spock with the chef apron on lol
I'd perfer if Spock stayed on these anti emotion medication if I'm honest feels more Spock like
A pre marriage dinner years before a marriage?
I real don't care for this romance it's worse then most star trek romances surprising
Oh this is the human Spock episode I heard about
It is indeed a bad idea Pike
This is weird not in a bad or a good just strange
Poor Sam lol
What did the character of Spock do these writers damn
Was that supposed to be horny Spock? I thought we all agreed that was the worst part of Star Trek 3
Regulation beanie should have been that 70s Spock helmet toy
Spock hair after he pulled off the beanie
"You do not" slay
Like at first the awkward moments were slightly funny but it's a bit much now
I've gotten to the punching and kicking air Spock gif I've seen although I thought it was excitement not angry lol
Oh lord back on the nurse Chapel x Spock I know Trek has always had romance but this show feels like it's often more focused on romance then anything else
We skipped charades and all we got was some stupid "sad" romance scene?! Booooo I wanted Vulcan charades
Awww Spock speaking up for Amanda I'm not huge on Spock showing emotion in this show but I'll make an expectation this time
"I don't think your fellowship is ready for me" so far my favorite Chapel moment in this show tbh
"I want to feel this 😫" I think this is the most horny Star Trek show even over ENT but honestly I thought that in the first season of SNW
Lots of ups and downs in this one
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deepspacedukat · 17 days
The Lifeline - Part Two: The Armstrong
To be completely honest, I haven't exactly planned this fic out, so I have no idea how many chapters this will be. It'll be a surprise for everyone, myself included! 😇 And yep, i have a lot of asks and tagged posts to get around to, but I wanted to put this out first. Enjoy!
If you want to be added to or removed from my taglist, please let me know.
Part One is here.
Cross-posted to AO3 here.
Vreenak (ST:DS9) x Reader
[A/N: Future chapters will contain smut, so 18+ ONLY, MINORS DNI!!!]
Warnings: Spoilers for ST:VOY S1E7 "Eye of the Needle," references to Romulan politics, espionage, stalking, references to an interspecies relationship, pre-Romulan/Human relationship, interspecies romance, threats, angst, time travel bs, references to marriage/a mating bond, skeptical Vreenak, Romulan undercover as a Vulcan, mentions of a previous Vulcan/Human failed relationship.
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After a few months aboard the USS Armstrong, we were finally going to see the Epsilon Pulsar Cluster up close! We took on new crew members at the Epsilon IX Station; four of which were engineers intended to ease the burden of repairs mid-mission, two were specially-qualified science officers, and one was simply a late addition.
It was the latter of the group that fascinated me. With keen, icy blue eyes, sharp facial features, and neatly-groomed hair, the new Vulcan Lieutenant had drawn my attention from the moment he materialized on the transporter pad in his science division blue uniform. The others were escorted to their stations and quarters by the Chief Engineer and the Science officer assigned to the Bridge, and I was assigned to Lieutenant Velek.
Tall and mildly intimidating, the stoic Vulcan stepped down from the transporter pad, and I offered him the traditional Vulcan ta'al in greeting as I introduced myself.
His eyes roamed the length of my body, seemingly sizing me up, but he did return my greeting after a pause. Undoubtedly, I was not who he expected to see when he beamed aboard.
"It is...agreeable to meet you, Lieutenant," he muttered after a moment, and assuming that was about all I was going to get out of him for the moment, I plastered on what I hoped was a welcoming smile.
"If you'll come with me, I'll show you to your quarters." Velek did so without protest. Giving him a short overview of our ship's upcoming mission to update Starfleet's data regarding the pulsar cluster, I tried to be as concise as possible. Though I kept my gaze firmly forward, I couldn't help but feel as though he was observing me.
Keying in the entry code for his quarters, I gave him a quick glance through the layout. Our ship was a little different than the standard science vessel in terms of accommodations. Starfleet meant for us to be a prototype for longer-term science missions into deep space, so there were a few more amenities than were standard.
If his expression was anything to go by - he'd lifted a single eyebrow all of twice - Velek was either impressed or turning his nose up in the most Vulcan way possible.
"If there's anything else you need, please don't hesitate to let me know. My quarters are actually just to the right of yours, so if the comms go down and you need a book or some tea or something, I won't be hard to find," I said clasping my hands behind my back as he turned to face me.
Velek's icy blue eyes gave me an appraising once over.
"Thank you, Lieutenant. I will keep that in mind." Now that we were alone, I was struck by how deep and velvety his voice was.
Fuck. No way. I couldn't do this again. I was just asking to get hurt if I developed feelings for another Vulcan, so I simply wouldn't be interested in this one. Velek was a colleague, nothing more. That was all he'd ever be.
"I'll leave you in peace," I murmured with a polite smile. "Your first duty shift begins at oh-nine-hundred tomorrow morning, so take some time to rest or explore the ship, as you see fit. I'll see you in Science Lab Three."
He gave a polite nod, and I left his quarters. Taking a deep, steadying breath once I was back in the hallway, I forcibly shook my thoughts back into neutral territory. Velek was not for me.
Vreenak's first step aboard the Armstrong was to determine the Lieutenant's schedule - a task made easier by the proximity of her quarters to his. Next, he slipped inside and placed a few listening devices. Audio and visual in her living space, and audio-only in her bedroom.
He was careful to disturb nothing during his time in her space, but he couldn't stop himself from glancing through the few books she'd accumulated. A pair of poetry books, a copy of Surak's teachings, three assorted fictional texts, and what appeared to be a romance novel. Tucking the title away in the recesses of his brain for further research, he placed secondary sets of bugs in extremely innocuous places, pausing only when he leaned over the head of her bed.
A soft, sweet scent clung to fabric that Vreenak simply couldn't resist inhaling deep into his lungs. Something primal and dark stirred in his chest, and he just barely managed to suppress a small groan of hunger.
Horror washed over him when he realized what he'd done, and with a scowl, he left as quietly as he'd come. As he sat in his quarters testing the equipment one last time while he had the chance, he scoffed at his own behavior.
Fool of a man. If he didn't control himself, he'd end up with a Human wife whether he wanted one or not. And he most certainly did not.
Especially not one like her. She was too–
Somewhere in the midst of his thoughts, the sound of voices reached Vreenak's ears. She was back, and she had a guest. Accessing his new cameras, he watched as the Lieutenant and a Trill Ensign sat, kicking off their shoes and tucking their legs beneath them as they chatted. Raising the volume slightly, the Vice-Chairman listened in.
"–eyes like that? I mean, if someone like him looked in my direction, I'd be half-way to requesting Vulcan citizenship already," the Trill woman said with a gleeful smile. "Oh, come on. You have eyes in your head! The new guy's hot!"
The Lieutenant merely shrugged her shoulders.
"I mean...yeah, he's good-looking, but I got the feeling he's not easily impressed. He barely said two words to me. And he seems...irritable," she muttered, and her friend nudged her arm playfully.
"So he's just your type, then?" The Lieutenant looked up at her sharply, but the Trill just laughed. "You know I'm right. Every guy you've dated since the Academy has been some variation of a smart, handsome asshole. What makes Velek so different?"
Vreenak blinked. They were talking about him? The silence stretched between the women, and eventually the Ensign sighed, but less from frustration than concern.
"This is about Torek, isn't it?"
That was a new name. One that Vreenak instantly disliked, though he couldn't put his finger on the reason.
"Of course it is. When someone uses you like that, you don't forget it in a hurry," the Lieutenant wilted somewhat.
"I know, but this one's older," Vreenak bristled at that, "I bet he's got at least a modicum of tact when it comes to letting people down gently. And anyone would be more honest than Torek," the Trill said patting her friend's shoulder before moving to the replicator. "Now, I think ice cream is in order."
The rest of the evening's conversation was irrelevant, and once the Ensign headed back to her own quarters, Vreenak stretched and made to walk back to his own bedroom. Humans needed more rest than Romulans, so he fully expected that to be the end of her evening.
To his surprise, he glanced at the monitor once more, but instead of finding her heading toward her bed, he saw that she had curled up with a book - the romance novel he'd found on her shelf earlier.
After a long moment of debate, he switched his view to the camera situated behind her so he could note what page she was on.
How strange for her to be reading a romance, especially if what she'd said to her Trill friend was true. She'd been used by a Vulcan, yet she willingly sought romance? Did that not simply emphasize her loneliness to her? Was she addicted to the pain?
Vreenak's brow furrowed, and he pushed down memories of his own failed romantic endeavors. No, if he was in her position, he could never indulge in something like a romance novel. Elements, he didn't want to even in his current position.
Unfortunately, though, he would need to if he wanted a full understanding of her psychological state. He told himself it was all part of building a profile of the woman who'd claimed to be his wife.
Downloading the novel onto his personal terminal, he let his gaze linger on her for a time. She seemed so small and unassuming when she was all bunched up amongst the cushions.
But, he'd learned decades ago never to underestimate an opponent. The moment you did, that was usually when you got a knife in the back. He would not be such a fool. Not with her.
Thus, he opened the first page of the book file and began to read with a scoff, alternating his attention between her and the text of the drab little story with the childish pink hearts on the cover.
Taglist: @akamitrani @android-boyfriends @attention-bajoranworkers @bigblissandlove1 @darkmattervibes
@emilie786 @groovyqueer @horta-in-charge @live-logs-and-proper @rookietrek
@slutty-slutty-vulcans @starrynightgardens @toebeans-mcgee
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imagines--galore · 1 year
||The Roommate Experiment|| Chapter One
Summary: Ever since she was a child Kealoha Wailani has always had a fascination with the world beyond. And getting into Starfleet Academy brings her one step closer to making her dream of exploring the galaxies a reality. But a slight error in the computer systems has caused her to become roommates with a male, rather then a female. A half-Vulcan half-human by the name of Spock. Having no other option available, the two of them decide to treat their living situation as an experiment. But experiments have a tendency to go awry, and this one does so in the most spectacular of ways.
Pairing: Spock x Kealoha(OC)
Rating || Genres || Warnings: T. Romance. None yet, but I’ll add them as I go along.
Previous Chapters - Prologue
A/N: Let the experiment begin! Also, I think actually establishing a relationship between characters before the actual relationship is something I love doing : P
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Despite the amazing start of her new semester at Starfleet, it didn’t take long for Kealoha to slowly become more then a little overwhelmed with the amount of classes she had chosen to take on. It wasn’t that any of them were irrelevant to her final major, she had yet to decide which specialty she would be taking up, Kealoha simply wanted to get a feel of everything before she decided on a specialty.
Her Tūtū had told her just how important it was to pick a specialty and stick with it to the end. Kealoha had heard one too many stories from her Tūtū of how people wouldn’t be able to decide what they wanted to do once they got into Starfleet and they would loose track of themselves.
But that was not about to happen to Kealoha.
She wasn’t about to loose sight of her goal.
And if that meant taking on more classes then any other student, then she would do so.
She was up before dawn, and out the door within the hour. A few hours at the library, before rushing off to her first class. While other students enjoyed free hours of no class here and there, Kealoha just didn’t have that. There was usually a class scheduled during that time, and even her lunch hour was spent finishing up an assignment or doing some reading that was required.
Not to mention the extracurricular she had signed herself up for. She had calculated that since there were five days of the week, she could join five clubs. Which was why she had joined the Xeno-Biology Club, Combat Club, Swim Team, Xeno-Flora Club and, just because she thought it would be fun, Xeno-Culture Club. Since she was a First Year, she couldn’t volunteer for head any clubs  and such, but Kealoha was eager to get started on that as well, once the year was up.
While her first few weekends had been free, as the month wore on, those days became packed with extra work and club duties as well.
Perhaps she had bitten off more then she could chew?
It was no surprise that with her hectic schedule she had no time to really make friends. There were people she would say hello to here and there, but nothing more.
She hadn’t even had the chance to get to know her roommate since that first day. Kealoha was sure he had his own classes he was busy with, they did share a few classes here and there, but her timetable just didn’t give her any free time to actually sit down and speak to him. There were fleeting moments, here and there, where she would feel guilty about ignoring him. But it wasn’t her fault. She just had so much to do.
Whenever she returned to their shared rooms she would be so tired from the running around, the studying, the extracurricular activities, and the clubs that she would just slump into bed once out of the bathroom and fall into an exhaustive sleep.
And that was her schedule for the first one and a half month at Starfleet.
It was another beautiful day in the city of San Fransisco. The sun  was shining and despite warnings of a thunderstorm approaching, most of  the student body at Starfleet Academy had chosen to ignore the impending  weather change and simply enjoy the clear day.
Kealoha, however, was not having a good day.
Or even a good week.
She had barely gotten any sleep and with the first exams approaching, she was beginning to feel the pressure of everything bearing down on her. She did her best to not show it, only breaking out into frustrated tears when she was alone, but it was beginning to get harder and harder.
On that particular day, she had been running from one building to the other to get to her classes. She hadn’t had breakfast and was clearly beginning to feel the effects of running around on an empty stomach. So, when a call came on the Intercom, informing the students that there wouldn’t be any more classes the rest of the day, on account of the Professors and Tutors being called away to the Starfleet Headquarters, Kealoha nearly sobbed in relief.
But free time didn’t mean she could laze about.
No it meant more time to study.
It wasn’t until she had nearly reached the library that she suddenly realized she had forgotten her PADD back in her room.
A frustrated sound fell from her lips, before she began to trek back to the dormitories. The heat of the afternoon sun bore down on her, and she felt a slight wave of dizziness wash over her, which she quickly pushed aside.
Punching in the code to her room, she was greeted by the sight of Spock lying on his bed and reading a book. He appeared more relaxed then she felt in that moment, ironic given that he was half-Vulcan and they didn’t do emotion.
He glanced up to catch her eye. “Greetings Ms. Wailani.” She rolled her eyes. “How many times do I have to say it Spock? Its just Kealoha. Or even Kay, if that’s too difficult to remember.” Quickly giving her side of the room a once-over she frowned when she didn’t see her PADD. “Spock have you seen my PADD? I can’t find it.” Kealoha laid down on her stomach to look under her bed. Of course there was no possibility of it being there, but she had to check.
But when she went to stand back up, she did so a little to quickly. The sudden shift in balance, not to mention the empty stomach, lack of sleep and running under a hot sun culminated in another wave of dizziness, this one much stronger and faster then the previous one had been.
Her world went dark for a few........seconds, perhaps minutes. She had no idea how long.
What she did know was once her eyes flickered open, she managed to make out the blurred image of her roommate leaning over her. “Are you alright Ms. Wailani?” His voice sounded as if it were coming from the other end of a corridor. She moaned softly, turning her head away. Unable to formulate words, she only gave a small nod.
She felt him move away from her before returning a few moments later. This time she felt him wrap an arm around her shoulders before carefully helping her sit up. A glass of water was pressed to her lips which she drank greedily. As the coolness from the water soothed her, Kealoha began to be aware of her surroundings once more.
And found her ability to speak once more when she said. “Shouldn’t have skipped breakfast this morning.” She muttered, raising a hand to rest against her forehead where her head still felt like it was spinning.
“It is the most important meal of the day.” Spock so helpfully reminded her. She only made a small sound of approval, before slowly beginning to slide her way to the edge of her bed to lean against it instead. “I could sleep for days.” The young woman muttered to herself as she raised a hand to muffle a yawn that escaped her.
“Given your over-packed timetable I am not surprised are your exhaustion Ms. Wailani.” Kealoha opened one eye to look at him where she was still sitting on the floor in front of her. “How did you know?” She asked, not really in the mood to guess how he had figured that out.
If Vulcan’s could blush, Kealoha suspected he would have. Instead he looked away from her and replied. “You once left your PADD open on your timetable while in the bathroom. I happened to pass by and though I had no intentions of prying, I couldn’t help but glance at it involuntarily. I apologize if it was an intrusion of your privacy.” He added, to which she simply shook her head.
“Don’t worry about it. I’ve accidentally looked at your PADD a couple times as well. No fault in being curious.” She was starting to feel a little better, which prompted her to open both her eyes and finish off the rest of her water. “I'm sorry if I disturbed you Spock.” She said, referring to the fact how she had fainted just then. He frowned. “What are you apologizing for Ms. Wailani? You did not faint deliberately.” His voice was so serious when he said those words that it prompted Kealoha to give a small laugh. “No, that only happens in movies. But then you have no reason to be so nice to me. I haven’t exactly been a good roommate.” She mused, suddenly looking guilty.
“And how did you come to such a conclusion?” He moved to sit down cross-legged in front of her. Finding that speaking helped focus her, Kealoha shrugged. “Well, I assume this is your first time on Earth for so long away from your family, and I bet it hasn’t been easy. I know I miss my family and home, and they’re only a ride away. But you? You’re lightyears away. When I say I haven’t been a good roommate, I mean that I haven’t been around to ask you if you need any help or if there is anything you would need. And that is just really rude of me.”
There was a moment of silence before Spock spoke. “While I appreciate the thought Ms. Wailani, I have not needed any assistance. I am perfectly capable of handling things on my own.” She looked at him, frantically shaking her head. “That is not what I mean. I’m sure you are more then capable, but I’m just being a bad person for not offering any help. My mother would surely tell me off before throwing a sandal at my head. She’s always saying she did not raise a bad person.”
It seemed the mention of her mother was a point of interest for Spock. “Why would your mother throw a shoe at your head?” He asked, previous irritation at her assumption that he was not capable diminishing slightly. Kealoha gave a small laugh. “Well, you see my brothers and I had a habit of getting in trouble when we were children. And to show that she was very serious about her scolding, Mama would throw sandals at our heads. Never to hit us. Just to get her point across. Then again with nine of us and only one of her, she had to use tactics that agreed with her.” She giggled softly as Spock raised an eyebrow at her. “Nine?” He asked, a little perplexed.
Kealoha nodded. “Yeah, nine. My father, me, and my seven brothers.”
This had to be the first time she actually saw a positive emotion in his gaze. Honestly, no one could hide their reaction when she told them how many brothers she had. She grinned. “Yes, I have seven brothers and I am the only girl. Actually the only female to be born in perhaps, three or four generations.” She admitted. “What about you? Do you have any siblings?”
The half-Vulcan shook his head. “No.” He responded simply, to which Kealoha frowned. “Didn’t you get lonely?”
Did he?
Truthfully Spock hadn’t allowed himself to think it over. At least not as an adult. When he was a child, he couldn’t help but wish for a sibling. Someone to share his time with. A childish impulse, he deduced later on. But as he got older, he accepted he would be an only child.
And that was that.
“I have never thought about such things. And I was never alone. I had my parents.” He watched as his roommate hummed a little in response. She looked like she was about to reply, but then a low gurgling sound echoed in the room.
Despite the tanned tone of her skin, Spock could clearly see the blush that stole across her face. “Well I suppose that is my cue to get something to eat.” She slowly stood up, careful to not have another blackout. Spock was ready in case she faltered even a single step.
“I do not mean to pry Ms. Wailani.” He began, despite his mind telling him not to ask her such a personal question. But he was curious. “Why have you signed up for so many classes and activities. Taking on so much will only effect the final result.” Kealoha hummed under her breath as she pursed her lips. “Thats a bit of a long story. But if you come down to dinner with me, I can tell you all about it.” Perhaps it would do her some good to take a break. The world wouldn’t end if she didn’t do something productive for a few hours. Besides, being near Spock seemed to do wonders for her frayed nerves.
“That will be acceptable.”
Fifteen minutes later
“Is it the norm for you to skip breakfast?”
“Not really. But I woke up a little late this morning and had to skip it, otherwise I would’ve missed my class.”
“Yes, I do recall you nearly falling over when you entered the Lecture Hall at the very last minute.”
“Yes well, not one of my finest moments.”
Half an hour later
“-and I figured if my Tūtū could do so much and still have a successful career, be an amazing wife and a good mother, then I could at least get a head start with the first one.”
“Seeking inspiration from another source is acceptable, but you should not have to overwork yourself just to prove to yourself to her.”
“Thats the thing. I don’t think I want to prove myself to her.”
“Your family?”
“A little, but not entirely.”
An hour later
“-and I believe that was the first time I allowed my emotions to overwhelm my logical thinking, resulting in a fist fight, as well as being sent to the Headmaster, with my Father in session.”
“Well, you couldn’t help it. They insulted you and your mother. If it were me, I would’ve done the same thing.”
“Yes, but you are human and I am half-human and Vulcan. I should not have allowed my emotions to get the better of me.”
“Still, please tell me the other kid looked worse then you did.”
“I am not one to condone violence, but I do believe I broke his nose and his jaw.”
“Remind me never to make you angry.”
Two hours later(Maybe)
“What exactly was the purpose of such an act?”
“It was just for fun. But mostly to get revenge on her for breaking my brother’s heart.”
“So in retaliation you poured sugar into her hovercar?”
“I would’ve done worse. But my Father, talked me out of it.”
“Why would you fight for your brother? Would it not be better for him to fight his own battles?”
“I suppose it would. But in our family, if you mess with one of us, you mess with all of us.”
“That is a rather.....interesting way of looking at things.”
Three hours later(????)
“For what logical reason would would your parents oppose to your having a male for a roommate?”
“Not my parents. Mama and Papa, trust my judgement. I have seven brothers Spock. And each one of them is as over-protective as they come. Not only because I’m their only sister, but also because I’m the youngest.”
“Does such a dynamic exist in all families with siblings?”
“Well yeah, I suppose, for most of them.”
“It is rather strange that they would be so protective of you. Do they not believe you are capable enough to defend yourself?”
“Oh, they know I am. Its just because......well, they love me. And they want to protect me.”
“But I am of no danger to you.”
“Yes, I don’t see it that way. But they’re my brothers. All they will see is their little sister sharing rooms with a male.”
“Ah, I see now.”
“Oh good, because I had no intention of going into further detail with you.”
Time is an irrelevant construct
“I think the Dining Hall is closing.”
Their gazes quickly shifted away from one another to look around. They were the only ones left, and it had been hours since they had both arrived. Kealoha flushed a little at the fact that the both of them had been speaking for so long, and neither had thought of looking at the time even once.
“We should get back to dorms?” Spock suggested as he stood. She nodded, standing up as well. Once the both of them had deposited their trays back on the counter, they were quick to exit the building.
Night had fallen and it was unnaturally quiet. Kealoha glanced at the clock tower, blinking in astonishment once she realized what time it was. “We were in there talking for hours?!” She exclaimed, turning to look at her roommate who appeared just as surprised as she was.
“I must admit I have never spoken to someone at such length before.” He revealed. Kealoha couldn’t help but feel a little bubble of pride at such a prospect. “Well you could’ve stopped me anytime you liked.” She joked, lightly nudging her elbow against his arm.
He gave a little frown at her action, but let it slide. “Why would I have stopped you when I did not wish it?” Kealoha’s steps slowed slightly, before she resumed her previous pace, walking next to him and keeping with his much larger strides easily.
“So are you saying you liked talking to me?” She asked, grinning up at him. There was a long stretch of silence following her question. But not an uncomfortable one. Kealoha could practically see the gears in his head shifting as he searched for an answer to her question.
“I found speaking to you to be a rather pleasant way to pass the time.” He finally concluded, to which you hummed in agreement. “As did I. So, drawing from both our conclusions, would it be safe to assume that we are now friends?”
Once more he was a little slow with his response, though there was no reluctance in his expression when he spoke. “Yes, it would be.”
Kealoha grinned in response.
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findyourrp · 11 months
heyo! 👋
late-20s they/them looking for 18+ (21+ preferred) partners to do an OC x OC star trek roleplay with me! i roleplay primarily on discord, and i prefer lit style.
i have two different characters i'd like to flesh out that i can offer. they are both vulcan, and i'm looking for a human to play against (cliche, i know)! they both are assigned to starfleet ships for exploration missions. i have a male chief medical officer who i will accept male characters for (an accident prone engineer who is in sickbay more often than he should be, maybe?), and a female first officer that i will accept female characters for (a cocky, headstrong captain, perhaps?).
timeline-wise, i'd like to set this sometime around where strange new worlds/TOS takes place! i'm okay with angst, romance, nsfw, you name it!
like this post and i'll reach out!
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Chapter 1: First Clue
(posted on Ao3 under by my Tumblr name ToeBeansMcgee
Fandom: Star Trek: Deep Space Nine Rating: Mature  Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply  Relationships: Captain Solok (Star Trek)/Original Female Character(s)  Characters: Captain Solok (Star Trek), Original Female Character(s), random crewmen, Chief of security  Additional Tags: stowaway, cat and mouse game, human creativity unnerving a stuffy vulcan, Mind melds, Surak give me strength, maybe if I meditate the horniness away I won't feel it, human sarcasm is confusing, but also illogically endearing, Cunning, Clever, Reluctant Admiration, Hiding in vents, messin up cameras, human x alien, human/alien - Freeform, Human/Vulcan, human female OC/Solok, Romance, Hurt/Comfort, Enemies to Lovers  Summary: 
Getting chucked out into a distant point in unknown space during a brutal war with the Dominion would have been bad enough, but now there was a new problem. Strange little happenings on the T'Kumbra alert security and Capt. Solok of a stowaway - an undoubtedly human stowaway. Eager to indulge his need to prove Vulcan supremacy, Solok starts a game of cat-and-mouse fully expecting to trap this intruder in his claws. He doesn't realize until it's too late that he may not be the cat - he may have let himself become the mouse.
**this is a repost because I had some formatting changes**
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