#vulcan toddlers
spiders-notagain · 5 months
Vulcan Education
I haven't seen much else on what Vulcan Schools are suppossed to look like so I came up with my own. Intermixed are some bits I like from Memory Beta. Im ignoring all the parts from 20 yrs and after because it may only be applicable to the Lyr Zor clan and isnt compatible with Alpha canon anyway.
kan-tuihal-shi'oren (Nursery School): Ages 3-5
Its not a necessary prerequisite for primary school but many parents consider it to be important in the schooling process anyway. Benefits include the fundamentals in most every subject for primary school, peer socialization, and a variety of new ideas (er well vulcan-filtered ideas). A bigger emphasis is made on the arts in this school than in later schools. Students learn and perform dances for their parents and community.
Vulcan toddlers are capable of a great deal of self sufficiency when well taught, however not all parents have the time to cover all the basics and can't afford the multiple tutors some clans spring for (or just choose not to).
Newborn children til the age of four were known to take part in visual mathematics, basical calculation as well as beginning the neurological organization of their brains which was followed by an identity meld. By the time they were four, they began mathematics and species identification as well as began to coordinate the use of their physical bodies. Furthermore, algebra, geometry and physics dominated their study life at this time.
During their early education, Vulcan children took part in a curriculum where they learnt the most rudimentary telesper skills to better control their innate telepathic abilities.
nenik-shi'oren (Primary School): Ages 6-14
Schooling is largely made up of lectures and frequent homework, intermixed with regular progress testing via skill domes. Skill domes also serve a part in final exams. With the exception of certain classes, in-classwork is rare. Schoolwork is done mostly through padds. It's more reminiscent of a college with a few differences: 1. Youre not allowed to skip lectures 2. More classes are required as per graduation. In some classes, resources are provided and learning is mostly self directed. There are multiple education paths that come more into play by graduation but primary school is generally understood to be non-specific. By the graduation of this school, children would have the education equivalent up to 14th grade. Classes are separated by skill level rather than age, although most classes happen to be made up of children around the same age anyway. Many 'fun' events (like crafts or holiday parties) that would be common in schools of other species do not exist in vulcan schools. Although some teachers of alien cultures include a sampler of such activities in their lesson plans. Because they are young, children are permitted frequent mental breaks as a sort of vulcan pomodoro technique to increase productivity. As they get older they will be expected to train their mind to do this naturally.
While most schools go over the basics of psychic training, the bulk of it is expected to be handled by family. Usually by a parent but some clans have someone who specializes in it. This is also the kind of thing some families get a tutor for.
An informal social heirarchy forms between students as they hit certain milestones, with these students being admired as older and more mature. At 7, their kan-telan (bonding ceremony). And at 10, their kahs-wan. The latter being more important and noticable. (The kahs-wan can be taken as early as 7 but not often)
When they were eight, children began preliminary telepathic communication and were taught etiquette as well as their clans history along with Vulcan anthropology, calculus and quantum physics. When the child was ten, they learn to suppress cortical stimuli in the dominant hemisphere as well as learn of their races cultural history and began a study of Vulcan rites of passage. By the time they were eleven, they learn of the pressure points needed for mind melding in addition to learning memory accuracy and internal time counting. Furthermore, they were introduced to logic and definition, the principles of analysis, concreteness of thought and physical deportment. These early years of study were expected to continue til the child was between the age of thirteen to fifteen after which their formal training began.
dahrik-shi'oren (Secondary School): Ages 14-20+
Schools at this stage are often specialized and considered precursors to advanced academies such as:
Vulcan Science Academy (VSA)
Vulcan Medical Institute
Vulcan Institute of Defense Arts (VIDA)
Vulcan School of Diplomacy
Studies here aren't as fast paced and ruthless as full colleges. And unlike primary school they have no government standard learning criteria to meet. Most students would be either in the direct midst of puberty or finishing out its second stages. In some areas they have just one school which contains the pathways necessary for whichever trade schools are popular in the region (more like a skills center).
In more isolated areas this is where students would have either moved to the city to pursue higher education or found a job locally to help out at home (likely picking up an apprenticeship).
For those that choose to take it, the Rite of Taloth is commonly undergone around this time. While it is an acknowledged accomplishment among peers, a social heiarchy is not formed around it as that is now viewed as childish.
When formal training began, the first rite conducted was Tal T'Lee where they were assisted in their meditation by an adept of their clan council. They learn to control their subdominant cortices which was followed by Dwemish Hi-An where identity isolation was learnt along with brain control with numbers systems and equations. They also learn multiplication left to right whereupon they took part in Enok-Kal Fi Lar which was the processes of definition and the concepts of given. Once this was complete, the child took part in An-Prele between the age of sixteen to nineteen where they learn pain control meditation from a clan council adept. They were also expected to read Essays of Discipline and Analysis of Pseudodoxy as well as was expected to learn to segregate the lobes of their brains.
*I came up with the names through stuff on VLD and VLI but if anyone wants to consolidate it to sound catchier go ahead.
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bumblingbabooshka · 5 months
Tuvok & Janeway both strike me as people who insist they aren't rich* but then they bring up a summer house or something in casual conversation *note: I'm aware that Star Trek humans live in a post-scarcity world with no money but still. I can't help but see the truth and the truth is that Janeway's fridge had an ice dispenser.
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troonwolf · 2 years
when are people gonna properly register that Vulcans don’t lack emotion, they’re just disciplined against it to the point that their biology has found ways to conform to that discipline over the generations. meaning that suppression is “easier” for them through mechanisms like the Pon Farr.
and this is a big But
1. they still EXPERIENCE the emotion.
2. they still have individual personality.
they have to go through a phase of maturation and growth just like any other living thing in existence.
a Vulcan kids tantrum or rebellion is probably going to look different from a human kid tantrum/rebellion, but they’re still going to be kids. they’re going to do kid things until they mature into the logical behaviour expected of them.
this fandom has such good takes about Data and how he clearly expresses emotion even without the emotion chip but then treats Vulcans like actual computer people and it’s so weird to me.
especially with how much plot and stories revolving around them are often about how they’re just as “human” as anyone else, but are stereotyped for expressing it differently, or for their rituals around expression etc.
they literally exist as a mechanism of teaching people to be understanding of other cultural standards and modes of communication and how you should always still see their personhood. And Yet 😭😭😭
tl;dr if you threw a bunch of Vulcan children in a sand pit with a bunch of human children they’re all going to be force-feeding each other sand with equal gusto, but the Vulcan kids will feel appropriately ashamed later.
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giffingthingsss · 1 year
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It might be best if I were to contact my superiors and make the request myself.
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thecelestiallegacies · 7 months
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Happy Birthday to Vesper and Fortune and a quiet, tiny bandaid on Vulcan and Mabel's relationship.
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leolaroot · 2 years
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piercing my gay infant son's ears not because of the family earring thing just so he can look swag.
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strohller27 · 1 year
#okay for once I am not ranting from rock bottom#but I did a lot of good coding in RStudio today#the bad part of that is I’m trying to tidy up the old Vulcan dictionary I used for my Semantics and Morphosyntax papers#this data is SO MESSY I cannot believe it#trying to get it to the point where R will even LOOK at it without being like ‘OH MY GOD THERE’S AN UNEXPECTED ITEM IN A PLACE’#NO I WON’T TELL YOU WHERE. I DON’T KNOW WHAT’S GOING ON’ is like. pulling teeth#RStudio is a toddler I swear#it’ll be like ‘No! I wanted mashpotato! this not MASHPOTATO!!!’ and throw a fit until you put a comma in the right place#and then suddenly it’s like ‘Oh! ok! I eat this instead of mashpotato!!’ and you’re like???????!:!#anyway ​I’ve finally gotten the data so that R finds it readable and started isolating single values per cell#but insodoing some of the new columns I made have values that need to be in their own columns#like I have a column that has part of speech data mixed in with semantic domain data & other stuff#so now I’m going to have to do an if { loop#guess what we never covered in class? .-.#And since my professor is useless I will have to learn how to do if { loops by myself#OH and there’s bits of this table I may end up having to separate out then pivot then re-integrate#guess what else we never covered in class? .-. .-.#yup. so now I have to learn how to do pivot tables by myself#it’s either learn how to do these things on my own or find a work around that’s so jury-rigged it’ll never be reproducible#*heavysigh* I will figure this out even if it kills me
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spocksbrainworms · 2 months
Saw a post about teeny tiny humans headbutting to show affection after witnessing cats doing it. And I instantly thought of Vulcans.
Vulcans who have big cat bears hanging out in their house as the family pet.
I’m just imagining baby Vulcans, so used to touch because of telepathy and early childhood bond forming. So used to having their parents touch their psi-points to initiate a bond.
And they have a cat teddy bear who loves rubbing their face all over their favorite person. So Vulcan toddlers press their psi-points to all their favorite things. Trying to telepathically connect with their stuffed animals, butting their head against their mom’s hand, forehead connecting with a shoulder while sitting at a tea ceremony. Unfocused early meditation lessons where the kid just gets up and smacks their head against dad’s a little too hard
I love Vulcan babies. I need more headcanons of Vulcan kids and family dynamics
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thali-lemmonpie · 2 months
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Based on a meme I saw 😌 an explanation of my AU under the cut
I'm not good at writing but this is from an AU I have where Jim had a baby while Spock was doing the Kolinahr, Sarek didn't want him to be distracted so he never told him that he had a son (but Sarek still was full on board on being a grandpa, he's only shitty with Spock)
So Spock went straight to Vulcan after V-ger to sort some things out before going to earth and Jim never had the opportunity to tell him but he just assumed that he already knew since both Sarek and Amanda are so involved with Selik life (baby name) and they were currently taking care of baby while he was on that mission.
Anyway, Spock didn't knew because he went straight to the Entreprise after Kolinahr not even a hello for his parents.
He took Jim words literally and now has to navigate how to be a Sa-mekh to a grumpy 2 years old toddler 😌👍
I have just the beginning written and it is pretty depressing 🤗
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stra-tek · 7 months
The Animated Series' weird takes on Trek history deep dive!
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Check out S.S. Bonaventure 10281NCC from "The Time Trap", according to Scotty "the first ship to have warp drive installed"
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Among the council we see a woman in a white Starfleet TOS-ish uniform with blue collar and a science insignia, presumably a surviving crewmember.
TAS is weird because it was out of continuity during the 90's, due to Filmation's bankruptcy and subsequent rights issues and Gene Roddenberry's supposed dislike of it. As a result, episodes and novels were forbidden from referencing it even if a few were snuck in regardless and subsequent Treks took things in different directions.
Now in 1993 the Star Trek Chronology was released, largely ignoring TAS. It featured this same named ship, which subsequently made it into a Deep Space Nine episode via this graphic:
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And this Bonaventure design would be inspiration for the Phoenix in the movie First Contact
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So how does TAS' Bonaventure fit now? Ummmm not so well. Fans speculated she was the first ship to have a Dilithium powered warp drive... until Star Trek: Enterprise nuked that. And then TAS nuked itself on those details a little later...
April's Enterprise
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"The Counter-Clock Incident" is the first time we meet Robert April and his wife Sarah. Robert April was an early name, eventually changed to Christopher Pike for the 1st pilot episode of live action Star Trek and eventually James Kirk for the original series proper. Then retroactively made into different characters who commanded the Enterprise prior to Kirk.
Sarah comes out with "As the first medical officer aboard a ship with warp drive..." which is problematic to say the least.
TAS seems to imagine a universe where Bonaventure 10281NCC was launched shortly before the Enterprise, and warp drive and everything are all very new. The Star Trek Chronology and then the Enterprise series would move things back considerably, giving us the warp-powered Enterprise NX-01 with Dr. Phlox a century before Kirk's time.
Spock and the Enterprise's age
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In "Counter-Clock Incident", weird stuff happens and the crew are in a bizarre reverse universe where they age backwards. April begins as a 75 year old man heading to mandatory retirement, but as everyone de-ages he ends up a young man looking much like Jim Kirk. At that time, everyone else is a toddler. Spock lasts longer though, and is still functional on the bridge as a teenager until the last few moments. This implies Spock is the oldest by far of the TOS crew, which makes sense due to the long lifespans of Vulcans. However, beginning with that 1993 Chronology book and made official in Star Trek Beyond, Spock is only 3 years older than Jim, born 2230 and 2233 respectively.
And how old does this make the U.S.S. Enterprise NCC-1701? This goes all the way back to The Making of Star Trek, which supposed the vessel is 40 years old at the time of TOS - something modern Trek would cut roughly in half. Strange New Worlds makes official her launch year as 2245, when Jim Kirk was 12 and Spock 15 (and in the Kelvin Universe, the Enterprise is launched much later in 2258 under Pike, but that's explicitly an AU where everything post 2233 is different)
The Man-Kzin Wars
I wrote a whole thing about the Kzinti in Trek here:
In Larry Niven's Known Space novel universe, the Kzinti were defeated when humans invented faster-than-light travel. In the 1970's, long before Star Trek First Contact, Star Trek Enterprise or the official Chronology book, I'd guess the 4 Man-Kzin Wars took place much as in Known Space, warp drive made the difference. But what does Sulu say?
"The Kzinti fought four wars with humankind and lost all of them. The last one was two hundred years ago..."
So despite "The Counter-Clock Incident" implying 40 years ago for warp drive and "The Time Trap" giving us a first ship with warp drive looking much like the TAS Enterprise implying it's not that old, now it's 200 years ago. Which in modern Trek would be around the time of Star Trek First Contact. I have a headache.
So in summery, TAS is amazing and it's continuity is utterly flawless and it's everything else made since that's wrong even when TAS clearly wasn't paying attention to what it itself had established.
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Thinking about Vulcans having video conversations on their PADDs and with the way they’re speaking everyone thinks they must on some important business meeting call, but when they take a peak it’s a tiny toddler babbling back at them
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spocksgotemotions · 1 year
i would love a Star Trek set in a Starfleet day care. Give me numerous species of toddlers interacting with each other. Give me a Vulcan two year trying to logic themselves out of a diaper change. Give me a Trill baby that loses their shit when another kid eats a worm on the playground. Give me the absolute most exhausted, underpaid Starfleet preschool teachers trying to keep these kids alive EVEN THOUGH the Klingon toddlers keeps trying to engage the teachers in combat
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bumblingbabooshka · 9 months
Picturing Tuvok spending every second of the Seven years it takes to get back home going "Melding with T'Pel again will fix me" whenever he notices he's doing or thinking something (he perceives as) out of character, strange, ignominious - and then when he finally gets back and melds with her he realizes that nothing's been fixed per say and is like ":/ Fuck."
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powerpcinside · 5 months
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Sims 2: Green Skintones
I made these because I wanted to make Orions, but Orions are just green people so... I figured someone else might have a use for them, whether for orcs or something else (there's not enough yellow to do Shrek I don't think).
I did four different shades, Light, Tan, Medium, and Dark. I also made some addons for additional details, which are monolid eyeshadows based off of Lilith's Delicate eyeshadow, a set of my Bajoran nosemasks, and recolors of Vulcan ears by NixNivis.
From left to right in the preview: a teen make with the Tan tone, a toddler male with the Vulcan ears and the Light tone, an adult female with the monolid makeup and the Dark tone, and an elder female with the Bajorn nosemask (not that you can tell) and the Medium tone.
Based off of @dreadpirate's Party for One skinblend as most of my recent stuff usually is. Skin is customized and not townified.
DOWNLOAD: SimFileShare
Monolid Makeup
Bajoran Nosemasks
Vulcan ears
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frecklenog · 6 months
sybok is such a fascinating character to me.
imagine you grow up with your single mom and she tells you that, despite what others say, emotions are not inherently bad. they can be a source of pain, but also of immense strength. and she’s your mother, and she’s a very important woman in the community, so of course you trust her. but then she gets taken away for her beliefs — the same ones she instilled in you — because that way of thinking is dangerous. emotions led to the wars of your planet’s past and the splintering of your people.
so you’re sent to live with your father, and he’s important too. you learn what it means that he’s an “ambassador” and. hang on. his job is to deal with offworlders. humans. known for their emotional illogic. but your father says that their perspective and experiences are as valuable as your own. he believes in k'lalatar prkori k'lalatar prnak'lirli — infinite diversity in infinite combinations. but when you express the emotions your mother told you were not inherently bad, so long as you controlled your actions, you are ridiculed, and you feel shame for letting him down.
your father marries. technically, he was never properly married to your mother. through him you find yourself connecting with terran culture and language, and you learn that you are what is considered a bastard. you remember that when he chastises you for being too openly expressive.
your father does not marry a vulcan, but a human. he says that it is logical — what better way to come to understand humanity, after all? — but there are many suitable human ambassadors, and he marries a teacher. not that you complain, of course. your father is an adult and his mind will not be changed once he makes it up. you can see fallacies in his logic. but he is happy, even if he refuses to admit it.
your father and stepmother decide to have another child. in the third month, your stepmother miscarries, and she is heartbroken by it. you can tell that your father is, too — and he’s all the sharper when you try to offer comfort to him. your stepmother is receptive, though. she reminds you of your birth mother. (you sometimes struggle to remember what she looked like. you were very young when she was sent away.)
eventually, after years of research and effort and legal battles to grant permission to alter the genome of the fetus, your little brother is born. he cries when he’s removed from his growth chamber. so does your stepmother. he has pointed ears and copper-based blood, just like you. and he has emotions, just like you. it’s clear that he does when he pouts and stomps as a toddler. when he gets into fights at school. when he runs off into the mountains for days on end. when he undergoes the kahs’wan in the dead of night. he worries your stepmother. pains her, even. but it’s borne of a well of love so deep you have no way to fathom it yet. (if you look closely enough, you can see her emotions reflected in your father, unrelated to their mated bond.)
you excel in school. you are brilliant, strong-willed, and know how to construct an argument about damn near anything. anything can be a “logical” conclusion, depending on perspective, or the lens through which it is viewed. you consider becoming a philosopher, like your father’s forefather, surak. namesake of your house. savior of your people. progenitor of your way of life.
you leave vulcan, though not by choice. you are labeled v’tosh ka’tur. a vulcan without logic. you are banished from your home. you do not say goodbye to your father, but you do to your little brother. he is scared. afraid of being alone. but you have no choice. you leave him behind. you never expect to see him again.
but you do. he left your homeworld of his own volition. he told the vulcan science academy to go fuck themselves and enlisted in starfleet. he is no longer the scared and lonely boy you left behind. his bond with his crew is unbreakable, and you can’t help the pride welling in your chest. you don’t want to.
you give your life for his, and for those he loves.
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thecelestiallegacies · 9 months
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Visiting Grandpa Vulcan's Voice || Thorne's Voice || Lucy's Voice || Grace's Voice
The grownups are cooking in the kitchen while the girls watch cartoons on Thorne's small box television. The couch in the living room was scratchy and Grace found that fact very distracting from her cartoons.
Vulcan was making a pasta prima vera with Thorne. They laughed together in the kitchen, tossing olives at each other which bounced on the counter and rolled onto the floor. "I can see why you invited us now, haha." Thorne was taken a bit back by the statement and his eyebrows furrowed. "I do enjoy spending time with you Vulcan, you're not just an excellent cook, you're my grandson, and I'm not your mother. Haha!" "There's always been such a strong focus on her, there are a lot of times I feel like I'm stuck in her shadow."
Thorne gave his grandson a sharp smile and placed a hand on Vulcan's shoulder. "Vulcan... you force her to cast a shadow. She always thought she was the center of the universe... You stepped up to tell your own story without her. Don't forget that. You're a self made man and I respect that so much. I'm really proud of you Vulcan."
Vulcan opened his mouth to express how much he appreciated his grandfather's sentiment, his daughter's yell rang from the living room. "DaAaAaAaAaAaAaAaAdDdDdDyYyYyY!!!!!!!" Thorne gave him an understanding smile and Vulcan headed into the living room to find Lucy waiting for him. "Is it almost time to go home?!? There's no toys here and the couch is itchy!" Lucy wined. Vulcan nodded. "Yes, after dinner. Will you girls help the grown ups set the table? No more itchy couch, right?" Grace groaned and slid off of the couch and walked to the table with her twin.
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