#vrykul female
findmeinshattrath · 11 months
The War Within and the Worldsoul Saga Reveal
Some thoughts on the new expansion(s)
Not my favorite cinematic, but I liked it for the most part. Appreciated the more calm and intimate approach. Dialogue could have been better at some points though.
Anduin is a little generic looking for my tastes. He doesn't look bad, I just feel like you could toss him into most fantasy settings and he would fit. It's a very default protagonist look. Honestly, also reminds me a bit of the Warrior of Light they use in FF14 cinematics.
Alleria's going to look damn good though
Would not have guessed we'd be going all Journey to the Center of the Earth, but I AM FEELING IT!
The Shadow Priest's ex-knife returns and I am for it! Can't help but love the "edge of a knife" line in the trailer
All the new zones look damn interesting
Eager for the Nerubians, love those guys and I am expecting some friendlies. Somewhat mixed feelings on the look of the "evolved" Nerubians, but I like them overall
Isle of Dorn is intriguing. I love the Earthen and was expecting Titan-forged based on lore tidbits we've seen, so nothing shocking. Really enjoy the look of their buildings, it's a great take on the Dwarven aesthetic. Little bummed we don't seem to be getting anything that looks like the Northrend & Deepholm Earthen stuff.
New gryphons look dope
Earthen as an allied race is unexpected but very welcome! Would not have guessed they'd be neutral, but I am very grateful for that. May not be the most unique addition Alliance-wise, but seeing them in the Horde really gets me. Will probably elaborate on why in a later post.
Like the gemstones and SHOCKED Blizz actually gave the female Earthen beard options (love to see it)
Disappointed but not surprised that they don't get druids. Come on! Vrykul have them! Plus, could have had an Eonar connection
Ringing Deeps will probably be cool, but it kind of excites me the least for now. Do love the whole "underground cavern, pierced with sunlight from above, covered in plant life" thing though
Hallowfall caught me the most off guard
Underground neutral human civilization, descended from the Arathi, big light crystal, underground sea of monsters, air ships, Holy Fire, intense (and potentially dangerous, at least for us) faith in the Light. Goddamn. Might really have something here.
I am always in favor of potentially exploring different human cultures outside of the Alliance. That said, kind of a bummer that it's just another flavor of fantasy Europe like we always get.
Dragonriding coming to other mounts was expected, but nice to get confirmation
Hero Talents are very intriguing. Looking forward to seeing if they pull them off. If nothing else, the archetypes that come out of it will probably be fun to mess around with. A lot of the classes don't really have super unique "Hero archetypes" firmly established, so it'll be fun to see what they come up with.
Announcing 3 expansions at once is pretty ambitious, gotta say
Going back to Quel'Thalas to defend the Sunwell is gonna be cool. Lots they could do story and world-building wise.
Gryphon mount now, maybe dragonhawk next?
Curious and nervous about how Zul'Aman might fit into things (I'm really worried that they'll end up allied with the Void or just flat out destroyed)
Since we're probably going to kick Titan ass, I hope at least Eonar ends up on our side.
I wonder how Sargeras will fit into it
When I first saw the thing about warbands, I thought we were getting some sort of interactive companions/party members, like an evolution from followers and champions. Account wide stuff is nice though.
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brianmcnett-blog · 2 years
Sexual Dimorphism in World of Warcraft Goblins and Kul Tirans: A Fan Theory.
In World of Warcraft, there’s a size discrepancy between goblin males and females. Goblin males run about 3’6”. Female goblins are 4’1”. My headcanon reason is simple. Goblin men like tall girls, and want to be the small spoon when cuddling.
An aggressive go-getter, time-is-money goblin, at the end of the day wants to be the sub in a soft BDSM relationship with a big tiddy goblin gf. This is so prevalent among goblins, that goblin women are now substantially larger than the men. Just my headcanon.
Generations of this has seriously affected the size dynamic.
Other folks have observed this and state that this is the only case in WoW of the female models being larger than the males. True enough, but there's another example when you count NPCs.
Kul Tirans.
While the player models are all large, the NPCs contain humans of ordinary size, along with small, skinny men.
Again, it's my headcannon, that a similar dynamic is at play here. Not society-wide as with goblins, but there's a percentage of large Kul Tiran women into thinner, slighter guys, and Kul Tiran men in sufficient numbers to reciprocate, and they're isolated enough that it hasn't spread. It's not taken over the whole society, but the dynamic is there. Not universal, but "a thing."
But where did the large Kul Tirans come from?
Mostly Drustvar, it seems. We are told that the Drust (seafaring Vrykul) originally coexisted with the early human settlers. But as they began to die out the dynamic changed. Most of the Drust were okay with letting the humans take over (why?), but there were those who wanted to win back their lands and would do anything to do so.
Why would most of the Drust be okay with dying out? Because they weren't dying out. They intermarried with the settlers, and taught their children their unique form of druidism, and the big player character humans are basically the result. They're a major component of Kul Tiran society, more successful than ever.
The spirits of the long dead Drust inhabit golems of wicker and bone, which look nothing like their original form. The only living Drust we see, Ulfar, stays in his druid bear form, and is still a respected druid leader of the Kul Tiran Thornspeakers after all this time.
Anyway, because certain human men were totally into giant Vrykul druid women... blah blah... And some guys want to be the small spoon really badly... that's where the modern Kul Tirans, including the skinny ones, come from.
I have no actual proof to offer.
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Skjoldis colored sketches
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skadiwolfart · 6 years
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Old and new art comparison
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rykhafirehand · 7 years
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Ryk decided to dress up as a vrykul battlemaiden for Hallow’s End.
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wrath-sos-dovah · 3 years
Dragonflight Headcanons
Ok so don't get me wrong, I love Dragons and the Dragonflights but they don't seem to have a sort of "uniqueness" to them, as in aside from their main gimmicks there's nothing there. So I decided to share some of my headcanons to show how they can be more unique, and I will be going over both major and minor Flights.
Head shape is more like an Alligators.
Most disguise as humans, as they like their similarities (huberous.)
Common classes are; Shaman & Warrior.
Horns are more elk-like.
The gender neutral suffix for them is In.
Head shape is more like a Turtle/Tortoise.
Most disguise themelves as High Elves, for their shared intrest in magic.
Common classes are; Mage & Priest
Horns are more Ram-like.
The gender neutral suffix is Gosu.
Head shape is more like a bearded dragon.
Common Classes are; Priest & Shaman.
Most disguise themselves as Gnomes due to similar curiosities.
Horns are more like Garna's and/or Markhors.
Gender neutral suffix is Dormo.
Headshape is more like a Vipers.
Most disguise themselves as Night Elves due to their history together.
Common classes are; Druid & Shaman.
Horns are more like a Water Buffalo's.
Gender neutral suffix is Ua.
Headshape is the same as normal.
Common classes are; Paladin & Priest.
Most disguise themselves as Dwraves due to their sense of family.
Horns are also the same as normal.
Gender neutral suffix is Straszi.
Headshape is more like a Komodo Dragon's.
Common classes are; Warlock & Warrior.
Most disguise themselves as Orcs due to them being one of the only races their exposed to.
Horns are more like a Bull's.
They have a prefix of Chrom and Suffix's of Us for males, Th for females and Ts for gender neutrals.
Headshape is more like a Frilled Lizard's.
Common classes are; Priest & Warlock.
Most disguise themselves as Nightborne due to relating to their rebellion.
Horns are the same as Bronze Dragons.
They have a Prefix of something that relates to time and a suffix of Us.
Headshape is more like a Crocodile's.
Common classes are; Mage & Warlock.
Most disguise themselves as Blood Elves due to a similar need for magic.
Horns are more like a Impala's.
They have a Suffix of Aku and similar naming conventions as Blacks.
Headshape is the same as normal.
Horns are also the same as normal.
Most disguise themselves as Saytrs due to being on the same side.
Common classes are; Druid & Warlock.
They have similar suffix's to regular Green's but the most common are; On for males, Ra for females & Os for gender neutral's.
Originally used by the Scourge to aid in making Undead Dragons, but after the combined efforts of Alexstrasza & Ysera are now a new Dragonflight with acid breath.
Headshape is like a Caiman's.
Common classes are; Hunter & Rogue.
Horns are like that of a Pronhorn's
Most disguise themselves as Forsaken due to their shared orgins from the Scourge.
Suffix's are; Rus for males, Ria for females & Ran for gender neutrals.
Headshape is like a Gila Monster's.
Common classes are; Priest & Warrior.
Horns are like that of a Ibex's.
Most disguise themselves as Trolls, because most of the Trolls within the Twilight's Hammer Cult work with the Dragons.
Suffix's are; Ron for males, Iona for females & Ion for gender neutrals.
Storm Drakes (Thorignir):
Headshape is the same as normal.
Horns are also the same as normal.
Common classes are; Hunter & Shaman.
Most disguise themselves as Vrykul, due to being exposed to them the most.
Most names are nordic in nature with the common suffix's being; Or for males, Yr for females & Ir for gender neutrals.
Some of Vexiona's cult found still living eggs from their lady and with some magic made the Voidwing Dragonflight.
Headshape is the same as Vexiona's
Like Vexiona, Voidwings don't have horns.
Common Classes are; Druid & Priest
Most disguise themselves as Naga, due their shared origin in N'Zoth
Suffix's are; Nar for males, Xia for females and Ana for gender neutrals.
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mercurial-muses · 3 years
Valdyss, Summarized
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Name: Valdyss Duskbane
Alias/Nicknames: Val
Gender: Female (cis)
Age: 33
Western Zodiac: Taurus
Eastern Zodiac: Tiger
Abilities/Talents: magic wielder, proficient with dagger and short sword, gardener, maker of inks, skilled in enchanting and inscription
Alignment: lawful / neutral / chaotic / good / neutral / evil / true
Religion: agnostic
Sins: envy / greed / gluttony / lust / pride / sloth / wrath
Virtues: charity / chastity / diligence / humility / justice / kindness / patience
Languages: Common, some Orcish, learning every bit of Vrykul that she can
Family: orphan- parents presumed deceased, siblings unknown
Friends: The only thing Val will admit to with certainty is having acquaintances. She honestly isn’t sure that she has actual friends. If she were pressured to name someone… Tyra, she thinks. Maybe Mun-Li too?
Sexuality: heterosexual / bisexual / pansexual / homosexual / demisexual / asexual / unsure / other
Relationship Status: single / partnered / married / widowed / open relationship / divorced / not ready for dating / it’s complicated
Libido: sex god / very high / high / average / low / very low / non-existent
Build: slender / average / athletic / muscular / curvy / other
Hair: brown locs
Eyes: hazel
Skin: fair, warm-toned
Height: 5′5″
Scars: sword wound that arcs from the bottom of her left shoulder to a couple of inches away from her navel, small scar under her chin, small scars on both hands
dogs or cats || birds or bugs || snakes or spiders || coffee or tea || ice cream or cake || fruits or vegetables || sandwich or soup || magic or melee || sword dagger or bow || summer or winter || spring or autumn || past or future
Five songs that remind you of them:
Cry, by Thomas Bergersen
Heyr Himna Smiður, sung by Háskólakórinn
Use My Voice, by Evanescence
In The Air Tonight, by In This Moment
We Will Rock You, by In This Moment ft. Lzzy Hale & Taylor Momsen (Autumnhearth’s theme song in my mind, given all the badass ladies there)
Tagged by: @longveil
Tagging: @kegs-and-pots, @sailor-munli
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gloamingdawn · 4 years
I adore Lyn! But I am quite confused, is she a valkyr? Is she undead? I love the themes of her but I'm just curious.
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Well! This has been ongoing story for about four years now. It’s a little complicated and very long, so I’m gonna put it behind a read-more!
tl;dr - She is technically still alive, but did die and kind of found a bug in the Titan framework due to how she died that was the catalyst to this whole thing. She did not officially advance through the proper trials to become a fully fledged Val’kyr when she died, but was given a gift that allows her to assume the legitimate form of one, and has other abilities as a result that fall in line with what the Val’kyr are meant to do in the grand scheme of death. This has kinda made it hard for her to justify ICly if she’s actually alive or dead or something in-between (she’s definitely alive though, which is important for Shadowlands plot). 
So, a couple of years ago while fighting with a mercenary company on the Broken Shore she 100% died. Unquestionably. She remembers being dead -- and through a huge fluke in the Titanic watcher operating system, she hit a couple really major categories for filtering directly into Valkyra and the Halls of Valor to go through the official trials to become a Val’kyr:  1) Die in battle in a realm overseen by Odyn 2) Be the best female fighter of a generation Point 2 gets extra weird because the majority of her generation may have legitimately already died thanks to the scourge siege and all the wars in between, and elvish generations don’t necessarily overlay onto the traditional vrykul generations well. She still hasn’t figured out herself exactly where the bug happened in that one. 
Previous, even, to dying on the Broken Shore she proved her worthiness in battle against a tribe in the Howling Fjord some years before, even with her magic forcibly rune-bound within her body so she was already kind of “on the radar” as it were.
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She was brought before Eyir, and rather than send her through the traditional trials -- Eyir elected to send her back to Azeroth with no real explanation as to why. Just a command to do her bidding back among the living. Queen Ashildir kindly gave Lyn a few parting “gifts” as part of this before literally shoving her spirit out of the Halls.
When she woke up, centuries of past lingering injuries were gone and all the rune scars from that previous binding in the Fjord were changed into runes of power. Lyn’s spent about three years at this point in a body that she knows isn’t hers, and she’s still really not sure what happened there or how -- it’s been an ongoing crisis for her as to whether or not she’s actually alive or dead as a result. She’s leaning more toward alive these days, but she’s got a massive amount of dysmorphia around what she knew of her previous body and what she came back in. 
The “gifts” she was given were a new, constant sense of the general state of life in everyone around her -- something she’s used to great effect in healing tents on the battlefield and in the emergency room. She has the ability to literally turn into a Val’kyr for a brief amount of time to protect herself from harm, and in that brief amount of time she has a kind of spectral sight that lets her physically see people’s souls. 
She also was granted the ability to pass through the world of the living and into the Shadowlands in the spots where the veil thinned out which is ultimately how she’s been getting around the world for the last couple of years. Part of this gift translated into shepherding the spirits of the newly and not-so-newly dead along like a proper Val’kyr would actually do. 
As part of trying to “find her way” in whatever this new life is, she did officially join the ranks of the living aspirants in Skold Ashil to mixed approval and prejudice. She takes part in the traditional rites and ceremonies, she trains with the other aspirants, and she fully expects that when she is inevitably killed with her spear in her hand that she will face the official trials. They call her Alvilda (”warrior elf”) because they do recognize the Elves has existing and falling into their own place in Midgard/Azeroth, it’s just a little odd that she’s there with them. 
HOWEVER -- this has all gotten even more complicated now that Lyn 100% for a fact knows that she was sent back to do Eyir’s “bidding” to fix the problems that Sylvanas has caused with the Shadowlands as far back as the events in the Legion expansion, because the dead can’t. As kind of an “apology” Eyir did officially have the black joke armor that was made for Lyn by the women of Skold Ashil turned into true, golden Valkyra plate so everyone would know she’s legitimately an avatar of the Goddess’ will and acting in her favor. 
Lyn’s started to suspect that the reason why the earlier Point 2 filter caught her is because she and Sylvanas are from the same culture/similar generations, but this hasn’t been confirmed to her and she really hasn’t had a chance to ask.  
She also feels like Eyir is a weird aspect of the Light, which does fall into her original religious upbringing and she doesn’t feel like she’s really deviated from those prior teachings. It’s just gotten weird. 
Thanks @lariadnedawnburn! 
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whisperingsim · 4 years
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Download on the gallery at WhisperingSims
Bobur Eyelashes 19.package
[sattterlly] DAI - Common_boots_3_F.package
[satterlly]DAO - Noble_shoes.package
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wowcaps · 5 years
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World of Warcraft A-Z: Storm Peaks (Wrath of the Lich King expansion)
A land of perpetual ice and snow the Storm Peaks is home to the Viking-like Vrykul people and in particular the female-dominated Hyldnir. It is also home to one of the greatest raids in WOW, the great Ulduar. Home to Yogg-Saron, an Old-God so powerful that he required multiple Titans just to keep him secure. However, over the millenia he has corrupted every one of his Titan guards.
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deadreasoning · 5 years
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Art by @nineprotons The basics Name: Aellais Birth Name: Aellais Windsworn Age: ~150ish Race: Undead Blood Elf Gender: Female Sexuality: presently asexual and mostly aromantic Marital Status: Widowed. Family: deceased parents and husband, fellow undead sister Physical Appearance: Hair: bone white and on the brittle side Eyes: Blue Height: 5'11" Build: compact and light, a jockey's build Personal Profession: Ebon Blade Gryphon Rider (former Dragonhawk Rider) Hobbies: spider husbandry Languages: Thalassian, Orcish, Common, Dwarvish Residence: Reclaimed vrykul hunting lodge in Howling Fjord, rarely lives in it Birthplace: An estate in the portion of Eversong that is now the Ghostlands Fears: becoming a mindless undead personality traits awkward as hell around people, maybe a little unintentionally creepy about it. Fiercely loyal to people she considers her friends. background Aellais fought in the Second War as a Dragonhawk Rider - it was a way to improve her social prospects and make something of herself. Otherwise, she might have just gone down the same career path as her father, the stablemaster on a noble estate, and never traveled beyond the estate's confines. She wasn't quite prepared for the true horrors of battle, but found friends and a calling and a romantic partnership that helped her adjust to some reasonably stable life between the wars. The Scourge Invasion shattered all of that to pieces. With little to nothing left, she was a good candidate to follow Kael'thas' forces. She flew with a Sunfury battalion through Northrend and Outland and Quel'danas. It was on the island that her unit surrended to Silvermoon's forces after being decimated. They began the process of re-integration, but it didn't always come easily. To this day, she suspects politics as play for the scouting mission she and some of her squadron were sent on across the border in the Plaguelands. The one that ultimately killed her. She was raised in the meat grinder that was Acherus, and doesn't recall too much of what came afterwards until she found herself in Light's Hope, a pair of runeblades in her hands and holy ground burning the bottons of her boots. She deployed with the Ebon Blade to Northrend and spent most of the war flying in Icecrown. She remained there for some time after the Lich King's defeat, helping maintain structures and bases in case they were ever needed again. She spent some time working with the Horde as well, even if she never felt like she found a home there (too distrustful of Silvermoon's orders, not quite able to blend in among the Forsaken) Lately, she's started to question her place in the world. Things that happened during the Broken Shore campaign (The Lich King's return? Raising and training new death knights to fight the Legion?) have made her a little uncomfortable of the Ebon Blade's leadership, and she's begin to seek assignments further afield to distance herself from it as much as she can.
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rimeshard · 5 years
Back Catalog of Items
As a vendor, Riley tends to go through a ton of items at any one given market, shop stall, booth or festival. I’m keeping track of the items she sells in this post!
Some of them might return; some of them are too rare or meaningful. Who knows 💀
The most recent incarnation of the catalog can be found [ HERE ]. Note that the items there [ unless they have a ‘Restocked’ stamp! ] will not be listed here until they’ve been sold.
NOTE: I won’t be keeping track of who buys them; each marketplace will have its own post after its completion that announces that information.
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[ Tarnished Scorn-Ring ]
A forlorn looking ring with a single blue-black gemstone of indeterminate worth set in its center. The band is thick, yet is able to stretch to fit on any finger that tries it on without yield or warping the metal, from Gnome to Tauren. Wearing this ring while unencumbered with the weight of emotional devotion to another fills its wearer with a sense of warmth and comfort, and they are able to easily remove it and re-gift it. A bearer that wears this ring while their heart is pledged to another will feel nothing but sorrow and boundless misery while their partner is close - eventually fostering a Pavlovian resentment towards them. What appears to be a simple strip of gold is in reality an indestructible, unknown alloy; taking a runic hammer to it, shooting it off or freezing the metal to make it brittle will not remove it from the bearer’s person; even removing the finger itself will cause the ring to simply materialize onto another one. 
The only way to truly remove the ring for the burdened one is to terminate their feelings towards their loved one with full cognizance and determination. Only then will ring will then shatter off into brittle, blackened pieces. If the previous owner attempts to rekindle the relationship then unrestrained, the innumerably indestructible sharp shards of the ring’s remnants will stop at nothing to drive themselves into the loved one’s heart.
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[ Kul Tiran Music Box ]
A carved wooden music box, pieced together from roughly-hewn, polished and lovingly lacquered driftwood, slightly larger than an average human male’s palm. When opened, it displays the obvious inner trappings of a music box anchored within; a contraption featuring rows of tiny keys that drag across a metallic rotary spindle dotted with raised pinpricks. The box does not appear to require any wind-up mechanism, and plays from where it last left off when closed. A slow, soothing melody, reminiscent of a joyous key of the Daughter of the Sea plays upon opening the lid to this music box, and a glistening arcane projection of two female figures embracing dance in the blank space of the vessel.
Opening this box to play on any shore of Kul Tiras will summon melancholy spirits of those that have drowned at sea, looking to be put to rest in finality from their untimely oceanic demise.
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[ Scarlet Libram Bindings ]
Abandoned covers of what looks to have been a libram belonging to a paladin of the Scarlet Crusade. The pages have all been mercilessly torn from the spine in ragged clumps, leaving only shreds of parchment behind that stubbornly stayed glued to the baseboard. The libram’s covers are bedecked in untarnished gold, with large oval rubies bound by golden prongs in the four corners, and an embossed symbol of the kingdom of Lordaeron as a battle standard in the center. Behind it is the symbol of a flame, made to shine incandescent when the bindings are tilted and viewed at differing angles. All holy power seems to have been stripped from these bindings, leaving them as little more than decorative iconography. Perhaps a collector is interested in restoring or maintaining it.
No hidden effects here - these bindings can be used to repair a Crusader’s broken libram, or perhaps burnt in effigy by someone whom the Crusade has harmed.
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[ Thorval’s Missing Blood Vial ]
A chipped vial covered in stickied fingerprints that persist no matter how forcefully one tries to wash them off. The vial is empty, but has a reddish tinge stained to its transparent glass, that likewise cannot be scoured. Adding even scant drops of any one creature’s fresh blood, several mana crystals, and then corking the vial and shaking it will cause the drops of blood inside to replicate at an abnormal rate. This blood is identical to the donor’s blood and can be used how one sees fit.
The longer one shakes the vial, the more blood is replicated. It is ill-advised to proceed once the glass container is filled, as doing so may force the coagulated blood to develop sentience, burst angrily from containment and wholly defend itself against further agitation.
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[ Firehawk Fletching Pouch ]
A loose leather pouch of intensely colored, carefully formed and cut feathers, designed to aerodynamically help guide an arrow to its target. They have a color gradient ranging from a deep crimson to a vibrant white, and are perpetually warm to the touch. When correctly attached to an arrow shaft and fired from a skilled ranger’s bow, they appear to engulf the surrounding atmosphere in dazzling flames, leaving a trail of embers in their wake. Elongated and dagger-like, these sharpened feathers give off a vibe of unsettling anger and even betrayal.
A ranger that uses these feathers as fletching against a target that they hold considerable ire towards will find that shots explode on contact - dealing damage to only allies in a rain of red-hot embers.
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[ Jar of L’ghorek Jelly ]
Riley and her former partner took place in an undersea battle with the might of the Alliance in order to protect Azeroth’s coasts from the risen demigod L’ghorek, manipulated by the Twilight’s Hammer into service to fulfill a sinister plot of destruction and mayhem. Riley herself was able to directly damage one of the creature’s many eyes, and recover a clay jar’s worth of inner eyeball jelly that had stuck to her armor. This jelly appears to retain an oily state when removed from water, making it perfect for machine lubricants, sloughing over healing wounds, moisturizing cracked skin and more.
Customers - especially those prone to whispers - are not recommended to attempt to use this jelly for personal lubrication, as it may still contain the taint of the Void, despite best attempts to have it purified.
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[ Evercracked Geode ]
A small, plain rock, roughly the size of an elf’s closed fist.  When broken open, the rock reveals itself to be a sparkling geode, rimmed with valuable crystals - the bulk of which are contained together into a large random gemstone, pre-polished and ready for sale, able to be safely chipped from the rock’s remnants. When left covered, the geode - no matter how small the pieces of which were crushed - will revert to its original form, so long as it remains undisturbed. Cracking it open again a full day later will reveal yet another precious stone; replicated and guaranteed to make the beholder wealthy through resale.
The buyer is cautioned to keep only the original pieces of the geode together and completely undisturbed during its reformation process. Attempts to manipulate the geode onto larger rocks to greedily facilitate the spread of the gems within will result in the rock instead taking a living form and attacking the owner without remorse or relent - once it is destroyed, the original geode replication rock cannot be recovered.
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[ Vrykul Death Mask ]
Lesser Vrykul were not given the honorable death they so desired. Those made mortal by the curse of flesh who died in mundane ways - nothing inherently worthy, such as battle, or even through a worthy trade, like a smithing accident - were not given an interred burial in revered grounds like Shield Hill. Their shamed faces were covered with roughly carved wooden masks, and their bodies were cast out to be pecked apart by ravens, unclaimed by any who passed them. They were given no weaponry with which to defend themselves in Helheim. These rotten, fetid carvings, swollen by the elements and worn over time, took on echoes of the rage and sorrow their bearers feel while trapped within the inescapable realm of Helya’s domain.
Placing this mask on one’s face - covering their eyes, nose and mouth - will immediately cease all bodily functions within that person, effectively killing them. While their body bears this mask, their spirit is tethered to the body; able to move freely between material spaces or observe an opaque, blurred version of the Shadowlands. For all intents, the person wearing this mask is dead, and cannot be revived until someone else removes the mask.
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[ Val’kyr Haunt Seeker ]
A finely sculpted lifelike statue, carved out of marble, in the shape of an ascending val’kyr; the very tips of her toes connecting with a flared base, her wings ablaze and pike raised aloft into the air in a gesture of triumph. The base is inscribed with a golden plaque bearing the name “ANNHYLDE” in faded vry’kul runes, smoothed over as if reverently stroked by passerby. This statue is imbued with the blessings of the Light most Radiant, and will seek out and destroy untethered wayward spirits when placed into an area in which one haunts. The val’kyr will briefly animate and reach out with its pike, pointing towards and firing a bolt of Light at the spirit to coalesce and ensnare it into itself. In this manner it will keep one’s home clean from rebellious souls.
If the Haunt Seeker is relied upon too heavily to maintain the spiritual cleansing of one’s hearth, it will gradually darken in both form and shade - the marble taking on an ashen appearance - until the figure ‘dies’ and is reborn as a vengeful Scourge val’kyr. It will animate fully, lifting off from the base, and release the dense cluster of souls it has collected over time in an orchestrated attack against its lackadaisical owners.
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[ Tattered Heraldic Standard ]
A heraldic standard that, when untouched by any hand, bears a grayed and matted appearance, not giving any true clue to whom it belongs. It looks to be made of thick and rugged burlap, designed to withstand many battles and banner-waving, but has no iconography sewn into its bearing, or any hint of former house information. When a soldier under a council of repute touches the standard to shoulder it into a battle, the colors of their gallantly pledged order spread like watercolors onto the grey, dyeing down to the very fringes the soldier’s true colors of loyalty, along with the house sigil. In this way, a Sovereign, Duke, Lord or Baron may test their army’s patriotic dedication within their ranks; if one among them who bears this standard is treacherous, the banner will begin to warp as if touched by bleach to the turncoat’s true house colors.
If a soldier is truly loyal to none but themselves, the standard will remain tattered and grayed despite any goading or fevered attempts to impress those of a higher station with their sworn loyalties.
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[ Thalassian Phoenix Earrings ]
A pair of ornately designed, filigree-encrusted truesilver earrings. They are dripping with flawless almond-shaped sapphires and Azerothian diamonds in a symmetrical pattern, visually evoking the plumed feathers of a rising phoenix, with the hoop viewed and formed as its beak gracefully clasping onto the wearer’s earlobe. The truesilver bird is at first shown with its feathers clasped to its breast, and while worn, slowly open to reveal what appears to be a triumphant approach into the dusk. While discernible as heavy and cumbersome to wear, they are unnervingly light to hold. They may have belonged to a Thalassian bride or even royalty, given their ornate design. Merely being in the earrings’ presence evocates an aura of morose loss.
One who is suffering from a yet-incurable illness can bear these earrings to have their body be put into a permanent stasis. Unlike other items that may go so far as to physically stall the bodily function of the bearer in question until such time as they are removed, these earrings merely put the sufferer into a stiff, dreamless sleep from which they cannot be awakened or interacted with, even through the Dream or in the Shadowlands. One is advised to remove the earrings before the truesilver phoenix fully appears to be taking flight, or the soul of the bound being will travel with it to parts unknown.
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[ Bag of Underbelly Rats ]
A purple-dyed burlap sack bearing the Kirin Tor’s golden all-seeing eye sigil in its center.  Opening the sack releases a single engorged rat from the Underbelly of the Dalaran Sewers. The rats are always slightly violet-tinged with phosphorescent white eyes, and bearing any conceivable mutation or temporary magical power from the multitudes of potions sent to the Sewers. The summoned rat is loyal only to the sack owner and will obey the orders given, but is instantly dispersed into a cloud of arcane dust if the sack is opened again to replace it with another at-random rat - in this manner, only one Underbelly rat can be summoned at any given time. There appears to be an infinite amount of rats summonable in this fashion. This sack functions as a one-way portal FROM Dalaran, and the bearer cannot use it to visit the Sewers themselves.
Attempting to summon more than one rat at once by vigorously shaking the bag upside down will instead summon a swarm of vicious and rabid rats that will turn on the sack-bearer.
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[ Obrahiim’s Abandoned Scroll Case ]
An elongated, blackened and tattered scroll case, with a ripped, ragged strap affixed to its body designed for ease of shouldering it and its contents. The case itself is empty save for several undisturbed cobwebs; devoid of any parchment or quills. As a whole, this case looks to be engraved and branded with varying spider-like designs, evoking a Nerubian influence. Tarnished gold leaf flecks cover the breadth of the case, and it is speckled with cracked gemstones and sockets; it held obvious significance once, perhaps as a gift, but has been left to rot in abandonment. 
The longer the case is held, the more fantastical the flood of architectural designs into one's mind becomes. However,  an obsessive consultation of the case results in an increasingly arachnid and disturbing pattern given - influencing the case’s querent with nightmares of spindled legs and unceasing whispers.
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[ King’s Amber Chunk ]
A roughly cut yellow gemstone, with innumerable facets man-made and otherwise inside and out on its face. Within the entirety of the crystal's length, and peppering the depths of its makeup, are tiny golden rivulets of various shimmering, refractory shades. King's Amber is formed from ancient trees located beyond the southernmost point of the Bleeding Hollow ruins in Terokkar Forest, and is incredibly difficult to gather by one's self - the broken trees, floating unstable islands and native wildlife is usually treacherous enough to deter the casual adventurer. While not very resonant, King’s Amber is mostly desired both for its natural luster in jewelry and study of fossilized remnants.
Cloudy King's Amber may be clarified in an oil-bath, as the oil fills the numerous pores that give the piece its turbidity. The resulting oil is then usually recommended by smiths in the know to quench finished blades being forged for nobility, as it gives the metal a sheen that normally requires hours of polishing. Cracking open the King’s Amber will release what appears to be hundreds of tiny fireflies that give the piece its luminosity; only skilled jewelers need apply to work with this material, unless they want to completely dull the intent of owning the piece.
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[ Humble Veneration Candle ]
A candle traded to Riley at the Tournament of Ages in exchange for the bindings of a battered Scarlet libram. While humble in nature, with wax sourced from the Storm Peaks - nothing obtuse, such as foreign wax from Kul Tiras, or Pandaria - the candle is formed in a pillar with a thickened wick, allocating a long burn time. The candle itself gives off a pious appearance; humble, not dyed or painted white, and even rough in places from its handmade dipped formation. Riley was able to secure this candle, noting even in her state of undeath that it held great spiritual ties to the Light. The Forsaken - yes, Forsaken - paladin that had hand-formed this candle had done so in reverence and in use for quiet repose, not to be used in a pompous ceremony at a service for the passing of a collection plate, and thus it embodies the virtue of ‘the eye of the needle’.
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[ Ruhkmar’s Scrutiny ]
What appears to be a natural gemstone the size of a Gnomish index finger, smooth and hexagon shaped, with a gradient scaling innard of piercing yellow to a depthless black from the surface to its core - giving off a sacred reminiscence of an unblinking, all-seeing iris. The gemstone itself contains no natural visible or invisible flaws within its structure; no air bubbles, no cleaved cavities, no clouding and no scuffs befouling its form. A jewelcrafter may be brought to stunned silence at the natural formation of this gem; the only ‘flaws’ being a scant remnant of stonework clinging to its underside, betraying its unethical removal and theft from an Arakkoan statue. This can be easily removed by one skilled at the craft. Perfectly formed, this gemstone collects, stores, refracts and then multiplies any sunlight or holy Light shot towards it; in this manner, it may be attached to a weapon as a foci for one versed in such practice.
The buyer is cautioned to not stare too deeply into the iris’ black center to trace back the beautiful hues comprising the gem - while they will not hear whispers attributed to the gods of old, they will however feel a white-hot burning in the back of their eyeballs that cannot be alleviated by any means, akin to gazing unblinking at the sun for a long period of time.
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[ Azshara-Print Beach Towel ]
The last vestige of a very, very failed business venture on the part of a very, very entrepreneurial Goblin. His mindset being that beachgoers loved having their own unique towels with which to sun themselves on at the beach, many with customized prints - and why not an image of the most beautiful creature on Azeroth, the Queen of the Naga herself? A generously described “artist’s rendition” of the Queen was drawn up by a poorly compensated artist - always pay your artists! - who swelled her bosoms up to a size befitting the Goblin businessman’s aesthetic. The towels were printed and offered by beachside shack - another very poor business decision - and without delay a cadre of Naga Fathom-Lords had arrived, tridents in hand, to shred the Goblin, his shack, and the stock of badly-made merchandise. Hardly absorbent, threadbare and mass-produced with cheapened ink, this towel is the last of its kind due to the prior owner’s severed head being carried back into the tides with the Fathom-Lords on one of their trident prongs. None have tried to desecrate the Queen in such a manner since.
Waving this towel at a beachside will undoubtedly summon a small army’s worth of infuriated Naga, all of which are  hellbent on recuperating the dignity of their beloved Queen. Otherwise, it’s a pretty awful rendition of Azshara’s person. Maybe it could be worth some coin to a fanatical Highborne? It doesn’t seem to have any curses or ill-intent otherwise.
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[ Handcarved Reed Flute ]
A memento from a famous traveling singer and verdant-clad performance artist who made his living busking in the busy streets of the Seven Kingdoms. When particularly pleased with the accompaniment of a performing child to draw in the admiring eyes of a generous crowd, this artist would gift his impromptu partner with a piccolo carved from a simple hollow reed, to keep them amused when he would leave until such time that he would return. The minstrel made the grave mistake of visiting the cursed city of Stratholme on the day that the crown prince of Lordaeron made his choice to purge it of its festering rot. Struck down, the minstrel’s spirit wanders the streets of the ever-burning city, refusing to stop performing for the lost souls of the damned, in the hope of providing even the smallest respite.
This reed-carved flute has retained its shape and tensile strength over time, and is still a functional instrument. Even a feeble attempt to play it will almost always lull the player’s audience into a calm stupor, regardless of their feral nature, drunken rage or bloodlust. If played by a particularly skilled performer, it will add a concerto depth and a ghostly accompaniment to their song by an unseen, grateful partner.
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[ Unending Pouch of Jerky ]
A leather piece that folds open into a bisected wallet. One can pull out countless pieces of a meaty jerky - the source of which is entirely unknown - that fills the stomach of the owner and whomever they wish to share it with. This is not your typical mana-based mage food; it is wholly filling, and does not appear to be constructed from arcane magics. The cohesion, flavor and chewiness of the jerky changes each time a piece is withdrawn, as if the meat source was not consistent; sometimes stringy, sometimes beef-flavored or chicken-flavored; sometimes exotic foods appear, such as venison, zhevra, basilisk, boar, chimera, Barrens kodo, Icecrown penguin, or even supple hawkstrider and toughened corehound meat; on rare occasions, the owner may withdraw a rotted, fetid piece of flesh from an abomination in Acherus.
The exceedingly greedy may find their muscles atrophying when using the wallet too much as a primary food source, suggesting that the constant divvying is depleting their own flesh for sustenance.
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[ Slice of Petrified World Tree ]
The intense heat and pressure from the fires of Teldrassil crushed the boughs of the great Tree beneath its own crumbling weight. This compression forced a rushed petrification of the remaining wood; what wasn’t wholly consumed in the fire remained as an eerily beautiful organic sculpture of twisted, blackened lumber, and when the ash is dusted away, it reveals a piece with innumerably beautiful layers. It is hard to tell if this is directly from the Tree, or a Kaldorei building that nestled within Dolanaar or other Kaldorei settlements. This is a unique piece; several palm lengths tall and an inch thick.
The purchase of this item invites the spirit of a lost Kaldorei that perished in the fires of Teldrassil to haunt your home. They will soil your food, wilt your plant life and snuff your hearth - for obvious reasons.
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[ Cartel Multitool ]
A beaten-down and worn looking wooden pocket knife with innumerable layered tools stashed within, bearing the mark of what one assumes is a foreign Goblin cartel. Only the attuned buyer - or one gifted it - may utilize this device, and fold it open to its full size; while human finger-length, it has obviously been enchanted by a prior crafter to expand outwards when necessary to retrieve the needed tool. When opened, this item can function as anything reasonably designated as a hand-powered tool. This includes, on record: an axe, a crowbar, a small hammer, a saw, a collapsing drill, a can opener, a hole punch, three varieties of screwdriver, a dagger, nail clippers, a leather punch, spring-bearing scissors, a metal file, a wood chisel, a pair of removable tiny pliers, a magnifying lens with two settings, a multipurpose hook, a stainless steel pin, a wire scraper, a cuticle pusher, a fish scaler, and a corkscrew. One gets the impression that nearly any man-powered tool can be pulled from the folded depths.
The buyer is recommended to replace the tool that is withdrawn from the multitool promptly when finished with it. Giving more than a passing glance over some of the more otherwise unremarkable tools within the set reveal them to be embossed with hardened bone and toughened sinew, not metal and leather; conclusions can be drawn that the tool has recouped its losses of items from the previous owners in trade for their carelessness.
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[ Morose Stuffed Owlbeast Plush ]
The forlorn remains of a half-charred owlbeast plush, presumably recovered from a Darnassian settlement following the destruction of many Kaldorei homesteads. This owlbeast has foul-smelling burnt false hair, is missing a soft felt horn, and has a large rip in its midsection; half of its stuffing is spilling, and one of its button eyes is coming undone and needs to be resewn. It is able to manifest a morose ‘hoot’ when gently squeezed - just so, though, as to not encourage more stuffing to fall out. The owlbeast, when encountered by one who would foster it back to ‘health’ with lovingkindness and care, immediately imprints upon such a prospective owner, and fills them with an aura of comfort.
Keeping this stuffed animal around other dolls unattended will result in their wanton destruction - stuffing ripped out, eyes pulled off, outfits slashed - by the jealous spirit of the creature. If the owlbeast is completely repaired by its purchaser, the ensuing rampages will stop, but the comforting aura will persist and magnify.
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[ Silver Hand Tabard Shreds ]
Shreds of what was once a tabard of the Silver Hand, braided together in a rope as to not be torn apart. The embroidered silver fist emblem of the Hand can be felt within its pleats, giving off an almost unnaturally warm glow when held by those that reverently follow the path of the Light. Those in the close presence of this braided relic are often brought to a deferential silence, in memory of the Order’s - and in particular - Highlord Tirion Fordring’s sacrifices; grasping it while ungloved will fill the beholder with visions and warmth of the Light’s will - superseding their own, in some ways, with its gentle guidance.
Reliance on this tabard for grace will inevitably lead to an unhealthy dependency on it - the beholder not being able to draw on their own connection to the Most Radiant. The more they try to seek validation and pleasure through the Light’s warmth, the more the tabard is reduced to a ratty, tattered cloth, the braid coming undone and the fabric fraying into meaningless threads.
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[ Candescent Vase ]
An unoffending flower vase, hand-blown and translucent. It has tinges of seafoam greens and blues that swirl through its form, culminating in a pure white rolled rim, and is threaded with thin veins of pyrite throughout. The vase is reminiscent of an animated ocean’s rolling tide when viewed at varying angles. Placing greenery within this vase, along with pure water, will ensure that it never wilts; not a petal or pistil is out of place once its stalk is placed inside. Those partial to keeping the flowers everlasting within the vase may yet feel slightly anemic themselves for as long as the flora remains within.
While useful for continual harvest of rare herbs and flowers, one is cautioned to not keep more carnivorous plants such as the Gorgrond Flytrap in this vase, as it tends to draw more upon the owner’s life force to thrive.
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[ Cracked Gold-Rimmed Monocle ]
A dandy plate-glass circular lens, rimmed in gold; it is missing its securing chain. While the glass was once pristine, it is now spiderwebbed and the metal bezel is bent and tarnished. Acquiring and affixing it in one's dominant eye orbit offers them a distinguished appearance, inviting confidence and camaraderie. Despite the glass's thickened cracks, once the monocle is worn, one is able to see through the lens with odd clarity - especially viewing the more affluent; the lens highlights coins and jewelry the viewer's target has on their person, regardless of where the wealth is shrouded.
Wearing this monocle for extended periods will cause the bearer to see nothing but hallucinogenic projections of untouchable coins and piles of jewels in seemingly innocuous locations.
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[ Broken Jinyu Pearl Set ]
What appears to be a broken set of pearl jewelry; a necklace and set of earrings nestled within a crushed velvet jewelry box. One gets the sense that if the earrings were fully put together, they would construct something evocative of Jinyu aesthetic - a pile of unrepaired jewelry parts sits in the box, tangled up into itself. There are a set of opalescent blue pearls, threaded through knots of thin silver chains; unseemingly bent trident-like fork rounds out as a clutch for the pearl pair. The necklace in question has a set of tangled pearls equal if not larger in size than the earrings, and is interspersed with dripping, torn chains of cracked teal-tinted diamonds in pear cuts. A skilled artisan could repair these pieces and sell them for a decent enough price, given that their knowledge of Jinyu jewelcrafting suffices.
Once repaired, if a potential buyer has a strong rapport with the sea - Kul Tiran in blood, a shaman that specializes in healing waters, an elf that may have been a seafaring merchant, even a mage talented in frost magics - any sort of oceanic affinity may belong here - they may find themselves drawn to wearing the jewelry, and it will greatly amplify any connection to all forms of water and its manipulation. However, doing so will force any food or water that is near their lips to turn to a sickening pitch consistency while wearing the jewelry - their hands can grasp the food, and even others may attempt to feed them to circumvent this - but the nourishment will consistently turn to the viscosity of repulsive sludge once it nears them. Rapidly removing and re-adding the jewelry will not bypass this effect, as its curse is immediate, and lingers for several days after the jewelry’s removal.
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[ Coronet of the Waning Crescent ]
A beautifully thin silver circlet, the face of which is set with a series of round-cut opaque moonstones and glimmering opals. When a buyer places this crown on their brow, they instantly become physically blind - unable to see anything on the mortal plane that has not been touched by pure moonlight. The landscape that has been illuminated by this light shows a shifting and blending history of past, present and future, specifically happening at the highlighted location. These isochronous cycles will happen in a loop until the coronet is removed and sight is returned to the owner.
Excessive use is not advised. Constant reliance on the past and future visions provided by this coronet may cause the bearer to begin seeing blended versions of history from varying failed and successful timelines interfering with their normal sight to where they cannot discern what is ‘real’, what is the Prime timeline, and what is tangible.
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[ Isochronous Lantern ]
A tiny lantern with four unique stained glass sides on a rotatable bezel. Each panel of the crafted glass displays a different seasonal depiction of a lone tree atop a hill; in the spring, the tree is blooming with buds; in the summer, it is fully blossomed and shade-bearing; in the fall, a harmonious color of descending leaves piles around it, and in the winter, it is a dignified, barren trunk, covered in a layer of pure snow. The lantern, while the panels are sizable, only has enough space in its bottom hinged drawer for a tealight-sized candle; luckily, four of these are included for the buyer’s convenience. When lit and kept only within the confines of the drawer, while turning the panels towards its corresponding scene, the lantern will emit without end a warm light and a pleasing seasonal scent, until the owner blows it out or it is otherwise snuffed with malevolence. 
The tealights are, in color, season and scent: • A green Spring, carrying the scent of the perpetual springtime of Eversong Woods; light and floral, with a hint of melancholy petrichor. • A yellow Summer, featuring the scent of Pandaria’s Heartland in the Valley; an earthy, summery dew with blooming flowers and ripe vegetables. • An orange Fall, giving off the scent of the forests of Lordaeron prior to the Scourge’s rampage. Heavy with oak, and the perfume of soil and crunching leaves underfoot. • A blue Winter, the dead stillness and iron-wrought, bloodied scent of Wintergrasp. A light and brisk scent of peppermint with an undertone of metal and copper.
Sometimes curios are just that - curious. There appears to be nothing malevolent behind this lantern’s existence; only the morose feeling of one waiting seasons for a loved soldier to return home.
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[ Arakkoan Solar Orb ]
A perfectly sculpted, spherical orb made of an unbelievably thin glasslike material. There is not a single point on this human palm-sized orb that belies where the crafter finished their task to shape its form, giving the impression that it just appeared naturally; swirled with a brilliant bevy of gradient reds to whites, the orb is reminiscent of a pure sunrise, devoid of any obfuscating clouds. It functions much like a touch-lamp; tapping the orb in varying degrees and holding down one’s hand intensifies the heat and light given to a near-unbearable point. Tapping it again while on reverses the glow to an ‘off’ tinge. The orb is safe to use around flammable objects and small children, as its surface remains cool, despite the heat and light it gives.
The owner is cautioned not to drop, crack or break the orb, as doing so will flash the surrounding area - albeit briefly - with the heat, light and intensity of the sun, many magnitudes beyond what even the most capable fire mage is capable of handling in abjuration; scorching the expanse of the orb’s field of light like a solar flare to where not even ashes remain.
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[ Steelspindle Spider Webbing ]
A spool of carefully threaded spider webbing, harvested from the Steelspindle spider. While the thread is thin, this particular breed is imposingly large - roughly the size of a yak calf, with a fully grown leg span comparable to the height of a healthy male Draenei. Their webbing is prized for being twice as strong as equivalent cables of Titansteel when properly processed, and is not used to stickily trap; strung only to trip up prey in a catacomb to bear down upon them with powerful jaws in group formations. Their tendency to engage in vicious in-fighting in the wild, combined with Horde and Alliance conflicts in the outer reaches of Terrokar Forest (their natural habitat) has dwindled the population to near-extinction. Luckily, Riley had contacts with a prior Outpost established in Draenor, beset by grown Steelspindles that had escaped a clutch brood.
There is nothing overtly dangerous about the usage of a Steelspindle spider thread spool, or its webbing. The obvious weaknesses to spider threading apply; tension, fire and frost, though it takes an inordinate amount of each to break the threading. Nonetheless, one is advised to check for any remaining egg casings; while the Steelspindle starts very small, it has a voracious appetite and can quickly take over a living space with impunity. The most important trait of the Steelspindle spider is its asexual egg sac reproduction - if even one gets loose, you’ll have a full infestation on your hands.
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[ Oblationary Skull Candle ]
What appears to be a greasy, crooked set of candles made from an unknown tallow. They are joined together at their flattened ends and wrapped into a solid mass by a length of blackened twine, sealed with a wax stamp of a tusked skull. The candle itself is slippery and difficult to hold level. When one end is lit, the other flickers to life, and the thinned wick begins burning equally at an unnerving rate. This appears to be lifted from a shrine in particular dedicated to Bwonsamdi, and kindling it will not be taken without heed by the loa - who sees the action as both a challenge and a pair of potential offerings.
Alarmingly enough, in a catalog of dangerous things, this is easily the most dangerous. The one who lights the candle will wager their life with the act of prolonging the life of their target in kind, in cases of grievous injury that cannot be easily mended. Both ends, one representing the wounded and one the stabilizer, burn equally, until they reach the wax skull seal. Should the skull be melted in full before the injured is brought from the brink of death, both lives will be forfeit; the enkindler must stabilize their target, or lose both of their souls in the process. Snuffing the candle in any capacity once lit is not recommended, as deals reneged are looked upon poorly by the loa of Death.
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[ Defiled Temple Hookah ]
A traditional water-based smoking pipe, operated by loading tobacco into a bowl, placing it atop a stem, warming the bowl with coals, and drawing the smoke through a downstem and into a cooling chamber of water - which is then siphoned into the user’s drawn breath by hose. This particular hookah is in immaculate condition for its age and appears to be sin’dorei inspired; the glass base is blown with wreathed, arcing flames and imparted real gold sparks atop its lip. The downstem is a brilliant gold and has four valves, and the accompanying clay bowl with which to fluff the tobacco into is a lacquered black. The hookah includes four hoses, to be shared with a large party; hookah is intended as a social activity, after all. The hookah and its accessories are packaged into a shellacked wooden box for easy transport. 
Smoking any manner of tobacco or felweed with this hookah as a vessel will impart the inhaler with hallucinogenic, untrustworthy visions of the past in the location which the smoking session takes place. Not all visions are preferable to witness. One is advised to not remain under the effects of the smoked substance for too long; drawing through this hookah for elongated periods of time causes irreparable damage to the smoker’s lungs - not biological, but manifests as a buildup of gunked fel tar, the source of which can be traced back to the Black Temple itself.
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[ Emerald Dream Flower Stamens ]
Sourced from trusted - and well compensated - druids that have access to the Emerald Dream, these collected stamens (the protruding male part of a flower that has the pollen on it, for the botanically uninclined) are housed in a small glass bottle with a corked stopper. Enchanted to not dry out, this pollen can be used to cross-breed with other Azerothian plants, resulting in bigger blooms, larger yields and awe-inspiring colors. This item is recommended only for the most skilled tenders. There are whispers that what lies within the darkest parts of the Dream, presumably purged by skilled adventurers and Cenarius himself, has yet lived on through these unblemished grains.
This item may facilitate a gardener or practiced Druid of the Grove to be able to replicate plants from within the Dream, or hybridization with other plants - advancing endless possibility for the most creative or adept. They are forewarned that scant grains of the pollen collected may be tainted by whatever had previously affected the Dream’s peaceful rest; some wounds, while healed over, are not so superficially burnished.
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Vykrul: A Lore Guide
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Evolution (before Year -150,000): The Vrykul are an ancient race descending from the iron vrykul, beings created by Titans during the The Ordering of Azeroth. In -15,000, The Curse of Flesh affected vrykuls in many different ways: the Dragonflayer clan of the vrykuls, turning them into organic vrykul we know of today. There are different types of vrykul. Frost_vrykul are made of two major factions: the The hyldnir an entirely female population of frost vrykul, located in the Storm Peaks, and the Ymirjar in central Icecrown who are undead and allied with the Lich King. These were vrykul who travelled to Jotunheim and fought at Valhalas. The winners of this competition are taken to Ymirheim and become Ymirjar. The losers become vargul. The Kvaldir are undead spirits, covered in green scales and barnacles created by Helya in order to serve her in Helheim. The Dragonflayer vrykul also are the predecessors for humans: the Curse eventually led to some of their young being smaller, weaker and “ugly” in the eyes of their people. Their king Ymiron ordered all those children to be killed but some parents couldn’t do it and hid them away in Northrend. In time, these small adult vrykul would form the early human tribes. Another group of vrykul settled in Kul Tiras and eventually became the Drust.
Winterskorn Warring (Year -150,000): Loken subdued most of the Keepers and removed the titan-forged out of Ulduar, the fire giants Volkhan and Ignis sought to conquer the Storm Peaks. They armed the the Winterskorn vrykul to attack other titan-forged across the Storm Peaks, beginning the Winterskorn War. Tyr was alerted when they attacked the earthen. Tyr asked the Dragon Aspects for aid, and the war ended with Ysera and Nozdormu putting the Winterskorn into a timeless sleep beneath northern Kalimdor. After discovering that some parents hadn’t complied with Ymiron’s orders, Skadi hunted them down and killed any of them he came across becoming known as Skadi the Ruthless. In an attempt to stave off the curse of flesh, the Dragonflayers went to sleep beneath northern Kalimdor in areas such as Gjalerbron. The Tribunal of Ages, a record of false history created by Loken claims that he ordered this hibernation.
A Rude Awakening (Year -10,000): After the Sundering, many vrykul were awakened and took the seas: some taking to Kul Tiras eventually becoming the Drust.
Easy Recruitment (Year 27): When Lich King stirred from his Frozen Throne he sent his Scourge minions to swarm across the land, destroying all in their path. The remaining slumbering vrykul awakened beginning with those of Jotunheim. Many of them would come to believe that the Lich King was a god of death, and pledged themselves to him and the Scourge. The Winterskorn clan was made subservient to the Dragonflayer. When they arrived in Northrend, the Alliance and the Horde built two ports on the shores of the Howling Fjord, Valgarde and Vengeance Landing. The vrykul of the Dragonflayer clan turned against Valgarde, launching attacks led by Ingvar the Plunderer from the fortress of Utgarde Keep. In turn, the Winterskorn clan turned against Vengeance Landing. The dwarven Explorer's League began excavating Dragonflayer ruins near Valgarde, speculating that the vrykul were related to humans. Thoralius the Wise, sent an Alliance adventurer into the spirit world to uncover the vrykul's past, where they found two visions of the past which revealed the events described above, thus revealing that there was no "missing link"; rather, the vrykul themselves were the missing link – they were the progenitors of humanity. Other vrykul were seen around Northrend, often helping the Scourge. They held competitions where many elite warriors competed for the chance to become powerful undead servants of the Lich King. The victors were made undead and became known as the Ymirjar, those who were not successful, or who fell in battle with adventurers, were turned into vargul instead. The val'kyr, winged spirits of vrykul women with vast necromantic powers under the control of the Lich King, raised them. Those in Valkyrion aspired towards this state. However, even the vrykul loyal to the Scourge were fighting each other. Other vrykul refused the call of the Lich King, such as a small holdout of hyldnir situated in Brunnhildar Village who reasserted their loyalty to the titans, or at least to the Keeper Thorim. One of their number, Sif, had been Thorim's wife a long time ago, and they held a contest, the Hyldsmeet, to see which among them would prove worthy to rule alongside Thor in her place. Within the halls of Ulduar, a number of vrykul could be found as members of the Twilight's Hammer. ]Loken also used the Forge of Wills to create new titan-forged vrykul, iron vrykul uncorrupted by the curse of flesh, to serve him. By the time the Ashen Verdict invaded to Icecrown Citadel, most of the vrykul loyal to the Scourge had been either killed or wiped out entirely in Icecrown. Some of the remaining val'kyr pledged themselves to Sylvanas Windrunner becoming part of the Forsaken.
Back On Dragon Wing (Year 28): A group of vrykul became elite drake riders who served as Deathwing's personal guard, led by Warmaster Blackhorn. 
The Family Tree (Year 30): Lorewalker Cho showed an undead their ancestors and two vrykul appeared as the character's furthest ancestors, confirming humanity's evolutionary line. 
Broken Shores, Broken Giants (Year 32): The vrykul of Stormheim on the Broken Isles were ruled by the unnamed husband of Queen Bretta until his son, Jarl Skovald, murdered him with the help of his brothers Voldgar, Agnol, Uldgar. The brothers then turned on each other, with Skovald being victorious. He then fought his mother at Kingsfall Pass and proclaimed himself king. Gul'dan approached God-King Skovald with an offer to join the Burning Legion and receive ultimate power, or be destroyed. Skovald and his Tideskorn vrykul allied themselves with the Burning Legion and sought to claim one of the Pillars of Creation for their demonic masters. To gain access to the Halls of Valor, Skovald perverted the ancient trials that open the Gates of Valor. During the Trial of Might, he shattered Yotnar instead of besting him and tried to destroy Aggramar's Vault so that no one else could know the criteria for the other trials from the titan databases. In the Trial of Will, he enslaved the Thorignir. During the Trial of Valor, he used the Bonespeakers to attempt to enslave the souls of the ancient rulers of Stormheim, forcing them to give their blessing. Odyn, under the disguise of Havi, guided an order champion in their quest to beat the trials and retrieve the Aegis before Skovald. While the Felskorn assaulted the Gates of Valor, both challengers met, but Skovald left the fight before there could be a victor.The champions proceeded to beat Odyn's own challenges within the Halls of Valor, and earned the right to wield the Aegis of Aggramar. Skovald suddenly appeared however, demanding that Odyn acknowledge his claim to the Aegis, a protest that Odyn said came too late. Skovald attempted to claim the Aegis by force, but was killed. Other vrykul remained loyal to Odyn. These Valarjar vrykul mainly inhabited Valdisdall. An adventurer who fought a pit lord by Odyn alongside other vrykul who took up arms against the demons was uplifted by Odyn and made Battlelord of the Valarjar armies. A forgotten tomb named Tomb of the Old Kings contained the remains of several great vrykul Kings. Odyn sent his Battlelord, with the help of Hruthnir son of Magnar, in the tomb to reclaim the armament of the Black Wyrm from the hand of the King Magnar Icebreaker. However the tomb was deconsecrated by the unholy magic from the Burning Legion and the guardian didn't recognize the Odyn's envoys. The Battlelord and Hruthnir fought the tortured spirits of Magnar and his soldiers. Vanquished, Magnar recognised his son and gave the Scale of the Earth-Warder to the Battlelord to avenge his death in fighting Helya. The spirits of Magnar and his soldiers were sent to the Halls of Valor. In the Shield Hill, the spirit of Gorvold Ironbrow was called by the Tahu Sagewind and Orik Trueheart in order to find the place of a powerful artefact of the Light against the demons. The Gorvold's Story led the paladins group to the Tomb of the Old Kings. Inna the Cryptstalker tried to stop the despoilers to enter in the tomb but she was killed by the paladins. In the Shrine of the Truthguard, Yrgrim the Truthseeker, champion of Tyr, and Runeshaper Griselda challenged the paladin's group and lost the battle. He accepted his defeat and gave Truthguard for the future Highlord of the Silver Hand to become the new champion of Tyr. Later, Prustaga helped the Unseen Path to penetrate in the Tomb of the Old Kings in order to find a powerful artifact against the Legion. When they entered the tomb of Warlord Volund, his spirit was awakened. Taking the intruders for thieves, he decided to defend his tomb. When his spirit had been vanished, Prustaga betrayed the Unseen Path and took the Titanstrike. Her next and last move was to lead her vrykul followers to the Temple of Storms in order to absorb the powers of the storm and the makers. Finally, she has been killed with several of her followers by an alliance between Thorim and the Unseen Path. Next, several vrykul from Valarjar led by Thorim, Hymdall and the Battlelord helped to the free Hodir, who was trapped in Felblaze Ingress by Lady Ran'zara and her demons. Sigryn, the heir of God-King Skovald, was prophesized by Eyir long ago to unite the Tideskorn against the Burning Legion. Seeking to make right the damage done by her father, Sigryn decided to fulfill her destiny. She defeated the leaders of the Bonespeakers and Drekirjar in single combat and forced them to acknowledge her claim. But when her brother Torvald, whom she believed was long dead, revealed that the assassination of their family was orchestrated by Odyn himself, which Eyir confirmed, Sigryn was consumed by anger. She let the fel power in her blood consume her and headed to the Halls of Valor in an attempt to confront Odyn. Fortunately, an order champion was able to dissuade her before she faced Odyn, who would not have been kind to her. She apologized to Eyir for her rampage and sought her judgement. Despite her misgivings, Sigryn showed that she possessed the strength and willpower to overcome the fel, something no vrykul had done before. Eyir thus decided that, instead of being punished, she was to assume the burden of the crown, and rule the Tideskorn as their God-Queen.
Free Trade (Year 33): After Zandalar opened its port to non-trolls, a group of vrykul traders arrived to sell their wares. Enges, a vrykul Fjarnskaggl trader can also be found in Boralus Harbor.
Physical traits
Life expectancy: Vrykul have an unknown life span, however some such as Ymiron have lived for thousands of years. 
Height: There is no confirmed height for vrykul but the are known as half-giants and have been compared to ogres who are 7-10 foot tall.
Eye colour: Depending on the type of vrykul, they can have many different colours of eye. Frost types may have white or blue eyes whereas those working with the Legion can have green eyes. Pure vrykul tend to have brown eyes.
Cosmetics:  Cairne Bloodhoof described them in the following way: "They looked like humans - if humans were larger than tauren and sometimes had skin that was covered in ice, or made of metalor stone."
Personality traits
Do Our Dirty Work: They tend to see see manual labor as beneath them, and as such they use mindless undead to dig tunnels and also use slaves in the Saronite Mines.
A Warrior State Of Mind: Vrykul see strength in battle as a valuable asset with both male and female fighters filling their ranks.
Other races: Vrykul may see the other races as weak due to their 
Other creatures: They have various types of mount: proto-dragons, polar bears, mammoths and felsteeds they use for travel and battle.
Languages: Their primary language is Vrykul.
Government: The different and factions types of vrykul have their own leaders. Originally, they were all under Ymiron and his wife Queen Angerboda. The Iron Vrykul were led by Loken by are currently led by Odyn. The Hyldnir were under the Lich King and now by Thorim. Val'kyr answer to whatever their faction dictates: some formerly to the Lich King and now to either Eyir, Sylvanas or Helya. The Ymirjar were presumably under Ymiron with their secondary leader being Kreug Oathbreaker. The Vargul were solely under the Lich King. The Kvaldir follow Helya and Drottinn Hrothgar. The Drust are ruled under Gorak Tul and Ulfar. God-Queen Sigryn rules the Tideskorn. 
Military: They serve their respective factions as Hunters, Mages, Shamans, Warlocks, Warriors, Death knights, mystics, Seers and Druids.
Religion: Many revere their titanic creators, though have veered off in different beliefs such as those who believed the Lich King to be a god of death.
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kottkrig · 6 years
What are some of the races you'd personally most like to see added as playable characters in the game? :) Or if not races specifically, what about specific customizations?
The most obvious is more body types, face shapes and skin colours I think :’) I’d love to play a KT human who resembles a female vrykul… their faces were great.
Other than that, ogres, arakkoa and some type of ghost/skeleton. Undead elves (with a banshee form >:3) would be wonderful.
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tidetakeyou · 6 years
Calliope; Character Sheet.
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the basics –––
NAME: Calliope "Callie" Osborne
AGE: Young Adult.
BIRTHDAY: Unknown.
RACE: Kul'Tiran Human.
GENDER: Female.
SEXUALITY: Bisexual.
physical appearance –––
HAIR: Windswept black, usually a mess cut shoulder length.
EYES: Gunmetal blue.
HEIGHT: 5'6"
BUILD: Thin and willowy.
DISTINGUISHING MARKS: Jellyfish scars over the left side of her back. Small knicks on her fingertips and hands from papercuts.
COMMON ACCESSORIES: A work leather belt with several pouches and scrolls attached. A silver locket attached to a twine cord, worn as a bracelet. Favored steel dagger, wound with blue leather along the hilt.
personal –––
PROFESSION: Ranking Captain of The Thirteenth. Tidesage. Alchemist.
HOBBIES: Gathering seashells, bottling sea water, walking along the beach, sailing, swimming, singing to her family.
LANGUAGES: Fluent in Common. Some studies regarding Vrykul runes.
RESIDENCE: Mariner's Row, Boralus (Vacated; Under Inspection for Piracy). Old Town, Stormwind (Current Residence; Newly Leased).
BIRTHPLACE: Brennadam, Stormsong Valley.
RELIGION: The sea.
PATRON DEITY: The Tidemother.
FEARS: What lies within the depths. Losing her family.
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relationships –––
SPOUSE: Engaged to Raegar Redforde.
CHILDREN: Currently 7 months pregnant. No other children yet.
PARENTS: Father passed when she was young. Mother sucummed to Lord Stormsong's teachings. Now deceased.
SIBLINGS: Niko (Younger brother; living). NPC.
OTHER RELATIVES: None notable, though open to plotting.
AQUAINTANCES: Several members of The Thirteenth and Alliance Infantry.
PETS: Crabs tend to like her, but she doesnt own any specifically.
traits –––
extroverted / introverted / in between.
disorganized / organized / in between.
close minded / open-minded / in between.
calm / anxious / in between.
disagreeable / agreeable / in between.
cautious / reckless / in between.
patient / impatient / in between.
outspoken / reserved / in between.
leader / follower / in between.
empathetic / unemphatic / in between.
optimistic / pessimistic / in between.
traditional / modern / in between.
hard-working / lazy / in between.
cultured / un-cultured / in between.
loyal / disloyal / unknown / in between.
faithful / unfaithful / unknown / in between.
additional information –––
SMOKING HABIT: never / sometimes / frequently / to excess.
DRUGS: never / sometimes / frequently / to excess.
ALCOHOL: never / sometimes / frequently / to excess.
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what I’m looking for –––
Friends, foes, acquaintances. She's spent much of her time at sea travelling, and had plenty of run-ins with pirates over the years.
Pre-established relationships are welcome, so long as we discuss it beforehand. Mentors and fellow sages being a couple examples. She's such a mom friend it hurts.
Callie is able to provide medicine through both first aid and magical means. Its possible she patched you up if you've visited Kul'Tiras recently, so feel free to seek her out for this.
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silverlightlegacy · 6 years
Get to Know Lilith
general information———
FULL NAME: Lilith Faelia Silverlight
NICKNAME(S): Lil, Lili
TITLE(S): Lady / Matriarch of House Silverlight
AGE: 187
BIRTHDAY: November 19th
RACE: Sin'dorei
GENDER: Female
ORIENTATION: Bisexual and Polyamorous  
physical appearance———
HAIR: Jet black with a large blonde streak in her bangs. It's fairly wavy from it being held in a braid for the majority of the time.
EYES: Gold
HEIGHT: 5'9"
BUILD: Athletic / Fit
⦁ Large Burn Scar that covers the majority of the left side of her face. It goes from her cheekbone down to her collarbone.
⦁ They are hard to describe, click this link to see them! (https://i.imgur.com/fNR4cO7.png)
⦁ Snake Bites (Rings)
⦁ Septum Ring
⦁ Many small studs up her ears, An Industrial bar on upper left ear.
personal information———
PROFESSION(S): Ranger, Medic, Beastmaster
HOBBIES: Wolf Breeder
SKILL(S): Skilled Ranger, Adept Healer/Medic
LANGUAGE(S): Thalassian, Common, Orcish, Vrykul
RESIDENCE: Eversong Woods, Quel'thalas
BIRTHPLACE: Iyana Citadel, Falor'thalas
RELIGION: Belore (The Light)
⦁ Failure
⦁ Loneliness / Being Alone
⦁ Losing those she cares most about
SPOUSE: Armillius Vandamore and Aethera Summerlight
⦁ Runiel Eldersblood
⦁ Alva Eldersblood
⦁ Zaven Silverlight (Father ; Deceased)
⦁ Celeste Silverlight (Mother ; Deceased)
⦁ Kira Silverlight (Sister ; Alive)
⦁ Zeana Silverlight (Aunt ; Alive)
⦁ Tanus Silverlight (Uncle ; Unknown)
⦁ Dorah (Male Direwolf)
⦁ Selama (Female Direwolf)
⦁ Malanore (Male Hawk)
⦁ Quel'dal (Male Gryphon)
•extroverted / introverted / in between
•disorganized / organized / in between
•close minded / open-minded / in between
•calm / anxious / in between
•disagreeable / agreeable / in between
•cautious / reckless / in between
•patient / impatient / in between
•outspoken / reserved / in between
•leader / follower / in between
•empathetic / indifferent / in between
•optimistic / pessimistic / in between
•traditional / modern / in between
•hard-working / lazy / in between
•cultured / uncultured / in between
•loyal / disloyal / unknown / in between
•assertive / timid / in between
habits & vices———
ALCOHOL: Frequently
FACECLAIM(S): Fairuza Balk
VOICE CLAIM(S): Alissa White-Gluz
⦁ Roots - In This Moment
⦁ I'll Sleep When You're Dead - Lord of the Lost
⦁ Heart for Sale - Lord of the Lost
IN GAME NAME: Silverlìght
ALT CODE: Alt + 141
DISCORD: Ask for it.
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