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vivanightcity · 8 months
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Little bits and shits about Brooms nomad clan.
(Preemptively saying: these are THEIR beliefs. They are meant to have been a group that set out with good intentions but went along the anprim to ecofacism pipeline with culty overtones where they turned their concept of nature into a god in all but name.)
They're old. Like. Arguably one of the older clans. Of course, they weren't so much a nomad clan before larger scale collapse started happening... they were fugitives. Moving around to avoid detection by corps mad their shit got sabotaged.
Cause that's what their origin is. A group of industrial saboteurs against the rapid and horrific destruction of the environment by corporations. Different cells of the same group eventually banding together to become the Tellus clan. Because of this, their founding numbers are an odd mix from a variety of backgrounds, spurred to action by what they were seeing. Absolutely labelled eco terrorists by most.
Their basic core tenant, that simply derived from a distrust of corporate control and overreach in cyberware but snowballed, is: 'No permanent modifications, unless medically necessary'.
(post got long af so it's going under a cut)
The line of medical necessity is an ongoing debate, and the spirit of that belief is often argued. With many seeing things like hairy dye and body paints as being completely fine, whilst others saying they're also against the intent, just because they aren't permanent doesn't mean they aren't also frivolous displays of vanity.
They're actually, largely, real ass chill with queerness, social transition doesn't rely on hrt because medications are hard to come by, but surgical changes are absolutely allowed. Also more likely to see visible disability among their numbers, too, because of the lack of cyberware intervention. Permanent modification to remove, fix, graft, whatever? Fine. Adding cyberware after? No. So wheelchairs, glasses, old school prostheses, lifelong pain relief and management - usually addictive as fuck - because no, fuck you, you can't get augmented joints or bones, live in pain.
Cyberware isn't trusted because it's corporate originating, corporate controlled. There's no guarantee, no real oversight - as far as they're concerned - on what corporations can do with it. Make things obsolete, charge you software fees, claim you don't own parts of your physical body but are simply renting them, take control of the parts of you that you signed away without warning. All on top of being - as they see it - a completely unnecessary pollutant, indicative of the overconsumption and mass manufacturing.
Corps destroyed the world, and they're destroying humanity. They see cyberpsychosis as natures line in the sand. A sign of things to come, that the world is tired of humans destroying everything and corrupting a natural order, it is going to fight back, and it'll start by wiping out all those who gave into chrome consumerism.
Exclusively use jerryrigged solar panels and turbines. If they're ever in a place they don't work, or there's a breakage or failing, the clan will simply do without. Broom spent a fair chunk of his life without routine electrical access. The hum of it in NC drives him nuts.
It's only because of how long they've been around that many even consider them nomads. Although they'd definitely argue against claims they aren't. But, far from moving constantly in temporary camps as they look for work, they move between set semi-permanent seasonal camps where they sit static for up to half a year. So far removed from anyone and everything and their locations are a violently protected secret. Usually they only send a small group ahead a month or so in advance to get things ready, cleaned up, and make sure its safe. If they have any idea it wont be safe to leave it unguarded, they'll leave people behind year round.
No synth food unless it's a literal emergency, like starvation level. A benefit of having the seasonal camps vs being on the road. Allows farming to a better extent, and without having to move heavy set ups or equipment between seasonal camps. Seasonal, faster growing, subsistence farming for veggies. Big on things like potatoes and beans, not so much on grains like wheat or rice. Corn is about as close as they get.
Not trusting any animal they could klep to not be fucked up corpo genetic mess, they've been maintaining numbers of originally wild caught animals like caribou, rabbits and turkeys. Apparently their early numbers tried to keep bison, too, but they were too big to survive the dwindling wild resources at the time, and are likely one of the many species that went extinct - or they exist only in gene banks, zoos and private collections. Im a horse boy at heart so part of me loves the idea that they have some, especially since they could've taken survivors out of the wild, but I also think they're too big and too resource intensive so I dunno.
Hunting is also decently routine. However, they're very careful about when and where they do so, animal numbers only beginning to recover in some places, and still functionally wiped out in others. And enough of their early members were environmental scientists, ecologists, park rangers even, (all of which had seen their work, their industries, decimated in their lifetimes and were pushing back against it) that they had that good knowledge base to begin with. Also foraging. Broom can id you shrooms for fun, food, or a quick death.
Rarely engage with other nomad clans, only going to gatherings when they need to get information, or help, with something they can't do themselves. Quicker to trust other nomads than anyone else, but still not quick. They'd also always help a fellow nomad, and do actively share what they know and have learnt. That help just comes with a big side of proselytizing and guilt trips about chrome, and can easily turn violent if the other party aren't 'good sports' about the zealotry disguised as a nice conversation.
Actually pretty good at that bit when talking to people who haven't been warned not to listen to them (Most nomads born and raised within packs know to stay away). They know how to get their foot in the door. Well. Some do. Some are Garry the Prophet levels of easy to avoid. But those that have that savy, can find an in.
You can't just leave. Any sort of leaving, even if it's to join another clan, or start your own family, is considered becoming raffen. Someone who leaves is raffen. People are kicked out for a variety of reasons, and that excommunication makes them raffen. Regardless of how stupid that might seem to other nomads, where the definition is more one of violence, a lack of code, general untrustworthy-ness even to fellow nomads. It's why Broom considers himself raffen, even if he really isn't.
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relaxedstyles · 5 months
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Will Ukrainians now be classified as "people of color"?
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jamescalvinfr · 2 months
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tomorrowusa · 19 days
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85 years ago today Hitler invaded Poland. He felt he could get away with it the way he got away with a half dozen or so annexations or occupations since 1935. Instead, the worst war in human history broke out. It could have been prevented if Western democracies had said „NEIN!” to Hitler much earlier in his lust for additional territory.
Just as there were people willing to appease Hitler in the 1930s, there are people trying to appease Vladimir Putin today.
History Makes Clear the Risks of Appeasing Putin
Appeasement of Hitler didn’t work, and appeasement of Putin threatens the safety not only of Europe but of the world beyond. The GOP appeasement caucus might want to think about what future generations are going to say about them; history has not looked kindly upon the western leaders who sold out Czechoslovakia and, in the name of peace, fueled a much broader war.
J.D. Vance, the Republican candidate for VP, is a notorious appeaser.
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jewish-vents · 1 month
Don't ever forget that Israel's shitty government(s) has always been just a convenient excuse. Israel has done terrible things but it's never been about that. The moment goyim realised we were still alive (Insert Dara Horn quote here) and could fight back and be capable of wrong like all human beings, we became the enemy. We became the enemy when they realised we aren't just some sob story that they can cry about. Even if Israel had the best government in the world, they'd still hate us. Why? Because they want us to die at the hands of the Muslim extremists. They want us to die so they can cry about how oppressed we are and then die of guilt because all they ever do is feel guilty and let that control them. That's why they "care" about Palestinians and even Romani people. They see Palestinians as inherently weak, as they previously viewed us. They view them as inherently innocent and victims no matter what hence the fetishisation of their violence which then results in the extreme Hamas support that we are witnessing. They basically switched us out for Palestinians, hurting both groups. The Nakba replaces the Holocaust. They view Palestinian history the way they used to view Jewish history; as Palestinians being inherently unlucky and being violently oppressed for no reason all the time (I remember seeing goyim talk about us being treated badly in most countries and being "unlucky" and treated as this common boogeyman, many years ago).
Why hate this group? They've never done anything wrong! Is the way that they think. Now they see that we are human beings which means we are capable of doing bad things makes us evil and the Worst. I cannot stress this enough: Israel would always be seen as bad no matter what. Even if the history was different, the message is clear: JEWS ARE NOT ALLOWED IN THE MIDDLE EAST. We are meant to be slaughtered in Europe and that's it. I remember this "activist" tiktoker I used to follow. He posted a tiktok about how Germany should be split into two: one part being Germany and the next part being Israel. The logic is simple here. We are white Europeans and that's it. Additionally this removes the guilt of everyone else, especially the Middle East which prouldly supported Hitler. He even met with Muslim leaders.
According to everyone we must politely die without any inconvenience. The fact that the Nazis were portrayed as white worked in our favour. They pretended to care then. But once they realized our enemies, the ones who hate us so much they need to kill every single one of us and wipe up off this earth the same way they describe zionists and israel to be, were brown, they showed us who they truly are: they chose the brown side. We transformed into evil white people overnight. Why do you think almost every Jewish celeb has been accused of being a zionist? It's because everyone's becoming nazis. I don't use that word lightly. They're literally discovering that many in Hollywood are Jewish for the first time. They didn't care before. But they do now. It's angering them. They're thinking: why are so many Jews in powerful positions? They'e starting to think: this is not normal....the Jews are responsible for everything bad! Except they get to hide behind the word zionist. As a result Josh Shapiro gets singled out and had a reduced chance of being VP. Why do you think so many of them are now saying "Zionists control the media/the world/etc"? Because they're having their nazi phase (well here's to hoping and wishful thinking lmfao). How is this any different from white supremacists who angrily scream about how we control everything? Every time a big world event happens or anything happens tbh we get blamed by the progressives. We're getting blamed right now for white supremacists going on rampages throughout England. How dare they?! They use the words pogrom and nazi every second to describe what is happening in England right now. How dare they take our words and use them for everyone but us and then say we are the real nazis and the one and only evil in the world. And we're the colonisers?!
Lastly I cannot get rid of the bitter taste of irony. They are trying to paint Israel as the ultimate evil and the things they lie about Israel reflect what everyone has done to us. But they'll never see it because we're the ultimate oppressors.
Marilyn Monroe converted to Judaism and Muslim countries banned her movies. Muslim countries have historically banned Holocaust movies. If you want to see real ethnic cleansing and genocide look at what the Jewish populations of Arab countries have been forced to experience.
We cannot afford to be trembling Jews with shaking knees. We must stand up for ourselves. No one else's gonna do it. All we have is ourselves. And our small but amazing allies of course. But it's limited. We need to support each other harder than ever. A Jewish American woman didn't feel safe as a Zionist abortion advocate. She then created her own space for Jews/Zionists. Of course gentiles harassed her. But our love will always be stronger than their hate. It's hard but stay safe. Have a weapon if you must. There's so little of us that they can overpower us as we've seen countless times especially recently. We need to fight back. We cannot afford to be cowards.
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mariacallous · 2 months
As U.S. Vice President Kamala Harris was nearing the end of her meeting with German Chancellor Olaf Scholz at the Munich Security Conference in February, she requested all staff leave the room, aside from one aide each, according to a White House official and senior U.S. official familiar with the meeting. 
Amid high-stakes negotiations to secure the release of a number of U.S. citizens wrongfully detained in Russia, including Wall Street Journal reporter Evan Gershkovich and former Marine Paul Whelan, it had become clear that a Russian assassin imprisoned in Germany—Vadim Krasikov—was the key to unlocking a long-sought-after prisoner exchange with Moscow. 
Scholz had been reluctant to release Krasikov, who was convicted of murdering a Georgian citizen in broad daylight in Berlin’s Tiergarten Park and was serving a life sentence. 
Harris raised the matter with the German chancellor during the Munich meeting, echoing a request made by U.S. President Joe Biden earlier that month during Scholz’s visit to the White House.
“It was in the run of high-level engagements and a back-and-forth that the president and the chancellor were having that Vice President Harris was actually able to sit face to face with Chancellor Scholz and talk through the elements of this,” said U.S. National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan in a press briefing on Thursday.
While Thursday’s historic multi-country prisoner exchange, which saw the release of 16 people from Russian prisons, was the result of years of diplomatic efforts across the U.S. government and in collaboration with partners in Europe, Harris’s meetings in Munich helped to move negotiations forward, according to the two officials who spoke to Foreign Policy on condition of anonymity. 
“The VP certainly moved the ball forward in the meeting with Scholz,” said the White House official. 
Harris also tasked her staff with setting up a meeting with Slovenian Prime Minister Robert Golob at Munich upon learning that the country had detained two Russians on suspicion of espionage, which could possibly be used as part of a trade with Moscow. That made Harris the most senior U.S. official to engage with the Slovenian leader on the matter at the time. The two Russians were ultimately released by Slovenia as part of the trade on Thursday, alongside six others from Poland, Norway, Germany, and the United States.
News of the vice president’s role in the negotiations comes as her foreign-policy record is being closely examined as she emerges as the presumptive Democratic presidential nominee following Biden’s announcement last month that he had decided not to seek reelection. 
In remarks on Thursday, Harris said of the prisoner swap, “We never stopped fighting for their release. And today, in spite of all of their suffering, it gives me great comfort to know that their horrible ordeal is finally over.”
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darkmaga-retard · 1 month
Ties between the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) and Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz (D) are becoming more alarming, with Breitbart News senior contributor Peter Schweizer revealing that the VP hopeful is connected to “secret police stations that the Chinese have here in the United States.”
During Schweizer’s latest appearance on Breitbart News Daily, Walz was accused of being connected to a group called Minnesota Global that is allegedly tied to a secret Chinese police station in the Twin Cities:https://w.soundcloud.com/player/?visual=true&url=https%3A%2F%2Fapi.soundcloud.com%2Ftracks%2F1895644203&show_artwork=true&maxheight=960&maxwidth=640
The New York Times bestselling author claimed that Walz, who was announced as Vice President Kamala Harris’s running mate on August 6, is connected to CCP operatives who conduct illegal police activity in the U.S.
While speaking on several of the Minnesota governor’s unsavory links to the Chinese government, Schweizer mentioned the “secret police stations that the Chinese have here in the United States,” which are unofficial but “so-called united front groups that exist in the West.”
Schweizer, who also serves as president of the Government Accountability Institute, said these stations “cooperate with Chinese intelligence” in order to “intimidate Chinese that are living in the United States that don’t like the CCP or [are] critical of the CCP.”
In April 2023, New York police arrested two men for allegedly setting up a secret police station in order to collect information on opponents of the CCP, the Associated Press reported. 
“Harry” Lu Jianwang, 61, of the Bronx, and Chen Jinping, 59, of Manhattan, are both U.S. citizens accused of working with Chinese government officials ​​to commit “transnational repression,” according to the outlet.
Such secret police stations have been reported across the U.S., Canada, Europe, and other countries where the CCP has identified Chinese expats who are critical of their government. 
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originalleftist · 2 months
I'm going to be blunt: There is literally nothing-NOTHING-in this world more important right now than keeping Trump and Republicans out of power.
He could easily blunder us into nuclear war, or cause one with his invitation to Putin to invade Europe (and he just picked a VP who supports territorial concessions by Ukraine). But even more than that, while Biden has set us on track to cut carbon emissions in half by 2030 and reach net zero by 2050, Trump's approach to the climate crisis is to actively promote more fossil fuels, and actively suppress and ban alternatives. If he wins, BILLIONS could and probably will die.
Whatever you do to help Democrats beat Trump, it may very well be the most important thing you ever do in your life.
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chevvy-yates · 9 months
got tagged by @alphanight-vp. Thank you sm 🤍
As I got four boys I will only pick Ryder for now, as I assume he's the secret crowd favorite. If it happens I get tagged again I'll pick another as I do not have the energy to do all four atm.
Decided to let Ry answer. All in italic is what he thinks for himself as further answers as he usually doesn't like these sort of rather boring and timewasting questioning and even more so doesn't tell that to strangers. So it's not a must to let the oc speak but I felt like doing it for this one. It's just Ryder thinks a lot for himself especially with strangers. He holds back his true wants and interests very often and only gives harsh answers to them that don't tell much about him.
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"You scanned me, right? It says 'Ryder' — and that is how you are allowed to call me. No last name, Just Ryder. Is all you need to know." — I'm a fucking von Scharfenberg, some high royal German Corpo. If I would spit that into your face you would probably only laugh and your answer would be "This is a joke right?". Kein Scherz, I'm the son of the CEO of Militech. The useless boy who disappeard several years ago. I had reasons enough to leave this shitty live.
"You are a rando so for you I am still 'Ryder', ist das klar?" — My nickname is 'Ry' but I only allow my closest friends and loved ones to call me like that. Thyjs calls me 'snoep' and I think that sounds beautiful. He only says it when we are just for us. So ein Süßi.
"Cis male."
"It spans 210–240° ecliptic longitude under the constellation of Scorpius, so it's Scorpio." — Sometimes though I feel like a cancer in a leather jacket rather than a true Scorpio.
"I'm 1,88m tall. Translate it to inches, feet or whatever you count in by yourself." — Why can't this world have a consistent meassurement system? Geht mir so auf die Nüsse! Apple hat's doch auch vor gefühlt 50 Jahren geschafft Thunderbolt dem USB-C Standard anzupassen und heut' gibts das nicht mal mehr!
"Gay. Top only."
"I rarely eat fruits. They are expensive as fuck these days."
"Clearly Fall. I like the wet rainy air way more than hot sweaty summers."
There we go— the standard questions are popping up once again. Wieso jetzt Blumen? This is getting lame. — "I always forget the name. Ask Thyjs, not me. He knows it for sure. It's pretty. Dark purple is all I can remember."
"The smell of a thick dark and green German forest. Cedarwood, moss and earthy scents. That paired with rain? Beste!" — I miss that a lot. — "If you want to know a fragrance instead: Aramis. Its notes? Like the way I'm smelling for you right now minuse the cigarette smoke." — I see you start sweating. Unübersehbar. Aramis never fails.
TEE? — "Brudi, Tee kommt mir gar nicht in die Tüte! Give me a fucking beer! Faust. Astra. Or a Tannenzäpfle. Man, I even take your lousy American beer or a Heinaken if I have to but please — no fucking tea!" — Coffee in the morning is alright though and gets me going.
"Man, why always these lame questions? Fucking hell. I do not track my sleep. If I sleep, I fucking sleep! If it's 4 or 8 hours – I do not care!" — To be honest, I rarely got a good sleep – not before Thyjs came into my life as he distracts me a lot. I mean if I found sleep, i slept, but there's been a time I slept like two hours and I needed booster meds to stay awake. Beast pounds almost 24/7 in my head — try find some sleep with it. almost impossible …
-Sighs rather agressively- These questions are getting on my nerves. — "Dogs."
SEH ICH SO AUS ALS WÜRD ICH DAS NEM RANDO WIE DIR MITTEILEN WOLLEN!? -tries to stay calm- — "Just be somewhere alone with my soldier visiting several spots in Europe. Where is none of your business." — I would love to show Thyjs where I've grown up and played as a kid. Back then life was easy and carefree. I would love to see Amsterdam. Love to travel up to Sweden or Norway and see the Aurora Borealis, have a great look at the stars as Night City's massive lighting during the night blocks nearly ever star up there. I miss Berlin and the clubbing there. Want to go back and lay down onto the old tarmac at Tempelhof. Explore old ruins along the Rhein and I want to do it all with my soldier.
"None. Don't read. Not much of a tv or movie fan either." — I wasn't allowed to read or watch anything that has to do with 'fandom' as it was only distraction and nonsense. I was told TV programs are there to keep people dumb and busy from looking away from what happens in the world and from edjucating themselves. But once I met V and he did his 80s retro movie nights I liked Indiana Jones a lot.
"Next question!" — Only one blanket and Thyjs in between. At least for a bit because we separate fast as the heat, our bodies emmit, becomes too much waking us up all the time. But I love to fall asleep with him this way. He calms me and it's like he pushes Beast into a corner, silences it for a while just by his presnece. No one else is able to do that.
"What would you do if I told you I am a cyberpsycho?" — -stares at you with a steady gaze and bared teeth- Now, pack your things an go before it gets worse. I'm holding back already.
@imaginarycyberpunk2023, @elvenbeard, @morganlefaye79, @ouroboros-hideout, @aggravateddurian, @dreamskug, @wraithsoutlaws, @gloryride @cherryrockpops and @streetkid-named-desire
as always not a must and idk if u been tagged already or not, but feel free to do anytime, especially if you got more blorbos than one!
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tau1tvec · 2 months
I'm genuinely really nervous now. Don't get me wrong first woman president let's fucking go, she's automatically got my vote by virtue on not being the felon, but I'm not confident in her ability to draw voters.
I don't know how you could watch trump literally try to overthrow the government and then seriously consider voting for him, but I'm scared he'll actually win. I mean, I know how, most Americans don't understand the first thing about politics but ya know
They rlly don’t, but that’s why politics in the US is what it is, why it’s also like this in a lotta other countries, bc let’s not pretend Europe and a few countries below the equator haven’t been dancing with fascist devils themselves.
Luckily there a lot of the millennial and gen-z folks who know Kamala by name, which is a start, and I’ve already seen some ppl on Twitter, podcasters and journalists working to build her like-ability ( and credibility ) for a good few months now, at least a lot more than I’ve seen these past 4 years she’s been VP, it’s just up to the rest of us to decide if we’re gonna all put in the extra work to back her, or whoever else gets chosen, bc they’re gonna need all the help they can get with how these ( mostly white ) suburban swing voters acted a fool in Trumps first run. 🥴
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ptseti · 2 months
US President Joe Biden appears to have heeded calls from fellow Democratic Party members to withdraw from the 2024 US presidential race, ending his re-election bid on 21 July.
This follows his debate performance on 27 June, which fuelled some Democrats’ worry about Biden’s ability to defeat former President Donald Trump. Public opinion polls released over more than a year have shown Biden faring poorly against Trump.
He has endorsed his vice president, Kamala Harris, whom reports say is the only other Democrat who could access $91 million in Biden-Harris campaign donations.
Since the announcement, Harris has secured the backing of several Democratic Party bigwigs. However, beloved figures like former President Barack Obama held off on endorsing Harris. The Democratic Party will hold its nominating convention in August in Chicago. Still, it remains unclear how the party will democratically choose a nominee, with state primaries ending in June.
The mainstream media has touted Harris’s identity as a mixed Indian and Black woman as why her candidacy is notable, showcasing her as a champion of Black people.
However, in this 2020 interview with theGrio senior correspondent Natasha Alford (@NatashaSAlford on IG, X and TikTok), Harris made it clear that she does not support calls for paying reparations to Black people who are descendants of enslaved people in the United States. Meanwhile, a Reuters/Ipsos poll in 2023 revealed that at least 74 per cent of Black people support reparations.
That position, as well as her record imprisoning Black people as California’s attorney general, has raised questions about her loyalty.
Like Biden, Harris fares poorly in polls against Trump.
Video credit: @theGrio (YouTube)
BUT someone made this comment :
It does a disservice to voters who are in the election of a lifetime to share this clip without the full context or a balanced analysis of her civil rights record. VP Harris has endorsed HR 40, a bill for a reparations commission (along with an anti-lynching bill, Black maternal mortality initiatives and more). She has given nuanced and slightly different answers on the reparations issue with various outlets over the years, each revealing how her thinking has shifted- as most politicians do. This won’t be satisfactory to some people, and everyone is entitled to their opinions about the way she answered the question in 2020. But that was FOUR years ago. The Trump administration does not support reparations, let alone DEI. Civil rights for Black Americans are being rolled back before our eyes. The choice between Trump and Harris is day and night. Let’s advance the conversation further so people understand what is at stake right now.
I completely get where you're coming from—this is the first time I've actually sat through all her comments on the issue. The REALITY is that none of our so-called leaders have a clue how to tackle this. Sure, they back it as a right to right a wrong, but not one of them has seriously put in the work to make the reparations issue coherent. And let's be honest, all those "leaders" are too scared to even whisper about it to their colonial overlords. So she's just doing what they all do best—DANCE around the question. Until we, as Black people, UNITE and form a global commission with representatives from the Caribbean, Latin and North America, and Europe to sit down, analyze, and figure out what and how much reparations are due, all this talk is nothing more than post-slavery freedom of speech.
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Sahil Kapur at NBC News:
WASHINGTON — Donald Trump has chosen Sen. JD Vance, an Ohio Republican, to be his vice presidential running mate, catapulting the first-term senator into the national spotlight.
Vance was an outspoken Trump critic during the 2016 presidential campaign, the same year Vance was promoting his memoir “Hillbilly Elegy.” He has since transformed into one of Trump’s staunchest MAGA allies over 18 months in the Senate, after winning a 2022 race for an open seat in red-trending Ohio. As a senator, Vance is known for his "America First" skepticism of U.S. involvement in global affairs like the war in Ukraine and his opposition to bipartisan deals on government funding. He has also helped lead a rail safety bill across party lines in the wake of last year's deadly train derailment in East Palestine, Ohio. And Vance has echoed Trump's attacks on the legitimacy of the 2020 election, which the ex-president has put front and center in his campaign as he continues to promote false claims that it was stolen from him. Unlike some other vice presidential prospects, Vance was not in Congress on Jan. 6, 2021, and didn’t vote on certifying President Joe Biden’s victory. In a February 2024 interview on ABC News, Vance endorsed the claim that the 2020 election was problematic and said Congress should have considered competing slates of electors. [...]
An opponent of Ukraine aid and abortion rights
Vance has carved out a niche as a vocal opponent of aid to Ukraine, arguing that the U.S. should encourage a deal in which Ukraine cedes land to Russia in order to end the war. He has dismissed concerns that Vladimir Putin would continue his territorial march through Europe if he takes Ukraine. And while he has continued to express support for Israel, he has broadly stood against interventionist U.S. foreign policies.
“There’s still this fundamental inability to deal with the limits of American power in the 21st century,” Vance told NBC News in April, after the Senate passed $95 billion in Ukraine aid, adding that his colleagues — who have “have presided over the declining relative strength of this country” — should instead work to rebuild it. During his year-and-a-half in the Democratic-controlled Senate, Vance has led the introduction of 57 bills or resolutions, none of which have become law, according to the legislative tracking website Congress.gov. He has co-sponsored many more, just two of which have made it to President Joe Biden's desk. They would have undone Biden's consumer and environmental regulations. Biden vetoed both. Vance has co-sponsored symbolic resolutions that have been adopted by the chamber, including a resolution to celebrate the U.S. flag and the Pledge of Allegiance, and another resolution to honor the life of former first lady Rosalynn Carter. Vance has been a reliable vote with the right flank of the party against most of Biden’s legislative priorities, judicial nominees and bipartisan government funding deals that have been championed by Republican leaders in both chambers.
Like most Republicans, Vance has consistently voted against Democratic-led legislation to codify abortion rights, restore the protections of Roe v. Wade, establish federal rights to access contraception and create protections for in vitro fertilization. Vance opposed and campaigned against last year’s ballot initiative in Ohio to protect abortion access, calling the measure’s passage “a gut punch.” He has rejected calls for tougher gun laws and clashed with Democrats over the politically thorny issue. And he voted to sink a bipartisan border security deal this year that Trump and many conservatives said didn't go far enough. [...] On the one-year anniversary of the Capitol attack, Vance — a Yale Law School graduate — falsely claimed that “dozens” of people “who haven’t even been charged with a crime yet” were being held in “D.C. prisons” pre-trial when, in fact, every person who was held in pretrial custody had been charged and had been ordered held by a judge. Vance linked to a fundraiser for Jan. 6 defendants including Jack Wade Whitton, who subsequently confessed to his crime and was sentenced to more than four years in federal prison.
Trump VP pick J.D. Vance has crafted a far-right image during his time in the Senate, such as opposition to Ukraine Aid funding, support abortion bans, opposition to IVF and contraception protections, election denialist claims about the 2020 election being “stolen”, and opposition to bipartisan government funding bills.
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stormblessed95 · 3 months
Hi i just started way of the kings, bc that was the only book from sanderson that i found, and i really wanted to start a deep series (like i have completed both percy jackson series, all 4 shadowhunter series, sjm universe all 3 series and ofc harry potter) and they were good but i wanted a more deeper well thought out more mature series, and i heard everyone like not even one single bad review from my fav book readers that i follow. I really hope i love this (cldnt get into lor or got series idk why maybe will give a try again) but can you give a timeline or any link which will explain it and the sequence of books in each series, if you wont mind. thanks,
ps its sort of sad the low amount of effort that bighit puts into jimin releases, not even mere promotion or posters even or pre order/save links or a larger grp of sites to but from or a europe ver album (which btw all of teh above that everyone else got, all the members did and pjms (no major account or so called ot7 army) are the ones promoting or putting up fliers and posters for promoting its just sad and so hurtful to see. its just so sad when people put side by side pics of jm and other member's stores and pre order links for thier albums and see jm's being like 4 stores long just that short list, it was really just sad. people have to beg them to give the pre -release songs pre order and pre save list and got that liek 2 days before the release, is just straight up negligence and mistreatment, it was really shocking to see esp since i became an army during proof era and the chapter 2 comebacks were my real full comebacks the clear discrepancies in releases of jm and others shocking (i agree even v faced some but not to this amount sry and how the rap line projects always get the lowest amount of engagement esp hobi and his hots album/documentary) i dont like solos always but in these moments when i see real tiem engagement by pjms on insta and twt i sort of become thankful for them, bc otherwise this album would have been in the gutter and esp with geffen vp streaming head's twt/comment , its really just disgusting to see, never have i seen such blatant disregard for an album release. Its just sad just very sad. anyways, thanks for the stormverse information in your recent ask, it helped a lot!
Anon come back! Lol was the list of books in last ask not what you want? Are you asking for a timeline of all the books in the cosmere in chronological order? Or just the Stormlight Archive series? Which starts with The Way of Kings? (feel free to give me updates as you read anon!!)
Stormlight Archive series includes:
Book 1: The Way of Kings
Book 2: Words of Radiance
Book 2.5: Edgedancer (Novella)
Book 3: Oathbringer
Book 3.5: Dawnshard (Novella)
Book 4: Rhythm of War
Book 5: Wind and Truth (comes out Dec 2024)
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As for the rest of your rant, I can agree that the effort Hybe has been putting into promotions for BTS lately have been abysmal, especially for who BTS are. They can and should be doing better in that aspect. But I don't super want to get into that honestly. Lol I just want to focus on enjoying what IS coming out and the efforts from the fandom too
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