#von karma is a GOOD DAD
ltorekdraws · 4 months
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different dads, same dads
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doctorsiren · 6 months
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I have an idea (concept sketch that I will make a more refined version of in the morning since it is midnight)
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ot3 · 1 year
read someone's essay about being mad that fanon makes manfred von karma abusive abusive and one of their points of evidence was stuff from the anime canon and like yeah i get what they were going for conceptually but also i feel like everything decent he might have done as depicted in the anime canon is cosmically balanced out by the fact that, textually, he is going to drop edgeworth off at an orphanage until he realizes edgeworth would be a good prosecutor. like kind of an unchill move there tbh. regardless of the fact that he buys franziska toys.
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quietwingsinthesky · 1 year
if anyone wants to send me franziska & edgeworth & von karma fic recs pspspspspsppspspsp
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rupertholmes · 2 years
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mostlyihyperfixate · 1 month
I love you "secretly mean to everyone" Phoenix
I love you "team dad sunshine in a bottle" Phoenix
I love you pan Miles
I love you ace/demi/gray Miles
I love you gay Phoenix
I love you bi Phoenix
I love you sexually experienced Miles
I love you touch starved Miles
I love you "head over heels for Dollie and wanting to try it out officially with Iris" Phoenix
I love you "I was just trying out being with a girl when I dated Dollie and it didn't work out" Phoenix
I love you "I'm still experiencing trauma from my childhood and my father's death twenty years later" Miles
I love you "the past is the past and I've got therapy and I'm happy" Miles
I love you "Dollie severely traumatized me" Phoenix
I love you "Dollie was just a bad ex and I'm fine" Phoenix
I love you "we've been dating since the first game" Wrightworth
I love you "it's post-Spirts of Justice and we still haven't got together" Wrightworth
I love you "I sent letters to Miles from the moment he left for Germany" Phoenix
I love you "I had no idea where Miles was and couldn't send him letters while he was in Germany" Phoenix
I love you "actually living with von Karma wasn't so bad he mostly took good care of me" Miles
I love you "von Karma was some flavor and some degree of abusive" Miles
I love you "I knew Miles wasn't dead and I was just pissed that he left so abruptly" Phoenix
I love you "I thought that suicide note was real and I'm pissed you fooled me into thinking you were dead" Phoenix
I love you "My note was obviously just about going to find myself and I'm not sorry" Miles
I love you "My note was serious but something changed my mind" Miles
I love you "I was aware I've loved you since I was nine" Phoenix
I love you "I just am now figuring out that maybe going to law school to save a guy I knew for half a year wasn't platonic and I'm in my thirties" Phoenix
There are so many absolutely fantastic variables to tell this story with and I love them all.
I love you, Ace Attorney fandom, for providing me with so many lovely stories with which to wile away my time, probably more than I should be wiling it away.
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grandiosetirade · 20 days
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Some Mlp AU
Miles’s Cutie Mark showed up when he defended Phoenix , and actually shows an defense attorney’s badge ( like his dad’s ) . He used to hide it a lot when he was under Von Karma .
Phoenix’s are cards , because he is good at poker and bluffing. I don’t want to give him a « lawyer badge » cutie mark because he was not « supposed » to be a Lawyer . If that makes sense ?? Like he gained his cutie mark while playing with Miles and Larry with cards i guess ?
Nothing to say more about Maya than i love her 💖
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demonadelem · 3 months
Part 2 of Ace Attorney characters and swearing: Investigations edition
see Miles, Gumshoe and Franziska in part 1 here.
Kay swore regularly as per her delinquency but she got "language'd" by dadworth enough times she starts using Gumshoe's replacements "holy cheese and crackers"
Lang only swears in Chinese, but even if you don't speak the language you know he's swearing because his Cantonese dialect makes his anger that much apparent. (I know from experience)
Detective badd looks like someone who would swear but every time it looks like he is going to swear its a fake out. "Son of a b- *pause for dramatic affect* butternut squash" "get a load of this shi- *tension builds* shiitake mushroom"
Raymond Shields/Eddie Fender only swears when he's complimenting people. "That was fucking cool" "That's the good shit!" "Where did you learn something like that you son of a bitch!" and other lines that are very uncle of him.
Justine Courtney/Verity Gavelle doesn't swear and hates when other people swear. She is very much a "don't take the goddess of law's name in vain." "Cussing is not allowed in the good lawful courtroom."
Sebastian/Eustace makes is abundantly clear he doesn't know how to swear casually. He sounds like a middle schooler swearing for the first time because none of the words roll off the tongue and he is practically shouting them. "you know why? you know why?? b- because fffffuUCK you." Verity/Justine tells him off all the time.
Gregory Edgeworth doesn't swear, he's too much of a wholesome dad to. Actually I lied, he has swore once and only once, it's when he caught Manfred Von Karma presenting forged evidence. Out of nowhere, during trial he called him a "forging cunt"
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northlight14 · 9 months
While I’m a big fan of the “Von Karma being a piece of shit mentor and father figure to Edgeworth” concept and there is definitely some truth to those statements, I also wanna address the fact that it is canon that Von Karma was a good mentor to Edgeworth and growing up in that household wasn’t as horrific as it may seem at first glance. Frankly if it was, Edgeworth wouldn’t have been manipulated like he was.
Now just taking that into consideration, that makes the moment Edgeworth finds out what actually happened to his dad so much more heartbreaking. When mini Miles lost his dad, that was his world taken from him. He didn’t have any other relatives to go to and no direction in life. Then in steps a man who he knew his father respected to some degree, offering him a home and guidance, teaching mini Miles everything he knows and inspiring him. The ruthless God of prosecutors himself helping Edgeworth build himself up again.
Then he finds out that the one man who stepped in, the one he was willing to follow, was the very same man who caused his suffering in the first place. Not only that, but he’s spent so long following his teachings, that he himself has essentially become just another version of the man who caused his suffering. And to add fuel to the fire, that father figure clearly knew of Edgeworth’s survivors guilt and PTSD and used it against him and went as far as to frame him for murder.
It is honestly a wonder to me how Edgeworth didn’t completely break down right then and there in the courtroom. Von Karmas betrayal of Edgeworth is definitely talked about a lot in the fandom but the added context of what isn’t shown in the game or anime just makes it all the more heartbreaking
Edit: doing an edit on this post cuz I feel like I didn’t communicate what I wanted the best I could. My bad, y’all. This isn’t me saying that there wasn’t abuse at play. There was. Manfred was very obviously emotionally neglectful of Edgeworth and Franziska and instilled a perfectionist complex in both of them. That much is clear by the way Edgeworth speaks with him in a strictly business like manner. But I think it’s important to acknowledge that while Manfred was a shitty father figure, he still showed Edgeworth some form of kindness over the years. (I also believe that it has been confirmed that he was a good mentor to Miles but if I’m wrong about that let me know). We see that in the anime in particular where it’s shown he favoured Miles over Franziska. And also that’s how abuse works. The abuser will show kindness to their victim because otherwise they can’t manipulate the victim as easily. Manfred isn’t a good person but I think it’s important to look at his relationship with Edgeworth with a bit of nuance. Miles knew Manfred wouldn’t show him mercy in the court room because he knows how important his win record is. That doesn’t take away from the fact that he showed Edgeworth some form of kindness over the years. In my opinion, it just makes the whole situation more tragic
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colorfullpaperbird · 8 months
Characters in Ace attorney that i believe are aware of fanfiction✨ ( and fandom )
Warning i haven’t played all the games yet, in fact my apollo justice trilogy is crashing every time i try to open it, so all the characters from after aa3 are based on fandom osmosis
Miles Edgeworth - writes Steel Samurai fanfiction on ao3 and has been doing it for some time now (the living embodiment of the ao3 writers curse) would rather die than anyone finding that out tho, doesn’t have a lot of free time so only posts once in like 3-4 months, fics are pretty good and distinct since he writes them with so much formality, so he is relatively popular in some fandom spaces;
Maya Fey- fanfiction reader only, runs an account on Tumblr for Steel Samurai news and fanwork, famous in the fandom and runs a discord server, one of those people that lowkey have their own fandom mostly bc of the insane revelations she drops about her own life from time to time ( “ lmao guys sorry for being absent but i got accused of murder for the 4th time and that really sucked ANYWAYS did you guys look at the leaks for the new reboot… “ ) Shes also way too open about herself on the internet;
Simon Blackquill: Sasuke fan ( derogatory ) also steel samurai fan tho, dont think he goes out the way to read fanfiction ( i think if he did he would read them in fanfiction.net ) but its pretty funny to think hes edgeworths beta reader ( AN: sorry for the delay, unfortunate circumstances came to light that my beta reader was arrested and is now on death roll ) He ran an AMV account on youtube before going to prison;
Trucy Wright: Shes 16 and her only friends are her dads coworkers, she opened wattpad AT LEAST once, probably accidentally read one of those “got sold to one direction (gavinners)” fics and immediately closed the app;
Klavier Gavin: opened wattpad to see what type of fanfiction people were writing about him, he runs a secret fan account and shares fun facts about him and his bandmates as “hcs”, also pretty popular but most people hate him bc they believe his depiction of the gavinners is “too ooc”. He is actually pretty impressed by the quality of most of the works and alludes to their existence constantly in his main on twitter, the fans go insane everytime;
Franziska Von Karma: I don’t believe Franziska is a fanfiction reader nor is she into any fandom, i do however believe she has notifications turned on for Edgeworth’s ao3 account, he doesn’t know that of course, what a foolish fool to think he could hide such a thing from his big sister, she will sometimes quote his work back to him and find amusing seeing him freeze. He thinks its a coincidence because he is too secretive about his hobbies, he’s wrong, she’s been following him online since she was 13, that’s how she knew he wasn’t dead in JFA.
Extras: Phoenix is technologically illiterate, he couldn’t read fanfiction even if he wanted to. Apollo is way too normal for that, he has the law autism not the fandom one. Athena knows of fanfiction bc she is young and in the internet but she wasn’t very interested in it. If you ask Gumshoe about fanfiction he would give you a smile and say “Of course im a Fan of Fiction Pal!”. I do believe Pearl has wattpad but only reads original works on there, so in my opinion she doesn’t count.
Im sorry for any spelling mistakes, english is not my first language
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doctorsiren · 11 months
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I saw an interesting post a while back that said “Capcom made us [Miles and Diego/Godot] only have like two(?) interactions because they knew we would be unstoppable with a brother dynamic” and tbh it stuck with me bc it was intriguing.
So yeah that potential brotherhood, but that Godot/Diego AU I made (that I still need a name for)
Also I bet Gregory Edgeworth would have smelled like a bit like coffee, and so Diego just reminds Miles of that comforting presence 😭 (the von Karma estate was a tea household, so he didn’t smell much coffee after DL-6 and didn’t realize how much he missed it/reminded him of his father)
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glamangel3766 · 8 months
Note: This is during the 7 yrs Phoenix is disbarred and Miles Edgeworth is disqualified for the following reasons
he's Trucy's co-parent and you don't babysit your own child
Miles was most likely in Europe during the 7yr gap and only spent time with the Wrights when he flew them out to get Nick's help on a case so both of Trucy's dads, the good ones who don't abandon her, would leave her with one of the mentioned babysitters to go flirt, I mean solve cases alone
if both Trucy and Miles are in one location then why would Nick want to be anywhere else unless he's forced to
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frickingnerd · 1 year
franziska von karma with a s/o with "childish" interests
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pairing: franziska von karma x gn!reader
tags: embarassed!reader (about their plushies & figures), established relationship, wholesome fluff, supportive!franziska
a/n: i feel like i have to say there is nothing wrong with having "childish" interests! i own a few plushies and figures myself, so i'm not trying to shame anyone here! <3
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it's not obvious that you're into "childish" things, as you are pretty good at masking it
franziska doesn't notice anything about it for quite a while, though she does start to notice that you never seem to invite her over to your place
you know that it's because of the stuffed animals and action figured that you avoid showing her, not wanting your girlfriend to know you are into those things
however, franziska doesn't know that and can't help but get suspicious that you never invite her to your apartment
so much so that one day she shows up at your place with take out in her hands, concealing her sudden visit as a surprise date
you're too perplex to stop her from walking into your apartment and as soon as she's in, she spots all those plushies and figures you were trying to hide from her
though she doesn't show much of a reaction, which only ends up making you more nervous
but when you apologize for the mess and attempt to put them away, clearly embarrassed that your girlfriend saw them, she stops you, telling you that you have nothing to apologize for!
she's no detective, but even franziska can see that those things mean something to you and that you are embarrassed about her finding out about them
but to take some of that embarrassment away from you, franziska decides to confess to you that you're not the only one who hides plushies and action figures when their significant other comes over
turns out she still has a few steel samurai figures that she got from miles and a plushie from her dad that she always hid in the closet when you came over
sure, you clearly had more figures and plushies, but in the end, you two weren't so different, which was quite a relief to find out!
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thestormynobody · 3 months
Turnabout Timeloop Chapter 1
“I’ve heard enough. It’s time to declare my verdict.”
(This is bad.) Apollo didn’t have the evidence needed to turn this around. (What should I do???) He was out of options, wasn’t he? (That doesn’t matter!! I can come up with a good reason why. For now, I just need to ob-)
Almost instantly, a voice rings out across the courtroom. “NO!!!!! Frin would never do something like that!! Let them go!!!” Bonnie struggles helplessly in Odile’s arms. They must have found a way to sneak into the courtroom after all. Odile’s expression is unreadable as she tries to usher them back out of the courtroom. None of them had wanted Bonnie to see this.
Apollo’s client, Sifferin, nomiddlename nolastname (Still can’t believe that was allowed), stares in horror at the commotion. “Bonbon….”  They look shattered. Understandably so, considering they were just declared guilty of murder, and in front of Bonnie, no less. 
“This wasn’t supposed to happen. I didn’t- I just- wanted to-I’m sorry.” Their voice is small. Practically drowned out by the scuffle happening in the back of the room.
(What do they mean?) Was there something he missed? There had to have been. It just didn’t add up. (I wish I had more time to investigate, maybe I could’ve-)
Apollo wakes up at his desk in the Wright Anything Agency. (A dream? Man. I must be really stressed about this case if I’m dreaming about losing it huh? That dream was weirdly detailed though….weird.) 
He tilts his head back and forth to try and deal with his stiff neck. It pops unpleasantly.
“You’re going to end up with back problems like me, you know.” A familiar voice calls out.
Phoenix. Wright. His boss. Didn’t he say something like this before? Apollo had just kind of responded noncommittally in the dream, something about not doing it again. It was pretty passive, and he’d felt weird about it after. Like he was a kid getting scolded by his dad. (Gross.) 
“Dunno, Mr. Wright. You sure you’re not just old?” 
“HA. I guess you don’t want this coffee then. More for me.”
“Wait, no I was just joking-” he wanted that coffee.
“Yeah, yeah I know-” He pauses and with a devious smirk adds “....kiddo.” and ruffles Apollo’s hair.
(Eugh.) Apollo nabs the coffee from Phoenix’s hand and downs it. He’s not sure how long he slept but he needs to get to work. There was lots to do. Meet with the client, investigate the crime scene, interview the witnesses…the sooner he got started the better. He didn’t want a repeat performance of his dream.
“Alright, you know Trucy and I are going to be out of town for her next show. Gonna have to get your own coffee for a few days. “
“I’m sure I’ll manage.” It was kind of a shame. Mr. Wright did make weirdly good coffee. Maybe he worked at a coffee shop at some point when he was disbarred? Who knows. Wasn’t like he’d tell Apollo if he had.
“Good luck on your case. I know Prosecutor Von Karma can be intimidating but she’s mellowed out a lot since I faced her in court. You got this!”
Prosecutor Von Karma…she had been practicing law abroad for some time now and had only just recently returned to Ka Bue. The daughter of Manfred Von Karma, the prosecutor with one of the longest win streaks known in the law world as well as the adoptive sister of the head prosecutor Miles Edgeworth. Family legacy aside, she was well known to be very good at what she did and to take very little nonsense in the courtroom. He’d have to be at the top of his game if he was going to be facing her. In his dream she’d been as formidable as he’d imagined… Perhaps it was some sort of subconscious warning against complacency? Sure. He’d go with that.
“Athena’s out of the office today but should be able to assist you in the trial tomorrow if you need back up.” He knew she’d been enjoying some down time after her last big case and didn’t want to drag her into his own workload. Still, her skills were invaluable in many past cases so he should consider his options carefully.  
“Water Charley for me, won’t you?”
Oh, he’d been in his own head about the case and not responding to Mr. Wright, oops. “Of course. I’ve got things here Mr. Wright. Go enjoy Trucy’s show”
“I know you’ve got this, I just gotta do my job as your boss, heh. See ya in a few days.”
“Don’t forget to take a few videos of the show for me!”
“‘Course.” He says as he leaves the room with a small wave.
 He fixes his signature spikes and pulls on his suit pinning his badge to the lapel. 
His pretrial nerves were starting to get to him as well as lingering weirdness from the dream. Well. No one was here to judge him for doing his cords of steel warm ups as he got ready sooo-
“I! AM! FINE!”
(Alright!! All warmed up! It's go time, Apollo!)
He hops on his bike and pedals away to the detention center. He vaguely remembers how there had been a traffic jam in his dream so he takes an alternative route where he could stick to side streets more. Silly maybe but hey if his subconscious was trying to protect him from being late who was he to argue?
  A woman is waiting for him outside the building. She is technically the one who hired him. (Odile if I remember correctly. She’s a Ka Buan citizen but has been abroad up until recently. She was part of a group that saved the country of Vaugarde.) 
This case was somewhat of a diplomatic nightmare. Despite the distance, Vauguarde and Ka Bue were in pretty good standing with one another. Convicting one the saviors of Vauguarde carried steep political implications. A citizen of Ka Bue had been murdered though and the law was clear that justice must be served regardless of the circumstances of the accused. It was his job to prove his client innocent and possibly prevent an international incident. (No pressure!)
“Mr. Justice.” She says it more as a statement than a question. HIs defense badge must have given him away.
“Yes, ma'am! At your service!”  He realizes he sounds a bit too over eager and tones it back a bit. “You must be madame Odile?”
“That’s correct.” She gives him an appraising look. Her expression does not give away any conclusions she may have drawn. “Thank you for coming out on such short notice.”
“Of course.” (Short notice is kind of the norm in my experience…) 
“Siffrin is inside. They wouldn’t let me inside to talk to them but they should let you in as his lawyer.” 
(She seems calm for someone whose friend is currently being held on suspicion of murder. She’s either one tough lady or she’s convinced they didn’t do it.)
“I’ll see if I can get you visitation privileges after I talk to them.” 
She gives him a small nod. “Thank you.”
Apollo enters the detention center trying not to think too hard about how Odile had appeared so accurately in his dream. It was probably just his brain mixing up memory with dreams after all. She just looks similar enough that his brain THINKS it's the same! (....yeah that’s gotta be it)
His client looks very distraught. Understandable considering the circumstances but they look like they’re on the verge of a panic attack. (I should do something to calm them down.)
In Vauguardian he says: “Hey, breathe for a second alright?” When their attention snaps to him he hesitates for a moment then: “Here um. LIke this?” He breathes in. Then out. 
They follow his lead and after a bit seem to have centered themself a bit. A realization seems to dawn on them a moment later however. “How did you know to do that?”
“A breathing exercise? I mean. It's a pretty common calming technique isn’t it?”
“No- You…did it differently before” 
“Before…?” (I did do it differently in the dream didn’t I? This way seemed to work better for them in the dream so I guess I just led with it? But that was just a dream. Wasn’t it???)
They seem to be deep in thought for a long moment then they fix an intense look on him. “Something of mine was found on the victim. What was it?”
“A coin.”
The answer was so automatic he surprises himself. That wasn’t right. He hadn’t even been to the crime scene yet. Sure in his dream there’d been a coin but that was just-
“Stars. You remember.”
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box-dwelling · 1 year
So I've had this idea swimming in my head for a bit and I considered doing a fic about it but honestly I just want to do a headcanon write up for now at least. So narumitsu Franmaya post SOJ kids!
So I think after SOJ the elders in Kurain are going to start really getting on Maya's ass about having a baby. And it's getting really annoying. She been dating/married to Franziska for years at this point but I think they're solidly convinced she's having her "lesbian phase" and that once Pearl is of age and doesn't need looking after anymore and she's officially the Master of Kurain she's going to find herself a husband and settle down.
Maya fucking hates this. She wants them to properly recognise her relationship and while her relationship with the entire concept of having kids is very complicated, she doesn't want Channeling to die out so she condededs that fine, she'll have the damn kids but Franziska is being their mom.
Franziska has her own complicated ideas around legacy but is equally getting annoyed but she recognises this is important for Maya's culture and she doesn't dislike kids in general, she's been a good Tante to Trucy and while her relationship with Pearl is rocky she's thinks she's done a perfect job being her quasi step mother.
So they concoct a plan.
One day they sit Miles, Phoenix and Trucy down and say they're going to try IVF and they ask Miles to be the donor because in the absence of true male Von Karma DNA, honourary Von Karma DNA will do the job. Phoenix is completely on board because hes been listening to Maya complain about this for literal years and wants it to be over and done with for her. Trucy finds the idea hilarious because it promises to make their already insane family tree even more convoluted and she thrives in that chaos. She's also very aware that's she's presently the baby of the family and is a bit worried about her dad's empty nesting. Miles is honoured to be asked.
They do the thing. Then a few months later the Wright-Edgeworth's get a panicked phone call. Maya has just had a check up and has found out that she is pregnant with triplets. But one of them is male. 3 kids was going to be a lot anyway but there's enough people in Kurain that they can make it work. But Maya is very very aware of how weird the village is around men and really doesn't want her kid raised in that environment. And Phoenix and Miles, bleeding heart chronic adopters that they are agree that they'll raise the boy and Maya and Franziska can raise the girls in Kurain. So begins the chaos.
Miles does an insane amount of prep for the baby. He reads literally every parenting book he can get his hands on. He might as well have an honourary degree in child development after the amount of research he does. He calls up old contacts from universities he's taught at to get access to papers, he complies reading lists, he makes binders full of note, he goes completely overboard because he's going to raise this kid right. (I honestly think he did this when he first became involved in Trucy's life too but those stages of development are vastly different to that of a baby)
Franziska, does not. She is convinced she knows everything she could possibly need to in order to do this perfectly. Pearl turned out fine. These kids will too. Miles keeps sending her papers he's read and she will skim them, states that she already knew all of that and tell him he's over reacting. However she does do a good number of therapy sessions in preparation to get her head straight about what stuff Manfred did that was good and what stuff he did that was bad.
Phoenix is panicking and being way way too attentive of Maya. He's calling every few hours to make sure she's ok. Not because he's worried about the babies, though he is, but because his best friend/kid sister is carrying 3 human beings and he's terrified she's going to get hurt. He will cross the bridge of raising them when he gets there, he did fine with Trucy and he's kind of a dad by nature at this point.
Maya Hates being pregnant. She despises it. She can't do all the cool active stuff she's used to, Nick is being overbearing as well as all the other general stuff that sucks with being pregnant. She is not enjoying this and is actually kinda glad it's triplets because that means she has 2 female heirs an she never has to do this ever again. She is however also not stressing about raising them. She has some basics covered like making damn sure no one pits them against eachother and that they can chose among the pair of them who's going to inherit her title when they're good and ready. They'll need a certain level of spiritual training obviously but she's determined to give them as normal a life as possible and hopefully when they're old enough have them travel a lot with her and Franziska while Franziska is working.
This is a more complicated other headcanon but I think this is around the time Trucy starts properly coming to terms with the fact that the Gramaryes suck ass and she doesn't actually want anything to do with them. So she's kind of doing some soul searching and decides to take a gap year after school to figure out if she wants to be a magician or not by trying to define herself by something else. This gap year ends up manifesting by being an investigative assistant full time at the WAA while also trying out literally everything else she's ever had a passing interest in. She's figuring herself out during this time basically.
The babies come. Nick is incredibly overbearing during the labor. Franziska is just focusing on helping Maya through it and Miles is stressed the fuck out that this is happening and real.
And so Richard (after gumshoe), Sakura (named after the Pink Princess), and Brunhilde (named by Franziska because it means Armoured for battle which Maya thought sounded cool as hell) are born. The elders are very upset about how the names don't follow traditional fey naming convention but Maya doesn't care. She wants these kids to grow up knowing the exist outside of the village and giving Brunhilde a German name makes is even clearer that Franziska is her mother and nothing is changing that fact.
Maya and Franziska have a basically uneventful time raising the girls. The elders have been prepared for this for years. Maya goes by Mom/Mommy, Fran goes by Mama. As they planned they take them all over the globe with Frans work with Interpol. Maya gets to call it a holiday regularly and fobs off the elders by saying that they'll be better trained by being more worldly. She'll look after the kids as Fran works and when they go back to Kurain they switch and Fran will take cases in the japanifonia prosecutors office when the elders want to train them. They're a well oiled machine. Brunhilde ends up taking more after Fran and Sakura takes more after Miles. Brunhilde is actually really good at channeling but decides to let Sakura take the title because she enjoys it more. The elders are actually pretty glad about this because Brunhilde is absolutely terrifying. She got the Edgeworth glare which combined with supernatural powers makes her seem like something out of the Omen. Franziska and Maya couldn't be more proud. Sakura is a little more mild mannered but given her parents it's not by much. She's still a forceful presence but she's just typically a lot more easy going. She is genuinely passionate as hell about Channeling, she got Maya and Miles' autism and it's becomes her special interest. She's studious and devoted and really cares about what she does. She ends up doing a ton to revolutionise channeling when she becomes master and basically brings it into a new golden age. The two of them are close and their parents make certain to makes sure there's absolutely no bad blood there.
Miles and Phoenix have a slightly more chaotic time raising Richard. They're both workaholics and also running major legal bodies so figuring out how to make time to raise a baby amongst that is difficult.
They start with Phoenix taking paternity leave and calling in to talk with Athena. Trucy at this point is still in her final year so the office is quiet as hell and Athena HATES it. She needs a busy environment and being alone in the office is driving her mad.
So that last like a month before they just decide to baby proof the WAA and have Phoenix look after Richard while he's there. Athena likes babies (like come on, she does) but the crying is difficult on her ears so Phoenix gets her some very strong noise cancelling headphones and the pair of them come up with an insane series of methods of non verbally communicating. Phoenix and Athena barely have a braincell of common sense between them so they end up with various whiteboards all over the office to write stuff on and a nerf gun each to get each others attention.
One Apollo's first return visit from Kura'in with this as the new status quo Richard nearly chokes on a dart and he asks why they didn't just both learn ASL to which Athena and Phoenix both look at each other because the sensible solutions never even occurred to them. They learn ASL after that.
The first time they have to investigate a case Phoenix just straps up with a dad harness and takes the baby to the crime scene. This goes predictably poorly. Richard won't stop crying while they're talking to witnesses and Athena has to put on her head phones which means Phoenix has to write down everything the witness says to show her but his handwriting is terrible and he can't spell when writing so quickly so Athena keeps misunderstanding what's been said. Richard throws up on some evidence. They then get threatened by some goons which when Phoenix reports back to Miles about his day nearly gives him a heart attack.
After that one of 3 things happens. If Trucy is free, she'll either babysit her kid brother or investigate with Athena, if she isn't and Miles is free/just doing work in his office, they'll drop Richard off with him for the day where Miles has baby supplies ready. If neither of them are free, Phoenix will stay in the office and look after Richard while Athena has him on face time. That being said I'd give it 3 years before that kid's back to being dragged along to crime scenes. It's the Wright kid way.
I feel like the courthouse probably has a day care so they drop him off there during trials
When Richard is in Miles office is comparatively calm compared with the WAA. Klavier comes in to coo and sing him lullabies. Taka will sometimes take vigilant watch when he's sleeping. Simon will on occasion ask about his psychological development. But it's a lot more sane. When he's a bit older I'm reasonably certain that Simon will let him play with his katana at least once but other than that its fine.
Despite this Richard grows up to be basically fine. Weird girl energy as comes with the territory but they try to make sure he's has as normal a childhood as possible. He takes after Maya a lot which is either a biological thing or just kind of what happens when a considerable chunk of your devolpment is done in a WAA that is lacking Apollo. Miles is keeping a detailed track on all his development milestones and he's pretty far ahead but reasonably so. He's smart but he's not a Prodigy which they take to mean basically healthy. If and when he ever does struggle with something they're very good about telling him that's ok and that helping him improve while also making sure he knows it's not a moral failing to struggle. He's aware that Brunhilde and Sakura are his siblings but it's explained more as 3 kids being a lot to handle rather than the stuff about Kurain being weird. He sees them both regularly and all 4 of them love all 3 kids to pieces.
In terms of appearance as they get older, I think Richard has Maya's round soft features but Miles' grey hair and eye colour. Brunhilde is kind of the opposite, she's got the dark hair and piercing blue eyes but the sharp Edgeworth features. She also got his shitty eye sight and has glasses from a very young age. Sakura has grey narrowed eyes but round cheeks and dark hair.
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muffinapologist · 1 year
girl help I can't stop thinking about an AU where Edgeworth is conscious when Von Karma shoots his dad but he doesn't realize it until months later after he's already been adopted by the man because the lack of oxygen and trauma made his vision fuzzy.
and then Von Karma finds out he's a witness and stages an Accident at that river near Hazakura temple. and he's declared dead but he washes up on shore without any memories and is raised as an acolyte alongside Iris.
 and then Phoenix shows up literally 17 years later and sees not only someone who looks just like his ex but also his supposedly dead best friend.
Some details because this AU is taking up all my brain space lately:
Phoenix is a prosecutor because he has suspicions surrounding Miles’ death (particularly about Von Karma).
Mia was still sort of a mentor to him because she saved his ass in college and helped him study for the bar but he obviously didn’t come to work for her.
Maya is actually still good friends with Phoenix and something of an assistant a la Kay. Phoenix was very dedicated to finding Mia’s killer and never believed Maya was responsible. They bonded. Now Maya causes trouble for the prosecutor's office.
Gumshoe is Phoenix’s direct subordinate and spends a lot of time keeping Maya out of trouble (at least theoretically, she actually usually talks him into whatever nonsense she’s up to)
Gumshoe is a little less formal with Phoenix than he is with Miles in canon, he still calls him ‘sir’ but also calls him ‘Nick’. The result is usually something like “Nick, sir, we found this bloody shoe at the crime scene”
Franziska is there on the day that her father pushes Miles into the river although she doesn’t witness it. As she grows older she grows suspicious as to her father’s involvement in Miles’ death and in DL-6. She becomes a defense attorney to spite him and so that she can look for Miles (whom she believes is still alive) without her father watching her every move.
Franziska is Phoenix’s courtroom rival/frenemy. The butt heads a lot but they share a common goal and work together on Miles’ case. They also wouldn’t hesitate to risk their lives to each other. You know it’s kind of “I hate them [affectionate]”
Maya and Franziska flirt a Lot in court and Phoenix teases Maya relentlessly over it.
Miles’s name is Hyacinth for the time that he lives at Hazakura temple because he doesn’t remember his name, so Bikini gives him one when he washes ashore. She chose Hyacinth because it matched the tropical theme she has going on with Iris.
When Iris is dating Phoenix covertly she brings back books from the city for Hyacinth about a wide range of subjects. He’s a massive nerd.
Miles is a prodigy in canon so while he wouldn’t remember his interest in law specifically he is still incredibly sharp and gets bored easily when his mind isn’t engaged.
 I think he’d play chess with Iris and Bikini and read a lot to stave this off. Bikini has some books delivered for him before Iris starts bringing them home for him. He’ll read about just about any subject with a preference for non fiction. 
He’d have read at least some of the scrolls about Kurain that are at Hazakura temple but there are some that are secret to anyone outside the family so he hasn’t read all of them. 
Bikini is still the tour guide though because while Hyacinth knows the history he is not great with people
When Phoenix meets Miles at the temple he’s like hey can we talk in private and Miles is like sir this is a place of worship. And Phoenix has to be like that wasn’t a come on,
Hyacinth wouldn’t recognize him immediately. He never met him as Iris’s boyfriend and he lost his childhood memory. However when Phoenix introduces himself Hyacinth recognizes the name
you know in canon Miles has that recurring nightmare about DL-6? well in this AU he has a recurring dream about almost drowning in the river and "a man's voice" guiding him to the surface and telling him to keep swimming. But he always wakes up just as he breaks through the surface, before he can see who it was (spoiler alert it’s Gregory Edgeworth)
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