mostlyihyperfixate · 19 hours
#Miles would be like “He's the man I married Your Honor but he's also a moron.” #and the judge would be like “Yes that sounds about right. Do us all a favor and stop embarrassing your husband Mr Wright.” I don't think these should be hidden in the OP's tags
It's so funny to me when I read a fanfic or even an online post about how if wrightworth (or any defense attorney x prosecutor ship) happened they wouldn't be able to face each other in court any more.
My brother in christ this is Ace Attorney. If you're worried about what is and isn't allowed in actual court I've got some bad news about most of what happens in canon.
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mostlyihyperfixate · 2 days
narumitsu really is the greatest ship of all time. lawyer yaoi you will always be famous
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mostlyihyperfixate · 2 days
Okay. I gotta write 750 words a day to fill my quota, and I don't feel like journaling about my day today, so I'm going to do a quick-and-dirty discussion of my thoughts on "Ace Attorney: Apollo Justice" before I really get into the meat of the final case. I'll see if my thoughts change once I finish it.
I'm gonna be real honest: I don't think I like this game as much as the others. And I feel really bad about it! I didn't want to be the person that waltzed in and just was mad at everything because waaah it's not Phoenix. I went in here with the mindset that I was gonna like Apollo, and I was going to give him a fair shot.
Frankly, I think this game would be better if Phoenix was just, like, not in it. He could just be some legendary defense attorney who retired a while back and no one is quite sure he went (and it's certainly not to Europe to be with his husband or anything like that). Phoenix kind of weighs it down for me, because I am sad that he the way he is, and I'm mad that he's kind of being an asshole to Apollo who literally has done NOTHING WRONG, and I'm also mad that he doesn't really even seem to care much about Trucy. Maybe that's developed more in other games? I expected more out of that relationship. And so I am torn between wanting to know what Phoenix is up to, because I love him, and then being like, "Get out of here and quit being mean to Apollo with a smile on your face" every time Phoenix does show up.
And I like Apollo, but I feel he's…wanting. I don't feel like I know Apollo. Don't get me wrong; I know Phoenix was just kind of the generic every dude over his head in the first game. The most we really got out of him was one thing that happened to him when he was a kid. But he had enough of a personal connection or personal stakes in his cases (at the very least, his past relationship with Edgeworth was there because Edgeworth was the prosecutor) that I felt like I had SOMETHING to go off. And it's not like I need Apollo to have a tragic backstory or some deep reason to be an attorney. But I have zero! Zilp! Zilch!
He literally hasn't gotten to know a single one of his clients for one reason or another the entire game, so I don't feel like I have a grasp on them either! And Apollo doesn't even get the benefit of playing off the prosecutor like Phoenix did in every game. I don't dislike Klavier; his being a genuinely nice guy isn't bad. But he sure doesn't add anything to the story for me, and I don't think he adds much (if anything) to Apollo's character either.
And at the same time, I feel like this game is trying to be much deeper. It's trying to tell me something about the legal system, and corruption, and broken dreams. But at the same time, it's so much more cartoony than the previous entries. The first game was always the one that took itself the most seriously, I feel (and it's my favorite of the original trilogy), and I did say when I finished Trials and Tribulations that I felt it hit maximum soap opera in Bridge to Turnabout. I also said I loved it for that soapy-ness. But this isn't soapy. This is a cartoon. What's with all these characters suddenly changing appearances? What's with every single witness being an over-the-top weirdo? WHY is Spark Brushel????
Let's not even get into how much I loathed Turnabout Serenade. It gave me a much greater appreciation for Turnabout Big Top. I mean, sure, all those adult men were hitting on Regina, but at the very least I feel like Moe wasn't going to let anyone actually lay a finger on her afterward. She's in good hands. And Moe was self-aware that I wanted him to go to Clown Hell for all those massive penalties…
Now that I think about it, the tutorial case was probably my second favorite in the series, after the opening trial to Trials and Tribulations. But the other two…were not that interesting. I haven't been in a huge rush to finish this one. Which…I guess I started it two weeks ago, so it's not like I've been dragging my feet. But I'm perfectly capable of going a day or two without picking up my Switch Light to find out what happens next. I'm not staying up until, like, midnight to get to the next chapter.
I've tried hard to avoid spoilers, but I'm not sure I have any massive theories for how this is going to wrap up. I have been really suspicious of Trucy's uncle ever since he showed up. Now that he's in the flashback, I note that I have not, in fact, seen Trucy's uncle and Phoenix in the same place at the same time. So I wonder if he had something to do with…….something. And obviously Kristoph has something to do with….something. And Trucy's dad has the same first name as the guy that got killed in the first case, so clearly he came back to do…..something. I just don't know what those somethings are.
I will also say: No way did Phoenix ever have $100,000 to his name to pay someone to forge evidence for him, considering this (apparently???) happened two months after the end of the last game, and the only client that for sure ever paid him was probably Miles. Not sure if the game is going to try to red herring me on that or not. But I had a good chuckle at that.
Honestly, I'd love to see more of Apollo and Klavier (separately and together) because I think they COULD be interesting. So far, this game just has failed to develop them at all. Again, I think part of the issue is that Phoenix's presence casts such a long shadow. I understand the plan was not to include him in the game originally, and I'm a little torn because, again, I love him, and I want to see more of him…just not like this. And I think it's kind unfair to Apollo both in and out of universe that he has to share his debut game with Phoenix.
Someone reblogged my Klavier post to say that the last case in Apollo Justice was their favorite. I have read on other parts of the internet that it's generally considered the worst final case in the series. We'll see what happens.
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mostlyihyperfixate · 2 days
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mostlyihyperfixate · 3 days
It's been 100 or close to it or slightly over it all week.
I do not handle heat well.
idk what's up but today I'm like...legit feeling sick over it. I'm not actually sick, but I've had a headache for three days, so I haven't been sleeping well. My stomach feels some kind of way. It's not nauseous, but I sure don't want to eat. I don't want to drink. I'm super listless. I'm trying really hard not to be cranky with people because it's no one's fault, but my mood is pretty bad.
I keep getting told, "It's not even that hot out!" Like, I know, okay? I know. It's only June. We've got two more months of this (if I'm lucky; sometimes it's still this hot until early November), and there are places much hotter. I don't live in Phoenix, Arizona for several reasons, and my hatred of hot weather is pretty high up the list. But it's hot enough to make me sick. I'm not proud of it.
I realize there are a million worse things going on in the world right now, so I'm not like legit whining "why me." It's pretty pathetic that a hot week can jank me up this badly. Just glad my job for today got moved to Tuesday afternoon so I didn't have to drive an hour there and back in this condition.
If I can just get through the night without another migraine, maybe I'll feel better in the morning.
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mostlyihyperfixate · 3 days
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(they have been married for 5 years)
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mostlyihyperfixate · 3 days
Ace attorney is so funny for making a game where you play as a lawyer whose assistant lets him talk to dead people and the only dead person he talks to is a smarter, better lawyer
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mostlyihyperfixate · 3 days
I can't explain what it is, but there is something very funny to me that the big secret thing that Phoenix has been working on this whole time...
...is installing the jury system.
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mostlyihyperfixate · 4 days
Hello, adopted teenage daughter. Please continue doing several jobs for me and being exposed to horrible people and dead bodies. PS Mentee that I invited to this shindig, I don't believe in you. <3 -- Some jerkass in a beanie, probably
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mostlyihyperfixate · 5 days
this story is so good i'm so mad about it how the hell am i supposed to go to sleep now when i've got eight chapters left?????????? but if i finish tonight it won't be there in the morning!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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mostlyihyperfixate · 5 days
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i love this creature. the penis right
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mostlyihyperfixate · 5 days
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mostlyihyperfixate · 5 days
I am finally free of Turnabout Seranade!
Enjoy prison, Daryan. I hope they pipe Guitar's Serenade endlessly into your cell until you leave the building in one way or another <3
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mostlyihyperfixate · 6 days
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oh yeah, i forgot i made wrightworth/narumitsu pixel art a long time ago! 😊💙
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mostlyihyperfixate · 6 days
*face down on the floor*
i beg you
end this case
i don't care about any of these people
if I have to listen to Guitar's Serenade one more time I swear
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mostlyihyperfixate · 6 days
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Part 1 (out of lord knows how many...)
Aa, I'm so excited to finally share this comic with you guys!! In all its simplicity, this is a WrightWorth soulmate/wings-AU. I will add content warnings at the start of every update if there are any. I hope you guys enjoy!!
Super special thanks to @romanqynch for beta reading my script and fixing my poor English ;; It really means a lot I have someone helping me make this comic the best it can be <3
Have a lovely day you guys!!
(I'm cross-posting to Instagram and Twitter as well, so if you'd prefer to read this there, I go by @peathepirate everywhere.)
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mostlyihyperfixate · 6 days
Had a truly horrible thought last night when Ema got back on the stand in this case.
It's been seven years
where is Gumshoe
did he die of starvation
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