#voltron camp au
soadscrawl · 2 months
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i wasnt gonna post this but that first little doodle had ppl yodeling on instagram so...... camp staff au
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seypia · 1 month
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i'd do anything just to be with you
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digoload · 9 months
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More Voltron AU!
Alien fugitive Fit who frequently steals/scavenges from Galra ships and settlements (and usually causes some mayhem too) frees human Pac from a work camp and takes him under his wing. Fitpac ensues, followed by relentless teasing from Tubbo, who went into space searching for Pac.
Fit used to be a gladiator for blood sport on a Galra cruiser before he found Ramon and they broke free together. Turns out Ramon's pretty handy with a fighter jet!
Ramon also engineered his arm and trident with the use of a balmera crystal shard they stole off a Galra encampment. He only wears it when necessary.
(version without notes, and extras on Fit's species below the cut)
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Fit's species come in many different colours. They are vaguely humanoid, and are known for their height and bulk, much like the Galra. Unlike the Galra, they have much less fur, usually only some hair at the very back of the head (Fit is fully bald though lmfao). Their skin is fairly smooth, but rubbery and thick like a whale's.
His species is a fairly new one, all things considered. Most have very short tails at the base of their spines as a holdover from when they lived in their planet's oceans, but they are usually almost unnoticeable.
They have several antler-like growths on the tops of their heads that drop off seasonally, which are often used for making tools or weapons. In the past, they were made into arrowheads, used to carve clay tablets, or embedded into clubs or other blunt weapons. They are also used as reminders of the fallen.
Their planet had no prior knowledge of aliens before they were invaded by the Galra. Following their planet's capture, they became a popular species for gladiators due to their size and build.
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leenfiend · 6 months
Kissing you on the mouth for your Lance son of Hermes take. I didn't even really have an opinion before but after reading your post I'm immediately sold and so invested in the au
Do you have ideas on what the other characters godly parents would be? Hunk with Hephaestus makes sense to me, and I'm a fan of Keith son of Ares (learning to accept his godly dad could match with his arc about accepting he's part galra, a supposedly evil/violent side of him, + the anger and fighting skills), but not sure about the others...
hello!!! I'm glad you see the vision hehe. I actually sent many a paragraph to heynhay about this only yesterday. I was firmly on the son of Ares Keith headcanon but then... someone reblogged my post saying Keith son of Zeus (I think it was @pidges-lost-robot and i was like WAAAAIT.
Okay so here's my many many paragraphs explaining headcanons for each. Shiro son of Zeus: Okay so in my head Shiro & Keith are both sons of Zeus but for very different reasons. They're like Thalia vs Jason types. Shiro is a great leader, he's ambitious, he's brave, he's a legend. His dad is so proud. He's been on like 20 quests and absolutely demolished all of them. All the kids in camp know he's So Cool and Talented. He can be hot headed sometimes but ultimately he's really adept at setting aside his feelings for the Greater Good etc. Ideal hero type and ideal son to the big guy upstairs. Keith son of Zeus: Keith is all the bad traits of Zeus (sorry to him). He's got a short temper, he's impulsive, he's closed off. He's a prodigy without meaning to be. Everyone pays attention to him but (despite what Lance thinks) it's because they think he's a freak, he's not a big three kid the way you're Supposed To Be. And he doesn't want to be a leader. This really rubs Zeus the wrong way. Keith would rather disappear into the ranks of his fellow campers than be the star of the show and that goes against everything children of Zeus are supposed to be. His dad definitely refuses to claim him for a long time which makes Keith just some weird really powerful kid who doesn't know who his godly parent is. Luckily Shiro takes him under his wing : )) (too bad Shiro doesn't come back from his latest quest tho, no one knows where he went off to and Chiron doesn't want to send out a quest because if something kept Shiro The Legend from coming back to camp it must be really bad). Hunk son of Aphrodite: ANOTHER ONE I'M FIRM ABOUT. I think Hunk's defining characteristic is his love for his friends. Hunk is always looking for peaceful ways to solve problems, he's always forming relationships with people before doing anything else, he really values giving love to those around him. It also doesn't hurt that he's kind of squeamish and particular about a lot of things, as a lot of Aphrodite's children are. But I really think his greatest strengths are the ways he's able to relate to others. I know a lot of people say Lance is the glue that holds everyone together, but I think it's Hunk. I know the fanon is that Aphrodite's kids are all just big flirts but I think both Selena and Piper are great examples that that's not true, and Hunk would absolutely be their brother. Pidge daughter of Hephaestus: I've seen some people saying Athena for Pidge but that's another one where I just can't get behind it. Pidge is so smart in so many ways but so stupid in others. She's too impulsive and single minded to be a daughter of Athena, imo. Her main love is figuring out how things work, what makes them tick, and using that knowledge to help those she loves. Children of Hephaestus are know to hold grudges, fight for their families, and let's not forget Hephaestus spending literally all of his free time trying to play pranks on the other Gods with his little contraptions like that is all Pidge would do all day long. Plus she befriends a robot and that is who she talks to for the first like 3 episodes of Voltron that is so unbelievably child of Hephaestus energy. Anyway thank u for asking this question I've been thinking on it for days. I am also open to the idea of Shiro being a son of Athena, I think that would suit him well. And also in my head I like to think Keith would potentially just remain unclaimed until he stomped his way to Mount Olympus and forced whoever was his parent to fess up.
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wildglitch · 3 months
Heres 25 fics I really wanna write but havent gotten around to yet
For those that wanna know before reading the list, the fandoms include are
Marvel, Spider-Man, Loki, DCU, Batman, Justice League, Pokemon, Shazam/Captain Marvel, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtels (The Last Ronin), Danny Phantom, Sonic the Hedgehog, Voltron, Gravity Falls, Over The Garden Wall, RWBY, Camp Camp, Rise Of The Guardiens, Star Wars (Rebels), Miraculos Ladybug and Chat Nori, Ninjago, How to Train Your Dragon, Final Space, My Hero Academia.
Thats one long list of fandoms-
I swear its not a big ass crossover fic with all these fandoms.
The rest of the Wiz! Fics. Though one of them is almost done
Winter dad fic. Peter is dealing, Bucky dosent remember him, but the solder definetly does.
Parksborn fic post NWH. Peter and Harry meet at collage and become roommates (this was canon for like a day lol) Harry has issues, Peter has more.
Parent Loki and Son Jack frost. I love the concept and already have some plot planned out
Billy Batson has somehow been the child host of Whiz radio for about 70 years
The Last Ronin Time Travel fic
Dadow time travel fic. A few fics continuing my first dadow fic starting with Silver in the future and present, and later on future shadow goes to the past. Its a lit if feels
Sonic was raised by egg man. No one knows this
5 times Sonic confused people by acting like tails dad, and the the on time tails suprised them by acting like his son
Babysitter James. Basically, the geovani is Ash's dad theory + What if team rocket are juat there to look after Ash theory. He takes him in, James becomes one of the best in team rocket, and as a sign of trust, he makes him be his newborns babysitter.
Back to Jack Frost, A fic following his time alone and time people he meet
Dead On Main fic were Jason despretly tries to keep his ghost boyfriend away from his family
Rosegarden Fic where Ruby and Oscar are childhood summer friends who lost contact.
Ezra time travel fic because Im obssesed with them
Skybridge fic taking place during Twin Suns because Im also obsesed with those fics
Dadvid fic. David Adopts Max and the 2 of them are trying to find a new normal
Pinecone lost in the woods fic.
MLB fix-It. Cat becomes a night time vigilante as a way to deal with the stress, lower class people become more fond of him.
Klance fic. Congratulations, you got through 15 fics before Klance appeared. Ex's au, Lance dose hate Keith foe a reason, they used to date. No one knows about this and think their just being stupid
Httyd fic where toothless wasnt discoverd in the first movie.
Final Space fic were Little Cato deals with the trauma if spending so many years alone.
Ninjago Kai fic for the Time he spent alone. I have talked about this before I think
RodyDeku reunion fic.
Nightguard Denki au. A Fnaf x Mha fic
Rai: The Phantom Theif of hero society. My TodoKami fic I have been trying to write since 2022
Thats the List. If your curiouse about any of these or just wanna bug me into finally writing them, let me know in my ask box.
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veryace-ficrecs · 8 months
looking for voltron (legendary defenders) found family or klance, i love some good banter. i’m also always up for some good angst but no pressure there
I can sure do that for you!
Voltron Fic Recs
This Is The Part Of Me (That You're Never Gonna Ever Take Away) by negativefouriq - Rated T
Lance finishes reading the file, then turns to face Shiro. Shiro braces himself for an onslaught of questions, and readies himself to message Coran — “Is this your way of quietly kicking me off Voltron?” — and freezes. Huh? “Pardon?” Lance swallows roughly, eyes trained on his fidgety hands. “Um, I asked if this is your way of kicking me off the team,” Lance repeats. Shiro has never felt more like his brain was completely empty, because he has no fucking clue what to say. --- OR: Shiro and Lance have a misunderstanding. But Shiro wants nothing except for his kids to be happy, so he clears things up as quickly as possible.
Singularity by this_book_has_been_loved - Rated T
AU where instead of landing in the trash nebula, Pidge finds herself on the same planet as a certain Galra prison camp
The Lost Paladin by dinosuns - Rated T
If he doesn’t leave, all of him will be reduced to cinders. But if he leaves, all of him will be undone. A course that he will choose to chart, no matter how it breaks his heart. It’s a battle that cannot be won. - Their names burn inside him, seared onto his soul. Black coal sits in the centre of his chest, fuelling a fire that was soon to be smothered by the very people that set it ablaze.
Bad Diagnosis by ElfGrove - Rated T
Pidge has been having bad headaches for nearly a week straight, so she decides to see if the infirmary has some sort of Altean Advil. The actual news is not so great.
Tag in, tag out by Rangergirl3 - Rated T
When a teammate is in danger, Keith doesn't stand by when there is something he can do to help - even if it might cost him his life.
Family Can Be 2 Aliens and 5 Ex-Paladins by Lilacs_and_the_sea - Rated G
The war is over, and everyone's back home with their family. Everyone except Keith.
i'm family? by seph_bites - Rated T
“You were right when you said I shouldn’t be leader. All of you were right and Shiro was wrong. I can’t be what you guys need,” he said quietly. “No,” Hunk said defiantly. “You’re the one who’s wrong. Because you’ve been there for us. You didn’t want to be the leader of Voltron but you did it anyway. For us.” “And I almost got all of you killed in the process! Look, once Shiro can pilot Black again, what would I stay for?” “Us! You’re supposed to say us, you asshole!”
A Family By Any Other Name by Calacious - Rated T
Lance and Keith discover a lone survivor on a planet whose inhabitants have been wiped out by a virus brought to them by a visitor from another universe.
the perfect pair by polypinneaple - Rated T
“Don’t– you know it’s not different Shiro, Pidge and I work just as much if not more and what, they can just skip practice today because they’re homesick, or what, tired? This is a war!” “If they can’t pull their weight then maybe they shouldn’t be here. No! I don’t want to hear it, I’m going to go train.” ••• Hunk wasn’t an angry guy, he wasn’t short tempered or easily poked. But something about the way Keith spoke about Lance made him furious, he didn’t care what these people thought about him, but his Lance? Hunk would go to war and die fighting if it meant Lance was happy. AKA Lance and Hunk deal with feeling like outsiders to Team Voltron during their first few weeks in, it doesn't go well.
It's Okay by TerrificTea - Not Rated
It was supposed to be a simple intel mission. In and out. Simple right? But this is Voltron, and now Lance and Pidge are trapped after an explosion, leaving Pidge concussed, confused and with a rapidly growing concern for her teammate.
Voltron Means Family, And Family Means No One Gets Left Behind by Spazzcat - Rated G
Five times the merchant vessel Castle of Lions gained a new crew member, and one time they all refused to leave.
Family, Then and Now by NightPurity - Rated G
Hunk likes to bake, but sometimes, his thoughts get a tight hook into him and start to pull him down. Coran, he happens to stumble upon a hurting Hunk. Sometimes, it hurts thinking about those you've lost, but also, it helps to talk about it. Of course, hope can help keep you afloat.
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badsongpetey · 5 months
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7
The Water Guardian (aka Cryptid Keith AU) Part 8
And so Lance falls into an easy pattern with his new cryptid friend. Every week he brings books to an eagerly awaiting Keith, and steadily the conversations between them become less and less strained. Lance has discovered that he and Keith share similar tastes. Keith loves graphic novels, and in addition to adventure and fantasy stories, has a penchant for horror. The scary monster in the haunted waterfall loves horror, go figure.
Lance would be lying if he hadn’t hoped to get Keith to open up more about his mysterious past, because what’s the fun of having a supernatural friend without learning his cosmic secrets, right? But as the weeks turn to months, Keith remains as reluctant as ever to broach the subject. And strangely, Lance finds himself minding less and less.
Keith, contrary to first impressions, is actually funny. Okay, his sense of humor is definitely an acquired taste, but it’s there, and he frequently has Lance laughing out loud. And stranger still, Keith is just fun to hang out with. He’s smart, and creative, and passionate about the things he cares for. Sure, he’s still stubborn and annoying and almost ridiculously oblivious at times, but in a ways that challenge Lance to be better instead of frustrating him.
Introducing Keith to more modern stories has also opened up a world of questions for the dragon. Every week he hounds Lance for answers: What’s the internet? What’s a TV show? And why do people binge eat them on streams? These are tough to answer as the area where Keith lives is the deadest of dead zones, a fact Lance attributes more to Keith himself than any feature of technology or geography.
In return for Lance’s knowledge, Keith shows him his world. Lance learns secrets of the forest; meets a host of wild animals — some friendlier than others, stupid chipmunks; and is dazzled with dragon magic tricks.
They swim, and hike, and make up stupid challenges to see who can best the other. He even hatches a scheme to camp out and surprise Keith with his first ever movie night. Keith’s face, transfixed as he watches some of Lance’s favorite flicks on his laptop, is something Lance finds far more compelling than the movies themselves. Somewhere along the line, without being fully aware of it, Lance realizes that Keith has gone from being a friend in name only, to one of his best friends.
And speaking of best friends, it crosses his mind more than once that he’s never invited them to come visit Keith. Hunk really should get to meet the dragon he thought was going to eat them, he knows Hunk and Keith would be good friends. And Pidge would be maniacal with glee over the discovery of a whole new species. On second thought, maybe keeping Pidge away is for the best. Keith might actually be forced to eat them in self defense.
Lance tells himself that he’ll introduce them when the time is right, but truth is, he likes having Keith’s friendship to himself. And he tries his best to ignore the weird little flutter thing that his heart does when Keith comes bounding out of the woods like an excited puppy to greet him. Who wouldn’t be excited to have a magical being for a secret friend, right? Of course right, there’s no other explanation.
“Are there any other dragons?” Lance asks one afternoon as they lay sunning themselves on the warm rocks after a swim.
When he’s met with silence, he looks over at Keith unmoving on the rocks beside to him.
“I was just thinking, you know, there must be more dragons out there, besides you and your parents. Maybe, you’ve run into them?” Lance elaborates.
Keith is still quiet, and Lance is about to chalk this one up to things they don’t talk about when…
“I don’t know. I’ve never left my waters.”
Lance sits up. “You’ve never left?” He asks incredulously. “Not once in a century? You’ve just been here all alone?”
Keith is sitting now too, and his brow furrows in response.
“Look,” Lance sighs, “I know there are things you don’t want to discuss, but… I dunno, I worry about you, here all alone.”
“I’m not alone, I have you.”
“And I’m incredible, I know. I mean, you’re not gonna find better than me, human or dragon, that’s a given.” Lance replies over the soft sound of Keith’s scoffs. “But I’m still just one guy, and, well, aren’t you curious? At all?”
Keith frowns and looks away, his established way of shutting down a conversation.
Lance huffs in frustration. “Keith, part of being friends is talking about stuff. Friends talk. They care about each other and help each other, and trust each other. I’m just hoping that maybe you trust me.”
Lance stares at the back of Keith’s head and wonders if he just ruined a friendship and not merely a perfectly nice afternoon. But he’s reached a point with Keith where he wants more. He can’t keep walking on eggshells whenever the subject of Keith’s past comes up, and he’s at a loss about what else he can do.
“My mom, before she… passed… she made me promise to never leave here. To never look for any others. She said it was too dangerous. And it’s been hard, but it was the only thing she asked of me.” Keith’s voice quavers as he replies.
“Keith, I… I’m so sorry, but she couldn’t have wanted you to be all alone for so long…”
“You don’t understand!” Keith snaps, turning around, eyes filling with tears, cutting Lance off mid-sentence.
“Dragons don’t just take care of a body of water, we’re bound to it. A water dragon cannot be, cannot exist, without this bond. My mom came here when she was still pregnant with me. She never told me where she’d come from, only that she came here to protect me. Her magic was strong and she was able to sever her old bond and forge a new one here.”
Lance sits slack-jawed and stunned as the story comes pouring out of Keith.
“Normally, when a young dragon comes of age they find their own place, their own bond. But, I couldn’t go…” Keith hiccups out a sob, “I couldn’t leave, and she couldn’t leave, and… and… she gave her bond to me. She gave it up so I could live. And she… she…”
Keith’s voice breaks as he cries and Lance is moving before he even decides to. He wraps himself around his friend and Keith just collapses in his arms, releasing a grief held for longer than Lance can imagine.
“I’m here now.” He whispers into Keith’s hair. “I’m here and I won’t let you be alone ever again.” He promises. And Lance never breaks a promise.
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uniquecellest · 9 months
More Adashi AU
- Adam talks to Shiro while Shiro pilots the Atlas, Adam says some words that feel like a goodbye and Shiro calls out to him. He thinks Adam is dead (Adam was able to evacuate his plane before it crashed with the Galra)
- Upon hearing that the Galra are coming, Shiro and Adam argue over Adam being involved
- Once the quartet of Matt, Adam, Shiro, and Keith are reunited Matt and Keith hound Shiro like annoying brothers for leaving Adam and Keith behind
- Adam saying the words "we're going to get you to the medbay and once you're all healed up we're going to have a sparring match where I throw you around like a rag doll" / "don't ever worry me like that again. I don't know if I can ever take a loss like that again"
-Adam infiltrates Galra forces and travels with them in space. Shiro can't believe what he sees when he thinks Adam is willingly working with Galra
-with Kerberos being considered a bust bc of "pilot error" The Garrison wants to send others into space to retrieve the Kerberos crew. Voltron crew finds Adam's ship just floating in space with no life force seeming to be inside. They investigate to find Adam on the floor and alone. Turns out there's barely enough oxygen for even a new born let alone a grown adult (bonus if Adam's ship was hit with quintessence); Shiro refuses to leaves Adam's side while he's in the healing pod
-Adam somehow being used to help power the Galras main ship that attacked earth like some Alteans were
-They never confessed their feelings so when Shiro is determined to go on Kerberos Adam just sits with his feelings and waits; both thinking they've missed their chance with the other (cue Matt, Keith and Pidge trying to get them together when they reunite)
-Soulmate/soul marks AU where Shiro and Adam do not meet until Shiro comes back from space
- (shout to Chibi-pix for this one) Adam is like a brother figure to Pidge which results in Keith and Pidge being siblings causing Iverson to lose his mind bc Keith and Pidge are Matt and Shiro 2.0s (Lord help him when an Adam 2.0 enters the picture); Adam and Shiro are blissfully aware of their siblings antics but act like they aren't
-Kuron goes to Earth and kidnaps Adam
-Shiro is forced to choose between Keith and Adam
- They start off as a one-sided rivalry until an incident forces them together and they start to get to know each other
-more patient Adam and reckless Shiro
-Adam joins the Blade of Marmora where he runs into Keith (Adam still thinks Shiro is dead) Adam is with him in the two years in the Abyss and reunites with Shiro when Keith returns to the Paladins
-Eros!Adam and Psyche!Shiro
-Teen Titans AU where Shiro is Cyborg and Adam is Bumblebee (points for Kuron being Brother Blood)
-Camp Half-Blood demigod Shiro and Camp Jupiter Half-Blood Adam
-Adam and Matt get buried alive and Shiro is a reck trying to find them (Adam) so they don't die
-Baker/Cook Adam and Shiro who can't boil water without setting it on fire
-Adam and Shiro swap roles (neither are dead though)
-Shiro and Adam meeting once when they were kids but not meeting again until they are older. Both remember but Adam acts like he doesn't recall it at all
-Both are cadets and one has a significant other while the other is pining hard (s/a with the significant other doesn't last long, significant other also happens to be mutuals with Adam and Shiro)
-Shiro trains and gets a bad bruise on his neck that everyone thinks is a hickey until Adam returns from a trip (cue Keith defending Shiro but the other Paladins and co think maybe Shiro cheated)
-Shiro confesses to Adam one night but acts like he doesn't remember it then he and Adam spiral in their feelings
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katelfiredemon · 1 year
Here it is! My first weekly Friday Klance fic since I’m getting back to writing!
Though it’ll be more like every other week for the next little bit since I have my sister’s wedding next week and some camping trips and travel plans over the next couple of weeks!
Anyways, it’s also my first time writing a fic that actually takes place in their universe (although pretending the seasons past like season 2 or 3 don’t exist) vs my normal alternate universe fics! Let me know in the comments of the fic whether you guys generally read/write AUs or canon universe fics!
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jankwritten · 1 year
Hey for ur vld!pjo au id LOVE to know who pilots what Lion and why 👀👀👀
[Also ur initial post and the snippet u wrote have me !!!!!!!]
i Have SO MANY THOUGHTS on who pilots each lion and why.
I have 2 PJO/VLD crossovers already that are ~150 pages each, which I wrote while I was in high school. In one of them, Percy pilots Black, Jason pilots Blue, Leo pilots Green, Frank pilots Yellow, and Nico pilots red. I feel like that's a pretty basic line-up, TBH. In the other one, everything is the same except Jason and Percy are swapped.
I don't like those dynamics anymore, though, and I think there's some WAY more interesting stuff that can be done.
I think Annabeth should be Allura, right off the bat, though. NO matter what, that role fits her best, to me. She's the knowledgable princess who is the heart and center of this war, she is the reason there is a fight to be had in opposition at all. Without her, Camp Voltron doesn't exist.
Jason makes sense as Black paladin to me - the one who was always made to be the leader, pushed himself despite all the potential reasons not to (for Shiro, it being his illness. For Jason, it being a fundamental rift between who he actually is versus who the world thinks he should be). The one who wants to be a mentor and a helper for everyone, the one who gives everything to save the others. Shiro throwing himself into the ring as the Gladiator, the Champion, so Matt didn't have to? Exactly like Jason dying so Piper didn't have to. To me, that one is a no brainer.
The rest is where I get pretty iffy. I like Percy as Blue because, duh. But I think he would also be a good Red. He's impulsive, his plans aren't always thought out and usually he charges in knowing he has power to back him up, and nothing else. I wouldn't necessarily call him hot headed, but he definitely isn't the type to just roll over and accept whatever leadership tells him to do. This is the dude who snuck out of camp to go after quests, the dude who blew up a volcano, Percy as Red just makes sense to me.
I know Nico is usually slotted in as red because Keith, but I almost see Nico either as not a pilot at all, or as a Blade member gone AWOL. Maybe he tags along when the Earth crew goes after Jason because he knew Jason, Jason was the only human he trusted. It's not like at that point they would know that they'll be piloting the lions, right? Or, maybe Nico DOES know about the lions, but holds that information to himself, because he thinks that maybe, just maybe, he's finally found the people who can help him swing the war. Because that's how Nico is - he operates as a one-man army, trying to take everything into his hands, pull all of the strings.
I have a lot of different ideas for how Nico could go in a VLD crossover, TBH. He could be half Altean, half Galra, like Lotor. He could be a version of Coran's character. He could be the red paladin who inevitably leaves because he feels the team doesn't trust him, thinks he's a freak, the red paladin who doesn't come back. Reyna could be a Blade, maybe the one who saves Jason, the one who recognizes the Galra in Nico. There are so many options!
I almost like Frank in Coran's role, because he gets to be meek and timid to a point but also knowledgeable. Plus, I feel like canon PJO Frank didn't really love fighting? And I could see him-as-Coran having an interesting history 1) with Annabeth, he sees her as a friend and maybe even a sister, because they were raised together and all that and 2) Maybe he knew the Galra, and was friends with a lot of them before everything changed (thinking along the lines of, the Galra being the Romans. Like, Octavian as Sendak kind of thing. Some of the gods/goddesses being other high power Galra, like maybe some corrupted versions of Jupiter and Juno are Haggar and Zarkon. I DID just almost put Zoloft instead of Zarkon.)
I love Hazel as Green, which might be due to my recent fondness for the transfem!Pidge headcanon. I headcanon Hazel as being a trans woman ever since hockey AU. I also think that Hazel has an interesting connection with Jason (Romans) and Nico (siblings) like Pidge does to Shiro and Keith - even though they don't all exactly align, I still like the parallels. Pidge sees Shiro as an older brother - Hazel sees Jason as an older mentor figure who, in my HC, she becomes genuine friends with through Nico. And then, Pidge has a fondness for Keith because they canonically both feel like outcasts and whatnot, and, obviously, Hazel and Nico in canon are the underworld siblings together. There's some interesting stuff to be done with the whole, Hazel and Nico but also Nico and Bianca and all that.
Plus, if Hazel is part Galra too, then that means Nico doesn't have to be on Voltron, he could just be a Blade. Because we can have Hazel as the "omg we have a Traitor Among Us" and the camera pans over and it's 5 foot shit Hazel with a dagger and space buns.
Also Galra Hazel??? HEllo??? how has no one done this before I'm barking.
....omfg HAZEL as Red???? HELLO????
AS FOR YELLOW. I mean .Leo. come on. He's the comic relief, he's the mechanic, he's the fourth wall breaker and the one who eats all the weird shit and fantasizes about getting home so he can make and eat homemade meals. Y'know? Like, it just makes sense to me. Plus the we get the fun dynamic of a Lance-like character being in even LESS of a position of "power" in the team, because he's NOT the sharpshooter, he's NOT the second in command. He's just...Leo. The seventh wheel. He wants to be more but he doesn't know how.
Piper is another option for a bunch of roles, too. I could see her fitting in as Green, of course, but she could definitely also fit as, say, Coran's role, the role of one of the blades, maybe even as one of the reoccurring characters like Shay or Nyma. I think there could be a way to work Piper in as Red, but that would have to be in an AU where Jason Leo and Piper are The Main Trio, versus what I'm aiming for here with Annabeth Percy Nico and Jason being the main Group.
(My Jercabethico agenda lives on.)
I'm trying to think of other characters I would give important roles to. TBH I think any other remainders it would depend on the story - like, Luke could be Zarkon in some of these AUs, whereas in others he might be Lotor (misguided with a crazy mom and an absent/abusive father??? bro). And in some maybe he's Sendak, or he's his own insane antagonist that doesn't have anything to do with the original VLD bros.
And then there's like, the rest of the gods. Who are they, what are they doing? Hades and the other underworld Cast would absolutely be Blades or Galra of some flavor. But what about Aphrodite? or Poseidon? Are they perhaps the leaders of other planets?
(Does this give us the opportunity to make everybody aliens???)
SO ANYWAY. These are my word-vomit thoughts on VLDPJO crossover. They are subject to change and also I might immediately forget about all of this as soon as I hit post. But just know that right now I FULLY believe in this. Hell yeah.
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zannolin · 4 months
5 and 6 <3
5. What’s a fic idea you’ve had that you will never write?
oh there's like a million of 'em. some AU ideas have actually jumped ship from fandom to fandom with me for years and have yet to be written, but there's been one or two like that which HAVE been written so never say never i guess. the one that i know for sure will never be a fic is my story about a boy who progressively loses his childhood ability to perform miracles, and that's because i'm writing it as original fiction instead. i have a horse summer camp for troubled youth au i have yet to write, also, and i had an idea for a single geraskier fic set in the witcher s1 where jaskier survives the djinn incident but loses his singing voice. i will probably also never write the cobra kai au where sam and johnny find themselves sent back in time to tkk3 sometime in s4. and i had this into the spider-verse au idea for byler i'm sure i won't write but like to pretend i will where in this universe, will is spider-man and there's no established byler, and mike from another universe is spider-man and in that universe, his will died as his uncle ben moment. you can see how that might go.
basically at any given time i have a million fic ideas for both my main special interest and for media you've never heard of or would never anticipate. btw. highlights include bendy and the ink machine, the 2003 film mona lisa smile, the fnaf silver eyes books, the 1983 film the man from snowy river, shazam, the last of us, the magnus archives, the wizard of oz books, life is strange, phantom of the opera, the new ghostbusters movies, and the cw shows superman & lois and nancy drew. i can pull fic ideas out of nowhere. it's a problem.
6. Are there any fics from others you reread all the time?
oh 100%. like all the time. when i'm in the thick of a special interest i will usually have one or two fics i obsessively reread (for example, autostereogram and there's daggers in men's smiles for tkkck; for stranger things rn it's love me on purpose, couples only, the way you love me, & you can hear it in the silence) but outside of that some that have stuck with me forever are parallelograms (the half of it), pins and needles (the magnus archives), crimson lips and the enchanted library series (my little pony; i KNOW and idc), anything in between (national treasure), the silent song (star wars), & ignorance is bliss (voltron). a range, as you can see. i contain multitudes.
fic writer asks!
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klance43v3r · 1 year
Title : Homesick at space camp
Words : 74,280
Status : 15/15
Personal rating : 7/10 (I’m personally not the biggest fan of canon au fics but if you are this one is really good)
Summary : Lance realizes he's been an asshole to Keith, and on a diplomatic mission to a key planet for the Voltron alliance he... overcompensates.
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slothgiirl · 2 years
voltron au where the galra empire and zarkon had already conquered earth before team coltron finds the blue lion i think earth would be very overlooked by the galra but still a presense of galra soldiers maybe shiro joined the galra as a way to work with the resistance gathering info i coukd see pidge and hunk working as maintiance for the sentries and ships mb lance takes a job as a cargo pilot even tho he hates the galra to make money and hey he gets a little more freedom the regular laborers they all know each other bc they passed through the same galra training (or maybe they dont know wach other at all!?!). id imagine theres a large part of humans who r chill w the galra bc while earth is colonized they gained a bunch of technology and since earch isnt a key planet the presense is very low nothing like the olkari while the rebels argue that theyre still at zarkons mercy and rebels r still carted off to labor camps to die. mb shiro gets found out as a resistance fighter and sent to fight to death. then he escapes and by freak accident lance finds the blue lion. idk if keith would even be on earth tho? like if he was born before the galra conquered earth it fits but if earth was already conquered i could see his parents deciding that keith and his dad should flee to a planet that remains free. ive always liked it when in aus team voltron doesnt know each other i think thats neat
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bosstoaster · 2 years
Fic writer asks: 17, 36, 39
17. What highly specific AU do you want to read or write even though you might be the only person to appreciate it?
DEBATE AU. DEBATE AU FOREVER. Policy debate in particular, just to make it worse. I was better for Voltron, but still. Debate is SO jargon heavy that either anyone who hasn't participated (so, 99.9% of people) would either be totally lost, or I'd spend the first three chapters basically putting the reader through Debate Boot Camp.
Policy Debate is a paired debate where the duo switch off giving speeches, and depending on the tournament you might still get Cross Examinations (CrossX my beloved), which is very fun. You get the same debate topic for the whole year, and it's always from the perspective of 'The United States Federal Government should [enact some policy]', thus the name. But Debate is so specific and weird. Which characters would run batshit performance Ks? Which would go all in on a link turn? Who gets high speaks?
(Yeah you see why this would get confusing)
(Policy Debate is best Debate. Parli and LD can hang. IEs are tentatively invited but y'all are on THIN ICE because your judges wouldn't know how to handle a framework argument if it bit them on the ass.)
36. Do you visualize what you read/write?
Yup! When you get a lot of blocking/moving around/gesturing in a fic, it's usually because I had a very specific movie of my story going on in my head, lol.
39. Is any aspect of your writing process inspired by other writers or people? If so, who?
Brandon Sanderson's lectures on how to worldbuild changed me as a person, lol. Also I own King's On Writing, tho I've only delved in so much. Outside of that, I think my writing process is some weird little frankenstein of shit I've picked up here and there, but I don't remember specifics
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airbender-dacyon · 3 months
4. What fandoms have you written for?
Hello there, friend!
Thanks for the ask!
To answer, I feel I have to split this into two lists: 1) fandoms I've written for & posted and 2) fandoms I've written for, but the stories are WIPs and not yet posted anywhere.
1. Alright, so for fandoms I've written for and posted to here, ff.net, and/or ao3, we have:
Avatar: The Last Airbender/The Legend of Korra
Attack on Titan
Pacific Rim
Lost in Space (2018)
Jurassic Park/World (currently just Camp Cretaceous/Chaos Theory)
And I think those are it.
2. In addition to continuing to work on stories for the fandoms above, I also have WIPs for the following fandoms:
The Dragon Prince
James Cameron's Avatar
How To Train Your Dragon
Voltron: Legendary Defender
Star Wars
The Hobbit/The Lord of the Rings
Planet of the Apes (2011 reboot)
From the second list, I might never post the stuff I wrote for the latter four fandoms because it's been a while since I worked on those stories and I feel more invested in other fandoms. But you never know!
These lists also don't include AUs or crossovers that take characters from one of the fandoms above and place them in another fandom as those are usually just one-shots (with a couple exceptions) and I'm not really actively writing for those other fandoms.
There is also one fandom I have a couple big WIPs for that I'm going to keep a secret for the moment. You'll just have to wait and see to find out which fandom that is!
And I believe that's it! Hopefully I didn't forget any, but it's certainly possible.
Thanks again for the ask!
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mischiefandspirits · 2 years
Somehow I ended up back on Voltron and now I've got a Percy Jackson AU stuck in my head. But I'm having a hard time deciding how to best incorporate Keith's Galran heritage. I've got a few ideas:
Krolia's a Galran goddess that Keith's dad somehow managed to land (maybe she came to Earth while temporarily mortal à la apollo)
Krolia landed on Earth and almost immediately hooked up with a human god(dess)
Krolia's a half-blood or legacy
Both of Keith's parents are half-bloods/legacies
Krolia's a half-blood/legacy that landed on Earth and almost immediately hooked up with a human god(dess)
I'm kind of partial to any of the options where Krolia's connected to divinity, though, because I like the idea that the Blades are the Galra's version of Camp Half-Blood. I haven't decided if Marmora would be a god(dess) that patrons the Blades or a place within the Galra's mythology (like Olympus or Valhalla). Like the difference between calling themselves the Hunters of Artemis or the Heroes of Olympus, if that makes sense. Or maybe Marmora is just the Galran term for half-bloods.
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