#volcan unordinary
mashiee · 1 year
meme dump !!
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unordinary-diary · 4 months
I think Keon and Kassandra might be related.
... ok hear me out.
first of all, their hair colors are similar, which is often a narrative shorthand for “these two characters are related”, especially in stuff like anime where hair colors are much more unique. Additionally, their speech bubbles are almost the exact same color.
But if you want actual evidence? Keon is the first character in the story to show suspicion of Headmaster Vaughn.
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Much much later in the story, Kassandra also shows suspicion, and launches an investigation on him.
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It’s reasonable to assume that Keon could have planted that first seed of suspicion in her head, if the two of them have some connection. This goes especially since they both work for the authorities, but Keon doesn’t work for a department that could authorize him to launch an investigation like that. Kassandra has the authority to do all the things with Vaughn that Keon is frustrated about not being able to do. If they’re related, Keon probably asked Kassandra to launch the investigation.
It would also explain Keon’s interest in Wellston, considering he used to work in or near New Bostin which is far away, if Kassandra went there.
Keon also looks like he’s old enough to be her dad. He doesn’t have to be her dad specifically, but my age estimate for Kassandra is 24 (assuming I mathed right), and Keon looks like he could be in his 50s or 60s, which is a reasonable age to have had Kassandra. (Kassandra’s age calculation is a maximum btw. She can’t be older than that unless she was held back or sm.)
So basically, it could be true.
[At the time of this prediction, the latest chapter is 345]
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stingro · 8 months
Chapters: 1/3 Fandom: unOrdinary (Webcomic) Rating: Mature Warnings: Major Character Death Relationships: Arlo & Valerie (unOrdinary), Arlo/Holden (unOrdinary) Characters: Arlo (unOrdinary), Valerie (unOrdinary), Holden (unOrdinary), Elaine (unOrdinary), John Doe (unOrdinary), Many many OCs - Character Additional Tags: Angst, Character Death, Grief/Mourning, Emotional/Psychological Abuse, Past Child Abuse, You will probably love Autumn. i hope, Drug Use, more characters will be tagged!, Post-Canon, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder - PTSD Summary:
Holden learns. He learns comfortably. Not with vigor and passion, not like Blyke and Remi were able to do so easily after witnessing atrocities by their own hand, next to their own hand. But he learns, and he’s good enough at not letting any discomfort show, if he ever feels that at all, because he’s good at taking facts and information as they are and analyzing his privilege that comes with it. He’s patient. Arlo thinks that’s a kindness he has never had. He works in the legal department for a reason. He’s an attorney for a reason.
And for all of his logic, his diction pried open in his mind and picked apart and glued together in two seconds, Holden still somehow has the emotional intelligence to not try and find a solution for what Arlo has been feeling. Understands that there isn’t a solution because it doesn’t exist. That despite Aunt Val’s world, there can never be one true solution to a problem no matter how much the few at the top try to squeeze it out.
The days slip by so fast, even with that knowledge.
Valerie dies. Arlo grieves.
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desultory-novice · 4 months
[Unfinished Late Night Ficlet]
-530 words -Marxolor implied
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He got up out of a bed that was already half empty. Soft warm lights illuminated the borders of the floor to ease his journey out of the room. They guided him toward the bathroom and then, when he did not make a move to return to bed, proceeded him down the hall. They began to pulse with subtly brighter light at the door to the kitchen. A suggestion. He took it. She knew him well.
But she had not just been guiding him toward food and drink. His partner-in-crime, as they laughingly referred to each other when the sun was up, was here as well. The ingredients for what could easily be a sandwich, should one apply even a modicum of effort, lay strewn about the floating center island next to an abandoned plate.
The orphaner-of-sandwiches sat in the corner like a marionette with his strings cut. Or a clockwork toy that had wound itself out mid-spin, toppling over with the last of its potential energy in an ungraceful fashion.
He ignored him and the bread and meats and poured a cup of coffee for himself. The aromatic roast dancing on a gauze ribbon of smoke to tickle his senses reminded him of, not home, but a place he'd given that name to.
He took a sip.
Yes. That's what those memories tasted like too.
He poured a second cup and deposited three white cubes of condensed crystals in it. They landed with a bloop, bobbing up and down until finding their balance and beginning to dissolve.
He encouraged them to pick up the pace with a small wooden stirrer.
Then he floated over to the lump on the floor and waved the cup in front of him. The other's violet irises lacked the spark of life, but that hardly meant anything to worry about. It wasn't even all that unordinary. Not on nights like these.
Indeed, upon his second waving of the warm, volcanic-ash of a roast, the irises began to track his movements. With his other hand, he picked up a long, limp arm from the floor and gently wrapped the finger like claws around the cup. They held in place and he let go, satisfied a shattered cup wouldn't follow.
Then he watched his partner intently as the mug began to rise, eventually meeting lips cracked partly open. Those lips took the first sip. Violet eyes widened and immediately the other spat the half-swallowed contents in a spray across the kitchen.
"Salt?! Magolor, I'm going to kill you!"
An accusing claw thrust his way.
"That's what you get for leaving food out in my kitchen, Marx," Magolor nonchalantly returned to nursing his coffee. Marx did too, for once he'd had a moment to consider the sickening concoction (a taste Magolor knew by experience. For Marx had been the first to prank him in such a manner) he decided he actually liked it this way.
They sat there drinking in silence for a time, the whitenoise whirr of the ship keeping the room from feeling too empty, too still. There was never any asking, "What's wrong?" or "Couldn't sleep?"
Another reason they got along so well.
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ncenvs3000semester · 6 months
Volcanic Lightning
Hi everyone! 
I hope this last week has been good for everyone and everyone now has some relief given that our podcasts are submitted! This week, we were asked to interpret the most amazing thing about nature. It took me a second to figure out what that was, so I did a little bit of research and found out all about something called volcanic lightning. Volcanic lightning is a charge of lightning that occurs as a result of a volcanic eruption, instead of a regular thunderstorm. Imagine the 2 things in nature that people are typically afraid of. It's crazy! Don’t think that's cool enough? Let me give you some more information about them.
Alright so how does this happen? Well, it took a long time for scientists to figure out its exact cause. It occurs at the beginning of a volcanic eruption in 2 places; either close to the ground in thick ash clouds or high up near the stratosphere within the fumes of volcanic smoke. Their locations have different reasons behind them occurring. 
For the volcanic lightning that happens near the ground in thick ash clouds, studies show that when the volcanic eruption begins, individual ash particles rub together, which then creates enough static electricity for a lightning bolt to occur (Fearon, 2020). The volcanic lightning that occurs high up near the stratosphere is a little more unordinary. The cause of this type of volcanic lightning is actually the opposite of what you would think, it's because of ice (Fearon, 2020). Research shows that both the smoke and water vapor rises from the volcano, causing ice to form at very high levels (Fearon, 2020). From that point, lightning is generated with the same mechanism as it does in a thunderstorm - ice crystals collide and then generate enough electric charge to initiate a lightning bolt (Fearon, 2020). Who would have thought that the opposite of fire and lava would actually initiate that? It's so cool! 
Other reasons for this phenomenon would be fractoemission and radioactive charging (SciTechDaily.com Authors, 2022). Fractoemission is when the rock particles break apart during the explosion, causing charged particles and static charge to form (SciTechDaily.com Authors, 2022). This also happens closer to the volcano’s base since it is something that happens in high energy places (SciTechDaily.com Authors, 2022). The ash particles have a natural radioactivity that is above the normal level, and charged areas are created once they decay. This is called radioactive charging (SciTechDaily.com Authors, 2022). Scientists are fairly unsure of this mechanism, but do believe it is a contributing factor in some cases. 
While I can describe this phenomenon for ages, nothing will truly explain how cool these are until you get to see them for yourselves. So, I’ve attached a few photos and a video for you guys to see how fascinating it is. 
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Photos and videos are from Vulkane.net. 
Thank you guys for tuning in and hope that you guys have a good rest of the week!
Until next time,
Fearon, R. (May 28 2020). Volcanology: The Study of Volcanic Activity and Predicting Eruptions. Discovery. www.discovery.com/science/volcanology--the-study-of-volcanic-activity-and-predicting-erupt.  
SciTechDaily.com Authors. (May 9 2022). Volcanic Lightning: The Science behind This Spectacular Phenomenon. SciTechDaily.  scitechdaily.com/volcanic-lightning-the-science-behind-this-spectacular-phenomenon/.  Vulkane.net Authors. Volcanic Lightning and Dirty Thunderstorms. Vulkane. www.vulkane.net/en/volcanism/volcanic-lightnings.html.
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zirian · 2 years
out of context screenshots from my colosseum au fic
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annalycheee · 3 years
volcan is john's mom theories
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transterrence · 3 years
your cooking headcanons are so much funnier assuming kuyo is ponytail and valerie is volcan. like, kuyo puts on his mask and suddenly gains the ability to cook while valerie puts on hers and starts burning everything she puts in a skillet. not sure if that was intended but is IS very funny to me so thank you for the image
wdym ofc kuyo can't cook for shit- he's a child
ponytail on the other hand ?? man's got a huge ass knife for cooking, plus hes a girlboss
valerie’s all motherly and nice and maybe ab*sive but shes a milf <33
volcan ?? she just crispy fries anything and everything .-.
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unordinaryquotes · 4 years
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the theory that john and arlo are cousins because volcan is arlos aunt and johns mother shouldnt make sense
Think about it
on one hand
john has golden eyes and his father has grey eyes so his mother should have golden eyes
both have no problem harming people
both are powerful
but on the other hand,
that color of eyes are very common
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and there was no way “volcan” with her mindset would have a relationship with William doe, the cripple. as an actual cripple.
and his father, even before writing that book has always had that mindset of the powerful should help the weak. which is very different from volcans mindset. it seems that William supports superheros, while volcan, or valerie kills them.
but heres the part that slightly throws me off.
when fighting remi blyke and isen, she had flaming claws. and arlo said his aunt has a barrier. this may be because of a few reasons
1. she is johns mother and they have the same ability, so when she was around arlo she copied his ability. and before she fought the trio, she copied 1 or 2 abilities of other people.
there is also a flaw with this which is that she never copied remi blyke or isens ability. and she had seen them in action when they fought so it shouldn’t be that hard.
2. she and ember has developed some kind of drug to be able to copy an ability or steal someone’s ability. hense the claws (meili or someone similar like a relative with that power) and combine it wih a type of fire ability. which would mean that she actually has a barrier ability.
the flaw with this is that she didnt use the barrier ability when fighting the trio? and if she was like arlo then she would not feel pain unless her barrier broke.
3. she lied to arlo. she has flaming claws and just straight up lied to him.
if in 5 months it is revealed that they are related i will seem like a complete fool who wasted his time and probably move to france or somewhere.
thank you for coming to my ted talk
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stingro · 2 years
hi!! so @kaizzaphela 's new arlo art got me to write something small and new. Experimenting with horror writing, which I generally do through dreamscapes.
Y'all should check out Kazz's art btw https://kaizzaphela.tumblr.com/
Tw // blood , gore , body horror , death
Don't cross the line.
In discarded block letters, those words appear in his dream.
Then, one, two. One, two. Pulse stagnating, there is nothing behind him. There is nothing behind him. It's okay. It's okay.
He sees her back, sees her head crane to him until her neck is twisted completely in one half circle. She looks at him like the cat who got the cream, the man who won the lottery, grins until her cheeks must hurt. It's so different from her small smile and half-lidded eyes that never betray anything. Her eyes here are fire-lit, fire-blackened, goring holes into his body right at the heart.
Bum. Buh-bum. Buh--
She points a gun. She points a sword. She points the knife. She points something. She points a gun. BANG! He doesn't fall backward. There's blood on his neck. Blood on his stomach. Blood in his eyes, swallowing his throat, metal that tastes like rust and gore. It's covered. Dull blood that isn't his styles her hands. She grabs his wrists and grips them tight until it slips from her hands to his. He can't wipe it off.
"Oh Arlo," she says. She caresses his cheek. "You will be so wonderful. We'll catch the bad guys together."
(Her fingers turn to talons and ignite and she drags her nails down, down, down to his neck. Leave scratches there like a tally mark on a wall. He starts to bleed. He always bleeds. He's on fire. He's always been so cold before.)
She yanks him forward and he falls to the floor and it swallows him up. He's bleeding and dying and he's okay. He's okay. He's below the line.
Don't cross the line.
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unordinary-comic · 4 years
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these are literally the same person i swear-
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therealsvmar · 4 years
thoughts on episode 192 of uno
Honestly I just need to react to this because I keep seeing so much unnecessary unordinary hate and it’s driving me crazy, and also I’m currently rereading so I’m very excited about these characters. Don’t read if you haven’t caught up to 192. 
-  honestly I’m glad Zeke got his ass handed to him by John. I’m very anit-whatever John’s doing at this point, but Zeke is one of the few characters who deserves to be put in his place.
- I’m actually so so so excited about Remi still being Queen because I can’t wait for the political tension between her and John. I absolutely adore Remi and I feel like she’s one of the only people patient enough to reason with him while calling him out on his bs, so this might actually be good for him.
- People saying John’s character growth is inconsistent really need to take a step back and reassess the development between helmet!John and Joker!John. Obviously he’s become super paranoid of what other people think of him and of being targeted, so of course he thinks the Safe House is gonna be a place that defies his “rule”. As much as John likes to talk about how he was going to destroy the hierarchy, we know from his New Bostin backstory that he enjoyed the power he had as king. 
- I’m super excited for Arlo’s arc this season. I was 100% Team John in the beginning of Season 1, thought Arlo was the biggest asshole, but now he’s one of my favorite characters and I absolutely adore him. I love seeing him in casual clothing, just chilling in his apartment. The boy really does need a break. 
- Am I the only one who really wants to meet the rest of the parents of uno? I want to meet Arlo’s dad, see what’s the situation with him and Aunt Valerie/Volcan, as well as Remi’s parents, Blyke’s, and Isen’s (seriously though, where are the parents in this school and how have they not brought complaints to the headmaster about what’s happening yet?)
Final thoughts:
- Remi is baby and needs protection
- John’s development is not poorly done. Everyone whining about it needs to remember that, just as characters can make progress (Arlo, Blyke), so can they regress. This doesn’t mean all hope is lost for John. He needs serious help, but his ideals were at one point in the right place, which means there might still be hope for him. We just need to be patient and let uru-chan do what she needs to do with his character. 
- The pacing isn’t that bad. Just because John isn’t front and center in every episode doesn’t mean the pacing is too slow. I actually love how uru is focusing on the “side” characters now, because uno has such a delightfully complex and flawed cast of characters, and I need more development and spotlight on each of them. 
- I highkey ship Remi and Arlo. More than I ever shipped John and Sera. Just picturing babies with fluffy pink hair and Arlo’s angry face makes me so happy. 
Anyway, support the author, be kind to everyone else in the fandom (unless they think that it’s ok to beat up people, then school them). Have a great rest of the day everyone and thanks for reading this if you stuck around to the end. Here’s some wholesome Remi from last episode because I love her so much. 
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Oh god. John is trying to fist fight Vulcan in the Denny's parking lot. Holy fuck. Arlo stop crying and stop him. Oh my god.
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