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handmademacabre · 7 years ago
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My stall HandMadeMacabre will be at the Dark Arts Fayre on Sunday 5th August @thelounge666 1 Archway Road, London N19, 12-6pm, £3 entry. @satanicfleamarket Hosted by @satanicmojo @voiseycreatures @voiseydrawing #art #artist #handmade #craft #drawing #illustration #prints #sketchbook #characterdesign #macabre #monster #skull #knitting #handcrafted #creatures #goth #alternative #london #market #ooak #original #mascot #knitted #skulls #knitstagram #creepy #giftideas #satanicfleamarket #voiseycreatures #voiseydrawing (at The Lounge Promotion-Nightclub Kolis.)
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handmademacabre · 7 years ago
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Railway Arches, 2009 @voiseydrawing #art #artist #drawing #sketch #sketchbook #southlondon #london #railway #arches #squat #loughbouroughjunction #wintermorning #garages #urban #landscape #original #illustration #street #trees #perspective #handdrawn #handdrawing #pencil #pencildrawing #gaslighting #horror #haunted #memories #livingdead #voiseydrawing
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handmademacabre · 7 years ago
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Tiger skull. No teeth. @voiseydrawing #drawing #art #artist #line #pencil #sketch #illustration #sketchbook #tiger #skull #circustiger #noteeth #anatomy #zoology #pathology #macabre #macabreart #ooak #handdrawn #linedrawing #pencilsketch #lineart #anatomicaldrawing #tigerskull #bigcat #animal #animalabuse #circusanimals #dead #voiseydrawing 026
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handmademacabre · 7 years ago
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The creatures are waiting for you to join them at the Dark Arts Fayre ••••••••••••••••••••••••••Sunday 22nd April at Nightclub Kolis, 12.00-18.00, 1 Archway Road London N19. £3 entry. Children with old souls and good dogs welcome......🖤 ••••••••••••••••••••••••••• @voiseycreatures @voiseydrawing #art #artist #skull #skulls #craft #handmade #handmade #macabre #handdrawn #lowbrowart #drawing #knitting #creepy #cute #handcrafted #knitted #creature #ooak #artdoll #unique #myart #yarn #wool #wearethemakers #beautifulbizarre #oddlysatisfying #textileart #satanicfleamarket #voiseycreatures #voiseydrawing
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handmademacabre · 7 years ago
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My studio, circa 2011 @voiseydrawing #art #artist #drawing #sketch #illustration #pencildrawing #pencilsketch #sketchbook #studio #observation #stilllife #skull #foxskull #robertsradio #shelves #artstudio #interior #pencil #assemblage #deadthings #goatskull #embrioderyhoop #driedflowers #creepy #macabre #goth #odd #weird #sustained #voiseydrawing 034
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handmademacabre · 7 years ago
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Drawing the clutter. Sold. @voiseydrawing #art #artist #drawing #sketch #illustration #sketchbook #pencil #pencildrawing #pencilsketch #handdrawn #handdrawing #clutter #shelves #shadows #mess #supportlocalartists #handmade #observationaldrawing #stilllife #stilllifedrawing #originalart #originaldrawing #ooak #personalspace #artstudio #interior #artwork #visualart #figurativeart #voiseydrawing 036
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handmademacabre · 7 years ago
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Cranium from the Hunterian Museum, London. #drawing #pencil #skull #sketch #sketchbook #pencildrawing #study #detailed #skulldrawing #observationaldrawing #line #linedrawing #art #artist #looking #original #artwork #human #pathology #anatomy #specimen #goth #creepy #macabre #dark #alternative #illustration #handdrawn #hunterianmuseum #voiseydrawing 012
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handmademacabre · 7 years ago
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Charcoal ground drawing, from portrait class on Monday evening @citylit @citylitarts @voiseydrawing #voiseydrawing #drawing #charcoal #charcoaldrawing #portrait #profile #lifedrawing #monochrome #handdrawn #sketch #art #artist #lifelonglearning #discipline #measureddrawing #looking #portraitdrawing #portraits #portraiture #portraitstudy #pursuitofportraits #portraitart #proportion #original #unfinished #originalartwork #madebyme #figuredrawing #adulteducation #drawingismytherapy 005
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handmademacabre · 7 years ago
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Horse’s skull, circa 2011... @voiseydrawing #art #artist #drawing #sketch #sketchbook #horse #skull #illustration #goth #macabre #line #dead #animal #animalskull #myart #pathology #anatomy #anatomical #pencildrawing #dark #creepy #creepyart #skullface #original #originalart #handdrawn #discipline #skullobsession #handmademacabre #voiseydrawing
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handmademacabre · 7 years ago
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Blood creatures: large, medium & small.... Available from my Etsy shop HandMadeMacabre (link in my bio) or in person from 🕸The Dark Arts Fayre🕸 Sunday 5th August 12-6pm @thelounge666 1 Archway Road London N19 £3 entry Hosted by @satanicmojo @satanicfleamarket #art #craft #handmade #macabre #knitting #drawing #creepy #goth #creature #knitted #monster #alternative #london #market #handcrafted #giftideas #lowbrowart #wool #yarn #felt #oddities #unique #supportlocalartists #prints #myart #wearethemakers #satanicfleamarket #voiseycreatures #voiseydrawing #handmademacabre (at The Lounge Promotion-Nightclub Kolis.)
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handmademacabre · 7 years ago
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The meal⤵️ Anglerfish after a meal....🦎 @voiseydrawing @natural_history_museum #art #drawing #sketch #sketchbook #fish #anglerfish #quicksketch #natural #history #museum #naturalhistorymuseum #nature #stuffedfish #distendedbelly #pencildrawing #scribble #fishdrawing #zoology #specimen #curiosity #oddity #predator #prey #seacreatures #creature #observationaldrawing #unique #monster #meal #voiseydrawing (at Natural History Museum, London)
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handmademacabre · 7 years ago
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Koffee Pot. @voiseydrawing #art #drawing #interior #sketch #sketchbook #coffee #pot #squat #southlondon #alternative #housing #creepy #macabre #substandard #kitchen #pencildrawing #pencilsketch #artist #eccentric #coffeepot #dark #squatkitchen #shabby #rustic #loughbouroughjunction #sordid #ungentrified #pregentrification #hotlavajava #voiseydrawing
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handmademacabre · 7 years ago
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Parrot ink drawing. @voiseydrawing #art #artist #ink #drawing #pen #felttip #sketch #sketchbook #illustration #quink #parrot #parrotsofinstagram #parrotdrawing #endangered #bird #originalart #myart #inkdrawing #supportlocalartists #handmade #handdrawn #handdrawing #colour #colourful #beak #ornithology #beautiful #bright #wildlife #voiseydrawing 045
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handmademacabre · 7 years ago
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Line drawing circa 2011. @voiseydrawing #art #artist #drawing #pencil #line #sketch #sketchbook #pencildrawing #pencilsketch #linedrawing #interior #clutter #myart #supportlocalartists #london #southlondon #loughboroughjunction #illustration #mess #handmade #handdrawn #handdrawing #stilllife #originalartwork #originaldrawing #observationaldrawing #stilllifedrawing #stuff #disorder #voiseydrawing 044
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handmademacabre · 7 years ago
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Snap of old studio @voiseydrawing #art #drawing #sketch #artstudio #tracing #quote #divinedavid #substandardhousing #gorilla #skeleton #pittrivers #museum #naturalhistory #anatomy #pathology #scrap #thepast #memories #illustration #anatomicaldrawing #anatomicalart #primatology #niche #wearethemakers #oddlysatisfying #beautifulbizarre #weird #creepy #macabre#voiseydrawing 031
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handmademacabre · 7 years ago
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@orbitldn from Cairo Sketching Club, 2016? #drawing #sketch #quicksketch #line #art #artist #sketchbook #lifedrawing #portrait #illustration #supportlocalartists #likeness #quicksketch #quickdrawing #handdrawn #speeddrawing #live #pencil #pencildrawing #pencilsketch #figure #figuredrawing #unfinished #drunkdrawing #observation #londonlife #graffitiartist #cafecairo #cairosketchingclub #voiseydrawing 019
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