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riotineveryone · 1 year ago
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D-Cologne 26.01.2024, some screenshots of the videos they shared❤️🖤🎪🎈🔥
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illutwister · 2 years ago
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tja, pech jehabt keule #staubsaugerroboter #heiraten #berlin #daily #cartoon #vogelhochzeit #illustration #drawthisinyourstyle #bw #illutwister (hier: Standesamt Berlin Charlottenburg) https://www.instagram.com/p/CpwiBY1oCK8/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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sonnywortziks · 3 months ago
if northernlion were german his vogelhochzeit posting would go insane i can tell you that
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9thbutterfly · 10 months ago
Various language development things:
- classic "talk my ear off waiting for the doctor, then don't say a peep while she is trying to assess language development, then as soon as the door closes behind the doctor, point to the screensaver and shout, 'flowers! trees!" (But also, yeah, if you're going to poke and prod and vaccinate and THEN try to get a toddler to talk, what do you expect?)
- saying "you" for "I/me". Interestingly, there has never been any such confusion about "mine"!
- strictly following grammar rules even where not applicable ("angezieht"/"putted on" instead of "angezogen"/"put on")
- pretending to do an action by repeating the verb (I fondly remember my youngest brother standing in the kitchen, showing his swimming skills by going "swim swim swim") For OR, it's standing bythe bathroom sink saying"gargle gargle gargle"
(hm, thinking of that recent post about frequentative verbs, what does gargle come from? Gag?)
- counting. One, two, four, zero, seven! But also eight nine ten eleven, just completely unconnected from the lower numbers.
- and my favourite, singing! Not whole songs yet, but enough words to recognise the song. Like, "tutut Eisebahn, [name] mitnehmen" is very clearly "Tschu tschu tschu die Eisenbahn ". Which they must have sung at daycare, because we haven't, and OR is always filling in their "best friend's" name. (Not sure they are old enough to actually have friends, but they have been talking a lot about that kid.)
Those songbooks that also play music, and prompt me to sing along, are probably helping with that, too. Going to lose my mind if I have to sing "Die Vogelhochzeit" or "Spannenlanger Hansl, nudeldicke Dirn" much more often, but "Wer hat die Kokosnuss geklaut" is fun. What's also fun is how OR will always flip to the corresponding page and declare "Notonuss defunen!" ("Found the coconut!") Hm, interesting that here they do say "gefunden" and not "gefinded". Anyway, I'm stupidly fond of the pronunciation "Notonuss"
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slothydaydreamer · 8 months ago
People outside of Germany don't know the Vogelhochzeit
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etchif · 2 years ago
Hello Birdblr. The other day I got reminded of the existence of a german folk/childrens' song called 'Die Vogelhochzeit' (The Bird Wedding). I think some here might enjoy it so I will translate the lyrics :)
Ein Vogel wollte Hochzeit machen
in dem grünen Walde.
Fidirallala, fidirallala,
fidirallalalala. (Chorus, sung after every line.)
A bird wanted to have a wedding
in the green forest.
Die Drossel war der Bräutigam,
die Amsel war die Braute.
The Thrush was the groom,
the Blackbird was the Bride.
Der Sperber, der Sperber,
der war der Hochzeitswerber.
The Sparrowhawk, the Sparrowhawk,
it was the Hochzeitswerber (made up of the words ''Hochzeit': Wedding' and ''Werber': Suitor/Advertiser'. I do not know for certain what this term means, and I have heard differing opinions about its meaning. Here are the options:
Someone who asks for the bride's hand in place of the groom
Someone who sets couples up to marry
Someone who also asked for the bride's hand (but was rejected in this case)
Someone who spreads the news of the wedding around
Pick which one you like best I guess)
Der Stare, der Stare,
der flocht der Braut die Haare.
The Starling, the Starling,
it braided the bride's hair.
Die Gänse und die Anten,
die war’n die Musikanten.
The Geese and the Ducks,
they were the musicians.
Der Spatz, der kocht das Hochzeitsmahl,
verzehrt die schönsten Bissen all.
The Sparrow, it cooks the wedding meal,
eats all the best bites himself.
Der Uhu, der Uhu,
der bringt der Braut die Hochzeitsschuh’.
The Eagle-owl, the Eagle-owl,
it brings the Bride her wedding shoes.
Der Kuckuck schreit, der Kuckuck schreit,
er bringt der Braut das Hochzeitskleid.
The Cuckoo shouts, the Cuckoo shouts,
it brings the bride her wedding gown.
Der Seidenschwanz, der Seidenschwanz,
der bracht’ der Braut den Hochzeitskranz.
The Waxwing, the Waxwing,
it brought the bride her wedding wreath.
Der Sperling, der Sperling,
der bringt der Braut den Trauring.
The Sparrow, the Sparrow,
it brings the bride her wedding ring.
Die Taube, die Taube,
die bringt der Braut die Haube.
The Pigeon, the Pigeon,
it brings the bride her veil.
Der Wiedehopf, der Wiedehopf,
der bringt der Braut nen Blumentopf.
The Hoopoe, the Hoopoe,
it brings the bride a flower pot.
Die Lerche, die Lerche,
die führt die Braut zur Kerche.
The Lark, the Lark,
it brings the bride to church.
Brautmutter war die Eule,
nahm Abschied mit Geheule.
Mother of the bride was the owl,
said her goodbyes with crying (or 'howling' it's a pun ^^).
Der Auerhahn, der Auerhahn,
der war der stolze Herr Kaplan.
The Grouse, the Grouse,
he was the proud Mr. Chaplain.
Die Meise, die Meise,
die singt das Kyrie eleise.
The Tit, the Tit,
it sings the Kyrie eleise.
Die Puten, die Puten,
die machten breite Schnuten.
The Turkeys, the Turkeys (female),
they made long faces.
Der Pfau mit seinem bunten Schwanz
macht mit der Braut den ersten Tanz.
The Peackock with his colorful tail
had the first dance with the bride.
Die Schnepfe, die Schnepfe,
setzt auf den Tisch die Näpfe.
The Snipe, the Snipe,
put the cups on the table.
Die Finken, die Finken,
die gaben der Braut zu trinken.
The Finches, the Finches,
they gave the bride her drinks.
Der lange Specht, der lange Specht,
der macht der Braut das Bett zurecht.
The (long) woodpecker, the (long) woodpecker,
it made the bride's bed ready.
Das Drosselein, das Drosselein,
das führt die Braut ins Kämmerlein.
The Thrush, the Thrush,
it leads the bride into the chamber.
Der Uhu, der Uhu,
der macht die Fensterläden zu
The Eagle-owl, the Eagle-owl,
it closes the blinds.
Der Hahn, der krähet: „Gute Nacht“,
nun wird die Kammer zugemacht.
The rooster, he cawed: "Good night",
now the chamber is closed.
Die Vogelhochzeit ist nun aus,
die Vögel fliegen all’ nach Haus.
The bird wedding is now over,
the birds all fly home.
Das Käuzchen bläst die Lichter aus
und alle ziehn vergnügt nach Haus.
The Little Owl blows out the lights
and everyone goes home happily.
Also in most illustrations of the song I've seen the blackbird bride is drawn black, however only male blackbirds are black meaning she is canonically trans god bless.
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nele-jakob · 8 months ago
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Das ideale Geschenk zur Hochzeit!
Größe ca. 17x11 cm // Preis 46,00 €
Andere Rahmenfarbe oder Vogelkombination auf Anfrage möglich.
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cakebatteronabrickwall · 1 year ago
Happy Birds' Wedding, look at this dope (and tasty) photo my uncle took!
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traditional sweets found in east germany during the sorbian holiday of Birds' Wedding aka Vogelhochzeit
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dannysoil · 1 year ago
#fotoart #foto
#dannysoil #dannyart #dannybehr
#fotooftheday #vogel #vögel
#gartenliebe #gartenfreude
#gartenideen #saarlouis
#saarland #deuschland
#2023 #september
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heirateninaustralien · 2 years ago
Heiraten in Australien — Deutsche Hochzeits-Traditionen
Australien ist ein wundervoller Ort zum Heiraten und ein idealer Ort, um deutsche Hochzeits-Traditionen zu feiern. Obwohl die Ehe hier ein bisschen anders ist als in Deutschland, gibt es einige deutsche Hochzeits-Traditionen, die Sie hier nachmachen können.
Zuerst ist da die Frage, wo Sie heiraten möchten. Am Strand? In einem Park? In einer Kirche? Es ist wichtig, dass Sie einen Ort wählen, der Ihnen und Ihren Gästen gefällt. Viele Paare entscheiden sich für eine Hochzeit am Strand oder eine Hochzeit in einem Park. Es gibt auch einige Hochzeitspakete für Paare, die sich für eine Hochzeit am Strand entscheiden, die preislich ziemlich günstig sind.
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Es ist auch wichtig, dass Sie sich über die traditionellen deutschen Hochzeits-Gepflogenheiten informieren. Traditionell gibt es verschiedene Bräuche, die während einer deutschen Hochzeit geteilt werden. Der Brauch des Ringtausches ist einer der bekanntesten Bräuche, aber es gibt noch viel mehr, darunter die “Brautentführung” oder der “Strohmann”. Es ist auch üblich, dass die Braut ihren Brautstrauß an ihre beste Freundin weitergibt, während sie zur Kirche zieht.
Ein weiterer wichtiger Aspekt einer deutschen Hochzeit ist die Musik. Es ist üblich, dass deutsche Hochzeiten gekennzeichnet sind durch eine Vielzahl an traditioneller deutscher Musik, einschließlich der beliebten “Hochzeitsmarsch” und “Die Vogelhochzeit”. Es ist auch möglich, dass Paare auch moderne Musik wählen, wenn sie sich dafür entscheiden.
Schließlich ist es an der Zeit, über die Geschenke und Geschenke an die Gäste zu sprechen. Es ist üblich, dass der Bräutigam und die Braut ihren Gästen Geschenke geben, einschließlich Süßigkeiten, Wein und Blumen. Es gibt auch viele andere Geschenke, die Gäste während einer deutschen Hochzeit erhalten können.
Mit diesen traditionsreichen deutschen Hochzeits-Traditionen und der Vielfalt der Möglichkeiten, eine Hochzeit in Australien zu feiern, ist es kein Wunder, dass viele Paare sich für eine Hochzeit in Australien entscheiden. Mit dem richtigen Standort, den richtigen Bräuchen und Geschenken können Sie eine unvergessliche Hochzeit in Australien feiern. Wenn Sie mehr über Hochzeiten in Australien erfahren möchten, besuchen Sie unsere Website, um weitere Informationen zu Hochzeiten in Australien, Heiraten am Strand und Heiraten am Strand Preise zu erhalten.
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creative-soul-22 · 1 year ago
This looks like "Die Vogelhochzeit" (The Bird's Wedding), a German children's song.
What if all the ghosts were birbs? (I think GH looks like a magpie)
All the ghosts, or just some of the ghosts?
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graveyarddirt · 6 years ago
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In January "The Magpie Takes a Husband" in Lausitz, a small area in the east of Saxony. The Vogelhochzeit, a centuries old tradition followed by Sorbs, a western Slavic ethnic group and national minority of about 60,000 who cultivated the land more than 1400 years ago.
Scarcely has Christmas finished with its Stollen and Lebekuchen when planning begins for the traditions and 'goodies' that accompany the "Bird’s Wedding", Vogelhochzeit, between a magpie and a raven.
A unique custom quite unlike any other it involves birds, marriage, children and food, and is only found in this part of Germany, or with Sorbs, formerly known as Wends, who have emigrated and taken the tradition with them.tradition with them.
Lausitz, (Lusatia), is a region that is only 80 kilometers, 50 miles, to the south-east of Berlin but has an individuality, language and traditions that set it apart from any other area of Germany, and the Sorbs are very attached to their old folk customs with this one celebrating the approaching end of winter.
Its origins are shrouded in mystery and myth however.
The tradition seems to have roots in the pre-Christian era where people gave offerings of food to their ancestors' ghosts, hoping to favorably influence the gods of nature, however as time passed, and confidence in the power of ghosts decreased, this became gift-giving to children.
Another theory is that, once again in pre-Christian times, the Sorbs believed the souls of their dead entered birds, so shortly before birds began mating they would increase the food they gave them to make sure that their 'ancestors' were satisfied.
In pre-Christian days especially Sorbs were very superstitious.
While a folk tale tells us that January 25th is the wedding anniversary of a magpie and a raven, and so the day is filled by 'wedding' celebrations, with children dressing up as miniature brides and grooms, processions, performances, special songs and 'wedding dances'.
The 'bridal couple' wear traditional costumes, the bride is the magpie, die Elster, and her groom a raven, ein Rabe, while other children are dressed as different 'birds'.
The night before dishes filled with breadcrumbs are placed outside, high out of the reach of any dogs or cats who might be around, and overnight the birds fill them with gifts for the following day's wedding, such as baked figures of magpies or bird's nests, different candies, nuts and apples.
One of the legends is that this is their way of thanking the children for having fed them, especially through the winter.
Another that as the birds were celebrating their wedding they want to share their gifts with their neighbors, who just happen to be human.
But where does the name 'Vogelhochzeit' come from?
Despite years of research into the past no one really knows because, although nest building might begin in January in years with a mild winter, even for ravens and magpies the mating season still doesn’t usually start as early as the end of the month but a few weeks later.
Nevertheless it is a beautiful folk custom that shows no sign of dying out, continuing to be followed as enthusiastically by adults as it is by children and helping preserve the Sorbian language and culture.
* Adapted from "The Bird's Wedding, Vogelhochzeit" by Francine McKenna.
See also: #corvid, #january, #magpie
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susbazeichenblock · 5 years ago
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Aus: Das große Kater-Bommel-Buch. Gibt’s als E-Book bis zum 20.11.2019 gratis.
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formerlyknownas-delight · 3 years ago
Truth revealed by @improfem :
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etchif · 2 years ago
Hallo an alle die Deutsch sprechen. Ich analysiere grade den Text der Vogelhochzeit und ich hab absolut keine Ahnung was ein "Hochzeitswerber" sein soll. Ich dachte erst das wäre jemand der die Neuigkeiten der Hochzeit weitersagt aber hab nichts dazu finden können. Weiß jemand mehr?
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polkaerio · 5 years ago
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🐧Die Vögel Hochzeit und Schönes Wochenende!🐧 これからね ぼくは ふわふわの みどりの綿あめみたいな 雲のプレゼント🎁持って お嫁さんを 迎えに行くところなんだ 気に入ってくれるかな #polkaeriostory #polkaerio #illustration #art #story #vogelhochzeit #shöneswochenende #素敵な三連休を! #台風に気をつけましょう https://www.instagram.com/p/B3dEW-4luOc/?igshid=51rj1wcab5h
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