#vmin did not go live but no one is surprised
95zintheirownworld · 2 years
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highlights of tmas vmin
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jeonscatalyst · 1 month
Did anything about jikooks (or vminkook if that interests you) dynamic surprise you in are you sure? I think the extent of JK's brattiness and their play-fighting did surprise me a little. I think it's because I haven't been following them beyond the music that much in solo era. Also if I compare vminkooks dynamic from say that joint live in 2021 or the live incl Hobi (in 2022 I think?), I think it's a little bit different from what we're seeing in the show. If I think about it, it does check out in many ways with regards to what they've told us but I don't think it's something we've seen this plainly before
Hey anon,
Nothing about Jikook’ or Vminkook’s dynamic surprised me much, infact I would say the boys haven’t changed at all. Jungkook has always been bratty. Literally all the members have complained about him being bratty and stubborn and as for the play-fighting (I am assuming you are talking about Jikook) that has literally always been their thing. Someone described Jikook’s dynamic as a mix of all the other duo dynamics in BTS and now I really cannot unsee it. They playfight like jinkook, bicker like yoonmin, are soft with each other like Namkook, are besties like taekook and are caring towards each other like Jihope. There is literally a mix of everything in their dynamic and that is one of the reasons why Jikook are so difficult to explain as a duo. I personally don’t have any trouble understanding the other duo dynamics of BTS but Jikook still challenges me sometimes.
It was definitely kinda new to see them bicker so much, I mean we had seen them bicker before but the other members were usually in the mix so just seeing them bicker about parking was kinda new but not really surprising to me.
As for taekook, I didn’t see anything about their dynamic that surprised me at all. They are the duo who know how to have maximum fun when they are together as they have so many things in common when it comes to personal interests so it is extremely easy for them to be in sync but they also have moments where they could come off a bit nonchalant towards each other (but this is very normal) and I have seen so many people say they have a passive aggressive energy about them but I don’t see it personally. I just think that Jungkook sometimes has his moments you know, when he doesn’t really feel like being enthusiastic about anyone (Jimin included) and Tae isn’t like Jimin who will still try to initiate interactions when Jk gets in that mood but instead Tae just kinda ignores as well or throws in some snarky comments and maybe that is why people see some passive aggressiveness but generally I think they have gotten much closer than they were a few years ago and even their emotional bond seems to have deepened a little more than before.
For Vminkook’s dynamic, I think it is pretty much the same to be honest. Like I said before, Jungkook has his bratty and soft moments with both of them and Vmin are still the two hyungs who dote on him but call him out in their own way when he starts going too far. Jungkook has a very different dynamic with both of them and it is seen more when he is with the two of them (or atleast I noticed it more). I had always known but just seeing it in play out in AYS was….interesting. I think with Tae, Jk really enjoys just doing the fun boy stuff. They both look their happiest around each other when they are bringing out the childishness out of each other and I can see why they easily connected when they were rookies. One person starts something and the other very easily goes along with it, no question asked. They are also a good example of dumb and dumber or the blind leading the blind because it seems like between the two of them, no one is the voice of reason and we all crave people who we can just be extremely silly with without overthinking anything and I guess that is what taekook are to each other and that is why Tae can call Jk and ask him to join him in Hawaii and Jk takes a 9 hour flight there, you know just for the fun of it. Unlike what taekookers would like to believe, it isn’t because Jk is in love with tae or none of that. If I had a bestie whom I usually have alot of fun with when we are together and we both like the same things and I had Jungkook money and time, I will do the exact same thing. But, just as I had said before, it just feels like the foundation of their friendship is mostly centered around the fun and shared interests, not much else. They ofcourse really care for each other and are supportive of each other as well. I thought it was extremely sweet how Jungkook immediately climbed that wall to encourage Tae when Tae was scared to jump. Those are some of the moments that show just how they get each other and how much they care about each other. Taekook as bestfriends works so well but I don’t see them working out as romantic partners and I also understand why they don’t seem to be each other’s go to person for comfort. This is because they are way too alike. They both are naturally takers so they need givers for things to balance out. That is why at some point, they both sought out comfort from Jimin who is a a natural giver and not from each other.
Jimin and Jungkook are kinda different here because even though those two also have alot of fun with each other, Jimin is actually very different from Jungkook. He isn’t as spontaneous and he thinks about everything way too much. He also likes to have a schedule or plan things out before he executes them but Jungkook takes everyday as it comes and doesn’t seem to think about things too much so because of this, Jimin is like the voice of reason but sometimes Jungkook doesn’t want a voice of reason, he just wants adventure. A good example of this is that episode from I land where Jungkook stole TXT’s food from the pantry. He was in there with Tae and while he was stealing the food, Tae just went along with it and didn’t say anything but instead just found the whole thing funny but immediately Jk went outside with the food and Jimin saw him, Jimin (as well as the other members) asked him to return the food and they even scolded him (Jimin included lol). This is how Tae and Jk are partners in crime because they both readily go along with each other’s mischief but Jimin is that voice of reason that Jk needs because Jk is very impressionable (he said it himself) so if he doesn’t have some Jimins in his life, he could easily go astray. Even though Jikook are so different, they still are so alike and they click and just get each other so well and I don’t even know how to explain it. It seems to me like they are the definition of opposites attract, ying and yang. Jimin has the light that Jk needs and Jk has the darkness Jimin craves, they balance each other out, they give each other what the other lacks, they complement each other completely. Their bond in my opinion is definitely deeper as the foundation of it much more than the fun they have when they are together. There is an underlying intimacy in their play that isn’t there in taekook’s too. While taekook just play around like 5 year olds without a care in the world, splashing around in pools or shooting at each other with water guns, there is a subtle intimacy and softness in the way Jikook play around and they are definitely more handsy with each other too. This is pretty much everything I already knew about them and it is exactly the same thing I saw so I don’t really think anything was surprising or maybe just how much Jikook can bicker, if I had to pick something lol.
So anon, I have written a ton even though you probably just wanted a shorter answer but I couldn’t help myself lol. I have a problem not expatiating as much as I can. I hope this answers your question though and if u don’t mind, I would love to hear what you thought was different about Vminkook’s dynamic from 2021/2022 and now. I don’t really think we can compare from those moments you mentioned but I’d really love to hear or read your thoughts.
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stormblessed95 · 1 year
230328 JK Live Stream all about Jimin for 100 minutes
The way that he basically started this live solely to talk about/focus on Jimin? Like sir, what were we even here for? Just to watch you support your boo? I'm actually totally fine with that. Lmao he talked about himself and his CK deal for like 10 minutes before moving on to Jimin and Jimin only. Lol he said "I Miss Jimin" literally, on weverse and then proceeded to show us just how much he missed him!
The way he fully stated he started this live because he hasn't seen Suchwita yet but since Jimin was on the show, he wanted to watch it and wanted to watch it with us. Cutie. You can watch his full reaction video with eng subs here:
He immediately wanted to know why Jimin wasn't there right off the bat 🤣 then was looking forward to what Alcohol Jimin brought with him to share. And was not surprised at all to find it was Soju saying that's "very much like Jimin hyung." The drinking buddies those 2 are, he WOULD know. Lol and his little complaints about wishing he was there drinking with yoonmin too were adorable.
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The way he was concerned over Jimin eating the too hot food. And the way he giggled over yoonmin talking about Jimin performing on stage with Yoongi on tour and about Jimin acting cute for his face time fan calls.
And the confirmation from yet another member that the dumpling incident was watered way down for fan consumption when they shared about it and it really was so crazy. Lmfao vmin what did yall do!!
Plus we were blessed with a small glimpse of his beautiful smile and reaction to the iconic jikook black swan lift 🥺😭😍
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The way he immediately agreed with Jimin about being in BTS for a long long time. 🥺 and his cute comments about how the show seems fun and he would also like to be on it one day! And the way he started to compliment Jimin on the way he expressed himself but cut himself off/got distracted lol
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He reacted to SMF pt 2 MV here too. Lol and loved it. Throughly. Lol full video here:
He wanted to confirm the lyrics correctly especially for the maze lyrics. He was humming along and also lowkey already knew the choreo too. It was so cute. I love him.
And the way he smiled so proudly during the "I won't stop even if they mock me" lyrics 🥺
How we got the transition into shirtless Jimin and verse 2 and we just breifly totally lost JK there. 404 error not found is correct. Slack jawed for a bit there understandably lol
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The way he heaped praise upon verse 2 which was so heartwarming
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And he watched the dance practice for SMFpt2 too, which you can see the whole reaction here
The way he was humming along and then dancing along lmfao he didn't have to go so hard with the Summoning park jimin dance 🤣
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And we even reacted to a BTS teasing Jimin compilation video??? Lmao jungkook??
PLEASE just watch the linked video. Lmfao it's less than 10 minutes and he looks SO SMITTEN the ENTIRE TIME. The reaction to their jikook moments from so long ago? The giggles at the other members lovingly teasing Jimin too? The way he melted watching Jimin sing promise too? MY HEART CANT HANDLE IT I CANT BELIEVE HE REACTED TO A JIMIN COMPILATION HONESTLY
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Just the whole live he looks soooo??? In love?
And he commented about how he watched Jimins pixid video too and enjoyed it. Lol it really was just a night of binge watching Jimin for this man.
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He is really just out here supporting Jimin fully and he misses him so much. We know they've been spending time together too. They mentioned JK being at some of Jimins Rehersals. We know they met with up with the other members for an OT7 dinner. I just know there is more we don't know too. But it just speaks to how much time they normally spend together when that's clearly not enough and the way they are missing each other SO MUCH even with those other times spent together. They are used to living in each other's pockets clearly lol. And now that they have so much going on and Jimins schedules are so crazy, that time apart is driving JK to do a 100 minute live stream about how much he misses his hyung. Lol Jimin you better go over their for that promised dinner he wants to cook for you!
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Not to mention, JK really brought it back to prove his point. Jimin is his catalyst. His inspiration at so many times. JK really sat there and watched Jimin for 100 minutes and then immediately said goodbye to us because he was struck with inspiration and motivation to go work. "I suddenly feel like I have to go do something." "I think I have to go work." "I'm going to go work now! Bye!" With an abrupt hang up! Lol it was giving, I don't want to say more than i should about Jimin right now and wow, the inspiration struck and I REALLY am interested in seeing whatever it is you worked on Jungkook! Music? Art? New song? If Jimin inspired you so much, I'm very intrigued! 🤣
They really are so precious. So cute. And so sweet. I hope they got to go over and spend some lengthy time together already, or if not. I hope they get the chance really soon. As they are both very clearly craving that time together!
Ending with this funny tweet (follow the link!) Because it's so true 🤣🤣🤣
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Sorry in advance for this long ask.
So I've noticed with kpop that most of them just go with whatever the hype or narrative fed to them is. This includes the fans or even the groups themselves.
No matter how annoying ARMYs are, I actually feel they do this slightly less than the core kpop stans because so many armys start off as locals but still within the BTS nexus also we have so many dumb narratives that just get baked into the fandom. VMin being soulmates, Jungkook being the golden maknae, Bighit being 'different' from other KPop labels, Jimin being the king of fanservice, Namjoon and Yoongi being the best at rap (so presumably over Hobi) - all this is just bs with little basis in reality. Within kpop, things are even worse imo - literally sometimes it feels like they don't listen to songs, they just decide whether things are good based on concepts or vibes or some superficial crap like that.
Anyway, so the Jungkook is the golden maknae thing, the one who will breakout narrative has been pushed for ages. The reality is that the entire maknae line is somewhat recognised among the GP and pretty popular overall. If Like Crazy had the same push as Seven, it would have done the same or better. But for better or worse, JK is the chosen one. And the reason JK acts so bratty is because he knows this too. At his core I don't think JK is a bad guy but being positioned as "the one" for years and then being actively told so by 🛴 and Bang PD now has just fueled his negative traits. The latent bratty and cocky vibes just went up exponentially during the seven promo.
I also think JK got the gist of what fans were saying about his interviews and BB Hot #1 acceptance from last week and perhaps about the preferential treatment because this week he's been doing a lot of damage control. Oh I'm so surprised I won Mnet, omg you guys I /never/ expected to win Inkigayo. He acted so weird for BB #1 but suddenly he's back to good ol' humble Jungkook. Suddenly Jimin's commenting on his lives. Tae's coming to visit him at the music show. Look how happy the members are for his success everyone. Meanwhile JK does multiple lives almost everyday this week. Seems like he's going overdrive cleaning up all the missteps from last week.
Jimin is starting to piss me tf off as well. Who keeps laughing while they are getting whipped and humiliated? A fool. He wasn't always like this but I think Bighit's harsh contract and the other members gaslighting him with fake concern and love have trapped Jimin into this zombie puppet state. I just wish he leaves Bighit. They don't care about him. They care about their chosen golden maknae and he knows it but he stays there like a fool. The mistreatment has been going on for a long time so he could have left years ago before Bighit became this powerful Hybe but he chose to spend his time drinking and being unmotivated. Although I also think its the company's fault for not motivating him. Maybe he has PTSD that Hybe is using to manipulate his behavior, in addition to his harsh contract, and that's why he played along with JK on lives to do fanservice.
How odd. Did you actually mean to send this ask to me? Because the way this is written reads exactly like how I'd expect a solo stan to think. And you can't possibly have sent this to me, expecting me to take you seriously.
Anyway, I'm not sure what's happened in the last week for me to be receiving the barrage of weird asks I've been getting. Did one of you suddenly stumble on my blog and send it around a GC or something? Jung Kook got #1 on the Billboard Hot100 last week but it's not like it was unexpected. I mean, I did say shortly after Jimin's achievement in early April that others in the maknae-line will possibly achieve a Hot 100 too, and that was before we knew Seven was coming, that it was an English release that would get the PET treatment, that D2C sales were banned and Hybe America got involved meaning it would get even more support. So, that can't be the reason y'all are this animated. Really, nothing unexpected has happened so I don't understand why y'all are so agitated you've taken a liking to my inbox recently.
Anon, I have nothing to tell you except that if you had any self-awareness, you'd realize what's happening to you and take a clean break away from everything k-pop for a good long while. Not even just BTS, cause this, especially that last paragraph, all reads like it was written by someone who has gotten completely sucked in. And you need to get out.
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dearweirdme · 11 months
one day I'll stop writing essays in your asks but your questions and the responses are always so interesting to me especially as a non taekooker! So here's another one,lol.
I always knew another member was coming to taes picnic. I knew for the same reason I wasnt surpised when 3 of the members performed at yoongis concerts.
BTS want to see army. That's their whole thing. If they can make time for it that's what they're going to do. I'll admit that I thought it was gonna be JK who came and I assumed it was going to be him up until I heard he left Korea again. Then I was pleasantly surprised when Jimin came.
Not to shade the person who is exhausted by the "vmin" soul mate thing but Jimin wasn't going to taes vicnic because of some elaborate ruse by hybe to push the soul mate narrative, like its not 2020. Nor do i think he was there to make it seem like their relationship is soooo strong.
I want to remind people this is the duo who people have joked about being divorced all year. They both have only recently started mentioning each other and hanging out so I definitely dont think they care about our perception of their closeness through a platonic soulmates lens.I think Jimin and taes friendship is beautiful and i think if youre lucky you'll have several playonic soul mates in your lifetime. I think thats what jimin and tae were/are saying when and if they still use that word about each other.
Its pretty obvious that Jimin was there, not for any elaborate narrative or as a flimsy substitute for Jk. Jimin came cause tae asked him too and beause Jimin enjoys seeing army. Its pretty in his nature to show up for his members and he misses army. He told us he did in his live less than 48 hours ago so why wouldn't he jump at the chance to see us/them?
As to why JK wasn't there its the same reason he didn't get on live for like a month. He had a schedule, he's very busy. And for any taekooker who worries or gets irrationaly annoyed by them not having as much time together, you should know that taekook is more used to each others schedules than any of us are. Im sure JK was worried about tae and missed him when tae was going non-stop as I'm sure tae is worried and missing JK now. But whatever you believe they're doing, jk not being there today doesn't change it and I'm sure he wish he could have been.
I dont see him not showing up as a grand scheme by the company to push any type of narrative but just obvious logistics. Frankly if JK was home and didn't have a schedule I think JK and Jimin both would have come.
((((And this is a bit of a tangent but regarding the idea that theres a fandom narrative that taekook isn't close, I personally am not a taekooker or a jikooker and have never seen that narrative in any of my fandom spaces. I don't think the majority of the Fandom outside of the straw lovers believes that at all, but i could be wrong. Now do I think there's a huge focus on their closeness, when it comes to marketing or pairing them up? No, lol.But if I'm in a queer relationship with my band mate and I'm not ready to be perceived by the public I would take there not being a huge focus or emphasis on my relationship as a blessing. Just a different perspective i thought id offer ,but I get pushing back on the narrative when you see it because honestly its annoying when anyone says two members arent close, but I will say ive never heard anyone say taekook isnt close personally.))
anyways that's my essay for the day and since I seem to be popping up here a lot I will sign off this time so in the future when i pop up you know it's me lol- BYM
Hi BYM-anon!
Sorry for being a bit late in responding!
I agree with most of your ask. I think the things we disagree on are that I think Tae and Jk are more to each other than friends, and I think a large portion of fandom actually does think Tae and Jk drifted apart between 2016 and 2020. I think most of fandom sees that they are close now, and have been for some years.. but there's still those (yes, probably Jkkrs mostly) that disagree.
I think in part the lack of Tkk footage is from allowing them privacy and safety. From Bighit's perspective, having an actual in band relationship must've been super unconvenient, no matter how they personally view queer relationships or Tae and Jk as persons, business wise it's seen as a risk. There's the risk of them breaking up, there's the risk of them having a rocky relationship with drama, there's the risk of them being distracted, there's the risk of discovery in a queer unfriendly country. So I think as soon as BH became aware, they introduced boundaries and rules Tae and Jk had to adhere to. Which isn't all too weird, because in 'normal' situations companies would also probably tell their dating coworkers to act professional. I think Tae and Jk, as well as the other members, do want their privacy. Was the intent from Bighit to protect them? No, I think they just want to protect their company. You can tell that at times Jk and Tae did not like the way they were treated.
How do Jk and Tae feel about the boundaries and rules they had to live by? Probably very conflicted. I think rationally they probably understood, but emotionally it was very hard and different situations probably came with varying feelings. There's so much to consider. There's the band as a whole, they wouldn't have wanted to put the other members' future at risk, they also wouldn't have wanted to put their own future at risk (though at some points they might've wondered if things were worth it). Keeping their relationship safe and hidden, was the safest way for them to carry on professionally and privately. But, being young and in love calls for feelings that are so strong.. they must've felt very frustrated at not being able to show that. I think they also felt the rules and boundaries were too strict, prohibiting them from even acting as close friends. Having to watch other members be close with your partner (having a full blown other ship to take root) while not being able to do much themselves. I think it truly hurt them.
We see a lot of "Jk is trying to hide" stuff, and I do think Jk is a bit more carefull (of sharing friendships and bonds in general), but when all you've ever known is to hide your relationship, that's what has become your safe place. I do believe Jk doesn't like the shippers comemnts in his lives, and justly so. It's people asking for information they have no right to.
Mentioning Tae and Jk in one sentence always comes with some tension.
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mrs-monaghan · 1 year
heyyyyy I hope you’re doing wel!
I was bored so i did some thinking ( very rare !) and I was wondering why vmin don’t interact a lot anymore.( I know that they could still interact in private and we just don’t get to see it) but I just found it weird for the duo that was inseparable to suddenly not talk about each other anymore.
Iam really curious why they don’t mention each other as much as before . I still believe they are friends tho.
But I have have some theories :
Maybe Jimin was/is too busy and they didn’t have time to meet up.
A fallout, this is normal. People change all the time and maybe their personalities don’t fit well as before.
a fight. Dumpling incident 2.0 happend. And they are working it out ( but Jm said in his live that tae and him don’t have anything to fight over these days so idk 🤷‍♂️)
delusional theorie: Jimin is also friends with Kai from exo and since tae is dating his ex he is in a uncomfortable situation ( hehehe this one is unlikely but fun to fantasize about the drama 🙊)
Also I wonder if jimin is going to support tae when his album comes out. Cuz I can’t remember tae supporting Face ? ( sorry if he did I can’t remember feel free to prove me wrong)
what do you think ?
btw love reading your blog 💕
Thank u for loving my blog. I mostly come here to reblog Gallavich, talk shit, talk Jikook sexy times and insult antis. So everyone who likes me needs to reflect on themselves
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He he he hee
Anon you forgot option 5&6: Wooga squad and Jikook/JK. The possibilities are endless! Too much we can't just read their minds 😒
As for FACE, no. Mans didn't publicly support Jimin. He also didn't post about JK BBhot 100 which I have to say surprised me 🤔
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thoughts-on-bangtan · 2 years
Let’s talk: The Rumor
Hi guys, again, Admin 2 here. 
We got a lot of questions, nice and less nice ones, about the Tae dating rumor and its connection to Vmin. Just based on the questions and the tone they’re written in, this whole gotcha atmosphere they all have about how “ha! didn’t we tell you vmin is bullshit because Tae is straight”, you can conclude how many people would love for this rumor to be true because it would perfectly fit into their agendas. 
That’s why I won’t get too deeply into it or deeply philosophize about the pictures and whether or not it’s possible or not, and instead under the absence of the more soft spoken admin 1, I will simply write what I think. While highlighting that this is just my opinion and no one is forced to believe it or even agree with it. 
Let’s start with what I’ve mentioned before, the fact that I’m someone working in graphic design and therefore know what editing and falsifications possibilities different programs give you. And I have to admit that the pictures are, already upon first glance, so obviously fake so I was surprised why people actually even just for a moment thought they’re real. 
Secondly, I won’t beat around the bush and simply say that I think that, with such naively, immaturely, and badly made pictures and the narratives being spun around them, I doubt any agency or person with proper money stands behind this because if they did, they would hire someone who would edit these pictures in a way that would make them undoubtedly real looking with no room for arguments. 
Therefore, as someone who likes to look around all corners of social media, like I’ve mentioned before, I think that this whole thing about Tae and Jennie is simply a creation of rivaling shippers, especially J/*k/*ok ones. And I know many people will get very offended by this statement, but I’ve seen a lot of people who, to say it carefully, go to extreme lengths in their delulu and their sick obsession, and it’s exactly those kind of people that are the ones pushing this the most since they very much want Tae to be straight and with someone, literally anyone, other than Jimin. They see him as too big of a threat so they’re trying to push him onto someone else because if he’s out of the picture their ship can happily exist and they will get their gotcha moment against other maknae line shippers which they’ve waited almost a decade for. 
Because of all that, along with the statement HYBE posted, I don’t see any reason to further think, analyze, talk or interact with this false rumor at all. If any of this were true, I think Tae would be more likely to say something or give a solid hint, even if only out of respect toward his partner and his feelings for them (instead of making a shocked weverse post about how scary IG is after accidentally following their now supposed partner there, or wearing a Your Dog Isn’t My Dog shirt). 
Why do people constantly ask for a HYBE statement (one exactly phrased and written the way they demand it to be because no other one is valid in their opinion)? Why should HYBE make a statement about dumb shipper rumors, after all K-Pop lives based on those, and these Tae x Jennie rumors, theories and edits have existed for years, just like JK x Lisa or Rose ones or Jin x Jisoo ones, as examples. Besides if this rumor really were to cause harm to someone (or someone’s business/money) or were happening in spite of things, there would’ve long been a reaction, like last year with HYBE reacting fairly quickly to the Tae x Joanna rumors.
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I’m not writing this because I want to prove that Vmin are together or anything like it, instead I’m doing it because this rumor is so annoying since it’s currently being basically forcefully pushed by weird people and brand new accounts and a “leaker” who’s changed their narrative about a hundred times by now despite what HYBE said. No PR company hired by agencies with budgets like YG or HYBE would be this incredibly sloppy. There’s enough accounts on Twitter alone who cosplay as HYBE staff, fictitious family members or friends, who push false narratives and informations all solely based around their own agendas, usually dictated by their own shipping or hate biases. And that’s how I see this rumor as well.
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sizzlingpatrolfox · 2 years
the rise of minimoni and jinmin and yoonmin and jihope meanwhile vmin and jikook are nowhere to be found. the simulation is glitching.
This is how things should've been long ago!!! Even though no man will ever deserve Jimin.
Vmin was never found anywhere tbh. The fandom literally collectively made vmin up 🤭
Is anyone surprised about jikook? I've been saying forever that the only content there was of them came from 1) Jimin 2) filmed content by hybe and that because of this there'd be no more jikook once BTS ended. And here we are. First, Jimin stopped using social media, he went live several times and never mentioned JK. Now, Hybe content stopped and so did jikook content.
These facts were the writing on the wall the past couple of years but people kept and keep excusing them and trying to find an explanation when there isn't any obvious one.
Love minimoni always tho, I wish they'd update us if they still go biking together. And hoseok is just so cute, he literally visits everybody and him taking that cake to Jin was so 🥹🥹🥹🥹 no words, that emoji is how I felt.
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jjungkookislife · 3 years
Little Mouse: Lethal
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pairing: frat boy!jk x f. reader
genre: established relationship au, smut [21+]
summary: Jungkook loves getting you gifts when he’s out and about shopping. Today’s gift leaves little to the imagination, and he can’t keep his hands to himself... not that you’re any better.
wc: 5k
warnings: cursing, pet names (babe, baby, little mouse, good girl), vmin mention, pierced!kook (eyebrow), tattooed!koo, jk pretends he doesn’t know the pajamas are see-through, marking (biting, hickeys, bruising, scratching), breast play, hair pulling, grinding, handjob, jk is an ass man, oc sits on jk’s face, messy 69, oral sex, mention of oc being submissive and bratty, manhandling, fingering, spanking, unprotected sex, choking, spit kink, titfuck, cum facial, cum eating
a/n: here’s another version of the lace set of Jungkook’s July live. It’s still his birthday in the US so I wanted to post. Hope you enjoy!
date: September 1, 2021
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Jungkook enjoyed spending time at your place. He loved the silence it provided, away from Taehyung’s antics and Jimin’s flirtatiousness as he tried to make Taehyung jealous with one of his conquests.
It was no secret Jungkook enjoyed being at your place, tidying up and trying to keep himself busy while you were at work or school. Tonight was Friday, and he’d gotten off early, using his free time to stop by a shop on his way home to get you a gift. You loved Jungkook’s gifts. Sometimes they were flowers, chocolate, a bracelet you’d seen while out shopping for a birthday present, a hoodie to match his. Simple things he knew you’d love.
However, his latest purchase was for his eyes only. A matching set of lace pajamas that left nothing to the imagination. His tiny smug smile lit up his face as he admired himself in the bathroom mirror. His boxers could easily be seen, and he giggled . You’d be so surprised!
A few more minutes of Jungkook admiring himself in the mirror, including his eyebrow piercing, and he was ready to go. He just needed you to get home first.
Eagerly, his eyes land on the wall clock as he steps into your bedroom. You should be arriving any second now. He grinned, butterflies fluttering wildly in his abdomen as he did a little wiggle to let out some of the excitement.
“Baby, are you home?” Jungkook hears you call out from the doorway. The clatter of your shoes hitting the floor has him dashing out of the room.
Hollering, Jungkook startles you. “Close your eyes, babe! Close your eyes! I have a surprise!”
Out of surprise, you do as you’re told. Jungkook chuckles, apologizing softly as he shuts and locks your front door. He places his hands over your eyes to keep you from peeking, something he knows you’ll do if given the chance. He’s learned from his past mistakes. You were too curious for your own good, but he wouldn’t change anything about you, his little mouse.
“What’s the surprise?” You ask as you walk forward, your boyfriend’s firm chest pressed to your back as he guides you. You could feel the energy radiating off him, so you’d go along with it. A smile appears on your face, giggling when he huffs once you’ve stopped walking.
“Little mouse,” he growls in a warning. You nearly moan, gently drooping in his hold. Jungkook chuckles. His breath brushes your skin. “Be good for me, baby. Can you do that? Can you be a good girl for me?”
“Yes,” you breathe in response. Your body’s hot, nearly boiling with lust at the mere sound of his voice. You’d drop to your knees in a millisecond if he so commanded it in that tone.
“Good!” Jungkook giggles, his tattooed hand wrapped around your waist to guide you into the bathroom.
“Kook,” you start, hands reaching out to feel the bathroom counter. “What’s going on?”
“Nothing at all, little mouse. Take a shower and I’ll have your surprise waiting on the counter when you’re done.” With a brow raised, you eyed him suspiciously.
“Okay, Kookie.”
Jungkook grins, kissing your cheek as he ushers you further into the bathroom, shutting the door after. You roll your eyes, wondering what he was up to as you undress and start the shower.
Minutes fly by as you shower, ending it as quickly as possible before you’re wrapped in a towel. You dry yourself off along with your hair, tossing your dirty clothes into the hamper in the closet after.
On the bathroom counter, you see Jungkook’s surprise folded neatly wrapped with a white bow.
“Fancy,” you murmur as you untie the ribbon. It falls apart easily, spilling to the sides before fluttering to the floor beneath your feet.
You lift the top, eyes wide when you see it’s a lace top. It’s completely see-through! Your finger pokes the material, your fingertip visible on the other side. Grinning widely, you put it on, clasping the buttons as you go.
The bottoms are just as see-through, and you wonder if Jungkook was aware of this. He meant well with his gifts, but he tended to overlook things (like the sheerness of an item) if it was cute. You wouldn’t lie though. You loved the pajamas even if they left little to the imagination. Your nipples nearly poked out of the fabric, and you giggle as you turn to admire yourself. Surely Jungkook has done this on purpose.
“Little Mouse,” he calls from the other side of the door. “Are you dressed? I wanna see!”
“I’m coming!” You call back. “I’m definitely coming,” you whisper with a mischievous grin.
Slowly, you open the door and step into the hallway toward your bedroom, where Jungkook is distracted by his microphone, trying to plug it up for a night of karaoke and pizza.
Just like yours, Jungkook’s matching set of pajamas is see-through. His boxer briefs cling to his thighs as he moves, dropping to his knees to get a better view of the connection. You’d bet money he had no clue they were see-through.
“I’m here, babe. I love these,” you say, gaining his attention after a tiny ‘ aha ’ escapes him when he finally connects the mic.
“Do you like them?” Jungkook’s nervous tone is nearly overcome with his energy, nearly bouncing off the walls as he rocks back and forth.
“I love them,” you assure him. You spin slowly for him to admire you in them. A small gasp escapes him as you face him once again. He gulps, eyes zeroed in on your chest where your nipples are hard and visible through the material.
With wide eyes, and mouth slightly agape, Jungkook is shocked. “I can see your nipples.”
“Jungkook!” You exclaim, covering your chest with your arms. He blushes, apologizing as his gaze meets yours, eyes hooded.
“I can see everything,” he murmurs as his eyes roam your body, stopping at your thighs. “Move your arm.”
You do as you’re told, moving your arm out of the way for him to get a good view.
“Fuck.” He licks his lips, crossing the space between you to cup your face, pulling you into a kiss. “You look phenomenal.”
“Tell me, Jungkook…” you sigh his name as his lips meet your neck, his hands gripping your hips. He hums in response, only half listening to you. “Did you get these lace ones because they were see-through?”
Jungkook steps back, pierced brow raised in question. “What?”
“They’re see-through. Yours too,” you point at his thighs where you can see his boxers peeking through. Jungkook looks down, eyes wide as he turns in a circle, much like a dog would when he’s chasing his tail.
With pink dusted cheeks, Jungkook smiled sheepishly. “I didn’t know until I got home.”
A laugh escapes you, shaking your head before pulling Jungkook into a kiss. “Oh, my bunny. How could you not notice?!”
Jungkook murmurs something against your lips, but you deepen the kiss, his tongue pushing past them to twine with yours. You easily fall back into your bed, a moan falling from your lips as you scoot further on the bed. Jungkook’s hands grip your legs, spreading them to nestle in between.
“Accident or not,” he grips the lace collar between his fingers, rubbing it. “You look hot as fuck.”
“So do you,” you compliment, your hand sliding between your bodies to grip his cock, not surprised to find him semi-hard already.
“Kiss me, little mouse,” he whispers. After kissing you, his lips find their home in the column of your throat while his fingers pinch your nipple that pushes through the soft fabric.
“Easy access,” he chuckles darkly, his fingers undoing the first button of your top to plant a kiss on your sternum.
Your fingers run through his short black hair, momentarily missing his long thick locks that you’d tug on for hours on end. But your boyfriend was still just as ethereal, just as sinful as his tongue peeks from between his pretty pink lips to swipe along his bottom lip. He eyes you hungrily. A low growl reverberated against his chest as he licks your pert bud over the lace. His name escapes you in a sigh, fingers gripping his locks as you arch into him.
“Easy, little mouse,” he tuts, grinning from ear to ear as his tongue teases you once again. “Easy.”
You nod, swallowing thickly as his fingers slide beneath your top, cupping your other breast. With a featherlight touch, he gently squeezes while his lips return to your other nipple, suckling it over the lace. His fiery tongue sends your mind spinning, your body growing needy for his touch in other places but Jungkook ignores your whimpered pleas for more and the tightening of your succulent thighs holding onto his waist.
“Jungkook,” you moan, tugging on his hair to bring him to your lips. His hands slide beneath your top, gently caressing the softness of your skin. His fingers undo the rest of the buttons, pushing the top off your shoulders to toss on your bedroom floor.
“So pretty,” he smiles, his eyes crinkling at the corners as his large tattooed hands run over your body, gently pressing his thumbs into your skin to feel more of you. Soft bruises may appear the next morning, little reminders left of his touch that you’ll smile when you see them, remembering the way he so lovingly caressed you.
Your hands slide over his arms, a finger tracing his newest tattoo that’s filled in the gaps of his arm. Jungkook follows your movements with his eyes, curious to see where you’ll go next as you gently push at his chest. He’s hesitant to lie down, wanting to pleasure you instead, but he easily gives in when your lips press a kiss to his sculpted jaw. Jungkook was putty in your hands and he knew it.
“These are so lovely, Kook. So soft and pretty…” you whisper, fingers tracing the design, smiling smugly when your fingertip passes over Jungkook’s nipple. He gasps, eyes filled with wonder as you lean down, pressing a kiss to his chest. He resists the urge to grip your hair in his hand, to kiss you as passionately as he so desperately desires.
Instead, Jungkook curses when your tongue flicks his hard nipple, groaning throatily when your teeth tug on it along with the lace. His eyes flutter shut, his hands gripping your hips as you settle your thighs on either side of his.
A wanton moan spills from his lips, causing you to clench around nothing. Your teeth sink into your bottom lip, barely stifling the cry that threatens to escape. Glittering eyes meet your own, as Jungkook’s chest rises and falls, ignoring the rapid beat of his heart against his ribcage.
“So sensitive,” you coo, fingers slowly working the buttons of his shirt with ease. When his taut torso is on display, your mouth waters, and you’re left utterly speechless. It always surprised you how amazing he looked, and the fact that he was all yours was the cherry on top.
“Little mouse,” he breathes, groaning when your fingers pinch his nipples. You don’t allow him to remove the lace top fully, pushing it to the sides to not get it in the way, but otherwise, it remains on his body.
“Hmm?” you hum in response, lips pressing kisses across his chest, moving upward to nip and suck at his neck. Jungkook moans, hips bucking into yours. “So cute.”
Jungkook blushes, feeling the heat surge to his cheeks. He whines in protest, but a swift nip of your teeth on his skin has him moaning your name instead. His hands grip your hips, neck turning to the side to allow you more room. With his hair short now, it would prove difficult to hide the marks you were leaving behind, but he couldn’t care much in the heat of the moment, not when your tongue laved over each mark after.
Sitting up, you place your hands on his chest, running them up and down as he watches you with curious eyes. You smile, wiggling on his lap before leaning down to capture his lips with yours, grunting when his hand grips your hair, tongue twining with yours as he quickly deepens the kiss. Lust burns in your veins, hips moving of their own accord.
Jungkook is panting, his hands full of your ass. You whimper in his hold, kissing him harsher, as your body rocks with his. Your hand slips between your bodies, wrapping around his throbbing cock. He groans, his eyes squeezed shut as he sinks his teeth into his bottom lip to muffle a whiny moan of your name. It’s fruitless, hearing him so wanton burns a fire deep within you, craving to hear more of those dulcet cries.
A flame burns deep inside Jungkook, fueled by the dulcet sounds of your desires as you tug his lace bottoms off. His cock is hard, thick, and drooling pre-cum when it’s finally released. Your hand wraps around it easily, mouth-watering at the sight of it. Jungkook grunts, eyes shut as you flick your wrist, your thumb collecting pre-cum to swirl around the head.
“Fuck,” Jungkook huffs, biting his lower lip as he meets your gaze. “Sit on his face.”
“What?” You question, shocked by his command. Jungkook rolls his eyes, smacking your thigh before giving it a light pinch. “Sit on my face.”
Jungkook’s hands pull on the waistband of your bottoms, quickly tugging them down your thighs, allowing you to kick them off while he leans back onto his heels. He gives you a moment to untangle them from your ankles before he’s settling on the bed on his back, raising a dark brow expectantly.
Gulping, you nod as you climb over him, only to have him turn you so your back is facing him. You bite back a noise of surprise, cheeks flushing with heat and mild embarrassment of him being so up close and personal with your lower region.
Jungkook senses your hesitation, his hands coming to stroke your back soothingly. “We can stop if you want to, little mouse. We don’t have to do anything you’re not comfortable with.”
You soften at his words, knowing he truly means them and it gives you a small burst of confidence to lower yourself on him, gasping when he pulls you lower and his lips brush your thighs.
Slowly, Jungkook gives your folds a tantalizing lick. You bite back a moan, trying to focus your attention on his cock. Your hand wraps around him, mind muddled with lust as Jungkook dives in, lewdly sucking and slurping at your arousal, spreading you open further with his tattooed fingers.
He’s so lost in the taste of you, he’s taken by surprise when your tongue flicks over his mushroomed tip. Encouraged by his melodious moan, your lips wrap around him, sinking on his cock as your jaw relaxes.
You do your best to keep your rhythm but Jungkook’s tongue is too much for you. He knows exactly how to pleasure you, to make you a quivering, crying mess as you do try your hardest to suck his cock. It’s useless, you slobber all over him, messily trying to salvage this blowjob, but when his lips wrap around your clit and his fingers push inside you, curling just right, it’s over.
Garbled cries of Jungkook’s name are muffled by his cock hitting the back of your throat before you’re pulling off him. You inhale profoundly, your throat aching slightly as you sit up. Your boyfriend groans, gripping your soft thighs tightly in his hands as eats you out with a vengeance. You’re soaking wet, his skin sticky with your wetness but he craves more of it.
“Jungkook,” you whimper, hand reaching back to grab a handful of his thick hair, riding his face as your orgasm builds at an alarming rate. Jungkook senses your impatience, his tongue moving faster, his fingers adding pressure to your clit as you try not to suffocate him, but your head lolls back and pleasure consumes every bit of you as you’re slammed headfirst into a mind-boggling orgasm.
Jungkook moans, drinking you in as he tries to swallow every last bit of your cum. His dick throbs, yearning to be stuffed inside you until you’re a writhing, sobbing mess for him. The thought alone is almost enough for him to cum unprovoked.
With legs trembling like a leaf, you pull yourself off your boyfriend, who looks like he’s just been doused in honey. You smile sheepishly, pressing your lips to his, deepening it when you taste yourself on his lips.
Jungkook loves kissing you, loves the sweet noises you make when he does and he loves the feel of your body in his hands. You’re so soft, so delicate, and it drives him wild. He knows better though, knows it’s all an act in bed because you’re headstrong, confident, and a force to be reckoned with outside of the bedroom. It is a privilege to see you like this, soft with a dash of submissiveness in bed.
However, he knows all your little tricks, knows when your bratty streak is about to surface, so he shuts it down before it can flourish, knowing it’d drive you mad with lust.
You find it hard to keep your hands to yourself, reaching for him, but a stern look from him and a raised brow makes you lay back on the bed.
A smirk appears on his lips, his lust-filled eyes settling on yours. “Such a good little mouse, aren’t you? So obedient.”
You whine, yearning to get your hands on him. To feel his skin beneath your fingertips, dig your nails into his back as you writhe beneath him.
“Please,” you beg.
Jungkook takes pity on you, his hand cupping your face. His lips brush yours, hands moving to pin your wrists above your head as he trails kisses from your lips, down your jaw, to your neck, and ending between your breasts.
His firm hold on you made you mewl, earning a chuckle from your boyfriend as he planted a kiss on your side. His eyes are hooded when they meet yours, his fingers dancing across from one hip to the other as he settles onto his knees.
Jungkook’s hands grip your hips, thumbs pressing into the softness of them, his gaze making you pulse. Heat bubbles in your abdomen, feeling a new wave of arousal consume you as you reach out for his inky locks. With a smirk, Jungkook nips your wrist, shaking his head before he’s flipping you onto your stomach. A startled scream escapes you, muffled by the pillow underneath you.
“Oops,” Jungkook apologizes, his large hand lying flat on your lower back. He bites his bottom lip, breath stuttered as he takes in the curves of your gorgeous body. How lucky he was to have you all to himself. His cock throbs, his heart skips a beat, and his hands greedily grab your hips to pull you onto your knees.
You’re dripping wet, glistening for him. His chest swells with pride, knowing he’d been the one to get you so aroused, so fucking wet.  
“Kook,” you whine, looking at him from over your shoulder. Your lashes flutter, wiggling your hips to capture his attention. Jungkook chuckles, his hand caressing your thigh, dipping in between to tease you.
“I haven’t forgotten about you, little mouse. So pretty and wet for me… how could I forget about my baby?” Jungkook raises a brow, his finger pushing past your entrance. You sigh, feeling a second finger push in to join the first.
One hand wraps around his cock, stroking himself to the rhythm of his fingers ducking into your wet heat. He curses, shaking his hair out of his eyes for a better view of you sucking his fingers in greedily. He can’t wait to bury his cock inside you, stretch you and fill you to the hilt. To feel your velvet soft walls wrap around him, tighten around his cock to hold him in as he pistons in and out of you.
“Please?” you gasp as his thumb rubs your clit, taking note of how your thighs tremble as you do your best to meet his eyes, mirroring your lust-drunk ones.
Who is he to say no when you’re asking so prettily? Jungkook swallows thickly, using his tattooed arm to wipe the sheen of sweat off his forehead. His tongue swipes along his lower lip, his eyes roaming over every inch of your body as his hands caress every bit of your body.
A sharp slap across your ass has you grunting, a surprised cry escaping you. You’re not shocked to see Jungkook mesmerized by the way it jiggles after. It comes as no surprise to you that your sweet tattooed boyfriend is an ass man. His small smile and glittering eyes make you melt… until he smacks your ass once again.
“Fuck,” his tongue peeks between his pretty pink lips as he admires your body, drinking you in. He loves the way your skin heats beneath his palms when he rubs you, hoping to relieve the stinging. You moan wantonly, begging him for more. He chuckles, “anything for you, little mouse.”
Jungkook’s hand comes down on you once again and his name rolls off your tongue in a sinful cry that has his cock throbbing. Curses spill from his lips, groaning as he spreads you open, his fingertips ghosting over your folds.
“I need you,” he states, leaning over you to press a kiss on your shoulder. You lean into his touch, arching further to tempt him. A sigh leaves you as you feel his cock press against you, coating the head in your arousal, teasingly circling your entrance before pushing in.
“Fuck yes, Jungkook!”
“Little mouse,” Jungkook breathed, grunting as the head of his cock pushed past the initial resistance. “Fuck, baby.” His eyes nearly roll to the back of his head. Breath stuttered as he grips your hips tightly in his big hands.
“Kook,” you whine, causing him to loosen his hold a tiny bit. Slowly, he pushes in and out of you, listening attentively to every cry that escapes your lips. When those breathy sighs turn into moans and pleas for more, he picks up his pace. His hands roam over your body, gripping and squeezing every bit he can.
It’s not long until the obscene sounds of your coupling fill the bedroom. The room has grown several degrees hotter, your body beading with sweat as you meet each of your boyfriend’s earth-shattering thrusts. His hand glides up your back, easily reaching forward to wrap around your throat to pull you up.
Jungkook’s lips find yours easily, kissing you deeply. His hips grind against your ass, fingers squeezing the sides of your throat. He watches as your eyes roll back, pushing your ass into him, lips parting to moan his name. Swallowing thickly, Jungkook slowly releases you. Owlishly, you blink as the slight fogginess clears. His fingers brush your hair aside, exposing your neck to his lips as he leans forward to kiss and nip the column of your throat until he’s leaving his mark in the sensitive spot where your neck meets your shoulder.
With great ease, Jungkook maneuvers you onto your back. It happens so quickly; you don’t even realize he’s manhandled you onto your bed until you’re staring up at him with your wide eyes. Jungkook smirks, chuckling when you reach out for him, fingers lacing in his hair as you tug him toward your for a kiss.
It’s messy. Your teeth bite his lower lip, sucking it before releasing it. A deep guttural grunt leaves Jungkook, eyes filled with lust and a hunger for you that he plans to satiate with your body. He hovers over you, overwhelming you with his broad body. Even sweating, he’s gorgeous as fuck and when he sticks his tongue out you open your mouth. His pierced brow raises in question for a moment, confused. It takes a few seconds for him to realize what you’re silently asking for as he grips your thighs, spreading you open for him.
“Open up for me, baby,” he demands. You open wider, gasping when he spits in your mouth and you immediately swallow. “Filthy little mouse.”
You bite your lip, “you love it.”
Jungkook can’t deny it, because he does. So, so much.
“I do.”
Smiling, you welcome him back into you, your legs wrapped around his hips securely. He grunts, eyes widening in surprise as he catches himself before he has a chance to fall on you. Your giggles make him smile, shaking his head. “Careful, baby. I don’t want to hurt you.”
You say nothing as you kiss him, gasping when he pushes in deeper. Your nails dig into his back, leaving pink trails down his back. Your eyes flutter shut, body heated, fueled with lust as you lose yourself in Jungkook. Everything feels too hot , too much , and yet not enough.
Jungkook’s fingers easily lace with yours, pinning your hands on either side of your head as he finds his rhythm and fucks you steadily. His lips find their home on the column of your throat, his cries muffled as your nails leave crescent moons on his muscular back. Your thighs tremble, wrapped around his hips, as you raise them to meet each of his thrusts.
Pleasure overwhelms every cell in your body, fire running through your veins as you beg your boyfriend to fuck you harder. You’re so close to your orgasm, you can almost taste it, almost feel it.
“Jungkook! Please, baby. I’m s-so close,” you stutter as you plead with him to get you there, needing to cum while he’s buried balls deep. You’re already pulsing, your pussy ready to cream his cock. Your fingers tug on his black locks, holding him to you as you arch into his body.
“Fuck,” Jungkook curses into your skin, muffled as he feels you tighten around him. You’re writhing beneath him, your words becoming intelligible babble as you feel your orgasm hit you hard and fast.
“Jungkook. Jungkook. Jungkook.” His name is the only word left in your vocabulary as you hold him close, sobbing into his shoulder as he fucks you through it, promising he’ll get you through it as you cling to him. You kiss him deeply. Jungkook easily swallows all your muffled moans and groans, your quivering body falling apart as he continues to fuck you through one orgasm and straight into another.
“I can’t,” you breathe, body shaking. Your thighs fall uselessly at your side. Jungkook presses a kiss to your chest. “Cum on my face.”
Jungkook’s eyes double in size. “What?”
“Cum on my face, please?” you ask bashfully.
Jungkook nods, carefully pulling out of you. He’d been so close, cock throbbing in his hand as he positioned himself beside you, but you shake your head, patting your chest. With slight hesitation, Jungkook straddles your ribcage, careful not to place too much of his weight on you as you press your tits together, spitting on them to help him glide between them.
Your tongue sticks out, licking at his cock with every thrust. Jungkook’s head lolls back, his thighs quivering. He’s so close.
His tongue peeks between his lips, eyes closed as he fucks your tits. You sit up slightly, watching him with hungry eyes as he tugs his bottom lip between his teeth, exposing the cute mole beneath his lip. Grunts escape him, his voice shaky as he utters through his heavy pants; warning you he’s close.
“Fuck,” he groans deeply, his heated gaze meeting yours. His hand cups your cheek, smiling when you lean into his touch. With a hum, he brushes his thumb along your bottom lip. “Open.”
You do so without a second thought, your lashes fluttering as you close your eyes. Jungkook’s moans grew louder, his devilish grunts making you thrum with excitement and a tiny burst of arousal.
“So good for me, little mouse,” Jungkook states, grunting as he strokes his cock at a hastened pace. He groans and curses, his eyes focused on your lips as he moans your name when he finally cums. You flinch at the first spurt that hits you out of surprise, but open your mouth wider in hopes of getting some on your tongue.
Jungkook aims for your mouth after painting your cheeks and chin, nearly whimpering when you take his cock in your mouth, licking and sucking every drop out of him. His muscular thighs tremble at your sides, his hands weaved in your hair as he catches his breath for a moment before he’s using the last of his energy to climb off you and fall onto the bed next to you.
It’s silent for a second, you focus on the rise and fall of your chest as Jungkook’s hand laces with yours. He’s panting, pushing back his hair with his other hand before he’s rolling onto his side, weight secured by his elbow, to look at you.
Cum stains your cheeks, lips, and chin. He chuckles, nuzzling his face into your neck as his cheeks flush pink.
“I made a mess,” he whispers, a smile clear in his tone.
“You did,” you agree, your fingers caressing his back, hoping the marks you’ve left on his skin don’t ache.
Jungkook plants a kiss on your forehead, moving to sit up. With curious eyes, you follow his movements, smiling when his fingertips collect his cum. You’re not surprised when they press against your lips, mouth opening to welcome him in as your tongue wraps around his fingers, licking them clean. Jungkook repeats the process until all traces of his seed are gone from your pretty face.
“What have we learned from this?” You ask teasingly, looking at the lace pajamas that lay strewn on your bedroom floor. Jungkook follows your line of sight, smirking as he caresses your face with a delicate touch that has butterflies fluttering in your belly.
As Jungkook leans in to capture your lips with his, he stops a mere hairbreadth away, whispering, “Lace is lethal.”
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thank you for reading! ♡ if you liked it, please let me know! 💌
© jjungkookislife - I do not allow reposts or translations of my work on any platforms, this includes Youtube.
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btsydtrash · 3 years
So Far Away [5]
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single father yoongi x preschool teacher yn; mechanic vmin
Living as a single father, Yoongi had to make many adjustments to his lifestyle, specifically in two aspects: his sleep schedule and dating. Both of which, he doesn’t get to pay enough attention to.
Things all change when he meets YN - a warm-hearted girl who gives him butterflies and makes him feel as if he’s floating on cloud nine.
Now, all that he has to do is get her to actually notice him.
(angst / fluff / gore / yandere / smut)
Masterlist / i dont have a tag list / find me on twitter / word count: 3.7k
(author’s note: yoongi is a sad boi, yn just rlly wants to have fun, taehyung is a messy queen)
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Chapter 5 - ‘Symphonic’
Pulling up at the club filled you with butterflies like it always would. You weren’t exactly the clubbing type, not that you didn’t enjoy shaking your tail-feather with friends, but your drop-down-and-get-your-eagle-on days were long behind you.
Or so you thought.
Of course, it would have been Tae who had you out at night, dressed as if somebody paid you to look pretty, wearing heels that had been doing nothing but gathering dust in the back of your closer since he had given them to you. Still, it was nice. Walking down the VIP line instead of having to wait with the regulars because the bodyguard knew your name and face - something to do with a table you didn’t pay for and guys you didn’t know.
You felt like a princess, like the main character in a movie.
When you walk inside and take off your coat, hanging it up in coat-check, you are hit with familiar smells - cigarette smoke that is going to stick in your hair for days, rum, beer and stick floors. It’s all wonderful.
Taehyung had told you that his booth was near the DJ decks, so you did your best to make your way through the throes of the crowd to reach him. A bar-tender walks past you and says, with an appealing smile, “Shots for pretty girls.”
You take one, green and sour, taking it to the head without a second’s pause. You yell, “Thank you,” but she’s already off to the next person.
Eventually, you reach the DJ decks and look around, brow furrowed in concentration. Trying to see through the many faces and thick smoke was difficult, but you are surprised by the feeling of someone’s hands on your waist.
“Wow, you’re so hot,” a stranger yells into your ear. Their breath smells heavily of tequila, a scent that makes you recoil instantly, and you try to step out of their perimeter. “Come, let’s dance!”
The person, a man with dark hair and a partially untucked shirt, keeps pulling at your wrist, adamantly trigging you as if you were supposed to go with him somewhere.
“I don’t want to,” you reply, pulling back and trying to steady yourself.
A large hand reaches over your shoulder to grab at your wrist and another simultaneously holds the man’s collar in an unyielding grip. “I feel like my girl told you to stop putting your creepy little hands on her.”
Taehyung towers over you, protectively, and shoves the man backward. The drunken guy disappears into the crowd but Taehyung glares anyway as if he wants to chase after him. After a beat, Taehyung wraps his hand around yours and knits your fingers together with practiced ease. He pulls you back the way he came, careful to not let you fall anywhere.
He pulls you in close once you are out of the sea of people and safe. “Are you okay, Juicy?”
You nod, a little shaken but mostly being honest. “I’m okay.”
“Look at me,” he says, tucking a finger under your chin and tugging you to glance up. “You sure? I can take you home right now.”
“It’ll take more than some no-name asshole trying to get in my pants,” you huff. “I came here to have a good time and I still want to do that.”
He frowns a little. “If you’re sure.”
You squeeze his hand in comfort and ask, excitedly, “Where this alcohol that I was promised?”
Taehyung leads you into the booth and says, “Guys, this is YN, the light of my life. Light of my life, these are the guys.”
You wave, brightly, making eye contact with each guy. “Hi!”
They all get to their feet and reach out for a handshake.
A man with tattoos and long wavy hair introduces himself. He has an eyebrow piercing and a tattoo on his neck that detracts from the youthful look in his eye and adds an air of danger. He says, “Jungkook. I make sure that he doesn’t brain himself on car parts.”
Taehyung messes up his hair as he chastises, “Yeah, right. Brat.”
A taller man with sandy-brown hair and deep, friendly dimples steps forward and says, warmly, “I’m Namjoon. Lovely to finally be able to meet you.”
A slightly shorter man with adorably curled ears and an impressive stylish dress sense comes and declares, a cute smile on his face, “I’m Hoseok, but everyone calls me Hobi.”
“Jimin,” the last man steps forward and says, and fucking HELL, he’s gorgeous. Plump lips, smooth skin, a strong nose: just like Taehyung likes them. You’re surprised he hasn’t already pounced on him. Maybe he was taking your advice about sticking his dick in places before he thinks about them to heart. You share a brief look with Taehyung who only pinches you in your back, making you jerk in surprise.
The man with the plump lips looks between the two of you, his brow furrowing a little before he moves back to sit down.
Taehyung ducks down and he warns, in a whisper, “Don’t say anything.”
“Oh, but he’s so cute,” you reply, equally as quiet, turning to face him with a hand to his chest. Taehyung glares down at you, eyes sharp before he puts a flute of something golden and sparkling in your hands.
“Drink this and stop talking,” he retorts, tapping your nose with a long finger. “Silly girl.”
You do as you are told, sipping the alcohol and letting it spread out on your tongue. You aren’t a champagne kind of girl - you loved wine and when you used to party, you were a champion of Bacardi.
“You look like you’d rather drink something else,” Jimin comments sometime later, teasingly, as he nods down at your half-full second glass of bubbly. “I got something else if you’d like.”
He grabs a bottom of rum and shakes it, enticingly. “Will this do?”
“You’re my savior,” you whimper, downing the glass and taking a clean one from him. “What mixer?”
“Anything. We’ve got a bunch of tonic water, orange juice and I think there’s some Coke somewhere.”
“I’ll have the tonic water,” you reply, eagerly.
He grins, excitedly. “You’re my kind of drinker. The rest of them think I drink too much hard stuff. But there are only so many tequila sunrises and Palomas that I can take before I lose my mind.” Then he thinks for a moment before he suggests, “We should drink sometime.”
“That sounds like fun,” you respond with a warm smile. The pretty man looks at you, then over at Taehyung who is lost in conversation with Hobi and Jungkook, before his expression shutters and his smile becomes a touch melancholic.
You feel an arm drape itself over your shoulder and you are pulled into Taehyung’s drunken chest. Taehyung sing-songs, excitedly, “Hi, Honey.”
“Oh, you’re drunk,” you retort, holding some of his weight.
He moves you so you have your back to the rest of the group and he nuzzles his nose against your own. Taehyung is already really touchy-feely with you at the soberest of times, however, when he drinks, it becomes impossible to ignore. He would wrap his leg around yours, hold your hand, nuzzle your shoulder like a damsel-in-distress. And this time is no different.
“Come on, you’re heavy,” you say to him, trying to get him into the chair but he wrestles with you to keep himself standing.
He croons, “YN-ah… I have a surprise for you, y’know.”
You barely are able to stop yourself from rolling your eyes. “Yeah? And what’s that?”
“You’ll have to wait and see,” he snickers, like a sneaky child. “It’s good though… I promise!”
You shoot a glance from Taehyung to Hobi and you ask, quirking a brow, “How much did he drink?”
“A whole lot more than us,” the stylish man replies. “Said he could handle it.”
“He’s a liar,” you reply, patting his cheek where it lay against your neck. He’s draped over your back, arms wrapped around your mid-section, and he is rocking lightly from side to side to the music. “He can’t drink more than a glass of wine an hour otherwise he’ll end up making a huge mess that I’ll end up cleaning up.”
“You live together?”
They seem surprised.
You nod, absent-mindedly playing with his hair as you answer, “Yeah, we do. We’ve lived together for as long as I can remember. We moved here together for a fresh start.”
Namjoon supposes, “From Daegu, right?”
“I wouldn’t have been able to survive without him,” you tell the group, turning over slightly so you are facing Taehyung, whose eyes are actually open, strangely lucid.
He stares down at you, eyes all warm and it makes you feel emotional, on the cusp of tears that only your best friend can bring out of you before something behind him catches his attention and he straightens out, suddenly excited.
“Hyung, you made it,” he says to the person behind you. He drunkenly chastises, “You took forever!”
You follow his line of sight and lock onto a familiar pair of chocolate brown eyes.
The same eyes that have haunted your dreams for over half a year.
You follow the eyes down to take him all in, pale skin, pinked lips, wearing all black. He looked like an angel in the face but his aura screams unapproachability. You wonder if this is what it was like to be around him when he wasn’t with his precious daughter. His aura was so different during the day - he smiles all gummy and tender, his eyes crinkle in the corners, he wears brighter clothes. It’s almost like if he had told you he had an identical twin, you would believe he was the one before you instead of the Yoongi Min that you knew.
But, the recognition on his face lets you know that it is your Mr. Min - it’s absolutely him and you find the whole situation utterly absurd.
Your mouth falls open in shock as Mr. Min stares back, seemingly just as surprised as you were.
The man says, after a long pause, setting down the bottle of something brown and expensive on the table, “… YN?”
You miss the look of absolute shock that passes across the faces of the men behind you, sharing mutual looks of surprise and amusement over the situation.
You ask, “Mr. Min?”
“Yoongi,” he corrects, politely. His cheeks are rosy and you wonder if it’s due to the heat of the club. Whatever it is, you are feeling it too, suddenly feverish all over. He reminds you, lightly, “I told you last time to call me by my name.”
You exhale, cheeks burning. “R-Right. Sorry. Yoongi.”
Young looks up at Taehyung. “Kid, how do you know YN?”
You open your mouth to explain, but Tae simply drapes his arm over your shoulders and he says, “YN’s the most important person in my life.”
Yoongi looks between the two of you, back and forth for a long moment before something akin to realization blossoms on his face. His eyes become strange, almost cold, and he mutters, “Oh. I see. I, uh… I got some more liquor. So, drink whatever you want… I gotta go for a smoke.”
Jungkook asks, brows raised in surprise, “Hyung, you still smoke?”
“Cravings,” he admits, a little awkwardly, rubbing behind his neck. He shoves his hand into his pockets and disappears into the crowd of people without a single glance back.
There’s a bubble of awkwardness that descends on the booth before you turn to Taehyung and you pull him out of the booth, away from prying eyes. The others watch as you go, all curious but only one of them with an edge of suspicion in his eyes. Taehyung stumbles a little but you steady him and you ask, accusingly, “Was that my surprise?”
He nods, giddily.
“I figured out your Yoongi and my Yoongi were the same Yoongi,” he says, cheerily. He clasps both hands on either of your cheeks and squishes, playfully. “Aren’t you proud of me?”
You want to glare at him for the surprise, but the butterflies fluttering around in your stomach are too hard to contain. You grin a little, happiness painting itself across your features, as the rum that you had drank earlier spreads across your gut and makes you dizzy with euphoria.
“Tell me you’re happy, YN,” he asks, softly. “Otherwise I’ll feel bad.”
You lean back, looking up into his wide eyes, eyes that are searching for something in your own before you nod. You whisper, quietly, “I’m happy.”
Taehyung beams, brightly, and says, “Go talk to him.”
“He might want to be alone,” you suppose, but you glance away, towards the exit doors.
Taehyung nudges you in his direction and shoos you away. He mouths, “Go.”
You walk through the crowd, careful to not get any alcohol splashed on your clothes, and walk out of the club, down the two short flights of stairs until you come to the entrance and exit. You spot Yoongi’s tuft of soft brown hair across the street. He had taken off the cap on his head and was scrolling through his phone, an unlit cigarette between his lips, twisting a lighter around in his other hand.
You call from the entrance, “Yoongi!”
He glances up, eyes wide like a deer caught in headlights, and he straightens out. You walk over, careful of the passing cars, and Yoongi chastises, lightly, “You should wait at the lights.”
Yoongi’s POV
Of course, she was dating someone.
Of-fucking-course she had somebody, because why wouldn’t she?
I could barely keep myself together seeing her all dressed up, instantly growing hazy behind the eyes at the sight of her natural curls and being all prettied-up, dressed in white as if she were a fallen angel. I watched her smile as she said my name, lips and tongue-twisting around my title with practiced ease that made me feel as if I were falling into a sea of warmth.
And then, Taehyung, the lanky, shaggy-haired pain-in-the-ass throws his arms around her and she melts into his arms right in front of me and all I can do to keep myself from throwing up is to get out of there. My stomach had dropped straight to my toes and the urge to smoke came back.
I quit once Sena was born, thinking that having such an expensive habit with a newborn around wasn’t a good idea, especially once the divorce started and Mina left us. There have been plenty of days where all I wanted was to smoke a pack behind our building and fall into the familiar burst of relief that cigarettes always gave me, but Sena would always call for me at the right time, distracting me from the urge. Now, though, with nothing but pictures of my daughter to keep me from lighting the end of the cigarette that is pressed between my lips, I exhale, defeated, and move to spark it.
I look up, surprised, and see you waving from the entrance of the club. It’s cold outside but you came out without a coat or jacket and you hop across the street, avoiding the passing cars carefully.
“You should wait at the lights,” is all that comes out of my mouth.
Her eyes crinkle into half-moons as she replies, “You’re such a dad.”
I feel my chest burn at the closeness of us. I had had a couple of shots at the house before I came to the club to get myself into the headspace of dealing with so much external stimuli, and the alcohol was getting to my head, only making me feel more amped up in your presence. I hope- No, I pray, I don’t say anything embarrassing once the alcohol takes more of my faculties.
“I can’t really turn it off,” I retort, taking the cigarette out of my mouth and crushing it. “I don’t smoke anymore. I bummed this one from somebody but I don’t… I shouldn’t smoke it.”
“You carry around such a heavy lighter just in case you want to smoke?”
I shake my head. I show her the bottom of the lighter, my name engraved in the metal, and hand it over to her. She turns the lighter around in her hand, flicking it on so a powerful flame flickers out despite the wind. Her face lights up with the flame, all pretty and framed with yellow, something that compliments the gorgeous undertone of her skin.
I explain, averting my eyes to something neutral - the flame. “It was a gift. I carry it around by the force of habit.”
She looks up through her long lashes and enquires, tenderly, “Doesn’t that make it hard when you get the cravings?”
I shake my head. “Actually, it kind of reminds me of the time in my life when I got it. And I don’t really want to go back there. So it works to deter me from going back.”
She kills the flame and hands it over into my palm, fingers brushing against my own. It makes me shiver so deep, I wonder if I’ll ever be able to get all of these feelings out.
A particularly strong gust of wind makes you tremble, unsteady of your feet because of your high heels that elongate your spine and legs, drawing his eyes to parts of you that he has never seen before - not like this - and it makes his groin burn with desire. The cold must be getting to you as I see two peaks poke through the material of your dress and I let out a soft groan. Your nipples are hard and you haven’t even noticed.
I take off my jacket and throw it over your shoulders, needing to keep some semblance of decency before I find myself on my knees in full view of the club and beg for a chance to change your life.
“Let’s go inside,” I suggest, stomping down on the yearning with all my might. “The others must be waiting.”
She has a boyfriend. She has a boyfriend. She has a boyfriend. She has a fucking boyfriend, numb-nuts.
I keep chanting the words in my head every time she brushes against my side accidentally. When she throws a casual smile over her shoulder as I open the door for her. When she walks ahead of me first up the stairs and the sway of her hips was so enticing, I have to bite down on my fist to keep myself from touching her. When I have to put a hand on her lower back to guide her through the crowd until we get back to the boys.
When she walks straight into Taehyung’s eager arms and when I have to watch her give him a warm, long hug. His face pressed into her ample chest. His hands rested on her shapely waist. The sound of her cooing the drunk man.
Hours pass as I nurse my one drink of the night, sporadically catching YN’s eyes over Taehyung’s tuft of brown hair as he rests his face on her knees, too drunk to keep himself upright. Each time, I feel myself fall deeper and deeper into the pool of self-pity until I want nothing more than to grab the nearest person and just forget about my feelings.
I haven’t felt like this about another person for years, not really. Nobody has ever been good with me having Sena, with me being a single father, with me not being as emotionally available as other men might be. If it wasn’t my daughter, it was my job, and if it wasn’t my job, it was my personality. I was naturally quiet, a homebody, a little moodier than average, stubborn, and stiff. And all I can think of is how different Taehyung is to me. And how clear it was as to why someone as sweet and kind and patient as YN would want to be with someone like him instead of a stiff cobblestone like me.
Knowing that fact didn’t make it any easier to accept, though.
And by the time we got to calling all our cabs and herding each other into vehicles, saying our goodbyes, I could barely keep the perfunctory smile on my face.
YN pokes her head out of the cab’s window, Taehyung dead to the world in her lap, and she asks, “Are you okay? You don’t look so good.”
“I’m fine, YN,” I reply. “Had a little too much to drink.”
“No, you didn’t,” she replies, an adorable confused pout on her face. “You only had one glass of whiskey, didn’t you? I didn’t see you even take any champagne.”
Stop being so nice to me, I beg, in my head. I wonder if she can read the agony in my eyes. It’s making it harder to stop praying for more.
“Honestly, I’m good,” I respond, my tone a little tighter. “You should go. Tae’s drunk.”
She glances down at him and an enduring but amused smile spreads across her face. It kills me. It feels like a knife is being pressed deeper and deeper into my gut, and everything tastes like ash on my tongue. I have to look away when she starts caressing his sleep-slack face. I pat the top of the taxicab and take a step away.
“Get home same, Yoongi,” she commands, still seemingly unsure about leaving me alone. “Text me, okay?”
Oh, right.
We exchanged numbers.
We all did, early on in the night.
I almost wish I hadn’t. Because now I had a way of contacting her, I could reach out at any time of the day or night and something about YN’s being tells me that she would answer.
But how could I justify reaching out to someone who my friend (and let's be real, Taehyung was my friend, he was someone who relied on me and someone who made my days brighter) was in love with?
What does it matter in the grand scheme of things that I, also, loved her with everything in me?
- end - 
(1), (2), (3), (4), (5)
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lesbian-vmin · 2 years
Ppyong 220416 Vlive (Hope + Tae + Min + Kook) [Real this time + Vmin Focus]
All right. I had fun with the last analysis of this (x), which includes timestamps of practically everything I will talk about in here, so I'm not doing those again. Anyway, I want to be real with you guys, and actually do a Vmin analysis of this video some justice. You hear? (Below the cut)
In my last analysis, I really played around too much, and barely anything I said in there could be taken seriously. For that, I sort of apologize, but I also just wanted to have a fun light-hearted post where I could kind of focus on everything I wanted to in there. I had some Vmin moments, yeah, but I didn't have to set Hobi aside to do it. It was kind of just me reinterpreting my live reaction (a little more playfully) for you guys...in text form because I'll never do react videos.
This time, however, I'll get a little more into the vmin. I know we're all here because we're BTS fans first and foremost, but I can't deny my vmin friends some real and genuine vmin talk. So, if there are moments that seem like I'm setting Hobi aside in here, please view the original analysis. Because that's a lot closer to how I interpret BTS content when I watch it for BTS. When I'm analyzing it for Vmin, I have to, you know, focus on Vmin a little more.
Also, Hobi is my absolute fave, so don't come at me for "ignoring" him because I can assure you he has my full and undivided attention 98% of the time when I'm viewing any BTS content (even if he's not there lmao "where's Hobi? this would be better with Hobi.").
I feel like that's enough of a disclaimer, so let's get into it! Oh. And one more thing. This is a more serious, non-shippy analysis, so if you're looking for me to point out "proofs" in here, sorry. It's not happening. Although I may talk about potential here, that's not what this is about.
Let's talk about these two besties. When the live starts, we don't know that Chim is a part of it. We've already seen Hobi (particularly if you're watching the VOD and not relating to when it was actually live), so we know that he's going to be in there. It's not really until Jimin actually makes a sound and gets up into the camera's view that we know he's there. It's a nice little surprise. Even though Hobi is there, we have been waiting for a vmin live for a while. Even if there are other members involved, it's always nice to see Tae and Chim together. There's just something so comforting about them, and maybe it's simply how comfortable they are around each other.
Anyway, the nice thing about this live is that there's nothing really big that happens here, but it says so much about their friendship. There are so many little things here and there that kind of remind us how much they care about each other and how well they know each other.
There's the little moment where Taehyung tries to put some food on Jimin's plate, but there's no plate for him to place the food. It's possible that he may have been doing something else, if you really want to stretch away from anything related to vmin. He could have been wanting to dip the food in something? He could have wanted to do something else with it? But that all seems a little farfetched since he pretty much knew where the things were on the table, and turned directly into the direction of Jimin's plate. This moment seemed to stick out to me because it sort of shows how genuine this action is for them. We see it all the time where they are taking care of each other, making sure the other has food, and giving them eating utensils. Yeah, we see it with all the members, but I've noticed (possibly biasedly) that it's a thing for vmin. Like, they actively do it for each other all the time. Seeing it happen in this natural setting sort of solidifies how natural this sort of thing is for them. Did you see Tae putting food on Hobi's plate? I think not. (Well, he may have. I don't have time to rewatch every moment of the live again, so forgive me if I've missed that.)
This food thing isn't anything significant in terms of proving a relationship between the two. It's just an example of how they always seem to look out for each other and take care of each other. Since we see the same kind of behavior between all the members, it doesn't appear to be anything specifically romantic. Even if there could be romantic tones when it's between them specifically, this in itself isn't anything more than just a friend taking care of a friend as far as we know. But seriously. It doesn't change how sweet it is to see all the time.
There was a couple of times in the video that vmin seemed to be communicating in ways that we'll probably never understand. They have to have some sort of telepathy. There are timestamps in the other post, so I won't point out specific times here. However, we have the moment when they both sort of looked at each other and laughed about something. I may just not be able to understand something that's going on here, but at least I'm not alone. Hobi also seems confused about what they're laughing about.
Then we have the moment when Chim is looking at Tae, and Tae acts as though he can literally feel Chim's gaze on him. That is timestamped in the original analysis also.
Those two little moments there are pretty clear indicators of the level of understanding between vmin. First of all, Hobi didn't even seem to understand what was going on. If he can't understand (which he's pretty close to them and lived with them for several years), then I really don't think any fans can begin to understand.
I feel like there have been a few times vmin have stated that they barely even have to use words to understand each other anymore, and I think there's plenty of moments all over the place that sort of indicate that. Such as these here.
Anywho, there's other moments like where Chim was sharing Tae's spoon while eating the ice cream. Those moments are cute, but I want to move on and talk about the bathroom moment in particular. (Mostly because I feel like this becomes too tedious if I list every moment that happened between them.)
So. We have that bathroom moment. Where Jimin decides that he's going to go to the bathroom, and Tae decides that he's going to go, too.
Now, in my original analysis, I kind of hit this topic pretty lightly. Because it a mostly playful analysis as I got back into things, and I didn't want anything from analysis to go wrong. It was my first new content analysis in a while. In like a year.
What did I say in the original? That Tae may have been wanting to go to a different restroom or something? Well, let's talk about something else.
On one hand, you may be thinking that Tae had something else *eyebrow wiggles* in mind when he said that he was going to go to the bathroom with Chim. However, I don't really think that's the case. They're in the middle of a live here, so I honestly don't think the plan is to go on anything promiscuous, you know?
It is completely possible that Tae actually needed to go to the bathroom, too. He could have wanted to return to his own room to use the bathroom, but if he's willing to go to that extent because he actually needs to go, I don't see why he wouldn't have just thought to wait for Jimin to get done in the first place? It's not like he needed to go that bad. He ended up not going at all.
I don't really know what to say about that moment, but it really feels like there's something there. Not something hinting at anything kind of something. Just a something that's a little like "why though?" You know what I mean?
I get that they're friends, and I get that they like to spend time together. But I don't really get the need to go to the bathroom with your friend. I mean. Maybe. I do it sometimes if we're having a conversation, and we want to continue. But the conversation was with the armys. Not between them. It wasn't personal time. Not really.
Also the way Taehyung rolled his eyes when Jimin told him no? Like, it sort of felt like something along the lines of, "This is totally normal for us, but hey, we're live. I get it. I don't agree, but I get it." You know?
Jimin didn't sound any type of way? when told Taehyung not to go too (go with him?). And Tae, other than a hard eye roll, barely reacted to the rejection. So...I don't know. I feel like that just shows how normal it is for them to do stuff like that, but that Jimin doesn't necessarily feel it's appropriate to do on live...
Oh well.
On another note, I can't help but feel like this did sort of feel like a "vmin" live + Hobi. I'm not saying that Hobi was just there. They talk to him, he took part in the live, and there was a full few minutes of Jimin and Hobi talking on the couch while Taehyung was in his own little uniweverse. Despite the full on Hobi engagement, there were some things that did feel a little like Hobi was just sort of letting them have their little live time together.
Which does beg the question about the lack of vmin vlives. But let's not go there.
Anyway, that's pretty much all I wanted to say about this. I can get into really shippy things if I want to, but I didn't want to make this too shippy. I've noticed the behavior in my askbox gets a little toxic if I try to make something too shippy, and I also just want to talk about things honestly, too. The real things that we can confirm, and just the things we can ponder about.
Not really sure what direction this blog is taking from here. I'll still be talking about vmin a lot, but I don't know.
Maybe I'll just decide things to talk about. Maybe I'll let engagement decide my content flow. Regardless, I'm back and here to stay for a while, so...enjoy! Maybe you'll stick around and keep reading, even if I'm trying to be less shippy (not that I thought I was much shippy to begin with, but yeah...)
Also. This turned out longer than I thought. I'm sorry.
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kmgoogiemin · 3 years
your tkker anon is funny. throwing around big words, writing an whole essay which is mostly analysis and not facts, just to end it with if i see a relationship it is a relationship. that's the problem here, my friend. YOU think you see something so you act like it's a fact while ignoring things that have been said by your ship, implying they're liars, that even now in their prime they have to obey to their company to a level that they have to go through scripts to dismiss their relationship. don't you understand how insane you sound? you analyse the simplest behaviour to prove something you think you're seeing when you don't even know the boys at all. if they don't want you to know something, you won't? or did you know about bam?
i could debunk so many of the things you've said, could counter any of the analysed behaviour you've supposedly seen in tkk by showing you examples of other relationships within the group doing exactly the same. like hobi giving kisses to jk, jk kissing jin's leg, jk massaging jm in a professional way to relieve him of his pain, jk making sure jm eats well, reminding him to eat, jk making the cereal not too sweet for jm because he knows jm doesn't like it too sweet, adjusting clothes is a pattern for all the members, tae wanting to cuddle with nj in bv, cuddling with jin behind the scenes, vmin cuddling too, jk actively stopping members from teasing jm when he saw jm is uncomfortable by what they're doing.
i could also disprove your arguments with something like jk serving spicy food for th in soop 2 and being confused when th is not eating it, jk not knowing the solo songs of th, even thinking someone is wishing him a good night when a fan mentioned sweet night, th forgetting jk's birthday. you see where this is going?
you live in a bubble and you don't wanna take a step outside. because if you did you would know that your 10 signs of being liked are once again easily applied to all the bonds. just using jikook but you could easily use other bonds too, like vmin for example. i'm always watching you jimin ssi, jm's small touches whenever they're next to each other, look at the last vminkook vlive and the difference of how jm touches jk and how he touches th, satellite jeon exists for a reason, look it up, jk always gives jm his full attention, turning his body fully towards him whenever he's speaking, jm and jk are basically each other's encyclopedias, especially jm is not shy to share information about jk that not even the other members knew (how long he takes a shower, his ring tone being a baby sound, jk doing karaoke at home even before the pandemic, the way jk falls asleep, jk's favourite colour, and so on) and they're both not shy to compliment each other. jimin without make up is cute but with make up is sexy, jimin is very sexy, jimin looks pretty with his new hair cut, jimin carried the song home, jungkook goes beyond human category, jungkook is cute and so on.
i could go on and on and disprove everything you've said. but i know no matter what i say you will stick to your narrative and it's like talking to a wall. the way you actively use something you see as jealousy to prove YOUR opinion, tells me enough.
you wanna know why i believe in jikook? jk called jm his catalyst, jk said he feels the most connected when his eyes meets jm's, jk seeks jm out for comfort although other members are also available, jk took jm on a surprise trip to tokyo and made a whole gcf about it, his first one ever with a song that he had to pay for, jk nibbled on jm's ear in front of 60,000 people, jk ignored that they were giving their ending ments during their on e concert just to go over to jm to comfort him although nj and jh already were there for jm, jk called jm his i'm you, you're me, jk wrote in his birthday wishes for jm in 2019 that jm knows his heart and that he loves him, jm flew back from paris just in time to spend jk's birthday with him, a year later jm was the only one who was with jk on his birthday, jm was with jk multiple times in emergency situations, even helped medical staff while the other members left or weren't even present, hyung loves you, jm said that nowadays waking up and seeing jk is the best thing, jm said that he would take jk to a deserted island because he would feel safe, jk said that he's the one that makes jm happy, twice, they both spend a lot of time together like going to restaurants, ice skating, escape rooms, shopping. jm said he doesn't share his friends but went out with his friends and jk in london. when they went to film their summer package jm and jk were the only ones going to the same room just to be surprised by the camera. staff said they never saw jm and jk separated. jk's favourite part of him is his whole body, jk's last video on his phone is jm being happy. jk went to jm's room more than the managers, even th thought it's jk's room. jm always asks jk for advice and said that jk helped him a lot. ETC.
of course i could also go deeper and tell you what i think how they care for each other and how they grew together and closer. but i wanted to make a point by only using things that are FACTS unlike you did. so thanks for coming to my ted talk.
you’ve said absolutely everything i would have said but i was too tired to type
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hollyhomburg · 4 years
Reasons Wretched and Divine (Pt. 7)
(Hybrid au) (YoonMinJoon x Reader) (Mafia au) 
Summary: After years of abuse, you’ve all finally found each other. But for one of you- the fear still lingers, hidden in the shadows. Yoongi doesn’t want much, just a few more weeks, but he only has until the end of the summer. 
Parings: Snake hybrid! Yoongi x Dog hybrid! Jimin x Dog hybrid! Namjoon x Pregnant! Reader, Platonic Vmin, allusions to 2seok, 
Genre: Hybrid au, Polyamory au, Hurt/Comfort, Recovery, Pregnancy, Mafia au
Tags:  Domestic abuse, references to sexual abuse- and choosing to have sex even though you’ve been through sa, physical abuse, polyamory negotiations, Post-traumatic stress disorder, mute characters, brief gore at the end, pregnant m/c, frottage, marking kink, fingering, oral f. receiving, Voyeurism, exhibitionism, implied death but dont worry I do not write MCD!!!!
A/n: just for posterity's sake! i was drunk when i posted this! enjoy! full gangbang comes in (y/n) next chapter! (oh god im going to hell).
W/c: 10.5k
Song Rec: Like Real People do ~ Hozier
~ Series Masterlist ~
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2 Years Earlier
-  If Jeon Jungkook where so esoterically inclined, he would write a book on how he had become the most dangerous man in the underworld. It would be a short book though; because Jungkook had only 2 rules for himself. The first was to always get up after he’d been hit during a fight (even if it took him a second) and the second was to know when to mind his own business. 
- Jungkook was always able to get up after being hit, Even when he’d been a street kid, with not a penny to his name and a whole lot of anger in his mouth. ready to spit vitriol at anyone who would pause and listen. He’d always been able to get up. The pain giving him a kind of sick clarity that he eventually sought out instead of tried to escape. Jungkook could never think as clearly as he did during a fight; or when he was in pain. And that was probably because of his father. 
- But whatever. That man was 6 feet under, (his mother on the other hand- no- that bitch certainly had more than one dept to pay still). He didn’t have a lot of time or energy to put into dealing with that particular trauma (why he honestly felt like sometimes- he liked being hit). Most of his energy went into staying alive. Even now- when living and surviving teetered on the same edge. Jungkook had more pressing matters to tend to than dealing with his own fragile mind. 
- The way he would get up and hop around for a second to soak in the clarity after being hit during a scuffle was one of the reasons why he’d been given his street name: The Playboy Bunny; further set in stone with his tattoo of the same moniker under his left eye. A cheekbone he’d tap and say “you want to hit me? why don’t you try your luck and see how well it turns out for you.” 
- He was doing reconnaissance, Sneaking around the back alley with his hood up and his glasses on- disguising his black eye that was sure to get more than a few looks from passers-by. The ears of the playboy bunny tattoo peeking out over the top of his mask. 
- He keeps his eyes on the crowd waiting for some sort of handoff- to see anything at all. But he’d lost his target through the crowd and has no drive to find them in the dizzying rush of people and umbrellas. Not yet. Not when the hum of addiction lurks in his veins. 
- Jungkook pauses lighting a cigarette, when a commotion to the side hidden around a corner- blurs his concentration. The world snapping back into focus when he sinks his fingernails into his palm. Terse voices. A couple fighting in the alleyway perpendicular to his. 
- Minding his own business was a particular skill of his- it took one kind of person to know when to step in, and another to know which problems weren't worth the headache. And unless it involved the acquisition money or some step therein, it wasn’t a problem worth getting into in Jungkook’s opinion.
- But Jungkook can’t stop his ears from hearing snippets of conversation, a low and angry male voice. The sound of a smack. “You just had to embarrass me like that, didn’t you? First, you come out dressed like a slob and then you act like a fucking whore- I swear if I see you give eyes to another man this week I'll beat you five ways to Sunday”
- The sound of a soft female voice, so quiet- almost indistinguishable from the pouring rain, “I wasn’t-” another smack.
- Jungkook has been hit so many times he knows the sound of it, the ragged gasp the woman lets out, also quite- like even the pain takes up too much space. 
- His body starts to move before his mind thinks it through as he gives up position in favor of investigating the noise. There he sees it, ivy growing up the wall next to the back exit of some restaurant. A woman, small crouching in front of a grotesque man. A baggy coat buttoned tight around her small form. hair swept back in a tight bun. Red lipstick smudged. Though you check your hands and think its blood for a moment before you remember you’re wearing it. 
- Jungkook waits for a moment before he watches you stand on shaky legs. you get up. 
- The rest of the underworld might be old grudges and blood feuds but Jungkook was only here to be a businessman. He didn’t have time for ego and arrogance, let alone time for altruism... 
- Usually. 
- He looks on for a moment, too sluggish without nicotine, but Jungkook’s lingering stare almost seems to spur the man on. He’s wearing a jacket with a military patch, a badge; some sort of congratulation for service done no doubt. and Jungkook feels his distaste for the man deepen. 
- “What you looking at punk?” he slurs. Stalking forward as if to shove Jungkook. He almost wants to tut- that would be an expensive action. Jungkook wonders if the man is maybe high or drunk or both. He’s has had his fair share of experience with junkies and he knows one when he sees one. 
- “Nothing, just a pig beating his girlfriend.” The man settles for shoving Jungkook back. And Jungkook lets him. You don’t look up, don’t do anything but lean to the side, like the brick wall is the only thing keeping you up. Jungkook sees the back of your hand, black and blue, the other bruises on your neck. You only make eye contact with him once. Just slightly. Barely in passing.  
- You look like Jungkook used to look. He remembers in the savage bite of an open-handed slap- the fear he sees in your eyes. He looks and looks. And it aches so viscerally as Jungkook watches you go, your hurt echoes through him. You look beaten down and broken like Jungkook used too; before he’d decided he was done taking punches from people who were supposed to love him- Were supposed to care. 
- (Before he realized life wasn't supposed to hurt) 
- He’s never been one to feel things for other people, the empathy sparing him through most of the suffering he’s seen. It’s not that he’s unfeeling; it’s just that Jungkook’s life has forced him to feel concerned only for himself and no one else. His own survival is his first priority; Not others. 
- He watches you walk away, And you don’t look back at him. Rushing to keep up with your husband's steps. He waits until you disappear into the crowd before he lifts his phone to his ear and makes a call. “Hey, I need you to flag all of the cars that leave the parking lot, they’re just a couple, should be coming to you soon.”
- Jeon Jungkook had become the most powerful man in the underworld because of two reasons; by being able to take punches, and by knowing when to mind his own business. 
- But For this, Jungkook thinks he can make an exception.
- (You won't remember meeting Jeon Jungkook, but Jungkook will always remember you).
-It comes as no surprise that your little speech fades after a few days and the rest of the hybrids quick to return to treating Yoongi with a mix of disdain and fear. Though mostly- this seems to be caused by Minhyung's group and the other canine hybrids. Namjoon hears them whispering about ‘favoritism’ before they catch on that he’s listening in. And in the days following your impromptu departure from the farm, you find people quiet even further whenever Yoongi's brought up. Staring when Yoongi comes close, afraid to interact with him.
- Even Jimin is greeted mostly with silence from all but a few. The bunny hybrids don’t act so skittish anymore, and the cat hybrids could care less used to sticking to their own group. Taehyung seems to have encouraged the other bear hybrids to make an actual effort and they at least say hello now. It’s better than the derisive comments of the dog hybrids, or the snooty noses stuck high in the air of the dear hybrids and other exotic breeds. 
- They know Jimin is close to Yoongi and Namjoon, and now he feels even more like an outsider that before (somehow it doesn't matter as much as before). The only ones who don’t act overtly different are the new hybrids; Hoseok and the small lion hybrid. but They were never around to learn how to hate Yoongi in the first place.
- it's a little cute- the way that Hoseok will always shout Yoongi's name in greeting (though you're unsure if that's just his personality now that he's started to grow into himself). Hoseok is unbothered by Yoongi's reaction; to shy away from anything that will draw more attention to himself. But Hoseok's smile is so bright and elastic that even he has a hard time ignoring the otter hybrid. You hope there will be a friendship there eventually, that yoongi will open up to more than just your group. 
- The little lion kit is a new addition too, she's not the only young feline hybrid you have at the farm but she is the friendliest. She gets pretty close to the other cats that work in the kitchen almost instantly. Probably on account of her young age (she's barely 7) and the eldest cat hybrid seems to be particularly fond of the little one.
- She's curious and kind to Yoongi too- excitedly running up to him more than once to show him a little rock or some flower she found- and yoongi will marvel and nod, and if Jimin is near- he'll lean close and tell her how pretty it is. 
- She doesn't seem at all deterred by Yoongi's lack of voice. one day she even sees Jimin, her ears perking up excitedly, tail swishing. "Hello Yoonies voice!" it's a little cute- even if it does make yoongi splutter a little. But she's not exactly wrong; Jimin does talk for yoongi more these days. 
- She Always comes bounding up to you and giggling happily to be picked up. Her little legs stretching around your waist, small bottom sat atop your baby bump. Making you get the kind of look that makes Namjoon, Yoongi, and Jimin sigh and look impossibly fond. They can only imagine what you’re going to be like once your little one is born. Your due date is barely 2 months away.
- In truth- you’re starting to get a little bit big. You say it one morning with Namjoon. After he asks you why you’re looking into the mirror with such a displeased expression. The sound of your terse voices alerts Yoongi and he comes to the door to your bedroom to witness your spat. Making a flippant hand movement at Namjoon to back off. Namjoon could smell your distress on you when you looked in the mirror, his voice tense but breaking. “Baby just tell me, why you think you’re not beautiful like that? let me understand. Cuz to me- you look more irresistible every day.”
- It’s not that you exactly wanted him to agree with you that you were nearing the size of a whale- but this doesn’t help at all either. His unending insistence- doesn’t he see? when he looks in the mirror doesn’t he see what you do? His instance that everything is alright doesn't help when you’re feeling this self-conscious.
- Yoongi helps you, fiddling with Namjoon’s closet for a second before he pulls out an extra-large white shirt of his and helps you into it- tying it loosely over your baby bump so that it flatters your waist a little more. The attention that Yoongi shows you clearly making you flustered. Then he drags you to the mirror, tugging your hair out of its bun, the tension going out of your shoulders.
- Yoongi doesn’t know it, but Namjoon does. Your late husband used to always be so particular about your hair, yanking on it harshly if it was left down. and An easy way to avoid him yanking on it was to leave it up. And sometimes you still pull it up convinced it’s safer even though he’s dead and gone. It’s scary how simple it is- but the second your hair comes down your whole body relaxes.
- All the while Namjoon watches from your bed. And you take in yourself, the baby hairs free-floating against your forehead; Yoongi curls one gently around his finger and then lets it go. You take in the way that the fabric hangs now, making you look a little more proportional, Yoongi gives you a satisfied smile behind your back and you have to sigh and admit it. “Okay- okay- I’ll give you this- I’m not a whale”
- “And even if you where you’d be a pretty whale.” Yoongi has the good sense to hurl a pillow in Namjoon’s direction, but it makes you laugh all the same- the heaviness in your chest abated a little. Your sleeve brushing Yoongi’s as you head downstairs, Namjoon trailing behind.
- The beach trip was a nice distraction from chores but the real work comes crashing down on them the next few days. Your little group feels closer than ever, you rarely part from any of them for long and their intention, their little acts of care never fail to make you feel flustered and taken care of.
- Jimin always holds out a hand for you to take when you’re stepping over uneven ground, Yoongi makes a startled noise whenever you so much as get close to a hose that might trip you, always gesturing for you to pause and take a break whenever you’re working in the garden. Namjoon too, always running back and forth from whatever project he’s working on to check on you and make sure you have water or food.
- At night, Namjoon takes your stretch mark cream from you, rubbing down your baby bump and your hips, the little lines of lighter skin on your waist get little kisses from him.  
- Even if you want just a snack, Namjoon and Yoongi will bring you a full meal- convinced that you need to be eating more than you are. At dinner Yoongi fills up your plate- piling it high with more food then you could fit in your already crowded tummy. And he always eyes you suspiciously when you can’t finish the full plate. Namjoon too will level you with a look- asking if you really are full. 
- Since your pregnancy has progressed, you’ve become a little moodier, and a little hornier whenever way the wind blows. And Namjoon doesn’t help that much at all- and by that you mean, he makes it worse. When he comes out of the field with his shirt off and tucked into his shorts all of his thickness, his muscles that make you ravenous. 
- During lunch one day he drags you away to a forgotten tool shed, though it would be easier just to go up the hill to your bedroom- you feel like teenagers sneaking around like this. 
- Namjoon presses into you as he hits the latch on the door, muffling your giggles with kisses as you hide from the hybrids outside, voices that you can dimly hear, unable to pick out any one particular yet- but you know they're there. 
- You and Namjoon might bicker like an old married couple. But you also act like teenagers gooey and giggly and so so so in love. “Do you think that they can hear you like this? Or smell you, my love?” Namjoon is always quick to tell you how delectable you smell when you’re horny. His more sensitive nose-picking it up the second you feel a slickening between your thighs.
- You’re shaky when you respond. “I don’t know, maybe?” Namjoon always has this passionate intense air about him. He’s slightly possessive- but you’d never fault him for that not when it’s all about protecting and providing for you. Not when he always puts your pleasure first (you feel like you may have turned into a slight pillow princess with him). 
- Namjoon heaves you up onto the edge of a bench and then gets on his knees. Gently lifting your leg over his shoulder. He’s always mindful of how much you can move in your swollen state. He checks to make sure he’s not bending your hips in an uncomfortable way. 
- You put your hands back on the dusty bench to stabilize yourself as you lie back, Namjoon wastes no time in pressing his face close to your cunt and inhaling, His nose prodding at the thin fabric of your underwear. One of his ears caught on the hem of your dress. His fingers digging into the plushness of your thighs- so full and healthy it makes him hard in his pants. 
- He’s slow with the appreciation of your thighs and hips. Hands gripping and moving on to touch and feel like you have all the time in the world. But you hear voices outside the tool shed you’ve commandeered and you could just slip out and go back up to your house- but somehow you like this better. The thought of being discovered stirring an unsure heat in your stomach. 
- You can hear Taehyung's voice, and then- like a shock through your core- you hear Jimin’s. Namjoon can feel your jolt. And you realize- his sensitive ears must have known who it was before your own human ones did. He chuckles- teasing his fingers along the hem of your underwear, almost daring to slip inside.
- You almost whine when you think about what you’re being denied- the harsh pull of his fingers that you’re so addicted too, how thick his fingers and knuckles feel (almost as nice as his cock) when they pull out and push in.
- Yoongi and Namjoon have always had the most lovely hands, it’s strange that when Namjoon touches you- you think about Yoongi’s hands. The way you clench around his fingers at that has Namjoon’s tail wagging. "you're thinking about them aren't you," The way you clench around his fingers at that has Namjoon’s tail wagging. Because yeah; Yoongi and Jimin are apart of Namjoon’s pack too, and bonding and group sex are kind of the same thing to hybrids. You’d found that out the hard way when you’d found a group of cat hybrids all tangled together in the grass the other day.
- Namjoon is always so gentle with you because of your condition, but you find your hips jerking with want. His fingers still when he feels the way your wetness has spilled out the sides. His thumb pressed over your clit teasingly. “smell so good when you're like this So wet my love, are you thinking about them finding you like this?” 
- “Y-yes” you confess, and Namjoon growls, nipping at you through the fabric, the feel of his teeth brushing you, over the sensitive skin. The fabric cushioning the feeling, makes you almost gush, and you know you’ll be shakily legged by the time he lets you get down. And that he won’t let you get away from him until he’s taken care of you in this way, sated you in every sense of the word. 
- But he can also tell how shy you are, the heat under your skin at the thought of being discovered. always unsure how much of your dirty talk is a real want and not just something you like in theory. Namjoon knows the idea of sharing you with the others might seem like the most natural and hottest thing; to love you alongside them. but to you- a human, hybrid sex and hybrid bedroom dynamics aren't as given. 
- So he leans close, sliding your underwear down your legs slowly, letting you feel the heat of his palms on your skin. You're getting worked up a little too quickly, your heaving breaths needy. God damn pregnancy hormones you'd say if you could think beyond the plush feeling of his lips pressing a kiss to your clit. “Gotta clean you up for them, if they smelled you like this- then they’d know wouldn’t they?” 
- You prove Namjoons initial assumption wrong. “What if I-” you whisper- gasping quietly as Namjoon drags the fabric to the side and glides a delicate lick over your folds. “What if I want them to know?” the pleasure thrumming through your body as Namjoon licks up your slit. Namjoon stills, ears perked, eyes flashing in the half-light. The snarl against your cunt loud and echoic.
- The voices outside fall silent and Namjoon doesn't stop his ravenous licking no matter if you have to bite your lip to keep your noises in. One of your hands scrambling to pull at his hair and find something to grip onto and anchor yourself against the onslaught of pleasure. Jimin is the first one to puncture the silence, “What was that?” 
- Then comes Seokjin's voice “all of you- move along- whoever it is they probably don’t want the three of you listening in like a bunch of horn dogs” which is basically a confirmation that they were listening in, and that Yoongi was there too. 
- When you finally exit the toolshed with weak legs, sure you’re going to have to at least got change your underwear. You find a bleary-eyed Seokjin a few dozen feet away, obviously upwind of the toolshed. he levels Namjoon with a tired expression. “You both have dirt on your knees” Namjoon has the good sense to look shy at that. You hastily brush off the spots on his, and he on yours.
- If Jimin and Yoongi smell anything on you later- they don’t say anything and the idea that they might make you feel hot all over whenever they lean in too close. You think you see a blush on Yoongi’s face more than once, and maybe see him adjust his pants out of the corner of your eye, but Jimin seems blissfully unaware.
- You have a check-up at the doctor’s office in the coming days. And although only Namjoon is allowed in the room with you (they have a two-person maximum because the ultrasound room is tiny), Yoongi and Jimin also accompany you. Namjoon comes bounding out after, waving the picture and smiling so so wide, both Yoongi and jimin leaning in close to get a better look- they’re so enamored with the little photo. And when you get home- Namjoon shows anyone that asks how the check-up went, eventually hanging it on one of the two fridges in the kitchen.
- Jimin is the only one who seems to notice the jealous looks- because you went out for ice-cream after and come home with them still partially melting (you’d had another craving- french-fries dunked in ice cream of all things). One of the other hybrids having heard Jimin talk to Tae about the beach trip too. They come to you at the end of the day, 2 bunnies, a cat, a fox and one of the bears- a mish moshed group of hybrids; petitioning you to start the beach trips for everyone.
- You can only fit so many people into the back of your truck so you pick a day and start a raffle for spots. Jimin throws his name into the hat just in case but to his surprise, Yoongi doesn’t. No matter how much Jimin bugs him too; He won’t agree to accompany Jimin to the beach again. Shaking his head with a roll of his eyes back tipped back against the grass, his sunhat crumpled. Offering up a few sweet tomatoes to soothe Jimin’s sour nerves. 
- The peace lasts for a couple of days before they’re right back to treating Yoongi like shit and for some reason, it pisses Jimin off more. No matter how many times he’s heard Namjoon asks Yoongi to please tell him when anything happens. The snake hybrid seems unable to fight back.
- Jimin asks one of the hybrids why she won’t look at Yoongi (after the snake has already gone up the hill to retrieve another dish for dinner) and beyond a startled look, she just says “none of us can smell him” she throws a stack of paper towels down onto the table angrily. The deer hybrid across from them stumbling with their silver wear But she doesn’t need to re-iterate herself. Jimin understands- it’s hard to trust someone who can lie to your face- and in the world of hybrids where emotions can be decreed from a simple sniff, Jimin can’t say he doesn’t see where they’re coming from.
- Doesn’t excuse their behavior, however. After all- Jimin can smell Yoongi’s emotions through his scent and he didn't realize that was something strange until now. To Jimin, Yoongi’s scent is soft and sweet- something gummy and soft like a marshmallow. But that’s probably because he spends so much time with the hybrid. The others only spend so much time around him and are unused to his scent. And the fact that he never talks and never tries to socialize doesn’t help.
- Jimin can’t imagine not wanting to smell more of it- not leaning in whenever the other hybrid passes. Jimin wants to bury his face in Yoongi’s neck and rub his cheek all over it. The same way that Namjoon does to him in the morning if he shows up before he’s changed from his pajamas. And he knows he smells soft like sleep- an alluring smell to the older alpha when he comes down the stairs, ears straight up eyes wide as he takes in all of Jimin's vulnerability.
- and it might have to do with what Taehyung had said- that alphas eat up that sort of thing. 
- Namjoon smells good too, his scent all soft mornings and sleepy walks, the older hybrid large and so pliant in his sleepiness, eyes swollen and face puffy as he hides in Jimin’s shoulder. Sending his pine scent all over so that it sticks to jimin no matter where he is. So that jimin will smell like Namjoon all day. 
- One of the cat hybrids at the sink rolls her eyes. But when you come down the stairs smelling much the same. You touch his arm so softly in passing, like you can’t believe you’re allowed. And Jimin’s senses are a dizzying blur of cream, peaches, pine, and marshmallow. 
- when he goes back to the barns, hazy at being scented by Namjoon so thoroughly. Taehyung levels him with a funny look and a chuckle. "you're more devious than anyone gives you credit for" thought Taehyung means it good-naturedly- it's good to have a friend to ask how to go about flirting with. the other hybrids gathered on the couch in front of the tv; some cartoon playing- pretend like they're not listening in. 
- "How do you know so much when you don't have a pack of your own Tae?" he asks over breakfast, the two of them clutching breakfast burritos on their way to check Tae's bees. Tae doesn't meet Jimin's eyes "you're just lucky- most hybrids dont find a pack so easily Jimin" his words aren’t jealous- only a little patronizing. And Jimin accepts it because he knows he has a lot to learn.
- Taehyung is right- out of all of the hybrids at the farm, there are only a few who have paired up or even made stronger groups or multi-person packs. the bunnies and the cats don't form set generally- though there are a few pairs and more than a few throuples.
- Jimin as caught Yeonjun making out with a tabby more than once- has learned to avoid certain sections of the woods all together because everyone knows that's where the bunny hybrids like to go in the afternoons. The canine hybrids are the only ones who have packs, though there are more than half a dozen loners like jimin and namjoon.
- It's hard for Jimin to cohabitate with them even though there are other larger predators and more than a few prey hybrids living in Jimin's barn. he hadn’t really realized until taehyung pointed it out that each different pack occupied one corner of the punk room. More than once- the room in the barns has felt hostile if only for the packs that have claimed either corner of the bunkroom. it's usual to wake up and find more than one of the pups cuddling with another in one single bed. 
- Having reciprocated love in his pack shouldn't feel like an impossibility to Jimin. But still, when Yoongi steps close- an inch too far away, his fingertips barely brushing- Jimin just- yearns. It’s a soft sort of yearning, the kind that has jimin jumping up whenever Yoongi needs something. Has him settling a think knit blanket over Yoongi’s nobly knees during movie nights, and sticking his own feet underneath the edge of the blanket. Feet Pressed to the clothed line of his calf. Maybe nothing will ever come of it, But Jimin yearns with everything he’s got regardless.
- In the late hours of the night, when Jimin lies awake thinking about the three of you. An instinct welling inside of him that says he should walk up the hill and fall asleep on your couch just to be closer to you three (the pack instinct- Taehyung calls it, looking a little bit sad himself when jimin asks him, the other hybrid moving away before jimin can ask exactly what that means) Jimin wonders if his feelings will ever be reciprocated.
- But love is a strange thing, it’s not just about saying it with kisses or touches- though Jimin wants them too. There is love in the small things, in building something together so that’s what Jimin tries to do. Every day- he takes to gardening with a new vigor. Shouting in joy when you harvest some of the tomatoes- filling up a whole gallon bucket with the amount that have ripened over the last week. Your peppers and cucumbers are beginning to produce more too.
- Jimin and Yoongi run to Namjoon just to give him a handful. The alpha gives each of them a sweet nuzzle in thanks, even if Yoongi chirps and moves back after a moment. A flush high on his cheek. Namjoon looking up at Yoongi from where he’s stopped- cheek on the elder's shoulder. The snake relaxing after a moment. 
- You spend the rest of the day showing Jimin and Yoongi how to prepare the tomatoes to make a sauce, roasting them on low heat. Cutting garlic so so carefully, and whenever Jimin looks across the prep table- Yoongi’s gaze darts away. halfway through- yoongi stoops down, sticking his socked feet into jimin’s lap, and it feels so nice, to have their weight there. 
- You go over to Yoongi at one point, and he tips his head back to look up at you. The back of his head is at the right height to lye up against your baby bump. And Jimin watches, as you slowly, so slowly, brush the hair out of his eyes and away from his forehead. Yoongi’s eyes flutter closed and he tips his face into your hand. Letting out a low happy grumble when you take his action as positive reinforcement, and drag your nails over his scalp. In Jimin’s lap, Yoongi’s toes curl. 
- It feels strange- and Jimin can’t quite put his finger on it- but it almost feels like Yoongi is letting you all touch him more than ever. Suddenly okay with touches- as long as it’s in a more private setting. Jimin can’t say he’s unhappy about it. Maybe one-day yoongi will even let Jimin scent mark him. 
- Jimin smiles at Yoongi’s happy little snake grumbles. And keeps chopping his garlic. Is happy to receive the same kind of scratch from you a few minutes later. Though he might abandon his chopping in favor of rubbing his face all over your stomach when the instinct strikes him. Jimin unintentionally lets out a growl when you start to move away. Slapping a hand over his mouth and apologizing, no matter how you and Yoongi laugh.
- Still, despite the happiness, you have in your kitchen, in your house, whenever you’re around each other. The rest of the world is not so kind.
- An adoption day comes at arguably the worst and best time. There is still a fair amount of friction between your group and the rest of the hybrids. And a few outsiders at the farm only make it worse. Though Yoongi, Jimin, and Namjoon aren’t the only hybrids who wear red stickers to indicate that they are not available for adoption.
- Hoseok surprisingly- grabs a yellow sticker. And the three of your hybrids watch- as Seokjin hovers around him- a red sticker on his own lapel- wary of all and anyone who interacts with the otter hybrid. His glares putting off all but the most attentive patrons. That's where it starts.
- Jimin is unfortunately caught in the middle when seokjin confronts hoseok. off to help the three of them bring down 3 trays of cut watermelon for the hybrids and the patrons. The dinner tables have been set out on the side of the field piled high with Hors d'oeuvre. You’re there with Namjoon greeting the humans. Games are set out too- for the hybrids and humans to play. 
- it’s no secret that they’ve gotten close, and jimin had assumed they’d talked about it- but apparently not. Seokjin is so angry he’s nearly crying. “why- hoseok- why do you want to leave the farm?” Hoseok’s little otter ears are tight against his scalp. “I just- I didn’t want to assume?”
- “Oh- so you’d rather just- throw away everything that we’re trying- all of this- you don’t you dont want to stay do you-” Jimin has never seen seokjin looking so lost, and he knows enough to guess that Seokjin’s anger is at least in part to due to some trauma (later- Jimin will find out that Seokjin’s mother left him with his last owner- an abusive man- to save herself).  
- Jimin knows enough to get in between them, telling them to calm down and spend a minute away from each other. Jimin ends up with Hoseok- “it’s hard Jimin- how do you, how do you have so much sureness with Y/n? with Namjoon and yoongi too? How do you look at them and trust that you should stay?” Hoseok's eyes remain on Jimin's red tag. 
- Jimin sighs, thinking it through, “do you look at Seokjin and know he cares about you? like- do you know it in your bones?” Hoseok bites his lower lip, “yes- but-” 
- “Then you should stay Hoseok,” Jimin walks Hoseok up to the main house where the stickers sit on the prep table. Changing out his yellow one for a red one. And when they head off back down the hill, Seokjin is waiting on the path with Yoongi, apologizing and dragging Hoseok away to the barns where Seokjin’s own private room is. Hoseok goes willingly, smiling up at the older hybrid. His narrow shoulders cuddled under one of Seokjin's wide ones. 
- jimin has to admit, an otter and an alpaca are a weird combination for a hybrid pack (But no stranger than a pair of puppies and a snake). His thoughts drift towards Taehyung- and Jimin hopes that his friend won't end up alone. it must not be easy- to see all of you pair off like this. 
- in some ways, that adoption day is full of just as much bullshit as they usually are. there are always people who dont understand the effort it takes to take care of a hybrid- they aren't just like any ordinary pet. it's easy to spot the ones that view them as pets- and less like people. You get a few rich people looking to adopt a companion as always. 
- A substantial group of families also look to adopt similarly aged companions for their single children. And you agree to more than one possible test weekend. You’re always so particular about letting the children go, so wary and so careful in the way you let them interact with the families.
- Though they don’t have parents here- there are more than a few good role models and parental figures. More than one child chooses a red tag for themselves. And they always know have a right to it- no matter how young they are. You make it clear to the group of them; If they don’t want to be adopted they don’t have to be. 
- You even get one couple- the woman withdrawn and sad, and a slightly jealous look at your own pregnant stomach says more than any words could. It’s pretty common for women who can’t have children to adopt hybrid children. and though some of it doesn't sit right with you, You aren’t one to judge. 
- Jimin spends most of the adoption day helping you balance the need for food and for games. running back and forth to the house to help. Though there is a little work that needs to be done here and there just to keep the farm running as usual. grey storm clouds roll in halfway through the day, puncturing the blue sky- foretelling scattered showers and storms. and jimin hopes it will cut the adoption day short so that you can return to your routines. 
- Jimin is just helping Yoongi putting away a broken badminton net When it happens- Jimin isn’t certain why it does. Only that he hears the words outside the shed after Yoongi's just excited to grab the broken rackets (Namjoon isn't the only clumsy hybrid you have at the farm). 
- “oh sorry- ew gross,” a shrill female voice says, and then he rounds the corner and sees yoongi picking himself up from the dirt- a rich lady and her peacock hybrid looking down at him like he’s the dirt beneath his shoes. The peacock hybrid has Yoongi’s sun hat in his hands and there is another hybrid- a wolf hybrid from the farm with a green sticker on his shirt, who growls down at yoongi.
- His shoulders shake too the way they do when he’s been touched and he doesn’t want to be. Jimin has seen you brush your fingers over the back of Yoongi’s hand, has even felt the coolness of the snake hybrid through the fabric when the elder grabbed his sleeve. Has touched him even more intimately as of late. But he knows that Yoongi can’t tolerate being touched by people he doesn’t trust- doesn’t want to touch him. basically, anyone, that's, not you, Namjoon, or Jimin himself. 
- “Hey- what the fuck!” Jimin spits, grabbing the sunhat out of the hybrid's hand with a growl, his ears flat against his head. If Jimin had elongated canines like Namjoon they would be barred in anger as he shoves the larger hybrid back. Yoongi shrinks impossibly smaller behind him.
- Jimin is hot and itchy from the heat and the humidity, and he really just wants to shower and cool off. He doesn’t have the energy to deal with entitled people today. And more importantly- no one touches Yoongi on Jimin’s watch.
- The hybrid looks surprised to be talked to in that way, he’s nearly a head taller than Jimin let alone the slightly taller feathers that poke out of the top of his head that give him the appearance of several more inches- but Jimin’s intimidating enough with his set expression to send the hybrid huffing away. Feathers fluffed.
- The peacock's iridescent feathers stand up on end as he grabs the hand of his human owner, her diamond tennis bracelet glittering in the sunlight. “This was getting boring anyway. Sorry” he tosses over his shoulder at the canine hybrid, who looks so disappointed his ears pinned back against his head. They only give him that- barely a look, before they’re heading off down the hill in the direction of the line of cars parked on the grass.
- The wolf hybrid deflates audibly- watching the woman and the other hybrid disappear down the hill. promises of home and family disappearing in a moment, but Jimin has to think- if they’d be discouraged so easily- were they really worth it? The wolf hybrid doesn't seem to think so- Turning his angry tear-filled eyes on Jimin. 
- But Jimin can see the hate in his eyes and knows not to mistake the tears for only sadness. “You both ruin everything” he growls out- before they too run back towards the barns- no doubt to tell the others how Yoongi had sabotaged their adoption. Even though that was far from the truth. in all honestly- yoongi just bumped into the lady- or more probably- the lady bumped into him when he was on his way out of the shed.
- Jimin holds out his sunhat to Yoongi, who takes it from Jimin carefully, Jimin doesn’t linger on the fact that his hand still shakes. Jimin’s hand lingers somewhere close enough where Yoongi could touch it could reach out if he wants too. If he wants to get that kind of comfort from Jimin's touch- then Jimin will willingly give it. 
- a faint flush coats the elder's cheeks. Oh no- he must be overheating then, Jimin feels a rush of concern. He knows what you would do, hover your hand close enough to Yoongi’s forehead, usher him upstairs for a break in the air conditioning, and a glass of icy lemonade.
- All they can hear is the shouts of laughter at the games the others play in the fields, “I understand why you don’t want to stay in the barns, why you don’t want to socialize with some of them, they’re so unkind to you it makes me crazy.” Jimin shakes his head, sour anger filling him like a rotten peach.
- Yoongi, looks more than pacified, looking up at Jimin with an indecipherable look. Most of the time, Jimin can get a good guess on how he’s feeling but not now- not that indecipherable heaviness he finds there. or the strangely heavy marshmallow scent that’s fluffed around them. Jimin lets go of Yoongi’s hat.
- After a moment Yoongi nods, and Jimin takes it as a thank you. They’re done for the day and dinner won’t be for another few hours or so. Jimin is ready to avoid some of the strangers and hopefully take advantage of the empty showers. The sky is grey with incumbent storm clouds when Jimin makes his way to the shower buildings which he finds blissfully empty; except for the bear hybrid Jackson that tosses a greeting at Jimin before exiting.
- Jimin doesn’t even bother to flick the lights on, instead of settling for the calm light that comes through the skylights, grey and hazy. the storm clouds have started to roll in properly. He hums as he disrobes, goes to grab his favorite strawberry body wash, and picks the last shower at the end, disrobing in relative comfort, glad for a moment of privacy.
- The blissfully Coldwater does wonders for his overheating muscles, relaxing his body deliciously from a day spent walking up and down the hill. he digests the chaos of the day- seokjin and hoseok fighting, yoongi getting shoved. you'd looked frazzled the last time he'd seen you, smile strained as you made small talk with most of the humans, Namjoon always close incase you needed someone to lean on.
-  Jimin had been able to tell that your feet were sore just by looking at you. Namjoon will probably make you sit down before long, maybe he already has. You’ll probably cut off the adoption day because of the rain. Taking down names and information before you send them on their way. You rarely let a hybrid leave the farm after one adoption day, needing to have more private meetings and house calls to willingly part with one of them. You just want to make sure you dont release them back into another abusive household. 
- He hums as he washes, lingering in the water and taking a longer shower than he usually would. He hums, testing the way his vocal cords wrap around the acoustics of the empty high ceilinged room. 
Then he hears the scuffling of someone in the bathroom too and cuts off. A little abashed at being caught. The rustling getting closer and its a moment before he realizes that the rustling is coming from his own section of the bath. he smells him the second before he pulls the shower curtain gets pulled back. 
- “Yoongi!” Jimin shouts, furiously grabbing at something to cover his nakedness. Jimin furiously tries to cover his crotch, grabbing one of the large bargain bottles of shampoo and hold it there even as cold water runs over his face. Getting into his wide eyes. “Yoongi what the fuck! You’re naked!”
- Jimin is glad that the rumors about snake hybrids having double the appendages as a normal hybrid are false but he can’t stop his blush or his wandering eyes as he sees the snake hybrid in full. Or the hot lick of arousal that shocks him through his core- especially when he recognizes the heaviness to Yoongi's scent as being arousal. 
- there is a single moment, jimin can smell yoongi- can see the want in his eyes, can feel his own scent fluff out to meet his, yoongi sags under the weight of Jimin's scent as the surprise dissipates. "do you-" Jimin's face must be brighter than a tomato. He reaches out a tentative hand, "do you want to-" 
- Before Jimin can do much more than that Yoongi’s lips are on his, tentative but firm and passionate, the fire leaking into him from Yoongi as jimin stumbles in surprise. The kiss tastes like thank you and Ive wanted to do this for longer than i care to admit and everything yoongi can't say, can't let slip past his lips. jimin drops the shampoo bottle which narrowly misses his foot as Yoongi’s hands come up to encircle his jaw so softly like Yoongi is holding the most important thing in his world. Jimin is so shocked that for a moment- he doesn’t kiss back and Yoongi retracts- not before Jimin chases his lips and the snake hybrid returns to him.
- It’s the first time Yoongi’s ever touched Jimin so bare, and the snake’s hands on the back of his neck feel cold and shivery but good. As Jimin’s back hit’s the wall and their fronts press together for a moment, just brushing. Then colliding with more force as they both realize how good it feels to be so close to someone you trust. It’s dizzying- intoxicating, and Jimin knows his mouth is moving sloppily even if he wants to kiss Yoongi with just as much intent. 
- The snake hybrid bites- actually bites- down on Jimin’s tongue. And a strangled whine comes to live and die in his throat. A snarl in his ears from Yoongi's mouth as the snake hybrid keeps his biting, moves to Jimin's throat- bites hard Enough that Jimin knows he'll leave a bruise. "leave more- yoongi please mark me" jimin feels hot with the thought of it- the thought of all the other hybrids being able to smell yoongi on his scent gland. 
- Jimin doesn’t know where to put his hands, he knows enough to know that Yoongi doesn’t like to be touched and unsure if it extends to right now. but it seems okay if he’s doing the touching. His hands sliding down Jimin's back to his waist. He’s a good kisser, the best that Jimin’s ever kissed (not that there have been many) and he tips his head forward to put as much scalding force as he can into it when yoongi leaves his neck in favor of his mouth, trying to match Yoongi’s intensity even if he can’t match his skill.
- Yoongi takes a step forward, and Jimin’s cock brushes his hipbone, and he can’t stop the way his hips jump at the contact, brushing into Yoongi further. Jimin’s blood boils with arousal. Yoongi is equally as hard compared to Jimin. And Jimin doesn't know if its water or precum that he feels on his skin. Can't look down to check.
- By the time Yoongi leans back and finishes running his fingers through Jimin’s hair and over his shoulders. Jimin’s so wound up he feels like he’s about the pass out. The cool water cascading over his back doing nothing to settle him. Yoongi moves his hips- testing the waters, as he grinds, works jimin’s hips into an unsteady rhythm. and jimin moans. 
- Yoongi pulls back, looking at jimin, their noses brushing, like he can’t bear to have jimin farther away from him than this, want heavy in his eyes, and Jimin tastes the words on Yoongi’s lips as good as if he’d said them. “Yoongi” jimin breathes. Palms pressed carefully to the shower wall so that he won’t reach out and yank Yoongi closer. But he’s Weak against the wake of this of all this feeling.
- “fuck- kiss me again- can we- ” Jimin feels strung out, his body heavy with something like heat- maybe Jimin is actually having a heat and it’s not just in his imagination (he wouldn't really know what it felt like- never having had one before because of his malnutrition). But This kind of kissing is certainly enough to trigger one.
- Yoongi opens his mouth for a second, almost like he’s about to speak- or to try to, Jimin’s never been sure if he can- if it’s muteness or just Yoongi being selective. And then in the next moment, Yoongi’s gone, almost tripping on his way out of the showers with how fast he’s leaving jimin. A whine dies in his throat and jimin starts after him, But then Yoongi turns back. Gesturing with a hand for jimin to stay put. Yoongi looks angry, and it takes a moment for Jimin to realize that the anger wasn’t directed at jimin- only at Himself.
- Jimin stays in the shower, water thundering down around him as the sky overhead thunders too. Jimin listens to the faint sound of Yoongi dressing and then leaving the showers. Jimin lets him go. So sure that he has absolutely no idea what just happen- or even if he didn’t imagine the whole thing.
- jimin’s hand on himself doesn't feel nearly good as Yoongi’s did. 
- Yoongi’s hands shake all the way back up the hill, and he hopes his wet hair won’t be too suspicious especially when a mixed group of hybrids crosses his path. Returning to the barns as most of the adoption day festivities have ended.
 - Yoongi’s careful to keep his eyes averted. And like usual- the conversation comes to a halt when Yoongi passes them by. It no longer bugs him the way it might have once. They have a good reason not to want to associate with him. Yoongi’s body shakes with the weight of the things he’s done and the things he’s going to do.
- you gather with 3 families on your porch as you take down their names and contact information. You send yoongi a concerned look as he quickly heads inside the house. Pausing only for a moment before he decides to go to Namjoon first. Later- later he’ll ask you too. 
- Stupid- he’s been so stupid recently. Touching you- indulging in these short sweet touches because he wants more so badly. Knows he can never have it doesn’t stop the wanting. If his owner ever found out what he’s done- if she ever found out what he’d almost done with jimin- she’d surely have Jimin’s hands for it. 
- And as much as Yoongi wishes it were any other way- Jimin almost touching him does remind him of far worse times. Though he’d been the one to initiate it this time- the memories still linger. 
- Times when foreign hands touched his skin as he’d thrashed and screamed trying to protest against the taunting words of his owner. “I’ve never been interested in snake dick but if you want him for tonight you can have him- just be careful- he bites” and he shakes with those memories. Though its been many years. like most kinds of torture- eventually, his owner had grown bored with using yoongi's body as a bargaining chip. Yoongi wonders if he’s ever going to be able to be touched that way without feeling the revulsion at his own body.
- Jimin had come close, but he'd known- known that yoongi didn't want him to touch him. Had seemed more than willing to be touched himself. the revulsion hadn't hit him until the end. 
- The places he’s been touched without his consent feel black and decaying- or like ink, every time someone touches him- Yoongi’s surprised that ink doesn’t come away on your hands soft and delicate. But it didn’t change the fact that Yoongi wanted it- and wants it still. 
- he wants to see you soft and sated the way you look sometimes in the morning when he can smell Namjoon on you- wants to cause it- maybe, someday in the future if you'll let him. He knows you’d be gentle with him. Wouldn’t put your hands anywhere he didn’t want. Would check in with him- going as slowly or as quickly as he wanted too. Namjoon would be able to be gentle too- Yoongi’s sure of it.
- He wants it, even though he knows that want only put you all in danger. He’s an incredibly selfish person. He hopes he never gets to have that intimacy with you, for your sake.
- yoongi should only let himself dream of something good before he goes- sinks back into that life. But the temptation for more is too strong sometimes, his want filling him up like sticky sweet syrup that pollutes every moment. 
- Namjoon is on the second floor of your house and Yoongi takes the stairs two at a time. Folding laundry in what will one day be the nursery for your child. He’s taken the ultrasound up here now- hung it up so he can look at it. and Yoongi is reminded of A few days ago when he gushed about the development of your child to Yoongi in the kitchen comparing them to the size of a fruit. “a cute little cantaloupe- the cutest little cantaloupe”
- You and Namjoon have made the decision not to find out the gender, but the walls of the nursery are still pained blue, puffy clouds above and little flowers below, dandelions and daisies, a stalwart sunflower that curls over the arch of the door half-finished. Yoongi knows you work on the mural it whenever you can. But Namjoon gets a little paranoid about the fumes- you compromise and keep the windows open along with the door to your balcony to allow as much air circulation as possible.
- The crib, a fluffy white thing is already piled into the corner. And Yoongi remembers the first few weeks here when you and Namjoon had overzealously ordered it. He’d come downstairs after dinner one night and found both of you puzzling over the directions. And he’d shooed Namjoon away as he’d helped you put it together. The three of you ending up giggly and punch drunk tired by the time it was fully put together. And then had to carry it all the way up the stairs. 
-A mobile of little felted flowers that Seokjin made you as a thank you present a hangs above the empty Crib- colorful and cute. And Namjoon has set the laundry on the unused changing table in neat stacks. All of the other furniture is piled into the center of the room so that you can paint the walls. He turns when he hears Yoongi, his tail swishing.
- “Hey Yoon- what you get caught in a rainstorm or something?” the rain splatters against the windows with a soft patter and Yoongi drips onto the floor. He never bothered to dry off after the unintentional shower with jimin. Yoongi makes a shrug that means ‘something like that’ and if the younger hybrid hovers on the way that Yoongi’s lips look a little kiss bitten and swollen he doesn’t say a thing. Namjoon knows better than anyone- what they talk about and what they don’t.
- He hands over the slip of paper; “jimin should move into the main house, you and I could clean out one of the storage rooms and move the stuff into the attic.”
-  Yoongi watches Namjoon’s eyes rove over the words a few times. The hybrid purses his lips, “I’ve talked to Y/n about this- and she agrees- but I don’t know if he wants too? He seems pretty comfortable in the barns, he likes Taehyung and they’re friends. and we kind of want to leave it up to him if we can.”
- Yoongi snatches the paperback from him, annoyance flickering in his chest as he rolls his eye. Didn’t Namjoon see that nothing would change if they didn’t push him a little? Jimin is the type to take that kind of abuse again and again if it means not making a fuss. And Yoongi knows it’s only a matter of time before something happens again. He turns it over onto the other side and using the wall as a place to write.
- “He’s already being treated differently because of me” 'me' being double underlined- so that Namjoon really understands what he’s trying to say. Yoongi just wants to make sure Jimin is safe before he goes. Before he needs to leave and before it gets too dangerous and too near a time when his owner will physically retrieve him. Not that Namjoon knows that Yoongi’s presence has an expiration date. Namjoon searches Yoongi’s face for a source to his desperation and finds none.
- Yoongi has never felt worse for keeping secrets. Maybe in another world- Yoongi would have confessed and asked Namjoon, with all of his connections to the police, for help. Yoongi knows enough to put the whole crime system out of whack and yet. Years of negative reinforcement and beatings have taught him to keep his mouth shut and that isn’t going to change now; not when Yoongi’s life isn’t the only one at risk and he knows you’ll all live if he plays by the rules. He doesn't care about his own safety anymore. 
- The second he sees Yoongi’s distraught expression Namjoon steps closer Taking off his flannel and tugging it around his shoulders. Namjoon might not make moves to scent mark Yoongi but dressing him in his clothes is as good as he gets. Namjoon’s comforting alpha scent fluffs around him.
- Yoongi wonders if jimin feels the pull the same way he does. Dynamics are more mobile in snake hybrids and downright non-existent in humans. but they’re more set in canines. Namjoon puts his hand on Yoongi’s clothed arm and Yoongi shuffles close after a second. His nose centimeters from Namjoon’s neck taking in deep breathes to try and steady himself. He didn’t realize he was shaking.
- “It will be alright Yoongi, I promise. He’s gonna be safe.” Namjoon adds quieter. And below them both- in the first floor of the house, he can hear your voice, echoing louder and laughing at some sort of joke, Namjoon’s tail starts wagging at the suggestion of you. “I want them to feel safe too.”
- Yoongi wants to write “he should take my room- I won’t be staying in it soon anyway.” but Yoongi needs to make sure- before he leaves. Jimin has to be included in your little pack. He doesn’t want to think- about what the three of you will go through when he eventually has to leave. The days are counting down to the end of the summer. 
- He’s fucking selfish, so selfish, to kiss Jimin like that when he knows he won't be able to stay in the hybrids life. He’s selfish every time he begs affection off you, every day he keeps Namjoon Company when he’s cleaning up the other barns. Yoongi writing out words in the dust when Namjoon asks him questions. Eyes only searching when Namjoon turns his back. Looking for any sort of hidden compartment. Completing his task even if it’s the last thing he wants to do. Betraying you like this.
- Jimin spends the rest of the day wondering if the kiss with Yoongi was just a dream. But later at dinner, Yoongi won’t meet his eyes, and jimin knows he didn’t imagine the kiss. Guilt sticks to Yoongi, more distracting than honey stuck between your fingertips.
- Both of them go to sleep still thinking about the kiss. Jimin wondering if it will happen again and Yoongi thinking that he’d like it too. His fingers running over his lower and upper lips, mind awash with the memory of jimin’s mouth on his. And night falls heavy like a weighted blanket on the farm. The sky a big sheet with holes poked through for stars. A heavenly breeze tempting away the summer heat.
- All of the hybrids safe and snoring in their beds. Some even paired- if they’ve got it. Two furry bodies packed close on a single bed. Some even dream of homes they mind one day live in or of the people that one day they’ll get to love. The idea of being kept and treasured lulling them into a drowsy haze of anticipation and security. 
- That night, Namjoon knocks on Yoongi’s door. the hybrid leaning up against the doorframe as he watches the snake get ready for bed. “you know... you could sleep in our room if you want, we have an air conditioner in there too.” yoongi has a notepad ready, he knows that Namjoon likes to open all the windows and even the door to your balcony to let the fresh air in so that it feels like you're sleeping outside. He steels himself to think of someone other than himself before he writes- “I’m okay- thanks though” Yoongi writes out. 
- Namjoon lifts one of Yoongi’s blankets to his neck before he leaves, thoroughly scents marking it before he leaves it with Yoongi. And Yoongi sleeps easy that night with his nose pressed to the blanket. Safe and secure in his room. Nothing bad happens to yoongi that night even though he cuddles close to the blanket, and when he wakes in the morning. his heart beats a steady thumping rhythm- his whole body humming with anticipation. 
- It’s different to feel excited about being in love, excited for a day spent close to the people he cares about. And he knows he won't take a single day for granted. 
- The crickets and cicadas chirping in the field. And in a low tone on the tree outside, a morning dove gentle and unassuming. The sun rising over the hills. Tastes of idyllic and smells of Eden. Like lavender and honey.
- A hand outstretched, scrambling in the dirt before it goes still, fingers just a few inches from safety. Blood mixing in with the sand. The morning is not perfect for everyone.
- But even you would say the morning was peaceful, if not for the dead body dumped at the end of your driveway. 
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softlyjiminie · 5 years
nine months from now | m.y.g
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⇢ pairing(s): boss!min yoongi x reader, mentions of vmin + namjin.
⇢ word count: 16.5K.
⇢ rating: 18+, mature.
⇢ genre: smut, angst, fluff, un-expecting parents!au, parents!au.
⇢ summary: his was not supposed to happen. this was never in the plan. a sudden, unexpected turn of events leads you into a world of baby bottles and baby grows, it just so happens that the cause of this mess is your boss...min yoongi.
⇢ warning(s): please read! mentions of infidelity, insecurity, unexpected pregnancy, light!description of birth ( pain, water breaking ), soft smut, dom!yoongi, sub!reader, unprotected sex ( please wear protection ),  mentions of one night stands, mentions of drunk sex,  phone sex, oral sex ( female receiving ), masturbation ( male + female ) , light!praise kink, pregnancy kink, daddy kink, dirty talk and swearing.
⇢ author’s note(s): hey everyone! this is a kinda late birthday fic for our wonderful boy min yoongi! i love parent aus and i just got to thinking about how yoongi would be the most amazing dad and boom dis bad boy popped out. I hope you enjoy reading and as always, feedback is greatly appreciated!! also thank you to my wonderful gigi ( @fantasybangtan​ ) for this beautiful banner, love you so much :(
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one month. two blue lines.
this was not supposed to happen. this was never in the plan. you were supposed to work your ass off, show off your skills, get promoted and live a comfortable life. there was no time in your plan for this.
no time in your plan for a baby.
you feel as if the whole world has been drained away as you sit on the edge of your bath tub, your chest rising and falling with panic —you hadn’t even noticed, not until it was too late. your period had always been irregular, is it was easy for you to miss the signs. it couldn’t be happening. it can’t be happening. “how can this be happening?” you whisper to yourself, the lump in your throat makes your voice sound hoarse and weak.  
“well, when two very special people love each other..” your roommate, yura, begun as she rests her head on your shoulder and grabs your trembling hand. she had always been a joker, much to the chargen of your half brother, seokjin.
“she knows how it works, yura! it’s the sex that got her there!” your sibling yells, crossing his arms over his chest and looking down at you with a scolding disappointment. you’d never seen him so angry before, face red and the vein in his neck on the verge of bursting. you could tell he was trying to reign in his temper and you knew it was more than just rage he was feeling. seokjin had never known his farther, your mother was too ashamed to ever tell him and so he spent most of his life living with a hole in his heart. “do you even know who the father is?” 
you flinch at his sharp tone, knowing it was only his self inflicted conflict that was so venomous. yura’s head snaps up to glare at seokjin, lips parted in shock at he continues his rant. “how irresponsible could you be, YN? getting pregnant at this time in your career, how could you be so stupid?” 
“seokjin, enough!” yura snaps furiously, standing up with her hands resting comfortingly on your shoulders. she stares him down, rendering him silent and huffs. “YN is a grown woman...twenty-four years of age, meaning, you can’t scold her like a child anymore. it’s her body, her life and she’ll do as she damn well pleases. “
the sounds of their voices fade to nothing but static as they bicker back and forth about you. it’s almost as if you’re not even there, mind a million miles away. the mere thought of a life growing inside you has you spiralling and it’s not until seokjin puts a hand on your shoulder, that you look up.
“do...you know who the father is?” yura asks you quietly and avoids your gaze at his flits between hers and seokjin’s face.
“i do,” you twiddle your thumbs nervously, thinking back to the only occasion you can remember. you rub your eyes as they slowly begin to water, your brother and best friend nuzzling into you to help calm your nerves. “i know exactly who it is.”
seokjin and yura share a look, worried for the name about to pass your lips.
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three months.
the walk to the top office is a brisk and daunting one. thousands of scenarios occupy your mind but you remember your brother’s advice and try to keep a steady head. you relax your stance as the elevator doors close in front of you, letting out a breath you hadn’t realised you were holding. a hand comes to rest on your lower stomach, reaching for the bump that was barely visible. 
you’d been to various different appointments over the last few weeks, blood tests, ultra-sounds and a paternity test. groaning, you remember the face of the assistant, her pointed nose tilted up in disgust when you begged her for any disgarded coffee cups the executive had lying around. all you needed was the tiniest trace of saliva to confirm your suspicions.
reaching your desired floor, you step out of the lift, and the sudden feeling of exposure crawls up your spine. patent heels click and clack against the smooth marble floor as you head to the front office. the light shines through the glass panes but it doesn’t lift your somber mood.
“i have an appointment with the executive?” you smile politely to the receptionist behind the desk and hand over your ID badge. she’s surprised, to say the least, when she checks it over and you can tell she’s unsure of how someone of your position would get an appointment on such short notice.
she lets you through regardless, mentioning to the executive that you’ll be up soon and too expect you. your once calm and collected walk is now weak and wobbly at  your ankles, you shake as you knock on the door and quiver when a deep voice beckons you in.
the room is bright, illuminated by natural light that shines through the glass panes directly onto the office. it’s sleek, black accents run through out the room with shades of whites and yellows and greys for contrast. a long desk, also black in colour, sits in the middle of the room, in front of the largest window that looks out onto the busy streets of seoul. you wonder if people ever look up and try to imagine what would happen in a room like this. the though of what’s about to happen sends chills down your spine. 
your patent heels sink into the carpeted floor, the softness and uneven ground do nothing to help your quaking knees. 
the letters are engraved into the golden placement with thick, bold letters and reading it makes your heart race. the man himself is oblivious to your entrance, once deep red and burgundy hair having faded into his natural jet black roots. he wears a navy suit, tailored perfectly to fit his shoulders and his tie sits promptly around his neck, not a hair is out of place.
he hadn’t always been this perfect, you of all people would’ve known that. min yoongi was notorious in your company for his simple two step manoeuvre; flirting and fucking. whilst you had yet to fall victim to his charms, you knew to steer clear of him at company parties. yoongi had been a simple project manager at the daegu branch of your company, The Red Label, an up and coming fashion brand in south korea— before being unexpectedly promoted to executive to the seoul branch. you heard the last one had quit from heart break caused by the man himself. 
you, yourself were a new fashion designer, fresh out of college when you joined. you were happy to say that your designs had been worn by many idols since you started your job, including the infamous jeon jungkook.
you remember meeting yoongi at the annual anniversary party, drunk memories of the night suddenly becoming more and more clear. 
“yes?” he asks, looking up from his papers with a thin-lipped smile. he’s trying to be polite, you can tell, but you hate the way his black eyes watch you with discontent. you doubt he recognises you, remembers what went down a few months back. 
“hi...” you breathe, the anxiety from your thoughts rushing in. yoongi simply stares you down, his dark eyes watching as you shuffle under his gaze. he leans back in his desk chair, boredom etched into his features.
“look ms. kim,  i’m a busy man and have plenty of meetings to attend to today... so id prefer it if you didn’t go wasting my time.”
heat flushes through your veins and tingles at your fingertips, the words you had chanted to yourself in the mirror as practice have suddenly gone astray. you look to yoongi, his impatient stare boring holes into your very soul and you can tell he’s growing irritable. 
yoongi opens his mouth again to start a simple attack. “as i have stated already, ms. kim, i am a busy man with many duties to attend to today, so if you don’t mind-“ 
you hate this, you hate him. you hate how he thinks he can talk to you like you’re beneath him. especially after what he did to you. 
“i’m pregnant.” you blurt out, your rigid frame becoming lax as you realise what you’ve done. you watch as yoongi’s face contorts with confusion, what does this have to do with him? he must me thinking.
“it’s your child,” you snap back, suddenly gaining the roaring confidence seokjin had instilled in you many years ago. you march your way over to his desk, slapping down a file of all the tests you’d gotten, this paternity test with his DNA and his name in thick bold letters standing out on the white pages. “the documents are all here, if you don’t believe me.” 
the colour drains from yoongi’s face as he realises the severity behind his once careless actions, he never thought this would happen, he always thought he’d been, “safe? didn’t we use a condom?” he mumbles quietly, embarrassed and ashamed. 
“you insisted that we didn’t need one, you were too intent on getting your congratulations for your recent promotion.” you explain curtly, wrapping an arm protectively around your stomach. 
it was only then that yoongi noticed, the small curve of your stomach that was carrying a life that he had helped to make.  whether he wanted it or not, yoongi was going to be a father and he could tell by the fire in your eyes that you were going to do everything in your power to provide for this child. 
he sits back in his chair and runs a hand over his face, letting it cup his chin as he thinks. “okay....okay, fuck. what do we do now?” 
“well, i...” you hesitate, opening your mouth in a silent gasp. you step back from the desk and start to twiddle with your thumbs as you huff, nervous. “i don’t want this baby, my baby to grow up without a father. i’ve seen first hand how painful that can be. i also understand that, considering our circumstances, it might not be the best idea but i still believe you should take responsibility of a father and help look after them as well.” 
your answer is thoughtful, none of your words are fuelled by malicious intent. you want the best for the baby, your baby, his baby. yoongi’s heart clenches in his chest, his baby. 
“when’s your next appointment?” he asks in a whisper, a million and one thoughts rushing through his head at once. you look surprised, expecting yoongi to try and pay you off and keep quiet.
“next monday.” 
“good, i’ll be there.” 
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three months, one week.
“is there any particular reason in which you’re not letting me attend today?” your brother hums, your only thought from then is to only roll your eyes as you pack your bag. phone, keys, purse. seokjin watches as you flutter about, fluffing your hair and straightening the sweater you wear, so it sits over your small bump just fine. 
shaking your head, you attempt to hide the nerves that crawl up your throat in fear of spewing them all out onto the floor. you’d blame it on early morning sickness. your older brother eyes you suspiciously, dark brow arched perfectly as a finger rests on his top lip. he knows you like the back of his hand, everything there is to know about you. he knew you were excitable when it came to things like new music or watching re-runs of americas next top model. he knew you were shy with physical contact and intimacy. he knew that sometimes you got so anxious and scared, especially with deadlines that your words became jumbled up and you’d forget your name. 
he knew why you were being so quiet today. 
you ignored him nonetheless, looking ever so slightly flustered once you’d finished getting yourself ready. you hadn’t felt this way since you’d submitted your first design to the Red Label. 
“are you sure? i know you hate all the machines and the gel the put on your tummy-“ the elder rambled and watched you collapse onto the couch beside him, you clasp your hands over his knee and sigh at him. clearly exhasperated.
“yoongi is coming,” you grumble eventually, curling in on yourself with a large pout. seokjin narrows his eyes, ever since finding out and confirming that yoongi was the father, he had been far from happy. seokjin remembered referring to the man as a pompous piece of poop, except more foul language was used. “i know you don’t like him, but we decided to try this co-parent thing? i’m just nervous that he’ll want to drop out as soon as he sees the baby-“ 
frowning, your brother shuffles over to you and presses a light kiss to your forehead as an attempt to comfort you.  “and if he does, we’ll figure it out together. promise.” 
you nod in affirmation, leaning into seokjin’s touch. he gets up to check the door a while later, calling out for you confusedly. “YN, there’s someone here to see you?” 
following his voice, you find yourself side by side with your brother, facing a man about your age if not younger. he’s dressed formally, in a black suit and white shirt, a bow tie around his neck. he offers you a boxy grin and you frown. 
“who are you?” 
“ah, you must be YN.” 
“yes, she is, but who are you?” seokjin cuts in before you can open your mouth, moving stand protectively in front of yourself and the baby. confused, you’re eyes widen and you shuffle back in the doorway to protect yourself further.
the man’s enthusiastic grin drops slightly as he readjusts his tie, coughing and holding his hand out to your older sibling. “taehyung, kim taehyung...” he introduces himself and falters when seokjin doesn’t take his hand. “i’m mr min’s driver, he sent me to collect ms. kim for her appointment today.” 
“driver? collect my sister? why i oughta-“ 
you set a palm on your brother’s chest and push him back lightly, smiling at taehyung as you do so. “jinnie,” you warm him and ignore his angry stare before addressing the driver. “i’ll be ready in a moment, taehyung.” 
quickly, you run back into the apartment to grab your bag and coat, returning fully dressed and ready to go. taehyung is already waiting with the door open by the car outside. you turn to your brother and hum. “i’m mad at him too, for sending a driver, but at least let me rip him a new one myself.” you say, breathlessly.
“with pleasure.” 
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“a driver, really, min yoongi?” 
you storm past the man himself, anger flaring up within you at just the sight of his stupid designer suit and stupid pointed leather shoes that were probably imported from italy. he‘s a stupid man. who even wears a suit to a hospital appointment? 
yoongi stands flabbergasted, hands up in defence whilst taehyung only shrugs his shoulders and mentions he’ll be parked in the private area. the executive quickly follows you, surprised that you can even walk that fast with growing life inside of you and bends over with palms on his knees when you stop at the receptionist desk.
“i didn’t think it was smart of me to delay the appointment by meeting you at your own home, ms. kim.” 
rolling your eyes, you lean up to the receptionist, ignoring the way your name rolls so greasily off of yoongi’s tongue. “appointment for YN kim? 2:30.” you beam down at the man behind the desk, who’s eyes light up when they notice you.
“YN! lovely to see you again, you’re right on time!” he hums and checks you in on the computer as you spare a quick glare to the man behind you. the receptionist follows your gaze and leans in to whisper. “is this the baby father?” 
a light chuckle wafts past your lips and you nod as you tie the appointment slip from him. “why yes hoseok, he is.” 
“how unfortunate that his personality doesn’t match his looks.” 
you giggle and bid hoseok goodbye, walking down the hall to your doctors office for your ultrasound. yoongi mostly follows and stays quiet, sensing the anger and resentment you have for him, building. he sighs in the waiting room, knowing that he has to find some way to get a long with you and change your impression of him for the sake of his child. 
“miss kim for her ultrasound? oh and is that dad?” your doctor asks as she leads you into the room, helping you onto the bed and allowing you to push up your jumper for the jelly. yoongi feels a pang of guilt resonating in his chest, knowing that he should be the one helping you, but stands awkwardly to the side nonetheless. 
shuffling up on the seat, you look to yoongi expectantly to introduce himself and he jumps up, fixing his suit as he leans forward to take the doctor’s hand. “min yoongi...uh... dad.” 
“dr park, or you can call me dr jihyo,” she smiles, getting ready to apply the jelly to your stomach. “you know the drill YN, it might be a little cold,” yoongi watches quietly as you nod in confirmation, flinching when the cool substance comes into contact with your tiny bump. “alright! good job mum! let’s get you all set up.” 
it takes a few minutes for dr park to set up the monitor, using a device that yoongi doesn’t recognise to scan for what he assumes is the baby. yourself and the doctor chat idly, and yoongi realises how scary it must’ve been to do these things on your own for the first time. his train of thought is cut off by the sound of a steady, tiny heartbeat filling the room. 
that’s his baby, your baby. 
“your baby sounds nice and healthy,” dr park hums happily, tilting the device to get more of a view of your little peanut. she points her finger on the screen and turns back to smile at you. “here they are, hiding from us.”
you giggle happily and for a split second, beam over at yoongi as you witness the life you’ve created together. “is that our baby-?” yoongi half whimpers, taking a step forward to take your hand in his. you jump at the feeling, his change in attitude but appreciate the support nonetheless, on the edge of tears yourself.
these last view weeks had been daunting, life changing, but seokjin and yura had been there for you every step of the way. holding your hand and coming with you to check ups. 
“yes sir! i’m going to print out some pictures of the scans for you both, while we’re here, would you like to know the gender of your baby?” she asks politely and taps away on her computer.
“no, thank you.” 
“yes, please.” 
you send a glare yoongi’s way, fired up inside as he matches the look. 
the tension thickens in the room, so much so that a knife wouldn’t be able to cut through. dr. park stands from her chair, arms up to ease you both and coughs for your attention. “how about i print those pictures and you two can decide when i come back?” she suggests as you rip your hand from yoongi’s, who feels the walls build up around you again.
“that’d be great, thank you doctor.” he hums, watching as the doctor leaves the room before turning to you with a deepest scowl. “what was all that about, ms. kim? you were acting like a petulant child.” 
you growl deeply, sitting up and wiping yourself clean of the cold jelly. you pull down your sweater and turn to look at the man with a dark frown. “me? a child?” you tsk, looking him up and down. “i didn’t see you taking any initiative when it came to the baby until wanting to know its sex! as far as i’m concerned, mr. min, you’ve acted as nothing more than a sperm donor i actually have to see,” you spit, ignoring the pang of guilt you feel when yoongi visibly flinches at your words. “and for the love of god, it’s YN.” 
“well, YN,” he starts to argue, brushing off the hurt. “this is a first for me too, and if we’re going to make it work we have to compromise. i get it, i haven’t been much  help or support but i am trying to get better, for you and the baby.” 
you falter, you know that you have been tough on him but he is also making an effort by even showing up at all. sighing, you look to yoongi thoughtfully. “you’re right and I am sorry for lashing out, but this is one thing i won’t change my mind on. we have many decisions to make together, but this one i need for myself.” you say, rubbing your arm sheepishly.
“that’s fine, we can make that work.” yoongi smiles softly, to which you can’t help but return.
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five months.
some would be shocked at the progress yourself and yoongi had made, having a baby really changed people. yoongi was much sweeter now, having dropped most of the formalities in favour of your ‘beautiful’ name, or so he called it. the executive brought you lunch almost everyday, left snacks and sweet notes to aid your cravings and ease your hormones. 
yoongi even offered to send you money for groceries, claiming he wanted the baby to have a healthy lifestyle from early on. of course you refused it, whilst you loved the support you were getting from him, it sent chills down your spine at how fast he’d changed.
“but what’s so wrong about that?” yura asks you one night. the pair of you are both cuddled up under heaps of blankets, your feet on her lap as she munches on the kale chips yoongi had given you that day. she inspects the green crisp for a moment, blinking before popping it on her tongue and crunching happily. “free food? comfier clothes? a driver? sounds like the life to me, YN.” 
you snatch the bag of chips away from your roommate, knowing it’ll spoil her appetite before your brother brings over dinner. peeking into the bag yourself, you swipe a few of the healthy snack for yourself, grimacing at the taste. what kind of sane person combines kale and chips? who? and it didn’t help that your cravings had kicked in. 
“there’s nothing wrong with it, i just don’t want money spent on me.” you whine and pout, shoving the chips away from yourself. 
yura only rolls her eyes and flicks your forehead. “but the moneys not for you it’s for miss yura junior over here!” she coos, raising her voice by a few octaves to talk to your bump. you watch with furrowed brows and a slight grimace as your roommate continues to make sounds horrifyingly similar to breeding cats.
“please, stop.” 
“nono, she loves it.” 
just at that moment, seokjin makes his entrance with bustling bags carried by his poor boyfriend- namjoon. you push yura away from your bump in order to make an effort in reaching namjoon but he leans down and kisses your forehead.
“you mean, he,” your brother comments and settles himself in the kitchen to prep you a meal. “i can already tell, that little critter in there is a boy and none of you can convince me otherwise.” he insists loudly, causing namjoon to roll his eyes.
“maybe YN’s results will...” yura turns to you with a mischievous glint, itching her fingers up your side knowing full well how ticklish you were. you’d probably sock her in the face with how much you wriggled. 
“and there’s not a chance that either of you will find out, i’m under strict instructions to keep the results from you. all of you.” namjoon interjects pointedly, sagging into the seats and rubbing his arms from all the shopping your brother made him carry. yura sticks her tongue out at him. “now what’s this about baby daddy money?” 
pulling the blankets up to your chin, you sigh, pouting over at namjoon. namjoon was like a second elder brother to you, quiet and helpful much unlike seokjin. you suppose that’s why the pair made such good partners, they balanced each other out well. “yoongi has been sending things over to help take care of myself and the baby but, it’s too much!” you huff and throw yourself back into the couch, sinking in and away from the world. “he even moved my desk at work, closer to his!” 
joon tilts his head, looking at you with a knowing smirk and taps his nose. “sounds like this yoongi guy has a thing for you.” 
“nuh uh, never, nada...nope!” you counter, shaking your head. there’s no way in hell yoongi could possibly feel that way about you. your hook up was a one time thing and you didn’t quite match up to the other girls he hooked up with at the office. “never in a million years. not possible.”
“you never know, YN,” he hums back, shrugging nonchalantly.  “yoongi could be everything you least expect.”
you lose yourself in namjoon’s the words, thinking deeply as seokjin starts to being out the dinner trays.
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“can you believe, min yoongi put a baby in her?” 
“i want to know how his dick even got up just by looking at her.”
your skin crawls with discomfort as you enter the break room, your co-workers instantly silencing. this was common, for them to make you the subject of their idol chit chat. of course with your sudden pregnancy and yoongi’s newfound favouritism for you during meetings and overall, it only made sense for everyone to put two and two together. 
jealous female coworkers didn’t like the idea that min yoongi didn’t want to hook up anymore, he wanted to focus on the one thing more important than his job. 
he wanted to focus on you. 
so now you were YN KIM, the red label’s pregnant whore. katie’s words, not your own. she was a new international relations employee from overseas, working with your departments new collection to debut in the US market. 
you loathed her. 
“good morning, YN,” she beamed, flicking her bleach blonde locks over her shoulder and pursed her lips the tacky barbie pink lipstick on. her insect eyes shift up and down your frame, making you curl in on yourself uncomfortably. “you’re looking a little bloated today.” 
you bite your lip in an effort to stop it from quivering, holding your bump protectively as you wait for the kettle to boil for some tea. “i’m pregnant.” you mumble quietly as a line of defence, wincing as katie and her minions let out high pitched, squeaking laughs. 
“are you sure? it seems like you’ve put on a few.”
gasping, you drop the mug you were using for tea and bite your lip, desperate for the tears not to fall. as quickly as you can, you shuffle out of the dreaded break room and ignore the ugly chuckles of your coworkers, making a break for the bathrooms. 
bursting into the room, you brush past whoever’s about to leave and dash to the taps to splash cold water over your hot, tear stained cheeks. you hope to god that no one is here to see your snotty faced, crying session but your biggest nightmare only comes true when a warm hand settles on your shoulder. 
“hate to break it to you sweetheart, but i don’t think this is the little ladies room,” you pout through your tears as you turn to face the voice, absolutely mortified when you notice them to be jimin. the blonde offers you a small smile that drops when he notes your sniffling, immediately replacing his expression with a look of concern. “ah! YN? are you alright?” 
clearly not, you think but allow jimin to grab you some tissues and dab at your tears. jimin was a sweet boy, a fresh face around the company since he was hired to replace yoongi’s assistant (she had quit for undisclosed reasons.). the boy was smartly dressed, always in a blazer and woven sweater. he wore circular specs that always slid down his nose, but his golden weaved hair was always pushed back in away that had the ladies drooling.
“what happened?” jimin asks quietly, helping you fix your makeup to a presentable state. his touch is gentle as he dabs under your eyes, looking at you earnestly.
“promise you won’t tell yoongi?” 
you sigh heavily when the man steps back, offering him tired smile with puffy eyes. “the inernational relations girl has turned every one of my coworkers against me, ever since she found out that yoongi was too committed for hookups...” you mumble sadly, gesturing to your bump as jimin follows your gaze. 
the blonde steps forward, grabbing your hands and holding them tight as he shakes his head. “they’re just jealous!” he exclaims, making you jump slightly. “i would be too if i was one of them, you’re a beautiful girl YN, with a beautiful baby coming along. if they’re going to be mean about it, they can fuck themselves because yoongi sure ain’t.” he finishes with a triumphant smile, looking down at you.
jimin is a sweetheart, and having only seen him around the office you know that you have someone trustworthy on your side for now. “thank you jimin, so much for your kind words.” 
the blond only tilts his head, offering you a crescent moon eyed smile. “anytime, YN! now let’s get you back on that office floor.” he beams and takes your hand, leading you back to your desk, much to the dismay of all the other girls.
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“repeat that again.” 
“i fired her.” 
yoongi punctuates every word, teeth grit as he spits them out. it’s almost as if thinking about the incident makes him angry, which of course it does, grown women bullying the mother of his child. 
you sit straight faced in yoongi’s office chair, the doors are locked and the curtains open widely. the pale light of the clouded seoul sky brightens up the dark scowl on his face, as it caresses the curve of his pink lips and slope of his nose. shaking your head, you watch as yoongi fixes his suit and makes his way over to you. his steely, copper eyes are locked on your smaller frame as he flattens his palms out on the desk before you. 
he really is mad and you can’t blame jimin for telling yoongi the truth. 
“why?” you gasp with parted lips, looking up at yoongi with innocent eyes in hopes of ridding him from his scowl. 
the man himself leans down close to you, his face within an inch of yours and his lips deathly close to your own. his breath is warm against your top lip, and you force your gaze upwards into his dark, liquorish eyes. “you know why, YN. there’s no way i’m going to have the women in this office harass you for my actions, for carrying my baby.” he seethes, tone contrasting with the forefinger and thumb he uses to gently tilt your chin up so you face him. 
“if that’s the case, then you should have fired the whole floor.” you say meekly and gulp, this was the most yoongi had ever touched you since that night you spent tangled in each other’s arms, while he passionately ground his hips into- YN! you’re getting sidetracked! of course, aside from the occasional hand at the waist or on your bump to guide you. 
“i would, for you.” 
the line sends shivers down your spine and you bite your lip, lowering your gaze.
yoongi smirks down at you, letting you go gently and you’re left wondering how much power he really has in this company. the executive pulls up a chair beside you, grabbing your hand after a beat of silence. “YN, I’ve been doing some thinking, and i believe it would be best for you and the baby to move in with me in my penthouse down town,” yoongi explains simply, as your brows furrow in confusion.
“of course we’ll get a bigger place when he or she arrives, but i’ll take care of that and in the meantime i think it would also be in our best interest for you to quit your job here.”
“excuse me?” 
yoongi hums absentmindedly. “i asked you to-“ 
“no i heard what you said, it’s absolutely ridiculous yoongi!” you cry and tear your hand from his, the deep set frown on your face growing into an ugly glare. the man simply sits back in his chair, confused. “you think just because i have your child inside of me, i’m going to do everything you say? quit my job? i worked hard to be here, i sacrificed days and hours for this position and i’m not going to leave my hard earned job because you have money and because you can get want you want.” 
he stands, pushing a hand through his dark hair and stepping towards you. you weren’t going to let this man intimidate you. “YN, i’m simply making a few suggestions that will make this pregnancy easier.” yoongi growls lowly, feeling the anger boil up inside of him. why couldn’t you see that he just wanted to help?
“christ, yoongi! why can’t you see that i have a mind of my own as well?” you mutter, the hot rage coursing through your veins becoming a muted frustration. anger isn’t good for the baby and you know yoongi only means well. defeated, you pick up your bag and nod over to the man before you. “i appreciate all the help you’ve given these last few months, but i’m not a doll like your other girls, yoongi, i’m human too.”
you mumble the last part, adding that you’ll take a few days off if it pleases him. as you leave the office, yoongi is left with the lingering feeling that he’s disappointed you yet again,  wanting more than anything to fix this. 
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“YN, sweetheart! YN...please wait!” 
your frown deepens and shoulders hunch over the kart at the sound of yoongi’s voice. if only you weren’t pregnant— maybe then could you run a little faster. the executive calls your name again, following after you as you turn the corner into the baby isle. all you wanted to do was shop, for your baby— undisturbed. 
rolling your shoulders, you push the kart at a faster pace and try to focus your attention on the adorable little baby grows with a range of soft pastels. “YN...” you cease at yoongi’s whining tone, biting your lip as you start to count to ten. “YN, please.” one, two, three—
“what? what yoongi?” 
yoongi throws his hands up into the air in defence, blinking shortly. you sigh in defeat and stop the kart in front of the teething toys and give the executive a lazy once over— his fit is different to what you would typically see him in, aside from his gucci and dior fabric suits. today he dons a tight fitting black t-shirt and casual black jeans that hug his thighs deliciously. breathing in deeply through your nose, your eyes flicker back up to meet yoongi’s sheepish honey ones, you nod to him to continue. 
“i’m sorry,” he breathes hesitantly, debating whether or not he should reach out and touch you. “i’m sorry for making you feel like i was taking your career away from you. i know how much this job means to you and also how hard you worked for it...” the executive bites his lip and watches earnestly as you quirk you’re brow, cocking your hip as if to say ‘oh really, min yoongi?’. the man himself knows that you mean business and chooses his next words carefully. “what i’m trying to say, is that i was out of line. just because we’re having a baby together, doesn’t mean i have a right to dictate your life.” 
the brunette looks down, rubbing the back of his neck sheepishly. you hum happily and take a baby grow off of the shelf, smiling at the words embroidered into the soft white fabric. ‘daddy’s number one fan.’
“you can make it up to me by pushing around this kart,” you wink and dump the tiny clothing into the object itself. “it’s heavy.” 
yoongi smiles gratefully, lifting his head and gripping the kart. “anything for you, darling.” 
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seven months.
“so what kind of gender reveal are we doing? cake, balloons—ooooh! confetti!” 
eyes rolling, you  set the small box of collectible doohickeys on the smooth glass tables of yoongi’s fancy, four bedroom apartment. it was a place uptown with views of cotton candy sunrises, baby blues and pinks that swirled with light oranges just above vast greenery. yoongi had bought a year or two again with no use but now it was being made into a space for you, himself and the baby— right after you agreed to move in with him. 
yura is perched in the plush leather couch, fur blankets draped over the backs that you eye suspiciously— you’re sure that when the baby comes, they’re something that you’ll have to replace, in fear they’ll be stained with baby fluids. “YN...” she sings with her pen between her teeth, she’d been planning your baby shower since you’d been too wrapped up with OB appointments and settling in with yoongi.
as you blink, you pick up a small snow globe from one of your family vacations with seokjin— tilting your head with a sly smile. “you know there isn’t going to be a gender reveal,” you put the globe down. would go nice with the kitchen? you’d have to put it out of the little one’s reach, though. “not until the baby is born, yura.” 
“what’s happening to yura when the baby’s born?” 
“you guys are so lame.” the girl in question scoffs, kicking her feet in defeat as she gives you an exaggerated sigh. yura pokes an unsuspecting yoongi in the chest as he enters the room with one of the final boxes before; she skips out to help your brother and his boyfriend with the rest. soaring a glance, you notice that ‘kitchenware’ is scrawled across the brown cardboard in the executive’s messy chicken scratch— something about the man that you’ve come to adore over the last few months. yoongi had done many things for you and the baby, so you knew moving in with him would give him some sense of security— and it made you feel much better.
yoongi looks up at you, confused as you start to giggle— moving to help him unpack the pretty marbled dishes you’d picked out with him. “why are we the lame ones?” he says with a pout, whiny tone like music to your ears. 
“she’s still not over our decision to keep the baby’s gender a secret,” you raise your brows in a knowing look, reaching over and grabbing the executive’s hand sweetly. “she wanted to do a gender reveal.” 
“we still could,” yoongi teases you playfully, as he uses your intertwined hands to twirl you into his chest so that he could hug you from behind. you shake your head with a bubble of laughter at the dark haired man’s antics— only quieting down when his hands slip down to your bump. a comfortable silence sweeps over you both, nothing but the sounds of your anticipating breathing filling the little space between you. another beat of silence passes before you feel the light tremor of feet and hands from the bump. “there they are.” 
the pair of you spend the next few moments wrapped up in each other’s arms, waiting for your little treasure to kick and push at your tummy— but to your dismay, yoongi makes a quick departure after receiving a call from the board. for you, work had been slow and difficult as your pregnancy progressed whilst yoongi’s grew busier and busier as the season deadlines approached. you’d decided to take your leave, finding it harder to keep on your feet while your ankles begin to swell and your joints became sore— yoongi of course, was relieved. 
“you two are getting affectionate.” namjoon comments, sliding into the room after your boss has left. you roll your eyes and make a move to sit on the plush couch, your little one becoming too excited. 
the elder male quickly rushes over, taking your hand as he helps you to sit— you smile gratefully as thanks. “we’re just friends.” 
“friends who‘re having a baby together.” 
biting your lip, you pause your actions as an uneasy feeling spikes up within your chest. yoongi couldn’t possibly see you both as more than friends— he was in this for the baby and so were you. it didn’t matter that he sometimes kissed closer to your lips than normal or that he had a habit of making you blush. it didn’t matter that he called you sweet names, held your hand tight and was protective over you because mon yoongi wasn’t falling for you. was he?
or could it be, that you were falling for him?
namjoon’s brow creases with worry when your silence boarders on the edge of uncomfortable— making him take your hand in his, once more. “YN, are you okay? did i say something wrong-?” 
“n-no i’m just...i’m just scared, joon,” you whisper, throat drying at your sudden realisation. the whole world feels as if it’s about the slip away from under your feet, the words you’re about to say— foreign on your tongue. namjoon looks up at you, the fear in his whiskey eyes reflecting your own. “i’m scared.”
“of what, YN?” the latter mumbles, concerned. 
“of falling,” you say, voice barely above a whisper. “of falling for min yoongi.” 
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min yoongi had come to realise that parties were never really his thing. 
they were easier to enjoy when people were drunk off their minds and didn’t know what was up or what was down. but observing the gathering from the edge of the room— completely sober and nursing a glass of baby champ had shown min yoongi that he’d never really liked parties. 
there were too many loud noises— the squealing from your friend and chatter from excited guests— and too many people, bodies closely packed in a tight space. at least when he was drunk, he was too out of his mind to care, but he was going to be a father now and taking care of his little humans meant taking care of himself. 
after all, drinking is what brought him is little gift in the first place. 
the only thing that makes the night more tolerable is the bright smile that you have plastered on your face. the executive grins when his gaze finds yours, you give him the sweetest of beams before turning back to conversing with one of your childhood friends. yoongi loves the way you look tonight; you’d settled on blush pink dress— one from a collection you’d designed yourself. he remembers how hard you’d worked to finish the designs before taking your leave, so he was adamant that you would wear the dress, the first of its kind.  your hair frames your face perfectly, each curl falling perfectly into place— caressing your soft cheeks that are lightly dusted with a warm blush to compliment the shadows that paint your eyelids. 
“you’re drooling, hyung...” 
the dark haired male jumps at the smooth voice from behind him, a scowl replacing the loving smile that once tickled at his lips. yoongi spins on his heel, adjusting his tailored jacket as his driver, taehyung slips an arm around his shoulders. the two had known each other for longer than it might have seemed, the younger being one of the few people yoongi actually trusted. they’d met back in college, before yoongi had become a big hot shot, before he fell into the world of sex, alcohol and money.
they’d lost touch when yoongi moved from deagu to work in seoul, seeing taehyung working there as a driver had been a pleasant surprise. the royal blue haired boy hasn’t changed a bit, the only thing being that he’d started dating the printer boy, jimin— who the executive ended up promoting because he loved the two so much. they were a trio, a little circle of trust and yoongi’s home away from home. 
but that didn’t stop the executive from cursing out his long time friend. “what the fuck taehyung?” yoongi hisses, pushing the driver lightly. he gives a brilliant laugh in response, as bright and as colourful as his head full of  “do i look like some kind of fucking dog to you?” 
jimin appears on yoongi’s left, wrapping his own arm around the older’s shoulder and linking his hand with his lover. oh god, the terrible two. who knew what mischievous they would get up to when together. “you do look like a puppy in love,” the blonde comments, tapping yoongi’s nose with his small pinky. he’s only a little bit tipsy, probably because of the whisky yoongi had caught them sneaking in. “woof woof.” 
“if hyung was a dog, what breed would he be?” 
“probably a chihuahua, small but...deadly.”
yoongi sighs, gaze switching between the two lovers as they squabbled over dog breeds excitedly. one, two, three, four— “do you need something?” he asks the pair, praying to heavens that they don’t and that they’ll leave him alone. 
jimin giggles, the sound bubbling from between his lush lips. “we’re here to give you a pep talk.” 
“you should tell her how you feel,” taehyung mumbles, clinging onto yoongi. affectionate and drunk. “you love her, everyone can see it.” 
“no they can’t—“ yoongi protests, but it’s far too late. the intoxicated pair of lovers are already pushing him in your direction and he can feel his heart beating violently in his chest as he nears you. since when were you able to make him nervous? perhaps his long time friends were right, the executive had felt himself grow fond of you— almost like his world revolves around you. he was with you not just for his child but for something much greater than himself. yoongi rolls his shoulders, his fingers barely touching at your own as he does his best to grab your attention, but then you turn around— glittering eyes shining even brighter at you look to him, the wisps of a greeting painted on your pink lips. “YN... i—“
his thoughts race a million miles a minute, just staring down at you makes yoongi’s heart stop. you barely have time to greet each other, before a loud nasally voice cuts through the buzzing electricity between you. “ahhh, mr min! the man of the hour, i’ve been dying to meet you.” 
“mum,” you whine with a shy smile, linking your arms with yoongi in an affectionate manner. “play nice.” 
“am i ever anything but?” 
taking the time to look between the two women, he notices the endearing similarities between you and your mother. like the crinkles under your eyes when you grin and the little tilt of your head when you listen intently. he can’t help but wonder what little habits your child will pick up when they’re a little older, will they be more like him? or like you? yoongi hopes to the heavens that your baby turns out like you. 
the man is so lost in thought that he almost forgets to introduce himself. “yoongi is just fine ma’am.” he smiles brightly, holding out a hand for mrs kim to shake— kissing it sweetly when she does so. he can’t help but blush under the intent gaze of your mother, squeezing your arm with nerves as he brushes through the terrains of his dark locks sheepishly. 
truth be told, meeting your mother was the most daunting part of the evening for yoongi. you had painted a picture of regal woman, to yoongi, mrs kim with deepest eyes that were warm and soft— seemingly   yes, he had faced celebrities and big bad CEOs but this was the grandmother of his unborn child. the woman who had raised and brought you into the world— he needed to prove himself worthy, especially since he’d impregnated you outside of marriage. yoongi wanted to show your mother that he could take care of you. 
“what a charming young man, YN, darling,” mrs kim chuckles, batting her lashes up at the executive. yoongi only chuckles shyly, feeling his heart rate increase at the compliment. he was never good at taking those. “you never told me he was this attractive, you’ll make handsome children.” 
“ah but mrs kim, i’m sure that if our child does turn out as handsome as you say— it’ll all be due to YN and you of course.” yoongi grins cheekily, ducking his head when you swat his shoulder playfully. the rose tint on your cheeks tells yoongi that his words have done their job in making you flustered and of course impressing your mother too. 
the woman in question gives the executive a quick wink. “ever the flatterer too, hm?” 
“yes ma’am.” 
the conversation lasts for a minute or so longer before you’re rushing off to stop a slightly intoxicated jimin from stripping on the snack table as yura and taehyung cheer him on from below. affectionately, you lean up and kiss yoongi on the cheek before hurrying off with the help of your brother— leaving him alone with the intimidating presence of mrs kim herself.
moments pass without a word and yoongi wishes that he had stolen the liquor from tae so it’d at least soothe the adrenaline coursing through his veins. “i believe you’ll make a great father, min yoongi,” your mother announces, eyes trained on the daughter that she raised. “the way this baby has come about may be unconventional...but seokjin tells me you’ve stepped up to the plate, that you’ve come a long way.” she pauses, taking a breath as if she’s evaluating her words. “i know that you’ll take care of them, my daughter and her baby but i fear you’re not being one hundred percent honest.”
“i’m not?” the executive questions, lips forming a pout of confusion. whilst he was glad that seokjin had spoken highly of him and that despite the circumstances, your mother supported you both— he feared that if he’d lost your mother’s approval, you would take his child and not look back. 
mrs. kim shakes her head fondly, a light chuckle filling the air between them. “oh don’t look so afraid child, i mean, you’re not being honest with yourself.” she chides, rubbing yoongi’s forearm as his brows furrow further. still confused, a question forms on his lips but the executive is silenced by another tsk from your mother. “you’re in love with my daughter, it’s clear as day and i‘m afraid that if you don’t tell her now or ever— she’ll grow fearsome herself, fail to commit and...” the woman takes a deep breath, casting a gaze over to you that yoongi can’t help but follow. “she needs someone like you to take care of her when she doesn’t want any help. i trust you to do that for me, min yoongi.” 
the dark haired male takes a deep breath through his nose, watching as the elder woman takes her leave in favour of helping you calm your friends. he knows in his heart that she’s right, he loves you. he loves everything about you. 
and there was no better time to tell you, than now. 
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the drive home is comfortable, quiet. yoongi steers with his eyes on the road and his hand intertwined with you over the console. he’s not watching you, but he knows that you’re counting the raindrops that slide down the tinted windows and merge with one another, you’ve told him that it was a habit you picked up as a child. 
the baby shower wrapped up just after eleven p.m, when you’d started to complain of sore feet and the baby begun kicking to their heart’s content. like the loving brother he was, seokjin offered to help clear up whilst joon packed a drunk, snogging jimin and taehyung into his own car to drop them home. you’d thanked them endlessly, only playing nice because yoongi had promised you a foot massage when you’d returned home. 
pulling into the driveway, yoongi turns off the ignition and lets the car fall into rest, the drifting hum of the car helping to steadying his nervous breathing. “we’re home,” he mumbles, more so to himself than you— biting at the skin of his lower lip. you’ve stopped counting the raindrops now, turning to face the man with a brow raised in confusion. 
“yoongi, is everything alright?” you ask, squeezing his hand tighter now, it feels weighty in your own— reassuring to hold like an enveloping warmth that touches your heart. even though the car is dark, you can still make out the lines of worry that crease in his forehead, he’s never usually this quiet, uncomfortably quiet. “please... you’re scaring me...”
“i’m in love with you.” he says after what seems like years of deafening silence, finally meeting your eyes with a steeling gaze. you gasp, jumping back in shock but yoongi doesn’t dare let your hand slip from his. you feared this, the day that he told you such a sweet little lie. because how could he ever love you? you were just a girl from an office party with nothing special about you. min yoongi didn’t care for you, is what your thoughts forced you to believe but your heart knew better. “and i...i know that you’re scared, i am too. but YN, i can promise you now, that i’ve never been so sure of this, of loving you than i have about anyone...”
yoongi takes both of your hands this time, dark, stormy eyes fluttering across your face earnestly. you know in your heart that you love him too, you’ve felt it for a while but he continues, giving you all the more reason to trust in his words. “you’re beautiful and kind, and these last few months i’ve realised that you’re more than i ever deserve,” he pauses, looking away shyly as he opens up to you. “and i love you, so much i-“
“just shut up and kiss me, min yoongi.” you whisper in response, cupping his cheeks and pulling him down for a sweet kiss. your lips meld together perfectly as your hands move into the oblivion sea of his hair, gripping the locks tightly while your tongue finds his— engaging in a battle of passion. memories flash behind your eyes of the night you spent with yoongi, the one that gave you your gift. his hands sneak down to your waist as you kiss him eagerly, pouring a million and one emotions into it. 
you don’t remember making it inside of the apartment, yoongi mumbling something about ‘not here’ in terms of taking you inside of the car. there’s a clash of tongue and teeth as you stumble up to your shared bedroom, pushing off clothes and letting out whimpers of one another’s names but when you reach the bed, rushed kisses become slow and steady, tender touches to your face and hips. “i want you,” yoongi says lowly, fingers tangling in your hair. “i want to take my time with you.” 
you nod slowly as he pecks your lips once before kissing a sweet trail down your body and to your ankles. yoongi silently pulls of each of your shoes, massaging your swollen ankles as he smooths over your skin. you let yoongi take off your jewellery and smooch at your wrists, let down your hair and finally— unzip your dress. instinctively, your arms wrap around yourself like a protective barrier, shielding your body from yoongi’s moonlit gaze. of course, you weren’t ashamed to be carrying life inside of you but your body was in no way what it was before. you had stretch marks from your growing bump and swollen breasts that started to lactate here and there— you weren’t ashamed just shy. 
“yoongi...i-“ you cant seem to find the words, gasping as the executive leans over you and pushes you down onto the bed. his slender fingers capture your wrists, gently pinning them above your head as his lips hover teasingly over your own. 
yoongi tilts his head, allowing the moonlight seeping through the curtains to illuminate his features— the slope of his nose and the dip of his cupid’s bow. the darkness in his whiskey eyes and the black flecks that paint them. he’s beautiful. “you’re beautiful,” he whispers, staring deep into your eyes. “you’re glowing, pregnant or not i still find you stunning. please don’t hide your beauty from me.” 
a small smile tugs at the curve of your lips as you nod silently, the man above you taking it as a sign to continue further. yoongi skilfully unclips your bra as his own lips find your neck, sucking on it diligently while your quiet whimpers fill the air like music to his ears. he litters your blank skin with shades of midnight blue and night sky purple as you arch your back into his chest but it’s not enough— you want to feel his skin against yours, the warmth of his body tangling with your own. 
“off,” you mumble, pushing at his shirt while his calloused hands rub circles into your bare hips. “take it off.” yoongi obliges, pulling away from you for just a brief second to strip off his button up— his suit jacket and tie having been thrown off as you stumbled into the house. his skin is milky and pale, only dotted with light patches of freckles and scars fading with adult hood. “you’re beautiful too.” you add, looking yoongi deep in the eye.
he shakes his head fondly, kissing you again but only briefly. “i love you,” he utters into the quiet night before moving down to peck your bump. “i love you too.” you wait a moment as your baby delivers a small kick, seemingly tired out for now and share a gummy smile with yoongi. from there, your lover makes quick work of your panties, pulling them off in one swift movement as he takes to spreading your legs. 
his touches are feather light, kisses like wise as the drift across your inner thighs and avoid where you need him most.  “please, please yoongi.” you chant his name like a mantra, his warm breath making you even more sensitive than before.
“what is it that you need sweetheart? tell me.” 
you chest heaves as yoongi smooths over your thighs, enjoying your responsiveness to him. “you, need you to touch me! god, please yoongi.” you whine, legs beginning to tremble with need. the executive only chuckles at the mention of his name, using his large hands to spread you open again, a single digit traces the outline of your heat, causing your hips to twitch up and follow the source of your pleasure. 
 “you’re so wet for me sweetheart and i haven’t even touched you yet,” yoongi coos, collecting your nectar with two fingers. he moans at the taste, leaning into your dripping heat with his tongue and swiping at the rest, making you whine and writhe in satisfaction. you had no idea why you were so sensitive and needy for his touch— blame it on the pregnancy hormones— it was almost as if yoongi had set alight a fire under your skin, scorching you with a hot desire as he spread your lower lips and tongue slipping past your wet hole.
fingers grip at his hair while you open up for him like a flower, hips rutting into his mouth as his plush lips sloppily kissed at your pulsing clit. “god, yoongi!” you cried, eyes rolling back as he slipped a digit past your entrance, curling it along side his tongue causing more of your hot slick to gush down your thighs, urging yoongi on while he moaned into your mess. the vibrations sent chills up your spine, making you arch your back and scream into the night, arousal spreading through your body and coursing through your veins. “please.” 
“please, what?” the man in question asked, pressing your hips down as he looked up at you, evidence of your arousal painting his cheeks and chin. “tell daddy so he can help his baby.” yoongi cooed, replacing his tongue with two fingers, the stretch becoming a satisfying burn as he prepared you for his cock. 
you writhed as the title slipped carelessly from between his lips, squeezing your tightness around his fingers as you struggled to keep your thighs apart. you were his baby and he was going to spoil you rotten. “wanna...wanna,” you fumble over your words as yoongi curls his fingers, pressing them into that spot that has you wriggling in the sheets—desperate for release. “wanna cum,” 
“oh baby, you can only cum when daddy’s filling you up, yeah?” he speaks softly, all the love in the world intertwined with his quiet syllables. yoongi lazily draws circles on your clit, pressing his forehead to yours as she whispers sweet praises against your lips— they don’t stop when he pulls his fingers from your swollen heat nor do the kisses that come as he sheds the remainder of his clothes and aligns his hardened cock at your entrance. 
you bite your lip harshly, eyes rolling with pleasure as yoongi’s hands find your own— his length pushing between your folds teasingly. you squeeze at your intertwined fingers, a sign that you’re ready to take him, that you don’t want to wait anymore. yoongi looks to you lovingly, lips hovering over your own, barely touching but saying every word and then some— you feel it, you see it that in this moment he loves you and for those to come, he loves you. 
with a silent nod and another squeeze of your hands, yoongi pushes past your entrance, nestling his cock within the heat of your soaked walls. together, your share a gasp— finally being united as one. this time feels like your first together, no drunken hook ups, just you and yoongi and all the love in the world, between you both. his warm breath fans over your face like an ocean breeze as he sets a rhythm with his hips, slow at first with easy rolls of his body against  yours— only speeding up with every octave that your moans rise in. 
“yoongi...feels so good,” you mumble breathlessly, freeing one hand from his and burying them deep in his oblivion hair. yoongi only smiles down at you in response, bucking his hips a little feverishly as he drags the tip of his cock against your velvet lined walls. you jolt with pleasure, beginning to grind your hips back, in wanton— finding your hand slipping down to cup the man’s cheeks, letting him peck your finger tips that rest near the corners of his mouth. “so...so good...” 
yoongi leans down, being mindful of the bump as he presses his chest to yours, your intertwined hands finding purchase in the silk of your sheets while he bottoms out inside of you. the room becomes filled with a vivid heat, the scent of passion twisting with the air leaving a lingering touch on your skin.  “yeah? you like that sweetheart?” his voice is a light whisper, sending shivers down your spine as you arch your back into him. “love seeing you like this, angel,” he praises too, nosing your cheek as you fall into another pitfall of pleasure— a symphony of your sweet moans playing on repeat. “so swollen and full, carrying my sweet baby. love how big you’ve gotten for me.” 
the silver words that slip from yoongi’s silver tongue have you throwing your head back, light perspiration licking at your skin as he takes the opportunity to ravish your neck once more. “got me so worked up, thinking bout those beautiful tits,“ his words start to slur as his free hand grips your breast squeezing them hard, so hard that you’re fearful they might start to leak. “can’t wait to taste that sweet milk, that you make for my baby. mine.” 
yoongi ends his sentence in a grunt, cock thrusting mercilessly into your weeping hole, as he takes you over and over. words barely form on your lips, drowned out by the sound of skin slapping on skin and the moans that urge each other on.  he drops his head to the junction between your neck and shoulder, hot breath tickling at your skin while you tug at his hair, his thick length pumping in and out of you, dragging you closer to the edge.
“yours, im all yours,” you whimper and clutch him closely as the tip of his cock brushes over that spot. tears spring in your eyes, yoongi’s hips rocking back and forth inside of you— the knot in your stomach becoming tighter and tighter. “i’m so close, please yoongi—daddy.” 
he draws himself from your neck, pressing his forehead to yours once more as he mimics your pants, chest heaving with yours as you both draw to a close. 
“cum with me sweetheart, i’ve got you...d-daddy’s got you—“ his breathing stutters, the feeling of you clenching around him becoming too much for him to bare as his thrusts become sloppy. “let me pump you full of my seed, give you another baby—“ 
“ohgod, yoongi!” 
he pants out the last part, desperate to bring you to release. you know that his words are impossible, but the steer you on nonetheless, a blinding light flashing behind your eyes as a wave of goosebumps rise across the planes of your skin. you stumble into your orgasm, releasing onto his cock and fall into yoongi’s arms, spasming as he whispers cotton candy words into your ears while he chases after his own high.
“fuck baby, you’re so good for me, my beautiful girl.” he stammers out, tripping over his words as he fills you up with the seed of his orgasm. with trembling arms, yoongi collapses to your side, lips bright red and swollen, glass milk skin bruised and bitten. he looks beautiful like this, hair slightly frazzled from your exploring fingers as his chest rises and falls. he’s extraordinary. the executive shuffles, pulling you into his chest and kissing into your hairline with a small smile to his face. “you’re staring.” 
“i love you-“ you blurt, mind cleaning from the post orgasmic haze. you know that the words have been said already, before you tumbled into the sheets with the man beside you— but this time it feels different, feels more real. you love min yoongi with all that you have, from this nose scrunch when he laughs, to the creases between his brows when he concentrates, everything about him is something that you love. 
“i know,” he whispers, bumping your nose with his in an eskimo kiss. 
you blink back, lacing your fingers. “no yoongi, i’m in love with you—“
“i know,” yoongi chuckles, taking your hand in his before brushing his lips against your knuckles sweetly. “and i hope to god that the heavens know how much i’m in love with you.” 
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nine months.
he utters the command, simple— yoongi bends your will to suit him best. he loves having control over you, making you follow his every wish. you’re his little pet, and he’ll do with you as he pleases. shuffling, you pull off the his shirt that you wear— revealing that you’d gone bra less in favour for comfort. the executive let’s put a deep groan that has your nipples hardening just by the sound,  helpless whimper escaping your lips. 
“look at you baby, all swollen and leaking for me... daddy wishes he was there to punish you himself.” 
you pout heavily at his words, like you had when yoongi left two weeks into your third trimester for a three day business trip in the states. it was important, you knew that, he was finally closing the deal to debut The Red Label over there— he has big plans for the label and making you realise then, that your lover cared for the company more than you initially thought.  
“miss you, daddy,” you gasp, writhing under his gaze through the facetime camera— adjusting it so he could see your rising bump. “both of us do.” 
your third trimester was easier than expected, despite the aching feet and the constant desire to pee at the most inappropriate of times— the last few weeks of your pregnancy were on track to going well. your newfound boyfriend, yoongi, made sure to take care of you too, with sweet massages and passionate kisses, possessive touches to the waist and keeping your pregnancy hormones in check. 
ever since that night you couldn’t help but jump yoongi’s bones at any chance you got— not that he minded, he always said that being with you was like being together for the first time again. even if it was late nights before bed or five minutes before yoongi was due for a meeting, he still was tender with you, loving with you. he still loved you. 
your friends and family had instantly detected the shift in your relationship too, seokjin and namjoon giving your boyfriend the ‘you hurt my little sister and i’ll-“ talk. you know that they meant well, after all, who could imagine how far yoongi had come since the start of this all. he had begun your pregnancy as a disinterested asshole, who only cared for money or himself. he had no intent of bringing a child into the word but he really had stepped up since then, proven himself a worthy father to not just the baby, but yourself. 
“you look gorgeous, so round and full...” he whispers, tired eyes watching you through the screen. his milky skin reflects a warm orange hue from the hum of the hotel lights, his hair ruffled from the stresses of the day. you close your eyes, biting your lip as your boyfriend lets out an amused chuckle— shaking his head. “wanna fuck you good, keep you pregnant. love how you look carrying my baby.” 
“yes, sweetheart?” 
your boyfriend tilts his head, running his tongue over the roof of his mouth before leaning back in his chair as if he’s deciding what to do with you next—you know that you’re at his mercy, even if you’re a thousand miles apart. “touch yourself for me...but don’t you dare cum until i say so.” the man before you tuts, grinning evilly. “start with your nipples, sweetheart, i know they’re sensitive.” 
you follow his words, keeping your eyes on his as you guide your fingers to your hardened buds— swirling them in circles with a quiet whimper, eliciting a similar sound from your lover abroad. “more...want more...” you gasp, feeling on edge from the stimulation. 
“go ahead angel, touch yourself like daddy would.”
following his voice, your finger tips drift across your skin with a feather light touch, nothing like yoongi’s— but it will do for now. slowly, you move your laptop onto the sheets, giving your lover a clear view of the flower you hide between your legs, watching him shiver at the sight of your glistening hole. with shaky breaths, you start to rub shy circles into your clit— drawing patterns and figures of eight just like yoongi would.  pleasure tingles at every tip and joint in your body, trickling through your veins as your wetness drips down your thighs, just from the thoughts of yoongi watching you. 
“eyes open for me sweetheart,” he reminds you, guiding you gently to push two fingers past your entrance. you thrash in the sheets, desperate for more, to touch what only yoongi could reach— your hips buck up involuntarily at the thought of his large hands spreading you apart, fingers curling as the walls of your cervix pulse hotly around him. “that’s a good girl, doing so well for me, hm?” yoongi praises you, leaning into the screen. 
“mhm, your good girl...” you respond breathlessly, pumping your fingers in and out of your pussy as you spasm and twitch with arousal. a beautiful mess is what yoongi would call it, your slick paints your thighs with a glossy essence— illuminating your skin as you curl your digits in search for that special spot. “god please please please!” you chant as yyour thighs shake with delight, the feeling only heightened by yoongi’s constant praise, your hips move desperately to catch up with your fingers that run at their own pace.
“slow down angel, don’t you wanna be good for daddy?”
you want to roll your eyes at your boyfriend, but knowing him— he’d only extended your punishment. “no,” you mumble, almost sternly, picking up the speed and curling your fingers, dragging them across your walls as you let out a high pitched squeal. “wanna cum.” 
yoongi pauses and that’s when you know that you have him wrapped around your finger. a few pleases here and there have him nodding in permission for you to cum. your whole body shakes with delectation while yoongi coaxed you through your orgasm— stars twinkling behind your eyes as your released splashed out and coats your fingers. 
“fuck baby, you did such a good job for me— put on such a pretty show for me...” the executive curses, shifting in discomfort. you can tell by the look on his face, parted lips and a crease between his brow, that he’s struggling to hold down his arousal. while left shaking and heavily pregnant, you some how manage to shift into a comfortable position— giving yoongi the puppy dog eyes. 
“did daddy cum too?” 
“no baby,” 
a beat of silence and a grin from you. “please daddy, wanna see you cum too...”
a broken moan escapees from the confines of yoongi’s cherry lips, making you hum in satisfaction from across the globe. within an instant, the position of your boyfriend’s camera has changed— tilted down so you can get a good view of his cock springing free from his tight grey joggers. yoongi fists his length, hissing at the sensitivity, he’s bond turned on at this point. his cock stands at full attention, bright red tip burning in desperation as clear precum oozes heavily from its centre. throwing his head back, he begins to pump his girth, thick and wide, which makes your mouth water at the thought of it filling you up and stretching you open again.
“cum for me, yoonie,” you whisper, he’s barely three or four strokes in— too pent up to wait any longer, you have no idea how long he’s been holding it for. yoongi cums then and there, chest heaving with his dark hair matted to his forehead. thick ropes of his hot seed coats his knuckles, a shade much paler than his own skin. 
you smile brightly when your lover comes to, busying yourself by pulling his shirt back over your head and inhaling its scent— firewood and pine, reminding you of him. yoongi smirks lazily as he uses a tissue to wipe up his mess before tilting the web cam up to his face for a better view, he chuckles deeply and shakes his head like before. “god, YN, the things you do to me,” he muses, rolling his eyes at your antics. 
you mirror his smile, pressing a kiss to the screen as if he was really there. “you love me.”
“i do, so much.” 
“and i love you, even more.”
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although yoongi was meant to be returning today, you hadn’t been expecting any guests. 
the jingle of keys in the lock captures you’re attention, the re-run of ‘real house wives’ not doing anything to interest you. you weren’t expecting your lover for another few hours but perhaps this was his way of apologising for leaving so suddenly. yoongi had seemed stressed this morning when you called after your OB appointment, showing more pictures from your scans with dr. jihyo park— he’d shown little excitement towards the life you’d created together, which was highly unusual for him.
nonetheless, you adjust yoongi’s sweater around you and wrap your arms around your baby bump protectively, moving from your comfortable position in the depths of your couch in search of your lover. 
what you don’t expect, is the click of high heels against your marble floor.
what you least expect is the woman paired with them.
anyone with a pair of working eyes, or even less would know how beautiful of a woman she was. her skin was golden, dipped in honey and kissed by the gods of the above— unblemished and untouched. she had sharp features, cat like eyes, the colour of molasses paired with thick lashes and eyeliner that could cut diamonds. obsidian black and curled locks tumbled carelessly down her shoulders, framing her face perfectly whilst her ruby red dress hugged the dips and curves of her body— matching the blood red painted onto her lips. 
she was stunning. 
the stranger, however, seems too comfortable in your home. she knows exactly where to hang her keys and to put her jacket— she opens a letter that you know must be addressed to yoongi and simply tosses it aside as she struts through your home like she owns the place. it’s not until you’re standing out in the open for her to see, that she stops her actions, tilting her head into the air as if it’ll answer the questions in her puzzled mind.  
“i wasn’t aware that minmin had hired new staff, i’m joohee.” she introduces herself, clear voice echoing across the hall. 
you frown, rubbing your arm at her words. “who’s minmin?” 
“your boss? min yoongi.” joohee answers confusedly as she approaches you, handing you her luggage expectantly. a pitiful smile crosses her plump, devil lips as she eyes your bump— making your skin crawl and coddle it protectively. “you’re pregnant? how far along are you? such a shame that minmin didn’t give you any time off. his values can be pretty off-“ 
you drop joohee’s bag as you listen to her blabber, her voice becoming patronising and sickly to your ears. she looks as if she’s about to have her way with you, tear into you like a lost little lamb but you won’t dare be disrespected in your own home. “listen lady,” you seethe, hating that you look like the pregnant angry lady. “i don’t know who you are, or what business you have with my boyfriend but i am not the help. now if you don’t mind, i’d like you to leave my home before i cal” security.” 
the women before you lets her lips part with shock, quickly adjusting herself as if she’d been a doll in repair. her midnight eyes look you up and down while a cruel smirk as she takes her sunglasses from her air and toys with them between her perfectly white teeth. 
“ah, i see, yoongi’s been out to play while i’ve been away. you’d think he’d be loyal to his wife— wouldn’t you?” 
“w-wife?” you stammer, heart plummeting in your chest. you hadn’t noticed the diamond ring nestled comfortably on her ring finger— as if it had been there the whole time. 
joohee smiles again, one that could be on the front cover of vogue. “three years and counting, darling, who could have guessed.” her words are like bullets to the chest, taking you down one by one. your heart burns with an unfamiliar sensation— heartache? betrayal? you can’t tell. everything seems foggy, all lies with smoke and mirrors. you had to have known at some point that it was too good to be true. “some water, darling?” 
you shake your head at joohee, not realising the hand that claws at your throat. panic and pain crawl through your chest and hide in the ridges of your throat as you struggle to find the words to face the devil dressed in red satin. “no... i just, i just need a moment—“ you whisper, fiery tears burning in your eyes and threatening to scorch at the apples of your cheeks.
“take all the time you need, dearest.” 
you move swiftly from there, running to the nursery and grabbing the hospital bag you’ll need for the baby’s delivery before heading to yourself and yoongi’s shared bedroom. you stare at the room with disgust and hatred, you’d shared too many loving moments with this man for it to be true. he lied to you, lied to her most probably. 
you realise now that you were just another pawn in the game of chess called min yoongi.
through broken sobs, you manage to pack enough of your clothes to last you until you have time to come back. and so with trembling hands— you dial the phone and listen to it ring once before it picks up. 
“yes, YN— what’s wrong? are you... are you crying?” 
“please...come pick me up...” 
there are no more words as the line goes dead, a little piece inside of you— dying as well. 
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yoongi had known something was off that night when he came home. a seventy-two hour stay in the states was more than exhausting— dealing with press and foreign interviewers who only wanted to hear about ‘american inspirations’ the debut collection. the executive had wanted to tell them proudly, that it had been you leading the design team, his YN but he stuck with his simple answers of gucci and dior to appease the crowd. all he wanted now, was to curl up with his darling girlfriend and their unborn child. 
except... something was off. 
the house had been dark when he came in, a new set of keys by the door and an unfamiliar suitcase. yoongi knew, if there was anything to go by, that you would have the hum of real house wives on and the smell of those salted kale chips he made you eat— wafting through the air. but instead, the sultry tones of old, familiar jazz oozed from his living room accompanied by the soft sounds of glass on glass and wine pouring. 
“where is she? you bitch.” yoongi never swore at a woman, his mother raised him better than that but he heated the way joohee leisured on his couch— the couch where he lay with you for countless nights— sipping at a bottle of red wine. “answer me!” 
joohee barely flinched at the raise in the dark haired male’s voice, simply choosing to pour another glass of the fruity liquid for the man himself. “she left minmin, who wouldn’t after finding out their little boy toy is married.” she teased, each word she spat like poison from were sweet lips. 
“divorced, joohee, fucking divorced.” he heaved. “what the fuck did you tell her?” 
“correction, divorcing and only what she needed to hear.” 
yoongi remembers how fast he’d moved across the room, slamming his fist down on the coffee table so hard that it had almost shattered the glasses. that time, joohee had jumped, never had she ever seen yoongi so mad, so angry. “get the fuck out, walk out of the door and out of my life. it’s what you’re fucking good at.” 
joohee left not a minute later, leaving yoongi alone in the dark of his home. your home. the home you were supposed to share with one another, build a life in. he hadn’t wanted that with joohee, not after she ruined him and broke what soul he had. you were the one to have brought min yoongi back to life, but now, he had lost you.
min yoongi hadn’t cried in a long time, but tonight would be the first since then. 
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“YN...he’s calling again.” 
you look up briefly from folding freshly washed baby blankets and grows, to stare down at the phone that sits between yourself and yura before going back to the task at hand. 
“ignore it.” 
yura sighs, hitting decline before resuming her own activities— munching on the snacks yoongi had packed in your baby bag. ever since that night, seokjin had made sure you were guarded by at least one of your friends or family members. since you’d moved back in with him, either he or joon would watch you throughout the night, holding you while you cried your heart out. seokjin swore that the stress wasn’t good for the baby and that he’d  kill min yoongi if he ever saw the ‘fucker again’ but you couldn’t help it, the man that you loved so deeply, the one who’s child you carry lied to you and tore your heart in two. 
how could anyone lie about something like that?
moments pass before the phone rings again and you quickly reach over to hang up once more. “you really should talk to him YN. not for your sake but for the baby’s..” yura mumbles after a while, sucking the salt from her fingers as if she’s worried you’ll burst out mad at her. “maybe it’s not what you think—“ 
“how can it not be? he had a wife yura, he’s married! there’s no explanation for that!” you almost yell, clutching one of the grows to your chest tightly as if it’ll protect your heart. 
“but maybe—“ 
“stop trying to defend him!” 
“i’m not!” 
“then shut up, shut up because you don’t know anything.” you add sternly as your bottom lip starts to wobble, you breathe heavily trying to calm yourself down. the slight twinge in your lower belly doesn’t distract you from the pain in your heart. “you don’t know what it’s like to fall for someone like this, to think you have it all and then—“
yura looks at you patiently, one of her greatest traits. she didn’t lose her temper with you or fall into screaming matches when your hormones got the best of you. she may have been slightly ticked at you, but she knew better than to show it. “the what?” she comments, brow raising in interest. 
“nothing... i just, im sorry, i shouldn’t have yelled.” you bite your lip, putting down the small item of clothing and running a hand over your face. your roommate only shakes her head fondly, rubbing your shoulders, she knows this entire thing has been hard for you. you’d never planned to have a baby this early on in your life, you wanted big things and had major plans. 
and you gave it all up for yoongi. 
your friend smiles sadly, letting you go before heading to the doorway. “it’s okay, YN... i’ll give you some alone time.” 
she does just that, giving you room to breathe as a million thoughts and what ifs cross your mind. what if you’d never met yoongi? would you be the same person you are now, back then? would you want this? would you— a burning sensation spikes in your lower back, making you double over in pain, this hadn’t been like any pain you’d experienced before, nothing like the braxton hicks you’d been warned about. and then, there’s a light gush between your thighs— panic soaring in your chest. 
“y-yura-!” you gasp, steadying yourself on the nearest surface as the pain subsided unlike the fear and nerves that cloud your mind. “a-are you still there?” 
the girl scoffs playfully from the hallway, making herself known. “of course i am, i’m your babysitter remember? i wouldn’t actually leave you.” she mumbles, tone quietening as you whine with the next oncoming contraction. “YN...are you alright?” 
you squeeze your eyes shut, gripping the dresser so hard your knuckles turn white with the force. “yura... i think— i think my water just broke...”
“oh shit.” 
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this, this was pain. 
yura whispers praise into your hairline while nurses flurry in and out of your room— she’d called your brother not long ago who was on his way from his last shift at work. you didn’t want to be alone. “why, why did i go through with this?” you whine, hair plastered against your forehead with sweat. people are surrounding you, telling you to push and then not to, everything is too overwhelming and all you want is the baby out of you. 
everything that could possibly go wrong, was going wrong. an ambulance had been unable to pick you up from your brother’s home, the delivery plan having been registered to yoongi’s house— meaning that your roomate had to drive you all the way to hospital herself, getting lost on the way. now you were being wheeled through the hell hole, on the way for your delivery.
“because you wanted this baby and you wanted it him?” yura suggests, squeezing your hand tightly— only wincing when you squeeze it back with the start of a contraction. “would now be a bad time tell you that i called yoongi?” 
“you what?” you screech, barely having time to be mad as another wave of pain hits burns at your waist. god, did you even think this part through? you barely register the door opening, another presence instantly by your side. your body responds naturally , calming in response to the man that’s now beside you. 
yoongi grips hand, and if you weren’t in so much pain you would have torn away— your heartbeat ceasing in your but you know that you need him here. the time to talk will be later. “im sorry,” he mumbles quietly as they prepare you for the delivery room. “im sorry i did this to you, that i hurt you and i know that you don’t want me here right now, but im not going anywhere. not when you need me.” 
curling in on yourself at the student wave on pain, you take a chance and stare up into his eyes— searching for the truth, for an answer. “okay,” you breathe, unsure of what you’ve uncovered behind yoongi’s dark eyes. “okay, lets do this.” 
the executive nods at the nurses to make a move for the private delivery rooms he’d booked earlier on in your pregnancy. he squeezes your hand with a promise to yura that he’d take care of you, while you brought new life into the world. 
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“she’s waiting for you, y’know.” 
yoongi doesn’t dare to look up, choosing to focus on the scuff on his shoes as a distraction from the conversation that is to come. it’s been hours, three or four, since the delivery— the birth of his child smooth sailing from the moment he took your hand but through all the screaming and cursing at him, yoongi couldn’t help but think of what he had lost. a family, a life with you. 
but now, your room was packed with the family you had built before him, namjoon cradling you’re infant in his arms as yura cooed away— playing with tiny fingers. the executive didn’t feel like he belonged, like he didn’t deserve to be in there with you. 
seokjin clears his throat with a roll of his shoulders before taking a seat next to the latter. as much as your brother despised yoongi, he knew in his heart that you were meant to be together. he’d seen you both grow from cold, isolated human beings into the warmth that a child needed to be in the world. seokjin would do this for you. for you and the baby. 
“look,” the elder starts, elbows on his knees to support himself as he rubs his hands together, ordering over his next choice of words. “i never liked you, i knew that you’d break her somehow—“ yoongi scoffs, cutting the other kim sibling off, as the words nick his heart. “— but i also know that she gave a lot up for you because she loves you. that mother in there, YN, is going to need all the help she can get and christ be damned that i’m going to give it to her but that baby... that baby is going to need a father. so either you step up and prove to her that you’re still in this or you take your leave now.” seokjin warns, this time— sparing a dark glare to a now intimidated min yoongi. “because the last thing they now need, is another let down.” 
the executive blinks, taking a moment to ponder your brother’s words. “i understand, thank you.” 
seokjin nods, moving into your room to round up your family— giving yoongi the space he needs to explain himself to you. when he enters, you have the baby swaddled in your arms with a look that says it all. that your entire world is right here with you. a look that makes yoongi fall in love with you all over again. 
“he’s beautiful,” you whisper, having heard the male come in— sparing him a short glance before looking back down at your baby, afraid that if you look away for too long, he’ll disappear. “don’t you think?”
the dark haired man can’t help but nod, approaching you slowly to admire his son— a small little thing with beautiful eyes to match your own and a head full of curls, just as dark as yoongi’s. “we made a beautiful little thing.” he comments, leaning down to brush his thumb over little min’s cheek. yoongi looks up, not realising how you watch him with tenderness, this was how it was supposed to be. “YN...i-“
“yoongi.” you breathe, turning back to focus on your baby. 
“i’m sorry, i should have told you— about joohee— about my marriage with her, which is over by the way...” yoongi hates how you flinch at the mention of his ex, reaching out to grab your hand. he breathes a sigh of relief when you don’t pull away like he expected you too. “we’re getting a divorce.” 
you gasp, all of your emotions flying at you at once. joohee had failed to mention that fact to you, something you might have heard if you’d heard yoongi out. “but she said—“ 
“i was with her a long time ago, back when i was working in daegu and she changed. the industry changed and she did too. joohee became manipulative and rude and—“ the executive closes his eyes, taking a moment to reflect. he’d never opened up about this before, but he needed you to understand...maybe forgive him. he needed to be in his child’s life. “and we weren’t working anymore, giving each other what we needed. i wanted white pickett fences, a dog, a family but she wanted all the money in the world and i couldn’t give her that.” he breathes, and you squeeze his hand. “but i met you at that party where i felt so free,”
his words come out as jumbled, becoming a ramble causing you to shake your head and grip the man’s wrist tighter. “yoongi.” 
“and then this happened and  i knew that i wanted all of that with you and our son and i’m so sorry that i put you through all of that pain, for not telling you—“
“min yoongi—“
“and i just miss you so much that it hurts, i want to be with you...”
“god min yoongi just shut up and kiss me!” you repeat your words from early on, using the hand that held his to pull him closer, pressing his lips against yours in a forgiving kiss. you pour all of your words and emotions into the movement of your lips against his, your love, your pain, your passion. you love him, you do— with all your heart and soul, the pair of you being mindful of the baby between you as you hold each other near and dear. “i-i love you,” you stammer, pressing your forehead against his. yoongi smiles, lips hovering over your own, he’s about to lean in for another kiss when your little boy gurgles between you. “and i love you too baby.” 
“does he have a name yet?” 
“i was waiting for you...”
yoongi smiles, letting your baby boy wrap his tiny fingers around his own. your body lights up with joy, if someone had told you— nine months ago, that you would end up with the worlds most beautiful baby boy, a man that you loved and a family that supported you... you would have laughed but now you’ve seen, that sometimes life has unexpected twists, good and bad. 
but luckily for you, you’d had a good one. “joonwoo,” your lover hums, kissing the top of your babies head before giving you the very same kiss. “that should be his name.” 
“joonwoo, meaning protection,” you mumble in a wordless agreement, observing your family. joonwoo had been a name you picked out with yoongi one night during the early stages of your pregnancy—you were surprised that he’d even remembered.  “it’s perfect.” yoongi would have your white pickett fences, your dog and your family home but for now, you would enjoy the moment— enjoy the time with your boys and wait for what the future would hold. 
you couldn’t wait to see where you’d be in another nine months from now. 
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“ahaha! look, they’re kissing! what did i tell you guys? thats twenty bucks… each!” taehyung exclaims happily, removing his face from the glass as he watches the happy family through it. jimin only rolls his eyes from behind his lover, arms aching slightly from the abundance of gifts he holds in them. 
yura rolls her shoulders, having half a mind to shove the blue haired male over but she knows you’d give her an earful if she did. “fuck you,” she groans as she passes over the cash.
“i do that already!” jimin chirps from behind. 
that’s when seokjin sweeps in, taking the money from taehyung with a happy smile. much to the disdain of the latter. “but i called it! he’s a boy.” the elder smirks, counting the bills. taehyung pouts in response, clinging to his boyfriend who only rolls his eyes at the group’s antics. 
“but y’all are forgetting, the most important thing...” namjoon adds, taking the money from seokjin and smirking smugly at the shocked faces he receives. “i won the bet cus they’re getting married.”  the brunette reveals in a sing song tone, pulling the ring box that yoongi entrusted him with. namjoon only chuckles as the group descends into chaos.
this baby was in for one hell of a family.
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⇢ author’s note(s): thank you all so much for reading!! please let me know what you think and have a wonderful day or night <3
4K notes · View notes
kimnjss · 4 years
plot twist!namjoon | a-z
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⤑  series: plot twist
⤑ pairing: rapper!namjoon x rich girl!reader
⤑ genre: just smut talk.
⤑ rating: explicit. // unedited.
⤑ warnings: smut talk... (mentions of) shower sex, cum shots, brat taming, doggy style, reverse cowgirl... sex positions, hair pulling, masturbation, semi-public sex, roleplaying, oral sex (f/m. receiving), rough sex, use of toys, teasing...
⤑ A/N: literally not even a full day and i already miss them :( they were such a mess but sooo much fun ., ugh. 
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A = Aftercare (what's he like after sex):
While he enjoyed cuddling with you before going to bed, after sex was a whole different story. The act would have both of you all sticky and hot and Joon wouldn't be a fan in laying in that, he'd be suggesting sharing a bath before snuggling under the covers... which would most likely result in another round.
B = Body Part (his favorite body part of his and also yours):
It was no secret that Joon had an interest fascination with your back, especially when he was fucking you. But, what he liked most were the dimples at the end of the back, he'd often times find himself pressing his thumbs into them as he held you steady.
C = Cum (anything to do with cum basically...):
The two of you were not really a big fan of condoms and while you were great about taking your birth control, the pull out method had worked itself into your routine. Joon was either spilling out on your back or thighs and on special occasions, you'd let him finish on your face.
D = Dirty Secret (pretty self-explanatory, a dirty secret of his):
Despite the excessive amount of eye rolls he gives you, Joon is secretly very into the spoiled brat act you put on. There was just something about the annoyed pout and scrunch of your nose that he found cute, more so when he was denying you.
E = Experience (how experienced is he? does he know what he's doing?):
You both were pretty equally matched when it came to the bedroom, although, you were a lot more adventurous than him. Always coming up with new things for the two of you to try, but it never took much convincing to get him to experiment.
F = Favorite Position (this goes without saying...):
Doggy style. Reverse cowgirl. Anything back to chest. Even if you were starting off facing each other, you'd soon be shifting into the spooning position, his face nuzzled in the crook of your neck and his arms wrapped around your waist.
G = Goofy (is he more serious in the moment, or is he humorous, etc.):
Joon was pretty serious, but not so much that it made sleeping with him boring. He'd just get real concentrated on making you feel good and his entire focus would be on getting you to cum. Like in any other aspect of your relationship, you balanced each other out. You were playful and goofy enough for the both of you.
H = Hair (how well-groomed is he, does the carpet match the drapes? how does he like you?):
He didn't really care how you kept yourself, however you were deciding to look down there was however he preferred you to look. It didn't make that much of a difference to him in the slightest bit. The same went for himself, he'd trim up from time to time but it never really was at the forefront of his mind.
I = Intimacy (how is he in the moment, romantic aspect...):
Very, very, extremely romantic. Joon was very into the emotional part of sex even if he didn't really vocalize it. Loved holding onto your hand and looking into your eyes while he was inside of you. And if it's been a while since the two of you have been together, he'd be putting together a special night complete with candles, bubble baths and flowers to make up for it.
J = Jack off (masturbation headcanon):
Not really his thing. Even before the two of you were getting together, he wasn't really into masturbation. Found it boring, actually. He'd much rather be with someone and experience that connection, rather than just getting himself off.
K = Kink (one or more of his kinks):
He's got an extremely subtle brat tamer kink. Unrealized, but definitely present whenever you were pulling your tantrums and he had something to say about it. Sometimes, without thinking he'd do things that he knew would get a reaction out of you, just so he could do something about it.
L = Location (favorite places to do the do):
Anywhere the two of you could be alone without interruptions. He had given you shit about it before, but Namjoon wasn't opposed to fooling around in his studio with the door locked or even in your office when you weren't busy. Surprise blowjobs were his absolute favorite, especially if they were taking place underneath his desk while he was working.
M = Motivation (what turns him on, gets him going):
You're always very direct and vocal about what you want. Whether it being what you wanted him to do with you or what you wanted to do with him, there would always be a stiffness in his pants following your words. Paired with the need to be alone with you. He liked knowing that you wanted him the most.
N = NO (something he wouldn't do, turn offs):
There aren't many things that are off limits for Namjoon, but something he couldn't really seem to wrap his mind around would be roleplaying. Not like the two of you have ever tried it, but he knew that if you had it would end up being more awkward than anything. He'd have trouble staying in character and most likely would ditch the entire story-line and fuck you without the mention of it.
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.):
Receiving. While he was not selfish when it came to oral, he liked it a lot when you were below him. You knew what you were doing and you did it so well, never failed to have his toes curling. He'd always return the favor, but was always perking up when you were offering to go down on him.
P = Pace (is he fast and rough? slow and sensual? Etc.):
Rough and sensual. It was no secret that he enjoyed all the romantic parts of having sex with you, but he was often mixing that with a bit of roughness. Hair pulling, tossing you around, hard thrusts, and sometimes biting were to be expected when he was losing himself in the moment.
Q = Quickie (his opinions on quickies rather than proper sex, how often... etc.):
Nope. Not a fan. They just annoyed him. Didn't see the point of speeding through things when you could very much take your time with each other. If you were suggesting a quickie, he'd be eliminating whatever reason it was you couldn't go and have proper sex. Then going to do that.
R = Risk (is he game to experiment, does he take risks):
Joon never really came up with new things for the two of you to try in bed, that was more something that you were into. He'd always be down to give anything that you were bringing to him a chance, at least once. While extremely different, the two of you happened to be into the same type of things... so there wasn't much to worry about there.
S = Stamina (how many rounds can he go for, how long does he last...):
He's pretty good at keeping it together, insuring that he lasts a bit longer than you so you're getting everything out of it. Pretty spent after two rounds, but after one quick nap or something to eat, he'd be ready to go again.
T = Toy (does he own toys? does he use them? on a partner or himself?):
No toys. Not that he was against them, he's just never really thought about adding them in to your sex lives. Just like everything else, though, if you were curious about it, or wanted him to use something on you, he wouldn't hesitate.
U = Unfair (how much does he like to tease?):
He likes to tease just enough so he's bringing out your bratty attitude. Simple things like denying you kisses or acting as if he wasn't interested, so he can see that pout take over your features. Sometimes, he'd keep you from cumming... but that never lasted long because he liked watching you cum a lot more than not.
V = Volume (how loud is he, what sounds does he make?):
Not that loud or vocal. He'd talk dirty to you from time to time or ask if something felt good, but other than that low grunts were the extent of his vocalization. He's usually a bit too focused to keep up with dirty talk, but you didn't mind either way.
W = Wild Card
He found it attractive when you were working hard. Especially if you were doing something that he knew you enjoyed, he liked the look of accomplishment on your face whenever you've completed something. And was never hesitating to reward you for your hard work.
X = X-Ray (let's see what's going on in those pants, pictures or words):
The guy wasn't tall just for show, that's a fact. Joon was an all around big guy and that translated down south as well. Not only that, he was thick too. And he knew it, took pride in the little gasp you'd let out whenever he was bottoming out for the first time that night.
Y = Yearning (how high is his sex drive?):
He was very good at matching your energy, so he wanted you just as much and as often as you wanted him. But, if you were dressed a certain way or paying a bit more attention to him, it would make him want you in some type of way. He'd be thinking of ways to shift things to the bedroom.
Z = Zzz... (how quickly does he fall asleep afterwards?):
Joon was hardly falling asleep right after sex, he'd want to get up and shower with you before getting comfortable underneath the covers again. There have been times he's fallen right asleep, but each times he's woken up in the middle of the night to clean off before going to bed.
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nightswithkookmin · 3 years
I'm running out of titles for these things.
I like responding to chats here because there's so much space for me to work with and I can gather all my thoughts in one place before hitting send. DMs feel limiting and sometimes you hit send before you are ready and you can't go back to tweak things- also it's my corner of the internet and I can do whatever I want😊
Before we talk just play this in the background or something.
Trust me it's good...
Just don't look up the lyrics 😥
I'm scared of the lyrics he'll come back with from the military. I really am🤧
I'm just gonna manifest same from Tae and Jimin and frankly bts. I'm tired of the we are the world lyrics they keep throwing at us🙂
Oh here's a performance I stumbled on
Just in case audio is not your thing😉
A. Jimin's birthday
Lol. No I don't think I'm really worried about Jikook more so than I am Vmin, Jinmin, Minimoni. Jikook is the least of my worries.
Do I expect Jungkook to post for JM's birthday- Hell yea the fuck? Like who does he expect to love on his boyfriend for him?
If I have to post for Jimin I'm snatching him and shipping him with myself🙃
And this may sound incriminating but I'll tie Jk's leg down while Jimin tickles him till he pees on himself and we will take a snapshot of his wedgie, post it online and tag Lisa, Yeri and Mijoo in it😌
I remember saying this last time that I feel a big part of the reason someone like Tae would CHOOSE not to post publicly for a member is because of certain shippers who romanticize his relationship with certain members💀
I said this for Jk and I'll say this for Tae, disengaging is one way they take back control especially when they feel overwhelmed by the fact there's too much public scrutiny or interference in their personal lives.
For Jungkook it's the back to back scandals and people blowing that whole Mijoo thing out of proportion coupled with the members' *over censorship* within that period in my opinion.
For Tae I don't know what happened in his trajectory between September last year and December 2020 but he went from saying he loved showcasing his chemistry with the members, from teasing Jungkook in an interview on his birthday and exposing the fact he was the one who bought champagne for JK on his birthday- a fact he willingly contributed himself without which no one would have known what he did for JK on his birthday besides the Twitter post- to now saying in December he preferred to keep something he'd done for Jin private- even though Jin had said he felt Army ought to know and subsequently not posting for these members.
And yes he really does love to showcase his chemistry with the members- even to this date- like hello, TFM 2021!
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And he is constantly confessing he likes Jimin too to this date and I believe him🤣
Don't know why he would consistently use Jimin as his muse and write songs about him if he wasn't emotionally attached or at least fascinated by him🤷🏽‍♀️
- unless he's been over compensating for something all this while...
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I won't be surprised if these members are actually in on the charade or whatever this not posting for members is and they akekeke behind closed doors whenever we come lamenting through the streets because A didn't post for B💀
Tae Kook I'm looking at you and your bro fist hand shakes👀
Felt like two people coming together to ruin a ship for me and that scares me😓
If anyone is gonna mess with us it's those two clowns and their partner in crime agenda. Jikook too what's up👀
They love us but sometimes they legit wanna smack the back of our heads you know🤡
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I don't know how many times they want him to say get out of your imagination before they stop infantilizing him and imposing members on him in ways he don't want to be imposed on.
While we are on the subject of Taehyung and ships, I need to rant about something... done.
I guess what I'm saying is, I do expect JK and V to post on this birthday. If they don't that's fine. I can understand for V and as for JK, dude dipped off the surface of the internet the instant the fandom started acting funny and his recent FTC scandal isn't helping the situation.
Jimin is either about to become a casualty of our toxic fandom like RM was or he about to get on his fuck y"all I'm gay shit🤣
The fact JM himself seem tired of the shit in the fandom isn't boasting my confidence either. I can't trust him to whoop Jk's ass if he don't post for him. He'd be the one saving posts of shippers crying online about Jk not posting for him and laughing his butt off while spooning JK at nitght.
And contrary to what some of you say I really do believe Jimin does have a say in these things. If Jk tells him, honey I don't wanna deal with the fandom toxic ass right now so don't expect a post from me, he's prolly gonna say no worries bro just blow me out later and handshake on it.
That said, I'm not above groveling and throwing tantrums if they both don't post.
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Most definitely I'm gonna pout😊
Y'all get used to it😙
Ahh... this topic.
Like I said before, Jk is a brand and that brand is owned by BigHit. I don't know what is in his contract and whether or not the company has full or partial control over his brand.
I like to think each member has a slightly different contract from eachother under BigHit that caters to their individual needs and desires.
When Tae wanted to feature Jimin on a song on his personal project it wasn't allowed. But they've had features with artists outside of BTS and Jikook were featured on a Song together. Savage love didn't feature all the members either.
You can glean the nature of their contracts from their actions and the way they interact with other artists.
The point I made with those posts was that the only way Jk would be in trouble in this case is if he made fraudulent misrepresentations as the other allegations against him simply didn't have any legal merit.
And so far that is the same thing the FTC has said stating that for him to be held liable he must have made false claims or reviews and merely putting on clothes does not constitute deception.
His actions do not violate the fair trade act as I said in my first post on the matter.
Intention to deceive is a bit tricky- often a person's intention is determined by the logical consequences of their actions.
If you throw a knife at me it really doesn't matter your actual intentions because logically throwing knives at people will injure them. You can't throw a knife at me and claim your intention was not to harm me. And if I end up dead then goodluck defending your murder charges in court.
If he made a statement about his clothes knowing it was false then he'd be in trouble regardless...
Also I really don't feel comfortable talking about this bit because you just never know who will take this and use it to make an argument against him💀
Don't worry JK. I will protect you🥂
The problem here is, the FTC cannot require artists and influencers to give a disclaimer or disclose information about the clothes they wear even if them merely wearing it advertises such clothes.
This whole under the table advertisement law is funny to me.
On one hand I see the problem they are trying to fix but at the same time the problem is so nuanced it's gonna be hard to legislate.
If people buy clothes their idols wear without them having to say anything about the brand then all companies have to do is pay these artists to wear certain clothes during their lives or even consume certain items on their live and that item will sell out.
Jungkook has a reputation of the sell out King in S.K and his lives are watched by millions of people. He's gonna be a hotcake among brands and if that's the case then that means BigHit would either want to step in and control what items and products are used by them in these VLives which would amount to too much censorship and control and would ruin the experience for the members. Isn't that what happened with his gcfs?? Not everything has to be monetized.
I see why VLive has that policy against showing brand labels during VLive now.
Now I'm scratching my head as to why they pace themselves with these VLives and whether that is by design or accident🤔
Remember when I was blubbering on about that this person wants to do a VLive but it seems the company is pacing them?? From Jin to JK to Jimin? Cough JMs birthday VLive. Cough cough.
Recently RM said the members don't come on live because they don't know what to say( unless that was a mistranslation)
Jk equally implied he wasn't prepared for a live but was asked to do one last year when he was rebelling...
I'm caught between thinking the members don't wanna do a vlive for XY reasons and the company pacing them for obvious reasons.
Y'all get creative and fill in the gaps for me because I'm 🤔🤔🤔🤔 right now.
Delulu gang Activate💥
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I dont know bout you but I love it here on ship street. It's brain racking for me🤣
To sum up, Tae Kook are trolling us as usual.
Seems they found creative ways to tell us to get out of our imagination and they are shaking on it. The premier duo from hell🤧
Unless, the FTC expects idols to show up to broadcasts naked they better leave Jungkook alone. But if they wanna get him too they will💀
What else did you ask....
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